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Hi everyone and welcome to the first day of Theodore Harrison's bachelor challenge. I suggest you read
my prologue, but if you don't want to, I'll summarise. Theo is the son of one of my generation three
spares Enid. His grandfather Thomas, tiring of Theo not showing any inclination to find a woman he
wants to marry arranged for him to spend a week in a house with seven beautiful simselves. The hope is
that he will want to spend the rest of his life with one of them.
I actually played the house for nearly two weeks. The first seven days were the challenge, and once the
winner was crowned, I reset all the relationships to zero and moved everyone back in. I then shot various
set scenes for the challenge to tie up with the legacy and be more era appropriate. All date activities
happened as are shown.
In Riverblossom Hills, just as seven simselves were bunking down for the night in a local boarding house,
Theodore Harrison climbed into his bed, thoughts running through his head. His grandfather had left an
envelope containing several letters for him. Each one was labelled with a day and instructions not to open
the letter until that day.
He had spent some time before retiring reading the first letter which offered suggestions as to how he
might like to spend the next day. It had simply said, mingle with the ladies, strike up conversation with
them and get to know them.
He sighed as he pulled the covers up to his chin. He really didn't want to be doing this, but his
grandfather was a wily old soul with a clever wife. He loved them dearly and if it would make his
grandfather happy he would endure the following week.
A couple of streets away four more simselves found themselves lugging their trunks up the driveway of a
"Wow Di, this house is gorgeous. How ever did you manage to rent it so quickly?" asked Circe.
"Being the clicky-person has its advantages at times. Amazing houses being vacant and affordable is one
of them." I replied smiling.
"Lets get inside, I'm shattered. I want to have a nice hot bath and then crawl into a lovely warm bed.“
Circe is the simself of hbcirce who writes the Geogacy.
Joining Circe and Di in the house are
Lea (thls0) the author of the Barsoom Legacy
Denise (Avidreader2466) who writes two legacies the Puritanical Green thumb and Grafted roots.
Theo rose early the next morning. A couple of soldiers had arrived just before six to remove the
gyroscopic device from the gazebo. Theo had then found two small tables and eight chairs and set them
out. He was planning on serving tea for the ladies when they arrived.
At exactly eight o'clock two carriages pulled up and the seven simselves disembarked. The grooms set
about unloading their trunks.
"Ladies welcome. I am Theodore Harrison." He said. "Please come inside. I had thought they we would
take tea in the garden. I hope that this is agreeable to you?"
"Yes that is." Said Michelle pushing open the gate. "Thank you for your hospitality."
As he watched the rest of the simselves file into the garden Theo thought to himself 'This will not be so
bad. I can be polite to these ladies for a week, and then if I don't want to, I never have to see any of them
The ladies who had been chosen by his grandfather to join Theo are: Michellfobbs writer of A Planetary
Apocalypse, Not Quite a Vacation Asylum and the completed What if? Bachelorette challenge.
DrSupremeNerd author of The Vetanari Dualegacy, and the completed challenges the Completely
Hypothetical Spider Jerusalem Bachelor Challenge and DrSupremeNerd's Home for Unrepentant
Jessica (Mzyra) who when she isn't being distracted by the prospect of the Sims 3 writes the Kennedy
Shufflacy and is a mod at
GintasticNecat writer of the Science of a Legacy and the completed The Quest for Shrew-hoo.
Annie (tatdatcm) author of The Doublet legacy and the Potpal legacy.
Lauri (Lauriempress) writer of Legacy of Jubilee.
Lastly there is Cee, simself of charris author of the Regacy.
Once in the gazebo Doc tried to engage Theo in conversation. "This house is beautiful but is must have
cost a bomb don't you think?"
"I have no idea I am afraid Doctor, and besides, one does not normally talk about money to people one
has just met. If you will excuse me I need to make sure that your companions have enough teacakes."
"Yeah sorry, I keep forgetting that I can't be as forthright as back home.“
Seeing the look on her face Theodore sighed. "I apologise Doctor. I have been stressed lately and I took
it out on you. I am used to candid women and appreciate it as a quality." She smiled at him and he went
to get the tea things.
Just as he was leaving the gazebo Jessica stopped him. "Mr Harrison you are far too kind offering us tea
and taking care of us. Thank you."
"You are most welcome Miss Jessica. It is a pleasure to meet you all, and I hope that I can make your
stay here pleasant." He walked into the house smiling. Perhaps this wouldn't be as bad as he had been
thinking it would. If all the ladies were as polite as Miss Jessica then this week would not be onerous at
Once Theo had entered the house Doc approached Jessica. "Very clever, but just so you know I intend
to win this.“
"I'm not sure...“
"Listen, Theo may not know exactly what is going on, but you and I know that each day one of our
number will be leaving. I don't intend to leave without him." She turned and walked away.
Jessica turned to Michelle. "I don’t think she likes me much.“
"Sorry?" responded Michelle, her thoughts had been elsewhere.
"Doc, we live in the same house, but I don't think that she likes me much."
"Oh she probably does." Jessica didn't look convinced.
"Look, the Doc's a great gal, she is just a bit single minded. She has Theo in her sights; her opening
conversation didn’t go too well, so she was peeved that yours did. Don't worry about it; once she has had
a good conversation with him, she will soon cheer up."
"You sure?“
"Yeah." Replied Michelle 'Just don't let her see you getting on well with him.' She added silently.
After tea the girls were left to their own devices for a bit. It seems that pillow fighting was the preferred
activity of four of them with Cee and Lauri...
...and Annie and Gin deciding to whack each other over the head with pillows.
The washing up done, Theo decided to see if anyone wanted to join him in a game of Myshuno. It was a
favourite of his family and he was sure that all his guests would enjoy it.
Unfortunately only one of his guests seemed inclined to actually join in.
"Oh I've not got that number Mr Harrison.“
"Doc," said Gin in an undertone, "you know as well as I that most of us simmers hate Myshuno as much
as musical instruments. It's not shrew, so why are you playing?“
"Shush, he's about to call another number. Besides, it's Theo who wouldn’t want to play this with him?"
Oblivious to Gin and Doc's whispered conversation Theodore pulled out the next plumbbob and called out
the number printed on it.
"Oh would you look at that, I have that number." Said Doc smiling sweetly up at him.
Gin got up and walked over to the poker table, suppressing the urgent desire to giggle at her friend's
You'll notice that after this game the Myshuno disappears. That's because I remembered that the game
builds social need, but not relationships. That's no good to me in this challenge, so it was sold.
She was soon joined by Cee, and once the Myshuno game was over Theo asked if he could join them.
"Of course," said Gin shuffling the cards.
"So, do you ladies like the house?" he asked
"Yes, it is very beautiful." Replied Cee. "The gardens especially are very well set out.“
"Yes Mr Roth did a good job with them I think."
"He certainly did." Cee turned to look at Gin. "This was a brilliant idea." She whispered.
"I know." Gin said as she shuffled the deck. "So much better than playing Myshuno."
The last place at the table was taken by Annie. "I hope you don’t mind if I join you." she said taking a
"Not at all." Came the reply from the rest of the table.
Lauri meanwhile had crashed on one of the sofas. She wasn't entirely sure how she felt about being in
the house. The others had told her what was really happening at the boarding house the night before,
and although she wasn't exactly adverse to being there, it felt wrong that she had been tricked into this by
General Harrison.
From behind her came the thwack, thwack, thwack of darts hitting the board. Perhaps joining Doc for a
game of darts would help her gather her thoughts.
Whilst everyone else in the drawing room, Michelle and Jessica were still outside in one of the gazebos.
Their conversation had come round to what they would do if Theodore decided that he wanted to see
them again after the week was over.
"I was thinking that it would be nice to suggest going to the theatre one night. Do you think that Theo
would like that?" asked Jessica.
"I do not see why not." Replied Michelle. "I know that he is a man of science, but I gather that he does
like the arts too."
Inside Doc was having a lot of fun playing darts. She had a lot of mechanical points and it was not often
that she lost.
"Yeah, I think that we'd get on well." She said to Lauri as she aimed. "After all we are both scientists. I
applied for this because I thought it was a scientific study." She threw the dart and it hit the treble twenty
dead on. "I know Theo applied for the same reason." She threw her second dart, also hitting the treble
twenty. "If I can just have a decent conversation with him, I'm sure we will connect." Her third dart also
hit the treble twenty. "Hmm, 180. Would you look at that?"
Over at the poker table the game had been going on for the best part of an hour, and Theodore was
starting to feel a bit peckish.
"Are any of you ladies hungry? Would you like me to open the buffet?"
"No I'm fine." Replied Gin. "Look Theo just because you have a bad hand, you don't have to start making
excuses you know. You can just fold."
"I am not making excuses." He said. "I really am rather hungry." At that point, as if to back up what he
was saying, his stomach started to rumble.
"Pardon me." He said. "I am going to go and open that buffet now ladies. Feel free to help yourselves."
After laying out the food, Theo found himself eating alone. In some ways he was glad to have a moment
to himself, but then again all of his guests seemed to be nice, and he was enjoying conversing with them.
In the drawing room Lauri had joined the poker game, having tired of playing darts with Doc.
"Do you think we should go and join Theo for lunch?" Asked Gin. "I may have been a bit hasty earlier.“
"You're saying that just because I am now winning Gin," Said Cee.
"No really, I do wonder if we shouldn't be engaging him in conversation.“
"Well, I'm good." Said Annie as she got ready to deal.
"Me too." Added Lauri.
Doc, however didn’t look like she was doing so good. "I have to apologise to him. I must have a good
conversation with him before the day is out." She muttered heading to the dining room.
"Can I join you?" She asked grabbing a plate of turkey.
"Certainly," Theo smiled. "I was just starting to feel a little lonely."
Doc took the seat. "Now we can't be having that. I wanted to apologise again for earlier. I wasn't exactly
Theo cut her off. "Think nothing of it Doctor, I apologise for snapping at you.“
"Apology accepted, and please, call me Nerd or Doc, or Doc Nerd."
Theo grinned. "Very well Doc Nerd it is. I have been meaning to ask, on the notes my grandfather left for
me, he has written that you are a scientist. What is your discipline?"
"Really? How fascinating. I wasn't sure whether to study biology or physics, I like both, but in the end I
chose physics.“
"Any particular branch?"
"Astronomy actually. The movements of the heavenly bodies fascinate me. Not only that, the possibilities
that there are other solar systems such as our own out there intrigues me no end." He thought of the
experience he had as a teenager. "I am convinced there may be other planets capable of supporting life."
Whilst Theo and Doc were discussing the possibility of the existence of extra-terrestrial life, the game of
poker in the drawing room was still going on.
"May be we should think about joining Theo for a bit." Said Cee looking over at the dining room door.
Annie looked at her. "Quit stalling Cee. Are you in or out?“
"I'm serious.“
"So am I.“
Cee looked at her cards. "Very well, I see your bet and raise you 15."
Outside Michelle was having similar concerns. "Jessica, we have been out here chatting for hours now,
and although I am enjoying your company I think we should be making Theo's acquaintance."
"Well, yeah I guess you are right. I was starting to get hungry anyway.“
So both of them brushed themselves off and went inside.
Back in the dining room Theo and Doc had finished eating, but not conversing.
"I am a true music lover. My cousin Edward is very talented and sometimes he and another cousin
Stanley play at the Campus Lounge. They attract quite a crowd.“
"Do you join them?" Asked Doc.
"I do occasionally sing with them." Admitted Theo.
"I bet you have a fantastic voice.“
"I wouldn't say that." Replied Theo starting to blush.
Jessica had by this time headed to the buffet table. 'It might have been an idea to get in here sooner.’'
She thought as she saw how well Doc was getting on with Theo.
"Now," said Doc, "I am sure that you are just being too modest. I wouldn't be surprised if you were the
main draw when you all perform.“
"I am sure I am not..."
Michelle had found her way to the buffet. "They seem to be getting on well." She said putting her plate
on the table.
"Yes." Replied Jessica. "I think they've been talking for ages.“
"We should have come in sooner.“
Michelle tried not to let the fact that she hadn't in fact had one conversation with Theo get her down
though. At least she was in the same room as him now, right?
As early evening approached and Theo left the dinning room the poker game was still going on in the
drawing room. Gin and Cee had now been playing for over six hours, and were contemplating buying a
table once back home in Regalton.
Lauri was also enjoying it. She hadn't moved into the village yet, and was glad that she was able to talk to
some of her new neighbours and get to know them before she did move there.
In the privacy of his bath Theo started mulling over the events of the day. He was starting to relax and
feel more positive about the fact that his grandfather had tricked him into staying here. The ladies he had
spoken to were very pleasant, even if one of them in particular seemed very...forceful and keen on
spending time with him. Yes, he could spend the week with these seven ladies, after all if he tired of
talking to one, there would be six others to choose from.
He had put the rest of his grandfather's letters on the bedside table again. He was meant to open the
next one tonight. He had toyed with the idea of reading it before his bath, but decided not to. He'd read it
before bed.
Downstairs with no Theodore to talk to Doc had seated herself at one of the chess boards. It wasn't long
until she was joined by Michelle.
"How do you think today has gone? I think it's going really well. Theo is even nummier in the flesh and
we were talking for hours. I'm not going home tomorrow." Theodore might not realise that the number of
ladies in the house would slowly dwindle, but the simselves did.
"Yeah." Replied Michelle, mindful of the fact that apart from greeting him when she arrived she hadn't
spoken to Theo at all. "You were speaking to him for so long that some of us haven't had the chance to
talk to him yet.“
"Pfft, not my fault. You don't make the effort, that's your problem."
At the poker table Gin looked at her companions. "Y'know I don't think Theo will be joining us any time
soon. I think I'm going to go and get something to eat."
Annie looked at her pile of chips. It had been a profitable few hours. "Yeah I think I'm going to too."
"So," said Gin turning to Cee, "I think that today has gone well so far. We did manage to play a few
hands of cards with Theo.“
"Yes," conceded Cee, "although I am now wondering if we should have joined him to dine when he
suggested it. After all I have not seen him for a little while now."
"True, but then again we don’t want to throw ourselves at him and appear unladylike.“
"Accepting an invitation to dine with him is not exactly throwing oneself at him." Cee was starting to think
about the morning. There were only a few hours left of the evening, and if she didn't find time to speak to
Theo soon, she could very well be leaving.
Theodore had finished his toilet and was feeling much refreshed, so he decided to see if anyone wanted a
game of cards with him. As he was walking through the hall, the phone started to ring.
"Good evening, Hope Springs House." He answered.
"Theo, it is Eddie.“
"Eddie, hello." Theo was incredibly pleased to hear his cousin and best friend's voice. He immediately
wanted to tell him everything that had been happening, but bit his tongue.
"I wanted to speak to you and see how you are." Said Eddie. At that moment Stanley walked into the
room. "Are you speaking to Theo? Tell him I send my regards, and that he is missing a great time not
being here."
Theo heard every word. "Say hello back to him.“
"Theo says hello Stan." Called Edward.
"Are you having a party?"
"What gives you that idea?" Asked Edward, gesturing frantically for Stanley, who had imbibed much juice
and was now dancing round the room whooping at the top of his lungs, to be quiet.
"Well, maybe a leeetle party. Just a few friends round, you know the sort of thing" Theodore did know
and he found himself desperately wanting to join them. He suddenly didn't want to speak to Edward any
more: it made him realise what he was missing not being back at Sim State.
Correctly interpreting his silence ion the other end of the phone Edward said "Do not worry Theo, we will
have a huge bash when you get home. Besides, you must be having some fun on your research project.“
"Yes, even if we are surrounded by more beautiful girls than you." cried out Stanley.
That nearly made Theo snort with laughter. If only Stanley knew, then he would be on the first train to
Riverblossom, offering to swap places with him.
"I had better go Edward. Research to do. I'm holding you to that party when I get back home though.“
"Goodbye then Theo. Have fun, and I will speak to you soon.“
"Bye Edward."
Theo entered the drawing room and sat down at the now empty poker table, lost in thought. He would get
through this week, and he had even been having fun earlier. He just knew that he would also be having
fin with his cousins back at Sim State.
Maybe one of his guests would join him and cheer him up?
In the dining room four of his guests were oblivious to his mood.
"I have to say Cee that this really is not what I was expecting when I arrived. I have nothing against
getting to know Mr Harrison better, but I don’t like the fact that General Harrison led me to believe that I
would be here for another purpose."
Cee looked at her. "We were all taken in by the advertisement Lauri, but you have to admit that it is not
exactly onerous being here.“
"No it is not, I am just unhappy at being lied to."
At that point, Annie who had finished eating started gesturing for them all to leave the room. "Out, out,
everybody out. I need some privacy."
Cee glanced over. "Annie, I really do not think that this is a good idea. There are five bathing facilities
currently free, why not use one of those?“
"Because it involves going upstairs, and I need to bathe right this instant."
With everyone out of the room Annie shut the doors purposefully. Gin and Cee looked at each other.
"Oh fish, I really, really cannot believe that she is doing this." Said Gin.
"Neither can I." Replied Cee. "Whatever will Theo think if he finds out?"
"Whatever will Theo think about what?" Asked Doc, studying the chess board.
"Annie is having a sponge bath in the dining room sink." Supplied Gin.
"Doesn't this place have bathrooms?"
"Yes, and they are all free, but she would rather wash at the sink.“
Annie, I'm so sorry, I know you said that you hoped your simself wouldn't do anything to embarrass you,
but left on freewill she did this.
Noticing that everyone had vacated the room, Theo called over, "Is everything in order ladies?“
"Err, yes." Came Cee's reply. "We...just saw a spider is all.“
"Would you like me to get rid of it?" He asked.
"NO!" Shouted back the simselves.
Following Annie's ablutions the residents of the house decided that it was time to retire for the night.
There were plenty of beds, but Lauri had found that once she had sat on the bench upstairs she couldn’t
keep her eyes open and fell asleep there.
Theodore had locked his bedroom door and changed into his pyjamas before reading the next letter his
grandfather had left for him. He wasn't entirely sure what to make of it. He had just come round to
thinking that spending a week with his seven guests might actually be fun, only to now find out that he had
to decide to send one home each day.
He sighed, oh well he didn't have to make his decision right this minute. He still had the morning to think
about it.
The morning soon came round though, and before he knew it he was walking through the drawing room to
serve the buffet breakfast. He was surprised to see Doc asleep on one of the settees and wondered if
she had been there all night.
'zzznnfmustbefirstforbreakfastwiththeozzz.' She murmured s he walked by. Thankfully he didn't hear her.
As he laid out all the food he hoped that he would get the opportunity to speak to all of his guests before
he had to make his decision. There were still a few he felt like he didn't know at all.
Sleeping so near to the dining room worked, and Doc was the first to join him.
"Good morning Mr Harrison." She said brightly.
"Morning Doc Nerd. I trust you slept well?“
She thought about her night on the sofa. "I've slept better."
They didn't breakfast alone for long though, as they were soon joined by the other residents.
"You don't mind if I join you do you?" asked Annie.
"Not at all." Replied Theo, Doc's look however said otherwise.
A number of the simselves had neglected to dress before coming down.
"Morning folks." Said Jessica smiling. "I hope you do not mind Mr Harrison, but I am famished so thought
I would dress after eating."
Not everyone was pleased by this however. "Urgh Jessica, you could at least have completed your
ablutions before coming down." Shuddered Cee holding her nose.
Michelle turned to Cee. "Perhaps we should all have dressed for breakfast. It is hardly seemly is it?“
"True. But then again we could be missing out on some fantastic conversation if we were attending to our
toilet." She looked pointedly at Theo who was attempting to engage Jessica in conversation.
"I am certainly looking forward to today." Said Lauri, she had done some thinking and had decided that
she might as well make the most of the situation now that she was here. "I would like to get to know Mr
Harrison better."
Out in the drawing room at the poker table Annie looked across at Doc. "So..." she said, "how do you
think you are doing?"
Doc looked at her cards. "Good. You?“
"Not too bad. It's nearly midday.“
At midday Theo asked everyone to join him in the drawing room. The simelves looked at each other,
each one wondering if they had done enough to stay.
Theodore cleared his throat nervously. "First of all I would like to say what a pleasure it is to have met
you all. You all seem like lovely ladies, intelligent, witty and well versed in many aspects of life."
"I would like to get to know each and every one of you better, however I have been informed that a
carriage will be arriving here in half an hour and that one of you ladies must board it with your
He looked round at them all. "I have to make the decision as to who that lady will be. I have given it
much thought and in the end, although I would like to get to know you all better, there is one whom I feel
has not made as much effort as the rest of you to get to know me. I am asking that person to leave
He looked at her. "Miss Lauri, I am very sorry, but I must ask you to make sure that your trunk is packed."
"Me?" She asked stunned.
"Yes, I am sorry. I will help you bring your trunk down when you are ready.“
Final scores for day 1, going from highest to lowest, are as follows:
Doc Nerd: 33
Gin: 17
Cee: 17
Annie: 14
Michelle: 14
Jessica: 8
Lauri: 0
As Lauri went to pack her things and Theodore excused himself to take some air the ladies who were left
chatted amongst themselves.
"I'm not too surprised that Lauri is the first to go are you?" Asked Cee. "She didn't exactly make the effort
to speak to Theo did she?“
"No, that's true." Responded Michelle.
With her things packed and Theo having taken it to the carriage for her, it was time for Lauri to leave.
"Goodbye Miss Lauri. Although it was nice to meet you, I do not feel as if I know you, and that is why I
am asking you to leave. Perhaps we could get together for tea one afternoon once I am back home?"
"Yes, that would be nice. I guess I really should have made more of an effort to speak to you Theo.“
He smiled sadly at her. "That would have been a good start Miss Lauri. Good bye."
So the first simself leaves Hope Springs House, five more will follow over the course of the next five days.
After settling in once again to the boarding house, Lauri decided to go for a walk to clear her head. Her
route took her past a slightly unusual looking house, where someone was busy in the garden.
"Poor things, you look parched." I said emptying the watering can over them. I looked up to see Lauri
walking past.
"Di? What are you doing here?"
I walked over to the gate. "Hello Lauri. A few of us decided to make the journey here since I'm still
worried about what is going on.“
"But you already know that this is a bachelor challenge of sorts.“
"Yes, but I wasn't going to sit back home and wait for the results. I surmise from the fact that you are out
for a walk that you are the first to leave?“
"Well, why don't you come inside for a cup of tea?“
"I don't know...“
"Come on, come inside."
I led her into the drawing room where Circe, Denise and Lea were taking tea.
"Please sit down."
"So Lauri, I am sorry that you had to leave, but how are things going in the house?"
"Yes," piped in Circe. "I want to know all about it. Tell me every little detail."
"There is not much to tell. We have been playing cards, dining together and generally conversing.“
"Oh," said Circe disappointed at the lack of drama, "why were you kicked out then?"
"I didn't really speak to Theo.“
"Ah, a bit difficult to get to know someone if you don't talk to them." I said grimacing slightly.
"Yes." Lauri stared into space.
"Well look at it this way," said Denise brightly, "at least you have got to know some of your future
"Are you going straight to Regalton now?" I asked.
"I'm not sure."
"Well, tell you what, stick around here for a couple more days before you decide, you can stay here with
us. This seems like a nice village, and it will give us the chance to get to know you a bit better.“
"Very well. I will go and get my things from the boarding house then."
As I showed Lauri to the door Lea turned to Denise and Circe. "That's one down, who will be next I
"I don’t know, but I must know what is happening in that house." Replied Circe.
"I think we just have to wait." Said Denise.
Yes they do, as do you I'm afraid.
Thank you all for reading, I hope that you have enjoyed it.
My thanks goes out to the creators of all my CC.
A huge, huge thank you to the authors whose simselves I've pinched and stuck in corsets, especially
those who volunteered for this challenge.
All being well day 2 should be on an exchange near you very soon.
Bonus picture of a gorgeous shirtless Theo because I can.

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A Very Victorian Bachelor Challenge - Day 1

  • 1. Hi everyone and welcome to the first day of Theodore Harrison's bachelor challenge. I suggest you read my prologue, but if you don't want to, I'll summarise. Theo is the son of one of my generation three spares Enid. His grandfather Thomas, tiring of Theo not showing any inclination to find a woman he wants to marry arranged for him to spend a week in a house with seven beautiful simselves. The hope is that he will want to spend the rest of his life with one of them. I actually played the house for nearly two weeks. The first seven days were the challenge, and once the winner was crowned, I reset all the relationships to zero and moved everyone back in. I then shot various set scenes for the challenge to tie up with the legacy and be more era appropriate. All date activities happened as are shown.
  • 2. In Riverblossom Hills, just as seven simselves were bunking down for the night in a local boarding house, Theodore Harrison climbed into his bed, thoughts running through his head. His grandfather had left an envelope containing several letters for him. Each one was labelled with a day and instructions not to open the letter until that day. He had spent some time before retiring reading the first letter which offered suggestions as to how he might like to spend the next day. It had simply said, mingle with the ladies, strike up conversation with them and get to know them. He sighed as he pulled the covers up to his chin. He really didn't want to be doing this, but his grandfather was a wily old soul with a clever wife. He loved them dearly and if it would make his grandfather happy he would endure the following week.
  • 3. A couple of streets away four more simselves found themselves lugging their trunks up the driveway of a house. "Wow Di, this house is gorgeous. How ever did you manage to rent it so quickly?" asked Circe. "Being the clicky-person has its advantages at times. Amazing houses being vacant and affordable is one of them." I replied smiling. "Lets get inside, I'm shattered. I want to have a nice hot bath and then crawl into a lovely warm bed.“ *** Circe is the simself of hbcirce who writes the Geogacy. Joining Circe and Di in the house are Lea (thls0) the author of the Barsoom Legacy Denise (Avidreader2466) who writes two legacies the Puritanical Green thumb and Grafted roots.
  • 4. Theo rose early the next morning. A couple of soldiers had arrived just before six to remove the gyroscopic device from the gazebo. Theo had then found two small tables and eight chairs and set them out. He was planning on serving tea for the ladies when they arrived. At exactly eight o'clock two carriages pulled up and the seven simselves disembarked. The grooms set about unloading their trunks. "Ladies welcome. I am Theodore Harrison." He said. "Please come inside. I had thought they we would take tea in the garden. I hope that this is agreeable to you?"
  • 5. "Yes that is." Said Michelle pushing open the gate. "Thank you for your hospitality."
  • 6. As he watched the rest of the simselves file into the garden Theo thought to himself 'This will not be so bad. I can be polite to these ladies for a week, and then if I don't want to, I never have to see any of them again.'
  • 7. The ladies who had been chosen by his grandfather to join Theo are: Michellfobbs writer of A Planetary Apocalypse, Not Quite a Vacation Asylum and the completed What if? Bachelorette challenge.
  • 8. DrSupremeNerd author of The Vetanari Dualegacy, and the completed challenges the Completely Hypothetical Spider Jerusalem Bachelor Challenge and DrSupremeNerd's Home for Unrepentant Sociopaths.
  • 9. Jessica (Mzyra) who when she isn't being distracted by the prospect of the Sims 3 writes the Kennedy Shufflacy and is a mod at
  • 10. GintasticNecat writer of the Science of a Legacy and the completed The Quest for Shrew-hoo.
  • 11. Annie (tatdatcm) author of The Doublet legacy and the Potpal legacy.
  • 12. Lauri (Lauriempress) writer of Legacy of Jubilee.
  • 13. Lastly there is Cee, simself of charris author of the Regacy.
  • 14. Once in the gazebo Doc tried to engage Theo in conversation. "This house is beautiful but is must have cost a bomb don't you think?"
  • 15. "I have no idea I am afraid Doctor, and besides, one does not normally talk about money to people one has just met. If you will excuse me I need to make sure that your companions have enough teacakes."
  • 16. "Yeah sorry, I keep forgetting that I can't be as forthright as back home.“ Seeing the look on her face Theodore sighed. "I apologise Doctor. I have been stressed lately and I took it out on you. I am used to candid women and appreciate it as a quality." She smiled at him and he went to get the tea things.
  • 17. Just as he was leaving the gazebo Jessica stopped him. "Mr Harrison you are far too kind offering us tea and taking care of us. Thank you."
  • 18. "You are most welcome Miss Jessica. It is a pleasure to meet you all, and I hope that I can make your stay here pleasant." He walked into the house smiling. Perhaps this wouldn't be as bad as he had been thinking it would. If all the ladies were as polite as Miss Jessica then this week would not be onerous at all.
  • 19. Once Theo had entered the house Doc approached Jessica. "Very clever, but just so you know I intend to win this.“ "I'm not sure...“ "Listen, Theo may not know exactly what is going on, but you and I know that each day one of our number will be leaving. I don't intend to leave without him." She turned and walked away.
  • 20. Jessica turned to Michelle. "I don’t think she likes me much.“ "Sorry?" responded Michelle, her thoughts had been elsewhere. "Doc, we live in the same house, but I don't think that she likes me much."
  • 21. "Oh she probably does." Jessica didn't look convinced. "Look, the Doc's a great gal, she is just a bit single minded. She has Theo in her sights; her opening conversation didn’t go too well, so she was peeved that yours did. Don't worry about it; once she has had a good conversation with him, she will soon cheer up." "You sure?“ "Yeah." Replied Michelle 'Just don't let her see you getting on well with him.' She added silently.
  • 22. After tea the girls were left to their own devices for a bit. It seems that pillow fighting was the preferred activity of four of them with Cee and Lauri...
  • 23. ...and Annie and Gin deciding to whack each other over the head with pillows.
  • 24. The washing up done, Theo decided to see if anyone wanted to join him in a game of Myshuno. It was a favourite of his family and he was sure that all his guests would enjoy it.
  • 25. Unfortunately only one of his guests seemed inclined to actually join in. "Oh I've not got that number Mr Harrison.“ "Doc," said Gin in an undertone, "you know as well as I that most of us simmers hate Myshuno as much as musical instruments. It's not shrew, so why are you playing?“ "Shush, he's about to call another number. Besides, it's Theo who wouldn’t want to play this with him?"
  • 26. Oblivious to Gin and Doc's whispered conversation Theodore pulled out the next plumbbob and called out the number printed on it. "Fifteen."
  • 27. "Oh would you look at that, I have that number." Said Doc smiling sweetly up at him. Gin got up and walked over to the poker table, suppressing the urgent desire to giggle at her friend's behaviour. *** You'll notice that after this game the Myshuno disappears. That's because I remembered that the game builds social need, but not relationships. That's no good to me in this challenge, so it was sold.
  • 28. She was soon joined by Cee, and once the Myshuno game was over Theo asked if he could join them. "Of course," said Gin shuffling the cards.
  • 29. "So, do you ladies like the house?" he asked "Yes, it is very beautiful." Replied Cee. "The gardens especially are very well set out.“ "Yes Mr Roth did a good job with them I think."
  • 30. "He certainly did." Cee turned to look at Gin. "This was a brilliant idea." She whispered.
  • 31. "I know." Gin said as she shuffled the deck. "So much better than playing Myshuno."
  • 32. The last place at the table was taken by Annie. "I hope you don’t mind if I join you." she said taking a seat. "Not at all." Came the reply from the rest of the table.
  • 33. Lauri meanwhile had crashed on one of the sofas. She wasn't entirely sure how she felt about being in the house. The others had told her what was really happening at the boarding house the night before, and although she wasn't exactly adverse to being there, it felt wrong that she had been tricked into this by General Harrison. From behind her came the thwack, thwack, thwack of darts hitting the board. Perhaps joining Doc for a game of darts would help her gather her thoughts.
  • 34. Whilst everyone else in the drawing room, Michelle and Jessica were still outside in one of the gazebos. Their conversation had come round to what they would do if Theodore decided that he wanted to see them again after the week was over. "I was thinking that it would be nice to suggest going to the theatre one night. Do you think that Theo would like that?" asked Jessica. "I do not see why not." Replied Michelle. "I know that he is a man of science, but I gather that he does like the arts too."
  • 35. Inside Doc was having a lot of fun playing darts. She had a lot of mechanical points and it was not often that she lost. "Yeah, I think that we'd get on well." She said to Lauri as she aimed. "After all we are both scientists. I applied for this because I thought it was a scientific study." She threw the dart and it hit the treble twenty dead on. "I know Theo applied for the same reason." She threw her second dart, also hitting the treble twenty. "If I can just have a decent conversation with him, I'm sure we will connect." Her third dart also hit the treble twenty. "Hmm, 180. Would you look at that?"
  • 36. Over at the poker table the game had been going on for the best part of an hour, and Theodore was starting to feel a bit peckish. "Are any of you ladies hungry? Would you like me to open the buffet?"
  • 37. "No I'm fine." Replied Gin. "Look Theo just because you have a bad hand, you don't have to start making excuses you know. You can just fold."
  • 38. "I am not making excuses." He said. "I really am rather hungry." At that point, as if to back up what he was saying, his stomach started to rumble. "Pardon me." He said. "I am going to go and open that buffet now ladies. Feel free to help yourselves."
  • 39. After laying out the food, Theo found himself eating alone. In some ways he was glad to have a moment to himself, but then again all of his guests seemed to be nice, and he was enjoying conversing with them.
  • 40. In the drawing room Lauri had joined the poker game, having tired of playing darts with Doc. "Do you think we should go and join Theo for lunch?" Asked Gin. "I may have been a bit hasty earlier.“ "You're saying that just because I am now winning Gin," Said Cee. "No really, I do wonder if we shouldn't be engaging him in conversation.“ "Well, I'm good." Said Annie as she got ready to deal. "Me too." Added Lauri.
  • 41. Doc, however didn’t look like she was doing so good. "I have to apologise to him. I must have a good conversation with him before the day is out." She muttered heading to the dining room.
  • 42. "Can I join you?" She asked grabbing a plate of turkey. "Certainly," Theo smiled. "I was just starting to feel a little lonely."
  • 43. Doc took the seat. "Now we can't be having that. I wanted to apologise again for earlier. I wasn't exactly tactful...“ Theo cut her off. "Think nothing of it Doctor, I apologise for snapping at you.“ "Apology accepted, and please, call me Nerd or Doc, or Doc Nerd."
  • 44. Theo grinned. "Very well Doc Nerd it is. I have been meaning to ask, on the notes my grandfather left for me, he has written that you are a scientist. What is your discipline?"
  • 45. "Biology.“ "Really? How fascinating. I wasn't sure whether to study biology or physics, I like both, but in the end I chose physics.“ "Any particular branch?"
  • 46. "Astronomy actually. The movements of the heavenly bodies fascinate me. Not only that, the possibilities that there are other solar systems such as our own out there intrigues me no end." He thought of the experience he had as a teenager. "I am convinced there may be other planets capable of supporting life."
  • 47. Whilst Theo and Doc were discussing the possibility of the existence of extra-terrestrial life, the game of poker in the drawing room was still going on. "May be we should think about joining Theo for a bit." Said Cee looking over at the dining room door.
  • 48. Annie looked at her. "Quit stalling Cee. Are you in or out?“ "I'm serious.“ "So am I.“ Cee looked at her cards. "Very well, I see your bet and raise you 15."
  • 49. Outside Michelle was having similar concerns. "Jessica, we have been out here chatting for hours now, and although I am enjoying your company I think we should be making Theo's acquaintance."
  • 50. "Well, yeah I guess you are right. I was starting to get hungry anyway.“ So both of them brushed themselves off and went inside.
  • 51. Back in the dining room Theo and Doc had finished eating, but not conversing. "I am a true music lover. My cousin Edward is very talented and sometimes he and another cousin Stanley play at the Campus Lounge. They attract quite a crowd.“ "Do you join them?" Asked Doc.
  • 52. "I do occasionally sing with them." Admitted Theo. "I bet you have a fantastic voice.“ "I wouldn't say that." Replied Theo starting to blush.
  • 53. Jessica had by this time headed to the buffet table. 'It might have been an idea to get in here sooner.’' She thought as she saw how well Doc was getting on with Theo.
  • 54. "Now," said Doc, "I am sure that you are just being too modest. I wouldn't be surprised if you were the main draw when you all perform.“ "I am sure I am not..."
  • 55. Michelle had found her way to the buffet. "They seem to be getting on well." She said putting her plate on the table. "Yes." Replied Jessica. "I think they've been talking for ages.“ "We should have come in sooner.“ "Yeah."
  • 56. Michelle tried not to let the fact that she hadn't in fact had one conversation with Theo get her down though. At least she was in the same room as him now, right?
  • 57. As early evening approached and Theo left the dinning room the poker game was still going on in the drawing room. Gin and Cee had now been playing for over six hours, and were contemplating buying a table once back home in Regalton. Lauri was also enjoying it. She hadn't moved into the village yet, and was glad that she was able to talk to some of her new neighbours and get to know them before she did move there.
  • 58. In the privacy of his bath Theo started mulling over the events of the day. He was starting to relax and feel more positive about the fact that his grandfather had tricked him into staying here. The ladies he had spoken to were very pleasant, even if one of them in particular seemed very...forceful and keen on spending time with him. Yes, he could spend the week with these seven ladies, after all if he tired of talking to one, there would be six others to choose from. He had put the rest of his grandfather's letters on the bedside table again. He was meant to open the next one tonight. He had toyed with the idea of reading it before his bath, but decided not to. He'd read it before bed.
  • 59. Downstairs with no Theodore to talk to Doc had seated herself at one of the chess boards. It wasn't long until she was joined by Michelle. "How do you think today has gone? I think it's going really well. Theo is even nummier in the flesh and we were talking for hours. I'm not going home tomorrow." Theodore might not realise that the number of ladies in the house would slowly dwindle, but the simselves did.
  • 60. "Yeah." Replied Michelle, mindful of the fact that apart from greeting him when she arrived she hadn't spoken to Theo at all. "You were speaking to him for so long that some of us haven't had the chance to talk to him yet.“ "Pfft, not my fault. You don't make the effort, that's your problem."
  • 61. At the poker table Gin looked at her companions. "Y'know I don't think Theo will be joining us any time soon. I think I'm going to go and get something to eat."
  • 62. Annie looked at her pile of chips. It had been a profitable few hours. "Yeah I think I'm going to too."
  • 63. "So," said Gin turning to Cee, "I think that today has gone well so far. We did manage to play a few hands of cards with Theo.“ "Yes," conceded Cee, "although I am now wondering if we should have joined him to dine when he suggested it. After all I have not seen him for a little while now."
  • 64. "True, but then again we don’t want to throw ourselves at him and appear unladylike.“ "Accepting an invitation to dine with him is not exactly throwing oneself at him." Cee was starting to think about the morning. There were only a few hours left of the evening, and if she didn't find time to speak to Theo soon, she could very well be leaving.
  • 65. Theodore had finished his toilet and was feeling much refreshed, so he decided to see if anyone wanted a game of cards with him. As he was walking through the hall, the phone started to ring. "Good evening, Hope Springs House." He answered.
  • 66. "Theo, it is Eddie.“ "Eddie, hello." Theo was incredibly pleased to hear his cousin and best friend's voice. He immediately wanted to tell him everything that had been happening, but bit his tongue. "I wanted to speak to you and see how you are." Said Eddie. At that moment Stanley walked into the room. "Are you speaking to Theo? Tell him I send my regards, and that he is missing a great time not being here."
  • 67. Theo heard every word. "Say hello back to him.“ "Theo says hello Stan." Called Edward. "Are you having a party?"
  • 68. "What gives you that idea?" Asked Edward, gesturing frantically for Stanley, who had imbibed much juice and was now dancing round the room whooping at the top of his lungs, to be quiet.
  • 69. "Edward...“ "Well, maybe a leeetle party. Just a few friends round, you know the sort of thing" Theodore did know and he found himself desperately wanting to join them. He suddenly didn't want to speak to Edward any more: it made him realise what he was missing not being back at Sim State.
  • 70. Correctly interpreting his silence ion the other end of the phone Edward said "Do not worry Theo, we will have a huge bash when you get home. Besides, you must be having some fun on your research project.“ "Yes, even if we are surrounded by more beautiful girls than you." cried out Stanley.
  • 71. That nearly made Theo snort with laughter. If only Stanley knew, then he would be on the first train to Riverblossom, offering to swap places with him. "I had better go Edward. Research to do. I'm holding you to that party when I get back home though.“ "Goodbye then Theo. Have fun, and I will speak to you soon.“ "Bye Edward."
  • 72. Theo entered the drawing room and sat down at the now empty poker table, lost in thought. He would get through this week, and he had even been having fun earlier. He just knew that he would also be having fin with his cousins back at Sim State. Maybe one of his guests would join him and cheer him up?
  • 73. In the dining room four of his guests were oblivious to his mood. "I have to say Cee that this really is not what I was expecting when I arrived. I have nothing against getting to know Mr Harrison better, but I don’t like the fact that General Harrison led me to believe that I would be here for another purpose."
  • 74. Cee looked at her. "We were all taken in by the advertisement Lauri, but you have to admit that it is not exactly onerous being here.“ "No it is not, I am just unhappy at being lied to."
  • 75. At that point, Annie who had finished eating started gesturing for them all to leave the room. "Out, out, everybody out. I need some privacy."
  • 76. Cee glanced over. "Annie, I really do not think that this is a good idea. There are five bathing facilities currently free, why not use one of those?“ "Because it involves going upstairs, and I need to bathe right this instant."
  • 77. With everyone out of the room Annie shut the doors purposefully. Gin and Cee looked at each other. "Oh fish, I really, really cannot believe that she is doing this." Said Gin. "Neither can I." Replied Cee. "Whatever will Theo think if he finds out?"
  • 78. "Whatever will Theo think about what?" Asked Doc, studying the chess board.
  • 79. "Annie is having a sponge bath in the dining room sink." Supplied Gin. "Doesn't this place have bathrooms?" "Yes, and they are all free, but she would rather wash at the sink.“ *** Annie, I'm so sorry, I know you said that you hoped your simself wouldn't do anything to embarrass you, but left on freewill she did this.
  • 80. Noticing that everyone had vacated the room, Theo called over, "Is everything in order ladies?“ "Err, yes." Came Cee's reply. "We...just saw a spider is all.“ "Would you like me to get rid of it?" He asked. "NO!" Shouted back the simselves.
  • 81. Following Annie's ablutions the residents of the house decided that it was time to retire for the night. There were plenty of beds, but Lauri had found that once she had sat on the bench upstairs she couldn’t keep her eyes open and fell asleep there.
  • 82. Theodore had locked his bedroom door and changed into his pyjamas before reading the next letter his grandfather had left for him. He wasn't entirely sure what to make of it. He had just come round to thinking that spending a week with his seven guests might actually be fun, only to now find out that he had to decide to send one home each day. He sighed, oh well he didn't have to make his decision right this minute. He still had the morning to think about it.
  • 83. The morning soon came round though, and before he knew it he was walking through the drawing room to serve the buffet breakfast. He was surprised to see Doc asleep on one of the settees and wondered if she had been there all night. 'zzznnfmustbefirstforbreakfastwiththeozzz.' She murmured s he walked by. Thankfully he didn't hear her.
  • 84. As he laid out all the food he hoped that he would get the opportunity to speak to all of his guests before he had to make his decision. There were still a few he felt like he didn't know at all.
  • 85. Sleeping so near to the dining room worked, and Doc was the first to join him. "Good morning Mr Harrison." She said brightly. "Morning Doc Nerd. I trust you slept well?“ She thought about her night on the sofa. "I've slept better."
  • 86. They didn't breakfast alone for long though, as they were soon joined by the other residents. "You don't mind if I join you do you?" asked Annie. "Not at all." Replied Theo, Doc's look however said otherwise.
  • 87. A number of the simselves had neglected to dress before coming down. "Morning folks." Said Jessica smiling. "I hope you do not mind Mr Harrison, but I am famished so thought I would dress after eating."
  • 88. Not everyone was pleased by this however. "Urgh Jessica, you could at least have completed your ablutions before coming down." Shuddered Cee holding her nose.
  • 89. Michelle turned to Cee. "Perhaps we should all have dressed for breakfast. It is hardly seemly is it?“ "True. But then again we could be missing out on some fantastic conversation if we were attending to our toilet." She looked pointedly at Theo who was attempting to engage Jessica in conversation.
  • 90. "I am certainly looking forward to today." Said Lauri, she had done some thinking and had decided that she might as well make the most of the situation now that she was here. "I would like to get to know Mr Harrison better."
  • 91. Out in the drawing room at the poker table Annie looked across at Doc. "So..." she said, "how do you think you are doing?"
  • 92. Doc looked at her cards. "Good. You?“ "Not too bad. It's nearly midday.“ "Nervous?“ "No."
  • 93. At midday Theo asked everyone to join him in the drawing room. The simelves looked at each other, each one wondering if they had done enough to stay.
  • 94. Theodore cleared his throat nervously. "First of all I would like to say what a pleasure it is to have met you all. You all seem like lovely ladies, intelligent, witty and well versed in many aspects of life."
  • 95. "I would like to get to know each and every one of you better, however I have been informed that a carriage will be arriving here in half an hour and that one of you ladies must board it with your possessions."
  • 96. He looked round at them all. "I have to make the decision as to who that lady will be. I have given it much thought and in the end, although I would like to get to know you all better, there is one whom I feel has not made as much effort as the rest of you to get to know me. I am asking that person to leave today."
  • 97. He looked at her. "Miss Lauri, I am very sorry, but I must ask you to make sure that your trunk is packed."
  • 98. "Me?" She asked stunned. "Yes, I am sorry. I will help you bring your trunk down when you are ready.“ *** Final scores for day 1, going from highest to lowest, are as follows: Doc Nerd: 33 Gin: 17 Cee: 17 Annie: 14 Michelle: 14 Jessica: 8 Lauri: 0
  • 99. As Lauri went to pack her things and Theodore excused himself to take some air the ladies who were left chatted amongst themselves. "I'm not too surprised that Lauri is the first to go are you?" Asked Cee. "She didn't exactly make the effort to speak to Theo did she?“ "No, that's true." Responded Michelle.
  • 100. With her things packed and Theo having taken it to the carriage for her, it was time for Lauri to leave. "Goodbye Miss Lauri. Although it was nice to meet you, I do not feel as if I know you, and that is why I am asking you to leave. Perhaps we could get together for tea one afternoon once I am back home?"
  • 101. "Yes, that would be nice. I guess I really should have made more of an effort to speak to you Theo.“ He smiled sadly at her. "That would have been a good start Miss Lauri. Good bye."
  • 102. So the first simself leaves Hope Springs House, five more will follow over the course of the next five days.
  • 103. After settling in once again to the boarding house, Lauri decided to go for a walk to clear her head. Her route took her past a slightly unusual looking house, where someone was busy in the garden. "Poor things, you look parched." I said emptying the watering can over them. I looked up to see Lauri walking past. "Di? What are you doing here?"
  • 104. I walked over to the gate. "Hello Lauri. A few of us decided to make the journey here since I'm still worried about what is going on.“ "But you already know that this is a bachelor challenge of sorts.“ "Yes, but I wasn't going to sit back home and wait for the results. I surmise from the fact that you are out for a walk that you are the first to leave?“ "Yes.“ "Well, why don't you come inside for a cup of tea?“ "I don't know...“ "Come on, come inside."
  • 105. I led her into the drawing room where Circe, Denise and Lea were taking tea. "Please sit down."
  • 106. "So Lauri, I am sorry that you had to leave, but how are things going in the house?"
  • 107. "Yes," piped in Circe. "I want to know all about it. Tell me every little detail."
  • 108. "There is not much to tell. We have been playing cards, dining together and generally conversing.“ "Oh," said Circe disappointed at the lack of drama, "why were you kicked out then?" "I didn't really speak to Theo.“ "Ah, a bit difficult to get to know someone if you don't talk to them." I said grimacing slightly. "Yes." Lauri stared into space.
  • 109. "Well look at it this way," said Denise brightly, "at least you have got to know some of your future neighbours.“ "True."
  • 110. "Are you going straight to Regalton now?" I asked. "I'm not sure." "Well, tell you what, stick around here for a couple more days before you decide, you can stay here with us. This seems like a nice village, and it will give us the chance to get to know you a bit better.“ "Very well. I will go and get my things from the boarding house then."
  • 111. As I showed Lauri to the door Lea turned to Denise and Circe. "That's one down, who will be next I wonder?“ "I don’t know, but I must know what is happening in that house." Replied Circe. "I think we just have to wait." Said Denise. *** Yes they do, as do you I'm afraid. Thank you all for reading, I hope that you have enjoyed it. My thanks goes out to the creators of all my CC. A huge, huge thank you to the authors whose simselves I've pinched and stuck in corsets, especially those who volunteered for this challenge. All being well day 2 should be on an exchange near you very soon. =>
  • 112. Bonus picture of a gorgeous shirtless Theo because I can.