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Character type How they appear in Uncharted 4
The Hero Nathan Drake, main protagonist brought out of retirement to help brother who was
crossed and thrown into jail pay off a debt to the man who broke him out
The Villian Rafe Adler, antagonist who crossed Nathan’s brother, now trying to beat Nathan and Sam
to the treasure
The Helper Sam Drake, Nathan’s brother, helps him find the treasure and Beat Rafe
The Donor Victor Sullivan, gives Nate and Sam intel which starts their adventure and then gives intel
throughout to aid
The Dispatcher Victor Sullivan, gives Nate and Sam intel which starts their adventure and then gives intel
throughout to aid
The Princess or prize Henry Avery’s Treasure, hidden in Avery’s Island “Libertalia” after pulling off the biggest
heist of the century on the Mughal fleet, Avery fled with £82,000 (Now 18Million) worth
of gold and artefacts to his island where pirates such as Thomas Tew found asylum and
kept their treasure in a pirate colony
Princesses father n/a
False hero n/a
Who Veteran explorers Nathan and Sam, along with old friend Victor ‘Sully” Sullivan
What Travel the world to find clues and artefacts which will lead them to a hidden treasure, while trying to outrun a militia ran by a former
friend and teammate turned enemy who is also looking for the treasure
Why to find Libertalia, a hidden island, formerly owned by notorious British pirate Henry Avery who stole and colonized the island from the
Spanish Armada and used it as a safe haven for pirates like Thomas Tew who needed a place to hide and store their treasure
When 2015
Where Madagascar, Scotland, Auction house, Libertalia, street market
How By breaking into places to steal artefacts with clues hidden in them and solving puzzles
Initial Ideas
Idea 1
Who Ethan Watts
What Hijacks a plane and requests 1.5Million$ in ransom
Why Mother was killed in hit and run by drunk billionaire CEO of airline company
When 2012
Where Boulder, Colorado
How Parachutes out of plane with money and disappears into Colorado forest
Idea 2
Who Steve…
What Wakes up in a maze with no recollection of who or where they are, when exploring the maze they collect
parts of their past and encounter creatures
Why To guilt and terrify Steve
When 2010s(?)
Where Dark and gloomy maze
How Dave has to walk the maze to find pieces of his past
Idea 3
Who Secret service Agent Daniel Charles (presidential security)
What Has to protect the president while they give a speech
Why There’s a terrorist plot to assassinate the president during their inauguration speech live on television
When 2021
Where The white house
How Using a sniper
Mind Map:
Cold colours (dark greens,
blues and blacks)
Dark/Dim lighting
Hedge maze
Has no recollection of life,
accidentally killed a family. Stuck
in a dream slowly reliving the
accident while wandering the
maze until he forgives himself
The creatures of the
maze are there to guilt
the protagonist and trick
him into thinking of
himself as a monster to
become another creature
Various eerie moans and
whispers, footsteps on
echoic concrete and
brustles when walking
through the maze
Haydn Jones wakes up in the middle of a dark maze with no recollection of who
he is or how he got there, as he wanders the maze he begins to recall glimpses
of his life while meeting creatures which twist his past to guilt him and make
him believe he is a monster until he slowly succumbs to the maze
Mood board:
I chose this image to show a basic visual concept
of one of the creatures in the maze, this is a
concept poster for the 2017 game “Agony”
I want some of the creatures to look like a
stereotypical demon with red skin, talons and
horns to represent the Inner demons that our
protagonist, Haydn is facing on his venture
through the maze
Ddddddd. This image is a piece of
of. concept art from the
pre release of ‘The
Maze Runner’, I chose
to use this image to
show the magnitude of
the maze and its scale
compared to Haydn
who is lost in the
middle. I want my maze to look
as imposing and overbearing as it
possibly can to convey a sense of
hopelessness for the character
which is then portrayed to the
respective audience. Some
changes made would be the
material the maze is made out of.
Ie Concrete to overgrown hedges
This image shows the
whole basis of the game:
A man stranded in the
middle of a maze
surrounded by darkness
with only a torch lighting
the way. an interpretation
of this would look good as
a cover
The colour pallet in this image is
almost identical to the pallet I
want used in my game/film. Dark
blues and greens give off an eerie
look which would perfectly suit
the needs for the film
I think this
image would
make a good
base for
This image sets the base for my
cut scene as a car accident is one
of the pivotal parts of Haydn’s
past and the reason he is trapped
in the maze to begin with, it is the
reason he holds so much self hate
This image shows the expanse of
the maze with all its twists turns
and dead ends,
The maze in itself is a character as
it embodies and plays host to
Haydn’s greatest fears and regrets,
like a predator, the maze seeks
weaknesses in its victims in order
to strike more efficiently, it then
keeps its victims captive
These are the final set of creatures in
the maze, the children he killed in the
car accident. They are here to bring
Haydn further guilt and drive him
deeper into insanity, turning himself
into the monster he subconsciously
sees himself as
This image also shows a creature I
want in the maze, but instead of using
this creature as a metaphor as Im
doing with the demon, this creature is
there to scare. The name of this
creature is “the rake” its Lore states
that it roams forests at night looking
for ’Lost souls’ to pray on
This is the main theme I want to
portray, fear, a dark and isolated
maze filled with monsters and a
lone wanderer trying to survive and
make it out alive all while trying to
face his inner demons and free
himself from guilt while trying to
keep his sanity intact.
Existing Product: The Legend Of Zelda
§ Color
The pallet in the legend of Zelda is simplistic, only showing 8
colours, Link (the protagonist stands out in yellow and white
against a beige background whereas the enemies stand out in red
which is the universal colour of danger, while white tends to be the
colour of peace
The animation is also simple as enemies could only move
horizontally and vertically. Presenting not many variations on how
you can beat or be beaten by them.
The lighting in TLoZ is plain and solid with no shadows which is
expected in a game made during the time period of the release.
Existing Product
Empire is a British film magazine published by Bauer, the first issue
released in 1989. There is a new issue released monthly. When it comes
to their cover, Empire has a trademark style of having the months
blockbuster film on the front cover with the main character/characters
in the center in either a photoshoot or a still from the movie. Take the
issue here for instance for John Wick: Parabellum, Reeves is situated in
the middle in a photoshoot for the movie with him placed infront of the
masthead. Normally this wouldn't happen but since Empire has been
running so long and is so well known they can get away with covering it
The colours used in the cover go well with and would usually be on a
colour pallet with the colours in the same image, the pink orange and
white text creating an easy to read colour scheme and the red of the
masthead to stand out.
The fonts used are rounded and not intense which creates a smooth
and gentle feel to the magazine, keeping the image as the main focal
point. The image itself is framed by text
Existing Product
As there isn’t much room on bus ads to have loads of information,
t they tend to only have enough to grab the attention of a passerby
to encourage them to go watch the thing that is being advertised,
in this case, it’s ‘Supernatural’ starring Jensen Ackles, Jared
Padalecki and Misha Collins, this ad consists of only an image,
tagline and and title, although simplistic, the advertisement easily
grabs the gaze of passersby, using framing to center the most
important part of the image. Busses and other modes of transport
are arguable the second best way to advertise (TV being the first)
as they are seen by hundreds if not thousands of people daily,
depending on the location. London, where this bus was seen, has
a population of 9,304,000 people, and this bus circles London potentially 20 hours of the day.
Compared to other forms of advertising, bus ads are relatively and usually cheaper, costing around £4000-5000/4 day week,
depending on the area which is quite a good trade off considering the potential amount of people it can reach.
This is another example of an advertisement on a bus ran by CocaCola,
this would be more expensive as it covers the whole bus and is also in
London so would cost around £10,000-12,000 per week
However, CocaCola is a world renowned brand and can definitely afford it
Existing Product
It costs between $1.1 million and $4 million a year to rent one of the billboards in Times Square, and the sign on the Reuters
building is the largest digital display system in the world, spanning 22 stories and 7,000 square feet at 3 Times Square and can be
twinned with the seven-story Nasdaq sign opposite.
Advertising on a billboard such as this one in Piccadilly Circus
and similar ones such as Times Square in new York are
extremely good ways of advertising and marketing as not only
can they display still images, they can play videos with sound
too! They have potential to reach over 100,000 people daily
and maybe even millions if you think about it, theres
pedestrians all day every day then an influx of cars coming and
going from work during rush hour
These types of advertisements are usually reserved for
blockbuster movies such as ‘007: No Time To Die’ starring
Daniel Craig and Rami Malek. Or other companies like fashion
houses such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Victoria’s Secret along
with other brands like apple, Sony and Amazon. Because of
the cost to rent one of these billboards they're usually
reserved for the large multimillion/billion pound companies
These are some examples of the potential of
reach in times square and the power large
companies such as Samsung and the harry
potter franchise have to be able to take over
times square with just one billboard costing
upwards of 3 million
Research Summary
• What have you learned from your research?
• How aesthetics can help sell a product when advertising and the synergy
between text colour and font when paired with an image and what makes
what stand out
• What aspects of the research will you include within your on work?
• The thing I think I’ll be using most in my work is framing, this is where you
have things surrounding the main focal point of an image that subconsciously
direct the eye to the main focal point
1. nintendo. (1986) The Legend Of Zelda
2. Empire (june 2019) iss. 362
3. MediaLease. (2019). Take Your Ads on the Road with a Bus Campaign.. Available: Last accessed 25th Nov 2020.
4. PA News. (2019). Bond trailer lights up Piccadilly Circus in world first. Available: Last accessed
25th Nov 2020.
• RGA. (2017). Galaxy S8: Times Square Takeover. Available:
studies/galaxy-s8-times-square-takeover. Last accessed 25th Nov 2020.
JK Rowling. (2019). Harry Potter and the Cursed Child takes over Times Square. Available: Last
accessed 25th Nov 2020.
Pre-production and Planning
Style Sheet
I like this pallet as it can be used to show the
hedge maze and can incorporate lots of
different aspects of the design and art style
This is the pallet that ill be using as the
monochromatic colour scheme adds to the
feeling of entrapment and being lost in a maze
with no idea where you’ve been and where
you’re going
Although the pixel style for this
game has nice visuals and an
overall good design, this would
not work for my concept as it is a
side stroller where you're unable
to get lost and doesn’t show
scale or depth
This style would be better as it
allows multidirectional travel
but where the previous style
showed too little, this shows
too much, the slightly angled
ariel view allows the player to
see too much
This angle is perfect as it allows
the player to see only their
immediate surroundings, this can
be used well in a maze with a
small field of view
Magazine and advert layouts
Video Game layouts
Pixel Art
• Overall I prefer using Photoshop to create pixel art as there is a wider
range of tools to use and it also allows for more precise fine tuning.
However my art skills are lacking and require some brushing up, this
is ok as the style for my game is a simple top-down maze game with
only a few detailed parts and primarily being made up of squares and
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound
Feet walking on grass Sample from other games (minecraft etc.)
Monster noises Sample from the last of us
Heavy panting Sample from Fire by Barns Courtney
Jibberish talking noises Sample from papers please
Menu screen music Made in beepbox
Item selection beepbox
Various powerups/ item uses Beepbox/sample from tv shows
Enemy death Sample from fire
Player death beepbox
Actor Role Location for recording
n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a
Using your plans, produce:
• A synopsis for your film
• A video game that would support your film, to include a menu screen,
demo level and cut scene
• Sound track for the video game
• A magazine front cover, promoting the film
• Additional advertising to promote the film
Include synopsis, magazine cover and advertising in this pro forma.
Animation to be embedded in your blog.
• FALLEN is about a man who wakes up with no recollection of his past
or where he is. He soon discovers that he’s in a maze filled with
monsters and demons. Upon further investigation, the man decides
that he is in hell and has to collect wayward souls and release them to
heaven. With each soul rescued, the man regains memory of his past
life and discovers through cutscenes and general inference that the
souls he’s saving are also the souls he’s dammed.
Magazine cover
Additional advertising
• I think my research was good because I looked into a lot of different pixel games, each with
different styles and themes and chose the one that best fit with my original vision for the project
• I couldve chosen to immitate a particular art style as well as category but instead I decided to use
a basic art style which lessens the overall look and worth of the game
• Again my planning was poor which led to me rushing to meet the deadline despite having plenty
of time to complete, this unfortunately makes the project feel rushed
Time Management
• Really bad, I left most things until 2 days before the deadline
Overall strengths and weaknesses of the final
I believe the concept was good and the design of characters was good as well as the sound design but the overall product
is rushed and not up to the best standard

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Adventure pro forma

  • 2. Character type How they appear in Uncharted 4 The Hero Nathan Drake, main protagonist brought out of retirement to help brother who was crossed and thrown into jail pay off a debt to the man who broke him out The Villian Rafe Adler, antagonist who crossed Nathan’s brother, now trying to beat Nathan and Sam to the treasure The Helper Sam Drake, Nathan’s brother, helps him find the treasure and Beat Rafe The Donor Victor Sullivan, gives Nate and Sam intel which starts their adventure and then gives intel throughout to aid The Dispatcher Victor Sullivan, gives Nate and Sam intel which starts their adventure and then gives intel throughout to aid The Princess or prize Henry Avery’s Treasure, hidden in Avery’s Island “Libertalia” after pulling off the biggest heist of the century on the Mughal fleet, Avery fled with £82,000 (Now 18Million) worth of gold and artefacts to his island where pirates such as Thomas Tew found asylum and kept their treasure in a pirate colony Princesses father n/a False hero n/a
  • 3. WWWWWH Who Veteran explorers Nathan and Sam, along with old friend Victor ‘Sully” Sullivan What Travel the world to find clues and artefacts which will lead them to a hidden treasure, while trying to outrun a militia ran by a former friend and teammate turned enemy who is also looking for the treasure Why to find Libertalia, a hidden island, formerly owned by notorious British pirate Henry Avery who stole and colonized the island from the Spanish Armada and used it as a safe haven for pirates like Thomas Tew who needed a place to hide and store their treasure When 2015 Where Madagascar, Scotland, Auction house, Libertalia, street market How By breaking into places to steal artefacts with clues hidden in them and solving puzzles
  • 5. Idea 1 Who Ethan Watts What Hijacks a plane and requests 1.5Million$ in ransom Why Mother was killed in hit and run by drunk billionaire CEO of airline company When 2012 Where Boulder, Colorado How Parachutes out of plane with money and disappears into Colorado forest
  • 6. Idea 2 Who Steve… What Wakes up in a maze with no recollection of who or where they are, when exploring the maze they collect parts of their past and encounter creatures Why To guilt and terrify Steve When 2010s(?) Where Dark and gloomy maze How Dave has to walk the maze to find pieces of his past
  • 7. Idea 3 Who Secret service Agent Daniel Charles (presidential security) What Has to protect the president while they give a speech Why There’s a terrorist plot to assassinate the president during their inauguration speech live on television When 2021 Where The white house How Using a sniper
  • 8. Mind Map: IDEA 2 Mise En Scene Maze Cold colours (dark greens, blues and blacks) Dark/Dim lighting Hedge maze overgrown/unkempt Looming overbearing Character protag… Has no recollection of life, accidentally killed a family. Stuck in a dream slowly reliving the accident while wandering the maze until he forgives himself Antag… The creatures of the maze are there to guilt the protagonist and trick him into thinking of himself as a monster to become another creature sound Various eerie moans and whispers, footsteps on echoic concrete and brustles when walking through the maze Plot Haydn Jones wakes up in the middle of a dark maze with no recollection of who he is or how he got there, as he wanders the maze he begins to recall glimpses of his life while meeting creatures which twist his past to guilt him and make him believe he is a monster until he slowly succumbs to the maze
  • 10. I chose this image to show a basic visual concept of one of the creatures in the maze, this is a concept poster for the 2017 game “Agony” I want some of the creatures to look like a stereotypical demon with red skin, talons and horns to represent the Inner demons that our protagonist, Haydn is facing on his venture through the maze Ddddddd. This image is a piece of of. concept art from the pre release of ‘The Maze Runner’, I chose to use this image to show the magnitude of the maze and its scale compared to Haydn who is lost in the middle. I want my maze to look as imposing and overbearing as it possibly can to convey a sense of hopelessness for the character which is then portrayed to the respective audience. Some changes made would be the material the maze is made out of. Ie Concrete to overgrown hedges This image shows the whole basis of the game: A man stranded in the middle of a maze surrounded by darkness with only a torch lighting the way. an interpretation of this would look good as a cover The colour pallet in this image is almost identical to the pallet I want used in my game/film. Dark blues and greens give off an eerie look which would perfectly suit the needs for the film I think this image would make a good base for cover/magazine art This image sets the base for my cut scene as a car accident is one of the pivotal parts of Haydn’s past and the reason he is trapped in the maze to begin with, it is the reason he holds so much self hate This image shows the expanse of the maze with all its twists turns and dead ends, The maze in itself is a character as it embodies and plays host to Haydn’s greatest fears and regrets, like a predator, the maze seeks weaknesses in its victims in order to strike more efficiently, it then keeps its victims captive These are the final set of creatures in the maze, the children he killed in the car accident. They are here to bring Haydn further guilt and drive him deeper into insanity, turning himself into the monster he subconsciously sees himself as This image also shows a creature I want in the maze, but instead of using this creature as a metaphor as Im doing with the demon, this creature is there to scare. The name of this creature is “the rake” its Lore states that it roams forests at night looking for ’Lost souls’ to pray on This is the main theme I want to portray, fear, a dark and isolated maze filled with monsters and a lone wanderer trying to survive and make it out alive all while trying to face his inner demons and free himself from guilt while trying to keep his sanity intact.
  • 12. Existing Product: The Legend Of Zelda § Color The pallet in the legend of Zelda is simplistic, only showing 8 colours, Link (the protagonist stands out in yellow and white against a beige background whereas the enemies stand out in red which is the universal colour of danger, while white tends to be the colour of peace Animation The animation is also simple as enemies could only move horizontally and vertically. Presenting not many variations on how you can beat or be beaten by them. Lighting The lighting in TLoZ is plain and solid with no shadows which is expected in a game made during the time period of the release.
  • 13. Existing Product Empire is a British film magazine published by Bauer, the first issue released in 1989. There is a new issue released monthly. When it comes to their cover, Empire has a trademark style of having the months blockbuster film on the front cover with the main character/characters in the center in either a photoshoot or a still from the movie. Take the issue here for instance for John Wick: Parabellum, Reeves is situated in the middle in a photoshoot for the movie with him placed infront of the masthead. Normally this wouldn't happen but since Empire has been running so long and is so well known they can get away with covering it up. The colours used in the cover go well with and would usually be on a colour pallet with the colours in the same image, the pink orange and white text creating an easy to read colour scheme and the red of the masthead to stand out. The fonts used are rounded and not intense which creates a smooth and gentle feel to the magazine, keeping the image as the main focal point. The image itself is framed by text
  • 14. Existing Product As there isn’t much room on bus ads to have loads of information, t they tend to only have enough to grab the attention of a passerby to encourage them to go watch the thing that is being advertised, in this case, it’s ‘Supernatural’ starring Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki and Misha Collins, this ad consists of only an image, tagline and and title, although simplistic, the advertisement easily grabs the gaze of passersby, using framing to center the most important part of the image. Busses and other modes of transport are arguable the second best way to advertise (TV being the first) as they are seen by hundreds if not thousands of people daily, depending on the location. London, where this bus was seen, has a population of 9,304,000 people, and this bus circles London potentially 20 hours of the day. Compared to other forms of advertising, bus ads are relatively and usually cheaper, costing around £4000-5000/4 day week, depending on the area which is quite a good trade off considering the potential amount of people it can reach. This is another example of an advertisement on a bus ran by CocaCola, this would be more expensive as it covers the whole bus and is also in London so would cost around £10,000-12,000 per week However, CocaCola is a world renowned brand and can definitely afford it
  • 15. Existing Product It costs between $1.1 million and $4 million a year to rent one of the billboards in Times Square, and the sign on the Reuters building is the largest digital display system in the world, spanning 22 stories and 7,000 square feet at 3 Times Square and can be twinned with the seven-story Nasdaq sign opposite. Advertising on a billboard such as this one in Piccadilly Circus and similar ones such as Times Square in new York are extremely good ways of advertising and marketing as not only can they display still images, they can play videos with sound too! They have potential to reach over 100,000 people daily and maybe even millions if you think about it, theres pedestrians all day every day then an influx of cars coming and going from work during rush hour These types of advertisements are usually reserved for blockbuster movies such as ‘007: No Time To Die’ starring Daniel Craig and Rami Malek. Or other companies like fashion houses such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Victoria’s Secret along with other brands like apple, Sony and Amazon. Because of the cost to rent one of these billboards they're usually reserved for the large multimillion/billion pound companies These are some examples of the potential of reach in times square and the power large companies such as Samsung and the harry potter franchise have to be able to take over times square with just one billboard costing upwards of 3 million
  • 16. Research Summary • What have you learned from your research? • How aesthetics can help sell a product when advertising and the synergy between text colour and font when paired with an image and what makes what stand out • What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? • The thing I think I’ll be using most in my work is framing, this is where you have things surrounding the main focal point of an image that subconsciously direct the eye to the main focal point
  • 17. Bibliography 1. nintendo. (1986) The Legend Of Zelda 2. Empire (june 2019) iss. 362 3. MediaLease. (2019). Take Your Ads on the Road with a Bus Campaign.. Available: Last accessed 25th Nov 2020. 4. PA News. (2019). Bond trailer lights up Piccadilly Circus in world first. Available: Last accessed 25th Nov 2020. • RGA. (2017). Galaxy S8: Times Square Takeover. Available: studies/galaxy-s8-times-square-takeover. Last accessed 25th Nov 2020. • JK Rowling. (2019). Harry Potter and the Cursed Child takes over Times Square. Available: Last accessed 25th Nov 2020.
  • 19. Style Sheet I like this pallet as it can be used to show the hedge maze and can incorporate lots of different aspects of the design and art style This is the pallet that ill be using as the monochromatic colour scheme adds to the feeling of entrapment and being lost in a maze with no idea where you’ve been and where you’re going Although the pixel style for this game has nice visuals and an overall good design, this would not work for my concept as it is a side stroller where you're unable to get lost and doesn’t show scale or depth This style would be better as it allows multidirectional travel but where the previous style showed too little, this shows too much, the slightly angled ariel view allows the player to see too much This angle is perfect as it allows the player to see only their immediate surroundings, this can be used well in a maze with a small field of view
  • 20. Magazine and advert layouts TITLE RELEAS E DATE STUDI O ADVERT MAGAZINE AD
  • 23. Pixel Art • Overall I prefer using Photoshop to create pixel art as there is a wider range of tools to use and it also allows for more precise fine tuning. However my art skills are lacking and require some brushing up, this is ok as the style for my game is a simple top-down maze game with only a few detailed parts and primarily being made up of squares and circles
  • 24. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound Feet walking on grass Sample from other games (minecraft etc.) Monster noises Sample from the last of us Heavy panting Sample from Fire by Barns Courtney Jibberish talking noises Sample from papers please Menu screen music Made in beepbox Item selection beepbox Various powerups/ item uses Beepbox/sample from tv shows Enemy death Sample from fire Player death beepbox
  • 25. Actors/Locations Actor Role Location for recording n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
  • 27. Using your plans, produce: • A synopsis for your film • A video game that would support your film, to include a menu screen, demo level and cut scene • Sound track for the video game • A magazine front cover, promoting the film • Additional advertising to promote the film Include synopsis, magazine cover and advertising in this pro forma. Animation to be embedded in your blog.
  • 28. Synopsis • FALLEN is about a man who wakes up with no recollection of his past or where he is. He soon discovers that he’s in a maze filled with monsters and demons. Upon further investigation, the man decides that he is in hell and has to collect wayward souls and release them to heaven. With each soul rescued, the man regains memory of his past life and discovers through cutscenes and general inference that the souls he’s saving are also the souls he’s dammed.
  • 32. Research • I think my research was good because I looked into a lot of different pixel games, each with different styles and themes and chose the one that best fit with my original vision for the project • I couldve chosen to immitate a particular art style as well as category but instead I decided to use a basic art style which lessens the overall look and worth of the game
  • 33. Planning • Again my planning was poor which led to me rushing to meet the deadline despite having plenty of time to complete, this unfortunately makes the project feel rushed
  • 34. Time Management • Really bad, I left most things until 2 days before the deadline
  • 35. Overall strengths and weaknesses of the final package. I believe the concept was good and the design of characters was good as well as the sound design but the overall product is rushed and not up to the best standard

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover, advert, gameplay video etc. Don’t forget sound tracks. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Use of sound/ music/ effects Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover, advert, gameplay video etc. Don’t forget sound tracks. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Use of sound/ music/ effects Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover, advert, gameplay video etc. Don’t forget sound tracks. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Use of sound/ music/ effects Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover, advert, gameplay video etc. Don’t forget sound tracks. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Use of sound/ music/ effects Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  5. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.
  6. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  7. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  8. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?