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Learning at Scale:
Deep, Distributed and Multi-dimensional
Anima Anandkumar
Amazon AI & Caltech
Significantly improve many applications on multiple domains
“deep learning” trend in the past 10 years
image understanding speech recognition natural language
Deep Learning
Image Classification
Layer 1 Layer 2 Output
multilevel feature extractions from raw pixels
to semantic meanings
explore spatial information with convolution layers
Image Classification
§ Hard to define the network
§ the definition of the inception network has >1k lines of codes in Caffe
§ A single image requires billions floating-point operations
§ Intel i7 ~500 GFLOPS
§ Nvidia Titan X: ~5 TFLOPS
§ Memory consumption is linear with number of layers
State-of-the-art networks have tens to hundreds layers
1 Introduction
2 Distributed Deep Learning Using Mxnet
3 Learning in Multiple Dimensions
4 Conclusion
3. MXNet
image credit - wikipedia
• Imperative and Declarative Programming
• Language Support
• Backend and Automatic Parallelization
Writing Parallel Programs is Painful
Each forward-backward-update
involves O(num_layer), which is
often 100—1,000, tensor
computations and communications
data = next_batch()data[gpu0].copyfrom(data[0:50])
_, fc1_wgrad[gpu0] =
FullcBackward(fc1_ograd[gpu0] ,
fc1_ograd[gpu0], fc2_wgrad[gpu0] =
FullcBackward(fc2_ograd[gpu0] ,
fc2_ograd[gpu0] = LossGrad(fc2[gpu0],
fc2[gpu0] = FullcForward(fc1[gpu0],
fc1[gpu0] = FullcForward(data[gpu0],
fc2_wgrad[cpu] =
fc2_wgrad[gpu0] + fc2_wgrad[gpu1]
fc2_weight[gpu0] ,
fc2_weight[cpu] -=
fc1_weight[cpu] -= lr *
fc1_wgrad[cpu] =
fc1_wgrad[gpu0] + fc1_wgrad[gpu1]
fc1_weight[gpu0] ,
_, fc1_wgrad[gpu1] =
FullcBackward(fc1_ograd[gpu1] ,
fc1_ograd[gpu1], fc2_wgrad[gpu1] =
FullcBackward(fc2_ograd[gpu1] ,
fc2_ograd[gpu1] =
LossGrad(fc2[gpu1], label[51:100])
fc2[gpu1] = FullcForward(fc1[gpu1],
fc1[gpu1] = FullcForward(data[gpu1],
Dependency graph for 2-layer neural
networks with 2 GPUs
Auto Parallelization
Write serial programs Run in parallel
>>> import mxnet as mx
>>> A = mx.nd.ones((2,2)) *2
>>> C = A + 2
>>> B = A + 1
>>> D = B * C
>>> D.wait_to_read()
A = 2
C = A + 2 B = A + 1
D = B ⨉ C
Data Parallelism
key-value store
1. Read a data partition
2. Pull the parameters
3. Compute the gradient
4. Push the gradient
5. Update the parameters
Scale to Multiple GPU Machines
PCIe Switch
Network Switch
63 GB/s
4 PCIe 3.0 16x
15.75 GB/s
PCIe 3.0 16x
1.25 GB/s
10 Gbit Ethernet
Hierarchical parameter server
Level-1 Servers
Level-2 Servers
Experiment Setup
✓ 1.2 million images with 1000 classes
✧ Resnet 152-layer model
✧ EC2 P2.16xlarge
GPU 0-15
PCIe switches
✧ Minibatch SGD
✧ Synchronized Updating
Scalability over Multiple Machines
# of GPUs
0 32 64 96 128
Comm Cost
batch size/GPU=2
batch size/GPU=4
batch size/GPU=8
batch size/GPU=16
2012before 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Back-end System
✧ Optimization
✓ Memory optimization
✓ Operator fusion
✧ Scheduling
✓ Auto-parallelization
a b
import mxnet as mx
a = mx.nd.zeros((100, 50))
b = mx.nd.ones((100, 50))
c = a * b
c += 1
import mxnet as mx
net = mx.symbol.Variable('data')
net = mx.symbol.FullyConnected(
data=net, num_hidden=128)
net = mx.symbol.SoftmaxOutput(data=net)
texec = mx.module.Module(net)
In summary
✦ Symbolic
❖ efficient & portable
❖ but hard to use
✦ tesla
✦ Imperative
❖ flexible
❖ may be slow
✦ Gluon
❖ imperative for developing
❖ symbolic for deploying
1 Introduction
2 Distributed Deep Learning Using Mxnet
3 Learning in Multiple Dimensions
4 Conclusion
Tensors: Beyond 2D world
Modern data is inherently multi-dimensional
Tensors: Beyond 2D world
Modern data is inherently multi-dimensional
Input Hidden 1 Hidden 2 Output
Tensor Contraction
Extends the notion of matrix product
Matrix product
Mv =
= +
Tensor Contraction
T(u, v, ·) =
Employing Tensor Contractions in Alexnet
Replace fully connected layer with tensor contraction layer
Enabling Tensor Contraction Layer in Mxnet
Performance	of	the	TCL
• Trained	end-to-end
• On	ImageNet	with	VGG:	
• 65.9%	space	savings
• performance	drop	of	0.6%	only
• On	ImageNet	with	AlexNet:		
• 56.6%	space	savings
• Performance	improvement	of	0.5%
Low-rank	tensor	regression
Tensor	Regression	Networks,		J.	Kossaifi,	Z.C.Lipton,	A.Khanna,	
T.Furlanello and	A.Anandkumar,		ArXiv pre-publication
Performance	and	rank
Speeding up Tensor Contractions
1 Tensor contractions are a core primitive of multilinear algebra.
2 BLAS 3: Unbounded compute intensity (no. of ops per I/O)
Consider single-index contractions: CC = AA BB
A(:,1,:) A(:,2,:)A422
e.g. Cmnp = Amnk Bkp
Speeding up Tensor Contraction
Explicit permutation dominates,
especially for small tensors.
Consider Cmnp = Akm Bpkn.
1 Akm → Amk
2 Bpkn → Bkpn
3 Cmnp → Cmpn
4 Cm(pn) = Amk Bk(pn)
5 Cmpn → Cmnp
100 200 300 400 500
(Top) CPU. (Bottom) GPU. The fraction of time
spent in copies/transpositions. Lines are shown with
1, 2, 3, and 6 transpositions.
Existing Primitives
Suboptimal for many small matrices.
Pointer-to-Pointer BatchedGEMM
Available in MKL 11.3β and cuBLAS 4.1
C[p] = α op(A[p]) op(B[p]) + β C[p]
cublas<T>gemmBatched(cublasHandle_t handle,
cublasOperation_t transA, cublasOperation_t transB,
int M, int N, int K,
const T* alpha,
const T** A, int ldA,
const T** B, int ldB,
const T* beta,
T** C, int ldC,
int batchCount)
Tensor Contraction with Extended BLAS Primitives
Cmn[p] = AmkBkn[p]
M, N, K,
A, ldA1, 0,
B, ldB1, ldB2,
C, ldC1, ldC2,
Tensor Contraction with Extended BLAS Primitives
Cmnp = A∗∗ × B∗∗∗
Cmnp ≡ C[m + n · ldC1 + p · ldC2]
Case Contraction Kernel1 Kernel2 Case Contraction Kernel1 Kernel2
1.1 AmkBknp Cm(np) = AmkBk(np) Cmn[p] = AmkBkn[p] 4.1 AknBkmp Cmn[p] = Bkm[p]Akn
1.2 AmkBkpn Cmn[p] = AmkBk[p]n Cm[n]p = AmkBkp[n] 4.2 AknBkpm Cmn[p] = Bk[p]mAkn
1.3 AmkBnkp Cmn[p] = AmkBnk[p] 4.3 AknBmkp Cmn[p] = Bmk[p]Akn
1.4 AmkBpkn Cm[n]p = AmkBpk[n] 4.4 AknBpkm
1.5 AmkBnpk Cm(np) = AmkB(np)k Cmn[p] = AmkBn[p]k 4.5 AknBmpk Cmn[p] = Bm[p]kAkn
1.6 AmkBpnk Cm[n]p = AmkBp[n]k 4.6 AknBpmk
2.1 AkmBknp Cm(np) = AkmBk(np) Cmn[p] = AkmBkn[p] 5.1 ApkBkmn C(mn)p = Bk(mn)Apk Cm[n]p = Bkm[n]Apk
2.2 AkmBkpn Cmn[p] = AkmBk[p]n Cm[n]p = AkmBkp[n] 5.2 ApkBknm Cm[n]p = Bk[n]mApk
2.3 AkmBnkp Cmn[p] = AkmBnk[p] 5.3 ApkBmkn Cm[n]p = Bmk[n]Apk
2.4 AkmBpkn Cm[n]p = AkmBpk[n] 5.4 ApkBnkm
2.5 AkmBnpk Cm(np) = AkmB(np)k Cmn[p] = AkmBn[p]k 5.5 ApkBmnk C(mn)p = B(mn)kApk Cm[n]p = Bm[n]kApk
2.6 AkmBpnk Cm[n]p = AkmBp[n]k 5.6 ApkBnmk
3.1 AnkBkmp Cmn[p] = Bkm[p]Ank 6.1 AkpBkmn C(mn)p = Bk(mn)Akp Cm[n]p = Bkm[n]Akp
3.2 AnkBkpm Cmn[p] = Bk[p]mAnk 6.2 AkpBknm Cm[n]p = Bk[n]mAkp
3.3 AnkBmkp Cmn[p] = Bmk[p]Ank 6.3 AkpBmkn Cm[n]p = Bmk[n]Akp
3.4 AnkBpkm 6.4 AkpBnkm
3.5 AnkBmpk Cmn[p] = Bm[p]kAnk 6.5 AkpBmnk C(mn)p = B(mn)kAkp Cm[n]p = Bm[n]kAkp
3.6 AnkBpmk 6.6 AkpBnmk
A new primitive: StridedBatchedGEMM
Performance on par with pure GEMM (P100 and beyond).
Applications: Tucker Decomposition
Tmnp = GijkAmiBnjCpk
mnp ijk
njT G
pkC Main steps in the algorithm
Ymjk = TmnpBt
Yink = TmnpAt+1
mi Ct
Yijp = TmnpBt+1
nj At+1
Performance on Tucker decomposition:
20 40 60 80 100 120
CPU Batched
GPU Batched
Tensor Sketches
Randomized dimensionality reduction
through sketching.
◮ Complexity independent of tensor order:
exponential gain!
Tensor T
Sketch s
Tensor Decomposition via Sketching
Visual Question and Answering
What is the
mustach made of?
MCT in Visual Question & Answering
‡ ¡t is the
musta™  ¢¡£¤ ¥¦§

Multimodal Tensor Pooling
Text feature
Image feature d1
d3Spatial sketch
Count sketch
Tensor Decompositions
Extracting Topics from Documents
Topic Proportion
A., D. P. Foster, D. Hsu, S.M. Kakade, Y.K. Liu.“Two SVDs Suffice: Spectral decompositions
for probabilistic topic modeling and latent Dirichlet allocation,” NIPS 2012.
Tensor Methods for Topic Modeling
Topic-word matrix P[word = i|topic = j]
Linearly independent columns
Moment Tensor: Co-occurrence of Word Triplets
= + +
Tensors vs. Variational Inference
Criterion: Perplexity = exp[−likelihood].
Learning Topics from PubMed on Spark, 8mil articles
Learning network communities from social network data
Facebook n ∼ 20k, Yelp n ∼ 40k, DBLP-sub n ∼ 1e5, DBLP n ∼ 1e6.
F. Huang, U.N. Niranjan, M. Hakeem, A, “Online tensor methods for training latent variable models,” JMLR 2014.
Tensors vs. Variational Inference
Criterion: Perplexity = exp[−likelihood].
Learning Topics from PubMed on Spark, 8mil articles
Learning network communities from social network data
Facebook n ∼ 20k, Yelp n ∼ 40k, DBLP-sub n ∼ 1e5, DBLP n ∼ 1e6.
Orders of Magnitude Faster 
More Accurate
F. Huang, U.N. Niranjan, M. Hakeem, A, “Online tensor methods for training latent variable models,” JMLR 2014.
1 Introduction
2 Distributed Deep Learning Using Mxnet
3 Learning in Multiple Dimensions
4 Conclusion
Distributed Deep Learning at Scale
Mxnet has many attractive features
◮ Flexible programming
◮ Portable
◮ Highly efficient
Easy to deploy large-scale DL on AWS cloud
◮ Deep Learning AMI
◮ Cloud formation templates
Tensors are the future of ML
Tensor contractions: space savings in deep architectures.
New primitives speed up tensor contractions: extended BLAS
= + ....

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Ferdinand Jamitzky
IJERA Editor
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International Islamic University
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Hunan University
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Adaptive Linear Solvers and Eigensolvers
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Accelerating microbiome research with OpenACC
ESPM2 2018 - Automatic Generation of High-Order Finite-Difference Code with T...
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ESPM2 2018 - Automatic Generation of High-Order Finite-Difference Code with T...
Yufeng Guo - Tensor Processing Units: how TPUs enable the next generation of ...
Yufeng Guo - Tensor Processing Units: how TPUs enable the next generation of ...Yufeng Guo - Tensor Processing Units: how TPUs enable the next generation of ...
Yufeng Guo - Tensor Processing Units: how TPUs enable the next generation of ...
pMatlab on BlueGene
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pMatlab on BlueGene
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A CGRA-based Approach for Accelerating Convolutional Neural Networks
Gpu workshop cluster universe: scripting cuda
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Gpu workshop cluster universe: scripting cuda
improve deep learning training and inference performance
improve deep learning training and inference performanceimprove deep learning training and inference performance
improve deep learning training and inference performance
Федор Поляков (Looksery) “Face Tracking на мобильных устройствах в режиме реа...
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Федор Поляков (Looksery) “Face Tracking на мобильных устройствах в режиме реа...
Achitecture Aware Algorithms and Software for Peta and Exascale
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Hardware & Software Platforms for HPC, AI and ML
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High Performance Pedestrian Detection On TEGRA X1
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Recent Progress in SCCS on GPU Simulation of Biomedical and Hydrodynamic Prob...
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Anima Anadkumar, Principal Scientist, Amazon Web Services, Endowed Professor, CalTech at MLconf SF 2017

  • 1. Learning at Scale: Deep, Distributed and Multi-dimensional Anima Anandkumar .. Amazon AI & Caltech
  • 2. Significantly improve many applications on multiple domains “deep learning” trend in the past 10 years image understanding speech recognition natural language processing … Deep Learning autonomy
  • 3. Image Classification Layer 1 Layer 2 Output multilevel feature extractions from raw pixels to semantic meanings explore spatial information with convolution layers
  • 4. Image Classification § Hard to define the network § the definition of the inception network has >1k lines of codes in Caffe § A single image requires billions floating-point operations § Intel i7 ~500 GFLOPS § Nvidia Titan X: ~5 TFLOPS § Memory consumption is linear with number of layers State-of-the-art networks have tens to hundreds layers
  • 5. Outline 1 Introduction 2 Distributed Deep Learning Using Mxnet 3 Learning in Multiple Dimensions 4 Conclusion
  • 6. 3. MXNet image credit - wikipedia • Imperative and Declarative Programming • Language Support • Backend and Automatic Parallelization
  • 7. Writing Parallel Programs is Painful Each forward-backward-update involves O(num_layer), which is often 100—1,000, tensor computations and communications data = next_batch()data[gpu0].copyfrom(data[0:50]) _, fc1_wgrad[gpu0] = FullcBackward(fc1_ograd[gpu0] , fc1_weight[gpu0]) fc1_ograd[gpu0], fc2_wgrad[gpu0] = FullcBackward(fc2_ograd[gpu0] , fc2_weight[gpu0]) fc2_ograd[gpu0] = LossGrad(fc2[gpu0], label[0:50]) fc2[gpu0] = FullcForward(fc1[gpu0], fc2_weight[gpu0]) fc1[gpu0] = FullcForward(data[gpu0], fc1_weight[gpu0]) fc2_wgrad[cpu] = fc2_wgrad[gpu0] + fc2_wgrad[gpu1] fc2_weight[cpu].copyto( fc2_weight[gpu0] , fc2_weight[gpu1]) fc2_weight[cpu] -= lr*fc12_wgrad[gpu0] fc1_weight[cpu] -= lr * fc1_wgrad[gpu0] fc1_wgrad[cpu] = fc1_wgrad[gpu0] + fc1_wgrad[gpu1] fc1_weight[cpu].copyto( fc1_weight[gpu0] , fc1_weight[gpu1]) data[gpu0].copyfrom(data[51:100]) _, fc1_wgrad[gpu1] = FullcBackward(fc1_ograd[gpu1] , fc1_weight[gpu1]) fc1_ograd[gpu1], fc2_wgrad[gpu1] = FullcBackward(fc2_ograd[gpu1] , fc2_weight[gpu1]) fc2_ograd[gpu1] = LossGrad(fc2[gpu1], label[51:100]) fc2[gpu1] = FullcForward(fc1[gpu1], fc2_weight[gpu1]) fc1[gpu1] = FullcForward(data[gpu1], fc1_weight[gpu1]) Dependency graph for 2-layer neural networks with 2 GPUs
  • 8. Auto Parallelization 18 Write serial programs Run in parallel >>> import mxnet as mx >>> A = mx.nd.ones((2,2)) *2 >>> C = A + 2 >>> B = A + 1 >>> D = B * C >>> D.wait_to_read() A = 2 C = A + 2 B = A + 1 D = B ⨉ C
  • 9. Data Parallelism 19 key-value store examples 1. Read a data partition 2. Pull the parameters 3. Compute the gradient 4. Push the gradient 5. Update the parameters
  • 10. Scale to Multiple GPU Machines 21 PCIe Switch GPU GPU GPU GPU CPU Network Switch 63 GB/s 4 PCIe 3.0 16x 15.75 GB/s PCIe 3.0 16x 1.25 GB/s 10 Gbit Ethernet Hierarchical parameter server Level-1 Servers Workers Level-2 Servers GPUs CPUs
  • 11. Experiment Setup ✧ ✓ 1.2 million images with 1000 classes ✧ Resnet 152-layer model ✧ EC2 P2.16xlarge 22 GPU 0-15 PCIe switches CPU ✧ Minibatch SGD ✧ Synchronized Updating
  • 12. Scalability over Multiple Machines 23 time(sec)/bath 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 # of GPUs 0 32 64 96 128 Comm Cost batch size/GPU=2 batch size/GPU=4 batch size/GPU=8 batch size/GPU=16 115x
  • 13. 8 2012before 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 mxnet imperative symbolic gluon
  • 14. Back-end System ✧ Optimization ✓ Memory optimization ✓ Operator fusion ✧ Scheduling ✓ Auto-parallelization 11 a b 1 + ⨉ c fullc softmax weight bias Back-end import mxnet as mx a = mx.nd.zeros((100, 50)) b = mx.nd.ones((100, 50)) c = a * b c += 1 import mxnet as mx net = mx.symbol.Variable('data') net = mx.symbol.FullyConnected( data=net, num_hidden=128) net = mx.symbol.SoftmaxOutput(data=net) texec = mx.module.Module(net) texec.forward(data=c) texec.backward() Front-end
  • 15. In summary ✦ Symbolic ❖ efficient & portable ❖ but hard to use 10 ✦ tesla ✦ Imperative ❖ flexible ❖ may be slow ✦ Gluon ❖ imperative for developing ❖ symbolic for deploying
  • 16. Outline 1 Introduction 2 Distributed Deep Learning Using Mxnet 3 Learning in Multiple Dimensions 4 Conclusion
  • 17. Tensors: Beyond 2D world Modern data is inherently multi-dimensional
  • 18. Tensors: Beyond 2D world Modern data is inherently multi-dimensional Input Hidden 1 Hidden 2 Output
  • 19. Tensor Contraction Extends the notion of matrix product Matrix product Mv = j vjMj = + Tensor Contraction T(u, v, ·) = i,j uivjTi,j,: = ++ +
  • 20. Employing Tensor Contractions in Alexnet Replace fully connected layer with tensor contraction layer
  • 21. Enabling Tensor Contraction Layer in Mxnet
  • 22. Performance of the TCL • Trained end-to-end • On ImageNet with VGG: • 65.9% space savings • performance drop of 0.6% only • On ImageNet with AlexNet: • 56.6% space savings • Performance improvement of 0.5%
  • 25. Speeding up Tensor Contractions 1 Tensor contractions are a core primitive of multilinear algebra. 2 BLAS 3: Unbounded compute intensity (no. of ops per I/O) Consider single-index contractions: CC = AA BB = = A(:,1,:) A(:,2,:)A422 B21 C421 e.g. Cmnp = Amnk Bkp
  • 26. Speeding up Tensor Contraction Explicit permutation dominates, especially for small tensors. Consider Cmnp = Akm Bpkn. 1 Akm → Amk 2 Bpkn → Bkpn 3 Cmnp → Cmpn 4 Cm(pn) = Amk Bk(pn) 5 Cmpn → Cmnp 100 200 300 400 500 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 n (Top) CPU. (Bottom) GPU. The fraction of time spent in copies/transpositions. Lines are shown with 1, 2, 3, and 6 transpositions.
  • 27. Existing Primitives GEMM Suboptimal for many small matrices. Pointer-to-Pointer BatchedGEMM Available in MKL 11.3β and cuBLAS 4.1 C[p] = α op(A[p]) op(B[p]) + β C[p] cublas<T>gemmBatched(cublasHandle_t handle, cublasOperation_t transA, cublasOperation_t transB, int M, int N, int K, const T* alpha, const T** A, int ldA, const T** B, int ldB, const T* beta, T** C, int ldC, int batchCount)
  • 28. Tensor Contraction with Extended BLAS Primitives Cmn[p] = AmkBkn[p] cublasDgemmStridedBatched(handle, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_OP_N, M, N, K, &alpha, A, ldA1, 0, B, ldB1, ldB2, &beta, C, ldC1, ldC2, P)
  • 29. Tensor Contraction with Extended BLAS Primitives Cmnp = A∗∗ × B∗∗∗ Cmnp ≡ C[m + n · ldC1 + p · ldC2] Case Contraction Kernel1 Kernel2 Case Contraction Kernel1 Kernel2 1.1 AmkBknp Cm(np) = AmkBk(np) Cmn[p] = AmkBkn[p] 4.1 AknBkmp Cmn[p] = Bkm[p]Akn 1.2 AmkBkpn Cmn[p] = AmkBk[p]n Cm[n]p = AmkBkp[n] 4.2 AknBkpm Cmn[p] = Bk[p]mAkn 1.3 AmkBnkp Cmn[p] = AmkBnk[p] 4.3 AknBmkp Cmn[p] = Bmk[p]Akn 1.4 AmkBpkn Cm[n]p = AmkBpk[n] 4.4 AknBpkm 1.5 AmkBnpk Cm(np) = AmkB(np)k Cmn[p] = AmkBn[p]k 4.5 AknBmpk Cmn[p] = Bm[p]kAkn 1.6 AmkBpnk Cm[n]p = AmkBp[n]k 4.6 AknBpmk 2.1 AkmBknp Cm(np) = AkmBk(np) Cmn[p] = AkmBkn[p] 5.1 ApkBkmn C(mn)p = Bk(mn)Apk Cm[n]p = Bkm[n]Apk 2.2 AkmBkpn Cmn[p] = AkmBk[p]n Cm[n]p = AkmBkp[n] 5.2 ApkBknm Cm[n]p = Bk[n]mApk 2.3 AkmBnkp Cmn[p] = AkmBnk[p] 5.3 ApkBmkn Cm[n]p = Bmk[n]Apk 2.4 AkmBpkn Cm[n]p = AkmBpk[n] 5.4 ApkBnkm 2.5 AkmBnpk Cm(np) = AkmB(np)k Cmn[p] = AkmBn[p]k 5.5 ApkBmnk C(mn)p = B(mn)kApk Cm[n]p = Bm[n]kApk 2.6 AkmBpnk Cm[n]p = AkmBp[n]k 5.6 ApkBnmk 3.1 AnkBkmp Cmn[p] = Bkm[p]Ank 6.1 AkpBkmn C(mn)p = Bk(mn)Akp Cm[n]p = Bkm[n]Akp 3.2 AnkBkpm Cmn[p] = Bk[p]mAnk 6.2 AkpBknm Cm[n]p = Bk[n]mAkp 3.3 AnkBmkp Cmn[p] = Bmk[p]Ank 6.3 AkpBmkn Cm[n]p = Bmk[n]Akp 3.4 AnkBpkm 6.4 AkpBnkm 3.5 AnkBmpk Cmn[p] = Bm[p]kAnk 6.5 AkpBmnk C(mn)p = B(mn)kAkp Cm[n]p = Bm[n]kAkp 3.6 AnkBpmk 6.6 AkpBnmk
  • 30. A new primitive: StridedBatchedGEMM Performance on par with pure GEMM (P100 and beyond).
  • 31. Applications: Tucker Decomposition Tmnp = GijkAmiBnjCpk mnp ijk mi njT G A B pkC Main steps in the algorithm Ymjk = TmnpBt njCt pk Yink = TmnpAt+1 mi Ct pk Yijp = TmnpBt+1 nj At+1 mi Performance on Tucker decomposition: 20 40 60 80 100 120 10−2 100 102 104 106 n Time(sec) TensorToolbox BTAS Cyclops CPU Batched GPU Batched
  • 32. Tensor Sketches Randomized dimensionality reduction through sketching. ◮ Complexity independent of tensor order: exponential gain! +1 +1 -1 Tensor T Sketch s Applications Tensor Decomposition via Sketching Visual Question and Answering CNN RNN What is the mustach made of? C W H MCT L Avgpooling FC Relu BatchNorm FC "Banana" Softmax
  • 33. MCT in Visual Question & Answering CNN RNN ‡ ¡t is the musta™  ¢¡£¤ ¥¦§ C ¨ r w© v ev FC Relu f ! m FC 4#$%$na4 Softma x
  • 34. Multimodal Tensor Pooling C W H L Text feature Image feature d1 d2 d3Spatial sketch Count sketch 3D FFT 1D FFT 3D IFFT (optional) d4 d1 d2 d3
  • 36. Extracting Topics from Documents Topics Topic Proportion police witness campus police witness campus police witness campus police witness crime Sports Educaon campus A., D. P. Foster, D. Hsu, S.M. Kakade, Y.K. Liu.“Two SVDs Suffice: Spectral decompositions for probabilistic topic modeling and latent Dirichlet allocation,” NIPS 2012.
  • 37. Tensor Methods for Topic Modeling campus police witness Topic-word matrix P[word = i|topic = j] Linearly independent columns Moment Tensor: Co-occurrence of Word Triplets = + + campus police witness crim e Sports Educa on campus police witness cam pus police witness
  • 38. Tensors vs. Variational Inference Criterion: Perplexity = exp[−likelihood]. Learning Topics from PubMed on Spark, 8mil articles 0 2 4 6 8 10 ×104 RunningTime 103 104 105 Perplexity Tensor Variational Learning network communities from social network data Facebook n ∼ 20k, Yelp n ∼ 40k, DBLP-sub n ∼ 1e5, DBLP n ∼ 1e6. 102 10 3 10 4 105 10 6 RunningTime FB YP DBLPsub DBLP 10-2 10-1 10 0 101 Error FB YP DBLPsub DBLP F. Huang, U.N. Niranjan, M. Hakeem, A, “Online tensor methods for training latent variable models,” JMLR 2014.
  • 39. Tensors vs. Variational Inference Criterion: Perplexity = exp[−likelihood]. Learning Topics from PubMed on Spark, 8mil articles 0 2 4 6 8 10 ×104 RunningTime 103 104 105 Perplexity Tensor Variational Learning network communities from social network data Facebook n ∼ 20k, Yelp n ∼ 40k, DBLP-sub n ∼ 1e5, DBLP n ∼ 1e6. 102 10 3 10 4 105 10 6 RunningTime FB YP DBLPsub DBLP 10-2 10-1 10 0 101 Error FB YP DBLPsub DBLP Orders of Magnitude Faster More Accurate F. Huang, U.N. Niranjan, M. Hakeem, A, “Online tensor methods for training latent variable models,” JMLR 2014.
  • 40. Outline 1 Introduction 2 Distributed Deep Learning Using Mxnet 3 Learning in Multiple Dimensions 4 Conclusion
  • 41. Conclusion Distributed Deep Learning at Scale Mxnet has many attractive features ◮ Flexible programming ◮ Portable ◮ Highly efficient Easy to deploy large-scale DL on AWS cloud ◮ Deep Learning AMI ◮ Cloud formation templates Tensors are the future of ML Tensor contractions: space savings in deep architectures. New primitives speed up tensor contractions: extended BLAS = ++ + T u v = + ....