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Part I
Use this page to
breakdown an
existing film, using
the Hero’s Quest
theory. How does
your chosen film
fit with this?
The Ordinary World Everything is normal until a new dare game called Nerve becomes a big craze
The Call to Adventure
After being pressured the main girl agrees to be a player rather than a watcher.
The Refusal
When the dares become too much she refuses to carry on anymore.
Mentor Help
After realising people could die, she tries to go to the police for help.
Crossing the Threshold
After running to the police and reporting the game, none of them believe her.
The third rule of the game is ‘snitches get stitches’, all the money in all her family’s bank
accounts gets wiped and another player gets dared to knock her out.
The girl is now a ‘prisoner’ of the game and if she wants to regain her identity and her and her
families money back her only choice is to win the game.
The main girl meets back up with her 2 friends and they agree to try hack and take down the
game while she is being sent to the finals
The winner is whoever shoots each other first but after refusing to shoot another player
jumps in after getting the watchers to vote shoot or not, the player shoots her and all the
watchers get a notification saying they’re accessories to murder.
Road Back
After all the watchers log out of the game, the girls friends are able to fully take down Nerve.
The girl sits up and says to the guy that she and the other player had staged her death in order
to get the watchers to log off.
When the main girl and guy talk after Nerve has finally been destroyed, they’re now a couple
but months later someone is secretly recording them.
Everything is normal and
everyone hears about this
new game called Nerve
The game completely
controls your life, you can
decide to be a watcher or
player, players do dares for
Realising that people can and
have died from this game, she
refuses to carry on
Attempt to repair the damage
She and her friends try to take
down the Nerve app to stop
people from playing
New Equilibrium
They are successful after staging
her death and showing watchers
they were accessories to murder
Use this template to apply Todorov’s theory of equilibrium to your chosen film. Write in the boxes to explain what is happening in
your story at each point.
Character type How they appear in your story
The Hero Vee, she appears as brave and sacrifices herself multiple times throughout and in order
to take down the game.
The Villain The watchers, they vote for death, they watch people die and are all anonymous and
hide behind masks and screens.
The Helper Ty, originally another top player of Nerve, he helps Vee stage her death by pretending
to shoot her in order to help them take down the game.
The Donor Tommy, he helps taking down the game by hacking it once Vee had enough of the
watchers log off of it.
The Dispatcher Vee’s mum, after Vee became a prisoner to the game all her family’s bank accounts got
swiped and after seeing the state of her mum she knew she had to go and win
The Princess or prize Ian, he helps her through the games and teams up with her, they become a couple
after they destroy the games.
The Princess’s Father
The False Hero Sydney, meant to be Vee’s best friend but purposely did dares that would hurt her in
exchange for money.
Use this template to apply Propp’s character types to your chosen film. Write in the boxes to explain which character acts as each
type in your film.
Who Vee
What A dare game where you can either be a watcher or player, players do dares for money and have to stick by the rules of the game
Why Vee agrees to become a player in Nerve
When Present time
Where Staten Island
How She plays the game and wins after becoming a prisoner of the game
Use this template to apply Who, What, Where, When, Why and How to your chosen film. Write in the boxes to explain what is
happening in your story at each point.
Initial Ideas
Idea 1
Who One of the last remaining groups of humans remaining with a strong female protagonist.
What After scientists had created advanced robots in secret with the government, there is a malfunction where the robots
become blood thirsty, after killing all the scientists in the lab there is now no way they can be stopped. There is a lot of
rebelling against the government after the truth comes out and after a couple of years they evolve further and can now
procreate, living in an apocalyptic environment trying to survive together, one of the few last groups of humans left must
be able to figure out a way to kill them.
Why They have to figure out a way to overpower and kill the robots otherwise they will completely wipe out
When Present time
Where America, New York, post apocalypse looking.
How The adventure of the story will be them figuring out a way to kill them whilst continuing to survive.
Idea 2
Who A detective
What A detective has been called into an ongoing investigation at a grand hotel, after witnessing traumatising scenes the case
takes over her life and he becomes obsessed with it and catching the person responsible, unknowingly, she is the person
she is trying to catch. The hotel is haunted and can drive you to do despicable things out of your conscious and aware
mind. The hotel being haunted lets you see anything it wants leaving you to feel insane.
Why She needs to find the person responsible before more things happen and go wrong.
When Present time
Where An old, grand art deco hotel in Los Angeles
How The story will be her figuring out the case
Mood Boards
Idea 1
Idea 2
For the project I am going to go with Idea 2 as I think it could have a much more interesting
story and overall think the magazine cover and other advertisement will be much better
with this idea.
Existing Product
American Horror Story : Hotel
The overall theme of the
posters is dark and mainly use
of reds.
The posters are fairly simple
and give the vibe of the show, in
this case it’s clearly horror.
The advertising posters capture
the hotel theme of the season,
and is quite self explanatory of
what it is based on.
I will definitely take inspiration
for my project for the magazine
cover with the consistent fonts,
colour theme and overall
aesthetic of the posters.
The posters being hotel-
themed and giving an insight to
the series appeals the audience
as it isn’t giving anything away
but is definitely interesting
enough on the poster to want
Existing Product
Black Mirror
From looking at the advertisement
posters you can initially see how
creepy and twisted the show is,
Some of the posters have a retro
effect and look like an old comic
book which I really like.
I would like to experiment with
trying this style for the magazine
poster as I feel like the retro-
creepy style could work really
well with the hotel.
Often in the posters the character
is looking straight at you, and that
being with the creepy and twisted
style of the posters it can add an
extra sense of an ominous feeling.
Existing Product
The Shining
I think I might take some
inspiration fromThe Shining
for the synopsis, the idea of a
hotel being haunted / being
the reason for you losing your
sanity and driving you insane.
I think it would work really
well with my original ideas
and would work really well
going along with the other
research I’ve done, especially
American Horror Story Hotel
Existing Product
In Seven, David Mills was a detective
investigating a set of murders inspired
by the Seven Deadly Sins, I could take
inspiration for this idea of the
detective solving a twisted case and
becoming really involved with it and
incorporate that with my adventure
story and ideas.
I think for my adventure story I will
definitely take inspiration from the series
of murders all having meaning and
references to add to the depth and
meaning to the series of murders. This
also works really well with the other
research I’ve done, for example in this
movie the murders are inspired by the
Seven Deadly Sins, and in American
Horror Story Hotel the murders are based
on theTen Commandments
Research Summary
• From my research I have definitely gained more ideas and inspiration
I can take to add to my adventure story to make it better.
• I will take inspiration for a few things, such as the magazine covers I
really like the style of the American Horror Story ones and would like
to incorporate the retro and creepy style of some of the Black Mirror
posters, to do this I will experiment with different styles until I have
found one that I like and think works well to go with my story.
• American Horror Story : Hotel (2011)
• Black Mirror (2011)
• Seven (1995)
• The Shining (1980)
Pre-production and Planning
Magazine Experiments
Style Sheet
Idea 1 Idea 2
Idea 3
Idea 4
For my colour theme I am going to go
with idea 4 as I feel like the colours blend
better together in contrast to the first
idea the colours seem to clash a fair bit. I
also think idea 4 is the best choice for my
adventure story and for a creepy old kind
of art-deco style hotel.
I think that this colour scheme
works really well and I can use it
consistently over anything I’ll need
it for.
Style Sheet
(I’ll come back and change this once I have a name for the film)
I like his typewriter style because I think it
fits the theme of the detective quite well.
I like the retro style because I think it
works really well with the art deco, old
style of the hotel.
Looking at it now next to the other styles of
text I’m not too sure about the horror style of
text, I’ll still experiment with it but I definitely
prefer the typewriter/retro style.
Magazine Layouts
Supporting Coverlines
Main image
For my magazine I want
to keep the writing fairly
minimal as I think it will
look too much and too
cluttered so I’ll keep
things spaced out enough
so the main focus can be
on the image. I want to
make the picture subtle
enough for the title
especially and the lead
article look really bold. I’ll
make a few drafts of the
magazine cover and play
around to see what I like
with the main image
especially and maybe use
a few variations of some.
I’ll also make a few drafts
testing out different ways
to use the colour scheme
Style Sheet #1
Lead Article
Main Image
I have decided to go with the
typewriter style because I think it
would represent the detective really
well while I can focus on making the
main image to represent and portray
the hotel.
I think
that for
that I
want to
take and
in the
middle of
the page
will work
a lot
and will
help it
stand out
What can go wrong? What can you do if it does?
Model could cancel Find backup or do it myself
Could lose my work Make sure to back up my work
Risk Assessment
What could be a risk to you, others or the
How can you make sure that doesn’t happen? What
will you do if it does?
Using the fake blood Be sure to put down blue roll and be careful to
prevent it getting on the carpet
Mysterious and gruesome murders have been happening at the Downtown Hotel and Detective Wood is called in to
investigate.When Wood comes into the old hotel, she is immediately sucked in, and the investigation takes over her
life.The hotel itself is haunted and the victims of the murders often show up, in the state of the time they died, and
Wood sees traumatising scenes. Becoming addicted to the case, she decides to move into the hotel, believing it
could help understand the murders more. After getting no where with solving the investigation, the case completely
consumes her life and she forgets the outside world, slowly becoming insane alongside seeing the state of the hotel
and the traumatic scenes in there.Waking up to ghosts screaming and covered in blood, looking in the mirror and
being covered in blood the hotel has got inside her head and the spirits there taking full advantage of the
vulnerability for their sake of fun.When piecing the investigation together,Wood feels as though she is getting
there, often hearing opinionated comments from the barman almost as though he is trying to give hints. A ghost
screams at her, waking her up, blaming her for the murder and the reason she’ll never go home again.Wood going
into the bathroom and seeing that the blood she’s covered in is real this time. She’s always been the killer, since the
beginning, she never had conscious awareness of it so what does she do now?Turn herself in or cover it up?
(Draft 1)
After hearing about the murders in the Downtown Hotel, DetectiveWood feels gravitated towards the case and
requests to investigate. Having stayed there one time a year prior and having an interest in the hotel ever since she was
determined to solve this case.The hotel had its reputation for being “haunted” and strange things happening.Wood
decided to stay in the hotel for a while to really commit to the investigation, witnessing and experiencing abnormal
things for herself, like the first time she’d stayed.The sights got worse the more she saw them, people covered in blood,
she became unsure about what was real and what was what she thought was in her imagination.The entire
investigation consumed her, and she became obsessed with it, she lost touch of reality and didn’t leave the hotel
whatsoever for long periods of time. She was determined to get to the bottom of it and find the killer before more
murders would take place.The staff in the hotel all seemed odd to her, they were aware of the murders but seem
unfazed by it, she initially thought that they as a group could have been the killers but when further investigations took
place it showed to be that that wasn’t the case, although they all continued to act like they knew something that she
didn’t. One night she was woken up by a scream and looked down to see herself covered in blood. Confused, she ran to
the bathroom to wash herself and went to the bar afterwards to have a drink and continue trying to put the pieces
together.When the barman said some strange things like he’d known what just happened, he made her aware that it
was the hotel that was responsible. “Why do you think we’re all stuck here?” Laughing, thinking it was the strangest
thing she’d ever heard, Wood quickly realises it is the hotel that gets in your head as if it possesses you. She was the
(Draft 2)
Movie Poster
I am really happy with how the photos turned out, they are exactly what I was wanting and I think that these
photos will work really well for the movie poster. I took around 25+ photos and chose my favourites to
experiment with and I am going to go with the bottom right 2 photos to continue experimenting with for the
movie posters as I feel like they just generally look the best and will work the best for the movie poster.
Movie Poster
Draft 1 Draft 2
With the first draft, I definitely
knew that the poster needed
more but it gave me the idea of
what I wanted overall and was a
good place to start with. For the
second draft, I was a lot more
happy with it with the overlay on
giving it more of a creepy effect
and knew I just wanted to make a
final draft with all of the aspects
of a movie poster added to help
it all come together.
Movie Poster
Overall I am really happy
with how my movie poster
came out and I feel like it fits
the thriller/horror genre
quite well. For the aesthetic
of the poster I think that it
works really well with the
plot and overall vibe of the
film.To improve I could’ve
done something different
with the actors names at the
top as JenniferTilly’s name
blends in with the glove a lot
so it isn’t too obvious and
quite difficult to see but
against the black
background I think the
names look good so maybe
could’ve done something
different with the
positioning. From making
My original chosen photo
Final Draft
Reflection Diary
So far I have completed the synopsis and the movie poster. I wanted to
do the synopsis first so that I could work from a detailed idea of how I
wanted the story to go and have a better understanding myself. I think
the synopsis is okay, it works and it tells the story how I want it to but it
could definitely be improved so if I have time I will probably make
another draft and try to improve it. With my movie poster I did a couple
of drafts until I knew exactly what I wanted and I was happy with it. I am
really happy with the movie poster and think it works really well with the
movie plot and genre.To improve on the movie poster I could’ve done
something different with the actors names as the one on the top right
blends in with the glove and isn’t as obvious as I’d like it to be. Next I will
make the magazine cover and focus on that and the double page spread
keeping a consistent theme throughout all of them with the movie
For the first draft I thought it
was okay but could definitely
be done better. I stuck to the
colour scheme that’s in my
planning which I think looks
good.To improve I think the
positioning could definitely be
a lot better and will have to
change it from my original
planning. For my second draft
I think the positioning looks a
lot better. I kept the writing
and colours all the same as I
saw no problem with them. I
still think that it could be
improved with small details
which I will do for my final
First draft Second draft
Magazine Front Cover
Final Draft
I am a lot happier with the magazine cover, I
like the consistent colour scheme from my
planning and think the colours blend
together really well and nothing is clashing. I
added some extra grain to keep the old
creepy style of the film that is in the movie
poster, and also added a glossy overlay for
the magazine to give more of that effect
which I think it does. I kept the writing
because I think it was more the positioning /
how it looked as a whole that needed
changing and mainly the details like the
Magazine Double Page Spread
Draft 1
I think that the
magazine cover works
with the front cover
quite well and looks like
a film magazine. I think
there are definitely
improvements that
could be made and if I
have time I will make
more drafts and
hopefully improve on
them. I am happy with
the photos used
especially the ones for
the actors that look like
screengrabs from the
film and the behind the
scenes photo as I think
these are realistic
Magazine Double Page Spread
I am definitely a lot happier with this
magazine cover and think it looks a lot
less cluttered and messy everywhere. I
think the cut-out photos of the film’s
actors works a lot better and as a
whole it looks more like a film
magazine and in general looks more
Final Draft
Character Profile
Detective Lana Wood
• She has worked as a detective for
a few years and is one of the best
on her team
• Had already grown an interest
with the hotel and it’s history
prior to working on the case after
hearing the stories about it and
it’s history
• Lives alone
(Played byWinona Ryder)
Part II
Pre-production and Planning
Subway Surfers
There are definitely some elements of Subway Surfers that I can take
inspiration from, for example the more coins you get you can upgrade
your characters with their styles and you can also get new characters. I
think for the overall concept I will use similar ideas that the character is
running and also trying to collect things on the way. In Subway Surfers
there are small bonuses you can collect that work for a limited time,
like boots that let you jump higher over the trains, I could take ideas
from this and use it to be fitting for the game of the film.
Jetpack Joyride
Similarly to Subway Surfers, I like the concept of the
game of the character running and trying to collect
things so I think I will definitely go with that concept. In
Jetpack Joyride there are obstacles like the rockets and
the laser obstacles to make it more difficult as the
game goes on which I could definitely use the idea to fit
my game.Again with the coins you get during the
game you can buy new characters and new jetpacks
another accessories which I like the idea of, and there
are daily challenges to do to.The rainbow boxes give
him bonuses for a limited time such as the dragon Mr
Cuddles and the teleporter.
Crossy Road
Crossy Road is another endless runner game, you
can collect coins and with them you can get new
characters and the map can change in order to fit
the character.Obstacles like the cars make the
game more difficult as well as running across the
logs in the water.A similar overall theme of being
an endless runner game like Subway Surfers and
Jetpack Joyride, I will definitely be using this idea.
Minion Rush
Very similar to the other games in my research Minion Rush is
an endless runner game. It’s essentially your minion character
running through the lab, collecting bananas which is the
game’s currency and avoiding obstacles. I think I will definitely
go for this style for my game as it could fit quite well with the
creepy hotel theme of the film and I can include a lot of
aspects of it into the game.
Animation Experiment
For my animation experiment I made the movie poster into a pixel
animation and had the blood dripping for it. I think for a first ever
attempt of making these it went okay and I know what to do better
now for the project. It could definitely be improved by things like
having more of an idea of what I want to make into an animation and
getting it to run more smoothly.
I think that the pixel art was okay, this character being
my first ever attempt at anything like this it went
alright and with it being the first experience of it I feel
like a have a little bit more knowledge and
understanding of how to make pixel art and it will work
a lot better when it comes to making the real thing.
Style Sheet
Colour theme
Style of pixel character
Hotel Map Ideas
The game will be an endless runner game and the map will
be the corridor of the hotel, the character will be running to
collect coins and there’ll be obstacles in the way such as
maid’s cleaning trollies or ghosts. With the coins you can
upgrade your character and their outfits and accessories or
by new maps which could be different areas of the hotel.
Throughout the game it will get more difficult and they will
have to face getting chased by spirits.
Game Overview
Theme / Setting / Genre
Similar hotel setting to the Hotel Cortez from the Hotel season (season 5) of American Horror Story
Core Gameplay Mechanics
Similar mechanics to games like Subway Surfers in the idea that the character is constantly running
through the map and is trying to collect something like the in game currency aswell as avoiding
Story and Gameplay
The hotel always had a mysterious and ominous reputation for being haunted and strange things happening there so
Detective Wood decided to book a room for a while whilst investigating a case involving the hotel.
The story would be told through a small cut scene showing Detective Wood looking through the file then turning up to
the hotel.
Core Gameplay
The main character is running through the map and collects the in-game currency which they can upgrade the
character and different maps (which would be different areas of the hotel)
Core Loop
Enter Arena Battle
To Winner
-$ +$
New Arena
With the game being an endless runner game, there wouldn’t so
much be specific levels for the player to complete but as the player
runs for a certain distance say every 1km or something the game
would gradually get slightly more difficult. For example, the running
goes faster so the player has to be quicker at moving or avoiding
obstacles, the obstacles become more frequent so the game
gradually gets more and more difficult as it is played.
• Overall I think that my research went quite well for both the film idea and the
video game spin off and it definitely benefitted me and helped give me a more
clear idea as to what I wanted to do. For my film idea I looked at existing tv
shows and movies that had similar themes to my initial ideas for aspects of the
show/movie and the advertisement. This helped a lot seeing the similarities
through the genre conventions which helped me a lot when it came to writing
the synopsis for the film. For the game I already had ideas of the style I wanted
to do as an endless runner games so I researched existing games such as Subway
Surfers and Minion Rush which I took inspiration from. Overall the endless
runner games were all very similar the way the game worked and just had
different designs which helped a lot with the final product because I had a good
amount of research to work from.
For planning the actual story itself I took some inspiration from my research, for example aspects
of American Horror Story : Hotel, the hotel being rumoured to have twisted stories and to have
spirits and ghosts trapped inside. I also took inspiration fromThe Shining with the idea that the
hotel drives you to insanity. I think that the final product of the story worked well and the research
definitely helped a lot. I would’ve liked to take more inspiration from Seven in the idea of all the
murders having meaning and sending messages from the killer and it could’ve put a more complex
twist onto the story maybe could’ve been hinting that the detective is the killer but I wasn’t quite
sure how to fit it in.
For planning for the magazine cover and double page spread especially I think it went quite well. I
experimented by making a music magazine cover and double page spread which I was happy with
the end results. I feel like the double page spread layout was fairly realistic and experimenting
with that definitely gave me a better idea about how I could do my film magazine.Overall I was
quite happy with the planning and think coming up with a solid colour theme and having an idea
for the layout I wanted to do helped a lot when it came to making the final product. For the
planning for the video game I feel like it went alright despite animation definitely not being my
strongest suit.After experimenting with animation I definitely felt more confident with making
Time Management
• Generally I feel like the time management went a lot better compared to past
projects and has definitely improved. However with production for the video
game if I had more time I definitely could’ve done more and made more
animations which would be better as it would’ve explained the game itself a
lot better. But overall on the project I feel like I managed my time quite well
from planning to hiring out the studio to take my photos for the magazine.
Technical Qualities
The main inspiration I took was the American Horror Story poster
for my magazine cover, it fit my movie idea of a creepy hotel and I
feel happy with how the final product turned out. I thought it
represented the hotel well with the bell and the blood on it of course
gave it more of a horror/suspenseful twist without giving too much
away and overall I was very happy with how the final product turned
out after using the AHS poster for inspiration. For the movie poster I
used different overlays such as grain and cobweb ones to give the
creepy old effect which I think worked really well.
For the video game animations I think that overall they did what I
wanted them to do but they definitely could be improved and
more detailed as they are quite plain and don’t have as much
detail as I would’ve liked them to. I was happy with the menu
screen and the detail on the wallpaper with the wooden effect but
the gameplay 1 animation could definitely of done with more
detail and time on it.
Aesthetic Qualities
For the aesthetic qualities I was very happy with how the project turned out especially the
movie poster and magazine cover and feel like I kept a consistent style.The planning especially
helped me with knowing what style I wanted that would fit my film idea and the conventional
horror style that I could take inspiration from. Over the whole project I stuck with the same or
at least very similar colour theme which I had in my planning which definitely benefits the
aesthetic qualities and the consistency of it.
I definitely could’ve improved the aesthetic qualities on the video game part of the project, I
think I drifted away from the colour theme on the gameplay 1 animation which could’ve been
improved. As well as the animations themselves I think has a lot of room for improvement.
Audience Appeal
I think that as a whole it could definitely appeal to
my target audience, I think the movie poster looks
fairly realistic as a horror movie poster and is
intriguing enough without giving much away about
the film much like a lot of other horror movie posters
such asThe Shining and Scream. For the game I
think that would appeal to the target audience less
as a whole and could’ve done with better planning
for it to have been better to appeal to the target
Overall strengths and weaknesses of the final package.
Overall, I am happy with the final products of the adventure story project and
think as a whole it went very well. I am especially happy with the first half of the
project and really enjoyed making advertisement for a film idea. Generally I think
the video game part of the project went okay and could definitely be improved if I
had more time on it. Animation is definitely not my strong suit and I could have
put more into the planning which would’ve benefitted the final product but as a
whole I am happy with how the whole project turned out.

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Adventure pro forma

  • 3.
  • 4. Use this page to breakdown an existing film, using the Hero’s Quest theory. How does your chosen film fit with this? The Ordinary World Everything is normal until a new dare game called Nerve becomes a big craze The Call to Adventure After being pressured the main girl agrees to be a player rather than a watcher. The Refusal When the dares become too much she refuses to carry on anymore. Mentor Help After realising people could die, she tries to go to the police for help. Crossing the Threshold After running to the police and reporting the game, none of them believe her. Test/Allies/Enemies The third rule of the game is ‘snitches get stitches’, all the money in all her family’s bank accounts gets wiped and another player gets dared to knock her out. Approach The girl is now a ‘prisoner’ of the game and if she wants to regain her identity and her and her families money back her only choice is to win the game. Ordeal The main girl meets back up with her 2 friends and they agree to try hack and take down the game while she is being sent to the finals Reward The winner is whoever shoots each other first but after refusing to shoot another player jumps in after getting the watchers to vote shoot or not, the player shoots her and all the watchers get a notification saying they’re accessories to murder. Road Back After all the watchers log out of the game, the girls friends are able to fully take down Nerve. Atonement The girl sits up and says to the guy that she and the other player had staged her death in order to get the watchers to log off. Return When the main girl and guy talk after Nerve has finally been destroyed, they’re now a couple but months later someone is secretly recording them.
  • 5. Equilibrium Everything is normal and everyone hears about this new game called Nerve Disruption The game completely controls your life, you can decide to be a watcher or player, players do dares for money Recognition Realising that people can and have died from this game, she refuses to carry on Attempt to repair the damage She and her friends try to take down the Nerve app to stop people from playing New Equilibrium They are successful after staging her death and showing watchers they were accessories to murder Use this template to apply Todorov’s theory of equilibrium to your chosen film. Write in the boxes to explain what is happening in your story at each point.
  • 6. Character type How they appear in your story The Hero Vee, she appears as brave and sacrifices herself multiple times throughout and in order to take down the game. The Villain The watchers, they vote for death, they watch people die and are all anonymous and hide behind masks and screens. The Helper Ty, originally another top player of Nerve, he helps Vee stage her death by pretending to shoot her in order to help them take down the game. The Donor Tommy, he helps taking down the game by hacking it once Vee had enough of the watchers log off of it. The Dispatcher Vee’s mum, after Vee became a prisoner to the game all her family’s bank accounts got swiped and after seeing the state of her mum she knew she had to go and win The Princess or prize Ian, he helps her through the games and teams up with her, they become a couple after they destroy the games. The Princess’s Father The False Hero Sydney, meant to be Vee’s best friend but purposely did dares that would hurt her in exchange for money. Use this template to apply Propp’s character types to your chosen film. Write in the boxes to explain which character acts as each type in your film.
  • 7. WWWWWH Who Vee What A dare game where you can either be a watcher or player, players do dares for money and have to stick by the rules of the game Why Vee agrees to become a player in Nerve When Present time Where Staten Island How She plays the game and wins after becoming a prisoner of the game Use this template to apply Who, What, Where, When, Why and How to your chosen film. Write in the boxes to explain what is happening in your story at each point.
  • 9. Idea 1 Who One of the last remaining groups of humans remaining with a strong female protagonist. What After scientists had created advanced robots in secret with the government, there is a malfunction where the robots become blood thirsty, after killing all the scientists in the lab there is now no way they can be stopped. There is a lot of rebelling against the government after the truth comes out and after a couple of years they evolve further and can now procreate, living in an apocalyptic environment trying to survive together, one of the few last groups of humans left must be able to figure out a way to kill them. Why They have to figure out a way to overpower and kill the robots otherwise they will completely wipe out humanity. When Present time Where America, New York, post apocalypse looking. How The adventure of the story will be them figuring out a way to kill them whilst continuing to survive.
  • 10. Idea 2 Who A detective What A detective has been called into an ongoing investigation at a grand hotel, after witnessing traumatising scenes the case takes over her life and he becomes obsessed with it and catching the person responsible, unknowingly, she is the person she is trying to catch. The hotel is haunted and can drive you to do despicable things out of your conscious and aware mind. The hotel being haunted lets you see anything it wants leaving you to feel insane. Why She needs to find the person responsible before more things happen and go wrong. When Present time Where An old, grand art deco hotel in Los Angeles How The story will be her figuring out the case
  • 14. Research Research For the project I am going to go with Idea 2 as I think it could have a much more interesting story and overall think the magazine cover and other advertisement will be much better with this idea.
  • 15. Existing Product American Horror Story : Hotel The overall theme of the posters is dark and mainly use of reds. The posters are fairly simple and give the vibe of the show, in this case it’s clearly horror. The advertising posters capture the hotel theme of the season, and is quite self explanatory of what it is based on. I will definitely take inspiration for my project for the magazine cover with the consistent fonts, colour theme and overall aesthetic of the posters. The posters being hotel- themed and giving an insight to the series appeals the audience as it isn’t giving anything away but is definitely interesting enough on the poster to want
  • 16. Existing Product Black Mirror From looking at the advertisement posters you can initially see how creepy and twisted the show is, Some of the posters have a retro effect and look like an old comic book which I really like. I would like to experiment with trying this style for the magazine poster as I feel like the retro- creepy style could work really well with the hotel. Often in the posters the character is looking straight at you, and that being with the creepy and twisted style of the posters it can add an extra sense of an ominous feeling.
  • 17. Existing Product The Shining I think I might take some inspiration fromThe Shining for the synopsis, the idea of a hotel being haunted / being the reason for you losing your sanity and driving you insane. I think it would work really well with my original ideas and would work really well going along with the other research I’ve done, especially American Horror Story Hotel research.
  • 18. Existing Product Seven In Seven, David Mills was a detective investigating a set of murders inspired by the Seven Deadly Sins, I could take inspiration for this idea of the detective solving a twisted case and becoming really involved with it and incorporate that with my adventure story and ideas. I think for my adventure story I will definitely take inspiration from the series of murders all having meaning and references to add to the depth and meaning to the series of murders. This also works really well with the other research I’ve done, for example in this movie the murders are inspired by the Seven Deadly Sins, and in American Horror Story Hotel the murders are based on theTen Commandments
  • 19. Research Summary • From my research I have definitely gained more ideas and inspiration I can take to add to my adventure story to make it better. • I will take inspiration for a few things, such as the magazine covers I really like the style of the American Horror Story ones and would like to incorporate the retro and creepy style of some of the Black Mirror posters, to do this I will experiment with different styles until I have found one that I like and think works well to go with my story.
  • 20. Bibliography • American Horror Story : Hotel (2011) • Black Mirror (2011) • Seven (1995) • The Shining (1980)
  • 23. Style Sheet #AB1313 #590100 #DE8E33 #7A5609 #D7250A ColourThemes #9E160F #7A2509 #D4AF54 #5C3A00 #000000 Idea 1 Idea 2 #C01C0F #C4A34F #42240E #8F130D #000000 Idea 3 #000000 #A1190E #592D08 #BD9E49 #B71C0F Idea 4 For my colour theme I am going to go with idea 4 as I feel like the colours blend better together in contrast to the first idea the colours seem to clash a fair bit. I also think idea 4 is the best choice for my adventure story and for a creepy old kind of art-deco style hotel. I think that this colour scheme works really well and I can use it consistently over anything I’ll need it for.
  • 24. Style Sheet Fonts (I’ll come back and change this once I have a name for the film) I like his typewriter style because I think it fits the theme of the detective quite well. I like the retro style because I think it works really well with the art deco, old style of the hotel. Looking at it now next to the other styles of text I’m not too sure about the horror style of text, I’ll still experiment with it but I definitely prefer the typewriter/retro style.
  • 25. Magazine Layouts Masthead Lead article Price Barcode Supporting Coverlines Main image For my magazine I want to keep the writing fairly minimal as I think it will look too much and too cluttered so I’ll keep things spaced out enough so the main focus can be on the image. I want to make the picture subtle enough for the title especially and the lead article look really bold. I’ll make a few drafts of the magazine cover and play around to see what I like with the main image especially and maybe use a few variations of some. I’ll also make a few drafts testing out different ways to use the colour scheme
  • 26. Style Sheet #1 #A1190E #592D08 #BD9E49 #B71C0F #000000 Masthead Lead Article Pric e Barcode Main Image Supporting Coverlines I have decided to go with the typewriter style because I think it would represent the detective really well while I can focus on making the main image to represent and portray the hotel. I think that for the image that I want to take and use, having the masthead in the middle of the page will work a lot better and will help it stand out more.
  • 27. Contingency What can go wrong? What can you do if it does? Model could cancel Find backup or do it myself Could lose my work Make sure to back up my work
  • 28. Risk Assessment What could be a risk to you, others or the equipment? How can you make sure that doesn’t happen? What will you do if it does? Using the fake blood Be sure to put down blue roll and be careful to prevent it getting on the carpet
  • 30. Synopsis Mysterious and gruesome murders have been happening at the Downtown Hotel and Detective Wood is called in to investigate.When Wood comes into the old hotel, she is immediately sucked in, and the investigation takes over her life.The hotel itself is haunted and the victims of the murders often show up, in the state of the time they died, and Wood sees traumatising scenes. Becoming addicted to the case, she decides to move into the hotel, believing it could help understand the murders more. After getting no where with solving the investigation, the case completely consumes her life and she forgets the outside world, slowly becoming insane alongside seeing the state of the hotel and the traumatic scenes in there.Waking up to ghosts screaming and covered in blood, looking in the mirror and being covered in blood the hotel has got inside her head and the spirits there taking full advantage of the vulnerability for their sake of fun.When piecing the investigation together,Wood feels as though she is getting there, often hearing opinionated comments from the barman almost as though he is trying to give hints. A ghost screams at her, waking her up, blaming her for the murder and the reason she’ll never go home again.Wood going into the bathroom and seeing that the blood she’s covered in is real this time. She’s always been the killer, since the beginning, she never had conscious awareness of it so what does she do now?Turn herself in or cover it up? (Draft 1)
  • 31. Synopsis After hearing about the murders in the Downtown Hotel, DetectiveWood feels gravitated towards the case and requests to investigate. Having stayed there one time a year prior and having an interest in the hotel ever since she was determined to solve this case.The hotel had its reputation for being “haunted” and strange things happening.Wood decided to stay in the hotel for a while to really commit to the investigation, witnessing and experiencing abnormal things for herself, like the first time she’d stayed.The sights got worse the more she saw them, people covered in blood, she became unsure about what was real and what was what she thought was in her imagination.The entire investigation consumed her, and she became obsessed with it, she lost touch of reality and didn’t leave the hotel whatsoever for long periods of time. She was determined to get to the bottom of it and find the killer before more murders would take place.The staff in the hotel all seemed odd to her, they were aware of the murders but seem unfazed by it, she initially thought that they as a group could have been the killers but when further investigations took place it showed to be that that wasn’t the case, although they all continued to act like they knew something that she didn’t. One night she was woken up by a scream and looked down to see herself covered in blood. Confused, she ran to the bathroom to wash herself and went to the bar afterwards to have a drink and continue trying to put the pieces together.When the barman said some strange things like he’d known what just happened, he made her aware that it was the hotel that was responsible. “Why do you think we’re all stuck here?” Laughing, thinking it was the strangest thing she’d ever heard, Wood quickly realises it is the hotel that gets in your head as if it possesses you. She was the (Draft 2)
  • 32. Movie Poster I am really happy with how the photos turned out, they are exactly what I was wanting and I think that these photos will work really well for the movie poster. I took around 25+ photos and chose my favourites to experiment with and I am going to go with the bottom right 2 photos to continue experimenting with for the movie posters as I feel like they just generally look the best and will work the best for the movie poster.
  • 33. Movie Poster Draft 1 Draft 2 With the first draft, I definitely knew that the poster needed more but it gave me the idea of what I wanted overall and was a good place to start with. For the second draft, I was a lot more happy with it with the overlay on giving it more of a creepy effect and knew I just wanted to make a final draft with all of the aspects of a movie poster added to help it all come together.
  • 34. Movie Poster Overall I am really happy with how my movie poster came out and I feel like it fits the thriller/horror genre quite well. For the aesthetic of the poster I think that it works really well with the plot and overall vibe of the film.To improve I could’ve done something different with the actors names at the top as JenniferTilly’s name blends in with the glove a lot so it isn’t too obvious and quite difficult to see but against the black background I think the names look good so maybe could’ve done something different with the positioning. From making My original chosen photo Final Draft
  • 35. Reflection Diary So far I have completed the synopsis and the movie poster. I wanted to do the synopsis first so that I could work from a detailed idea of how I wanted the story to go and have a better understanding myself. I think the synopsis is okay, it works and it tells the story how I want it to but it could definitely be improved so if I have time I will probably make another draft and try to improve it. With my movie poster I did a couple of drafts until I knew exactly what I wanted and I was happy with it. I am really happy with the movie poster and think it works really well with the movie plot and genre.To improve on the movie poster I could’ve done something different with the actors names as the one on the top right blends in with the glove and isn’t as obvious as I’d like it to be. Next I will make the magazine cover and focus on that and the double page spread keeping a consistent theme throughout all of them with the movie
  • 36. MagazineFrontCover For the first draft I thought it was okay but could definitely be done better. I stuck to the colour scheme that’s in my planning which I think looks good.To improve I think the positioning could definitely be a lot better and will have to change it from my original planning. For my second draft I think the positioning looks a lot better. I kept the writing and colours all the same as I saw no problem with them. I still think that it could be improved with small details which I will do for my final First draft Second draft
  • 37. Magazine Front Cover Final Draft I am a lot happier with the magazine cover, I like the consistent colour scheme from my planning and think the colours blend together really well and nothing is clashing. I added some extra grain to keep the old creepy style of the film that is in the movie poster, and also added a glossy overlay for the magazine to give more of that effect which I think it does. I kept the writing because I think it was more the positioning / how it looked as a whole that needed changing and mainly the details like the grain.
  • 38. Magazine Double Page Spread Draft 1 I think that the magazine cover works with the front cover quite well and looks like a film magazine. I think there are definitely improvements that could be made and if I have time I will make more drafts and hopefully improve on them. I am happy with the photos used especially the ones for the actors that look like screengrabs from the film and the behind the scenes photo as I think these are realistic
  • 39. Magazine Double Page Spread I am definitely a lot happier with this magazine cover and think it looks a lot less cluttered and messy everywhere. I think the cut-out photos of the film’s actors works a lot better and as a whole it looks more like a film magazine and in general looks more organised. Final Draft
  • 40. Character Profile Detective Lana Wood • She has worked as a detective for a few years and is one of the best on her team • Had already grown an interest with the hotel and it’s history prior to working on the case after hearing the stories about it and it’s history • Lives alone (Played byWinona Ryder)
  • 43. Research Subway Surfers There are definitely some elements of Subway Surfers that I can take inspiration from, for example the more coins you get you can upgrade your characters with their styles and you can also get new characters. I think for the overall concept I will use similar ideas that the character is running and also trying to collect things on the way. In Subway Surfers there are small bonuses you can collect that work for a limited time, like boots that let you jump higher over the trains, I could take ideas from this and use it to be fitting for the game of the film.
  • 44. Research Jetpack Joyride Similarly to Subway Surfers, I like the concept of the game of the character running and trying to collect things so I think I will definitely go with that concept. In Jetpack Joyride there are obstacles like the rockets and the laser obstacles to make it more difficult as the game goes on which I could definitely use the idea to fit my game.Again with the coins you get during the game you can buy new characters and new jetpacks another accessories which I like the idea of, and there are daily challenges to do to.The rainbow boxes give him bonuses for a limited time such as the dragon Mr Cuddles and the teleporter.
  • 45. Research Crossy Road Crossy Road is another endless runner game, you can collect coins and with them you can get new characters and the map can change in order to fit the character.Obstacles like the cars make the game more difficult as well as running across the logs in the water.A similar overall theme of being an endless runner game like Subway Surfers and Jetpack Joyride, I will definitely be using this idea.
  • 46. Research Minion Rush Very similar to the other games in my research Minion Rush is an endless runner game. It’s essentially your minion character running through the lab, collecting bananas which is the game’s currency and avoiding obstacles. I think I will definitely go for this style for my game as it could fit quite well with the creepy hotel theme of the film and I can include a lot of aspects of it into the game.
  • 47. Animation Experiment vv5yRBls For my animation experiment I made the movie poster into a pixel animation and had the blood dripping for it. I think for a first ever attempt of making these it went okay and I know what to do better now for the project. It could definitely be improved by things like having more of an idea of what I want to make into an animation and getting it to run more smoothly. I think that the pixel art was okay, this character being my first ever attempt at anything like this it went alright and with it being the first experience of it I feel like a have a little bit more knowledge and understanding of how to make pixel art and it will work a lot better when it comes to making the real thing.
  • 48. Style Sheet Colour theme Style of pixel character Hotel Map Ideas
  • 49. GameSummary The game will be an endless runner game and the map will be the corridor of the hotel, the character will be running to collect coins and there’ll be obstacles in the way such as maid’s cleaning trollies or ghosts. With the coins you can upgrade your character and their outfits and accessories or by new maps which could be different areas of the hotel. Throughout the game it will get more difficult and they will have to face getting chased by spirits.
  • 50. Game Overview Theme / Setting / Genre Similar hotel setting to the Hotel Cortez from the Hotel season (season 5) of American Horror Story Core Gameplay Mechanics Similar mechanics to games like Subway Surfers in the idea that the character is constantly running through the map and is trying to collect something like the in game currency aswell as avoiding obstacles.
  • 51. Story and Gameplay Story The hotel always had a mysterious and ominous reputation for being haunted and strange things happening there so Detective Wood decided to book a room for a while whilst investigating a case involving the hotel. The story would be told through a small cut scene showing Detective Wood looking through the file then turning up to the hotel. Core Gameplay The main character is running through the map and collects the in-game currency which they can upgrade the character and different maps (which would be different areas of the hotel) Upgrade Character Core Loop -$ Enter Arena Battle Payout To Winner -$ +$ Unlock New Arena -$
  • 52. Levels With the game being an endless runner game, there wouldn’t so much be specific levels for the player to complete but as the player runs for a certain distance say every 1km or something the game would gradually get slightly more difficult. For example, the running goes faster so the player has to be quicker at moving or avoiding obstacles, the obstacles become more frequent so the game gradually gets more and more difficult as it is played.
  • 54. Research • Overall I think that my research went quite well for both the film idea and the video game spin off and it definitely benefitted me and helped give me a more clear idea as to what I wanted to do. For my film idea I looked at existing tv shows and movies that had similar themes to my initial ideas for aspects of the show/movie and the advertisement. This helped a lot seeing the similarities through the genre conventions which helped me a lot when it came to writing the synopsis for the film. For the game I already had ideas of the style I wanted to do as an endless runner games so I researched existing games such as Subway Surfers and Minion Rush which I took inspiration from. Overall the endless runner games were all very similar the way the game worked and just had different designs which helped a lot with the final product because I had a good amount of research to work from.
  • 55. Planning For planning the actual story itself I took some inspiration from my research, for example aspects of American Horror Story : Hotel, the hotel being rumoured to have twisted stories and to have spirits and ghosts trapped inside. I also took inspiration fromThe Shining with the idea that the hotel drives you to insanity. I think that the final product of the story worked well and the research definitely helped a lot. I would’ve liked to take more inspiration from Seven in the idea of all the murders having meaning and sending messages from the killer and it could’ve put a more complex twist onto the story maybe could’ve been hinting that the detective is the killer but I wasn’t quite sure how to fit it in. For planning for the magazine cover and double page spread especially I think it went quite well. I experimented by making a music magazine cover and double page spread which I was happy with the end results. I feel like the double page spread layout was fairly realistic and experimenting with that definitely gave me a better idea about how I could do my film magazine.Overall I was quite happy with the planning and think coming up with a solid colour theme and having an idea for the layout I wanted to do helped a lot when it came to making the final product. For the planning for the video game I feel like it went alright despite animation definitely not being my strongest suit.After experimenting with animation I definitely felt more confident with making
  • 56. Time Management • Generally I feel like the time management went a lot better compared to past projects and has definitely improved. However with production for the video game if I had more time I definitely could’ve done more and made more animations which would be better as it would’ve explained the game itself a lot better. But overall on the project I feel like I managed my time quite well from planning to hiring out the studio to take my photos for the magazine.
  • 57. Technical Qualities The main inspiration I took was the American Horror Story poster for my magazine cover, it fit my movie idea of a creepy hotel and I feel happy with how the final product turned out. I thought it represented the hotel well with the bell and the blood on it of course gave it more of a horror/suspenseful twist without giving too much away and overall I was very happy with how the final product turned out after using the AHS poster for inspiration. For the movie poster I used different overlays such as grain and cobweb ones to give the creepy old effect which I think worked really well. For the video game animations I think that overall they did what I wanted them to do but they definitely could be improved and more detailed as they are quite plain and don’t have as much detail as I would’ve liked them to. I was happy with the menu screen and the detail on the wallpaper with the wooden effect but the gameplay 1 animation could definitely of done with more detail and time on it.
  • 58. Aesthetic Qualities For the aesthetic qualities I was very happy with how the project turned out especially the movie poster and magazine cover and feel like I kept a consistent style.The planning especially helped me with knowing what style I wanted that would fit my film idea and the conventional horror style that I could take inspiration from. Over the whole project I stuck with the same or at least very similar colour theme which I had in my planning which definitely benefits the aesthetic qualities and the consistency of it. I definitely could’ve improved the aesthetic qualities on the video game part of the project, I think I drifted away from the colour theme on the gameplay 1 animation which could’ve been improved. As well as the animations themselves I think has a lot of room for improvement.
  • 59. Audience Appeal I think that as a whole it could definitely appeal to my target audience, I think the movie poster looks fairly realistic as a horror movie poster and is intriguing enough without giving much away about the film much like a lot of other horror movie posters such asThe Shining and Scream. For the game I think that would appeal to the target audience less as a whole and could’ve done with better planning for it to have been better to appeal to the target audience.
  • 60. Overall strengths and weaknesses of the final package. Overall, I am happy with the final products of the adventure story project and think as a whole it went very well. I am especially happy with the first half of the project and really enjoyed making advertisement for a film idea. Generally I think the video game part of the project went okay and could definitely be improved if I had more time on it. Animation is definitely not my strong suit and I could have put more into the planning which would’ve benefitted the final product but as a whole I am happy with how the whole project turned out.

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover and adverts. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to watch it?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover and adverts. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to watch it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover and adverts. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to watch it?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover and adverts. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to watch it?
  5. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.
  6. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  7. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  8. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  9. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and production techniques have you used? How technically proficient is your animation? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  10. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences. Consider your game art, your magazine cover and advertising. Is your aesthetically pleasing enough? What effects and techniques have you used? Does your project have a consistent aesthetic style? If not, how can it be improved?
  11. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience.