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Possible end of part 2
Fifteen minutes after leaving Rosa, the elf known as Hayley was pushing the door of a long abandoned
Victorian warehouse open. The largest room was empty, and she crossed it quickly, heading to a door
set in the far wall. She pushed it open and entered a second room.
At first glance, this room appeared to be as empty as the first, but a bundle of rags in front of a stove
stirred at the sound of the door closing.

“Well?” Croaked a voice from the bundle.

“You’re right. She’s a half breed.” Answered Hayley.

The elderly elf sat up straighter, her hood falling back, causing snow white hair to cascade down her back.
“Of course I was right.” She replied. “You know that...”
“...I see what you do not.”
Hayley suppressed a shudder and tried to sound nonchalant. “Yes. Did you also see that her and her
brother are in fact Dorans?”

The elderly woman’s head snapped up, and Hayley suddenly felt as if two eyes were boring into her.
“Dorans? You are sure?”
“They told me their name themselves.”

The old woman’s mouth curved into a cruel smile. “That is better than I could have hoped.”
Hayley nodded, eager to get out of the room. “Yes the two Dorans and the other girl, should serve your
purposes well.” As she finished her sentence, she felt the eyes bore into her more.
“What other girl? I have seen no one but the green girl and her brother.” The old woman’s voice was
“There was another girl there, someone the boy had just met. She claimed she was a half-breed, but I
suppose she could be mistaken.” Said Hayley, trying not to let her nervousness show.
The woman was silent, as she put her hand to her head and concentrated. “You lie.” She said at last. “I
see no one else there with you.”

Hayley shook her head. “She was there.”
“I see the boy sitting on the table, the girl next to you, but there is no one else there.” Snarled the woman.
“She was sitting in the chair.” Pointed out Hayley, realising that Grania was looking back at the
conversation that had taken place earlier.

“I see no one there, the chair is empty.”

“I’m telling you, she was there.” Hayley said adamantly.
“Hmmm.” Grania looked harder at the images swarming in front of her vision. She could see Hayley and
the two half-breeds acting as if there was indeed someone sitting in that chair, but she saw no one.
The Seer ran her hand through her hair as she thought. “Protected by a ward then, and a powerful one at
that. I can see no evidence of it around her. Interesting.

You’ve done well.” She said louder. “I have no more use of you tonight.”

Hayley found herself bowing her head before turning and leaving.
Grania didn’t even hear the door close behind the blonde elf. She was lost in her visions, past, present
and possible future merging together as she started to giggle and rock. “Banish Grania Greyfern will
they?” She spluttered. “We’ll see what they say when I arrive at the borders of the North Forest with the
heads of two Dorans and another half-breed.” She collapsed into manic laughter at the thought.
Walking along the catwalk to the office on the first floor, Hayley shuddered. The crone creeped her out,
there were no two ways about it, and if she could bring herself to walk away, she would. She often
wondered if the Seer had worked some sort of magic on her and Killian to stop them from going, or
maybe it was fear that caused them to stay. She hugged herself, as she shuddered again.
The male elf sitting playing solitaire looked up as the door opened and Hayley walked in. “She sounds
happy.” He remarked, clearing away the cards. “I can hear her giggling away to herself.”

“I gave her some good news.” Said Hayley taking a seat on a crate.
“You look pale.” His voice was concerned as he shuffled the cards. “Did she do the creepy eye thing
where she looks at you, without looking at you.”

“She always does that.” Replied Hayley. “She has no need to face you, so she doesn’t.”

“Well, it creeps me the hell out. Fuck, she creeps me the hell out in general. I’ve never met anyone else
like it.”
“And you never will. You’ve never heard her story?” Asked Hayley as he started to deal the cards.

“Can’t say I have. I’m a village yokel remember.” Said Killian in a tone of voice that suggested this was
an old joke between them.

“How can I forget?” She smiled fondly at him, and caressed his cheek. “Ok then, the story of Grania
“Grania is one of the oldest people I’ve ever met. She was born over two centuries ago with the gifts of a

“Is that why she has the creepy-ass eyes? I thought Seers looked like you or I?” Interrupted Killian.

“They do. Look, do you want me to tell you what I know or not?” Asked the older elf irritably. The
younger boy grunted and shrugged in apology.
“She was born with the gifts of a Seer,” continued the blonde. “The first in her family to display a gift. As a
child she could be found staring at any reflective surface, watching the images skimming in front of her
vision, but it wasn’t until she was a teenager that it became apparent that Grania was the most talented
Seer the North Forest had ever seen.”
“It wasn’t long until this knowledge reached the Elder Council, and she was invited to consult for them.

She soon became the most celebrated elf living in the capital. People would walk the paths of the Forest
hoping for a glimpse of her, men followed at her heels, hoping for the chance to share her bed, she'd
become indispensable to the Council and she adored it.”
“Her status lasted for years, but, as is inevitable, her gifts started to decline with age. Her visions, famed
for their pinpoint accuracy, started to become increasingly vague, and she could no longer view as much
of the world as she once could, much to the Council’s displeasure.

Also at this time, another Seer, Saoirse, had caught the attention of the Council. Young, dynamic and
now more gifted than Grania, she was fast becoming the Seer the Council consulted, and Grania’s fame
“Despairing at this turn of events, Grania started to consult the Learnings of our forebears, desperate to
extend her Sight and stop its decline.

After many months of searching, she came across a potion she believed would do just that.”
“In secret, she gathered the ingredients and started to brew it.”
“At last, it was ready, and thinking only of how it would restore her gift and celebrity, she drank it.”
“No one knows if the potion worked as it was supposed to, because when they found her unconscious
body, the book on the desk next to it was full of nothing but blank pages. Once she regained
consciousness though, it soon became apparent what the potion had done. Her sight was gone, replaced
instead by her Sight.”

“Hence the creepy-ass eyes.” Breathed Killian.

“Hence the creepy-ass eyes.” Agreed Hayley.
“Being bombarded by constant images of the past, present and possible futures, images she couldn’t
control, sent her mad.”

“Is that why she was banished?” Asked the young elf.
“In a way.” Said Hayley after a pause. “She was well cared for. Our best physicians treated her, while
the scholars and magi tried in vain to find or concoct a potion that would restore her sight to how it should
be. She would still be there today if she hadn’t of attacked a member of the Elder Council.”
Killian looked at her in astonishment. “Who?”


“You’re kidding!”

“No. Grania flung herself at Mairé, calling her an entitled bitch, daughter of an immoral, syphilitic whore,
while trying to claw her eyes out.”
“I’ll bet Mairé wasn’t happy.” Said Killian. He may be a lot younger than the blonde, and from a far flung
part of the Forest, but even he knew about Mairé's temper.

“That is an understatement. She banished Grania from the Forest, under penalty of death if she ever
returns, but Grania's determined to return, to regain the respect and position she once had.”
Killian was quiet for a moment. “That’s why she got such a bee in
her bonnet when she Saw the green girl? She thinks she can buy
the favour of the Council by doing her bit to remove the half-breed


“Hmm.” Killian pondered that for a second. “Well I’ll tell you one
thing, that’s quite some story.”

“Yeah, it is. If I hadn’t of witnessed part of it, I wouldn't believe it”
Said Hayley concentrating on her cards.

The two elves continued their game in silence.

Over the next couple of weeks, Lysander tried to make a plan for the future. They were getting near to
the time where they would have to tell their landlady if they didn’t want to renew their lease, but whenever
he broached the subject with his sister, Rosa quickly changed the subject after saying she wasn’t sure
she was ready to leave yet.

He understood. There was someone keeping him from wanting to leave too: Celeste.
Try as he might, he couldn’t stop thinking about her, and at least a couple of times a day, he found himself
looking at her name in the address book of his mobile, his finger hovering just above the connect button.
This hadn’t gone un-noticed by Rosa, and one day, when she noticed him doing it, she said “just call her
Lys. The worst that can happen is that she tells you not to ring her again, but if she didn’t want you to
ring, she wouldn’t have given you her number in the first place.”

“I don’t know what you mean.” Said Lys stiffly as he went to clear the screen of his phone.
Rosa was too fast for him. Before he knew what she was doing, she had snatched the phone from his
hand, and was looking at it. Just as she had thought, Celeste was highlighted.

“Hey, give that back!” Lysa dived at her, but she spun away, dodging him effectively.

“If you won’t call her, I will.” Said Rosa, holding the mobile as far away from her brother as possible.

“You wouldn’t.”

In response, Rosa pressed the connect button.
Lysander watched aghast as Rosa put the phone to her ear and waited for the call to be answered. He
heard a tinny voice say “Hello...Lysander?” before Rosa started talking. “Hi Celeste, it’s Rosa, Lys’s
sister...Lys? Oh, no, no, he’s fine. In fact he's right here.” She shoved the phone at him, and Lysander
took it, startled.
“Hi Celeste....I’m fine thanks.”

Rosa smiled and headed to the kitchen, Spot trotting along behind her.
“I know it wasn’t exactly fair Spot,” she said as she started to prepare her dinner, “but, honestly what else
should I have done? He wasn’t going to ring her otherwise, and it’s obvious how much he likes her, and
she likes him too, I could tell. It will do him good to speak to her, perhaps ask her out on a date.”

She continued to talk to her dog as she chopped and prepared until Lys entered the room.
“How is Celeste?” Asked Rosa.

“Fine.” Came the terse reply.

“She seemed pleased when she picked up the phone, almost as if she was looking forward to your call.”


“So...did you perhaps ask her out?”


“What? I’m curious. You should you know.”
Lysander sighed. “No Rosa, I didn’t. You heard what she said the other night. It’s too dangerous...”

“I don’t think she really believes that Lys. She sounded far too happy to hear from you, and the first thing
she asked when she realised it was me on the other end, was if you were alright.” Said Rosa, fixing him
with a stern look. “Ring her back, ask her out for a drink. It’ll do you good.”

Lys shook his head, even though he wanted to take his sister’s advice. “No. I’ve got to head to work now
anyway. I’ll see you tomorrow if you’re not still up when I get home.”
As she watched him walk away, Spot looked up at her and raised her brows. “I agree Spot, my brother is

Impossible Lysander might be, but he was not an idiot, and now the ice had been broken with regards to
calling Celeste, he found himself speaking to her at least once a day. He still didn’t ask her out, but both
of them enjoyed their conversations.

In the abandoned warehouse Grania held court in, a plan was coming together.

“You’re sure she’ll believe you?” Asked the gruff voice of the newcomer.

“Yes. She’s naïve and trusting. Plus she loves me, she’ll believe what I say.” Said Hayley.

“She will.” Confirmed Grania. “I have Seen it.”
“Well, that’s alright then.” Grumbled Killian. He’d been in a snit ever since Sloan had arrived. He’d taken
the mercenary’s presence as an affront to his ability to handle the half-breeds.
The final details of the plan sorted out, the three younger elves stood up and filed out of the room. The
mercenary caught Hayley’s sleeve as they reached the iron stairs leading to the catwalk above, earning
him a dirty look from Killian.

“Do you really believe this will work?”

“Why? Thinking of leaving?”

“Listen lady, I plan on getting paid for this gig no matter what. I just want to know if I can count on the
money for the Doran brats as well as what the crone is paying me for being here.”
“I can get them here.” Replied Hayley. “What happens after that is down to you and Killian.”

“Then as long as the boy does his job, we should be good.” Said Sloan before heading up the stairs,
leaving Hayley watching him go. She too was uneasy about the newcomer, but Grania was determined to
do everything she could to buy her way back into the Forest.

It wasn't long until the elves decided to put their plan into action. Rosa was serving in the pet shop late
one afternoon when Hayley came running in. “Hi.” Said Rosa with a smile.

“Rosa, I need to talk to you.” said Hayley urgently

“Um, ok, let me finish serving Mrs Sams and I’ll be with you.” Said a puzzled Rosa.
The elderly customer out the door, and with Karen seeing to the other customers, Rosa was free to talk to
her girlfriend. “What’s the matter?” She asked. Hayley had stayed near the till fidgeting all the while
Rosa had been ringing up Mrs Sams’s purchases. Her actions had made the green girl nervous.

“Rosa, you have to get out of here!” Exclaimed Hayley, panicked.

Rosa’s black eyes grew wide. “What do you mean?

“You’re not safe!”

Rosa stared at her, not speaking.
“Look, I was walking between the library and the park when I saw a group of people. I started to veer
away from them, when I overheard what they were saying. They were talking about you Rosa, and

Rosa gasped but Hayley continued. “I stayed out of sight, but tried to hear what else they were saying.
They’re looking for you two, something about, about,” Hayley swallowed, “killing you.”

Rosa put her hand to her mouth and started to feel sick. They’d found them. She started to shake and
tears filled her eyes.
“I’m sorry love.” Said Hayley putting her hand on Rosa’s arm. “Do you really think they are elves?”

“I don’t know who else they could be.” Said Rosa quietly. “You’re sure they were talking about...” Her
voice trailed off, as she was unable to finish the sentence.

Hayley nodded. “Yes.” She said quietly.

“I have to tell Lysa, we have to get out of here.” Said Rosa, shaking all over. “Come with us.”
Hayley gasped. “I don’t think I can love. I want to, but I have my life here.”

Rosa looked crestfallen at these words.

“I tell you what. I can help you get away, pull in a favour someone owes me to get you as far away from
Flinton as possible tonight. Keep in touch and I’ll see if I can follow later.” Said Hayley.
“I don’t want to leave you.” Said Rosa quietly.

“I know, and I don’t want you to, but I think you are going to have to. At least for a little while.” Replied
Hayley quietly.

Rosa nodded unhappily. “I have to speak to Lys, and Karen...”

“Ok, I’ll start making my calls, get your passage out of here sorted.” Said Hayley as she kissed her
As Hayley walked away from the pet shop, she couldn’t stop the smile that appeared on her face. Rosa
had believed her and had willingly agreed to go with her that night. Everything was going to plan.

Lysander stared at his phone, his heart racing. He could barely believe what his sister had just told him.
The elves had found them. So many years without a hint of them, and now they were here. They had to
get out of Flinton as soon as possible.

A thought occurred to him.


There was no way he couldn’t warn her, and no way he was going to leave her in danger.

He quickly found her name in his address book and hit connect.
“Hi Lys.” As always, the sound of her voice on the other end of the phone made his heart skip a beat.

“Hi Celeste.” She must have picked up on something in his voice, because her next question was
“Lysander, what’s wrong?”
As he told her, she felt her stomach drop, and had to sit down heavily. “You’re sure?” She whispered
when he had finished.

“Rosa is. I’ve only ever heard her sound so scared once before. We have to get as far away from here
as possible.” Celeste nodded silently, even though she knew he couldn’t see her

“When will you go?” She asked quietly.

“Tonight.” He paused. “Come with us.”
Celeste looked around in consternation. He was talking about leaving her entire life here, just packing up
and going. But if she didn’t...

“If they’re here and they get wind of you...I can’t bear the thought of anything happening to you Celeste.”
Lysander’s voice cracked as he finished the sentence.

Celeste nodded slowly. “Ok.” She said quietly.

She heard Lysander breathe a sigh of relief.

“I have to sort a few things out here, but I’ll be ready by this evening.
“Rosa is going to talk to Karen, and then head for the apartment. I’m going to do the same so we’re
ready. I’ll come meet you, and we’ll go.”

Celeste nodded. “Meet me at 4 Grinall House at half five. I’ll try to get away from here earlier, but I don’t
know if I’ll be able to.”

“Ok. And take care.”

”You too Lys.”
Celeste disconnected the call and leant against the filing cabinet. She had to talk to her boss, and her
landlord, and throw some clothes in a bag and...

Tears filled her eyes as she thought about what Lysander had told her, and an old fear flooded through
her. There were elves in Flinton, and they would surely find her if she stayed. Leaving was her only
option, and she would be with Lysa, that was a comforting thought. With a huge sigh, she levered herself
up and went to find her boss.

At Twenty to six, Lysander was sitting outside the door to 4 Grinall House, feeling very nervous. He’d
arrived at the block of flats quarter of an hour before, and there was still no sign of Celeste. He hoped
with all his heart that something hadn’t happened to her on her way back.
He found himself smiling a relived smile when she finally hurried up the stairs. “Hi, I was getting worried.”
He said as he stood up.

“Sorry, I couldn’t get away. The boss asked lots of questions and wanted to make sure he got a full day’s
work out of me.” She essayed a smile at him, but was too worried to really mean it.

“I’m just glad nothing had happened to you.” Said Lysander quietly. This time her smile was genuine and
the two of them stood there for a long moment, before Celeste remembered herself and went to unlock
her front door.
As they entered her flat, Lys took a look around. It was small, far smaller than the flat he shared with
Rosa, and was neutrally, almost coldly decorated, but Celeste had done her best to warm it up with cheap
prints and plants.
“I don’t know what to do about my possessions.” She said as she crossed the small living space to her
bedroom. “I don’t know whether it’s worth putting then into storage or what. I don’t really want to lose any
of them, but I can’t bring them with me.”

Lys trailed after her, unsure what to say. It was not, after all, a problem he and Rosa had: the contents of
the flat belonged to the landlady, or were dispensable. All they actually owned and cared about had gone
into their rucksacks.
He followed her into her bedroom and now he stopped, his eyes drawn to a large painting that hung
above her bed. “Especially that.” He said nodding at it.

She followed his gaze. “Especially that.” She confirmed. “Yes, I know it’s ironic that a half-elf scared to
death of the elves of the North Forest has a painting of an elf on her bedroom wall, soon as I saw
it, I had to buy it.” She cocked her head as she looked at the painting. “It’s odd, it wasn’t even in the
window of the shop, but I saw it out the corner of my eye, and I had to go in and take a look. I knew I had
to buy it once I got a good look at it. It’s still the most money I’ve ever spent on anything and it’s worth
more than the rest of the contents of my flat. But I guess that doesn’t really matter: I have to leave it.”
Lysa looked at her. “Ask your landlord to put it in storage. We’ll come back and get it when we can.”

Celeste looked unsure, and Lysander repeated “We’ll come back and get it. It obviously means a lot to

“it does.” Replied Celeste quietly. “I always feel as if she is watching over me.”
Lysander nodded and looked again at the elf in the painting. “You know, she looks like you.”

Celeste laughed and opened her wardrobe to rummage for a bag. “It’s the olive skin, black hair and dark
eyes that do it. She looks nothing like me.”

Lys said nothing, but as he looked at the painting, he thought there was more to the resemblance than
that. There was something about the profile in particular that reminded him of Celeste.
He looked back over at her, to see she was taking clothes out of a drawer. Satiny looking clothes,
trimmed with lace. He swallowed, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable as he watched Celeste empty out
the contents of her underwear drawer. “I’m going to ah...wait in the living room for you.” He said
gesturing and taking a step backwards towards the door. He turned and was out the door in less than a
second, missing the smile on her face and the way her eyes glittered with amusement at his discomfort.
By the time Celeste came out of her bedroom, Lysander had composed himself. “Are you ready?”

Celeste bit her lip. “I want to write a letter to the landlord, asking him to put my things in storage, then we
can go.”

Lys nodded and watched as she fetched a pad of paper and pen to write her note.

Half an hour later, Celeste and Lys were walking through the door of the fast food restaurant where Rosa
was waiting for them. Celeste thought the other girl looked awful when she looked at her. Her green skin
looked grey, and she could see the fear in her liquid black eyes. ‘I wonder if my eyes look so haunted.’
she thought as she went to slide onto a seat.
“What time are we meeting Hayley?” Asked Lys.

“Any time now.” Mumbled Rosa. “She said she had to go and change before meeting us.”

Lys nodded. “I'm really sorry she won’t come with us.”

“I know. But she’s going to try to follow as soon as she gets everything sorted here. It’s a lot to ask her to
drop everything and run.” Said Rosa mechanically as if she was trying to convince herself of what she
was saying.

Lys nodded again, conscious of the fact that he had asked Celeste to do just that. It was different though,
he told himself, Celeste was in danger too if she stayed.
They sat waiting for Hayley in silence, Rosa fiddling with the paper wrapper of a straw, while all three
ignored the evil looks they were getting from the staff because they weren’t ordering any food.

Eventually, Hayley entered the restaurant, and stooped to kiss Rosa. “Hey.”

“Hey.” Rosa looked at Hayley’s clothes. Hayley had changed into dark trousers and top, quite unlike
anything she had seen her wearing before.

“We should be going. My friend is going to meet us a warehouse on the outskirts of the industrial area,
and we need to get there.” Not only were her clothes different, Rosa thought her girlfriend’s voice
sounded more clipped than usual. ‘It must be worry.’ She thought.

The Dorans and Celeste nodded, stood up and followed the blonde to the door.
They followed her through Flinton, past Col’s and the block of flats Lysander and Rosalind had been living
in, and out into the industrial area of the town. All three of the half-elves were nervous as they walked,
each wanting to put as much distance between themselves and Flinton as possible. As the back of his
hand brushed hers, Lysander glanced over at Celeste. He was glad she was coming with him and Rosa,
leaving her would have been awful. He really felt for his sister having to leave Hayley, but hopefully she
would be able to join them later.
They arrived at an abandoned warehouse, and Hayley went to open the gate. “I think his van is round the
back of the yard, but he said he’d be waiting inside.”

Rosa nodded at her, before following her through the gate and to the door of the warehouse.
As soon as they entered, Lysander knew something was wrong. Standing in front of them were three
individuals, two men and a wild looking woman with white hair. He could see the ears of the black haired
man: they were pointed. In shock, he watched as Hayley strode towards them. “Told you I could get
them here.” She said as she stood next to them.
While Hayley had been walking away from them, Spot had dropped into a growl at the other inhabitants of
the room. She could tell that the people standing in front of them meant her people harm. If she had
been younger, she would probably have rushed at them, but she knew she wouldn’t have stood a chance,
so she turned and slinked out the door to the warehouse.
Once outside, she started to howl.
In front of the flat Rosa and Lys had been living in, Karen was peering through the window looking
worried. Rosa had left so quickly in tears, saying she had to go and wouldn’t be back, Karen was worried
about her and wanted to make sure she was alright.

“The flat looks abandoned Becky.” She said, talking to the chocolate labrador sitting by her feet. “Empty,
you know? As if the inhabitants aren’t coming back.” She was disappointed. She liked Rosa a lot. It
wasn’t just that she was a good employee, Karen liked her as a friend too, and if Rosa had left town,
Karen was going to miss her a lot.
Becky wasn’t listening to her mistress however. She could hear something on the wind, someone was
crying for help, and the voice was familiar. Spot.

With a small bark, she jumped up and trotted down the stairs.

“Becky!” Shouted Karen, but the dog ignored her. “Becky, heel!”

Rosa watched her girlfriend take her place next to the elves, confused. “I don’t understand.”

Hayley sighed and pushed a lock of hair behind an ear, clearly showing the point. “What is there to not
understand?” She asked, all warmth gone from her voice. “I’m an elf, you’re a half-breed and there is a
handsome price on your head.”

“But I thought that you loved me...” The hurt was obvious in Rosa’s voice as she spoke.
Hayley gave a harsh laugh. “Please, as if I could ever feel anything but contempt for a filthy half-breed
such as you.”
Rosa flinched as if she had been struck. The past six weeks had been a lie. She loved Hayley, and
thought that she had loved her back, and all this time the blonde woman had been lying to her, not only
about her feelings, but about who she was.

Rosa felt sick.
Lysander felt angry.

“You bitch!” He stepped forward, his fists clenched. “Why let it go for so long?”

“We had to make sure, hear it from her own mouth.”

Lys shook his head in disgust. “Why?”

Hayley paused, and glanced quickly at the wild looking woman.                   “Our information source,
sometimes...gets confused. Things aren’t clear to her all the time.”
“Enough talk.” Lys turned his head to look at the old woman who had just spoken. “Is the other girl with

“Yes.” Said Hayley nodding. “She’s hiding behind the boy.”
“I don’t think she can see.” Muttered Lysander, taking in the old woman’s white eyes.

“Oh, I can see you and your pretty red hair and blue eyes fine boy, just as I can see your sister with those
glittering black eyes full of tears. Who I cannot see however is your companion. She seems to be
protected by a ward my Sight cannot penetrate.”
“I’m not protected by anything...” said Celeste.

“Oh but you are. I can still hear you though, and my companions can see you just fine. Kill them.”
Killian and Sloan moved to step forward. Lysander sidestepped to the right, trying to put himself between
the approaching elves and the two women.

As he did so, he became aware of a baying, and barking and snarling getting closer.

Sloan’s eyes went to the door, wondering what was going on, just as Spot bounded through the door,
followed by a whole host of other animals.
“What the fuck?” Exclaimed Sloan as the animals lined up between the Dorans and their attackers,
growling and snarling.

Sloan snarled back. “I don’t have time for this.” He reached inside his coat and started to bring out a
handgun, but one of the dogs was too quick for him, and leapt at him, snapping his jaws around Sloan’s
wrist , and causing the gun to go skidding across the floor.
Sloan grasped at his wrist, and kicked out at the dog that was nearest to him.
His actions seemed to spur the rest of the room into action. Killian advanced on Lysander, a wickedly
sharp looking dagger in his hand, while Hayley started after Rosa. A group of the dogs surrounded her,
snapping at Hayley as she tried to get close.
While the main fight was going on, Celeste was trying to see where Sloan’s gun had gone. If she could
perhaps get hold of it...

She reckoned it had flown just past the main group of crates in the centre of the room, so using the cover
of the fight, she started towards it. As she was edging round the first crate, but her hip knocked into the
corner, and caused it to move. Grania’s head snapped in her direction at the noise, and she started to
move in a large arc towards Celeste.
Celeste hadn’t noticed the noise, and was still making her way to where the gun had ended up, when she
became aware of Grania advancing on her. Her heart thumping, she started to back off.
She ended up, backed against a wall. “I may not be able to see you, but I can hear the thump of your
boots on the floor, the gasping of your breath and I can smell that scent you have sprayed all over
yourself in the hope it will attract the other half-breed.”
Trevor saw Grania cornering Celeste and ran over to her snapping at her heels. “Hey you. Creepy
human. What do you think you are doing?”
Celeste rolled off of the corner of the wall, aiming to duck around Grania.

Grania felt the movement of air as she did so, and whirled round to follow her. She was concentrating so
much on following the half-breed she couldn’t see, she didn’t realise that Trevor was right behind her.
She tripped over him, her head striking the corner of a crate as she fell.
Celeste turned as she heard the thud behind her, and put her hands to her mouth shocked. Blood was
pouring from a gash on Grania’s temple, and she was unnaturally still. Trevor was bouncing around her
feet, barking. He then trotted up to her head sniffed at her, before trotting away.
Celeste approached her carefully, and hesitantly reached out towards her neck. She couldn’t feel a pulse,
and drew her hand back quickly.
Over the other side of the crates, the mercenary known as Sloan, saw Grania go down. He kicked at one
of the dogs trying to fasten its teeth round his leg, and waited to see if Grania would get up. She didn’t
and he saw the pretty, dark half-breed draw away from where she had fallen, shocked.
He flicked a look at Hayley and the boy. The boy was doing surprisingly well against the red-headed half-
breed, although he had lost his knife, but judging by the set of the red-head’s jaw and the determined look
in his eyes, it wouldn’t last.

Hayley was having just as much trouble with animals as he was, she just couldn’t get close to the green
With a snarl, Sloan made up his mind. His employer looked to be dead, or seriously injured, and the
bounty on the half-breeds wasn’t worth getting ripped to shreds by animals. There would be other
employment opportunities, but he had to get out of this one first.
He aimed a kick at the nearest dog, before making a break for the door. The dogs that had attacking him
followed him out the warehouse, snarling and snapping at his heels.
Hayley, saw him go and looked over at Killian. The dogs that hadn’t followed Sloan out the warehouse,
were around her and the dark haired elf as he tried to strike Lysander. She couldn’t see the crone
She took a few steps back from Rosa, trying to make her way to Killian. As she did so, she caught sight
of the Seer’s lifeless body, Celeste still standing looking at her in shock. She reached the same
conclusion the mercenary had.
“Killian!” She shouted, trying to make herself heard over the baying animals. “Killian!.”

He looked up, from the dog whose jaws he was trying to avoid.

“Let’s go!”

“What? Why?” Asked Killian startled.
Hayley growled. “Are you mad or stupid? Sloan is gone, I think Grania is dead, and we can’t get near the
half-breeds with these mutts about. It’s best to cut our losses and run, get out of this godforsaken town!”
Killian’s distraction, was all the dog needed to clamp his jaws around his lower leg, and allow Lysander to
land a right hook on his jaw.
He levered himself up off the ground, kicking out at the dogs around his feet as he did so. “Fine, let’s go.”
The two elves headed for the warehouse doors and the quickest way out of Flinton.
Lysander and Rosalind watched them go. Rosa’s face was streaked with tears, and Lysander was utterly
exhausted. “Where’s the woman with the creepy eyes?” He asked as he started towards his sister.

“Here.” Said Celeste quietly.

Lysander looked at her, and saw the expression on her face.
He hurried to her side, and gasped when he saw what she had been looking at. He couldn’t help but look
closely at the old woman’s head, his eyes seeing fractured bone and broken blood vessels.

“She’s dead.” He said redundantly.

Celeste just nodded.

“Probably died instantly.” He continued quietly. Celeste said nothing.
Lys stood, still looking down at the body of Grania, feeling sick.

“You’re hurt Lys.” Said Celeste, looking at his left arm. He glanced down at the gash on it. “It’s a
scratch, I’ll sort it in a minute.” He murmured.

“it’s not just a scratch, it looks deep and it’s still bleeding.”
He just shook his head and continued to look at the dead Seer. “I’ve been thinking.” He started. “You
were right, it’s too dangerous for us to be here. If you are near me, they could find you would kill
me if anything happened to you. So we’ll go, Rosa and I. We’ll leave Flinton as soon as we can, and
you’ll never hear from me again, never be in danger again. You’ll soon forget all about me.”
Celeste looked at him, her mouth agape. He was serious, he meant every word he was saying, and he
was trying to be so noble about it, couching it as if he had her best interests at heart.

She felt herself growing angry, but checked it, and instead of shouting at him, took his hand, sticky as it
was with his blood. She then laid her other hand on his cheek and gently turned his head so that he was
looking directly at her.

“I’ve been doing some thinking too,” she said, “and I’ve decided that the danger is worth it.”
Lys’s brow furrowed.

“I would much rather live my life with you, running from psychotic elves, and never staying in one place
longer than a couple of months, than live without you. I barely know you Lysander, but I don’t want to
imagine a life without you in it.”
“You don’t mean that.” He mumbled.
In answer, Celeste leant forward and kissed him gently. Lysander’s eyebrows shot up at the touch of her
lips. They were soft and warm, and returning the kiss, was suddenly all that mattered to him.
Sitting on the floor, Rosa wiped away her tears and looked at Spot before saying. “it’s about time, isn’t it
girl? Thanks for arranging the help.”

Spot cocked her head to one side, her tongue lolling out.

“Now are any of you hurt?” Rosa asked the animals gathered around her, trying to think about something,
anything but the ache in her heart, and feelings of shame caused by Hayley and her actions. “Because if
you are, I’ll ask Lysa to look at you one he’s no longer preoccupied.”

“I’m hurt.” Piped up Trevor. “Well, not exactly hurt, but I got kicked, and nearly flattened.”

“I’ll ask Lys to check you over then.” Said Rosa scratching him behind his ears.
She turned to look at a familiar chocolate labrador. “Becky? What are you doing here?...Why were you at
the apartment?...She was?...Where’s Karen now?...What do you mean she’s right behind you?”
A blonde woman burst through the doors to the warehouse, her hand clutching at a stitch in her side.
“Be...Becky, heel.” She could barely get the words out, as she gasped for breath.
She stood panting for a moment, before looking around the room she was in. Her eyes alighted on Rosa.

“Rosa? What are you doing here? I was looking for you at your flat. Is that your brother kissing that girl?
Is that a dead body? Why are there so many animals here? Trevor? Becky ran away from me, and then
started chasing this other man, which was odd because she is normally such a good dog. I tried to
apologise, but he was too busy running from other dogs, and then Becky turned tail, I thought she was
coming back to me, but no, she ran here, and now I’ve found you, a dead body, a pair of lovers and lots of
dogs. What on earth is going on?”
Rosa actually smiled, albeit sadly, as her friend’s babble washed over her. “it’s a long story Karen.”

Karen sat down on the floor. “I’m listening Rosa.”

Lys stood looking at his reflection in frustration. “How on earth do you tie this thing?” He said tugging at
the black silk of his tie.
Ainsley laughed. “Your father can’t tie a bowtie either, come here.” Lysander turned round and patiently
waited while his mother deftly tied the silk into a bow. She stood back and adjusted it so that it sat
perfectly amongst the white collar of his shirt.
“Thanks for making the journey from Veronaville.” Said Lysander as he looked at the result in the mirror.

“There’s no way we would miss our eldest son getting married.” Said Puck getting up off of the bed. “No
way we would miss any of our children getting married actually.”

“And so many of you are married or settling down now. It’s hard to believe my babies are grown up. I
guess I should stop calling you that now.”
Lysander hugged Ainsley. “We’ll always be your babies, Mom.”

“Very true.”

Puck put his hand on Aine’s shoulder. “We should go downstairs and take our seats.”

“You’re right.” Ainsley gave Lysander one last squeeze before turning and heading for the door.
“You’ll be fine.” Said Puck, looking at the nervous expression on his son’s face.

“I hope so. Dad, what if I forget the words?”

“You won’t, and if you do, make something up about how much you love her and how you’ll always be
there for her.”

“Yeah.” Lysander looked vaguely green as he answered.

“It’ll all work out fine, trust me.” Said Puck.
Downstairs, Rosa was looking at her reflection in the mirror, when she felt a pair of arms snake round her
waist, and someone rest their chin on her shoulder. “You are so beautiful.” Said Karen. ”You’re as
beautiful as you are kind, and I am so lucky.”
Rosa turned away from the mirror, and faced Karen. “No, I’m the lucky one. You’re more beautiful and
kinder than I am.”

“We’re both lucky then.” Replied Karen before leaning towards Rosa and kissing her. “And now we both
have smudged lippy.”
Rosa laughed and brushed a strand of hair away from Karen’s face.

Despite what Celeste had said about going with Lysa, staying in one place for only a few months, they
had decided to stay in Flinton, at least for a short time. Karen had been there for her in those dark days
following the night at the warehouse. She’d told Rosa that she still had her job if she wanted it, but more
importantly she had been a friend. She’d listened without saying a word while Rosa had explained about
all that had happened with Hayley and her past.
As the weeks had gone on, she’d been instrumental in getting Rosa out of the flat and away from her
misery. They’d gone for walks with the dogs, and been to see films full of fluff and unimportant things,
and they’d been out to nice restaurants as Karen had tried to tempt Rosa to eat and get her appetite back
after what had happened.
It was at one restaurant, after a bottle of wine, that Karen had confessed that she had wanted to ask Rosa
out on a date not long after she had started working at the pet shop. She had hesitated because she was
Rosa’s boss, and then Rosa had been seeing Hayley. Now she found herself starting to feel more than
friendship towards Rosa, and thought that Rosa ought to know that. And why was Rosa looking at her
like that, oh she really oughtn’t have said anything about it. She needed another drink, where was a
waiter when you needed one?
Rosalind had been stunned, but she had also realised something when Karen had spoken. She’d replied
that, she too thought her feelings for the other woman was starting to move beyond friendship, but she
was still hurting from what had happened with Hayley. While part of her wanted to go on a proper date
with Karen, a large part didn’t as she was worried about getting hurt again.
In the end, they decided to tentatively start dating, to see how things went. That tentative dating turned
into not so tentative dating.
When Lys had told Rosa that he and Celeste were thinking about moving in together and had seen a
house in nearby Combe-Acre which would have a spare room Rosa was welcome to have, Rosa had told
Karen, who had suggested that Rosa and Spot could move in with her is she liked. No strings attached
of course, and it was fine if Rosa didn’t want to, but Karen had thought that Rosa might feel like she was
playing gooseberry living with her brother and his girlfriend. Rosa had accepted her offer after only a
momentary hesitation.

That was ten months ago, and their relationship had only gone from strength to strength with each day
they spent together.
“We should go and sit.” Said Rosa eventually. “Lysa wouldn’t be happy if we follow his bride down the
aisle, instead of being there waiting for her.”

“True.” Karen took her hand and led her to the garden and the waiting chairs.
Not long after Rosalind and Karen had sat down, Ainsley and Puck came out of the house, followed a
moment later by a nervous looking Lysander. Rosa caught his eye and smiled encouragingly at him, but
the smile he returned made him look like he was about to be sick.
As he turned and looked out at his family and friends gathered in front of the wedding arch, he couldn’t
believe what he was about to do. It felt like a dream, as if it wasn’t real, but it was, and he was about to
start his life with Celeste as his wife.

Celeste as his wife.

Suddenly the smile on his face was genuine.
The smile grew even wider as Celeste’s friend Petra turned on the music and he saw Celeste walk out the
back door to their house. She looked even more stunning than normal in a deep plum dress, and as she
looked at him and smiled his heart melted.
“I love you.” He said as she reached him.

“Good, because I love you too.” She replied.
I think I've walked too close to love and now I’m falling in.
There’s so many things this weary soul can’t take.
Maybe you just caught me by surprise,
the first time that I looked into your eyes.
There’s a life inside of me
That I can feel again.
It’s the only thing that takes me
Where I’ve never been.
And I don’t care if I lost everything that I have known.
It don’t matter where I lay my head tonight
Your arms feel like home.
They fell like home.
This life ain’t the fairytale we both thought it would be.
But I can see your smiling face as it’s staring back at me
I know we both see these changes now
I know we both understand somehow.
There’s a life inside of me
That I can feel again.
It’s the only thing that takes me
Where I’ve never been.
And I don’t care if I lost everything that I have known
It don’t matter where I lay my head tonight
Your arms feel like home.
Hold on, you’re home to me.
They feel like home.
Hold on you’re home to me.
There’s a life inside of me
That I can feel again.
It’s the only thing that takes me
Where I’ve never been.
And I don’t care if I lost everything that I have known
It don’t matter where I lay my head tonight
Your arms feel like home.
They feel like home.
They feel like home.

(Your Arms Feel Like Home. 3 Doors Down).
I have a few thanks to make. First of all thanks to Marina (Smoothiequeen87) for coming up with the idea
to do this amazing project. I’ve loved reading it and I’ve loved participating in it, so thanks Marina.

Thanks also to Orikes for creating the characters of Rosalind and Lysander.           I loved them in her
generation, and fell even more in love with them while writing and shooting this.

Massive thanks to Cait (charris) for fixing Rosa’s formal dress for me, lending me her North Forest set for
my exteriors there, and all the awesome Doctor Who shirts I’ve use.

Thanks to the authors of the tutorials I used to make Karen and Rosa’s uniforms.

I couldn’t have made this without the creators of all my cc, especially the pose boxes, OMSPs and the
freezer clock, so thanks to them too.

Lastly, huge thanks to all of you for reading. I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have.

Oh, and one last thing =>

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Rosalind & Lysander's Story - part 3

  • 2. Fifteen minutes after leaving Rosa, the elf known as Hayley was pushing the door of a long abandoned Victorian warehouse open. The largest room was empty, and she crossed it quickly, heading to a door set in the far wall. She pushed it open and entered a second room.
  • 3. At first glance, this room appeared to be as empty as the first, but a bundle of rags in front of a stove stirred at the sound of the door closing. “Well?” Croaked a voice from the bundle. “You’re right. She’s a half breed.” Answered Hayley. The elderly elf sat up straighter, her hood falling back, causing snow white hair to cascade down her back. “Of course I was right.” She replied. “You know that...”
  • 4. “...I see what you do not.”
  • 5. Hayley suppressed a shudder and tried to sound nonchalant. “Yes. Did you also see that her and her brother are in fact Dorans?” The elderly woman’s head snapped up, and Hayley suddenly felt as if two eyes were boring into her. “Dorans? You are sure?”
  • 6. “They told me their name themselves.” The old woman’s mouth curved into a cruel smile. “That is better than I could have hoped.”
  • 7. Hayley nodded, eager to get out of the room. “Yes the two Dorans and the other girl, should serve your purposes well.” As she finished her sentence, she felt the eyes bore into her more.
  • 8. “What other girl? I have seen no one but the green girl and her brother.” The old woman’s voice was sharp.
  • 9. “There was another girl there, someone the boy had just met. She claimed she was a half-breed, but I suppose she could be mistaken.” Said Hayley, trying not to let her nervousness show.
  • 10. The woman was silent, as she put her hand to her head and concentrated. “You lie.” She said at last. “I see no one else there with you.” Hayley shook her head. “She was there.”
  • 11. “I see the boy sitting on the table, the girl next to you, but there is no one else there.” Snarled the woman.
  • 12. “She was sitting in the chair.” Pointed out Hayley, realising that Grania was looking back at the conversation that had taken place earlier. “I see no one there, the chair is empty.” “I’m telling you, she was there.” Hayley said adamantly.
  • 13. “Hmmm.” Grania looked harder at the images swarming in front of her vision. She could see Hayley and the two half-breeds acting as if there was indeed someone sitting in that chair, but she saw no one.
  • 14. The Seer ran her hand through her hair as she thought. “Protected by a ward then, and a powerful one at that. I can see no evidence of it around her. Interesting. You’ve done well.” She said louder. “I have no more use of you tonight.” Hayley found herself bowing her head before turning and leaving.
  • 15. Grania didn’t even hear the door close behind the blonde elf. She was lost in her visions, past, present and possible future merging together as she started to giggle and rock. “Banish Grania Greyfern will they?” She spluttered. “We’ll see what they say when I arrive at the borders of the North Forest with the heads of two Dorans and another half-breed.” She collapsed into manic laughter at the thought.
  • 16. Walking along the catwalk to the office on the first floor, Hayley shuddered. The crone creeped her out, there were no two ways about it, and if she could bring herself to walk away, she would. She often wondered if the Seer had worked some sort of magic on her and Killian to stop them from going, or maybe it was fear that caused them to stay. She hugged herself, as she shuddered again.
  • 17. The male elf sitting playing solitaire looked up as the door opened and Hayley walked in. “She sounds happy.” He remarked, clearing away the cards. “I can hear her giggling away to herself.” “I gave her some good news.” Said Hayley taking a seat on a crate.
  • 18. “You look pale.” His voice was concerned as he shuffled the cards. “Did she do the creepy eye thing where she looks at you, without looking at you.” “She always does that.” Replied Hayley. “She has no need to face you, so she doesn’t.” “Well, it creeps me the hell out. Fuck, she creeps me the hell out in general. I’ve never met anyone else like it.”
  • 19. “And you never will. You’ve never heard her story?” Asked Hayley as he started to deal the cards. “Can’t say I have. I’m a village yokel remember.” Said Killian in a tone of voice that suggested this was an old joke between them. “How can I forget?” She smiled fondly at him, and caressed his cheek. “Ok then, the story of Grania Greyfern.”
  • 20. “Grania is one of the oldest people I’ve ever met. She was born over two centuries ago with the gifts of a Seer...” “Is that why she has the creepy-ass eyes? I thought Seers looked like you or I?” Interrupted Killian. “They do. Look, do you want me to tell you what I know or not?” Asked the older elf irritably. The younger boy grunted and shrugged in apology.
  • 21. “She was born with the gifts of a Seer,” continued the blonde. “The first in her family to display a gift. As a child she could be found staring at any reflective surface, watching the images skimming in front of her vision, but it wasn’t until she was a teenager that it became apparent that Grania was the most talented Seer the North Forest had ever seen.”
  • 22. “It wasn’t long until this knowledge reached the Elder Council, and she was invited to consult for them. She soon became the most celebrated elf living in the capital. People would walk the paths of the Forest hoping for a glimpse of her, men followed at her heels, hoping for the chance to share her bed, she'd become indispensable to the Council and she adored it.”
  • 23. “Her status lasted for years, but, as is inevitable, her gifts started to decline with age. Her visions, famed for their pinpoint accuracy, started to become increasingly vague, and she could no longer view as much of the world as she once could, much to the Council’s displeasure. Also at this time, another Seer, Saoirse, had caught the attention of the Council. Young, dynamic and now more gifted than Grania, she was fast becoming the Seer the Council consulted, and Grania’s fame waned.”
  • 24. “Despairing at this turn of events, Grania started to consult the Learnings of our forebears, desperate to extend her Sight and stop its decline. After many months of searching, she came across a potion she believed would do just that.”
  • 25. “In secret, she gathered the ingredients and started to brew it.”
  • 26. “At last, it was ready, and thinking only of how it would restore her gift and celebrity, she drank it.”
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30. “No one knows if the potion worked as it was supposed to, because when they found her unconscious body, the book on the desk next to it was full of nothing but blank pages. Once she regained consciousness though, it soon became apparent what the potion had done. Her sight was gone, replaced instead by her Sight.” “Hence the creepy-ass eyes.” Breathed Killian. “Hence the creepy-ass eyes.” Agreed Hayley.
  • 31. “Being bombarded by constant images of the past, present and possible futures, images she couldn’t control, sent her mad.” “Is that why she was banished?” Asked the young elf.
  • 32. “In a way.” Said Hayley after a pause. “She was well cared for. Our best physicians treated her, while the scholars and magi tried in vain to find or concoct a potion that would restore her sight to how it should be. She would still be there today if she hadn’t of attacked a member of the Elder Council.”
  • 33. Killian looked at her in astonishment. “Who?” “Mairé.” “You’re kidding!” “No. Grania flung herself at Mairé, calling her an entitled bitch, daughter of an immoral, syphilitic whore, while trying to claw her eyes out.”
  • 34. “I’ll bet Mairé wasn’t happy.” Said Killian. He may be a lot younger than the blonde, and from a far flung part of the Forest, but even he knew about Mairé's temper. “That is an understatement. She banished Grania from the Forest, under penalty of death if she ever returns, but Grania's determined to return, to regain the respect and position she once had.”
  • 35. Killian was quiet for a moment. “That’s why she got such a bee in her bonnet when she Saw the green girl? She thinks she can buy the favour of the Council by doing her bit to remove the half-breed stain?” “Yes.” “Hmm.” Killian pondered that for a second. “Well I’ll tell you one thing, that’s quite some story.” “Yeah, it is. If I hadn’t of witnessed part of it, I wouldn't believe it” Said Hayley concentrating on her cards. The two elves continued their game in silence. ***
  • 36. Over the next couple of weeks, Lysander tried to make a plan for the future. They were getting near to the time where they would have to tell their landlady if they didn’t want to renew their lease, but whenever he broached the subject with his sister, Rosa quickly changed the subject after saying she wasn’t sure she was ready to leave yet. He understood. There was someone keeping him from wanting to leave too: Celeste.
  • 37. Try as he might, he couldn’t stop thinking about her, and at least a couple of times a day, he found himself looking at her name in the address book of his mobile, his finger hovering just above the connect button.
  • 38. This hadn’t gone un-noticed by Rosa, and one day, when she noticed him doing it, she said “just call her Lys. The worst that can happen is that she tells you not to ring her again, but if she didn’t want you to ring, she wouldn’t have given you her number in the first place.” “I don’t know what you mean.” Said Lys stiffly as he went to clear the screen of his phone.
  • 39. Rosa was too fast for him. Before he knew what she was doing, she had snatched the phone from his hand, and was looking at it. Just as she had thought, Celeste was highlighted. “Hey, give that back!” Lysa dived at her, but she spun away, dodging him effectively. “If you won’t call her, I will.” Said Rosa, holding the mobile as far away from her brother as possible. “You wouldn’t.” In response, Rosa pressed the connect button.
  • 40. Lysander watched aghast as Rosa put the phone to her ear and waited for the call to be answered. He heard a tinny voice say “Hello...Lysander?” before Rosa started talking. “Hi Celeste, it’s Rosa, Lys’s sister...Lys? Oh, no, no, he’s fine. In fact he's right here.” She shoved the phone at him, and Lysander took it, startled.
  • 41. “Hi Celeste....I’m fine thanks.” Rosa smiled and headed to the kitchen, Spot trotting along behind her.
  • 42. “I know it wasn’t exactly fair Spot,” she said as she started to prepare her dinner, “but, honestly what else should I have done? He wasn’t going to ring her otherwise, and it’s obvious how much he likes her, and she likes him too, I could tell. It will do him good to speak to her, perhaps ask her out on a date.” She continued to talk to her dog as she chopped and prepared until Lys entered the room.
  • 43. “How is Celeste?” Asked Rosa. “Fine.” Came the terse reply. “She seemed pleased when she picked up the phone, almost as if she was looking forward to your call.” “Hmm.” “So...did you perhaps ask her out?” “Rosa!” “What? I’m curious. You should you know.”
  • 44. Lysander sighed. “No Rosa, I didn’t. You heard what she said the other night. It’s too dangerous...” “I don’t think she really believes that Lys. She sounded far too happy to hear from you, and the first thing she asked when she realised it was me on the other end, was if you were alright.” Said Rosa, fixing him with a stern look. “Ring her back, ask her out for a drink. It’ll do you good.” Lys shook his head, even though he wanted to take his sister’s advice. “No. I’ve got to head to work now anyway. I’ll see you tomorrow if you’re not still up when I get home.”
  • 45. As she watched him walk away, Spot looked up at her and raised her brows. “I agree Spot, my brother is impossible.” Impossible Lysander might be, but he was not an idiot, and now the ice had been broken with regards to calling Celeste, he found himself speaking to her at least once a day. He still didn’t ask her out, but both of them enjoyed their conversations. ***
  • 46. In the abandoned warehouse Grania held court in, a plan was coming together. “You’re sure she’ll believe you?” Asked the gruff voice of the newcomer. “Yes. She’s naïve and trusting. Plus she loves me, she’ll believe what I say.” Said Hayley. “She will.” Confirmed Grania. “I have Seen it.”
  • 47. “Well, that’s alright then.” Grumbled Killian. He’d been in a snit ever since Sloan had arrived. He’d taken the mercenary’s presence as an affront to his ability to handle the half-breeds.
  • 48. The final details of the plan sorted out, the three younger elves stood up and filed out of the room. The mercenary caught Hayley’s sleeve as they reached the iron stairs leading to the catwalk above, earning him a dirty look from Killian. “Do you really believe this will work?” “Why? Thinking of leaving?” “Listen lady, I plan on getting paid for this gig no matter what. I just want to know if I can count on the money for the Doran brats as well as what the crone is paying me for being here.”
  • 49. “I can get them here.” Replied Hayley. “What happens after that is down to you and Killian.” “Then as long as the boy does his job, we should be good.” Said Sloan before heading up the stairs, leaving Hayley watching him go. She too was uneasy about the newcomer, but Grania was determined to do everything she could to buy her way back into the Forest. ***
  • 50. It wasn't long until the elves decided to put their plan into action. Rosa was serving in the pet shop late one afternoon when Hayley came running in. “Hi.” Said Rosa with a smile. “Rosa, I need to talk to you.” said Hayley urgently “Um, ok, let me finish serving Mrs Sams and I’ll be with you.” Said a puzzled Rosa.
  • 51. The elderly customer out the door, and with Karen seeing to the other customers, Rosa was free to talk to her girlfriend. “What’s the matter?” She asked. Hayley had stayed near the till fidgeting all the while Rosa had been ringing up Mrs Sams’s purchases. Her actions had made the green girl nervous. “Rosa, you have to get out of here!” Exclaimed Hayley, panicked. Rosa’s black eyes grew wide. “What do you mean? “You’re not safe!” Rosa stared at her, not speaking.
  • 52. “Look, I was walking between the library and the park when I saw a group of people. I started to veer away from them, when I overheard what they were saying. They were talking about you Rosa, and Lysander.” Rosa gasped but Hayley continued. “I stayed out of sight, but tried to hear what else they were saying. They’re looking for you two, something about, about,” Hayley swallowed, “killing you.” Rosa put her hand to her mouth and started to feel sick. They’d found them. She started to shake and tears filled her eyes.
  • 53. “I’m sorry love.” Said Hayley putting her hand on Rosa’s arm. “Do you really think they are elves?” “I don’t know who else they could be.” Said Rosa quietly. “You’re sure they were talking about...” Her voice trailed off, as she was unable to finish the sentence. Hayley nodded. “Yes.” She said quietly. “I have to tell Lysa, we have to get out of here.” Said Rosa, shaking all over. “Come with us.”
  • 54. Hayley gasped. “I don’t think I can love. I want to, but I have my life here.” Rosa looked crestfallen at these words. “I tell you what. I can help you get away, pull in a favour someone owes me to get you as far away from Flinton as possible tonight. Keep in touch and I’ll see if I can follow later.” Said Hayley.
  • 55. “I don’t want to leave you.” Said Rosa quietly. “I know, and I don’t want you to, but I think you are going to have to. At least for a little while.” Replied Hayley quietly. Rosa nodded unhappily. “I have to speak to Lys, and Karen...” “Ok, I’ll start making my calls, get your passage out of here sorted.” Said Hayley as she kissed her goodbye.
  • 56. As Hayley walked away from the pet shop, she couldn’t stop the smile that appeared on her face. Rosa had believed her and had willingly agreed to go with her that night. Everything was going to plan. ***
  • 57. Lysander stared at his phone, his heart racing. He could barely believe what his sister had just told him. The elves had found them. So many years without a hint of them, and now they were here. They had to get out of Flinton as soon as possible. A thought occurred to him. Celeste. There was no way he couldn’t warn her, and no way he was going to leave her in danger. He quickly found her name in his address book and hit connect.
  • 58. “Hi Lys.” As always, the sound of her voice on the other end of the phone made his heart skip a beat. “Hi Celeste.” She must have picked up on something in his voice, because her next question was “Lysander, what’s wrong?”
  • 59. As he told her, she felt her stomach drop, and had to sit down heavily. “You’re sure?” She whispered when he had finished. “Rosa is. I’ve only ever heard her sound so scared once before. We have to get as far away from here as possible.” Celeste nodded silently, even though she knew he couldn’t see her “When will you go?” She asked quietly. “Tonight.” He paused. “Come with us.”
  • 60. Celeste looked around in consternation. He was talking about leaving her entire life here, just packing up and going. But if she didn’t... “If they’re here and they get wind of you...I can’t bear the thought of anything happening to you Celeste.” Lysander’s voice cracked as he finished the sentence. Celeste nodded slowly. “Ok.” She said quietly. She heard Lysander breathe a sigh of relief. “I have to sort a few things out here, but I’ll be ready by this evening.
  • 61. “Rosa is going to talk to Karen, and then head for the apartment. I’m going to do the same so we’re ready. I’ll come meet you, and we’ll go.” Celeste nodded. “Meet me at 4 Grinall House at half five. I’ll try to get away from here earlier, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to.” “Ok. And take care.” ”You too Lys.”
  • 62. Celeste disconnected the call and leant against the filing cabinet. She had to talk to her boss, and her landlord, and throw some clothes in a bag and... Tears filled her eyes as she thought about what Lysander had told her, and an old fear flooded through her. There were elves in Flinton, and they would surely find her if she stayed. Leaving was her only option, and she would be with Lysa, that was a comforting thought. With a huge sigh, she levered herself up and went to find her boss. ***
  • 63. At Twenty to six, Lysander was sitting outside the door to 4 Grinall House, feeling very nervous. He’d arrived at the block of flats quarter of an hour before, and there was still no sign of Celeste. He hoped with all his heart that something hadn’t happened to her on her way back.
  • 64. He found himself smiling a relived smile when she finally hurried up the stairs. “Hi, I was getting worried.” He said as he stood up. “Sorry, I couldn’t get away. The boss asked lots of questions and wanted to make sure he got a full day’s work out of me.” She essayed a smile at him, but was too worried to really mean it. “I’m just glad nothing had happened to you.” Said Lysander quietly. This time her smile was genuine and the two of them stood there for a long moment, before Celeste remembered herself and went to unlock her front door.
  • 65. As they entered her flat, Lys took a look around. It was small, far smaller than the flat he shared with Rosa, and was neutrally, almost coldly decorated, but Celeste had done her best to warm it up with cheap prints and plants.
  • 66. “I don’t know what to do about my possessions.” She said as she crossed the small living space to her bedroom. “I don’t know whether it’s worth putting then into storage or what. I don’t really want to lose any of them, but I can’t bring them with me.” Lys trailed after her, unsure what to say. It was not, after all, a problem he and Rosa had: the contents of the flat belonged to the landlady, or were dispensable. All they actually owned and cared about had gone into their rucksacks.
  • 67. He followed her into her bedroom and now he stopped, his eyes drawn to a large painting that hung above her bed. “Especially that.” He said nodding at it. She followed his gaze. “Especially that.” She confirmed. “Yes, I know it’s ironic that a half-elf scared to death of the elves of the North Forest has a painting of an elf on her bedroom wall, soon as I saw it, I had to buy it.” She cocked her head as she looked at the painting. “It’s odd, it wasn’t even in the window of the shop, but I saw it out the corner of my eye, and I had to go in and take a look. I knew I had to buy it once I got a good look at it. It’s still the most money I’ve ever spent on anything and it’s worth more than the rest of the contents of my flat. But I guess that doesn’t really matter: I have to leave it.”
  • 68. Lysa looked at her. “Ask your landlord to put it in storage. We’ll come back and get it when we can.” Celeste looked unsure, and Lysander repeated “We’ll come back and get it. It obviously means a lot to you.” “it does.” Replied Celeste quietly. “I always feel as if she is watching over me.”
  • 69. Lysander nodded and looked again at the elf in the painting. “You know, she looks like you.” Celeste laughed and opened her wardrobe to rummage for a bag. “It’s the olive skin, black hair and dark eyes that do it. She looks nothing like me.” Lys said nothing, but as he looked at the painting, he thought there was more to the resemblance than that. There was something about the profile in particular that reminded him of Celeste.
  • 70. He looked back over at her, to see she was taking clothes out of a drawer. Satiny looking clothes, trimmed with lace. He swallowed, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable as he watched Celeste empty out the contents of her underwear drawer. “I’m going to ah...wait in the living room for you.” He said gesturing and taking a step backwards towards the door. He turned and was out the door in less than a second, missing the smile on her face and the way her eyes glittered with amusement at his discomfort.
  • 71. By the time Celeste came out of her bedroom, Lysander had composed himself. “Are you ready?” Celeste bit her lip. “I want to write a letter to the landlord, asking him to put my things in storage, then we can go.” Lys nodded and watched as she fetched a pad of paper and pen to write her note. ***
  • 72. Half an hour later, Celeste and Lys were walking through the door of the fast food restaurant where Rosa was waiting for them. Celeste thought the other girl looked awful when she looked at her. Her green skin looked grey, and she could see the fear in her liquid black eyes. ‘I wonder if my eyes look so haunted.’ she thought as she went to slide onto a seat.
  • 73. “What time are we meeting Hayley?” Asked Lys. “Any time now.” Mumbled Rosa. “She said she had to go and change before meeting us.” Lys nodded. “I'm really sorry she won’t come with us.” “I know. But she’s going to try to follow as soon as she gets everything sorted here. It’s a lot to ask her to drop everything and run.” Said Rosa mechanically as if she was trying to convince herself of what she was saying. Lys nodded again, conscious of the fact that he had asked Celeste to do just that. It was different though, he told himself, Celeste was in danger too if she stayed.
  • 74. They sat waiting for Hayley in silence, Rosa fiddling with the paper wrapper of a straw, while all three ignored the evil looks they were getting from the staff because they weren’t ordering any food. Eventually, Hayley entered the restaurant, and stooped to kiss Rosa. “Hey.” “Hey.” Rosa looked at Hayley’s clothes. Hayley had changed into dark trousers and top, quite unlike anything she had seen her wearing before. “We should be going. My friend is going to meet us a warehouse on the outskirts of the industrial area, and we need to get there.” Not only were her clothes different, Rosa thought her girlfriend’s voice sounded more clipped than usual. ‘It must be worry.’ She thought. The Dorans and Celeste nodded, stood up and followed the blonde to the door.
  • 75. They followed her through Flinton, past Col’s and the block of flats Lysander and Rosalind had been living in, and out into the industrial area of the town. All three of the half-elves were nervous as they walked, each wanting to put as much distance between themselves and Flinton as possible. As the back of his hand brushed hers, Lysander glanced over at Celeste. He was glad she was coming with him and Rosa, leaving her would have been awful. He really felt for his sister having to leave Hayley, but hopefully she would be able to join them later.
  • 76. They arrived at an abandoned warehouse, and Hayley went to open the gate. “I think his van is round the back of the yard, but he said he’d be waiting inside.” Rosa nodded at her, before following her through the gate and to the door of the warehouse.
  • 77. As soon as they entered, Lysander knew something was wrong. Standing in front of them were three individuals, two men and a wild looking woman with white hair. He could see the ears of the black haired man: they were pointed. In shock, he watched as Hayley strode towards them. “Told you I could get them here.” She said as she stood next to them.
  • 78. While Hayley had been walking away from them, Spot had dropped into a growl at the other inhabitants of the room. She could tell that the people standing in front of them meant her people harm. If she had been younger, she would probably have rushed at them, but she knew she wouldn’t have stood a chance, so she turned and slinked out the door to the warehouse.
  • 79. Once outside, she started to howl.
  • 80. ***
  • 81. In front of the flat Rosa and Lys had been living in, Karen was peering through the window looking worried. Rosa had left so quickly in tears, saying she had to go and wouldn’t be back, Karen was worried about her and wanted to make sure she was alright. “The flat looks abandoned Becky.” She said, talking to the chocolate labrador sitting by her feet. “Empty, you know? As if the inhabitants aren’t coming back.” She was disappointed. She liked Rosa a lot. It wasn’t just that she was a good employee, Karen liked her as a friend too, and if Rosa had left town, Karen was going to miss her a lot.
  • 82. Becky wasn’t listening to her mistress however. She could hear something on the wind, someone was crying for help, and the voice was familiar. Spot. With a small bark, she jumped up and trotted down the stairs. “Becky!” Shouted Karen, but the dog ignored her. “Becky, heel!”
  • 84. Rosa watched her girlfriend take her place next to the elves, confused. “I don’t understand.” Hayley sighed and pushed a lock of hair behind an ear, clearly showing the point. “What is there to not understand?” She asked, all warmth gone from her voice. “I’m an elf, you’re a half-breed and there is a handsome price on your head.” “But I thought that you loved me...” The hurt was obvious in Rosa’s voice as she spoke.
  • 85. Hayley gave a harsh laugh. “Please, as if I could ever feel anything but contempt for a filthy half-breed such as you.”
  • 86. Rosa flinched as if she had been struck. The past six weeks had been a lie. She loved Hayley, and thought that she had loved her back, and all this time the blonde woman had been lying to her, not only about her feelings, but about who she was. Rosa felt sick.
  • 87. Lysander felt angry. “You bitch!” He stepped forward, his fists clenched. “Why let it go for so long?” “We had to make sure, hear it from her own mouth.” Lys shook his head in disgust. “Why?” Hayley paused, and glanced quickly at the wild looking woman. “Our information source, sometimes...gets confused. Things aren’t clear to her all the time.”
  • 88. “Enough talk.” Lys turned his head to look at the old woman who had just spoken. “Is the other girl with them?” “Yes.” Said Hayley nodding. “She’s hiding behind the boy.”
  • 89. “I don’t think she can see.” Muttered Lysander, taking in the old woman’s white eyes. “Oh, I can see you and your pretty red hair and blue eyes fine boy, just as I can see your sister with those glittering black eyes full of tears. Who I cannot see however is your companion. She seems to be protected by a ward my Sight cannot penetrate.”
  • 90. “I’m not protected by anything...” said Celeste. “Oh but you are. I can still hear you though, and my companions can see you just fine. Kill them.”
  • 91. Killian and Sloan moved to step forward. Lysander sidestepped to the right, trying to put himself between the approaching elves and the two women. As he did so, he became aware of a baying, and barking and snarling getting closer. Sloan’s eyes went to the door, wondering what was going on, just as Spot bounded through the door, followed by a whole host of other animals.
  • 92. “What the fuck?” Exclaimed Sloan as the animals lined up between the Dorans and their attackers, growling and snarling. Sloan snarled back. “I don’t have time for this.” He reached inside his coat and started to bring out a handgun, but one of the dogs was too quick for him, and leapt at him, snapping his jaws around Sloan’s wrist , and causing the gun to go skidding across the floor.
  • 93. Sloan grasped at his wrist, and kicked out at the dog that was nearest to him.
  • 94. His actions seemed to spur the rest of the room into action. Killian advanced on Lysander, a wickedly sharp looking dagger in his hand, while Hayley started after Rosa. A group of the dogs surrounded her, snapping at Hayley as she tried to get close.
  • 95.
  • 96.
  • 97. While the main fight was going on, Celeste was trying to see where Sloan’s gun had gone. If she could perhaps get hold of it... She reckoned it had flown just past the main group of crates in the centre of the room, so using the cover of the fight, she started towards it. As she was edging round the first crate, but her hip knocked into the corner, and caused it to move. Grania’s head snapped in her direction at the noise, and she started to move in a large arc towards Celeste.
  • 98. Celeste hadn’t noticed the noise, and was still making her way to where the gun had ended up, when she became aware of Grania advancing on her. Her heart thumping, she started to back off.
  • 99. She ended up, backed against a wall. “I may not be able to see you, but I can hear the thump of your boots on the floor, the gasping of your breath and I can smell that scent you have sprayed all over yourself in the hope it will attract the other half-breed.”
  • 100. Trevor saw Grania cornering Celeste and ran over to her snapping at her heels. “Hey you. Creepy human. What do you think you are doing?”
  • 101. Celeste rolled off of the corner of the wall, aiming to duck around Grania. Grania felt the movement of air as she did so, and whirled round to follow her. She was concentrating so much on following the half-breed she couldn’t see, she didn’t realise that Trevor was right behind her. She tripped over him, her head striking the corner of a crate as she fell.
  • 102. Celeste turned as she heard the thud behind her, and put her hands to her mouth shocked. Blood was pouring from a gash on Grania’s temple, and she was unnaturally still. Trevor was bouncing around her feet, barking. He then trotted up to her head sniffed at her, before trotting away.
  • 103. Celeste approached her carefully, and hesitantly reached out towards her neck. She couldn’t feel a pulse, and drew her hand back quickly.
  • 104. Over the other side of the crates, the mercenary known as Sloan, saw Grania go down. He kicked at one of the dogs trying to fasten its teeth round his leg, and waited to see if Grania would get up. She didn’t and he saw the pretty, dark half-breed draw away from where she had fallen, shocked.
  • 105. He flicked a look at Hayley and the boy. The boy was doing surprisingly well against the red-headed half- breed, although he had lost his knife, but judging by the set of the red-head’s jaw and the determined look in his eyes, it wouldn’t last. Hayley was having just as much trouble with animals as he was, she just couldn’t get close to the green girl.
  • 106. With a snarl, Sloan made up his mind. His employer looked to be dead, or seriously injured, and the bounty on the half-breeds wasn’t worth getting ripped to shreds by animals. There would be other employment opportunities, but he had to get out of this one first.
  • 107. He aimed a kick at the nearest dog, before making a break for the door. The dogs that had attacking him followed him out the warehouse, snarling and snapping at his heels.
  • 108. Hayley, saw him go and looked over at Killian. The dogs that hadn’t followed Sloan out the warehouse, were around her and the dark haired elf as he tried to strike Lysander. She couldn’t see the crone anywhere.
  • 109. She took a few steps back from Rosa, trying to make her way to Killian. As she did so, she caught sight of the Seer’s lifeless body, Celeste still standing looking at her in shock. She reached the same conclusion the mercenary had.
  • 110. “Killian!” She shouted, trying to make herself heard over the baying animals. “Killian!.” He looked up, from the dog whose jaws he was trying to avoid. “Let’s go!” “What? Why?” Asked Killian startled.
  • 111. Hayley growled. “Are you mad or stupid? Sloan is gone, I think Grania is dead, and we can’t get near the half-breeds with these mutts about. It’s best to cut our losses and run, get out of this godforsaken town!”
  • 112. Killian’s distraction, was all the dog needed to clamp his jaws around his lower leg, and allow Lysander to land a right hook on his jaw.
  • 113. He levered himself up off the ground, kicking out at the dogs around his feet as he did so. “Fine, let’s go.”
  • 114. The two elves headed for the warehouse doors and the quickest way out of Flinton.
  • 115. Lysander and Rosalind watched them go. Rosa’s face was streaked with tears, and Lysander was utterly exhausted. “Where’s the woman with the creepy eyes?” He asked as he started towards his sister. “Here.” Said Celeste quietly. Lysander looked at her, and saw the expression on her face.
  • 116. He hurried to her side, and gasped when he saw what she had been looking at. He couldn’t help but look closely at the old woman’s head, his eyes seeing fractured bone and broken blood vessels. “She’s dead.” He said redundantly. Celeste just nodded. “Probably died instantly.” He continued quietly. Celeste said nothing.
  • 117. Lys stood, still looking down at the body of Grania, feeling sick. “You’re hurt Lys.” Said Celeste, looking at his left arm. He glanced down at the gash on it. “It’s a scratch, I’ll sort it in a minute.” He murmured. “it’s not just a scratch, it looks deep and it’s still bleeding.”
  • 118. He just shook his head and continued to look at the dead Seer. “I’ve been thinking.” He started. “You were right, it’s too dangerous for us to be here. If you are near me, they could find you would kill me if anything happened to you. So we’ll go, Rosa and I. We’ll leave Flinton as soon as we can, and you’ll never hear from me again, never be in danger again. You’ll soon forget all about me.”
  • 119. Celeste looked at him, her mouth agape. He was serious, he meant every word he was saying, and he was trying to be so noble about it, couching it as if he had her best interests at heart. She felt herself growing angry, but checked it, and instead of shouting at him, took his hand, sticky as it was with his blood. She then laid her other hand on his cheek and gently turned his head so that he was looking directly at her. “I’ve been doing some thinking too,” she said, “and I’ve decided that the danger is worth it.”
  • 120. Lys’s brow furrowed. “I would much rather live my life with you, running from psychotic elves, and never staying in one place longer than a couple of months, than live without you. I barely know you Lysander, but I don’t want to imagine a life without you in it.”
  • 121. “You don’t mean that.” He mumbled.
  • 122. In answer, Celeste leant forward and kissed him gently. Lysander’s eyebrows shot up at the touch of her lips. They were soft and warm, and returning the kiss, was suddenly all that mattered to him.
  • 123. Sitting on the floor, Rosa wiped away her tears and looked at Spot before saying. “it’s about time, isn’t it girl? Thanks for arranging the help.” Spot cocked her head to one side, her tongue lolling out. “Now are any of you hurt?” Rosa asked the animals gathered around her, trying to think about something, anything but the ache in her heart, and feelings of shame caused by Hayley and her actions. “Because if you are, I’ll ask Lysa to look at you one he’s no longer preoccupied.” “I’m hurt.” Piped up Trevor. “Well, not exactly hurt, but I got kicked, and nearly flattened.” “I’ll ask Lys to check you over then.” Said Rosa scratching him behind his ears.
  • 124. She turned to look at a familiar chocolate labrador. “Becky? What are you doing here?...Why were you at the apartment?...She was?...Where’s Karen now?...What do you mean she’s right behind you?”
  • 125. A blonde woman burst through the doors to the warehouse, her hand clutching at a stitch in her side. “Be...Becky, heel.” She could barely get the words out, as she gasped for breath.
  • 126. She stood panting for a moment, before looking around the room she was in. Her eyes alighted on Rosa. “Rosa? What are you doing here? I was looking for you at your flat. Is that your brother kissing that girl? Is that a dead body? Why are there so many animals here? Trevor? Becky ran away from me, and then started chasing this other man, which was odd because she is normally such a good dog. I tried to apologise, but he was too busy running from other dogs, and then Becky turned tail, I thought she was coming back to me, but no, she ran here, and now I’ve found you, a dead body, a pair of lovers and lots of dogs. What on earth is going on?”
  • 127. Rosa actually smiled, albeit sadly, as her friend’s babble washed over her. “it’s a long story Karen.” Karen sat down on the floor. “I’m listening Rosa.” ***
  • 128.
  • 129. Lys stood looking at his reflection in frustration. “How on earth do you tie this thing?” He said tugging at the black silk of his tie.
  • 130. Ainsley laughed. “Your father can’t tie a bowtie either, come here.” Lysander turned round and patiently waited while his mother deftly tied the silk into a bow. She stood back and adjusted it so that it sat perfectly amongst the white collar of his shirt.
  • 131. “Thanks for making the journey from Veronaville.” Said Lysander as he looked at the result in the mirror. “There’s no way we would miss our eldest son getting married.” Said Puck getting up off of the bed. “No way we would miss any of our children getting married actually.” “And so many of you are married or settling down now. It’s hard to believe my babies are grown up. I guess I should stop calling you that now.”
  • 132. Lysander hugged Ainsley. “We’ll always be your babies, Mom.” “Very true.” Puck put his hand on Aine’s shoulder. “We should go downstairs and take our seats.” “You’re right.” Ainsley gave Lysander one last squeeze before turning and heading for the door.
  • 133. “You’ll be fine.” Said Puck, looking at the nervous expression on his son’s face. “I hope so. Dad, what if I forget the words?” “You won’t, and if you do, make something up about how much you love her and how you’ll always be there for her.” “Yeah.” Lysander looked vaguely green as he answered. “It’ll all work out fine, trust me.” Said Puck.
  • 134. Downstairs, Rosa was looking at her reflection in the mirror, when she felt a pair of arms snake round her waist, and someone rest their chin on her shoulder. “You are so beautiful.” Said Karen. ”You’re as beautiful as you are kind, and I am so lucky.”
  • 135. Rosa turned away from the mirror, and faced Karen. “No, I’m the lucky one. You’re more beautiful and kinder than I am.” “We’re both lucky then.” Replied Karen before leaning towards Rosa and kissing her. “And now we both have smudged lippy.”
  • 136. Rosa laughed and brushed a strand of hair away from Karen’s face. Despite what Celeste had said about going with Lysa, staying in one place for only a few months, they had decided to stay in Flinton, at least for a short time. Karen had been there for her in those dark days following the night at the warehouse. She’d told Rosa that she still had her job if she wanted it, but more importantly she had been a friend. She’d listened without saying a word while Rosa had explained about all that had happened with Hayley and her past.
  • 137. As the weeks had gone on, she’d been instrumental in getting Rosa out of the flat and away from her misery. They’d gone for walks with the dogs, and been to see films full of fluff and unimportant things, and they’d been out to nice restaurants as Karen had tried to tempt Rosa to eat and get her appetite back after what had happened.
  • 138. It was at one restaurant, after a bottle of wine, that Karen had confessed that she had wanted to ask Rosa out on a date not long after she had started working at the pet shop. She had hesitated because she was Rosa’s boss, and then Rosa had been seeing Hayley. Now she found herself starting to feel more than friendship towards Rosa, and thought that Rosa ought to know that. And why was Rosa looking at her like that, oh she really oughtn’t have said anything about it. She needed another drink, where was a waiter when you needed one?
  • 139. Rosalind had been stunned, but she had also realised something when Karen had spoken. She’d replied that, she too thought her feelings for the other woman was starting to move beyond friendship, but she was still hurting from what had happened with Hayley. While part of her wanted to go on a proper date with Karen, a large part didn’t as she was worried about getting hurt again.
  • 140. In the end, they decided to tentatively start dating, to see how things went. That tentative dating turned into not so tentative dating.
  • 141. When Lys had told Rosa that he and Celeste were thinking about moving in together and had seen a house in nearby Combe-Acre which would have a spare room Rosa was welcome to have, Rosa had told Karen, who had suggested that Rosa and Spot could move in with her is she liked. No strings attached of course, and it was fine if Rosa didn’t want to, but Karen had thought that Rosa might feel like she was playing gooseberry living with her brother and his girlfriend. Rosa had accepted her offer after only a momentary hesitation. That was ten months ago, and their relationship had only gone from strength to strength with each day they spent together.
  • 142. “We should go and sit.” Said Rosa eventually. “Lysa wouldn’t be happy if we follow his bride down the aisle, instead of being there waiting for her.” “True.” Karen took her hand and led her to the garden and the waiting chairs.
  • 143. Not long after Rosalind and Karen had sat down, Ainsley and Puck came out of the house, followed a moment later by a nervous looking Lysander. Rosa caught his eye and smiled encouragingly at him, but the smile he returned made him look like he was about to be sick.
  • 144. As he turned and looked out at his family and friends gathered in front of the wedding arch, he couldn’t believe what he was about to do. It felt like a dream, as if it wasn’t real, but it was, and he was about to start his life with Celeste as his wife. Celeste as his wife. Suddenly the smile on his face was genuine.
  • 145. The smile grew even wider as Celeste’s friend Petra turned on the music and he saw Celeste walk out the back door to their house. She looked even more stunning than normal in a deep plum dress, and as she looked at him and smiled his heart melted.
  • 146. “I love you.” He said as she reached him. “Good, because I love you too.” She replied.
  • 147. I think I've walked too close to love and now I’m falling in. There’s so many things this weary soul can’t take.
  • 148. Maybe you just caught me by surprise, the first time that I looked into your eyes.
  • 149. There’s a life inside of me That I can feel again. It’s the only thing that takes me Where I’ve never been.
  • 150. And I don’t care if I lost everything that I have known. It don’t matter where I lay my head tonight Your arms feel like home. They fell like home.
  • 151. This life ain’t the fairytale we both thought it would be. But I can see your smiling face as it’s staring back at me
  • 152. I know we both see these changes now I know we both understand somehow.
  • 153. There’s a life inside of me That I can feel again. It’s the only thing that takes me Where I’ve never been.
  • 154. And I don’t care if I lost everything that I have known It don’t matter where I lay my head tonight Your arms feel like home.
  • 155. Hold on, you’re home to me. They feel like home. Hold on you’re home to me.
  • 156. There’s a life inside of me That I can feel again. It’s the only thing that takes me Where I’ve never been.
  • 157. And I don’t care if I lost everything that I have known It don’t matter where I lay my head tonight Your arms feel like home. They feel like home.
  • 158. They feel like home. (Your Arms Feel Like Home. 3 Doors Down).
  • 159. I have a few thanks to make. First of all thanks to Marina (Smoothiequeen87) for coming up with the idea to do this amazing project. I’ve loved reading it and I’ve loved participating in it, so thanks Marina. Thanks also to Orikes for creating the characters of Rosalind and Lysander. I loved them in her generation, and fell even more in love with them while writing and shooting this. Massive thanks to Cait (charris) for fixing Rosa’s formal dress for me, lending me her North Forest set for my exteriors there, and all the awesome Doctor Who shirts I’ve use. Thanks to the authors of the tutorials I used to make Karen and Rosa’s uniforms. I couldn’t have made this without the creators of all my cc, especially the pose boxes, OMSPs and the freezer clock, so thanks to them too. Lastly, huge thanks to all of you for reading. I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have. Oh, and one last thing =>