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Gypsy Slave
A Story by Beladona
Chapter One “What if?”

My name is, or was, Don. Ed and I had been friends for years. We had met in
junior high and had met through our gaming club at school. Ever since then, he
had started various games fantasy or sci-fi role playing games. It didn’t matter; we
were both big fans of many of the games.

No matter who else was in the group that we played with, we usually played the
same characters. Ed would play the Evil fighter type, and I would play the goody,
goody paladin type. While in reality Ed was about 6’2” and very skinny, he would
typically play the over-bearing, big and brawny male. I was just less than 6’ and
was fairly stocky and I would play the subtle, sexy female.

There wasn’t anything sexual about it, when asked I always answered that if I had
to run something, I always like to run something that was nice to look at. Many
other players seemed to be doing the same thing, so there was never really any
focus on it.

As time went on, and the games and group evolved, more and more female items
seeped into the games. Sex was usually ‘off screen’, but the topic did come up
and it became a weird outlet for what we wanted in a woman. This was mainly
due to the growing amount of hormones running through our growing male
bodies and the lack of females interested in gamer geeks like Ed and I.

As we hit our senior year in high school, and we both hit 18, Ed’s life had become
a bit more interesting. His single mother had gotten remarried, and his father
tended to be a bit of a jerk. Mainly, it resulted in arguments that would end up in
Ed storming out of the house, and spending more time over at my house, playing
more games. It also drove him to seek more about his real father, who had passed
away when he was very young, and about his family history.
His younger sister, Jenny, had also started to mature and catch my attention.
While she never showed an interest in me, and, I never worked up the courage to
talk to her about anything but ‘hi’, I slowly got attracted to her. The unfortunate
thing was with the whole father problem, I hardly got to see her anymore.

One day Ed asked if I wanted to come over for a stay over. It turned out that his
parents were going on vacation for a week, and Ed had the run of the house. I
quickly said yes, as it would be a good chance to have a full gaming night and no
adults to mess it up and no need to keep it quiet.

It was just Ed and I, even his sister was gone having gone with the parents. On
Friday, after school, I arrived at his house and started to unpack my books and
gaming stuff. Ed seemed to be pensive and not really into the game as we started.

“What’s wrong man?” I asked.

“I found something of my dad’s.” Ed signed as he leaned back in his chair.

“Yeah and..?”

He thought for a moment. “Let me ask you something Don. You always play a girl
when we play these games, right?” he asked this, almost like an accusation.

Feeling defensive suddenly, I answered back, “No not always. I play guys when I
want to do magic stuff…”

“Yeah, but you always start with your first character as a female, right?” He

“Well, yeah, I guess. But why are you asking me this?” I waited for the punch line
here, something was really weird here.

Ed pressed on, “So, if something new came along, like a live kind of game, you’d
start out as a female too?”

I’d never thought like that. “Well I don’t know man. I wouldn’t dress up like a girl
if that’s what you mean…”
“No. I mean if you could be anyone you wanted in the game. Body and all, would
you do it?” Again, this conversation was going in a really weird place for me.
Oddly enough though, I had a weird feeling in my gut. It was like was I was really
nervous about this. Butterflies? Was this butterflies?

I thought about it for a minute. “Okay. For the sake of the conversation; let’s say
that a new game came along where you could be a new character, like in real life.
Then I guess I would…err…may be a female character. I guess. But it’s not like I’m
gay or anything, just you know, it’s how I play these games.”

Ed thought for a moment. “So I wanna show you something. Something that I
found. Something I think you wanna see.” Something in his voice was kind of
shaky, but I was relieved that he had finished his line of questioning.

“Ok dude. Just so long as it’s not a dress. OK?” I joked.

He smiled and stood up. “Sure man, no dresses; something cooler.”

“No problem, lead the way.” I said as I stood up too and he led the way to his
parent’s bedroom.

I’d never been in his parent’s room before. It was what you would expect. His
mom did the decorating, so things were clean, orderly, but soft too. You could
smell his mom’s perfume slightly in the entire room. His new father-in-law hadn’t
had a chance to harden it up yet.

Ed walked over to his mom’s closet, opened it, and pulled a small wood box from
underneath a pile of her clothes. It was very ornate, and very old. He looked at
me as he did it, “So I was looking up my family and I found out that we come from
a long line of gypsies. We came over 100’s of years ago to America because my
family was persecuted for not being Christians and being witches.”

“That’s pretty cool, is that the family history then?” I loved old books, the gamer
in me I suppose.
“No, it’s something cooler. It’s some of the family jewelry.” He opened it up and
held up a pair of bracelets (one red and one blue); both were very old and very
ornate, but not in a gaudy kind of way, just well carved.

“Wow, that’s really cool Ed. Can I take a look?” This stuff was way old; the
thought of touching something like this blew my mind. This stuff was made when
America didn’t exist yet, or at least before the Europeans came over.

He hesitated for a moment. “So here’s the thing Don. These change you, so
you’ve got to be careful.” He sounded really nervous now.

“Change, like how? Are they toxic or something?”

“No, I mean they change how you like and even how you think.”

“What?!? You’re shitting me man! You mean they’re like magic or something?”
Obviously, this was why he was nervous. He pulled, or tried to pull, jokes like this
on me from time to time. Came up with ‘what if’ scenarios, and tried to challenge
me. Sometimes he tried to convince me that he had done something which was
suspect. Most of the time I ignored him, if he wanted to prop himself up with
stories, I never saw the harm in it. I just kept an eye on him. It was like his
personality bled into his characters sometimes, his ‘evil’ nature was more like his
ego running loose in the game.

“I don’t know, but they do change you. Let me show you.” He put the red bracelet
on his wrist. As I watched in disbelief, his body changed. He grew taller and
bigger. He still, kinda looked like himself, but it was as if he had spent months in a
gym, spent time outside, and was given the genes of a football player. Ruggedly
handsome came to mind.

“Damn Ed, that you in there?!?” It was like I was on Candid Camera or Punked. I
was waiting for Ed to hop out of his mom’s bathroom and say ‘surprise!’ or

“Awesome isn’t it? It’s like I’m Conan or something.” He moved around a bit, his
clothes barely fit him and constricted his movement.
He looked over at me. “You wanna try it?” Even with his new body, he asked the
question weirdly: like it was funny or something. But this was awesome. I was so
excited to try it, just think of the girls I could get.

Briefly I imagined myself, all built up and taking Ed’s sister, Jenna. With a body like
that, she’d beg me to take her. She’d wrap he legs around me and I would push
her up against the wall. While standing up I’d fuck her hard, so hard that we’d
push into the dry wall, and she’s screaming for me to not stop.

I snapped back to reality. “Damn right Ed, let me give it a try!” I reached out as he
tossed me the blue bracelet. Without question I snapped it on.
Chapter Two “Shadows”

Nothing Happened. Thinking that I had done something wrong I reached to adjust
the bracelet, but it had disappeared.

Confused, I looked over to Ed. Plain, normal, skinny, and dorky Ed. He was
working on a new character across the table from me. I realized that I was sitting
in the chair; across from the table from Ed. Everything was where it was when we
had the weird conversation earlier.

“What happened?” I asked Ed after a moment to get my bearings?

“With what?” he asked, still looking at the sheet.

“The bracelets, what happened after I put it on?” I asked quietly, but strangely

He looked up then, focusing on me oddly. “What bracelets?”

“What bracelets? The bracelet I put on. The one you handed me?” I was missing
something, obviously.

He had my uninterrupted attention now, a blank stare filling his face, “Uhmm, I
didn’t hand you a bracelet. What are you talking about?”
I opened my mouth to start a description of what had happened a few minutes
earlier, and then I realized how odd it sounded. What was I supposed to say? ‘The
magic bracelets that let you change your form?’ Really?

“Are you ok Don? You look a bit off.” He did look a bit worried now.

A day dream, wow what a weird one. I had a very vivid imagination, but nothing
like this. But, here I was, looking at Ed and wondering how I got here, or if I ever
had moved from this chair.

“You know what Ed? I think I’m really off today. Do you mind if I go home and get
some sleep? We can start tomorrow.” I started to get up as I talked, Ed looked
worried, but not panicked or anything.

“Uhmm, sure man. It’s ok, I got all week so no biggy.” I could hear the
disappointment in his voice, but I was too off to acknowledge it. Ed was a die-hard
gamer, and any missed opportunity to game was always a disappointment.

“Can you hang onto my stuff today?” I grabbed my coat.

“Sure, you just get some sleep ok?” Ed seemed to realize I was really off and
walked with me to the door. “Just come back tomorrow, ok man?”

“Yeah, no problem, we’ll get together tomorrow.” I said as I stepped out of the

Ed closed the door after me a minute later. I walked home. My house was about a
mile away. It was early evening in the fall.

The sun was setting and I walked home in the twilight. I noticed that I didn’t feel
right. I’d heard the phrase ‘not comfortable in your own skin’ and now I knew
what it meant. It was like nothing fit right, that my clothes were just a bit off.

My body felt the same way. Everything functioned, and I moved my hand in front
of my face and watched it as I wiggled my fingers. Just a little off.

I also noticed how the shadows moved around me. Maybe it was all my gaming,
but things seemed to shift within the trees and bushes on my path back to my
house. Whatever I thought I saw, the bugs and insects didn’t seem to mind. They
just kept on going. Whatever they were, they didn’t seem to be ‘interested’ in me,
so I basically ignored them when I got home.

My parents were surprised when I got home, but I explained to them that I hadn’t
felt very well and was going to bed. After some extra conversation, they finished
their inquisition of my life at this moment, and let me go to my room.

As I got to my room, I sat on my bed and realized how exhausted I really was. I
closed the door and hit the lights. Lazily, I kicked my shoes off and lay back on the
bed. I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.
Chapter 3 “Strange Dreams”

My dreams started out jumbled, but very erotic. At first it was like I was having
sex with Jenny. Somehow I had gotten her into Ed’s parent’s bedroom and was
pushing her down into the bed as I thrust into her.

                             As the dreams continued though, I started to
                             understand that I had never seen the two people on
                             the bed before, but somehow I knew who they both

                             Their sex play continued as I watched, and while I
                             wasn’t a direct participant, I could get a vague sense
                             of pleasure from them. Again, as they continued, I
                             started to feel that I was the man pushing my large
                             cock into the woman’s cunt, but again things shifted
                             and I started to settle into the role of the woman.

                             Somehow my conscious mind continued as this was
happening to me, like a commentator on the events unfolding before me. I had
heard that when you dreamed that you were actually everyone in the dream, but
this was something new. It felt as if this man was a stranger to me, and I was
‘trapped’ inside the body of the woman.
Each time the dream altered, the events would start from scratch, and things
would become clearer. We were both still in Ed’s parent’s bedroom. I was the
teenager now and the man was who Ed had become in my daydream earlier in
the day.

He was laughing at how I made such a beautiful woman and had finally found my
right place in the world. The change suited me. I started to object, but with a
word he silenced me. My clothes fit me awkwardly now, they were too large for
me. The man noticed this, and commanded me to remove them. I did so without
question. I couldn’t take my eyes off of
him as I did so.

He moved behind me and grabbed my
breasts. They were sensitive and I
gasped as he massaged them. He
whispered in my ear and told me how
this was always what I wanted and how
I was going to be his new fuck toy.

As he felt me shiver under his touch, he moved in front of me and commanded
that I pull out his cock and taste it. My conscious mind, the watcher of the dream,
was repelled at this, but watching it aroused me. It was like porn, and I couldn’t
look away.

                                            As a woman, I was hesitant, but the
                                            man commanded me to like it, and
                                            suddenly I lost any sense of
                                            hesitation. I could feel the cock in my
                                            mouth, as my tongue worked to get it
                                            hard. I could smell the man’s
                                            muskiness and taste his pre-cum. And
                                            I enjoyed it.

He laughed as I moaned at his taste and he leaned me back onto the bed, he
decided that he should taste me. He did so and the feel of his tongue on my cunt
and clit caused me to squirm in pleasure. His strong hands held my smaller,
female body in place.

I could feel myself getting wetter and hotter
as he worked on me. After a few minutes, he
sat up and thrust his hard cock into me. The
feeling of pleasure took my breath away.
Initially, I could only lay there and his cock
worked its way deeper into me.

                                However, as he pulled out and then pushed back
                                in, my body took over and met his rhythm. I felt
                                my body rise and fall to meet that wonderful
                                feeling of penetration. I sighed and moaned as he
                                pushed harder and faster into me.

Finally, he pulled out of me and commanded me to eat his cum. I couldn’t resist
him. My body was basically his toy to play
with; whatever whim he wanted I could
only obey. A piece of me, the observer,
bristled at the thought of being the
submissive one. However, that was
completely overwhelmed by the sense of
pleasure I felt as I took his wet cock in my
mouth and worked it until his cum filled my
mouth and covered me.

With a start I awoke in my bed, half awake and half asleep, the vision of me as a
fuck toy was fresh. I noticed that I was now naked on my bed, the sheets were
soaked with sweat and my hand was working my rock hard cock. I’d been excited
before, and had masturbated often, but those previous experiences were nothing
compared to what I was experiencing now.
To keep quiet, I had to use one hand and put it in my mouth as
the images of my dream continued to play over and over
again. The thrusts of my dream body working in time with my
hand on my cock.

Finally, I could feel my body stiffen as I exploded all over
myself and the bed. Involuntarily, like my female self, I took
my cum and licked it clean off my hand. The taste reminded
me of the dream and of how I had pleased my dream master.

A piece of me was confused at what had happened to me, but the entire time I
was still partly asleep, unable to escape entirely from my dream. As my body
relaxed again, it dragged me back down to a dreamless darkness.
Chapter 4 “Game Day”

Morning came and I dragged myself to the shower to clean up. My mind was a bit
fuzzy in the way only that dreams can do. Most of it washed down the drain and I
turned to the day ahead. Regardless of the weirdness of the previous day, I
chalked it up to not feeling well and being very tired.

After finishing up in the bathroom and throwing my clothes on, I grabbed some
cereal let my parents know I was going back to Ed’s. Whatever was left of last
night was cleared from my mind as I encountered no oddness on my travel to Ed’s

Getting to his house, I came in and we quickly got to work on the game of the day.
For several hours we played and worked on the game for the rest of our school
group, we were both fanatical about it and frequently got lost in our books. We
went through lunch, grabbing some sandwiches that we made and continued to
game until Ed got a call.

It turned out that his parents had received a package from UPS and he needed to
pick it up for them. I was pretty into my books and didn’t want to lose my pace,
and so when Ed asked if I wanted to go with him I declined. The trip would take
him a few hours, but had no problems in offering to let me stay while he ran his

He took off, and for several minutes I continued to work on my books but, as the
silence continued, I started to get a strange kind of feeling. I was like a feeling that
I couldn’t shake. A nagging thought that pulled me from my books.

Thoughts started to come back to me about what I had dreamed about, and I
remembered the bracelets that Ed had shown me. I did my best to push them out
of my mind, but I started to argue with myself. ‘What would be the harm of
looking?’ If I didn’t find anything, then I could move on with life and I could get
back to the game.

Hesitantly, I put my pencil down and headed up to Ed’s parent’s room. Going to
the closet, I pulled the doors open and looked in the same place where I’d seen Ed
pull out the box. Right where I remembered it, there it was.

The old box felt odd in my hands, like it was almost had a current going through it.
I sat down on the bed and put the box down next to me. My hands shook as I
opened it and found the bracelets, red and blue, just like I remembered.

I froze for a moment, this was probably some weird memory that I had unlocked
and didn’t even realize. It was probably that I had seen Ed’s mom wear this
jewelry before and had put it all together in my head somehow. Suddenly I
realized that I was hesitating and shook it off. Whatever was going on, the simple
solution was to put on a bracelet, see that nothing happened, put everything back
and get back to my books.

Ed had put the red bracelet on, and I had gotten the blue one. Even though I
didn’t remember what happened, I was still drawn to the blue one, and so (before
I lost my nerve) I put on the blue piece of jewelry.

The world, blurred for a moment. When things came back into focus, everything
was exactly where it had been a moment before. Except that things looked
different, almost bigger. After a moment, I realized that I was smaller.
I stood up to get my bearings and almost fell over myself. My pants fell down as I
stood as they were too big for me. In fact, all of my clothes were too big. I literally
stepped out of my shoes without an effort. Only my shirt seemed ok, and that
was only because it could hang off of me and that’s when I realized that I had

Instead of a larger chest, my chest and waist had shrunk but my breasts were
much bigger than before. As I moved to get out of my shoes and let my pants and
underwear drop, I could feel the shirt fabric flutter against my nipples. I reached
up to touch one through my shirt and it felt like electricity was flowing through
my chest; really good electricity.

As my underwear dropped from my waist, I also realized that there was nothing
to stop it. I looked down and realized that I no longer had a dick. I almost
panicked but the good feeling from my breasts seemed to run directly down to
my new pussy.

I moved towards the parent’s bathroom and
caught myself in the mirror by the bathroom
doors. I checked myself out. Surprisingly I was
clean of most body hair, and in awesome
shape. I was a knockout.

                                     I turned around and looked at my ass and
                                     noticed I even had a tattoo. Oddly the thought
                                     of it just above my ass excited me. My hands
                                     ran up my body back to my breasts and I could
                                     feel my nipples get hard as I did so.
I took my shirt off and noticed that I couldn’t
see the bracelet, even though I could still feel
it. I leaned back onto the door and ran my
hands over myself. I posed for myself in the
mirror and enjoyed the way I looked.

The dreams from the night before came back
to me, and I realized that I had started the
collapse onto the floor and may hand was playing with my pussy.

                                     The piece of me that still thought as a male
                                     was fascinated by my reflection. It was like I
                                     was watching porn and controlling the hot,
                                     female model. I was so entranced I had no
                                     objections to the pleasure flowing through me
                                     as my fingers slowly penetrated my new, wet

I started slowly with one finger, but as I got
hotter I added more and played with my
titties too. My moans filled the empty house,
and my mind went back to images as I was
fucked by the man in my dreams. Like the
night before, I started to pump my pussy in
time with man’s cock pumping me.

                                    A piece of my mind realized that moments
                                    before I had been an 18 year old male, and now
                                    I was a hot, horney slut masturbating in my
                                    friend’s house. That same piece was alarmed at
                                    the ease that I was losing myself, but it was
shouted down by the moans of my female self and I fucked myself with my own

After an hour of this, I finished myself off. As a final act, I couldn’t help but taste
my fingers of my female juices thinking about what I had just done and
shuddering under the memory.

Finally my rational mind forced me to stand up on shaky legs and pull off the
bracelet. Once the bracelet was off of my wrist, my male mind came fully back
into place. It was like I was coming off of a weird high, but with no real after
affects. Although, I was really tired, just like I was the day before.

Was it possible that this same thing had happened to me yesterday? Why didn’t I
remember it? Again, I felt almost uncomfortable in my own skin. But I managed to
shake it off, get dressed, and put the jewelry and box back into the closet. Finally,
I walked back downstairs and went back to work.
After about 5 minutes of looking at the book, I dozed off; exhausted from my
masturbation effort.
Chapter 5 “Confrontation”

Ed woke me up. I wasn’t sure how long I’d been asleep for, but my curiosity
turned to shock when I realized that Ed was sitting across from me and he had the
box in front of him.

“I see that you’ve been playing with the box Don.” It wasn’t a question. “I figured
that if I stepped out you’d find your way to it. It’s part of how the bracelets work.
Once you get a ‘taste’ for it you want more.”

Between being a bit groggy and shocked it took a minute to get a response out,
“What do you mean ‘how it works’?”

“You remembered using it yesterday, don’t you?” He opened the box and pulled
the bracelets back out. I couldn’t take my eyes off them.

“The dream… That was real then?” I shouldn’t have been surprised, but still was.

“I didn’t realize that would happen. When I commanded you to forget, I guess
your subconscious reminded you.” Ed seemed different than before. It was like he
was playing one of his characters, but in a refined way. He wasn’t mean or
anything, just confident; extremely confident.

“’Commanded me’ you commanded me to forget? How does that work?” I should
have been angrier, but somehow looking at the blue bracelet had this weird
calming effect on me. I kind of felt angry and scared, but it was fuzzy.

He held up the red bracelet, “This bracelet is the master bracelet. It allows the
wearer to become more confident and be a leader.” He held up the blue bracelet
in his other hand, “This bracelet is the slave bracelet. The wearer becomes more
submissive and more like a slave. Apparently, the bracelets even affect the
wearer when they aren’t worn, and the affect grow stronger the longer the
bracelet is used.”
I heard what he was saying, a part of me was saying ‘oh, well yes, that makes
perfect sense’ and another part was saying ‘you need to get up and leave now’.
However, I could only sit there and look at the blue bracelet. As he moved it my
eyes followed it.

“Together they form a set a slave bracelets. My ancestors would use these to
punish individuals for debts or crimes. Cool huh?” He looked up at me and
realized that I was looking at the bracelet.

“So why did you pick me to put it on? Why not pick a jerk from school? I’m your
best friend.” Not sure how true that last statement was now, in my dream he had
basically raped me. I enjoyed it, but that was the bracelet, right? My cock stirred
at the memory and I could start to feel myself start to get hard.

Ed paused for a moment. “Well, apparently it has to be voluntary. And you always
played a girl in our games. Remember I did ask if this would be something you
wanted? You did say yes.”

He was so confident when he said that. Was I all quiet and weak on this side of
the table? I had said yes, but that wasn’t about sex was it? It was about a game.
But then why was I always playing a girl? I tried to separate what I was feeling
from the logic of Ed’s statement, but I couldn’t. A big part of my lack of focus was
that I had a full blown hard on. I could feel it pulsing with my heart beat. I was as
hard as I was the previous night.

Weirdly, it wasn’t Ed I was aroused by, but the thought of how good it would feel
to put that bracelet on again. My mind struggled to balance out my desire and
repulsion at the same time.

Confidently, Ed set the blue bracelet down and pushed it towards me. “You must
want to put it on again.” again, not a question.

I did, but I found if I kept talking that I could keep my hands down by my side. I
think I had started to sweat. “Why not give me the red one now? You could try
the blue one?”
Ed looked up from the blue bracelet and looked me in the eye. That confidence
again. “But you don’t want the master bracelet do you?”

I actually managed to look back at him, but found myself answering honestly,
“No.” Damn, I was hornier then I could ever remember; I could feel the sweat all
over me.

“Then put the bracelet on.” Not a command, another statement.

I wanted to get up and leave. Or get up and throw the bracelet in his face. But
instead I mechanically reached up and touched the bracelet. I swear it felt
incredible to the touch. Even though I was over heated, I shivered pleasantly.

Again, my other hand came up and picked up the bracelet. My wrist burned and
my hand shook as I put it back on. My will surrendered to the promise of the
gypsy bracelet.
Chapter 5 “Wanting”

For what felt like only a
moment, my mind went
completely blank. When I
regained my senses I slowly
realized that I was back in my
female body. What I didn’t
expect was that I was on the
ground, scantily clad, and
tied up! As I started to struggle, I could hear Ed laughing. He was enjoying this on
a level that I couldn’t even understand.

Weirdly enough, as I fully understood my bredicament, I started to become
aroused again. Somehow, the thought of being tied up and over powered excited
me. I remembered what Ed had said about the bracelet, but even though I
understood that it was making me feel this way, I still couldn’t help but moan
quietly as my body started to grow warm.
“Oh, I think she likes it.” Ed laughed. “I would say that you’ve made quite the slut
of yourself Don. Or should I say Dona.” I could hear him move around, but not see
him as the blind fold completely blinded me. Adding to my sense of helplessness
and total domination by Ed.

I continued to struggle until Ed
kneeled besides me. I could feel
his hot breadth on my nearly
naked body. He came closer to
me and said, “Is that what you
are Dona? Are you my little slut,
waiting for me to fuck you with
my big cock?”

 I was so startled by his question, I stopped breathing. I had given in to my
compulsion for the bracelet, but the thought of getting fucked by Ed disgusted
and excited me all at once. Briefly a war broke out inside of me as I struggled with
the question.

I wasn’t gay, but I wasn’t a guy either now. So I guess this was normal? I could feel
his free hand run over my body, touching and then flicking my nipple. The
pleasure forced me to raggedly let out my breath, again as a moan. The only thing
I had really said yet.

“Oh, still thinking you don’t want this huh? I think I can help with that.” Still
bound, I felt his hand travel further down my body and slip into my panties.
Expertly, his hand rubbed my
cunt and rubbed my clit. I tried
to protest, but he kissed me
hard. Any protest I started to
make changed to grunts as he
continued to work on me and
my aroused body convulsed in
pleasure. Even if I hadn’t been
tied down, I would have been helpless.

He brought me close to orgasm, but sensed as I got close to it and stopped
abruptly. He whispered again. “I could simply command it, the way I did the other
night. But I need you to give this to me. I need you to want to be my little slut. I
want you to want me to fuck you.”

There was barely any fight in me now. All I really wanted was to feel the way I had
before and I couldn’t do it myself. His hand, dick, whatever; I wanted to get

“Please…” I hesitated as I heard my female voice. “Please, do it.”

Ed knew he had me now. “Do what? What do you want me to do Dona?” He
asked almost innocently, teasing me now.

“Fuck me.” I couldn’t believe that those quiet words had left my mouth. I wanted
it so bad now. I could feel my cunt quiver in anticipation.

“Fuck you? You want me to fuck you? You want my cock in you pussy? Say it.” He

“I want…. I want your cock in me, in my pussy.” As I said it, it made me want it
even more.

“Is that because you’re my slut?” he was still dragging this out, pushing me until I
had nothing left.

I almost fought that, but I couldn’t. “Yes, because I’m your slut. I want you to fuck
me like the slut I am…”

He laughed. “See baby, that wasn’t so bad.” He untied me and dragged me to his
room. I couldn’t even fight him as he did so. He left the blind fold on me, a
reminder of my submission to him.
Once he got me to his room, he
pushed me back down, face down.
He pulled my soaking panties off.
“I’ve always wanted to do this.
Let’s see how good you taste, slut.”
I could feel his face bury itself in my
ass and cunt. His tongue lapped
hungrily as he worked. I instantly
had my first orgasm as he
continued sucking. He lapped at my
flowing juices, which only resulted
in getting me hotter. A small piece of me realized, to my horror, that a girl’s
orgasm didn’t satisfy it just made me want more.

He slid up next to me from behind as I recovered “Oh you taste so good and you
are so wet. Time for my cock bitch.” He’d pulled it out as he had positioned
himself, and pushed it straight into me.

Any remaining thoughts about who
I was before were pushed from my
mind by that beautiful cock.
Holding one leg up, I could feel and
hear him grunting as he thrusted it
again and again into me. Again, his
strong body held me restrained,
which was redundant as my body
responded to his movement and
my pussy started to milk his cock.

But like his hand before, this was another of his teasing efforts. As I started to get
closer to another orgasm he pulled out of me, picked me up, and threw me on the
bed. “Oh we’re not close to done yet baby. You’re pussy feels great, but I bet your
mouth feels better,” he pulled off my blind fold. “Why don’t you show me how
you’ve always wanted to suck my cock?”

As I got used to the light, my eyes locked onto his cock; it was coated with both of
our juices. Mechanically I moved towards it and grasped it with my hand. I
brought it to my mouth. The aroma made my mouth water as I tentatively licked
and then sucked him.

“That’s right baby. You know what
daddy likes. You definitely have
good cock sucking lips.” His words
excited me as I kept working on
him. I cleaned his cock but kept it
hard and moist with my mouth. I
was awarded with a bit of pre-cum
as I worked him.

I didn’t think it would be possible, but he got harder and bigger as I worked his
cock. The thought of mounting him filled my mind to the point where my body
acted before I even realized what was happening.

Either he didn’t realize what I was doing, or it’s what he wanted to as I pushed
down on his cock. His hardness filled me as I rode his big cock. On top I could
control how his cock went into me and I positioned myself so that I could work
myself to orgasm.

He seemed to sense what was happening again and held onto me, forcing me to
continue to pleasure his cock as well. For a time, the only noises were his grunts
and my moans in time with the sound of our bodies slapping together. Like two
animals rutting, the smell of our sweat filled me and excited me even more. We
quietly fought each other, not for dominance, but for pleasure.

Finally, my body couldn’t take
anymore and the damn burst. I
screamed in animal pleasure as I
convulsed on top of Ed. Like a
wanton slut, I milked his cock for
his cum as I had multiple orgasms
and laid back on him as my body
relaxed. Finally, the wanting
started to die off…

He slipped out from under me and stood over my quivering body. “Not done yet
slut, time to finish what you started.” He presented his cock to me, and I took to it
instantly. No matter how spent I had been, something inside me made me do this
and rewarded me with more pleasure as I obeyed.

“That’s it baby. Use those slut lips to suck me dry. Tell me you love this!” He
yelled as he built to orgasm.

“Do it baby. I want to taste you so
bad. Use your big, hard cock and
fuck my tits!” I said as I put his cock
between my tits and let him fuck
me there.

I didn’t have long to wait. His balls
started to spasm and I felt the
warm ropey threads of his cum as
he sprayed my face and tits.

He finished his orgasm and fell beside me. His warm, strong body lying next to me
as I slowly spread the cum on my body and enjoyed being Ed’s new gypsy slave.

End of Part 1

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Gypsy Slave

  • 1. Gypsy Slave A Story by Beladona Chapter One “What if?” My name is, or was, Don. Ed and I had been friends for years. We had met in junior high and had met through our gaming club at school. Ever since then, he had started various games fantasy or sci-fi role playing games. It didn’t matter; we were both big fans of many of the games. No matter who else was in the group that we played with, we usually played the same characters. Ed would play the Evil fighter type, and I would play the goody, goody paladin type. While in reality Ed was about 6’2” and very skinny, he would typically play the over-bearing, big and brawny male. I was just less than 6’ and was fairly stocky and I would play the subtle, sexy female. There wasn’t anything sexual about it, when asked I always answered that if I had to run something, I always like to run something that was nice to look at. Many other players seemed to be doing the same thing, so there was never really any focus on it. As time went on, and the games and group evolved, more and more female items seeped into the games. Sex was usually ‘off screen’, but the topic did come up and it became a weird outlet for what we wanted in a woman. This was mainly due to the growing amount of hormones running through our growing male bodies and the lack of females interested in gamer geeks like Ed and I. As we hit our senior year in high school, and we both hit 18, Ed’s life had become a bit more interesting. His single mother had gotten remarried, and his father tended to be a bit of a jerk. Mainly, it resulted in arguments that would end up in Ed storming out of the house, and spending more time over at my house, playing more games. It also drove him to seek more about his real father, who had passed away when he was very young, and about his family history.
  • 2. His younger sister, Jenny, had also started to mature and catch my attention. While she never showed an interest in me, and, I never worked up the courage to talk to her about anything but ‘hi’, I slowly got attracted to her. The unfortunate thing was with the whole father problem, I hardly got to see her anymore. One day Ed asked if I wanted to come over for a stay over. It turned out that his parents were going on vacation for a week, and Ed had the run of the house. I quickly said yes, as it would be a good chance to have a full gaming night and no adults to mess it up and no need to keep it quiet. It was just Ed and I, even his sister was gone having gone with the parents. On Friday, after school, I arrived at his house and started to unpack my books and gaming stuff. Ed seemed to be pensive and not really into the game as we started. “What’s wrong man?” I asked. “I found something of my dad’s.” Ed signed as he leaned back in his chair. “Yeah and..?” He thought for a moment. “Let me ask you something Don. You always play a girl when we play these games, right?” he asked this, almost like an accusation. Feeling defensive suddenly, I answered back, “No not always. I play guys when I want to do magic stuff…” “Yeah, but you always start with your first character as a female, right?” He pressed. “Well, yeah, I guess. But why are you asking me this?” I waited for the punch line here, something was really weird here. Ed pressed on, “So, if something new came along, like a live kind of game, you’d start out as a female too?” I’d never thought like that. “Well I don’t know man. I wouldn’t dress up like a girl if that’s what you mean…”
  • 3. “No. I mean if you could be anyone you wanted in the game. Body and all, would you do it?” Again, this conversation was going in a really weird place for me. Oddly enough though, I had a weird feeling in my gut. It was like was I was really nervous about this. Butterflies? Was this butterflies? I thought about it for a minute. “Okay. For the sake of the conversation; let’s say that a new game came along where you could be a new character, like in real life. Then I guess I would…err…may be a female character. I guess. But it’s not like I’m gay or anything, just you know, it’s how I play these games.” Ed thought for a moment. “So I wanna show you something. Something that I found. Something I think you wanna see.” Something in his voice was kind of shaky, but I was relieved that he had finished his line of questioning. “Ok dude. Just so long as it’s not a dress. OK?” I joked. He smiled and stood up. “Sure man, no dresses; something cooler.” “No problem, lead the way.” I said as I stood up too and he led the way to his parent’s bedroom. I’d never been in his parent’s room before. It was what you would expect. His mom did the decorating, so things were clean, orderly, but soft too. You could smell his mom’s perfume slightly in the entire room. His new father-in-law hadn’t had a chance to harden it up yet. Ed walked over to his mom’s closet, opened it, and pulled a small wood box from underneath a pile of her clothes. It was very ornate, and very old. He looked at me as he did it, “So I was looking up my family and I found out that we come from a long line of gypsies. We came over 100’s of years ago to America because my family was persecuted for not being Christians and being witches.” “That’s pretty cool, is that the family history then?” I loved old books, the gamer in me I suppose.
  • 4. “No, it’s something cooler. It’s some of the family jewelry.” He opened it up and held up a pair of bracelets (one red and one blue); both were very old and very ornate, but not in a gaudy kind of way, just well carved. “Wow, that’s really cool Ed. Can I take a look?” This stuff was way old; the thought of touching something like this blew my mind. This stuff was made when America didn’t exist yet, or at least before the Europeans came over. He hesitated for a moment. “So here’s the thing Don. These change you, so you’ve got to be careful.” He sounded really nervous now. “Change, like how? Are they toxic or something?” “No, I mean they change how you like and even how you think.” “What?!? You’re shitting me man! You mean they’re like magic or something?” Obviously, this was why he was nervous. He pulled, or tried to pull, jokes like this on me from time to time. Came up with ‘what if’ scenarios, and tried to challenge me. Sometimes he tried to convince me that he had done something which was suspect. Most of the time I ignored him, if he wanted to prop himself up with stories, I never saw the harm in it. I just kept an eye on him. It was like his personality bled into his characters sometimes, his ‘evil’ nature was more like his ego running loose in the game. “I don’t know, but they do change you. Let me show you.” He put the red bracelet on his wrist. As I watched in disbelief, his body changed. He grew taller and bigger. He still, kinda looked like himself, but it was as if he had spent months in a gym, spent time outside, and was given the genes of a football player. Ruggedly handsome came to mind. “Damn Ed, that you in there?!?” It was like I was on Candid Camera or Punked. I was waiting for Ed to hop out of his mom’s bathroom and say ‘surprise!’ or something. “Awesome isn’t it? It’s like I’m Conan or something.” He moved around a bit, his clothes barely fit him and constricted his movement.
  • 5. He looked over at me. “You wanna try it?” Even with his new body, he asked the question weirdly: like it was funny or something. But this was awesome. I was so excited to try it, just think of the girls I could get. Briefly I imagined myself, all built up and taking Ed’s sister, Jenna. With a body like that, she’d beg me to take her. She’d wrap he legs around me and I would push her up against the wall. While standing up I’d fuck her hard, so hard that we’d push into the dry wall, and she’s screaming for me to not stop. I snapped back to reality. “Damn right Ed, let me give it a try!” I reached out as he tossed me the blue bracelet. Without question I snapped it on. Chapter Two “Shadows” Nothing Happened. Thinking that I had done something wrong I reached to adjust the bracelet, but it had disappeared. Confused, I looked over to Ed. Plain, normal, skinny, and dorky Ed. He was working on a new character across the table from me. I realized that I was sitting in the chair; across from the table from Ed. Everything was where it was when we had the weird conversation earlier. “What happened?” I asked Ed after a moment to get my bearings? “With what?” he asked, still looking at the sheet. “The bracelets, what happened after I put it on?” I asked quietly, but strangely anxious. He looked up then, focusing on me oddly. “What bracelets?” “What bracelets? The bracelet I put on. The one you handed me?” I was missing something, obviously. He had my uninterrupted attention now, a blank stare filling his face, “Uhmm, I didn’t hand you a bracelet. What are you talking about?”
  • 6. I opened my mouth to start a description of what had happened a few minutes earlier, and then I realized how odd it sounded. What was I supposed to say? ‘The magic bracelets that let you change your form?’ Really? “Are you ok Don? You look a bit off.” He did look a bit worried now. A day dream, wow what a weird one. I had a very vivid imagination, but nothing like this. But, here I was, looking at Ed and wondering how I got here, or if I ever had moved from this chair. “You know what Ed? I think I’m really off today. Do you mind if I go home and get some sleep? We can start tomorrow.” I started to get up as I talked, Ed looked worried, but not panicked or anything. “Uhmm, sure man. It’s ok, I got all week so no biggy.” I could hear the disappointment in his voice, but I was too off to acknowledge it. Ed was a die-hard gamer, and any missed opportunity to game was always a disappointment. “Can you hang onto my stuff today?” I grabbed my coat. “Sure, you just get some sleep ok?” Ed seemed to realize I was really off and walked with me to the door. “Just come back tomorrow, ok man?” “Yeah, no problem, we’ll get together tomorrow.” I said as I stepped out of the house. Ed closed the door after me a minute later. I walked home. My house was about a mile away. It was early evening in the fall. The sun was setting and I walked home in the twilight. I noticed that I didn’t feel right. I’d heard the phrase ‘not comfortable in your own skin’ and now I knew what it meant. It was like nothing fit right, that my clothes were just a bit off. My body felt the same way. Everything functioned, and I moved my hand in front of my face and watched it as I wiggled my fingers. Just a little off. I also noticed how the shadows moved around me. Maybe it was all my gaming, but things seemed to shift within the trees and bushes on my path back to my
  • 7. house. Whatever I thought I saw, the bugs and insects didn’t seem to mind. They just kept on going. Whatever they were, they didn’t seem to be ‘interested’ in me, so I basically ignored them when I got home. My parents were surprised when I got home, but I explained to them that I hadn’t felt very well and was going to bed. After some extra conversation, they finished their inquisition of my life at this moment, and let me go to my room. As I got to my room, I sat on my bed and realized how exhausted I really was. I closed the door and hit the lights. Lazily, I kicked my shoes off and lay back on the bed. I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. Chapter 3 “Strange Dreams” My dreams started out jumbled, but very erotic. At first it was like I was having sex with Jenny. Somehow I had gotten her into Ed’s parent’s bedroom and was pushing her down into the bed as I thrust into her. As the dreams continued though, I started to understand that I had never seen the two people on the bed before, but somehow I knew who they both were. Their sex play continued as I watched, and while I wasn’t a direct participant, I could get a vague sense of pleasure from them. Again, as they continued, I started to feel that I was the man pushing my large cock into the woman’s cunt, but again things shifted and I started to settle into the role of the woman. Somehow my conscious mind continued as this was happening to me, like a commentator on the events unfolding before me. I had heard that when you dreamed that you were actually everyone in the dream, but this was something new. It felt as if this man was a stranger to me, and I was ‘trapped’ inside the body of the woman.
  • 8. Each time the dream altered, the events would start from scratch, and things would become clearer. We were both still in Ed’s parent’s bedroom. I was the teenager now and the man was who Ed had become in my daydream earlier in the day. He was laughing at how I made such a beautiful woman and had finally found my right place in the world. The change suited me. I started to object, but with a word he silenced me. My clothes fit me awkwardly now, they were too large for me. The man noticed this, and commanded me to remove them. I did so without question. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him as I did so. He moved behind me and grabbed my breasts. They were sensitive and I gasped as he massaged them. He whispered in my ear and told me how this was always what I wanted and how I was going to be his new fuck toy. As he felt me shiver under his touch, he moved in front of me and commanded that I pull out his cock and taste it. My conscious mind, the watcher of the dream, was repelled at this, but watching it aroused me. It was like porn, and I couldn’t look away. As a woman, I was hesitant, but the man commanded me to like it, and suddenly I lost any sense of hesitation. I could feel the cock in my mouth, as my tongue worked to get it hard. I could smell the man’s muskiness and taste his pre-cum. And I enjoyed it. He laughed as I moaned at his taste and he leaned me back onto the bed, he decided that he should taste me. He did so and the feel of his tongue on my cunt
  • 9. and clit caused me to squirm in pleasure. His strong hands held my smaller, female body in place. I could feel myself getting wetter and hotter as he worked on me. After a few minutes, he sat up and thrust his hard cock into me. The feeling of pleasure took my breath away. Initially, I could only lay there and his cock worked its way deeper into me. However, as he pulled out and then pushed back in, my body took over and met his rhythm. I felt my body rise and fall to meet that wonderful feeling of penetration. I sighed and moaned as he pushed harder and faster into me. Finally, he pulled out of me and commanded me to eat his cum. I couldn’t resist him. My body was basically his toy to play with; whatever whim he wanted I could only obey. A piece of me, the observer, bristled at the thought of being the submissive one. However, that was completely overwhelmed by the sense of pleasure I felt as I took his wet cock in my mouth and worked it until his cum filled my mouth and covered me. With a start I awoke in my bed, half awake and half asleep, the vision of me as a fuck toy was fresh. I noticed that I was now naked on my bed, the sheets were soaked with sweat and my hand was working my rock hard cock. I’d been excited before, and had masturbated often, but those previous experiences were nothing compared to what I was experiencing now.
  • 10. To keep quiet, I had to use one hand and put it in my mouth as the images of my dream continued to play over and over again. The thrusts of my dream body working in time with my hand on my cock. Finally, I could feel my body stiffen as I exploded all over myself and the bed. Involuntarily, like my female self, I took my cum and licked it clean off my hand. The taste reminded me of the dream and of how I had pleased my dream master. A piece of me was confused at what had happened to me, but the entire time I was still partly asleep, unable to escape entirely from my dream. As my body relaxed again, it dragged me back down to a dreamless darkness. Chapter 4 “Game Day” Morning came and I dragged myself to the shower to clean up. My mind was a bit fuzzy in the way only that dreams can do. Most of it washed down the drain and I turned to the day ahead. Regardless of the weirdness of the previous day, I chalked it up to not feeling well and being very tired. After finishing up in the bathroom and throwing my clothes on, I grabbed some cereal let my parents know I was going back to Ed’s. Whatever was left of last night was cleared from my mind as I encountered no oddness on my travel to Ed’s house. Getting to his house, I came in and we quickly got to work on the game of the day. For several hours we played and worked on the game for the rest of our school group, we were both fanatical about it and frequently got lost in our books. We went through lunch, grabbing some sandwiches that we made and continued to game until Ed got a call. It turned out that his parents had received a package from UPS and he needed to pick it up for them. I was pretty into my books and didn’t want to lose my pace, and so when Ed asked if I wanted to go with him I declined. The trip would take
  • 11. him a few hours, but had no problems in offering to let me stay while he ran his errand. He took off, and for several minutes I continued to work on my books but, as the silence continued, I started to get a strange kind of feeling. I was like a feeling that I couldn’t shake. A nagging thought that pulled me from my books. Thoughts started to come back to me about what I had dreamed about, and I remembered the bracelets that Ed had shown me. I did my best to push them out of my mind, but I started to argue with myself. ‘What would be the harm of looking?’ If I didn’t find anything, then I could move on with life and I could get back to the game. Hesitantly, I put my pencil down and headed up to Ed’s parent’s room. Going to the closet, I pulled the doors open and looked in the same place where I’d seen Ed pull out the box. Right where I remembered it, there it was. The old box felt odd in my hands, like it was almost had a current going through it. I sat down on the bed and put the box down next to me. My hands shook as I opened it and found the bracelets, red and blue, just like I remembered. I froze for a moment, this was probably some weird memory that I had unlocked and didn’t even realize. It was probably that I had seen Ed’s mom wear this jewelry before and had put it all together in my head somehow. Suddenly I realized that I was hesitating and shook it off. Whatever was going on, the simple solution was to put on a bracelet, see that nothing happened, put everything back and get back to my books. Ed had put the red bracelet on, and I had gotten the blue one. Even though I didn’t remember what happened, I was still drawn to the blue one, and so (before I lost my nerve) I put on the blue piece of jewelry. The world, blurred for a moment. When things came back into focus, everything was exactly where it had been a moment before. Except that things looked different, almost bigger. After a moment, I realized that I was smaller.
  • 12. I stood up to get my bearings and almost fell over myself. My pants fell down as I stood as they were too big for me. In fact, all of my clothes were too big. I literally stepped out of my shoes without an effort. Only my shirt seemed ok, and that was only because it could hang off of me and that’s when I realized that I had breasts. Instead of a larger chest, my chest and waist had shrunk but my breasts were much bigger than before. As I moved to get out of my shoes and let my pants and underwear drop, I could feel the shirt fabric flutter against my nipples. I reached up to touch one through my shirt and it felt like electricity was flowing through my chest; really good electricity. As my underwear dropped from my waist, I also realized that there was nothing to stop it. I looked down and realized that I no longer had a dick. I almost panicked but the good feeling from my breasts seemed to run directly down to my new pussy. I moved towards the parent’s bathroom and caught myself in the mirror by the bathroom doors. I checked myself out. Surprisingly I was clean of most body hair, and in awesome shape. I was a knockout. I turned around and looked at my ass and noticed I even had a tattoo. Oddly the thought of it just above my ass excited me. My hands ran up my body back to my breasts and I could feel my nipples get hard as I did so.
  • 13. I took my shirt off and noticed that I couldn’t see the bracelet, even though I could still feel it. I leaned back onto the door and ran my hands over myself. I posed for myself in the mirror and enjoyed the way I looked. The dreams from the night before came back to me, and I realized that I had started the collapse onto the floor and may hand was playing with my pussy. The piece of me that still thought as a male was fascinated by my reflection. It was like I was watching porn and controlling the hot, female model. I was so entranced I had no objections to the pleasure flowing through me as my fingers slowly penetrated my new, wet cunt. I started slowly with one finger, but as I got hotter I added more and played with my titties too. My moans filled the empty house, and my mind went back to images as I was fucked by the man in my dreams. Like the night before, I started to pump my pussy in time with man’s cock pumping me. A piece of my mind realized that moments before I had been an 18 year old male, and now I was a hot, horney slut masturbating in my friend’s house. That same piece was alarmed at the ease that I was losing myself, but it was
  • 14. shouted down by the moans of my female self and I fucked myself with my own fingers. After an hour of this, I finished myself off. As a final act, I couldn’t help but taste my fingers of my female juices thinking about what I had just done and shuddering under the memory. Finally my rational mind forced me to stand up on shaky legs and pull off the bracelet. Once the bracelet was off of my wrist, my male mind came fully back into place. It was like I was coming off of a weird high, but with no real after affects. Although, I was really tired, just like I was the day before. Was it possible that this same thing had happened to me yesterday? Why didn’t I remember it? Again, I felt almost uncomfortable in my own skin. But I managed to shake it off, get dressed, and put the jewelry and box back into the closet. Finally, I walked back downstairs and went back to work.
  • 15. After about 5 minutes of looking at the book, I dozed off; exhausted from my masturbation effort. Chapter 5 “Confrontation” Ed woke me up. I wasn’t sure how long I’d been asleep for, but my curiosity turned to shock when I realized that Ed was sitting across from me and he had the box in front of him. “I see that you’ve been playing with the box Don.” It wasn’t a question. “I figured that if I stepped out you’d find your way to it. It’s part of how the bracelets work. Once you get a ‘taste’ for it you want more.” Between being a bit groggy and shocked it took a minute to get a response out, “What do you mean ‘how it works’?” “You remembered using it yesterday, don’t you?” He opened the box and pulled the bracelets back out. I couldn’t take my eyes off them. “The dream… That was real then?” I shouldn’t have been surprised, but still was. “I didn’t realize that would happen. When I commanded you to forget, I guess your subconscious reminded you.” Ed seemed different than before. It was like he was playing one of his characters, but in a refined way. He wasn’t mean or anything, just confident; extremely confident. “’Commanded me’ you commanded me to forget? How does that work?” I should have been angrier, but somehow looking at the blue bracelet had this weird calming effect on me. I kind of felt angry and scared, but it was fuzzy. He held up the red bracelet, “This bracelet is the master bracelet. It allows the wearer to become more confident and be a leader.” He held up the blue bracelet in his other hand, “This bracelet is the slave bracelet. The wearer becomes more submissive and more like a slave. Apparently, the bracelets even affect the wearer when they aren’t worn, and the affect grow stronger the longer the bracelet is used.”
  • 16. I heard what he was saying, a part of me was saying ‘oh, well yes, that makes perfect sense’ and another part was saying ‘you need to get up and leave now’. However, I could only sit there and look at the blue bracelet. As he moved it my eyes followed it. “Together they form a set a slave bracelets. My ancestors would use these to punish individuals for debts or crimes. Cool huh?” He looked up at me and realized that I was looking at the bracelet. “So why did you pick me to put it on? Why not pick a jerk from school? I’m your best friend.” Not sure how true that last statement was now, in my dream he had basically raped me. I enjoyed it, but that was the bracelet, right? My cock stirred at the memory and I could start to feel myself start to get hard. Ed paused for a moment. “Well, apparently it has to be voluntary. And you always played a girl in our games. Remember I did ask if this would be something you wanted? You did say yes.” He was so confident when he said that. Was I all quiet and weak on this side of the table? I had said yes, but that wasn’t about sex was it? It was about a game. But then why was I always playing a girl? I tried to separate what I was feeling from the logic of Ed’s statement, but I couldn’t. A big part of my lack of focus was that I had a full blown hard on. I could feel it pulsing with my heart beat. I was as hard as I was the previous night. Weirdly, it wasn’t Ed I was aroused by, but the thought of how good it would feel to put that bracelet on again. My mind struggled to balance out my desire and repulsion at the same time. Confidently, Ed set the blue bracelet down and pushed it towards me. “You must want to put it on again.” again, not a question. I did, but I found if I kept talking that I could keep my hands down by my side. I think I had started to sweat. “Why not give me the red one now? You could try the blue one?”
  • 17. Ed looked up from the blue bracelet and looked me in the eye. That confidence again. “But you don’t want the master bracelet do you?” I actually managed to look back at him, but found myself answering honestly, “No.” Damn, I was hornier then I could ever remember; I could feel the sweat all over me. “Then put the bracelet on.” Not a command, another statement. I wanted to get up and leave. Or get up and throw the bracelet in his face. But instead I mechanically reached up and touched the bracelet. I swear it felt incredible to the touch. Even though I was over heated, I shivered pleasantly. Again, my other hand came up and picked up the bracelet. My wrist burned and my hand shook as I put it back on. My will surrendered to the promise of the gypsy bracelet. Chapter 5 “Wanting” For what felt like only a moment, my mind went completely blank. When I regained my senses I slowly realized that I was back in my female body. What I didn’t expect was that I was on the ground, scantily clad, and tied up! As I started to struggle, I could hear Ed laughing. He was enjoying this on a level that I couldn’t even understand. Weirdly enough, as I fully understood my bredicament, I started to become aroused again. Somehow, the thought of being tied up and over powered excited me. I remembered what Ed had said about the bracelet, but even though I understood that it was making me feel this way, I still couldn’t help but moan quietly as my body started to grow warm.
  • 18. “Oh, I think she likes it.” Ed laughed. “I would say that you’ve made quite the slut of yourself Don. Or should I say Dona.” I could hear him move around, but not see him as the blind fold completely blinded me. Adding to my sense of helplessness and total domination by Ed. I continued to struggle until Ed kneeled besides me. I could feel his hot breadth on my nearly naked body. He came closer to me and said, “Is that what you are Dona? Are you my little slut, waiting for me to fuck you with my big cock?” I was so startled by his question, I stopped breathing. I had given in to my compulsion for the bracelet, but the thought of getting fucked by Ed disgusted and excited me all at once. Briefly a war broke out inside of me as I struggled with the question. I wasn’t gay, but I wasn’t a guy either now. So I guess this was normal? I could feel his free hand run over my body, touching and then flicking my nipple. The pleasure forced me to raggedly let out my breath, again as a moan. The only thing I had really said yet. “Oh, still thinking you don’t want this huh? I think I can help with that.” Still bound, I felt his hand travel further down my body and slip into my panties. Expertly, his hand rubbed my cunt and rubbed my clit. I tried to protest, but he kissed me hard. Any protest I started to make changed to grunts as he continued to work on me and my aroused body convulsed in pleasure. Even if I hadn’t been
  • 19. tied down, I would have been helpless. He brought me close to orgasm, but sensed as I got close to it and stopped abruptly. He whispered again. “I could simply command it, the way I did the other night. But I need you to give this to me. I need you to want to be my little slut. I want you to want me to fuck you.” There was barely any fight in me now. All I really wanted was to feel the way I had before and I couldn’t do it myself. His hand, dick, whatever; I wanted to get fucked. “Please…” I hesitated as I heard my female voice. “Please, do it.” Ed knew he had me now. “Do what? What do you want me to do Dona?” He asked almost innocently, teasing me now. “Fuck me.” I couldn’t believe that those quiet words had left my mouth. I wanted it so bad now. I could feel my cunt quiver in anticipation. “Fuck you? You want me to fuck you? You want my cock in you pussy? Say it.” He commanded. “I want…. I want your cock in me, in my pussy.” As I said it, it made me want it even more. “Is that because you’re my slut?” he was still dragging this out, pushing me until I had nothing left. I almost fought that, but I couldn’t. “Yes, because I’m your slut. I want you to fuck me like the slut I am…” He laughed. “See baby, that wasn’t so bad.” He untied me and dragged me to his room. I couldn’t even fight him as he did so. He left the blind fold on me, a reminder of my submission to him. Once he got me to his room, he pushed me back down, face down. He pulled my soaking panties off.
  • 20. “I’ve always wanted to do this. Let’s see how good you taste, slut.” I could feel his face bury itself in my ass and cunt. His tongue lapped hungrily as he worked. I instantly had my first orgasm as he continued sucking. He lapped at my flowing juices, which only resulted in getting me hotter. A small piece of me realized, to my horror, that a girl’s orgasm didn’t satisfy it just made me want more. He slid up next to me from behind as I recovered “Oh you taste so good and you are so wet. Time for my cock bitch.” He’d pulled it out as he had positioned himself, and pushed it straight into me. Any remaining thoughts about who I was before were pushed from my mind by that beautiful cock. Holding one leg up, I could feel and hear him grunting as he thrusted it again and again into me. Again, his strong body held me restrained, which was redundant as my body responded to his movement and my pussy started to milk his cock. But like his hand before, this was another of his teasing efforts. As I started to get closer to another orgasm he pulled out of me, picked me up, and threw me on the bed. “Oh we’re not close to done yet baby. You’re pussy feels great, but I bet your mouth feels better,” he pulled off my blind fold. “Why don’t you show me how you’ve always wanted to suck my cock?” As I got used to the light, my eyes locked onto his cock; it was coated with both of our juices. Mechanically I moved towards it and grasped it with my hand. I
  • 21. brought it to my mouth. The aroma made my mouth water as I tentatively licked and then sucked him. “That’s right baby. You know what daddy likes. You definitely have good cock sucking lips.” His words excited me as I kept working on him. I cleaned his cock but kept it hard and moist with my mouth. I was awarded with a bit of pre-cum as I worked him. I didn’t think it would be possible, but he got harder and bigger as I worked his cock. The thought of mounting him filled my mind to the point where my body acted before I even realized what was happening. Either he didn’t realize what I was doing, or it’s what he wanted to as I pushed down on his cock. His hardness filled me as I rode his big cock. On top I could control how his cock went into me and I positioned myself so that I could work myself to orgasm. He seemed to sense what was happening again and held onto me, forcing me to continue to pleasure his cock as well. For a time, the only noises were his grunts and my moans in time with the sound of our bodies slapping together. Like two animals rutting, the smell of our sweat filled me and excited me even more. We quietly fought each other, not for dominance, but for pleasure. Finally, my body couldn’t take anymore and the damn burst. I screamed in animal pleasure as I convulsed on top of Ed. Like a wanton slut, I milked his cock for his cum as I had multiple orgasms and laid back on him as my body relaxed. Finally, the wanting
  • 22. started to die off… He slipped out from under me and stood over my quivering body. “Not done yet slut, time to finish what you started.” He presented his cock to me, and I took to it instantly. No matter how spent I had been, something inside me made me do this and rewarded me with more pleasure as I obeyed. “That’s it baby. Use those slut lips to suck me dry. Tell me you love this!” He yelled as he built to orgasm. “Do it baby. I want to taste you so bad. Use your big, hard cock and fuck my tits!” I said as I put his cock between my tits and let him fuck me there. I didn’t have long to wait. His balls started to spasm and I felt the warm ropey threads of his cum as he sprayed my face and tits. He finished his orgasm and fell beside me. His warm, strong body lying next to me as I slowly spread the cum on my body and enjoyed being Ed’s new gypsy slave. End of Part 1