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An Immigration & Debt Elimination Act (“IDEA”): Or A Job Creating
Infrastructure Funding Plan
Every day, hundreds of thousands of New England’s residents rise from bed to compete
for jobs and wages. Experts estimate that in New England some employers employ about
200,000 aliens unlawfully. Every day, over 100,000 New Hampshire workers commute into
other New England states. There, they compete for wages and jobs against this illegal element.
Even honest employers compete against cheating employers.
Cheaters win low bids for contracts in home repairs (siding, roofing, etc.), landscaping,
construction, janitorial services, restaurant services, hotel maid services, and etc. Mostly, these
low bids reflect illegally deflated wages and prices. Nationally, honest employers must compete
against those that actually employ 11 million here unlawfully. Nationally and locally, honest
employers and their workers struggle every day against this illegally challenged market place.
This challenge results from the continued failures of elected leaders to solve the 11 million
illegal immigration problem.
While employees compete, elected politicians bicker over procedure, not substance. For
example, the Comprehensive Reform bill passed by the US Senate in 2013 died in the US House
without even a vote. The biggest hold up? What to do with the 11 million. All other parts, e.g.,
border security, e-verify, seasonal employees, STEM visas, and etc., have substantial bipartisan
agreement. The political positioning fuels division that politicians exploit. This division costs
taxpayers’ money, though, for enforcement while workers struggle with depressed wages caused
by competing with 11 million unlawfully employed, cheaply. Meanwhile, dishonest employers
get work. That reduces tax revenue to state and federal treasuries strained by border and other
enforcement costs. Wages remain stagnant, and honest employers lose profits. Hence the
following IDEA.
The IDEA: 1st
Secure Our Borders, Permanently:
To protect honest businesses, a market-based solution (“MBS” 1
) helps. First, imprison
high profile cheating employers to end the current hiring pipeline. Second, let honest employers
(market participants) privately sue dishonest employers that cheat to compete. Honest employers
will obtain a court judgment of $50,000 per illegal worker as liquidated damages (50% as a
finder’s fee, 50% to our US Treasury). Cheaters will lose their incentive to employ workers
illegally, and they will lose their capital to honest employers and taxpayers. Taxpayers will save
billions on taxpayer financed enforcement efforts by encouraging privately financed
enforcement. Honest employers will make profits to pay workers more. This IDEA is hardly
The IDEA uses whistleblower concepts used for over a hundred and fifty years beginning
with qui tam (Google it) civil actions. Qui tam suits allow private citizens to sue cheaters who
steal from the US government; such citizen suits began after the Civil War to stop supply-vendor
(uniforms, munitions, equipment, food service, etc.) cheating. Today, qui tam plaintiffs earn
millions suing cheaters and help taxpayers recover billions each year. Recently in Massachusetts,
this approach has helped honest businesses against cheaters engaged in worker compensation
premium evasion (See MGL c 152, Section 25C (11)). Just the threat of a civil lawsuit reduced
within five years of enactment the number of employers who cheat to compete. Consider also
NH’s False Claims Act, RSA 167-61b or Mass. Gen. Laws, at Chapter 12, Section 5B (MA False
Claims Act), which allows private civil lawsuits against the dishonest vendors that overcharge
the State. Private enforcement laws are old. The time for this IDEA’s application to immigration
has come. A cheater’s fear of a lawsuit stops border penetration by eliminating the employment
pipeline incentive permanently. Spending billions of tax dollars on border wall building will not
stop penetration. Drone and other tech surveillance, maintenance, and paid guards, and etc.,
provide contracts for politically connected (Halliburton, Black Water security, and etc.) to pass
some profits to politicians via contributions. But, it will not stop penetration. Penetration will
persist via the oceans, Canada, the Great Lakes, air, and overstayed tourists, work & student
visas. This IDEA empowers employers to clean up their own industry by suing cheating
employers to end the employment pipeline, the purpose of illegal penetration.
Get In Back of the Line & Show Me The Money
Simultaneously, charge the four million lawfully waiting in line $10,000 each and walk
them in, first. Use that $40 billion to pay down the debt or finance infrastructure jobs (bridges,
schools, etc.) to create thousands of jobs and generate billions in tax revenue (which will return
much of the $40 billion). Afterward, place the 11 million illegally here behind those lawfully
here. Then, charge those illegally here $30,000 each, as liquidated damages, for a work visa.
They can pay over 10 years via IRS weekly payroll deductions ($3,000 per year –about
$57/week). Their employers, family, and bank loans will help them pay, too. That pulls in an
additional $330 billion to pay down the debt or deficit or create millions more infrastructure jobs,
resulting in yet more tax revenue. As an additional penalty, deny them citizenship for 20 years or
allow citizenship in normal time, but after all is paid. We exempt the elderly, the very young, &
seriously disabled; felons we deport. The IDEA is not visa selling; taxpayers have spent billions
on illegal immigration. Taxpayers want their money back! Now, immigrants can help fix five
1) Illegal immigration;
2) A final & permanent solution to secure borders;
3) The US debt or budget deficit;
4) Deteriorating infrastructure; &
5) Job creation.
Do the math: Add that $370 billion ($40B + $330B) visa charge to the tax gain of about
$30 billion per year those now legalized workers will pay as taxes. Plus, add the $30 billion
saved in enforcement efforts each year (assume only one year), and that near half-trillion dollars
($40B + $330B + $30B + $30B) helps pay down the deficit, debt, or allows investment in
infrastructure and jobs and more tax revenue.
Better still, those illegally here get behind those now waiting in line who get in first.
Further, the undocumented pay to stay and/or wait 20 years for citizenship. Most criminal acts
result in only fines. By using the pay raises that they will likely earn from their new “legal”
status they can afford the $57/week fine. Further still, employers get a sufficient and much
needed workforce for the next decade’s boom years now underway (because of energy, fracking,
raising wages in China, & etc.). Moreover, honest workers no longer compete every day against
dishonest employers.
Deport Now!
Currently, some harness American anger by shouting self-deportation or mass
deportation. Only 20% of Americans support this unlikely solution.2
They shout Ebola,
terrorism, and criminal conduct of a few to induce fear and divide voters. Some voice hate
messages for votes. Decades before this scare mongering & voter “persuasion” or mind-
manipulation, many in New England’s construction industry called for deportation.
For 30 years (a construction workers' career span), politicians failed to deport the
millions who came in under Bush I (after Reagan's 1986 amnesty, which lacked border control
and pushed wages lower for a generation by more illegal penetration). Politicians failed to deport
the next few million who entered under Clinton. When more millions penetrated our borders
under Bush II, their number catapulted to 13 million. He failed to deport them even with
Republican majorities in both chambers, though he tried reform, too. Many left under Obama,
but eleven million remain. Now, many more seek entry as we embark on an historic economic
revival spurred by fracking and energy exporting, rising China wages, added to emerging market
countries who now have hundreds of millions of consumers. Meanwhile, both Parties failed an
entire generation. What makes anyone think that mass deportation will result, especially before
any one reading this is dead. That is why almost 75% of Americans want simple legalization, not
necessarily citizenship.3
Legalization eliminates illegally deflated competition for a new
For decades, dishonest employers have been employing millions illegally. Aliens are not
taking our jobs; they have held these jobs for a generation. A generation’s-old problem and
nothing new has developed, except pitting immigrants against Americans to wedge voters.
During the past 20 years, ¾ of a worker’s career span and five presidential campaigns, politicians
have played with the hearts and minds of voters. Politicians have no IDEA and do not need an
IDEA; the current system works only for them, not us. Some seek a piecemeal approach. That
works only if the hard piece, i.e., what to do with the 11 million, results first. Failure to address
that piece has held up all other pieces.
Guest Workers: Guess Who Benefits?
Some want a Guest Worker program. This hurts American workers, but helps employers.
Given Maslov’s “Hierarchy of Needs,” those illegally here will take a Guest Worker program
over nothing. “Guests,” however, would work subservient to employers who will sponsor a
worker’s visa. American citizens would compete with “Guests.”
Picture yourself applying for job against a group of “Guests”. Guess who an employer
would prefer? “Guests” who ask for a raise will risk termination and loss of sponsorship, i.e.,
deportation. Guests who sue for overtime pay, age or other discrimination or sex harassment will
find difficult obtaining new employer-sponsors. Sure it would be retaliation, but not many
Guests would sue. Guests must leave after a term or two in the program (probably 5 years with a
5-year roll over, if the employer agrees).
Guests provide employers with a compliant young workforce and a revolving door that
rotates out older workers who must leave. Employers will rotate their “human resource” stock
and capitalize on lower wages and working conditions endured by “Guests.” Guests know too
well the employer’s power over their visas. Employers benefit when American citizens compete
against foreign “Guests.” Most New Hampshire workers know their bosses’ power, too. Guest
programs also work well for those few unscrupulous business owners or supervisors who will
‘scan the crop’ for good-looking, stronger, and otherwise compliant immigrants to work in their
stables. Envision the lawsuits at best or despicable acts at worse endured by “Guests.” New
sources revealed recent sexual exploitation by some Australian employers holding guest-type
Further, Guests send money home. They do not spend it in our malls or our main street
stores. Guests realize that they must leave. Guests will not save in our banks, spend in our
restaurants or other retail outlets. They will save for the day the must leave. Accordingly, they
must invest at home, not here. Moreover, Guests will not help our entrepreneurs who sell homes,
condominiums, new furniture, and our property owners who seek to rent out apartments. Guests
would jam many into single apartments to save money for their return home life. Accordingly,
billions of dollars will leave our shores. A guest program helps employers and the Guests’ home
countries. But, such a program will hinder US workers, US retailers, realtors, other merchants,
and our economy.
Moreover still, in all countries where guest programs existed, including the US under the
“bracero program” from 1942 to 1964, guests brought in family, friends, and neighbors. This
resulted in the millions who overstayed “guest” status, e.g., the very people Ronald Reagan
legalized in his 1986 amnesty law. Finally, Guests use social services, as they pay taxes (though
low wage taxes). Currently, taxpayers pay low-wage workers tens of billions in subsidies for
rent, food stamps, and etc.5
Accordingly, a Guest Program would benefits employers, but deplete
tax services, burden taxpayers, stagnant wages for Americans, and compromise -not enhance,
border security.6
Back Taxes
Though politically sweet, insisting on back taxes misses the point. Too many of the
individuals here illegally know the real dollars they earned during the past 30 years. Many of us
know how much we earned only when we look at our weekly year-to-date total and our w-2 from
our employers come January of the next year. If truth be told, too many could not afford to pay
the taxes, assuming only $5,000 per year is owed. Five thousand times ten years, puts (without
IRS interest, punishing penalties, and etc.) most individuals in debt for life and more.
Some will owe hundreds of thousands of dollars, never being able to pay. Too many will
lie. Lying is a deportable offense; back to square one. So, too many will not come forward. This
issue will divide us and will help keep the status quo. Too many politicians will exploit this one
boiling issue; but, that is not in our best interest. Back taxes forces too many to consume less,
heavily burdened by tax debt. Business and entrepreneurs should want these folks spending in
stores, not giving money to the IRS. How much of those back taxes will you really see in your
neighborhood schools (none)? Meanwhile, you will see and experience the effect that workers
illegally employed will have on your daily ability to earn better wages, business profits, for you,
your children, recent college graduates, and your neighbors too. A one-time $30,000 liquidated
damages helps you more, though this clearly remains a tough, blood-heating and enormous
stumbling block. Clear-thinking require cooler blood.
So: Why Now?
Eleven million have been working here illegally for a generation, 200,000 in New
England alone effecting 100,000 NH employees who commute and others who do not.
Legalized, individuals spur economic growth for businesses looking to sell condos, houses,
furniture, vacations, restaurant meals, show tickets, automobiles, cell phones, and clothing sold
in our local shops and malls. Businesses need better paid workers who become consumers who
can spend in local stores. New Hampshire’s workforce should not have to fight over who will
work for the lowest wages based on illegal tactics of cheaters. Too many earning low or illegally
deflated wages hurt our economy. Further, taxpayers subsidize low wage employees with food
stamps, fuel assistance, and other welfare. We pay Walmart’s employees over $6,000,000,000 in
welfare each year (yes, billion)). Low wages do not put consumers into our local shops that line
the main streets of American -businesses that yearn for consumer spending. Time has long
passed to take worker illegal status out of the employment equation. Those lawfully here must
compete every day against New England’s 200,000 illegally employed.
In the 2016 race, immigration looms large. Let candidates know your IDEA that will
pass. In the battle to pass immigration reform in the US House & Senate, adopt this IDEA.
Mickey Long,
Nahant, MA
Attorney, NH & MA Licensed
You can learn more MBSs at Cato Institute:, a think tank
financed by conservatives and Libertarians. There, you will discover that immigrants who actually do
become citizens (only 46% of the 1986-Reagan amnesty became citizens) vote both Republican and
Democrat. A win-win!
america/2015/02/25/8e40d966-bd1b-11e4-b274-e5209a3bc9a9_story.html Washington Post, Feb. 25,
2015, Editorial Board OpEd.
Id., see also:
5; $7 Billion for
fast food workers alone. See also,
workers-cost-taxpayers-6-2-billion-in-public-assistance $6.2 Billion for Walmart alone.
See “The Mirage of Mexican Guest Workers,” Foreign Affairs Mag. Nov/Dec. 2001.

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Accounting Information Systems (AIS).pptx


  • 1. 1 An Immigration & Debt Elimination Act (“IDEA”): Or A Job Creating Infrastructure Funding Plan Every day, hundreds of thousands of New England’s residents rise from bed to compete for jobs and wages. Experts estimate that in New England some employers employ about 200,000 aliens unlawfully. Every day, over 100,000 New Hampshire workers commute into other New England states. There, they compete for wages and jobs against this illegal element. Even honest employers compete against cheating employers. Cheaters win low bids for contracts in home repairs (siding, roofing, etc.), landscaping, construction, janitorial services, restaurant services, hotel maid services, and etc. Mostly, these low bids reflect illegally deflated wages and prices. Nationally, honest employers must compete against those that actually employ 11 million here unlawfully. Nationally and locally, honest employers and their workers struggle every day against this illegally challenged market place. This challenge results from the continued failures of elected leaders to solve the 11 million illegal immigration problem. While employees compete, elected politicians bicker over procedure, not substance. For example, the Comprehensive Reform bill passed by the US Senate in 2013 died in the US House without even a vote. The biggest hold up? What to do with the 11 million. All other parts, e.g., border security, e-verify, seasonal employees, STEM visas, and etc., have substantial bipartisan agreement. The political positioning fuels division that politicians exploit. This division costs taxpayers’ money, though, for enforcement while workers struggle with depressed wages caused by competing with 11 million unlawfully employed, cheaply. Meanwhile, dishonest employers get work. That reduces tax revenue to state and federal treasuries strained by border and other enforcement costs. Wages remain stagnant, and honest employers lose profits. Hence the following IDEA. The IDEA: 1st Secure Our Borders, Permanently: To protect honest businesses, a market-based solution (“MBS” 1 ) helps. First, imprison high profile cheating employers to end the current hiring pipeline. Second, let honest employers (market participants) privately sue dishonest employers that cheat to compete. Honest employers will obtain a court judgment of $50,000 per illegal worker as liquidated damages (50% as a finder’s fee, 50% to our US Treasury). Cheaters will lose their incentive to employ workers illegally, and they will lose their capital to honest employers and taxpayers. Taxpayers will save billions on taxpayer financed enforcement efforts by encouraging privately financed enforcement. Honest employers will make profits to pay workers more. This IDEA is hardly new. The IDEA uses whistleblower concepts used for over a hundred and fifty years beginning with qui tam (Google it) civil actions. Qui tam suits allow private citizens to sue cheaters who steal from the US government; such citizen suits began after the Civil War to stop supply-vendor (uniforms, munitions, equipment, food service, etc.) cheating. Today, qui tam plaintiffs earn millions suing cheaters and help taxpayers recover billions each year. Recently in Massachusetts, this approach has helped honest businesses against cheaters engaged in worker compensation premium evasion (See MGL c 152, Section 25C (11)). Just the threat of a civil lawsuit reduced within five years of enactment the number of employers who cheat to compete. Consider also NH’s False Claims Act, RSA 167-61b or Mass. Gen. Laws, at Chapter 12, Section 5B (MA False
  • 2. 2 Claims Act), which allows private civil lawsuits against the dishonest vendors that overcharge the State. Private enforcement laws are old. The time for this IDEA’s application to immigration has come. A cheater’s fear of a lawsuit stops border penetration by eliminating the employment pipeline incentive permanently. Spending billions of tax dollars on border wall building will not stop penetration. Drone and other tech surveillance, maintenance, and paid guards, and etc., provide contracts for politically connected (Halliburton, Black Water security, and etc.) to pass some profits to politicians via contributions. But, it will not stop penetration. Penetration will persist via the oceans, Canada, the Great Lakes, air, and overstayed tourists, work & student visas. This IDEA empowers employers to clean up their own industry by suing cheating employers to end the employment pipeline, the purpose of illegal penetration. 2nd Get In Back of the Line & Show Me The Money Simultaneously, charge the four million lawfully waiting in line $10,000 each and walk them in, first. Use that $40 billion to pay down the debt or finance infrastructure jobs (bridges, schools, etc.) to create thousands of jobs and generate billions in tax revenue (which will return much of the $40 billion). Afterward, place the 11 million illegally here behind those lawfully here. Then, charge those illegally here $30,000 each, as liquidated damages, for a work visa. They can pay over 10 years via IRS weekly payroll deductions ($3,000 per year –about $57/week). Their employers, family, and bank loans will help them pay, too. That pulls in an additional $330 billion to pay down the debt or deficit or create millions more infrastructure jobs, resulting in yet more tax revenue. As an additional penalty, deny them citizenship for 20 years or allow citizenship in normal time, but after all is paid. We exempt the elderly, the very young, & seriously disabled; felons we deport. The IDEA is not visa selling; taxpayers have spent billions on illegal immigration. Taxpayers want their money back! Now, immigrants can help fix five problems: 1) Illegal immigration; 2) A final & permanent solution to secure borders; 3) The US debt or budget deficit; 4) Deteriorating infrastructure; & 5) Job creation. Do the math: Add that $370 billion ($40B + $330B) visa charge to the tax gain of about $30 billion per year those now legalized workers will pay as taxes. Plus, add the $30 billion saved in enforcement efforts each year (assume only one year), and that near half-trillion dollars ($40B + $330B + $30B + $30B) helps pay down the deficit, debt, or allows investment in infrastructure and jobs and more tax revenue. Better still, those illegally here get behind those now waiting in line who get in first. Further, the undocumented pay to stay and/or wait 20 years for citizenship. Most criminal acts result in only fines. By using the pay raises that they will likely earn from their new “legal” status they can afford the $57/week fine. Further still, employers get a sufficient and much needed workforce for the next decade’s boom years now underway (because of energy, fracking, raising wages in China, & etc.). Moreover, honest workers no longer compete every day against dishonest employers. Deport Now!
  • 3. 3 Currently, some harness American anger by shouting self-deportation or mass deportation. Only 20% of Americans support this unlikely solution.2 They shout Ebola, terrorism, and criminal conduct of a few to induce fear and divide voters. Some voice hate messages for votes. Decades before this scare mongering & voter “persuasion” or mind- manipulation, many in New England’s construction industry called for deportation. For 30 years (a construction workers' career span), politicians failed to deport the millions who came in under Bush I (after Reagan's 1986 amnesty, which lacked border control and pushed wages lower for a generation by more illegal penetration). Politicians failed to deport the next few million who entered under Clinton. When more millions penetrated our borders under Bush II, their number catapulted to 13 million. He failed to deport them even with Republican majorities in both chambers, though he tried reform, too. Many left under Obama, but eleven million remain. Now, many more seek entry as we embark on an historic economic revival spurred by fracking and energy exporting, rising China wages, added to emerging market countries who now have hundreds of millions of consumers. Meanwhile, both Parties failed an entire generation. What makes anyone think that mass deportation will result, especially before any one reading this is dead. That is why almost 75% of Americans want simple legalization, not necessarily citizenship.3 Legalization eliminates illegally deflated competition for a new generation. For decades, dishonest employers have been employing millions illegally. Aliens are not taking our jobs; they have held these jobs for a generation. A generation’s-old problem and nothing new has developed, except pitting immigrants against Americans to wedge voters. During the past 20 years, ¾ of a worker’s career span and five presidential campaigns, politicians have played with the hearts and minds of voters. Politicians have no IDEA and do not need an IDEA; the current system works only for them, not us. Some seek a piecemeal approach. That works only if the hard piece, i.e., what to do with the 11 million, results first. Failure to address that piece has held up all other pieces. Guest Workers: Guess Who Benefits? Some want a Guest Worker program. This hurts American workers, but helps employers. Given Maslov’s “Hierarchy of Needs,” those illegally here will take a Guest Worker program over nothing. “Guests,” however, would work subservient to employers who will sponsor a worker’s visa. American citizens would compete with “Guests.” Picture yourself applying for job against a group of “Guests”. Guess who an employer would prefer? “Guests” who ask for a raise will risk termination and loss of sponsorship, i.e., deportation. Guests who sue for overtime pay, age or other discrimination or sex harassment will find difficult obtaining new employer-sponsors. Sure it would be retaliation, but not many Guests would sue. Guests must leave after a term or two in the program (probably 5 years with a 5-year roll over, if the employer agrees). Guests provide employers with a compliant young workforce and a revolving door that rotates out older workers who must leave. Employers will rotate their “human resource” stock and capitalize on lower wages and working conditions endured by “Guests.” Guests know too well the employer’s power over their visas. Employers benefit when American citizens compete
  • 4. 4 against foreign “Guests.” Most New Hampshire workers know their bosses’ power, too. Guest programs also work well for those few unscrupulous business owners or supervisors who will ‘scan the crop’ for good-looking, stronger, and otherwise compliant immigrants to work in their stables. Envision the lawsuits at best or despicable acts at worse endured by “Guests.” New sources revealed recent sexual exploitation by some Australian employers holding guest-type visas.4 Further, Guests send money home. They do not spend it in our malls or our main street stores. Guests realize that they must leave. Guests will not save in our banks, spend in our restaurants or other retail outlets. They will save for the day the must leave. Accordingly, they must invest at home, not here. Moreover, Guests will not help our entrepreneurs who sell homes, condominiums, new furniture, and our property owners who seek to rent out apartments. Guests would jam many into single apartments to save money for their return home life. Accordingly, billions of dollars will leave our shores. A guest program helps employers and the Guests’ home countries. But, such a program will hinder US workers, US retailers, realtors, other merchants, and our economy. Moreover still, in all countries where guest programs existed, including the US under the “bracero program” from 1942 to 1964, guests brought in family, friends, and neighbors. This resulted in the millions who overstayed “guest” status, e.g., the very people Ronald Reagan legalized in his 1986 amnesty law. Finally, Guests use social services, as they pay taxes (though low wage taxes). Currently, taxpayers pay low-wage workers tens of billions in subsidies for rent, food stamps, and etc.5 Accordingly, a Guest Program would benefits employers, but deplete tax services, burden taxpayers, stagnant wages for Americans, and compromise -not enhance, border security.6 Back Taxes Though politically sweet, insisting on back taxes misses the point. Too many of the individuals here illegally know the real dollars they earned during the past 30 years. Many of us know how much we earned only when we look at our weekly year-to-date total and our w-2 from our employers come January of the next year. If truth be told, too many could not afford to pay the taxes, assuming only $5,000 per year is owed. Five thousand times ten years, puts (without IRS interest, punishing penalties, and etc.) most individuals in debt for life and more. Some will owe hundreds of thousands of dollars, never being able to pay. Too many will lie. Lying is a deportable offense; back to square one. So, too many will not come forward. This issue will divide us and will help keep the status quo. Too many politicians will exploit this one boiling issue; but, that is not in our best interest. Back taxes forces too many to consume less, heavily burdened by tax debt. Business and entrepreneurs should want these folks spending in stores, not giving money to the IRS. How much of those back taxes will you really see in your neighborhood schools (none)? Meanwhile, you will see and experience the effect that workers illegally employed will have on your daily ability to earn better wages, business profits, for you, your children, recent college graduates, and your neighbors too. A one-time $30,000 liquidated damages helps you more, though this clearly remains a tough, blood-heating and enormous stumbling block. Clear-thinking require cooler blood.
  • 5. 5 So: Why Now? Eleven million have been working here illegally for a generation, 200,000 in New England alone effecting 100,000 NH employees who commute and others who do not. Legalized, individuals spur economic growth for businesses looking to sell condos, houses, furniture, vacations, restaurant meals, show tickets, automobiles, cell phones, and clothing sold in our local shops and malls. Businesses need better paid workers who become consumers who can spend in local stores. New Hampshire’s workforce should not have to fight over who will work for the lowest wages based on illegal tactics of cheaters. Too many earning low or illegally deflated wages hurt our economy. Further, taxpayers subsidize low wage employees with food stamps, fuel assistance, and other welfare. We pay Walmart’s employees over $6,000,000,000 in welfare each year (yes, billion)). Low wages do not put consumers into our local shops that line the main streets of American -businesses that yearn for consumer spending. Time has long passed to take worker illegal status out of the employment equation. Those lawfully here must compete every day against New England’s 200,000 illegally employed. In the 2016 race, immigration looms large. Let candidates know your IDEA that will pass. In the battle to pass immigration reform in the US House & Senate, adopt this IDEA. Mickey Long, Nahant, MA Attorney, NH & MA Licensed 1 You can learn more MBSs at Cato Institute:, a think tank financed by conservatives and Libertarians. There, you will discover that immigrants who actually do become citizens (only 46% of the 1986-Reagan amnesty became citizens) vote both Republican and Democrat. A win-win! 2 See america/2015/02/25/8e40d966-bd1b-11e4-b274-e5209a3bc9a9_story.html Washington Post, Feb. 25, 2015, Editorial Board OpEd. 3 Id., see also: D1.pdf 4 5; $7 Billion for fast food workers alone. See also, workers-cost-taxpayers-6-2-billion-in-public-assistance $6.2 Billion for Walmart alone. 6 See “The Mirage of Mexican Guest Workers,” Foreign Affairs Mag. Nov/Dec. 2001.