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Big Data and Data Analytics Essay
In today's society, technology has become more advanced than the human's mind. Companies want
to make sure that their information systems stay up–to–date with the rapidly growing technology. It
is very important to senior–level executives and board of directions of companies that their systems
can produce the right and best information for their company to result in a greater outcome and new
organizational capabilities. Big data and data analytics are one of those important factors that
contribute to a successful company and their updated software and information systems. What are
Big Data and Data Analytics? You may ask what big data analytics is. Well according to SAS, the
leading company in business analytics software and more content...
They pay attention to data flows as opposed to stocks, 2. They rely on data scientists and product
and process developers rather than data analysts, and 3. They are moving analytics away from the IT
function and into core business, operational and production functions." (Davenport, Barth, and Bean)
Organizations that pay attention to data flows instead of stocks are trying to enhance their brand by
using continuous data flows. Continuous flows help the performance of the company such as using
forecasting, text mining, and optimization and helps executives to make the best possible decision.
When companies rely on data scientists and product and process developers instead of data analysts
they know that data scientist will have the most knowledge and experience with information
technology (IT). In comparison with traditional analytics, data scientist have far more advanced
skills and can help to develop products and ideas whereas traditional analytics really advised the
executives about the internal portion of the company. Lastly, companies interested in big data want
to move away from the basic IT functions and closer to core business and operational functions. In
past years, the traditional way of replicating existing technologies seemed to be inefficient compared
to what big data has to offer. Another change from basic IT functions is that big data uses
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Reflective Sociology Essay
The last six weeks have challenged my preconceived ideas about sociology and the role that it plays
in society in the popular and social media, my values, behaviours and belief system. What I hope to
highlight throughout this reflective essay is what I have learnt and how that has shaped my new
thought process and reinforced old thought patterns. Week one I learnt about the Sociological
imagination where to quote C Wright "The sociological imagination enables us to grasp the
connection between history and biography." (Henslin et al., 2011). Upon further reflection of the
reading material in Sociology a down to earth approach there was one particular story that really
resonated with me. It was the illustration about more content...
Week three see's the introduction of the fathers of sociology Auguste Comte, Herbert Spenser, Karl
Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Georg Simmel. Karl Marx and Durkheim are the two that
really resonate with me, Durkheim due to his theories around the subject of suicide and how that
subject is particularly personal with me and also Karl Marx theory around class inequality.
Karl Marx believed that man's basic needs were food and shelter and the evolution of these basic
needs led to capitalism, after the industrial revolution we see there being two distinct classes of
people the workers and the capitalist and the effect that this ultimately has on social aspect of
society. Marx looked at the unequal power struggle in this theory and how that conflict would lead to
socialism and eventually communism and it was then that he co–wrote with Englels in 1948 "The
Communist Manifesto". I can really see the same picture that Marx was looking at, even in today's
society in Australia we see the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, but more evident in
third world countries where there are polar opposites in wealth and power.
This subject has actually spilled out into my conversation at different locations, talking at a bar with
a guy about the possibility that Jesus was a
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Essay about Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory
Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory
I. Overview of Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory
Freud's psychoanalysis is the best known of all personality theories because it (1) postulated the
primacy of sex and aggression–two universally popular themes; (2) attracted a group of followers
who were dedicated to spreading psychoanalytic doctrine; and (3) advanced the notion of
unconscious motives, which permit varying explanations for the same observations.
II. Biography of Sigmund Freud
Although he was born in the Czech Republic in 1856 and died in London in 1939, Sigmund Freud
spent nearly 80 years of his life in Vienna. A physician who never intended to practice general
medicine, Freud was intensely curious about more content...
IV. Provinces of the Mind
Freud conceptualized three regions of the mind: the id, the ego, and the superego. A. The Id The id,
which is completely unconscious, serves the pleasure principle and seeks constant and immediate
satisfaction of instinctual needs. As the region of the mind that contains the basic instincts, the id
operates through the primary process. B. The Ego The ego, or secondary process, is governed by
the reality principle; that is, it is responsible for reconciling the unrealistic demands of both the id
and the superego with the demands of the real world. C. The Superego The superego, which serves
the idealistic principle, has two subsystems: the conscience and the ego–ideal. The conscience results
from punishment for improper behavior whereas the ego–ideal stems from rewards for socially
acceptable behavior.
V. Dynamics of Personality The term dynamics of personality refers to those forces that motivate
people. The concept includes both instincts and anxiety. A. Instincts Freud grouped all humandrives
or urges under two primary instincts: sex (Eros or the life instinct) and aggression (the destructive or
death instinct). 1. The Sexual Instinct The aim of the sexual instinct is pleasure, which can be gained
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Business Analytics
Content Business Analytics Part 1. What Business Analytics is: The Basics I.Introduction History of
Analytics Types of analytics Domains within analytics Part 2. How Business Analytics can be used
to gain advantage in a competitive marketplace Benefits of Business Analytics to an organization for
competitive advantage A Case study of competing on analytics Conclusion Business Analytics Part 1.
What Business Analytics is: The Basics Introduction Business analytics, in a nutshell, is usage of the
type of data that can help one analyze a particular business situation and decide how to improve it.
Instruments used for such an assessment include statistics, and both quantitative and qualitative
analysis, as well as predictive and explanatory modeling. Business analytics is different to Business
intelligence which also uses statistical methods. Business analytics uses statistical methods and data
to arrive at fresh understanding and illumination of a situation, whereas business intelligence uses
statical data to serve as querying, reporting or alerts. Business analytics, therefore, is, one may say,
the detective side of business using the statistics to develop and progress the business or direct it in
new directions rather than revamping it with existent and supportive data. Business intelligence, in
other words, uses the data to inform stakeholders and others what is occurring with the business,
what the action is, and what steps are being taken.
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Big Data And Analytics Essay
Big data and Analytics have become very prominent areas of study in recent years. Company
revenues exceeding more than one million are found to use some or the other form of business
analytics. The techniques, technologies, systems, practices, methodologies and applications help
analyze the data in the organizations to make critical decisions.
Big data and big data analytics are used to describe data sets and analytical techniques in
applications that are so large and complex and require special technologies to analyze and visualize
BI&A 1.0: Reporting, dashboards, ad hoc query, search based BI, OLAP, interactive visualization,
scorecards, predictive modeling, and data mining are considered 8 more content...
It is used in health care systems to predict the occurrence of chronic diseases in patients and analyze
gene information and in the development of mobile platforms for transferring data between patients,
doctors and insurance providers. BI&A applications also include development of techniques to fight
against terrorism, cybercrime and other security related issues.
Unlike the traditional DBMS that use structured data, various technologies like Map Reduce and
Hbase are used for analyzing unstructured and semi structured data sets. Information extraction is an
area of research that aims to extract information from documents, from e–mail messages and
corporate documents to web pages and social media content. The latest accomplishments of Apple's
Siri and IBM's Watson have increased Q/A research and commercialization markets. HTTP/HTML
based hyperlinked websites led to the development of web site spidering, web page updating, web
site ranking and search log analysis. Networking analytics has focused on link mining and
community detection. The scope of mobile analytics is also emerging drastically for mobile health
and mobile learning.
The paper also discusses about the growing number of research publications related to BI&A. Many
conferences like the conference on Business Intelligence and Financial Engineering
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Abortion Analytical Essay
Abortions: Morally Acceptable or Not?
The issue of abortion is one of the most sensitive and controversial issues faced by modern
societies. This issue leads to topics of whether abortion is right or wrong, if it is the actual killing
of a person, and what actually defines the moral status of a fetus. In this paper, I will be arguing
against Bonnie Steinbock, who believes that abortions are morally acceptable. So I will be
supporting the view that abortions are not morally acceptable.
In Bonnie Steinbock's essay, "Why Abortions Are Not Wrong," she argues that abortions are morally
acceptable because fetuses are non–sentient beings and therefore lack interests as well as moral
status. Her first premise suggests that it is wrong to more content...
Although, Steinbock's third premise suggests that some abortions are the killing of a non–sentient
organism. By this she means, some abortions may be immoral for many reasons such as, trivial
reasons, sex selection, fetal reduction, and vengeful abortion. The trivial reasons are of little worth
and importance. Steinbock describes the story of a girl not wanting to be pregnant in the summer
because she would be unable to wear a bikini. She concludes that this would be a very immoral
reason for having an abortion. Sex selection refers to the "destruction of a healthy fetus just because
of its sex to be immoral, either because of the sexist attitude or because such abortions reflect
insufficient respect for potential human life." Fetal reduction is the practice of reducing the number
of fetuses in a pregnancy with more than one fetus. Steinbock states that this is rather difficult and
understands this practice. Vengeful abortions are the seeking to harm someone else beside the fetus.
Steinbock describes it as, a woman who might have an abortion to seek revenge on her husband
because he was unfaithful to her earlier in their marriage. Steinbock concludes that these reasons are
all bizarre and can result in the killing of non–sentient beings.
After reading Bonnie Steinbock's article, I will be arguing against her conclusion that some abortions
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Leadership Interview Essay
To inspire and influence others, a leader must possess many skills and abilities. As motivational
speaker Peter Northouse, states, "a leader should be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be
bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not
arrogant" (Northouse, 2013) Moving an entire group of individuals toward a singular goal is a
considerable undertaking. Without effective communication skills and a clear vision of what needs
to be accomplished, one will feel like they are trying to herd cats rather than leading.
During my interview with Regina Martinez, BS RN and currently an Assistant Director of a home
health agency, I discovered her leadership style matched the above more content...
The success the company now enjoys is credited to Martinez's leadership, motivation, caring, and
attention to detail. Delivering the medical care to a patient, in the comfort of their own home, by
professional, caring medical staff is a much needed service in rural northeast Colorado.
Martinez stated that in her past and current position, her goal has been to always lead by example.
Martinez adamantly stated she would never ask an employee to do anything she herself was not
willing to do. She stated she did not follow a particular leadership style, but has read several
leadership and management books, articles and studies to become more effective. Martinez stated
the book she references the most is Carl E. Larson and Frank M.J. LaFasto's Teamwork: What Must
Go Right/What Can Go Wrong. Through their research they explored the eight properties of
successful teams: a clear, elevating goal; a results–driven structure; competent team members;
unified commitment; collaborative climate; standards of excellence; external support and
recognition; and principled leadership. (Larson & LaFasto, 1989, p.8) Their insights into what
makes a team successful have been used by countless leaders as a model for efficient and effective
As her job is to ensure proper medical patient care, Martinez spends most of her day on
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Examples Of Semiotic Analysis
1. Introduction and Background In this essay I will evaluate the various components used to
construct meaning in Figure 1 by means of a semiotic analysis. I will discuss the theory of certain
semiotic concepts and apply them to Figure 1 throughout the text. The image in Figure 1 delivers a
visual message and it is supported by illustrated text, three captions, and two logos. The knowledge
necessary to interpret the illustration is knowledge of writing and English (Barthes 1977: 153). This
analysis is applicable to an adult audience familiar with 'food'– and 'diet' ideologies, as well as
concepts of celebrity endorsement. 1.1 Context and Representation of Figure 1 The People for the
Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) were founded in 1980 more content...
The consumption of meat becomes a moral issue. If consuming meat is considered to be immoral,
then a vegetarian diet is the morally acceptable option. This logo challenges the morals of the
viewer and is used to illicit a guilty response (Bailey 2007: 44, 50). Connotatively6 this sign can
imply that, unlike animals, the reader does not have a 'heart' until he/she embraces a vegetarian diet.
This connotation contradicts the primary phrase in Figure 1; "All animals have the same parts".
Another connotation deliberately used by PETA, is the image of the blue silhouetted cow; its shape
is popularly associated with dairy and beef products within the consumer market. Through this the
reader immediately associates the symbol with food products and
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Othello Analysis Essay examples
The tragedy of Othello, written by William Shakespeare, presents the main character Othello, as a
respectable, honorable, and dignified man, but because of his insecurities and good nature, he is
easily taken advantage of and manipulated by his peers and alleged friends. The dynamic of Othello's
character significantly changes throughout the play. The contrast is most pronounced from the
beginning of the play to its conclusion, switching from being calm and peaceful to acts of
uncontrolled venomous rage. Othello's motivation in the play appears to be his love and concern for
his wife Desdemona, which ironically, ends up being his downfall in the end. In the beginning of the
play Othello exhibits behaviors leading one to believe that more content...
The duke then sent Othello and some of his men to command a military patrol in Cyprus. Othello
takes Desdemona with him and in Cyprus he continued to be polite, respectful, and charming,
saying things like, "It gives me wonder great as my content to see you here before me" (II.i.83). He
says this to Desdemona reassuring his love and care for her.
By the middle of the play Othello's mood and demeanor seem to shift from being peaceful and
patient to very anxious, paranoid, and gullible. For example when Othello is talking to Iago and
Iago suggests that maybe his wife is not being faithful to him, it becomes Othello's obsession to get
down to the bottom of it and catch her. "I have been talking with your suitor here, a man that
languishes in your displeasure / Who is't you mean / Why, your lieutenant, Cassio. Good my lord"
(III.iii.41–43). In this dialog between Othello and Iago, with just two sentences Iago causes
Othello to lose trust in his wife and believe she is being unfaithful to him which grows stronger
and stronger each scene of the play. Because Iago is extremely cunning and manipulative, he is
able to control almost anyone he chooses and he is in control of Othello's emotions because he
knows the things Othello fears. Iago is pretending to be Othello's friend but secretively is going
behind his back and bringing him down. Iago convinces Othello that Cassio is having an affair with
Desdemona. "I humbly do beseech
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Essay on Self-Analysis
Before taking this course my writing styles and habits were very different. I was the typical
procrastinator because I would wait until the night before a paper was due to start it. This did not
allow me enough time to properly proofread everything, which resulted in getting points deducted for
simple grammatical errors that could have been avoided if I would have had the time to proofread.
My writing styles have many strengths and weaknesses and I have been able to improve my writing
because of them. I have learned from my strengths and weaknesses how to become a better writer.
In my writing, I have many strengths, some that which I have developed through this course and
some that I already had. Before more content...
I can write a thesis that will give an overview about what main topic of the paper is and what other
elements will be addressed in the paper. From taking this course I have been able to improve
many of my weaknesses, but there are still some that I need to work on. Overall I am becoming
better at not procrastinating as much as I used to. This class has helped me to learn to take the
little steps along the way because then there will not be as much work to do towards the end.
This has also made me realize that the final product of my writing will turn out better because it
will have had more time to develop, which means that there would have been more opportunities
to proofread. I think by learning many styles of writing, such as paraphrasing, summarizing,
analyzing, and researching; it has enabled me to be able to write more broadly. By knowing how
to correctly use all of these kinds of writing styles, it will help me in the future for other classes
because I will have the knowledge that I need to write these types of papers. I still procrastinate
sometimes, but not as much as I used to. I will be able to improve on this as time goes along
because I will become more motivated by seeing the end result, which usually would be better
Overall I think that my most of my writing habits have improved and for the ones that have not I
know what they are and what I need to do to improve them. My strengths that I already had as
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Analytical Essay Introduction

  • 1. Big Data and Data Analytics Essay In today's society, technology has become more advanced than the human's mind. Companies want to make sure that their information systems stay up–to–date with the rapidly growing technology. It is very important to senior–level executives and board of directions of companies that their systems can produce the right and best information for their company to result in a greater outcome and new organizational capabilities. Big data and data analytics are one of those important factors that contribute to a successful company and their updated software and information systems. What are Big Data and Data Analytics? You may ask what big data analytics is. Well according to SAS, the leading company in business analytics software and more content... They pay attention to data flows as opposed to stocks, 2. They rely on data scientists and product and process developers rather than data analysts, and 3. They are moving analytics away from the IT function and into core business, operational and production functions." (Davenport, Barth, and Bean) Organizations that pay attention to data flows instead of stocks are trying to enhance their brand by using continuous data flows. Continuous flows help the performance of the company such as using forecasting, text mining, and optimization and helps executives to make the best possible decision. When companies rely on data scientists and product and process developers instead of data analysts they know that data scientist will have the most knowledge and experience with information technology (IT). In comparison with traditional analytics, data scientist have far more advanced skills and can help to develop products and ideas whereas traditional analytics really advised the executives about the internal portion of the company. Lastly, companies interested in big data want to move away from the basic IT functions and closer to core business and operational functions. In past years, the traditional way of replicating existing technologies seemed to be inefficient compared to what big data has to offer. Another change from basic IT functions is that big data uses Get more content on
  • 2. Reflective Sociology Essay The last six weeks have challenged my preconceived ideas about sociology and the role that it plays in society in the popular and social media, my values, behaviours and belief system. What I hope to highlight throughout this reflective essay is what I have learnt and how that has shaped my new thought process and reinforced old thought patterns. Week one I learnt about the Sociological imagination where to quote C Wright "The sociological imagination enables us to grasp the connection between history and biography." (Henslin et al., 2011). Upon further reflection of the reading material in Sociology a down to earth approach there was one particular story that really resonated with me. It was the illustration about more content... Week three see's the introduction of the fathers of sociology Auguste Comte, Herbert Spenser, Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Georg Simmel. Karl Marx and Durkheim are the two that really resonate with me, Durkheim due to his theories around the subject of suicide and how that subject is particularly personal with me and also Karl Marx theory around class inequality. Karl Marx believed that man's basic needs were food and shelter and the evolution of these basic needs led to capitalism, after the industrial revolution we see there being two distinct classes of people the workers and the capitalist and the effect that this ultimately has on social aspect of society. Marx looked at the unequal power struggle in this theory and how that conflict would lead to socialism and eventually communism and it was then that he co–wrote with Englels in 1948 "The Communist Manifesto". I can really see the same picture that Marx was looking at, even in today's society in Australia we see the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, but more evident in third world countries where there are polar opposites in wealth and power. This subject has actually spilled out into my conversation at different locations, talking at a bar with a guy about the possibility that Jesus was a Get more content on
  • 3. Essay about Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory I. Overview of Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory Freud's psychoanalysis is the best known of all personality theories because it (1) postulated the primacy of sex and aggression–two universally popular themes; (2) attracted a group of followers who were dedicated to spreading psychoanalytic doctrine; and (3) advanced the notion of unconscious motives, which permit varying explanations for the same observations. II. Biography of Sigmund Freud Although he was born in the Czech Republic in 1856 and died in London in 1939, Sigmund Freud spent nearly 80 years of his life in Vienna. A physician who never intended to practice general medicine, Freud was intensely curious about more content... IV. Provinces of the Mind Freud conceptualized three regions of the mind: the id, the ego, and the superego. A. The Id The id, which is completely unconscious, serves the pleasure principle and seeks constant and immediate satisfaction of instinctual needs. As the region of the mind that contains the basic instincts, the id operates through the primary process. B. The Ego The ego, or secondary process, is governed by the reality principle; that is, it is responsible for reconciling the unrealistic demands of both the id and the superego with the demands of the real world. C. The Superego The superego, which serves the idealistic principle, has two subsystems: the conscience and the ego–ideal. The conscience results from punishment for improper behavior whereas the ego–ideal stems from rewards for socially acceptable behavior. V. Dynamics of Personality The term dynamics of personality refers to those forces that motivate people. The concept includes both instincts and anxiety. A. Instincts Freud grouped all humandrives or urges under two primary instincts: sex (Eros or the life instinct) and aggression (the destructive or death instinct). 1. The Sexual Instinct The aim of the sexual instinct is pleasure, which can be gained Get more content on
  • 4. Business Analytics Content Business Analytics Part 1. What Business Analytics is: The Basics I.Introduction History of Analytics Types of analytics Domains within analytics Part 2. How Business Analytics can be used to gain advantage in a competitive marketplace Benefits of Business Analytics to an organization for competitive advantage A Case study of competing on analytics Conclusion Business Analytics Part 1. What Business Analytics is: The Basics Introduction Business analytics, in a nutshell, is usage of the type of data that can help one analyze a particular business situation and decide how to improve it. Instruments used for such an assessment include statistics, and both quantitative and qualitative analysis, as well as predictive and explanatory modeling. Business analytics is different to Business intelligence which also uses statistical methods. Business analytics uses statistical methods and data to arrive at fresh understanding and illumination of a situation, whereas business intelligence uses statical data to serve as querying, reporting or alerts. Business analytics, therefore, is, one may say, the detective side of business using the statistics to develop and progress the business or direct it in new directions rather than revamping it with existent and supportive data. Business intelligence, in other words, uses the data to inform stakeholders and others what is occurring with the business, what the action is, and what steps are being taken. Get more content on
  • 5. Big Data And Analytics Essay Introduction: Big data and Analytics have become very prominent areas of study in recent years. Company revenues exceeding more than one million are found to use some or the other form of business analytics. The techniques, technologies, systems, practices, methodologies and applications help analyze the data in the organizations to make critical decisions. Evolution: Big data and big data analytics are used to describe data sets and analytical techniques in applications that are so large and complex and require special technologies to analyze and visualize them. BI&A 1.0: Reporting, dashboards, ad hoc query, search based BI, OLAP, interactive visualization, scorecards, predictive modeling, and data mining are considered 8 more content... It is used in health care systems to predict the occurrence of chronic diseases in patients and analyze gene information and in the development of mobile platforms for transferring data between patients, doctors and insurance providers. BI&A applications also include development of techniques to fight against terrorism, cybercrime and other security related issues. Unlike the traditional DBMS that use structured data, various technologies like Map Reduce and Hbase are used for analyzing unstructured and semi structured data sets. Information extraction is an area of research that aims to extract information from documents, from e–mail messages and corporate documents to web pages and social media content. The latest accomplishments of Apple's Siri and IBM's Watson have increased Q/A research and commercialization markets. HTTP/HTML based hyperlinked websites led to the development of web site spidering, web page updating, web site ranking and search log analysis. Networking analytics has focused on link mining and community detection. The scope of mobile analytics is also emerging drastically for mobile health and mobile learning. The paper also discusses about the growing number of research publications related to BI&A. Many conferences like the conference on Business Intelligence and Financial Engineering Get more content on
  • 6. Abortion Analytical Essay Abortions: Morally Acceptable or Not? The issue of abortion is one of the most sensitive and controversial issues faced by modern societies. This issue leads to topics of whether abortion is right or wrong, if it is the actual killing of a person, and what actually defines the moral status of a fetus. In this paper, I will be arguing against Bonnie Steinbock, who believes that abortions are morally acceptable. So I will be supporting the view that abortions are not morally acceptable. In Bonnie Steinbock's essay, "Why Abortions Are Not Wrong," she argues that abortions are morally acceptable because fetuses are non–sentient beings and therefore lack interests as well as moral status. Her first premise suggests that it is wrong to more content... Although, Steinbock's third premise suggests that some abortions are the killing of a non–sentient organism. By this she means, some abortions may be immoral for many reasons such as, trivial reasons, sex selection, fetal reduction, and vengeful abortion. The trivial reasons are of little worth and importance. Steinbock describes the story of a girl not wanting to be pregnant in the summer because she would be unable to wear a bikini. She concludes that this would be a very immoral reason for having an abortion. Sex selection refers to the "destruction of a healthy fetus just because of its sex to be immoral, either because of the sexist attitude or because such abortions reflect insufficient respect for potential human life." Fetal reduction is the practice of reducing the number of fetuses in a pregnancy with more than one fetus. Steinbock states that this is rather difficult and understands this practice. Vengeful abortions are the seeking to harm someone else beside the fetus. Steinbock describes it as, a woman who might have an abortion to seek revenge on her husband because he was unfaithful to her earlier in their marriage. Steinbock concludes that these reasons are all bizarre and can result in the killing of non–sentient beings. After reading Bonnie Steinbock's article, I will be arguing against her conclusion that some abortions Get more content on
  • 7. Leadership Interview Essay To inspire and influence others, a leader must possess many skills and abilities. As motivational speaker Peter Northouse, states, "a leader should be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant" (Northouse, 2013) Moving an entire group of individuals toward a singular goal is a considerable undertaking. Without effective communication skills and a clear vision of what needs to be accomplished, one will feel like they are trying to herd cats rather than leading. During my interview with Regina Martinez, BS RN and currently an Assistant Director of a home health agency, I discovered her leadership style matched the above more content... The success the company now enjoys is credited to Martinez's leadership, motivation, caring, and attention to detail. Delivering the medical care to a patient, in the comfort of their own home, by professional, caring medical staff is a much needed service in rural northeast Colorado. Martinez stated that in her past and current position, her goal has been to always lead by example. Martinez adamantly stated she would never ask an employee to do anything she herself was not willing to do. She stated she did not follow a particular leadership style, but has read several leadership and management books, articles and studies to become more effective. Martinez stated the book she references the most is Carl E. Larson and Frank M.J. LaFasto's Teamwork: What Must Go Right/What Can Go Wrong. Through their research they explored the eight properties of successful teams: a clear, elevating goal; a results–driven structure; competent team members; unified commitment; collaborative climate; standards of excellence; external support and recognition; and principled leadership. (Larson & LaFasto, 1989, p.8) Their insights into what makes a team successful have been used by countless leaders as a model for efficient and effective leadership. As her job is to ensure proper medical patient care, Martinez spends most of her day on Get more content on
  • 8. Examples Of Semiotic Analysis 1. Introduction and Background In this essay I will evaluate the various components used to construct meaning in Figure 1 by means of a semiotic analysis. I will discuss the theory of certain semiotic concepts and apply them to Figure 1 throughout the text. The image in Figure 1 delivers a visual message and it is supported by illustrated text, three captions, and two logos. The knowledge necessary to interpret the illustration is knowledge of writing and English (Barthes 1977: 153). This analysis is applicable to an adult audience familiar with 'food'– and 'diet' ideologies, as well as concepts of celebrity endorsement. 1.1 Context and Representation of Figure 1 The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) were founded in 1980 more content... The consumption of meat becomes a moral issue. If consuming meat is considered to be immoral, then a vegetarian diet is the morally acceptable option. This logo challenges the morals of the viewer and is used to illicit a guilty response (Bailey 2007: 44, 50). Connotatively6 this sign can imply that, unlike animals, the reader does not have a 'heart' until he/she embraces a vegetarian diet. This connotation contradicts the primary phrase in Figure 1; "All animals have the same parts". Another connotation deliberately used by PETA, is the image of the blue silhouetted cow; its shape is popularly associated with dairy and beef products within the consumer market. Through this the reader immediately associates the symbol with food products and Get more content on
  • 9. Othello Analysis Essay examples The tragedy of Othello, written by William Shakespeare, presents the main character Othello, as a respectable, honorable, and dignified man, but because of his insecurities and good nature, he is easily taken advantage of and manipulated by his peers and alleged friends. The dynamic of Othello's character significantly changes throughout the play. The contrast is most pronounced from the beginning of the play to its conclusion, switching from being calm and peaceful to acts of uncontrolled venomous rage. Othello's motivation in the play appears to be his love and concern for his wife Desdemona, which ironically, ends up being his downfall in the end. In the beginning of the play Othello exhibits behaviors leading one to believe that more content... The duke then sent Othello and some of his men to command a military patrol in Cyprus. Othello takes Desdemona with him and in Cyprus he continued to be polite, respectful, and charming, saying things like, "It gives me wonder great as my content to see you here before me" (II.i.83). He says this to Desdemona reassuring his love and care for her. By the middle of the play Othello's mood and demeanor seem to shift from being peaceful and patient to very anxious, paranoid, and gullible. For example when Othello is talking to Iago and Iago suggests that maybe his wife is not being faithful to him, it becomes Othello's obsession to get down to the bottom of it and catch her. "I have been talking with your suitor here, a man that languishes in your displeasure / Who is't you mean / Why, your lieutenant, Cassio. Good my lord" (III.iii.41–43). In this dialog between Othello and Iago, with just two sentences Iago causes Othello to lose trust in his wife and believe she is being unfaithful to him which grows stronger and stronger each scene of the play. Because Iago is extremely cunning and manipulative, he is able to control almost anyone he chooses and he is in control of Othello's emotions because he knows the things Othello fears. Iago is pretending to be Othello's friend but secretively is going behind his back and bringing him down. Iago convinces Othello that Cassio is having an affair with Desdemona. "I humbly do beseech Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Self-Analysis Self–Analysis Before taking this course my writing styles and habits were very different. I was the typical procrastinator because I would wait until the night before a paper was due to start it. This did not allow me enough time to properly proofread everything, which resulted in getting points deducted for simple grammatical errors that could have been avoided if I would have had the time to proofread. My writing styles have many strengths and weaknesses and I have been able to improve my writing because of them. I have learned from my strengths and weaknesses how to become a better writer. In my writing, I have many strengths, some that which I have developed through this course and some that I already had. Before more content... I can write a thesis that will give an overview about what main topic of the paper is and what other elements will be addressed in the paper. From taking this course I have been able to improve many of my weaknesses, but there are still some that I need to work on. Overall I am becoming better at not procrastinating as much as I used to. This class has helped me to learn to take the little steps along the way because then there will not be as much work to do towards the end. This has also made me realize that the final product of my writing will turn out better because it will have had more time to develop, which means that there would have been more opportunities to proofread. I think by learning many styles of writing, such as paraphrasing, summarizing, analyzing, and researching; it has enabled me to be able to write more broadly. By knowing how to correctly use all of these kinds of writing styles, it will help me in the future for other classes because I will have the knowledge that I need to write these types of papers. I still procrastinate sometimes, but not as much as I used to. I will be able to improve on this as time goes along because I will become more motivated by seeing the end result, which usually would be better grades. Overall I think that my most of my writing habits have improved and for the ones that have not I know what they are and what I need to do to improve them. My strengths that I already had as Get more content on