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Bereket s (Msc in medical Anatomy)
Cardiovascular system
 Cardiovascular system is the transport system of the body, through which the nutrients
are conveyed to places where these are utilized, and the metabolites (waste products) are
conveyed to appropriate places from where these are expelled.
 The conveying medium is a liquid tissue, the blood, which flows in tubular channels
,called blood vessels.
 The circulation is maintained by the central pumping organ ,called the heart.
 1.Heart- It is a four-chambered muscular organ
which pumps blood to various parts of the body.
 Each half of the heart has a receiving chamber
called atrium, and a pumping chamber called
 2.Arteries- These are distributing channels, which
carry blood away from the heart.
 (a) They branch like trees on their way to different
parts of the body.
 The minute branches which are just visible to naked
eye are called arterioles.
3. Veins: These are draining channels which carry
blood from different parts of the body back to the
 The small veins (venules) join together to form
larger veins, which in turn unite to form great veins
called venae cavae
 These are networks of microscopic vessels
which connect arterioles with the venules.
 Types of capillary
 Capillaries have structural variations to
permit different levels of metabolic
exchange between blood and surrounding
 They can be grouped into three types,
depending on
➯ structure of endothelial cells.
➯ absence / presence (continuity) of basal
Continuous/somatic capillaries
Figure 19.3a
They are found in all types of muscle tissue, connective tissue, exocrine glands, and
nervous tissue
Fenestrated (visceral) capillaries
 Fenestrated (visceral) capillaries with diaphragms
I.Presence of large fenestrae (Ø = 60-80 nm) and are closed by a
II.Have a continuous basal lamina.
III.Encountered in tissues where rapid interchange of substances
occurs between tissues and the blood
◦ ➯ kidney, pancreas, intestine, synovial membrane & endocrine
Fenestrated (visceral) capillaries
 Fenestrated (visceral) capillaries without diaphragms
I.No diaphragms present to close the openings.
II.Very thick basal lamina separates the endothelium from the
overlying epithelial cells (podocytes).
III.Characteristic of renal glomerulus.
Fenestrated Capillaries
Figure 19.3b
Sinusoidal (discontinuous) capillaries
 Sinusoidal (discontinuous) capillaries ➯ permeability barrier
is lacking.
I.have tortuous path and ↑↑ Ø (30-40 μm) ➯ slows blood circulation.
II.endothelial wall = discontinuous with multiple fenestrations
without diaphragms (basal lamina is discontinuous or is almost
completely absent).
III.pericytes only occur occasionally.
IV.macrophages are located among or outside the cells of the
V.found mainly in the liver, hypophysis, hemopoietic organs (bone
marrow, spleen…), lymph nodes and adrenal cortex.
Figure 19.3c
Three-dimensional representation of the structure of a
capillary with fenestrae in its wall. The transverse section
shows that, in this example, the capillary wall is formed by
two endothelial cells. Note the basal lamina surrounding
endothelial cells.
Three-dimensional representation of the structure of a capillary with fenestrae in its wall. The transverse section
shows that, in this example, the capillary wall is formed by two endothelial cells. Note the basal lamina surrounding
endothelial cells.
criteria for classification
➯ structure of endothelial cells.
➯ absence / presence (continuity) of
basal laminae.
 These come in intimate contact with the tissues for a free exchange of
nutrients and metabolites across their walls between the blood and the
tissue fluid.
 Capillaries are replaced by sinusoids in certain organs, like liver and
 A precapillary or post capillary communication between the
neighbouring vessels is called anastomosis
 Circulation through the anastomosis is called collateral circulation.
 A. Arterial anastomoses,
 B. Venous anastomoses,
 C. Arteriovenous anastomosis (shunt)
A. Arterial anastomosis
 Is the communication between the arteries, or branches of arteries
 It may be actual or potential
 1. In actual arterial anastomosis - the arteries meet end to end. For example, palmar arches,
plantar arch, circle of Willis, intestinal arcades, labial branches of facial arteries.
 2. In potential arterial anastomosis - the communication takes place between the
terminal arterioles.
 This is called 'Potential' as it may develop slowly and be established when circulation
fails through one of the arteries.
 The examples are seen in the coronary arteries and the cortical branches of cerebral
arteries, etc.
 B. Venous anastomosis is the communication between the
veins or tributaries of veins.
 For example, the dorsal venous arches of the hand and foot
 C. Arteriovenous anastomosis (shunt) is the communication between an artery
and a vein
Porto-systemic anastomosis
 Porto-systemic anastomosis also known as portocaval anastomosis is
the collateral communication between the portal and the systemic venous
 The portal venous system transmits deoxygenated blood from most of the
gastrointestinal tract and gastrointestinal organs to the liver via Portal
 When there is a blockage of the portal system, portocaval anastomosis
enable the blood to still reach the systemic venous circulation.
 Even though this is useful, bypassing the liver may be dangerous, since it
is the main organ in charge for detoxication and breaking down of
substances found in the gastrointestinal tract, such as mediactions but the
poisons as well.
Porto-systemic anastomosis
 The various anastomoses and the sites in which they occur are described below:
1. The anastomosis between the left gastric veins, which are portal veins, and the lower branches of
oesophageal veins that drain into the azygos and hemiazygos veins, which are systemic veins.
 The site of this anastomosis is the lower oesophagus.
2. The anastomosis between the superior rectal veins, which are portal veins, and the inferior and
middle rectal veins, which are systemic veins.
 The site of this anastomosis is the upper part of the anal canal.
3. The anastomosis between the paraumbilical veins, which run in the ligamentum teres as portal veins,
and small epigastric veins, which are systemic veins.
 The site of this anastomosis is the umbilicus.
4. The anastomosis between omental and colonic veins (portal veins) with the retroperitoneal veins
(systemic veins) in the region of hepatic and splenic flexure.
Clinical anatomy
 Portal hypertension
 This is increase in blood pressure in
the veins of the portal system.
 It is caused by blockage in the veins
of the liver due to pathological
conditions such as liver cirrhosis and
the inability of the blood to flow
 Signs and symptoms are varicose
veins on the abdominal wall called
caput medusae, oesophageal varices,
enlargement of the spleen,
accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal
cavity and bleeding in the
gastrointestinal tract.
Types of Circulation of Blood
 Systemic (greater) circulation: The blood flows from the left ventricle,
through various parts of the body to the right atrium, i.e. from the left to the right
side of the heart
 Pulmonary (lesser) circulation: The blood flows from the right ventricle,
through the lungs, to the left atrium, i.e. from the right to the left side of the heart.
Portal Circulation/Systems
 Portal circulation: It is a part of systemic
circulation, which has the following characteristics
 The blood passes through two sets of capillaries
before draining into a systemic vein
 As a rule, capillary networks are interspersed
between terminal ramifications of arterial and
venous systems.
 This arrangement is modified to meet special
functional requirements.
 Blood from one capillary bed flows into a larger
vessel, having the histological characteristics of a
vein and this vessel later ramifies into capillaries
so that the blood flows through a second capillary
network before returning to the heart.
Portal Circulation/Systems
 Examples: hepatic portal circulation, hypothalamo hypophyseal portal
circulation ,and renal portal circulation.
Arterial portal system:
kidney glomerulus
Venous portal system:
Hepatic Portal System, Hypophyseoportal System
 1. Arteries are thick-walled, being uniformly thicker than the
accompanying veins, except for the arteries within the cranium and
vertebral canal where these are thin.
 2.Arteries have no valves
Classification of arteries based on
their diameter
- Large or elastic arteries;
- Medium (or muscular or distributive) arteries; and
- Small arteries or arterioles, which are less than 0.5 mm in
A characteristic feature of arteries
• Is a well-defined lumen, rounded or oval, maintained by the muscularity of the
vessel wall.
• The largest arteries, such as the aorta and its larger branches, have a tunica
media dominated by elastic tissue.
• Most arteries are muscular arteries, with a media dominated by smooth muscle.
But elastin is also a substantial component.
Types of Arteries and Structure
 Large arteries of elastic type, e.g. aorta and its main branches
(brachiocephalic, common carotid, subclavian and common iliac) and the
pulmonary arteries.
 Medium and small arteries of muscular type, e.g. temporal, occipital, radial,
popliteal, etc.
 Smallest arteries of muscular type are called arterioles.
 The side branches from terminal arterioles are called met arterioles
 Arteries which do not anastomose with their neighbours are called end arteries
 Examples:
 1. Central artery of retina and labyrinthine artery of internal ear are the best examples
of an absolute end arteries.
 2. Arteries of spleen, kidney, lungs and metaphysis of long bones.
 Importance-Occlusion of an end-artery causes serious nutritional disturbances
resulting in death of the tissue supplied by it. For example, occlusion of central artery
of retina results in blindness.
Blood Supply of Arteries
 The large arteries (of more than 1 mm diameter) are supplied with blood vessels.
 The nutrient vessels, called vasa vasorum, form a dense capillary network in the tunica
adventitia, and supply the adventitia and the outer part of tunica media.
 Minute veins accompanying the arteries drain the blood from the outer part of arterial wall.
Nerve Supply of Arteries
 The nerves supplying an artery are called nervi vascularis.
 The nerves are mostly non-myelinated sympathetic fibres which are vasoconstrictor in
Vasodilator innervation is restricted to the following sites.
 The skeletal muscle vessels are dilated by cholinergic sympathetic nerves.
 The exocrine gland vessels are dilated on parasympathetic stimulation.
 1. Veins are thin-walled, being thinner than the arteries
 2. Their lumen is larger than that of the accompanying arteries
 3. Veins have valves which maintain the unidirectional flow of blood, even against gravity
 4. The muscular and elastic tissue content of the venous walls is much less than that of
the arteries
 Large veins have dead space around them for their
dilatation during increased venous return
Blood and Nerve Supply of Veins
 The larger veins, like the arteries, are supplied with nutrient vessels called vasa
 Nerves also are distributed to the veins in the same manner as to the arteries, but are
fewer in number.
Factors Helping in Venous Return
 Negative intrathoracic pressure sucks the blood into the heart from all over the body.
 Gravity helps venous return in the upper part of the body.
 Arterial pulsations press on the venae comitantes intermittently and drive the venous
blood towards the heart.
 Muscular contractions press on the veins and form a very effective mechanism of
venous return
The calf muscles (soleus) for this reason are known as the peripheral heart.
Thus the muscle pumps are important factors in the venous return.
Clinical Anatomy
 The blood pressure is the arterial pressure exerted by the
blood on the arterial walls.
 The maximum pressure during ventricular systole is called systolic
pressure; the minimum pressure during ventricular diastole is called
diastolic pressure.
 Normally, the blood pressure is roughly 120/80 mm Hg, the systolic
pressure ranging from 110-130, and the diastolic pressure from 70-80.
Clinical Anatomy
 Atheroma:- are patchy changes developed in the tunica intima of
arteries due to accumulation of cholesterol and other lipid compounds
 Aneurysm:- is the swelling or dilation of blood vessels where part
of the wall of artery inflates like a balloon. Due to its likelihood to burst, it
poses a serious risk to health
 Varicose veins:- When the vein wall is subjected to increased pressure
over long time, there is atrophy of muscle and elastic tissue with fibrous
replacement. This leads to stretching of the vein with tortuosity and
localized bulging.
Clinical Anatomy
The Mediastinum
The Mediastinum
 Area between the two lungs and
pleural cavities
 Divided by transverse thoracic
plane (passing through sternal
angle & T4/5) into:
◦ Superior mediastinum:
◦ Inferior mediastinum is
subdivided in to 3 parts by
the pericardium.
 Anterior mediastinum
 Middle mediastinum
 Posterior mediastinum
Anterior mediastinum
 Narrow space in front of the pericardium and behind the body of
 Contents
◦ Thymus (lower part)
◦ Sternopericardial ligaments
◦ Parasternal lymph nodes
◦ Transverse thoracis muscle
Middle mediastinum
 The pericardium and its contents (heart and roots of its great vessels)
 Boundary
◦ superior - imaginary line
◦ Inferior- diaphragm (where the pericardium rests)
◦ Right and left lateral – corresponding Mediastinal surfaces of pleura
◦ Anterior – anterior mediastinum and part of pleura
◦ Posterior – posterior mediastinum
 Contents
◦ The heart and the pericardium
◦ Great vessels – SVC, IVC, Pulmonary trunk & veins, part of aorta,
parts of the phrenic nerve
 Fibroserous sac that encloses the heart and the roots of the great
 It has 2 layers
◦ Fibrous pericardium
◦ Serous pericardium
 Fibrous Pericardium
◦ Tough connective tissue outer layer of the sac.
◦ It fuses with the roots of the great vessels.
◦ Attached in front to the sternum by the sternopericardial ligaments
and to the central tendon of the diaphragm below.
◦ Protects the heart; anchors the heart; and prevents sudden
 Serous Pericardium
◦ Has two parts
 Parietal layer – lines inner surface the fibrous pericardium
 Visceral layer (epicardium) – adheres to the heart & forms outer layer
of the heart wall
◦ Pericardial cavity – narrow space between the two layers of serous
 contains a small amount of fluid, Pericardial fluid
 create a relatively friction-free environment for movement of the heart
◦ The parietal and visceral layers of serous pericardium are continuous at
the roots of the great vessels.
Pericardial Sinuses
 Pericardial reflection from the parietal to
 Oblique sinus – forms a recess between the
left atrium and the pericardium on the
posterior part of the heart
◦ bounded by IVC and four pulmonary veins
 Transverse sinus
◦ short passage that lies between the
reflection of serous pericardium around the
aorta and pulmonary trunk and SVC.
◦ Used for ligating large vessels during cardiac
Pericardial Sinuses
Pericardium: Blood supply and innervation
 Fibrous and Parietal pericardium
◦ Arteries – pericardiacophrenic artery from the internal thoracic a. (main).
 Musculophrenic, bronchial, esophageal, and superior phrenic arteries
◦ Veins – to pericardiacophrenic & azygos vein
◦ Nerve – Phrenic nerves (C3-C5)- primary source of sensory fibers - pain
sensations conveyed by these nerves are commonly referred to the skin
(C3-C5 dermatomes) of the ipsilateral supraclavicular region.
 Visceral pericardium
◦ Artery – coronary arteries
◦ Vein – coronary sinus
◦ Nerve – autonomic nerves of heart; not sensitive to pain
Medical Application
 Pericarditis - inflammation of the pericardium
 Is an Inflammation of the pericardium
 Usually causes chest pain
 It may also make the serous pericardium rough
 If there is pericarditis, friction of the roughened surfaces may sound like
the rustle of silk when listening with a stethoscope over the left sternal
border and upper ribs
◦ pericardial friction rub
 Pericardial effusion – collection of excess fluid in pericardial cavity
Medical Application
Cardiac tamponade
• It is heart compression because
pericardial cavity is occupied by other
than normal occupant.
• If extensive pericardial effusion exists, the
sac does not allow full expansion of the
heart, limiting the amount of blood the
heart can receive, which in turn reduces
cardiac output.
• Cardiac tamponade is a potentially lethal
condition because heart volume is
increasingly compromised.
 Pericardiocentesis - Drainage of
fluid from the pericardial cavity.
◦ puncture is at left 5th/6th
intercostal space or between
xiphoid process and left side of
infrasternal angle, needle inserted
Layers of the Heart Wall
 Composed of 3 layers (superficial to
◦ Epicardium – outer layer
 is the visceral layer of serous
◦ Myocardium – middle muscular
and thickest layer
 Layer of cardiac muscle
◦ Endocardium – inner layer
 Is endothelium (squamous
 lines the heart chambers and
covers the valves
The Heart
 slightly larger than loosely
clenched fist.
 It weighs between 250 - 350
 Lies from the 2nd rib to 5th
intercostal space
 Situated in the middle
 Placed obliquely
◦ 2/3rd of the heart lies to the left
of the midsternal line
The Heart
The Heart- surface anatomy
The heart is said to have four corners defined by four points
projected onto the anterior thoracic wall,
1. The superior right point lies where the costal cartilage of
the third rib joins the sternum.
2. The superior left point lies at the costal cartilage of the
second rib, a finger’s breadth lateral to the sternum.
3. The inferior right point lies at the costal cartilage of the
sixth rib, a finger’s breadth lateral to the sternum.
4. Finally, the inferior left point (the apex point) lies in the
fifth intercostal space at the midclavicular line—that is, at a line
extending inferiorly from the midpoint of the left clavicle.
The imaginary lines that connect these four corner points
delineate the normal size and location of the heart.
- Clinically important specially in x-ray.
The Heart
Heart- Muscular double
pump(Right and Left
The Heart
 The heart and roots of the great vessels within the pericardial sac are
related anteriorly to the sternum, costal cartilages, and anterior ends of
the 3rd - 5th ribs on the left side
 The heart has four chambers: right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle
and left ventricle.
 The atria are receiving chambers that pump blood into the ventricles
(the discharging chambers)
 The right side of the heart receives poorly oxygenated blood from the
body through the venae cavae and coronary sinus, and pumps it
through the pulmonary trunk to the lungs for oxygenation.
The Heart
 The left side of the heart receives
well oxygenated blood from the
lungs through the pulmonary veins
and pumps it into the aorta for
distribution to the body.
 The synchronous pumping actions
of the heart's two atrioventricular
(AV) pumps (right and left
chambers) constitute the cardiac
Cardiac cycle
 The cycle begins with a period of ventricular elongation and filling
(diastole) and ends with a period of ventricular shortening and
emptying (systole).
 Two heart sounds are heard with a stethoscope:
1st a lub sound as the blood is transferred from the atria into the
ventricles, and
2nd a dub sound as the ventricles expel blood from the heart.
 The heart sounds are produced by the snapping shut of the one way
valves that normally keep blood from flowing backward during
contractions of the heart.
The wall of the Heart
The wall of each heart chamber consists of
three layers:
 Endocardium- a thin internal layer or
lining membrane of the heart that also
covers its valves
 Myocardium- a thick helical middle
layer composed of cardiac muscle
 Epicardium - a thin external layer
formed by the visceral layer of serous
 The walls of the heart consist mostly of
thick myocardium, especially in the
 The cardiac muscle fibers are anchored to
the fibrous skeleton of the heart.
The fibrous skeleton of
the heart
 This is a complex framework
of dense collagen forming
four fibrous rings that
surround the orifices of the
Function of The fibrous skeleton of the heart
I. Keeps the orifices of the AV and semilunar valves patent.
II. Prevents the valves from being overly distended by an increased
volume of blood pumping through them.
III. Provides attachments for the leaflets and cusps of the valves.
IV. Provides attachment for the myocardium, which when uncoiled,
forms a continuous ventricular myocardial band.
V. Forms an electrical “insulator,” by separating the myenterically
conducted impulses of the atria and ventricles.
Heart Chambers
 The heart has four chambers
◦ Two atria
◦ Two ventricles
 The atria lie above and behind ventricles
 Upper part of each atrium has an appendage called auricle
 The chambers are internally separated by the septum
◦ Interatrial septum - Between atria
◦ Interventricular septum - Between ventricles
◦ Atrioventricular septum – between atria and ventricles
Heart Chambers: grooves
 Grooves/Sulcus
◦ indicate the boundaries of
its four chambers
◦ carry coronary vessels
 Atrioventricular groove or
coronary sulcus –separate the
atria from the ventricles
 Interventricular groove –
separate the 2 ventricles from
each other
◦ Anterior and posterior
The Heart
 Shape: pyramidal with apex, base
and 4 borders and 4 surfaces
 The apex
◦ Directed downwards, forwards
and to the left
◦ Lies in left 5th intercostal space
about 9cm away from midline,
just medial to midclavicular line
◦ Formed by inferolateral part of
left ventricle
The Heart
 The base
◦ Forms the posterior surface
◦ directs to right shoulder.
◦ At vertebral levels of T6–T9.
◦ Between bifurcation of
pulmonary trunk and coronary
◦ Formed mainly by left atrium
(2/3) and small part of right
atrium (1/3).
The Heart
 Borders
◦ Right – formed by right atrium;
in line with SVC and IVC.
◦ Left – formed mainly by left
ventricle and partly by left auricle.
◦ Inferior – formed mainly by right
ventricle; left ventricle near the
◦ Superior – slightly oblique, formed
by two atria.
Positional Abnormalities of the Heart
 Abnormal folding of the embryonic heart
may cause the position of the heart to
be completely reversed so that the apex
is directed to the right instead of the left-
 Dextrocardia is associated with mirror
image positioning of the great vessels
and the arch of the aorta.
Positional Abnormalities of the Heart
 This anomaly may be part of a
general transposition of the thoracic
and abdominal viscera Situs
 Or the transposition may affect only
the heart (isolated dextrocardia).
 In isolated dextrocardia, however, the
congenital anomaly is complicated by
severe cardiac anomalies, such as
transposition of the great arteries.
The Heart
 Surfaces
◦ Anterior (sternocostal) surface – formed mainly by right
◦ Diaphragmatic (inferior) surface
 formed by left ventricle (left 2/3) and right ventricle (right 1/3)
 Rests on central tendon of diaphragm
◦ Left pulmonary surface – formed by left ventricle
◦ Right pulmonary surface – formed by right atrium
The heart - Surfaces
 The anterior or sternocostal surface
is formed mainly by the right atrium
and right ventricle: and partly by the
left ventricle and left auricle.
 Most of the sternocostal surface is
covered by the lungs, but a part of it
that lies behind the cardiac notch of
the left lung is uncovered.
 The uncovered area is dull on
 Clinically it is referred to as the area
of superficial cardiac dullness.
Right Atrium
 Forms the right border, the sternocostal surface and base of the heart
 Receives venous blood from the body through
◦ SVC (at the level of 3rd costal cartilage)
◦ IVC (at the level of 5th costal cartilage)
◦ Coronary sinus – drains most of the venous blood from the
heart wall
 Right Auricle
◦ Ear-like muscular pouch on the upper anterior portion of the
right atrium
◦ increase the atrial capacity slightly
Right Atrium: Internal
 The interior has 3 parts
◦ smooth posterior part
(sinus venarum)
 SVC & IVC opens into it
 Coronary sinus opens
between IVC orifice and
right AV orifice
◦ Rough anterior part
(pectinate part)
 Contains muscular ridges,
pectinate muscles
◦ Right AV orifice
Right Atrium: Internal
The Smooth Posterior Part or Sinus
 1. Developmentally it is derived from
the right horn of the sinus venosus
 2. Most of the tributaries open to
this part,except the anterior cardiac
veins which open into anterior part
 1)The superior vena cava opens at
the upper end.
 (2) the inferior vena cava opens at
the lower end,opening is guarded by
rudimentary valve of inferior
venacava or eustachian valve.
Right Atrium: Internal
 Sulcus terminalis - a shallow
groove externally along right border
that runs from SVC to IVC vertically
◦ Separate the rough and smooth
parts externally
◦ internally indicated by the crista
terminalis (smooth, muscular
◦ upper end is landmark of SA node
Right Atrium: Internal
 It presents a series of transverse
muscular ridges called musculi
 They arise from the crista
terminalis and run forwards and
downwards towards the
atrioventricular orifice, giving the
appearance of the teeth of a comb.
Right Atrium: Internal
 Interatrial septum
◦ Separate the atria
◦ Has a shallow depression, fossa
 Remnant of the foramen ovale
◦ Limbus fossa ovalis: upper
margin of fossa ovalis.
Right Ventricle
 Forms
◦ Most of the anterior surface
of the heart
◦ a small part of diaphragmatic
◦ Entire inferior border
 Receive blood from right atrium
and pump into pulmonary
Right Ventricle
 Internal structure consist of two
◦ Smooth outflow part – conus
arteriosus/ infundibulum
(pulmonary trunk arise)
◦ Rough inflow part – due to
muscular ridges called
trabeculae carneae.
Right Ventricle
 Papillary muscles
◦ Conical projections arise from ventricular wall whose free ends are for
chordae tendineae.
◦ The papillary muscles begin to contract before contraction of the right
ventricle, tightening the tendinous cords and drawing the cusps
◦ Three: - Anterior
- Posterior &
- Septal
Right Ventricle
 Because the cords are attached to adjacent sides of two cusps, they
prevent separation of the cusps and their inversion when tension is
applied to the tendinous cords and maintained throughout ventricular
Thus regurgitation of blood (backward flow of blood) from the right
ventricle back into the right atrium is blocked by the valve cusps
Right Ventricle
The anterior papillary muscle:
 The largest and most prominent
of the three.
 Arises from the anterior wall of
the right ventricle.
 Its tendinous cords attach to the
anterior and posterior cusps of
the tricuspid valve.
Right Ventricle
The posterior papillary muscle:
 Smaller than the anterior muscle
 May consist of several parts
 It arises from the inferior wall of the right ventricle
 Its tendinous cords attach to the posterior and septal cusps of the
tricuspid valve.
The septal papillary muscle:
 Arises from the interventricular septum
 Its tendinous cords attach to the anterior and septal cusps of the
tricuspid valve.
Right Ventricle
 Interventricular septum
◦ Partition between ventricles
◦ Composed of membranous and muscular parts
 Membranous part – superoposterior, thin, continuous with fibrous
 Muscular part – thick, bulges to the right
- Because of the much higher blood pressure in the left ventricle, the
muscular part the IVS is two to three times as thick as the wall of the
right ventricle.
Right Ventricle
 Superiorly and posteriorly, a thin
membrane, part of the fibrous
skeleton of the heart, forms the
much smaller membranous part of
the interventricular septum.
 On the right side, the septal cusp of
the tricuspid valve is attached to
the middle of this membranous part
of the fibrous skeleton.
Right Ventricle
 Inferior to the septal cusp, the
membranous part of the fibrous
skeleton forms interventricular
 Superior to the septal cusp, the
membranous part of the fibrous
skeleton forms an
atrioventricular septum,
separating the right atrium from
the left ventricle.
Right Ventricle
Septomarginal trabecula
(moderator band)
◦ Muscular bundle runs from
interventricular septum to base of
anterior papillary muscle.
◦ Carries part of the right bundle of
the AV bundle of conducting
◦ Facilitate conduction time
allowing contraction of the
papillary muscle before
contraction of ventricle wall.
Right Ventricle
 The right atrium contracts when the right ventricle is empty and
relaxed; thus blood is forced through right AV orifice into the right
ventricle, pushing the cusps of the tricuspid valve aside like curtains.
 The inflow of blood into the right ventricle enters posteriorly; and when
the ventricle contracts, the outflow of blood into the pulmonary trunk
leaves superiorly and to the left.
Right Ventricle
 Consequently, the blood takes a U-shaped
path through the right ventricle.
 This change in direction is accommodated by
the supraventricular crest, which deflects the
incoming flow into the main cavity of the
ventricle, and the outgoing flow into the
conus arteriosus toward the pulmonary
 The inflow (AV) orifice and outflow
(pulmonary) orifice are approximately 2 cm
 The pulmonary valve at the apex of the conus
arteriosus is at the level of the left 3rd costal
cartilage. 95
Atrial Septal Defects(ASD)
 Is a congenital anomaly of the
interatrial septum, usually
incomplete closure of the Foramen
 Clinically significant ASDs vary
widely in size and location and may
occur as part of more complex
congenital heart disease.
 It allows blood to be shunted from
the left atrium through the ASD
into the right atrium
Atrial Septal Defects
 This left to right shunt of blood
overloads the pulmonary
vascular system, resulting in
hypertrophy of the right atrium
and ventricle and pulmonary
Ventricular Septal Defects(VSD)
 The membranous part of the IVS
develops separately from the muscular
 Consequently, this part is the common
site of ventricular septal defects,
although defects also occur in the
muscular part
 The much less common VSD in the
muscular part of the septum frequently
closes spontaneously during childhood
Ventricular Septal Defects
 A VSD causes a left to right shunt of
blood through the defect.
 A large shunt increases pulmonary
blood flow, which causes severe
pulmonary disease(hypertension) and
may cause cardiac failure
 (A) Atrial septal defect
 (B) ventricular septal
Left Atrium
 Forms most of the base of the
 Blood enters via four valveless
◦ 2 Right and 2 left pulmonary
veins - open through the
posterior wall.
 Thicker than right atrium
 Interior is smooth
◦ left auricle possesses muscular
Left Atrium
 In the embryo, there is only one
common pulmonary vein, just as there is
a single pulmonary trunk.
 The tubular, muscular left auricle, its
wall trabeculated with pectinate
muscles, forms the superior part of the
left border of the heart and overlaps the
root of the pulmonary trunk.
 A semilunar depression in the interatrial
septum indicates the floor of the oval
fossa ; the surrounding ridge is the valve
of the oval fossa.
Left Atrium
 Musculi pectinati are present only
in the auricle where they form a
 The septal wall shows the fossa
lunata corresponding to the fossa
ovalis of the right atrium
Left Ventricle
 Forms the apex of the heart, most of
diaphragmatic surface and left border.
 Receive blood from left atrium & pumps
into the aorta.
 3 times thicker than that of the right
 The cavity is circular and longer than
the right.
Left Ventricle
 Internal structure
 The interior is divisible into two parts:
 (i) the lower rough part with trabeculae
carneae ,develops from the primitive ventricle
of the heart tube,
 (ii) the upper smooth part or aortic vestibule
gives origin to the ascending aorta
 Trabeculae carneae are finer and more
numerous than the right.
 Papillary muscles: two; anterior and
 Smooth walled posterosuperior part – aortic
vestibule, leads to aortic orifice.
Left Ventricle
 Anterior and posterior papillary muscles that are larger than those in the
right ventricle
 A smooth-walled, non-muscular, superoanterior, outflow part, the aortic
vestibule, leading to the aortic orifice and aortic valve.
 A double-leaflet mitral valve that guards the left AV orifice.
 An aortic orifice that lies in its right posterosuperior part and is surrounded
by a fibrous ring to which the Right, Posterior, and Left cusps of the aortic
valve are attached; the ascending aorta begins at the aortic orifice.
Left Ventricle
 The mitral valve is located posterior to the sternum at the level of the 4th
costal cartilage
 The mitral valve has two cusps, anterior and posterior, each of its cusps
receives tendinous cords from more than one papillary muscle
 These muscles and their cords support the mitral valve, allowing the cusps to
resist the pressure developed during contractions of left ventricle.
 The tendinous cords become taut just before and during systole, preventing
the cusps from being forced into the left atrium
 As the bloodstream traverses the left ventricle, it undergoes two right angle
 This reversal of flow takes place around the anterior cusp of the mitral valve
Left Ventricle
Heart Valves
 Prevent backflow of blood (ensure one way flow of blood)
 Heart valves are positioned between the atria and the ventricles and
between the ventricles and the large arteries that leave the heart
 Valves open and close in response to differences in blood pressure
Heart: internal features
Atrioventricular (AV) Valves
 Located at each atrioventricular junction
◦ Right AV valve (tricuspid) – has three flexible cusps
 anterior, posterior & septal
◦ Left AV valve (bicuspid/mitral) – has two flexible cusps
 anterior and posterior
 The cusps are flaps of endocardium reinforced by connective tissue
 The chordae tendinae anchor the cusps to the papillary muscles
◦ Prevents separation and inversion of the cusps during systole
Atrioventricular (AV) Valves
 Left atrioventricular valve is known as bicuspid valve because it has two
cusp (mitral valve),resembling bishops Mitre
Atrioventricular (AV) Valves
Semilunar (SL) Valves
 They are smaller in area than the cusps of the AV valves
 The force exerted on them is less than half that exerted on the cusps of
the tricuspid and mitral valves
 Semilunar cusps do not have tendinous cords to support them
 The cusps project into the artery but are pressed toward (and not
against) its walls as blood leaves the ventricle
 After relaxation of the ventricle (diastole), the elastic recoil of the wall
of the pulmonary trunk or aorta forces the blood back toward the heart,
leading the cusps to close as they catch the reversed blood flow
Semilunar (SL) Valves
Semilunar (SL) Valves
 The cusps come together to completely close the orifice, supporting each
other as their edges abut (meet), and preventing any significant amount
of blood from returning to the ventricle.
 Immediately superior to each semilunar cusp, the walls of the origins of
the pulmonary trunk and aorta are slightly dilated, forming a sinus.
 The blood in the sinuses and the dilation of the wall prevent the cusps
from sticking to the wall of the vessel, which might prevent closure
 The mouth of the right coronary artery is in the right aortic sinus, the
mouth of the left coronary artery is in the left aortic sinus, and no artery
arises from the posterior aortic (non-coronary) sinus
Aortic Semilunar valve
 The aortic semilunar valve, between
the left ventricle and the ascending
aorta, is obliquely placed
 This valve has three cusps(posterior,
left and right)
 It is located posterior to the left side
of the sternum at the level of the 3rd
intercostal space
 Aortic semilunar valve
Pulmonary Semilunar Valves
 This valve has three
cusps(anterior, right, and left)
 Is located between right ventricle
and Pulmonary trunk posterior to
left 3rd costal cartilage.
 Pulmonary semilunar valve
Valvular Heart Disease
 Disorders involving the valves of the heart disturb the pumping
efficiency of the heart.
 Valvular heart disease produces either stenosis (narrowing) or
 Stenosis is the failure of a valve to open fully, slowing blood flow from a
 Insufficiency is failure of the valve to close completely, This allows a
variable amount of blood to flow back into the chamber it was just
ejected from.
Valvular Heart Disease
 Both stenosis and insufficiency result in an increased workload for the
 Restriction of high-pressure blood flow or passage of blood through a
narrow opening into a larger vessel or chamber produces turbulence.
 Turbulence sets up eddies(small whirlpools) that produce vibrations that
are audible as murmurs, Superficial vibratory sensations (thrills) may be
felt on the skin over an area of turbulence.
Valvular Heart Disease- TAVR/open heart surgery
Contraction and relaxation of the heart
 Cardiac cycle
◦ synchronous pumping action of the heart two pumps
◦ Diastole – ventricular elongation (relaxing) and filling with
◦ Systole – period of ventricular shortening (contraction) and
 The two atria contract together, followed by the simultaneous contraction of
the two ventricles
 Systole and diastole refers to the ventricles which are the dominant heart
Heart Sounds
 The closing of the heart valves causes heart sounds
◦ S1 - “lub”
 first heart sound
 produced by the closing of the AV valves
 occurs at the start ventricular systole
◦ S2 - “dup”
 second heart sound
 produced by the closing of the semilunar valves
 occurs during ventricular diastole/ at the end of ventricular systole
 Sounds are heard away from the valves in the direction of the blood flow
Surface markings of the valves and auscultation areas
Surface marking Auscultation area
Pulmonary (2.5
Upper border of 3rd left costal cartilage
near sternum
Sternal end of 2nd left
intercostal space
(2.5 cm)
Behind left half of sternum at the level
of medial end of 3rd intercostal space
Sternal end of 2nd right
intercostal space
(3 cm)
Behind the left half of sternum
opposite to 4th costal cartilage
5th left intercostal space
(cardiac apex) at midclavicular
(4 cm)
Behind the right half of sternum
opposite to 4th and 5th intercostal
5th left intercostal space near
sternal body
Surface markings of the valves and auscultation areas
Conducting System of the heart
 series of specialized cardiac muscle cells that
carries impulses throughout the heart
 signal them to contract rhythmically
 Components of the conducting system:
◦ Sinoatrial (SA) node
◦ Internodal fibers
◦ Atrioventricular (AV) node
◦ Atrioventricular bundle
◦ Right and left bundle branches
◦ Purkinje fibers
Conducting System of the heart
SA (Sinoatrial) node
 Located anterolaterally in the wall of the right atrium
◦ below the entrance of the SVC near superior end of crista
 Initiates and regulates the impulses for contraction
 pacemaker of the heart
 generates 70-80 impulses per minute
 Impulses from the SA node spread in a wave along the cardiac muscle
fibers of the atria signaling the atria to contract
SA (Sinoatrial) node
 The contraction signal from the SA
node spreads myogenically
through the musculature of both
 The SA node is stimulated by the
sympathetic division of the
autonomic nervous system to
accelerate the heart rate and is
inhibited by the parasympathetic
division to return to (approach) its
basal rate.
The atrioventricular (AV) node
 Is a smaller collection of nodal
tissue than the SA node.
 Located in the posteroinferior
region of the interatrial septum
near the opening of the coronary
 The signal generated by the SA
node passes through the walls of
the right atrium, and transmitted
rapidly to the AV node.
The atrioventricular (AV) node
 The AV node then distributes the signal to the ventricles through the AV
 Sympathetic stimulation speeds up conduction, and parasympathetic
stimulation slows it down
The AV bundle (bundle of hiss)
 Is the only bridge between the atrial and ventricular myocardium, passes
from the AV node through the insulating fibrous skeleton and along the
membranous part of the IVS.
 At the junction of the membranous and muscular parts of the septum, the
AV bundle divides into right and left bundles.
 These branches proceed on each side of the muscular IVS deep to the
endocardium and then ramify into subendocardial branches (Purkinje
fibers), which extend into the walls of the respective ventricles
 The subendocardial branches of the right bundle stimulate the muscle of
the IVS, the anterior papillary muscle through the septomarginal trabecula,
and the wall of the right ventricle
Innervation of the Heart
 The heart is supplied by autonomic nerve fibers from the cardiac plexus
 This plexus lies on the anterior surface of the bifurcation of the trachea,
and posterior surface of aorta and pulmonary trunk
 Fibers extend from the plexus along and to the coronary vessels and to
components of the conducting system, particularly the SA node.
 The cardiac plexus is formed of both sympathetic and parasympathetic
fibers running to the heart
Innervation of the Heart
 Sympathetic supply is from:
 Presynaptic fibers- with cell bodies in the cell columns of the superior
five or six thoracic segments of the spinal cord.
 Postsynaptic fibers- with cell bodies in the cervical and superior
thoracic paravertebral ganglia of the sympathetic trunks.
 Sympathetic stimulation:
 Increases heart rate
 Increases impulse conduction
 Increases force of contraction
 Increases blood flow through the coronary vessels to support the
increased activity
Innervation of the Heart
Innervation of the Heart
 The parasympathetic supply is from:
 Presynaptic fibers of the vagus nerves
 Postsynaptic parasympathetic cell bodies located in the atrial wall
and interatrial septum near the SA and AV nodes and along the
coronary arteries.
 Parasympathetic stimulation:
 slows the heart rate
 reduces the force of the contraction
 constricts the coronary arteries, saving energy between periods of
increased demand.
Arterial Supply of the Heart
 The coronary arteries, the first branches of the aorta, supply the
myocardium and epicardium.
 The right and left coronary arteries arise from the corresponding aortic
sinuses at the proximal part of the ascending aorta, just superior to the
aortic valve, and pass around opposite sides of the pulmonary trunk.
 The coronary arteries supply both the atria and the ventricles; however,
the atrial branches are usually small and not readily apparent in the
cadaveric heart
 The ventricular distribution of each coronary artery is not sharply
The right coronary artery (RCA)
 Arises from the right aortic sinus of the ascending aorta and passes to the
right side of the pulmonary trunk, running in the coronary groove.
 Near its origin, the RCA usually gives off an ascending sinuatrial nodal
branch, which supplies the SA node.
 The RCA then descends in the coronary groove and gives off the right
marginal branch, which supplies the right border of the heart as it runs
toward the apex of the heart.
 After giving off this branch, the RCA continues in the coronary groove to
the posterior aspect of the heart.
The right coronary artery (RCA)
 At the crux of the heart, the RCA gives rise to the
atrioventricular nodal branch, which supplies
the AV node
 The RCA gives rise to the large posterior
interventricular branch, which descends in the
posterior IV groove toward the apex of the heart.
 The posterior inter ventricular branch supplies
adjacent areas of both ventricles and sends
perforating interventricular septal branches into
the interventricular septum
 The terminal (left ventricular) branch of the RCA
then continues for a short distance in the coronary
The right coronary artery (RCA)
 Typically, the RCA supplies
 The right atrium
 Most of right ventricle
 Part of the left ventricle(diaphragmatic surface)
 Part of the IV septum(usually the posterior 1/3)
 The SA node (in approximately 60% of people)
 The AV node (in approximately 80% of people)
The left coronary artery (LCA)
 Arises from the left aortic sinus of the ascending aorta, passes between
the left auricle and the left side of the pulmonary trunk, and runs in the
coronary groove.
 As it enters the coronary groove, at the superior end of the anterior
interventricular(IV) groove, the LCA divides into two branches, the
anterior IV branch and the circumflex branch.
 The anterior IV branch passes along the IV groove to the apex of the
 Here it turns around the inferior border of the heart and commonly
anastomoses with the posterior IV branch of the right coronary artery
 The anterior IV branch supplies adjacent parts of both ventricles and, via
IV septal branches, the anterior 2/3 of the IVS
The left coronary artery (LCA)
The left coronary artery (LCA)
 In many people, the anterior IV branch gives rise to a lateral (diagonal)
branch, which descends on the anterior surface of the heart
 The smaller circumflex branch of the LCA follows the coronary groove
around the left border of the heart to the posterior surface of the heart.
 In approximately 40% of people, the SA nodal branch arises from the
circumflex branch of the LCA and ascends on the posterior surface of
the left atrium to the SA node
 The left marginal artery, a branch of the circumflex branch, follows
the left margin of the heart and supplies the left ventricle.
The left coronary artery (LCA)
 Typically, the LCA supplies:
The left atrium
Most of the left ventricle
Part of the right ventricle
Most of the IVS (usually its anterior 2/3), including AV bundle,
through its perforating IV septal branches
The SA node (in approx. 40% of people)
Variations of the Coronary Arteries
 Variations in the branching patterns, distribution & dominance of the
coronary arteries are common
 Dominance of the coronary arterial system is defined by which artery gives
rise to the posterior interventricular artery(Posterior descending artery)
 In the most common right dominant pattern, present in approximately 67%
of people.
 In approx. 15%, the LCA is dominant
 There is codominance in approx. 18%
 A few people have only a single coronary artery
 In other people, the circumflex branch arises from the right aortic sinus
 Approx. 4% have an accessory coronary artery
Coronary Collateral Circulation
 The branches of the coronary arteries are generally considered to be
end arteries.
 However, anastomoses exist between branches of the coronary,
subepicardial or myocardial, and between these arteries and
extracardiac vessels such as thoracic vessels
 Anastomoses exist between the terminations of the right and the left
coronary arteries in the coronary groove and between the IV branches
around the apex in approx. 10% of normal hearts.
Venous Drainage of the
 The heart is drained mainly by
veins that empty into the
coronary sinus and partly by
small veins that empty into the
right atrium.
The Coronary Sinus
 Coronary sinus is the main vein of the
 Is a wide venous channel that runs
from left to right in the posterior part
of the coronary groove.
 Receives the great cardiac vein at its
left end and the middle cardiac &
small cardiac veins at its right end.
 The left posterior ventricular vein and
left marginal vein also open into the
coronary sinus.
The great cardiac vein
 Is the main tributary of the coronary
 Its 1st part (anterior IV vein) begins
near the apex and ascends with the
anterior IV artery
 At the coronary groove it turns left,
and its 2nd part runs around the left
side of the heart with the circumflex
artery to reach the coronary sinus
 The great cardiac vein drains the
areas of the heart supplied by the
The middle and small cardiac veins
 The middle cardiac vein
(posterior IV vein) accompanies
the posterior interventricular artery
 A small cardiac vein
accompanies the right marginal
 Thus these two veins drain most
of the areas commonly supplied by
the RCA.
Stroke or Cerebrovascular Accident
 Thrombi (clots) form on the walls of the
left atrium in certain types of heart
 If these thrombi detach, or pieces break
off from them, they pass into the systemic
circulation and occlude peripheral arteries.
 Occlusion of an artery supplying the brain
results in a stroke or cerebrovascular
accident (CVA), which may affect vision,
cognition, or the motor function of parts
of the body previously controlled by the
now-damaged (ischemic) area of the
Coronary Artery Disease
 Coronary angiography is a
procedure that uses contrast dye,
usually containing iodine, and x ray
pictures are done to detect
blockages in the coronary arteries
that are caused by plaque buildup.
 determines the sites of narrowing
or occlusion of the coronary
arteries or their branches.
 Using coronary angiography, the coronary arteries can be visualized with coronary arteriograms .
 A long, narrow catheter is passed into the ascending aorta via the femoral artery in the inguinal region.
 Under fluoroscopic control, the tip of the catheter is placed just inside the opening of a coronary artery
 A small injection of radiopaque contrast material is made, and cineradiographs (short movie film recordings)are
taken to show the lumen of the artery and its branches, as well as any stenotic areas that may be present.
 With sudden occlusion of a major artery by an
embolus (G. embolus, plug), the region of
myocardium supplied by the occluded vessel becomes
infarcted (rendered virtually bloodless) and
undergoes necrosis (pathological tissue death).
 The three most common sites of coronary artery
occlusion and the percentage of occlusions involving
each artery are
 Anterior IV (LAD), branch of the LCA (40-50%).
 RCA (30-40%).
 Circumflex branch of the LCA (15-20%).
 An area of myocardium that has undergone necrosis constitutes a myocardial
infarction (MI).
 main cause of ischemic heart disease is coronary artery insufficiency, resulting
from atherosclerosis
 The atherosclerotic process, characterized by lipid deposits in the intima (lining
layer) of the coronary arteries, begins during early adulthood and slowly results
in stenosis of the lumina of the arteries .
 Angina Pectoris
◦ Pain that originates in the heart as
the result of ischemia of the
 Coronary Bypass Graft
◦ Bypassing site of coronary artery
◦ GSV, Radial artery commonly used
Pulmonary trunk
 It conveys deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs
 It is about 5 cm in length and 3 cm in diameter
 It is the most anterior of the cardiac vessels
 Below the aortic arch level with the T5 vertebra and to the left of
midline, it divides into right and left pulmonary arteries of almost equal
 This bifurcation lies below, in front and to the left of the tracheal
The brachiocephalic veins
 Are formed posterior to the sterno clavicular
joints by the union of the Internal jugular and
subclavian veins.
 The left brachiocephalic vein is more than
twice as long as the right vein because it
passes from the left to the right side, passing
over the anterior aspects of the roots of the
three major branches of the arch of the aorta
 At the level of the inferior border of the 1st
right costal cartilage, the brachiocephalic veins
unite to form the SVC.
The superior vena cava
 Returns blood from all structures
superior to the diaphragm,
except the lungs and heart.
 It passes inferiorly and ends at
the level of the 3rd costal
cartilage, where it enters the
right atrium of the heart.
 Lies in the right side of the
superior mediastinum,
anterolateral to the trachea and
posterolateral to the ascending
The Inferior vena cava
– BeginsanteriortotheL5 vertebraby theunion ofthe common
– ascends on the r
tsideof thebodies oftheL3-L5vertebrae and on
tpsoas major tothe r
tof theaorta.
– leavestheabdomen by passingthrough thecavalopening in the
diaphragm and entersthe thorax attheT8 vertebrallevel
 The overall length of the IVC i
s22 cm, greater than that
of the abdominal aorta
 The IVC collectspoorly oxygenated blood from the lower
limbs and non-portal blood from the abdomen and pelvis.
 Almost a
lthe blood from the digestive tracti
scollected by
the hepatic portal system and passes through the hepatic
veins to the IVC.
Great Vessels
 Aorta
◦ has 3 parts
 Ascending aorta
 Arch of aorta
 Descending aorta
Ascending aorta
 5 cm long, covered in the pericardium
 Begin behind left half of sternum at level of 3rd costal cartilage
 Ends at the level of right 2nd costal cartilage
 Has three dilations – right, left & posterior aortic sinuses
◦ right and left coronary arteries arise from right & left
aortic sinuses
Arch of aorta
 Exclusively located in the superior mediastinum
 Begin in right 2nd costal cartilage, directs upward, backward and to the
 Ends at the lower border of T4 to be continuous with the descending
 Curves above the root of lung behind left primary bronchus
 Branches
◦ Brachiocephalic trunk
 It divides in to right common carotid artery and right subclavian
◦ Left common carotid artery
◦ Left subclavian artery
Arch of aorta
The brachiocephalic trunk
 Is the first & largest branch of the arch of aorta
 Arises posterior to the manubrium, where it is anterior to the trachea
and posterior to the left brachiocephalic vein
 It ascends superolaterally to reach the right side of the trachea and the
right sterno clavicular joint, where it divides into the right common
carotid and right subclavian arteries.
The left common carotid artery
 Is the second branch of the arch of the aorta
 Arises posterior to the manubrium, slightly posterior and to the left of
the brachiocephalic trunk
 Ascends anterior to the left subclavian artery and is at first anterior to
the trachea and then to its left
 Enters the neck by passing posterior to the left sterno clavicular joint
The left subclavian artery
 Is the third branch of the arch of aorta
 Arises from posterior part of the arch of aorta, just posterior to the left
common carotid artery
 Ascends lateral to the trachea and left common carotid artery through
the superior mediastinum
 It has no branches in the mediastinum
 As it leaves the thorax and enters the root of the neck, it passes
posterior to the left SC joint
Descending Thoracic Aorta
 Continuation of the arch of aorta
 It arises in the posterior mediastinum
 Begins on the left side of the lower border
of the body of T4
 Terminates at lower border of T12 where it
passes through the aortic hiatus
 Lies posterior to the root of the left
lung pericardium, and esophagus
 Posteriorly related with vertebral column &
hemiazygos vein
Descending Thoracic Aorta
 Branches
◦ Right & left posterior intercostal arteries
for 3rd -11th intercostal spaces
◦ Right and left subcostal
◦ two left bronchial arteries
◦ esophageal arteries (to middle 1/3rd)
◦ Pericardial branches
◦ Mediastinal branches
◦ Right and left superior phrenic
Coarctation of the Aorta
 In coarctation of the aorta, the arch of the aorta or descending aorta
has an abnormal narrowing (stenosis) that diminishes the caliber of
the aortic lumen, producing an obstruction to blood flow to the inferior
part of the body
 The most common site for a coarctation is near the site of the ductus
or ligamentum arteriosum.
Coarctation of the Aorta
 When the coarctation is post ductal , a good collateral circulation
usually develops between the proximal and distal parts of the aorta
through the intercostal and internal thoracic arteries
 Postductal coarctation is compatible with many years of life because
the collateral circulation carries blood to the thoracic aorta inferior to
the stenosis.
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Anatomy of CVS.pptx

  • 1. Bereket s (Msc in medical Anatomy)
  • 2. Cardiovascular system  Cardiovascular system is the transport system of the body, through which the nutrients are conveyed to places where these are utilized, and the metabolites (waste products) are conveyed to appropriate places from where these are expelled.  The conveying medium is a liquid tissue, the blood, which flows in tubular channels ,called blood vessels.  The circulation is maintained by the central pumping organ ,called the heart.
  • 3. COMPONENTS  1.Heart- It is a four-chambered muscular organ which pumps blood to various parts of the body.  Each half of the heart has a receiving chamber called atrium, and a pumping chamber called ventricle.  2.Arteries- These are distributing channels, which carry blood away from the heart.  (a) They branch like trees on their way to different parts of the body.  The minute branches which are just visible to naked eye are called arterioles. 3. Veins: These are draining channels which carry blood from different parts of the body back to the heart.  The small veins (venules) join together to form larger veins, which in turn unite to form great veins called venae cavae
  • 4. Capillaries  These are networks of microscopic vessels which connect arterioles with the venules.  Types of capillary  Capillaries have structural variations to permit different levels of metabolic exchange between blood and surrounding tissues.  They can be grouped into three types, depending on ➯ structure of endothelial cells. ➯ absence / presence (continuity) of basal laminae. 
  • 5. Continuous/somatic capillaries Figure 19.3a They are found in all types of muscle tissue, connective tissue, exocrine glands, and nervous tissue
  • 6. Fenestrated (visceral) capillaries  Fenestrated (visceral) capillaries with diaphragms I.Presence of large fenestrae (Ø = 60-80 nm) and are closed by a diaphragm. II.Have a continuous basal lamina. III.Encountered in tissues where rapid interchange of substances occurs between tissues and the blood ◦ ➯ kidney, pancreas, intestine, synovial membrane & endocrine glands.
  • 7. Fenestrated (visceral) capillaries  Fenestrated (visceral) capillaries without diaphragms I.No diaphragms present to close the openings. II.Very thick basal lamina separates the endothelium from the overlying epithelial cells (podocytes). III.Characteristic of renal glomerulus.
  • 9. Sinusoidal (discontinuous) capillaries  Sinusoidal (discontinuous) capillaries ➯ permeability barrier is lacking. I.have tortuous path and ↑↑ Ø (30-40 μm) ➯ slows blood circulation. II.endothelial wall = discontinuous with multiple fenestrations without diaphragms (basal lamina is discontinuous or is almost completely absent). III.pericytes only occur occasionally. IV.macrophages are located among or outside the cells of the endothelium. V.found mainly in the liver, hypophysis, hemopoietic organs (bone marrow, spleen…), lymph nodes and adrenal cortex.
  • 11.
  • 12. Three-dimensional representation of the structure of a capillary with fenestrae in its wall. The transverse section shows that, in this example, the capillary wall is formed by two endothelial cells. Note the basal lamina surrounding endothelial cells. Three-dimensional representation of the structure of a capillary with fenestrae in its wall. The transverse section shows that, in this example, the capillary wall is formed by two endothelial cells. Note the basal lamina surrounding endothelial cells. criteria for classification ➯ structure of endothelial cells. ➯ absence / presence (continuity) of basal laminae.
  • 13.  These come in intimate contact with the tissues for a free exchange of nutrients and metabolites across their walls between the blood and the tissue fluid.  Capillaries are replaced by sinusoids in certain organs, like liver and spleen.
  • 14.
  • 15. ANASTOMOSIS  A precapillary or post capillary communication between the neighbouring vessels is called anastomosis  Circulation through the anastomosis is called collateral circulation. Types-  A. Arterial anastomoses,  B. Venous anastomoses,  C. Arteriovenous anastomosis (shunt)
  • 16. A. Arterial anastomosis  Is the communication between the arteries, or branches of arteries  It may be actual or potential  1. In actual arterial anastomosis - the arteries meet end to end. For example, palmar arches, plantar arch, circle of Willis, intestinal arcades, labial branches of facial arteries.  2. In potential arterial anastomosis - the communication takes place between the terminal arterioles.  This is called 'Potential' as it may develop slowly and be established when circulation fails through one of the arteries.  The examples are seen in the coronary arteries and the cortical branches of cerebral arteries, etc.
  • 17.  B. Venous anastomosis is the communication between the veins or tributaries of veins.  For example, the dorsal venous arches of the hand and foot
  • 18.  C. Arteriovenous anastomosis (shunt) is the communication between an artery and a vein
  • 19. Porto-systemic anastomosis  Porto-systemic anastomosis also known as portocaval anastomosis is the collateral communication between the portal and the systemic venous system.  The portal venous system transmits deoxygenated blood from most of the gastrointestinal tract and gastrointestinal organs to the liver via Portal vein.  When there is a blockage of the portal system, portocaval anastomosis enable the blood to still reach the systemic venous circulation.  Even though this is useful, bypassing the liver may be dangerous, since it is the main organ in charge for detoxication and breaking down of substances found in the gastrointestinal tract, such as mediactions but the poisons as well.
  • 20. Porto-systemic anastomosis  The various anastomoses and the sites in which they occur are described below: 1. The anastomosis between the left gastric veins, which are portal veins, and the lower branches of oesophageal veins that drain into the azygos and hemiazygos veins, which are systemic veins.  The site of this anastomosis is the lower oesophagus. 2. The anastomosis between the superior rectal veins, which are portal veins, and the inferior and middle rectal veins, which are systemic veins.  The site of this anastomosis is the upper part of the anal canal. 3. The anastomosis between the paraumbilical veins, which run in the ligamentum teres as portal veins, and small epigastric veins, which are systemic veins.  The site of this anastomosis is the umbilicus. 4. The anastomosis between omental and colonic veins (portal veins) with the retroperitoneal veins (systemic veins) in the region of hepatic and splenic flexure.
  • 21. Clinical anatomy  Portal hypertension  This is increase in blood pressure in the veins of the portal system.  It is caused by blockage in the veins of the liver due to pathological conditions such as liver cirrhosis and the inability of the blood to flow through.  Signs and symptoms are varicose veins on the abdominal wall called caput medusae, oesophageal varices, enlargement of the spleen, accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • 22. Types of Circulation of Blood  Systemic (greater) circulation: The blood flows from the left ventricle, through various parts of the body to the right atrium, i.e. from the left to the right side of the heart
  • 23.  Pulmonary (lesser) circulation: The blood flows from the right ventricle, through the lungs, to the left atrium, i.e. from the right to the left side of the heart.
  • 24. Portal Circulation/Systems  Portal circulation: It is a part of systemic circulation, which has the following characteristics  The blood passes through two sets of capillaries before draining into a systemic vein  As a rule, capillary networks are interspersed between terminal ramifications of arterial and venous systems.  This arrangement is modified to meet special functional requirements.  Blood from one capillary bed flows into a larger vessel, having the histological characteristics of a vein and this vessel later ramifies into capillaries so that the blood flows through a second capillary network before returning to the heart.
  • 25. Portal Circulation/Systems  Examples: hepatic portal circulation, hypothalamo hypophyseal portal circulation ,and renal portal circulation. Arterial portal system: kidney glomerulus Venous portal system: Hepatic Portal System, Hypophyseoportal System
  • 26. ARTERIES  1. Arteries are thick-walled, being uniformly thicker than the accompanying veins, except for the arteries within the cranium and vertebral canal where these are thin.  2.Arteries have no valves
  • 27. Classification of arteries based on their diameter - Large or elastic arteries; - Medium (or muscular or distributive) arteries; and - Small arteries or arterioles, which are less than 0.5 mm in diameter.
  • 28. A characteristic feature of arteries • Is a well-defined lumen, rounded or oval, maintained by the muscularity of the vessel wall. • The largest arteries, such as the aorta and its larger branches, have a tunica media dominated by elastic tissue. • Most arteries are muscular arteries, with a media dominated by smooth muscle. But elastin is also a substantial component.
  • 29. Types of Arteries and Structure  Large arteries of elastic type, e.g. aorta and its main branches (brachiocephalic, common carotid, subclavian and common iliac) and the pulmonary arteries.  Medium and small arteries of muscular type, e.g. temporal, occipital, radial, popliteal, etc.  Smallest arteries of muscular type are called arterioles.  The side branches from terminal arterioles are called met arterioles
  • 30. END-ARTERIES  Arteries which do not anastomose with their neighbours are called end arteries  Examples:  1. Central artery of retina and labyrinthine artery of internal ear are the best examples of an absolute end arteries.  2. Arteries of spleen, kidney, lungs and metaphysis of long bones.  Importance-Occlusion of an end-artery causes serious nutritional disturbances resulting in death of the tissue supplied by it. For example, occlusion of central artery of retina results in blindness.
  • 31. Blood Supply of Arteries  The large arteries (of more than 1 mm diameter) are supplied with blood vessels.  The nutrient vessels, called vasa vasorum, form a dense capillary network in the tunica adventitia, and supply the adventitia and the outer part of tunica media.  Minute veins accompanying the arteries drain the blood from the outer part of arterial wall.
  • 32. Nerve Supply of Arteries  The nerves supplying an artery are called nervi vascularis.  The nerves are mostly non-myelinated sympathetic fibres which are vasoconstrictor in function. Vasodilator innervation is restricted to the following sites.  The skeletal muscle vessels are dilated by cholinergic sympathetic nerves.  The exocrine gland vessels are dilated on parasympathetic stimulation.
  • 33. VEINS  1. Veins are thin-walled, being thinner than the arteries  2. Their lumen is larger than that of the accompanying arteries  3. Veins have valves which maintain the unidirectional flow of blood, even against gravity  4. The muscular and elastic tissue content of the venous walls is much less than that of the arteries
  • 34.  Large veins have dead space around them for their dilatation during increased venous return
  • 35.
  • 36. Blood and Nerve Supply of Veins  The larger veins, like the arteries, are supplied with nutrient vessels called vasa vasorum  Nerves also are distributed to the veins in the same manner as to the arteries, but are fewer in number.
  • 37. Factors Helping in Venous Return  Negative intrathoracic pressure sucks the blood into the heart from all over the body.  Gravity helps venous return in the upper part of the body.  Arterial pulsations press on the venae comitantes intermittently and drive the venous blood towards the heart.
  • 38.  Muscular contractions press on the veins and form a very effective mechanism of venous return The calf muscles (soleus) for this reason are known as the peripheral heart. Thus the muscle pumps are important factors in the venous return.
  • 39. Clinical Anatomy  The blood pressure is the arterial pressure exerted by the blood on the arterial walls.  The maximum pressure during ventricular systole is called systolic pressure; the minimum pressure during ventricular diastole is called diastolic pressure.  Normally, the blood pressure is roughly 120/80 mm Hg, the systolic pressure ranging from 110-130, and the diastolic pressure from 70-80.
  • 40. Clinical Anatomy  Atheroma:- are patchy changes developed in the tunica intima of arteries due to accumulation of cholesterol and other lipid compounds  Aneurysm:- is the swelling or dilation of blood vessels where part of the wall of artery inflates like a balloon. Due to its likelihood to burst, it poses a serious risk to health  Varicose veins:- When the vein wall is subjected to increased pressure over long time, there is atrophy of muscle and elastic tissue with fibrous replacement. This leads to stretching of the vein with tortuosity and localized bulging.
  • 42.
  • 44. The Mediastinum  Area between the two lungs and pleural cavities  Divided by transverse thoracic plane (passing through sternal angle & T4/5) into: ◦ Superior mediastinum: ◦ Inferior mediastinum is subdivided in to 3 parts by the pericardium.  Anterior mediastinum  Middle mediastinum  Posterior mediastinum
  • 45. Anterior mediastinum  Narrow space in front of the pericardium and behind the body of sternum  Contents ◦ Thymus (lower part) ◦ Sternopericardial ligaments ◦ Parasternal lymph nodes ◦ Transverse thoracis muscle
  • 46. Middle mediastinum  The pericardium and its contents (heart and roots of its great vessels)  Boundary ◦ superior - imaginary line ◦ Inferior- diaphragm (where the pericardium rests) ◦ Right and left lateral – corresponding Mediastinal surfaces of pleura ◦ Anterior – anterior mediastinum and part of pleura ◦ Posterior – posterior mediastinum  Contents ◦ The heart and the pericardium ◦ Great vessels – SVC, IVC, Pulmonary trunk & veins, part of aorta, parts of the phrenic nerve
  • 47. Pericardium  Fibroserous sac that encloses the heart and the roots of the great vessels.  It has 2 layers ◦ Fibrous pericardium ◦ Serous pericardium  Fibrous Pericardium ◦ Tough connective tissue outer layer of the sac. ◦ It fuses with the roots of the great vessels. ◦ Attached in front to the sternum by the sternopericardial ligaments and to the central tendon of the diaphragm below. ◦ Protects the heart; anchors the heart; and prevents sudden overfilling.
  • 49. Pericardium  Serous Pericardium ◦ Has two parts  Parietal layer – lines inner surface the fibrous pericardium  Visceral layer (epicardium) – adheres to the heart & forms outer layer of the heart wall ◦ Pericardial cavity – narrow space between the two layers of serous pericardium  contains a small amount of fluid, Pericardial fluid  create a relatively friction-free environment for movement of the heart ◦ The parietal and visceral layers of serous pericardium are continuous at the roots of the great vessels.
  • 50. Pericardial Sinuses  Pericardial reflection from the parietal to visceral  Oblique sinus – forms a recess between the left atrium and the pericardium on the posterior part of the heart ◦ bounded by IVC and four pulmonary veins  Transverse sinus ◦ short passage that lies between the reflection of serous pericardium around the aorta and pulmonary trunk and SVC. ◦ Used for ligating large vessels during cardiac surgery.
  • 52. Pericardium: Blood supply and innervation  Fibrous and Parietal pericardium ◦ Arteries – pericardiacophrenic artery from the internal thoracic a. (main).  Musculophrenic, bronchial, esophageal, and superior phrenic arteries ◦ Veins – to pericardiacophrenic & azygos vein ◦ Nerve – Phrenic nerves (C3-C5)- primary source of sensory fibers - pain sensations conveyed by these nerves are commonly referred to the skin (C3-C5 dermatomes) of the ipsilateral supraclavicular region.  Visceral pericardium ◦ Artery – coronary arteries ◦ Vein – coronary sinus ◦ Nerve – autonomic nerves of heart; not sensitive to pain
  • 53. Medical Application  Pericarditis - inflammation of the pericardium  Is an Inflammation of the pericardium  Usually causes chest pain  It may also make the serous pericardium rough  If there is pericarditis, friction of the roughened surfaces may sound like the rustle of silk when listening with a stethoscope over the left sternal border and upper ribs ◦ pericardial friction rub  Pericardial effusion – collection of excess fluid in pericardial cavity
  • 54. Medical Application Cardiac tamponade • It is heart compression because pericardial cavity is occupied by other than normal occupant. • If extensive pericardial effusion exists, the sac does not allow full expansion of the heart, limiting the amount of blood the heart can receive, which in turn reduces cardiac output. • Cardiac tamponade is a potentially lethal condition because heart volume is increasingly compromised.  Pericardiocentesis - Drainage of fluid from the pericardial cavity. ◦ puncture is at left 5th/6th intercostal space or between xiphoid process and left side of infrasternal angle, needle inserted superoposteriorly.
  • 55. Layers of the Heart Wall  Composed of 3 layers (superficial to deep) ◦ Epicardium – outer layer  is the visceral layer of serous pericardium. ◦ Myocardium – middle muscular and thickest layer  Layer of cardiac muscle ◦ Endocardium – inner layer  Is endothelium (squamous epithelium)  lines the heart chambers and covers the valves
  • 56. The Heart  slightly larger than loosely clenched fist.  It weighs between 250 - 350 grams.  Lies from the 2nd rib to 5th intercostal space  Situated in the middle mediastinum.  Placed obliquely ◦ 2/3rd of the heart lies to the left of the midsternal line
  • 58. The Heart- surface anatomy The heart is said to have four corners defined by four points projected onto the anterior thoracic wall, 1. The superior right point lies where the costal cartilage of the third rib joins the sternum. 2. The superior left point lies at the costal cartilage of the second rib, a finger’s breadth lateral to the sternum. 3. The inferior right point lies at the costal cartilage of the sixth rib, a finger’s breadth lateral to the sternum. 4. Finally, the inferior left point (the apex point) lies in the fifth intercostal space at the midclavicular line—that is, at a line extending inferiorly from the midpoint of the left clavicle. The imaginary lines that connect these four corner points delineate the normal size and location of the heart. - Clinically important specially in x-ray.
  • 59. The Heart Heart- Muscular double pump(Right and Left pump).
  • 60. The Heart  The heart and roots of the great vessels within the pericardial sac are related anteriorly to the sternum, costal cartilages, and anterior ends of the 3rd - 5th ribs on the left side  The heart has four chambers: right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle and left ventricle.  The atria are receiving chambers that pump blood into the ventricles (the discharging chambers)  The right side of the heart receives poorly oxygenated blood from the body through the venae cavae and coronary sinus, and pumps it through the pulmonary trunk to the lungs for oxygenation. 62
  • 61. The Heart  The left side of the heart receives well oxygenated blood from the lungs through the pulmonary veins and pumps it into the aorta for distribution to the body.  The synchronous pumping actions of the heart's two atrioventricular (AV) pumps (right and left chambers) constitute the cardiac cycle 63
  • 62. Cardiac cycle  The cycle begins with a period of ventricular elongation and filling (diastole) and ends with a period of ventricular shortening and emptying (systole).  Two heart sounds are heard with a stethoscope: 1st a lub sound as the blood is transferred from the atria into the ventricles, and 2nd a dub sound as the ventricles expel blood from the heart.  The heart sounds are produced by the snapping shut of the one way valves that normally keep blood from flowing backward during contractions of the heart. 64
  • 63. The wall of the Heart The wall of each heart chamber consists of three layers:  Endocardium- a thin internal layer or lining membrane of the heart that also covers its valves  Myocardium- a thick helical middle layer composed of cardiac muscle  Epicardium - a thin external layer formed by the visceral layer of serous pericardium  The walls of the heart consist mostly of thick myocardium, especially in the ventricles.  The cardiac muscle fibers are anchored to the fibrous skeleton of the heart. 65
  • 64. The fibrous skeleton of the heart  This is a complex framework of dense collagen forming four fibrous rings that surround the orifices of the valves. 66
  • 65. Function of The fibrous skeleton of the heart I. Keeps the orifices of the AV and semilunar valves patent. II. Prevents the valves from being overly distended by an increased volume of blood pumping through them. III. Provides attachments for the leaflets and cusps of the valves. IV. Provides attachment for the myocardium, which when uncoiled, forms a continuous ventricular myocardial band. V. Forms an electrical “insulator,” by separating the myenterically conducted impulses of the atria and ventricles. 67
  • 66. Heart Chambers  The heart has four chambers ◦ Two atria ◦ Two ventricles  The atria lie above and behind ventricles  Upper part of each atrium has an appendage called auricle  The chambers are internally separated by the septum ◦ Interatrial septum - Between atria ◦ Interventricular septum - Between ventricles ◦ Atrioventricular septum – between atria and ventricles
  • 67. Heart Chambers: grooves  Grooves/Sulcus ◦ indicate the boundaries of its four chambers externally ◦ carry coronary vessels  Atrioventricular groove or coronary sulcus –separate the atria from the ventricles  Interventricular groove – separate the 2 ventricles from each other ◦ Anterior and posterior
  • 68. The Heart  Shape: pyramidal with apex, base and 4 borders and 4 surfaces  The apex ◦ Directed downwards, forwards and to the left ◦ Lies in left 5th intercostal space about 9cm away from midline, just medial to midclavicular line ◦ Formed by inferolateral part of left ventricle
  • 69. The Heart  The base ◦ Forms the posterior surface ◦ directs to right shoulder. ◦ At vertebral levels of T6–T9. ◦ Between bifurcation of pulmonary trunk and coronary groove. ◦ Formed mainly by left atrium (2/3) and small part of right atrium (1/3).
  • 70. The Heart  Borders ◦ Right – formed by right atrium; in line with SVC and IVC. ◦ Left – formed mainly by left ventricle and partly by left auricle. ◦ Inferior – formed mainly by right ventricle; left ventricle near the apex. ◦ Superior – slightly oblique, formed by two atria.
  • 71. Positional Abnormalities of the Heart  Abnormal folding of the embryonic heart may cause the position of the heart to be completely reversed so that the apex is directed to the right instead of the left- Dextrocardia.  Dextrocardia is associated with mirror image positioning of the great vessels and the arch of the aorta. 73
  • 72. Positional Abnormalities of the Heart  This anomaly may be part of a general transposition of the thoracic and abdominal viscera Situs inversus  Or the transposition may affect only the heart (isolated dextrocardia).  In isolated dextrocardia, however, the congenital anomaly is complicated by severe cardiac anomalies, such as transposition of the great arteries. 74
  • 73. The Heart  Surfaces ◦ Anterior (sternocostal) surface – formed mainly by right ventricle ◦ Diaphragmatic (inferior) surface  formed by left ventricle (left 2/3) and right ventricle (right 1/3)  Rests on central tendon of diaphragm ◦ Left pulmonary surface – formed by left ventricle ◦ Right pulmonary surface – formed by right atrium
  • 74. The heart - Surfaces  The anterior or sternocostal surface is formed mainly by the right atrium and right ventricle: and partly by the left ventricle and left auricle.  Most of the sternocostal surface is covered by the lungs, but a part of it that lies behind the cardiac notch of the left lung is uncovered.  The uncovered area is dull on percussion.  Clinically it is referred to as the area of superficial cardiac dullness.
  • 75. Right Atrium  Forms the right border, the sternocostal surface and base of the heart  Receives venous blood from the body through ◦ SVC (at the level of 3rd costal cartilage) ◦ IVC (at the level of 5th costal cartilage) ◦ Coronary sinus – drains most of the venous blood from the heart wall  Right Auricle ◦ Ear-like muscular pouch on the upper anterior portion of the right atrium ◦ increase the atrial capacity slightly
  • 76. Right Atrium: Internal features  The interior has 3 parts ◦ smooth posterior part (sinus venarum)  SVC & IVC opens into it  Coronary sinus opens between IVC orifice and right AV orifice ◦ Rough anterior part (pectinate part)  Contains muscular ridges, pectinate muscles ◦ Right AV orifice
  • 77. Right Atrium: Internal features The Smooth Posterior Part or Sinus Venarum  1. Developmentally it is derived from the right horn of the sinus venosus  2. Most of the tributaries open to this part,except the anterior cardiac veins which open into anterior part  1)The superior vena cava opens at the upper end.  (2) the inferior vena cava opens at the lower end,opening is guarded by rudimentary valve of inferior venacava or eustachian valve.
  • 78. Right Atrium: Internal features  Sulcus terminalis - a shallow groove externally along right border that runs from SVC to IVC vertically ◦ Separate the rough and smooth parts externally ◦ internally indicated by the crista terminalis (smooth, muscular ridge) ◦ upper end is landmark of SA node
  • 79. Right Atrium: Internal features  It presents a series of transverse muscular ridges called musculi pectinati.  They arise from the crista terminalis and run forwards and downwards towards the atrioventricular orifice, giving the appearance of the teeth of a comb.
  • 80. Right Atrium: Internal features  Interatrial septum ◦ Separate the atria ◦ Has a shallow depression, fossa ovalis  Remnant of the foramen ovale ◦ Limbus fossa ovalis: upper margin of fossa ovalis.
  • 81. Right Ventricle  Forms ◦ Most of the anterior surface of the heart ◦ a small part of diaphragmatic surface ◦ Entire inferior border  Receive blood from right atrium and pump into pulmonary trunk.
  • 82. Right Ventricle  Internal structure consist of two parts ◦ Smooth outflow part – conus arteriosus/ infundibulum (pulmonary trunk arise) ◦ Rough inflow part – due to muscular ridges called trabeculae carneae.
  • 83. Right Ventricle  Papillary muscles ◦ Conical projections arise from ventricular wall whose free ends are for chordae tendineae. ◦ The papillary muscles begin to contract before contraction of the right ventricle, tightening the tendinous cords and drawing the cusps together. ◦ Three: - Anterior - Posterior & - Septal
  • 84. Right Ventricle  Because the cords are attached to adjacent sides of two cusps, they prevent separation of the cusps and their inversion when tension is applied to the tendinous cords and maintained throughout ventricular contraction Thus regurgitation of blood (backward flow of blood) from the right ventricle back into the right atrium is blocked by the valve cusps
  • 85. Right Ventricle The anterior papillary muscle:  The largest and most prominent of the three.  Arises from the anterior wall of the right ventricle.  Its tendinous cords attach to the anterior and posterior cusps of the tricuspid valve. 87
  • 86. Right Ventricle The posterior papillary muscle:  Smaller than the anterior muscle  May consist of several parts  It arises from the inferior wall of the right ventricle  Its tendinous cords attach to the posterior and septal cusps of the tricuspid valve. The septal papillary muscle:  Arises from the interventricular septum  Its tendinous cords attach to the anterior and septal cusps of the tricuspid valve. 88
  • 87. 89
  • 88. Right Ventricle  Interventricular septum ◦ Partition between ventricles ◦ Composed of membranous and muscular parts  Membranous part – superoposterior, thin, continuous with fibrous skeleton  Muscular part – thick, bulges to the right - Because of the much higher blood pressure in the left ventricle, the muscular part the IVS is two to three times as thick as the wall of the right ventricle.
  • 89. Right Ventricle  Superiorly and posteriorly, a thin membrane, part of the fibrous skeleton of the heart, forms the much smaller membranous part of the interventricular septum.  On the right side, the septal cusp of the tricuspid valve is attached to the middle of this membranous part of the fibrous skeleton. 91
  • 90. Right Ventricle  Inferior to the septal cusp, the membranous part of the fibrous skeleton forms interventricular septum.  Superior to the septal cusp, the membranous part of the fibrous skeleton forms an atrioventricular septum, separating the right atrium from the left ventricle. 92
  • 91. Right Ventricle Septomarginal trabecula (moderator band) ◦ Muscular bundle runs from interventricular septum to base of anterior papillary muscle. ◦ Carries part of the right bundle of the AV bundle of conducting system. ◦ Facilitate conduction time allowing contraction of the papillary muscle before contraction of ventricle wall.
  • 92. Right Ventricle  The right atrium contracts when the right ventricle is empty and relaxed; thus blood is forced through right AV orifice into the right ventricle, pushing the cusps of the tricuspid valve aside like curtains.  The inflow of blood into the right ventricle enters posteriorly; and when the ventricle contracts, the outflow of blood into the pulmonary trunk leaves superiorly and to the left. 94
  • 93. Right Ventricle  Consequently, the blood takes a U-shaped path through the right ventricle.  This change in direction is accommodated by the supraventricular crest, which deflects the incoming flow into the main cavity of the ventricle, and the outgoing flow into the conus arteriosus toward the pulmonary orifice.  The inflow (AV) orifice and outflow (pulmonary) orifice are approximately 2 cm apart.  The pulmonary valve at the apex of the conus arteriosus is at the level of the left 3rd costal cartilage. 95
  • 94. Atrial Septal Defects(ASD)  Is a congenital anomaly of the interatrial septum, usually incomplete closure of the Foramen ovale.  Clinically significant ASDs vary widely in size and location and may occur as part of more complex congenital heart disease.  It allows blood to be shunted from the left atrium through the ASD into the right atrium 96
  • 95. Atrial Septal Defects  This left to right shunt of blood overloads the pulmonary vascular system, resulting in hypertrophy of the right atrium and ventricle and pulmonary arteries. 97
  • 96. Ventricular Septal Defects(VSD)  The membranous part of the IVS develops separately from the muscular part.  Consequently, this part is the common site of ventricular septal defects, although defects also occur in the muscular part  The much less common VSD in the muscular part of the septum frequently closes spontaneously during childhood 98
  • 97. Ventricular Septal Defects  A VSD causes a left to right shunt of blood through the defect.  A large shunt increases pulmonary blood flow, which causes severe pulmonary disease(hypertension) and may cause cardiac failure 99
  • 98.  (A) Atrial septal defect  (B) ventricular septal defect 100
  • 99. Left Atrium  Forms most of the base of the heart.  Blood enters via four valveless veins ◦ 2 Right and 2 left pulmonary veins - open through the posterior wall.  Thicker than right atrium  Interior is smooth ◦ left auricle possesses muscular ridges.
  • 100. Left Atrium  In the embryo, there is only one common pulmonary vein, just as there is a single pulmonary trunk.  The tubular, muscular left auricle, its wall trabeculated with pectinate muscles, forms the superior part of the left border of the heart and overlaps the root of the pulmonary trunk.  A semilunar depression in the interatrial septum indicates the floor of the oval fossa ; the surrounding ridge is the valve of the oval fossa.
  • 101. Left Atrium  Musculi pectinati are present only in the auricle where they form a reticulum.  The septal wall shows the fossa lunata corresponding to the fossa ovalis of the right atrium
  • 102. Left Ventricle  Forms the apex of the heart, most of diaphragmatic surface and left border.  Receive blood from left atrium & pumps into the aorta.  3 times thicker than that of the right ventricle  The cavity is circular and longer than the right.
  • 103. Left Ventricle  Internal structure  The interior is divisible into two parts:  (i) the lower rough part with trabeculae carneae ,develops from the primitive ventricle of the heart tube,  (ii) the upper smooth part or aortic vestibule gives origin to the ascending aorta  Trabeculae carneae are finer and more numerous than the right.  Papillary muscles: two; anterior and posterior  Smooth walled posterosuperior part – aortic vestibule, leads to aortic orifice.
  • 104. Left Ventricle  Anterior and posterior papillary muscles that are larger than those in the right ventricle  A smooth-walled, non-muscular, superoanterior, outflow part, the aortic vestibule, leading to the aortic orifice and aortic valve.  A double-leaflet mitral valve that guards the left AV orifice.  An aortic orifice that lies in its right posterosuperior part and is surrounded by a fibrous ring to which the Right, Posterior, and Left cusps of the aortic valve are attached; the ascending aorta begins at the aortic orifice. 106
  • 105. Left Ventricle  The mitral valve is located posterior to the sternum at the level of the 4th costal cartilage  The mitral valve has two cusps, anterior and posterior, each of its cusps receives tendinous cords from more than one papillary muscle  These muscles and their cords support the mitral valve, allowing the cusps to resist the pressure developed during contractions of left ventricle.  The tendinous cords become taut just before and during systole, preventing the cusps from being forced into the left atrium  As the bloodstream traverses the left ventricle, it undergoes two right angle turns  This reversal of flow takes place around the anterior cusp of the mitral valve 107
  • 107. Heart Valves  Prevent backflow of blood (ensure one way flow of blood)  Heart valves are positioned between the atria and the ventricles and between the ventricles and the large arteries that leave the heart  Valves open and close in response to differences in blood pressure
  • 109. Atrioventricular (AV) Valves  Located at each atrioventricular junction ◦ Right AV valve (tricuspid) – has three flexible cusps  anterior, posterior & septal ◦ Left AV valve (bicuspid/mitral) – has two flexible cusps  anterior and posterior  The cusps are flaps of endocardium reinforced by connective tissue  The chordae tendinae anchor the cusps to the papillary muscles ◦ Prevents separation and inversion of the cusps during systole
  • 110. Atrioventricular (AV) Valves  Left atrioventricular valve is known as bicuspid valve because it has two cusp (mitral valve),resembling bishops Mitre
  • 112. Semilunar (SL) Valves  They are smaller in area than the cusps of the AV valves  The force exerted on them is less than half that exerted on the cusps of the tricuspid and mitral valves  Semilunar cusps do not have tendinous cords to support them  The cusps project into the artery but are pressed toward (and not against) its walls as blood leaves the ventricle  After relaxation of the ventricle (diastole), the elastic recoil of the wall of the pulmonary trunk or aorta forces the blood back toward the heart, leading the cusps to close as they catch the reversed blood flow 114
  • 114. Semilunar (SL) Valves  The cusps come together to completely close the orifice, supporting each other as their edges abut (meet), and preventing any significant amount of blood from returning to the ventricle.  Immediately superior to each semilunar cusp, the walls of the origins of the pulmonary trunk and aorta are slightly dilated, forming a sinus.  The blood in the sinuses and the dilation of the wall prevent the cusps from sticking to the wall of the vessel, which might prevent closure  The mouth of the right coronary artery is in the right aortic sinus, the mouth of the left coronary artery is in the left aortic sinus, and no artery arises from the posterior aortic (non-coronary) sinus 116
  • 115. 117
  • 116. Aortic Semilunar valve  The aortic semilunar valve, between the left ventricle and the ascending aorta, is obliquely placed  This valve has three cusps(posterior, left and right)  It is located posterior to the left side of the sternum at the level of the 3rd intercostal space 118  Aortic semilunar valve
  • 117. Pulmonary Semilunar Valves  This valve has three cusps(anterior, right, and left)  Is located between right ventricle and Pulmonary trunk posterior to left 3rd costal cartilage. 119  Pulmonary semilunar valve
  • 118. Valvular Heart Disease  Disorders involving the valves of the heart disturb the pumping efficiency of the heart.  Valvular heart disease produces either stenosis (narrowing) or insufficiency  Stenosis is the failure of a valve to open fully, slowing blood flow from a chamber  Insufficiency is failure of the valve to close completely, This allows a variable amount of blood to flow back into the chamber it was just ejected from. 120
  • 119. Valvular Heart Disease  Both stenosis and insufficiency result in an increased workload for the heart.  Restriction of high-pressure blood flow or passage of blood through a narrow opening into a larger vessel or chamber produces turbulence.  Turbulence sets up eddies(small whirlpools) that produce vibrations that are audible as murmurs, Superficial vibratory sensations (thrills) may be felt on the skin over an area of turbulence. 121
  • 120. Valvular Heart Disease- TAVR/open heart surgery
  • 121. Contraction and relaxation of the heart  Cardiac cycle ◦ synchronous pumping action of the heart two pumps ◦ Diastole – ventricular elongation (relaxing) and filling with blood ◦ Systole – period of ventricular shortening (contraction) and emptying  The two atria contract together, followed by the simultaneous contraction of the two ventricles  Systole and diastole refers to the ventricles which are the dominant heart chambers
  • 122. Heart Sounds  The closing of the heart valves causes heart sounds ◦ S1 - “lub”  first heart sound  produced by the closing of the AV valves  occurs at the start ventricular systole ◦ S2 - “dup”  second heart sound  produced by the closing of the semilunar valves  occurs during ventricular diastole/ at the end of ventricular systole  Sounds are heard away from the valves in the direction of the blood flow
  • 123. Surface markings of the valves and auscultation areas Valve (diameter) Surface marking Auscultation area Pulmonary (2.5 cm) Upper border of 3rd left costal cartilage near sternum Sternal end of 2nd left intercostal space Aortic (2.5 cm) Behind left half of sternum at the level of medial end of 3rd intercostal space Sternal end of 2nd right intercostal space Mitral (3 cm) Behind the left half of sternum opposite to 4th costal cartilage 5th left intercostal space (cardiac apex) at midclavicular line Tricuspid (4 cm) Behind the right half of sternum opposite to 4th and 5th intercostal space 5th left intercostal space near sternal body
  • 124. Surface markings of the valves and auscultation areas
  • 125. Conducting System of the heart  series of specialized cardiac muscle cells that carries impulses throughout the heart musculature  signal them to contract rhythmically  Components of the conducting system: ◦ Sinoatrial (SA) node ◦ Internodal fibers ◦ Atrioventricular (AV) node ◦ Atrioventricular bundle ◦ Right and left bundle branches ◦ Purkinje fibers
  • 126. Conducting System of the heart
  • 127. SA (Sinoatrial) node  Located anterolaterally in the wall of the right atrium ◦ below the entrance of the SVC near superior end of crista terminalis  Initiates and regulates the impulses for contraction  pacemaker of the heart  generates 70-80 impulses per minute  Impulses from the SA node spread in a wave along the cardiac muscle fibers of the atria signaling the atria to contract
  • 128. SA (Sinoatrial) node  The contraction signal from the SA node spreads myogenically through the musculature of both atria.  The SA node is stimulated by the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system to accelerate the heart rate and is inhibited by the parasympathetic division to return to (approach) its basal rate. 130
  • 129. The atrioventricular (AV) node  Is a smaller collection of nodal tissue than the SA node.  Located in the posteroinferior region of the interatrial septum near the opening of the coronary sinus.  The signal generated by the SA node passes through the walls of the right atrium, and transmitted rapidly to the AV node. 131
  • 130. The atrioventricular (AV) node  The AV node then distributes the signal to the ventricles through the AV bundle  Sympathetic stimulation speeds up conduction, and parasympathetic stimulation slows it down 132
  • 131. The AV bundle (bundle of hiss)  Is the only bridge between the atrial and ventricular myocardium, passes from the AV node through the insulating fibrous skeleton and along the membranous part of the IVS.  At the junction of the membranous and muscular parts of the septum, the AV bundle divides into right and left bundles.  These branches proceed on each side of the muscular IVS deep to the endocardium and then ramify into subendocardial branches (Purkinje fibers), which extend into the walls of the respective ventricles  The subendocardial branches of the right bundle stimulate the muscle of the IVS, the anterior papillary muscle through the septomarginal trabecula, and the wall of the right ventricle 133
  • 132. 134
  • 133. Innervation of the Heart  The heart is supplied by autonomic nerve fibers from the cardiac plexus  This plexus lies on the anterior surface of the bifurcation of the trachea, and posterior surface of aorta and pulmonary trunk  Fibers extend from the plexus along and to the coronary vessels and to components of the conducting system, particularly the SA node.  The cardiac plexus is formed of both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers running to the heart 135
  • 134. 136
  • 135. Innervation of the Heart  Sympathetic supply is from:  Presynaptic fibers- with cell bodies in the cell columns of the superior five or six thoracic segments of the spinal cord.  Postsynaptic fibers- with cell bodies in the cervical and superior thoracic paravertebral ganglia of the sympathetic trunks.  Sympathetic stimulation:  Increases heart rate  Increases impulse conduction  Increases force of contraction  Increases blood flow through the coronary vessels to support the increased activity 137
  • 137. Innervation of the Heart  The parasympathetic supply is from:  Presynaptic fibers of the vagus nerves  Postsynaptic parasympathetic cell bodies located in the atrial wall and interatrial septum near the SA and AV nodes and along the coronary arteries.  Parasympathetic stimulation:  slows the heart rate  reduces the force of the contraction  constricts the coronary arteries, saving energy between periods of increased demand. 139
  • 138. Arterial Supply of the Heart  The coronary arteries, the first branches of the aorta, supply the myocardium and epicardium.  The right and left coronary arteries arise from the corresponding aortic sinuses at the proximal part of the ascending aorta, just superior to the aortic valve, and pass around opposite sides of the pulmonary trunk.  The coronary arteries supply both the atria and the ventricles; however, the atrial branches are usually small and not readily apparent in the cadaveric heart  The ventricular distribution of each coronary artery is not sharply demarcated. 140
  • 139. 141
  • 140. The right coronary artery (RCA)  Arises from the right aortic sinus of the ascending aorta and passes to the right side of the pulmonary trunk, running in the coronary groove.  Near its origin, the RCA usually gives off an ascending sinuatrial nodal branch, which supplies the SA node.  The RCA then descends in the coronary groove and gives off the right marginal branch, which supplies the right border of the heart as it runs toward the apex of the heart.  After giving off this branch, the RCA continues in the coronary groove to the posterior aspect of the heart. 142
  • 141. The right coronary artery (RCA)  At the crux of the heart, the RCA gives rise to the atrioventricular nodal branch, which supplies the AV node  The RCA gives rise to the large posterior interventricular branch, which descends in the posterior IV groove toward the apex of the heart.  The posterior inter ventricular branch supplies adjacent areas of both ventricles and sends perforating interventricular septal branches into the interventricular septum  The terminal (left ventricular) branch of the RCA then continues for a short distance in the coronary groove. 143
  • 142. 144
  • 143. The right coronary artery (RCA)  Typically, the RCA supplies  The right atrium  Most of right ventricle  Part of the left ventricle(diaphragmatic surface)  Part of the IV septum(usually the posterior 1/3)  The SA node (in approximately 60% of people)  The AV node (in approximately 80% of people) 145
  • 144. 146
  • 145. The left coronary artery (LCA)  Arises from the left aortic sinus of the ascending aorta, passes between the left auricle and the left side of the pulmonary trunk, and runs in the coronary groove.  As it enters the coronary groove, at the superior end of the anterior interventricular(IV) groove, the LCA divides into two branches, the anterior IV branch and the circumflex branch.  The anterior IV branch passes along the IV groove to the apex of the heart.  Here it turns around the inferior border of the heart and commonly anastomoses with the posterior IV branch of the right coronary artery  The anterior IV branch supplies adjacent parts of both ventricles and, via IV septal branches, the anterior 2/3 of the IVS 147
  • 146. The left coronary artery (LCA)
  • 147. The left coronary artery (LCA)  In many people, the anterior IV branch gives rise to a lateral (diagonal) branch, which descends on the anterior surface of the heart  The smaller circumflex branch of the LCA follows the coronary groove around the left border of the heart to the posterior surface of the heart.  In approximately 40% of people, the SA nodal branch arises from the circumflex branch of the LCA and ascends on the posterior surface of the left atrium to the SA node  The left marginal artery, a branch of the circumflex branch, follows the left margin of the heart and supplies the left ventricle. 149
  • 148. The left coronary artery (LCA)  Typically, the LCA supplies: The left atrium Most of the left ventricle Part of the right ventricle Most of the IVS (usually its anterior 2/3), including AV bundle, through its perforating IV septal branches The SA node (in approx. 40% of people) 150
  • 149. 151
  • 150. Variations of the Coronary Arteries  Variations in the branching patterns, distribution & dominance of the coronary arteries are common  Dominance of the coronary arterial system is defined by which artery gives rise to the posterior interventricular artery(Posterior descending artery)  In the most common right dominant pattern, present in approximately 67% of people.  In approx. 15%, the LCA is dominant  There is codominance in approx. 18%  A few people have only a single coronary artery  In other people, the circumflex branch arises from the right aortic sinus  Approx. 4% have an accessory coronary artery 152
  • 151. Coronary Collateral Circulation  The branches of the coronary arteries are generally considered to be end arteries.  However, anastomoses exist between branches of the coronary, subepicardial or myocardial, and between these arteries and extracardiac vessels such as thoracic vessels  Anastomoses exist between the terminations of the right and the left coronary arteries in the coronary groove and between the IV branches around the apex in approx. 10% of normal hearts. 153
  • 152. Venous Drainage of the Heart  The heart is drained mainly by veins that empty into the coronary sinus and partly by small veins that empty into the right atrium. 154
  • 153. The Coronary Sinus  Coronary sinus is the main vein of the heart.  Is a wide venous channel that runs from left to right in the posterior part of the coronary groove.  Receives the great cardiac vein at its left end and the middle cardiac & small cardiac veins at its right end.  The left posterior ventricular vein and left marginal vein also open into the coronary sinus. 155
  • 154. The great cardiac vein  Is the main tributary of the coronary sinus  Its 1st part (anterior IV vein) begins near the apex and ascends with the anterior IV artery  At the coronary groove it turns left, and its 2nd part runs around the left side of the heart with the circumflex artery to reach the coronary sinus  The great cardiac vein drains the areas of the heart supplied by the LCA. 156
  • 155. The middle and small cardiac veins  The middle cardiac vein (posterior IV vein) accompanies the posterior interventricular artery  A small cardiac vein accompanies the right marginal artery  Thus these two veins drain most of the areas commonly supplied by the RCA. 157
  • 156. CLINICAL ANATOMY Stroke or Cerebrovascular Accident  Thrombi (clots) form on the walls of the left atrium in certain types of heart disease.  If these thrombi detach, or pieces break off from them, they pass into the systemic circulation and occlude peripheral arteries.  Occlusion of an artery supplying the brain results in a stroke or cerebrovascular accident (CVA), which may affect vision, cognition, or the motor function of parts of the body previously controlled by the now-damaged (ischemic) area of the brain.
  • 157. CLINICAL ANATOMY Coronary Artery Disease  Coronary angiography is a procedure that uses contrast dye, usually containing iodine, and x ray pictures are done to detect blockages in the coronary arteries that are caused by plaque buildup.  determines the sites of narrowing or occlusion of the coronary arteries or their branches.
  • 158. CLINICAL ANATOMY  Using coronary angiography, the coronary arteries can be visualized with coronary arteriograms .  A long, narrow catheter is passed into the ascending aorta via the femoral artery in the inguinal region.  Under fluoroscopic control, the tip of the catheter is placed just inside the opening of a coronary artery  A small injection of radiopaque contrast material is made, and cineradiographs (short movie film recordings)are taken to show the lumen of the artery and its branches, as well as any stenotic areas that may be present.
  • 159. CLINICAL ANATOMY MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION  With sudden occlusion of a major artery by an embolus (G. embolus, plug), the region of myocardium supplied by the occluded vessel becomes infarcted (rendered virtually bloodless) and undergoes necrosis (pathological tissue death).  The three most common sites of coronary artery occlusion and the percentage of occlusions involving each artery are  Anterior IV (LAD), branch of the LCA (40-50%).  RCA (30-40%).  Circumflex branch of the LCA (15-20%).
  • 160.  An area of myocardium that has undergone necrosis constitutes a myocardial infarction (MI).  main cause of ischemic heart disease is coronary artery insufficiency, resulting from atherosclerosis  The atherosclerotic process, characterized by lipid deposits in the intima (lining layer) of the coronary arteries, begins during early adulthood and slowly results in stenosis of the lumina of the arteries .
  • 161. CLINICAL ANATOMY  Angina Pectoris ◦ Pain that originates in the heart as the result of ischemia of the myocardium  Coronary Bypass Graft ◦ Bypassing site of coronary artery obstruction ◦ GSV, Radial artery commonly used
  • 163. Pulmonary trunk  It conveys deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs  It is about 5 cm in length and 3 cm in diameter  It is the most anterior of the cardiac vessels  Below the aortic arch level with the T5 vertebra and to the left of midline, it divides into right and left pulmonary arteries of almost equal size  This bifurcation lies below, in front and to the left of the tracheal bifurcation. 165
  • 164. The brachiocephalic veins  Are formed posterior to the sterno clavicular joints by the union of the Internal jugular and subclavian veins.  The left brachiocephalic vein is more than twice as long as the right vein because it passes from the left to the right side, passing over the anterior aspects of the roots of the three major branches of the arch of the aorta  At the level of the inferior border of the 1st right costal cartilage, the brachiocephalic veins unite to form the SVC. 166
  • 165. The superior vena cava  Returns blood from all structures superior to the diaphragm, except the lungs and heart.  It passes inferiorly and ends at the level of the 3rd costal cartilage, where it enters the right atrium of the heart.  Lies in the right side of the superior mediastinum, anterolateral to the trachea and posterolateral to the ascending aorta. 167
  • 166. The Inferior vena cava – BeginsanteriortotheL5 vertebraby theunion ofthe common i l i a cveins. – ascends on the r i g h tsideof thebodies oftheL3-L5vertebrae and on ther i g h tpsoas major tothe r i g h tof theaorta. – leavestheabdomen by passingthrough thecavalopening in the diaphragm and entersthe thorax attheT8 vertebrallevel
  • 167.  The overall length of the IVC i s22 cm, greater than that of the abdominal aorta  The IVC collectspoorly oxygenated blood from the lower limbs and non-portal blood from the abdomen and pelvis.  Almost a l lthe blood from the digestive tracti scollected by the hepatic portal system and passes through the hepatic veins to the IVC.
  • 168. Great Vessels  Aorta ◦ has 3 parts  Ascending aorta  Arch of aorta  Descending aorta
  • 169. Ascending aorta  5 cm long, covered in the pericardium  Begin behind left half of sternum at level of 3rd costal cartilage  Ends at the level of right 2nd costal cartilage  Has three dilations – right, left & posterior aortic sinuses ◦ right and left coronary arteries arise from right & left aortic sinuses
  • 170. Arch of aorta  Exclusively located in the superior mediastinum  Begin in right 2nd costal cartilage, directs upward, backward and to the left  Ends at the lower border of T4 to be continuous with the descending aorta.  Curves above the root of lung behind left primary bronchus  Branches ◦ Brachiocephalic trunk  It divides in to right common carotid artery and right subclavian arteries ◦ Left common carotid artery ◦ Left subclavian artery
  • 172. The brachiocephalic trunk  Is the first & largest branch of the arch of aorta  Arises posterior to the manubrium, where it is anterior to the trachea and posterior to the left brachiocephalic vein  It ascends superolaterally to reach the right side of the trachea and the right sterno clavicular joint, where it divides into the right common carotid and right subclavian arteries. 174
  • 173. The left common carotid artery  Is the second branch of the arch of the aorta  Arises posterior to the manubrium, slightly posterior and to the left of the brachiocephalic trunk  Ascends anterior to the left subclavian artery and is at first anterior to the trachea and then to its left  Enters the neck by passing posterior to the left sterno clavicular joint 175
  • 174. The left subclavian artery  Is the third branch of the arch of aorta  Arises from posterior part of the arch of aorta, just posterior to the left common carotid artery  Ascends lateral to the trachea and left common carotid artery through the superior mediastinum  It has no branches in the mediastinum  As it leaves the thorax and enters the root of the neck, it passes posterior to the left SC joint 176
  • 175. Descending Thoracic Aorta  Continuation of the arch of aorta  It arises in the posterior mediastinum  Begins on the left side of the lower border of the body of T4  Terminates at lower border of T12 where it passes through the aortic hiatus  Lies posterior to the root of the left lung pericardium, and esophagus  Posteriorly related with vertebral column & hemiazygos vein
  • 176. Descending Thoracic Aorta  Branches ◦ Right & left posterior intercostal arteries for 3rd -11th intercostal spaces ◦ Right and left subcostal ◦ two left bronchial arteries ◦ esophageal arteries (to middle 1/3rd) ◦ Pericardial branches ◦ Mediastinal branches ◦ Right and left superior phrenic
  • 177. CLINICAL ANATOMY Coarctation of the Aorta  In coarctation of the aorta, the arch of the aorta or descending aorta has an abnormal narrowing (stenosis) that diminishes the caliber of the aortic lumen, producing an obstruction to blood flow to the inferior part of the body  The most common site for a coarctation is near the site of the ductus or ligamentum arteriosum. 179
  • 178. Coarctation of the Aorta  When the coarctation is post ductal , a good collateral circulation usually develops between the proximal and distal parts of the aorta through the intercostal and internal thoracic arteries  Postductal coarctation is compatible with many years of life because the collateral circulation carries blood to the thoracic aorta inferior to the stenosis. 180
  • 179. 181