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Recession, or renaissance?
 Thriving in the new era

                      Gayle Allard
                IE Business School
                      EPWN LISBON AND
                   IE BUSINESS SCHOOL
                       3 NOVEMBER 2011
Part I:

            WHEN WILL IT END?
The financial crisis and recession have taken a
      heavy toll on developed countries...
…and it isn’t over yet.

Governments (Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Spain, UK, US)
are cutting deficits and implementing austerity; others
paralyzed by indecision (US, EZ)
Global banking is still dysfunctional
Businesses are finding stiff international competition
(hence mini-currency wars)
Consumers are unsure of their jobs, savings, pensions
and future incomes and are afraid to spend
All of these factors will continue to dampen employment,
incomes and consumer spending and could pull us into a
second recession in coming months
Why was the periphery hit so hard?
   Economies were not prepared for the euro

Average 1982-2010. Source: OECD.
Solving the euro/debt crisis is one of the keys to
                 global growth
 The EFSF is too small to protect peripheral borrowers
 (€440bn); Greece alone may need €444bn, according
 to a recent study*
 Italy and Spain are both too big to fail and too big to be
 bailed out
 The cost of a euro breakup could be 40-50% of GDP
 for a peripheral country and 20-25% for a core country
 (UBS estimates); much higher than the cost of a
    Germany: soaring new currency would devastate manufacturing,
    require bailout of banks with old euro assets
    Greece: plummeting new drachma, crippling new debt and collapse
    of financial system (“mother of all financial crises”)
Some countries, like Portugal, may soon be
  making a comeback after harsh austerity

Some governments slashed spending, raised taxes
and adopted painful reforms
Ireland and Portugal are starting to see a surge in
exports, as they have brought costs under control
and become more competitive
This is a painful “internal devaluation” which may be
the only way out for eurozone countries
The crisis has broken down our growth
model, and no one is sure what will replace it

Before, fast growth driven by “big spending” US (as
well as overconsuming peripheral countries)
What will the new world look like?
  More multilateral and more balanced
    Different currencies rather than a hugely dominant reserve
    More balance between developed and emerging economies
    More rapid return to automatic adjustment on external accounts
    New engine of growth in the new global economy?
  Slower global growth, concentrated in emerging economies
  Continuing pressure on labor costs in developed nations, as
  hundreds of millions of workers join the global labor market
  Could we see a backlash against globalization and our
  present capitalist model?
Who will be the G20 in 2050? Some projections
For developed countries: the specter of
Japan was supposed to be the world´s largest economy
by 2010; it was the model for management
The bursting of the asset bubbles in Japan and
elsewhere in Asia in the late 90s sent it into a decade of
Poor leadership aggravated the crisis
China is now larger than Japan, and the most likely
outlook for Japan is a steady and possibly irreversible
economic decline
What do we have in common with Japan?
    Aging population
    Heavy government debt burden
    Slow growth
    Uncertain political leadership
Part II:

Demography was moving our world to a “new
      normal” even before the crisis
Portugal´s population pyramids
Aging will slow growth everywhere
                    Fast growing population of
                    workers and consumers
                    stimulates growth
                    A large dependent
                    population –old and
                    young– harms growth
                     They do not work
                     They make claims on a
                     country´s income without
                     contributing to it
                     They depress savings, which
                     slows capital growth and
                     productivity growth
Slow or negative population growth will have
            some great benefits

We will need major pension reform and an overhaul
of our public services, BUT
The pressure on the environment may be alleviated
A scarcity of workers will produce fiercer
competition for talent
Unemployment may recede as a problem
How is globalization transforming our future ?

Globalization has brought huge benefits in
declining prices, rising efficiency, higher real
But for developed countries, it poses profound
 Higher prices for raw materials as demand from emerging
 economies surges
 Competition in labor markets is generating
     Lower real labor costs (and rising structural unemployment)
     We may have to work harder, longer, for less in the future
 Globalization has brought greater wealth equality among
 nations, but greater inequality within nations
   Rising debt in some nations could be a “cascading” effect to
   compensate for inequality and stagnant incomes
There could be benefits both from more
  globalization AND from an end to globalization

 If we keep globalizing        If we stop globalizing
× Pressure on labor costs       Higher prices, lower real
 will continue and jobs in      incomes, lower growth
 traditional sectors will       Preservation of
 keep disappearing              traditional patterns of
 Countries that find a          life and cultural
 competitive niche in high      identities
 value added sectors will       End to treadmill of world
 generate excellent jobs for    competition
 a huge market
                                More equality at home
 Better chance for emerging
 nations to develop
Environmental pressures will change our world

 If the world´s GDP expands six- or sevenfold by 2050,
 the planet will be unimaginably stressed
  The earth´s regenerative capacity has already been passed
  If China and India used as much energy per capita as the
  Americans, their total power consumption would be 14x the U.S.
  If China, India, other emerging countries reach Western levels of
  car ownership, the world would have 3bn cars (4x current total)
 Asia and West must make growth more sustainable:
  Carbon and resource taxes that will provide incentives to produce
  in a much less material- and energy-intensive way
  Draconian rules on consumption of fossil fuels, fisheries, forest
  Massive investments in public infrastructure
  Different models of production and consumption
A more environmentally friendly world would
            have huge benefits

Growth would be slower and real incomes lower, BUT
We could avoid the tragedies of destruction of species,
wilderness, natural spaces
Many new jobs would emerge in low-carbon, alternative
energy, recycling, repair, cleaner industries, research and
development, organic farming, socially responsible
production, etc.
Countries that move first to protect the environment will
have a competitive edge
But maybe our world needs changing...
      because it isn’t giving us what we really want

Surveys asking people how happy they are indicate that the average level of
happiness has not increased over several decades, despite large increases in
income per capita in the United States, Japan, the UK, and continental Europe.
So what DOES make us happier?

Economic research demonstrates that past certain
levels, higher income does not lead to greater
happiness or life satisfaction
Recent research focuses on spending rather than
income and concludes:
If money doesn´t make you happy then maybe you aren´t using
   it right.
What kind of spending makes people happier?
  Spending on leisure or experiences with other people (nights at
  home with family or “staycations”)
  Giving money away
What makes us happy/unhappy?

Income     Family income up 50% relative to average                           +1
           Family income down 33% relative to average                          -1
Freedom    Quality of government improves (Hungary vs Belarus 1995)           +2.5
Religion   “God is important in my life” (“Yes”, all else constant)           +2
Trust      “In general, people can be trusted” (“Yes”; all else constant)     +1
Morality   “Cheating on taxes is never justifiable” (“Yes”; all else          +1
Work       Unemployed (rather than employed)                                   -3
           Job is insecure (rather than secure)                               -1.5
Family     Divorced (rather than married)                                     -2.5
           Widowed (rather than married)                                       -2
Health     Subjective health down 1 point on 5-point scale                     -3
Slower growth in the “new normal” may
      actually move us in the right direction
The crisis has reawakened many people to the limits of
obsessive consumption
The “100 things challenge” invites people with money
NOT to buy everything they can; rather, to limit their
possessions to a minimum
If we rearranged our priorities away from consumption,
there would be a sea change in behavior in the developed
This could have remarkable results for human satisfaction
…and for the environment.

People are finding that their homes are full of stuff, but
    their lives are littered with unfulfilled promises.
Part III:
 thriving in the new era

Female workers have transformed the postwar

Expanding economic opportunities for women has
drawn many into the work force
Female labor force participation rate has grown
dramatically since 1960
Delayed childbearing, better education has
accelerated this change
Men´s participation rate has fallen while women´s
has soared: the difference is now only 26 percentage
points, compared to 32 in 1980
Women have prepared themselves for better careers
Gender equality is an important indication of
                     true democracy

Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State
Gaps between men and women persist in the
Gender gaps persist in earnings and productivity
across the world, at every income level
Women are overrepresented in informal work and
in part-time and temporary jobs
Number of female bosses of large firms is still small
 No female CEOs on France´s CAC 40 share
 index or Germany´s DAX index
 US: 15 executives of Fortune 500 companies
 are women; in Britain: 5 of FTSE-100

                            Indra Nooyi, Pepsico

    Christine Lagarde, IMF
Why does more diversity make good economic
Women are more likely to understand the largest group of
consumers in the world
They represent an “underfished” pool of talent
They bring unique strengths:
  More collaborative than men
  Better at multitasking
Some evidence that companies with more women in top jobs
perform better than those run only by men
  McKinsey studied 89 companies in Europe with a
  high proportion of women in senior management
  posts, showed higher return on equity, higher
  operating profits and better share prices than
  the industry average
  Clearly, this minority of women is excellent

                  Patricia Woertz, Archer Daniels Midland
Why do women continue to lag behind?
Women do as well as men in university and are
overrepresented in MBA programs
They hold more than half of the entry-level jobs in top
But they quickly fall behind:
 Less aggressive when negotiating salary and raises
 In the US, women are 37% of middle managers, 28% of senior
 managers, 14% of executive committee members

                             Irene Rosenfeld, Kraft Foods
Why do women continue to lag behind?
                                           Oprah Winfrey, Harper and OWN

Is it discrimination?
 Are legal, financial systems discriminating against
 Do men consistently underestimate women?
Patronage does not work in favor of women
 Women may not have as many powerful backers as
 They may also be reluctant to call in favors
Balancing act: women struggle to balance
 work and family, where they still have the main responsibility
“ Women look at the top and don’t see anyone they want to
emulate… They become weary of what they often describe as
game-playing, as they discover a greater level of jockeying and
How does family responsibility compromise
           women´s careers?
 European women devote at least twice as much time as
 men to domestic tasks
  Nordic: men spend 2.3 hours/day; women 3.4
  Latin countries are much worse: men spend 1.3; women 5.2
 How do women cope with home responsibilities?
  Choose jobs with flexibility, predictability
  Take time off
     In the US in 2009, 31% of women had taken a career break (avg. 2.7
     66% had switched to part-time or flex-time work
  Once on the “mommy track”, they may find it hard to get back on the
  fast track
 Many have decided to avoid family responsibilities by
 not marrying or not having children
Women are having few or
        no children and (in Asia)
            many flee marriage…

About 1/3 of Japanese women in their early 30s are
Why? Being both employed and married is tough in Asia:
   Men do 3 hours of housework a week vs 30 for women
   Financial independence and education contribute to
   decline of marriage
Can women be helped to balance work and family?

 Government responses:
   Parental leave for both parents, with job guarantees on return
   Part-time work
   Child care
   Holiday scheduling (work and school)
 Company responses
   Child care on site
   Teleworking (nearly 20% of American workers
   Understand family demands

                               Ginny Rometti, IBM
Are quotas the solution to greater equality?

Norway: all publicly listed firms must reserve 40% of
seats on boards for women
Spain, France have passed similar laws; Holland will
soon; Germany considering it
European Parliament passed in 2011 a resolution
requiring that 40% of seats on listed
companies´ supervisory boards will be
reserved for women by 2020
But quotas may elevate women who
would not otherwise get onto the board
                 Ann Livermore, Hewlett Packard
Women also need to be creative

New generation of female entrepreneurs starting up
business from home during a break from the
workforce to have children (Australia: 15% of women
with small children are “mumpreneurs”)
Technology helps
Control own destiny
Give high priority to flexibility

                Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook
Bottom line: our own priorities and doing what´s

 What is success?
 What do I want to do with the time I’m given?
 What will outlive me?
 Just as our mothers or grandmothers had to buck
 trends and think outside the box to get
 into the working world, we need to do
 the same to seek true satisfaction

                Melanie Healey, Proctor & Gamble
Don´t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the
   results of other people´s thinking. Don´t let the
      noise of others´ opinions drown out your own
inner voice. And most important, have the courage
 to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow
      already know what you truly want to become.
                                       Steve Jobs, 2005

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Allard epwn portugal

  • 1. Recession, or renaissance? Thriving in the new era Gayle Allard IE Business School EPWN LISBON AND IE BUSINESS SCHOOL 3 NOVEMBER 2011
  • 3. The financial crisis and recession have taken a heavy toll on developed countries...
  • 4. …and it isn’t over yet. Governments (Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Spain, UK, US) are cutting deficits and implementing austerity; others paralyzed by indecision (US, EZ) Global banking is still dysfunctional Businesses are finding stiff international competition (hence mini-currency wars) Consumers are unsure of their jobs, savings, pensions and future incomes and are afraid to spend All of these factors will continue to dampen employment, incomes and consumer spending and could pull us into a second recession in coming months
  • 5. Why was the periphery hit so hard? Economies were not prepared for the euro Average 1982-2010. Source: OECD.
  • 6. Solving the euro/debt crisis is one of the keys to global growth The EFSF is too small to protect peripheral borrowers (€440bn); Greece alone may need €444bn, according to a recent study* Italy and Spain are both too big to fail and too big to be bailed out The cost of a euro breakup could be 40-50% of GDP for a peripheral country and 20-25% for a core country (UBS estimates); much higher than the cost of a bailout. Germany: soaring new currency would devastate manufacturing, require bailout of banks with old euro assets Greece: plummeting new drachma, crippling new debt and collapse of financial system (“mother of all financial crises”)
  • 7. Some countries, like Portugal, may soon be making a comeback after harsh austerity Some governments slashed spending, raised taxes and adopted painful reforms Ireland and Portugal are starting to see a surge in exports, as they have brought costs under control and become more competitive This is a painful “internal devaluation” which may be the only way out for eurozone countries
  • 8. The crisis has broken down our growth model, and no one is sure what will replace it Before, fast growth driven by “big spending” US (as well as overconsuming peripheral countries) What will the new world look like? More multilateral and more balanced Different currencies rather than a hugely dominant reserve currency More balance between developed and emerging economies More rapid return to automatic adjustment on external accounts New engine of growth in the new global economy? Slower global growth, concentrated in emerging economies Continuing pressure on labor costs in developed nations, as hundreds of millions of workers join the global labor market Could we see a backlash against globalization and our present capitalist model?
  • 9. Who will be the G20 in 2050? Some projections
  • 10. For developed countries: the specter of “Japanization”? Japan was supposed to be the world´s largest economy by 2010; it was the model for management The bursting of the asset bubbles in Japan and elsewhere in Asia in the late 90s sent it into a decade of crisis Poor leadership aggravated the crisis China is now larger than Japan, and the most likely outlook for Japan is a steady and possibly irreversible economic decline What do we have in common with Japan? Aging population Heavy government debt burden Slow growth Uncertain political leadership
  • 12. Demography was moving our world to a “new normal” even before the crisis
  • 14. Aging will slow growth everywhere Fast growing population of workers and consumers stimulates growth A large dependent population –old and young– harms growth because They do not work They make claims on a country´s income without contributing to it They depress savings, which slows capital growth and productivity growth
  • 15. Slow or negative population growth will have some great benefits We will need major pension reform and an overhaul of our public services, BUT The pressure on the environment may be alleviated A scarcity of workers will produce fiercer competition for talent Unemployment may recede as a problem
  • 16. How is globalization transforming our future ? Globalization has brought huge benefits in declining prices, rising efficiency, higher real incomes But for developed countries, it poses profound issues: Higher prices for raw materials as demand from emerging economies surges Competition in labor markets is generating Lower real labor costs (and rising structural unemployment) We may have to work harder, longer, for less in the future Globalization has brought greater wealth equality among nations, but greater inequality within nations Rising debt in some nations could be a “cascading” effect to compensate for inequality and stagnant incomes
  • 17.
  • 18. There could be benefits both from more globalization AND from an end to globalization If we keep globalizing If we stop globalizing × Pressure on labor costs Higher prices, lower real will continue and jobs in incomes, lower growth traditional sectors will Preservation of keep disappearing traditional patterns of Countries that find a life and cultural competitive niche in high identities value added sectors will End to treadmill of world generate excellent jobs for competition a huge market More equality at home Better chance for emerging nations to develop
  • 19. Environmental pressures will change our world If the world´s GDP expands six- or sevenfold by 2050, the planet will be unimaginably stressed The earth´s regenerative capacity has already been passed If China and India used as much energy per capita as the Americans, their total power consumption would be 14x the U.S. If China, India, other emerging countries reach Western levels of car ownership, the world would have 3bn cars (4x current total) Asia and West must make growth more sustainable: Carbon and resource taxes that will provide incentives to produce in a much less material- and energy-intensive way Draconian rules on consumption of fossil fuels, fisheries, forest products Massive investments in public infrastructure Different models of production and consumption
  • 20. A more environmentally friendly world would have huge benefits Growth would be slower and real incomes lower, BUT We could avoid the tragedies of destruction of species, wilderness, natural spaces Many new jobs would emerge in low-carbon, alternative energy, recycling, repair, cleaner industries, research and development, organic farming, socially responsible production, etc. Countries that move first to protect the environment will have a competitive edge
  • 21. But maybe our world needs changing... because it isn’t giving us what we really want Surveys asking people how happy they are indicate that the average level of happiness has not increased over several decades, despite large increases in income per capita in the United States, Japan, the UK, and continental Europe.
  • 22. So what DOES make us happier? Economic research demonstrates that past certain levels, higher income does not lead to greater happiness or life satisfaction Recent research focuses on spending rather than income and concludes: If money doesn´t make you happy then maybe you aren´t using it right. What kind of spending makes people happier? Spending on leisure or experiences with other people (nights at home with family or “staycations”) Giving money away
  • 23. What makes us happy/unhappy? happiness index Income Family income up 50% relative to average +1 Family income down 33% relative to average -1 Freedom Quality of government improves (Hungary vs Belarus 1995) +2.5 Religion “God is important in my life” (“Yes”, all else constant) +2 Trust “In general, people can be trusted” (“Yes”; all else constant) +1 Morality “Cheating on taxes is never justifiable” (“Yes”; all else +1 constant) Work Unemployed (rather than employed) -3 Job is insecure (rather than secure) -1.5 Family Divorced (rather than married) -2.5 Widowed (rather than married) -2 Health Subjective health down 1 point on 5-point scale -3
  • 24. Slower growth in the “new normal” may actually move us in the right direction The crisis has reawakened many people to the limits of obsessive consumption The “100 things challenge” invites people with money NOT to buy everything they can; rather, to limit their possessions to a minimum If we rearranged our priorities away from consumption, there would be a sea change in behavior in the developed countries This could have remarkable results for human satisfaction …and for the environment. People are finding that their homes are full of stuff, but their lives are littered with unfulfilled promises.
  • 26. Female workers have transformed the postwar world Expanding economic opportunities for women has drawn many into the work force Female labor force participation rate has grown dramatically since 1960 Delayed childbearing, better education has accelerated this change Men´s participation rate has fallen while women´s has soared: the difference is now only 26 percentage points, compared to 32 in 1980
  • 27. Women have prepared themselves for better careers
  • 28. Gender equality is an important indication of true democracy Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State
  • 29. Gaps between men and women persist in the workplace Gender gaps persist in earnings and productivity across the world, at every income level Women are overrepresented in informal work and in part-time and temporary jobs Number of female bosses of large firms is still small No female CEOs on France´s CAC 40 share index or Germany´s DAX index US: 15 executives of Fortune 500 companies are women; in Britain: 5 of FTSE-100 Indra Nooyi, Pepsico
  • 30. r Christine Lagarde, IMF
  • 31. Why does more diversity make good economic sense? Women are more likely to understand the largest group of consumers in the world They represent an “underfished” pool of talent They bring unique strengths: More collaborative than men Better at multitasking Some evidence that companies with more women in top jobs perform better than those run only by men McKinsey studied 89 companies in Europe with a high proportion of women in senior management posts, showed higher return on equity, higher operating profits and better share prices than the industry average Clearly, this minority of women is excellent Patricia Woertz, Archer Daniels Midland
  • 32. Why do women continue to lag behind? Women do as well as men in university and are overrepresented in MBA programs They hold more than half of the entry-level jobs in top companies But they quickly fall behind: Less aggressive when negotiating salary and raises In the US, women are 37% of middle managers, 28% of senior managers, 14% of executive committee members Irene Rosenfeld, Kraft Foods
  • 33. Why do women continue to lag behind? Oprah Winfrey, Harper and OWN Is it discrimination? Are legal, financial systems discriminating against women? Do men consistently underestimate women? Patronage does not work in favor of women Women may not have as many powerful backers as men They may also be reluctant to call in favors Balancing act: women struggle to balance work and family, where they still have the main responsibility “ Women look at the top and don’t see anyone they want to emulate… They become weary of what they often describe as game-playing, as they discover a greater level of jockeying and competition.”
  • 34. How does family responsibility compromise women´s careers? European women devote at least twice as much time as men to domestic tasks Nordic: men spend 2.3 hours/day; women 3.4 Latin countries are much worse: men spend 1.3; women 5.2 How do women cope with home responsibilities? Choose jobs with flexibility, predictability Take time off In the US in 2009, 31% of women had taken a career break (avg. 2.7 years) 66% had switched to part-time or flex-time work Once on the “mommy track”, they may find it hard to get back on the fast track Many have decided to avoid family responsibilities by not marrying or not having children
  • 35. Women are having few or no children and (in Asia) many flee marriage… About 1/3 of Japanese women in their early 30s are unmarried Why? Being both employed and married is tough in Asia: Men do 3 hours of housework a week vs 30 for women Financial independence and education contribute to decline of marriage
  • 36. Can women be helped to balance work and family? Government responses: Parental leave for both parents, with job guarantees on return Part-time work Child care Holiday scheduling (work and school) Company responses Child care on site Teleworking (nearly 20% of American workers telecommute) Understand family demands Ginny Rometti, IBM
  • 37. Are quotas the solution to greater equality? Norway: all publicly listed firms must reserve 40% of seats on boards for women Spain, France have passed similar laws; Holland will soon; Germany considering it European Parliament passed in 2011 a resolution requiring that 40% of seats on listed companies´ supervisory boards will be reserved for women by 2020 But quotas may elevate women who would not otherwise get onto the board Ann Livermore, Hewlett Packard
  • 38. Women also need to be creative New generation of female entrepreneurs starting up business from home during a break from the workforce to have children (Australia: 15% of women with small children are “mumpreneurs”) Technology helps Control own destiny Give high priority to flexibility Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook
  • 39. Bottom line: our own priorities and doing what´s important What is success? What do I want to do with the time I’m given? What will outlive me? Just as our mothers or grandmothers had to buck trends and think outside the box to get into the working world, we need to do the same to seek true satisfaction Melanie Healey, Proctor & Gamble
  • 40. Don´t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people´s thinking. Don´t let the noise of others´ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Steve Jobs, 2005