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A Term Paper for the Course of
Theories and Approaches in
Language Teaching(TEFL 511)
By: Dawit Dibekulu
Theories, Hypothesis, Approach, Method,
Techniques, Skill, Competence and
Objectives: at the end of this presentation you will be
able to:
 Identify and know the concept of:
 Theory and Hypothesis
 Approach, Method and Techniques
 Skill, Competence and Performance
 Know the relation between them
 Identify their difference
 Know their benefit for ELT
I. Introduction
Language is a complex, specialized skill,
It develops in the child spontaneously,
without conscious effort.
learning is "acquiring or getting of
knowledge of a subject or a skill by study,
experience, or instruction.“ and
 "a change in an individual caused by
experience" (Slavin, 2003, as cited in
McLaughlin, 1987).
 Teaching, giving instructions, guiding in the
study of something, providing with knowledge,
causing to know or understand.
Therefore, in language teaching and learning
process there are different basic concepts we
need to practice and theories them.
The first thing is understand the learning
theories and then we need to make correlation
the theories with the language learning
understanding the basic concepts in language
teaching and learning is basic .
1.Theory and Hypothesis
1.1.1 Definition of Theory
 Theory is an unattainable ideal or a set of
postulates which are not applicable in the harsh
world of reality. (Stern, 1983)
 Theory is the first thing for doing something.
 A theory is scientifically acceptable set of
principles offer to explain a phenomenon.
(Suppes ,1994, as cited in Suchunk (2012)
 Theory is here simply the thought underlying
language teaching.
 Theory is the implicit in practice of language
Theory reveals itself: in
 the assumptions underlying practice,
 the planning of a course of study,
 the routines of the classroom,
 value judgments about language
teaching, and
 the decisions that the language
teacher has to make day to day.
stern (1983)
Stern (1983) also explained the word ‘theory’
is used in three fair distinct sense:
1.Theory of art or educational theory
 In this, the term ‘theory’ is used in the first and
widest sense.
 It refers to the systematic study of the thought
related to a topic or activity, for example, art,
music, or education.
2. ‘Theory’, understood in this very broad
and generic sense:
 It is possible to subsume different schools of
thought or ‘theories’, each with their own
assumptions, postulates, principles, models, and
 They referred to as; Language teaching
methods, approaches, philosophies, or
schools of thought
3. The natural and human sciences the concept of
theory: in this sense theory is employed:
 as set of hypotheses that have been verified by
observation or experiment’ and
 as a logically connected set of hypotheses
whose main function is to explain their subject
matter’. (O’Connor 1957, cited in stern ,1983)
cont ….
1.1.2. Function of theory
 It provides frame work for interpreting
environmental observation and serves as bridge
between research and education.
 It reflects environmental phenomena and
generating new research through hypothesis or
assumption that can be empirically tested.
 Strengthened when hypotheses are supported
by data.
 Theory of Language Reflecting the cognitive
psychology and humanistic approach prominent
in the field of education at that time,
1.1.3. Building a Theory of SLA
 Second language learning is a complex process.
 complexity means that there are so many
separate but interrelated factors.
 So, must nevertheless pursue the task of theory
Jordan (2004) as cited in Mitchell & Myles (1998)
suggests a set of domains of consideration in a
theory of SLA:
1. A theory of SLA includes an understanding, in
general, of what language is, what learning is,
and for classroom contexts, what teaching is.
2. Knowledge of children's learning.
3. However, a number of important differences
between adult and child learning and between L1
and l2 acquisition must be carefully accounted for.
4.Second language learning is a part of and
adheres to general principles of human learning
and intelligence.
5. There is tremendous variation across learners in
cognitive style and in strategy choice.
6. Personality, the way people view themselves and
reveal themselves in communication
7. Learning a second culture.
8. The acquisition of communicative competence
9. The linguistic contrasts between the native and
target language.
1.2. Hypothesis
1.2.1. Definition of Hypothesis
 A hypothesis is a proposed explanation
for a phenomena.
 To be a scientific hypothesis, the scientific
method requires to test.
 It is more specific.
 A hypothesis is a proposition in testable
form and predicts a particular relationship
between two or more variables.
 A scientific hypothesis is not the same as
a scientific theory. Bailey (1978)
Hypothesis generally is:
 An educated guess;
 A tentative point of view;
 A test proposition ;
 A preliminary explanation; and
 A preliminary Postulate.
1.2.2.The Functions of Hypothesis
 Enhance the objectivity and purpose of a
research work;
 It help to strength the theory.
 Provide a research with focus and tells a
researcher the specific scope of a research
problem to investigate;
 Help a researcher in prioritizing data collection,
hence providing focus on the study;
Enable the formulation of theory
Gives direction to the investigation;
Defines Facts that are relevant and not relevant;
Suggests which form of research design is likely
to be the most appropriate;
Provides a framework for conclusions of the
Limits the research to specific area; and
Offers explanations for the relationships between
those variables that can be empirically tested;
1.2.3. Characteristics of Hypothesis
Grinnell (1988) stated that hypothesis have the
following characteristics :A Hypothesis must be
 Capable of Verification.
 related to the Existing Body of Knowledge.
 It needs to be Precise, Simple and Specific.
In language learning and acquisition hypothesis
is developed and designed by Krashen .
He state 5 hypotheses: The Monitor Model.
 The hypotheses use badly: defined terms,
circular arguments, and they lack empirical
content. Krashen (1985)
 It states that we acquire the rules of language in
a predictable way, some rules tending to come
early and others late.
There are two independent systems of second
language performance: The acquired system, and
the learned system.
The “acquired system” or “Acquisition” is a
product of subconscious processes.
The "learned system" or "learning" is the product
of formal instruction and it comprises a
conscious process.
 Hypothesis Strength Weak Language is learned is
through natural communication. (Gregg, 1984)
 So, theory is strengthened when the
hypothesis supported by data.
But, the distinction is:
A hypothesis attempts to answer questions
by putting forth a plausible explanation
that has yet to be tested. A theory, on the
other hand, is an accepted as being an
accurate explanation of an observation.
The more a hypothesis is tested and holds
up, the better accepted it becomes as a
2.Approach, Method, Technique
2.1. Approach
2.1.1 Definition of approach
Approach is theoretically consistent set of
teaching procedures.
 “Approach is asset of correlative assumptions
dealing with the nature of language and learning
and teaching.
An approach is axiomatic, a method is
With on approach there can be many methods”
(Richards & Rodgers 2001).
2.1.2. What is an approach influenced by?
According to Richards and Rodgers (1986)
approach can influence by:
 Theory of language: How is language viewed?
Structural View of Language.
Functional View of Language.
 Theory of language learning:
How do learners learn the language?
What are the psychological and cognitive
processes involved (habit formation,
induction, inference, generalization)?
What are the conditions that need to be met
for these learning processes to be activated?
 If language is seen as a system of structurally
related elements for the coding of meaning:
 What dimension of language is prioritized?
Grammatical dimension.
 What needs to be taught?
Phonological units, Grammatical units and
operations ,and Lexical items.
 If language is viewed as a vehicle for the
expression of functional meaning:
 What dimension of language is prioritized?
Semantic and communicative dimension of
 What needs to be taught?
Functions, notions of language.
2.2. Method
2.2.1. Definition and Concept of method
 According to Richards and Rodgers (2001) ,
method is subordinate themes are approach,
design and procedures.
Karavas (2014) explained method into context:
For the teacher :methods prescribe :
 what materials and activities should be used?,
 how they should be used and what the role of
the teacher should be?
For learners: methods prescribe:
 what approach to learning the learner should
take? and,
 what roles the learner should adopt in the
Celce- Murcia (1991) a good method should have
the following features as: method must be;
strike a balance between the spoken and
the written word, accuracy and fluency.
Constant revision of what is taught and
A new method must offer a new approach.
give the teacher an opportunity to promote
intercommunication b/n himself and the
sufficiently flexible to cope with various
classroom conditions and the pupils’ specific and
general abilities.”
Method is a pre-packaged set of
specification of how the teacher should
teach and how the learners learn.
Uhu- O’malley &Chamot (1994) stated
that method also answer the following
How the language should present?
How should the language be sequenced?
How much focus should be placed on the
various language skills?
What specific learning activities are
appropriate in the class room?
1. theory of
2. theory of
1. The general and the
specific objectives
2. syllabus
3. type of learning and
teaching activities
4. learner's role
5. teacher's role
6.the role of instrumental
techniques +
procedures and
when the
method is
Fig 1: Summary and elements and sub elements that
constituents methods adopted from Richards and Rodgers
From the above figure we can understand:
a) A theory of the nature of language
An account of:
 the nature of the Language proficiency.
 the basic units of language structure.
b) A theory of the nature of language learning.
An account of :
 the psycholinguistic and cognitive processes
involved in language learning.
 the conditions that allow for successful use of
these processes.
cont …
Design :
a. The general and the specific objectives
b. A syllabus model
c. Types of learning and teaching activities
c. Learner roles:
d. teacher roles:
e. the role of instructional materials
a. Classroom technique, practices, and behaviors
observed when the method is used.
 Resources in terms of time, space and
equipment used by the teacher.
 International Patterns observed in lessons.
 Tactics and strategies used by teachers and
learners when the method is being used.
2.3. Technique
2.3.1. Definition of Techniques
Technique is any of a wide variety of
activities used in the language classroom
Carry out method is techniques.
Technique is also referred to a task,
procedure, activity and exercise. (Antony
Techniques must be consistent with a
method, and therefore in harmony with an
approach as well. (Richards and Rodgers,
2.3.2. The Term of Technique
Brown (2007) states the following terms of
Task: series of techniques closely allied with
communicative curricula,
Activity: anything that learns do in the classroom.
Procedure: “the actual moment-to- moment
techniques to operate teaching. .” (Richard and
Rodgers, 2001)
Practice, behavior, exercise, strategies and etc.
3. Organizational:
4. Context
5. Role-play
6. Dialogue /
7. Dialogue/recitation:
8. Reading aloud ፡
9. Checking:
10. Question-answer
11. Translation:
12. Copying:
13. Identification:
2.3.3. Controlled Techniques
some of controlled techniques are:
2.3.3. Controlled Techniques
1. Warm-up: stimulated, relaxed, motivated,
attentive, etc.
2. setting: focused on lesson topic .teacher directs
attention to the topic evocation of the context.
3. Organizational: structuring of lesson/class
4. Context explanation: aspect of language like:
grammatical, phonological, lexical , sociolinguistic,
5. Role-play demonstration: selecting students or
teacher illustrate the procedure(s) to be applied in
the lesson segment to follow.
6. Dialogue / narrative presentation: reading or
listening passage presented for passive reception.
7. Dialogue/recitation: reciting prepared text,
either in unison or individually.
8. Reading aloud ፡ reading directly from the given
9. Checking: teacher guiding the correction of
students’ work, providing feedback.
10. Question-answer display: propping of
students’ response by means of display questions.
11. Translation: students or teacher provision of
L1 or L2 translation of given text.
12. Copying: students writing down text
presented visual.
13. Identification: students producing and
identifying a specific target from, function,
definition , other lesson-related items.
Generally, the distinction in b/n them :
 Their r/n ship is hierarchical
 Anthony (1963) an approach reflects a
theoretical model or research paradigm.
A method, is a set of procedures.
A technique is a specific classroom activity
Method consists approach, design, and is operation.
Approach, defines those assumptions,
beliefs, and theories about the nature of
language and the nature of language
learning. It is planning.
 Approach is a level at which assumptions
and beliefs about language and language
 Method is a level at which theory is put in
to practice and at which choices are made
about the particular skill to be taught, the
content to be taught, and the order in
which content will be presented.
 techniques is a level at which class room
procedures are described.
approach method technique
3. Skill, competence and performance
3.1. Skill
3.1.1. Definition of skill
In general sense, skill refers to the learned
ability to carry out pre-determined results.
Skill usually requires certain environmental
stimuli and situations to assess the level of
skill being shown and used. (Lackman ,2010)
A skill is the ability to carry out a task with
pre-determined results often within a given
amount of time, energy, or both.
3.1.2. Skills in language
There are four skills that we need for complete
The four skills (listening, speaking, reading and
writing) and grammar and vocabulary are sub
1. Listening skill:
Listening is an active process, as the mind
actively engages in making meaning.
It involves identifying the sounds of speech and
processing them into words and sentences.
It comprehension is the receptive skill. Listening
means to understand what we hear.
2. Speaking
Speaking is productive skill in oral delivery
language through the mouth.
It can also be planned and rehearsal as in the
delivery of a speech or presentation. (Akamajian,
Demers, Farmer, & HARNISH, 1990).
Sub-speaking skills: responding to visual clues,
role-play, conversation, word-games, story
building, and problem solving, asking for and
giving information etc.
Littlewood (1981) define Speaking is probably the
language skill that most language learners wish
to perfect as soon as possible.
3. Reading
Reading is the receptive skill and the process of
looking at a series of (Aguilera & Filologia ,2012),
 Some of the sub-skills in reading : Predicting,
Skimming, Scanning, Questioning, Sequencing,
Matching, Summarizing, refinement, creativity and
critical analysis.
Writing is the process of using symbols to
communicate thoughts in a readable form.
Writing is the productive skill in the written mode.
Sub skills of writing are :Copying, Filling in the
blanks, Parallel writing, Describing a picture or
series of pictures, Sentence/paragraph
completion, writing, Editing and drafting, Reacting
Level Definition
Basic Applies the fundamental skills
Intermediate Applies some advanced skills that allow to adapt
and meet some complex or non-routine situations
Advanced Applies highly proficient and specialized skills that
allow employee to function in situations that are
varied, complex, and/or non-routine
According to Boston Architectural College the
above skills have a variation person to person so
skills have leveled as follow:
Generally ,
All four skills support each other since, they are
interconnected therefore, cannot be taught
independently Listening and reading both rely on
input from an outside source and require
knowledge of the language, background
knowledge, and comprehension skills.
The productive skills of writing and speaking are
more complex as they necessitate taking
knowledge of a language a step further to
actually produce new language.
All four skills facilitate language learning.
Language learning is like learning swimming.
3.2.1. Definition of competence
Competency is The quality of being adequately
or well qualified physically and intellectually.
 Competence is as being the desired end state
for individual performance (Teodorescu & Binder,
According to American Heritage Dictionary
(2006), the words competence and competency
mean basically the same thing: Competence is:
a. The state or quality of being adequately or well
qualified; ability.
b. A specific range of skill, knowledge, oral ability
Competency is the quality of being adequately or
well qualified physically and intellectually.
3.2.2. Language competence
Language competence is includes the linguistics or
grammatical , discourse , sociolinguistics competence and
what might be called as textual competence.
Language competence refers to the knowledge of a
language, cognitive aspect in learning a language, and of
course the ability to use that language to produce
meaningful production and language performance.
Competence is used to describe the learner´s capacity
to produce a language. (Hemerka 2009)
 Linguistic competence is concerned with knowledge of
the language itself, its form and meaning.
 Thus ,linguistic competence involves knowledge of
spelling, pronunciation, vocabulary, word formation,
grammatical structure, sentence structure, and linguistic
language competence
organizational competence
pragmatic competence
Figure 2.Components of communicative language ability in
communicative language use.
From Bachman 1990 cited in Jordan (2004)
Language Competence is composed of the
following components:
1. Organizational Competence:
a. Grammatical competence: knowledge of vocabulary,
morphology, syntax, and phonology.
b. Textual competence: knowledge of the conventions
for joining utterances together to form a text, (Bachman,
2. Pragmatic competence:
 deals with the speaker’s or writer’s ability to achieve his
purpose through his utterances.
Learners need to know the appropriate social
Pragmatic competence is generally considered to involve
two kinds of ability.
a.Illocutionary competence: the ability to express
and interpret the function performed in saying
b. Socio-linguistic competence:
 Sensitivity to, or control of, the conventions of
language use that are determined by the
features of the specific language use context;
 It enables us to perform language functions in
ways that are appropriate to that context.
 Social knowledge is necessary to select the
(Bachman 1990).
3. Strategic competence consists of three
a. Assessment component:
 enables us to identify the information needed
for a communicative goal,
 decide what resources to use,
 evaluate our interlocutor, and the outcome.
b. Planning component:
 enables us to marshal the necessary
items from language competence.
c. Execution component:
 draws on the relevant psychophysiological
mechanisms to implement the plan.
3.3. Performance
3.3.1. Definition of performance
Performance is the overtly observable and concrete
manifestation or realization of competence.
It is the actual doing of something: walking, singing,
dancing, speaking.
Performance is actual production (speaking, writing)
or the comprehension (listening, reading) of linguistic
events. (Brown, 2007)
3.3.2. Language performance
Performance is “ the actual use of language
in concrete situations” Noam Chomsky
It is how a person actually uses his/her
It is knowledge in producing and
understanding utterances, including
It can be realized by the meaningful of the
students’ classroom activities, assignment
and task as the implementation and
application of language competence
3.4. The distinction between Competence and
Competence refers to one's underlying knowledge
of a system, event, or fact. It is the non-
observable ability to do something, to perform
something. While Performance is the overtly
observable and concrete manifestation or
realization of competence. (Brown ,2007)
Chomsky's point was that a theory of language
had to be a theory of competence lest the linguist
try in vain to categorize an infinite number of
performance variables that are not reflective of the
underlying linguistic ability of the speaker-hearer.
Bachman’s : measures of performance do not
necessarily reflect well-defined competencies.
Language competence : includes the linguistics
or grammatical competence, discourse
competence, sociolinguistics competence and
what might be called as textual competence
.(Manitoba, 2009)
Language performance : realized by ;
 the meaningful of the students’ classroom
activities, task as the implementation language
competence they have as a result of learning
the language grammatical rule, structure and
The target of having language competence
is to be able in producing the correct
utterance, meaningful spoken language,
and well-performance language structure.
Competence is a person’s internalised
knowledge of a language.
It refers to the “ideal” speaker/hearer
is a cognitive (mental) skill.
Shortly, Competence is being ideal, is
located a psychological or mental property
while performance refers to an actual
II. Conclusion
 A good language teaching and
learning arises from knowing
the concepts: theory,
hypothesis, approach, method,
techniques, skill, competence,
and performance.
Thank you

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A Term Paper for the Course of Theories and Approaches in Language Teaching(TEFL 511)

  • 1. A Term Paper for the Course of Theories and Approaches in Language Teaching(TEFL 511) By: Dawit Dibekulu
  • 2. Theories, Hypothesis, Approach, Method, Techniques, Skill, Competence and Performance Objectives: at the end of this presentation you will be able to:  Identify and know the concept of:  Theory and Hypothesis  Approach, Method and Techniques  Skill, Competence and Performance  Know the relation between them  Identify their difference  Know their benefit for ELT
  • 3. I. Introduction Language is a complex, specialized skill, It develops in the child spontaneously, without conscious effort. learning is "acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction.“ and  "a change in an individual caused by experience" (Slavin, 2003, as cited in McLaughlin, 1987). cont….
  • 4.  Teaching, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand. Therefore, in language teaching and learning process there are different basic concepts we need to practice and theories them. The first thing is understand the learning theories and then we need to make correlation the theories with the language learning hypothesis. understanding the basic concepts in language teaching and learning is basic . Introduction
  • 5. 1.Theory and Hypothesis 1.1.Theory 1.1.1 Definition of Theory  Theory is an unattainable ideal or a set of postulates which are not applicable in the harsh world of reality. (Stern, 1983)  Theory is the first thing for doing something.  A theory is scientifically acceptable set of principles offer to explain a phenomenon. (Suppes ,1994, as cited in Suchunk (2012)  Theory is here simply the thought underlying language teaching.  Theory is the implicit in practice of language teaching. cont…
  • 6. Theory reveals itself: in  the assumptions underlying practice,  the planning of a course of study,  the routines of the classroom,  value judgments about language teaching, and  the decisions that the language teacher has to make day to day. stern (1983)
  • 7. Stern (1983) also explained the word ‘theory’ is used in three fair distinct sense: 1.Theory of art or educational theory  In this, the term ‘theory’ is used in the first and widest sense.  It refers to the systematic study of the thought related to a topic or activity, for example, art, music, or education. 2. ‘Theory’, understood in this very broad and generic sense:  It is possible to subsume different schools of thought or ‘theories’, each with their own assumptions, postulates, principles, models, and concepts. cont..
  • 8.  They referred to as; Language teaching methods, approaches, philosophies, or schools of thought 3. The natural and human sciences the concept of theory: in this sense theory is employed:  as set of hypotheses that have been verified by observation or experiment’ and  as a logically connected set of hypotheses whose main function is to explain their subject matter’. (O’Connor 1957, cited in stern ,1983) cont ….
  • 9. 1.1.2. Function of theory  It provides frame work for interpreting environmental observation and serves as bridge between research and education.  It reflects environmental phenomena and generating new research through hypothesis or assumption that can be empirically tested.  Strengthened when hypotheses are supported by data.  Theory of Language Reflecting the cognitive psychology and humanistic approach prominent in the field of education at that time,
  • 10. 1.1.3. Building a Theory of SLA  Second language learning is a complex process.  complexity means that there are so many separate but interrelated factors.  So, must nevertheless pursue the task of theory building. Jordan (2004) as cited in Mitchell & Myles (1998) suggests a set of domains of consideration in a theory of SLA: 1. A theory of SLA includes an understanding, in general, of what language is, what learning is, and for classroom contexts, what teaching is. 2. Knowledge of children's learning. cont…
  • 11. 3. However, a number of important differences between adult and child learning and between L1 and l2 acquisition must be carefully accounted for. 4.Second language learning is a part of and adheres to general principles of human learning and intelligence. 5. There is tremendous variation across learners in cognitive style and in strategy choice. 6. Personality, the way people view themselves and reveal themselves in communication 7. Learning a second culture. 8. The acquisition of communicative competence 9. The linguistic contrasts between the native and target language.
  • 12. 1.2. Hypothesis 1.2.1. Definition of Hypothesis  A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomena.  To be a scientific hypothesis, the scientific method requires to test.  It is more specific.  A hypothesis is a proposition in testable form and predicts a particular relationship between two or more variables.  A scientific hypothesis is not the same as a scientific theory. Bailey (1978)
  • 13. Hypothesis generally is:  An educated guess;  A tentative point of view;  A test proposition ;  A preliminary explanation; and  A preliminary Postulate. 1.2.2.The Functions of Hypothesis  Enhance the objectivity and purpose of a research work;  It help to strength the theory.  Provide a research with focus and tells a researcher the specific scope of a research problem to investigate; cont…….
  • 14.  Help a researcher in prioritizing data collection, hence providing focus on the study; Enable the formulation of theory Gives direction to the investigation; Defines Facts that are relevant and not relevant; Suggests which form of research design is likely to be the most appropriate; Provides a framework for conclusions of the findings; Limits the research to specific area; and Offers explanations for the relationships between those variables that can be empirically tested; cont….
  • 15. 1.2.3. Characteristics of Hypothesis Grinnell (1988) stated that hypothesis have the following characteristics :A Hypothesis must be  Capable of Verification.  related to the Existing Body of Knowledge.  It needs to be Precise, Simple and Specific. In language learning and acquisition hypothesis is developed and designed by Krashen . He state 5 hypotheses: The Monitor Model.  The hypotheses use badly: defined terms, circular arguments, and they lack empirical content. Krashen (1985) cont..
  • 16.  It states that we acquire the rules of language in a predictable way, some rules tending to come early and others late. There are two independent systems of second language performance: The acquired system, and the learned system. The “acquired system” or “Acquisition” is a product of subconscious processes. The "learned system" or "learning" is the product of formal instruction and it comprises a conscious process.  Hypothesis Strength Weak Language is learned is through natural communication. (Gregg, 1984) cont…
  • 17.  So, theory is strengthened when the hypothesis supported by data. But, the distinction is: A hypothesis attempts to answer questions by putting forth a plausible explanation that has yet to be tested. A theory, on the other hand, is an accepted as being an accurate explanation of an observation. The more a hypothesis is tested and holds up, the better accepted it becomes as a theory.
  • 18. 2.Approach, Method, Technique 2.1. Approach 2.1.1 Definition of approach Approach is theoretically consistent set of teaching procedures.  “Approach is asset of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of language and learning and teaching. An approach is axiomatic, a method is procedural. With on approach there can be many methods” (Richards & Rodgers 2001).
  • 19. 2.1.2. What is an approach influenced by? According to Richards and Rodgers (1986) approach can influence by:  Theory of language: How is language viewed? Structural View of Language. Functional View of Language.  Theory of language learning: How do learners learn the language? What are the psychological and cognitive processes involved (habit formation, induction, inference, generalization)? What are the conditions that need to be met for these learning processes to be activated? cont…
  • 20.  If language is seen as a system of structurally related elements for the coding of meaning:  What dimension of language is prioritized? Grammatical dimension.  What needs to be taught? Phonological units, Grammatical units and operations ,and Lexical items.  If language is viewed as a vehicle for the expression of functional meaning:  What dimension of language is prioritized? Semantic and communicative dimension of language.  What needs to be taught? Functions, notions of language.
  • 21. 2.2. Method 2.2.1. Definition and Concept of method  According to Richards and Rodgers (2001) , method is subordinate themes are approach, design and procedures. Karavas (2014) explained method into context: For the teacher :methods prescribe :  what materials and activities should be used?,  how they should be used and what the role of the teacher should be? For learners: methods prescribe:  what approach to learning the learner should take? and,  what roles the learner should adopt in the classroom?
  • 22. Celce- Murcia (1991) a good method should have the following features as: method must be; simple. strike a balance between the spoken and the written word, accuracy and fluency. Constant revision of what is taught and learnt. A new method must offer a new approach. give the teacher an opportunity to promote intercommunication b/n himself and the individual. sufficiently flexible to cope with various classroom conditions and the pupils’ specific and general abilities.”
  • 23. Method is a pre-packaged set of specification of how the teacher should teach and how the learners learn. Uhu- O’malley &Chamot (1994) stated that method also answer the following questions: How the language should present? How should the language be sequenced? How much focus should be placed on the various language skills? What specific learning activities are appropriate in the class room?
  • 24. method Approach 1. theory of nautre language 2. theory of nature language learning Design 1. The general and the specific objectives 2. syllabus 3. type of learning and teaching activities 4. learner's role 5. teacher's role 6.the role of instrumental material procedures classroom techniques + procedures and behaviors observed when the method is used Fig 1: Summary and elements and sub elements that constituents methods adopted from Richards and Rodgers (2001).
  • 25. From the above figure we can understand: Approach: a) A theory of the nature of language An account of:  the nature of the Language proficiency.  the basic units of language structure. b) A theory of the nature of language learning. An account of :  the psycholinguistic and cognitive processes involved in language learning.  the conditions that allow for successful use of these processes. cont …
  • 26. Design : a. The general and the specific objectives b. A syllabus model c. Types of learning and teaching activities c. Learner roles: d. teacher roles: e. the role of instructional materials Procedure: a. Classroom technique, practices, and behaviors observed when the method is used.  Resources in terms of time, space and equipment used by the teacher.  International Patterns observed in lessons.  Tactics and strategies used by teachers and learners when the method is being used.
  • 27. 2.3. Technique 2.3.1. Definition of Techniques Technique is any of a wide variety of activities used in the language classroom Carry out method is techniques. Technique is also referred to a task, procedure, activity and exercise. (Antony ,1963) Techniques must be consistent with a method, and therefore in harmony with an approach as well. (Richards and Rodgers, 1999).
  • 28. 2.3.2. The Term of Technique Brown (2007) states the following terms of techniques: Task: series of techniques closely allied with communicative curricula, Activity: anything that learns do in the classroom. Procedure: “the actual moment-to- moment techniques to operate teaching. .” (Richard and Rodgers, 2001) Practice, behavior, exercise, strategies and etc.
  • 29. 1.Warm-up: 2.setting: 3. Organizational: 4. Context explanation: 5. Role-play demonstration: 6. Dialogue / narrative presentation: 7. Dialogue/recitation: 8. Reading aloud ፡ 9. Checking: 10. Question-answer display: 11. Translation: 12. Copying: 13. Identification: 2.3.3. Controlled Techniques some of controlled techniques are:
  • 30. 2.3.3. Controlled Techniques 1. Warm-up: stimulated, relaxed, motivated, attentive, etc. 2. setting: focused on lesson topic .teacher directs attention to the topic evocation of the context. 3. Organizational: structuring of lesson/class activities 4. Context explanation: aspect of language like: grammatical, phonological, lexical , sociolinguistic, pragmatic, 5. Role-play demonstration: selecting students or teacher illustrate the procedure(s) to be applied in the lesson segment to follow. 6. Dialogue / narrative presentation: reading or listening passage presented for passive reception.
  • 31. 7. Dialogue/recitation: reciting prepared text, either in unison or individually. 8. Reading aloud ፡ reading directly from the given text. 9. Checking: teacher guiding the correction of students’ work, providing feedback. 10. Question-answer display: propping of students’ response by means of display questions. 11. Translation: students or teacher provision of L1 or L2 translation of given text. 12. Copying: students writing down text presented visual. 13. Identification: students producing and identifying a specific target from, function, definition , other lesson-related items.
  • 32. Generally, the distinction in b/n them :  Their r/n ship is hierarchical  Anthony (1963) an approach reflects a theoretical model or research paradigm. A method, is a set of procedures. A technique is a specific classroom activity Method consists approach, design, and is operation. Approach, defines those assumptions, beliefs, and theories about the nature of language and the nature of language learning. It is planning.
  • 33.  Approach is a level at which assumptions and beliefs about language and language learning.  Method is a level at which theory is put in to practice and at which choices are made about the particular skill to be taught, the content to be taught, and the order in which content will be presented.  techniques is a level at which class room procedures are described. approach method technique
  • 34. 3. Skill, competence and performance 3.1. Skill 3.1.1. Definition of skill In general sense, skill refers to the learned ability to carry out pre-determined results. Skill usually requires certain environmental stimuli and situations to assess the level of skill being shown and used. (Lackman ,2010) A skill is the ability to carry out a task with pre-determined results often within a given amount of time, energy, or both.
  • 35. 3.1.2. Skills in language There are four skills that we need for complete communication. The four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and grammar and vocabulary are sub skill. 1. Listening skill: Listening is an active process, as the mind actively engages in making meaning. It involves identifying the sounds of speech and processing them into words and sentences. It comprehension is the receptive skill. Listening means to understand what we hear.
  • 36. 2. Speaking Speaking is productive skill in oral delivery language through the mouth. It can also be planned and rehearsal as in the delivery of a speech or presentation. (Akamajian, Demers, Farmer, & HARNISH, 1990). Sub-speaking skills: responding to visual clues, role-play, conversation, word-games, story building, and problem solving, asking for and giving information etc. Littlewood (1981) define Speaking is probably the language skill that most language learners wish to perfect as soon as possible.
  • 37. 3. Reading Reading is the receptive skill and the process of looking at a series of (Aguilera & Filologia ,2012),  Some of the sub-skills in reading : Predicting, Skimming, Scanning, Questioning, Sequencing, Matching, Summarizing, refinement, creativity and critical analysis. 4.Writing Writing is the process of using symbols to communicate thoughts in a readable form. Writing is the productive skill in the written mode. Sub skills of writing are :Copying, Filling in the blanks, Parallel writing, Describing a picture or series of pictures, Sentence/paragraph completion, writing, Editing and drafting, Reacting
  • 38. Level Definition Basic Applies the fundamental skills Intermediate Applies some advanced skills that allow to adapt and meet some complex or non-routine situations Advanced Applies highly proficient and specialized skills that allow employee to function in situations that are varied, complex, and/or non-routine According to Boston Architectural College the above skills have a variation person to person so skills have leveled as follow:
  • 39. Generally , All four skills support each other since, they are interconnected therefore, cannot be taught independently Listening and reading both rely on input from an outside source and require knowledge of the language, background knowledge, and comprehension skills. The productive skills of writing and speaking are more complex as they necessitate taking knowledge of a language a step further to actually produce new language. All four skills facilitate language learning. Language learning is like learning swimming.
  • 40. 3.2.Competence. 3.2.1. Definition of competence Competency is The quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually.  Competence is as being the desired end state for individual performance (Teodorescu & Binder, 2004). According to American Heritage Dictionary (2006), the words competence and competency mean basically the same thing: Competence is: a. The state or quality of being adequately or well qualified; ability. b. A specific range of skill, knowledge, oral ability Competency is the quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually.
  • 41. 3.2.2. Language competence Language competence is includes the linguistics or grammatical , discourse , sociolinguistics competence and what might be called as textual competence. Language competence refers to the knowledge of a language, cognitive aspect in learning a language, and of course the ability to use that language to produce meaningful production and language performance. Competence is used to describe the learner´s capacity to produce a language. (Hemerka 2009)  Linguistic competence is concerned with knowledge of the language itself, its form and meaning.  Thus ,linguistic competence involves knowledge of spelling, pronunciation, vocabulary, word formation, grammatical structure, sentence structure, and linguistic semantics.
  • 42. language competence organizational competence textual competence grammatical competence pragmatic competence socio-linguistic Competence Illocutionary Competence Figure 2.Components of communicative language ability in communicative language use. From Bachman 1990 cited in Jordan (2004)
  • 43. Language Competence is composed of the following components: 1. Organizational Competence: a. Grammatical competence: knowledge of vocabulary, morphology, syntax, and phonology. b. Textual competence: knowledge of the conventions for joining utterances together to form a text, (Bachman, 1990). 2. Pragmatic competence:  deals with the speaker’s or writer’s ability to achieve his purpose through his utterances. Learners need to know the appropriate social conventions. Pragmatic competence is generally considered to involve two kinds of ability.
  • 44. a.Illocutionary competence: the ability to express and interpret the function performed in saying something. b. Socio-linguistic competence:  Sensitivity to, or control of, the conventions of language use that are determined by the features of the specific language use context;  It enables us to perform language functions in ways that are appropriate to that context.  Social knowledge is necessary to select the language. (Bachman 1990).
  • 45. 3. Strategic competence consists of three components: a. Assessment component:  enables us to identify the information needed for a communicative goal,  decide what resources to use,  evaluate our interlocutor, and the outcome. b. Planning component:  enables us to marshal the necessary items from language competence. c. Execution component:  draws on the relevant psychophysiological mechanisms to implement the plan.
  • 46. 3.3. Performance 3.3.1. Definition of performance Performance is the overtly observable and concrete manifestation or realization of competence. It is the actual doing of something: walking, singing, dancing, speaking. Performance is actual production (speaking, writing) or the comprehension (listening, reading) of linguistic events. (Brown, 2007)
  • 47. 3.3.2. Language performance Performance is “ the actual use of language in concrete situations” Noam Chomsky It is how a person actually uses his/her language. It is knowledge in producing and understanding utterances, including errors.. It can be realized by the meaningful of the students’ classroom activities, assignment and task as the implementation and application of language competence
  • 48. 3.4. The distinction between Competence and Performance Competence refers to one's underlying knowledge of a system, event, or fact. It is the non- observable ability to do something, to perform something. While Performance is the overtly observable and concrete manifestation or realization of competence. (Brown ,2007) Chomsky's point was that a theory of language had to be a theory of competence lest the linguist try in vain to categorize an infinite number of performance variables that are not reflective of the underlying linguistic ability of the speaker-hearer.
  • 49. Bachman’s : measures of performance do not necessarily reflect well-defined competencies. Language competence : includes the linguistics or grammatical competence, discourse competence, sociolinguistics competence and what might be called as textual competence .(Manitoba, 2009) Language performance : realized by ;  the meaningful of the students’ classroom activities, task as the implementation language competence they have as a result of learning the language grammatical rule, structure and vocabulary.
  • 50. The target of having language competence is to be able in producing the correct utterance, meaningful spoken language, and well-performance language structure. Competence is a person’s internalised knowledge of a language. It refers to the “ideal” speaker/hearer is a cognitive (mental) skill. Shortly, Competence is being ideal, is located a psychological or mental property while performance refers to an actual event.
  • 51. II. Conclusion  A good language teaching and learning arises from knowing the concepts: theory, hypothesis, approach, method, techniques, skill, competence, and performance.
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