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In January of 2008, the first Baby Boomers are eligible for Social Security benefits, to 
be followed by Medicare in 2011. By 2020, the drain on Social Security and Medicare funds 
will enter peak years. Our citizens have been misinformed by the present political leadership 
regarding both the present and future size of our debts. Due to the federal “entitlement” 
system created over the past 75 years, the bills for those benefits and many other federal costs 
are being passed to our children. These present benefits are an illegal and immoral transfer 
from the future that will impoverish rising generations.1 These entitlements and the other bills 
for our massively oversized federal government will condemn the next generation to a sinking 
standard of living and overwhelming debt, resulting in the loss of the very freedoms this 
nation was created to protect. Unfortunately, the existing political class is unwilling or unable 
to make the hard decisions that could avert the pending destruction and preserve our country. 
It has become impossible to even begin to address this complex problem in the current 
political environment in Washington. The country’s current political leadership is unable to 
make radical changes necessary to avert overwhelming indebtedness because they subscribe 
to and benefit from the philosophy that has created the problem. The relationships among and 
within the present political class are destroying our ability to pursue our happiness. The ruling 
political class in Washington must go. 
We the citizens of America have the duty to make radical changes in the way the federal 
government operates to make it perform its proper mission for the sake of our children and all 
future generations. The responsibility to make these changes is assigned to the people by the 
Declaration of Independence. It is time to exercise that power. 
As currently projected, the federal debt caused by the “entitlements” and other existing 
federal programs will rise from $120,000 for each family of four in 2007 to over $600,000 in 
less than three decades (and inflation will be added on top of that). As the debt increases, our 
standard of living will decline. The impoverished younger generations will be unable to pay. 
The $53 trillion “mortgage” for a “house” they do not own will create a state of indentured 
servitude for future working Americans, in violation of the 13th Amendment to the 
Indentured servitude? Most new residents of the American colonies were indentured 
servants. They entered into a voluntary contract to work for a set time period and then move 
on to freedom with a small parcel of land. The younger generations of Americans have signed 
no such contracts obligating them to pay for the older generations’ benefits. Yet the federal 
debt sentences them to the status of indentured servants with no prospect for freedom unless 
we change the political system that is bankrupting them. 
1 Jefferson and Washington clearly stated that each generation is morally obligated to pay the debts it generated 
(major war costs excepted) before it passes from the scene.
America was created in a revolution to release people from bondage under the control of 
a central government. The nation’s political parties (the Repocrats2) have turned this concept 
upside down over the past century. Our present class of politicians has made unsustainable 
political promises to satisfy their lust for power and literally stolen the country from the 
citizens for their own benefit and the benefit of their supporters, fighting among themselves 
for room at the public trough. The Repocrats think the citizens work for them rather than 
recognizing that we hire them to do the very few specific tasks we need the federal 
government to perform. The money taken by force (do not pay your taxes and an armed 
officer will be on your doorstep!) from Americans’ paychecks over the last 75 years is not 
only unreasonably large but has been spent far too often on the priorities of politicians serving 
special interests and to further their own agendas. These funds were obtained from repeated 
increases in taxation and by borrowing from the future. The money taken from citizens was 
not invested in productive activities that yield returns to be applied to the “general welfare” of 
the citizens, as called for in the Constitution. It was used to enrich the present political class 
and certain special interests at the expense of the citizens. 
The Repocrats have now become so crazed in their immoral exercise of power that they 
name institutions after themselves as if they were royalty (see the Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) 
Center for Public Service and the Thad Cochran (R-MS) Research Center, among over 11,000 
examples of grotesque irresponsibility (“earmarks”) in the 2008 budget bills). This must 
cease! A couple of centuries ago, Americans fought a Revolution over taxes and abuse of 
power to stop this kind of absurd lien. Yet today we merely pass the problem to the younger 
generation, America’s children. Left unrestrained, the Repocrats will continue to run 
roughshod over the citizens and leave bankruptcy as a legacy to our posterity! 
The Repocrats do not focus on these issues when they talk to the voters, for obvious 
reasons. They are apparently incapable of recognizing there is in fact no “trust fund” for any 
of the entitlements or other federal spending, only IOUs that must be paid for out of future 
annual tax revenues imposed on the wages of working Americans and the investments of 
retired Americans. Some argue that “we owe it to ourselves.” They are wrong. The 
generations in power have no right to encumber America’s children with the cost of their own 
current benefits. The younger generations will be unable to pay the interest and principal on 
the rising debt, and they are different individuals from those who benefit from the current 
massive wealth transfers and other irresponsible federal spending. Yet the Millennial 
Generation will be forced to bear the expense tomorrow while the older generations consume 
the benefits today. This pyramid scheme must cease. The generations in power must take 
financial responsibility for what they consume and not pass the bill to the children. 
The Repocrats have saddled the nation with a huge “negative amortization mortgage” 
(rising federal debts), owed by future generations of workers. This is exactly the same kind of 
2 The existing political power structure includes members of the Republican and Democratic Parties and [a very 
few] independent elected officials. To make it easy to refer to the current political class as a whole, we reach 
back to the original Greek (demos and kratien) and Latin (res publica) and simplify the long result to 
“Repocrats”. The mnemonic devices for this word are simple: having your car or house repossessed in the one 
case, and creating enormous numbers of bureaucrats to address every imaginable special interest in the other. 
problem the “inside the Beltway” crowd is loudly criticizing mortgage lenders for allegedly 
bringing about in the housing sector. But these politicians are committing this outrageous 
fraud against the future of the entire country without the population’s understanding or 
agreement. This hypocrisy must stop! 
The phrase “moral hazard” has been mentioned quite often during the current mortgage 
meltdown. Technically, a moral hazard is created when an individual believes someone else 
will pay the cost if some action creates a negative outcome. The concept of risk management 
is obviously key to solving this problem. We voluntarily enter relationships to insure against 
the risk of trouble (e.g., auto and fire policies), but we fully understand that we should not 
then go out and wreck our car or burn our house down because we still bear costs for our 
The federal government’s intrusion into many areas where it has no legitimate business 
has created a perfect storm of moral hazards. The U.S. has become a society in which 
everyone appears convinced almost nothing is their responsibility, but virtually every problem 
belongs to the federal government. Massively increasing costs of health care and education 
and a string of disasters created by federal flood insurance subsidies are clear examples of 
burdens created by unwise federal involvement financed at the cost of future generations in 
the false believe that they make society better off. In all of these cases, the federal government 
has aggrandized power from the states and the people and inserted itself in areas where it has 
no legitimate function to perform. The fact is that government involvement is the cause of the 
problem, not the solution. Now virtually every real or imagined problem appears to demand a 
federal solution rather than having the people and governments with direct knowledge of what 
is happening take responsibility for their actions. Meanwhile, the Repocrats search wildly for 
someone to blame for problems they have caused (“bad mortgage brokers”). 
In an area currently on the front pages, the Repocrats in Congress and the White House 
called for the expansion of mortgage lending into extremely risky areas and ensured the 
government sponsored enterprises lowered their credit standards (100% financing made 
possible by Fannie Mae in their $2 trillion dollar “American Dream Commitment” in 2000) to 
get inappropriate loans made. Under the “National Minority Homeownership Initiative” and 
related initiatives regarding first time borrowers, Fannie reported lending “$1.3 trillion for 
nearly 12 million targeted families” with an average 3% down payment requirement. Fannie 
further reported they “completed two-thirds of the American Dream Commitment in about 
30% of the time.” The moral hazard from this irresponsible government lending far exceeds 
that of foolish private lenders. The horrible results of this federal intrusion into private 
decisions on how and where to live are generating calls for further federal bailout action at the 
cost of increased debt to be paid by future generations. We are misleading ourselves if we 
think the fault lies with unscrupulous lenders, who have always been working at the fringes of 
legitimate business. The federal government’s inappropriate interference created the problem, 
and cannot provide the solution. Citizens are being asked to pay for creating the problem as 
well as trying to “solve” it with bailouts that will once again be shipped to the future. This 
kind of “collective irresponsibility” is pushing America over the brink. Young America 
cannot afford the future bills from “help” like this! 
Keeping the harsh economic reality of the upcoming federal debt out of the view of the 
voters, the federal government produces reports on the financial condition of the nation that 
systematically violate the basic accrual accounting rules for future liabilities that we apply to 
individuals and businesses. Our government reports to us only those expenses they pay in 
each year and covers up the growing bill for future expenses. The citizens are not provided 
accurate and complete reports on the government’s financial condition on a regular basis! 
Although the Repocrats sanitize their financial reporting through the Office of Management 
and Budget and the Congressional Budget Office, the reporting is not in accord with 
accounting rules we must abide by. Somehow only the Comptroller of the Currency seems to 
get it. The present political discourse inside the Beltway is based on an erroneous 
understanding of our nation’s precarious financial position and has placed the country at the 
tipping point. Traversing the tipping point will make Americans powerless over their destiny. 
Unless we take action now, we will be able only to react helplessly during the unraveling 
brought on by massively increasing future indebtedness and repeated rounds of more severe 
devaluation of the U.S. currency. 
The Repocrats are unable and unwilling to restore financial integrity and preserve liberty, 
due to the “promise them anything” philosophy that they have used to gain power. The costs 
of the massive expansion of inefficient and ineffective federal intrusion into our lives by the 
Repocrats since WWII are creating dire consequences for all future Americans. Government 
cannot deliver what has been promised and the financial weight of government is taking us 
under. Fifty years ago, we had a large and increasing middle class, virtually no debt except 
from WWII, and a government that worked for the people. Looking ahead, the next 
generations will be unable to afford their existence. 
Good news! There is nothing in our Constitution that requires us to rely on two 
political parties that are both part of the problem, not the solution. The Liberty Party USA is 
trying to provide freedom to future generations by having the federal government do exactly 
what it was designed to do, and stop performing activities that are the business of the people 
and the states, not the federal government. To change our present course and sustain our 
liberty will require significant changes. 
The key components of the Liberty Party USA platform necessary to reverse America’s 
decline are: 
1. Revoke the 73 linear feet of indecipherable and contradictory federal tax code in 
its entirety and create a new tax return (individual and corporate) which fits on one piece of 
paper. Impose a flat, broad based, 15% tax on all incomes (wages, interest, dividends, capital 
gains, and profits). This will immediately save up to $300 billion annually that is currently 
wasted on professional fees and oversight costs. There are additional billions wasted on 
corporate and individual “tax avoidance” strategies, but those costs are effectively 
incalculable. This simplification will empower thousands of our brightest and most well 
educated citizens to engage in productive activities rather than simply being deadweight costs 
for the economy. Most important, the savings will provide the income tax revenue needed to 
pay legitimate federal expenses. The new income tax will be accompanied by up to $25,000 
(indexed for inflation) in personal exemptions for a family of five, making the effective tax 
rate 7.5% for median income families. Liberty Party USA wants the vast majority of 
Americans to feel responsible for paying their share for the benefits of living in this incredibly 
great country – despite the Repocrats! High income individuals and corporations will pay the 
maximum rate. The flat income tax will be supplemented by a consumption tax of 5% on 
goods and services, excluding medicine and food for preparation in the home. Finally, 
LPUSA will reduce payroll withholding to 10% from the present 15.3% to provide direct 
relief to the lower and middle classes. Every working American with annual income up to 
$98,500 will retain an additional 5.3% every year to spend as they see fit. This tax system is 
an effective revenue generator. The simplicity of the Liberty Party Tax Code will immediately 
save hundreds of billions in enforcement and compliance costs. We intend to provide a 
simplified, understandable, and manageable tax code that removes incentives to misallocate 
resources for tax reasons. 
2. We must promptly reduce the size of the Executive Branch to five Cabinet posts 
(Defense, Justice, State, Treasury, and Interstate Affairs) to perform the legitimate federal 
activities called for in the Constitution, as amended over time. Merge or phase out all other 
activities on a three-year glide path. Create enforceable, transparent, and well defined 
standards of conduct for these activities to ensure the citizens can determine that they are 
performed efficiently and effectively. Reduce the duration and frequency of legislative 
Sessions of the Congress to comport with the proper Constitutional role of the federal 
government as described herein. Reduce the costs of the Legislative Branch including staff, to 
comport with the reduced scope of federal activities. Take the present 11,000 legislative 
“earmarks” down to zero. Require all federal spending bills to openly identify the single 
element of the Constitution that assigns responsibility for that specific task to the federal 
government and takes it away from the states and the people (eliminate “earmarks”). Limit 
terms for members of the Congress to 12 years to protect the citizens against a self-perpetuating 
political class that promises everything to gain power but never has to deal with 
the issues faced by private citizens. Perform a proper calculation of the federal balance sheet 
and income statement in accordance with generally accepted (accrual) accounting principles 
(GAAP). Presently the government does not count expenses that they run up and do not pay. 
This kind of accounting dupes the citizenry into tolerating yet more expenses. Counting the 
real federal obligations and expenses will show a total federal liability of approximately $53 
trillion by 2030 (with a 7% interest rate assumption). 
3. Adjust federal entitlement expenditures to match accurately measured tax 
revenues and expenses. Cease all federal involvement in Medicaid immediately and leave 
such care to the discretion of the states and the people (9th and 10th Amendments). Empower 
the patient doctor transaction by reducing our reliance on the present third party payer system. 
This money will be promptly returned to working citizens in every paycheck by their FICA 
reduction of 5.3%. Remove the federal government from the medical care business and reduce 
the cost of medical care by over 50%. Federal Medicaid payments will cease within three 
years and those funds will be returned to the working poor in a direct reduction of FICA 
payments from 15.3% to 10%. When individuals are enabled to re-establish their relationships 
directly with the doctor, they will discover it’s measurably better then the current third party 
payer system. The other 50-plus means-tested subsidy programs (grants from the federal 
government to special interest groups) will be phased out over three years. These measures 
will prove to be a bigger deterrent to illegal immigration then any possible “wall’ would be. 
Finally, save Social Security by substantial reform. Because millions of people have made 
inappropriate decisions relying on misleading federal promises, Medicare will be frozen at 
2008 dollar levels and begin to phase out over 10 years. Social Security will become what it 
was originally intended to be: forced savings for later years. Individual retirement funding is 
clearly not a federal task, but past promises have led people to make foolish choices. There 
will be a glide path for bringing workers’ contributions into their ownership (with appropriate 
fiduciary constraints) rather than having them expended for the Repocrats’ political gain. The 
federal Thrift Savings program will serve as a model for initial discussions. 
4. Once we the people have acted to gain tax relief, put the federal government 
into an appropriate role, and control entitlement costs, then and only then can we begin to pay 
down the $9.1 trillion federal debt (as of October 2007) while the Baby Boom generation is 
still working. The annual interest cost of over $420 billion on the existing debt is obviously 
difficult for the real economy to absorb. But the Repocrats are adding to the debt at the rate of 
$600 billion per year (in fiscal years 2005-2007) even as revenues increase rapidly. A 
“mortgage payment” on the current debt (at 5%) for 30 years would be $586 billion annually. 
If we wait to start paying it off until 2011, the first year that the Boomer generation reaches 65 
and is eligible for Medicare, the mortgage (at 7%) reaches $917.7 billion annually or $76.5 
billion a month. During fiscal 2007 the federal government collected tax revenue of $2.6 
trillion! A fourth consecutive year of over 10% increases in taxes collected. Even given this 
positive development the Federal debt has increased from $7.9 trillion in 2005 to $8.5 trillion 
in 2006 and $9.1 trillion in 2007. Extending these increases the 2011 debt financing would 
take 35% of all federal taxes annually. Wait until the debt reaches $53 trillion, and the annual 
“mortgage payment” reaches $4.2 trillion per year! 
Shortly, LPUSA will supplement these 4 platform planks with others. However, 
LPUSA views the above 4 planks as the core beliefs necessary to be acted upon to preserve 
our cherished liberties. 
Oftentimes, the Repocrats conceal the relationships between their past actions and 
current problems. Vernon L. Smith, (a Nobel Laureate in Economics) states; “...thank you 
President Bill Clinton for the housing consumption binge and the latest housing bubble . . . 
these government driven expenditures on housing consumption are more akin to satisfying 
government-subsidized vanity.” (WSJ, Editorial page-Dec.18, 2007). 
The recent omnibus spending bill to run the federal government in 2008 and passed by 
Congress is a symptom of the enormity of the problem. It contains 8,993 earmarks for special 
interests, 90% of which were never voted on by both houses of Congress and therefore are not 
even laws (WSJ, Editorial page-Dec. 20, 2007). The Congressional elections a year ago, 
which were supposed to address the earmarks problem, have obviously had little affect. 
“Congress Oinks it’s Way to a Spending Bill” is the headline of an editorial in The Examiner 
(Dec, 18, 2007). 
“A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote 
themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority 
always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury with 
the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy which is always 
followed by dictatorship. . . . through the following sequence: 
1. From bondage to spiritual faith. 
2. From spiritual faith to great courage. 
3. From courage to liberty. 
4. From liberty to abundance. 
5. From abundance to complacency. 
6. From apathy to dependence. 
7. From dependence back into bondage.” 
Credited to Alexander Tyler (a Scottish history professor) in 1787, the year we ratified our 
Execute the planks above with energy, honesty, and openness! 
Begin the debt reduction process now before the beneficiaries are gone! 
Kill the negative amortization mortgage the Repocrats have placed on future generations! 
Ensure the dollar remains the world’s reserve currency! 
Avoid indentured servitude for working people and future generations! 
Stop digging America under! 
Almighty God grant us the wisdom to understand and the courage to act to 
preserve our liberties. God Bless America. TC

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Youngest c m in India- Pema Khandu Biography

Lpusa core platform_jan_2008_f

  • 1. LIBERTY PARTY USA: ENSURING FREEDOM FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS In January of 2008, the first Baby Boomers are eligible for Social Security benefits, to be followed by Medicare in 2011. By 2020, the drain on Social Security and Medicare funds will enter peak years. Our citizens have been misinformed by the present political leadership regarding both the present and future size of our debts. Due to the federal “entitlement” system created over the past 75 years, the bills for those benefits and many other federal costs are being passed to our children. These present benefits are an illegal and immoral transfer from the future that will impoverish rising generations.1 These entitlements and the other bills for our massively oversized federal government will condemn the next generation to a sinking standard of living and overwhelming debt, resulting in the loss of the very freedoms this nation was created to protect. Unfortunately, the existing political class is unwilling or unable to make the hard decisions that could avert the pending destruction and preserve our country. It has become impossible to even begin to address this complex problem in the current political environment in Washington. The country’s current political leadership is unable to make radical changes necessary to avert overwhelming indebtedness because they subscribe to and benefit from the philosophy that has created the problem. The relationships among and within the present political class are destroying our ability to pursue our happiness. The ruling political class in Washington must go. We the citizens of America have the duty to make radical changes in the way the federal government operates to make it perform its proper mission for the sake of our children and all future generations. The responsibility to make these changes is assigned to the people by the Declaration of Independence. It is time to exercise that power. As currently projected, the federal debt caused by the “entitlements” and other existing federal programs will rise from $120,000 for each family of four in 2007 to over $600,000 in less than three decades (and inflation will be added on top of that). As the debt increases, our standard of living will decline. The impoverished younger generations will be unable to pay. The $53 trillion “mortgage” for a “house” they do not own will create a state of indentured servitude for future working Americans, in violation of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. Indentured servitude? Most new residents of the American colonies were indentured servants. They entered into a voluntary contract to work for a set time period and then move on to freedom with a small parcel of land. The younger generations of Americans have signed no such contracts obligating them to pay for the older generations’ benefits. Yet the federal debt sentences them to the status of indentured servants with no prospect for freedom unless we change the political system that is bankrupting them. 1 Jefferson and Washington clearly stated that each generation is morally obligated to pay the debts it generated (major war costs excepted) before it passes from the scene.
  • 2. America was created in a revolution to release people from bondage under the control of a central government. The nation’s political parties (the Repocrats2) have turned this concept upside down over the past century. Our present class of politicians has made unsustainable political promises to satisfy their lust for power and literally stolen the country from the citizens for their own benefit and the benefit of their supporters, fighting among themselves for room at the public trough. The Repocrats think the citizens work for them rather than recognizing that we hire them to do the very few specific tasks we need the federal government to perform. The money taken by force (do not pay your taxes and an armed officer will be on your doorstep!) from Americans’ paychecks over the last 75 years is not only unreasonably large but has been spent far too often on the priorities of politicians serving special interests and to further their own agendas. These funds were obtained from repeated increases in taxation and by borrowing from the future. The money taken from citizens was not invested in productive activities that yield returns to be applied to the “general welfare” of the citizens, as called for in the Constitution. It was used to enrich the present political class and certain special interests at the expense of the citizens. The Repocrats have now become so crazed in their immoral exercise of power that they name institutions after themselves as if they were royalty (see the Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) Center for Public Service and the Thad Cochran (R-MS) Research Center, among over 11,000 examples of grotesque irresponsibility (“earmarks”) in the 2008 budget bills). This must cease! A couple of centuries ago, Americans fought a Revolution over taxes and abuse of power to stop this kind of absurd lien. Yet today we merely pass the problem to the younger generation, America’s children. Left unrestrained, the Repocrats will continue to run roughshod over the citizens and leave bankruptcy as a legacy to our posterity! The Repocrats do not focus on these issues when they talk to the voters, for obvious reasons. They are apparently incapable of recognizing there is in fact no “trust fund” for any of the entitlements or other federal spending, only IOUs that must be paid for out of future annual tax revenues imposed on the wages of working Americans and the investments of retired Americans. Some argue that “we owe it to ourselves.” They are wrong. The generations in power have no right to encumber America’s children with the cost of their own current benefits. The younger generations will be unable to pay the interest and principal on the rising debt, and they are different individuals from those who benefit from the current massive wealth transfers and other irresponsible federal spending. Yet the Millennial Generation will be forced to bear the expense tomorrow while the older generations consume the benefits today. This pyramid scheme must cease. The generations in power must take financial responsibility for what they consume and not pass the bill to the children. The Repocrats have saddled the nation with a huge “negative amortization mortgage” (rising federal debts), owed by future generations of workers. This is exactly the same kind of 2 The existing political power structure includes members of the Republican and Democratic Parties and [a very few] independent elected officials. To make it easy to refer to the current political class as a whole, we reach back to the original Greek (demos and kratien) and Latin (res publica) and simplify the long result to “Repocrats”. The mnemonic devices for this word are simple: having your car or house repossessed in the one case, and creating enormous numbers of bureaucrats to address every imaginable special interest in the other. 2
  • 3. problem the “inside the Beltway” crowd is loudly criticizing mortgage lenders for allegedly bringing about in the housing sector. But these politicians are committing this outrageous fraud against the future of the entire country without the population’s understanding or agreement. This hypocrisy must stop! The phrase “moral hazard” has been mentioned quite often during the current mortgage meltdown. Technically, a moral hazard is created when an individual believes someone else will pay the cost if some action creates a negative outcome. The concept of risk management is obviously key to solving this problem. We voluntarily enter relationships to insure against the risk of trouble (e.g., auto and fire policies), but we fully understand that we should not then go out and wreck our car or burn our house down because we still bear costs for our actions. The federal government’s intrusion into many areas where it has no legitimate business has created a perfect storm of moral hazards. The U.S. has become a society in which everyone appears convinced almost nothing is their responsibility, but virtually every problem belongs to the federal government. Massively increasing costs of health care and education and a string of disasters created by federal flood insurance subsidies are clear examples of burdens created by unwise federal involvement financed at the cost of future generations in the false believe that they make society better off. In all of these cases, the federal government has aggrandized power from the states and the people and inserted itself in areas where it has no legitimate function to perform. The fact is that government involvement is the cause of the problem, not the solution. Now virtually every real or imagined problem appears to demand a federal solution rather than having the people and governments with direct knowledge of what is happening take responsibility for their actions. Meanwhile, the Repocrats search wildly for someone to blame for problems they have caused (“bad mortgage brokers”). In an area currently on the front pages, the Repocrats in Congress and the White House called for the expansion of mortgage lending into extremely risky areas and ensured the government sponsored enterprises lowered their credit standards (100% financing made possible by Fannie Mae in their $2 trillion dollar “American Dream Commitment” in 2000) to get inappropriate loans made. Under the “National Minority Homeownership Initiative” and related initiatives regarding first time borrowers, Fannie reported lending “$1.3 trillion for nearly 12 million targeted families” with an average 3% down payment requirement. Fannie further reported they “completed two-thirds of the American Dream Commitment in about 30% of the time.” The moral hazard from this irresponsible government lending far exceeds that of foolish private lenders. The horrible results of this federal intrusion into private decisions on how and where to live are generating calls for further federal bailout action at the cost of increased debt to be paid by future generations. We are misleading ourselves if we think the fault lies with unscrupulous lenders, who have always been working at the fringes of legitimate business. The federal government’s inappropriate interference created the problem, and cannot provide the solution. Citizens are being asked to pay for creating the problem as well as trying to “solve” it with bailouts that will once again be shipped to the future. This kind of “collective irresponsibility” is pushing America over the brink. Young America cannot afford the future bills from “help” like this! 3
  • 4. Keeping the harsh economic reality of the upcoming federal debt out of the view of the voters, the federal government produces reports on the financial condition of the nation that systematically violate the basic accrual accounting rules for future liabilities that we apply to individuals and businesses. Our government reports to us only those expenses they pay in each year and covers up the growing bill for future expenses. The citizens are not provided accurate and complete reports on the government’s financial condition on a regular basis! Although the Repocrats sanitize their financial reporting through the Office of Management and Budget and the Congressional Budget Office, the reporting is not in accord with accounting rules we must abide by. Somehow only the Comptroller of the Currency seems to get it. The present political discourse inside the Beltway is based on an erroneous understanding of our nation’s precarious financial position and has placed the country at the tipping point. Traversing the tipping point will make Americans powerless over their destiny. Unless we take action now, we will be able only to react helplessly during the unraveling brought on by massively increasing future indebtedness and repeated rounds of more severe devaluation of the U.S. currency. The Repocrats are unable and unwilling to restore financial integrity and preserve liberty, due to the “promise them anything” philosophy that they have used to gain power. The costs of the massive expansion of inefficient and ineffective federal intrusion into our lives by the Repocrats since WWII are creating dire consequences for all future Americans. Government cannot deliver what has been promised and the financial weight of government is taking us under. Fifty years ago, we had a large and increasing middle class, virtually no debt except from WWII, and a government that worked for the people. Looking ahead, the next generations will be unable to afford their existence. Good news! There is nothing in our Constitution that requires us to rely on two political parties that are both part of the problem, not the solution. The Liberty Party USA is trying to provide freedom to future generations by having the federal government do exactly what it was designed to do, and stop performing activities that are the business of the people and the states, not the federal government. To change our present course and sustain our liberty will require significant changes. The key components of the Liberty Party USA platform necessary to reverse America’s decline are: 1. Revoke the 73 linear feet of indecipherable and contradictory federal tax code in its entirety and create a new tax return (individual and corporate) which fits on one piece of paper. Impose a flat, broad based, 15% tax on all incomes (wages, interest, dividends, capital gains, and profits). This will immediately save up to $300 billion annually that is currently wasted on professional fees and oversight costs. There are additional billions wasted on corporate and individual “tax avoidance” strategies, but those costs are effectively incalculable. This simplification will empower thousands of our brightest and most well educated citizens to engage in productive activities rather than simply being deadweight costs for the economy. Most important, the savings will provide the income tax revenue needed to 4
  • 5. pay legitimate federal expenses. The new income tax will be accompanied by up to $25,000 (indexed for inflation) in personal exemptions for a family of five, making the effective tax rate 7.5% for median income families. Liberty Party USA wants the vast majority of Americans to feel responsible for paying their share for the benefits of living in this incredibly great country – despite the Repocrats! High income individuals and corporations will pay the maximum rate. The flat income tax will be supplemented by a consumption tax of 5% on goods and services, excluding medicine and food for preparation in the home. Finally, LPUSA will reduce payroll withholding to 10% from the present 15.3% to provide direct relief to the lower and middle classes. Every working American with annual income up to $98,500 will retain an additional 5.3% every year to spend as they see fit. This tax system is an effective revenue generator. The simplicity of the Liberty Party Tax Code will immediately save hundreds of billions in enforcement and compliance costs. We intend to provide a simplified, understandable, and manageable tax code that removes incentives to misallocate resources for tax reasons. 2. We must promptly reduce the size of the Executive Branch to five Cabinet posts (Defense, Justice, State, Treasury, and Interstate Affairs) to perform the legitimate federal activities called for in the Constitution, as amended over time. Merge or phase out all other activities on a three-year glide path. Create enforceable, transparent, and well defined standards of conduct for these activities to ensure the citizens can determine that they are performed efficiently and effectively. Reduce the duration and frequency of legislative Sessions of the Congress to comport with the proper Constitutional role of the federal government as described herein. Reduce the costs of the Legislative Branch including staff, to comport with the reduced scope of federal activities. Take the present 11,000 legislative “earmarks” down to zero. Require all federal spending bills to openly identify the single element of the Constitution that assigns responsibility for that specific task to the federal government and takes it away from the states and the people (eliminate “earmarks”). Limit terms for members of the Congress to 12 years to protect the citizens against a self-perpetuating political class that promises everything to gain power but never has to deal with the issues faced by private citizens. Perform a proper calculation of the federal balance sheet and income statement in accordance with generally accepted (accrual) accounting principles (GAAP). Presently the government does not count expenses that they run up and do not pay. This kind of accounting dupes the citizenry into tolerating yet more expenses. Counting the real federal obligations and expenses will show a total federal liability of approximately $53 trillion by 2030 (with a 7% interest rate assumption). 3. Adjust federal entitlement expenditures to match accurately measured tax revenues and expenses. Cease all federal involvement in Medicaid immediately and leave such care to the discretion of the states and the people (9th and 10th Amendments). Empower the patient doctor transaction by reducing our reliance on the present third party payer system. This money will be promptly returned to working citizens in every paycheck by their FICA reduction of 5.3%. Remove the federal government from the medical care business and reduce the cost of medical care by over 50%. Federal Medicaid payments will cease within three years and those funds will be returned to the working poor in a direct reduction of FICA payments from 15.3% to 10%. When individuals are enabled to re-establish their relationships 5
  • 6. directly with the doctor, they will discover it’s measurably better then the current third party payer system. The other 50-plus means-tested subsidy programs (grants from the federal government to special interest groups) will be phased out over three years. These measures will prove to be a bigger deterrent to illegal immigration then any possible “wall’ would be. Finally, save Social Security by substantial reform. Because millions of people have made inappropriate decisions relying on misleading federal promises, Medicare will be frozen at 2008 dollar levels and begin to phase out over 10 years. Social Security will become what it was originally intended to be: forced savings for later years. Individual retirement funding is clearly not a federal task, but past promises have led people to make foolish choices. There will be a glide path for bringing workers’ contributions into their ownership (with appropriate fiduciary constraints) rather than having them expended for the Repocrats’ political gain. The federal Thrift Savings program will serve as a model for initial discussions. 4. Once we the people have acted to gain tax relief, put the federal government into an appropriate role, and control entitlement costs, then and only then can we begin to pay down the $9.1 trillion federal debt (as of October 2007) while the Baby Boom generation is still working. The annual interest cost of over $420 billion on the existing debt is obviously difficult for the real economy to absorb. But the Repocrats are adding to the debt at the rate of $600 billion per year (in fiscal years 2005-2007) even as revenues increase rapidly. A “mortgage payment” on the current debt (at 5%) for 30 years would be $586 billion annually. If we wait to start paying it off until 2011, the first year that the Boomer generation reaches 65 and is eligible for Medicare, the mortgage (at 7%) reaches $917.7 billion annually or $76.5 billion a month. During fiscal 2007 the federal government collected tax revenue of $2.6 trillion! A fourth consecutive year of over 10% increases in taxes collected. Even given this positive development the Federal debt has increased from $7.9 trillion in 2005 to $8.5 trillion in 2006 and $9.1 trillion in 2007. Extending these increases the 2011 debt financing would take 35% of all federal taxes annually. Wait until the debt reaches $53 trillion, and the annual “mortgage payment” reaches $4.2 trillion per year! Shortly, LPUSA will supplement these 4 platform planks with others. However, LPUSA views the above 4 planks as the core beliefs necessary to be acted upon to preserve our cherished liberties. Oftentimes, the Repocrats conceal the relationships between their past actions and current problems. Vernon L. Smith, (a Nobel Laureate in Economics) states; “...thank you President Bill Clinton for the housing consumption binge and the latest housing bubble . . . these government driven expenditures on housing consumption are more akin to satisfying government-subsidized vanity.” (WSJ, Editorial page-Dec.18, 2007). The recent omnibus spending bill to run the federal government in 2008 and passed by Congress is a symptom of the enormity of the problem. It contains 8,993 earmarks for special interests, 90% of which were never voted on by both houses of Congress and therefore are not even laws (WSJ, Editorial page-Dec. 20, 2007). The Congressional elections a year ago, which were supposed to address the earmarks problem, have obviously had little affect. “Congress Oinks it’s Way to a Spending Bill” is the headline of an editorial in The Examiner (Dec, 18, 2007). 6
  • 7. “A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy which is always followed by dictatorship. . . . through the following sequence: 7 1. From bondage to spiritual faith. 2. From spiritual faith to great courage. 3. From courage to liberty. 4. From liberty to abundance. 5. From abundance to complacency. 6. From apathy to dependence. 7. From dependence back into bondage.” Credited to Alexander Tyler (a Scottish history professor) in 1787, the year we ratified our Constitution. ___________________________________________________________________________ Execute the planks above with energy, honesty, and openness! Begin the debt reduction process now before the beneficiaries are gone! Kill the negative amortization mortgage the Repocrats have placed on future generations! Ensure the dollar remains the world’s reserve currency! Avoid indentured servitude for working people and future generations! Stop digging America under! Almighty God grant us the wisdom to understand and the courage to act to preserve our liberties. God Bless America. TC