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BiEl IsumShilElElohEl RahmunAlazi IzuEl 
Li (for)EL (the) 
Sanu (Yr)AtnedAtned (2020), wa (and) gihaadi (beyond). 
Many refer toEthiopia (Aksume) as theKingdom ofMeroe andNapata, but 
the official name is Kuwsh.So called scholars who were trying to hide the fact 
that these are all the same people using various names.The PaTama-Hu 
man’s motto has been “divide and conquer” since the beginning of time.When 
you kill off a person you kill off his whole race.This is what he refers to as 
genocide (Gene-Ocide).Remember the whole family lives on through pro 
creation -MakuBlackEagle!
   
“TheNoop:The symbol of life or death (TheZoop) that can be worn or shown on the proper 
persons and places for them, the same way each time that conditions are the same.” 
TheUniversalNooneUnification Kingdom 
©NEY051H/ 68 Yr, 5 
Information/Outformation transmitted herein, as Inspiration and Revelation directly 
fromABSOLUTENATURE, checked bySound Right Reason, is intended 
for members ofTHEPTAH-KIND(Afrekeyan,Ethiopian,Nuwbun) RACE 
as Flesh-and-Blood Peoples inTheir RightMind, to whom it is addressed, and 
contains confidential, proprietary, and/or privileged material, although it may be read 
by anyone on FatherEarth.Any review, re-transmission, dissemination, or other use 
(or misuse) of thisCorrect Information/Outformation by persons, other than the 
intended recipient(s), is prohibited byTheBindingUniversal Laws of 
Table ofContents 
Ques:Who are you? ........................................ Pg. 11 
Ques:What isNuwaubu (NooneOpposite) and where 
did it come 
from? ………………………………………………………………………..Pg. 14 
TheChurchOfSatanThrivesOnWhat You 
Buy……………………………………………………………….. Pg. 26 
Laws ofNature ………………………………………………. Pg. 58 
Ques:So what will happen to all the orders, societies, 
and schoolsTheMasterTeacher took us 
through? ……………………………………………………………………….…Pg. 
BasicNooneUniversityCurriculum……………. Pg. 358 
We accept as fact! ………………………………………. Pg.466
   
NEO-NewEthiopianOrder -Aksumaat 
At one time, all ofAfrekeya and the nearby surrounded lands, before the parting of 
Afrekeya andAsia and other territories were called “Ethiopia” or “Ether -Utopia” (Genes 
of Isis 2:13) called Kuwsh, calledKish in pre-bible times, is nowElHabasha and theAtlantic 
Also, the 
Galla People ofEthiopiaState “Apraka” means “sunny,” hence the name “Afrekeyan” would 
mean “Sun”Shiny People”…and whatever the Indigenous Peoples of the so-called continent 
called themselves, that is their names—even no name at all! 
The writer and devotee ofNu (NooneUniversity), of theNewEthiopianOrder a 
(Noonebu)NoboohuOnoo also known as LawiyBarHaadiZodokShamu-Eil 
subscribing to the 1 seat of council of the 24Elders 
referred to as “Akatri-El” meaning theCrown ofElStanding as a 
pillar of (Atun-Re) ( from the ninth chamber called theAEO(Ancient 
EgiptianOrder) known asDjihutimaatShuAtun (currently a 
Yazum (initiate) of (NIO/NEO/AEO).Aspirant known asNoboohuOnoo forTrue 
culture society calledNoon/NoopooHis the way of life 
(Hui) this Pitchnova (Ptahite) writer and future scribe has inherited to help our society 
perfect, protect, and persistently evolve with our planet.As FatherOrb “Ta.”Speeds up to 
take his next journey into the higher realms.We PITCHNOVAS, are the aiders of 
(Most high) including our orbit home (Ta.)Gepoo 
(Earth deityGEB) formally calledTiamaatWelcome! 
I call to accept this truth as bestowed upon me by the masters, who guide my pen, for of myself 
I could not have done the works of it. (Pen)
The flag ofMorocco as used today, red with a green interlocking five pointed star, is 
just that; “The FlagOfMorocco,”Not aUniversal Flag ofTheMoors,Which is 
Black Red andGreen, and you may add on it the symbol of your choice or you can 
have your own, tribe, or religious flag. 
Pitchnovaian Flag!
   
This scroll was made for one reason to liberate my people, the lost but 
now found future luminaries of the world.Now referred to as Pitchnovas 
(Black NewStars)!Which are thought by 6 ether adverse forces called 
leviathan, kingu, and ZoopooH. They areAnimal spirits born of the 
fallen angel known as “Animaal” the third of the 200 fallen cherubim; 
Lucifer was third of his order as it is written in theHolyTablets; chapter 
one, tablet three, 5 verse!He and his children have been helping bring 
down our divinity and made many of us fall far from grace. Rising like a 
phoenix of out its ashes, though we have been kidnapped and put into 
bondage and even sold on slave blocks like sheep.The reason I call to my 
lost but now found sheep of “theHouse ofAnu”;AlyunAlyun El, 'The 
MostHigh because we are alone in our sorrows and afflictions being 
stripped of our identity and indigenous heritage.The educated are but 
fools among us.Where is the wise?Where are the new scribes of Right 
knowledge? Where are the interpreters of the world?Has not the 
MasterTeacher “Amunnubi Rooakhptah” made the foolish confound 
the wise and meek to confound the mighty!
Novenary IntelligenceOrder 
I have devoted my life while on this planet to resurrection and rise of the 
mentally dead, with me being one who is resurrecting from the mummy state. 
Never did I know that theEvil one had the world mentally and physically under 
a spell of self-hate and kind. I know my greatest dilemma and hindrance will be 
theBlackDevil.Born among us, by us, married to us, socializing with us, 
praying in the same sacred houses of worship with us, as us; but secretly they 
have a spiritual pack with theDevil (Deviation ), which makes it near impossible 
for them to totally adhere toNuwaupu and its opposite (NoopooH), their very 
Nature won’t let them. It’s in their seed fromGenes of Isis 3:15 and 1 Peter 5:9. 
It’s not about race when it comes to the devil (Deviation) but, for the few 
chosen from the many called, I will fish looking for thoseBeings,Which wish to 
become one withTheSupreme inAll.Those that wish to know the way, the 
truth (ElHag), and the light (ElNuwr ) to our heavenly father (Anu) creator 
of all and his chosen anointed one’sNoonebu. (Psalms 2:2) “TheKings of the 
earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the 
Noonebu, and against his anointed saying”So I YazumDjihutimaat Shu 
Atun ( 
as I willBe called on my long journey on a short path through theMystical 
realms,The incarnation ofHaru “Horus” companion of theGreatHierophant: 
I-M-Hotep, devotee of theGreatTum, known asAtum-Re, TheScribe of 
theSecret Doctrine,Conferrer of the 720Degrees In theSecret Number 9. 
TheGuardian ofThe 9Th.Gate, Raising from theNinthChamber the 
Secret,Which will give you the Power to realign yourselves. He was there, 
which isHereWhen the word “Let there be light” was uttered.Standing the 
test of time being questioned by scholars and historians of all religions and 
denominations.So I am capable of answering the unanswered and solving the 
problems of the world; yet my personal interest is in each & every one of you, I 
am not the Lord JesusChrist nor am I aHoly man or a preacher. I am a 
Master StudentTeacher, in the body ofKarast (Anointed 9 ether form). I
   
have been Resurrected in theWest byA.E.O,O.E.M.ObyThe healing 
wings ofAmunnubi Rooakhptah (Malachi 4:2)TheSpiritualOrder of our 
Ancestors (A.M.O.N),TheEgiptians,Ethiopians, and Your true bloodline 
under the Reincarnation ofNeter:Amunnubi, YourAaferti “Pharaoh” for this 
day and time “Atum-Re,The first point of resurrection from ignorance toThe 
RightKnowledge,The RightWisdom andThe RightOverstanding.The 
True Potentate (1Timothy 6:15) “Which in his times he shall shew, who is the 
blessed and only Potentate, theKing ofKings, and lord shew, who is the 
blessed and only Potentate, theKing of kings, and lord (Neb) of lords 
(Noonebu);”TheAmen (Revelation 3:14), I will beBlending the facts from 
each of the religions most interesting to my People.We will learn to live in 
oneness revealing the misconceptions of the doctrines that plagued and 
diseased the minds of our people.Many take offense to that practice, but I am 
sorry the truth must be told, for the very soul ofElNeter is at risk. (Maat) 
Among ourArabic forum ofEl Islaam in the degree ofMuhammadism, I would 
like to be known as LeviShimoonBathallah -AbdullahStanding on the 
teachings ofAsSayyid IsaAlHaadiAlMahdiOr simply Imaam Isa. 
Studying many dialects as well as the classical Arabic Language,Galilean and 
Syriac Language, Reading the translated word for word without biasness in 
favor of the Islaamic Religion,ElsHolyQuraan.AsUnitedNuwaubian 
Nation ofMoors underNayyaMalachi Z. York-El,WhoRepublished and 
Revised theHolyKoranCircle Seven.The connection with theN.O.I 
“Nation of Islam” known asTheBlackMuslims, he encouraged me to do an in-depth 
study of the teachings ofMasterW.D. Fard,Allah in person to his final 
Messenger,TheHonorableElijahMuhammad.He released several books 
explaining in-depth.Their doctrine, which led him to anotherEx-member of the 
Nation of Islaam called Clarence 13X, Aself-styledAllah who founded the 5 
PercentNation ofGods andGoddesses.He collected data and published 
The ProblemBook.Their interpretation ofTheEnglish class lessons of the 
Nation of Islam.Among theHebrew Israelite, while in theDegree of 
Mosesism I would like to be known asLewiySimeon orShelomoh Bar
Bethuel student of the Rabboni: YashuaBarElHaady. Through the 
School of Judaism, I am studyingElHolyTorah andEl Psalms.Among the 
Christians and their forum. In the degree ofChristism, I would like to be known 
as Lawiy ZodokShamu-El. IShamu-El studied the translated and explained 
version of theBook of Revelation, from theGalilean Arabic and theAncient 
Greek, to reveal the false teachings by Paul of another Jesus andAnother 
Gospel (GhostSpell) and another spirit (Galatians 1:6) Awhole new religion 
taught to my people and they accepted it (2Thessalonians 2:11)The title and 
nameChristian was not what the Lord andSavior (now liberator) calls his 
followers. The wordChristian came fromAntioch (Acts 11:26).We,The 
Children ofNeterShilNeteru (NoopooH) and decedents ofYashuaHa 
Messiah (Heru) our template savior and now Liberator, The willing Sacrifice. 
In this day and time, I have and continue to study theHolyTablets,Our own 
scripture that each day, as scientist, astronomers, paleontologist, and the likes 
uncover and reveal new evidence confirming that in indeed it is divinely inspired, 
and not merely a book but a revelation aHolyScripture with prophecies of the 
future which are happening daily. Also I have studied and continue to study 
TheEgiptian Book of theDead and theBehind theNineBall andBible 
Interpretations andExplanations also theNature ofNature books and our 
Noon Philosophy and science. I feel it is my duty as a leader and continuing to 
theTrue Reformer and Liberator to my people to make that which is unclear 
clear (ElSafuyKazun –TheClear VisionTablet).TheAncientEgiptian 
OrderA.E.O,O.E.M.O,A.M.O.N,TheTrueOrder ofTheEgiptians 
that which gave birth to all others and in this day and time (N.E.O-New 
EthiopianOrder).A.M.O.M.Was the fastest growing movement for world 
peace of the new millennium.N.E.OYou have found your way to that which 
you have sought all your life.Don’t believe a word I say, “Check it out for 
“Only fools duck when the truth is thrown at them”
   
Walk in the sun, as if all can see you at all time.Bathe in 
the light of the sun as if it can, as it does, heal all things. 
Take each step in its warmth as if the sun is your true 
loving parent, and think of it as the source of all life, as we 
all know it is. For without the sun there would be no life as 
we know it this we all know.” -Atum-Re 
Genes of Isis 10:8 
“AndCush begatNimrod:He began to be a mighty one 
in theEarth” 
Ques:Who are you? 
An: I am anElected being here to serve all. I come with 
healing in my wings (Malachi 4:2) as for you who fear out 
of reverenceAnuAlyun,AlyunEl.My name by birth is 
LarrySimon orSolomonShelton, Jr. I realized at the 
age of 17 I was born a child of theMostHigh (Psalms 
82:6) called by mostGod,Thehos,Allah,Elohim, 
Yahweh and even Jah. In theHebrew my name would be 
“LewiySimeon orShelomohBarBethuel” InArabic 
its “LeviShimoon orSulaymaanBathallah” and “Levi” 
pronounced Laa-wee inAshuric /Syriac /Arabic 
meaning “Joining” and “Lewiy” pronounced Le-we in 
Hebrew (ibriy)/Aramic means “Enjoining the law” and 
“Simeon” pronouncedSham-own inHebrew(ibriy) / 
Aramic andSham-Oon inAshuric,Syriac /Arabic 
meaning “hearing” “Solomon” pronouncedShe-lomoh in 
Hebrew (ibriy) /Aramic andSulaymaan inAshuric, 
Syriac /Arabic meaning “peaceful one” “Bethuel” 
pronouncedBe-Thoo-El inHebrew (ibriy) /Aramic 
andBath-Al-Laah meaning “House of theEl”The 
year was 1989 when things were beginning to take a toll 
on my people ofNubian descent. Three years after the
   
sighting of the commit “Halley”On 24.Th.ofSeptember 
at 1:36 a.mSunday morning atBen-TaubMemorial 
Herman (Hermes)Hospital. It’s not important, who 
(HU), (HUWA) wrote this book, the question is the 
answer. Our Royal andNobleSirName (surname) is 
NoopooH; nevertheless, we should not get caught up on 
names right now. It is not as important to know my 
personal names, because knowing who I am “individually” 
is not as important as it is to check out this Inspiration 
and Revelation being reveal.TheNature of the Lower 
Mind is to discredit an author(s) by scrutinizing him, her, 
or them in a physical way. I do not want to be exalted as 
“special” which will take the reader away fromCorrect 
Information being relayed.Go to the second page after 
cover of the book and you will find what you are asking 
Levi son of Jacob 
Gene of Isis 35:23 
Ques:Now then, may I ask what are you? 
An: Yes, I am a sacrificial Lamb now aEthiopian Lion 
(El) helping the real messiahAtum-re 
Liberate our people, withAtun-re sitting theHighest 
seat mistaken for the messiah Jesus of 2ooo years ago, 
who returned in 2007 with the mission of saving the 
children and the world. I am here to affirm and fulfill all the 
laws of the prophets, news bearers, and those sent like 
our “AafertiAmunnubi Rooakhptah” withNuwaubu to 
guide us to the true way of life which isNoopooH/ 
Noon (Noology)!ThisMasterStudentTutor (Guide
   
-Haadi) and Professor (Noologist) ofNuUniversity is 
aDoctor ofTheology,History, and comparative 
religious study as well asSemitic language and now 
Noology; meaning the science of understanding now 
called sound right reasoning or science of the mind.Also 
a doctor to cure the untruths with pure facts. Listen to 
Reason!This Pitchnova is surely a liberator and not a 
savior because the time for the savior has passed, and it 
is now time for the Liberator, and the Liberator is 
NoopooH/Nous!The powers ofSound Right 
reason,TheMental Resurrector and Liberator, 
because mental liberation presupposes spiritual and 
physical Liberation. Leaders and Rulers of the planet 
“Earth” be informed that they should welcome the 
announcement, communication, and coming of the 
LiberatorSolutionist NoboohuOnoo-NoopooH 
Ques:What isNuwaubu and where did it come from? 
An: “Nuwaubu” which is “Nabiy” inArabic 
and “Nebo” inHebrew meaningNews bearer. “Nun 
WehBeh”.Nun which is the fourteenth letter of many
Semitic abjads, including Phoenician,Aramaic,Hebrew 
andArabic alphabet nun (in abjadi order). It is the third 
letter inThaana, pronounced as "noonu". Its sound value 
is 50.Waw (wah, also vau or vav) is the sixth letter of the 
NorthwestSemitic family of scripts, including 
Phoenician,Aramaic,Hebrew,Syriac, andArabic 
("sixth" in abjadi order; it is 27th in modernArabic order) 
Vav literally means hook, peg, and or spear and it sound 
value it is 6.The letterBet,Beth,Beh, or Vet is the 
second letter of manySemitic abjads, includingArabic 
alphabet “Ba” inAramaic,Hebrew, Phoenician and 
Syriac. It sound value is 2. (50+6+2=58)Symbolic of 
Atun-reTheUnique one; the 50th attribute in the 
Egiptian pantheon, andAmun -The hidden one also 
calledNun the sixth attribute in theEgiptian pantheon, 
and Kek orAnshar (Saturn) who is the father ofAnu 
also calledAnnu meaning the city of the sun!Who is also 
Nu which is the second attributeWhich is who created 
bothNoopooHandNuwaubu,Given to the son of 
Melchizedek (Murduk / murduk )The Phoenician 
king or theEgiptianDeityTehuti andThe Laws given 
to all the prophets, new bearers and one's sent (Rasulaat)
   
is the message and true way of life allNews bearers sent, 
appointed byAnu,AlyunAlyunEl (NeterShil 
Neteru ) who was appointed byElKuluwm (TheAll). 
Listen to reason!Nuwaubu is the logos (/ˈloʊɡɒs/, 
/ˈlɒɡɒs/, or /ˈloʊɡoʊs/;Greek: λόγος, from λέγωlego "I say") 
is an important term in philosophy, psychology, rhetoric, and 
religion.Originally a word meaning "a ground", "a plea", "an 
opinion", "an expectation", "word", "speech", "account", "to 
reason" it became a technical term in philosophy, beginning with 
Heraclitus (ca. 535–475BC), who used the term for a principle 
of order and knowledge.Ancient philosophers used the term in 
different ways.The sophists used the term to mean discourse, 
andAristotle applied the term to refer to "reasoned discourse" 
or "the argument" in the field of rhetoric. TheStoic 
philosophers identified the term with the divine animating 
principle pervading theUniverse.TheGospel of John 
identifies the Logos, through which all things are made, as divine 
(theos), and further identifies Jesus as the incarnateLogos. 
Despite the conventional translation as "word", it is not used for 
a word in the grammatical sense; instead, the term lexis(λέξις) was 
used.However, both logos and lexis derive from the same verb 
legō (λέγω), meaning "to count, tell, say, speak".
Ques:So what doesNuwaubu have to do with the 
   
An:Nuwaubu orNuwaupu is just a child’s science when 
compared to the science ofNoopooH/Noone.Our 
new name as a people for this sun cycle is Pitchnovas 
meaning “new black stars”We only will make references 
to moon cycle names and titles such asAfrekeyan 
American,Moors,Nuwaubian,Ethiopian, etc.To help 
allNoonebu's (Adherents ofNoone -Noologist) 
overstand the changes that will be taking place during 
this new sun cycle called the Libra cycle. 
Ques: Is theNewEthiopianOrder apart of theNew 
WorldOrder or Illuminati? 
Ans:NewEthiopianOrder is not a “SecretOrder” or 
Fraternity /Sorority like Freemasons orShriners or 
any lesser orGreaterMysterySchool so-calledMystic 
Orders ofGreek,Egiptian, and or 
Mesopotamian/Sumerian Pantheism, whether viewed as 
Ancient orModern; we areDiscreet andTactful in our 
PositiveWords andWorks, but are notSecret Keepers; 
we, as prescribed byNoone,Although “Ethiopian” is an 
old term as far as usage (older than even “Blackamoor”
or “Moor”), itsEtymology verifies its root word is 
“Aether/Ether”.The formation ofOur Race is by way 
ofOriginalCreative Powers called “Nine-Ether Fire” 
fromTheNineGod-Sun ofNature—making usNine- 
Ether-Utopians! We are Ptah-Kind (Pitchnovians), 
not justHuman-Kind (Man-Kind or theirMentally 
DeadNegroSlaves) “Let it be remembered always and 
let it be known!”… 
“Listen to Reason!”Also “THENUN 
PROJECT” does not hold allegiance toAnyMoon- 
SocietyGovernment, Nation/Country,Multinational 
Organization, orCorporate-CommercialEntity; and 
are not under theirAuthorities or Jurisdictions.As 
Ptah-Kind,We are not limited to any “Earthly” Place 
and are Indigenous to everywhere; however, inOur Right 
and LiberatedMind of Reason,We are Pitchnovaian 9 
Minded, looking forward toTrueCulture based on 
Equalism in theUniversal NooneUnification Kingdom. 
   
On February 2002A.D, FEMA-The Federal 
EmergencyManagementAgency will recruit and train 
an army of 400,000 citizen corps volunteers in medical 
care and other skills to be ready for the next possible 
terrorist attack, FEMADirector JoeM.Allaugh told 
United Press International. They have also received 3.5 
billion in grants to give to local emergency agencies 
unveiled in PresidentBush’s new budget proposal. 
Bush’s 2003A.Dsecurity plan virtually transform 
FEMAand double its budget to 6.5 billion, making it 
the go to agency for helping state and local governments. 
FEMAwill also absorb the JusticeDepartment 
Office.Workers at theDepartment of Justice will move 
to FEMAoffice and will also receive parts of 
Department of Justice programs. You were told this was 
going to happen since 1971A.D.This is all to prepare 
you for theNewWorldOrder.This was made possible 
by their attack on the Pentagon on 9-11 which houses 
the JusticeDepartment.Expect more changes that will 
take away rights.As ofMay 2002A.D. theCongress 
of theUnitedStates ofAmerica passed a law outlawing 
the use of any other language besides American English.
As of today this means no signs are allowed in other 
languages and no speaking in other languages for it is 
now against the law. Pay close attention to what is going 
on around you for the beast is getting in place and 
fulfilling revelations that have been unfolded for you 
since 1970A.D. until now.Satan,Shaytaan,Devil, 
Leviathan, ZoopooH, Zeus, knows his rule is up! 
ETHIOPIA:ADJECTIVE. 1.Of or relating to 
Ethiopia or its peoples or cultures. 2. 
Of or relating to the zoogeographic region that includes 
Afrekeya and most ofArabia. 
NOUN:Anative or inhabitant ofEthiopia. [American 
   
According to the book entitledTHENEWWORLDORDER 
BYARALPHEPPERSON copyright 1990A.D. on page 285 it 
“The enemy has been identified. It is not the churches, the family, nationalism, or 
patriotism, or the right to worship aGod. It is simply the belief in Lucifer. Lucifer the 
god of the new world order, theNewAge, some areCommunist and some are 
Masons, want to bring the world aOneWorld Religion, based upon the belief in man, 
and the unbridled power of man’s mind and reason. It is now possible for the people to 
know just what theNewWorldGovernment and it supporting religion will offer the 
people of the world; 
1.The abolition of the family, children will be raised by the society through the 
2.The abolition of the right to private property.All land and property will be owned 
by the government. 
3.The right to worship will no longer exist.
4. Religious people be subject to rigorous deprogramming.Those who will not alter 
their belief system will be forced in to concentration camps or simply killed 
because the act of worshiping a god will become a crime. 
5. 5.National borders will no longer exist.There will be aOneWorldGovernment 
instead of city, county, state, and national governments. 
6.All individual’s private decisions will be made by others.The individuals will no 
longer decide whom he or she will associations, or in social organizations.TheNew 
WorldOrder is coming and the inception date has been revealed. It will begin in the 
year 2,000.All that remains to be done is to sort out those who will not accept it. 
Only believers will be around to live in it.Unless men of good will everywhere act to 
prevent it! 
TheUn-Holy bible, Psalms 2:2-3 
“TheKings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel 
together, against the Yahayyu (“Existing one, living one”) Lord, and 
against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast 
away their cords from us 
Listen to Reason!AllMystic teachings originally came 
out ofAncientEthiopia,Moon cycle societies and 
orders all exist and originate on death cycle of nature 
(ZoopooH) and is therefore the science ofDeath by 
nature to regenerate itself!
   
From Leviathan 666 byAafertiAmunNubi Raakhptah
   
   
Ronald Ragean Anton Levay
   
Ques:WhatCompanies is involved? 
Ans: Proctor&Gamble,CO. 
Ques: Person interviewed? 
Ans:The President of Proctor &Gamble,CO. 
Ques:What is theSource of this information? 
Ans:The PhilDonahueT.V. interview program.The 
President of Proctor&Gamble recently appeared on the 
PhilDonahue show. The subject in which he spoke 
about was his company support of theChurch ofSatan. 
The President stated that a LARGEportion of 
Proctor&Gamble’s profit goes to theChurch ofSatan, 
also known as theDevil’sChurch.When asked byMr. 
Donahue if he felt that stating the materials onT.V. 
would hurt his business, the President replied,
The President of Proctor&Gamble was contacted by 
the President of theChurch ofSatan and notified that 
if he was going to support theChurch ofSatan, The 
Proctor&Gamble would have to place the emblem & 
symbol of the church organization on the labels of each 
Proctor&Gamble product. It is noted that since that 
time, the symbol of theChurch ofSatan has been place 
on all of their labels. 
Crest toothpaste 
Charmin toilet tissue 
Camay bath soap 
High Point coffee 
Gleem toothpaste 
Dawn detergent 
Wondra Hand Lotion 
Bounce fabric softener 
Prell shampoo 
Joy dish detergent 
CometDowney fabric softener
   
Secret deodorant 
Gain detergent 
Scope mouth wash 
Top Job 
DuncanHines cake mix 
Pert shampoo 
Puritan oil 
Dreft detergent 
WhiteCloud tissue 
Lilt home perm 
Dash detergent 
Zest soap 
Folgers coffee 
Crisco oil 
Bounty paper towels 
Tide detergent 
Jiff PeanutButter 
Comet soapSpic &Span 
Cascade dishwashing detergent 
Banner toilet tissue 
Head andShoulders shampoo 
Ivory snow Puff tissues 
All Proctor&Gamble products now have the symbols of 
theChurch ofSatan on their labels. It could be on the
front or back. Christians should remember that if they 
buy any products with this symbol, they will be taking part 
in the support of theChurch ofSatan. 
“This is a very informative article in theNF.D. Journal 
July/August 1984 concerning the Proctor&Gamble 
CO.They are rated the “LeadingSponsor ofAnti- 
Christian programs onT.V.”WETHESAINTS 
OFAllNatureUnited (TheMostHigh)CAN 
   
Listen to Reason! If anyNubianEthiopian andMoor 
now called Pitchnovas doubts what the corrupt 
government of theUnitedStatesCorporation has in 
store for them, let them refer to the KingAlfred Plan 
In the event of widespread and continuing and coordinated racial disturbances in the United 
States, King Alfred, at the discretion of the President, is to be put into action immediately. 
National Security Council Department of Justice 
Central Intelligence Agency Department of Defense 
Federal Bureau of Investigation Department of Interior 
(Under Federal Jurisdiction) 
National Guard Units State Police 
(Under Federal Jurisdiction) 
City Police County Police 
Memo: National Security Council 
Even before 1954, when the Supreme Court of the United States of America declared 
unconstitutional separate educational and recreational facilities, racial unrest and discord had 
become very nearly a part of the American way of life. But that way of life was repugnant to 
most Americans. Since 1954, however, that unrest and discord have broken out into widespread 
violence which increasingly has placed the peace and stability of the nation in dire jeopardy. 
This violence has resulted in loss of life, limb and property, and has cost the taxpayers of this
nation billions of dollars. And the end is not yet in sight. This same violence has raised the 
tremendously grave question as to whether the races can ever live in peace with each other. 
Each passing month has brought new intelligence that, despite new laws passed to alleviate the 
condition of the Minority, the Minority still is not satisfied. Demonstrations and rioting have 
become a part of the familiar scene. Troops have been called out in city after city across the 
land, and our image as a world leader severely damaged. Our enemies press closer, seeking 
the advantage, possibly at a time during one of these outbreaks of violence. The 
Minority has adopted an almost military posture to gain its objectives, which are not clear to most 
Americans. It is expected, therefore, that when those objectives are denied the Minority, racial 
war must be considered inevitable. When that emergency comes, we must expect the total 
involvement of all 22 million members of the Minority, men, women, and children, for once this 
project is launched, its goal is to terminate, once and for all, the Minority threat to the whole of the 
American society, and indeed, the Free World. 
Chairman, National Security Council 
Preliminary Memo: Department of Interior 
Under King Alfred, the nation has been divided into 10 regions. In case of Emergency, 
Minority members will be evacuated from the cities by federalized national guard units, local and 
state police and, if necessary, by units of the Regular Armed Forces, using public and military 
transportation, and detained in nearby military installations until a further course of action has 
been decided. 
1 - Capital Region 6 - Deep South Region 
2 - Northeast Region 7 - Deep South Region II 
3 - Southeast Region 8 - Great Plains, Rocky mountain Region 
4 - Great Lakes Region 9 - Southwest Region 
5 - South Central Region 10 - West Coast Region 
No attempt will be made to seal off the Canadian and Mexican borders. 
Department of Interior 
This memo is being submitted in lieu of a full report from the Joint Chiefs of Staff. That 
report is now in preparation. There will be many cities where the Minority will be able to put into 
the street a superior number of people with a desperate and dangerous will. He will be a 
formidable enemy, for he is bound to the Continent by heritage and knows that political asylum 
will not be available to him in other countries. The greatest concentration of the Minority is in the 
Deep South, the Eastern seaboard, the Great lakes region and the West Coast. While the 
national population exceeds that of the Minority by more than ten times, we must realistically take 
into account the following: 
1 - An estimated 40-50 percent of the white population will not, for various reasons, engage the 
Minority during an Emergency. 
2 - American Armed Forces are spread around the world. A breakout of war abroad means 
fewer troops at home to handle the Emergency.
   
3 - Local law enforcement officials must contain the Emergency until help arrives, though it may 
mean fighting a superior force. New York City, for example, has a 25,000 man police force, but 
there are about one million Minority members in the city. 
We are confident that the Minority would hold any city it took for only a few hours. The lack of 
weapons, facilities, and logistics --- all put the Minority at a final disadvantage. 
Since the Korean War, this department has shifted Minority members of the Armed Forces to areas 
where combat is most likely to occur, with the aim of eliminating, through combat, as many combat-trained 
military servicemen as possible. Today the ratio of Minority member combat deaths in 
Vietnam, where they are serving as “advisors,” is twice as high as the 
Minority population ratio to the rest of America. Below is the timetable for King Alfred as 
tentatively suggested by the JCS who recommend that the operation be made over a period of 
eight hours? 
1. Local police and Minority leaders in action to head off the Emergency. 
2. Countdown to eight hours begins at the moment the President determines the Emergency to be: 
A. National 
b. Coordinated 
C. of Long Duration 8th hour 
3. County police join local police 7th hour 
4. State police join county and local police 6th hour 
5. Federal marshals join state, county, and local forces 5th hour 
6. National guards federalized, held in readiness 4th hour 
7. Regular Armed Forces alerted, take up positions; 
Minority troops divided and detained, along with all white sympathizers, under guard 
3rd hour 
8. All minority leaders, national and local detained 2nd hour 
9. President addresses Minority on radio-television, 
Gives it one hour to end the Emergency 1st hour 
10. All units under regional commands into the Emergency 0 hour
“0” Committee Report: 
Survey shows that during a six-year period, production created 9,000,000 objects, or 1,500,000 
each year. Production could not dispose of the containers, which proved a bottleneck. 
However, that was almost 20 years ago. We suggest that vaporization techniques be 
employed to overcome the production problems inherent in King Alfred. 
(The “0” Committee Report is referring to the problems that occurred in Nazi Germany when the 
furnaces were not hot enough to burn the bodies that Hitler had killed. The bodies clogged up 
the furnaces thereby causing a problem that the above committee recommends avoiding by 
building high-volume (nuclear-powered) incinerators that burn 5,000 degrees. It should be noted 
that steel melts at approximately 2700 degrees!) 
Listen to Reason! The corrupt white supremacy 
corporate government has made many enemies 
throughout the world, especially those of the PaleArab 
world.These enemies namely PaleArabs seek to 
destroyAmerica and everything that’s apart ofAmerica. 
Furthermore because we live inAmerica we should 
protect it from all foreigners, including theEuropean 
corporate colonizers falsely claiming to beAmericans. 
ManyNubianEthiopian do not understand because of 
deception that we areAboriginal and indigenous to the 
continents of north,Central, andSouthAmerica.Only 
a small portion of us came here during the slave trade as 
slaves.More on this subject will be touched upon in later 
portions of this book. It is important to note that Pale 
Arabs have our kindred inAfrekeya andNortheast
   
Afrekeya in subjugation and are in no way friends of the 
NubianEthiopian, but known enemies.They are 
Caucasian themselves because they are PaleArabs. 
However theArabs dealings on this side of the 
hemisphere are strictly because of theCaucasians. 
They want to destroy theCaucasians and whoever aids 
them more than anything, so it is in our best interest to 
not get involved with theCaucasian crusade against the 
PaleArab world because we have our own contempt for 
theArab world as they are just as diabolical as the 
corruptCaucasians.NubianEthiopianMoors should 
not get involved in any wars for the corrupt foreign 
Caucasian corporate government because we have done 
so from theAmerican Revolutionary war,Spanish 
American war, theCivil war,WorldWar 1,WorldWar 2, 
theKorean war, Vietnam war,Gulf war, and the current 
war in Iraq only to come home to be treated as a second 
class citizens. NubianEthiopians andMoorsNow 
called Pitchnovas are the only true patriots ofAmerica 
because America is ultimately our country and our land, 
because we areAboriginal and indigenous to this 
continent.Do not get the people who inhabit the country
mixed up with the country (more on this later). Let it be 
remembered always and let it be known! 
Listen to Reason!Scientifically in order for usNubian 
Ethiopians andMoors now called Pitchnovas to prepare 
properly forArmageddon, we must construct and erect 
new cities (non-congested), and towns dedicated to the 
protection of natural and man-made disasters. If we don’t 
take the initiative at this appointed time we risk being 
wiped off the face of theEarth completely.We are 
indeed the last generation, and we must correct our 
current conditions and finally gain our freedom for the 
proper wellbeing and survival of ourselves and kind. This 
is our last chance for redemption, to do things correctly 
and to restore justice and balance on the surface of 
planetEarth as only we can. Let it be remembered 
always and let it be known! 
Listen to Reason!The newly constructed and erected 
cities and towns must have the fundamental necessities 
such as learning institutions, health care centers, grocery 
stores, libraries, government buildings, parks, housing,
   
farms, law enforcement facilities, military defense faculties, 
shopping centers, etc. for our proper wellbeing and 
survival through and beyondArmageddon. 
Ques:What is theNun project? 
Ans:Nun is a laboratory project for replenishing the 
earth with the genes ofAmun (Nun) andAmunet 
(Nunet) also known asNiu andNiut.Nun the force of 
the chaotic waters is of the eight ogdoads of ancient 
Tama-re (Egipt). It’s interesting, to note that the symbol 
forThe Zodiac (ZoopooH)SignAquarius is a water-bearer 
symbol, as also isNUN (NU) inAncient Egypt, 
the manifestation of PrimordialChaoticWaters 
(Efficacious Fluid-Fire calledEthers) from which 
ATUM-RE,The Fully RisenSun-Re (of the so-calledMorning, 
Metaphysical Point 6 east) was born, as 
in InebHedjAnkhTawyCosmology, PopularlyCalled 
MemphiteTheology in its Pantheistic or Religious 
context.Therefore, the “Age ofAquarius” is 
symbolically the “Age ofNun” and emergence fromThe 
Nun Nunet 
Listen to Reason!Nun Project also titled “TheNoone 
Project” is aNaturalOrganization ofNatural 
Philosophers andScientists (Noologist) whose prime 
objective goal is mental, spiritual, and physical liberation 
ofTheEthiopian Race.TheAmerican heritage 
Dictionary defines “project” as: NOUN: 1.Aplan or proposal; a 
scheme.See synonyms at plan. 2.An undertaking requiring concentrated effort: a 
community cleanup project; a government-funded irrigation project. 3.An extensive 
task undertaken by a student or group of students to apply, illustrate, or supplement 
classroom lessons. 4.Ahousing project. VERB: pro·ject Inflected forms: pro·ject·ed, 
pro·ject·ing, pro·jects 
TRANSITIVEVERB: 1.To thrust outward or forward: project one's jaw in 
defiance. 2.To throw forward; hurl: project an arrow. 3.To send out into space; cast: 
project a light beam. 4.To cause (an image) to appear on a surface: projected the 
slide onto a screen. 5.Mathematics to produce (a projection). 6.To direct (one's 
voice) so as to be heard clearly at a distance. 7. PsychologyTo externalize and 
attribute (an emotion or motive, for example) unconsciously to someone or something 
else in order to avoid anxiety. 8.To convey an impression of to an audience or to 
others: a posture that projects defeat. 9.To form a plan or intention for: project a
   
new business enterprise. 10.To calculate, estimate, or predict (something in the 
future), based on present data or trends: projecting next year's expenses. 
INTRANSITIVEVERB: 1.To extend forward or out; jut out: beams that 
project beyond the eaves.See synonyms at bulge. 2.To direct one's voice to be 
heard clearly at a distance. 
Amun Amunet 
Ques:Who is the leader of the Nun project and NEO? 
Ans:THENUNPROJECTand we of theNEO 
does not have a one Leader,Chief, orHead besides 
Sound Right Reason (Who isNoopooH) through the 
duly appointed PitchnovaBoss orChief (Maku) 
Member byAlmighty Nature and FirstBegotten of 
TheMentallyDead, PhilosopherWriter (Afroo 
Oonoo) channeling through (AafertiAmunnubi 
Rooakhptah).We embrace all who recognizeAtun, 
Atum andAmun including Re as anAppointedMember
by Female forces ofNature as a Ruler, andSovereign 
in thisSunCycle, withinThe LibraCycle, inThe 
RevolutionaryCycleQuarter ofTheSmatCircle of 
Order.Our appointed deity for thisSun cycle is the 
SunGod orDeity “Tammuz” also known as “Atun-re” 
or in religion “YashuaHaMasiakh” and inAncient 
Egipt was called “Heru” (Horus).Also symbolic of 
Joshua son ofNun in theUn-HolyBible! 
Tammuz Yashua 
Ques:What are the ordinances forNewEthiopian 
   
Ans:Before I explain to you the orders for this new 
covenant with the positive forces of natureNuwaupu 
opposite-NoopooH.We must overstand what exactly 
an order is.The definition for order is. 
1.An authoritative direction or instruction, command, or 
mandate. 2.Th.Acommand of a court Judge. 3.Th. 
Anotice issued by a military organization or military 
commander to troops, sailors, etc. 4.Th; the 
disposition of things following one another, as in space 
or time; succession or sequence:Alphabetical order. 5. 
Th.Acondition in which things is properly disposed 
with references to other things and to its purpose 
methodical or harmonious arrangement. 
Listen to reason! In order for one to be properly guided 
he or she first must be properly instructed with the right 
knowledge, right wisdom, and right overstanding which 
results in sound right reason. Thinking is a linear straight 
process while as reasoning is a circular one let it be 
remembered always and let it be known.
TheTenCommandments of Leviticus 20: 1-19 ofThe 
Bible was taken directly out ofEgiptian “TheBook of 
the dead (“ElKatubShilMawut”) fromThe 
“Declaration of Innocence beforeTheNeteru ofThe 
Tribunal”(TheDeclaration of innocence beforeThe 
Nature ofTheTribalCourts of Justice) 
TheDeclaration of InnocenceBefore 
TheNature ofTheTribalCourts of 
1.IHave not done wrong. 
2.IHave not robbed. 
3.IHave not stolen. 
4.IHave not slain people. 
5.IHave not destroyed the food offering. 
6.IHave not reduced measures. 
7.IHave not stolenTheNeteraat property 
8.IHave not stolen food. 
9.IWas not sullen 
10. IHave not fornicated withThe Fornicator. 
11. IHave not caused anyone to weep.
   
12. IHave not dissembled. 
13. IHave not transgressed. 
14. IHave not done grain profiteering 
15. IHave not robbed a parcel of Land. 
16. IHave not discussed what is sacred. 
17. IHave brought no lawsuit. 
18. IHave not disputed at all about property. 
19. IHave not had intercourse with a married women. 
20. IHave not wrongly copulated. 
21. IHave not struck terror. 
22. IHave not transgressed. 
23. IHave not been hot tempered. 
24. IHave not been neglected of truthful words. 
25. IHave not cursed. 
26. IHave not been violent. 
27. IHave not been impatient. 
28. IHave not discussed lies. 
29. IHave not been garrulous in these matter. 
30. IHave not done wrong, I have not done evil. 
31. IHave not waded in the water. 
32. My voice was not loud. 
33. IHave not cursed aNeteru. 
34. IHave not made homage. 
35. I am a uniter ofGood. 
36. IHave not stolenThe khenef cakes from the blessed.
37. IHave not stolenHefnu cakes of youth, nor have I 
fetteredTheNeteru of my town. 
38. IHave not slainSacred cattle. 
Listen to Reason!These are the basic foundation of all 
NooneCommandment Laws.There was originally 613 
commandments which equal the numberTen when the 
numbers 613 are added together. 
1. You are to have noAkhair “Other”Eloheem except theAll. “El 
2. You will not make for yourself any Fehsel “idol” at all, any 
Temoonaw “likeness” in theShawmahyim “skies”Mahal “above” or 
that is inThe PlanetEarth from beneath or in theMahyim “waters” 
from underThe PlanetEarth. 
3. You not willShawkhaw “prostrate” yourself to them, norAwbad 
“slave” them for I a YahuwaEloheek am aHadus “Loving”El 
(Source),The one Fawqad “visiting theAwwone 'iniquity of theAwb 
“fathers” upon theBane “children” up toTheShillaysh “third” and 
Ribbayah “fourth” generation of them thatSawnay “hate” me.
   
4. You should not takeShawme “name” of a YahuwaEloheek and 
useShaww “falsely” for a Yahuwa will not hold himNawqaw “guiltless” 
that take hisShameh “name” and use itShaww “falsely”. 
5. Zawkar “Remember”TheSabbathDay, to keep itQawdash 
6. You are not to Rawtsakh “fight to kill”. 
7. You are not toNawaf “commit abominations”. 
8. You will notGawnab “steal”. 
9. You are not to beAwnaw “bear”Shehker “false”Ayd “witness” 
against your Rayah “neighbors, friends,”. 
10. You will not Khawmad “desire” your Israelites, Ishmaelites, 
Midianites (Pitch-novites) neighbor’s, friend’s house, you will not 
Khawmad “desire” you Israelite, Ishmaelite, andMidianites (Pitch-novite) 
neighbor’s friends Ishshaw “confidante spouse” nor hisMale 
slave, nor his female workers, nor his ox, or his cattle, nor anything that is 
your Israelites, Ishmaelites,Midianites (Pitch-novites)
OurNineEthiopian (Aksumaat)Guides 
1. I promise to preserve self, and kind always to best 
of my knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and ability. 
2. I Promise to have sexual relations with no one but 
the opposite sex of my own kind. 
3. I promise to eat and drink only those gases, liquids, 
and solids which will be more beneficial than harmful to 
my mental and physical selves to the best of my 
knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and ability.
   
4. I promise to be anAksumaat first to the best of my 
knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and ability, then 
whatever else I wish to be. 
5. I promise to advocate nine knowledge and adhere 
to nine knowledge best of my scientific information, 
wisdom, understanding, and ability. 
6. I promise to treat peoples of other races the same 
way that they treat me to the best of my knowledge, 
wisdom, understanding, and ability. 
7. I promise to uphold justice and rightness always to 
the best of my knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and 
8. I promise I will fight hard for liberation and freedom 
for theAksumaat Race, and when it is liberated and 
free, I will work just as hard to keep our liberty and 
freedom preserved to the best of my knowledge, 
wisdom, understanding, and ability. 
9. Consequently, I promise that before my physical 
death I will arrange for my lifeless body to be cremated 
and the remains distributed at the roots of an 
evergreen tree or some other suitable place willed by 
the deceased. I also seriously promise byAksumaat
forces ofNature by thisNinth guide to maintain the 
promises, all nineAksumaat guides for an existence in 
liberty, freedom, preservation, well-being, and success, 
with the understanding that if I fail to keep my promises 
to the best of my knowledge, wisdom, understanding, 
and ability, I will soon join the physical dead. 
(Natureasonee)Demigods andDemigoddesses, as 
members and parts ofAbsoluteNature,THEONE 
SUPREMEBEING; which isAlmighty asAll 
Matter, Infinite in all directions asAllSpace, and 
Eternal asAllTime.
   
2. Remind all Positive Forces ofAlmighty Nature in 
TheName ofTheMighty NoopooH(Nuwaupu 
opposite ) and by acceptance and practice ofTheir 
Active PhilosophyScience ofAll theWorlds, 
3.To automatically and naturally guide, protect, provide 
and supply all that is needed for proper wellbeing and 
survival of our self and kind; mentally, spiritually, and 
4.By the Powers ofBrain-NootsGods and 
Goddesses, Repoo (Sun Powers and Forces, through 
TheirStar Representative),Gepoo (Earth Powers 
and Forces, throughTheir Planet Representative), and 
Sipoo (Moon Powers and Forces, throughTheir 
Satellite Representative)’ all now in the Positive of 
5.The Laws ofEternal-Nature inSeasons and 
Cycles, allOriginalSpiritGods &Goddesses who are 
partial toNoopooHandNoone, as those who must aid
and abet us, andAllChosenElite andElect ofNature 
through learning, accepting, and practicingNoone, the 
Philosophy-Science ofNine-Ether Nuwaupu 
6. This promise and covenant was accepted, after being 
duly made, and is binding byAlmighty Nature and Its 
Positive PersonalityNine-EtherNoopooH, through 
OurMessenger,Scribe,Natural Philosopher 
Scientist,Metaphysician,Mental Liberation Pioneer. 
7.OurNaturalBornEmperor (Sovereign & Physical 
Sole Ruler), andNatural PhysicalHighest Priest 
(Primate-Prelate) ofAbsoluteNature in Revolution, as 
the Personification and Incarnation ofNuwaupu 
opposite-NoopooH, and who’s ProperEastern and 
GreatScientificName is indeed (AFROO 
8. PointOneAndAxis (AlQubt) of the Revolutionary 
Cycle!We of the Pitchnova (Ethiopian, Ptah-Kind,
   
Aksumaat) Race andTHEFIRST 
9. Let it be remembered always and let it be known in the 
3.NoopooH: 6.NoopooH: 9.NoopooH 
2.NoopooH: 5.NoopooH: 8.NoopooH 
1.NoopooH: 4.NoopooH: 7.NoopooH 
Remember the Promise andCovenant with our 
Messenger andWriter,TheChiefBlackEagle of the 
Yammasse,TheGrandHierophant Tehuti of the 
A.E.O.Who channeled (AfrooOonoo) Point one of 
N.E.O, and all those who learn, accept, and practice 
PositiveNature Knowledge andThe Laws ofNature, 
as explained and described byNuwaupu opposite 
(Noone), yourActiveScience ofAll theWorlds. Your 
promise and covenant having been duly made are binding 
as following:Economic well-being and liberation ofThe
Ethiopian Race, mentally, spiritually, and physically, 
because it is the time and cycle for this action for your 
posterity (TheEthiopian Race), and, because weAll, 
meaning Repoo,Gepoo,Sipoo andAllAdherents 
dedicate and obligate the rest of our lives toSound 
Right Reason (Who isNuwaupu opposite-NoopooH), 
PositiveNatureKnowledge,The Laws ofNature, also 
truth, equality, justice, and practicing rightness (which is 
Noone) to the best of our knowledge and abilities. The 
time forTheSavior has passed. It is now time forThe 
Mental Resurrection, liberation, justice, judgment, 
settlement, and balance for all peoples on PlanetEarth, 
as promised by 
The Forces ofNature and predicted byTheAncients 
andSages ofAntiquity.ElKuluwmAlyunAlyun 
(NuwaupuOpposite-NoopooH), please cause it to 
   
Listen to Reason!The mercy, forgiveness, and 
scapegoat dogma of Religion obstructs justice; 
tempered withMERCY and FORGMNESSand 
scapegoatism, it is not justice any longer but 
instead.When JUSTICEbecomes 
COMPROMISE, the compromise' encourages 
further iniquities and transgressions, and we end up with 
a world like we have today at the time of this writing. 
means that the violations ofThe Laws ofNature have 
not been accounted for in the right way, because 
accounting for transgression is paying the Penalty for 
iniquity required byThe Laws ofNature.THE 
ONLY way ‘to ultimately satisfy The Laws ofNature 
is forTHEGUTLTY PARTY himself or herself or 
his own kind pay the penalty required byNATURAL 
LAW. Let it be remembered always well! 
Listen to reason!WhenSOMEONE 
REASONwhat the law and penalty byNature are for 
a particular transgression, the degree thatTHE 
CALCULATOR PERSONmight differ from the 
exact law and exact penalty byNature is 
ADJUSTEDby theBalancing Powers inNature in 
one way or another but always on the guilty person or his 
kind.During theMoonCycle, scapegoatism (the guilty 
placing blame on the innocent) was common practice and 
permissible, but now that theMoonCycle is over, that 
diabolical practice is not only ineffective now but causes 
backlash penalties on the person or persons guilty, and 
all the unaccounted for transgressions during theMoon 
Cycle must be paid for now, and this fact one of the 
major cause ofARMAGEDDON –The war of 
justice and balance. Let it be remembered always and well! 
Listen to reason!The following 
Mentality ofNature) are based onNature andTrue 
NOOPOOH(Opposite ofNUWAUPU).Sound
   
Right Reason is the original creator of original persons, 
places, and things and the qualifier of the first one who is 
AafertiAtum-Re,Amunnubi Rooakhptah who 
channeled (AfrooOonoo), the scribe and messenger of 
NuwaupuOpposite- (NoopooH).AafertiAtum-Re 
who channeled as (AfrooOonoo) andNoboohu 
Oonoo-NoopooH(LawiyShamu-El) is qualified by 
the positive forces of almighty nature to determine 
PENALTIESfor transgressions of those laws.The 
following is indeed some of theCommandment Laws of 
Nuwaupu opposite - (NoopooH–TheCreator of the 
universes ofNature), by way ofBrain-Noots (Zeles) 
brains, andSound Right Reason. (Nuwaupu opposite) - 
NoopooHis conceived and gestating now.
1.“Do nothing to others you would not want done to self 
the same way each time that conditions are the same!” 
ThisScribe shall attempt to describe each 
commandment – Law given in the topic (Now calledThe 
Novus codex), beginning withNUMBERONE. If 
you do not obey the preceding commandment, you have 
transgressed the Laws ofNature.The phrase “THE 
commandment constant, consistent, and standard,The 
Requirement for natural law like law enforcement to the 
letter is a requirement.Be it not forgotten. 
Listen to Reason! the expression “THESAME 
ARETHESAME” also demands that one’s 
obedience to the commandment to be consistent and 
standard, and penalty for violation of the law must also 
be standard, that is to say, people must always do the 
same thing under the same conditions to obey the 
commandment as required, becauseAbsoluteNature is 
definitely consistent and standard in requirements and
   
enforcements ofThe Laws ofNature.The First 
Commandment law in the foregoing paragraph isTHE 
BLANKETLAWthat covers most other laws for 
behavior, because if a person obeys it, he or she would 
never treat another person wrong purposely and never 
commit a crime or transgression against another person, 
intentionally.The FirstCommandment Law is binding, 
because those of us who not obey it will experience 
negative returns. Let it be remembered always and let it 
be known! 
Listen to Reason!We now shall touch on the other 
commandment orders. 
2. “Do for others what you would want done for self, the 
same way each time that conditions are the same.” 
This Law teaches us not to be selfish, but kind and 
helpful to others in need. 
3. “Minimize your sensual pleasures by maximizing your 
vigilance and resistance to temptation, the same way
each time that conditions are the same.”Be sure to 
LAW” it will help you understand this commandment 
better.Sensual pleasures, of course, are pleasures 
one enjoys with his sense of seeing, also hearing, 
feeling, tasting, smelling, and thinking.The gist of this 
commandment-law is the less pleasure you have the 
less pain and suffering you or your kind will have to 
experience. “We have to learn to embrace our pains 
without pleasures”. Let it be remembered always and 
let it be known! 
Listen to Reason!The phrase “THESAMEWAY 
THESAME” Further means that the commandment 
law states what it means and means what it states as 
exactly as practical and permanently, and this fact makes 
it a Law ofNature.ALaw ofNature is a permanent 
4. “Avoid negative temptation by keeping away from it or 
departing from it presence, the same way each time that
   
conditions are the same.”Negative temptation is a 
powerful and diabolical force, and the best way to keep 
from being trapped by it is to keep away from it or if you 
suddenly find yourself in the presence of it, depart from it, 
immediately.Otherwise, you might very well become a 
victim of it.TEMPTATION is the opportunity to do 
something you should not do or be attracted to a person 
or thing you should not be attracted.To disobey the 
temptation commandment is to violate Laws ofNature. 
Let it be remembered always and let it be known! 
Listen to Reason!This writer (draftee) repeats and 
emphasizes: If one does not adhere to the commandment 
laws ofNature, he or she has transgressed (violated) 
The Laws ofNature, and will eventually if not 
immediately, experience the negative results of the 
violation. If one’s violation comes as a physical crime, it is 
punishable in accord withThe PenalCode in 
Criminality; if one’s disobedience comes as the form of 
moral misconduct, it is punishable in accord with the 
Penal code for Immorality.Those violators that go 
undetected byTheAuthorities (U.N.U.K,T.A.N.K.,
andCentral solution office of I.C.P.O..P) in charge will 
run intoNature’s balancing powers and be negatively 
balanced off byTheAvenging Forces ofNature. 
Intentional accomplices, people who help do the evil or 
know or saw who did it and do not report the 
transgression will suffer the same fate as the violators. 
5. “Never use drugs except for medical purposes as 
prescribed by a qualified physician, the same way each 
time that conditions are the same.” UsingNarcotic 
drugs as dope for pleasure and fun is lethal to mental, 
spiritual, and physical health's, and for these reasons 
and worse, they are menaces and destroyers of the 
morals, lives, and well-being of communities and 
Societies.Using drugs like tobacco products, 
alcoholic drinks, plus caffeine as in coffee is also 
injurious to your health and a burden on your life and 
often time the lives of others as a results of your 
involvement or death. 
Listen to Reason! In some societies, people take great
   
Pleasure in labeling each other or other human races, but 
it is true that this practice is diabolical, evil, and malicious. 
6. “Never slander a person or race of persons and stay in 
accord with the facts, the same way each time that 
conditions are the same.” It is evil and wrong to 
make statements about a person, group of persons, or 
race of persons which can be verified to reasonable 
satisfaction.Character assassination as it is called is 
satanic and demonic and should definitely be 
discourage by stiff penalties like public whipping and 
perhaps a heavy fine in favor of the victim. It is the duty 
and obligation of theGovernment for the people to 
see to it that its citizens do not publicly vilify and 
degrade each other out of malice and hate.However, 
if it is fact what one says about another, and it does 
not involve a case of confidentiality as in case of 
physician and patient, the statements made are 
permissible although the person’s words might be from 
malice and hate. In case of malice and hate, it should be 
definitely and morally condemned and discouraged for 
prevention of others doing the same.To put it another
way; People surely should not be allowed to publicly 
slander and vilify each other because of racial hatred, 
malice, and racial differences unless it is in a public 
debate where all ethnic races who are discussed be 
present in sufficient number to orally defend 
themselves and the forum be orderly and strictly 
Listen to Reason!The Laws ofNature areTHE 
SUPREMELAWSof the land andNature in- 
General and they areBINDING. 
7. “Use natural herbs and vitamins to maintain fine health 
or for better health, the same way each time that 
conditions are the same.”We cannot always get and eat 
the fresh and quality foods that we need for good health, 
so natural herbs and synthetic vitamins are available as 
supplements. Natural herbal stores called health stores 
where herbs and vitamins can be bought and books that 
inform the customer what the vitamins and herbs are 
beneficial for are becoming increasingly popular and 
rightly so.Before modern and commercial medicines
   
came into being, people used herbs and various home 
remedies for control of illnesses and diseases; but, when 
the greed for finance and control of diseases got out of 
hand, mundane scientists came up with modern and 
commercial medicine and surgery to control ailments and 
diseases and indeed make medical practitioners and the 
medical industry great fortunes.Sometimes, commercial 
medicine and even surgery are needed in some cases like 
new diseases and old diseases that are constant or 
diseases which have no cure as of today at the time of 
this writing.Of course, injuries need immediate attention 
certainly necessary. Let it be remembered always! 
Listen to Reason!The point and word are this: If the 
illness or disease is not so bad that you need immediate 
care from a doctor or hospital, try herbs and vitamins for 
your ailment and see what happens, because often time 
commercial medicine fails and surgery only makes matters 
even worse.Another thing, before submitting to surgery 
try to get more than one opinion beforehand, three 
opinions if possible.Doctors and hospitals sometimes do 
surgery anyway just for prestige and finance.However,
theTruth and bottom-line is definitely 
PREVENTION try to keep your person in fine 
condition with natural herbs, good vitamins, ample rest, 
good care for self, and adherence toNoone for your 
mental, spiritual, and physical health's, so that you might 
not to resort to commercial medicine or surgery. It is 
usually easier to PREVENTorAVOIDillness and 
disease rather than having to try cure for them. Let it be 
remembered always and let it be known! 
Listen to Reason!Sex is a major ruling and controlling 
force in the bottom half ofTheSmatCircle ofOrder. 
8. “Use sex for balance and reproduction only, the same 
way each time conditions are the same.” Sex is 
sacred, that is, it is VERYHONORABLEand 
VERY VALUABLE, and it should be treated 
that way. If you do not obey this commandment law of 
Nature, you or your kind or both will experience very 
negative returns.WhereasMENTALBRAINS 
top half ofTheCircle ofOrder,SEXUAL 
   
FORMin the bottom half of the same circle, and this 
is one reason why most animals have tails.Of course, 
animals with animal nature do not exist in the top of 
TheCircle.Aspecies sex organs and powers are 
theirSACREDSERPENTS, and they should 
not be defiled and corrupted. InUniverseScience 
calledNoone, the writer repeats and emphasizes: 
it is very honorable and very valuable and very 
pleasurable, and it should be treated accordingly, 
because as well as giving pleasure, mental and physical 
balance, sex produces the future of plants and animals 
and human beings, likewise. Let it be remembered so! 
Listen to Reason!Therefore, sex should be treated with 
honor and high respect by refusing to misuse it and 
abuse it. People misuse and abuse sex when they treat 
sex as though it is a sport or an object or lustful pleasure. 
By defiling and corrupting sex with unnatural acts like 
abortion, animalistic sex, prostitution, homosexuality, and 
bestiality, people are defiling and corrupting their 
present selves and their future in the person of their
children, and this means increase in disease, crime, 
immorality, and violence connected with sex perversion, 
sex disorder, and sex mistreatment. People are not 
supposed to intentionally increase their desire for lustful 
sex, but are indeed supposed to let sexual urge come on 
naturally, and when it naturally builds up to the point of 
need for relief, then relieve it in union with your spouse, 
naturally; so you do not breachThe Laws ofNature. 
Naturally relieving sex urge, when relief is needed, helps 
balance you mental and physical person, and 
reproduction of offspring should be planned.Therefore, 
sex is meant for natural balance and planned 
reproduction purposes. Let it be remembered always and 
Listen to Reason!Sound Right ReasonNoopooHhas 
been conceived, and their conception is like their birth to 
us in the bottom half ofTheSmatCircle ofOrder, 
because (NoopooH/Noology) /(Nuwaupu opposite ) 
is new, young, growing,DEVELOPINGtoward 
   
9. “Pronounce the name (NoopooH/Noology) 
(Nuwaupu opposite) often for positive mental and 
spiritual companionship, the same way each time that 
conditions are the same.” In the top half ofThe 
Order ofCircle ofNature (NoopooH/Noology) 
(Nuwaupu opposite) is the world soul.All brain-noots, 
and brains, Reason, and spirit beings existing then, 
plus all energies (potential and active) of persons and 
things like the flesh and bloodGods andGoddesses 
and vegetation, everywhere.TheWorldSoul (The 
emotional you -Ba, Ruh,Agni) is all energies and all 
life of theUniverses. It is so that during the bottom 
half of theCircle ofOrder, ZoopooHis the world 
soul, and the same definition forTheWorldSoul 
goes forNoopooH, except thatNoopooHWorld 
Soul dominion is in the positive and nine zone and 
cycle, and ZoopooHWorldSoul dominion is 
negatively and six zone cycle. Let it be remembered 
always and let it be known! 
Listen to Reason!NoopooHcannot exist as spirit 
beings in the bottom half ofTheSmatCircle ofOrder,
because the bottom half isTheDomain ofZoopooH. 
Remember, in order for any person or thing to naturally 
come into being, he or she or it must be conceived and go 
through the gestation process and period and be born. 
This principle also holds true forNuwaupu opposite- 
NoopooH.So, in the case ofNuwaupu opposite- 
NoopooH,Nuwaupu opposite-NoopooHconception 
inTheCenterBrains (Nucleus) ofTheSuns is like 
TheBirth ofNuwaupu opposite-NoopooHto us 
persons and other beings inTheUniverses, because 
afterTheBrains ofTheTrueStars ofThe 
Universes are impregnated again byBrain-noots with 
Nine ether mentality, TheBrains ofTheCenters of 
TheSuns begin to emanateNineEtherMind again, 
and that emanation gradually increases In volume and 
density untilAll existence reaches point 6 east 
counterclockwise, where the atmosphere becomesNine 
Ether in purity again as well asNineEther mentality and 
therebyThe ImageBirths ofNuwaupu opposite- 
NoopooHoccur again. The ImageBirths ofNuwaupu 
opposite-NoopooHare the flesh and bloodGods and 
Goddesses of the top half ofTheSmatCircle of
   
Order while the top half exist. The power and science of 
Nuwaupu opposite-NoopooHandNoone areThe 
NewOrder of persons and things. Let it be remembered 
Listen to Reason!This writer (draftee) and reviser (Dr. 
LawiyShamu-El) keeps saying that the conception and 
gestation ofNuwaupu opposite-NoopooHseem like 
TheBirth ofNoopooH, because the true and real and 
full birth ofNuwaupu opposite-NoopooH(Sound 
Right Reason) does not happen until point 6 east on 
TheSmatCircle ofOrder, and that is 18 million years 
from now at the time of this writing, but the way that 
NoopooHis developing as an embryo is like their 
Growing as a newborn baby, meaning, bigger, stronger, 
and more intelligent as time goes on.The gradual 
emission ofNineEther mentality (NoopooH-Nuwaupu 
opposite) fromTheCenters of the suns goes toThe 
Centers ofUniverse`1Orbs such asThe Planets and 
Satellites, and they too begin to resurrect and gradually 
permeateEther mentality more positive than before and, 
of course, thisNine mentality activity affects us humans
being, advertently, that is to say, in a noteworthy and 
positive manner. Let it be remembered always well! 
Listen to Reason! “Obey all the commandment laws of 
Nuwaupu opposite -NoopooHalways, the same way 
each time that conditions are the same.”This 
Commandment-Law isTHEPANECEALAWof 
Nuwaupu opposite-NoopooH, because, not only does 
it include all commandment laws ofSound Right Reason, 
but it also demands that the person be knowledgeable, 
alert, and applicable to natural process called unity with 
nature to be blameless. The Panecea Law indeed means 
If you do not obey thisCommandment Law ofNuwaupu 
opposite -NoopooH, you have transgressed the Laws 
ofNature.Natural Law demands for sure that things be 
done in as natural a way as possible and practical with 
your degree of knowledge and ability. Positive life is 
based uponTrueCulture and what makes reasonable 
and progressive sense, becauseSound Right Reason is
   
TheBasis ofAll Positive Intelligence andNineMind. 
Let it be remembered! 
Listen to Reason!All laws ofNature are interwoven 
also intermingled into interrelationships and networks 
called cycles and societies.TheGovernment of a 
positive society is in accord withThe Laws ofNature as 
best it perceives them.Agovernment of the people who 
is not in keeping with the Laws ofNature is in conflict 
withAlmightyNature, and its fate is determined by 
AlmightyNature according toNature’s Laws. InTrue 
Culture, the lawmakers and lawgivers base theirNature’s 
laws and penalties uponSound Right Reason who is 
THEONLYBASISfor truly determining and 
distinguishing right from wrong.All Laws are determined 
by Reason, and those laws that are surely derived at by 
Sound Right Reason areTheTrue Laws ofNature as 
close asHuman beings can get.Any discrepancy or 
difference betweenThe Laws made by the qualified and 
authorized lawmaker and Lawgiver forNuwaupu 
opposite-NoopooHNature andTHEPURELAW 
INPERSONis adjusted byAbsoluteNature during
its balancing process of powers.Notwithstanding, this 
fact hold true for all human-made laws which people have 
to live with and live by in accord with their society, but the 
main difference between a person qualified byNature to 
make laws and one not qualified byNature is that the 
laws are much closer to exactness when made and made 
given by theNatureQualified person.Do not forget to 
concentrate on and pronounce theNameNuwaupu 
opposite-NoopooHoften indeed for mental, spiritual, 
and physical strengths and better understanding of 
Noone. Let it be remembered always and known! 
Listen to Reason! 11. “Male and female persons must 
have equal rights whenever and wherever possible and 
practical, the same way each time that conditions are the 
same.” If you do not obey thisCommandment Law of 
(Nuwaupu opposite)-NoopooH, you have broken the 
Laws ofNature.TheWorld of theMoonCycle which 
lasted for six thousand years was a world that did not 
define the true positions of male and female persons in a 
society or societies ofTheWorld either.However, since 
the male person is biologically different from the female
   
person, their roles in the world stage are somewhat 
different; in fact, males and females are opposites by 
Nature, and this is the main reason why the two can 
sexually procreate.Therefore, one must have the rights 
due a male, and the other the rights due a female; one 
must have the rights due a father, and the others the 
rights due a mother, one must have the rights due the 
head of theHousehold, and the other the rights due the 
helpmate of the household.All this adds up to equal 
rights for both sexes but not necessarily the same rights 
in every respect of life. For example:Usually, a male 
person byNature can be a better policeman, fireman, or 
construction worker than a female person, because, he is 
stronger by nature and usually more nervy (Braver) and 
more rugged, making him more suitable for doing a better 
job as a policeman, fireman, or construction worker, not 
to mention military service as indeed a combat serviceman, 
justTo mention a few positions less suitable for females 
person for obvious and various reasons. Let it be 
remembered always and let it be known!
Listen to Reason!One might argue:The female did not 
make herself physically weaker byNature; so why should 
she not hold these positions? Right, some females might 
be able to hold these positions, but what the writer is 
trying to so make clear is this:She is not as physically 
able to do the job as a male, and her image as a female 
entity is damage; therefore, she is likely to get from the 
male person less respect and less elegant treatment as a 
female and childbearing person.Moreover, the female 
entity cannot rightfully claim the rights of a father, and 
the male entity cannot correctly claim the rights of a 
mother, because the female cannot biologically be a 
father, and the male cannot organically be a mother.Also, 
because the male individual is usually physically stronger 
and acts as the protector of theHousehold, he is chosen 
byNature to beTheHead of theHousehold. Let it be 
remembered always and let it be known! 
Listen to Reason!There cannot peacefully and securely 
be two heads of one household, just as there cannot be 
twoKings of one palace and Kingdom or two Presidents 
of one country, peacefully. The place of the female
   
person is in the home as a spouse, mother, and helpmate 
alongside her spouse (husband), and the place for a male 
person is on the family business or career providing for 
his family, and when home, safeguarding his household 
and fulfilling his household duties.This Pen man 
understands that in societies of today, female people do 
work and make their own way, but this status of societies 
is one that must be somewhat modified, if theWorld is 
going to be a happy place for both male and female 
persons of theHuman species. Let it be remembered 
always and be it known! 
Listen to Reason! It is the duties of men to see to it that 
their women and children are protected, taught properly, 
and provided for; and it is the obligation ofThe 
Government of a society or nation to see to it that every 
responsible man has a career to support his family and 
maintain his household. This does not mean that women 
should not work for a living, but it does mean that male 
persons must beTHEMAINWORK FORCE 
ANDPROVIDERSbecause they should have 
families to provide for and those families should indeed
be the female persons and children of the society.The 
point is this: The writer (draftee) is seeking order and 
peace between the sexes by defining their positions by 
Nature in the workplace, the home, and society at large. 
Because their places inTheWorld and society have not 
been defined any at all or defined ever so poorly, there is 
too much contention and hatred between the male and 
female genders, which cause the sexes to lose trust and 
respect for each other and fuss and fight in all the ways 
that they can.The males of an ethnic race are 
responsible for the females and children of their ethnic 
race; therefore, intelligent male persons must lead the 
way to safety, peace, and happiness and maintenance of 
these qualities and values. Let it be remembered always 
and let it be known! 
Listen to Reason!Another thing, this writer (draftee) is 
not trying to turn the clock back to the old days when 
women were oppressed and treated like wayward children, 
for he repeats that females of the human species must 
and will have equal rights in reality and practicality. For 
instance: Just because a man is head of the household
   
does not mean that he should perform things and make 
decisions concerning his family without consulting and 
conversing with his spouse on the issue. This respect is 
due her perhaps his children, too.When the couple 
discuss the subject, the pair should, of course, agree on 
the final decision. If the female spouse’s idea or opinion 
seems to be better or best one, it should prevail, and not 
be rejected because the male spouse is the head of the 
household and must do all the thinking and decision 
making. Let it be remembered always and let it be known! 
Listen to Reason!However, if the spouses cannot 
definitely agree on what should be done or how it should 
be done or the time it should be done, then it is the 
obligation of the man (Head) of the house to go it alone 
on the final decision; but this disagreement and disunity 
should never happen between two intelligent and 
reasonable spouses. If two individuals are able mentally 
to follow the curvature of Reason, each person can 
figure out which one of the two has the better or best 
idea or opinion or information. Intelligent and 
Reasonable people can find their way by nature, if they
useNoone and their best minds calledSound Right 
Reason. Let it be remembered always and let it be known! 
Listen to Reason!Asociety can be almost crime free if 
proper preventions are used such as proper teachings, 
making cost of living careers available for all members of 
the society, all members of the society having all valuables 
and values in common, and providing a government central 
office where all problems of all citizens can be heard and 
12. “Crimes must be punished by public chastisement, 
castration, payment for damages, death, or a combination 
of public chastisement and payment for damages, the 
same way each time that conditions are the.” 
INTRUECULTURE, there are no jails or 
prisons for detention of suspects of crime or those 
convicted of crime, except for temporary custody to 
determine the person’s status of guilt or innocence and 
time to execute the penalty if there be a guilty verdict. 
There is no ample reason for keeping a person in prison 
to pay his depth to society which is a false claim in itself.
   
Aperson should be detained just long enough for due 
process of Law to conclusion. Let it be remembered 
always and let it be known! 
Listen to Reason! Prisons only further degrade and 
pervert inmates make society and the perpetrators worse 
off because:Usually, the culprit is not rehabilitated in 
prison properly and given a career to keep him or her out 
of trouble when the person comes out of detention; so he 
or she is indeed a worse menace to self and society after 
the prison time, because usually no one will give him a 
career to supportHimself and his household family, if he 
has one, and this leads definitely to more crime and worse 
conditions than ever before.Usually, prisoners do 
nothing in prison that is truly productive and positive, 
especially in a capitalistic society where private and 
military powers control the industries of the economy. In 
other word, prisoners should not be working for private 
industry in prisons which would be free labor more than 
less a (Military industrial complex).Therefore, what do 
inmates accomplish in prisons other than wasting their 
time and taxpayers money while becoming deprived and
degraded?Moreover, long term detention promotes 
homosexuality and other denaturations.Hence inmates 
for long term imprisonment are unnatural and unbecoming 
intelligent people and thereby against the Laws of 
Nature.So, it is true, if those in authority do not obey 
the commandment law of (Nuwaupu opposite)- 
NoopooH, they have violatedThe Laws ofNature. 
Let it be Remembered always so! 
Listen to Reason!As the old adage goes:Correctly 
and sincerely teach children what they should know and 
as they do older they will not depart from it. 
13. “Children must also be taught in public schools what 
the laws of the society are and the penalties for 
breaking the laws, the same way each time that 
conditions are the same.”The old saying that 
ignorance is no excuse for disobeying the law is a 
NEGATIVEOPINION, because it is 
UNREASONABLE. If a society does not 
teach its citizens in public schools what the laws are 
they are to obey, and a citizen unknowingly breaks a
   
law, it is unreasonable to say he or she definitely 
should have known better, unless it is a transgression 
which is PAINLY wrong considering that person’s 
intelligenceCitizens should know what the laws are 
which govern the people of the society and what the 
penalties are for violating those laws. If the school 
authorities of a society do not obeyThe 
Commandment Law given in this paragraph, they have 
indeed perpetratedThe Laws ofNature. Let it be 
Remembered so! 
Listen to Reason! 
14.“Transgressors must not pay their debts to society 
but to the person or persons violated, the same way 
each time that conditions are the same.” Although a 
person violated by a perpetrator may be a part and 
member of the society, it was not the society as whole 
which the culprit violated, it wasTHE 
society.Therefore, if there is any monetary value lost 
by the victim, that value must be returned or replaced 
by the transgressor to the violated person or persons
and the violator gets a public lashing known as a 
Chastisement. TheGovernment andSociety must 
see to it that the culprit pays his or her debt to the 
victim or victims, not to society at large or the private 
industry. Let it be remembered always and be it 
Listen to Reason! 
15. “Take your problem(s) toCENTRAL 
SOLUTION for settlement and satisfaction, the 
same way each time that conditions are the same.” 
If a citizen of the society or nation has a problem he or 
she cannot properly solve without resorting to crime, 
violence, or some other type of immorality, he or she 
must take the problem toCENTRAL 
SOLUTION. The government’sCentralOffice 
or station for solving citizens problems.By having this 
kind of set up,TheGovernment of a country or 
nation can eliminate any excuse a citizen might have for 
doing wrong or doing crime.
   
16. “All citizens able to work for a living a need to work 
for a living must be provided with a career byThe 
Government, the same way each time that conditions 
are the same.” Since work and rest are more then 
less opposites, TheAuthorities orGovernment must 
balance them off by requiring a four day work week 
and the other three days be given rest and relaxation 
for the citizens. This arrangement will help provide 
indeed for everyone to have a career, trade, 
enterprise, rather than some citizens working and 
others out of careers and suffering and living on 
welfare in ghettos.Making sure that sure citizens able 
to work and need to work has a career and a place to 
go to get his or her problem solved is also a type of 
crimes prevention program very vital to keeping 
society crime free and have high morale and morals. 
Let it be remembered always and let it be known! 
Listen to Reason! 
17. “All citizens unable to work for a living, because of a 
mental or physical malady or condition, must be 
provided and cared for, the same way each time that
conditions are the same.” It is unfair to the 
offspring as well as ethnic races for people to 
genetically mixTheHuman races sexually and have 
offspring, because the children do not know which 
human race theyBelong to other thanTheMinglese 
Race, and this fact sometimes angers and frustrates 
children and sometimes even more so after they 
become adults.Children have nothing to say about 
their coming into this world; so the least the parents 
can do for children before they indeed create them is 
make sure that they are as racially pure as possible 
and as identifiable as practical, and this gives the 
offspring racial identity and pride and dignity to know 
that he or she can define self and feel comfortable and 
right doing so. Let it be remembered always and let it 
be known. 
Listen to Reason! INTERRACIALMIXINGto 
GENOCIDE, especially for theEthiopian Race, 
because:True members ofTheEthiopian Race have 
KINKYHAIR, and inTheWorld in which we all live,
   
people with KINGLYHAIR are not usually treated 
and accepted the same way that people with straight hair 
are, and this no secret to anyone who observes person, 
attitudes, an d positions.Therefore, 
MISCEGENATION(particularly with the 
Caucasian Race) isGENOCIDEfor theEthiopian 
Race, since no one with theEthiopian RaceBlood in his 
or her veins is accepted in theCaucasian Race as a 
member.Hence, all mixed members ofTheEthiopian 
Race, thereby spells genocide for the beautiful kinky 
hairedBlack Race This has to stop at some point 
beforeTheEthiopian Race be destroyed by 
BREEDINGthroughoutTheWorld.Members of 
theEthiopian Race, we must suppress our emotions, 
wantonness, gullibility for members of other ethnic races 
or be destroyed racially by sex lewdness and lust, what 
you think is love is only lust, and it is true that lustful love 
is a diabolical monster. Let it be remembered always and 
let it be known!
Listen to Reason!Any commandment law ofNuwaupu- 
NoopooHthat is broken meansThe Laws ofNature 
are breached, and once laws ofNature are transgressed, 
there will eventually be penalties byNature. It is true, 
when a transgressor violates one law ofNature, he or she 
has usually violated other Laws ofNature, becauseThe 
Laws ofNature are so closely interwoven and 
interrelated into closely intermingled networks. 
20. “All citizens of a society or nation must share all 
resources and values and land ofTheNation in 
common, the same way each time that conditions are 
the same.” It is diabolical (evil) for some people of a 
society or nation to have millions and billions of 
dollars and others have nothing, although the ones 
who have little or nothing are the working people who 
are the back of the country. In true culture, the 
people ofTheNation own the land its resources 
and other society values that might exist, but elect 
whomever they wish to administerTheGovernment 
and economy. Let it be remembered so!
   
Listen to Reason! 
21. “Adhere to and propagate the positive ones of the 
opposites ofAbsoluteNature forThe Road to 
Heaven onEarth, the same way each time that 
conditions are the same.” One of the purposes of 
to distinguish the positives ofNature fromThe 
Negatives of the same by defining and identifying 
them plus explaining theOpposites ofAlmighty 
Nature for better understanding of Life & death. 
Understand and adhere to (NUWAUPU 
(The PositiveOpposites) and beANELITEof 
AlmightyNature.AnElite is a person who isNature 
Knowledge wise and has been selected to survive 
Armageddon,The war of Justice. Remember! 
Listen to Reason! 
22. “Never indulge in the unnatural sex perversion called 
beastiality, the same way each time that conditions 
are the same.” The mouth was created to eat and 
talk, with byNature, and the rectum was created to
have bowel movements with byNature; therefore, any 
other use of these cavities beyondThe natural sex 
act of the person for reasons other than those 
intended byNature is transgression ofThe Laws of 
Nature and thereby punishable byNature’s 
Negative forces and Powers.SEX IS 
SACRED, very honorable and very valuable, 
because it creates the future by procreating persons 
and other living beings; therefore, it should be treated 
with honor and respect by refusing to misuse and 
abuse it.To use any organ, other part or cavity of 
the head or body for any purpose other than the 
purpose intended byNature is misuse and abuse of 
that part of the individual, and that misuse and abuse 
of parts and organs createADVERSE 
REACTIONScalled diseases and maladies and 
disorders which lead to and cause death.There is an 
old proverb which states thatTHEWAGES 
OFSINISDEATH, and beastiality, 
Animalistic sex, is truly aSIN and transgression of 
The Laws ofNature.Not only is beastiality 
perversion which corrupts the present but the future
   
as well in the person of future generations. Let it be 
remembered always and let it be known! 
Listen to Reason! 
23. “Abortion is an abomination definitely forbidden, the 
same way each time that conditions are the same.” 
Life is a burning, and the burning indeed for the 
construction of life begins at conception.Hence, the 
life of a person or thing begins at conception and the 
conscious life of a person begins at birth.Therefore, 
just because a person is not conscious of his or her 
life and surroundings before birth does not give 
anyone including the mother the right to destroy that 
life.Any intentional attempt to destroy or eliminate 
the egg and sperm in a female after they have united 
for creation is violation ofThe Laws ofNature 
pertaining to life and its natural rights for survival; and, 
if the attempt is successful, the violation becomes 
homicide calledMURDER.The Proper way to 
avoid undesired pregnancies isSEX 
The only permissible types of pregnancy for 
termination are rape, incest, and danger to life of 
mother, because termination of these pregnancies are 
JUSTIFIABLE.The killing of a human being is 
not justifiable, except in self-defense, but in the case 
of abortion, rape and incest are dead; and the killing 
of an animal is not justifiable unless it is a pest, 
menace, sick or injured and cannot be cured, or is 
eaten for food. Let it be remembered always! 
Listen to Reason! 
24. “Plan to have your offspring intentionally instead of 
by chance or accident, the same way each time that 
conditions are the same.” Violation of this 
commandment law ofNuwaupu opposite-NoopooH 
is transgression of the Laws ofNature, and this 
violation brings onUNNECESSARY 
PREGNANCIES. It is all right to enjoy the 
fullness of sex whenNature naturally and normally 
brings on the urge and the time for sex is right, but
   
the female person has to determine and know when 
the right, and her mate must work with her and her 
cycle. Female humans must be taught about how to 
recognize the time most likely for them to get 
pregnant if they have sex.Sexual partners, as early 
in their lives, must be taught aboutTHE 
METHODSof sex and birth control since the 
two are related.Sex moderation is the key to sex 
control and birth control. Let it be remembered 
always well! 
Listen to Reason! If members of a society or nation are 
not willing and ready to say no to coition (sexual 
intercourse) when necessary for their own good and 
wellbeing and must have sex enjoyment to its maximum 
when they do have sex, that society or nation is out of 
sex control and morally bankrupted and thereby prone to 
needless problems and sufferings. It is beautiful to 
experience the fullness of having sex at the right time and 
place, but not just any time you please and after you
intentionally build up lust for sex; you should let urge for 
sex build up naturally.Too much sex is 
counterproductive and negative, and when spouses 
become sexually and physically overworked due to too 
much sex activity, the relationship or marriage experience 
problems and often time’s violence and separation.Too 
much of anything is diabolical and detrimental.Acouple 
should always plan to have sex and plan to have their 
child or children for the time they choose and not 
accidentally or by chance. Let it be remembered well! 
Listen to Reason! 
25. “The killing of a person is not justifiable except in 
self-defense, the same way each time that conditions 
are the same.” Killing in self-defense in this 
commandment law means a person is a direct physical 
and actual threat to your life with a weapon or hands 
or feet and is attempting to attack you or has 
attacked you already, and you defend yourself 
against this negativeAction, and you do reach a 
point during your defense where you had to kill the 
offender to survive.This means that the defender of
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
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The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
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The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
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The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
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The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
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The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
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The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
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The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
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The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)
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The New Ethiopian Order by Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamu-El (Noboohu Oonoo)

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  • 1.  TheNewEthiopianOrder BiEl IsumShilElElohEl RahmunAlazi IzuEl Li (for)EL (the) Sanu (Yr)AtnedAtned (2020), wa (and) gihaadi (beyond). Many refer toEthiopia (Aksume) as theKingdom ofMeroe andNapata, but the official name is Kuwsh.So called scholars who were trying to hide the fact that these are all the same people using various names.The PaTama-Hu man’s motto has been “divide and conquer” since the beginning of time.When you kill off a person you kill off his whole race.This is what he refers to as genocide (Gene-Ocide).Remember the whole family lives on through pro creation -MakuBlackEagle!
  • 2.    Page2 “TheNoop:The symbol of life or death (TheZoop) that can be worn or shown on the proper persons and places for them, the same way each time that conditions are the same.” TheUniversalNooneUnification Kingdom TheAfrekeyanNooneKingdom AFFIRMINGPITCHNOVA(NINE) LIBERATIONTHROUGHMENTAL RESURRECTIONONORBEARTHNEY051H/ 68 Yr, 5Month /May, 2014 CCY ©NEY051H/ 68 Yr, 5 NONNEGOTIABLE,NONTRANSFERABLE:TheCorrect Information/Outformation transmitted herein, as Inspiration and Revelation directly fromABSOLUTENATURE, checked bySound Right Reason, is intended for members ofTHEPTAH-KIND(Afrekeyan,Ethiopian,Nuwbun) RACE as Flesh-and-Blood Peoples inTheir RightMind, to whom it is addressed, and contains confidential, proprietary, and/or privileged material, although it may be read by anyone on FatherEarth.Any review, re-transmission, dissemination, or other use (or misuse) of thisCorrect Information/Outformation by persons, other than the intended recipient(s), is prohibited byTheBindingUniversal Laws of ALMIGHTY-NATURE.SOLETITBE…
  • 3.  Table ofContents Ques:Who are you? ........................................ Pg. 11 Ques:What isNuwaubu (NooneOpposite) and where did it come from? ………………………………………………………………………..Pg. 14 TheChurchOfSatanThrivesOnWhat You Buy……………………………………………………………….. Pg. 26 Laws ofNature ………………………………………………. Pg. 58 Ques:So what will happen to all the orders, societies, and schoolsTheMasterTeacher took us through? ……………………………………………………………………….…Pg. 258 BasicNooneUniversityCurriculum……………. Pg. 358 We accept as fact! ………………………………………. Pg.466
  • 4.    Page4 NEO-NewEthiopianOrder -Aksumaat At one time, all ofAfrekeya and the nearby surrounded lands, before the parting of Afrekeya andAsia and other territories were called “Ethiopia” or “Ether -Utopia” (Genes of Isis 2:13) called Kuwsh, calledKish in pre-bible times, is nowElHabasha and theAtlantic Ocean Also, the Galla People ofEthiopiaState “Apraka” means “sunny,” hence the name “Afrekeyan” would mean “Sun”Shiny People”…and whatever the Indigenous Peoples of the so-called continent called themselves, that is their names—even no name at all! The writer and devotee ofNu (NooneUniversity), of theNewEthiopianOrder a (Noonebu)NoboohuOnoo also known as LawiyBarHaadiZodokShamu-Eil subscribing to the 1 seat of council of the 24Elders referred to as “Akatri-El” meaning theCrown ofElStanding as a pillar of (Atun-Re) ( from the ninth chamber called theAEO(Ancient EgiptianOrder) known asDjihutimaatShuAtun (currently a Yazum (initiate) of (NIO/NEO/AEO).Aspirant known asNoboohuOnoo forTrue culture society calledNoon/NoopooHis the way of life (Hui) this Pitchnova (Ptahite) writer and future scribe has inherited to help our society perfect, protect, and persistently evolve with our planet.As FatherOrb “Ta.”Speeds up to take his next journey into the higher realms.We PITCHNOVAS, are the aiders of Noponoone! (Most high) including our orbit home (Ta.)Gepoo (Earth deityGEB) formally calledTiamaatWelcome! I call to accept this truth as bestowed upon me by the masters, who guide my pen, for of myself I could not have done the works of it. (Pen)
  • 5.  THEOFFICALSEALOFTHENUNPROJECT TRUTHISUNITYANDFALSEHOODISDIVISION.TRUTH ISUNITYBECAUSETHEPIECESOFTHETRUTH JIGSAWPUZZLEFITNEATLYTOGETHERASONEAND FAISEHOODISDIVISIONBECAUSEITISJUSTTHE OPPOSITE. The flag ofMorocco as used today, red with a green interlocking five pointed star, is just that; “The FlagOfMorocco,”Not aUniversal Flag ofTheMoors,Which is Black Red andGreen, and you may add on it the symbol of your choice or you can have your own, tribe, or religious flag. Pitchnovaian Flag!
  • 6.    Page6 Forward This scroll was made for one reason to liberate my people, the lost but now found future luminaries of the world.Now referred to as Pitchnovas (Black NewStars)!Which are thought by 6 ether adverse forces called leviathan, kingu, and ZoopooH. They areAnimal spirits born of the fallen angel known as “Animaal” the third of the 200 fallen cherubim; Lucifer was third of his order as it is written in theHolyTablets; chapter one, tablet three, 5 verse!He and his children have been helping bring down our divinity and made many of us fall far from grace. Rising like a phoenix of out its ashes, though we have been kidnapped and put into bondage and even sold on slave blocks like sheep.The reason I call to my lost but now found sheep of “theHouse ofAnu”;AlyunAlyun El, 'The MostHigh because we are alone in our sorrows and afflictions being stripped of our identity and indigenous heritage.The educated are but fools among us.Where is the wise?Where are the new scribes of Right knowledge? Where are the interpreters of the world?Has not the MasterTeacher “Amunnubi Rooakhptah” made the foolish confound the wise and meek to confound the mighty!
  • 7.  Novenary IntelligenceOrder I have devoted my life while on this planet to resurrection and rise of the mentally dead, with me being one who is resurrecting from the mummy state. Never did I know that theEvil one had the world mentally and physically under a spell of self-hate and kind. I know my greatest dilemma and hindrance will be theBlackDevil.Born among us, by us, married to us, socializing with us, praying in the same sacred houses of worship with us, as us; but secretly they have a spiritual pack with theDevil (Deviation ), which makes it near impossible for them to totally adhere toNuwaupu and its opposite (NoopooH), their very Nature won’t let them. It’s in their seed fromGenes of Isis 3:15 and 1 Peter 5:9. It’s not about race when it comes to the devil (Deviation) but, for the few chosen from the many called, I will fish looking for thoseBeings,Which wish to become one withTheSupreme inAll.Those that wish to know the way, the truth (ElHag), and the light (ElNuwr ) to our heavenly father (Anu) creator of all and his chosen anointed one’sNoonebu. (Psalms 2:2) “TheKings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Noonebu, and against his anointed saying”So I YazumDjihutimaat Shu Atun ( as I willBe called on my long journey on a short path through theMystical realms,The incarnation ofHaru “Horus” companion of theGreatHierophant: I-M-Hotep, devotee of theGreatTum, known asAtum-Re, TheScribe of theSecret Doctrine,Conferrer of the 720Degrees In theSecret Number 9. TheGuardian ofThe 9Th.Gate, Raising from theNinthChamber the Secret,Which will give you the Power to realign yourselves. He was there, which isHereWhen the word “Let there be light” was uttered.Standing the test of time being questioned by scholars and historians of all religions and denominations.So I am capable of answering the unanswered and solving the problems of the world; yet my personal interest is in each & every one of you, I am not the Lord JesusChrist nor am I aHoly man or a preacher. I am a Master StudentTeacher, in the body ofKarast (Anointed 9 ether form). I
  • 8.    Page8 have been Resurrected in theWest byA.E.O,O.E.M.ObyThe healing wings ofAmunnubi Rooakhptah (Malachi 4:2)TheSpiritualOrder of our Ancestors (A.M.O.N),TheEgiptians,Ethiopians, and Your true bloodline under the Reincarnation ofNeter:Amunnubi, YourAaferti “Pharaoh” for this day and time “Atum-Re,The first point of resurrection from ignorance toThe RightKnowledge,The RightWisdom andThe RightOverstanding.The True Potentate (1Timothy 6:15) “Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, theKing ofKings, and lord shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, theKing of kings, and lord (Neb) of lords (Noonebu);”TheAmen (Revelation 3:14), I will beBlending the facts from each of the religions most interesting to my People.We will learn to live in oneness revealing the misconceptions of the doctrines that plagued and diseased the minds of our people.Many take offense to that practice, but I am sorry the truth must be told, for the very soul ofElNeter is at risk. (Maat) Among ourArabic forum ofEl Islaam in the degree ofMuhammadism, I would like to be known as LeviShimoonBathallah -AbdullahStanding on the teachings ofAsSayyid IsaAlHaadiAlMahdiOr simply Imaam Isa. Studying many dialects as well as the classical Arabic Language,Galilean and Syriac Language, Reading the translated word for word without biasness in favor of the Islaamic Religion,ElsHolyQuraan.AsUnitedNuwaubian Nation ofMoors underNayyaMalachi Z. York-El,WhoRepublished and Revised theHolyKoranCircle Seven.The connection with theN.O.I “Nation of Islam” known asTheBlackMuslims, he encouraged me to do an in-depth study of the teachings ofMasterW.D. Fard,Allah in person to his final Messenger,TheHonorableElijahMuhammad.He released several books explaining in-depth.Their doctrine, which led him to anotherEx-member of the Nation of Islaam called Clarence 13X, Aself-styledAllah who founded the 5 PercentNation ofGods andGoddesses.He collected data and published The ProblemBook.Their interpretation ofTheEnglish class lessons of the Nation of Islam.Among theHebrew Israelite, while in theDegree of Mosesism I would like to be known asLewiySimeon orShelomoh Bar
  • 9.  Bethuel student of the Rabboni: YashuaBarElHaady. Through the School of Judaism, I am studyingElHolyTorah andEl Psalms.Among the Christians and their forum. In the degree ofChristism, I would like to be known as Lawiy ZodokShamu-El. IShamu-El studied the translated and explained version of theBook of Revelation, from theGalilean Arabic and theAncient Greek, to reveal the false teachings by Paul of another Jesus andAnother Gospel (GhostSpell) and another spirit (Galatians 1:6) Awhole new religion taught to my people and they accepted it (2Thessalonians 2:11)The title and nameChristian was not what the Lord andSavior (now liberator) calls his followers. The wordChristian came fromAntioch (Acts 11:26).We,The Children ofNeterShilNeteru (NoopooH) and decedents ofYashuaHa Messiah (Heru) our template savior and now Liberator, The willing Sacrifice. In this day and time, I have and continue to study theHolyTablets,Our own scripture that each day, as scientist, astronomers, paleontologist, and the likes uncover and reveal new evidence confirming that in indeed it is divinely inspired, and not merely a book but a revelation aHolyScripture with prophecies of the future which are happening daily. Also I have studied and continue to study TheEgiptian Book of theDead and theBehind theNineBall andBible Interpretations andExplanations also theNature ofNature books and our Noon Philosophy and science. I feel it is my duty as a leader and continuing to theTrue Reformer and Liberator to my people to make that which is unclear clear (ElSafuyKazun –TheClear VisionTablet).TheAncientEgiptian OrderA.E.O,O.E.M.O,A.M.O.N,TheTrueOrder ofTheEgiptians that which gave birth to all others and in this day and time (N.E.O-New EthiopianOrder).A.M.O.M.Was the fastest growing movement for world peace of the new millennium.N.E.OYou have found your way to that which you have sought all your life.Don’t believe a word I say, “Check it out for yourself” “Only fools duck when the truth is thrown at them”
  • 10.    Page10 Walk in the sun, as if all can see you at all time.Bathe in the light of the sun as if it can, as it does, heal all things. Take each step in its warmth as if the sun is your true loving parent, and think of it as the source of all life, as we all know it is. For without the sun there would be no life as we know it this we all know.” -Atum-Re Genes of Isis 10:8 “AndCush begatNimrod:He began to be a mighty one in theEarth” CUSHTHEETHIOPIANFATHEROFNIMRODTHE FOUNDEROFMASONRYANDTOTHE40THOUSAND MASONSTHATWORKEDUNDERHIM. ITWASTHEIR SKILLS THATCAUGHTTHEEYEOFTHEDEITYOFTHE BIBLEANDKORAN.
  • 11.  Ques:Who are you? An: I am anElected being here to serve all. I come with healing in my wings (Malachi 4:2) as for you who fear out of reverenceAnuAlyun,AlyunEl.My name by birth is LarrySimon orSolomonShelton, Jr. I realized at the age of 17 I was born a child of theMostHigh (Psalms 82:6) called by mostGod,Thehos,Allah,Elohim, Yahweh and even Jah. In theHebrew my name would be “LewiySimeon orShelomohBarBethuel” InArabic its “LeviShimoon orSulaymaanBathallah” and “Levi” pronounced Laa-wee inAshuric /Syriac /Arabic meaning “Joining” and “Lewiy” pronounced Le-we in Hebrew (ibriy)/Aramic means “Enjoining the law” and “Simeon” pronouncedSham-own inHebrew(ibriy) / Aramic andSham-Oon inAshuric,Syriac /Arabic meaning “hearing” “Solomon” pronouncedShe-lomoh in Hebrew (ibriy) /Aramic andSulaymaan inAshuric, Syriac /Arabic meaning “peaceful one” “Bethuel” pronouncedBe-Thoo-El inHebrew (ibriy) /Aramic andBath-Al-Laah meaning “House of theEl”The year was 1989 when things were beginning to take a toll on my people ofNubian descent. Three years after the
  • 12.    Page12 sighting of the commit “Halley”On 24.Th.ofSeptember at 1:36 a.mSunday morning atBen-TaubMemorial Herman (Hermes)Hospital. It’s not important, who (HU), (HUWA) wrote this book, the question is the answer. Our Royal andNobleSirName (surname) is NoopooH; nevertheless, we should not get caught up on names right now. It is not as important to know my personal names, because knowing who I am “individually” is not as important as it is to check out this Inspiration and Revelation being reveal.TheNature of the Lower Mind is to discredit an author(s) by scrutinizing him, her, or them in a physical way. I do not want to be exalted as “special” which will take the reader away fromCorrect Information being relayed.Go to the second page after cover of the book and you will find what you are asking about.
  • 13.  Levi son of Jacob Gene of Isis 35:23 Ques:Now then, may I ask what are you? An: Yes, I am a sacrificial Lamb now aEthiopian Lion (El) helping the real messiahAtum-re Liberate our people, withAtun-re sitting theHighest seat mistaken for the messiah Jesus of 2ooo years ago, who returned in 2007 with the mission of saving the children and the world. I am here to affirm and fulfill all the laws of the prophets, news bearers, and those sent like our “AafertiAmunnubi Rooakhptah” withNuwaubu to guide us to the true way of life which isNoopooH/ Noon (Noology)!ThisMasterStudentTutor (Guide
  • 14.    Page14 -Haadi) and Professor (Noologist) ofNuUniversity is aDoctor ofTheology,History, and comparative religious study as well asSemitic language and now Noology; meaning the science of understanding now called sound right reasoning or science of the mind.Also a doctor to cure the untruths with pure facts. Listen to Reason!This Pitchnova is surely a liberator and not a savior because the time for the savior has passed, and it is now time for the Liberator, and the Liberator is NoopooH/Nous!The powers ofSound Right reason,TheMental Resurrector and Liberator, because mental liberation presupposes spiritual and physical Liberation. Leaders and Rulers of the planet “Earth” be informed that they should welcome the announcement, communication, and coming of the LiberatorSolutionist NoboohuOnoo-NoopooH (LawiyZ.Shamu-El)! Ques:What isNuwaubu and where did it come from? An: “Nuwaubu” which is “Nabiy” inArabic and “Nebo” inHebrew meaningNews bearer. “Nun WehBeh”.Nun which is the fourteenth letter of many
  • 15.  Semitic abjads, including Phoenician,Aramaic,Hebrew andArabic alphabet nun (in abjadi order). It is the third letter inThaana, pronounced as "noonu". Its sound value is 50.Waw (wah, also vau or vav) is the sixth letter of the NorthwestSemitic family of scripts, including Phoenician,Aramaic,Hebrew,Syriac, andArabic ("sixth" in abjadi order; it is 27th in modernArabic order) Vav literally means hook, peg, and or spear and it sound value it is 6.The letterBet,Beth,Beh, or Vet is the second letter of manySemitic abjads, includingArabic alphabet “Ba” inAramaic,Hebrew, Phoenician and Syriac. It sound value is 2. (50+6+2=58)Symbolic of Atun-reTheUnique one; the 50th attribute in the Egiptian pantheon, andAmun -The hidden one also calledNun the sixth attribute in theEgiptian pantheon, and Kek orAnshar (Saturn) who is the father ofAnu also calledAnnu meaning the city of the sun!Who is also Nu which is the second attributeWhich is who created bothNoopooHandNuwaubu,Given to the son of Melchizedek (Murduk / murduk )The Phoenician king or theEgiptianDeityTehuti andThe Laws given to all the prophets, new bearers and one's sent (Rasulaat)
  • 16.    Page16 is the message and true way of life allNews bearers sent, appointed byAnu,AlyunAlyunEl (NeterShil Neteru ) who was appointed byElKuluwm (TheAll). Listen to reason!Nuwaubu is the logos (/ˈloʊɡɒs/, /ˈlɒɡɒs/, or /ˈloʊɡoʊs/;Greek: λόγος, from λέγωlego "I say") is an important term in philosophy, psychology, rhetoric, and religion.Originally a word meaning "a ground", "a plea", "an opinion", "an expectation", "word", "speech", "account", "to reason" it became a technical term in philosophy, beginning with Heraclitus (ca. 535–475BC), who used the term for a principle of order and knowledge.Ancient philosophers used the term in different ways.The sophists used the term to mean discourse, andAristotle applied the term to refer to "reasoned discourse" or "the argument" in the field of rhetoric. TheStoic philosophers identified the term with the divine animating principle pervading theUniverse.TheGospel of John identifies the Logos, through which all things are made, as divine (theos), and further identifies Jesus as the incarnateLogos. Despite the conventional translation as "word", it is not used for a word in the grammatical sense; instead, the term lexis(λέξις) was used.However, both logos and lexis derive from the same verb legō (λέγω), meaning "to count, tell, say, speak".
  • 17.  Ques:So what doesNuwaubu have to do with the Pitch-Novites?
  • 18.    Page18 An:Nuwaubu orNuwaupu is just a child’s science when compared to the science ofNoopooH/Noone.Our new name as a people for this sun cycle is Pitchnovas meaning “new black stars”We only will make references to moon cycle names and titles such asAfrekeyan American,Moors,Nuwaubian,Ethiopian, etc.To help allNoonebu's (Adherents ofNoone -Noologist) overstand the changes that will be taking place during this new sun cycle called the Libra cycle. Ques: Is theNewEthiopianOrder apart of theNew WorldOrder or Illuminati? Ans:NewEthiopianOrder is not a “SecretOrder” or Fraternity /Sorority like Freemasons orShriners or any lesser orGreaterMysterySchool so-calledMystic Orders ofGreek,Egiptian, and or Mesopotamian/Sumerian Pantheism, whether viewed as Ancient orModern; we areDiscreet andTactful in our PositiveWords andWorks, but are notSecret Keepers; we, as prescribed byNoone,Although “Ethiopian” is an old term as far as usage (older than even “Blackamoor”
  • 19.  or “Moor”), itsEtymology verifies its root word is “Aether/Ether”.The formation ofOur Race is by way ofOriginalCreative Powers called “Nine-Ether Fire” fromTheNineGod-Sun ofNature—making usNine- Ether-Utopians! We are Ptah-Kind (Pitchnovians), not justHuman-Kind (Man-Kind or theirMentally DeadNegroSlaves) “Let it be remembered always and let it be known!”… “Listen to Reason!”Also “THENUN PROJECT” does not hold allegiance toAnyMoon- SocietyGovernment, Nation/Country,Multinational Organization, orCorporate-CommercialEntity; and are not under theirAuthorities or Jurisdictions.As Ptah-Kind,We are not limited to any “Earthly” Place and are Indigenous to everywhere; however, inOur Right and LiberatedMind of Reason,We are Pitchnovaian 9 Minded, looking forward toTrueCulture based on Equalism in theUniversal NooneUnification Kingdom. Post-Armageddon…
  • 20.    Page20 On February 2002A.D, FEMA-The Federal EmergencyManagementAgency will recruit and train an army of 400,000 citizen corps volunteers in medical care and other skills to be ready for the next possible terrorist attack, FEMADirector JoeM.Allaugh told United Press International. They have also received 3.5 billion in grants to give to local emergency agencies unveiled in PresidentBush’s new budget proposal. Bush’s 2003A.Dsecurity plan virtually transform FEMAand double its budget to 6.5 billion, making it the go to agency for helping state and local governments. FEMAwill also absorb the JusticeDepartment Office.Workers at theDepartment of Justice will move to FEMAoffice and will also receive parts of Department of Justice programs. You were told this was going to happen since 1971A.D.This is all to prepare you for theNewWorldOrder.This was made possible by their attack on the Pentagon on 9-11 which houses the JusticeDepartment.Expect more changes that will take away rights.As ofMay 2002A.D. theCongress of theUnitedStates ofAmerica passed a law outlawing the use of any other language besides American English.
  • 21.  As of today this means no signs are allowed in other languages and no speaking in other languages for it is now against the law. Pay close attention to what is going on around you for the beast is getting in place and fulfilling revelations that have been unfolded for you since 1970A.D. until now.Satan,Shaytaan,Devil, Leviathan, ZoopooH, Zeus, knows his rule is up! ETHIOPIA:ADJECTIVE. 1.Of or relating to Ethiopia or its peoples or cultures. 2. Of or relating to the zoogeographic region that includes Afrekeya and most ofArabia. NOUN:Anative or inhabitant ofEthiopia. [American HeritageDictionaryOnline]
  • 22.    Page22 According to the book entitledTHENEWWORLDORDER BYARALPHEPPERSON copyright 1990A.D. on page 285 it states: “The enemy has been identified. It is not the churches, the family, nationalism, or patriotism, or the right to worship aGod. It is simply the belief in Lucifer. Lucifer the god of the new world order, theNewAge, some areCommunist and some are Masons, want to bring the world aOneWorld Religion, based upon the belief in man, and the unbridled power of man’s mind and reason. It is now possible for the people to know just what theNewWorldGovernment and it supporting religion will offer the people of the world; 1.The abolition of the family, children will be raised by the society through the government. 2.The abolition of the right to private property.All land and property will be owned by the government. 3.The right to worship will no longer exist.
  • 23.  4. Religious people be subject to rigorous deprogramming.Those who will not alter their belief system will be forced in to concentration camps or simply killed because the act of worshiping a god will become a crime. 5. 5.National borders will no longer exist.There will be aOneWorldGovernment instead of city, county, state, and national governments. 6.All individual’s private decisions will be made by others.The individuals will no longer decide whom he or she will associations, or in social organizations.TheNew WorldOrder is coming and the inception date has been revealed. It will begin in the year 2,000.All that remains to be done is to sort out those who will not accept it. Only believers will be around to live in it.Unless men of good will everywhere act to prevent it! TheUn-Holy bible, Psalms 2:2-3 “TheKings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Yahayyu (“Existing one, living one”) Lord, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us Listen to Reason!AllMystic teachings originally came out ofAncientEthiopia,Moon cycle societies and orders all exist and originate on death cycle of nature (ZoopooH) and is therefore the science ofDeath by nature to regenerate itself!
  • 30.    Page30 THECHURCHOFSATANTHRIVES ONWHATYOUBUY Ques:WhatCompanies is involved? Ans: Proctor&Gamble,CO. Ques: Person interviewed? Ans:The President of Proctor &Gamble,CO. Ques:What is theSource of this information? Ans:The PhilDonahueT.V. interview program.The President of Proctor&Gamble recently appeared on the PhilDonahue show. The subject in which he spoke about was his company support of theChurch ofSatan. The President stated that a LARGEportion of Proctor&Gamble’s profit goes to theChurch ofSatan, also known as theDevil’sChurch.When asked byMr. Donahue if he felt that stating the materials onT.V. would hurt his business, the President replied,
  • 31.  “THEREISNOTENOUGH CHRISTIANSINTHEUNITED STATESTOMAKEADIFFERENCE” The President of Proctor&Gamble was contacted by the President of theChurch ofSatan and notified that if he was going to support theChurch ofSatan, The Proctor&Gamble would have to place the emblem & symbol of the church organization on the labels of each Proctor&Gamble product. It is noted that since that time, the symbol of theChurch ofSatan has been place on all of their labels. PROCTOR &GAMBLECO. MANUFACTURESTHEFOLLOWING PRODUCTS: Crest toothpaste Charmin toilet tissue Camay bath soap High Point coffee Gleem toothpaste Dawn detergent Wondra Hand Lotion Bounce fabric softener Prell shampoo Joy dish detergent CometDowney fabric softener
  • 32.    Page32 Secret deodorant Gain detergent Ivory DuncanHinesCookies Scope mouth wash Top Job ERA DuncanHines cake mix Pert shampoo Pampers Puritan oil Dreft detergent CheerMr.Clean BoldDetergent WhiteCloud tissue Lilt home perm Dash detergent Zest soap Safeguard Folgers coffee Crisco oil Bounty paper towels Tide detergent Jiff PeanutButter Comet soapSpic &Span Cascade dishwashing detergent Banner toilet tissue Head andShoulders shampoo Ivory snow Puff tissues All Proctor&Gamble products now have the symbols of theChurch ofSatan on their labels. It could be on the
  • 33.  front or back. Christians should remember that if they buy any products with this symbol, they will be taking part in the support of theChurch ofSatan. “This is a very informative article in theNF.D. Journal July/August 1984 concerning the Proctor&Gamble CO.They are rated the “LeadingSponsor ofAnti- Christian programs onT.V.”WETHESAINTS OFAllNatureUnited (TheMostHigh)CAN MAKEADIFFERENCE,WECAN BOYCOTTTHESEPRODUCTSAND USESUBSTITUTES. WHY,NOT MAKEABOUT TENCOPIESAND PASSTOTENPEOPLEANDASK THEMTOMAKETENCOPIESAND THESAMETHINGDOWNTHELINE. SENDSOMEOUTOF LOVEANDLET THEMSTARTITINTHEIRTOWNAND THESAMETHINGALLOVER. ONE CANPUTATHOUSANDTOFLIGHT ANDTWOCANPUTTENTHOUSAND TOFLIGHT, LET’SSTAND
  • 34.    Page34 TOGETHERANDMAKEA DIFFERENCETODAY,GODBLESS Listen to Reason! If anyNubianEthiopian andMoor now called Pitchnovas doubts what the corrupt government of theUnitedStatesCorporation has in store for them, let them refer to the KingAlfred Plan Rex-84: KING ALFRED* In the event of widespread and continuing and coordinated racial disturbances in the United States, King Alfred, at the discretion of the President, is to be put into action immediately. PARTICIPATING FEDERAL AGENCIES National Security Council Department of Justice Central Intelligence Agency Department of Defense Federal Bureau of Investigation Department of Interior PARTICIPATING STATE AGENCIES (Under Federal Jurisdiction) National Guard Units State Police PARTICIPATING LOCAL AGENCIES (Under Federal Jurisdiction) City Police County Police Memo: National Security Council Even before 1954, when the Supreme Court of the United States of America declared unconstitutional separate educational and recreational facilities, racial unrest and discord had become very nearly a part of the American way of life. But that way of life was repugnant to most Americans. Since 1954, however, that unrest and discord have broken out into widespread violence which increasingly has placed the peace and stability of the nation in dire jeopardy. This violence has resulted in loss of life, limb and property, and has cost the taxpayers of this
  • 35.  nation billions of dollars. And the end is not yet in sight. This same violence has raised the tremendously grave question as to whether the races can ever live in peace with each other. Each passing month has brought new intelligence that, despite new laws passed to alleviate the condition of the Minority, the Minority still is not satisfied. Demonstrations and rioting have become a part of the familiar scene. Troops have been called out in city after city across the land, and our image as a world leader severely damaged. Our enemies press closer, seeking the advantage, possibly at a time during one of these outbreaks of violence. The Minority has adopted an almost military posture to gain its objectives, which are not clear to most Americans. It is expected, therefore, that when those objectives are denied the Minority, racial war must be considered inevitable. When that emergency comes, we must expect the total involvement of all 22 million members of the Minority, men, women, and children, for once this project is launched, its goal is to terminate, once and for all, the Minority threat to the whole of the American society, and indeed, the Free World. Chairman, National Security Council Preliminary Memo: Department of Interior Under King Alfred, the nation has been divided into 10 regions. In case of Emergency, Minority members will be evacuated from the cities by federalized national guard units, local and state police and, if necessary, by units of the Regular Armed Forces, using public and military transportation, and detained in nearby military installations until a further course of action has been decided. 1 - Capital Region 6 - Deep South Region 2 - Northeast Region 7 - Deep South Region II 3 - Southeast Region 8 - Great Plains, Rocky mountain Region 4 - Great Lakes Region 9 - Southwest Region 5 - South Central Region 10 - West Coast Region No attempt will be made to seal off the Canadian and Mexican borders. Secretary, Department of Interior This memo is being submitted in lieu of a full report from the Joint Chiefs of Staff. That report is now in preparation. There will be many cities where the Minority will be able to put into the street a superior number of people with a desperate and dangerous will. He will be a formidable enemy, for he is bound to the Continent by heritage and knows that political asylum will not be available to him in other countries. The greatest concentration of the Minority is in the Deep South, the Eastern seaboard, the Great lakes region and the West Coast. While the national population exceeds that of the Minority by more than ten times, we must realistically take into account the following: 1 - An estimated 40-50 percent of the white population will not, for various reasons, engage the Minority during an Emergency. 2 - American Armed Forces are spread around the world. A breakout of war abroad means fewer troops at home to handle the Emergency.
  • 36.    Page36 3 - Local law enforcement officials must contain the Emergency until help arrives, though it may mean fighting a superior force. New York City, for example, has a 25,000 man police force, but there are about one million Minority members in the city. We are confident that the Minority would hold any city it took for only a few hours. The lack of weapons, facilities, and logistics --- all put the Minority at a final disadvantage. Since the Korean War, this department has shifted Minority members of the Armed Forces to areas where combat is most likely to occur, with the aim of eliminating, through combat, as many combat-trained military servicemen as possible. Today the ratio of Minority member combat deaths in Vietnam, where they are serving as “advisors,” is twice as high as the Minority population ratio to the rest of America. Below is the timetable for King Alfred as tentatively suggested by the JCS who recommend that the operation be made over a period of eight hours? 1. Local police and Minority leaders in action to head off the Emergency. 2. Countdown to eight hours begins at the moment the President determines the Emergency to be: A. National b. Coordinated C. of Long Duration 8th hour 3. County police join local police 7th hour 4. State police join county and local police 6th hour 5. Federal marshals join state, county, and local forces 5th hour 6. National guards federalized, held in readiness 4th hour 7. Regular Armed Forces alerted, take up positions; Minority troops divided and detained, along with all white sympathizers, under guard 3rd hour 8. All minority leaders, national and local detained 2nd hour 9. President addresses Minority on radio-television, Gives it one hour to end the Emergency 1st hour 10. All units under regional commands into the Emergency 0 hour
  • 37.  “0” Committee Report: Survey shows that during a six-year period, production created 9,000,000 objects, or 1,500,000 each year. Production could not dispose of the containers, which proved a bottleneck. However, that was almost 20 years ago. We suggest that vaporization techniques be employed to overcome the production problems inherent in King Alfred. (The “0” Committee Report is referring to the problems that occurred in Nazi Germany when the furnaces were not hot enough to burn the bodies that Hitler had killed. The bodies clogged up the furnaces thereby causing a problem that the above committee recommends avoiding by building high-volume (nuclear-powered) incinerators that burn 5,000 degrees. It should be noted that steel melts at approximately 2700 degrees!) EXCERPT FROM KING ALFRED PLAN (REX-84) Listen to Reason! The corrupt white supremacy corporate government has made many enemies throughout the world, especially those of the PaleArab world.These enemies namely PaleArabs seek to destroyAmerica and everything that’s apart ofAmerica. Furthermore because we live inAmerica we should protect it from all foreigners, including theEuropean corporate colonizers falsely claiming to beAmericans. ManyNubianEthiopian do not understand because of deception that we areAboriginal and indigenous to the continents of north,Central, andSouthAmerica.Only a small portion of us came here during the slave trade as slaves.More on this subject will be touched upon in later portions of this book. It is important to note that Pale Arabs have our kindred inAfrekeya andNortheast
  • 38.    Page38 Afrekeya in subjugation and are in no way friends of the NubianEthiopian, but known enemies.They are Caucasian themselves because they are PaleArabs. However theArabs dealings on this side of the hemisphere are strictly because of theCaucasians. They want to destroy theCaucasians and whoever aids them more than anything, so it is in our best interest to not get involved with theCaucasian crusade against the PaleArab world because we have our own contempt for theArab world as they are just as diabolical as the corruptCaucasians.NubianEthiopianMoors should not get involved in any wars for the corrupt foreign Caucasian corporate government because we have done so from theAmerican Revolutionary war,Spanish American war, theCivil war,WorldWar 1,WorldWar 2, theKorean war, Vietnam war,Gulf war, and the current war in Iraq only to come home to be treated as a second class citizens. NubianEthiopians andMoorsNow called Pitchnovas are the only true patriots ofAmerica because America is ultimately our country and our land, because we areAboriginal and indigenous to this continent.Do not get the people who inhabit the country
  • 39.  mixed up with the country (more on this later). Let it be remembered always and let it be known! Listen to Reason!Scientifically in order for usNubian Ethiopians andMoors now called Pitchnovas to prepare properly forArmageddon, we must construct and erect new cities (non-congested), and towns dedicated to the protection of natural and man-made disasters. If we don’t take the initiative at this appointed time we risk being wiped off the face of theEarth completely.We are indeed the last generation, and we must correct our current conditions and finally gain our freedom for the proper wellbeing and survival of ourselves and kind. This is our last chance for redemption, to do things correctly and to restore justice and balance on the surface of planetEarth as only we can. Let it be remembered always and let it be known! Listen to Reason!The newly constructed and erected cities and towns must have the fundamental necessities such as learning institutions, health care centers, grocery stores, libraries, government buildings, parks, housing,
  • 40.    Page40 farms, law enforcement facilities, military defense faculties, shopping centers, etc. for our proper wellbeing and survival through and beyondArmageddon. Ques:What is theNun project? Ans:Nun is a laboratory project for replenishing the earth with the genes ofAmun (Nun) andAmunet (Nunet) also known asNiu andNiut.Nun the force of the chaotic waters is of the eight ogdoads of ancient Tama-re (Egipt). It’s interesting, to note that the symbol forThe Zodiac (ZoopooH)SignAquarius is a water-bearer symbol, as also isNUN (NU) inAncient Egypt, the manifestation of PrimordialChaoticWaters (Efficacious Fluid-Fire calledEthers) from which ATUM-RE,The Fully RisenSun-Re (of the so-calledMorning, Metaphysical Point 6 east) was born, as in InebHedjAnkhTawyCosmology, PopularlyCalled MemphiteTheology in its Pantheistic or Religious context.Therefore, the “Age ofAquarius” is symbolically the “Age ofNun” and emergence fromThe Womb.
  • 41.  Nun Nunet Listen to Reason!Nun Project also titled “TheNoone Project” is aNaturalOrganization ofNatural Philosophers andScientists (Noologist) whose prime objective goal is mental, spiritual, and physical liberation ofTheEthiopian Race.TheAmerican heritage Dictionary defines “project” as: NOUN: 1.Aplan or proposal; a scheme.See synonyms at plan. 2.An undertaking requiring concentrated effort: a community cleanup project; a government-funded irrigation project. 3.An extensive task undertaken by a student or group of students to apply, illustrate, or supplement classroom lessons. 4.Ahousing project. VERB: pro·ject Inflected forms: pro·ject·ed, pro·ject·ing, pro·jects TRANSITIVEVERB: 1.To thrust outward or forward: project one's jaw in defiance. 2.To throw forward; hurl: project an arrow. 3.To send out into space; cast: project a light beam. 4.To cause (an image) to appear on a surface: projected the slide onto a screen. 5.Mathematics to produce (a projection). 6.To direct (one's voice) so as to be heard clearly at a distance. 7. PsychologyTo externalize and attribute (an emotion or motive, for example) unconsciously to someone or something else in order to avoid anxiety. 8.To convey an impression of to an audience or to others: a posture that projects defeat. 9.To form a plan or intention for: project a
  • 42.    Page42 new business enterprise. 10.To calculate, estimate, or predict (something in the future), based on present data or trends: projecting next year's expenses. INTRANSITIVEVERB: 1.To extend forward or out; jut out: beams that project beyond the eaves.See synonyms at bulge. 2.To direct one's voice to be heard clearly at a distance. Amun Amunet Ques:Who is the leader of the Nun project and NEO? Ans:THENUNPROJECTand we of theNEO does not have a one Leader,Chief, orHead besides Sound Right Reason (Who isNoopooH) through the duly appointed PitchnovaBoss orChief (Maku) Member byAlmighty Nature and FirstBegotten of TheMentallyDead, PhilosopherWriter (Afroo Oonoo) channeling through (AafertiAmunnubi Rooakhptah).We embrace all who recognizeAtun, Atum andAmun including Re as anAppointedMember
  • 43.  by Female forces ofNature as a Ruler, andSovereign in thisSunCycle, withinThe LibraCycle, inThe RevolutionaryCycleQuarter ofTheSmatCircle of Order.Our appointed deity for thisSun cycle is the SunGod orDeity “Tammuz” also known as “Atun-re” or in religion “YashuaHaMasiakh” and inAncient Egipt was called “Heru” (Horus).Also symbolic of Joshua son ofNun in theUn-HolyBible! Tammuz Yashua Ques:What are the ordinances forNewEthiopian Order?
  • 44.    Page44 Ans:Before I explain to you the orders for this new covenant with the positive forces of natureNuwaupu opposite-NoopooH.We must overstand what exactly an order is.The definition for order is. 1.An authoritative direction or instruction, command, or mandate. 2.Th.Acommand of a court Judge. 3.Th. Anotice issued by a military organization or military commander to troops, sailors, etc. 4.Th; the disposition of things following one another, as in space or time; succession or sequence:Alphabetical order. 5. Th.Acondition in which things is properly disposed with references to other things and to its purpose methodical or harmonious arrangement. Listen to reason! In order for one to be properly guided he or she first must be properly instructed with the right knowledge, right wisdom, and right overstanding which results in sound right reason. Thinking is a linear straight process while as reasoning is a circular one let it be remembered always and let it be known.
  • 45.  TheTenCommandments of Leviticus 20: 1-19 ofThe Bible was taken directly out ofEgiptian “TheBook of the dead (“ElKatubShilMawut”) fromThe “Declaration of Innocence beforeTheNeteru ofThe Tribunal”(TheDeclaration of innocence beforeThe Nature ofTheTribalCourts of Justice) TheDeclaration of InnocenceBefore TheNature ofTheTribalCourts of Justice-Maat 1.IHave not done wrong. 2.IHave not robbed. 3.IHave not stolen. 4.IHave not slain people. 5.IHave not destroyed the food offering. 6.IHave not reduced measures. 7.IHave not stolenTheNeteraat property 8.IHave not stolen food. 9.IWas not sullen 10. IHave not fornicated withThe Fornicator. 11. IHave not caused anyone to weep.
  • 46.    Page46 12. IHave not dissembled. 13. IHave not transgressed. 14. IHave not done grain profiteering 15. IHave not robbed a parcel of Land. 16. IHave not discussed what is sacred. 17. IHave brought no lawsuit. 18. IHave not disputed at all about property. 19. IHave not had intercourse with a married women. 20. IHave not wrongly copulated. 21. IHave not struck terror. 22. IHave not transgressed. 23. IHave not been hot tempered. 24. IHave not been neglected of truthful words. 25. IHave not cursed. 26. IHave not been violent. 27. IHave not been impatient. 28. IHave not discussed lies. 29. IHave not been garrulous in these matter. 30. IHave not done wrong, I have not done evil. 31. IHave not waded in the water. 32. My voice was not loud. 33. IHave not cursed aNeteru. 34. IHave not made homage. 35. I am a uniter ofGood. 36. IHave not stolenThe khenef cakes from the blessed.
  • 47.  37. IHave not stolenHefnu cakes of youth, nor have I fetteredTheNeteru of my town. 38. IHave not slainSacred cattle. Listen to Reason!These are the basic foundation of all NooneCommandment Laws.There was originally 613 commandments which equal the numberTen when the numbers 613 are added together. TheTenCommandments 1. You are to have noAkhair “Other”Eloheem except theAll. “El Kuluwm”. 2. You will not make for yourself any Fehsel “idol” at all, any Temoonaw “likeness” in theShawmahyim “skies”Mahal “above” or that is inThe PlanetEarth from beneath or in theMahyim “waters” from underThe PlanetEarth. 3. You not willShawkhaw “prostrate” yourself to them, norAwbad “slave” them for I a YahuwaEloheek am aHadus “Loving”El (Source),The one Fawqad “visiting theAwwone 'iniquity of theAwb “fathers” upon theBane “children” up toTheShillaysh “third” and Ribbayah “fourth” generation of them thatSawnay “hate” me.
  • 48.    Page48 4. You should not takeShawme “name” of a YahuwaEloheek and useShaww “falsely” for a Yahuwa will not hold himNawqaw “guiltless” that take hisShameh “name” and use itShaww “falsely”. 5. Zawkar “Remember”TheSabbathDay, to keep itQawdash “Holy”. 6. You are not to Rawtsakh “fight to kill”. 7. You are not toNawaf “commit abominations”. 8. You will notGawnab “steal”. 9. You are not to beAwnaw “bear”Shehker “false”Ayd “witness” against your Rayah “neighbors, friends,”. 10. You will not Khawmad “desire” your Israelites, Ishmaelites, Midianites (Pitch-novites) neighbor’s, friend’s house, you will not Khawmad “desire” you Israelite, Ishmaelite, andMidianites (Pitch-novite) neighbor’s friends Ishshaw “confidante spouse” nor hisMale slave, nor his female workers, nor his ox, or his cattle, nor anything that is your Israelites, Ishmaelites,Midianites (Pitch-novites)
  • 49.  OurNineEthiopian (Aksumaat)Guides are: 1. I promise to preserve self, and kind always to best of my knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and ability. 2. I Promise to have sexual relations with no one but the opposite sex of my own kind. 3. I promise to eat and drink only those gases, liquids, and solids which will be more beneficial than harmful to my mental and physical selves to the best of my knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and ability.
  • 50.    Page50 4. I promise to be anAksumaat first to the best of my knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and ability, then whatever else I wish to be. 5. I promise to advocate nine knowledge and adhere to nine knowledge best of my scientific information, wisdom, understanding, and ability. 6. I promise to treat peoples of other races the same way that they treat me to the best of my knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and ability. 7. I promise to uphold justice and rightness always to the best of my knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and ability. 8. I promise I will fight hard for liberation and freedom for theAksumaat Race, and when it is liberated and free, I will work just as hard to keep our liberty and freedom preserved to the best of my knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and ability. 9. Consequently, I promise that before my physical death I will arrange for my lifeless body to be cremated and the remains distributed at the roots of an evergreen tree or some other suitable place willed by the deceased. I also seriously promise byAksumaat
  • 51.  forces ofNature by thisNinth guide to maintain the promises, all nineAksumaat guides for an existence in liberty, freedom, preservation, well-being, and success, with the understanding that if I fail to keep my promises to the best of my knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and ability, I will soon join the physical dead. THENUN/NOONE PROJECTRE-MEMORANDUM CONVERSATION 1.Nine-ReasonSpeaks!WeNoonebus (Natureasonee)Demigods andDemigoddesses, as members and parts ofAbsoluteNature,THEONE SUPREMEBEING; which isAlmighty asAll Matter, Infinite in all directions asAllSpace, and Eternal asAllTime.
  • 52.    Page52 2. Remind all Positive Forces ofAlmighty Nature in TheName ofTheMighty NoopooH(Nuwaupu opposite ) and by acceptance and practice ofTheir Active PhilosophyScience ofAll theWorlds, NOONE. 3.To automatically and naturally guide, protect, provide and supply all that is needed for proper wellbeing and survival of our self and kind; mentally, spiritually, and physically. 4.By the Powers ofBrain-NootsGods and Goddesses, Repoo (Sun Powers and Forces, through TheirStar Representative),Gepoo (Earth Powers and Forces, throughTheir Planet Representative), and Sipoo (Moon Powers and Forces, throughTheir Satellite Representative)’ all now in the Positive of Almighty-Nature. 5.The Laws ofEternal-Nature inSeasons and Cycles, allOriginalSpiritGods &Goddesses who are partial toNoopooHandNoone, as those who must aid
  • 53.  and abet us, andAllChosenElite andElect ofNature through learning, accepting, and practicingNoone, the Philosophy-Science ofNine-Ether Nuwaupu opposite-NoopooH. 6. This promise and covenant was accepted, after being duly made, and is binding byAlmighty Nature and Its Positive PersonalityNine-EtherNoopooH, through OurMessenger,Scribe,Natural Philosopher Scientist,Metaphysician,Mental Liberation Pioneer. (AfrooOonoo) 7.OurNaturalBornEmperor (Sovereign & Physical Sole Ruler), andNatural PhysicalHighest Priest (Primate-Prelate) ofAbsoluteNature in Revolution, as the Personification and Incarnation ofNuwaupu opposite-NoopooH, and who’s ProperEastern and GreatScientificName is indeed (AFROO OONOO) 8. PointOneAndAxis (AlQubt) of the Revolutionary Cycle!We of the Pitchnova (Ethiopian, Ptah-Kind,
  • 54.    Page54 Aksumaat) Race andTHEFIRST BEGOTTENOFTHEMENTALLY DEAD. 9. Let it be remembered always and let it be known in the PerpetualNOW! “MEMORANDUMCONVERSATION 3.NoopooH: 6.NoopooH: 9.NoopooH 2.NoopooH: 5.NoopooH: 8.NoopooH 1.NoopooH: 4.NoopooH: 7.NoopooH Remember the Promise andCovenant with our Messenger andWriter,TheChiefBlackEagle of the Yammasse,TheGrandHierophant Tehuti of the A.E.O.Who channeled (AfrooOonoo) Point one of N.E.O, and all those who learn, accept, and practice PositiveNature Knowledge andThe Laws ofNature, as explained and described byNuwaupu opposite (Noone), yourActiveScience ofAll theWorlds. Your promise and covenant having been duly made are binding as following:Economic well-being and liberation ofThe
  • 55.  Ethiopian Race, mentally, spiritually, and physically, because it is the time and cycle for this action for your posterity (TheEthiopian Race), and, because weAll, meaning Repoo,Gepoo,Sipoo andAllAdherents dedicate and obligate the rest of our lives toSound Right Reason (Who isNuwaupu opposite-NoopooH), PositiveNatureKnowledge,The Laws ofNature, also truth, equality, justice, and practicing rightness (which is Noone) to the best of our knowledge and abilities. The time forTheSavior has passed. It is now time forThe Mental Resurrection, liberation, justice, judgment, settlement, and balance for all peoples on PlanetEarth, as promised by The Forces ofNature and predicted byTheAncients andSages ofAntiquity.ElKuluwmAlyunAlyun (NuwaupuOpposite-NoopooH), please cause it to be!” LAWSOFNATURE BY REASON
  • 56.    Page56 Listen to Reason!The mercy, forgiveness, and scapegoat dogma of Religion obstructs justice; JUSTICEISHARDANDHEAVY, and if it is tempered withMERCY and FORGMNESSand scapegoatism, it is not justice any longer but COMPROMISEforTRANSGRESSSION instead.When JUSTICEbecomes COMPROMISE, the compromise' encourages further iniquities and transgressions, and we end up with a world like we have today at the time of this writing. COMPROMISEOF TRANSGRESSIONS; means that the violations ofThe Laws ofNature have not been accounted for in the right way, because accounting for transgression is paying the Penalty for iniquity required byThe Laws ofNature.THE ONLY way ‘to ultimately satisfy The Laws ofNature is forTHEGUTLTY PARTY himself or herself or his own kind pay the penalty required byNATURAL LAW. Let it be remembered always well! Listen to reason!WhenSOMEONE QUALIFEDdetermines bySOUNDRIGHT
  • 57.  REASONwhat the law and penalty byNature are for a particular transgression, the degree thatTHE CALCULATOR PERSONmight differ from the exact law and exact penalty byNature is ADJUSTEDby theBalancing Powers inNature in one way or another but always on the guilty person or his kind.During theMoonCycle, scapegoatism (the guilty placing blame on the innocent) was common practice and permissible, but now that theMoonCycle is over, that diabolical practice is not only ineffective now but causes backlash penalties on the person or persons guilty, and all the unaccounted for transgressions during theMoon Cycle must be paid for now, and this fact one of the major cause ofARMAGEDDON –The war of justice and balance. Let it be remembered always and well! Listen to reason!The following COMMANDMENTLAWSOFNUWAUPU OPPOSITE-NOOPOOH(TheNine-Ether Mentality ofNature) are based onNature andTrue CultureBYSOUNDRIGHTREASON who is NOOPOOH(Opposite ofNUWAUPU).Sound
  • 58.    Page58 Right Reason is the original creator of original persons, places, and things and the qualifier of the first one who is AafertiAtum-Re,Amunnubi Rooakhptah who channeled (AfrooOonoo), the scribe and messenger of NuwaupuOpposite- (NoopooH).AafertiAtum-Re who channeled as (AfrooOonoo) andNoboohu Oonoo-NoopooH(LawiyShamu-El) is qualified by the positive forces of almighty nature to determine LAWSOFNATUREANDPRESCRIBE PENALTIESfor transgressions of those laws.The following is indeed some of theCommandment Laws of Nuwaupu opposite - (NoopooH–TheCreator of the universes ofNature), by way ofBrain-Noots (Zeles) brains, andSound Right Reason. (Nuwaupu opposite) - NoopooHis conceived and gestating now.
  • 59.  1.“Do nothing to others you would not want done to self the same way each time that conditions are the same!” ThisScribe shall attempt to describe each commandment – Law given in the topic (Now calledThe Novus codex), beginning withNUMBERONE. If you do not obey the preceding commandment, you have transgressed the Laws ofNature.The phrase “THE SAMEWAYEACHTIMETHAT CONDITIONSARETHESAME” makes the commandment constant, consistent, and standard,The Requirement for natural law like law enforcement to the letter is a requirement.Be it not forgotten. Listen to Reason! the expression “THESAME WAYEACHTIMETHATCONDITIONS ARETHESAME” also demands that one’s obedience to the commandment to be consistent and standard, and penalty for violation of the law must also be standard, that is to say, people must always do the same thing under the same conditions to obey the commandment as required, becauseAbsoluteNature is definitely consistent and standard in requirements and
  • 60.    Page60 enforcements ofThe Laws ofNature.The First Commandment law in the foregoing paragraph isTHE SOCALLEDGOLDEN RULE, and it is a BLANKETLAWthat covers most other laws for behavior, because if a person obeys it, he or she would never treat another person wrong purposely and never commit a crime or transgression against another person, intentionally.The FirstCommandment Law is binding, because those of us who not obey it will experience negative returns. Let it be remembered always and let it be known! Listen to Reason!We now shall touch on the other commandment orders. 2. “Do for others what you would want done for self, the same way each time that conditions are the same.” This Law teaches us not to be selfish, but kind and helpful to others in need. 3. “Minimize your sensual pleasures by maximizing your vigilance and resistance to temptation, the same way
  • 61.  each time that conditions are the same.”Be sure to and read “THEPLEASUREANDPAIN LAW” it will help you understand this commandment better.Sensual pleasures, of course, are pleasures one enjoys with his sense of seeing, also hearing, feeling, tasting, smelling, and thinking.The gist of this commandment-law is the less pleasure you have the less pain and suffering you or your kind will have to experience. “We have to learn to embrace our pains without pleasures”. Let it be remembered always and let it be known! Listen to Reason!The phrase “THESAMEWAY EACHTIMETHATCONDITIONSARE THESAME” Further means that the commandment law states what it means and means what it states as exactly as practical and permanently, and this fact makes it a Law ofNature.ALaw ofNature is a permanent standard. 4. “Avoid negative temptation by keeping away from it or departing from it presence, the same way each time that
  • 62.    Page62 conditions are the same.”Negative temptation is a powerful and diabolical force, and the best way to keep from being trapped by it is to keep away from it or if you suddenly find yourself in the presence of it, depart from it, immediately.Otherwise, you might very well become a victim of it.TEMPTATION is the opportunity to do something you should not do or be attracted to a person or thing you should not be attracted.To disobey the temptation commandment is to violate Laws ofNature. Let it be remembered always and let it be known! Listen to Reason!This writer (draftee) repeats and emphasizes: If one does not adhere to the commandment laws ofNature, he or she has transgressed (violated) The Laws ofNature, and will eventually if not immediately, experience the negative results of the violation. If one’s violation comes as a physical crime, it is punishable in accord withThe PenalCode in Criminality; if one’s disobedience comes as the form of moral misconduct, it is punishable in accord with the Penal code for Immorality.Those violators that go undetected byTheAuthorities (U.N.U.K,T.A.N.K.,
  • 63.  andCentral solution office of I.C.P.O..P) in charge will run intoNature’s balancing powers and be negatively balanced off byTheAvenging Forces ofNature. Intentional accomplices, people who help do the evil or know or saw who did it and do not report the transgression will suffer the same fate as the violators. 5. “Never use drugs except for medical purposes as prescribed by a qualified physician, the same way each time that conditions are the same.” UsingNarcotic drugs as dope for pleasure and fun is lethal to mental, spiritual, and physical health's, and for these reasons and worse, they are menaces and destroyers of the morals, lives, and well-being of communities and Societies.Using drugs like tobacco products, alcoholic drinks, plus caffeine as in coffee is also injurious to your health and a burden on your life and often time the lives of others as a results of your involvement or death. Listen to Reason! In some societies, people take great
  • 64.    Page64 Pleasure in labeling each other or other human races, but it is true that this practice is diabolical, evil, and malicious. 6. “Never slander a person or race of persons and stay in accord with the facts, the same way each time that conditions are the same.” It is evil and wrong to make statements about a person, group of persons, or race of persons which can be verified to reasonable satisfaction.Character assassination as it is called is satanic and demonic and should definitely be discourage by stiff penalties like public whipping and perhaps a heavy fine in favor of the victim. It is the duty and obligation of theGovernment for the people to see to it that its citizens do not publicly vilify and degrade each other out of malice and hate.However, if it is fact what one says about another, and it does not involve a case of confidentiality as in case of physician and patient, the statements made are permissible although the person’s words might be from malice and hate. In case of malice and hate, it should be definitely and morally condemned and discouraged for prevention of others doing the same.To put it another
  • 65.  way; People surely should not be allowed to publicly slander and vilify each other because of racial hatred, malice, and racial differences unless it is in a public debate where all ethnic races who are discussed be present in sufficient number to orally defend themselves and the forum be orderly and strictly controlled. Listen to Reason!The Laws ofNature areTHE SUPREMELAWSof the land andNature in- General and they areBINDING. 7. “Use natural herbs and vitamins to maintain fine health or for better health, the same way each time that conditions are the same.”We cannot always get and eat the fresh and quality foods that we need for good health, so natural herbs and synthetic vitamins are available as supplements. Natural herbal stores called health stores where herbs and vitamins can be bought and books that inform the customer what the vitamins and herbs are beneficial for are becoming increasingly popular and rightly so.Before modern and commercial medicines
  • 66.    Page66 came into being, people used herbs and various home remedies for control of illnesses and diseases; but, when the greed for finance and control of diseases got out of hand, mundane scientists came up with modern and commercial medicine and surgery to control ailments and diseases and indeed make medical practitioners and the medical industry great fortunes.Sometimes, commercial medicine and even surgery are needed in some cases like new diseases and old diseases that are constant or diseases which have no cure as of today at the time of this writing.Of course, injuries need immediate attention certainly necessary. Let it be remembered always! Listen to Reason!The point and word are this: If the illness or disease is not so bad that you need immediate care from a doctor or hospital, try herbs and vitamins for your ailment and see what happens, because often time commercial medicine fails and surgery only makes matters even worse.Another thing, before submitting to surgery try to get more than one opinion beforehand, three opinions if possible.Doctors and hospitals sometimes do surgery anyway just for prestige and finance.However,
  • 67.  theTruth and bottom-line is definitely PREVENTION try to keep your person in fine condition with natural herbs, good vitamins, ample rest, good care for self, and adherence toNoone for your mental, spiritual, and physical health's, so that you might not to resort to commercial medicine or surgery. It is usually easier to PREVENTorAVOIDillness and disease rather than having to try cure for them. Let it be remembered always and let it be known! Listen to Reason!Sex is a major ruling and controlling force in the bottom half ofTheSmatCircle ofOrder. 8. “Use sex for balance and reproduction only, the same way each time conditions are the same.” Sex is sacred, that is, it is VERYHONORABLEand VERY VALUABLE, and it should be treated that way. If you do not obey this commandment law of Nature, you or your kind or both will experience very negative returns.WhereasMENTALBRAINS assumeTHESUPERHUMAN FORMin the top half ofTheCircle ofOrder,SEXUAL BRAINSdo assumeTHESERPENT
  • 68.    Page68 FORMin the bottom half of the same circle, and this is one reason why most animals have tails.Of course, animals with animal nature do not exist in the top of TheCircle.Aspecies sex organs and powers are theirSACREDSERPENTS, and they should not be defiled and corrupted. InUniverseScience calledNoone, the writer repeats and emphasizes: SEX ISSACREDANDSPECIAL, meaning, it is very honorable and very valuable and very pleasurable, and it should be treated accordingly, because as well as giving pleasure, mental and physical balance, sex produces the future of plants and animals and human beings, likewise. Let it be remembered so! Listen to Reason!Therefore, sex should be treated with honor and high respect by refusing to misuse it and abuse it. People misuse and abuse sex when they treat sex as though it is a sport or an object or lustful pleasure. By defiling and corrupting sex with unnatural acts like abortion, animalistic sex, prostitution, homosexuality, and bestiality, people are defiling and corrupting their present selves and their future in the person of their
  • 69.  children, and this means increase in disease, crime, immorality, and violence connected with sex perversion, sex disorder, and sex mistreatment. People are not supposed to intentionally increase their desire for lustful sex, but are indeed supposed to let sexual urge come on naturally, and when it naturally builds up to the point of need for relief, then relieve it in union with your spouse, naturally; so you do not breachThe Laws ofNature. Naturally relieving sex urge, when relief is needed, helps balance you mental and physical person, and reproduction of offspring should be planned.Therefore, sex is meant for natural balance and planned reproduction purposes. Let it be remembered always and well! Listen to Reason!Sound Right ReasonNoopooHhas been conceived, and their conception is like their birth to us in the bottom half ofTheSmatCircle ofOrder, because (NoopooH/Noology) /(Nuwaupu opposite ) is new, young, growing,DEVELOPINGtoward MENTALGIANT-HOOD.
  • 70.    Page70 9. “Pronounce the name (NoopooH/Noology) (Nuwaupu opposite) often for positive mental and spiritual companionship, the same way each time that conditions are the same.” In the top half ofThe Order ofCircle ofNature (NoopooH/Noology) (Nuwaupu opposite) is the world soul.All brain-noots, and brains, Reason, and spirit beings existing then, plus all energies (potential and active) of persons and things like the flesh and bloodGods andGoddesses and vegetation, everywhere.TheWorldSoul (The emotional you -Ba, Ruh,Agni) is all energies and all life of theUniverses. It is so that during the bottom half of theCircle ofOrder, ZoopooHis the world soul, and the same definition forTheWorldSoul goes forNoopooH, except thatNoopooHWorld Soul dominion is in the positive and nine zone and cycle, and ZoopooHWorldSoul dominion is negatively and six zone cycle. Let it be remembered always and let it be known! Listen to Reason!NoopooHcannot exist as spirit beings in the bottom half ofTheSmatCircle ofOrder,
  • 71.  because the bottom half isTheDomain ofZoopooH. Remember, in order for any person or thing to naturally come into being, he or she or it must be conceived and go through the gestation process and period and be born. This principle also holds true forNuwaupu opposite- NoopooH.So, in the case ofNuwaupu opposite- NoopooH,Nuwaupu opposite-NoopooHconception inTheCenterBrains (Nucleus) ofTheSuns is like TheBirth ofNuwaupu opposite-NoopooHto us persons and other beings inTheUniverses, because afterTheBrains ofTheTrueStars ofThe Universes are impregnated again byBrain-noots with Nine ether mentality, TheBrains ofTheCenters of TheSuns begin to emanateNineEtherMind again, and that emanation gradually increases In volume and density untilAll existence reaches point 6 east counterclockwise, where the atmosphere becomesNine Ether in purity again as well asNineEther mentality and therebyThe ImageBirths ofNuwaupu opposite- NoopooHoccur again. The ImageBirths ofNuwaupu opposite-NoopooHare the flesh and bloodGods and Goddesses of the top half ofTheSmatCircle of
  • 72.    Page72 Order while the top half exist. The power and science of Nuwaupu opposite-NoopooHandNoone areThe NewOrder of persons and things. Let it be remembered so! Listen to Reason!This writer (draftee) and reviser (Dr. LawiyShamu-El) keeps saying that the conception and gestation ofNuwaupu opposite-NoopooHseem like TheBirth ofNoopooH, because the true and real and full birth ofNuwaupu opposite-NoopooH(Sound Right Reason) does not happen until point 6 east on TheSmatCircle ofOrder, and that is 18 million years from now at the time of this writing, but the way that NoopooHis developing as an embryo is like their Growing as a newborn baby, meaning, bigger, stronger, and more intelligent as time goes on.The gradual emission ofNineEther mentality (NoopooH-Nuwaupu opposite) fromTheCenters of the suns goes toThe Centers ofUniverse`1Orbs such asThe Planets and Satellites, and they too begin to resurrect and gradually permeateEther mentality more positive than before and, of course, thisNine mentality activity affects us humans
  • 73.  being, advertently, that is to say, in a noteworthy and positive manner. Let it be remembered always well! Listen to Reason! “Obey all the commandment laws of Nuwaupu opposite -NoopooHalways, the same way each time that conditions are the same.”This Commandment-Law isTHEPANECEALAWof Nuwaupu opposite-NoopooH, because, not only does it include all commandment laws ofSound Right Reason, but it also demands that the person be knowledgeable, alert, and applicable to natural process called unity with nature to be blameless. The Panecea Law indeed means THECUREALL PROBLEMSLAWand THEPREVENTIONOFALL PROBLEMS. If you do not obey thisCommandment Law ofNuwaupu opposite -NoopooH, you have transgressed the Laws ofNature.Natural Law demands for sure that things be done in as natural a way as possible and practical with your degree of knowledge and ability. Positive life is based uponTrueCulture and what makes reasonable and progressive sense, becauseSound Right Reason is
  • 74.    Page74 TheBasis ofAll Positive Intelligence andNineMind. Let it be remembered! Listen to Reason!All laws ofNature are interwoven also intermingled into interrelationships and networks called cycles and societies.TheGovernment of a positive society is in accord withThe Laws ofNature as best it perceives them.Agovernment of the people who is not in keeping with the Laws ofNature is in conflict withAlmightyNature, and its fate is determined by AlmightyNature according toNature’s Laws. InTrue Culture, the lawmakers and lawgivers base theirNature’s laws and penalties uponSound Right Reason who is THEONLYBASISfor truly determining and distinguishing right from wrong.All Laws are determined by Reason, and those laws that are surely derived at by Sound Right Reason areTheTrue Laws ofNature as close asHuman beings can get.Any discrepancy or difference betweenThe Laws made by the qualified and authorized lawmaker and Lawgiver forNuwaupu opposite-NoopooHNature andTHEPURELAW INPERSONis adjusted byAbsoluteNature during
  • 75.  its balancing process of powers.Notwithstanding, this fact hold true for all human-made laws which people have to live with and live by in accord with their society, but the main difference between a person qualified byNature to make laws and one not qualified byNature is that the laws are much closer to exactness when made and made given by theNatureQualified person.Do not forget to concentrate on and pronounce theNameNuwaupu opposite-NoopooHoften indeed for mental, spiritual, and physical strengths and better understanding of Noone. Let it be remembered always and known! Listen to Reason! 11. “Male and female persons must have equal rights whenever and wherever possible and practical, the same way each time that conditions are the same.” If you do not obey thisCommandment Law of (Nuwaupu opposite)-NoopooH, you have broken the Laws ofNature.TheWorld of theMoonCycle which lasted for six thousand years was a world that did not define the true positions of male and female persons in a society or societies ofTheWorld either.However, since the male person is biologically different from the female
  • 76.    Page76 person, their roles in the world stage are somewhat different; in fact, males and females are opposites by Nature, and this is the main reason why the two can sexually procreate.Therefore, one must have the rights due a male, and the other the rights due a female; one must have the rights due a father, and the others the rights due a mother, one must have the rights due the head of theHousehold, and the other the rights due the helpmate of the household.All this adds up to equal rights for both sexes but not necessarily the same rights in every respect of life. For example:Usually, a male person byNature can be a better policeman, fireman, or construction worker than a female person, because, he is stronger by nature and usually more nervy (Braver) and more rugged, making him more suitable for doing a better job as a policeman, fireman, or construction worker, not to mention military service as indeed a combat serviceman, justTo mention a few positions less suitable for females person for obvious and various reasons. Let it be remembered always and let it be known!
  • 77.  Listen to Reason!One might argue:The female did not make herself physically weaker byNature; so why should she not hold these positions? Right, some females might be able to hold these positions, but what the writer is trying to so make clear is this:She is not as physically able to do the job as a male, and her image as a female entity is damage; therefore, she is likely to get from the male person less respect and less elegant treatment as a female and childbearing person.Moreover, the female entity cannot rightfully claim the rights of a father, and the male entity cannot correctly claim the rights of a mother, because the female cannot biologically be a father, and the male cannot organically be a mother.Also, because the male individual is usually physically stronger and acts as the protector of theHousehold, he is chosen byNature to beTheHead of theHousehold. Let it be remembered always and let it be known! Listen to Reason!There cannot peacefully and securely be two heads of one household, just as there cannot be twoKings of one palace and Kingdom or two Presidents of one country, peacefully. The place of the female
  • 78.    Page78 person is in the home as a spouse, mother, and helpmate alongside her spouse (husband), and the place for a male person is on the family business or career providing for his family, and when home, safeguarding his household and fulfilling his household duties.This Pen man understands that in societies of today, female people do work and make their own way, but this status of societies is one that must be somewhat modified, if theWorld is going to be a happy place for both male and female persons of theHuman species. Let it be remembered always and be it known! Listen to Reason! It is the duties of men to see to it that their women and children are protected, taught properly, and provided for; and it is the obligation ofThe Government of a society or nation to see to it that every responsible man has a career to support his family and maintain his household. This does not mean that women should not work for a living, but it does mean that male persons must beTHEMAINWORK FORCE ANDPROVIDERSbecause they should have families to provide for and those families should indeed
  • 79.  be the female persons and children of the society.The point is this: The writer (draftee) is seeking order and peace between the sexes by defining their positions by Nature in the workplace, the home, and society at large. Because their places inTheWorld and society have not been defined any at all or defined ever so poorly, there is too much contention and hatred between the male and female genders, which cause the sexes to lose trust and respect for each other and fuss and fight in all the ways that they can.The males of an ethnic race are responsible for the females and children of their ethnic race; therefore, intelligent male persons must lead the way to safety, peace, and happiness and maintenance of these qualities and values. Let it be remembered always and let it be known! Listen to Reason!Another thing, this writer (draftee) is not trying to turn the clock back to the old days when women were oppressed and treated like wayward children, for he repeats that females of the human species must and will have equal rights in reality and practicality. For instance: Just because a man is head of the household
  • 80.    Page80 does not mean that he should perform things and make decisions concerning his family without consulting and conversing with his spouse on the issue. This respect is due her perhaps his children, too.When the couple discuss the subject, the pair should, of course, agree on the final decision. If the female spouse’s idea or opinion seems to be better or best one, it should prevail, and not be rejected because the male spouse is the head of the household and must do all the thinking and decision making. Let it be remembered always and let it be known! Listen to Reason!However, if the spouses cannot definitely agree on what should be done or how it should be done or the time it should be done, then it is the obligation of the man (Head) of the house to go it alone on the final decision; but this disagreement and disunity should never happen between two intelligent and reasonable spouses. If two individuals are able mentally to follow the curvature of Reason, each person can figure out which one of the two has the better or best idea or opinion or information. Intelligent and Reasonable people can find their way by nature, if they
  • 81.  useNoone and their best minds calledSound Right Reason. Let it be remembered always and let it be known! Listen to Reason!Asociety can be almost crime free if proper preventions are used such as proper teachings, making cost of living careers available for all members of the society, all members of the society having all valuables and values in common, and providing a government central office where all problems of all citizens can be heard and solved. 12. “Crimes must be punished by public chastisement, castration, payment for damages, death, or a combination of public chastisement and payment for damages, the same way each time that conditions are the.” INTRUECULTURE, there are no jails or prisons for detention of suspects of crime or those convicted of crime, except for temporary custody to determine the person’s status of guilt or innocence and time to execute the penalty if there be a guilty verdict. There is no ample reason for keeping a person in prison to pay his depth to society which is a false claim in itself.
  • 82.    Page82 Aperson should be detained just long enough for due process of Law to conclusion. Let it be remembered always and let it be known! Listen to Reason! Prisons only further degrade and pervert inmates make society and the perpetrators worse off because:Usually, the culprit is not rehabilitated in prison properly and given a career to keep him or her out of trouble when the person comes out of detention; so he or she is indeed a worse menace to self and society after the prison time, because usually no one will give him a career to supportHimself and his household family, if he has one, and this leads definitely to more crime and worse conditions than ever before.Usually, prisoners do nothing in prison that is truly productive and positive, especially in a capitalistic society where private and military powers control the industries of the economy. In other word, prisoners should not be working for private industry in prisons which would be free labor more than less a (Military industrial complex).Therefore, what do inmates accomplish in prisons other than wasting their time and taxpayers money while becoming deprived and
  • 83.  degraded?Moreover, long term detention promotes homosexuality and other denaturations.Hence inmates for long term imprisonment are unnatural and unbecoming intelligent people and thereby against the Laws of Nature.So, it is true, if those in authority do not obey the commandment law of (Nuwaupu opposite)- NoopooH, they have violatedThe Laws ofNature. Let it be Remembered always so! Listen to Reason!As the old adage goes:Correctly and sincerely teach children what they should know and as they do older they will not depart from it. 13. “Children must also be taught in public schools what the laws of the society are and the penalties for breaking the laws, the same way each time that conditions are the same.”The old saying that ignorance is no excuse for disobeying the law is a NEGATIVEOPINION, because it is UNREASONABLE. If a society does not teach its citizens in public schools what the laws are they are to obey, and a citizen unknowingly breaks a
  • 84.    Page84 law, it is unreasonable to say he or she definitely should have known better, unless it is a transgression which is PAINLY wrong considering that person’s intelligenceCitizens should know what the laws are which govern the people of the society and what the penalties are for violating those laws. If the school authorities of a society do not obeyThe Commandment Law given in this paragraph, they have indeed perpetratedThe Laws ofNature. Let it be Remembered so! Listen to Reason! 14.“Transgressors must not pay their debts to society but to the person or persons violated, the same way each time that conditions are the same.” Although a person violated by a perpetrator may be a part and member of the society, it was not the society as whole which the culprit violated, it wasTHE IMMEDIATEVICTIMor VICTIMSin the society.Therefore, if there is any monetary value lost by the victim, that value must be returned or replaced by the transgressor to the violated person or persons
  • 85.  and the violator gets a public lashing known as a Chastisement. TheGovernment andSociety must see to it that the culprit pays his or her debt to the victim or victims, not to society at large or the private industry. Let it be remembered always and be it known. Listen to Reason! 15. “Take your problem(s) toCENTRAL SOLUTION for settlement and satisfaction, the same way each time that conditions are the same.” If a citizen of the society or nation has a problem he or she cannot properly solve without resorting to crime, violence, or some other type of immorality, he or she must take the problem toCENTRAL SOLUTION. The government’sCentralOffice or station for solving citizens problems.By having this kind of set up,TheGovernment of a country or nation can eliminate any excuse a citizen might have for doing wrong or doing crime.
  • 86.    Page86 16. “All citizens able to work for a living a need to work for a living must be provided with a career byThe Government, the same way each time that conditions are the same.” Since work and rest are more then less opposites, TheAuthorities orGovernment must balance them off by requiring a four day work week and the other three days be given rest and relaxation for the citizens. This arrangement will help provide indeed for everyone to have a career, trade, enterprise, rather than some citizens working and others out of careers and suffering and living on welfare in ghettos.Making sure that sure citizens able to work and need to work has a career and a place to go to get his or her problem solved is also a type of crimes prevention program very vital to keeping society crime free and have high morale and morals. Let it be remembered always and let it be known! Listen to Reason! 17. “All citizens unable to work for a living, because of a mental or physical malady or condition, must be provided and cared for, the same way each time that
  • 87.  conditions are the same.” It is unfair to the offspring as well as ethnic races for people to genetically mixTheHuman races sexually and have offspring, because the children do not know which human race theyBelong to other thanTheMinglese Race, and this fact sometimes angers and frustrates children and sometimes even more so after they become adults.Children have nothing to say about their coming into this world; so the least the parents can do for children before they indeed create them is make sure that they are as racially pure as possible and as identifiable as practical, and this gives the offspring racial identity and pride and dignity to know that he or she can define self and feel comfortable and right doing so. Let it be remembered always and let it be known. Listen to Reason! INTERRACIALMIXINGto point ofOFFSPRINGis aTYPEOF GENOCIDE, especially for theEthiopian Race, because:True members ofTheEthiopian Race have KINKYHAIR, and inTheWorld in which we all live,
  • 88.    Page88 people with KINGLYHAIR are not usually treated and accepted the same way that people with straight hair are, and this no secret to anyone who observes person, attitudes, an d positions.Therefore, MISCEGENATION(particularly with the Caucasian Race) isGENOCIDEfor theEthiopian Race, since no one with theEthiopian RaceBlood in his or her veins is accepted in theCaucasian Race as a member.Hence, all mixed members ofTheEthiopian Race, thereby spells genocide for the beautiful kinky hairedBlack Race This has to stop at some point beforeTheEthiopian Race be destroyed by INTERRACIALSEXUALMIXINGAND BREEDINGthroughoutTheWorld.Members of theEthiopian Race, we must suppress our emotions, wantonness, gullibility for members of other ethnic races or be destroyed racially by sex lewdness and lust, what you think is love is only lust, and it is true that lustful love is a diabolical monster. Let it be remembered always and let it be known!
  • 89.  Listen to Reason!Any commandment law ofNuwaupu- NoopooHthat is broken meansThe Laws ofNature are breached, and once laws ofNature are transgressed, there will eventually be penalties byNature. It is true, when a transgressor violates one law ofNature, he or she has usually violated other Laws ofNature, becauseThe Laws ofNature are so closely interwoven and interrelated into closely intermingled networks. 20. “All citizens of a society or nation must share all resources and values and land ofTheNation in common, the same way each time that conditions are the same.” It is diabolical (evil) for some people of a society or nation to have millions and billions of dollars and others have nothing, although the ones who have little or nothing are the working people who are the back of the country. In true culture, the people ofTheNation own the land its resources and other society values that might exist, but elect whomever they wish to administerTheGovernment and economy. Let it be remembered so!
  • 90.    Page90 Listen to Reason! 21. “Adhere to and propagate the positive ones of the opposites ofAbsoluteNature forThe Road to Heaven onEarth, the same way each time that conditions are the same.” One of the purposes of THEPOSITIVESCIENCENOONEis to distinguish the positives ofNature fromThe Negatives of the same by defining and identifying them plus explaining theOpposites ofAlmighty Nature for better understanding of Life & death. Understand and adhere to (NUWAUPU OPPOSITE)-NOOPOOHANDNOONE (The PositiveOpposites) and beANELITEof AlmightyNature.AnElite is a person who isNature Knowledge wise and has been selected to survive Armageddon,The war of Justice. Remember! Listen to Reason! 22. “Never indulge in the unnatural sex perversion called beastiality, the same way each time that conditions are the same.” The mouth was created to eat and talk, with byNature, and the rectum was created to
  • 91.  have bowel movements with byNature; therefore, any other use of these cavities beyondThe natural sex act of the person for reasons other than those intended byNature is transgression ofThe Laws of Nature and thereby punishable byNature’s Negative forces and Powers.SEX IS SACRED, very honorable and very valuable, because it creates the future by procreating persons and other living beings; therefore, it should be treated with honor and respect by refusing to misuse and abuse it.To use any organ, other part or cavity of the head or body for any purpose other than the purpose intended byNature is misuse and abuse of that part of the individual, and that misuse and abuse of parts and organs createADVERSE REACTIONScalled diseases and maladies and disorders which lead to and cause death.There is an old proverb which states thatTHEWAGES OFSINISDEATH, and beastiality, Animalistic sex, is truly aSIN and transgression of The Laws ofNature.Not only is beastiality perversion which corrupts the present but the future
  • 92.    Page92 as well in the person of future generations. Let it be remembered always and let it be known! Listen to Reason! 23. “Abortion is an abomination definitely forbidden, the same way each time that conditions are the same.” Life is a burning, and the burning indeed for the construction of life begins at conception.Hence, the life of a person or thing begins at conception and the conscious life of a person begins at birth.Therefore, just because a person is not conscious of his or her life and surroundings before birth does not give anyone including the mother the right to destroy that life.Any intentional attempt to destroy or eliminate the egg and sperm in a female after they have united for creation is violation ofThe Laws ofNature pertaining to life and its natural rights for survival; and, if the attempt is successful, the violation becomes homicide calledMURDER.The Proper way to avoid undesired pregnancies isSEX CONTROL and PLANINGFOR YOUR
  • 93.  PROCREATION known asOFFSPRING. The only permissible types of pregnancy for termination are rape, incest, and danger to life of mother, because termination of these pregnancies are JUSTIFIABLE.The killing of a human being is not justifiable, except in self-defense, but in the case of abortion, rape and incest are dead; and the killing of an animal is not justifiable unless it is a pest, menace, sick or injured and cannot be cured, or is eaten for food. Let it be remembered always! Listen to Reason! 24. “Plan to have your offspring intentionally instead of by chance or accident, the same way each time that conditions are the same.” Violation of this commandment law ofNuwaupu opposite-NoopooH is transgression of the Laws ofNature, and this violation brings onUNNECESSARY HARDSHIPSandUNWANTED PREGNANCIES. It is all right to enjoy the fullness of sex whenNature naturally and normally brings on the urge and the time for sex is right, but
  • 94.    Page94 the female person has to determine and know when the right, and her mate must work with her and her cycle. Female humans must be taught about how to recognize the time most likely for them to get pregnant if they have sex.Sexual partners, as early in their lives, must be taught aboutTHE RHYTHMMETHODorTHE OVULATIONMETHODorBOTH METHODSof sex and birth control since the two are related.Sex moderation is the key to sex control and birth control. Let it be remembered always well! Listen to Reason! If members of a society or nation are not willing and ready to say no to coition (sexual intercourse) when necessary for their own good and wellbeing and must have sex enjoyment to its maximum when they do have sex, that society or nation is out of sex control and morally bankrupted and thereby prone to needless problems and sufferings. It is beautiful to experience the fullness of having sex at the right time and place, but not just any time you please and after you
  • 95.  intentionally build up lust for sex; you should let urge for sex build up naturally.Too much sex is counterproductive and negative, and when spouses become sexually and physically overworked due to too much sex activity, the relationship or marriage experience problems and often time’s violence and separation.Too much of anything is diabolical and detrimental.Acouple should always plan to have sex and plan to have their child or children for the time they choose and not accidentally or by chance. Let it be remembered well! Listen to Reason! 25. “The killing of a person is not justifiable except in self-defense, the same way each time that conditions are the same.” Killing in self-defense in this commandment law means a person is a direct physical and actual threat to your life with a weapon or hands or feet and is attempting to attack you or has attacked you already, and you defend yourself against this negativeAction, and you do reach a point during your defense where you had to kill the offender to survive.This means that the defender of