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Marlborough Public Schools
       proudly presents
“Art plays an important role in every individual’s life.
  Art allows children’s minds to develop by challenging
 them to think in special and different ways. Art has the
      ability to create a place for people to escape to. I
  believe art lends itself for communication without the
       use of words and enriches lives by introducing
  aesthetic literacy. I want to teach art because I have a
   strong passion for learning, children, and visual arts.
 Everyone learns differently and art is just another form
  of learning. I believe that art is a tool that can be used
  to change a person’s life, and every child should have
 the equal opportunity to obtain that tool.  Art for me, is
  an aspect of my life which makes me who I am and its
 what I want to do with my life; without it I would have
     no way to express who I am and what I believe.”

                                 ANGELA CHOUINARD
                                             MHS Class of 2008
Currently attending the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, majoring in Art Education
                                  MHS Class of 2008
Currently attending the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, majoring in Art Education
                                  MHS Class of 2008
Currently attending the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, majoring in Art Education
                                  MHS Class of 2008
Currently attending the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, majoring in Art Education
                                  MHS Class of 2008
Currently attending the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, majoring in Art Education
"Art has always been an
important part of my life.
After graduating from
Marlborough High I went on
to study printmaking at
MassArt. Being surrounded
by artists and having my
professors open my eyes to
what it means to be an artist
after college I realized this is
the only path I have before

                       AMANDA LACHAPPELLE
                                   MHS Class of 2006
       Attended Massachusetts College of Art & Design, Majored in Printmaking
“Art has been the most rewarding endeavor I have ever undertaken. It can provide comfort at times of
need, a place to vent any kind of emotion from anger to joy, and a way to make connections with other
people without an exchange of words. While it is a fulfilling means of self expression, it cannot be
forgotten how much hard work and perseverance it requires. The challenges you face as an artist are
bound to surprise you and force you to do things that you thought were impossible. But that's what
makes the glory of the successes that much more powerful. 

My love for art and my mentors from Marlboro High and MassArt have provided me opportunities
which I would have thought were impossible.  My first exposure to what life as an artist might mean
was with an opportunity to participate at Art All-State at the Worcester Art Museum in 2005. Since then I
have had many opportunities to work with and for established artists, which has given me insight to the
art world and what will hopefully be in store for me. In 2010, with a class from MassArt, I was able to
travel to China to see both the ancient art of the country and the contemporary work. In 2011, I was
awarded a travel fellowship which allowed me to spend four months studying and making art
independently in Oaxaca, Mexico. There I was able to focus all my energy to developing my own body of
work while experiencing a new culture. I have shown my work in many galleries around Boston and in
Mexico and New Hampshire." 

                           AMANDA LACHAPPELLE
                                         MHS Class of 2006
        Attended Massachusetts College of Art & Design, Majored in Printmaking
“Art is not just a creative skill,
                                                 it is a form of self expression.
                                                   A way to escape from the
                                                world around you and get lost
                                                in it. Without art life would be
                                                 simply meaningless to me, to
                                                 anyone. It would be dry and
                                                dull, no excitement or change.
                                                   Art is a necessity in life.”

                             AMANDA SAWYER
                                   MHS Class of 2009
Currently attending the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, majoring in Graphic Design
“Art is something that has always been the
    most integral facet of my lifestyle. Its
importance to me transcends self expression
  alone because often I draw purely for my
      own enjoyment, and without any
 motivation for communicating with others.
    Art is purely and simply the thing that
  makes me most happy, and my ability to
  draw is what makes me most proud to be
  me. Furthermore, the pursuit of Art is the
       ultimate motivation because the
   development of one's skills is an infinite
   process, where there is always room for
         learning and improvement.”

                                  CALVIN LALIBERTE
                                          MHS Class of 2007
“After taking numerous art and sewing classes at MHS, I
attended Parsons School of Design in New York City,
majoring in the BFA Fashion Design program and taking
a full year of Illustration electives. Throughout school, I
was able to secure numerous illustration jobs and
womenswear design internships, beginning with Zac
Posen. Meanwhile, I was simultaneously interning with
luxury eveningwear designer Naeem Khan - a paid
internship that evolved into my serving as his Assistant
Designer while still a full-time student. During my time
there, I was able to partake in all aspects of design, and
witness my work strut down the New York Fashion Week
catwalk, be available in luxury retailers such as Saks Fifth
Avenue, and even worn by Annette Bening at the 83rd
Academy Awards. By chance, I decided to take an
internship designing at Victoria's Secret Direct, which
eventually led to my dropping out of enrollment at
Parsons and becoming a full-time freelance designer. In
my free time, I am currently working on launching a
fully-fledged side career as a freelance illustrator.”

                                     CALVIN LALIBERTE
                                               MHS Class of 2007
   MHS Class of 2007
   MHS Class of 2007
“Art is the physical
                                                 form of your
                                               imagination.  Art
                                                 doesn’t need
                                               explaining.  Those
                                              who explain art do
                                              not understand art.”

                       CHRIS STECYK
                          MHS Class of 2008
Currently attending the University of Vermont, Majoring in Photography
                          MHS Class of 2008
Currently attending the University of Vermont, Majoring in Photography
“Art has always been a part of my life. I knew when
I was little I was going to grow up and do something
with art. I didn't know it until my sophomore year of
     high school that I wanted to be an Art Teacher,
    primarily at the high school level. Now, with the
     help from all of my art teachers throughout the
     years, I am well on my way to becoming an Art
Teacher. I am currently an Art Education Major, with
    a concentration in 2D design, working towards a
        minor in Art History, at the University of
Massachusetts Dartmouth. I couldn't be more proud
   to say I will graduate from the same University as
    many of my former Art Educators. I hope to join
  them someday as an Alum, perhaps even come full
 circle, back to MHS and work alongside those great
artists. I hope I can inspire, encourage, and excite my
 future students like I was inspired, encouraged, and
           excited by my former Art Teachers.” 

                                      CLAIRE MUNLEY
                                            MHS Class of 2010
Currently attending the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Majoring in Art Education
“Art, seeming to me as an ever changing ocean
                                          of creativity, has been in my life in all shapes and
                                            forms the best and the worst, my comfort and
                                           my hell, my passion through and through from
                                             time to time abandoning my world and then
                                          coming back full throttle. Going to school for art
                                           (Photography & Sculpture) changed my views
                                               drastically. At some point art became this
                                              impossible thing I needed to come up with,
                                           followed by penalties if it wasn’t done in time,
                                            all of which pushed me away. On top of that,
                                            overnight everybody became a photographer,
                                           leaving me standing in a corner, with my arms
                                           crossed, not wanting to go near my darkroom.
                                           So I said, “forget film, for get the camera, forget
                                             all the essentials” and undressed myself.....”

                           CONSTANZA LEAL
                                 MHS Class of 2005
Attended Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Majored in Photography & Sculpture
“... I strategically positioned two enlargers,
  taped together 4 pieces of the largest photo
  paper I could find, I used a long stick and a
    timer. I laid down, feeling exposed and
    awkward, yet free. My long hair was all
        over, the paper was cold, sticky yet
    With uncertainty, I hit the timer and the
   enlargers turned on. I held my breath for
   42 seconds and then, just before fainting,
   the lights were off again. I felt ridiculous
      for a moment, but overwhelmed with
   excitement. Barefooted, I walked over to
       the chemicals and there it was... the
    answer: Go large, and do what none of
                  them are doing.”

                                   CONSTANZA LEAL
                                           MHS Class of 2005
Attended Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Majored in Photography & Sculpture
                                 MHS Class of 2005
Attended Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Majored in Photography & Sculpture
                                 MHS Class of 2005
Attended Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Majored in Photography & Sculpture
“I loved the variety of classes I had to
                                             choose from at MHS, it wasn’t just
                                           drawing and painting. The darkroom
                                           was my favorite. The teachers were all
                                          so helpful with anything you asked, and
                                           always tried their hardest to make you
                                             succeed. For example entering my
                                              pictures and graphic designs into
                                                different galleries and award

                                                  Right now I am going to
                                          Quinsigammond Community College,
                                           so I can save money then transfer to
                                          Mass College of Pharmacy and Health
                                          Sciences (which by the way is next to
                                          Mass Art) and major in pre-med. So I
                                            will have many medical inspired
                                                   pictures coming soon.

                  IVONNE FLORES
                      MHS Class of 2010
Attending Quinsigammond Community College, Majoring in Pre-Med
My photography teacher, Ms. Oliver
                                               always inspired me to create,
                                          especially in times where I had no clue
                                            what to do for an assignment. She
                                             gave me ideas that went with my
                                           interests. Thanks to her I found a lot
                                            of my favorite photographers, who
                                              also inspire me to be like them.

                                             Even though I’m not doing an art
                                               career, I see everything with a
                                           photographers eye, it’s like a disease.
                                               I’m always thinking about the
                                          composition of everything around me,
                                            leading lines of direction and how
                                             good something would look with
                                            different photography techniques.”

                  IVONNE FLORES
                      MHS Class of 2010
Attending Quinsigammond Community College, Majoring in Pre-Med
“I graduated MHS in 2008 after
                       taking photography classes for two
                       years, including AP Studio Art in my
                       senior year. I attended the Hartford
                       Art School in West Hartford, CT for
                       one year, after which I decided that I
                       missed the energy of Boston, and
                       transferred to New England School of
                       Photography in Kenmore Square. I
                       graduated from NESOP in June of
                       2011 with a major in Advertising and
                       a minor in Fine- Art Photography.
                       Since graduating, I've been employed
                       as an e-commerce photographer by a
                       clothing retailer called 344.”

            MHS Class of 2008
Attended New England School of Photography
            MHS Class of 2008
Attended New England School of Photography
            MHS Class of 2008
Attended New England School of Photography
“Art is a janitor sweeping the floor,
  and paying just a little more attention
   to it than he should be.  He stays up
      almost all night, sweeping and
    cleaning, vacuuming and washing.  
    Once and awhile he'll leave a little
     cobweb or stain in the corner of a
    room or hall.  Sometimes he does it
    intentionally.  Other times, he feels
   something pushing and pulling him.  
   As if his own ghost is whispering in
  his ear, knowing all along where to go. 
   Regardless of motive, it is his will in
           the end.  This is art.”

                                     KYLE HEDIN
                                     MHS Class of 2009
Currently attending Montserrat College of Art, Majoring in Illustration & Creative Writing
“Art is a forever changing
                                                                 constant. It’s perfect because it
                                                                   will never stop changing or
                                                                  become boring, but when you
                                                                 need something stable it won’t
                                                                   ever leave you behind. It is
                                                               beautiful and expressive; it allows
                                                                true form to unfold in not only a
                                                                 piece but in life. It can pull the
                                                               wildness from your heart while at
                                                                   the same time keeping your
                                                               relaxed. It teaches us and guides
                                                               us. It allows you to communicate
                                                                 your outlook without having to
                                                                 talk. Art reveals truth, it shows
                                                                 emotion and it’s raw. It doesn’t
                                                                lie and unlike anything else it is
                                                                  there for you when the world
                                                                         seems hopeless.”

                                MARIA SARTORI
                                     MHS Class of 2011
Currently attending the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University, Majoring in Photography
“Art is always there,
whenever I’m feeling sad I
take out my camera and go
for a walk and photograph
 everything. Anything can
  be made interesting. As
 Andy Warhol said, “Art is
  what you can get away

                    MARY KALAGIAN
                         MHS Class of 2009
             Attended New England School of Photography
“Art is my life/my life is art. It’s
 definitely my obsession. A beautiful
      picture, an inspiring visual
  performance, a tone or a pitch of a
 sound piece will bring me to tears. I
   feel in the art I am some kind of
   communicator between different
 worlds. And I for sure feel like art is
    the only way for me to have a
 gorgeous, personal, gut wrenchingly
honest conversation with the universe.
        And I love it so much.”

                           MEREDITH SIBLEY
                                MHS Class of 2010
           Currently attending Massachusetts College of Art & Design
        Majoring in Studio for Interrelated Media, focusing in stage design
                        MHS Class of 2010
   Currently attending Massachusetts College of Art & Design
Majoring in Studio for Interrelated Media, focusing in stage design
"I truly love art and I am
confident that my words will
not accurately describe my
fondness for all things
created; however, if I were to
try, I would say that I love art
because it allows me to both
find beauty in the everyday
world and provides me with
the opportunity to create
beauty (or, at least try to) from
my imagination."

                               MIA WHITTEMORE
                                 MHS Class of 2010
  Currently attending Boston University, Majoring in Elementary and Special Education
The Prayer:
                                                                  This was my most recent
                                                                   illustration, showing an
                                                             important key scene in a graphic
                                                              novel that sadly never came to
                                                                fruition (though I did get 40
                                                              pages into it and am planning a
                                                             "reboot"). I think it shows off my
                                                             "style" and coloring skills well. I
                                                                 also like the play of intense
                                                             foreground, the characters in the
                                                             middle ground, and the monsters
                                                                      in the background.

                               MIKE SCHOVITZ
                                   MHS Class of 2010
Currently attending Bristol Community College, Majoring in Electronic Media & Game Design
          Another experiment with composition
            and mood, this piece was done for a
         friend based on a game he really liked. I
          was listening to the soundtrack for the
           game, and one of the songs stuck so I
             tried to capture the mood with the
          illustration. I also was playing around
                with tints, so to give a stylistic
           impression of "night time" I saturated
         the picture with some blue and bumped
                        up the contrast.

                                      MIKE SCHOVITZ
                                           MHS Class of 2010
Currently attending Bristol Community College, Majoring in Electronic Media & Game Design
Not in Love:
                                                   I listened to a song of a similar title by
                                                   Crystal Castles and created a story and
                                                    characters around it, so this could be
                                                 considered one of my "interpretations" of
                                                 the song. That's usually how I get a lot of
                                                    my ideas- I listen to music and draw
                                                       what it conjures in my mind. The
                                                  characters shown, Kosa and Edah were
                                                  the main characters of both a potential
                                                   game in class and a graphic novel I'm
                                                            working on at present.

                               MIKE SCHOVITZ
                                   MHS Class of 2010
Currently attending Bristol Community College, Majoring in Electronic Media & Game Design
Sundaaran Process:
        This I just did for kicks on my webpage to sort of give a "walk-through" of the steps I take to
       achieve my end result. Other than that, there's not much else to say about it besides this is one
                              of the few I wasn't listening to music when I drew it.

                                      MIKE SCHOVITZ
                                           MHS Class of 2010
Currently attending Bristol Community College, Majoring in Electronic Media & Game Design
"Since I have left MHS and started at
                                                         MassArt, my interest in mediums
                                                         have completely changed. When I
                                                       graduated high school, I planned on
                                                       being a photography major, but after
                                                           taking a sculpture class during
                                                       freshmen year in college, I decided I
                                                        wanted to start a career in 3D. I am
                                                           currently working in metal and
                                                      exploring welding, blacksmithing and
                                                           casting. Three years ago I never
                                                        thought that I would be working in
                                                          the field that I'm in now, and I'm
                                                       really glad that I kept an open mind
                                                                for new experiences."

                              MISSY KEMP
                               MHS Class of 2009
Currently attending Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Majoring in Sculpture
“I do art because
  I like to make
 something that
   doesn't exist
anywhere else.”

                         NICK SULLIVAN
                             MHS Class of 2007
   Attended Massachusetts College of Art & Design, Majored in Illustration
“By perusing art and taking so
                                           many classes, especially at
                                         MHS, I've learned that anything
                                          can be achieved with practice,
                                           and it's okay to show your
                                         work, success or failure. Art has
                                             also made me fearless- I
                                          recently found myself trying
                                            glassblowing, which was
                                           amazing but a little scary.”

                        RACHEL SAUNDERS
                                MHS Class of 2011
Currently attending Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Majoring in Animation
"I am currently a Senior at the University of
  Massachusetts Dartmouth where I will be
  graduating with a B.F.A. in Art Education
   and a B.A. in Art History in May of 2012.
The University has truly helped me develop
 and surpass the artist I once imaged myself
   being upon graduation. I have learned to
      create and my skills have continually
    improved, but more importantly I have
    learned to perceive. It has become more
 important to observe, analyze, and apply a
      vocabulary to the visceral. I am most
 thankful for the guidance I received in high
school to not only pursue my dreams, but to
                 have options.
At UMD I have done more then evolve as an
artist. Since my first day of classes four years
 ago I have explored what other advantages
     attending a University truly offered.”

                                 SHELDON VIGEANT
                                          MHS Class of 2007
             Currently attending the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth,
                            Majoring in Art Education & Art History
“I am the College of Visual and Performing Arts
                                                     Representative and the former Recording Secretary
                                                       for the Student Government Association for the
                                                         fourth year. I am a brother of Theta Delta Chi
                                                      International Fraternity, where I am currently the
                                                     Treasurer and Fundraising Chair, and formerly the
                                                      Secretary, Academic Chair, and our International
                                                        Charge Representative. I am also a Peer Health
                                                       Educator, Tour Guide, Golden Key International
                                                     Honor Society member, and Order of Omega Greek
                                                      Honor Society member. My extracurriculars have
                                                        been balanced by a strong work ethic from the
                                                         classroom to multiple places of employment,
                                         Text           earning my own education. The successes as a
                                                        student representative on multiple University
                                                     committees and organizations have allowed me to
                                                     mature and become more then just an art student. It
                                                     will be with great pleasure that I someday grace the
                                                      classroom with all I have been taught to perhaps
                                                        inspire students alike to obtain their dreams."

                            SHELDON VIGEANT
                                    MHS Class of 2007
Currently attending the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Majoring in Art Education &
                                       Art History
“Photography has really impacted my life
in a positive way. While I was at
Marlborough High, photography helped
me through a really difficult time in my
life. I loved being in the class and in the
dark room. It helped me purge my
emotions into a picture. I'm not in school
for photography, I'm in school to be a
Pastor, but photography will always be a
part of my life. No matter where I go or
what I do, I always have my camera
ready. You never know when inspiration
will strike.” 

                                TAYLOR FRASER
                                    MHS Class of 2010
                         Currently attending Zion Bible College
         MHS Class of 2010
Currently attending Zion Bible College
         MHS Class of 2010
Currently attending Zion Bible College

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Alumni slideshow

  • 1. Marlborough Public Schools proudly presents VISUAL ARTS ALUMNI EXHIBITION
  • 2. “Art plays an important role in every individual’s life. Art allows children’s minds to develop by challenging them to think in special and different ways. Art has the ability to create a place for people to escape to. I believe art lends itself for communication without the use of words and enriches lives by introducing aesthetic literacy. I want to teach art because I have a strong passion for learning, children, and visual arts. Everyone learns differently and art is just another form of learning. I believe that art is a tool that can be used to change a person’s life, and every child should have the equal opportunity to obtain that tool.  Art for me, is an aspect of my life which makes me who I am and its what I want to do with my life; without it I would have no way to express who I am and what I believe.” ANGELA CHOUINARD MHS Class of 2008 Currently attending the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, majoring in Art Education
  • 3. ANGELA CHOUINARD MHS Class of 2008 Currently attending the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, majoring in Art Education
  • 4. ANGELA CHOUINARD MHS Class of 2008 Currently attending the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, majoring in Art Education
  • 5. ANGELA CHOUINARD MHS Class of 2008 Currently attending the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, majoring in Art Education
  • 6. ANGELA CHOUINARD MHS Class of 2008 Currently attending the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, majoring in Art Education
  • 7. "Art has always been an important part of my life. After graduating from Marlborough High I went on to study printmaking at MassArt. Being surrounded by artists and having my professors open my eyes to what it means to be an artist after college I realized this is the only path I have before me.”  AMANDA LACHAPPELLE MHS Class of 2006 Attended Massachusetts College of Art & Design, Majored in Printmaking
  • 8. “Art has been the most rewarding endeavor I have ever undertaken. It can provide comfort at times of need, a place to vent any kind of emotion from anger to joy, and a way to make connections with other people without an exchange of words. While it is a fulfilling means of self expression, it cannot be forgotten how much hard work and perseverance it requires. The challenges you face as an artist are bound to surprise you and force you to do things that you thought were impossible. But that's what makes the glory of the successes that much more powerful.  My love for art and my mentors from Marlboro High and MassArt have provided me opportunities which I would have thought were impossible.  My first exposure to what life as an artist might mean was with an opportunity to participate at Art All-State at the Worcester Art Museum in 2005. Since then I have had many opportunities to work with and for established artists, which has given me insight to the art world and what will hopefully be in store for me. In 2010, with a class from MassArt, I was able to travel to China to see both the ancient art of the country and the contemporary work. In 2011, I was awarded a travel fellowship which allowed me to spend four months studying and making art independently in Oaxaca, Mexico. There I was able to focus all my energy to developing my own body of work while experiencing a new culture. I have shown my work in many galleries around Boston and in Mexico and New Hampshire."  AMANDA LACHAPPELLE MHS Class of 2006 Attended Massachusetts College of Art & Design, Majored in Printmaking
  • 9. “Art is not just a creative skill, it is a form of self expression. A way to escape from the world around you and get lost in it. Without art life would be simply meaningless to me, to anyone. It would be dry and dull, no excitement or change. Art is a necessity in life.” AMANDA SAWYER MHS Class of 2009 Currently attending the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, majoring in Graphic Design
  • 10. “Art is something that has always been the most integral facet of my lifestyle. Its importance to me transcends self expression alone because often I draw purely for my own enjoyment, and without any motivation for communicating with others. Art is purely and simply the thing that makes me most happy, and my ability to draw is what makes me most proud to be me. Furthermore, the pursuit of Art is the ultimate motivation because the development of one's skills is an infinite process, where there is always room for learning and improvement.” CALVIN LALIBERTE MHS Class of 2007
  • 11. “After taking numerous art and sewing classes at MHS, I attended Parsons School of Design in New York City, majoring in the BFA Fashion Design program and taking a full year of Illustration electives. Throughout school, I was able to secure numerous illustration jobs and womenswear design internships, beginning with Zac Posen. Meanwhile, I was simultaneously interning with luxury eveningwear designer Naeem Khan - a paid internship that evolved into my serving as his Assistant Designer while still a full-time student. During my time there, I was able to partake in all aspects of design, and witness my work strut down the New York Fashion Week catwalk, be available in luxury retailers such as Saks Fifth Avenue, and even worn by Annette Bening at the 83rd Academy Awards. By chance, I decided to take an internship designing at Victoria's Secret Direct, which eventually led to my dropping out of enrollment at Parsons and becoming a full-time freelance designer. In my free time, I am currently working on launching a fully-fledged side career as a freelance illustrator.” CALVIN LALIBERTE MHS Class of 2007
  • 12. CALVIN LALIBERTE MHS Class of 2007
  • 13. CALVIN LALIBERTE MHS Class of 2007
  • 14. “Art is the physical form of your imagination.  Art doesn’t need explaining.  Those who explain art do not understand art.” CHRIS STECYK MHS Class of 2008 Currently attending the University of Vermont, Majoring in Photography
  • 15. CHRIS STECYK MHS Class of 2008 Currently attending the University of Vermont, Majoring in Photography
  • 16. “Art has always been a part of my life. I knew when I was little I was going to grow up and do something with art. I didn't know it until my sophomore year of high school that I wanted to be an Art Teacher, primarily at the high school level. Now, with the help from all of my art teachers throughout the years, I am well on my way to becoming an Art Teacher. I am currently an Art Education Major, with a concentration in 2D design, working towards a minor in Art History, at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. I couldn't be more proud to say I will graduate from the same University as many of my former Art Educators. I hope to join them someday as an Alum, perhaps even come full circle, back to MHS and work alongside those great artists. I hope I can inspire, encourage, and excite my future students like I was inspired, encouraged, and excited by my former Art Teachers.”  CLAIRE MUNLEY MHS Class of 2010 Currently attending the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Majoring in Art Education
  • 17. “Art, seeming to me as an ever changing ocean of creativity, has been in my life in all shapes and forms the best and the worst, my comfort and my hell, my passion through and through from time to time abandoning my world and then coming back full throttle. Going to school for art (Photography & Sculpture) changed my views drastically. At some point art became this impossible thing I needed to come up with, followed by penalties if it wasn’t done in time, all of which pushed me away. On top of that, overnight everybody became a photographer, leaving me standing in a corner, with my arms crossed, not wanting to go near my darkroom. So I said, “forget film, for get the camera, forget all the essentials” and undressed myself.....” CONSTANZA LEAL MHS Class of 2005 Attended Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Majored in Photography & Sculpture
  • 18. “... I strategically positioned two enlargers, taped together 4 pieces of the largest photo paper I could find, I used a long stick and a timer. I laid down, feeling exposed and awkward, yet free. My long hair was all over, the paper was cold, sticky yet comforting. With uncertainty, I hit the timer and the enlargers turned on. I held my breath for 42 seconds and then, just before fainting, the lights were off again. I felt ridiculous for a moment, but overwhelmed with excitement. Barefooted, I walked over to the chemicals and there it was... the answer: Go large, and do what none of them are doing.” CONSTANZA LEAL MHS Class of 2005 Attended Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Majored in Photography & Sculpture
  • 19. CONSTANZA LEAL MHS Class of 2005 Attended Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Majored in Photography & Sculpture
  • 20. CONSTANZA LEAL MHS Class of 2005 Attended Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Majored in Photography & Sculpture
  • 21. “I loved the variety of classes I had to choose from at MHS, it wasn’t just drawing and painting. The darkroom was my favorite. The teachers were all so helpful with anything you asked, and always tried their hardest to make you succeed. For example entering my pictures and graphic designs into different galleries and award competitions. Right now I am going to Quinsigammond Community College, so I can save money then transfer to Mass College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (which by the way is next to Mass Art) and major in pre-med. So I will have many medical inspired pictures coming soon. IVONNE FLORES MHS Class of 2010 Attending Quinsigammond Community College, Majoring in Pre-Med
  • 22. My photography teacher, Ms. Oliver always inspired me to create, especially in times where I had no clue what to do for an assignment. She gave me ideas that went with my interests. Thanks to her I found a lot of my favorite photographers, who also inspire me to be like them. Even though I’m not doing an art career, I see everything with a photographers eye, it’s like a disease. I’m always thinking about the composition of everything around me, leading lines of direction and how good something would look with different photography techniques.” IVONNE FLORES MHS Class of 2010 Attending Quinsigammond Community College, Majoring in Pre-Med
  • 23. “I graduated MHS in 2008 after taking photography classes for two years, including AP Studio Art in my senior year. I attended the Hartford Art School in West Hartford, CT for one year, after which I decided that I missed the energy of Boston, and transferred to New England School of Photography in Kenmore Square. I graduated from NESOP in June of 2011 with a major in Advertising and a minor in Fine- Art Photography. Since graduating, I've been employed as an e-commerce photographer by a clothing retailer called 344.” KATHERINE JUDD MHS Class of 2008 Attended New England School of Photography
  • 24. KATHERINE JUDD MHS Class of 2008 Attended New England School of Photography
  • 25. KATHERINE JUDD MHS Class of 2008 Attended New England School of Photography
  • 26. “Art is a janitor sweeping the floor, and paying just a little more attention to it than he should be.  He stays up almost all night, sweeping and cleaning, vacuuming and washing.   Once and awhile he'll leave a little cobweb or stain in the corner of a room or hall.  Sometimes he does it intentionally.  Other times, he feels something pushing and pulling him.   As if his own ghost is whispering in his ear, knowing all along where to go.  Regardless of motive, it is his will in the end.  This is art.” KYLE HEDIN MHS Class of 2009 Currently attending Montserrat College of Art, Majoring in Illustration & Creative Writing
  • 27. “Art is a forever changing constant. It’s perfect because it will never stop changing or become boring, but when you need something stable it won’t ever leave you behind. It is beautiful and expressive; it allows true form to unfold in not only a piece but in life. It can pull the wildness from your heart while at the same time keeping your relaxed. It teaches us and guides us. It allows you to communicate your outlook without having to talk. Art reveals truth, it shows emotion and it’s raw. It doesn’t lie and unlike anything else it is there for you when the world seems hopeless.” MARIA SARTORI MHS Class of 2011 Currently attending the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University, Majoring in Photography
  • 28. “Art is always there, whenever I’m feeling sad I take out my camera and go for a walk and photograph everything. Anything can be made interesting. As Andy Warhol said, “Art is what you can get away with.” MARY KALAGIAN MHS Class of 2009 Attended New England School of Photography
  • 29. “Art is my life/my life is art. It’s definitely my obsession. A beautiful picture, an inspiring visual performance, a tone or a pitch of a sound piece will bring me to tears. I feel in the art I am some kind of communicator between different worlds. And I for sure feel like art is the only way for me to have a gorgeous, personal, gut wrenchingly honest conversation with the universe. And I love it so much.” MEREDITH SIBLEY MHS Class of 2010 Currently attending Massachusetts College of Art & Design Majoring in Studio for Interrelated Media, focusing in stage design
  • 30. MEREDITH SIBLEY MHS Class of 2010 Currently attending Massachusetts College of Art & Design Majoring in Studio for Interrelated Media, focusing in stage design
  • 31. "I truly love art and I am confident that my words will not accurately describe my fondness for all things created; however, if I were to try, I would say that I love art because it allows me to both find beauty in the everyday world and provides me with the opportunity to create beauty (or, at least try to) from my imagination." MIA WHITTEMORE MHS Class of 2010 Currently attending Boston University, Majoring in Elementary and Special Education
  • 32. The Prayer: This was my most recent illustration, showing an important key scene in a graphic novel that sadly never came to fruition (though I did get 40 pages into it and am planning a "reboot"). I think it shows off my "style" and coloring skills well. I also like the play of intense foreground, the characters in the middle ground, and the monsters in the background. MIKE SCHOVITZ MHS Class of 2010 Currently attending Bristol Community College, Majoring in Electronic Media & Game Design
  • 33. Integrity: Another experiment with composition and mood, this piece was done for a friend based on a game he really liked. I was listening to the soundtrack for the game, and one of the songs stuck so I tried to capture the mood with the illustration. I also was playing around with tints, so to give a stylistic impression of "night time" I saturated the picture with some blue and bumped up the contrast. MIKE SCHOVITZ MHS Class of 2010 Currently attending Bristol Community College, Majoring in Electronic Media & Game Design
  • 34. Not in Love: I listened to a song of a similar title by Crystal Castles and created a story and characters around it, so this could be considered one of my "interpretations" of the song. That's usually how I get a lot of my ideas- I listen to music and draw what it conjures in my mind. The characters shown, Kosa and Edah were the main characters of both a potential game in class and a graphic novel I'm working on at present. MIKE SCHOVITZ MHS Class of 2010 Currently attending Bristol Community College, Majoring in Electronic Media & Game Design
  • 35. Sundaaran Process: This I just did for kicks on my webpage to sort of give a "walk-through" of the steps I take to achieve my end result. Other than that, there's not much else to say about it besides this is one of the few I wasn't listening to music when I drew it. MIKE SCHOVITZ MHS Class of 2010 Currently attending Bristol Community College, Majoring in Electronic Media & Game Design
  • 36. "Since I have left MHS and started at MassArt, my interest in mediums have completely changed. When I graduated high school, I planned on being a photography major, but after taking a sculpture class during freshmen year in college, I decided I wanted to start a career in 3D. I am currently working in metal and exploring welding, blacksmithing and casting. Three years ago I never thought that I would be working in the field that I'm in now, and I'm really glad that I kept an open mind for new experiences." MISSY KEMP MHS Class of 2009 Currently attending Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Majoring in Sculpture
  • 37. “I do art because I like to make something that doesn't exist anywhere else.” NICK SULLIVAN MHS Class of 2007 Attended Massachusetts College of Art & Design, Majored in Illustration
  • 38. “By perusing art and taking so many classes, especially at MHS, I've learned that anything can be achieved with practice, and it's okay to show your work, success or failure. Art has also made me fearless- I recently found myself trying glassblowing, which was amazing but a little scary.” RACHEL SAUNDERS MHS Class of 2011 Currently attending Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Majoring in Animation
  • 39. "I am currently a Senior at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth where I will be graduating with a B.F.A. in Art Education and a B.A. in Art History in May of 2012. The University has truly helped me develop and surpass the artist I once imaged myself being upon graduation. I have learned to create and my skills have continually improved, but more importantly I have learned to perceive. It has become more important to observe, analyze, and apply a vocabulary to the visceral. I am most thankful for the guidance I received in high school to not only pursue my dreams, but to have options. At UMD I have done more then evolve as an artist. Since my first day of classes four years ago I have explored what other advantages attending a University truly offered.” SHELDON VIGEANT MHS Class of 2007 Currently attending the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Majoring in Art Education & Art History
  • 40. “I am the College of Visual and Performing Arts Representative and the former Recording Secretary for the Student Government Association for the fourth year. I am a brother of Theta Delta Chi International Fraternity, where I am currently the Treasurer and Fundraising Chair, and formerly the Secretary, Academic Chair, and our International Charge Representative. I am also a Peer Health Educator, Tour Guide, Golden Key International Honor Society member, and Order of Omega Greek Honor Society member. My extracurriculars have been balanced by a strong work ethic from the classroom to multiple places of employment, Text earning my own education. The successes as a student representative on multiple University committees and organizations have allowed me to mature and become more then just an art student. It will be with great pleasure that I someday grace the classroom with all I have been taught to perhaps inspire students alike to obtain their dreams." SHELDON VIGEANT MHS Class of 2007 Currently attending the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Majoring in Art Education & Art History
  • 41. “Photography has really impacted my life in a positive way. While I was at Marlborough High, photography helped me through a really difficult time in my life. I loved being in the class and in the dark room. It helped me purge my emotions into a picture. I'm not in school for photography, I'm in school to be a Pastor, but photography will always be a part of my life. No matter where I go or what I do, I always have my camera ready. You never know when inspiration will strike.”  TAYLOR FRASER MHS Class of 2010 Currently attending Zion Bible College
  • 42. TAYLOR FRASER MHS Class of 2010 Currently attending Zion Bible College
  • 43. TAYLOR FRASER MHS Class of 2010 Currently attending Zion Bible College

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