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Find the answer is the credo of the reporter. There is no
more "Off" with mobile devices and connected World.
One step after another. 30 years of enquiry.
Los mundos separados por idiomas no son más que
The US economic situation must be a source of anxiety for a Nobel economist.
Paul Krugman Princeton University (2008), NJ, USA
“for his analysis of trade patterns and location of economic activity”
Special CORONAVIRUS US Business operation
"In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and as the U.S. faces a
critical shortage of ventilators, Bloomenergy is exercising its expertise
and capabilities in product end-of-life management to begin refurbishing the
thousands of out-of-service ventilators available in the U.S. We are working with state
agencies and customers – many of which are hospitals and medical device
companies – to identify supplies of unused, out-of-service ventilators."
Always Ric-QUEST original !
USA might be up 100% COVID19 by 1.5 year.
World 100 millions by July 2021
‫מלחמה‬ ‫דער‬ ָ‫א‬ ‫שלום‬ ‫זוכן‬ ‫נישט‬ ‫וועלן‬ ‫מיר‬ ,‫שלום‬ ‫אין‬ ‫לעבן‬ ‫מיר‬ ‫.אויב‬
recuerdos. Todo está traducido, excepto quizás
algunos recuerdos no escritos como Runa Simi.
Debemos promover la investigación y la traducción.
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실제로, 그들의 생각과 행동은 어리석은 것이 아니므로 승
격되어서는 안됩니다. 김정은에게 전화하지 마세요, 그의
여동생 김요종은 매우 아름답고 시가 없습니다. 파리에서
한국 학생들의 멋진 외모와 기념품.
Никки Хейли будет пропущен за ее достойное
отношение и высокий рост. После того, как его
возглавил «загорелый» (Диксит S.Berlusconi),
весьма вероятно, желательный, что в США появится
Conférences, congrès et réunions professionnelles en
France, Espagne, Italie, Belgique, Angleterre, Irlande
Sud et Nord, Taiwan, Hollande, Suède, Suisse,
République tchèque, USA, Egypte
If you have or know of any organizations that have out of service ventilators or
would like to partner with Bloom on this effort, please do one of the following:
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Richard Quest can't find more penny on NYSE floor ... but he still have profitable
solutions. Learning and talking business on CNN Headquarter sunny roof. :-)
While NYSE touches the bottom. During his first move on the morning, R.Q. just seen
"essential workers of NYC" in the subway. TIME SQUARE 2020 New Year
Please CNN crew take care of Richard Quest, he stands over the roof of your
skyscrapper. I am afraid he "believes he can fly". Now it seems more difficult to climb
up the roof with virus.
Almost the best view on Global business news with shinny birds in cage. Even better
and more kind during crisis analysis. Julia recognised Colonel Tom Moore's
hundreds moves. We are waiting for Richard QUEST's walks on his Manhatan
balcony. Might he raise hundred bucks or food tickets?
Link for Donation website. 36 545 028,07 Euro pour NHS UK.
Photos: 50% everipedia and 50% US News REUTERS.
Where Health concerns meets Trading consequences.
Rope surfing
Crimes et délits
Good luck buddy, and don't believe defamer like the one who called your CEO today. I
am gone watch CNBC for next sexy Mug.
Just to show how they pollute my life, as their attitude pollute the FRENCH street.
It's fun that this team believes CIA (David Mc Millan Starthearn still pretend being
CIA 2020 by declaring in front of Police deputee, he also said "I am french" ->
Townley) defamers like they did once, CNBC never called me to check if what they
Knew by phone-call was right. It shows to younger generation of journalists that
coping (i mean collaborating) with defamers and N'drangetha leads to "first move" on
Périple 2009
Public life
They create fake scenarios of local events and
report stories that correspond to their plans to the
local Polices. They claim to be victims of other
people, but they make scenarios to gain attention.
They try to steal a property, that's why they planned to seek
Police help for any reasons they can create since they
arrived ten years ago.
She makes troubles on purpose because she needs "something to
tell on the phone". The police are already complaining, saying to
them "we don't want your calls anymore, what you say is wrong
every time". Female Police officers also told them, "Your
complaints have no reason, you are harassing us, call
for the slightest thing. Don't call anymore." They always
say that the others are wrong doers, they think only of their own
comfort, leaving the garbage cans outside on the way of the
neighbors. They make a false statement to the insurance to try to get
money while they bump into their car when entering their own garage
drunk. They told the neighbor the story before accusing a
scapegoat. She make estimation of my belongings and talk by
phone in order to people to ear outside the stairway. They have
declare two businesses at their adress, they are not Press or TV
correspondents and have no rights to make pictures and videos
inside my private place from their home. They are spying my
privacy as i declared to Police. They also spy on the blog,
facebook, Ebay accounts in order to make assumptions or argue
silly. Her contact in Justice Department find out she is manipulative
and liar.
Drugs users and smugglers, their complice Nigel lives around,
giving hand to false testimony. They refound their gang while
"looking good". They contacted again french skinheads, group that
they were founders in late 80's in Paris. Several have been jailed
because of racketeering and violence, they start harassing again
and try to extort funds by other means of false situations, accusing
the neighbors. They denounced their gang to exonerate
Using scapegoat enables them to proximate with authorities
for manipulation.
They create false situations in order to become victims, They search to be notorious
and known as connected to Police and people around to fear them. They are burglars
that have stolen neighbor's "Titles", meaning "Property titles" in France.
They tried to rebuild their reputation by becoming victims, and
plaige so in front of Procureur, Police, journalists, neighbors. But
they are still bad language, bad behavior in the street. They believe
they can make fool of everybody any time and it usualy works during
a while.
I explained to Police: "Even if they had a picture of my asshole i will
not fail because they threaten me or try blackmail. We all have the
same asshole, so why does it matter".
I also warned one neighbor who cutted the tree in the street: 'You
cuted a tree, it cost 1500 euro to Townhall to plant trees. You
probably receive a ticket about it," And it happened because city
employees have seen the tree missing. Mc Millan Olanda also
removed one tree for better space to park their car in the street, in
front of their house, where they damaged my motorbikes and car.
They eventualy dealing with Macron, of course, they are the same
team (Banker HoG). One protects the others because they have a
common past. One of the contenders being the director of services,
the other in contact with the CIA and the whole mess causes
problems in the justice process, because it is the purpose of
creating fake scratches on the cars (they did not repair, but send
invoice) in order to get the same false testimonies from their gang,
they thought anonymised by not using their old fake names. Their
local protector feed them with alcool, he is "le chilien", Sylvain
Berrios, drug dealer of late 80's running construction work in the city
where he became Mayor, but only for "Vendre Saint-Maur" as he
said to me 30 years ago. This elected badass is currently making
threatening gesture toward me when i walk in the street. At this
period David Mc Millan was in France, and the dummy Natali
Olanda was in that group. They were reading Hitler's book "Mein
Kampf". They pretended being "Skin Heads" but it appear they
have algerian-jews origins, they used that for hiding themselves and
not been named.
They are a pain in the ass of Macron, who is not able to put
aside these three ploters he knows from his childhood. A kind of
Benala story that began 35 years ago. I already explain to Police
that i don't need much to enquire about this gang, since i knew them
already in late 80's.
They have complicity with drug affair at small village called Ervy le
Chatel 2018. They brought boxes before Summer and asked for
500 Euro to bar tender. Money gaming at night was known by
neighbors and Justice, Police came to see what was happening
after Bar was closed. "Le chilien" is again part of the game, he
came several times in the village, at this "terrasse". The bar
manager is old friend of Berrios, same town and "Cité" of Boissy
Saint Léger.
The Olanda Mc Millan team declare anything, and the opposite
version. It is not known exactly if a person called Justice about it or
if complicity took advantage of knowing them, and "dump them to
Police" for recognition. They used to do that already 30 years ago
pretending "helping Police" but building the facts with dummies who
believe them. They make pictures and videos before anything
happen, they are spying on neighbors over fences, by windows, in
case they can use pictures or videos afterwards. It is so easy to
understand, but people buying their lies are just spreading false
informations. When traped by Police with questions they accuse
their children, for late noisy parties or drugs, they appologies saying
"we were not here" and same for scratches on cars in this street.
Children explain they make scratches because i am bothering their
dad, the one who entered the property to protest from the request of
cuting tree. Justice said i have to prosecute to "Civil Court of
Justice", not "Penal Court".
2020, She declare to Police interview not having computer,
but she stands outside sited on stairway with Laptop. Also
mobile phone have same features. She also pretend not having
printer while the mayor and his son were complaining of "death
threats on paper" as well as school journal publisher "La mouette
baîllonée". On that same time she printed a paper for Portugal
bus journey. They said to Police they are hacking phones and
Remember Greenpeace agents who killed Fernando Pereira:
"Deux jours après la tragédie, deux agents ayant participé à
l’opération, Alain Mafart et Dominique Prieur, qui se faisaient
passer pour un couple de touristes suisses – Sophie et Alain
Turenge – étaient arrêtés et démasqués. " She is recognised by
Firefighters as: "friend of our chief".
They also tried to force recruitment to have a "spy inside"as some officials do in the
Small businesses in the Town. The chilian familly Berrios, that
had get refuge in France after Pinochet was removed, particularly pushes their
agents in Bars and restaurants where Police (Out of duty) is then managing clients
and money. They created kind of DINA the secret chilian Police in Saint Maur who was
threatening and killing people in Chile during 73 until 77.
Participant in DINA were Berrios and Contreras, Michael TOWNLEY CIA.
Is tactics is using women to seduced important people or bomb car.
Blasting the targets was the case with Orlando Letelier, Chilean
ambassador to the United States representing Salvador Allende, and the
assistant Ronni Moffitt in 1976.
Michael Townley living with is real name does not behave like flight attendant or seller
of market, he behave like people who urge to be respected because they have
hidden agenda.
Other criminal carreer David Mc Millan.
Photographer, TV presenter, drug smuggler, writer.
Some called: Dirty jokes on Mc Millan David's, pretending being CIA american:
Public Facebook page: "Mon mari est un homme délicat" she said.
Poo phoria, nimphomaniac, penis book, sperm bank, a little girl.
He was the UK skinhead training french group of Paris skinheads.
He has
the rear
Volkwagen van that he screws
and unscrews with electric device. That's why he absolutely wants to park in front
of his house.
Remembering Sandra.
May 2019: the trouble maker familly invited Sandra, young student
who worked at Bonneuil in Leroy Merlin at their home 2017. Some
months later she was kidnaped and found dead inside her own
Peugeot. After local search on testimony and environment i had a
phone call from Crimnial Police saying i should not continue to
enquire around the Food company close to where she was found
Sunday. It appear the company is linked to Ice cream brand that
Sandra was later managing for region delivery in local Super
Market during her work/University internship.
He calls me "t'es vraiment un petit con" Friday 17th April while I do
the maintenance of the gutters where the leaves of his tree
become dry heaps which clog the pipes, for ten years.
End of pollution update.
Also Chatterley, years ago at the entrance of European Union gave me back my
business card after she got the Official door opened with my help. She was CNBC
reporter at this time. I went to the door keeper telling she seems ok and just want to
enter for filming the place where journalists stands, behind a wall, while asking
questions to Ministers and EU representatives. That is exactly the grey coat video.
Since the cameraman had dirty shoes i had to ask him for a little clean-up. Firstly
reluctant he finally did it.
Once they finished the video, she gave me back the Business card RDM-ROW and
said "Take it back because i don't know you".
I thought she could become better at contact by telling: "you should not give back
Business card to people, they can get offended. If you don't have one, at least keep
the one the person gave you."
One hour later she tried to impeach me to attend the meeting where i was invited
about Clean Energies by contacting some EU Deputy. That's the meeting where i
exposed about my own field research linked to solar
technologies from 2009 to
Lately when UK Chatterley works live at Bloomberg she believes the UK Pimp
Starthearn McMillan and the corsican prostitute Nathalie Olanda that takes
cocaïne because she says in front of Police "it is recreational drug". These two
harassers, coming from USA, are telling lies for 4 years ago because they were
condemned by insurance experts to cut a tree that was not during ten years. Also
a second tree had three meters long branches wich were spreading dead leaves
on the neighboor yard for years. They pretended once being CIA agents, as they
pretend many false statements usually even in front of Police officers. They
declared openly in the street they want revange.
The stuburn english came to France with illegal irish contract, working for a
company that have been condemned to pay 1.4 million Euro + 150.000 Euro fine in
2010: read here
Translated abstract: "Judged for "hidden work, obstruction of staff representation
bodies and lack of registration", easyJet was blamed for failing to declare in
France, between June 2003 and December 2006, almost all of its employees at
Orly, to the detriment of social welfare organizations."
Defaming me as a person, and as freelance journalist with fake informations at
Sat TV is insane use of TV opportunity.
I don't believe anymore Bloomberg's journos that only retrieve and say false
informations from the side of difamers that stand for years with the Mayor
Berrios, cocaïne consumer and treated as drug addict, in search of fame because
he has not succeed in affection of the population of the town were his familly say
"we are elected to manage the population". They behave like a gang, trying to
manipulate and creating troubles for personal harassment with the goal to get a
property that is not for sale. This Mayor declared himself: "I am treated against
cocaïne, i took it at Mc Millan's home" Saint-Maur des Fossés 28 rue de la ferme
94210 France. Sylvain Berrios was kicked out from UNESCO conference Mobile
Learning week (November 2016) while he was trying to defame me saying to the
event manager: "Do you know this guy? I follow him from Saint Maur because he
has stollen 3 euro to a small business". Which was false of course, the coins
were taken by a customer next to me on purpose. (All this was previously written,
wich show Bloomberg CEO and Chatterley doesn't read anything about the
information providers they had on phone).
These acts of defamation have no effect since what they tell is false, and known
as false for years. LOL
Since i could do it i have given a hand to people when military or field relief crew, but
as said Dale Carnegie in the training and book:
"we must expect ingratitude."
That all folks.
J.Chatterley moved to CNN Live in august 2018.
All apps available on this page: go.CNN
There are many changes inside news companies. The most interesting program
holds the success and better advertising benefits. Following business news has not
only a value for investors and capital owner but also to understand how politics,
climate, events and conflicts are influencing markets.
Watch out ! "Market can change in the blink of an eye." Julie Verhage (Tech-Finance)
This satellite show has the best schedule for european viewers because it starts
around 8 pm (EU clock :-)) It is a kind of live economics lesson about what changes
occured during business day, night and even week. A group of young questioners
and elder experts focused on companie's performances and profit makers
consulting. Not everybody will understand what happens in financial news but same
words come again and again in speeches wich help to get the clue of their show.
Talks are mostly immediate conclusions about current trends while long run
perspective is not always linked to daily situation. For example, if GDP seems
independant from foreign exchange rates you can also consider that exchange rate
ponderate the global amount of money one country is dealing with. Then, in order to
make it simple for LSE uk babe (lol), from the outside, the US GDP is more powerfull
in front of other countries when USD is strong, also it becomes weaker when USD is
falling down to 0.80 instead of 1 to 1. That's why a larger view on World Economy
helps for understanding.
January 27th: According to the difference of FX rate since 2017 6th December's the
american PIB (GDP 2016) value of 18 357 320 000 dollars is now
17 469 062 580 USD. It's a 888 257 419 USD loss.
But 2016 December's rate was 1.07 (not 1.18 as it was 2017 December 6th): then re-
estimated PIB (GDP) is virtualy 15 840 590 645 USD wich makes the loss amount:
2 516 729 354 USD compared to 2016's PIB (GDP).
En espérant qu'au fond de tes yeux ternes
Tu puisses y voir un petit brin d'herbe
Et les mans faut faire la part des choses
Il est grand temps de faire une pause
De troquer cette vie morose
Contre le parfum d'une rose
C'est l'hymne de nos campagnes
De nos rivières, de nos montagnes
De la vie man, du monde animal
Crie-le bien fort, use tes cordes vocales
Pas de boulot, pas de diplômes
Partout la même odeur de zone
Plus rien n'agite tes neurones
Pas même le shit que tu mets dans tes cônes
Va voir ailleurs, rien ne te retient
Va vite faire quelque chose de tes mains
Ne te retourne pas, ici tu n'as rien
Et sois le premier à chanter ce refrain
C'est l'hymne de nos campagnes
De nos rivières, de nos montagnes
De la vie man, du monde animal
Crie-le bien fort, use tes cordes vocales
Assieds-toi près d'une rivière
Écoute le coulis de l'eau sur la terre
Dis-toi qu'au bout, hé, il y a la mer
Et que ça, ça n'a rien d'éphémère
Tu comprendras alors que tu n'es rien
Comme celui avant toi, comme, comme celui qui vient
Que le liquide qui coule dans tes mains
Te servira à vivre jusqu'à demain matin
C'est l'hymne de nos campagnes
De nos rivières, de nos montagnes
De la vie man, du monde animal
Crie-le bien fort, use tes cordes vocales
Assieds-toi près d'un vieux chêne
Et compare-le à la race humaine
L'oxygène et l'ombre qu'il t'amène
Mérite-t-il les coups de hache qui le saigne?
Lève la tête, regarde ses feuilles
Tu verras peut-être un écureuil
Qui te regarde de tout son orgueil
Sa maison est là, tu es sur le seuil
C'est l'hymne de nos campagnes
De nos rivières, de nos montagnes
De la vie man, du monde animal
Crie-le bien fort, use tes cordes vocales (hé)
Crie-le bien fort, use tes cordes vocales (on y va)
Peut-être que je parle pour ne rien dire
Que quand tu m'écoutes tu as envie de rire
Mais si le béton est ton avenir
Dis-toi que c'est la forêt qui fait que tu respires
J'aimerais pour tous les animaux
Que tu captes le message de mes mots
Car un lopin de terre, une tige de roseau
Servira la croissance de tes marmots
Servira la croissance de tes marmots
C'est l'hymne de nos campagnes
De nos rivières, de nos montagnes
An argument is not only a contradiction as said in Monty Python's sketch (need of
cultural reference for Julia so she doesn't get lost in Economy) that is why i argue that
exchange rate is a ponderation, not a calculation. Remember i write from french point
of view.
Great understanding of mecanisms come from high level education, but not only. I
think press actors may have experienced their field of work. As she was a worker
in companies this business market presenter is a good exemple of this idea.
Starting in reporting event from the field Julia Chatterley was hired at Bloomberg
for Business department and talks about Wall Street daily. It is a great oportunity
to use her skills and make the market talks a "yuppy" event.
The best of UK is exported at USA NYC.
Her talks are just a fairy presence with noticeable dresses.
We met once at EU parlement entrance After the short record explaining journalist
role (The grey coat video), i was thinking, well, that reporter will fly all over the world,
there not a second to miss from that moment. I did not remember while looking at
Bloomberg Market show, but later when i saw the short video of EU entrance. Due to
her size i knew she could fit into any screen and be perfect on TV.
Si tu es né dans une cité HLM
Je te dédicace ce poème
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"C'est l'Hymne de nos campagnes" Tryo
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De la vie man, du monde animal
Crie-le bien fort, use tes cordes vocales
C'est l'hymne de nos campagnes
De nos rivières, de nos montagnes
De la vie man, du monde animal
Crie-le bien fort, use tes cordes vocales, hey.
Photo: femmesdumaroc, Youtube TRYO Source des paroles : LyricFind
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L'association SPS, reconnue d'intérêt général, intervient en faveur des personnels de
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Source photo: NRJ.
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NRJ et vos Stars se mobilisent
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Always ric quest original !

  • 1. About Me PRO, EU, NGO, UNESCO REPORTS IT'S BEEN A PLEASURE Find the answer is the credo of the reporter. There is no more "Off" with mobile devices and connected World. One step after another. 30 years of enquiry. ############################################### Los mundos separados por idiomas no son más que 04/30/2020 The US economic situation must be a source of anxiety for a Nobel economist. Paul Krugman Princeton University (2008), NJ, USA “for his analysis of trade patterns and location of economic activity” Special CORONAVIRUS US Business operation DEFENSE PRODUCTION ACT "In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and as the U.S. faces a critical shortage of ventilators, Bloomenergy is exercising its expertise and capabilities in product end-of-life management to begin refurbishing the thousands of out-of-service ventilators available in the U.S. We are working with state agencies and customers – many of which are hospitals and medical device companies – to identify supplies of unused, out-of-service ventilators." Always Ric-QUEST original ! USA might be up 100% COVID19 by 1.5 year. World 100 millions by July 2021 ‫מלחמה‬ ‫דער‬ ָ‫א‬ ‫שלום‬ ‫זוכן‬ ‫נישט‬ ‫וועלן‬ ‫מיר‬ ,‫שלום‬ ‫אין‬ ‫לעבן‬ ‫מיר‬ ‫.אויב‬
  • 2. recuerdos. Todo está traducido, excepto quizás algunos recuerdos no escritos como Runa Simi. Debemos promover la investigación y la traducción. ############################################### 이 블로그에는 정치인에 대한 부적절한 농담은 없습니다. 실제로, 그들의 생각과 행동은 어리석은 것이 아니므로 승 격되어서는 안됩니다. 김정은에게 전화하지 마세요, 그의 여동생 김요종은 매우 아름답고 시가 없습니다. 파리에서 한국 학생들의 멋진 외모와 기념품. ############################################### Никки Хейли будет пропущен за ее достойное отношение и высокий рост. После того, как его возглавил «загорелый» (Диксит S.Berlusconi), весьма вероятно, желательный, что в США появится женщина-кандидат. ACCRÉDITATIONS ET ÉVÉNEMENTS Conférences, congrès et réunions professionnelles en France, Espagne, Italie, Belgique, Angleterre, Irlande Sud et Nord, Taiwan, Hollande, Suède, Suisse, République tchèque, USA, Egypte DOMINIQUE MARC DESCHAMPS If you have or know of any organizations that have out of service ventilators or would like to partner with Bloom on this effort, please do one of the following: Email: Reach on hotline: +1 (888) 544-2644 Fill out the form below: Richard Quest can't find more penny on NYSE floor ... but he still have profitable solutions. Learning and talking business on CNN Headquarter sunny roof. :-) While NYSE touches the bottom. During his first move on the morning, R.Q. just seen "essential workers of NYC" in the subway. TIME SQUARE 2020 New Year remembering. Please CNN crew take care of Richard Quest, he stands over the roof of your skyscrapper. I am afraid he "believes he can fly". Now it seems more difficult to climb up the roof with virus. Almost the best view on Global business news with shinny birds in cage. Even better and more kind during crisis analysis. Julia recognised Colonel Tom Moore's hundreds moves. We are waiting for Richard QUEST's walks on his Manhatan balcony. Might he raise hundred bucks or food tickets? Link for Donation website. 36 545 028,07 Euro pour NHS UK. Photos: 50% everipedia and 50% US News REUTERS. Where Health concerns meets Trading consequences.
  • 4. SEARCH OK CATEGORIES Blog Business Conferences Crimes et délits Culture Espace Film Jeux Livre Loisirs Modele Moto Good luck buddy, and don't believe defamer like the one who called your CEO today. I am gone watch CNBC for next sexy Mug. -------------------------------------------------------------- Just to show how they pollute my life, as their attitude pollute the FRENCH street. -------------------------------------------------------------- It's fun that this team believes CIA (David Mc Millan Starthearn still pretend being CIA 2020 by declaring in front of Police deputee, he also said "I am french" -> Townley) defamers like they did once, CNBC never called me to check if what they Knew by phone-call was right. It shows to younger generation of journalists that coping (i mean collaborating) with defamers and N'drangetha leads to "first move" on CNN.
  • 5. Musique Nature Périple 2009 Public life Science Shopping Sport Télévision Trésors Voyage Web Stats RDM-ROW They create fake scenarios of local events and report stories that correspond to their plans to the local Polices. They claim to be victims of other people, but they make scenarios to gain attention. They try to steal a property, that's why they planned to seek Police help for any reasons they can create since they arrived ten years ago. She makes troubles on purpose because she needs "something to tell on the phone". The police are already complaining, saying to them "we don't want your calls anymore, what you say is wrong every time". Female Police officers also told them, "Your complaints have no reason, you are harassing us, call for the slightest thing. Don't call anymore." They always say that the others are wrong doers, they think only of their own comfort, leaving the garbage cans outside on the way of the neighbors. They make a false statement to the insurance to try to get money while they bump into their car when entering their own garage drunk. They told the neighbor the story before accusing a scapegoat. She make estimation of my belongings and talk by phone in order to people to ear outside the stairway. They have declare two businesses at their adress, they are not Press or TV correspondents and have no rights to make pictures and videos inside my private place from their home. They are spying my privacy as i declared to Police. They also spy on the blog, facebook, Ebay accounts in order to make assumptions or argue silly. Her contact in Justice Department find out she is manipulative and liar. Drugs users and smugglers, their complice Nigel lives around, giving hand to false testimony. They refound their gang while
  • 6. "looking good". They contacted again french skinheads, group that they were founders in late 80's in Paris. Several have been jailed because of racketeering and violence, they start harassing again and try to extort funds by other means of false situations, accusing the neighbors. They denounced their gang to exonerate themselves. Using scapegoat enables them to proximate with authorities for manipulation. They create false situations in order to become victims, They search to be notorious and known as connected to Police and people around to fear them. They are burglars that have stolen neighbor's "Titles", meaning "Property titles" in France. They tried to rebuild their reputation by becoming victims, and plaige so in front of Procureur, Police, journalists, neighbors. But they are still bad language, bad behavior in the street. They believe they can make fool of everybody any time and it usualy works during a while. I explained to Police: "Even if they had a picture of my asshole i will not fail because they threaten me or try blackmail. We all have the same asshole, so why does it matter". I also warned one neighbor who cutted the tree in the street: 'You cuted a tree, it cost 1500 euro to Townhall to plant trees. You probably receive a ticket about it," And it happened because city employees have seen the tree missing. Mc Millan Olanda also removed one tree for better space to park their car in the street, in front of their house, where they damaged my motorbikes and car. They eventualy dealing with Macron, of course, they are the same team (Banker HoG). One protects the others because they have a common past. One of the contenders being the director of services, the other in contact with the CIA and the whole mess causes problems in the justice process, because it is the purpose of creating fake scratches on the cars (they did not repair, but send invoice) in order to get the same false testimonies from their gang, they thought anonymised by not using their old fake names. Their local protector feed them with alcool, he is "le chilien", Sylvain Berrios, drug dealer of late 80's running construction work in the city where he became Mayor, but only for "Vendre Saint-Maur" as he
  • 7. said to me 30 years ago. This elected badass is currently making threatening gesture toward me when i walk in the street. At this period David Mc Millan was in France, and the dummy Natali Olanda was in that group. They were reading Hitler's book "Mein Kampf". They pretended being "Skin Heads" but it appear they have algerian-jews origins, they used that for hiding themselves and not been named. They are a pain in the ass of Macron, who is not able to put aside these three ploters he knows from his childhood. A kind of Benala story that began 35 years ago. I already explain to Police that i don't need much to enquire about this gang, since i knew them already in late 80's. They have complicity with drug affair at small village called Ervy le Chatel 2018. They brought boxes before Summer and asked for 500 Euro to bar tender. Money gaming at night was known by neighbors and Justice, Police came to see what was happening
  • 8. after Bar was closed. "Le chilien" is again part of the game, he came several times in the village, at this "terrasse". The bar manager is old friend of Berrios, same town and "Cité" of Boissy Saint Léger. The Olanda Mc Millan team declare anything, and the opposite version. It is not known exactly if a person called Justice about it or if complicity took advantage of knowing them, and "dump them to Police" for recognition. They used to do that already 30 years ago pretending "helping Police" but building the facts with dummies who believe them. They make pictures and videos before anything happen, they are spying on neighbors over fences, by windows, in case they can use pictures or videos afterwards. It is so easy to understand, but people buying their lies are just spreading false informations. When traped by Police with questions they accuse their children, for late noisy parties or drugs, they appologies saying "we were not here" and same for scratches on cars in this street. Children explain they make scratches because i am bothering their dad, the one who entered the property to protest from the request of cuting tree. Justice said i have to prosecute to "Civil Court of Justice", not "Penal Court". 2020, She declare to Police interview not having computer, but she stands outside sited on stairway with Laptop. Also
  • 9. mobile phone have same features. She also pretend not having printer while the mayor and his son were complaining of "death threats on paper" as well as school journal publisher "La mouette baîllonée". On that same time she printed a paper for Portugal bus journey. They said to Police they are hacking phones and computers. Remember Greenpeace agents who killed Fernando Pereira: "Deux jours après la tragédie, deux agents ayant participé à l’opération, Alain Mafart et Dominique Prieur, qui se faisaient passer pour un couple de touristes suisses – Sophie et Alain Turenge – étaient arrêtés et démasqués. " She is recognised by Firefighters as: "friend of our chief". They also tried to force recruitment to have a "spy inside"as some officials do in the Small businesses in the Town. The chilian familly Berrios, that had get refuge in France after Pinochet was removed, particularly pushes their agents in Bars and restaurants where Police (Out of duty) is then managing clients and money. They created kind of DINA the secret chilian Police in Saint Maur who was threatening and killing people in Chile during 73 until 77. Participant in DINA were Berrios and Contreras, Michael TOWNLEY CIA. Is tactics is using women to seduced important people or bomb car. Blasting the targets was the case with Orlando Letelier, Chilean ambassador to the United States representing Salvador Allende, and the assistant Ronni Moffitt in 1976. Michael Townley living with is real name does not behave like flight attendant or seller of market, he behave like people who urge to be respected because they have hidden agenda. Other criminal carreer David Mc Millan. Photographer, TV presenter, drug smuggler, writer. Some called: Dirty jokes on Mc Millan David's, pretending being CIA american: Public Facebook page: "Mon mari est un homme délicat" she said. Poo phoria, nimphomaniac, penis book, sperm bank, a little girl. He was the UK skinhead training french group of Paris skinheads.
  • 10.
  • 11. He has secret cases inside the rear his Volkwagen van that he screws and unscrews with electric device. That's why he absolutely wants to park in front of his house. Remembering Sandra. May 2019: the trouble maker familly invited Sandra, young student who worked at Bonneuil in Leroy Merlin at their home 2017. Some months later she was kidnaped and found dead inside her own Peugeot. After local search on testimony and environment i had a phone call from Crimnial Police saying i should not continue to enquire around the Food company close to where she was found Sunday. It appear the company is linked to Ice cream brand that Sandra was later managing for region delivery in local Super Market during her work/University internship. He calls me "t'es vraiment un petit con" Friday 17th April while I do the maintenance of the gutters where the leaves of his tree become dry heaps which clog the pipes, for ten years. -------------------------------------------------------------- End of pollution update. -------------------------------------------------------------- Also Chatterley, years ago at the entrance of European Union gave me back my business card after she got the Official door opened with my help. She was CNBC reporter at this time. I went to the door keeper telling she seems ok and just want to enter for filming the place where journalists stands, behind a wall, while asking questions to Ministers and EU representatives. That is exactly the grey coat video. Since the cameraman had dirty shoes i had to ask him for a little clean-up. Firstly reluctant he finally did it. Once they finished the video, she gave me back the Business card RDM-ROW and said "Take it back because i don't know you".
  • 12.
  • 13. I thought she could become better at contact by telling: "you should not give back Business card to people, they can get offended. If you don't have one, at least keep the one the person gave you." One hour later she tried to impeach me to attend the meeting where i was invited about Clean Energies by contacting some EU Deputy. That's the meeting where i exposed about my own field research linked to solar technologies from 2009 to 2010. Lately when UK Chatterley works live at Bloomberg she believes the UK Pimp Starthearn McMillan and the corsican prostitute Nathalie Olanda that takes cocaïne because she says in front of Police "it is recreational drug". These two harassers, coming from USA, are telling lies for 4 years ago because they were condemned by insurance experts to cut a tree that was not during ten years. Also a second tree had three meters long branches wich were spreading dead leaves on the neighboor yard for years. They pretended once being CIA agents, as they pretend many false statements usually even in front of Police officers. They declared openly in the street they want revange. The stuburn english came to France with illegal irish contract, working for a company that have been condemned to pay 1.4 million Euro + 150.000 Euro fine in 2010: read here Translated abstract: "Judged for "hidden work, obstruction of staff representation bodies and lack of registration", easyJet was blamed for failing to declare in France, between June 2003 and December 2006, almost all of its employees at Orly, to the detriment of social welfare organizations." Defaming me as a person, and as freelance journalist with fake informations at Sat TV is insane use of TV opportunity. I don't believe anymore Bloomberg's journos that only retrieve and say false informations from the side of difamers that stand for years with the Mayor Berrios, cocaïne consumer and treated as drug addict, in search of fame because he has not succeed in affection of the population of the town were his familly say "we are elected to manage the population". They behave like a gang, trying to manipulate and creating troubles for personal harassment with the goal to get a property that is not for sale. This Mayor declared himself: "I am treated against cocaïne, i took it at Mc Millan's home" Saint-Maur des Fossés 28 rue de la ferme 94210 France. Sylvain Berrios was kicked out from UNESCO conference Mobile Learning week (November 2016) while he was trying to defame me saying to the event manager: "Do you know this guy? I follow him from Saint Maur because he has stollen 3 euro to a small business". Which was false of course, the coins were taken by a customer next to me on purpose. (All this was previously written,
  • 14. wich show Bloomberg CEO and Chatterley doesn't read anything about the information providers they had on phone). These acts of defamation have no effect since what they tell is false, and known as false for years. LOL
  • 15. Since i could do it i have given a hand to people when military or field relief crew, but as said Dale Carnegie in the training and book: "we must expect ingratitude." That all folks. J.Chatterley moved to CNN Live in august 2018. All apps available on this page: go.CNN There are many changes inside news companies. The most interesting program holds the success and better advertising benefits. Following business news has not only a value for investors and capital owner but also to understand how politics, climate, events and conflicts are influencing markets. Watch out ! "Market can change in the blink of an eye." Julie Verhage (Tech-Finance) This satellite show has the best schedule for european viewers because it starts around 8 pm (EU clock :-)) It is a kind of live economics lesson about what changes occured during business day, night and even week. A group of young questioners and elder experts focused on companie's performances and profit makers consulting. Not everybody will understand what happens in financial news but same words come again and again in speeches wich help to get the clue of their show. Talks are mostly immediate conclusions about current trends while long run perspective is not always linked to daily situation. For example, if GDP seems independant from foreign exchange rates you can also consider that exchange rate ponderate the global amount of money one country is dealing with. Then, in order to make it simple for LSE uk babe (lol), from the outside, the US GDP is more powerfull in front of other countries when USD is strong, also it becomes weaker when USD is falling down to 0.80 instead of 1 to 1. That's why a larger view on World Economy helps for understanding. January 27th: According to the difference of FX rate since 2017 6th December's the american PIB (GDP 2016) value of 18 357 320 000 dollars is now 17 469 062 580 USD. It's a 888 257 419 USD loss. But 2016 December's rate was 1.07 (not 1.18 as it was 2017 December 6th): then re- estimated PIB (GDP) is virtualy 15 840 590 645 USD wich makes the loss amount: 2 516 729 354 USD compared to 2016's PIB (GDP).
  • 16. En espérant qu'au fond de tes yeux ternes Tu puisses y voir un petit brin d'herbe Et les mans faut faire la part des choses Il est grand temps de faire une pause De troquer cette vie morose Contre le parfum d'une rose C'est l'hymne de nos campagnes De nos rivières, de nos montagnes De la vie man, du monde animal Crie-le bien fort, use tes cordes vocales Pas de boulot, pas de diplômes Partout la même odeur de zone Plus rien n'agite tes neurones
  • 17. Pas même le shit que tu mets dans tes cônes Va voir ailleurs, rien ne te retient Va vite faire quelque chose de tes mains Ne te retourne pas, ici tu n'as rien Et sois le premier à chanter ce refrain C'est l'hymne de nos campagnes De nos rivières, de nos montagnes De la vie man, du monde animal Crie-le bien fort, use tes cordes vocales Assieds-toi près d'une rivière Écoute le coulis de l'eau sur la terre Dis-toi qu'au bout, hé, il y a la mer Et que ça, ça n'a rien d'éphémère Tu comprendras alors que tu n'es rien Comme celui avant toi, comme, comme celui qui vient Que le liquide qui coule dans tes mains Te servira à vivre jusqu'à demain matin C'est l'hymne de nos campagnes De nos rivières, de nos montagnes De la vie man, du monde animal Crie-le bien fort, use tes cordes vocales Assieds-toi près d'un vieux chêne Et compare-le à la race humaine L'oxygène et l'ombre qu'il t'amène Mérite-t-il les coups de hache qui le saigne? Lève la tête, regarde ses feuilles Tu verras peut-être un écureuil Qui te regarde de tout son orgueil Sa maison est là, tu es sur le seuil C'est l'hymne de nos campagnes De nos rivières, de nos montagnes De la vie man, du monde animal Crie-le bien fort, use tes cordes vocales (hé) Crie-le bien fort, use tes cordes vocales (on y va) Peut-être que je parle pour ne rien dire Que quand tu m'écoutes tu as envie de rire Mais si le béton est ton avenir Dis-toi que c'est la forêt qui fait que tu respires J'aimerais pour tous les animaux Que tu captes le message de mes mots Car un lopin de terre, une tige de roseau Servira la croissance de tes marmots Servira la croissance de tes marmots C'est l'hymne de nos campagnes De nos rivières, de nos montagnes
  • 18. An argument is not only a contradiction as said in Monty Python's sketch (need of cultural reference for Julia so she doesn't get lost in Economy) that is why i argue that exchange rate is a ponderation, not a calculation. Remember i write from french point of view. Great understanding of mecanisms come from high level education, but not only. I think press actors may have experienced their field of work. As she was a worker in companies this business market presenter is a good exemple of this idea. Starting in reporting event from the field Julia Chatterley was hired at Bloomberg for Business department and talks about Wall Street daily. It is a great oportunity to use her skills and make the market talks a "yuppy" event. The best of UK is exported at USA NYC. Her talks are just a fairy presence with noticeable dresses. We met once at EU parlement entrance After the short record explaining journalist role (The grey coat video), i was thinking, well, that reporter will fly all over the world, there not a second to miss from that moment. I did not remember while looking at Bloomberg Market show, but later when i saw the short video of EU entrance. Due to her size i knew she could fit into any screen and be perfect on TV. 04/29/2020 Paroles Si tu es né dans une cité HLM Je te dédicace ce poème Posted in Business, Public life, Télévision | Comments (0) | Facebook | Print | | | | "C'est l'Hymne de nos campagnes" Tryo J’aime 5 Tweet Share
  • 19. De la vie man, du monde animal Crie-le bien fort, use tes cordes vocales C'est l'hymne de nos campagnes De nos rivières, de nos montagnes De la vie man, du monde animal Crie-le bien fort, use tes cordes vocales, hey. Photo: femmesdumaroc, Youtube TRYO Source des paroles : LyricFind 04/28/2020 Faites vos dons au profit de l'Association SPS. L'association SPS, reconnue d'intérêt général, intervient en faveur des personnels de santé. Toutes les infos sur l'association SPS sur SOIGNANTS : ILS SE MOBILISENT POUR NOUS, SOUTENONS-LES Source photo: NRJ. Posted in Culture, Musique | Comments (0) | Facebook | Print | | | | NRJ et vos Stars se mobilisent J’aime 0 Tweet Share
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