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                                           A pool of spirulina in Bakel

A child in a state of malnutrition


1. ORGANIZATION UPON THE REQUEST ...................................................................................3
2. THE ORGANIZATION OVERVIEW.............................................................................................3
3. FRAMEWORK OF THE PLAN-THE LOCAL CONTEXT ............................................................3
4. THE MALNUTRITION .................................................................................................................4
5. THE SPIRULINA .........................................................................................................................5
6. THE FOOD TRADITIONS IN SENEGAL ..................................................................................10
7. THE ISSUES TO BE SOLVED..................................................................................................11
8. FINALITY...................................................................................................................................11
9. THE PURPOSES.......................................................................................................................11
10. THE KEY ACTIONS ................................................................................................................11
11. THE TARGETS .......................................................................................................................11
DIABAL VILLAGE.........................................................................................................................11
13. PROPOSITION........................................................................................................................16
14. ACTIONS.................................................................................................................................16
15. RESOURCES ..........................................................................................................................16
16. TIMETABLE ............................................................................................................................17
17. THE UNCONFIRMED PARTNERSHIP OF THE PLAN ..........................................................17
18. COMMUNICATION PLAN.......................................................................................................18
19. FINANCIAL PLAN FORECAST FOR THE FIRST YEAR OF RUNNING ...............................19
20. ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................................20
21. PERMANENCE OF THE ACTION ..........................................................................................20
22. THE OUTCOMES....................................................................................................................20
23. APPENDIX ..............................................................................................................................21

1. Organization upon the request

Association pour le Developpement de Diabal- Sénégal (Organization for the expansion of
Diabal- Senegal)
1 Rue Jean Allemagne
93110 Rosny Sous Bois - France
Tel : 0033668398639
E-mail :

2. The organization overview

       The Organization for the expansion of Diabal (Association pour le Développement de
Diabal) has been created to improve the way of living in relation with the Diabal population's
needs. This organization set up many plans in relation with suppling the village with drinking
water, the education of the young children, the health and the fight against starvation and
malnutrition, such as the creation of a farming cooperative and the development of the market
gardening in order to introduce fruits and vegetables in the diet, to prevent from some nutritional
deficiencies and to provide food and nutritional supply.
       Diabal is a small village located alongside the Senegal river of around 1000 inhabitants. It
is managed by a village's leader who is responsible to the county of N'Diawar and the area of
        The main activities consist in the survival on a daily basis : a basic farming system « daba »
style, a fishing system that is experiencing some difficulties because of the impoverishment in fish
and the livestock farming.
        It's essentially during the rainy season called « hivernage » that the « Diery » farming style
is possible, in contrast with the « walo » farming one used when the level of the river is falling
down. The workload is fairly shared out between men and women. Both of them take part in the
same stages of the production, processing and sales for the cereals and market gardening

3. Framework of the plan-The local context
        Diabal is a poor village that does not receive significant public grants. The population has
to organize on its own and people help each other to survive. By consequence, the need to
implement a farming cooperative in cooperation with the local residents was clearly defined. This
would help men and women to save on time, to devote themselves to others tasks, to save on
energy and money and buy farming equipment. The farming and market garden products that
need to be developped are as follows. : cereals (peanuts, corn, mil, rice), vegetables (tomatoes,
lettuce), fruits (passion fruits, bananas, mangos, guavas, coconuts), textile (cotton crop), livestock
farming (sheeps, cows, chickens, goats), milk. The running surface of the farm will reach 100 ha,
divided as follows : ½ dedicated to the cereal crop, ¼ to the fruits and vegetables, ¼ to the the
farming.      As    the     water    supply   and     the    health    centre    plans    are     over,59 , the economic development
plans such as the creation of a farm, a henhouse and the production of spirulina are very relevant.
Neverthless, we can notice a growing issue for the population to eat reasonably well, that means
with all the nutriments required to grow up well and to be in a good health condition. Because we
assist in a growing number of people in a state of malnutrition, we think that the development of a
plan for the production of spirulina is relevant. Indeed, the Diabal area enjoys a strong sunshine
period coupled with high temperatures and few rains (except during the rainy season); those
conditions are good arguments to develop a plan for the spirulina production.
4. The malnutrition
4.1 Definition :
      The malnutrition is a pathologic state due to a deficiency or an excess of one or more
nutriments (vitamins, minerals and aminos acids).
4.2the causes of malnutrition :
       An unusual dietary intake can come from a food taken in an inappropriate quantity
according to the need ( insufficient or excessive calorie intakes) or in a poor quality (fat excess).
Psychological and pathological reasons are the others explanations.
4.3 The consequences of malnutrition :
       The malnutrition may cause rickets, growing backwardness, a deficiency in the cognitive
functions, the weakenning of the immune system.
The lack of iron and anaemia is responsible for the growing backwardness, the long-term
deficiency in the intellectual development, the decrease in the diseases resistences and the
impairment of the reproduction functions. The deficiency in vitamins A can cause the blindness
and the death. The deficiency in iodine is the main cause for the mental backwardness and the
appearance of goitres.
       The impact is even more disatrous as the child is young because the organs, the bone
tissue, the brain are developping during the two first years of the life.
In the developping countries, the malnutrition causes obesity, diabete, high blood pressure...
4.4 The malnutrition in the world :
      The malnutrition affects 2 billons people worldwide, according to the international
organizations for the fight against starvation's sources.

       According to MSF, in 2009, one child died by malnutrition each 6 seconds, that means 5
millions during the year. (see fig 4 and 5 in the appendix 22.1 + map). The malnutrition affects
essentially the population living near the Pacific Ocean and in Asia. ¼ of the people suffering from
malnutrition are coming from the Subsaharian Africa, in particular in the eastern, the southern and
the central parts of Africa.
        Each year, almost 30 millions children living in developing countries are born with growing
troubles due to a lack of food during their mother's pregnancy.
        In addition, the fight against malnutrition is one of the 8 targets of the millenium for the
Development ( The target is to
reduce by half the number of people in a state of malnutrition between 1990 and 2015.
2       The malnutrition is the death cause for almost 1/3 of the 8 millions children aged 5 years
old or less.
        According to UNICEF, the malnutrition coupled with others diseases such as measles,
paludism, diarrhoea, pneumonia) kills 13 millions children per year, that means 36000 per day and
230 millions children are affected by malnutrition.

       4.6 The malnutrition in Senegal:

7      The malnutrition, and more specifically the rickets, reaches in Subsaharian Africa the rate
of 43%, which is the most important one. If we notice an important drop in Senegal, the situation
remains critical ; the malnutrition affects 25% of the population, the mortality rate for the children is
66% per 1000 (Unicef, WHO) and the the rate of the children in a state of overweight is 14% (13%
of the boys and 14% of the girls).
Neverthless, if we did not notice any situation of starvation in the latest years, the locusts
invasions destroyed the cereals crops, the fish became rare because of the intensive fishing into
the territorial waters, which caused a growing increase in the states of malnutrition.

To fight against this situation, it is important to highlight the wonderful job made by the
foundation « Education-Santé »(Education-Health) led by Mrs Viviane Wade.
According to her, an industrial production would be necessary to fight against malnutrition in an
effective manner. Our plan is a part of a complementary process.

Sources :
0 -§
5    §-
consequence-de-la-precarite.html Colloque « Nutrition et précarité » à Brest le 6 décembre 2007.
(Lutte contre la malnutrition infantile en Afrique Subsaharienne)
8 Page 52

       Fighting against malnutrition requires important means, taking into consideration the
specificities of each countries (culture, cooking traditions) but unfortunately the cultivable lands,
the fish resources are not sufficient and the meat is not affordable to the affected people. So, it is
interesting to look into complementary food products that improves effectively the health and the
calorie intake in proteins and amino acids and that are cheap to produce. The spirulina is one of
these complementary food products necessary to reduce the malnutrition worlwide.

5. The spirulina
      5.1 Definition of spirulina

        the spirulina (Cyanobactérie Arthrospira Platensis) is an alga found in the sixties in Chad
called spirulina platensis and in Mexico called spirulina maxima. It already existed more than 3
billions years ago and was born into the lakes and the ponds. The spirulina is known to be the
richer nutritive element of the land. It is also an excellent beta carotene source, 10 to 15 times
more than the quantity found into the carrots and a powerful antioxident that contributes to the
diabete treatment, the nervous breakdown and the cancer.

       The spirulina gives an unbeatable proportion according to the surface, the water and the
proteins : we need a surface of 1sqm and 2500 L of water to get 1kg of proteins when 200sqm
and 100000 L of water is necessary to get 1kg of proteins of animal origin. Because everybody
can not eat meat in a sufficient quantity and the siprulina is the most nutritious food, it is useful
and relevant to consider the spirulina development as a solution to take part into the fight against
malnutrition, especially in Africa. This will enable to fill in the deficiencies due to an unvaried and
incomplete diet. For example, 2g per day administered during 6 to 8 weeks is enough for a child to
be recovering from a state of malnutrition.

5.2 The benefits of the spirulina
        the spirulina is useful to strenghten the immune system, to develop the muscular strenght,
to eliminate the toxins, to stimulate the concentration, to reduce the stress, the tiredness and the
anaemia. The involved population are the children, the pregnant women, the elderly people, the
sportspeople and the ones experiencing a chronic disease.
        A spoonful of spirulina per day is enough to keep a child without food deficiency.
        The spirulina Platensis Spirulina is known, according to many studies, for its undeniable
efficiency on the proteino-énergetic malnutritionand the deficiency in Vitamin A.

5.3 The composition of the spirulina

5.4 The nutritional intakes of the spirulina
      Vitamins : A, E, D, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B12, K, PP.
      Minerals and trace elements: calcium, phosphorus, magnésium, iron, zinc, cuivre,
manganèse, chromium, sodium, potassium, selenium.
      The essential amino acids : all of them, such as : cystine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine,
methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophane et valine.
      The essential fattty acids - omega 3 and 6 : linoleic acid, linoleic gamma, in particular the
acid part called di homo linoleic gamma.

The nutritional benefits of the spirulina :
  * Calorie content : 370 kcal / 1569 kJ
  * Glucids : 13 g
  * Proteins: 67 g
  * Lipids: 1,9 g
  * Fibers : 0,9 g

       The spirulina contains up to 70% of proteins compared to soya (35 %), meat (22 %), eggs
(16 %); corn (9 %) : , minerals salts, trace elements and various vitamins. It contains 125 times
more proteins than corn, 100 times more than beef meat and 250 times more than rice and it
gives 45 times more iron than the spinach.
       The lipid rate in the spirulina is about 5 to 6% and 10g of spirulina contains 100mg of
calcium, 160mg of potassium, 460mg of manganese, 28% of selenium,1mg of folic acid and 15mg
of highly assimilated iron.
5.5 The conditions for the production of spirulina
5.5.1 The plot of land

The plot of land to welcome the spirulina farm must be flat, arranged far from the trees, the roads
but closed to a water and power spring.
5.5.2 the weather
       The ideal weather to develop the spirulina is an air temperature between 20 and 35°  C.
Below 20° and above 35° the spirulina stops its development. However, the creation of a
          C                C,
greenhouse can keep the heat and protect the pools from the rains and the insects.The pools will
be exposed in the shade.
5.5.3 The water
        The water that fills the pools can come from the rains or a river. The requirements are as
follows :
. To get 1kg of proteins: 2498 litres of brackish water are necessary.
. Optimum temperature : 25 to 38 °   C
. pH: 8,5 - 11
. Strong luminosity
. CO2, N, S, K, P, Ca, Fe, Mg,...
. Saltiness of the water 10g/litre

5.5.4 The pools
       The pools of spirulina, in wood or in plastic made, will be exposed in the shade, arranged
far from the trees, the roads and the contaminated environment. They have to reach 30 to 40 cm
from the bottom and have curved angles. In addition, the bottom has to be flat with a thin slope to
make the emptying easier.
       The surface of the pool must be rigid, for example, made with cinder blocks or with
       The pool will be covered by the branches of palm trees to protect it from the heat or in
plastic made to protect it from the rain, the dust, the cold, the water evaporation and the insects (a
mosquito net can be added).

5.5.5 The equipment required to produce spirulina :

. PE fim for greenhouse-0.2mm thick ( for an extensive pool)
. Containers , « Tupperware » style ( to test the dampness and store the biomass)
. Bowls ( preferably white) and one with straight edges
. Plastic bucket ( preferably a measuring and white one)
. Plastic broom
. Measuring jar, in plastic made, of1 litre
. Self adhesive labels
. Filter papers, « Mellita N° coffee filters » sty le
. Plastic funnel
. Plastic spade with straight edges
. Secchi
. Salt packets for 8 litres of water in the pool
. Water analysis kit « Merck » ( nitrate, sulfate, ammonium, calcium, hardness)
. Electronic scales 100 g (to 0,1 g) and 3 kg
. Little plastic bowls for the weighing
. Syringes, droppers
. Sink bottom in plastic made for the press
. Absorbent paper
. Thermometer (0 - 100° ), densimeter (1000 - 1050 g/l)
. PHmeter awith a a spare electrode
. pH 7 and 10 standard in capsules
. Digital hydrometer
. Spare batteries
. Trickle
. Compressor and pumps for fish tank
. Empty-cellar pump
. Plastic cans for the labo culture + a 40 watts bedside lamp
. Flexible pipe of 4mm for air + T shape + valves
. Flexible pipe of 10mm for pump
. Watering pipe with disposable hosepipe nozzle
. Programmer and multiplugs adaptor
. Pocket size meter rule
. Magnifying glass (x25) or microscope (x100)
. Artemias' eggs and mini fish tank to test the toxicity
. Filtering fabric of 30 µ in polyester
. Fabric of 315 µ in polyester
. Plastic grig for filtering containers
. Extruder
. Electric dryer or equipment to build a solar dryer (mosquito net, black plastic film, electric fan)
. Thermoscellables bags to pack up the spirulina
. Repairing kit for plastic cover
. Stalper and staples
. Basic tools such as saw, screwdriver, hammer, scissors, nails, screws
. Torch
. Spirulina original cell 100% in spiral or wavy
. Handbook about traditional farming ( floppy disk+book)
. Bicarbonate
. Cooking salt
. Urea
. Soluble nitrate
. Soluble phosphate
. Magnésium sulfate
. Potassium sulfate
. Soluble calcium salt or lime
. Trace-elements
. Ferfol or Fetrilon (fchelate iron) or citric acid or lemon juice
. Concentrated hydrochloric acid
. Caustic soda or caustic potash or sodium carbonate
. Drinking or filtered water

And the basic material ...
. Living spirulina flask
. A covered pool of 4sqm with 2 polyethylene foils of 0.2mm, 4 semi-circular frames, 3 bars of 4m,
planks or bricks for the building of low walls
. An electrical mini pump, fish tank style, 220V, 5to 7W ( turbulence and harvest)
. 1 000 litres of a part of a pool (water, fertilizers, inorganic mineral salts according to the formula)
. Some basic measuring devices: a Secchi disk, pH foil, a thermometer
. An equimpent for the harvest
. An extruder and removable turntables dryer
. A small air compressor, fish tank style (around. 5W)

5.5.6 The management and the organization of the farm
       The management of a farm requires a good organization. It is necessary to keep up to date
a data statement about the quantity and the quality of the cultures. Recruiting enough people to
follow the development of the spirulina culture is also essential; An instruction manual edited by
the organization « Antenna Techologies » is distributed and for their use. In addition, this
organization will supply a software for the management of the quality control statements..

5.5.7 How to produce spirulina?
       The Jourdan manual worker is a very useful support. The steps of a spirulina production
are the sowing, the harvest, the filtering, the pressing, the extrusion, the drying). The sowing
         Principle : In a pool, we make a sample of spirulina increase step by step. The sowing
process should take a few weeks. Then, when the biomass is enough developped, we collect by
filtrating with a cloth wringed by pressure. Then, the product is dryed and packaged in different
ways. The productivity can reach 4 to 5 g per day and by sqm and the reproduction rate can
increase by 20% per day.

       The sowing of a pool of 50sqm can take from 5 to 6 weeks from a sample of an
average 3 L.
       When we get a crop of an average 18cm of thickness in the permanent pool, with an
appropriate concentration (Secchi less than 3), we can start the harvest every day or every 2
       The pools are filled up to 18 or 20cm of drinkable water into which we add inputs in order to
maintain a suitable pH ( a basic one but less than 11) and to feed the crop. For that purpose, we
usually use sodium bicarbonate and urea (or nitrates).
The pool should be regulary waved by a paddle wheel, a brush, a landing net at least 4
times per day. The harvest
        The harvest should preferably be done in the morning and the products should be taken
directly. When we get a crop of 18 cm of thickness in the permanent pool with a suitable
concentration (Secchi less than 3), we can start the harvest every day or every 2 days. The
harvest includes 5 steps : The filtering, the extration, the pressing, the extrusion and the drying. The filtering
       The filtering consists in using a fitering pocket of cloth in nylon or polyester of 40 microns
that contains the crop. The sieve will hold back impurities while the bag will hold back the spirulina
that we will wring out by pressure. The pressing
       Once the pressing is done, the spirulina pocket is squashed to get the consistency of a
« fromage frais ». Without preserving process, the spirulina should be quickly eaten. The press
screw is a perfect tool to carry out this pressing process. Once squashed, the spirulina paste
contains 25% of dry materials. The extrusion
       the extrusion consists in forming with a «gun», «spaghettis» of spirulina divided up, for
example, on a plastic grid to make the drying easier.
Note : the «gun» can be, for example, the tool which is used to decorate the cakes. The drying
       the plastic grids are arranged into a wire and ventilated store, sheltered from the direct light
and the insects. The packaging and the preservation
       Then the dryed « spaghettis » are grounded and crushed ( with a coffee mil or with the
hand), packaged into little bags and stored into metallic boxes. Under these conditions, the
preservation lenght is an average of one year.

5.5.8 The recommendations required in relation with hygiene

- Equipment must be in plastic
- Gloves, masks and must be worn
-The air must be filtered
-The tools, the spirulina and the bags must be sterilized. Such precautions may appear out of
reach of the family and the traditional farmers but they must at least do their best to work as
cleanly as they can. The hygiene level to respect is similar to the one required for the cooking and
the family or community dishes in the area.
Some recommendations fo common sense to follow:
-To check if spirulina does not remain into the nooks of the work tools after the cleaning (for
example, on the edges of filtrating frames or into the extruders.
-To use white coloured ustensils (preferably)
-To prevent the remains of spirulina from putting on contact with the fresh biomass
-To prevent the ustensils from putting on contact with the ground or the cement that are germs
- Do never touch dry spirulina with the fingers without wearing gloves to avoid the contamination
by staphylococcus aureus
- To remove the rodents with the help of ultrasonic sound materials
- To cover the containers that contains biomass to prevent it from getting soiled

6. The food traditions in Senegal

6.1 Introduction
         We can find everything in Senegal (meat, fish, fruits, vegetables ans statches) but not
always affordable for everyone and in a sufficient quantity.Th poorest families only take one meal
per day in the afternoon or in the evening,
         The meal consists in one main course. The starter and the desseert don't exist and the
breakfast means a cup of coffee or tea with bread for the adults and baby cereals, «mil» based for
the children. The meat and the fish are grilled and the vegetables are stewed.
         Those same meals are taken whatever the social class.
6.2 The food ceremonial
       There is few food ceremonial but the population does not use any individual plate.
Everybody eats in the same dish with the right hand and takes the part of the dish put in front of
6.3 The food in the Senegalese diet
The starches : the most common starches are the rice and the mil. The wheat is imported
The oil :Peanut oil is used
The milk powder is imported
The Kub / Maggi : it is a seasonning product used to prepare sauces
The fruits :mangos, passion fuits, citrus fruits, bananas, guavas, the baobab fruits
The vegetables : carrots, cabbage, potatoes, bitter aubergine (diakhate), manioc, tomatoes, garlic,
onion, turnip, hot pepper, sorgho, gombo
The drinks : the mint tea, the bissap (the hibiscus flower), the coffee, fruits juices, the Bouy (drink
based on the baobab fruit)
The fishes : thiof (brown grouper), yété (nails). Very few shellfish
The meats : mutton, lamb, beef, chiken and goat are the most common
6.4 Some examples of the meals prepared by the senegalese population
Thié boudienne : grouper or dorade, yété (nails), vegetables (cabbage, carrots, pumpkins,
aubergines, manioc), hot pepper, garlic, pepper, other spices, tomato puree, rice
Chicken «Yassa» : chicken, lime, garlic, onion, hot pepper, salt, pepper, peanut oil,mustard, rice
Yassa with fish : same ingredients than the yassa with chicken but with fish instead of chicken
Mafé : onion, tomato puree, peanut batter, garlic, carrots, turnip, manioc, sweet potatos, meat
stock, lamb, salt, pepper, others spices, rice
Mboum : couscous based on mil
6.5 Introduction of the spirulina in the food tradition
Fresh or powder spirulina will be served in small quantity and should be added into the sauces,
mixed up the spices...

7. The issues to be solved
        How to reduce the recurrent states of malnutrition in the population? How to persuade the
population to develop the spirulina production as an activity that brings employments and profits?
How to provide a state of food autonomy and nutritional security?

8. Finality
. The participation to the fight against malnutrition

9. The purposes
. To provide a food autonomy
. To provide a nutritional security
. To fight against malnutrition

10. The key actions
. To inform and increase the population awareness of the benefits and the nutritive quality of the
. To train a team interested in the production of spirulina
. To develop an activity of production of spirulina
. To promote the actions and the results with regards to the production and the use of spirulina
. To develop an activity that generates incomes for the population

11. The targets
. The children
. The elderly
. The pregnant women
. The sick people

12. State of malnutrition and requirements in spirulina- The situation in Diabal village

12.1 Introduction
         The main factors of the states of malnutrition are the high price of the meat, the scarcity of
the fish and a poor purchasing power...The most serious cases affect the children.

12.2 The currently use of spirulina
        The population currently use spirulina but unfortunately, not enough to fill the needs of all
of them and, in particular, the children, the pregnant women and the elderly's needs.
        The current consumption is 75, 375g per day, that means 2261.25g per month and
involves 186 people (9% of the Diabal population) such as 123 adults (21 elderly persons and 102
pregnant women) and 63 children (15 from 0 to 2 years old, 37from 3 to 5 years old and 11 from 6
to 12 years old).

The dosage currently administered is as follows:
                                                 the children
         15 children aged 0 to 2 years old : ¼ of one tablet (0,125 g per day and per child)
         37 children aged 3 to 5 years old : ½ of one tablet ( 0,250 g per day and per child)
         11 children aged 6 to 12 years old : ½ comprimé, soit 0,250 gramme par jour et par enfant
        Total consumption: (15 x 0,125)+(37 x 0,250)+(11 x 0,250) = 13,875 g per day for 63

                                                 the adults
        21 elderly people : 1 comprimé, soit 0,500 gramme par jour et par adulte
        102 pregnant women : 1 comprimé, soit 0,500 gramme par jour et par adulte
        Total consumption : (21 x 0,500)+(102 x 0,500) = 61,5 g per day for 123 adults
                                    Daily consumption of spirulina
                      Daily consumption for children + Daily consumption for adults
                                         13,875 + 61,5 = 75,375

        The monthly consumption in theory is : 2261,25 g per month

        The currently monthly expenses dedicated to the purchase of spirulina reaches 90
to 100 euros. The spirulina is bought at the chemist's and sold in tablets or in bags. This expense
can not really be re-evaluated in a long term period.

12.3 The ideal consumption of spirulina
       It is necessary to administer at least 2g of spirulina per day to a child during 6 to 8
weeks to recover from a state of malnutrition. By consequence, the health center should
considerably increase its expenses to cure the children in an affective manner.
12.4 The ideal consumption, production and pool surface
        −    A pool of 50 sqm minimum is necessary to produce per sqm an average of 6 g per
day to get 9000 g per month.
        −    A pool of 40 sqm is necessary to produce an average of 8 g per day and per sqm to
get 9600 g per month
        −    A pool of 60 sqm is necessary to produce an average of 6 g per day and per sqm to
get 10800 g per month or 8 g per day to get 14400 g per month

Those hypothesis are the requirements to get the ideal dosage of 2 g per day and per child and to
get 1 g per day and per adult (1X123). That means 249 g per day or 7470 g per month. The
average production of spirulina per sqm is 5 to 10 g.
        the following dosage is also suitable : 1 g per day for a child or an adult. (1X63)+(1X123)
to get 186 g per day or 5580 g per month. This dosage could be administered in the first months
when the production will still be insufficient to avoid a too big taking difference compared to the
current administered dosage (from 0.125 to 0.250 g per day and per child).

12.5 Dosage and consumption simulation (in g)

Local requirements assessment                                   Dosage simulation

                                           Number DOS1 DOS2 DOS3 DOS4 DOS5 DOS6
Number of children 0 to 2 years old             15     0,13    0,5      1      2       2      1
Number of children 3 to 5 years old             37     0,25    0,5      1      2       2      1
Number of children 6 to 12years old             11     0,25    0,5      1      2       2      1
Number of children                              63

Number of pregnant women                      102      0,5     0,5      1      1      0,5    0,5
Number of elderly                             21       0,5     0,5      1      1      0,5    0,5
Number of adults                             123

Total number of beneficiaries                186

Daily consumption Children                           13,875   31,5     63     126    126     63
Daily consumption Adults                              61,5    61,5    123     123    61,5   61,5
Total daily consumption                              75,375    93     186     249    188    124,5

Monthly consumption Children                         416,25 945 1890 3780 3780 1890
Monthly consumption Adults                            1845 1845 3690 3690 1845 1845
Total monthly consumption                            2261,3 2790 5580 7470 5625 3735

Note :
.The Dosage1 corresponds to 4 times the one currently administered to the children and 2 times
the one administered to the adults. This dosage brings a signficant improvement without a sudden
change into the children's body due to a too high dosage compared to the one currently
.The Dosage4 corresponds to the dosage of 2 g per day and per child that makes it possible to
save a child in a state of malnutrition.
.The surface of the pool required to produce enough spirulina per month to fill the needs that
corresponds to the dosage 3 is 25 sqm. A production of 8 g per day and by sqm will give 6000 g
per month (25X8X30 days).
. The surface of the pool required to produce enough spirulina per month to fill the needs that
corresponds to Dosage 4 is 40 sqm. 8 g per day and per sqm will give 9600 g per month
(40X8X30 days)
The most appropriated surface that should enable to reach a financial balance is a pool of 60
sqm, with an average production of 6 to 8 g per day and per sqm.

12.6 Hypothesis of financial return

                                            Purchase costs
                   types of charges              position              60 50 25 40
                   permanent costs               Salary                200 200 200 200

                   TOT permanent costs                                 200 200 200 200

                   variable costs                inputs                50     40    20     30
                   variable costs                maintenance           25     20    10     15
                   variable costs                tools equipment       30     25
                   variable costs                packaging             35     25    15     20

                   TOT variable costs                                  140 110     45      65

                                                                       340 310 245 265
        Simplified chart of the cost price of spirulina according to the surface
        VC: Variable costs
        PC: Permanent Costs
        60, 50, 40, 25 : pool surface in sqm
        Charts in relation with the turnover and the profit of the sale of spirulina
        . Example : a pool of 50 sqm for an avergage production of 8 g per day and per sqm
gives 9000 g for 1 month.The production is sold in full.
        . The local consumption corresponds to the sale to the villagers according to the applied
dosage mentioned in the chart of the dosage simulation (see 12.5, line Total monthly
        . The external potential consumption corresponds to the sale of spirulina to people who
currently live outside the village.
        . The price for sale is for 1g and in euro.

 50     6                                                    DOS1       DOS2 DOS3 DOS4 DOS5                      DOS6
       9000     local consumption                            2261,25        2790    5580         7470     5625    3735
                Sale price                                      0,03        0,03    0,03        0,025    0,035    0,03
                local sales                                  67,838         83,7    167 186,8           196,9    112,1

                External potential consumption               6738,75        6210    3420        1530     3375     5265
                Sale price                                      0,05        0,05    0,06         0,1     0,05     0,05
                local sales                                  336,94      310,5      205         153     168,8    263,3

                Total sales                                  404,78     394,2      373     339,8        365,6    375,3
                Cost price                                    310        310       310      310          310      310
                gross profit                                 94,775     84,2       62,6    29,75        55,63    65,3

50      8                                              DOS1      DOS2 DOS3 DOS4 DOS5                DOS6
       12000     Local consumption                      2261,25     2790     5580    7470     5625     3735
                 Sale price                                0,03     0,03     0,03    0,02     0,03     0,03
                 local sales                            67,838      83,7     167 149,4      168,8    112,1

                 External potential consumption         9738,75     9210     6420    4530     6375     8265
                 Sale price                                0,05     0,05     0,05    0,05     0,05     0,05
                 External sales                         486,94    460,5      321 226,5      318,8    413,3

                 Total sales                           554,78     544,2     488     375,9   487,5    525,3
                 Cost price                             310        310      310      310     310      310
                 gross profit                          244,78     234,2     178     65,9    177,5    215,3

 60      6                                              DOS1      POS2 POS3 POS4 POS5                POS6
       10800     local consumption                      2261,25     2790    5580     7470    5625      3735
                 sale price per g                          0,03     0,03    0,03     0,03    0,03      0,03
                 local sales                            67,838      83,7     167 224,1      168,8    112,1

                 external potential consumption         8538,75     8010    5220     3330    5175      7065
                 sale price                                0,05     0,05    0,05     0,05    0,05      0,05
                 external sales                         426,94    400,5      261 166,5      258,8    353,3

                 Total sales                           494,78     484,2     428     390,6   427,5    465,3
                 Cost price                             340        340      340      340     340      340
                 Gross profit                          154,78     144,2     88,4    50,6    87,5     125,3

 60      8                                              DOS1      DOS2 DOS3 DOS4 DOS5                DOS6
       14400     local consumption                      2261,25     2790     5580    7470     5625     3735
                 sale price                                0,03     0,03     0,03    0,02     0,03     0,03
                 local sales                            67,838      83,7     167 149,4      168,8    112,1

                 external potential consumption        12138,75    11610     8820    6930     8775    10665
                 sale price                                0,05      0,05    0,05    0,05     0,05      0,05
                 external sales                         606,94    580,5      441 346,5      438,8    533,3

                 Total sales                           674,78     664,2     608     495,9   607,5    645,3
                 Cost price                             340        340      340      340     340      340
                 Gross profit                          334,78     324,2     268     155,9   267,5    305,3

        Comments :
        .The surface of 60 sqm is the ideal one because it enable to sell the production at a
reasonable price, for the local consumption as much as the external one.
        . The average production per sqm at 8g is relevant.
        . According to the hypothesis of a free distribution of spirulina to the villagers, a surface of
50 or 60 sqm with an average production of 8g per sqm and per day sold 5 euro cents per g on
DOS3 is relevant..
        . Nevertheless, we need to take into account the others results because according to the
need, the number of people in a state of malnutrition, the administered dosage will be different
and the quantity sold outside will be more important.

. Note : the salary (2400 euros), the inputs, the tools are financed the first year of running.
So, a saving of an average of 3780 euros is done. This sum might be dedicated to replace the
little tools, to enlarge the pools, to save the salary of the two employees for the year to come. By
consequence, a larger part for the profit..

12.7 The health centre's role
        It is important to notice that the health centre plays a key rôle in the mediation, the
information and the awareness of the parents and the children's teachers in the fight against
malnutrition and in the pomotion and the development of spirulina. Actually, the health centre
provides spirulina and advise the parents.
Note : the figures of the number of beneficiaries, the current consumption of spirulina and the
expenditures have been supplied by a head of the village's health centre.

13. Proposition
. To build a farm of spirulina
13.1 Envisaged functioning
The farm will be managed by 2 half-time salaried persons. The management will be completed by
voluntary persons.

14. Actions
. To inform and increase the population awareness of the benefits of the spirulina
. To train a team interested in the culture of spirulina
. To build a farm of spirulina
. To create activities for the development of the plan

15. Resources
15.1 The people involved in the plan

15.1.1 In France
. President of the Organization: Mr Baba M'BOOM M'BAYE
. Representative of this plan for Mauritania: Mr Seringe SY
. Nutritionnist : Mr Jérôme CARADEC
. Producer of spirulina: Mr Mathieu BELLES
. Leader of Promotion: Mr Bruno GARCIA
. Coordination assistants: Mrs Marie LECERF and Corinne LEVEQUE
. Communication : Mr Yann BEZZI
. Translation: Ms Christelle ABAUTRET
15.1.2 In Senegal and others
. The village officers
.The staff of the health centre (doctors, nurses, midwives)
.Research professor inMicrobiology at the University of Ngaoundéré in Cameroon: Mr
Mohammadou BOUBA ADJI
15.2 Material ressources
. Vehicles: cars, van
. Land
. Equipment necessary to build a spirulina farm (see p8, 5-5-5)

16. Timetable
From April to July
. Analysis of the spirulina (in tablet or in powder) coming from various parts of the world (ex :
China, Latin America..)
. Administrative approvals
From September to December 2011
. Fund raising and confirmation of the partners
      The funds will be called upon public and private organizations, chosen by their long term
committment and their humanitarian views.
From January to June 2012
. Information and awareness campaign to the Diabal population
       Considering the issues, the funds we will get and the enlisted responsibilities, it is important
to plan a period for the promotion of this plan among public and private partners based in Senegal
and will be led, in priority, by the officers of the village, the staff of the Health Centre and
the educational staff, before involving the population by the organization of meetings.
        Moreover, an experimentation period will be devoted to convince, by the practice, of the
benefits of the spirulina.
. Training for the leaders of the farm
       The training should be done by a leader of a spirulina farm located in Bakel (20 km far from
Diabal). He was trained at the CFPPA (vocational training centre for agricultural occupations) of
Hyères (France) and led a plan for the development of the spirulina since 2007. By consequence,
he gained the skills to pass the information. The staff of the Health centre will also be trained to
the nurses and the administration of spirulina to their patients, to the pregnant women and the
.The building of an experimental farm
       When the training is over and the first funds raised, we will start the building of an
experimental farm of spirulina.
September 2012
        If the experimental farm gives satisfaction in its first months of running, a bigger one will be
built (surface, number of employees, marketing). A management at a larger scale should enable
to lower the cost price.
From January 2013 ...
. Promotion of the plan
       Considering the issues, the funds we will get and the enlisted responsibilities, it is important
to plan a period for the promotion of this plan among public and private partners based in Senegal
and abroad.

17. The unconfirmed partnership of the plan
17.1 In France
. Antenna Technologie (donation of strain, technical support)
. TECHNAP (consulting, training and educational kit)
. Spirulina France (donation of strain)
. Laboratoire Bioreds (nutritional analysis)
. Spirulina Without Border (consulting)
. Engineers Without Border (technical support)
. Health Without Border (consulting, support)
. CFPPA (Vocational training centre for agricultural promotion) in Hyères (training)
. Aéro Bretagne Solidarité (support)

17.2 In Senegal
. The government in charge of health
. The Pasteur Institute in Dakar (nutritional and bacteriologic analysis of the spirulina)
. Foundation « Education – Health » (consulting, training, donation of stain)
. Région de Tambacounda (communication, institutional support)
. CEFP (Experimental centre for exchange and training practices) in Bakel (training, management)
. UPHORBAK (Organization of the horticulturists in Bakel) (Training)
. City of Diabal – Senegal
. Commune of Gabou contryside

18. Communication plan
Flyers, web pages..will be the main communication channels of this plan

19. Financial plan forecast for the first year of running
                       Expenditures                                      Products

Plane tickets for 3 personnes for 2 weeks        1800                    In France

Health costs (vaccination ...)                    150 IFREMER Brest                        100

Insurances                                        100 City of Brest                        300

Visas                                             100 Aéro Bretagne Solidarité             100

Administrative costs                              100 Conseil Général du Finistère         600

Participation in the costs of food                   50 Conseil Régional de Bretagne      1000

Tarpaulin for pool                               1000 Organization for the                2800
                                                      development of Diabal

Tarpaulin for greenhouse and mosquitos            500 Foundations                         4500

Tumble dryer                                      500                    In Sénégal

Water and spirulina tests                         450

Pressing shed                                     450 FSP Initiatives de                  7000

Paddle wheel + motor                              500 County of Tambacounda                150

Extrudeur                                         100 Community of Gabou contryside        150

Microscope                                        150 City of Diabal                       150

Building of 2 pools of 30 sqm = 60 sqm           6000 Foundation Education - Health        500

Inputs                                           1500 Health Without Border                250

Others (scale, PHMetre, thermometre,              400
bags for the packaging, cloth in polyester,
test tubes, syringes, droppers ...)
Computer                                          250

Training done in Senegal                         1000

Salary for 2 employees working in part time      2400
(200 x 12 months)for the first year
                     TOTAL                    17 500 €                TOTAL            17 500 €

Note : the budget for the 2nd year of running (salaries, inputs, cleaning, maintenance, equipment,
tools) is valued at around 4620 euros ; This sum is met by the sale of spirulina and the farming

20. Assessment
Target 1 : To inform and increase the population awareness
Quantitative assessment standard : number of meetings, number of participants
Qualitative assessment standard : population's support for the plan
Quantitative assessment tool: reports
Qualitative assessment tool: questionnaire, report meetings, number of participants
Target 2 : To train a team to produce spirulina
Quantitative assessment standard: number of trained people
Qualitative assessment standard : training's quality, involvement of the trained people
Quantitative assessment tool : attendance sheet
Qualitative assessment tool : training control comments
Target 3 : To develop an activity of spirulina production
Quantitative assessment standard: number of interventions, number of involved people
Qualitative assessment standard: quality of the spirulina
Quantitative assessment tool: comments, counts sheet
Qualitative assessment tool : quality control
Target 4 : To promote this action and the results of the plan
Quantitative assessment standard: number od interventions, number of involved people
Qualitative assessment standard : satisfaction level
Quantitative assessment tool: intervention control
Qualitative assessment tool : feedback quality, exchanges
Objectif 5 : To develop an activity that generate incomes
Quantitative assessment standard: quantity of sold spirulina
Qualitative assessment standard: quality of sold spirulina, profits
Quantitative assessment tool : stock report, balance sheet
Qualitative assessment tool : quality control, clients' satisfaction, results account

21. Permanence of the action
The villagers should produce spirulina independently

22. the outcomes
22.1 In a short term :(1 year)
- To provide a sufficient production to get the village's food autonomy
- To strenghten the training of the farm's leaders
- To develop a farm of spirulina culture at a larger scale.
22.2 In a mid term (2 years and more)
   − To create a training centre dedicated to the spirulina culture and more broadly, to the farm
       jobs. This should receive the support of a large number of people an promote this plan at a
       larger scale (See Fig.1, 2 et 3 in the appendix 20.1 + Maps.

23. Appendix

23.1 Maps


                  Fig.1 (General map)

               Fig. 2 (Administrative maps)

Fig.3 (Administrative map)

(Fig.4 Population affected by malnutrition worldwide)

Fig.5 (Population in a state of malnutrition worldwide)

Fig. 6 (Overview of the Diabal's surrounding)

Fig. 7 (Overview of Diabal village)

Fig. 8 (Overview of Diabal village and Diabal with outline of the cultivable land)

23.2 Videos

Production de spirulina dans l'Aude par Mathieu BELLES

Spirulina au Bénin

Culture familiale de spirulina

La spirulina au Burkina Faso

La spirulina avec Arte Mai 2005 et la spirulina

La spirulina : exemple de développement durable 1

Culture paysanne de spirulina

Rayons x, spirulina

La spirulina - notre avenir et l'agriculture durable

La spirulina du Docteur Marcus Rorher

23.3 Témoignage

                     « Je me dope à la spirulina » http://ggbi.courseà
Témoignage d’un coureur à pied recueilli sur Internet :
      Durant la course, Rudy me faisait part de l’importance capitale des protéines dans notre
régime alimentaire. Importantes, car elles servent à une bonne régénération musculaire d’après
course et bien sur aussi au développement de ces mêmes muscles.

      Pour un apport suffisant et pour éviter toute carence, ma solution c’est environ 10 grammes
de spirulina quotidiennement.

      Ce sujet reviens de temps en temps sur le forum et comme il est abordé souvent sur le
coté comprimé qui es un des conditionnement possible de cet aliment, certains donneurs de
leçons trouvent souvent la réponse choc au choix, « c’est le début du dopage » ou encore « si tu
as besoin de ce genre de complément alimentaire, c’est que tu ne te nourris pas correctement ».

      Même genre d’arguments d’ailleurs que l’on trouve aussi lorsque l’on parle de gel ou barres
énergétique que l’on peu consommer pendant une compétition.

       Là où je pense que ces gens se trompent, c’est dans l’approche même du produit. Il ne faut
pas voir la spirulina comme un médicament, ni comme un complément alimentaire, mais comme
un aliment tout simplement.

       La spirulina est une algue qui a deux particularités très intéressantes, contrairement a la
plupart des algues, elle n’est pas toxique et d’autre part, elle contient entre autre 60 à 70% de
protéines là ou la viande n’en contient qu’entre 20 et 30%. Elle a en plus d’autres atouts comme
une présence importante de fer et de vitamines diverses.
       Elle est donc une alliée importante pour les végétaliens, mais aussi pour les coureurs que
nous sommes.

       Autre argument choc, pour produire un kilo de protéine issue de la spirulina, il faut 200 fois
moins de surface de culture et 40 fois moins d’eau que pour la même quantité de protéine
animale. Là où 100 000 litres d’eau et 200 mètres carrés de terre sont nécessaires pour obtenir
ce kilo de protéine, seul un mètre carrés et 2 500 litres d’eau suffiront pour son équivalent en

       Alors, je suis toujours dans une logique de dopage ? Suis-je vraiment un déséquilibré
diététique qui règle ses problèmes a coup de compléments alimentaire ?

      Bien sur, il y a un hic, car tout ne peu pas être parfait. Cette algue ne peu se consommer
crue que près des lieux de production, car dans cet état elle ne se conserve que très peu de
temps. Alors à moins d’habiter au bord de la mer et proche d’une production, il faut la consommer

        Son second défaut est son goût. Beaucoup de gens ne trouvent pas cet aliment très
appétissant. Personnellement je trouve surtout qu’elle n’a pas de goût. C’est surtout sa couleur,
verte qui peu suggérer un mauvais goût. C’est pour cela que certains préfèrent la consommer
sous forme de gélules. Par contre sous ce conditionnement, elle coûte très cher (environ 250
euros le kilo contre 130 séchée sous forme de paillettes).
        Pour ma part, je l’achète directement à un producteur (voir son site sous forme de paillettes que je verse sur une tartine de miel.

Chaque matin, c’est environ 5 à 10 grammes que j’ingurgite ainsi. Sa couleur est tenace, il
m’arrive parfois d’en manger dans du fromage blanc. C’est la couleur verte qui subsiste, oublié le
blanc. C’est tellement tenace que lorsque je me lave les dents après en avoir mangé et après
mon verre de jus d’orange et mon thé, c’est toujours le vert qui reste lorsque je me rince la

      C’est son défaut, mais cela reste l’idéal pour avoir des quantités suffisantes de protéines
sans abuser de la viande. C’est d’une certaine manière écologique, car nous sommes de plus en
plus nombreux sur terre et il n’est pas possible de produire suffisamment de viande pour tous.

      D’ailleurs, au-delà de nos propres besoins, cette algue est aussi une solution pour les pays
en voie de développement qui regorgent d’habitant en sous alimentation. Non seulement cette
algue peu être produite en Afrique par exemple, mais elle ne coûte pas très cher à produire.

23.4 Websites

                                            Why the spirulina -
Usage particulier de la spirulina - Bonnes raisons de prendre de la spirulina - Le Técuitlatl, concentré de spirulinas
source de protéines chez les Aztèques - Spirulina pour tous

                                               Composition - Composition de la spirulina

                                        Manual worker of culture - Manuel de culture artisanale pour la
production de spirulina - Manuel de culture artisanale de spirulina - Manuel de culture artisanale de spirulina - La Spirulina pour Tous - Culture familiale - Livret Guide de production - Les cultures de spirulina - Module d'apprentissage pour la
production de spirulina - Module d'apprentissage - La spirulina - Comment produire la spirulina

                                                     27 - Cultiver la spirulina

                     Develop a project of spirulina - Methodology, Resources - Mener à bien un projet de spirulina

http://www.technap- - Partenaires
et Etapes d'un projet spirulina - Spirulina humanitaire en PVD (Pays
en Voie de Développement) - La spirulina pour un monde sans famine - La spirulina en voyage

                                                    Plans - Les projets de spirulina dans le monde - Projet de spirulina
au Sénégal -
Spirulina pour un village au Sénégal - Spirulina à Bakel (à 30 km de Diabal) - Antenna Technologies et les projets de
spirulina - Développement de la spirulina à Pondichery
en Inde - Spirulina au
Sahel - Codegaz et la spirulina - Projet de production et de
distribution de spirulina - Asso BANA du Bénin et le projet spirulina - Spirulina au Burkina Faso - Spirulina au Burkina
Faso - La spirulina, outil de santé - Projet Spirulina au Cambodge
                                                       28 - La
spirulina pour un monde sans famine - Des gâteaux verts très nutritifs
pourraient sauver des vies - Les fermes de spirulina du Burkina Faso - Projet humanitaire et multiculturel pour une spirulina naturelle et équitable
file/hyereslespalmiers/200668_nouvelles_bulletin_1532.pdf - Le ROTARY et la spirulina

                                                Malnutrition - La malnutrition : un massacre silencieux - La malnutrition : pourquoi la spirulina ? - Combattre la malnutrition - Malnutrition en Afrique - Malnutrition
dans le monde - La santé, la malnutrition - La malnutrition - Malnutrition
et Sida
FR&xx_mdr=&xx_trait= - La spirulina pour lutter contre la malnutrition - La spirulina, une aide contre la
malnutrition - Malnutrition Zéro

precarite.html - Estimations rendues publiques lors d'un colloque « Nutrition et précarité » à Brest
le 6 décembre 2007. (Lutte contre la malnutrition
infantile en Afrique Subsaharienne)

Organisations internationales oeuvrant pour la lutte contre la malnutrition
Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture - FAO

Fight against malnutrition from a treatment : a therapeutic food based on shea butter mixed up
with powder milk, vitamins and trace elements§§/fr/

                                                  Studies - La spirulina : études scientifiques sur l'homme - Recherches scientifiques et
spirulina - La spirulina - Bilan et perspectives :
thèse de doctorat en pharmacie - Spirulina : Bibliographie
générale - Spirulina : Bibliographie scientifique - FAO : Culture, production et usage de la
spirulina - Etudes sur la
phycocianine - Connaissances des bénéfices de la spirulina sur la
santé - Etudes scientifiques portant sur la spirulina - Utilisation et consommation de la spirulina au
Tchad - La spirulina peut-elle être un atout pour la santé
et le développement en Afrique ? - La spirulina
peut-elle être un atout pour la santé et le développement en Afrique ?, Synthèse
ka-de-luphorbak-a-bakel.html - Séminaire de formation sur la culture et la vulgarisation de
la spirulina




Madame Viviane WADE pour le développement de la spirulina

Une AMAP (Association pour le Maintien d'une Agriculture Paysanne) autour d'une ferme à

Marché des compléments alimentaires à Dakar

Les plantes pour guérir

Qualités thérapeutiques

Organisations internationales oeuvrant pour la lutte contre la malnutrition
Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture - FAO

Unicef Page 52

D'autres solutions de lutter contre la malnutrition ...
Une autre initiative, privée, pour régler le problème de la malnutrition avec 600 millions

Lutte contre la malnutrition à partir d'un traitement : un aliment thérapeutique à base de beurre de
cacahouète mélangé à du lait en poudre écrémé, des vitamines et des oligoéléments

Projets en Afrique

Produits de santé naturels

Année européenne du volontariat et du bénévolat


                                                                           pools .............................................7, 9, 16, 19
                                D                                          preservation ..................................................9
drying............................................................9        pressing ........................................................9
                                                                           production 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20,
                                E                                            25, 27, 28, 30
expansion .................................................1, 3            proteins.................................................5, 6, 7

farm ....................................3, 6, 8, 16, 17, 20
                                                                           sowing ..........................................................9
                                H                                          spirulina ... 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
                                                                             14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30,
harvest......................................................8, 9
                                                                             31, 32
health..........................3, 5, 12, 16, 18, 30, 32
                                                                           starvation's sources ......................................4
malnutrition .... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 16, 22,
                                                                           train.................................................11, 16, 20
 29, 30, 32
management.....................................8, 16, 17                                                  V
                                N                                          vitamins ..............................................4, 6, 30
nutritional security.......................................11                                             W
                                P                                          water.....................................3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
packaging .........................................9, 14, 19


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A spirulina development plan for diabal

  • 1. PLAN FOR THE CREATION OF AN ACTIVITY FOR THE EXPANSION, THE PRODUCTION AND THE PROMOTION OF SPIRULINA A pool of spirulina in Bakel A child in a state of malnutrition 1
  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. ORGANIZATION UPON THE REQUEST ...................................................................................3 2. THE ORGANIZATION OVERVIEW.............................................................................................3 3. FRAMEWORK OF THE PLAN-THE LOCAL CONTEXT ............................................................3 4. THE MALNUTRITION .................................................................................................................4 5. THE SPIRULINA .........................................................................................................................5 6. THE FOOD TRADITIONS IN SENEGAL ..................................................................................10 7. THE ISSUES TO BE SOLVED..................................................................................................11 8. FINALITY...................................................................................................................................11 9. THE PURPOSES.......................................................................................................................11 10. THE KEY ACTIONS ................................................................................................................11 11. THE TARGETS .......................................................................................................................11 12. STATE OF MALNUTRITION AND REQUIREMENTS IN SPIRULINA- THE SITUATION IN DIABAL VILLAGE.........................................................................................................................11 13. PROPOSITION........................................................................................................................16 14. ACTIONS.................................................................................................................................16 15. RESOURCES ..........................................................................................................................16 16. TIMETABLE ............................................................................................................................17 17. THE UNCONFIRMED PARTNERSHIP OF THE PLAN ..........................................................17 18. COMMUNICATION PLAN.......................................................................................................18 19. FINANCIAL PLAN FORECAST FOR THE FIRST YEAR OF RUNNING ...............................19 20. ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................................20 21. PERMANENCE OF THE ACTION ..........................................................................................20 22. THE OUTCOMES....................................................................................................................20 23. APPENDIX ..............................................................................................................................21 2
  • 3. 1. Organization upon the request Association pour le Developpement de Diabal- Sénégal (Organization for the expansion of Diabal- Senegal) Mr M’BOUM MBAYE BABA 1 Rue Jean Allemagne 93110 Rosny Sous Bois - France Tel : 0033668398639 E-mail : 2. The organization overview The Organization for the expansion of Diabal (Association pour le Développement de Diabal) has been created to improve the way of living in relation with the Diabal population's needs. This organization set up many plans in relation with suppling the village with drinking water, the education of the young children, the health and the fight against starvation and malnutrition, such as the creation of a farming cooperative and the development of the market gardening in order to introduce fruits and vegetables in the diet, to prevent from some nutritional deficiencies and to provide food and nutritional supply. Diabal is a small village located alongside the Senegal river of around 1000 inhabitants. It is managed by a village's leader who is responsible to the county of N'Diawar and the area of Bakel. The main activities consist in the survival on a daily basis : a basic farming system « daba » style, a fishing system that is experiencing some difficulties because of the impoverishment in fish and the livestock farming. It's essentially during the rainy season called « hivernage » that the « Diery » farming style is possible, in contrast with the « walo » farming one used when the level of the river is falling down. The workload is fairly shared out between men and women. Both of them take part in the same stages of the production, processing and sales for the cereals and market gardening products. 3. Framework of the plan-The local context Diabal is a poor village that does not receive significant public grants. The population has to organize on its own and people help each other to survive. By consequence, the need to implement a farming cooperative in cooperation with the local residents was clearly defined. This would help men and women to save on time, to devote themselves to others tasks, to save on energy and money and buy farming equipment. The farming and market garden products that need to be developped are as follows. : cereals (peanuts, corn, mil, rice), vegetables (tomatoes, lettuce), fruits (passion fruits, bananas, mangos, guavas, coconuts), textile (cotton crop), livestock farming (sheeps, cows, chickens, goats), milk. The running surface of the farm will reach 100 ha, divided as follows : ½ dedicated to the cereal crop, ¼ to the fruits and vegetables, ¼ to the the farming. As the water supply and the health centre plans are over,59 , the economic development plans such as the creation of a farm, a henhouse and the production of spirulina are very relevant. Neverthless, we can notice a growing issue for the population to eat reasonably well, that means with all the nutriments required to grow up well and to be in a good health condition. Because we assist in a growing number of people in a state of malnutrition, we think that the development of a plan for the production of spirulina is relevant. Indeed, the Diabal area enjoys a strong sunshine period coupled with high temperatures and few rains (except during the rainy season); those conditions are good arguments to develop a plan for the spirulina production. 3
  • 4. 4. The malnutrition 4.1 Definition : The malnutrition is a pathologic state due to a deficiency or an excess of one or more nutriments (vitamins, minerals and aminos acids). 4.2the causes of malnutrition : An unusual dietary intake can come from a food taken in an inappropriate quantity according to the need ( insufficient or excessive calorie intakes) or in a poor quality (fat excess). Psychological and pathological reasons are the others explanations. 4.3 The consequences of malnutrition : The malnutrition may cause rickets, growing backwardness, a deficiency in the cognitive functions, the weakenning of the immune system. The lack of iron and anaemia is responsible for the growing backwardness, the long-term deficiency in the intellectual development, the decrease in the diseases resistences and the impairment of the reproduction functions. The deficiency in vitamins A can cause the blindness and the death. The deficiency in iodine is the main cause for the mental backwardness and the appearance of goitres. The impact is even more disatrous as the child is young because the organs, the bone tissue, the brain are developping during the two first years of the life. In the developping countries, the malnutrition causes obesity, diabete, high blood pressure... 4.4 The malnutrition in the world : The malnutrition affects 2 billons people worldwide, according to the international organizations for the fight against starvation's sources. According to MSF, in 2009, one child died by malnutrition each 6 seconds, that means 5 millions during the year. (see fig 4 and 5 in the appendix 22.1 + map). The malnutrition affects essentially the population living near the Pacific Ocean and in Asia. ¼ of the people suffering from malnutrition are coming from the Subsaharian Africa, in particular in the eastern, the southern and the central parts of Africa. Each year, almost 30 millions children living in developing countries are born with growing troubles due to a lack of food during their mother's pregnancy. In addition, the fight against malnutrition is one of the 8 targets of the millenium for the Development ( The target is to reduce by half the number of people in a state of malnutrition between 1990 and 2015. 2 The malnutrition is the death cause for almost 1/3 of the 8 millions children aged 5 years old or less. According to UNICEF, the malnutrition coupled with others diseases such as measles, paludism, diarrhoea, pneumonia) kills 13 millions children per year, that means 36000 per day and 230 millions children are affected by malnutrition. 4.6 The malnutrition in Senegal: 7 The malnutrition, and more specifically the rickets, reaches in Subsaharian Africa the rate of 43%, which is the most important one. If we notice an important drop in Senegal, the situation remains critical ; the malnutrition affects 25% of the population, the mortality rate for the children is 66% per 1000 (Unicef, WHO) and the the rate of the children in a state of overweight is 14% (13% of the boys and 14% of the girls). Neverthless, if we did not notice any situation of starvation in the latest years, the locusts invasions destroyed the cereals crops, the fish became rare because of the intensive fishing into the territorial waters, which caused a growing increase in the states of malnutrition. 4
  • 5. To fight against this situation, it is important to highlight the wonderful job made by the foundation « Education-Santé »(Education-Health) led by Mrs Viviane Wade. According to her, an industrial production would be necessary to fight against malnutrition in an effective manner. Our plan is a part of a complementary process. Sources : 0 -§ 1 2§ 3§§.html 4 5§- consequence-de-la-precarite.html Colloque « Nutrition et précarité » à Brest le 6 décembre 2007. 6 Par-le-travail-sortir-la-femme-de-la-pauvrete_a21359.html 7 (Lutte contre la malnutrition infantile en Afrique Subsaharienne) 8 Page 52 9 Fighting against malnutrition requires important means, taking into consideration the specificities of each countries (culture, cooking traditions) but unfortunately the cultivable lands, the fish resources are not sufficient and the meat is not affordable to the affected people. So, it is interesting to look into complementary food products that improves effectively the health and the calorie intake in proteins and amino acids and that are cheap to produce. The spirulina is one of these complementary food products necessary to reduce the malnutrition worlwide. 5. The spirulina 5.1 Definition of spirulina the spirulina (Cyanobactérie Arthrospira Platensis) is an alga found in the sixties in Chad called spirulina platensis and in Mexico called spirulina maxima. It already existed more than 3 billions years ago and was born into the lakes and the ponds. The spirulina is known to be the richer nutritive element of the land. It is also an excellent beta carotene source, 10 to 15 times more than the quantity found into the carrots and a powerful antioxident that contributes to the diabete treatment, the nervous breakdown and the cancer. The spirulina gives an unbeatable proportion according to the surface, the water and the proteins : we need a surface of 1sqm and 2500 L of water to get 1kg of proteins when 200sqm and 100000 L of water is necessary to get 1kg of proteins of animal origin. Because everybody can not eat meat in a sufficient quantity and the siprulina is the most nutritious food, it is useful and relevant to consider the spirulina development as a solution to take part into the fight against malnutrition, especially in Africa. This will enable to fill in the deficiencies due to an unvaried and incomplete diet. For example, 2g per day administered during 6 to 8 weeks is enough for a child to be recovering from a state of malnutrition. 5
  • 6. 5.2 The benefits of the spirulina the spirulina is useful to strenghten the immune system, to develop the muscular strenght, to eliminate the toxins, to stimulate the concentration, to reduce the stress, the tiredness and the anaemia. The involved population are the children, the pregnant women, the elderly people, the sportspeople and the ones experiencing a chronic disease. A spoonful of spirulina per day is enough to keep a child without food deficiency. The spirulina Platensis Spirulina is known, according to many studies, for its undeniable efficiency on the proteino-énergetic malnutritionand the deficiency in Vitamin A. 5.3 The composition of the spirulina 5.4 The nutritional intakes of the spirulina Vitamins : A, E, D, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B12, K, PP. Minerals and trace elements: calcium, phosphorus, magnésium, iron, zinc, cuivre, manganèse, chromium, sodium, potassium, selenium. The essential amino acids : all of them, such as : cystine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophane et valine. The essential fattty acids - omega 3 and 6 : linoleic acid, linoleic gamma, in particular the acid part called di homo linoleic gamma. The nutritional benefits of the spirulina : * Calorie content : 370 kcal / 1569 kJ * Glucids : 13 g * Proteins: 67 g * Lipids: 1,9 g * Fibers : 0,9 g The spirulina contains up to 70% of proteins compared to soya (35 %), meat (22 %), eggs (16 %); corn (9 %) : , minerals salts, trace elements and various vitamins. It contains 125 times more proteins than corn, 100 times more than beef meat and 250 times more than rice and it gives 45 times more iron than the spinach. The lipid rate in the spirulina is about 5 to 6% and 10g of spirulina contains 100mg of calcium, 160mg of potassium, 460mg of manganese, 28% of selenium,1mg of folic acid and 15mg of highly assimilated iron. 5.5 The conditions for the production of spirulina 5.5.1 The plot of land The plot of land to welcome the spirulina farm must be flat, arranged far from the trees, the roads but closed to a water and power spring. 6
  • 7. 5.5.2 the weather The ideal weather to develop the spirulina is an air temperature between 20 and 35° C. Below 20° and above 35° the spirulina stops its development. However, the creation of a C C, greenhouse can keep the heat and protect the pools from the rains and the insects.The pools will be exposed in the shade. 5.5.3 The water The water that fills the pools can come from the rains or a river. The requirements are as follows : . To get 1kg of proteins: 2498 litres of brackish water are necessary. . Optimum temperature : 25 to 38 ° C . pH: 8,5 - 11 . Strong luminosity . CO2, N, S, K, P, Ca, Fe, Mg,... . Saltiness of the water 10g/litre 5.5.4 The pools The pools of spirulina, in wood or in plastic made, will be exposed in the shade, arranged far from the trees, the roads and the contaminated environment. They have to reach 30 to 40 cm from the bottom and have curved angles. In addition, the bottom has to be flat with a thin slope to make the emptying easier. The surface of the pool must be rigid, for example, made with cinder blocks or with bricks...). The pool will be covered by the branches of palm trees to protect it from the heat or in plastic made to protect it from the rain, the dust, the cold, the water evaporation and the insects (a mosquito net can be added). 5.5.5 The equipment required to produce spirulina : . PE fim for greenhouse-0.2mm thick ( for an extensive pool) . Containers , « Tupperware » style ( to test the dampness and store the biomass) . Bowls ( preferably white) and one with straight edges . Plastic bucket ( preferably a measuring and white one) . Plastic broom . Measuring jar, in plastic made, of1 litre . Self adhesive labels . Filter papers, « Mellita N° coffee filters » sty le 4 . Plastic funnel . Plastic spade with straight edges . Secchi . Salt packets for 8 litres of water in the pool . Water analysis kit « Merck » ( nitrate, sulfate, ammonium, calcium, hardness) . Electronic scales 100 g (to 0,1 g) and 3 kg . Little plastic bowls for the weighing . Syringes, droppers . Sink bottom in plastic made for the press . Absorbent paper . Thermometer (0 - 100° ), densimeter (1000 - 1050 g/l) C . PHmeter awith a a spare electrode . pH 7 and 10 standard in capsules . Digital hydrometer . Spare batteries . Trickle 7
  • 8. . Compressor and pumps for fish tank . Empty-cellar pump . Plastic cans for the labo culture + a 40 watts bedside lamp . Flexible pipe of 4mm for air + T shape + valves . Flexible pipe of 10mm for pump . Watering pipe with disposable hosepipe nozzle . Programmer and multiplugs adaptor . Pocket size meter rule . Magnifying glass (x25) or microscope (x100) . Artemias' eggs and mini fish tank to test the toxicity . Filtering fabric of 30 µ in polyester . Fabric of 315 µ in polyester . Plastic grig for filtering containers . Extruder . Electric dryer or equipment to build a solar dryer (mosquito net, black plastic film, electric fan) . Thermoscellables bags to pack up the spirulina . Repairing kit for plastic cover . Stalper and staples . Basic tools such as saw, screwdriver, hammer, scissors, nails, screws . Torch . Spirulina original cell 100% in spiral or wavy . Handbook about traditional farming ( floppy disk+book) . Bicarbonate . Cooking salt . Urea . Soluble nitrate . Soluble phosphate . Magnésium sulfate . Potassium sulfate . Soluble calcium salt or lime . Trace-elements . Ferfol or Fetrilon (fchelate iron) or citric acid or lemon juice . Concentrated hydrochloric acid . Caustic soda or caustic potash or sodium carbonate . Drinking or filtered water And the basic material ... . Living spirulina flask . A covered pool of 4sqm with 2 polyethylene foils of 0.2mm, 4 semi-circular frames, 3 bars of 4m, planks or bricks for the building of low walls . An electrical mini pump, fish tank style, 220V, 5to 7W ( turbulence and harvest) . 1 000 litres of a part of a pool (water, fertilizers, inorganic mineral salts according to the formula) . Some basic measuring devices: a Secchi disk, pH foil, a thermometer . An equimpent for the harvest . An extruder and removable turntables dryer . A small air compressor, fish tank style (around. 5W) 5.5.6 The management and the organization of the farm The management of a farm requires a good organization. It is necessary to keep up to date a data statement about the quantity and the quality of the cultures. Recruiting enough people to follow the development of the spirulina culture is also essential; An instruction manual edited by the organization « Antenna Techologies » is distributed and for their use. In addition, this organization will supply a software for the management of the quality control statements.. 8
  • 9. 5.5.7 How to produce spirulina? The Jourdan manual worker is a very useful support. The steps of a spirulina production are the sowing, the harvest, the filtering, the pressing, the extrusion, the drying). The sowing Principle : In a pool, we make a sample of spirulina increase step by step. The sowing process should take a few weeks. Then, when the biomass is enough developped, we collect by filtrating with a cloth wringed by pressure. Then, the product is dryed and packaged in different ways. The productivity can reach 4 to 5 g per day and by sqm and the reproduction rate can increase by 20% per day. The sowing of a pool of 50sqm can take from 5 to 6 weeks from a sample of an average 3 L. When we get a crop of an average 18cm of thickness in the permanent pool, with an appropriate concentration (Secchi less than 3), we can start the harvest every day or every 2 days. The pools are filled up to 18 or 20cm of drinkable water into which we add inputs in order to maintain a suitable pH ( a basic one but less than 11) and to feed the crop. For that purpose, we usually use sodium bicarbonate and urea (or nitrates). The pool should be regulary waved by a paddle wheel, a brush, a landing net at least 4 times per day. The harvest The harvest should preferably be done in the morning and the products should be taken directly. When we get a crop of 18 cm of thickness in the permanent pool with a suitable concentration (Secchi less than 3), we can start the harvest every day or every 2 days. The harvest includes 5 steps : The filtering, the extration, the pressing, the extrusion and the drying. The filtering The filtering consists in using a fitering pocket of cloth in nylon or polyester of 40 microns that contains the crop. The sieve will hold back impurities while the bag will hold back the spirulina that we will wring out by pressure. The pressing Once the pressing is done, the spirulina pocket is squashed to get the consistency of a « fromage frais ». Without preserving process, the spirulina should be quickly eaten. The press screw is a perfect tool to carry out this pressing process. Once squashed, the spirulina paste contains 25% of dry materials. The extrusion the extrusion consists in forming with a «gun», «spaghettis» of spirulina divided up, for example, on a plastic grid to make the drying easier. Note : the «gun» can be, for example, the tool which is used to decorate the cakes. The drying the plastic grids are arranged into a wire and ventilated store, sheltered from the direct light and the insects. The packaging and the preservation Then the dryed « spaghettis » are grounded and crushed ( with a coffee mil or with the hand), packaged into little bags and stored into metallic boxes. Under these conditions, the preservation lenght is an average of one year. 9
  • 10. 5.5.8 The recommendations required in relation with hygiene - Equipment must be in plastic - Gloves, masks and must be worn -The air must be filtered -The tools, the spirulina and the bags must be sterilized. Such precautions may appear out of reach of the family and the traditional farmers but they must at least do their best to work as cleanly as they can. The hygiene level to respect is similar to the one required for the cooking and the family or community dishes in the area. Some recommendations fo common sense to follow: -To check if spirulina does not remain into the nooks of the work tools after the cleaning (for example, on the edges of filtrating frames or into the extruders. -To use white coloured ustensils (preferably) -To prevent the remains of spirulina from putting on contact with the fresh biomass -To prevent the ustensils from putting on contact with the ground or the cement that are germs traps - Do never touch dry spirulina with the fingers without wearing gloves to avoid the contamination by staphylococcus aureus - To remove the rodents with the help of ultrasonic sound materials - To cover the containers that contains biomass to prevent it from getting soiled 6. The food traditions in Senegal 6.1 Introduction We can find everything in Senegal (meat, fish, fruits, vegetables ans statches) but not always affordable for everyone and in a sufficient quantity.Th poorest families only take one meal per day in the afternoon or in the evening, The meal consists in one main course. The starter and the desseert don't exist and the breakfast means a cup of coffee or tea with bread for the adults and baby cereals, «mil» based for the children. The meat and the fish are grilled and the vegetables are stewed. Those same meals are taken whatever the social class. 6.2 The food ceremonial There is few food ceremonial but the population does not use any individual plate. Everybody eats in the same dish with the right hand and takes the part of the dish put in front of them. 6.3 The food in the Senegalese diet The starches : the most common starches are the rice and the mil. The wheat is imported The oil :Peanut oil is used The milk powder is imported The Kub / Maggi : it is a seasonning product used to prepare sauces The fruits :mangos, passion fuits, citrus fruits, bananas, guavas, the baobab fruits The vegetables : carrots, cabbage, potatoes, bitter aubergine (diakhate), manioc, tomatoes, garlic, onion, turnip, hot pepper, sorgho, gombo The drinks : the mint tea, the bissap (the hibiscus flower), the coffee, fruits juices, the Bouy (drink based on the baobab fruit) The fishes : thiof (brown grouper), yété (nails). Very few shellfish The meats : mutton, lamb, beef, chiken and goat are the most common 6.4 Some examples of the meals prepared by the senegalese population Thié boudienne : grouper or dorade, yété (nails), vegetables (cabbage, carrots, pumpkins, aubergines, manioc), hot pepper, garlic, pepper, other spices, tomato puree, rice Chicken «Yassa» : chicken, lime, garlic, onion, hot pepper, salt, pepper, peanut oil,mustard, rice 10
  • 11. Yassa with fish : same ingredients than the yassa with chicken but with fish instead of chicken Mafé : onion, tomato puree, peanut batter, garlic, carrots, turnip, manioc, sweet potatos, meat stock, lamb, salt, pepper, others spices, rice Mboum : couscous based on mil 6.5 Introduction of the spirulina in the food tradition Fresh or powder spirulina will be served in small quantity and should be added into the sauces, mixed up the spices... 7. The issues to be solved How to reduce the recurrent states of malnutrition in the population? How to persuade the population to develop the spirulina production as an activity that brings employments and profits? How to provide a state of food autonomy and nutritional security? 8. Finality . The participation to the fight against malnutrition 9. The purposes . To provide a food autonomy . To provide a nutritional security . To fight against malnutrition 10. The key actions . To inform and increase the population awareness of the benefits and the nutritive quality of the spirulina . To train a team interested in the production of spirulina . To develop an activity of production of spirulina . To promote the actions and the results with regards to the production and the use of spirulina . To develop an activity that generates incomes for the population 11. The targets . The children . The elderly . The pregnant women . The sick people 12. State of malnutrition and requirements in spirulina- The situation in Diabal village 12.1 Introduction The main factors of the states of malnutrition are the high price of the meat, the scarcity of the fish and a poor purchasing power...The most serious cases affect the children. 12.2 The currently use of spirulina The population currently use spirulina but unfortunately, not enough to fill the needs of all of them and, in particular, the children, the pregnant women and the elderly's needs. The current consumption is 75, 375g per day, that means 2261.25g per month and involves 186 people (9% of the Diabal population) such as 123 adults (21 elderly persons and 102 pregnant women) and 63 children (15 from 0 to 2 years old, 37from 3 to 5 years old and 11 from 6 to 12 years old). 11
  • 12. The dosage currently administered is as follows: the children 15 children aged 0 to 2 years old : ¼ of one tablet (0,125 g per day and per child) 37 children aged 3 to 5 years old : ½ of one tablet ( 0,250 g per day and per child) 11 children aged 6 to 12 years old : ½ comprimé, soit 0,250 gramme par jour et par enfant Total consumption: (15 x 0,125)+(37 x 0,250)+(11 x 0,250) = 13,875 g per day for 63 children the adults 21 elderly people : 1 comprimé, soit 0,500 gramme par jour et par adulte 102 pregnant women : 1 comprimé, soit 0,500 gramme par jour et par adulte Total consumption : (21 x 0,500)+(102 x 0,500) = 61,5 g per day for 123 adults Daily consumption of spirulina Daily consumption for children + Daily consumption for adults 13,875 + 61,5 = 75,375 The monthly consumption in theory is : 2261,25 g per month The currently monthly expenses dedicated to the purchase of spirulina reaches 90 to 100 euros. The spirulina is bought at the chemist's and sold in tablets or in bags. This expense can not really be re-evaluated in a long term period. 12.3 The ideal consumption of spirulina It is necessary to administer at least 2g of spirulina per day to a child during 6 to 8 weeks to recover from a state of malnutrition. By consequence, the health center should considerably increase its expenses to cure the children in an affective manner. 12.4 The ideal consumption, production and pool surface − A pool of 50 sqm minimum is necessary to produce per sqm an average of 6 g per day to get 9000 g per month. − A pool of 40 sqm is necessary to produce an average of 8 g per day and per sqm to get 9600 g per month − A pool of 60 sqm is necessary to produce an average of 6 g per day and per sqm to get 10800 g per month or 8 g per day to get 14400 g per month Those hypothesis are the requirements to get the ideal dosage of 2 g per day and per child and to get 1 g per day and per adult (1X123). That means 249 g per day or 7470 g per month. The average production of spirulina per sqm is 5 to 10 g. the following dosage is also suitable : 1 g per day for a child or an adult. (1X63)+(1X123) to get 186 g per day or 5580 g per month. This dosage could be administered in the first months when the production will still be insufficient to avoid a too big taking difference compared to the current administered dosage (from 0.125 to 0.250 g per day and per child). 12
  • 13. 12.5 Dosage and consumption simulation (in g) Local requirements assessment Dosage simulation Number DOS1 DOS2 DOS3 DOS4 DOS5 DOS6 Number of children 0 to 2 years old 15 0,13 0,5 1 2 2 1 Number of children 3 to 5 years old 37 0,25 0,5 1 2 2 1 Number of children 6 to 12years old 11 0,25 0,5 1 2 2 1 Number of children 63 Number of pregnant women 102 0,5 0,5 1 1 0,5 0,5 Number of elderly 21 0,5 0,5 1 1 0,5 0,5 Number of adults 123 Total number of beneficiaries 186 Daily consumption Children 13,875 31,5 63 126 126 63 Daily consumption Adults 61,5 61,5 123 123 61,5 61,5 Total daily consumption 75,375 93 186 249 188 124,5 Monthly consumption Children 416,25 945 1890 3780 3780 1890 Monthly consumption Adults 1845 1845 3690 3690 1845 1845 Total monthly consumption 2261,3 2790 5580 7470 5625 3735 Note : .The Dosage1 corresponds to 4 times the one currently administered to the children and 2 times the one administered to the adults. This dosage brings a signficant improvement without a sudden change into the children's body due to a too high dosage compared to the one currently administered. .The Dosage4 corresponds to the dosage of 2 g per day and per child that makes it possible to save a child in a state of malnutrition. .The surface of the pool required to produce enough spirulina per month to fill the needs that corresponds to the dosage 3 is 25 sqm. A production of 8 g per day and by sqm will give 6000 g per month (25X8X30 days). . The surface of the pool required to produce enough spirulina per month to fill the needs that corresponds to Dosage 4 is 40 sqm. 8 g per day and per sqm will give 9600 g per month (40X8X30 days) The most appropriated surface that should enable to reach a financial balance is a pool of 60 sqm, with an average production of 6 to 8 g per day and per sqm. 13
  • 14. 12.6 Hypothesis of financial return Purchase costs types of charges position 60 50 25 40 permanent costs Salary 200 200 200 200 TOT permanent costs 200 200 200 200 variable costs inputs 50 40 20 30 variable costs maintenance 25 20 10 15 variable costs tools equipment 30 25 variable costs packaging 35 25 15 20 TOT variable costs 140 110 45 65 TOTAL 340 310 245 265 Simplified chart of the cost price of spirulina according to the surface VC: Variable costs PC: Permanent Costs 60, 50, 40, 25 : pool surface in sqm Charts in relation with the turnover and the profit of the sale of spirulina . Example : a pool of 50 sqm for an avergage production of 8 g per day and per sqm gives 9000 g for 1 month.The production is sold in full. . The local consumption corresponds to the sale to the villagers according to the applied dosage mentioned in the chart of the dosage simulation (see 12.5, line Total monthly consumption.DOS=Dosage) . The external potential consumption corresponds to the sale of spirulina to people who currently live outside the village. . The price for sale is for 1g and in euro. 50 6 DOS1 DOS2 DOS3 DOS4 DOS5 DOS6 9000 local consumption 2261,25 2790 5580 7470 5625 3735 Sale price 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,025 0,035 0,03 local sales 67,838 83,7 167 186,8 196,9 112,1 External potential consumption 6738,75 6210 3420 1530 3375 5265 Sale price 0,05 0,05 0,06 0,1 0,05 0,05 local sales 336,94 310,5 205 153 168,8 263,3 Total sales 404,78 394,2 373 339,8 365,6 375,3 Cost price 310 310 310 310 310 310 gross profit 94,775 84,2 62,6 29,75 55,63 65,3 14
  • 15. 50 8 DOS1 DOS2 DOS3 DOS4 DOS5 DOS6 12000 Local consumption 2261,25 2790 5580 7470 5625 3735 Sale price 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,02 0,03 0,03 local sales 67,838 83,7 167 149,4 168,8 112,1 External potential consumption 9738,75 9210 6420 4530 6375 8265 Sale price 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 External sales 486,94 460,5 321 226,5 318,8 413,3 Total sales 554,78 544,2 488 375,9 487,5 525,3 Cost price 310 310 310 310 310 310 gross profit 244,78 234,2 178 65,9 177,5 215,3 60 6 DOS1 POS2 POS3 POS4 POS5 POS6 10800 local consumption 2261,25 2790 5580 7470 5625 3735 sale price per g 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 local sales 67,838 83,7 167 224,1 168,8 112,1 external potential consumption 8538,75 8010 5220 3330 5175 7065 sale price 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 external sales 426,94 400,5 261 166,5 258,8 353,3 Total sales 494,78 484,2 428 390,6 427,5 465,3 Cost price 340 340 340 340 340 340 Gross profit 154,78 144,2 88,4 50,6 87,5 125,3 60 8 DOS1 DOS2 DOS3 DOS4 DOS5 DOS6 14400 local consumption 2261,25 2790 5580 7470 5625 3735 sale price 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,02 0,03 0,03 local sales 67,838 83,7 167 149,4 168,8 112,1 external potential consumption 12138,75 11610 8820 6930 8775 10665 sale price 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 external sales 606,94 580,5 441 346,5 438,8 533,3 Total sales 674,78 664,2 608 495,9 607,5 645,3 Cost price 340 340 340 340 340 340 Gross profit 334,78 324,2 268 155,9 267,5 305,3 Comments : .The surface of 60 sqm is the ideal one because it enable to sell the production at a reasonable price, for the local consumption as much as the external one. . The average production per sqm at 8g is relevant. . According to the hypothesis of a free distribution of spirulina to the villagers, a surface of 50 or 60 sqm with an average production of 8g per sqm and per day sold 5 euro cents per g on DOS3 is relevant.. . Nevertheless, we need to take into account the others results because according to the need, the number of people in a state of malnutrition, the administered dosage will be different and the quantity sold outside will be more important. 15
  • 16. . Note : the salary (2400 euros), the inputs, the tools are financed the first year of running. So, a saving of an average of 3780 euros is done. This sum might be dedicated to replace the little tools, to enlarge the pools, to save the salary of the two employees for the year to come. By consequence, a larger part for the profit.. 12.7 The health centre's role It is important to notice that the health centre plays a key rôle in the mediation, the information and the awareness of the parents and the children's teachers in the fight against malnutrition and in the pomotion and the development of spirulina. Actually, the health centre provides spirulina and advise the parents. Note : the figures of the number of beneficiaries, the current consumption of spirulina and the expenditures have been supplied by a head of the village's health centre. 13. Proposition . To build a farm of spirulina 13.1 Envisaged functioning The farm will be managed by 2 half-time salaried persons. The management will be completed by voluntary persons. 14. Actions . To inform and increase the population awareness of the benefits of the spirulina . To train a team interested in the culture of spirulina . To build a farm of spirulina . To create activities for the development of the plan 15. Resources 15.1 The people involved in the plan 15.1.1 In France . President of the Organization: Mr Baba M'BOOM M'BAYE . Representative of this plan for Mauritania: Mr Seringe SY . Nutritionnist : Mr Jérôme CARADEC . Producer of spirulina: Mr Mathieu BELLES . Leader of Promotion: Mr Bruno GARCIA . Coordination assistants: Mrs Marie LECERF and Corinne LEVEQUE . Communication : Mr Yann BEZZI . Translation: Ms Christelle ABAUTRET 15.1.2 In Senegal and others . The village officers .The staff of the health centre (doctors, nurses, midwives) .Research professor inMicrobiology at the University of Ngaoundéré in Cameroon: Mr Mohammadou BOUBA ADJI 15.2 Material ressources . Vehicles: cars, van . Land . Equipment necessary to build a spirulina farm (see p8, 5-5-5) 16
  • 17. 16. Timetable From April to July . Analysis of the spirulina (in tablet or in powder) coming from various parts of the world (ex : China, Latin America..) . Administrative approvals From September to December 2011 . Fund raising and confirmation of the partners The funds will be called upon public and private organizations, chosen by their long term committment and their humanitarian views. From January to June 2012 . Information and awareness campaign to the Diabal population Considering the issues, the funds we will get and the enlisted responsibilities, it is important to plan a period for the promotion of this plan among public and private partners based in Senegal and will be led, in priority, by the officers of the village, the staff of the Health Centre and the educational staff, before involving the population by the organization of meetings. Moreover, an experimentation period will be devoted to convince, by the practice, of the benefits of the spirulina. . Training for the leaders of the farm The training should be done by a leader of a spirulina farm located in Bakel (20 km far from Diabal). He was trained at the CFPPA (vocational training centre for agricultural occupations) of Hyères (France) and led a plan for the development of the spirulina since 2007. By consequence, he gained the skills to pass the information. The staff of the Health centre will also be trained to the nurses and the administration of spirulina to their patients, to the pregnant women and the children. .The building of an experimental farm When the training is over and the first funds raised, we will start the building of an experimental farm of spirulina. September 2012 If the experimental farm gives satisfaction in its first months of running, a bigger one will be built (surface, number of employees, marketing). A management at a larger scale should enable to lower the cost price. From January 2013 ... . Promotion of the plan Considering the issues, the funds we will get and the enlisted responsibilities, it is important to plan a period for the promotion of this plan among public and private partners based in Senegal and abroad. 17. The unconfirmed partnership of the plan 17.1 In France . Antenna Technologie (donation of strain, technical support) . TECHNAP (consulting, training and educational kit) . Spirulina France (donation of strain) . Laboratoire Bioreds (nutritional analysis) . Spirulina Without Border (consulting) . Engineers Without Border (technical support) . Health Without Border (consulting, support) . CFPPA (Vocational training centre for agricultural promotion) in Hyères (training) . Aéro Bretagne Solidarité (support) 17
  • 18. 17.2 In Senegal . The government in charge of health . The Pasteur Institute in Dakar (nutritional and bacteriologic analysis of the spirulina) . Foundation « Education – Health » (consulting, training, donation of stain) . Région de Tambacounda (communication, institutional support) . CEFP (Experimental centre for exchange and training practices) in Bakel (training, management) . UPHORBAK (Organization of the horticulturists in Bakel) (Training) . City of Diabal – Senegal . Commune of Gabou contryside 18. Communication plan Flyers, web pages..will be the main communication channels of this plan 18
  • 19. 19. Financial plan forecast for the first year of running Expenditures Products Plane tickets for 3 personnes for 2 weeks 1800 In France Health costs (vaccination ...) 150 IFREMER Brest 100 Insurances 100 City of Brest 300 Visas 100 Aéro Bretagne Solidarité 100 Administrative costs 100 Conseil Général du Finistère 600 Participation in the costs of food 50 Conseil Régional de Bretagne 1000 Tarpaulin for pool 1000 Organization for the 2800 development of Diabal Tarpaulin for greenhouse and mosquitos 500 Foundations 4500 nets Tumble dryer 500 In Sénégal Water and spirulina tests 450 Pressing shed 450 FSP Initiatives de 7000 Codéveloppement Paddle wheel + motor 500 County of Tambacounda 150 Extrudeur 100 Community of Gabou contryside 150 Microscope 150 City of Diabal 150 Building of 2 pools of 30 sqm = 60 sqm 6000 Foundation Education - Health 500 Inputs 1500 Health Without Border 250 Others (scale, PHMetre, thermometre, 400 bags for the packaging, cloth in polyester, test tubes, syringes, droppers ...) Computer 250 Training done in Senegal 1000 Salary for 2 employees working in part time 2400 (200 x 12 months)for the first year TOTAL 17 500 € TOTAL 17 500 € 19
  • 20. Note : the budget for the 2nd year of running (salaries, inputs, cleaning, maintenance, equipment, tools) is valued at around 4620 euros ; This sum is met by the sale of spirulina and the farming incomes. 20. Assessment Target 1 : To inform and increase the population awareness Quantitative assessment standard : number of meetings, number of participants Qualitative assessment standard : population's support for the plan Quantitative assessment tool: reports Qualitative assessment tool: questionnaire, report meetings, number of participants Target 2 : To train a team to produce spirulina Quantitative assessment standard: number of trained people Qualitative assessment standard : training's quality, involvement of the trained people Quantitative assessment tool : attendance sheet Qualitative assessment tool : training control comments Target 3 : To develop an activity of spirulina production Quantitative assessment standard: number of interventions, number of involved people Qualitative assessment standard: quality of the spirulina Quantitative assessment tool: comments, counts sheet Qualitative assessment tool : quality control Target 4 : To promote this action and the results of the plan Quantitative assessment standard: number od interventions, number of involved people Qualitative assessment standard : satisfaction level Quantitative assessment tool: intervention control Qualitative assessment tool : feedback quality, exchanges Objectif 5 : To develop an activity that generate incomes Quantitative assessment standard: quantity of sold spirulina Qualitative assessment standard: quality of sold spirulina, profits Quantitative assessment tool : stock report, balance sheet Qualitative assessment tool : quality control, clients' satisfaction, results account 21. Permanence of the action The villagers should produce spirulina independently 22. the outcomes 22.1 In a short term :(1 year) - To provide a sufficient production to get the village's food autonomy - To strenghten the training of the farm's leaders - To develop a farm of spirulina culture at a larger scale. 22.2 In a mid term (2 years and more) − To create a training centre dedicated to the spirulina culture and more broadly, to the farm jobs. This should receive the support of a large number of people an promote this plan at a larger scale (See Fig.1, 2 et 3 in the appendix 20.1 + Maps. 20
  • 21. 23. Appendix 23.1 Maps Diabal Fig.1 (General map) Fig. 2 (Administrative maps) 21
  • 22. Fig.3 (Administrative map) (Fig.4 Population affected by malnutrition worldwide) Fig.5 (Population in a state of malnutrition worldwide) 22
  • 23. Fig. 6 (Overview of the Diabal's surrounding) Fig. 7 (Overview of Diabal village) Fig. 8 (Overview of Diabal village and Diabal with outline of the cultivable land) 23
  • 24. 23.2 Videos Production de spirulina dans l'Aude par Mathieu BELLES Spirulina au Bénin Culture familiale de spirulina La spirulina au Burkina Faso La spirulina avec Arte Mai 2005 et la spirulina La spirulina : exemple de développement durable 1 Culture paysanne de spirulina Rayons x, spirulina La spirulina - notre avenir et l'agriculture durable La spirulina du Docteur Marcus Rorher 24
  • 25. 23.3 Témoignage « Je me dope à la spirulina » http://ggbi.courseà Témoignage d’un coureur à pied recueilli sur Internet : Durant la course, Rudy me faisait part de l’importance capitale des protéines dans notre régime alimentaire. Importantes, car elles servent à une bonne régénération musculaire d’après course et bien sur aussi au développement de ces mêmes muscles. Pour un apport suffisant et pour éviter toute carence, ma solution c’est environ 10 grammes de spirulina quotidiennement. Ce sujet reviens de temps en temps sur le forum et comme il est abordé souvent sur le coté comprimé qui es un des conditionnement possible de cet aliment, certains donneurs de leçons trouvent souvent la réponse choc au choix, « c’est le début du dopage » ou encore « si tu as besoin de ce genre de complément alimentaire, c’est que tu ne te nourris pas correctement ». Même genre d’arguments d’ailleurs que l’on trouve aussi lorsque l’on parle de gel ou barres énergétique que l’on peu consommer pendant une compétition. Là où je pense que ces gens se trompent, c’est dans l’approche même du produit. Il ne faut pas voir la spirulina comme un médicament, ni comme un complément alimentaire, mais comme un aliment tout simplement. La spirulina est une algue qui a deux particularités très intéressantes, contrairement a la plupart des algues, elle n’est pas toxique et d’autre part, elle contient entre autre 60 à 70% de protéines là ou la viande n’en contient qu’entre 20 et 30%. Elle a en plus d’autres atouts comme une présence importante de fer et de vitamines diverses. Elle est donc une alliée importante pour les végétaliens, mais aussi pour les coureurs que nous sommes. Autre argument choc, pour produire un kilo de protéine issue de la spirulina, il faut 200 fois moins de surface de culture et 40 fois moins d’eau que pour la même quantité de protéine animale. Là où 100 000 litres d’eau et 200 mètres carrés de terre sont nécessaires pour obtenir ce kilo de protéine, seul un mètre carrés et 2 500 litres d’eau suffiront pour son équivalent en algue. Alors, je suis toujours dans une logique de dopage ? Suis-je vraiment un déséquilibré diététique qui règle ses problèmes a coup de compléments alimentaire ? Bien sur, il y a un hic, car tout ne peu pas être parfait. Cette algue ne peu se consommer crue que près des lieux de production, car dans cet état elle ne se conserve que très peu de temps. Alors à moins d’habiter au bord de la mer et proche d’une production, il faut la consommer sèche. Son second défaut est son goût. Beaucoup de gens ne trouvent pas cet aliment très appétissant. Personnellement je trouve surtout qu’elle n’a pas de goût. C’est surtout sa couleur, verte qui peu suggérer un mauvais goût. C’est pour cela que certains préfèrent la consommer sous forme de gélules. Par contre sous ce conditionnement, elle coûte très cher (environ 250 euros le kilo contre 130 séchée sous forme de paillettes). Pour ma part, je l’achète directement à un producteur (voir son site sous forme de paillettes que je verse sur une tartine de miel. 25
  • 26. Chaque matin, c’est environ 5 à 10 grammes que j’ingurgite ainsi. Sa couleur est tenace, il m’arrive parfois d’en manger dans du fromage blanc. C’est la couleur verte qui subsiste, oublié le blanc. C’est tellement tenace que lorsque je me lave les dents après en avoir mangé et après mon verre de jus d’orange et mon thé, c’est toujours le vert qui reste lorsque je me rince la bouche. C’est son défaut, mais cela reste l’idéal pour avoir des quantités suffisantes de protéines sans abuser de la viande. C’est d’une certaine manière écologique, car nous sommes de plus en plus nombreux sur terre et il n’est pas possible de produire suffisamment de viande pour tous. D’ailleurs, au-delà de nos propres besoins, cette algue est aussi une solution pour les pays en voie de développement qui regorgent d’habitant en sous alimentation. Non seulement cette algue peu être produite en Afrique par exemple, mais elle ne coûte pas très cher à produire. 26
  • 27. 23.4 Websites Why the spirulina - Usage particulier de la spirulina - Bonnes raisons de prendre de la spirulina - Le Técuitlatl, concentré de spirulinas source de protéines chez les Aztèques - Spirulina pour tous Composition - Composition de la spirulina Manual worker of culture - Manuel de culture artisanale pour la production de spirulina - Manuel de culture artisanale de spirulina - Manuel de culture artisanale de spirulina - La Spirulina pour Tous - Culture familiale - Livret Guide de production - Les cultures de spirulina - Module d'apprentissage pour la production de spirulina - Module d'apprentissage - La spirulina - Comment produire la spirulina 27
  • 28. - Cultiver la spirulina Develop a project of spirulina - Methodology, Resources - Mener à bien un projet de spirulina http://www.technap- - Partenaires et Etapes d'un projet spirulina - Spirulina humanitaire en PVD (Pays en Voie de Développement) - La spirulina pour un monde sans famine - La spirulina en voyage Plans - Les projets de spirulina dans le monde - Projet de spirulina au Sénégal - Spirulina pour un village au Sénégal - Spirulina à Bakel (à 30 km de Diabal) - Antenna Technologies et les projets de spirulina - Développement de la spirulina à Pondichery en Inde - Spirulina au Sahel - Codegaz et la spirulina - Projet de production et de distribution de spirulina - Asso BANA du Bénin et le projet spirulina - Spirulina au Burkina Faso - Spirulina au Burkina Faso - La spirulina, outil de santé - Projet Spirulina au Cambodge 28
  • 29. - La spirulina pour un monde sans famine - Des gâteaux verts très nutritifs pourraient sauver des vies - Les fermes de spirulina du Burkina Faso - Projet humanitaire et multiculturel pour une spirulina naturelle et équitable file/hyereslespalmiers/200668_nouvelles_bulletin_1532.pdf - Le ROTARY et la spirulina file/hyereslespalmiers/200636_nouvelles_bulletin_1282.pdf Malnutrition - La malnutrition : un massacre silencieux - La malnutrition : pourquoi la spirulina ? - Combattre la malnutrition - Malnutrition en Afrique - Malnutrition dans le monde - La santé, la malnutrition - La malnutrition - Malnutrition et Sida FR&xx_mdr=&xx_trait= - La spirulina pour lutter contre la malnutrition - La spirulina, une aide contre la malnutrition - Malnutrition Zéro 29
  • 30. precarite.html - Estimations rendues publiques lors d'un colloque « Nutrition et précarité » à Brest le 6 décembre 2007. (Lutte contre la malnutrition infantile en Afrique Subsaharienne) Organisations internationales oeuvrant pour la lutte contre la malnutrition Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture - FAO Fight against malnutrition from a treatment : a therapeutic food based on shea butter mixed up with powder milk, vitamins and trace elements§§/fr/ index.html Studies - La spirulina : études scientifiques sur l'homme - Recherches scientifiques et spirulina - La spirulina - Bilan et perspectives : thèse de doctorat en pharmacie - Spirulina : Bibliographie générale - Spirulina : Bibliographie scientifique - FAO : Culture, production et usage de la spirulina - Etudes sur la phycocianine - Connaissances des bénéfices de la spirulina sur la santé - Etudes scientifiques portant sur la spirulina - Utilisation et consommation de la spirulina au Tchad - La spirulina peut-elle être un atout pour la santé et le développement en Afrique ? - La spirulina peut-elle être un atout pour la santé et le développement en Afrique ?, Synthèse 30
  • 31. Colloquiums ka-de-luphorbak-a-bakel.html - Séminaire de formation sur la culture et la vulgarisation de la spirulina Experts Distributors 31
  • 32. Others Madame Viviane WADE pour le développement de la spirulina sortir-la-femme-de-la-pauvrete_a21359.html Une AMAP (Association pour le Maintien d'une Agriculture Paysanne) autour d'une ferme à spirulina Marché des compléments alimentaires à Dakar Les plantes pour guérir Qualités thérapeutiques Organisations internationales oeuvrant pour la lutte contre la malnutrition Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture - FAO Unicef Page 52 D'autres solutions de lutter contre la malnutrition ... Une autre initiative, privée, pour régler le problème de la malnutrition avec 600 millions malnutrition.php Lutte contre la malnutrition à partir d'un traitement : un aliment thérapeutique à base de beurre de cacahouète mélangé à du lait en poudre écrémé, des vitamines et des oligoéléments Projets en Afrique Produits de santé naturels Année européenne du volontariat et du bénévolat 32
  • 33. INDEX pools .............................................7, 9, 16, 19 D preservation ..................................................9 drying............................................................9 pressing ........................................................9 production 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, E 25, 27, 28, 30 expansion .................................................1, 3 proteins.................................................5, 6, 7 F S farm ....................................3, 6, 8, 16, 17, 20 sowing ..........................................................9 H spirulina ... 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, harvest......................................................8, 9 31, 32 health..........................3, 5, 12, 16, 18, 30, 32 starvation's sources ......................................4 M T malnutrition .... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 16, 22, train.................................................11, 16, 20 29, 30, 32 management.....................................8, 16, 17 V N vitamins ..............................................4, 6, 30 nutritional security.......................................11 W P water.....................................3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 packaging .........................................9, 14, 19 33