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Avilay Parekh
Sep 2018
What is AI?
AI & ML Applications (Live Demos)
A Toy ML problem
1940s to Today
Bias (More Live Demos)
From 0:19 to 1:25
0:50 to 1:20
2:50 to 3:09
1:14 to 2:40
A human-made system that is able to learn.
The Roomba does not have to be programmed for each new room it operates in.
The Tesla is able to drive itself on a variety of different roads, traffic conditions,
and weather conditions.
Formal Definition by John McCarthy in 1956
AI involves machines that can perform tasks that are characteristic of human
AI: Artificial Intelligence
ML: Machine Learning
DL: Deep Learning
Two imaginary celebrities dreamed up by a Neural Network
Predict whether an individual will play or not; given the weather conditions outside.
We have historical data about what this individual has done in the past.
Our job is to predict what they will do in the future.
Outlook Temperature Humidity Wind Play
Sunny Hot High Weak No
Sunny Hot High Strong No
Overcast Hot High Weak Yes
Rain MIld High Weak Yes
Rain Cool Normal Weak Yes
Rain Cool Normal Strong No
Overcast Cool Normal Strong Yes
Sunny Mild High Weak No
Sunny Cool Normal Weak Yes
Rain Mild Normal Weak Yes
Sunny MIld Normal Strong Yes
Overcast Mild High Strong Yes
Overcast Hot Normal Weak Yes
Rain Mild High Strong No
Rain Cool High Strong ?
Outlook Temperature Humidity Wind Play
Sunny=1 Hot=1 High=1 Weak=1 No=0
Sunny=1 Hot=1 High=1 Strong=2 No=0
Overcast=2 Hot=1 High=1 Weak=1 Yes=1
Rain=3 MIld=2 High=1 Weak=1 Yes=1
Rain=3 Cool=3 Normal=2 Weak=1 Yes=1
Rain=3 Cool=3 Normal=2 Strong=2 No=0
Overcast=2 Cool=3 Normal=2 Strong=2 Yes=1
Sunny=1 Mild=2 High=1 Weak=1 No=0
Sunny=1 Cool=3 Normal=2 Weak=1 Yes=1
Rain=3 Mild=2 Normal=2 Weak=1 Yes=1
Sunny=1 MIld=2 Normal=2 Strong=2 Yes=1
Overcast=2 Mild=2 High=1 Strong=2 Yes=1
Overcast=2 Hot=1 Normal=2 Weak=1 Yes=1
Rain=3 Mild=2 High=1 Strong=2 No=0
Rain=3 Cool=3 High=1 Strong=2 ?
Outlook Temperature Humidity Wind Play
1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 2 0
2 1 1 1 1
3 2 1 1 1
3 3 2 1 1
3 3 2 2 0
2 3 2 2 1
1 2 1 1 0
1 3 2 1 1
3 2 2 1 1
1 2 2 2 1
2 2 1 2 1
2 1 2 1 1
3 2 1 2 0
3 3 1 2 ?
x1 =
x2 =
x3 =
x4 =
y = play
Outlook Temperature Humidity Wind y_hat Play
1.w1 1.w2 1.w3 1.w4 b Close to 0 0
1.w1 1.w2 1.w3 2.w4 b Close to 0 0
2.w1 1.w2 1.w3 1.w4 b Close to 1 1
3.w1 2.w2 1.w3 1.w4 b Close to 1 1
3.w1 3.w2 2.w3 1.w4 b Close to 1 1
3.w1 3.w2 2.w3 2.w4 b Close to 0 0
2.w1 3.w2 2.w3 2.w4 b Close to 1 1
1.w1 2.w2 1.w3 1.w4 b Close to 0 0
1.w1 3.w2 2.w3 1.w4 b Close to 1 1
3.w1 2.w2 2.w3 1.w4 b Close to 1 1
1.w1 2.w2 2.w3 2.w4 b Close to 1 1
2.w1 2.w2 1.w3 2.w4 b Close to 1 1
2.w1 1.w2 2.w3 1.w4 b Close to 1 1
3.w1 2.w2 1.w3 2.w4 b Close to 0 0
3.w1 3.w2 1.w3 2.w4 b ? ?
1.w1 + 1.w2 + 1.w3 + 1.w4 + b = Close to 0
1.w1 + 1.w2 + 1.w3 + 2.w4 + b = Close to 0
2.w1 + 1.w2 + 1.w3 + 1.w4 + b = Close to 1
3.w1 + 2.w2 + 1.w3 + 1.w4 + b = Close to 1
3.w1 + 3.w2 + 2.w3 + 1.w4 + b = Close to 1
3.w1 + 3.w2 + 2.w3 + 2.w4 + b = Close to 0
2.w1 + 3.w2 + 2.w3 + 2.w4 + b = Close to 1
1.w1 + 2.w2 + 1.w3 + 1.w4 + b = Close to 0
1.w1 + 3.w2 + 2.w3 + 1.w4 + b = Close to 1
3.w1 + 2.w2 + 2.w3 + 1.w4 + b = Close to 1
1.w1 + 2.w2 + 2.w3 + 2.w4 + b = Close to 1
2.w1 + 2.w2 + 1.w3 + 2.w4 + b = Close to 1
Linear Equation
Non-Linear Activation
ML Model
Model Parameters
Learnt by the system
Labeled Data
Feed in labeled training data, and out come the model
Input unlabeled data and model parameters; and the
software will output the prediction
Unlabeled data
A 256x256 picture
A 256x256 picture Red Channel Green Channel Blue Channel
= + +
A 256x256 picture Red Channel Green Channel Blue Channel
Just 256x256
= + +
A 256x256 picture Red Channel Green Channel Blue Channel
Just 256x256x3 =
196,608 numbers
= + +
Same conceptual model - Linear function followed by an activation function
But the parameters were carefully selected - by hand!
X1 X2 Y
1 1 1
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 0
x1 +1
X1 X2 Y
1 1 0
1 0 1
0 1 1
0 0 0
x1 ?
No linear function followed by an
activation function can solve XOR!
X1 X2 Y
1 1 0
1 0 1
0 1 1
0 0 0
hidden layer
The solution was to add a
hidden layer - but that
didn't come until much
Carefully hand-crafting weights was not going
to scale beyond toy logic gates.
To solve real world problems the "AI" system
was going to have to learn the weights itself,
based solely on input data.
In 1986 Geoffrey Hinton came up with the
Back propagation algorithm to do this.
Hinton introduces the idea of deep belief nets
Amazon AWS launches
Hadoop 0.1.0 is released
● Deep Learning needs lots of training data
● Processing lots of data requires Big Data technologies
● Big Data technologies require lots of computing power
Big Data + Cloud Computing + Deep Learning = AWESOMENESS!!
Machines competing against Humans has been a long
standing goal of AI.
In 1997 IBM Deep Blue defeated Chess champion Gary
Kasparov by analyzing all possible moves and selecting the
best move.
This will not work in the ancient game of Go. The number of
possible moves is greater than the atoms in the Universe!
In 2015 researchers in Deep Mind created a program that
defeated 18 time world Go champion Lee Sidol using a
technique in DL called Reinforcement Learning.
Huge waves in the AI community.
Must watch Netflix documentary
Simplest DNN
Each layer has 1000s of
A bunch of hidden layers
(usually 3 to 5)
Fully Connected = Each
node in one layer is
connected to all the nodes
in the next layer
Usually applied to Computer Vision type problems
Most mature in terms of research
Usually applied to sequential data, e.g., daily temperatures, language models, etc.
Very powerful and gaining rapid traction
Usually applied to generate images
Recently has been applied to generate other artifacts like 3D drawings, fonts, etc.
Usually applied to train an "agent" to act in a certain way
Very exciting field with a lot of new research being done daily
Language Modeling
Assign probabilities to sentences, i.e., predict which word is most likely to follow
some sequence of words in a sentence.
Used in Speech2Text e.g., by Siri, Alexa, Ok Google, etc.
At its core is the ability to represent words as numbers. But how?
I like Gujarati because I love my mom
In 2013 researchers led by Tomas Mikolov at Google trained their model on a
billion+ Google News articles in English.
Each word in the English language is represented by a vector of 300 numbers.
Since then this technique has been applied to multiple languages including
Hindi and Gujarati.
Word2Vec has been instrumental in recent advancements in Language
Original Paper:
Efficient Estimation of Word Representation in Vector Space (
The model did something amazing! It learnt relationships between word pairs like
country-capital, man-woman, verb-tense. ALL ON ITS OWN!!
father : mother :: doctor : ?
man : woman :: computer programmer : ?
father : mother :: doctor : nurse
man : woman :: computer programmer : homemaker
It learnt to be sexist! Again, ALL ON ITS OWN!!
Original Paper:
Man is to Computer Programmer as Woman is to Homemaker? Debiasing Word Embeddings
Very active field of research
In May 2018 MS announced that they are working on bias identification tools
In May 2018 Facebook announced Fairness Flow - their tool to identify bias
In Sept 2018 Google announced What-If to analyze ML performance
In Sept 2018 IBM launched Fairness 360 Kit
But all these tools can only identify known bias like race, gender, age, etc. What
about our latent biases? E.g., in 1950s gender bias was the norm.
In AV mode crashed into a white trailer truck mistaking it for super bright sky killing
the car driver
Killed a pedestrian
who was jaywalking
across the road at
Driver was watching
TV on his phone
Crashed in a highway barrier
killing its driver
Driver ignored the car's
warning for 6 seconds before
the car finally crashed
A Do Nothing
B Pull the switch
A Do Nothing
B Pull the switch
A Do Nothing
B Pull the switch
No right answer
Depends on the individual making the decision and the context of the decision
Well known problem in studied by students in ethics since 1967
Wikipedia link for details and variants -
In Autonomous Vehicle settings we need to grapple with these kinds of issues
MIT Media Labs Moral Machine asks humans to answer similar questions
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration issued AV safety guidelines
Car companies rely on simulations to get certified
CARLA ( open source self-driving simulation software
Apollo ( open source self-driving hardware sensors
AirSim ( open source self-driving and self-flying simulation software
No, serious scientists have been talking about this phenomenon since 1958
including Von Neumann and Stephen Hawking
Technological progress has been advancing in leaps and bounds; but limited by
human intelligence which has pretty much remained the same for a millennia
Lets say we build an AI that is slightly more intelligent (capable) than humans
It will then figure out a way to build other AIs that are more capable than itself, who
in turn will build next gen AIs who are even smarter…
Eventually AIs will far surpass any and all human cognitive abilities giving them
god-like power over us
1. A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human
being to come to harm
2. A robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders
would conflict with the First Law
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not
conflict with the First or Second Laws
0. A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm
1. A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human
being to come to harm
2. A robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders
would conflict with the First Law
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not
conflict with the First or Second Laws
Academic Think Tanks like Future of Life Institute are researching this topic
Industry is mostly ignoring the prospect of Singularity
Very big and completely unpredictable technology breakthroughs are needed
before such a Seed AI can be created
A very interesting discussion on Feb 2018 moderated by Neil deGrasse Tyson
Computer Science
Linear Algebra
Statistics & Probability
Integrated Chip Design
Consumer Products
Low (Operating System) level APIs
ML libraries
ML Software As A Service
Minimize J => Find the values of weights for which J is minimum
Entire dataset of (say) 1000 samples
Calculate the gradient over the entire dataset
Update all the weights
Do this for multiple iterations until the weights converge
x1 =
x2 =
x3 =
x4 =
y = play
x1 =
x2 =
x3 =
x4 =
y = play
hidden layer
x1 =
x2 =
x3 =
x4 =
y = play
hidden layer
An easy way to calculate the gradients
a δ
No need to derive the entire cost function at once
Just consider the two nodes in question
a = forward propagation
δ = back propagation
As we go further back into the network, more and more weights are multiplied with
each other
As we go further back into the network, weights are multiplied with each other
If the weights are small (between 0 and 1), they become even smaller → Network
does not learn anything
If the weights are big, they become even bigger → Network learns nonsensical
What if our dataset has millions of samples?
Each small weight update has to wait until all the samples are processed
This can take a loooong time to converge!
Divide the entire dataset into mini-batches with T samples in each mini-batch
Calculate the gradient over each mini-batch
{1} {2} {t}...
Update the weights after each mini-batch
Do this for multiple epochs until the weights converge

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Ai & ml

  • 2. What is AI? AI & ML Applications (Live Demos) A Toy ML problem 1940s to Today Bias (More Live Demos) Ethics Singularity Career
  • 3.
  • 7. A human-made system that is able to learn. The Roomba does not have to be programmed for each new room it operates in. The Tesla is able to drive itself on a variety of different roads, traffic conditions, and weather conditions. Formal Definition by John McCarthy in 1956 AI involves machines that can perform tasks that are characteristic of human intelligence.
  • 8. AI: Artificial Intelligence ML: Machine Learning DL: Deep Learning Ref:
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 19. Two imaginary celebrities dreamed up by a Neural Network Ref:
  • 22.
  • 23. Predict whether an individual will play or not; given the weather conditions outside. We have historical data about what this individual has done in the past. Our job is to predict what they will do in the future.
  • 24. Outlook Temperature Humidity Wind Play Sunny Hot High Weak No Sunny Hot High Strong No Overcast Hot High Weak Yes Rain MIld High Weak Yes Rain Cool Normal Weak Yes Rain Cool Normal Strong No Overcast Cool Normal Strong Yes Sunny Mild High Weak No Sunny Cool Normal Weak Yes Rain Mild Normal Weak Yes Sunny MIld Normal Strong Yes Overcast Mild High Strong Yes Overcast Hot Normal Weak Yes Rain Mild High Strong No Rain Cool High Strong ?
  • 25. Outlook Temperature Humidity Wind Play Sunny=1 Hot=1 High=1 Weak=1 No=0 Sunny=1 Hot=1 High=1 Strong=2 No=0 Overcast=2 Hot=1 High=1 Weak=1 Yes=1 Rain=3 MIld=2 High=1 Weak=1 Yes=1 Rain=3 Cool=3 Normal=2 Weak=1 Yes=1 Rain=3 Cool=3 Normal=2 Strong=2 No=0 Overcast=2 Cool=3 Normal=2 Strong=2 Yes=1 Sunny=1 Mild=2 High=1 Weak=1 No=0 Sunny=1 Cool=3 Normal=2 Weak=1 Yes=1 Rain=3 Mild=2 Normal=2 Weak=1 Yes=1 Sunny=1 MIld=2 Normal=2 Strong=2 Yes=1 Overcast=2 Mild=2 High=1 Strong=2 Yes=1 Overcast=2 Hot=1 Normal=2 Weak=1 Yes=1 Rain=3 Mild=2 High=1 Strong=2 No=0 Rain=3 Cool=3 High=1 Strong=2 ?
  • 26. Outlook Temperature Humidity Wind Play 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 0 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 3 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 0 3 3 1 2 ?
  • 27. x1 = outlook x2 = temperature x3 = humidity x4 = wind y = play w1 w2 w3 w4
  • 28. Outlook Temperature Humidity Wind y_hat Play 1.w1 1.w2 1.w3 1.w4 b Close to 0 0 1.w1 1.w2 1.w3 2.w4 b Close to 0 0 2.w1 1.w2 1.w3 1.w4 b Close to 1 1 3.w1 2.w2 1.w3 1.w4 b Close to 1 1 3.w1 3.w2 2.w3 1.w4 b Close to 1 1 3.w1 3.w2 2.w3 2.w4 b Close to 0 0 2.w1 3.w2 2.w3 2.w4 b Close to 1 1 1.w1 2.w2 1.w3 1.w4 b Close to 0 0 1.w1 3.w2 2.w3 1.w4 b Close to 1 1 3.w1 2.w2 2.w3 1.w4 b Close to 1 1 1.w1 2.w2 2.w3 2.w4 b Close to 1 1 2.w1 2.w2 1.w3 2.w4 b Close to 1 1 2.w1 1.w2 2.w3 1.w4 b Close to 1 1 3.w1 2.w2 1.w3 2.w4 b Close to 0 0 3.w1 3.w2 1.w3 2.w4 b ? ?
  • 29. 1.w1 + 1.w2 + 1.w3 + 1.w4 + b = Close to 0 1.w1 + 1.w2 + 1.w3 + 2.w4 + b = Close to 0 2.w1 + 1.w2 + 1.w3 + 1.w4 + b = Close to 1 3.w1 + 2.w2 + 1.w3 + 1.w4 + b = Close to 1 3.w1 + 3.w2 + 2.w3 + 1.w4 + b = Close to 1 3.w1 + 3.w2 + 2.w3 + 2.w4 + b = Close to 0 2.w1 + 3.w2 + 2.w3 + 2.w4 + b = Close to 1 1.w1 + 2.w2 + 1.w3 + 1.w4 + b = Close to 0 1.w1 + 3.w2 + 2.w3 + 1.w4 + b = Close to 1 3.w1 + 2.w2 + 2.w3 + 1.w4 + b = Close to 1 1.w1 + 2.w2 + 2.w3 + 2.w4 + b = Close to 1 2.w1 + 2.w2 + 1.w3 + 2.w4 + b = Close to 1
  • 33. Labeled Data Software Parameters Feed in labeled training data, and out come the model parameters
  • 34. Input unlabeled data and model parameters; and the software will output the prediction Parameters Unlabeled data Software Predictions
  • 36. A 256x256 picture Red Channel Green Channel Blue Channel = + +
  • 37. A 256x256 picture Red Channel Green Channel Blue Channel Just 256x256 numbers = + +
  • 38. A 256x256 picture Red Channel Green Channel Blue Channel Just 256x256x3 = 196,608 numbers = + +
  • 39.
  • 40. Same conceptual model - Linear function followed by an activation function But the parameters were carefully selected - by hand!
  • 41. X1 X2 Y 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 x1 +1 +1 -1.5 x2 1 y
  • 42. X1 X2 Y 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 x1 ? ? ? x2 1 y No linear function followed by an activation function can solve XOR!
  • 43. X1 X2 Y 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 h1 h2 1 y x1 x2 1 hidden layer The solution was to add a hidden layer - but that didn't come until much later..
  • 44. Carefully hand-crafting weights was not going to scale beyond toy logic gates. To solve real world problems the "AI" system was going to have to learn the weights itself, based solely on input data. In 1986 Geoffrey Hinton came up with the Back propagation algorithm to do this.
  • 46. Hinton introduces the idea of deep belief nets Amazon AWS launches Hadoop 0.1.0 is released ● Deep Learning needs lots of training data ● Processing lots of data requires Big Data technologies ● Big Data technologies require lots of computing power
  • 47. Big Data + Cloud Computing + Deep Learning = AWESOMENESS!!
  • 48. Machines competing against Humans has been a long standing goal of AI. In 1997 IBM Deep Blue defeated Chess champion Gary Kasparov by analyzing all possible moves and selecting the best move. This will not work in the ancient game of Go. The number of possible moves is greater than the atoms in the Universe! In 2015 researchers in Deep Mind created a program that defeated 18 time world Go champion Lee Sidol using a technique in DL called Reinforcement Learning. Huge waves in the AI community. Must watch Netflix documentary (
  • 49.
  • 50. Simplest DNN Each layer has 1000s of nodes A bunch of hidden layers (usually 3 to 5) Fully Connected = Each node in one layer is connected to all the nodes in the next layer
  • 51. Usually applied to Computer Vision type problems Most mature in terms of research
  • 52. Usually applied to sequential data, e.g., daily temperatures, language models, etc. Very powerful and gaining rapid traction Ref:
  • 53. Usually applied to generate images Recently has been applied to generate other artifacts like 3D drawings, fonts, etc. Ref:
  • 54. Usually applied to train an "agent" to act in a certain way Very exciting field with a lot of new research being done daily Ref:
  • 55.
  • 56. Language Modeling Assign probabilities to sentences, i.e., predict which word is most likely to follow some sequence of words in a sentence. Used in Speech2Text e.g., by Siri, Alexa, Ok Google, etc. At its core is the ability to represent words as numbers. But how?
  • 58. In 2013 researchers led by Tomas Mikolov at Google trained their model on a billion+ Google News articles in English. Each word in the English language is represented by a vector of 300 numbers. Since then this technique has been applied to multiple languages including Hindi and Gujarati. Word2Vec has been instrumental in recent advancements in Language Modeling. Original Paper: Efficient Estimation of Word Representation in Vector Space (
  • 59. The model did something amazing! It learnt relationships between word pairs like country-capital, man-woman, verb-tense. ALL ON ITS OWN!! Ref:
  • 60. father : mother :: doctor : ? man : woman :: computer programmer : ?
  • 61. father : mother :: doctor : nurse man : woman :: computer programmer : homemaker It learnt to be sexist! Again, ALL ON ITS OWN!! Original Paper: Man is to Computer Programmer as Woman is to Homemaker? Debiasing Word Embeddings (
  • 63. Very active field of research In May 2018 MS announced that they are working on bias identification tools In May 2018 Facebook announced Fairness Flow - their tool to identify bias In Sept 2018 Google announced What-If to analyze ML performance In Sept 2018 IBM launched Fairness 360 Kit But all these tools can only identify known bias like race, gender, age, etc. What about our latent biases? E.g., in 1950s gender bias was the norm.
  • 64.
  • 65. Ref: In AV mode crashed into a white trailer truck mistaking it for super bright sky killing the car driver
  • 66. Ref: Killed a pedestrian who was jaywalking across the road at night Driver was watching TV on his phone
  • 67. Ref: Crashed in a highway barrier killing its driver Driver ignored the car's warning for 6 seconds before the car finally crashed
  • 68. A
  • 69. B
  • 70. A Do Nothing B Pull the switch
  • 71. A B
  • 72. A Do Nothing B Pull the switch
  • 73. A B
  • 74. A Do Nothing B Pull the switch
  • 75. No right answer Depends on the individual making the decision and the context of the decision Well known problem in studied by students in ethics since 1967 Wikipedia link for details and variants - In Autonomous Vehicle settings we need to grapple with these kinds of issues
  • 76. MIT Media Labs Moral Machine asks humans to answer similar questions National Highway Traffic Safety Administration issued AV safety guidelines Car companies rely on simulations to get certified CARLA ( open source self-driving simulation software Apollo ( open source self-driving hardware sensors AirSim ( open source self-driving and self-flying simulation software
  • 77.
  • 78.
  • 79. No, serious scientists have been talking about this phenomenon since 1958 including Von Neumann and Stephen Hawking Technological progress has been advancing in leaps and bounds; but limited by human intelligence which has pretty much remained the same for a millennia Lets say we build an AI that is slightly more intelligent (capable) than humans It will then figure out a way to build other AIs that are more capable than itself, who in turn will build next gen AIs who are even smarter… Eventually AIs will far surpass any and all human cognitive abilities giving them god-like power over us
  • 80. 1. A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm 2. A robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws
  • 81. 0. A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm 1. A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm 2. A robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws
  • 82. Academic Think Tanks like Future of Life Institute are researching this topic Industry is mostly ignoring the prospect of Singularity Very big and completely unpredictable technology breakthroughs are needed before such a Seed AI can be created A very interesting discussion on Feb 2018 moderated by Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • 83.
  • 85. Hardware Integrated Chip Design Sensors Consumer Products Software Low (Operating System) level APIs ML libraries ML Software As A Service Applications
  • 86.
  • 87.
  • 89. Entire dataset of (say) 1000 samples Calculate the gradient over the entire dataset Update all the weights
  • 90. . . . . Do this for multiple iterations until the weights converge
  • 91. x1 = outlook x2 = temperature x3 = humidity x4 = wind y = play w1 w2 w3 w4
  • 92. x1 = outlook x2 = temperature x3 = humidity x4 = wind y = play a1 a2 a3 hidden layer v u
  • 93. x1 = outlook x2 = temperature x3 = humidity x4 = wind y = play a1 a2 a3 hidden layer v u
  • 94.
  • 95. w An easy way to calculate the gradients
  • 96. a δ w w No need to derive the entire cost function at once Just consider the two nodes in question a = forward propagation δ = back propagation
  • 99. δ δ1 δ2 δ3 u1 u2 u3 δ4 δ5 δ6 v As we go further back into the network, more and more weights are multiplied with each other
  • 101.
  • 102. As we go further back into the network, weights are multiplied with each other If the weights are small (between 0 and 1), they become even smaller → Network does not learn anything If the weights are big, they become even bigger → Network learns nonsensical things
  • 103. . . . . What if our dataset has millions of samples? Each small weight update has to wait until all the samples are processed This can take a loooong time to converge!
  • 104. Divide the entire dataset into mini-batches with T samples in each mini-batch Calculate the gradient over each mini-batch {1} {2} {t}... Update the weights after each mini-batch
  • 105. Do this for multiple epochs until the weights converge … …