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The pages in this template are correctly formatted and
Refer to the DBA Capstone Template Guide and the Doctoral
Publications Guidebook. Replace text as instructed. Delete all
instructions and template notes. Delete all text in yellow.
Stanley Thompson Jr.
FACULTY NAME ALL CAPS, Degree, Committee Chair
FACULTY NAME ALL CAPS, Degree, Committee Member
FACULTY NAME ALL CAPS, Degree, Committee Member
Todd C. Wilson, PhD, Dean, School of Business and
A Capstone Project Presented in Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Business Administration
Capella University
March 2021
© Copyright [year] Learner Name
1. Purpose. The template provides structure and guidance for
Capella University learners enrolled in the School of Business
and Technology’s DBA capstone program who began on or after
January 1, 2018. This template may require updates as program
requirements change. You will be notified by the doctoral chair
when a new template is released. Required content pieces may
vary by learner, depending upon their specific topic/project
plan. Consult with your instructor/mentor/chair about potential
changes, if you feel this pertains to you.
2. Rubrics. Please see the DBA Capstone Template Guide on the
DBA Capstone University website to review the rubrics which
will be used to grade your work. Further, the guide includes
suggested content for each section. Not all studies will exactly
fit into the template guide suggested content, so work with your
instructor/mentor/chair/committee to ensure your project is
designed appropriately for the techniques and process you have
3. Style note. This template uses APA, with some exceptions,
including those noted in the Doctoral Publications Guidebook.
It also uses non-APA heading levels; the headings in this
template are designed to mirror a business document. To add
additional heading levels, follow the format used in section, on page 2 of this template (sentence case, italics, bold,
paragraph begins on same line); do not include these lower level
headings in the TOC. Additionally, issue numbers should be
consistently included in the reference list, regardless of
pagination rules, as per the Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association (7th ed.) Permission for using the
singular they, as approved by Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate
Dictionary (11th ed.) and the Publication Manual of the
American Psychological Association (7th ed.) is formally
adopted here.
Executive Summary
Write a one page executive summary of your project here. This
should not be written until the final approvals to your project
are completed. This should explain the problem, purpose,
method, population, and results of your project. Implications or
practical uses of the project results should be included. This is
not an APA abstract. This would be used to provide a high-level
explanation of your project to a CEO, COO, or other key-
This page is optional. The dedication is the writer’s personal
acknowledgment indicating his or her appreciation and respect
for significant individuals in the writer’s life. The dedication is
personal; thus, any individuals named are frequently unrelated
to the topic of the manuscript.
Typically, the learner dedicates the work to the one or two
individuals who instilled in the learner the value of education
and the drive to succeed in educational pursuits. Learners often
dedicate manuscripts to relatives, immediate family, or
significant individuals who have supported them or played a
role in their lives.
The acknowledgments differ from the dedication in one
significant way: The acknowledgements recognize individuals
who have supported the writer’s scholarly efforts as they relate
to the doctoral manuscript or who have held a role in the
writer’s academic career as it relates to the research of the
manuscript. This might mean your mentor and committee
members, doctoral advisor, online or colloquia faculty, and
other support people from Capella or other organizations. If you
received financial support from fellowships, grants, or other
organizational support, it should be noted in this section.
Table of Contents
Update the TOC using the Word feature (right click and
update). Do not break the headings. The headings are formatted
to update the TOC using the edit table feature of Word.
List of Figuresxi
1.1 Introduction1
1.2 Capstone Topic1
1.2.1 Problem of Practice1
1.3 Purpose of the Project1
1.3.1. Project Need1
1.3.2 Project question(s)1
1.3.3. Project Justification1
1.3.4 Project Context: Company or Industry1
1.4. Doctor of Business Project Specifications1
1.4.1. Importance of the Project1
1.4.2. Approach for the Project1
1.5 Summary1
2.1. Introduction2
2.1.1. Applied Framework2
2.2. Method for Discovering Literature2
2.2.1. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria2
2.2.2. Search Strategy2
2.3. Review of Scholarly and Practitioner Literature2
2.3.1. Historic and Current Business Problem Trends2
2.3.2. Previous Efforts to Address the Problem2
2.4. Summary of Literature2
2.5. Recruitment2
2.6. Project Study Protocol2
2.6.1 Data Sources2
2.6.2. Data Collection2
2.6.3. Data Analysis Plan and Presentation2
2.6.4 Validity and Reliability/Trustworthiness2
2.6.5 Ethical Considerations2
2.7. Overview of the Project Study Plan3
2.8 Summary and Conclusion3
3.1 Introduction4
3.2. Data Collection Results4
3.3. Data Analysis4
3.4 Contribution to Theory, the Literature, and the Practitioner
Knowledge Base4
3.5 Project Application and Recommendations4
3.6 Conclusion4
List of Tables
Table 1. Add table title [single-spaced if longer than one line],
and add the page
number xx
Table 2. Title xx
Leave one full blank line between entries.
List of Figures
Figure 1. Add figure title [single-spaced if longer than one
line], and add the page
number xx
Figure 2. Title xx
Leave one full blank line between entries. Do not remove the
section break that follows this paragraph.
With globalization becoming more popular in the business
environment, many organizations and businesses are heavily
relying on supply chain systems to facilitate interconnectivity
between businesses and their potential markets. Therefore,
proper supply chain management is extremely critical in
business operations especially for those companies or
organizations with global operations. According to the research
done by the London School of Business and Finance in 2018 on
the role of efficient supply chain management in enhancing
business reliability, efficiency, flexibility, and customer
satisfaction, the following: one was that many giant companies
like Amazon Inc. and Walmart heavily rely on streamlining
their supply chain to remain competitive in the customer-
oriented market. Moreover, the business philanthropist Warren
Buffet argued during an interview with the New York Times
that more technologies are needed to increase supply chain
efficiency since it holds the future of many businesses that rely
on it to expand their global operations (Sorkin, 2020). Hence,
there is a need to come up with business and tech-oriented
strategies to improve the efficiency of many global supply chain
systems. Currently, many SMEs are finding it hard to remain
competitive in the global market due to the high cost of
business operations . Consequently, integration of technologies
like Enterprise Resource Planning and data analytics in the
supply chain system holds a breakthrough for businesses and is
likely to influence global operations of many businesses
positively (Lamba & Singh, 2017). And if streamlining of
supply chain networks isn’t done, businesses face incurring the
high cost of managing business operations coupled with a
reduction in revenues. Comment by Author: the following
was established Comment by Author: because complex
supply chain systems make business transactions time-
consuming Comment by Author: is not
Thesis statement Comment by Author: there is no ‘2’ at this
point in the template. You do need a thesis statement though.
But just not the section heading.
Companies should seek to finesse their supply chain
management system to reduce costs and liabilities. Efficient
supply chain management systems improve the negotiating
power of companies to acquire better products in the shortest
time possible.
1.2 Capstone Topic Comment by Author: Capstone Topic is 1.2
according to the rubric (not 2.1)
This modified Delphi project identifies a set of enterprise
resource planning (ERP) practices that manage supply chain
risks. It also determines the consensus of opinions among
experts in the supply chain field. These experts identify the
feasibility, desirability, and importance of these practices.
Comment by Author: Capstone Topic, as per the DBA
Capstone Template Guide, is “Include information about your
DBA specialization, the project focus and topic, and
overarching information. Explain how the project aligns with
your specialization. Include at least one to two citations for
support. [One half to one page]. “ Rewrite this section
Comment by Author: this is a disconnect. Here, we are
talking about managing supply chain risks. But above, you are
saying “seek to finesse their supply chain management system
to reduce costs” and “And if streamlining of supply chain
networks isn’t done, businesses face incurring the high cost of
managing business operations”
Stay consistent. Reduce cost or manage risk. Pick one, and
stick with it.
1.2.1 Problem of Practice Comment by Author: 1.2.1
Note that mis-numbering is evident in the rest of this paper. I
am not going to point it out as I comment, but do make sure it is
fixed throughout when you resubmit for formal grading
Businesses are looking to minimize costs and maximize profits.
Supply chain management is one area where companies are
losing a lot of revenues due to complexity in the supply chain
procedures that leads to an increase in the cost of doing
business (Meredith & Shafer, 2019). For instance, invoice
management and risk management remain one of the biggest
problems associated with ineffective supply chain systems. This
business problem has made many companies lose customers and
even incur losses associated with reduced efficiency of the
chosen supply chain system. Comment by Author: Here, you
have to dive deeper into the problem. This is expected to be 1-2
pages. See the guide
1.3 Purpose of the Project Comment by Author: Include an
introductory paragraph1.3.1. Project Need
To find a feasible solution to inefficient supply chain
management in companies.1.3.2 Project question(s)
PQ1: Which tools will be used in the requirement gathering?
Comment by Author: This will not fly as your research
PQ2: What are the objectives of the project?1.3.3. Project
Supply chain management is a vital component of business
operations today. Efficient supply chain management improves
communications, business networks, and relationships with
suppliers, and helps to avoid delays in shipping or logistical
errors. Good supply chain management also reduces inventory
costs and improves the planning, and efficiency of the
company’s operations. Poor supply chain management will lead
to poor products and eventually bad customer
service/satisfaction. Efficient supply chain management will
help deliver the company from the shadow of competitors by
improving the production process (Su, et al, 2016). Comment by
Author: This is fine, but we need more “meat.” This has to be
better part of a page (2-4 paragraphs)1.3.4 Project Context:
Company or Industry
As mentioned above globalization has opened up endless
opportunities for businesses and companies. However, if supply
chain systems aren’t streamlined, business problems like
constant increase in the cost of production, risk management,
and invoice management will continue to frustrate many
companies (Genovese, et al, 2017). Adoption of the Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) technology holds the future of
reducing unnecessary procedures associated with supply chain
management. Also, ERP technology has the capability of
streamlining supply chain networks, for instance, in risk
management, ERP allows tracking of goods and services with
their real-time status-enhancing risk management (Nair & Reed,
2019). ERP offers job scheduling which allows supervisors to
track the company’s resources in real-time. The supervisor can
easily monitor how resources are consumed and used in the
company using an ERP system (Volkoff, 2020). The enterprise
resource system helps to integrate all the business operations
that as vital or reliant on supply chain management (Volkoff,
2020). Comment by Author: This paragraph is discussing the
problems with supply chain and ERP – that discussion will
happen in sections prior to this one. Here, we are talking about
context of your project. What types of companies / industries
will you focus on? ERP and supply-chain apply in so many
contexts. Fortune 500 companies need it, as do SME’s, as do
smaller 5-person companies who need some sort of software to
manage their business. Your research cannot find a solution to
all companies that use supply-chain software. So in this
section, you have to establish the population you plan to study.
1.4. Doctor of Business Project Specifications1.4.1. Importance
of the Project1.4.2. Approach for the Project1.5 Summary
[Note to learners: the project’s sections 1 to 1.5 will be revised
into past tense after you conduct the study and write Section 3.
Delete these instructions.].
PLAN2.1. Introduction
2.1.1. Applied Framework 2.2. Method for Discovering
2.2.1. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
2.2.2. Search Strategy2.3. Review of Scholarly and Practitioner
Literature2.3.1. Historic and Current Business Problem Trends Potential additional section header.2.3.2. Previous
Efforts to Address the Problem2.4. Summary of Literature 2.5.
Recruitment 2.6. Project Study Protocol2.6.1 Data Sources sources of data expected. [Text starts here]. and data collection tools.2.6.2. Data
Collection 2.6.3. Data Analysis Plan and Presentation2.6.4
Validity and Reliability/Trustworthiness2.6.5 Ethical
Considerations2.7. Overview of the Project Study Plan2.8
Summary and Conclusion
[Note to learners: The project’s sections 1 to 2.13 will be
revised into past tense after you conduct the study and write
Section 3. Delete.].
Introduction3.2. Data Collection Results3.3. Data Analysis3.4
Contribution to Theory, the Literature, and the Practitioner
Knowledge Base3.5 Project Application and Recommendations
3.6 Conclusion
[References may be single-spaced. Use the ruler to create a
hanging indent, or apply the “APA reference list” style.
References should be APA styled (based on Capella’s current
edition implemented). All article issue numbers should be
included, regardless of APA edition in use. Leave one blank
space between entries.]
Genovese, A., Acquaye, A. A., Figueroa, A., & Koh, S. L.
(2017). Sustainable supply chain management and the transition
towards a circular economy: Evidence and some
applications. Omega, 66, 344-357.
Lamba, K., & Singh, S. P. (2017). Big data in operations and
supply chain management: current trends and future
perspectives. Production Planning & Control, 28(11-12), 877-
Meredith, J. R., & Shafer, S. M. (2019). Operations and supply
chain management for MBAs. Wiley.
Nair, A., & Reed‐Tsochas, F. (2019). Revisiting the complex
adaptive systems paradigm: leading perspectives for researching
operations and supply chain management issues. Journal of
Operations Management, 65(2), 80-92.
Sorkin R., (2020). Warren Buffett’s Optimistic? Pessimistic?
Su, C. M., Horng, D. J., Tseng, M. L., Chiu, A. S., Wu, K. J., &
Chen, H. P. (2016). Improving sustainable supply chain
management using a novel hierarchical grey-DEMATEL
approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 134, 469-481.
Volkoff, O. (2020). Configuring an ERP system: introducing
best practices or hampering flexibility?. Journal of Information
Systems Education, 14(3), 14.
Please include all instruments, permissions, and other important
documentation here [as determined by your instructor, mentor,
or committee members] until final Dean review, at which time
they should be removed. Learner-created interview protocols,
surveys, or other original documentation should remain for
Dean review and final submission.
This Agreement is between the author (Author) and Capella
University. Under this Agreement, in consideration for the
opportunity to have his/her capstone project published on a
Capella website, Author grants Capella certain rights to
preserve, archive and publish the Author’s doctoral capstone
(the Work), abstract, and index terms.License for Inclusion in
Capella Websites and Publications
Grant of Rights. Author hereby grants to Capella the non-
exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable worldwide right to
reproduce, distribute, display and transmit the Work (in whole
or in part) in such tangible and electronic formats as may be in
existence now or developed in the future. Such forms include,
but are not limited to, Capella University websites, where the
Work may be made available for free download. Author further
grants to Capella the right to include the abstract, bibliography
and other metadata in Capella University’s doctoral capstone
repository and any successor or related index and/or finding
products or services. The rights granted by Author
automatically include (1) the right to allow for distribution of
the Work, in whole or in part, by agents and distributors, and
(2) the right to make the Abstract, bibliographic data and any
meta data associated with the Work available to search engines.
Removal of Work from the Program. Capella may elect not to
distribute the Work if it believes that all necessary rights of
third parties have not been secured. In addition, if Author's
degree is rescinded or found to be in violation of Capella
University’s Research Misconduct Policy or other University
policies, Capella may expunge the Work from publication.
Capella may also elect not to distribute the work in a manner
supported by other Capella University policies.
Rights Verification. Author represents and warrants that Author
is the copyright holder of the Work and has obtained all
necessary rights to permit Capella to reproduce and distribute
third party materials contained in any part of the Work,
including all necessary licenses for any non-public, third party
software necessary to access, display, and run or print the
Work. Author is solely responsible and will indemnify and
defend Capella for any third party claims related to the Work as
submitted for publication, including but not limited to claims
alleging the Work violates a third party’s intellectual property
Capella University’s Academic Honesty Policy (3.01.01) holds
learners accountable for the integrity of work they submit,
which includes but is not limited to discussion postings,
assignments, comprehensive exams, and the dissertation or
capstone project.
Established in the Policy are the expectations for original work,
rationale for the policy, definition of terms that pertain to
academic honesty and original work, and disciplinary
consequences of academic dishonesty. Also stated in the Policy
is the expectation that learners will follow APA rules for citing
another person’s ideas or works.
The following standards for original work and definition of
plagiarism are discussed in the Policy:
Learners are expected to be the sole authors of their work and to
acknowledge the authorship of others’ work through proper
citation and reference. Use of another person’s ideas, including
another learner’s, without proper reference or citation
constitutes plagiarism and academic dishonesty and is
prohibited conduct. (p. 1)
Plagiarism is one example of academic dishonesty. Plagiarism is
presenting someone else’s ideas or work as your own.
Plagiarism also includes copying verbatim or rephrasing ideas
without properly acknowledging the source by author, date, and
publication medium. (p. 2)
Capella University’s Research Misconduct Policy (3.03.06)
holds learners accountable for research integrity. What
constitutes research misconduct is discussed in the Policy:
Research misconduct includes but is not limited to falsification,
fabrication, plagiarism, misappropriation, or other practices that
seriously deviate from those that are commonly accepted within
the academic community for proposing, conducting, or
reviewing research, or in reporting research results. (p. 1)
Learners failing to abide by these policies are subject to
consequences, including but not limited to dismissal or
revocation of the degree.
I have read, understand and agree to this Capella Publishing
Agreement. I have read, understood, and abided by Capella
University’s Academic Honesty Policy (3.01.01) and Research
Misconduct Policy (3.03.06).
I attest that this dissertation or capstone project is my own
work. Where I have used the ideas or words of others, I have
paraphrased, summarized, or used direct quotes following the
guidelines set forth in the APA Publication Manual.
(Print Name)
REQUIRED Author's signatureDate
(by typing your name, you agree that this is your signature).
The pages in this template are correctly formatted and
Refer to the
DBA Capstone Template Guide and
Doctoral Publications
text as instructed.
all instructions and template notes.
all text in yellow.
Stanley Thompson Jr.
FACULTY NAME ALL CAPS, Degree, Committee Chair
FACULTY NAME ALL CAPS, Degree, Committee Member
FACULTY NAME ALL CAPS, Degree, Committee Member
Todd C. Wilson, PhD, Dean, School of Business and
A Capstone Project Presented in Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Business Administration
Capella University
March 2021
The pages in this template are correctly formatted and
Refer to the DBA Capstone Template Guide and the Doctoral
Publications Guidebook.
Replace text as instructed. Delete all instructions and template
notes. Delete all text in yellow.
Stanley Thompson Jr.
FACULTY NAME ALL CAPS, Degree, Committee Chair
FACULTY NAME ALL CAPS, Degree, Committee Member
FACULTY NAME ALL CAPS, Degree, Committee Member
Todd C. Wilson, PhD, Dean, School of Business and
A Capstone Project Presented in Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Business Administration
Capella University
March 2021

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ACTIVE LEARNING TEMPLATES TherapeuTic procedure A1Basic Co

  • 1. ACTIVE LEARNING TEMPLATES TherapeuTic procedure A1 Basic Concept STUDENT NAME _____________________________________ CONCEPT _____________________________________________________ _________________________ REVIEW MODULE CHAPTER ___________ ACTIVE LEARNING TEMPLATE: Related Content (E.G., DELEGATION, LEVELS OF PREVENTION, ADVANCE DIRECTIVES) Underlying Principles Nursing Interventions WHO? WHEN? WHY? HOW? STUDENT NAME: CONCEPT: REVIEW MODULE CHAPTER: Related Content: Underlying Principles: Nursing Interventions: ACTIVE LEARNING TEMPLATES TherapeuTic procedure A1 Basic Concept STUDENT NAME _____________________________________ CONCEPT _____________________________________________________
  • 2. _________________________ REVIEW MODULE CHAPTER ___________ ACTIVE LEARNING TEMPLATE: Related Content (E.G., DELEGATION, LEVELS OF PREVENTION, ADVANCE DIRECTIVES) Underlying Principles Nursing Interventions WHO? WHEN? WHY? HOW? STUDENT NAME: CONCEPT: REVIEW MODULE CHAPTER: Related Content: Underlying Principles: Nursing Interventions: ACTIVE LEARNING TEMPLATES TherapeuTic procedure A1 Basic Concept STUDENT NAME _____________________________________ CONCEPT _____________________________________________________ _________________________ REVIEW MODULE CHAPTER ___________ ACTIVE LEARNING TEMPLATE: Related Content (E.G., DELEGATION, LEVELS OF PREVENTION, ADVANCE DIRECTIVES) Underlying Principles Nursing Interventions
  • 3. WHO? WHEN? WHY? HOW? STUDENT NAME: CONCEPT: REVIEW MODULE CHAPTER: Related Content: Underlying Principles: Nursing Interventions: ACTIVE LEARNING TEMPLATES TherapeuTic procedure A1 Basic Concept STUDENT NAME _____________________________________ CONCEPT _____________________________________________________ _________________________ REVIEW MODULE CHAPTER ___________ ACTIVE LEARNING TEMPLATE: Related Content (E.G., DELEGATION, LEVELS OF PREVENTION, ADVANCE DIRECTIVES) Underlying Principles Nursing Interventions WHO? WHEN? WHY? HOW? STUDENT NAME: CONCEPT: REVIEW MODULE CHAPTER: Related Content: Underlying Principles: Nursing Interventions: DBA CAPSTONE TEMPLATE The pages in this template are correctly formatted and organized. Refer to the DBA Capstone Template Guide and the Doctoral
  • 4. Publications Guidebook. Replace text as instructed. Delete all instructions and template notes. Delete all text in yellow. CAPSTONE TITLE (12 WORDS OR LESS), ALL CAPS, CENTERED, DOUBLE-SPACED; TOP LINE ABOUT 3 INCHES FROM TOP OF PAGE by Stanley Thompson Jr. FACULTY NAME ALL CAPS, Degree, Committee Chair FACULTY NAME ALL CAPS, Degree, Committee Member FACULTY NAME ALL CAPS, Degree, Committee Member Todd C. Wilson, PhD, Dean, School of Business and Technology A Capstone Project Presented in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Business Administration Capella University March 2021 © Copyright [year] Learner Name Instructions 1. Purpose. The template provides structure and guidance for Capella University learners enrolled in the School of Business and Technology’s DBA capstone program who began on or after January 1, 2018. This template may require updates as program
  • 5. requirements change. You will be notified by the doctoral chair when a new template is released. Required content pieces may vary by learner, depending upon their specific topic/project plan. Consult with your instructor/mentor/chair about potential changes, if you feel this pertains to you. 2. Rubrics. Please see the DBA Capstone Template Guide on the DBA Capstone University website to review the rubrics which will be used to grade your work. Further, the guide includes suggested content for each section. Not all studies will exactly fit into the template guide suggested content, so work with your instructor/mentor/chair/committee to ensure your project is designed appropriately for the techniques and process you have utilized. 3. Style note. This template uses APA, with some exceptions, including those noted in the Doctoral Publications Guidebook. It also uses non-APA heading levels; the headings in this template are designed to mirror a business document. To add additional heading levels, follow the format used in section, on page 2 of this template (sentence case, italics, bold, paragraph begins on same line); do not include these lower level headings in the TOC. Additionally, issue numbers should be consistently included in the reference list, regardless of pagination rules, as per the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) Permission for using the singular they, as approved by Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (11th ed.) and the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) is formally adopted here. DELETE ALL INSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO FINAL SUBMISSION. Executive Summary Write a one page executive summary of your project here. This should not be written until the final approvals to your project are completed. This should explain the problem, purpose, method, population, and results of your project. Implications or
  • 6. practical uses of the project results should be included. This is not an APA abstract. This would be used to provide a high-level explanation of your project to a CEO, COO, or other key- stakeholder. ONCE YOU’VE WRITTEN THIS PAGE, DELETE ALL INSTRUCTIONS. 5 Dedication This page is optional. The dedication is the writer’s personal acknowledgment indicating his or her appreciation and respect for significant individuals in the writer’s life. The dedication is personal; thus, any individuals named are frequently unrelated to the topic of the manuscript. Typically, the learner dedicates the work to the one or two individuals who instilled in the learner the value of education and the drive to succeed in educational pursuits. Learners often dedicate manuscripts to relatives, immediate family, or significant individuals who have supported them or played a role in their lives. ONCE YOU’VE WRITTEN THIS PAGE, DELETE ALL INSTRUCTIONS.
  • 7. Acknowledgments The acknowledgments differ from the dedication in one significant way: The acknowledgements recognize individuals who have supported the writer’s scholarly efforts as they relate to the doctoral manuscript or who have held a role in the writer’s academic career as it relates to the research of the manuscript. This might mean your mentor and committee members, doctoral advisor, online or colloquia faculty, and other support people from Capella or other organizations. If you received financial support from fellowships, grants, or other organizational support, it should be noted in this section. ONCE YOU’VE WRITTEN THIS PAGE, DELETE ALL INSTRUCTIONS. Table of Contents Update the TOC using the Word feature (right click and update). Do not break the headings. The headings are formatted to update the TOC using the edit table feature of Word. List of Figuresxi SECTION 1. BUSINESS PROBLEM AND PROJECT SCOPE1 1.1 Introduction1 1.2 Capstone Topic1 1.2.1 Problem of Practice1 1.3 Purpose of the Project1 1.3.1. Project Need1 1.3.2 Project question(s)1 1.3.3. Project Justification1 1.3.4 Project Context: Company or Industry1 1.4. Doctor of Business Project Specifications1 1.4.1. Importance of the Project1 1.4.2. Approach for the Project1 1.5 Summary1 SECTION 2. LITERATURE REVIEW AND PROJECT PLAN2 2.1. Introduction2 2.1.1. Applied Framework2
  • 8. 2.2. Method for Discovering Literature2 2.2.1. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria2 2.2.2. Search Strategy2 2.3. Review of Scholarly and Practitioner Literature2 2.3.1. Historic and Current Business Problem Trends2 2.3.2. Previous Efforts to Address the Problem2 2.4. Summary of Literature2 2.5. Recruitment2 2.6. Project Study Protocol2 2.6.1 Data Sources2 2.6.2. Data Collection2 2.6.3. Data Analysis Plan and Presentation2 2.6.4 Validity and Reliability/Trustworthiness2 2.6.5 Ethical Considerations2 2.7. Overview of the Project Study Plan3 2.8 Summary and Conclusion3 SECTION 3. RESULTS, DISUSSION, AND IMPLICATIONS4 3.1 Introduction4 3.2. Data Collection Results4 3.3. Data Analysis4 3.4 Contribution to Theory, the Literature, and the Practitioner Knowledge Base4 3.5 Project Application and Recommendations4 3.6 Conclusion4 REFERENCES5 APPENDIX A. APPENDIX TITLE6 List of Tables Table 1. Add table title [single-spaced if longer than one line], and add the page number xx Table 2. Title xx Leave one full blank line between entries.
  • 9. List of Figures Figure 1. Add figure title [single-spaced if longer than one line], and add the page number xx Figure 2. Title xx Leave one full blank line between entries. Do not remove the section break that follows this paragraph. vi SECTION 1. BUSINESS PROBLEM AND PROJECT SCOPE1.1 Introduction With globalization becoming more popular in the business environment, many organizations and businesses are heavily relying on supply chain systems to facilitate interconnectivity between businesses and their potential markets. Therefore, proper supply chain management is extremely critical in business operations especially for those companies or organizations with global operations. According to the research done by the London School of Business and Finance in 2018 on the role of efficient supply chain management in enhancing business reliability, efficiency, flexibility, and customer satisfaction, the following: one was that many giant companies like Amazon Inc. and Walmart heavily rely on streamlining their supply chain to remain competitive in the customer- oriented market. Moreover, the business philanthropist Warren Buffet argued during an interview with the New York Times that more technologies are needed to increase supply chain efficiency since it holds the future of many businesses that rely
  • 10. on it to expand their global operations (Sorkin, 2020). Hence, there is a need to come up with business and tech-oriented strategies to improve the efficiency of many global supply chain systems. Currently, many SMEs are finding it hard to remain competitive in the global market due to the high cost of business operations . Consequently, integration of technologies like Enterprise Resource Planning and data analytics in the supply chain system holds a breakthrough for businesses and is likely to influence global operations of many businesses positively (Lamba & Singh, 2017). And if streamlining of supply chain networks isn’t done, businesses face incurring the high cost of managing business operations coupled with a reduction in revenues. Comment by Author: the following was established Comment by Author: because complex supply chain systems make business transactions time- consuming Comment by Author: is not Thesis statement Comment by Author: there is no ‘2’ at this point in the template. You do need a thesis statement though. But just not the section heading. Companies should seek to finesse their supply chain management system to reduce costs and liabilities. Efficient supply chain management systems improve the negotiating power of companies to acquire better products in the shortest time possible. 1.2 Capstone Topic Comment by Author: Capstone Topic is 1.2 according to the rubric (not 2.1) This modified Delphi project identifies a set of enterprise resource planning (ERP) practices that manage supply chain risks. It also determines the consensus of opinions among experts in the supply chain field. These experts identify the feasibility, desirability, and importance of these practices. Comment by Author: Capstone Topic, as per the DBA Capstone Template Guide, is “Include information about your DBA specialization, the project focus and topic, and overarching information. Explain how the project aligns with your specialization. Include at least one to two citations for
  • 11. support. [One half to one page]. “ Rewrite this section Comment by Author: this is a disconnect. Here, we are talking about managing supply chain risks. But above, you are saying “seek to finesse their supply chain management system to reduce costs” and “And if streamlining of supply chain networks isn’t done, businesses face incurring the high cost of managing business operations” Stay consistent. Reduce cost or manage risk. Pick one, and stick with it. 1.2.1 Problem of Practice Comment by Author: 1.2.1 Note that mis-numbering is evident in the rest of this paper. I am not going to point it out as I comment, but do make sure it is fixed throughout when you resubmit for formal grading Businesses are looking to minimize costs and maximize profits. Supply chain management is one area where companies are losing a lot of revenues due to complexity in the supply chain procedures that leads to an increase in the cost of doing business (Meredith & Shafer, 2019). For instance, invoice management and risk management remain one of the biggest problems associated with ineffective supply chain systems. This business problem has made many companies lose customers and even incur losses associated with reduced efficiency of the chosen supply chain system. Comment by Author: Here, you have to dive deeper into the problem. This is expected to be 1-2 pages. See the guide 1.3 Purpose of the Project Comment by Author: Include an introductory paragraph1.3.1. Project Need To find a feasible solution to inefficient supply chain management in companies.1.3.2 Project question(s) PQ1: Which tools will be used in the requirement gathering? Comment by Author: This will not fly as your research questions. PQ2: What are the objectives of the project?1.3.3. Project Justification
  • 12. Supply chain management is a vital component of business operations today. Efficient supply chain management improves communications, business networks, and relationships with suppliers, and helps to avoid delays in shipping or logistical errors. Good supply chain management also reduces inventory costs and improves the planning, and efficiency of the company’s operations. Poor supply chain management will lead to poor products and eventually bad customer service/satisfaction. Efficient supply chain management will help deliver the company from the shadow of competitors by improving the production process (Su, et al, 2016). Comment by Author: This is fine, but we need more “meat.” This has to be better part of a page (2-4 paragraphs)1.3.4 Project Context: Company or Industry As mentioned above globalization has opened up endless opportunities for businesses and companies. However, if supply chain systems aren’t streamlined, business problems like constant increase in the cost of production, risk management, and invoice management will continue to frustrate many companies (Genovese, et al, 2017). Adoption of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) technology holds the future of reducing unnecessary procedures associated with supply chain management. Also, ERP technology has the capability of streamlining supply chain networks, for instance, in risk management, ERP allows tracking of goods and services with their real-time status-enhancing risk management (Nair & Reed, 2019). ERP offers job scheduling which allows supervisors to track the company’s resources in real-time. The supervisor can easily monitor how resources are consumed and used in the company using an ERP system (Volkoff, 2020). The enterprise resource system helps to integrate all the business operations that as vital or reliant on supply chain management (Volkoff, 2020). Comment by Author: This paragraph is discussing the problems with supply chain and ERP – that discussion will happen in sections prior to this one. Here, we are talking about context of your project. What types of companies / industries
  • 13. will you focus on? ERP and supply-chain apply in so many contexts. Fortune 500 companies need it, as do SME’s, as do smaller 5-person companies who need some sort of software to manage their business. Your research cannot find a solution to all companies that use supply-chain software. So in this section, you have to establish the population you plan to study. 1.4. Doctor of Business Project Specifications1.4.1. Importance of the Project1.4.2. Approach for the Project1.5 Summary [Note to learners: the project’s sections 1 to 1.5 will be revised into past tense after you conduct the study and write Section 3. Delete these instructions.]. SECTION 2. LITERATURE REVIEW AND PROJECT PLAN2.1. Introduction 2.1.1. Applied Framework 2.2. Method for Discovering Literature 2.2.1. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria 2.2.2. Search Strategy2.3. Review of Scholarly and Practitioner Literature2.3.1. Historic and Current Business Problem Trends Potential additional section header.2.3.2. Previous Efforts to Address the Problem2.4. Summary of Literature 2.5. Recruitment 2.6. Project Study Protocol2.6.1 Data Sources sources of data expected. [Text starts here]. and data collection tools.2.6.2. Data Collection 2.6.3. Data Analysis Plan and Presentation2.6.4 Validity and Reliability/Trustworthiness2.6.5 Ethical Considerations2.7. Overview of the Project Study Plan2.8 Summary and Conclusion [Note to learners: The project’s sections 1 to 2.13 will be revised into past tense after you conduct the study and write Section 3. Delete.]. SECTION 3. RESULTS, DISUSSION, AND IMPLICATIONS3.1 Introduction3.2. Data Collection Results3.3. Data Analysis3.4 Contribution to Theory, the Literature, and the Practitioner
  • 14. Knowledge Base3.5 Project Application and Recommendations 3.6 Conclusion REFERENCES [References may be single-spaced. Use the ruler to create a hanging indent, or apply the “APA reference list” style. References should be APA styled (based on Capella’s current edition implemented). All article issue numbers should be included, regardless of APA edition in use. Leave one blank space between entries.] Genovese, A., Acquaye, A. A., Figueroa, A., & Koh, S. L. (2017). Sustainable supply chain management and the transition towards a circular economy: Evidence and some applications. Omega, 66, 344-357. Lamba, K., & Singh, S. P. (2017). Big data in operations and supply chain management: current trends and future perspectives. Production Planning & Control, 28(11-12), 877- 890. Meredith, J. R., & Shafer, S. M. (2019). Operations and supply chain management for MBAs. Wiley. Nair, A., & Reed‐Tsochas, F. (2019). Revisiting the complex adaptive systems paradigm: leading perspectives for researching operations and supply chain management issues. Journal of Operations Management, 65(2), 80-92. Sorkin R., (2020). Warren Buffett’s Optimistic? Pessimistic? No, Realistic k/warren-buffett-berkshire-hathaway.html Su, C. M., Horng, D. J., Tseng, M. L., Chiu, A. S., Wu, K. J., & Chen, H. P. (2016). Improving sustainable supply chain management using a novel hierarchical grey-DEMATEL approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 134, 469-481. Volkoff, O. (2020). Configuring an ERP system: introducing best practices or hampering flexibility?. Journal of Information Systems Education, 14(3), 14. APPENDIX A. APPENDIX TITLE Please include all instruments, permissions, and other important
  • 15. documentation here [as determined by your instructor, mentor, or committee members] until final Dean review, at which time they should be removed. Learner-created interview protocols, surveys, or other original documentation should remain for Dean review and final submission. PUBLISHING AGREEMENT This Agreement is between the author (Author) and Capella University. Under this Agreement, in consideration for the opportunity to have his/her capstone project published on a Capella website, Author grants Capella certain rights to preserve, archive and publish the Author’s doctoral capstone (the Work), abstract, and index terms.License for Inclusion in Capella Websites and Publications Grant of Rights. Author hereby grants to Capella the non- exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable worldwide right to reproduce, distribute, display and transmit the Work (in whole or in part) in such tangible and electronic formats as may be in existence now or developed in the future. Such forms include, but are not limited to, Capella University websites, where the Work may be made available for free download. Author further grants to Capella the right to include the abstract, bibliography
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  • 17. Established in the Policy are the expectations for original work, rationale for the policy, definition of terms that pertain to academic honesty and original work, and disciplinary consequences of academic dishonesty. Also stated in the Policy is the expectation that learners will follow APA rules for citing another person’s ideas or works. The following standards for original work and definition of plagiarism are discussed in the Policy: Learners are expected to be the sole authors of their work and to acknowledge the authorship of others’ work through proper citation and reference. Use of another person’s ideas, including another learner’s, without proper reference or citation constitutes plagiarism and academic dishonesty and is prohibited conduct. (p. 1) Plagiarism is one example of academic dishonesty. Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s ideas or work as your own. Plagiarism also includes copying verbatim or rephrasing ideas without properly acknowledging the source by author, date, and publication medium. (p. 2) Capella University’s Research Misconduct Policy (3.03.06) holds learners accountable for research integrity. What constitutes research misconduct is discussed in the Policy: Research misconduct includes but is not limited to falsification, fabrication, plagiarism, misappropriation, or other practices that seriously deviate from those that are commonly accepted within the academic community for proposing, conducting, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results. (p. 1) Learners failing to abide by these policies are subject to consequences, including but not limited to dismissal or revocation of the degree. Acknowledgments: I have read, understand and agree to this Capella Publishing Agreement. I have read, understood, and abided by Capella University’s Academic Honesty Policy (3.01.01) and Research Misconduct Policy (3.03.06).
  • 18. I attest that this dissertation or capstone project is my own work. Where I have used the ideas or words of others, I have paraphrased, summarized, or used direct quotes following the guidelines set forth in the APA Publication Manual. (Print Name) REQUIRED Author's signatureDate (by typing your name, you agree that this is your signature). DBA C APSTON E TEMPLATE The pages in this template are correctly formatted and organized. Refer to the DBA Capstone Template Guide and the Doctoral Publications Guidebook
  • 19. . Replace text as instructed. Delete all instructions and template notes. Delete all text in yellow. CAPSTONE TITLE (12 WORDS OR LESS) , ALL CAPS, CENTERED, DOUBLE - SPACED; TOP LINE ABOUT 3 INCHES FROM TOP OF PAGE by Stanley Thompson Jr. FACULTY NAME ALL CAPS, Degree, Committee Chair FACULTY NAME ALL CAPS, Degree, Committee Member FACULTY NAME ALL CAPS, Degree, Committee Member Todd C. Wilson, PhD, Dean, School of Business and Technology
  • 20. A Capstone Project Presented in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Business Administration Capella University March 2021 DBA CAPSTONE TEMPLATE The pages in this template are correctly formatted and organized. Refer to the DBA Capstone Template Guide and the Doctoral Publications Guidebook. Replace text as instructed. Delete all instructions and template notes. Delete all text in yellow. CAPSTONE TITLE (12 WORDS OR LESS), ALL CAPS, CENTERED, DOUBLE-SPACED; TOP LINE ABOUT 3 INCHES FROM TOP OF PAGE by Stanley Thompson Jr. FACULTY NAME ALL CAPS, Degree, Committee Chair FACULTY NAME ALL CAPS, Degree, Committee Member FACULTY NAME ALL CAPS, Degree, Committee Member Todd C. Wilson, PhD, Dean, School of Business and
  • 21. Technology A Capstone Project Presented in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Business Administration Capella University March 2021