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● Clinical features-
○ Fatigue
○ Breathlessness,
○ Angina,
○ Intermittent claudication
○ Palpitations
● Signs-
○ Pallor
○ Tachycardia,
○ Systolic flow murmur,
○ Heart failure
1. Hypochromic microcytic cells with low MCV
2. Normochromic normocytic cells with a normal MCV
3. Macrocytic cells with high MCV
Microcytic - MCV<80 fl
● Iron deficiency
● Thalassaemia
● Anaemia of chronic disease
● Sideroblastc anaemia
Macrocytic- MCV>96 fl
● Megaloblastic
○ Vitamin B12 deficiency
○ Folate deficiency
● Normoblastic
○ Alcohol
○ Increased reticulocytes
○ Haemolysis
○ Haemorrhage
○ Liver disease
○ Hypothyroidism
○ Drugs- Azathioprine
Normocytic cells- normal MCV
● Acute blood loss
● Anaemia of chronic disease
● Renal failure
● Autoimmune- rheumatoid disease
● Marrow infiltration- fibrosis
● Endocrine diseases
● Haemolytic anaemia
Microcytic Anaemia
Iron deficiency anemia
● Factors favouring Fe absorption
○ Haem iron
○ Fe2+ iron (ferrous iron)
○ Acids – HCl
○ Vitamin C
○ Solubilising agents- sugar, amino acids
○ Iron deficiency
○ Ineffective erythropoiesis
○ Pregnancy
○ Hereditary haemochromatosis
○ Increased expression of DMI & ferroportin
Iron deficiency anemia
● Factors reducing iron absorption
○ Inorganic Fe
○ Fe3+ (ferric iron)
○ Alkalis
○ Precipitating factors- phytate, phosphate
○ Reduced erythropoiesis
○ Infection
○ Tea
○ Increased hepcidin
○ Reduced DMTI, ferroportin
● Features
○ Features of anaemia
○ Painless glossitis
○ Angular stomatitis
○ Brittle ridged spoon nails- koilonychias
○ Brittle hair
○ Dysphagia- Plummer-Vinson syndrome
○ Pica
○ Children- irritability, poor cognitive function, psychomotor disorder
Iron deficiency anemia
● Causes Of iron deficiency
○ Increased loss- chronic blood loss, acute blood loss, therapeutic
○ Reduced intake
○ Increased demand- infants, adolescents, pregnancy, lactation,
erythropoietin treatment
Iron deficiency anemia
● Investigations
○ FBC- MCV<80 fl, hypochromic-<27 pg
○ Blood picture-
■ poikilocytosis(Increased cell shape)
■ anistocytosis(Increase cell size)
■ Target cells
○ Serum iron- low
○ Total iron binding capacity (TIBC)- high
○ Transferrin saturation- low- <19%
Iron deficiency anemia
picture in
● Investigations
○ Serum ferritin- low- reflect s amount of stored iron (Serum ferritin- acute
phase reactant- level increases in presence of inflammation or malignant
○ Soluble transferrin receptors (Increase in iron deficiency; normal in
anaemia of chronic disease)
○ Bone marrow- erythroid hyperplasia &ridged normoblasts
○ Iron in bone marrow- absent
○ Iron in erythroblasts- absent
Iron deficiency anemia
● Treatment of the course
● Iron to correct anaemia and replace iron stores
● Response monitored by reticulocyte count- 1g/dl/week increment
● Oral iron- most cases
○ Best- FeSO4 200 mg tds (60 mg elemental iron)
○ Side effects- Nausea, diarrhea, constipation
○ Take tablet with food
○ Reduce dose by using a preparation with less iron (Fe gluconate- 300mg
bd- only 70 mg elemental iron)
Iron deficiency anemia
● Oral Fe should be given for long enough to correct Hb level & replenish iron
stores( may take 6 months)
● Parenteral iron- for those
○ who are intolerant to oral iron preparation
○ Severe malabsorption
○ Chronic disease
○ Replaces iron stores faster than oral iron-
○ haematological response-not quicker
○ IM injection of Fe sorbitol or IV infusion of Fe dextran
Iron deficiency anemia
Anaemia of chronic disease
● Tuberculosis
● Chronic inflammatory diseases- Crohn’s disease, SLE, malignancy,
Polymyalgia rheumatica
1. Reduced release of iron from bone marrow to developing erythroblasts
2. Inadequate erythropoietin response to anaemia
3. Decreased red cell survival
● Investigations
○ Increased hepcidin
○ Serum iron- low
○ TIBC- low
○ Serum ferritin- normal or raised inflammatory process
○ Serum soluble transferrin receptor level- normal
○ Stainable iron present in bone marrow
○ Iron is not seen in developing erythroblasts
Anaemia of chronic disease
● Treatment
○ Patient does not respond to iron therapy
○ Treat the underlying disease
○ Recombinant EPO used in anaemia of renal dx and pccasionally
inflammatory disease
Anaemia of chronic disease
Sideroblastic anaemia
● Inherited or acquired disorders characterized by refractory anaemia
● Hypochromic cells in peripheral blood
● Excess Fe & ring sideroblasts in bone marrow
● Presence of sideroblasts- diagnostic feature of sideroblastic anaemia
● Blood film- often dimorphic- ineffective synthesis- responsible for microcytic
hypochromic cells
● Disorder in haem synthesis- enzyme problems-Eg ALA synthase
● Inherited
○ X-linked- transmitted by females
● Acquired
○ Myelodysplasia
○ Myeloproliferative disorder
○ Myeloid leukaemia
○ Drugs- isoniazid
○ Alcohol
○ Lead toxicity
○ Other disease- rheumatoid arthritis, Carcinoma, megaloblastic &
haemolytic anaemia
Sideroblastic anaemia
● Investigations
○ MCV- low in inherited type but often increased in acquired type
○ Serum iron- increased
○ TIBC- normal
○ Serum ferritin- increased
○ Soluble transferrin receptors- normal or raised
○ Iron in bone marrow- present
○ Iron in erythroblasts -, ring forms
Sideroblastic anaemia
Ring sideroblasts
● Treatment
○ Withdraw drugs and alcohol
○ Some cases respond to pyridoxine treatment
○ Treat with folic acid- to treat accompanying folate deficiency
Sideroblastic anaemia
Haemoglobin abnormalities
● Normal-
○ Hb A- α2β2—97%
○ Hb A2- α2β2- 2% of adult Hb
○ Hb F- α2γ2- normal Hb in fetus from 3rd to 9th months
○ Increase in β thalassaemia
○ Comprises <1% of Hb in adults
● Abnormal chains-
○ H-β4- found in α thalassaemia- Biologically useless
○ Barts- γ4- comprises 100% of Hb in homozygous α thalassaemia-
Biologically useless
● Abnormal chain production-
○ S- α2β2S- substitution of valine for glutamic acid in position 6 of β chain.
○ C- α2β2C- substitution of lysine for glutamic acid in position 6 of β chain.
Haemoglobin abnormalities
● Autosomal recessive
● Normal balanced production of α and β chains
● α:β= 1:1
● Defective synthesis
● Imbalanced globin production- Precipitation of globin chains within red cells-
Resulting in ineffective erythropoiesis
● No or reduced β chains
● Excess of α chains
● Precipitates in erythroblasts and red cells
● Raised HbA2, raised HbF, small amount of HbA
● β thalassaemia- point mutations
● α thalassaemia- gene deletions
β thalassaemia
● Clinical features-
○ Thalassaemia minor (trait)- symptomless heterogenous carrier/ anaemia-
○ Thalassaemia intermedia- moderate anaemia(Hb:7-10g/dl)- rarely
requiring transfusions; not regularly
○ Thalassaemia major- severe anaemia requiring regular transfusions
■ Present in 1st year- failure to thrive & recurrent bacterial infections.
■ Severe anaemia in 3-6 months when switching from γ to β
■ Extramedullary haemopoiesis- hepatosplenomegaly and bone
β thalassaemia
● Investigations
○ Skull X-ray- hair on end appearance
○ microcytic anemia
○ Target cells on the peripheral blood smear
○ detection of globin chain abnormalities demonstrated by haemoglobin
electrophoresis – old method
○ The recommended method currently is high performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC)
○ Genetic testing in selected cases
β thalassaemia
HPLC in beta
● Treatment
○ Intermedia & Major- folic acid supplementation
○ Regular transfusions- Hb-10 g/dl
○ If more required- splenectomy
○ Iron overload- endocrine glands, liver, pancreas, myocardium
○ Iron chelation- desferrioxamine subcutaneous infusion
○ Ascorbic acid- increased urinary excretion
○ Sodium iron chelator- deferesirox, deferiprone
○ Bone marrow transplantation
β thalassaemia
α thalassaemia
● 4 gene deletions- α0_ _/_ _ _Hb Beits (γ4)-hydrops fetalis
● 3 gene deletions-α_/_ _Hb H(β4)- moderate anaemia, splenomegaly
● 2 gene deletions-_ _/αα_ -mild anaemia or _α/_α- Hb A- α thalasseamia trait
● 1 gene deletion- α_/αα or normal- α thalasseamia trait
Red cell membrane defects
Hereditary spherocytosis
● Autosomal dominant
● Unable to pass through splenic micro-circulation- shortened lifespan
● Clinical features-
○ Jaundice at birth; can be delayed
○ Anaemia, splenomegaly, ulcer on leg
○ As in any haemolytic anaemia
Hereditary spherocytosis
● Investigations-
○ Blood picture- spherocytes( round, lack of central pallor)
○ Osmotic fragility test-++
○ Direct antiglobulin (Coomb’s test)- (-)ve
● Treatment
○ Definitive management- splenectomy (app imm and lifelong penicillin
○ Following surgery- spherocytes present but RBC no longer destroyed
○ Folate prophylaxis
Hereditary spherocytosis - blood picture
Hereditary elliptocytosis
● Autosomal dominant
Metabolic disorders of RBC
G6PD deficiency
● X-linked recessive
● Female heterozygotes can also have clinical problems due to lyonisation
● Clinical features-
○ Acute drug induced haemolysis
○ Chronic haemolytic anaemia
○ Neonatal jaundice
○ Infection and acute illnesses will also precipitate
○ Gall stones
G6PD deficiency
● Investigations
○ Blood investigations- normal between attacks
○ During attack- blood film- irregular contracted cells
■ Bite cells
■ Blister cells
■ Heinz bodies
○ Reticulocytosis
○ G6PD assay
Blood picture
of G6PD
● Treatment
○ Stop offending agents
○ Treat underlying infection
○ Blood transfusion during crisis
○ Splenectomy- not usually helpful
G6PD deficiency
Pyruvate kinase deficiency
● Autosomal recessive
● Investigation
○ Blood picture- prickle cells
● Treatment
○ Blood transfusions
○ Splenectomy may improve clinical condition if frequent transfusions
Sickle cell Anaemia
● HbS- results from single base mutation- adenine to thymine or valine to
glutamic acid
● Homozygous- both genes abnormal- HbSS
● Heterozygous- sickle cell trait- HbAS
● HbF (α2γ2)- normal- so usually doesn’t until HbF decreases to adult level at 6
● Deoxygenated HbS - reduced RBC survival; impaired passage of cells via
microcirculation- obstruction of small vessels and tissue infarction.
● Homozygous HbSS- severe disease
● Combined heterozygous HbSS- intermediate symptoms
● Heterozygous HbAS- no symptoms
● Clinical features
○ Vaso-occlusive crisis- Dactolytics
○ Anaemia- Hb- 6-8 g/dl
○ Splenic sequestration
○ Bone marrow aplasia
○ Avascular necrosis of hips
○ Osteomyeltis- Salmonella
○ Respiratory- Acute chest syndrome
○ Leg ulcers
○ Neurological- stroke, fits
Sickle cell Anaemia
● Investigations
○ FBC- Hb low with elevated retic count
○ Blood picture- sickling
○ Hb electrophoresis
Sickle cell Anaemia
Sickle cell anemia - Blood picture
● Management
○ Avoid precipitating factors
○ Acute painful attacks- supportive treatment with IV fluids, adequate
○ Prophylaxis with penicillin 500 mg daily & vaccination for pneumococcal
& H.influenzae
○ Blood transfusion- should give for heart failure, transient ischaemic
attacks, stroke, acute chest syndrome, acute splenic sequestration,
aplastic crisis
○ Splenectomy
○ Bone marrow transplantation
Sickle cell Anaemia
Normocytic anaemia
● Anaemia of chronic disease
● Endocrine disorders- hypopituitarism, hypothyroidism, hypadrenalism
● Haematological diseases- aplastic anaemia and some haemolytic anaemias
● Acutely following blood loss
Macrocytic anaemia
● Can be megaloblastic, non-megaloblastic
Macrocytic Megaloblastic anaemia
● Presence of bone marrow erythroblasts with delayed nuclear maturation
because of defective DNA synthesis
● Nuclear chromatin- open stippled appearance
● Causes-
○ Vitamin B12 deficiency
○ Folic acid deficiency or abnormal folate metabolism
○ Defects in DNA synthesis
○ Myelodysplasia due to dyserythropoiesis
● Haematological investigations
○ Anaemia with MCV>96 fl
○ Blood picture- oval macrocytes with hypersegmented neutrophils
○ If severe- pancytopenia
Macrocytic Megaloblastic anaemia
Vitamin B12 Deficiency
● Vitamin B12- synthesized by certain micro-organisms
● Human- ultimately depend on animal source
● Not usually destroyed by cooking
● Absorbed together with intrinsic factor in ileum
● Intrinsic factor-secreted by gastric parietal cells along with H+ ions
● Intrinsic Factor reduced pernicious anaemia- IF antibodies, parietal cell
● B12 deficiency- S.methyl melanoic acid and homocysteine increase
● Schilling test – to look for the cause of B12 deficiency.
● Causes
○ Nutritional- vegans
○ Malabsorption-
■ Gastric causes- Pernicious anaemia, Congenital IF deficiency,
■ Intestinal causes- Stagnant loop syndrome, Tropical sprue, Ileal
resection, Crohn, lymphoma, systemic sclerosis, fish tape worm
Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Folate deficiency-
● Only homocysteine increases.
● Folate found in green vegetables.
● Absorbed in duodenum and jejunum
● Lost in cooking
● Causes of Folic acid deficiency
1. Nutritional
2. Malabsorption- Coeliac disease, legumes in food
3. Excess utilization
○ Physiological- Pregnancy, lactation
○ Pathological- haematological – hemolysis, malignancies,
inflammatory disease
4. Excess urinary loss- CCF
5. Drugs- anticonvulsants, cytotoxics
Folate deficiency-
Clinical effects of vitamin B12 and Folate deficiency
● Megaloblastic macrocytic anemia
● Pancytopenia
● Mild jaundice due to excess Hb breakdown due to ineffective erythropoiesis
● Glossitis, angular stomatitis
● Melanin pigmentation
● Decreased osteoblastic activity
● B12 deficiency
○ Hydroxy-cobalamin 1000 µg IM- over the course of 3 weeks.( 6 doses
○ Later every 3 weeks.
○ Clinical improvement within 48 hours.
○ Reticulocytosis- 2-3 days after starting treatment.
○ Peak 5-7 days.
○ Improvement of polyneuropathy within 6-12 months, but long standing
spinal cord damage- irreversible.
● Folic acid deficiency
○ Folic acid 5 mg- blood response like B12.
Macrocytosis without megaloblastic changes
● Alcohol excess.
● Liver disease ( inaddition to macrocytes also have target cells and
● Reticulocytosis.
● Hypothyroidism
● Some haematological disorders.
○ Aplastic anaemia.
○ Sideroblastic anaemia.
○ Pure red cell aplasia.
● Drugs- cytotoxic- azathioprine
● Spurious- agglutinated red cells measured on red cell counters.
● Cold agglutinin due to red cells (MCV- normal with warming sample 370 C.
● Hyperglycaemia- RBC swelling
Macrocytosis without megaloblastic changes
Haemolytic anaemia
● Increased destruction of RBC (normal T1/2- 120 days)
● Haemolysis- compensatory increase in RBC production by bone marrow-
compensated haemolytic disease without anaemia- expanding volume of
active marrow and premature release of immaturecells- reticulocytes-
● Increased RBC production
a. Increased reticulocytosis/polychromasia.
b. Erythroid hyperplasia of bone marrow
● Increased breakdown
a. Anaemia
b. Increased serum bilirubin.
c. Increased LDH, Serum potassium
d. Increased urobilinogen
● Extravascular haemolysis
○ Main form
○ Macrophages in reticulo-endothelial system.
○ Particularly spleen.
○ Causes-
■ Haemoglobinopathies: sickle cell, thalassaemia
■ Hereditary spherocytosis
■ Haemolytic disease of newborn
■ Warm autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
● Intravascular haemolysis
○ Destruction within the circulation.
○ Hb is liberated
○ Initially bound to plasma haptoglobin
○ Soon haptoglobin become saturated
○ As haptoglobin becomes saturated Hb binds to albumin forming
methaemalbumin( detected by Schumm’s test)
○ Free Hb is excreted in urine as haemogloinuria, haemosiderinuria
● Intravascular haemolysis.
○ Haemoglobinaemia and haemoglobinuria.
○ Haemosiderinuria (iron storage protein in spundeposit of urine).
○ Methaemalbuminaemia (detected spectrometrically- Schumm’s test).
○ Very low or absent haptoglobin.
● Causes
○ Mismatched blood transfusion.
○ G6PD deficiency and oxidant stress.
○ Red cell fragmentation syndrome- mechanical heart valves, DIC, TTP,
○ Cold autoimmune haemolytic anaemia.
○ Some drug and infection induced haemolytic anaemia.
○ Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria (PNH)- March haemoglobinuria.
Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
● Divided into “warm” and “cold” types according to at what temperature the
antibodies best cause haemolysis.
● AIHA is characterized by a positive direct antiglobulin test.(Coombs’ test)
Warm acquired immune hemolytic anaemia(Warm
● Type of antibody- IgG
● Cause haemolysis best at body temperature and tends to occur in
extravascular sites Eg- spleen
● Causes- idiopathic, auto immune- SLE, lymphoma, CLL, drugs- methyldopa
● Investigations : Those of hemolytic anaemia
Spherocytes on the blood film
● Mx- treat cause
○ blood transfusions if necessary
○ steroids
○ immunosuppressive drugs –azathoprine, cyclophosphamide IVIg
○ splenectomy is only a final option if there is poor response to the medical
Warm acquired immune hemolytic anaemia(Warm
Cold acquired immune hemolytic anaemia(Cold
● IgM
● Causes haemolysis best at 4 degree celcius
● Haemolysis is mediated by complements and more commonly intravascular
● May have Raynaud’s and acrocyanosis
● Causes-
○ idiopathic
○ infections- mycoplasma, EBV
○ Neoplasia- lymphoma
● Investigations
○ Those of hemolytic anaemia
○ less spherocytes
○ cold agglutination test
● Management
○ treat cause
○ respond less well to steroids
○ keep warm
Cold acquired immune hemolytic anaemia(Cold
Non immune haemolytic anaemia
1.Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
● Clinical features-
○ intravascular haemolysis
○ venous thrombosis- BuddChiari syndrome, mesenteric thrombosis,
cerebral thrombosis
○ haemoglobinuria
Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
● Clinical features
○ Haemolysis may be precipitated by infection ,therapy or surgery
○ Characteristically urine voided at night and in the morning on waking is
dark in colour
○ Severe case – all urine samples are dark
○ Urine Fe loss- Fe deficiency anaemia
● Investigations
○ Intravascular haemolysis
○ Flow cytometrical analysis of RBC with Anti CD55(replaced Ham test)
○ BM-sometime hypoplasia
Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
● Treatment
○ Supportive- blood product replacement
○ Eculizumab
○ Long term anticoagulation if recurrent thrombosis
○ BM failure – immune suppression
○ Stem cell transplantation
● PNH→ Aplastic anaemia
Acute leukaemia
Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
2. Mechanical haemolytic anaemia
● Physical trauma→fragmented RBC
● Damaged artificial heart valves
● March haemoglobinuria
● MAHA- malignant hypertension, Eclampsia, haemolytic uraemic
1. Aplastic anaemia
● pancytopenia with hypocellularity (aplasia ) oh bone marrow
● Inherited or aquired
● Decrease in the no of pluripotent stem cells
● Failure in one cell line also occurs
● Evolution into myelodysplasia, AML, PNH also occurs
Aplastic anaemia
● Clinical features-
○ pancytopenia
○ Bleeding manifestations
○ Lymphadenopathy & hepatosplenomegaly –rare
● Aetiologies
○ Congenital- Fanconi’s anaemia (AR)
○ Cytotoxic drugs
○ Chloramphenicol, trimethoprim, penicillamine, carbamazepine,
carbimazole ( causes agranulocytosis and pancytopenia), AZT, gold,
○ Exposure to chemicals – benzene, toluene
○ Ionizing radiation
○ Infections-HIV, Hepatitis,TB, EBV, erythrovirus
Aplastic anaemia
● Investigations
○ Pancytopenia with virtual absence of reticulocytes
○ Hypocellular/ Aplastic marrow
Aplastic anaemia
Bone marrow biopsy - Aplastic anaemia
● Treatment
○ Supportive treatment-RBC, plt
○ Avoiding infections, broad spectrum antibiotics
○ Remove the cause
○ Course-remission/progression
○ Specific treatment- Anti lymphocyte globulin, Ciclosporin, Stem cell
Aplastic anaemia
2.Haematological malignancies –Leukaemia, lymphoma,multiple myeloma
3.Secondary infiltration of bone marrow-Malignancies, TB
4.megaloblastic anaemia
Iron deficiency Anaemia of
chronic disease
trait (α or β)
MCV Reduced Low normal or
Very low for
degree of
Low in inherited
type but often
raised in
acquired type
Serum iron Reduced Reduced Normal Raised
Serum TIBC Raised Reduced Normal Normal
Serum ferritin Reduced Normal or raised Normal Raised
Serum soluble
transfer receptors
Increased Normal Normal or
Normal or raised
Iron in marrow Absent Present Present Present
Iron in
Absent Absent or
Present Ring forms
Thank you

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  • 2.
  • 3. Anemia ● Clinical features- ○ Fatigue ○ Breathlessness, ○ Angina, ○ Intermittent claudication ○ Palpitations ● Signs- ○ Pallor ○ Tachycardia, ○ Systolic flow murmur, ○ Heart failure
  • 4.
  • 5. Anemia 1. Hypochromic microcytic cells with low MCV 2. Normochromic normocytic cells with a normal MCV 3. Macrocytic cells with high MCV
  • 6.
  • 7. Microcytic - MCV<80 fl ● Iron deficiency ● Thalassaemia ● Anaemia of chronic disease ● Sideroblastc anaemia
  • 8. Macrocytic- MCV>96 fl ● Megaloblastic ○ Vitamin B12 deficiency ○ Folate deficiency ● Normoblastic ○ Alcohol ○ Increased reticulocytes ○ Haemolysis ○ Haemorrhage ○ Liver disease ○ Hypothyroidism ○ Drugs- Azathioprine
  • 9. Normocytic cells- normal MCV ● Acute blood loss ● Anaemia of chronic disease ● Renal failure ● Autoimmune- rheumatoid disease ● Marrow infiltration- fibrosis ● Endocrine diseases ● Haemolytic anaemia
  • 10. Microcytic Anaemia Iron deficiency anemia ● Factors favouring Fe absorption ○ Haem iron ○ Fe2+ iron (ferrous iron) ○ Acids – HCl ○ Vitamin C ○ Solubilising agents- sugar, amino acids ○ Iron deficiency ○ Ineffective erythropoiesis ○ Pregnancy ○ Hereditary haemochromatosis ○ Increased expression of DMI & ferroportin
  • 11. Iron deficiency anemia ● Factors reducing iron absorption ○ Inorganic Fe ○ Fe3+ (ferric iron) ○ Alkalis ○ Precipitating factors- phytate, phosphate ○ Reduced erythropoiesis ○ Infection ○ Tea ○ Increased hepcidin ○ Reduced DMTI, ferroportin
  • 12. ● Features ○ Features of anaemia ○ Painless glossitis ○ Angular stomatitis ○ Brittle ridged spoon nails- koilonychias ○ Brittle hair ○ Dysphagia- Plummer-Vinson syndrome ○ Pica ○ Children- irritability, poor cognitive function, psychomotor disorder Iron deficiency anemia
  • 13.
  • 14. ● Causes Of iron deficiency ○ Increased loss- chronic blood loss, acute blood loss, therapeutic phlebotomy ○ Reduced intake ○ Increased demand- infants, adolescents, pregnancy, lactation, erythropoietin treatment Iron deficiency anemia
  • 15.
  • 16. ● Investigations ○ FBC- MCV<80 fl, hypochromic-<27 pg ○ Blood picture- ■ poikilocytosis(Increased cell shape) ■ anistocytosis(Increase cell size) ■ Target cells ○ Serum iron- low ○ Total iron binding capacity (TIBC)- high ○ Transferrin saturation- low- <19% Iron deficiency anemia
  • 18.
  • 19. ● Investigations ○ Serum ferritin- low- reflect s amount of stored iron (Serum ferritin- acute phase reactant- level increases in presence of inflammation or malignant disease) ○ Soluble transferrin receptors (Increase in iron deficiency; normal in anaemia of chronic disease) ○ Bone marrow- erythroid hyperplasia &ridged normoblasts ○ Iron in bone marrow- absent ○ Iron in erythroblasts- absent Iron deficiency anemia
  • 20. ● Treatment of the course ● Iron to correct anaemia and replace iron stores ● Response monitored by reticulocyte count- 1g/dl/week increment ● Oral iron- most cases ○ Best- FeSO4 200 mg tds (60 mg elemental iron) ○ Side effects- Nausea, diarrhea, constipation ○ Take tablet with food ○ Reduce dose by using a preparation with less iron (Fe gluconate- 300mg bd- only 70 mg elemental iron) Iron deficiency anemia
  • 21. ● Oral Fe should be given for long enough to correct Hb level & replenish iron stores( may take 6 months) ● Parenteral iron- for those ○ who are intolerant to oral iron preparation ○ Severe malabsorption ○ Chronic disease ○ Replaces iron stores faster than oral iron- ○ haematological response-not quicker ○ IM injection of Fe sorbitol or IV infusion of Fe dextran Iron deficiency anemia
  • 22. Anaemia of chronic disease ● Tuberculosis ● Chronic inflammatory diseases- Crohn’s disease, SLE, malignancy, Polymyalgia rheumatica 1. Reduced release of iron from bone marrow to developing erythroblasts 2. Inadequate erythropoietin response to anaemia 3. Decreased red cell survival
  • 23.
  • 24. ● Investigations ○ Increased hepcidin ○ Serum iron- low ○ TIBC- low ○ Serum ferritin- normal or raised inflammatory process ○ Serum soluble transferrin receptor level- normal ○ Stainable iron present in bone marrow ○ Iron is not seen in developing erythroblasts Anaemia of chronic disease
  • 25. ● Treatment ○ Patient does not respond to iron therapy ○ Treat the underlying disease ○ Recombinant EPO used in anaemia of renal dx and pccasionally inflammatory disease Anaemia of chronic disease
  • 26. Sideroblastic anaemia ● Inherited or acquired disorders characterized by refractory anaemia ● Hypochromic cells in peripheral blood ● Excess Fe & ring sideroblasts in bone marrow ● Presence of sideroblasts- diagnostic feature of sideroblastic anaemia ● Blood film- often dimorphic- ineffective synthesis- responsible for microcytic hypochromic cells ● Disorder in haem synthesis- enzyme problems-Eg ALA synthase
  • 27. ● Inherited ○ X-linked- transmitted by females ● Acquired ○ Myelodysplasia ○ Myeloproliferative disorder ○ Myeloid leukaemia ○ Drugs- isoniazid ○ Alcohol ○ Lead toxicity ○ Other disease- rheumatoid arthritis, Carcinoma, megaloblastic & haemolytic anaemia Sideroblastic anaemia
  • 28. ● Investigations ○ MCV- low in inherited type but often increased in acquired type ○ Serum iron- increased ○ TIBC- normal ○ Serum ferritin- increased ○ Soluble transferrin receptors- normal or raised ○ Iron in bone marrow- present ○ Iron in erythroblasts -, ring forms Sideroblastic anaemia
  • 30.
  • 31. ● Treatment ○ Withdraw drugs and alcohol ○ Some cases respond to pyridoxine treatment ○ Treat with folic acid- to treat accompanying folate deficiency Sideroblastic anaemia
  • 32. Haemoglobin abnormalities ● Normal- ○ Hb A- α2β2—97% ○ Hb A2- α2β2- 2% of adult Hb ○ Hb F- α2γ2- normal Hb in fetus from 3rd to 9th months ○ Increase in β thalassaemia ○ Comprises <1% of Hb in adults
  • 33. ● Abnormal chains- ○ H-β4- found in α thalassaemia- Biologically useless ○ Barts- γ4- comprises 100% of Hb in homozygous α thalassaemia- Biologically useless ● Abnormal chain production- ○ S- α2β2S- substitution of valine for glutamic acid in position 6 of β chain. ○ C- α2β2C- substitution of lysine for glutamic acid in position 6 of β chain. Haemoglobin abnormalities
  • 34. Thalassaemia ● Autosomal recessive ● Normal balanced production of α and β chains ● α:β= 1:1 ● Defective synthesis ● Imbalanced globin production- Precipitation of globin chains within red cells- Resulting in ineffective erythropoiesis
  • 35. ● No or reduced β chains ● Excess of α chains ● Precipitates in erythroblasts and red cells ● Raised HbA2, raised HbF, small amount of HbA ● β thalassaemia- point mutations ● α thalassaemia- gene deletions β thalassaemia
  • 36. ● Clinical features- ○ Thalassaemia minor (trait)- symptomless heterogenous carrier/ anaemia- mild/absent ○ Thalassaemia intermedia- moderate anaemia(Hb:7-10g/dl)- rarely requiring transfusions; not regularly ○ Thalassaemia major- severe anaemia requiring regular transfusions ■ Present in 1st year- failure to thrive & recurrent bacterial infections. ■ Severe anaemia in 3-6 months when switching from γ to β ■ Extramedullary haemopoiesis- hepatosplenomegaly and bone expansion β thalassaemia
  • 38.
  • 39. ● Investigations ○ Skull X-ray- hair on end appearance ○ microcytic anemia ○ Target cells on the peripheral blood smear ○ detection of globin chain abnormalities demonstrated by haemoglobin electrophoresis – old method ○ The recommended method currently is high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) ○ Genetic testing in selected cases β thalassaemia
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 44. ● Treatment ○ Intermedia & Major- folic acid supplementation ○ Regular transfusions- Hb-10 g/dl ○ If more required- splenectomy ○ Iron overload- endocrine glands, liver, pancreas, myocardium ○ Iron chelation- desferrioxamine subcutaneous infusion ○ Ascorbic acid- increased urinary excretion ○ Sodium iron chelator- deferesirox, deferiprone ○ Bone marrow transplantation β thalassaemia
  • 45. α thalassaemia ● 4 gene deletions- α0_ _/_ _ _Hb Beits (γ4)-hydrops fetalis ● 3 gene deletions-α_/_ _Hb H(β4)- moderate anaemia, splenomegaly ● 2 gene deletions-_ _/αα_ -mild anaemia or _α/_α- Hb A- α thalasseamia trait ● 1 gene deletion- α_/αα or normal- α thalasseamia trait
  • 46. Red cell membrane defects Hereditary spherocytosis ● Autosomal dominant ● Unable to pass through splenic micro-circulation- shortened lifespan ● Clinical features- ○ Jaundice at birth; can be delayed ○ Anaemia, splenomegaly, ulcer on leg ○ As in any haemolytic anaemia
  • 47. Hereditary spherocytosis ● Investigations- ○ Blood picture- spherocytes( round, lack of central pallor) ○ Osmotic fragility test-++ ○ Direct antiglobulin (Coomb’s test)- (-)ve ● Treatment ○ Definitive management- splenectomy (app imm and lifelong penicillin prophylaxis) ○ Following surgery- spherocytes present but RBC no longer destroyed ○ Folate prophylaxis
  • 48. Hereditary spherocytosis - blood picture
  • 49.
  • 51. Metabolic disorders of RBC G6PD deficiency ● X-linked recessive ● Female heterozygotes can also have clinical problems due to lyonisation ● Clinical features- ○ Acute drug induced haemolysis ○ Chronic haemolytic anaemia ○ Neonatal jaundice ○ Infection and acute illnesses will also precipitate ○ Gall stones
  • 52. G6PD deficiency ● Investigations ○ Blood investigations- normal between attacks ○ During attack- blood film- irregular contracted cells ■ Bite cells ■ Blister cells ■ Heinz bodies ○ Reticulocytosis ○ G6PD assay
  • 54.
  • 55.
  • 56. ● Treatment ○ Stop offending agents ○ Treat underlying infection ○ Blood transfusion during crisis ○ Splenectomy- not usually helpful G6PD deficiency
  • 57. Pyruvate kinase deficiency ● Autosomal recessive ● Investigation ○ Blood picture- prickle cells ● Treatment ○ Blood transfusions ○ Splenectomy may improve clinical condition if frequent transfusions
  • 58. Sickle cell Anaemia ● HbS- results from single base mutation- adenine to thymine or valine to glutamic acid ● Homozygous- both genes abnormal- HbSS ● Heterozygous- sickle cell trait- HbAS ● HbF (α2γ2)- normal- so usually doesn’t until HbF decreases to adult level at 6 months ● Deoxygenated HbS - reduced RBC survival; impaired passage of cells via microcirculation- obstruction of small vessels and tissue infarction. ● Homozygous HbSS- severe disease ● Combined heterozygous HbSS- intermediate symptoms ● Heterozygous HbAS- no symptoms
  • 59. ● Clinical features ○ Vaso-occlusive crisis- Dactolytics ○ Anaemia- Hb- 6-8 g/dl ○ Splenic sequestration ○ Bone marrow aplasia ○ Avascular necrosis of hips ○ Osteomyeltis- Salmonella ○ Respiratory- Acute chest syndrome ○ Leg ulcers ○ Neurological- stroke, fits Sickle cell Anaemia
  • 60.
  • 61. ● Investigations ○ FBC- Hb low with elevated retic count ○ Blood picture- sickling ○ Hb electrophoresis Sickle cell Anaemia
  • 62. Sickle cell anemia - Blood picture
  • 63. ● Management ○ Avoid precipitating factors ○ Acute painful attacks- supportive treatment with IV fluids, adequate analgesics ○ Prophylaxis with penicillin 500 mg daily & vaccination for pneumococcal & H.influenzae ○ Blood transfusion- should give for heart failure, transient ischaemic attacks, stroke, acute chest syndrome, acute splenic sequestration, aplastic crisis ○ Splenectomy ○ Bone marrow transplantation Sickle cell Anaemia
  • 64. Normocytic anaemia ● Anaemia of chronic disease ● Endocrine disorders- hypopituitarism, hypothyroidism, hypadrenalism ● Haematological diseases- aplastic anaemia and some haemolytic anaemias ● Acutely following blood loss
  • 65. Macrocytic anaemia ● Can be megaloblastic, non-megaloblastic
  • 66. Macrocytic Megaloblastic anaemia ● Presence of bone marrow erythroblasts with delayed nuclear maturation because of defective DNA synthesis ● Nuclear chromatin- open stippled appearance ● Causes- ○ Vitamin B12 deficiency ○ Folic acid deficiency or abnormal folate metabolism ○ Defects in DNA synthesis ○ Myelodysplasia due to dyserythropoiesis
  • 67. ● Haematological investigations ○ Anaemia with MCV>96 fl ○ Blood picture- oval macrocytes with hypersegmented neutrophils ○ If severe- pancytopenia Macrocytic Megaloblastic anaemia
  • 68.
  • 69.
  • 70. Vitamin B12 Deficiency ● Vitamin B12- synthesized by certain micro-organisms ● Human- ultimately depend on animal source ● Not usually destroyed by cooking ● Absorbed together with intrinsic factor in ileum ● Intrinsic factor-secreted by gastric parietal cells along with H+ ions ● Intrinsic Factor reduced pernicious anaemia- IF antibodies, parietal cell antibodies ● B12 deficiency- S.methyl melanoic acid and homocysteine increase ● Schilling test – to look for the cause of B12 deficiency.
  • 71. ● Causes ○ Nutritional- vegans ○ Malabsorption- ■ Gastric causes- Pernicious anaemia, Congenital IF deficiency, Gastrectomy ■ Intestinal causes- Stagnant loop syndrome, Tropical sprue, Ileal resection, Crohn, lymphoma, systemic sclerosis, fish tape worm Vitamin B12 Deficiency
  • 72. Folate deficiency- ● Only homocysteine increases. ● Folate found in green vegetables. ● Absorbed in duodenum and jejunum ● Lost in cooking
  • 73. ● Causes of Folic acid deficiency 1. Nutritional 2. Malabsorption- Coeliac disease, legumes in food 3. Excess utilization ○ Physiological- Pregnancy, lactation ○ Pathological- haematological – hemolysis, malignancies, inflammatory disease 4. Excess urinary loss- CCF 5. Drugs- anticonvulsants, cytotoxics Folate deficiency-
  • 74. Clinical effects of vitamin B12 and Folate deficiency ● Megaloblastic macrocytic anemia ● Pancytopenia ● Mild jaundice due to excess Hb breakdown due to ineffective erythropoiesis ● Glossitis, angular stomatitis ● Melanin pigmentation ● Decreased osteoblastic activity
  • 75.
  • 76. Management ● B12 deficiency ○ Hydroxy-cobalamin 1000 µg IM- over the course of 3 weeks.( 6 doses 2/week) ○ Later every 3 weeks. ○ Clinical improvement within 48 hours. ○ Reticulocytosis- 2-3 days after starting treatment. ○ Peak 5-7 days. ○ Improvement of polyneuropathy within 6-12 months, but long standing spinal cord damage- irreversible. ● Folic acid deficiency ○ Folic acid 5 mg- blood response like B12.
  • 77. Macrocytosis without megaloblastic changes ● Alcohol excess. ● Liver disease ( inaddition to macrocytes also have target cells and acanthocytes) ● Reticulocytosis. ● Hypothyroidism ● Some haematological disorders. ○ Aplastic anaemia. ○ Sideroblastic anaemia. ○ Pure red cell aplasia.
  • 78. ● Drugs- cytotoxic- azathioprine ● Spurious- agglutinated red cells measured on red cell counters. ● Cold agglutinin due to red cells (MCV- normal with warming sample 370 C. ● Hyperglycaemia- RBC swelling Macrocytosis without megaloblastic changes
  • 79. Haemolytic anaemia ● Increased destruction of RBC (normal T1/2- 120 days) ● Haemolysis- compensatory increase in RBC production by bone marrow- compensated haemolytic disease without anaemia- expanding volume of active marrow and premature release of immaturecells- reticulocytes- polychromasia
  • 80. Hemolysis ● Increased RBC production a. Increased reticulocytosis/polychromasia. b. Erythroid hyperplasia of bone marrow ● Increased breakdown a. Anaemia b. Increased serum bilirubin. c. Increased LDH, Serum potassium d. Increased urobilinogen
  • 81.
  • 82. ● Extravascular haemolysis ○ Main form ○ Macrophages in reticulo-endothelial system. ○ Particularly spleen. ○ Causes- ■ Haemoglobinopathies: sickle cell, thalassaemia ■ Hereditary spherocytosis ■ Haemolytic disease of newborn ■ Warm autoimmune haemolytic anaemia Hemolysis
  • 83. ● Intravascular haemolysis ○ Destruction within the circulation. ○ Hb is liberated ○ Initially bound to plasma haptoglobin ○ Soon haptoglobin become saturated ○ As haptoglobin becomes saturated Hb binds to albumin forming methaemalbumin( detected by Schumm’s test) ○ Free Hb is excreted in urine as haemogloinuria, haemosiderinuria Hemolysis
  • 84. ● Intravascular haemolysis. ○ Haemoglobinaemia and haemoglobinuria. ○ Haemosiderinuria (iron storage protein in spundeposit of urine). ○ Methaemalbuminaemia (detected spectrometrically- Schumm’s test). ○ Very low or absent haptoglobin. Hemolysis
  • 85. ● Causes ○ Mismatched blood transfusion. ○ G6PD deficiency and oxidant stress. ○ Red cell fragmentation syndrome- mechanical heart valves, DIC, TTP, HUS ○ Cold autoimmune haemolytic anaemia. ○ Some drug and infection induced haemolytic anaemia. ○ Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria (PNH)- March haemoglobinuria. Hemolysis
  • 86. Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia ● Divided into “warm” and “cold” types according to at what temperature the antibodies best cause haemolysis. ● AIHA is characterized by a positive direct antiglobulin test.(Coombs’ test)
  • 87.
  • 88.
  • 89. Warm acquired immune hemolytic anaemia(Warm AIHA) ● Type of antibody- IgG ● Cause haemolysis best at body temperature and tends to occur in extravascular sites Eg- spleen ● Causes- idiopathic, auto immune- SLE, lymphoma, CLL, drugs- methyldopa ● Investigations : Those of hemolytic anaemia Spherocytes on the blood film
  • 91. ● Mx- treat cause ○ blood transfusions if necessary ○ steroids ○ immunosuppressive drugs –azathoprine, cyclophosphamide IVIg ○ splenectomy is only a final option if there is poor response to the medical management Warm acquired immune hemolytic anaemia(Warm AIHA)
  • 92. Cold acquired immune hemolytic anaemia(Cold AIHA) ● IgM ● Causes haemolysis best at 4 degree celcius ● Haemolysis is mediated by complements and more commonly intravascular ● May have Raynaud’s and acrocyanosis ● Causes- ○ idiopathic ○ infections- mycoplasma, EBV ○ Neoplasia- lymphoma
  • 93. ● Investigations ○ Those of hemolytic anaemia ○ less spherocytes ○ cold agglutination test ● Management ○ treat cause ○ respond less well to steroids ○ keep warm Cold acquired immune hemolytic anaemia(Cold AIHA)
  • 94.
  • 95. Non immune haemolytic anaemia 1.Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria ● Clinical features- ○ intravascular haemolysis ○ venous thrombosis- BuddChiari syndrome, mesenteric thrombosis, cerebral thrombosis ○ haemoglobinuria
  • 96. Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria ● Clinical features ○ Haemolysis may be precipitated by infection ,therapy or surgery ○ Characteristically urine voided at night and in the morning on waking is dark in colour ○ Severe case – all urine samples are dark ○ Urine Fe loss- Fe deficiency anaemia
  • 97. ● Investigations ○ Intravascular haemolysis ○ Flow cytometrical analysis of RBC with Anti CD55(replaced Ham test) ○ BM-sometime hypoplasia Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
  • 98. ● Treatment ○ Supportive- blood product replacement ○ Eculizumab ○ Long term anticoagulation if recurrent thrombosis ○ BM failure – immune suppression ○ Stem cell transplantation ● PNH→ Aplastic anaemia Acute leukaemia Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
  • 99. 2. Mechanical haemolytic anaemia ● Physical trauma→fragmented RBC ● Damaged artificial heart valves ● March haemoglobinuria ● MAHA- malignant hypertension, Eclampsia, haemolytic uraemic syndrome,TTP,DIC,Vasculitis
  • 100.
  • 101. Pancytopenia 1. Aplastic anaemia ● pancytopenia with hypocellularity (aplasia ) oh bone marrow ● Inherited or aquired ● Decrease in the no of pluripotent stem cells ● Failure in one cell line also occurs ● Evolution into myelodysplasia, AML, PNH also occurs
  • 102. Aplastic anaemia ● Clinical features- ○ pancytopenia ○ Bleeding manifestations ○ Lymphadenopathy & hepatosplenomegaly –rare
  • 103. ● Aetiologies ○ Congenital- Fanconi’s anaemia (AR) ○ Cytotoxic drugs ○ Chloramphenicol, trimethoprim, penicillamine, carbamazepine, carbimazole ( causes agranulocytosis and pancytopenia), AZT, gold, tolbutamide ○ Exposure to chemicals – benzene, toluene ○ Ionizing radiation ○ PNH ○ Infections-HIV, Hepatitis,TB, EBV, erythrovirus Aplastic anaemia
  • 104. ● Investigations ○ Pancytopenia with virtual absence of reticulocytes ○ Hypocellular/ Aplastic marrow Aplastic anaemia
  • 105. Bone marrow biopsy - Aplastic anaemia
  • 106. ● Treatment ○ Supportive treatment-RBC, plt ○ Avoiding infections, broad spectrum antibiotics ○ Remove the cause ○ Course-remission/progression ○ Specific treatment- Anti lymphocyte globulin, Ciclosporin, Stem cell transplantation Aplastic anaemia
  • 107. Pancytopenia 2.Haematological malignancies –Leukaemia, lymphoma,multiple myeloma 3.Secondary infiltration of bone marrow-Malignancies, TB 4.megaloblastic anaemia 5.Hypersplenism 6.PNH 7.Sepsis 8.SLE
  • 108. Iron deficiency Anaemia of chronic disease Thalassaemia trait (α or β) Sideroblastic anaemia MCV Reduced Low normal or normal Very low for degree of anaemia Low in inherited type but often raised in acquired type Serum iron Reduced Reduced Normal Raised Serum TIBC Raised Reduced Normal Normal Serum ferritin Reduced Normal or raised Normal Raised Serum soluble transfer receptors Increased Normal Normal or raised Normal or raised Iron in marrow Absent Present Present Present Iron in erythroblasts Absent Absent or reduced Present Ring forms