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Lebor na hUidre: A Conference
                                                 Royal Irish Academy
                                               22 – 23 November 2012

         Eschatological Themes in Lebor na hUidre: the Body, Judgement and the End

                                                Elizabeth Boyle
                           St Edmund’s College, Cambridge/University College Cork1

1. Ind esergi coitchenn tra bias tall i llo brátha ni hinund 7 ind esergi dianid ainm isind augtartas prestrigia .i.
   esergi fuathaigthi amal in pitóndacht. ł ni inund 7 ind esergi dianid ainm reuolutio .i. tathcor na hanma i
   corpaib ecsamlaib iar ndesmirecht na tathcorthe. ł ind esergi dianid ainm metaformatio .i. tarmchrutad iar
   ndesmirecht na conricht. ł ni inu[n]d 7 ind esergi díanid ainm subductio .i. fothudchestu .i. amal bíte lucht
   ind remeca. ł ind esergi dianid ainm suscitatio .i. toduscud marb tria mírbail. iar ndesmirecht Lazáir. (Scéla
   na esérgi, LU l. 2702-10)
   (‘Now the general resurrection which shall be beyond on the Day of Judgment is not the same as the
   resurrection which in the authority is called praestrigia, that is, an apparitional resurrection, like the
   pythonism. Nor is it the same as the resurrection called revolutio, that is, the transmigration of the soul into
   various bodies, after the example of the transmigrated persons. Nor the resurrection called metaformatio, that
   is, transfiguration, after the example of werewolves. Nor is it the same as the resurrection called subductio,
   that is subduction, as in the case of the prematurely dead. Nor the resurrection called suscitatio, that is, the
   awakening of the dead by a miracle, after the example of Lazarus.’, trans. Stokes, ‘The Tidings’, §33)

2. Bíaid dano and sin mairg 7 íachtad. gol 7 egmech. cnet 7 grechach. cach óenbeoil. 7 mallacht cen chumsanad
   ona pecthachaib fora n-apaid .i. for Díabul. ar iss ed dosbeirsium ic fulang phéne cach olc dorónsat triana
   aslachsom. Ocus mallacht dano úadsom fora manchaib imme .i. forsna pecdachaib ar is moti a píansom féin
   cach olc dorontsatsom triana aslom forro oc aslach cach uilc. (Scéla laí brátha, LU l. 2434-40)
   (‘There will be there, moreover, sorrow and groaning, weeping and wailing, sighs and screaming, from
   every single mouth. And ceaseless malediction from the sinners on their abbot, i.e. on the Devil, for what
   makes them suffer is everything they did at his instigation; and a malediction, moreover, from him on his
   monks around him, i.e. on the sinners, because his own pain is greater for every evil that they did through
   his persuasion, on account of him inducing every evil.’, my translation)

Cf. Würzburg gloss in Stokes and Strachan, Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus I, 665, gloss 26a8: ‘gebtit iudei i n-apid’
(‘the Jews will receive him as abbot’) – as far as I am aware, this is the only other Irish example of the Devil being
described as an abbot.

 I acknowledge the support of the Gerda Henkel Stiftung and the European Union’s M4HUMAN (Mobility for Humanities
Researchers) programme in funding my research through a Marie Curie Fellowship in the Historical Humanities.

3. Matthew 25:31-46 (Vulgate) (italics denote the words which are excluded from the Irish translation of this
   biblical passage in Scéla laí brátha, taken from Mac Gearailt, ‘The Middle Irish Homily’, p. 93)
   Cum autem venerit Filius hominis in maiestate sua et omnes angeli cum eo tunc sedebit super sedem
   maiestatis suae
   Et congreganuntur ante eum omnes gentes et separabit eos ab invicem sicut pastor segregat oves ab hedis
   Et statuet oves quidem a dextris suis hedos autem a sinistris.
   Tunc dicet rex his qui a dextris eius erunt venite benedicti Patris mei possidete paratum vobis regnum a
   constitutione mundi
   Esurivi enim et dedistis mihi manducare sitivi et dedistis mihi bibere hospes eram et collexistis me nudus et
   operuistis me infirmus et visitastis me in carcere eram et venistis ad me
   Tunc respondebunt ei iusti dicentes Domine quando te vidimus esurientem et pavimus sitientem et dedimus
   tibi potem
   quando atuem te vidimus hospitem et colleximus te aut nudum et cooperuimus
   aut quando te vidimus infirmum aut in carcere et venimus ad te
   Et respondens rex dicet illis amen dico vobis quamdiu fecistis uni de his fratribus meis minimis mihi fecistis
   Tunc dicet et his qui a sinistris erunt Discedite a me maledicti in ignem aeternum qui paratus est diabolo et
   angelis eius
   Esurivi enim et non dedistis mihi manducare sitivi et non dedistis mihi potum
   hospes eram et non collexistis me nudus et non operuistis me infirmus et in carcere et non visitastis me
   Tunc respondebunt et ipsi dicentes Domine quando te vidimus esurientem aut sitientem aut hospitem aut
   nudum aut infirmum vel in carcere et non ministravimus tibi
   Tunc respondebit illis dicens amen dico vobis quamdiu non fecistis uni de minoribus his nec mihi fecistis
   Et ibunt hii in supplicium aeternum iusti autem in vitam aeternam

4. Is amlaid iarom atá in chathir sin .i. flaith cen úaill cen díummus cen goí cen écnach cen díupert cen taithlech
   cen gres cen ruci cen mebail cen mélacht cen tnúth cen mórdataid cen teidm cen galar cen bochtai cen
   nochtai cen díth cen díbad cen chasir cen snechta cen gaíth cen flechud cen deilm cen toraind cen dorche cen
   úardataid. flaith úasal adamra aererda co suthi co soilsi co mbolud tíri láin hi fail aerer cech mathiusa. Finit
   amen finit. (Fís Adomnáin, LU l. 2294-2301)
   (‘This, then, is the manner of that City: a Kingdom without pride, or vanity, or falsehood, or outrage, or
   deceit, or pretence, or blushing, or shame, or reproach, or insult, or envy, or arrogance, or pestilence, or
   disease, or poverty, or nakedness, or death, or extinction, or hail, or snow, or wind, or rain, or din, or
   thunder, or darkness, or cold – a noble, admirable, ethereal realm, endowed with the wisdom, and radiance,
   and fragrance of a plenteous land, wherein is the enjoyment of every excellence. Finit – Amen – Finit.’, trans.
   Boswell, An Irish Precursor, p. 47, §35)

5. Na buidne ocus na hairechta dano filet i tír na náeb amal ro radsem bidat marthanaig isin mórglóir sin co
   mordail brátha coros córaigea in brithem firén i llathe ind fugill isna sostaib 7 isna inadaib i mbíat oc déscin
   gnússe Dé cen fial cen forscáth etarru tria bithu na mbetha. (Fís Adomnáin, LU l. 1997-2001)
   (‘The bands and companies which are in the land of the saints abide continually in even such great glory as
   aforesaid, until the great Parliament of Doom, when the righteous judge, on the Day of Judgment, shall
   dispose them in their stations and abiding places, where they shall contemplate God’s countenance, with no
   veil nor shadow between, through ages everlasting.’, trans. Boswell, An Irish Precursor, p. 31, §6)

6. Is and sin arthraigfes in brethem díada isin delb sin inro mided fó brithemain dóenni. Is and sin
   midfedsom co firen forsna dóenib isin deilb in ro mided co hanfirén óna dóenib. (Scéla na esérgi,
   LU l. 2739-2742)

(‘It is then that the divine judge shall appear in that form in which he was judged by a human judge. It is then
    that he himself will judge men justly in the form in which he was judged unjustly by men.’, my translation)

Cf. other uses of antonyms (ecnae/anecnae; eólas/aneólas; etc.) and heavy use of philosophical vocabulary (adbar;
aicned; dliged; folud; teorfégad) and Latin loanwords (augtartás (auctoritas); intliucht (intellectus); scrútan
(scrutinium); teor[fégad] (theoria); umallóit (humilitatem)) throughout.

7. is bréo do loscud. is [s]raigell do esorgain. is fáebur do athcumma. is adaig do erdallud. Is dethach do
   muchad. is croch do phíanad. Is claideb do dígail. is arm úathmar do guin do letrad. is buriud pían. is rubne
   todernam. is bádud is plágud. is [s]raíniud. is brúd. is linud. is tragud. is dód. is leód. is loscud. is [s]lucud. is
   ard. is isel. is roúar. is rothe. is cumung is farsiung. is mór bréni a brothgaile. (Scéla laí brátha, LU 2448-54,
   incorporating in square brackets emendations suggested by Stokes, ‘Tidings of Doomsday’, §21)
   (‘It is a fire for burning; it is a lash for flogging; it is a blade for lacerating; it is a night for blinding; it is
   smoke for suffocating; it is a cross for torturing; it is a sword for vengeance; it is terrifying weaponry for
   wounding and mutilating; it is a screaming of pains; it is a multitude of tortures. It is a drowning; a plaguing;
   a dragging; a pounding; a flooding; an ebbing; a hardship; a hacking; a burning; a swallowing. It is high, low,
   freezing, burning. It is constricted; it is far-reaching. Great is the stench of its steaming flesh.’, my

8. O ro gab iarom ceill for anand 7 for airiseom isin tír sin atchuala ina díaid triasin fíal guth ind aingil no
   forcongrad furre co n-igsed ar cúlu doridisi cosin corp cetna asar escomloi. 7 coro innised i ndálaib 7
   airechtaib 7 i comthinoltaib láech 7 clérech focraice nime 7 píana iffir[n]d feib ro follsig aingel in cóemtechta
   (‘But when he bethought him to rest and tarry in that land, he heard, through the veil, the angel’s voice
   enjoining him to return again into that body whence he had departed, and to rehearse in courts and
   assemblies, and in the great congregations of laymen and of clerics, the rewards of Heaven and the pains of
   Hell, even as his guardian angel had revealed them to him’, trans. Boswell, An Irish Precursor, p. 44, §31)

9. Biblical quotations in Latin and Irish:
   o Scéla laí brátha (LU), l. 2343-4
        Is ed at bera fríu oca cur i n-iffern: Scuchaid dím a mallachtnachu 7 ercid isin tenid suthain ro faíred do
        Díabul 7 dia drochmuintir.

    o    Old-Irish Homily (Yellow Book of Lecan), ed. Strachan, p. 5
         Is dochum iffirnn immurgu cartfaid in Coimdiu na pecthachu i llaithiu brátho, a nasmbéra friu: Ite
         maledicti in ignem aeternum qui praeparatus est Diabolo et angelis eius .i. Eirgid a maldachtachu issin tenid
         suthain; issí ade tene foruired do Diabul cona dóiscarchéilib.

    o    Old-Irish Homily (Dublin RIA 535 [23 P 2]), ed. Meyer, §4
         Is docum ifrinn chartfus in Coimdiu [n]a pect[th]achu il-laithi brátha a n-asmbéra friu: Ite maledicti ignem
         in eternum qui praeparatus est diabolo 7 cetera. Éirgiu, a lucht na mallachtnu, isin teine tsuthain, is í sin
         foruireg do díabul cona dhæsclarslúag.

    o    Sermo ad reges (LB 39b7), ed. Atkinson, p. 161 (Irish) and p. 418 (Latin)
         Discedite a me maledicti in ignem eternum qui p[re]paratus est Diabulo et angelis eius. Scuchaid uam a
         mallachtnachu isin purgatoir suthain ro fuired do Diabul cona drochmuntir.

o    Don Almsain (LB 71b30), ed. Atkinson, p. 213 (Irish) and p. 450 (Latin)
          Discedite a me maledicti in ignem eternum qui preparatus est diabolo et angelis eis. Scuchaid uaim a
          mallachtnachu isin tenid suthain ro fuíred do diabul cona drochmuintir 7 dia dóecurshluag.

Cf. examples of same process in LU vis-à-vis LB version of Fís Adomnáin (Mac Eoin, ‘Observations’, pp. 196-7),
and – significantly – ibid., p. 198, where instances of precept (and related words) in the LB version of Fís Adomnáin
have become forcetol or scél in the LU version.

Selected bibliography

*All quotations from LU texts are from Lebor na hUidre. Book of the Dun Cow, ed. R. I. Best & Osborn Bergin (Dublin, 1929)*

Scéla laí brátha:
•    Elizabeth Boyle, ‘Eschatological Justice in Scéla laí brátha’, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 59 (2010), 39-54
•    David N. Dumville, ‘Scéla lái brátha and the Collation of Leabhar na hUidhre’, Éigse 16 (1975/6), 24-8
•    Uaitéar Mac Gearailt, ‘The Middle Irish Homily Scéla laí brátha’, Apocrypha 20 (2009), 83-114
•    Whitley Stokes, ed. and trans., ‘The Tidings of Doomsday’, Revue celtique 4 (1879-80), 245-57
•    Paul Walsh, ed., ‘Scéla laí brátha’, in Mil na mBeach (Dublin, 1911), pp. 62-8.

Scéla na esérgi:
• Elizabeth Boyle, ‘Neoplatonic Thought in Medieval Ireland: the Evidence of Scéla na esérgi’, Medium Ævum 78
     (2009), 216-30
• John O’Beirne Crowe, ed. and trans., Scela na esergi. A Treatise on the Resurrection (Dublin, 1865)
• Whitley Stokes, ed. and trans., ‘The Tidings of the Resurrection’, Revue celtique 25 (1904), 232-59
• Paul Walsh, ed., ‘Scéla na esérgi’, in Mil na mBeach (Dublin, 1911), pp. 69-78.

• Robert Atkinson, ed. and partial trans., The Passions and the Homilies from Leabhar Breac. Text, Translation and
   Glossary, Todd Lecture Series 2 (Dublin, 1887)
• C. S. Boswell, An Irish Precursor of Dante. A Study on the Vision of Heaven and Hell ascribed to the Eighth-Century
   Irish Saint Adamnán (London, 1908)
•    David N. Dumville, ‘Towards an Interpretation of Fís Adomnán’, Studia Celtica 12-13 (1977-8), 62-77
•    Gearóid Mac Eoin, ‘Observations on some Middle-Irish Homilies’, in Irland und Europa im früheren Mittelalter.
     Bildung und Literatur – Ireland and Europe in the Early Middle Ages. Learning and Literature, ed. Próinséas Ní
     Chatháin & Michael Richter (Stuttgart, 1996), pp. 195-211
•    Martin McNamara, ‘Irish Homilies A.D. 600 – 1100’, in Via Crucis. Essays on Early Medieval Sources and Ideas in
     Memory of J. E. Cross, ed. Thomas N. Hall (Morgantown, 2002), pp. 235-84
•    Kuno Meyer, ed., ‘Eine altirische Homilie’, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 4 (1903), 241–3
•    Pádraig Ó Néill, ‘The Latin Colophon to the “Táin Bó Cúailnge” in the Book of Leinster: A Critical View of
     Old Irish Literature’, Celtica 23 (1999), 269-75
•    John Strachan, ed. and trans., ‘An Old-Irish Homily’, Ériu 3 (1907), 1-10
•    Hildegard L. C. Tristram, Early Insular Preaching: Verbal Artistry and Method of Composition, Sitzungsberichte,
     Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse 623 (Vienna, 1995)
•    Ernst Windisch, ed., ‘Dis Vision des Adamnán’, in his Irische Texte mit Wörterbuch [vol. I] (Leipzig, 1880), pp.


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  • 1. Lebor na hUidre: A Conference Royal Irish Academy 22 – 23 November 2012 Eschatological Themes in Lebor na hUidre: the Body, Judgement and the End Elizabeth Boyle St Edmund’s College, Cambridge/University College Cork1 1. Ind esergi coitchenn tra bias tall i llo brátha ni hinund 7 ind esergi dianid ainm isind augtartas prestrigia .i. esergi fuathaigthi amal in pitóndacht. ł ni inund 7 ind esergi dianid ainm reuolutio .i. tathcor na hanma i corpaib ecsamlaib iar ndesmirecht na tathcorthe. ł ind esergi dianid ainm metaformatio .i. tarmchrutad iar ndesmirecht na conricht. ł ni inu[n]d 7 ind esergi díanid ainm subductio .i. fothudchestu .i. amal bíte lucht ind remeca. ł ind esergi dianid ainm suscitatio .i. toduscud marb tria mírbail. iar ndesmirecht Lazáir. (Scéla na esérgi, LU l. 2702-10) (‘Now the general resurrection which shall be beyond on the Day of Judgment is not the same as the resurrection which in the authority is called praestrigia, that is, an apparitional resurrection, like the pythonism. Nor is it the same as the resurrection called revolutio, that is, the transmigration of the soul into various bodies, after the example of the transmigrated persons. Nor the resurrection called metaformatio, that is, transfiguration, after the example of werewolves. Nor is it the same as the resurrection called subductio, that is subduction, as in the case of the prematurely dead. Nor the resurrection called suscitatio, that is, the awakening of the dead by a miracle, after the example of Lazarus.’, trans. Stokes, ‘The Tidings’, §33) 2. Bíaid dano and sin mairg 7 íachtad. gol 7 egmech. cnet 7 grechach. cach óenbeoil. 7 mallacht cen chumsanad ona pecthachaib fora n-apaid .i. for Díabul. ar iss ed dosbeirsium ic fulang phéne cach olc dorónsat triana aslachsom. Ocus mallacht dano úadsom fora manchaib imme .i. forsna pecdachaib ar is moti a píansom féin cach olc dorontsatsom triana aslom forro oc aslach cach uilc. (Scéla laí brátha, LU l. 2434-40) (‘There will be there, moreover, sorrow and groaning, weeping and wailing, sighs and screaming, from every single mouth. And ceaseless malediction from the sinners on their abbot, i.e. on the Devil, for what makes them suffer is everything they did at his instigation; and a malediction, moreover, from him on his monks around him, i.e. on the sinners, because his own pain is greater for every evil that they did through his persuasion, on account of him inducing every evil.’, my translation) Cf. Würzburg gloss in Stokes and Strachan, Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus I, 665, gloss 26a8: ‘gebtit iudei i n-apid’ (‘the Jews will receive him as abbot’) – as far as I am aware, this is the only other Irish example of the Devil being described as an abbot. 1 I acknowledge the support of the Gerda Henkel Stiftung and the European Union’s M4HUMAN (Mobility for Humanities Researchers) programme in funding my research through a Marie Curie Fellowship in the Historical Humanities. 1
  • 2. 3. Matthew 25:31-46 (Vulgate) (italics denote the words which are excluded from the Irish translation of this biblical passage in Scéla laí brátha, taken from Mac Gearailt, ‘The Middle Irish Homily’, p. 93) Cum autem venerit Filius hominis in maiestate sua et omnes angeli cum eo tunc sedebit super sedem maiestatis suae Et congreganuntur ante eum omnes gentes et separabit eos ab invicem sicut pastor segregat oves ab hedis Et statuet oves quidem a dextris suis hedos autem a sinistris. Tunc dicet rex his qui a dextris eius erunt venite benedicti Patris mei possidete paratum vobis regnum a constitutione mundi Esurivi enim et dedistis mihi manducare sitivi et dedistis mihi bibere hospes eram et collexistis me nudus et operuistis me infirmus et visitastis me in carcere eram et venistis ad me Tunc respondebunt ei iusti dicentes Domine quando te vidimus esurientem et pavimus sitientem et dedimus tibi potem quando atuem te vidimus hospitem et colleximus te aut nudum et cooperuimus aut quando te vidimus infirmum aut in carcere et venimus ad te Et respondens rex dicet illis amen dico vobis quamdiu fecistis uni de his fratribus meis minimis mihi fecistis Tunc dicet et his qui a sinistris erunt Discedite a me maledicti in ignem aeternum qui paratus est diabolo et angelis eius Esurivi enim et non dedistis mihi manducare sitivi et non dedistis mihi potum hospes eram et non collexistis me nudus et non operuistis me infirmus et in carcere et non visitastis me Tunc respondebunt et ipsi dicentes Domine quando te vidimus esurientem aut sitientem aut hospitem aut nudum aut infirmum vel in carcere et non ministravimus tibi Tunc respondebit illis dicens amen dico vobis quamdiu non fecistis uni de minoribus his nec mihi fecistis Et ibunt hii in supplicium aeternum iusti autem in vitam aeternam 4. Is amlaid iarom atá in chathir sin .i. flaith cen úaill cen díummus cen goí cen écnach cen díupert cen taithlech cen gres cen ruci cen mebail cen mélacht cen tnúth cen mórdataid cen teidm cen galar cen bochtai cen nochtai cen díth cen díbad cen chasir cen snechta cen gaíth cen flechud cen deilm cen toraind cen dorche cen úardataid. flaith úasal adamra aererda co suthi co soilsi co mbolud tíri láin hi fail aerer cech mathiusa. Finit amen finit. (Fís Adomnáin, LU l. 2294-2301) (‘This, then, is the manner of that City: a Kingdom without pride, or vanity, or falsehood, or outrage, or deceit, or pretence, or blushing, or shame, or reproach, or insult, or envy, or arrogance, or pestilence, or disease, or poverty, or nakedness, or death, or extinction, or hail, or snow, or wind, or rain, or din, or thunder, or darkness, or cold – a noble, admirable, ethereal realm, endowed with the wisdom, and radiance, and fragrance of a plenteous land, wherein is the enjoyment of every excellence. Finit – Amen – Finit.’, trans. Boswell, An Irish Precursor, p. 47, §35) 5. Na buidne ocus na hairechta dano filet i tír na náeb amal ro radsem bidat marthanaig isin mórglóir sin co mordail brátha coros córaigea in brithem firén i llathe ind fugill isna sostaib 7 isna inadaib i mbíat oc déscin gnússe Dé cen fial cen forscáth etarru tria bithu na mbetha. (Fís Adomnáin, LU l. 1997-2001) (‘The bands and companies which are in the land of the saints abide continually in even such great glory as aforesaid, until the great Parliament of Doom, when the righteous judge, on the Day of Judgment, shall dispose them in their stations and abiding places, where they shall contemplate God’s countenance, with no veil nor shadow between, through ages everlasting.’, trans. Boswell, An Irish Precursor, p. 31, §6) 6. Is and sin arthraigfes in brethem díada isin delb sin inro mided fó brithemain dóenni. Is and sin midfedsom co firen forsna dóenib isin deilb in ro mided co hanfirén óna dóenib. (Scéla na esérgi, LU l. 2739-2742) 2
  • 3. (‘It is then that the divine judge shall appear in that form in which he was judged by a human judge. It is then that he himself will judge men justly in the form in which he was judged unjustly by men.’, my translation) Cf. other uses of antonyms (ecnae/anecnae; eólas/aneólas; etc.) and heavy use of philosophical vocabulary (adbar; aicned; dliged; folud; teorfégad) and Latin loanwords (augtartás (auctoritas); intliucht (intellectus); scrútan (scrutinium); teor[fégad] (theoria); umallóit (humilitatem)) throughout. 7. is bréo do loscud. is [s]raigell do esorgain. is fáebur do athcumma. is adaig do erdallud. Is dethach do muchad. is croch do phíanad. Is claideb do dígail. is arm úathmar do guin do letrad. is buriud pían. is rubne todernam. is bádud is plágud. is [s]raíniud. is brúd. is linud. is tragud. is dód. is leód. is loscud. is [s]lucud. is ard. is isel. is roúar. is rothe. is cumung is farsiung. is mór bréni a brothgaile. (Scéla laí brátha, LU 2448-54, incorporating in square brackets emendations suggested by Stokes, ‘Tidings of Doomsday’, §21) (‘It is a fire for burning; it is a lash for flogging; it is a blade for lacerating; it is a night for blinding; it is smoke for suffocating; it is a cross for torturing; it is a sword for vengeance; it is terrifying weaponry for wounding and mutilating; it is a screaming of pains; it is a multitude of tortures. It is a drowning; a plaguing; a dragging; a pounding; a flooding; an ebbing; a hardship; a hacking; a burning; a swallowing. It is high, low, freezing, burning. It is constricted; it is far-reaching. Great is the stench of its steaming flesh.’, my translation) 8. O ro gab iarom ceill for anand 7 for airiseom isin tír sin atchuala ina díaid triasin fíal guth ind aingil no forcongrad furre co n-igsed ar cúlu doridisi cosin corp cetna asar escomloi. 7 coro innised i ndálaib 7 airechtaib 7 i comthinoltaib láech 7 clérech focraice nime 7 píana iffir[n]d feib ro follsig aingel in cóemtechta di. (‘But when he bethought him to rest and tarry in that land, he heard, through the veil, the angel’s voice enjoining him to return again into that body whence he had departed, and to rehearse in courts and assemblies, and in the great congregations of laymen and of clerics, the rewards of Heaven and the pains of Hell, even as his guardian angel had revealed them to him’, trans. Boswell, An Irish Precursor, p. 44, §31) 9. Biblical quotations in Latin and Irish: o Scéla laí brátha (LU), l. 2343-4 Is ed at bera fríu oca cur i n-iffern: Scuchaid dím a mallachtnachu 7 ercid isin tenid suthain ro faíred do Díabul 7 dia drochmuintir. o Old-Irish Homily (Yellow Book of Lecan), ed. Strachan, p. 5 Is dochum iffirnn immurgu cartfaid in Coimdiu na pecthachu i llaithiu brátho, a nasmbéra friu: Ite maledicti in ignem aeternum qui praeparatus est Diabolo et angelis eius .i. Eirgid a maldachtachu issin tenid suthain; issí ade tene foruired do Diabul cona dóiscarchéilib. o Old-Irish Homily (Dublin RIA 535 [23 P 2]), ed. Meyer, §4 Is docum ifrinn chartfus in Coimdiu [n]a pect[th]achu il-laithi brátha a n-asmbéra friu: Ite maledicti ignem in eternum qui praeparatus est diabolo 7 cetera. Éirgiu, a lucht na mallachtnu, isin teine tsuthain, is í sin foruireg do díabul cona dhæsclarslúag. o Sermo ad reges (LB 39b7), ed. Atkinson, p. 161 (Irish) and p. 418 (Latin) Discedite a me maledicti in ignem eternum qui p[re]paratus est Diabulo et angelis eius. Scuchaid uam a mallachtnachu isin purgatoir suthain ro fuired do Diabul cona drochmuntir. 3
  • 4. o Don Almsain (LB 71b30), ed. Atkinson, p. 213 (Irish) and p. 450 (Latin) Discedite a me maledicti in ignem eternum qui preparatus est diabolo et angelis eis. Scuchaid uaim a mallachtnachu isin tenid suthain ro fuíred do diabul cona drochmuintir 7 dia dóecurshluag. Cf. examples of same process in LU vis-à-vis LB version of Fís Adomnáin (Mac Eoin, ‘Observations’, pp. 196-7), and – significantly – ibid., p. 198, where instances of precept (and related words) in the LB version of Fís Adomnáin have become forcetol or scél in the LU version. Selected bibliography *All quotations from LU texts are from Lebor na hUidre. Book of the Dun Cow, ed. R. I. Best & Osborn Bergin (Dublin, 1929)* Scéla laí brátha: • Elizabeth Boyle, ‘Eschatological Justice in Scéla laí brátha’, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 59 (2010), 39-54 • David N. Dumville, ‘Scéla lái brátha and the Collation of Leabhar na hUidhre’, Éigse 16 (1975/6), 24-8 • Uaitéar Mac Gearailt, ‘The Middle Irish Homily Scéla laí brátha’, Apocrypha 20 (2009), 83-114 • Whitley Stokes, ed. and trans., ‘The Tidings of Doomsday’, Revue celtique 4 (1879-80), 245-57 • Paul Walsh, ed., ‘Scéla laí brátha’, in Mil na mBeach (Dublin, 1911), pp. 62-8. Scéla na esérgi: • Elizabeth Boyle, ‘Neoplatonic Thought in Medieval Ireland: the Evidence of Scéla na esérgi’, Medium Ævum 78 (2009), 216-30 • John O’Beirne Crowe, ed. and trans., Scela na esergi. A Treatise on the Resurrection (Dublin, 1865) • Whitley Stokes, ed. and trans., ‘The Tidings of the Resurrection’, Revue celtique 25 (1904), 232-59 • Paul Walsh, ed., ‘Scéla na esérgi’, in Mil na mBeach (Dublin, 1911), pp. 69-78. Other: • Robert Atkinson, ed. and partial trans., The Passions and the Homilies from Leabhar Breac. Text, Translation and Glossary, Todd Lecture Series 2 (Dublin, 1887) • C. S. Boswell, An Irish Precursor of Dante. A Study on the Vision of Heaven and Hell ascribed to the Eighth-Century Irish Saint Adamnán (London, 1908) • David N. Dumville, ‘Towards an Interpretation of Fís Adomnán’, Studia Celtica 12-13 (1977-8), 62-77 • Gearóid Mac Eoin, ‘Observations on some Middle-Irish Homilies’, in Irland und Europa im früheren Mittelalter. Bildung und Literatur – Ireland and Europe in the Early Middle Ages. Learning and Literature, ed. Próinséas Ní Chatháin & Michael Richter (Stuttgart, 1996), pp. 195-211 • Martin McNamara, ‘Irish Homilies A.D. 600 – 1100’, in Via Crucis. Essays on Early Medieval Sources and Ideas in Memory of J. E. Cross, ed. Thomas N. Hall (Morgantown, 2002), pp. 235-84 • Kuno Meyer, ed., ‘Eine altirische Homilie’, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 4 (1903), 241–3 • Pádraig Ó Néill, ‘The Latin Colophon to the “Táin Bó Cúailnge” in the Book of Leinster: A Critical View of Old Irish Literature’, Celtica 23 (1999), 269-75 • John Strachan, ed. and trans., ‘An Old-Irish Homily’, Ériu 3 (1907), 1-10 • Hildegard L. C. Tristram, Early Insular Preaching: Verbal Artistry and Method of Composition, Sitzungsberichte, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse 623 (Vienna, 1995) • Ernst Windisch, ed., ‘Dis Vision des Adamnán’, in his Irische Texte mit Wörterbuch [vol. I] (Leipzig, 1880), pp. 165-96 4