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The Actuary Magazine
August/September 2011 – Volume 8 Issue 4

    O                                                      Population Life Expectancy at Birth by Country
                 VER THE LAST CENTURY, gen-

                 eral population mortality has im-
                 proved significantly and on a global
    basis. As this trend appears likely to continue
    at least over the near term, mortality improve-                   India
    ments are expected to continue to impact the
    viability of national social programs worldwide                 Japan
    as well as the financial stability of insurance pro-
    grams, including pension plans and annuities.
                                                               Switzerland                                                                          1990
    As a result of the current trends in mortality
                                                                     Spain                                                                          1950
    improvement, insurers have begun to incor-
    porate longer term assumptions regarding
    mortality improvement in both pricing and
    financial projections, resulting in greater                   Canada
    scrutiny from both an audit and regulatory
    perspective.                                             United States

    To assist actuaries in developing mortality im-                           0   10   20      30    40    50      60     70     80         90
    provement assumptions for various product
    lines including individual annuities, pension,                                                  FEMALES
    life insurance and long-term care insurance,
    the Society of Actuaries (SOA) commis-                            India
    sioned a research project to compile both his-
    torical data regarding mortality improvement
    experience as well as information regarding                   Australia
    techniques for modeling future assumptions.                                                                                                     2008
    This article provides a general overview of in-            Switzerland                                                                          1990
    formation included in that report.                                                                                                              1950
    Population Data                                               Canada
    From 1900 to 1950, enormous strides were
    made in improving mortality rates on a global            United States
    basis, particularly at ages under 35. This was
    largely due to an expanded focus on public                                0   10   20      30    40    50      60     70     80         90

                                                             Source: U.S. Census Bureau Estimates from Various Databases, American Journal of
                                                             Clinical Nutrition, Changes in Life Expectancy 1900-1990, published 1992 and World
                                                             Health Organization, Statistics 2010.
                                                                                            Males               Females
                                                                                                                AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2011   |   THE ACTUARY   |   21
health initiatives in many countries that led to      tality between specific ages. Here we discuss         experienced a decline in improvement
     the introduction of large-scale immunization          improvements in mortality during key life             levels during the current decade. The
     programs, penicillin and sulfate drugs, and           stages for four of the more developed coun-           most notable exception to this trend is
     other disease eradication methods.                    tries (United States, Canada, United Kingdom          Australia, where young adults exhibited
                                                           and Australia) during the period 1940 to 2007.        a notable increase in mortality improve-
     Since 1950, both in the United States and                                                                   ment (nearly 4.9 percent per year for
     across the globe, mortality improvement and           The following trends are noted:                       males and 3.1 percent per year for fe-
     resulting increases in life expectancy have                                                                 males) during the period 2000 to 2007.
     continued, but at a slower pace. The most re-           •	 nfants (the rate of mortality between
     cent data from the World Health Organization               ages 0 and 1): Rates of mortality im-         •	  iddle Ages (the rate of mortality
     indicates that male and female life expectan-              provement for infants have slowed in             between the ages of 35 and 65): Indi-
                                                                                                                 viduals aged 35 to 65 have experienced
     UNDERSTANDING THE SOURCES OF PAST IMPROVE-                                                                  moderate but steady levels of improve-
                                                                                                                 ment in mortality since 1960 (generally
     MENTS IN MORTALITY CAN BE VALUABLE IN THE                                                                   between 0.5 and 2.5 percent per year).
                                                                                                              •	  etirement Ages (the rate of mortal-
     ING THE FUTURE.                                                                                             R
                                                                                                                 ity between the ages of 65 and 85): In-
                                                                                                                 dividuals between ages 65 and 85 have
     cies at birth are nearing 80 and 85 respectively            recent years in all four countries, from        exhibited lower levels of improvement,
     for many developed nations.                                 highs averaging between 3- and 5-per-           with the largest increases occurring be-
                                                                 cent per year between 1940 and 1980 to          tween 2000 and 2007 (between 1- and
     FACTORS AFFECTING POPULATION                                rates generally less than 2 percent dur-        2-percent per year).
     MORTALITY IMPROVEMENT LEVELS                                ing 2000­to 2007.
     Understanding the sources of past improve-                                                               •	  ld Age (the rate of mortality between
     ments in mortality can be valuable in the pro-          •	  hildren (the rate of mortality between
                                                                C                                                the ages of 85 and 100): Since 1940, the
     cess of developing assumptions regarding the               ages 1 and 20): Greater mortality im-            population age 85 and older has exhibited
     future. Therefore, the SOA report also examined            provements were exhibited by this group          little or no improvement and even some
     the correlation between mortality improvement              during the period 1940 to 1960 (between          deterioration in mortality experience.
     levels and various demographic factors.                    3- and 8-percent per year) as children           This observation has led some to theorize
                                                                and young adults benefited from the              that in the future, mortality improvements
     Age                                                        impact of stronger public health initia-         are likely to be focused at the older ages
     Between 1940 and 2006, improvements in                     tives. Improvements also appear to have          where fewer strides have been made to
     mortality were strong for most age groups,                 picked up between 1980 and 2000, pos-            date. And, there is evidence for increas-
                      including infants, children,              sibly due to a decrease in the number of         ing improvement levels over the current
                      young adults, the middle                  deaths from accident or injury.                  decade for the oldest ages.
                      ages, retirement and old
                      age.                                   •	 Young Adults (the rate of mortality        Gender
                                                                 between ages 20 and 35): Rates of mor-     In the United States and Canada between
                             One tool in the analysis of         tality improvement for young adults are    1980 and 2000, male improvements out-
                             changes in life expectancy          also driven to a large extent by lower     paced female improvements by an aver-
                             at birth is the examination         rates of accident and injury. With a few   age of 0.5 percent per year. In the United
                             of changes in rates of mor-         exceptions, this age demographic has       Kingdom, males experienced greater

Switzerland                                                                            1990
          Spain                                                                            1950

  United States
                                                                                                     status are highly correlated with mortality
Differences in Mortality Improvement by Level
                  0        10   20       30   40     50      60      70       80   90
                                                                                                     and mortality improvement experience. The
                                                                                                     wealthier, more highly educated and mar-
of Education Achieved                                                                                ried populations tend to exhibit lower levels of
                                     U.S. WHITE POPULATION                                           mortality and also appear to have experienced
                                                                                                     larger levels of mortality improvement. As an
                                     Males                 Females
                                                                                                     example, for the U.S. white male population
4.0%                                                                                                 ages 25 to 64, the results of a 2008 study of ex-
                                                                                                     perience between 1993 and 2001 shows that
                                                                                                     mortality improvements for those with 16 or
                                                                                                     more years of education were approximately
                                                                                                     twice those of the population as a whole.
                                                                                                     LIFE INSURANCE DATA
                                                                                                     For life insurance in particular, actuar-
-1.0%                                                                                                ies have less consistent data on which to
                                                                                                     base their views regarding future mortal-
-2.0%                                                                                                ity improvement levels, especially over the
                                                                                                     longer term. Care needs to be taken in in-
                                                                                                     terpreting insured data as changes in select
-4.0%                                                                                                mortality over time may be impacted more
        Less than 12 yrs        12 yrs         13-15 yrs          16+ years         All Levels       by changes in the industry including shifts
                                                                                                     in the target market, distribution methods,
    Source: Widening of Socioeconomic Inequalities in U.S. Death Rates, 1993 to 2001,
    Ahmedin Jemal, Elizabeth Ward, Robert N. Anderson, Taylor Murray, Michael J.                     underwriting processes or risk classification
    Thun, published 2008.                                                                            structures than true improvements in life
                                                                                                     insured mortality. Data regarding improve-
                                                                                                     ments in ultimate mortality may be more
    levels of improvement for ages over 45           Geographic Region                               reliable since a major factor, the impact of
    while females experienced greater im-            There is data to support some variation in      underwriting changes over time, should be
    provements for ages under 45. And dur-           mortality improvement experience by geo-        greatly dampened.
    ing the most recent experience period            graphic region for the United States, Canada
    examined, 2000 to 2007, the pattern of           and the United Kingdom, with the lowest         Utilizing the results of regular periodic studies
    gender differences has become blurred            levels of improvement generally seen in the     of individual life insurance mortality experi-
    for all three countries. As a result, both       more rural and lower-income areas of the        ence produced by national actuarial organi-
    the September 2010 Canadian Institute of         countries. These differences were generally     zations over the past several decades, chang-
    Actuaries report1 recommending mortal-           small for the experience periods and coun-      es in mortality rates for life insureds can be
    ity improvement levels for individual life       tries examined.                                 calculated for the select and ultimate period
    insurance and annuity products and the                                                           for the United States, Canada and the United
    most recent U.S. Social Security Admin-          Socioeconomic Status                            Kingdom.
    istration Technical Panel report 2 assume        The results of several population-based stud-
    that differences in mortality improvement        ies support the view that socioeconomic         Focusing on ultimate period mortality, we note
    levels by gender will be eliminated over         factors such as wealth, income level, high-     the following trends in improvements versus
    the next few decades.                            est attained level of education, and marital    the general population results.

                                                                                                              AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2011   |   THE ACTUARY    |   23
United States                                    population mortality along with some element           ercise. There have been multiple and
         For the experience period between 1978           of professional judgment. However, in today’s          extensive applications of predictive
         and 2006, the pattern of mortality improve-      environment where mortality improvement                modeling in the property-casualty insur-
         ment by age and gender is quite similar          assumptions can have a material impact on              ance industry for experience analysis,
         between the insured population in the ul-        financial results, actuaries are beginning to fo-      pricing, underwriting, claims manage-
         timate period and the general population.        cus greater attention on the analysis and review       ment and strategic planning purposes.
         Insureds and the general population exhib-       of past experience, the factors that have influ-       Through application of predictive mod-
         ited similar age patterns of mortality, with     enced that experience, and more robust meth-           eling, the impact of each of these factors
         insured mortality improvements slightly          ods for developing future assumptions.                 on mortality or mortality improvement
         greater than the general population on an                                                               is identified, and a model is developed
         amount basis and slightly lower than the         The academic community has made impor-                 that estimates future values as well as
         general population on a number of policies       tant strides in advancing modeling and projec-         the probability of a specified outcome
         basis.                                           tion techniques for mortality and mortality im-        (for example, future mortality improve-
                                                          provements over the past several decades and           ment levels within a specified range)
         Canada                                           a brief overview of these techniques follows.          under various conditions.
         In Canada between 1972 and 2007, life                                                                	
         insureds in the ultimate period also expe-       First, mortality projection models generally        •	  xtrapolative projection techniques.
         rienced levels of mortality improvement          fall into one of the following basic categories.       This category of projection models in-
         similar to or greater than the population in                                                            cludes the earliest methods used by ac-
         general at the typical insurance-buying ages       •	  redictive modeling. A predictive
                                                               P                                                 tuaries, economists and demographers
         (35 to 84) on an amount basis.                        model begins with the identification              in setting future mortality improvement
                                                               of a group of factors (predictors) that           assumptions based on the projection of
         United Kingdom                                        can influence future results for a given          past trends that were identified in the
         In the United Kingdom between 1980 and                value being estimated, e.g., mortality,           historical data.
         2000, greater improvement levels were seen            mortality improvement or other items
         for permanent assureds (whole life and en-            of interest. Focusing on life insurance        	
                                                                                                               A typical extrapolative approach in-
         dowments policies) than the population in             mortality improvement as an exam-               volves fitting a model to actual mor-
         general for males, while female permanent             ple, many of the predictors available           tality experience for each individual
         assureds exhibited rates of mortality improve-        for traditional experience analysis             calendar year in the experience period
         ment more similar to the population in gener-         (e.g., age, gender, product type, smok-         available. The parameters underlying
         al. Note that in the United Kingdom, mortality        er status, risk classification) can be          the models for each calendar year are
         data is only available on a number of policies        included in a predictive modeling ex-           then plotted to identify significant pat-
            basis at the current time.

                  MORTALITY IMPROVEMENT                         WANT MORE INFORMATION?
                    PROJECTION TECHNIQUES
                      Today, insured mortality im-              This article is based on the SOA sponsored research paper, ”Global
                         provement assumptions                  Mortality Improvement Experience and Projection Techniques” by Mar-
                            are often developed                 ianne Purushotham, Emil Valdez, and Huijing Wu. It can be found on the
                                from an extrapo-                SOA website at::
                                   lation of past
                                        trends in


    terns that can aid in the determination                                                            ment of disease that may have led to
    of future parameter values for projec-                                                             the death, including the impact of co-
    tion of future experience.                                                                         morbidities. In this modeling context,
	                                                                                                      better estimates of future mortality can
     ompertz and Weibull are well-known                                                               be produced by considering the pro-
    extrapolative models for mortality pro-                                                            gression of disease as well as potential
    jection over time due to their relative                                                            interactions between different existing
    simplicity. The Gompertz model, for                                                                morbidities. However, disease-based
    example, projects mortality as the sum                                                             models are quite complex, typically
    of an attained age dependent compo-                                                                involving multi-state transitions and
    nent and an attained age independent
    component. The Lee-Carter model and
                                                 A LIMITATION OF BOTH ALL-CAUSE AND CAUSE-
    its many variations have also been used
    extensively on a global basis, and Lee-      SPECIFIC MORTALITY MODELS IS THAT ANY DATA
    Carter is one of the methods employed        IS RESTRICTED TO THE DEATH ITSELF.
    by the Social Security Administration
    in the United States for modeling future     •	  ause-of-death specific models. To
                                                    C                                                  corresponding probabilities of transi-
    levels of mortality improvement. Lee-           date, the more common practice has                 tion that require detailed, longitudinal
    Carter is a stochastic mortality projec-        been to apply one of the models dis-               data regarding the treatment and pro-
    tion model based on the identification          cussed earlier to all-cause insured or             gression of various diseases. This type
    of both the impact of attained age and          population mortality experience to de-             of information has been obtained in
    calendar year.                                  velop projections of future results. How-          the United Kingdom through access
	                                                   ever, it has also been argued that future          to patient health databases supporting
•	  elational or targeting methods.
   R                                                                                                   public health care programs. Howev-
                                                    all-cause mortality experience can only
   The basic approach for relational pro-                                                              er, in the United States, privacy laws
                                                    be reasonably understood if trends in
   jection methods is to develop a func-                                                               make this type of data difficult, if not
                                                    specific causes of death and future likely
   tion F that relates mortality in a specific                                                         impossible, to obtain and therefore
                                                    changes are understood. In theory, any
   population under study to mortality                                                                 disease-based models have not been
                                                    of the models discussed here can be
   for a reference population. The devel-                                                              used extensively to date.
                                                    applied to the mortality experience for
   opment of the function F is typically                                                            	
                                                    specified cause-of-death groupings and
   dependent on testing the fit of the rela-                                                     Bearing in mind the current limitations of in-
                                                    then combined in some manner across
   tionship between the population being                                                         sured data as compared to population data as
                                                    all the groupings to produce aggregate
   modeled and the reference population.                                                         well as the advantages and disadvantages of
                                                    assumptions. For these models, limiting
	                                                                                                the various modeling approaches in current
                                                    the number of major groupings by cause
	  eference populations could include
   R                                                                                             use, an industry level effort of the following
                                                    of death has been important in maintain-
   long-term historical averages for a speci-                                                    form could produce valuable information to
                                                    ing a sufficient level of credibility.
   fied country (e.g., low mortality coun-                                                       aid actuaries in their efforts to monitor trends
   tries such as Sweden and Japan are                                                            and set assumptions regarding the future.
                                                 •	  isease-based models. A limitation
   often used in this capacity). Another ap-
                                                    of both all-cause and cause-specific
   proach is to assume that future mortality                                                       1.	  onstruct and continually refresh a de-
                                                    mortality models is that any data is re-
   improvements trend from their current                                                               tailed database of information regarding
                                                    stricted to the death itself. Therefore,
   levels to a long-term target assumption                                                             the past and current impact on mortality
                                                    there is no consideration of the poten-
   such as 2- to 2.5-percent per decade.                                                               of various key factors including lifestyle
                                                    tial impact of the timing and develop-

                                                                                                         AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2011    |   THE ACTUARY   |   25

                                                               Changes in levels of disease incidence         global economy and the insurance industry
                                                               including emerging new diseases—               and will require greater attention by actuar-
                                                               Collect data regarding new diseases            ies. This approach allows for the application
                                                               and disease types as well as growth or         of a rigorous modeling methodology in the
                                                               decline in current disease diagnoses.          development of a baseline improvement as-
                                                                                                              sumption, while retaining the element of pro-
                                                               Access to medical care—Follow the              fessional judgment that forms the basis of cur-
                                                               development of the health care re-             rent approaches and allows for incorporation
                                                               form initiative in order to gauge its          of reasoned views regarding the uncertain
                                                               potential impact on future mortality           future. A
                                                               and mortality improvement levels.
                                                                                                              Marianne C. Purushotham, FSA, MAAA, is a senior

                                                           2.	 elect a sound modeling and projec-
                                                               S                                              consultant at Towers Watson. She can be contacted at

             trends and behaviors, past and recent                                                  
                                                               tion methodology, preferably one that
             medical advances, and demographic/                provides a reasonable fit to recent his-
             societal changes utilizing both insur-            torical experience. In determining the          1	
                                                                                                                    “Mortality Improvement Research Paper,” Canadian
             ance industry data and other outside              experience basis for model parameter
                                                                                                                    Institute of Actuaries, September 2010. http://www.
             sources. This information will allow for          development, due consideration will        
             a better understanding of the potential           need to be given to balancing the need          2	
                                                                                                                    “Technical Panel Report on Assumptions and
             impact of changes in these areas on cur-          for a sufficient number of years to reduce           Methods (2007),” Report to the Social Security
             rent and future projections.                      “noise” in the average annual rates with             Advisory Board, Washington D.C., October 2007.
         	                                                     the need for the model to reflect what     

         	A partial list of factors that are expected                                                              REPORT_FINAL_copy.PDF
                                                               has occurred in the recent past.
           to impact future mortality improvement
           levels includes the following:                  3.	  odify the initial results from application
                                                               of the projection technique developed
              Medical advances—Collect data re-                in 2 (above) by applying actuarial and
              garding new advances in health care              other expert judgment regarding future
              that are expected to impact mortality            expectations as to changes in the factors
              improvements (newly introduced di-               discussed in 1 (page 25) and their impact.
              agnostic tests, treatments, phamaceu-
                ticals). Consider the potential reduc-   Some areas that are being closely watched
                tion in mortality and the population     by academicians and the medical commu-
                that will be impacted and the period     nity include obesity levels, smoking habits,
                of time over which the reduction is      and genetic indicators. And there is some
                expected to emerge.                      evidence to support potential slowdowns in
                                                         mortality improvement in the United States
              Lifestyle changes—Track levels of          over the next several decades as a result of
              smoking (number of new smokers             health impacts of increased obesity levels.
              and rates of quitting in adulthood),
              alcohol intake, and levels of obesity      Mortality improvement now has a material im-
              and expected impact on mortality.          pact on financial results in many areas of the


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Act 2011 Vol8 Iss4 Purushotham

  • 1. Article from: The Actuary Magazine August/September 2011 – Volume 8 Issue 4
  • 3. WITH IMPROVED GLOBAL MORTALITY CONFIRMED, THE QUESTION BECOMES, “WHAT ADJUSTMENTS DO ACTUARIES NEED TO MAKE?” THIS ARTICLE ANSWERS THAT AND OTHER QUESTIONS. BY MARIANNE PURUSHOTHAM O Population Life Expectancy at Birth by Country VER THE LAST CENTURY, gen- ­ eral population mortality has im- proved significantly and on a global MALES basis. As this trend appears likely to continue at least over the near term, mortality improve- India ments are expected to continue to impact the viability of national social programs worldwide Japan as well as the financial stability of insurance pro- Australia grams, including pension plans and annuities. 2008 Switzerland 1990 As a result of the current trends in mortality Spain 1950 improvement, insurers have begun to incor- 1900 porate longer term assumptions regarding England/Wales mortality improvement in both pricing and financial projections, resulting in greater Canada scrutiny from both an audit and regulatory perspective. United States To assist actuaries in developing mortality im- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 provement assumptions for various product lines including individual annuities, pension, FEMALES life insurance and long-term care insurance, the Society of Actuaries (SOA) commis- India sioned a research project to compile both his- Japan torical data regarding mortality improvement experience as well as information regarding Australia techniques for modeling future assumptions. 2008 This article provides a general overview of in- Switzerland 1990 formation included in that report. 1950 Spain 1900 MORTALITY IMPROVEMENT England/Wales EXPERIENCE Population Data Canada From 1900 to 1950, enormous strides were made in improving mortality rates on a global United States basis, particularly at ages under 35. This was largely due to an expanded focus on public 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Source: U.S. Census Bureau Estimates from Various Databases, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Changes in Life Expectancy 1900-1990, published 1992 and World Health Organization, Statistics 2010. Males Females AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2011 | THE ACTUARY | 21 4.0%
  • 4. health initiatives in many countries that led to tality between specific ages. Here we discuss experienced a decline in improvement the introduction of large-scale immunization improvements in mortality during key life levels during the current decade. The programs, penicillin and sulfate drugs, and stages for four of the more developed coun- most notable exception to this trend is other disease eradication methods. tries (United States, Canada, United Kingdom Australia, where young adults exhibited and Australia) during the period 1940 to 2007. a notable increase in mortality improve- Since 1950, both in the United States and ment (nearly 4.9 percent per year for across the globe, mortality improvement and The following trends are noted: males and 3.1 percent per year for fe- resulting increases in life expectancy have males) during the period 2000 to 2007. continued, but at a slower pace. The most re- • nfants (the rate of mortality between I cent data from the World Health Organization ages 0 and 1): Rates of mortality im- • iddle Ages (the rate of mortality M indicates that male and female life expectan- provement for infants have slowed in between the ages of 35 and 65): Indi- viduals aged 35 to 65 have experienced UNDERSTANDING THE SOURCES OF PAST IMPROVE- moderate but steady levels of improve- ment in mortality since 1960 (generally MENTS IN MORTALITY CAN BE VALUABLE IN THE between 0.5 and 2.5 percent per year). PROCESS OF DEVELOPING ASSUMPTIONS REGARD- • etirement Ages (the rate of mortal- ING THE FUTURE. R ity between the ages of 65 and 85): In- dividuals between ages 65 and 85 have cies at birth are nearing 80 and 85 respectively recent years in all four countries, from exhibited lower levels of improvement, for many developed nations. highs averaging between 3- and 5-per- with the largest increases occurring be- cent per year between 1940 and 1980 to tween 2000 and 2007 (between 1- and FACTORS AFFECTING POPULATION rates generally less than 2 percent dur- 2-percent per year). MORTALITY IMPROVEMENT LEVELS ing 2000­to 2007. Understanding the sources of past improve- • ld Age (the rate of mortality between O ments in mortality can be valuable in the pro- • hildren (the rate of mortality between C the ages of 85 and 100): Since 1940, the cess of developing assumptions regarding the ages 1 and 20): Greater mortality im- population age 85 and older has exhibited future. Therefore, the SOA report also examined provements were exhibited by this group little or no improvement and even some the correlation between mortality improvement during the period 1940 to 1960 (between deterioration in mortality experience. levels and various demographic factors. 3- and 8-percent per year) as children This observation has led some to theorize and young adults benefited from the that in the future, mortality improvements Age impact of stronger public health initia- are likely to be focused at the older ages Between 1940 and 2006, improvements in tives. Improvements also appear to have where fewer strides have been made to mortality were strong for most age groups, picked up between 1980 and 2000, pos- date. And, there is evidence for increas- including infants, children, sibly due to a decrease in the number of ing improvement levels over the current young adults, the middle deaths from accident or injury. decade for the oldest ages. ages, retirement and old age. • Young Adults (the rate of mortality Gender between ages 20 and 35): Rates of mor- In the United States and Canada between One tool in the analysis of tality improvement for young adults are 1980 and 2000, male improvements out- changes in life expectancy also driven to a large extent by lower paced female improvements by an aver- at birth is the examination rates of accident and injury. With a few age of 0.5 percent per year. In the United of changes in rates of mor- exceptions, this age demographic has Kingdom, males experienced greater 22 | THE ACTUARY | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2011
  • 5. Switzerland 1990 Spain 1950 1900 England/Wales MORTALITY IMPROVEMENTS­ Canada United States status are highly correlated with mortality Differences in Mortality Improvement by Level 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 and mortality improvement experience. The wealthier, more highly educated and mar- of Education Achieved ried populations tend to exhibit lower levels of U.S. WHITE POPULATION mortality and also appear to have experienced larger levels of mortality improvement. As an Males Females example, for the U.S. white male population 4.0% ages 25 to 64, the results of a 2008 study of ex- perience between 1993 and 2001 shows that 3.0% mortality improvements for those with 16 or more years of education were approximately 2.0% twice those of the population as a whole. 1.0% LIFE INSURANCE DATA 0.0% For life insurance in particular, actuar- -1.0% ies have less consistent data on which to base their views regarding future mortal- -2.0% ity improvement levels, especially over the longer term. Care needs to be taken in in- -3.0% terpreting insured data as changes in select -4.0% mortality over time may be impacted more Less than 12 yrs 12 yrs 13-15 yrs 16+ years All Levels by changes in the industry including shifts in the target market, distribution methods, Source: Widening of Socioeconomic Inequalities in U.S. Death Rates, 1993 to 2001, Ahmedin Jemal, Elizabeth Ward, Robert N. Anderson, Taylor Murray, Michael J. underwriting processes or risk classification Thun, published 2008. structures than true improvements in life insured mortality. Data regarding improve- ments in ultimate mortality may be more levels of improvement for ages over 45 Geographic Region reliable since a major factor, the impact of while females experienced greater im- There is data to support some variation in underwriting changes over time, should be provements for ages under 45. And dur- mortality improvement experience by geo- greatly dampened. ing the most recent experience period graphic region for the United States, Canada examined, 2000 to 2007, the pattern of and the United Kingdom, with the lowest Utilizing the results of regular periodic studies gender differences has become blurred levels of improvement generally seen in the of individual life insurance mortality experi- for all three countries. As a result, both more rural and lower-income areas of the ence produced by national actuarial organi- the September 2010 Canadian Institute of countries. These differences were generally zations over the past several decades, chang- Actuaries report1 recommending mortal- small for the experience periods and coun- es in mortality rates for life insureds can be ity improvement levels for individual life tries examined. calculated for the select and ultimate period insurance and annuity products and the for the United States, Canada and the United most recent U.S. Social Security Admin- Socioeconomic Status Kingdom. istration Technical Panel report 2 assume The results of several population-based stud- that differences in mortality improvement ies support the view that socioeconomic Focusing on ultimate period mortality, we note levels by gender will be eliminated over factors such as wealth, income level, high- the following trends in improvements versus the next few decades. est attained level of education, and marital the general population results. AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2011 | THE ACTUARY | 23
  • 6. United States population mortality along with some element ercise. There have been multiple and For the experience period between 1978 of professional judgment. However, in today’s extensive applications of predictive and 2006, the pattern of mortality improve- environment where mortality improvement modeling in the property-casualty insur- ment by age and gender is quite similar assumptions can have a material impact on ance industry for experience analysis, between the insured population in the ul- financial results, actuaries are beginning to fo- pricing, underwriting, claims manage- timate period and the general population. cus greater attention on the analysis and review ment and strategic planning purposes. Insureds and the general population exhib- of past experience, the factors that have influ- Through application of predictive mod- ited similar age patterns of mortality, with enced that experience, and more robust meth- eling, the impact of each of these factors insured mortality improvements slightly ods for developing future assumptions. on mortality or mortality improvement greater than the general population on an is identified, and a model is developed amount basis and slightly lower than the The academic community has made impor- that estimates future values as well as general population on a number of policies tant strides in advancing modeling and projec- the probability of a specified outcome basis. tion techniques for mortality and mortality im- (for example, future mortality improve- provements over the past several decades and ment levels within a specified range) Canada a brief overview of these techniques follows. under various conditions. In Canada between 1972 and 2007, life insureds in the ultimate period also expe- First, mortality projection models generally • xtrapolative projection techniques. E rienced levels of mortality improvement fall into one of the following basic categories. This category of projection models in- similar to or greater than the population in cludes the earliest methods used by ac- general at the typical insurance-buying ages • redictive modeling. A predictive P tuaries, economists and demographers (35 to 84) on an amount basis. model begins with the identification in setting future mortality improvement of a group of factors (predictors) that assumptions based on the projection of United Kingdom can influence future results for a given past trends that were identified in the In the United Kingdom between 1980 and value being estimated, e.g., mortality, historical data. 2000, greater improvement levels were seen mortality improvement or other items for permanent assureds (whole life and en- of interest. Focusing on life insurance A typical extrapolative approach in- dowments policies) than the population in mortality improvement as an exam- volves fitting a model to actual mor- general for males, while female permanent ple, many of the predictors available tality experience for each individual assureds exhibited rates of mortality improve- for traditional experience analysis calendar year in the experience period ment more similar to the population in gener- (e.g., age, gender, product type, smok- available. The parameters underlying al. Note that in the United Kingdom, mortality er status, risk classification) can be the models for each calendar year are data is only available on a number of policies included in a predictive modeling ex- then plotted to identify significant pat- basis at the current time. MORTALITY IMPROVEMENT WANT MORE INFORMATION? PROJECTION TECHNIQUES Today, insured mortality im- This article is based on the SOA sponsored research paper, ”Global provement assumptions Mortality Improvement Experience and Projection Techniques” by Mar- are often developed ianne Purushotham, Emil Valdez, and Huijing Wu. It can be found on the from an extrapo- SOA website at:: lation of past trends in 24 | THE ACTUARY | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2011
  • 7. MORTALITY IMPROVEMENTS­ terns that can aid in the determination ment of disease that may have led to of future parameter values for projec- the death, including the impact of co- tion of future experience. morbidities. In this modeling context, better estimates of future mortality can G ompertz and Weibull are well-known be produced by considering the pro- extrapolative models for mortality pro- gression of disease as well as potential jection over time due to their relative interactions between different existing simplicity. The Gompertz model, for morbidities. However, disease-based example, projects mortality as the sum models are quite complex, typically of an attained age dependent compo- involving multi-state transitions and nent and an attained age independent component. The Lee-Carter model and A LIMITATION OF BOTH ALL-CAUSE AND CAUSE- its many variations have also been used extensively on a global basis, and Lee- SPECIFIC MORTALITY MODELS IS THAT ANY DATA Carter is one of the methods employed IS RESTRICTED TO THE DEATH ITSELF. by the Social Security Administration in the United States for modeling future • ause-of-death specific models. To C corresponding probabilities of transi- levels of mortality improvement. Lee- date, the more common practice has tion that require detailed, longitudinal Carter is a stochastic mortality projec- been to apply one of the models dis- data regarding the treatment and pro- tion model based on the identification cussed earlier to all-cause insured or gression of various diseases. This type of both the impact of attained age and population mortality experience to de- of information has been obtained in calendar year. velop projections of future results. How- the United Kingdom through access ever, it has also been argued that future to patient health databases supporting • elational or targeting methods. R public health care programs. Howev- all-cause mortality experience can only The basic approach for relational pro- er, in the United States, privacy laws be reasonably understood if trends in jection methods is to develop a func- make this type of data difficult, if not specific causes of death and future likely tion F that relates mortality in a specific impossible, to obtain and therefore changes are understood. In theory, any population under study to mortality disease-based models have not been of the models discussed here can be for a reference population. The devel- used extensively to date. applied to the mortality experience for opment of the function F is typically specified cause-of-death groupings and dependent on testing the fit of the rela- Bearing in mind the current limitations of in- then combined in some manner across tionship between the population being sured data as compared to population data as all the groupings to produce aggregate modeled and the reference population. well as the advantages and disadvantages of assumptions. For these models, limiting the various modeling approaches in current the number of major groupings by cause eference populations could include R use, an industry level effort of the following of death has been important in maintain- long-term historical averages for a speci- form could produce valuable information to ing a sufficient level of credibility. fied country (e.g., low mortality coun- aid actuaries in their efforts to monitor trends tries such as Sweden and Japan are and set assumptions regarding the future. • isease-based models. A limitation D often used in this capacity). Another ap- of both all-cause and cause-specific proach is to assume that future mortality 1. onstruct and continually refresh a de- C mortality models is that any data is re- improvements trend from their current tailed database of information regarding stricted to the death itself. Therefore, levels to a long-term target assumption the past and current impact on mortality there is no consideration of the poten- such as 2- to 2.5-percent per decade. of various key factors including lifestyle tial impact of the timing and develop- AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2011 | THE ACTUARY | 25
  • 8. MORTALITY IMPROVEMENTS­ • Changes in levels of disease incidence global economy and the insurance industry including emerging new diseases— and will require greater attention by actuar- Collect data regarding new diseases ies. This approach allows for the application and disease types as well as growth or of a rigorous modeling methodology in the decline in current disease diagnoses. development of a baseline improvement as- sumption, while retaining the element of pro- • Access to medical care—Follow the fessional judgment that forms the basis of cur- development of the health care re- rent approaches and allows for incorporation form initiative in order to gauge its of reasoned views regarding the uncertain potential impact on future mortality future. A and mortality improvement levels. Marianne C. Purushotham, FSA, MAAA, is a senior 2. elect a sound modeling and projec- S consultant at Towers Watson. She can be contacted at trends and behaviors, past and recent tion methodology, preferably one that medical advances, and demographic/ provides a reasonable fit to recent his- ENDNOTES: societal changes utilizing both insur- torical experience. In determining the 1 “Mortality Improvement Research Paper,” Canadian ance industry data and other outside experience basis for model parameter Institute of Actuaries, September 2010. http://www. sources. This information will allow for development, due consideration will a better understanding of the potential need to be given to balancing the need 2 “Technical Panel Report on Assumptions and impact of changes in these areas on cur- for a sufficient number of years to reduce Methods (2007),” Report to the Social Security rent and future projections. “noise” in the average annual rates with Advisory Board, Washington D.C., October 2007. the need for the model to reflect what A partial list of factors that are expected REPORT_FINAL_copy.PDF has occurred in the recent past. to impact future mortality improvement levels includes the following: 3. odify the initial results from application M of the projection technique developed • Medical advances—Collect data re- in 2 (above) by applying actuarial and garding new advances in health care other expert judgment regarding future that are expected to impact mortality expectations as to changes in the factors improvements (newly introduced di- discussed in 1 (page 25) and their impact. agnostic tests, treatments, phamaceu- ticals). Consider the potential reduc- Some areas that are being closely watched tion in mortality and the population by academicians and the medical commu- that will be impacted and the period nity include obesity levels, smoking habits, of time over which the reduction is and genetic indicators. And there is some expected to emerge. evidence to support potential slowdowns in mortality improvement in the United States • Lifestyle changes—Track levels of over the next several decades as a result of smoking (number of new smokers health impacts of increased obesity levels. and rates of quitting in adulthood), alcohol intake, and levels of obesity Mortality improvement now has a material im- and expected impact on mortality. pact on financial results in many areas of the 26 | THE ACTUARY | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2011