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Welcome back to A Loving Legacy! Chapter 3.8 Replay. I'm actually going to start
naming my chapters because you know it's completely normal to start doing that like 14
chapters in *cough*. I may go back and name the others. They are all going to be
named after songs because I'm way to lazy to think of names myself I want to.

So last time...
Layla found herself lost in Strangetown where her magic seemed to be not working, and
she is staying with the Smiths who she is not very sincere to. Juliet had twins named
Jacob and Aiden. Lexy and Vicki adopted a baby boy named Edwin. Rosaline met a guy
named Ronan who she seemed to hit it off with, and Romeo and Zoe got married.

“Zoe you're pregnant! You're really pregnant!” Romeo cried excitedly looking
down at his wife's inflated stomach with a huge grin. Zoe had surprised him with
the news right when he had come home from work, having found out herself
when he was gone.

“Yep we have a little one on the way,” Zoe smiled looking down at Romeo as he
began to run his hand over her belly gently.

“Hi there little guy or girl! I'm your daddy!” Romeo cooed filled with glee. Romeo
was more than excited to become a parent.
Zoe wasn't the only one impregnated in Rosendale either, Alexandra Phoenix also
had discovered that she was pregnant a little while ago and was getting close to
the time for the baby to arrive.
And for Juliet and Corey they were already enjoying the sensation of newborns
with their twins Aiden and Jacob who were still too young to do anything that
exciting, though Corey and Juliet still showered them with attention causing them
to be two very spoiled little babies.
“So they really had twins?” Ronan asked Rosaline as she sat in his lap downstairs
in the living room.

Rosaline just nodded happily thinking more about Ronan than the baby boys on
the floor above them. “And how's living with that?” Ronan asked her raising an

“Horrible,” Rosaline answered not helping but laugh a little, “Absolutely horrible, I
mean they're cute and all, and I'm all for being the cool aunt who tickles them
occasionally, but the crying is insane. The thing with twins is one will cry which
will then cause the other one to cry, which then leads to this whole entire crying
Ronan looked at her with a sense of amusement, “So living with them is a bit of
nightmare I assume?”

Rosaline continued to grin with a large nod, “Um yeah to say the least! I haven't
slept in days seeming as my bedroom shares a wall with the nursery.”

“So moving out seems like quite a good idea for you right now?” Ronan asked her.

“Yes!” Rosaline cried, “Though I still don't have enough money, damn job won't
give me a raise, and I would feel stupid asking my parents for money.”

“Yes, but if you could you would move out?”

“Well yeah, I never planned on staying here anyway,” then Rosaline paused
noticing that Ronan had just asked her numerous questions about her living
situation, “Wait what are you getting at?”
Ronan let out a cheerful smile, “Well see the thing is I kind of just bought a

“A house?” Rosaline questioned.

“Yeah a house,” Ronan answered pausing for a second, then looked into Rosaline's
eyes hopefully, “For us,” he added.

“For us!” Rosaline repeated in surprise, “Ronan we haven't even been dating that
long,” she added on a more serious note, “Don't you think you're rushing this a

“Well some could say that, but why wait when you know what you want?” he

Rosaline thought about that statement and then nodded, “True.”
“So is that a yes?”

“Possibly,” Rosaline answered mysteriously.

Ronan just laughed leaning into her for a kiss, which Rosaline happily accepted
feeling the sense of warmth and happiness that she found she felt around Ronan.
Juliet glanced down at the couple as she walked by, “Other people live here you
know.” She gave a small laugh before proceeding out of the living room.
Rosaline quickly separated from Ronan, her cheeks flushing, “Um so can I like
move out today?” she asked with a small laugh.

Ronan just grinned at her laughing back.
Even though Rosaline didn't move out that day, she didn't have to wait much
longer as in a very small amount of days she found herself looking at her new
home which was a modern looking home located in the middle of Rosendale.
Rosaline walked inside with Ronan in complete amazement, the house was more
than she could have ever wanted or hoped for.

“Do you like it?” Ronan asked her watching her nervously as she looked around at
every angle speechless.

“Um yes!” Rosaline cried continuing to look around more incredulous by the

Ronan grinned relieved, “Good, I'm glad. I was hoping you would.”
“It's perfect Ronan!” Rosaline walked over to him planting a huge kiss upon his
lips feeling the happiest she had ever been. Ronan gladly accepted the kiss feeling
much more relaxed now he knew she loved the house.
Rosaline separated from him still giddily smiling.

 “I love you Rosaline,” Ronan told her as their hands continued to touch each
others sides.

Rosaline looked at him with disbelief not having expected him to say that, though
she was more than thrilled that he had, “I love you too Ronan!”

“I love you so much Rosaline that...”
“..I was wondering if you will marry me.” Ronan quickly leaned down to reveal a
shiny diamond ring that Rosaline looked at in complete astonishment. “So
Rosaline Loving will you marry me because I want to spend the rest of my life
with you.”

Rosaline placed her hand to her heart feeling so overwhelmed that she wasn't
even sure if she could speak.
Though eventually one word came out, “Yes!” she suddenly screamed in delight
jumping into his arms like a little girl. Ronan laughed being a bit taken back by
this gesture holding her up tightly. Rosaline just smiled feeling as though things
could not be any more perfect right now. She didn't even care if she hadn't even
known Ronan very long because all she knew right now was that things felt right.

“So I'm officially going to win over the heart of Layla,” Ripp Grunt told his two
friends back in Strangetown who looked at him in disbelief.

“Ripp why? She treats you like crap. Heck she treats everyone like crap, I truly
don't see how you have any desire for her.” Ophelia glared at Ripp.

“Um so what, she's hot, plus I like a girl who plays hard to get!” Rip grinned.

Johnny Smith shook his head, “Ripp along with this being a horrible idea, she's an
adult who has absolutely no desire for a teenager.”

“Hello!” Ripp cried, “We all grow up insanely soon meaning then I can be with her
all I want.”
“I mean just look at her over there, she's like a goddess of beauty!” Rip began
aimlessly staring at Layla who was in the kitchen grabbing chips.

“Yeah um all I see is a bitch stealing the Smth's chips!” Ophelia muttered, “I mean
seriously Johnny how long is she is staying here, I think it's about time your
parents kick her to the curb!”

“She can live with me,” Ripp smiled gaining a glare from Ophelia.

“Yeah I don't know,” Johnny began. “My mom likes her for some reason, so I
really don't think she's leaving anytime soon.”
“What! Are you kidding?” Opehlia groaned, “I seriously don't know how much
longer of her I can handle.”

“I know,” Johnny sighed, “But I mean we are growing up soon so we can finally
get a place of our own away from her.”

“Thank boolprop!”

“You two are crazy, Layla is wonderful!” Ripp smiled looking at Layla in a daze as
she ate her chips on the sofa.

“Okay ignoring lover boy here, what are we going to do today?” Ophelia asked, it
was a typical Saturday in Strangetown where things were as boring as ever.
Johnny shrugged, “We could go to your house Ophelia.”

Ophelia's face suddenly froze and her eyes went wide, “Johnny you know how I
feel about my house.”

“Yeah no way Johnny!” Ripp agreed, “That place gives me the creeps! I'd rather
go to my house,” he paused, “No wait scratch that I would rather go to Ophelia's
since the General is home today.”

“Look,” Johnny began, “Ophelia's house is quiet, and Ophelia you always say Olive
is gone on weekends anyway!”

Ophelia looked down nervously, “I don't know Johnny.”
“Come on Ophelia it will be fine.” Johnny looked at her with a reassuring smile,
“And we can get away from all these annoying people!” His eyes went directly
over to Layla on the sofa.

Ophelia sighed still not to sure about the idea, “Okay, but only for a few hours
alright? You know how Olive feels about me having friends over.”

Johnny smiled, “Good and don't worry Phe, it will be fine!”

“Yeah I'll protect you,” Ripp nodded grinning to her across the table.

“Wow now I totally feel protected!” Ophelia teased with a small laugh.
On the way out Ripp headed over to the couch where Layla had just finished her
chips. She looked up at Ripp annoyed, “What do you want?” she spat coldly sick of
him always bugging her though part of her kind of liked the attention, but he
could never know that.

“You should come over to Ophelia's house with us, it nice and quiet there,” Ripp
grinned leaning closer to her, “We can have all sorts of fun,” he whispered.

“Ripp!” Ophelia yelled hearing what he just said.

“Ripp getting away from her is half the reason we are going over there!” Johnny
snapped with exasperation. Ripp always messed up everything.

“Oh come on!” Ripp cried to his friends, “She's hot, and you think I really wanted
to be a third wheel to you two all day, please.”
Layla smiled sensing how angry Ophelia and Johnny were, “Yeah sure I'll go,” she
agreed wanting to annoy them plus what else was there to do in this town?

Ripp grinned reaching out his hand for her to grab which she ignored. Behind him
Johnny and Ophelia groaned, “Way to go Ripp,” Ophelia muttered, now this idea
was even worse.
“This is where you live?” Layla asked in surprise seeing the old, small mansion
that lay surround by a tall fence and palm trees. She looked to the side seeing the
vast number of graves that lay in a graveyard located in the front of the house,
that sure wasn't normal.

“Unfortunately yes,” Ophelia sighed knowing that bringing the three of them here
was a very bad idea.

“Pretty romantic don't you think?” Ripp grinned looking at Layla beside him. Layla
rolled her eyes ignoring the callow boy.
They entered the house to see an expensively decorated dining room.The building
immediately felt cold with all the stone and dust that seemed to lie everywhere.

“Now seriously don't touch anything!” Ophelia snapped looking at Ripp and Layla
who she was way more concerned about than Johnny.

Layla watched her carefully realizing how tense and nervous Ophelia seemed. She
had never seen her that way before. “Geez what's up with you?” Layla snorted.

“Phe gets really tense when she's here,” Ripp explained while smiling at Layla.

Ophelia glowered at Ripp, “Just don't touch anything alright!” she cried again,
“You can sit on the sofa over there but that's it!”
Ripp and Layla sat down on the sofa together much to Layla's disliking while
Ophelia headed toward the kitchen followed by Johnny noticing a note on the
counter. She looked down at it reading it carefully, “Well that's just great Johnny
she left a list of chores for me to do, there goes my Saturday!”

“Don't worry Phe I'll help you with them,” Johnny told her placing his hand on her

Ophelia sighed, “Thanks Johnny,” she frowned.
“Okay look,” Ophelia began to Ripp and Layla over by the sofa, “Johnny and I
have to do some chores outside. You guys can stay here I guess, but I swear to
boolprop you better not touch anything!” she snapped.

“Don't worry Phe the only thing we will be touching is each other,” Ripp smiled
earning a look of disgust from Layla.

Ophelia rolled her eyes, “Whatever just seriously don't touch anything alright!”

“Don't worry Phe,” Ripp grinned again.
Once they were gone Ripp smiled, “I never thought those two would leave, now
we can really have some fun!”

Layla ignored him standing up, “There's something weird about this place don't
you think?”

“Well yeah it's creepy as hell, but don't worry I'll protect you.” Ripp stood up
behind her.

Layla began to walk over to the kitchen intrigued by the giant bookcase that
leaned against the wall, she had seen one like that before.
“Wonder why there is a bookshelf in the kitchen?” she asked carefully examining
the dusty old books that lay upon the dark wooden shelves.

“For cook books,” Ripp shrugged, “Who cares. Let's go back over to the sofa, Phe
doesn't want us touching anything anyway.”

Layla paid no attention to Ripp continuing to examine the book shelf with strong
fascination. She had seen one like this before. It wasn't a normal bookshelf. It had
a purpose.

“Come on Layla this is boring!” Ripp groaned impatiently. He knew if he could only
get her back over to the sofa, he could finally win her over.

Layla continued to ignore him searching for something, she knew it was around
here somewhere. It was then that she spotted it, the steel book, the one that was
not for reading but for another purpose. She grabbed the book and pulled it out.
And just like she had suspected the bookshelf began to turn heavily. She quickly
slipped in the open gap as it began to turn back around.

Ripp watched in amazement, “Wow that's awesome how did you do that?”
Layla never answered him as the bookshelf slammed behind her. “Layla where did
you go?” he called, “Can I come?”

Layla didn't even hear him for she suddenly felt her insides filling up with pure joy
and power seeing the room she was now in.
It was perfect, absolutely perfect! She ran over to the materials on the wall, “Oh
Dragon Scales how much have I missed you!” she smiled, “And Eyes of Newt how
wonderful you look!”

This was wonderful, absolutely wonderful! Every magical item she could ever need
was in this room, except the only problem was she had no magic, but she had
hope now for whoever lived in this house did. She knew it couldn't be Ophelia, the
girl was too naïve to contain something so powerful, but she must live with
someone else right? I mean Ophelia was too young to live alone and the fear
Ophelia had at this place, it made sense perfect sense. She smiled, finally she
would be able to get out of this town.
She quickly returned from the room to avoid any suspicion to find Ripp still
standing there in the kitchen waiting for her, “Dude where did you go? I want to

“It was just an empty room, nothing exciting,” Layla lied not helping but emit a
smile from what she had just seen.

“Oh well whatever, let's have fun now alright?” he told her with a grin.
“What was that?” Ophelia yelled running into the kitchen. She had heard the
sound of the bookshelf slamming against the stone wall perfectly from outside,
“You guys have better not touched anything!”

“No Phe it was awesome,” Ripp began, “Layla like pulled a..”

“Ophelia do you live alone?” Layla interrupted quickly. Ripp was not going to ruin

“What?” Ophelia asked confused, “No I live with my Aunt Olive. Why?”
“Just curious,” Layla smiled somewhat grimly, “Do you think there is a chance I
could meet her?”

“OWWWWWW!” Alexandra screamed in the early morning having woken up to a
horrible pain in her stomach.

“You got this honey! Just push! It will be okay,” Charity reassured her daughter
trying to stay as calm as possible.

“Okay!” Jimmy reiterated in complete panic, “How is this going to be okay? Look
at how much pain she is in!”

“Ignore him you will be fine!” Charity called to her daughter.
And true to Charity's prediction she was, as soon enough Alexandra held the
newest member of the family in her arms, a beautiful baby girl. “Look Jimmy she
has your coloring.” She smiled giving the baby a kiss on the forehead

“What are we going to name her?” Jimmy asked. They hadn't thought of a name.

“Hmm,” Alexandra pondered suddenly having an idea, “How do you feel about the
name Fantasia*?”

Jimmy smiled, “I like it.”

“Good!” Alexandra rocked little Fantasia in her arms, “Welcome to the family

* The name Fantasia means imagination which I thought suited these two well
Not long after Fantasia's birth came the time for another birth to happen. Zoe
clutched her stomach in pain late afternoon. Zoe had had an easy pregnancy, but
this part was not so easy.

“AHHH where's Romeo!” she screamed.

“He's still at work, but don't worry I'm here, and you can do this Zoe!” Aimee
called to her daughter in law knowing how horrible that felt.

“Oh my goodness what's going on?” A random townie named Ralph jumped up in
excitement behind Aimee having never seen a birth before.

“Oh for crying out loud will you leave?” Aimee snapped turning around to the guy
more than perturbed by his presence.
“I'm here too Zoe and you got this!” Weldon yelled closing his eyes and emanating
all of his tension to his hands which gripped tightly into fists. He may have been
through three of these with Aimee, but they still didn't get any easier.

“It's coming!” Zoe yelled holding her hands over her stomach and making a giant
And once the twirl was over she held a beautiful baby boy in her arms, being the
first member of generation 4 to be born in the main house. Zoe looked up at the
baby with a huge grin, “Hey there little guy you got my eyes!” she smiled. The
new baby had inherited Zoe's dark blue eyes though had received his grandpa
Weldon's blonde hair.
“Hey there little dude,” Weldon smiled walking over to see the baby, “You got my hair, so I already know you're going to be

“Say hi to your grandpa Weldon baby!” Zoe held the baby up closer for Weldon to see.

“Hey wow!” Weldon cried, “Let's cool it with the grandpa stuff! I'm not old enough for that yet!” Zoe laughed. “Do you have
a name for him?” Weldon asked.

Zoe nodded, “Romeo and I had chosen Reese* for a boy, Reese Loving!” Zoe smiled down at the new little baby in her arms,
it was weird for her to think that she was now a mother though it was a wonderful feeling as well.

“Dude I cannot believe a baby came out after all of that!” Ralph called walking by.

Aimee glared at him, “I thought I told you to leave!”
* This generation I'm naming the main house kids after names that mean anything associated with love and the name
Reese means “heart of passion.”
Reese had come just in time too as the new Loving home had finally been finished
being built. The house had in fact been designed by Zoe, and was a huge surprise
to everyone as she had kept the plans very secret.

Of course everyone immediately loved it as it was much bigger than their old
home, and Romeo and Zoe were now able to sleep in a room that was not filled
with lie detectors and old dream date bouquets.
And while new babies were being born around Rosendale, one set of babies had
reached the day to grow up into toddlers, and Juliet had planned a huge party for

“Hey Juliet I don't think I'm going to be able to make the twins birthday,” Victoria
told her cousin over the phone that day.

“Why?” Juliet asked.

“I'm like really not feeling well. I haven't been able to keep any food down all day,
and I feel horrible,” Victoria moaned feeling like she might throw up any second.

“Oh well I'm sorry Vic, we will miss you.”
“Yeah I honestly have no idea what this is because I haven't eaten anything weird,
and I felt fine yesterday!” Victoria cried with a sense of irritation in her voice.

Juliet just smiled having a slight idea of what might be wrong, “That's okay Vic,
don't worry about it. I'm sure you'll feel better soon!”

“I sure hope so cause this freaking sucks!” Victoria muttered.
Despite Victoria's absence the party went on. Juliet had invited all of her family
and a few close friends to celebrate the twins birthday. Everyone was very excited
to see how the two boys would turn out.
And in the end the twins came out to both be adorable which wasn't much of a
surprise considering their parents genetics. Aiden on the left looked much like
Juliet despite having his father's hair color having the personality of 3/2/8/7/8
being a shy yet active and nice little boy.

Jacob on the other hand, sitting on the right, turned out to look much like Corey
despite having his mother's hair color having the personality of 3/10/3/8/10 being
much more outgoing and far less active than his brother.

They were a very different despite being twins, but they both turned out to be
equally adorable.
Later that night Victoria did in fact find out what the cause of her “sickness” was,
and she was not happy about it. She rubbed her hand over her newly inflated
stomach with dismay not wanting to believe this was actually happening to her.

“This sucks,” she muttered bitterly.
Victoria waited up for Renaud to come home that night, and when she finally saw
his car drive up she walked over to the door placing her hands on her hips and
glared at him as angrily as she could when he walked in.

“Hello Renaud,” she greeted coldly as he entered the house casually.

“Hey Vic what's up?” he asked not noticing her stomach at first, though suddenly
he noticed it and froze, “Wow Vic your,” he paused and grinned, “This is great!”
“Great!” Victoria exploded in complete fury, “How the hell is this great Renaud? I
don't want a kid!”

Renaud flinched a bit from her reaction though managed to remain calm, “I mean
sure it's unexpected Vic, but think about it, this is great! We are going to be

“Renaud did you not hear me? I don't want a kid!” Victoria yelled, “This is your

“My fault?” Renaud questioned bewildered, “How is this my fault?”

“Because you probably did this on purpose seeming how happy you are!”

“Vic!” Renaud cried, “I promise you, I wouldn't do that!”
Suddenly Victoria burst out in tears sobbing uncontrollably. “Vic,” Renaud whispered worriedly placing
his arm around her.

“I don't want a baby,” she sobbed, “I can't take care of a kid!”

“Vic yes you can, we are going to get through this! I promise,” Renaud told her gently stroking her

“But how?” Victoria continued to whimper, “I'm not mother material!”

“Vic it's going to be okay alright? I know you will be able to do this! You are stronger than this.”

“Renaud I really never wanted this happen!”

“I know you didn't but it has, and we are going to get through this together, okay. I know in the end
you are going to end up being a great mother! I promise!”
“You really think so?” Victoria asked through sobs that were now getting fainter.

“Yes I do,” Renaud wrapped his arms around her comfortably, and she returned
the hug.

“Im sorry for being a bitch Renaud it's just you know I never wanted a kid,”
Victoria told him quietly in his ear.

“I know Victoria, but it's going to be okay. I promise,” he told her with

“Okay Renaud,” she continued to hug him feeling a little better, though she still
would have never imagined or wanted this to have happened.
It wasn't long until there was another birthday to occur within the growing Loving
family, this one belong to Reese. Romeo smiled happily as he held his son next to
his birthday cake, “You ready to grow up buddy?” he asked the baby. Reese didn't
say anything not being able to talk, but he did move his tiny hand toward the cake
trying to grab it.
Reese grew up into an adorable little boy looking much like his father had when
he had been a toddler though in terms of personality Reese took more after his
grandpa Weldon being 3/10/9/10/1, a very active and mean little boy which is
always a scary combination, but for now he proves to be adorable having headed
straight for the teddy bear in the new nursery.
And very soon after Reese's birthday it came time for another birthday, but this one was one
that was a little more emotional, especially for Weldon.

“Hey Aimee why is there a cake here with way too many candles?” Weldon asked his wife
with a big frown. He knew why it was there, but he didn't want it to be there for that reason.

“Weldon you know very well why that's there,” Aimee called hanging up the phone.

Weldon frowned looking down at the cake, “I don't want to get old! I'm perfectly happy the
way I am!”

“Weldon I don't think that's your choice to make.” Aimee walked over to him.

“But I mean do we have to get old? Can't we just go drink some of that green gunk that
prevents it?” He really didn't want to become an elder.
Aimee grabbed his hand and smiled, “Weldon don't worry it's going to be fine, we
just might not be able to move as fast anymore, but it's not going to change who
we are.”

Weldon gave a pained smile looking into his wife's eyes, “I just don't want to get
old because after that there's like nothing to look forward to.”

“Weldon we still have more grandkids and so many more adventures to go
through, and this is just one them,” Aimee told him feeling rather insightful.

“Okay, and you'll still think I'm sexy even with gray hair?” he asked her.

Aimee just laughed nodding her head, “Yes Weldon I'm pretty sure I will.”
Much to Weldon's reluctance the party went on and that night the dreaded time
came as all of their friends and family cheered them on. Weldon and Aimee both
blew out their candles wishing for the rest of their lives to be as great as their
lives had been so far.
And right after a quick change of clothes, Weldon and Aimee returned downstairs
in their newly eldered forms. Aimee grabbed Weldon's hands and led him out on
the back porch with with a grin, “I still find you just as sexy you know.”

Weldon smiled gently moving her hands back and forth, “Good and same goes for

Aimee smiled leaning into him, “I'm glad about that.”
A few minutes later Aimee headed back inside to run into her twin sister Charity
who stood still young and smiling.

“It's really weird being younger you,” Charity told her sister. They had never had a
birthday apart until this one, and it was odd to say the least.

Aimee laughed, “Oh tomorrow morning it's your turn Charity, so if I were you I'd
enjoy your last night of being young because well honestly I can already feel my
back hurting.”

Charity laughed, “I'll be sure to do that!”
Sure enough the next morning Charity and Randy stood beside two big birthday
cakes with lots of candles. Unlike Aimee and Weldon, Charity and Randy were
excited to grow up and enjoy the last stage of their lives.
Once the candles were blown Charity and Randy transitioned into a wonderful set
of elders who were still just as in love as they had been back when they were
teens years ago.
And that night it came time for yet for another birth to occur as Victoria was
alarmed late at night by as sharp pain that suddenly struck her stomach.

“Ow this hurts!” Victoria yelled thinking how there was no way she was ever doing
this again, “RENAUUUUDD!” she screamed.
“Ugh you suck!” she screamed in complete agony, there was no way this was ever
happening again! No freaking way!
After much pain and screaming Victoria finally held her new daughter breathless,
“Uh hi,” she muttered looking at the baby that had inherited her brown hair and
Renaud's light blue eyes. “Your dad really sucks for sleeping through this,” she
told the baby holding it up under it's arms. She really had no idea what she was

“I guess you need a name and all that.” She honestly had no idea, she hadn't
talked about that with Renaud. She scanned the room noticing the painting behind
the baby glancing straight at it seeing a picture of two pears, “Pear,” she said
aloud, “I'll name you Pear.”
Eventually Renaud woke up to see his new daughter and an angry Victoria in the
nursery, “You named our daughter Pear?” he questioned looking his new daughter
with elation.

“Hey it's your fault, you weren't there! Plus at least I didn't go with Tomato,
Lemon, or Eggplant!” Victoria cried handing Pear over to her father.

“I actually kind of like it.” Renaud smiled at the baby gently grabbing her.

“Okay so just so we're clear you're changing the diapers and all that,” Victoria told
Renaud as he rocked Pear in his arms lovingly.
The next morning Victoria and Renaud were up early feeling a high of energy that
was only known to a new set of parents.

“I couldn't sleep last night,” Renaud told Victoria rubbing his eyes.

“Hmm I wonder why, was it the baby that screamed half the night or our lumpy
mattress?” Victoria asked rolling her eyes.

“Neither actually,” Renaud answered ignoring her sarcasm, “It was a thought on
my mind keeping me up.”

“If it's a sibling for Pear forget it! I'm never doing that again!”

“No it wasn't that though it would be nice, but the real thought keeping me up
was how I think we should get married now that we have a daughter.”
Victoria looked at him with a laugh, “Married?”

Renaud nodded, “I know you don't want to Victoria, but I really think now that we have a child we should.”

Victoria looked around their bedroom thinking soon turning back to Renaud, “Yeah you're right, it might be a
good idea. Let's do it today! I can wear my turquoise dress and you can wear that blue suit of yours.”

“Today?” Renaud questioned with huge eyes, “Vic don't you think we should actually plan something.”

“Nah I can call the fam, and they should be over in a flash. I'm pretty sure they will be so surprised that I'm
actually getting married that they'll drop whatever they're doing just to witness the event.”

“Victoria I really think we should wait a least a week and plan something,” Renaud told her thinking realistically.

Victoria rolled her eyes, “Do you want to get married or not?”
Even though he was reluctant to do it right that very day Renaud eventually
agreed to get married to Victoria right in their kitchen. Commitment had always
freaked her out, but Victoria actually found that she was finally ready to call
Renaud her husband rather than fiance, and even though she was quite a handful,
Renaud loved her was ready to be able to finally officially call her his wife.
And just like Victoria had assumed the entire family was there to celebrate in a
flash as Victoria getting married was an event that may go down in history as one
of the biggest surprises.
And it was also no surprise that Victoria shoved wedding cake right into Renaud's
mouth with a huge laugh.

Renaud (Weburg) London
Personality: 4/7/8/3/3
Aspiration: Fortune
LTW: Top Intelligence
There was probably no one more thrilled than Juliet that Victoria was finally married.“Victoria I can't believe you finally
did it! You're married. Isn't it wonderful? And with a kid two! I'm pretty sure you're the one rocking the family life now!”
Juliet flashed Victoria once of her largest grins and clapped her hands together in glee.

Victoria sighed at her cousin's over enthused attitude, “Yeah yeah yeah, it's really not all that exciting.”

“Oh it totally is!”

“You could not be more of a family sim right now Juliet!”

“Yeah well I love being a family sim thank you very much!” she smiled.

“Yeah yeah I know you do,” Victoria laughed giving her cousin a brief hug which caused Juliet to get even more excited.
Much later that night Rosaline sat at the computer feeling a sting of frustration.
She heard a loud boom of thunder from outside and glanced over to the window
to see that it had started pouring down rain. She sighed ignoring it and turned
back to her computer screen that was now beginning to blur from her tired eyes.
She was supposed to be writing an article for work and for some reason she just
couldn't focus, and the rain wasn't helping either as it seemed to be distracting
her more. She gently massaged her temple that seemed to be aching trying to
think of an idea. Her thoughts were interrupted when she suddenly heard the door
bell ring. She jumped up in surprise wondering who the heck could be at her
house this late and rainy.
Rosaline could not have been anymore surprised at the answer to this question as
she opened the door to see the last person she would have ever expected to see.
Her mouth immediately hung open at the site, “Ethan?”
“Um hey Ros how are you?” he asked quietly seeing how surprised she was. They
stood in an awkward silence for a second until he said, “Can I uh come in? It's
raining really hard.”

“Umm yeah sure,” Rosaline answered her voice shaking a bit. She stepped to the
side to let him in not sure what she was feeling at the moment.
Ethan immediately looked up at the house upon entering, “Nice house,” he

“Uh thanks,” Rosaline answered trying to sound as phlegmatic as possible though
it wasn't working, “I like it.”

“Yeah I would too. It's really nice,” he said turning back to her.
“So um what are you doing here?” Rosaline asked him trying not to sound rude, “I
mean Lexy told me you like disappeared.”

“Uh yeah I did. I went to Twikkii Island for awhile. I kind of meant to tell her, but
it was sort of a last minute arrangement”

“Oh, well she was really worried about you,” Rosaline told him placing her hands
on her hips uncomfortably.

Ethan looked down at his hand, “Yeah I know, but I apologized and we're cool

“Oh,” Rosaline responded not sure of what to say.
Suddenly she looked down noticing the small golden ring on his left hand, “You're
“Uh yeah,” he answered timidly, “that was another sort of last minute

“Oh,” Rosaline said finding that was all she could say. She couldn't help but feel a
knot forming tightly in her stomach, though she tried to shake it off as she
shouldn't be feeling that anymore.

“It's to um Katerina, you know that girl I was dating in college? Well yeah we just
sort of got married on the beach at Twikkii. It was nice, though I wish my friends
and family could have been there.”


“And uh are you seeing anyone?” he asked having noticed she had a ring as well.
“Yeah I am actually. I'm engaged. His name is Ronan,” she answered, “He's the
one who bought the house actually.”

“Oh cool where is he?” Ethan asked quietly.

“Um he's working late tonight. He's in the gaming business and apparently there's
some game he has to see is beatable or something. I'm not really sure,” she
uttered a slight laugh.

“Oh well that's actually kind of cool,” he told her, though Rosaline could tell he
really didn't actually think so.

“So um Ethan what are you actually doing here?” she asked him getting to the
“Well um I came here to see you of course. Lexy told me where you live, and I
wanted to drop by and see how you were. I know right now isn't that great of a
time, but I was around so I decided to stop by,” he gave a small smile.

Rosaline nodded wishing that he hadn't, “Oh well that's nice,” she lied, “I've been

“That's good,” he said quickly then stood in silence.

Rosaline just looked at him uncertain of what to do next feeling so many mixed
emotions that none of them even seemed real, “Um do you want a tour of the
house?” she suddenly blurted out lamely not knowing what else to do.

Ethan nodded, “Yeah sure.”
She showed him the entire house which he seemed to like quite a lot, though it wasn't until she
showed him the bedroom where he got excited as he saw an object that struck his interest.

“Ros you own a guitar!” he cried with excitement looking at the white electric guitar as if it were the
best thing in the world.

“Um not exactly. It's Ronans, though he never actually uses it much,” Rosaline answered looking at
the object that normally just sat untouched in their bedroom.

Ethan walked closer to it with great fascination, “It's really nice, sort of a waste if he never plays it.”

“Well um you can play it if you want,” Rosaline told him without thinking.

“Really?” Ethan cried excitedly, touching it gently.

“Um yeah sure,” Rosaline answered timidly regretting this decision.
He gladly took her up on that offer picking up the white guitar and playing it with
ease. Rosaline watched him clapping with delight as the wonderful rhythm fled
through her ears. She was suddenly reminded of the time she had cheered on
Ethan playing guitar as teen, though now he was so much better moving his
hands up and down the neck of the guitar swiftly, playing the chords effortlessly.
Ethan always looked right while playing guitar, and Rosaline couldn't help but
smile as she watched him.
“Ha that was a little rusty,” Ethan laughed placing the guitar back once he was
done, “I haven't played much since college. Katerina doesn't really like when I
play at home.”

Rosaline tilted her head wondering how Katerina could prevent him from doing
something he was so wonderful at, “Well I didn't notice because you were great,
amazing actually.”

Ethan grinned, “Thanks Ros you've always been my number one fan from the

“I'm such a cheerleader,” Rosaline teased rolling her eyes.

“You have always been a good one to me,” Ethan smiled.
It was then that they stood there with an odd tension between them. Rosaline
was having a major recollection of the time they had stood silently looking at each
other in Alexandra's room years ago trying to avoid that loud party of Victoria's
feeling as if that moment had just happened yesterday.
And because of that remembrance she found herself compelled to produce the
same result as she pulled him close to her gently brushing her lips upon his
without even giving a second thought to the action. Last time the kiss had been
awkward, but this time it felt ideal, like a kiss should feel with both people
completly into the moment.
Though unlike last time they continued to move further neither of them giving
much thought into what they were actually doing too caught up in the rhythm of
each other shutting the rest of the world out.
Going farther than they probably should have.
Rosaline's eyes quickly shot open in alarm from the sound of the front door
opening as she registered the realization of what was happening. Reality had just
slapped her back in the face hard.
She could hear Ronan heading toward the kitchen, probably to get water. She
quickly jumped out of bed turning back to see the sleep figure behind her which
did not belong to her finance. Shit she thought.
“Ethan!” she yelled quietly, vigorously tapping him on the shoulder, panic running
threw her veins.

“Hmm?” he grunted slowly sitting up in bed confused on what was going on.

“Ethan you have to get out of here!” Rosaline cried glancing over at the clock
which read 3:32 AM.

Ethan gave a yawn stretching his arms out, “Why?”
“Because Ronan's home!” she cried in panic, “And you've gotta get out of here!”

Ethan looked over to the door and then back to Rosaline, “Oh shit really?”

“Yes and isn't Katerina going to wonder where you are!”

“I would assume so,” Ethan yawned still half asleep.

Rosaline could now hear Ronan's footsteps beginning to come up the stairs and
her anxiety multiplied, “Ethan there are steps that lead outside from the porch!”
she told him as quickly as possible, “Go out that door.” She pointed to the glass
door on the other side of the room.

“Okay.” Ethan quickly began to pile all of his belongs heading out the door at
record speed.
“Rosaline!” Ronan smiled walking in completely unaware of anything that had just
happened, “What are you still doing up, and in your underwear might I add?”

“Um waiting for you of course,” Rosaline lied her voiced shaking a bit, she forced a
small smile.

“At 3:40 in the morning?” Ronan asked raising an eyebrow.

 Rosaline swallowed wishing she could just swallow the heap of guilt that hung in
her throat, “I wanted to surprise you.”
Ronan let out a huge grin wrapping his arms around Rosaline, “You're amazing
you know that?”

No I'm not! I'm not amazing at all, Rosaline thought returning the hug with a
giant sting of guilt.

“No seriously you are, I don't think I could be with anyone more perfect!” he told
her hugging her again.

Rosaline let out a small sigh, yes you could, you could be with anyone more
perfect than me.

Ronan squeezed her tighter, “I love you Ros.”
“I love you too Ronan,” Rosaline answered sadly.
“More than anything.”

“Did you really just spit in my face you nasty little thing!”

“Victoria you better be acting nice to our daughter!”

“Nice! The thing just spit in my face!”


Victoria being a mother is a rather scary thought isn't it? Anyway this is where I
will be leaving you for now. Next chapter should begin to focus more on
generation 4 though there are still quite a few things that need to be sorted with
generation 3 before a true transition of focus can occur. But anyway thanks for
reading and I'll see you next time!

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A Loving Legacy! Chapter 3.8

  • 1. Welcome back to A Loving Legacy! Chapter 3.8 Replay. I'm actually going to start naming my chapters because you know it's completely normal to start doing that like 14 chapters in *cough*. I may go back and name the others. They are all going to be named after songs because I'm way to lazy to think of names myself I want to. So last time... Layla found herself lost in Strangetown where her magic seemed to be not working, and she is staying with the Smiths who she is not very sincere to. Juliet had twins named Jacob and Aiden. Lexy and Vicki adopted a baby boy named Edwin. Rosaline met a guy named Ronan who she seemed to hit it off with, and Romeo and Zoe got married. Present...
  • 2. “Zoe you're pregnant! You're really pregnant!” Romeo cried excitedly looking down at his wife's inflated stomach with a huge grin. Zoe had surprised him with the news right when he had come home from work, having found out herself when he was gone. “Yep we have a little one on the way,” Zoe smiled looking down at Romeo as he began to run his hand over her belly gently. “Hi there little guy or girl! I'm your daddy!” Romeo cooed filled with glee. Romeo was more than excited to become a parent.
  • 3. Zoe wasn't the only one impregnated in Rosendale either, Alexandra Phoenix also had discovered that she was pregnant a little while ago and was getting close to the time for the baby to arrive.
  • 4. And for Juliet and Corey they were already enjoying the sensation of newborns with their twins Aiden and Jacob who were still too young to do anything that exciting, though Corey and Juliet still showered them with attention causing them to be two very spoiled little babies.
  • 5. “So they really had twins?” Ronan asked Rosaline as she sat in his lap downstairs in the living room. Rosaline just nodded happily thinking more about Ronan than the baby boys on the floor above them. “And how's living with that?” Ronan asked her raising an eyebrow. “Horrible,” Rosaline answered not helping but laugh a little, “Absolutely horrible, I mean they're cute and all, and I'm all for being the cool aunt who tickles them occasionally, but the crying is insane. The thing with twins is one will cry which will then cause the other one to cry, which then leads to this whole entire crying fest!”
  • 6. Ronan looked at her with a sense of amusement, “So living with them is a bit of nightmare I assume?” Rosaline continued to grin with a large nod, “Um yeah to say the least! I haven't slept in days seeming as my bedroom shares a wall with the nursery.” “So moving out seems like quite a good idea for you right now?” Ronan asked her. “Yes!” Rosaline cried, “Though I still don't have enough money, damn job won't give me a raise, and I would feel stupid asking my parents for money.” “Yes, but if you could you would move out?” “Well yeah, I never planned on staying here anyway,” then Rosaline paused noticing that Ronan had just asked her numerous questions about her living situation, “Wait what are you getting at?”
  • 7. Ronan let out a cheerful smile, “Well see the thing is I kind of just bought a house.” “A house?” Rosaline questioned. “Yeah a house,” Ronan answered pausing for a second, then looked into Rosaline's eyes hopefully, “For us,” he added. “For us!” Rosaline repeated in surprise, “Ronan we haven't even been dating that long,” she added on a more serious note, “Don't you think you're rushing this a tad?” “Well some could say that, but why wait when you know what you want?” he asked. Rosaline thought about that statement and then nodded, “True.”
  • 8. “So is that a yes?” “Possibly,” Rosaline answered mysteriously. Ronan just laughed leaning into her for a kiss, which Rosaline happily accepted feeling the sense of warmth and happiness that she found she felt around Ronan.
  • 9. Juliet glanced down at the couple as she walked by, “Other people live here you know.” She gave a small laugh before proceeding out of the living room.
  • 10. Rosaline quickly separated from Ronan, her cheeks flushing, “Um so can I like move out today?” she asked with a small laugh. Ronan just grinned at her laughing back.
  • 11. Even though Rosaline didn't move out that day, she didn't have to wait much longer as in a very small amount of days she found herself looking at her new home which was a modern looking home located in the middle of Rosendale.
  • 12. Rosaline walked inside with Ronan in complete amazement, the house was more than she could have ever wanted or hoped for. “Do you like it?” Ronan asked her watching her nervously as she looked around at every angle speechless. “Um yes!” Rosaline cried continuing to look around more incredulous by the second. Ronan grinned relieved, “Good, I'm glad. I was hoping you would.”
  • 13. “It's perfect Ronan!” Rosaline walked over to him planting a huge kiss upon his lips feeling the happiest she had ever been. Ronan gladly accepted the kiss feeling much more relaxed now he knew she loved the house.
  • 14. Rosaline separated from him still giddily smiling. “I love you Rosaline,” Ronan told her as their hands continued to touch each others sides. Rosaline looked at him with disbelief not having expected him to say that, though she was more than thrilled that he had, “I love you too Ronan!” “I love you so much Rosaline that...”
  • 15. “..I was wondering if you will marry me.” Ronan quickly leaned down to reveal a shiny diamond ring that Rosaline looked at in complete astonishment. “So Rosaline Loving will you marry me because I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Rosaline placed her hand to her heart feeling so overwhelmed that she wasn't even sure if she could speak.
  • 16. Though eventually one word came out, “Yes!” she suddenly screamed in delight jumping into his arms like a little girl. Ronan laughed being a bit taken back by this gesture holding her up tightly. Rosaline just smiled feeling as though things could not be any more perfect right now. She didn't even care if she hadn't even known Ronan very long because all she knew right now was that things felt right. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
  • 17. “So I'm officially going to win over the heart of Layla,” Ripp Grunt told his two friends back in Strangetown who looked at him in disbelief. “Ripp why? She treats you like crap. Heck she treats everyone like crap, I truly don't see how you have any desire for her.” Ophelia glared at Ripp. “Um so what, she's hot, plus I like a girl who plays hard to get!” Rip grinned. Johnny Smith shook his head, “Ripp along with this being a horrible idea, she's an adult who has absolutely no desire for a teenager.” “Hello!” Ripp cried, “We all grow up insanely soon meaning then I can be with her all I want.”
  • 18. “I mean just look at her over there, she's like a goddess of beauty!” Rip began aimlessly staring at Layla who was in the kitchen grabbing chips. “Yeah um all I see is a bitch stealing the Smth's chips!” Ophelia muttered, “I mean seriously Johnny how long is she is staying here, I think it's about time your parents kick her to the curb!” “She can live with me,” Ripp smiled gaining a glare from Ophelia. “Yeah I don't know,” Johnny began. “My mom likes her for some reason, so I really don't think she's leaving anytime soon.”
  • 19. “What! Are you kidding?” Opehlia groaned, “I seriously don't know how much longer of her I can handle.” “I know,” Johnny sighed, “But I mean we are growing up soon so we can finally get a place of our own away from her.” “Thank boolprop!” “You two are crazy, Layla is wonderful!” Ripp smiled looking at Layla in a daze as she ate her chips on the sofa. “Okay ignoring lover boy here, what are we going to do today?” Ophelia asked, it was a typical Saturday in Strangetown where things were as boring as ever.
  • 20. Johnny shrugged, “We could go to your house Ophelia.” Ophelia's face suddenly froze and her eyes went wide, “Johnny you know how I feel about my house.” “Yeah no way Johnny!” Ripp agreed, “That place gives me the creeps! I'd rather go to my house,” he paused, “No wait scratch that I would rather go to Ophelia's since the General is home today.” “Look,” Johnny began, “Ophelia's house is quiet, and Ophelia you always say Olive is gone on weekends anyway!” Ophelia looked down nervously, “I don't know Johnny.”
  • 21. “Come on Ophelia it will be fine.” Johnny looked at her with a reassuring smile, “And we can get away from all these annoying people!” His eyes went directly over to Layla on the sofa. Ophelia sighed still not to sure about the idea, “Okay, but only for a few hours alright? You know how Olive feels about me having friends over.” Johnny smiled, “Good and don't worry Phe, it will be fine!” “Yeah I'll protect you,” Ripp nodded grinning to her across the table. “Wow now I totally feel protected!” Ophelia teased with a small laugh.
  • 22. On the way out Ripp headed over to the couch where Layla had just finished her chips. She looked up at Ripp annoyed, “What do you want?” she spat coldly sick of him always bugging her though part of her kind of liked the attention, but he could never know that. “You should come over to Ophelia's house with us, it nice and quiet there,” Ripp grinned leaning closer to her, “We can have all sorts of fun,” he whispered. “Ripp!” Ophelia yelled hearing what he just said. “Ripp getting away from her is half the reason we are going over there!” Johnny snapped with exasperation. Ripp always messed up everything. “Oh come on!” Ripp cried to his friends, “She's hot, and you think I really wanted to be a third wheel to you two all day, please.”
  • 23. Layla smiled sensing how angry Ophelia and Johnny were, “Yeah sure I'll go,” she agreed wanting to annoy them plus what else was there to do in this town? Ripp grinned reaching out his hand for her to grab which she ignored. Behind him Johnny and Ophelia groaned, “Way to go Ripp,” Ophelia muttered, now this idea was even worse.
  • 24. “This is where you live?” Layla asked in surprise seeing the old, small mansion that lay surround by a tall fence and palm trees. She looked to the side seeing the vast number of graves that lay in a graveyard located in the front of the house, that sure wasn't normal. “Unfortunately yes,” Ophelia sighed knowing that bringing the three of them here was a very bad idea. “Pretty romantic don't you think?” Ripp grinned looking at Layla beside him. Layla rolled her eyes ignoring the callow boy.
  • 25. They entered the house to see an expensively decorated dining room.The building immediately felt cold with all the stone and dust that seemed to lie everywhere. “Now seriously don't touch anything!” Ophelia snapped looking at Ripp and Layla who she was way more concerned about than Johnny. Layla watched her carefully realizing how tense and nervous Ophelia seemed. She had never seen her that way before. “Geez what's up with you?” Layla snorted. “Phe gets really tense when she's here,” Ripp explained while smiling at Layla. Ophelia glowered at Ripp, “Just don't touch anything alright!” she cried again, “You can sit on the sofa over there but that's it!”
  • 26. Ripp and Layla sat down on the sofa together much to Layla's disliking while Ophelia headed toward the kitchen followed by Johnny noticing a note on the counter. She looked down at it reading it carefully, “Well that's just great Johnny she left a list of chores for me to do, there goes my Saturday!” “Don't worry Phe I'll help you with them,” Johnny told her placing his hand on her shoulder. Ophelia sighed, “Thanks Johnny,” she frowned.
  • 27. “Okay look,” Ophelia began to Ripp and Layla over by the sofa, “Johnny and I have to do some chores outside. You guys can stay here I guess, but I swear to boolprop you better not touch anything!” she snapped. “Don't worry Phe the only thing we will be touching is each other,” Ripp smiled earning a look of disgust from Layla. Ophelia rolled her eyes, “Whatever just seriously don't touch anything alright!” “Don't worry Phe,” Ripp grinned again.
  • 28. Once they were gone Ripp smiled, “I never thought those two would leave, now we can really have some fun!” Layla ignored him standing up, “There's something weird about this place don't you think?” “Well yeah it's creepy as hell, but don't worry I'll protect you.” Ripp stood up behind her. Layla began to walk over to the kitchen intrigued by the giant bookcase that leaned against the wall, she had seen one like that before.
  • 29. “Wonder why there is a bookshelf in the kitchen?” she asked carefully examining the dusty old books that lay upon the dark wooden shelves. “For cook books,” Ripp shrugged, “Who cares. Let's go back over to the sofa, Phe doesn't want us touching anything anyway.” Layla paid no attention to Ripp continuing to examine the book shelf with strong fascination. She had seen one like this before. It wasn't a normal bookshelf. It had a purpose. “Come on Layla this is boring!” Ripp groaned impatiently. He knew if he could only get her back over to the sofa, he could finally win her over. Layla continued to ignore him searching for something, she knew it was around here somewhere. It was then that she spotted it, the steel book, the one that was not for reading but for another purpose. She grabbed the book and pulled it out.
  • 30. And just like she had suspected the bookshelf began to turn heavily. She quickly slipped in the open gap as it began to turn back around. Ripp watched in amazement, “Wow that's awesome how did you do that?”
  • 31. Layla never answered him as the bookshelf slammed behind her. “Layla where did you go?” he called, “Can I come?” Layla didn't even hear him for she suddenly felt her insides filling up with pure joy and power seeing the room she was now in.
  • 32. It was perfect, absolutely perfect! She ran over to the materials on the wall, “Oh Dragon Scales how much have I missed you!” she smiled, “And Eyes of Newt how wonderful you look!” This was wonderful, absolutely wonderful! Every magical item she could ever need was in this room, except the only problem was she had no magic, but she had hope now for whoever lived in this house did. She knew it couldn't be Ophelia, the girl was too naïve to contain something so powerful, but she must live with someone else right? I mean Ophelia was too young to live alone and the fear Ophelia had at this place, it made sense perfect sense. She smiled, finally she would be able to get out of this town.
  • 33. She quickly returned from the room to avoid any suspicion to find Ripp still standing there in the kitchen waiting for her, “Dude where did you go? I want to see!” “It was just an empty room, nothing exciting,” Layla lied not helping but emit a smile from what she had just seen. “Oh well whatever, let's have fun now alright?” he told her with a grin.
  • 34. “What was that?” Ophelia yelled running into the kitchen. She had heard the sound of the bookshelf slamming against the stone wall perfectly from outside, “You guys have better not touched anything!” “No Phe it was awesome,” Ripp began, “Layla like pulled a..” “Ophelia do you live alone?” Layla interrupted quickly. Ripp was not going to ruin this. “What?” Ophelia asked confused, “No I live with my Aunt Olive. Why?”
  • 35. “Just curious,” Layla smiled somewhat grimly, “Do you think there is a chance I could meet her?” *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
  • 36. “OWWWWWW!” Alexandra screamed in the early morning having woken up to a horrible pain in her stomach. “You got this honey! Just push! It will be okay,” Charity reassured her daughter trying to stay as calm as possible. “Okay!” Jimmy reiterated in complete panic, “How is this going to be okay? Look at how much pain she is in!” “Ignore him you will be fine!” Charity called to her daughter.
  • 37. And true to Charity's prediction she was, as soon enough Alexandra held the newest member of the family in her arms, a beautiful baby girl. “Look Jimmy she has your coloring.” She smiled giving the baby a kiss on the forehead “What are we going to name her?” Jimmy asked. They hadn't thought of a name. “Hmm,” Alexandra pondered suddenly having an idea, “How do you feel about the name Fantasia*?” Jimmy smiled, “I like it.” “Good!” Alexandra rocked little Fantasia in her arms, “Welcome to the family Fantasia!” ____ * The name Fantasia means imagination which I thought suited these two well
  • 38. Not long after Fantasia's birth came the time for another birth to happen. Zoe clutched her stomach in pain late afternoon. Zoe had had an easy pregnancy, but this part was not so easy. “AHHH where's Romeo!” she screamed. “He's still at work, but don't worry I'm here, and you can do this Zoe!” Aimee called to her daughter in law knowing how horrible that felt. “Oh my goodness what's going on?” A random townie named Ralph jumped up in excitement behind Aimee having never seen a birth before. “Oh for crying out loud will you leave?” Aimee snapped turning around to the guy more than perturbed by his presence.
  • 39. “I'm here too Zoe and you got this!” Weldon yelled closing his eyes and emanating all of his tension to his hands which gripped tightly into fists. He may have been through three of these with Aimee, but they still didn't get any easier. “It's coming!” Zoe yelled holding her hands over her stomach and making a giant twirl.
  • 40. And once the twirl was over she held a beautiful baby boy in her arms, being the first member of generation 4 to be born in the main house. Zoe looked up at the baby with a huge grin, “Hey there little guy you got my eyes!” she smiled. The new baby had inherited Zoe's dark blue eyes though had received his grandpa Weldon's blonde hair.
  • 41. “Hey there little dude,” Weldon smiled walking over to see the baby, “You got my hair, so I already know you're going to be awesome.” “Say hi to your grandpa Weldon baby!” Zoe held the baby up closer for Weldon to see. “Hey wow!” Weldon cried, “Let's cool it with the grandpa stuff! I'm not old enough for that yet!” Zoe laughed. “Do you have a name for him?” Weldon asked. Zoe nodded, “Romeo and I had chosen Reese* for a boy, Reese Loving!” Zoe smiled down at the new little baby in her arms, it was weird for her to think that she was now a mother though it was a wonderful feeling as well. “Dude I cannot believe a baby came out after all of that!” Ralph called walking by. Aimee glared at him, “I thought I told you to leave!” ______ * This generation I'm naming the main house kids after names that mean anything associated with love and the name Reese means “heart of passion.”
  • 42. Reese had come just in time too as the new Loving home had finally been finished being built. The house had in fact been designed by Zoe, and was a huge surprise to everyone as she had kept the plans very secret. Of course everyone immediately loved it as it was much bigger than their old home, and Romeo and Zoe were now able to sleep in a room that was not filled with lie detectors and old dream date bouquets.
  • 43. And while new babies were being born around Rosendale, one set of babies had reached the day to grow up into toddlers, and Juliet had planned a huge party for them. “Hey Juliet I don't think I'm going to be able to make the twins birthday,” Victoria told her cousin over the phone that day. “Why?” Juliet asked. “I'm like really not feeling well. I haven't been able to keep any food down all day, and I feel horrible,” Victoria moaned feeling like she might throw up any second. “Oh well I'm sorry Vic, we will miss you.”
  • 44. “Yeah I honestly have no idea what this is because I haven't eaten anything weird, and I felt fine yesterday!” Victoria cried with a sense of irritation in her voice. Juliet just smiled having a slight idea of what might be wrong, “That's okay Vic, don't worry about it. I'm sure you'll feel better soon!” “I sure hope so cause this freaking sucks!” Victoria muttered.
  • 45. Despite Victoria's absence the party went on. Juliet had invited all of her family and a few close friends to celebrate the twins birthday. Everyone was very excited to see how the two boys would turn out.
  • 46. And in the end the twins came out to both be adorable which wasn't much of a surprise considering their parents genetics. Aiden on the left looked much like Juliet despite having his father's hair color having the personality of 3/2/8/7/8 being a shy yet active and nice little boy. Jacob on the other hand, sitting on the right, turned out to look much like Corey despite having his mother's hair color having the personality of 3/10/3/8/10 being much more outgoing and far less active than his brother. They were a very different despite being twins, but they both turned out to be equally adorable.
  • 47. Later that night Victoria did in fact find out what the cause of her “sickness” was, and she was not happy about it. She rubbed her hand over her newly inflated stomach with dismay not wanting to believe this was actually happening to her. “This sucks,” she muttered bitterly.
  • 48. Victoria waited up for Renaud to come home that night, and when she finally saw his car drive up she walked over to the door placing her hands on her hips and glared at him as angrily as she could when he walked in. “Hello Renaud,” she greeted coldly as he entered the house casually. “Hey Vic what's up?” he asked not noticing her stomach at first, though suddenly he noticed it and froze, “Wow Vic your,” he paused and grinned, “This is great!”
  • 49. “Great!” Victoria exploded in complete fury, “How the hell is this great Renaud? I don't want a kid!” Renaud flinched a bit from her reaction though managed to remain calm, “I mean sure it's unexpected Vic, but think about it, this is great! We are going to be parents!” “Renaud did you not hear me? I don't want a kid!” Victoria yelled, “This is your fault!” “My fault?” Renaud questioned bewildered, “How is this my fault?” “Because you probably did this on purpose seeming how happy you are!” “Vic!” Renaud cried, “I promise you, I wouldn't do that!”
  • 50. Suddenly Victoria burst out in tears sobbing uncontrollably. “Vic,” Renaud whispered worriedly placing his arm around her. “I don't want a baby,” she sobbed, “I can't take care of a kid!” “Vic yes you can, we are going to get through this! I promise,” Renaud told her gently stroking her back. “But how?” Victoria continued to whimper, “I'm not mother material!” “Vic it's going to be okay alright? I know you will be able to do this! You are stronger than this.” “Renaud I really never wanted this happen!” “I know you didn't but it has, and we are going to get through this together, okay. I know in the end you are going to end up being a great mother! I promise!”
  • 51. “You really think so?” Victoria asked through sobs that were now getting fainter. “Yes I do,” Renaud wrapped his arms around her comfortably, and she returned the hug. “Im sorry for being a bitch Renaud it's just you know I never wanted a kid,” Victoria told him quietly in his ear. “I know Victoria, but it's going to be okay. I promise,” he told her with reassurance. “Okay Renaud,” she continued to hug him feeling a little better, though she still would have never imagined or wanted this to have happened.
  • 52. It wasn't long until there was another birthday to occur within the growing Loving family, this one belong to Reese. Romeo smiled happily as he held his son next to his birthday cake, “You ready to grow up buddy?” he asked the baby. Reese didn't say anything not being able to talk, but he did move his tiny hand toward the cake trying to grab it.
  • 53. Reese grew up into an adorable little boy looking much like his father had when he had been a toddler though in terms of personality Reese took more after his grandpa Weldon being 3/10/9/10/1, a very active and mean little boy which is always a scary combination, but for now he proves to be adorable having headed straight for the teddy bear in the new nursery.
  • 54. And very soon after Reese's birthday it came time for another birthday, but this one was one that was a little more emotional, especially for Weldon. “Hey Aimee why is there a cake here with way too many candles?” Weldon asked his wife with a big frown. He knew why it was there, but he didn't want it to be there for that reason. “Weldon you know very well why that's there,” Aimee called hanging up the phone. Weldon frowned looking down at the cake, “I don't want to get old! I'm perfectly happy the way I am!” “Weldon I don't think that's your choice to make.” Aimee walked over to him. “But I mean do we have to get old? Can't we just go drink some of that green gunk that prevents it?” He really didn't want to become an elder.
  • 55. Aimee grabbed his hand and smiled, “Weldon don't worry it's going to be fine, we just might not be able to move as fast anymore, but it's not going to change who we are.” Weldon gave a pained smile looking into his wife's eyes, “I just don't want to get old because after that there's like nothing to look forward to.” “Weldon we still have more grandkids and so many more adventures to go through, and this is just one them,” Aimee told him feeling rather insightful. “Okay, and you'll still think I'm sexy even with gray hair?” he asked her. Aimee just laughed nodding her head, “Yes Weldon I'm pretty sure I will.”
  • 56. Much to Weldon's reluctance the party went on and that night the dreaded time came as all of their friends and family cheered them on. Weldon and Aimee both blew out their candles wishing for the rest of their lives to be as great as their lives had been so far.
  • 57. And right after a quick change of clothes, Weldon and Aimee returned downstairs in their newly eldered forms. Aimee grabbed Weldon's hands and led him out on the back porch with with a grin, “I still find you just as sexy you know.” Weldon smiled gently moving her hands back and forth, “Good and same goes for you.” Aimee smiled leaning into him, “I'm glad about that.”
  • 58. A few minutes later Aimee headed back inside to run into her twin sister Charity who stood still young and smiling. “It's really weird being younger you,” Charity told her sister. They had never had a birthday apart until this one, and it was odd to say the least. Aimee laughed, “Oh tomorrow morning it's your turn Charity, so if I were you I'd enjoy your last night of being young because well honestly I can already feel my back hurting.” Charity laughed, “I'll be sure to do that!”
  • 59. Sure enough the next morning Charity and Randy stood beside two big birthday cakes with lots of candles. Unlike Aimee and Weldon, Charity and Randy were excited to grow up and enjoy the last stage of their lives.
  • 60. Once the candles were blown Charity and Randy transitioned into a wonderful set of elders who were still just as in love as they had been back when they were teens years ago.
  • 61. And that night it came time for yet for another birth to occur as Victoria was alarmed late at night by as sharp pain that suddenly struck her stomach. “Ow this hurts!” Victoria yelled thinking how there was no way she was ever doing this again, “RENAUUUUDD!” she screamed.
  • 63. “Ugh you suck!” she screamed in complete agony, there was no way this was ever happening again! No freaking way!
  • 64. After much pain and screaming Victoria finally held her new daughter breathless, “Uh hi,” she muttered looking at the baby that had inherited her brown hair and Renaud's light blue eyes. “Your dad really sucks for sleeping through this,” she told the baby holding it up under it's arms. She really had no idea what she was doing. “I guess you need a name and all that.” She honestly had no idea, she hadn't talked about that with Renaud. She scanned the room noticing the painting behind the baby glancing straight at it seeing a picture of two pears, “Pear,” she said aloud, “I'll name you Pear.”
  • 65. Eventually Renaud woke up to see his new daughter and an angry Victoria in the nursery, “You named our daughter Pear?” he questioned looking his new daughter with elation. “Hey it's your fault, you weren't there! Plus at least I didn't go with Tomato, Lemon, or Eggplant!” Victoria cried handing Pear over to her father. “I actually kind of like it.” Renaud smiled at the baby gently grabbing her. “Okay so just so we're clear you're changing the diapers and all that,” Victoria told Renaud as he rocked Pear in his arms lovingly.
  • 66. The next morning Victoria and Renaud were up early feeling a high of energy that was only known to a new set of parents. “I couldn't sleep last night,” Renaud told Victoria rubbing his eyes. “Hmm I wonder why, was it the baby that screamed half the night or our lumpy mattress?” Victoria asked rolling her eyes. “Neither actually,” Renaud answered ignoring her sarcasm, “It was a thought on my mind keeping me up.” “If it's a sibling for Pear forget it! I'm never doing that again!” “No it wasn't that though it would be nice, but the real thought keeping me up was how I think we should get married now that we have a daughter.”
  • 67. Victoria looked at him with a laugh, “Married?” Renaud nodded, “I know you don't want to Victoria, but I really think now that we have a child we should.” Victoria looked around their bedroom thinking soon turning back to Renaud, “Yeah you're right, it might be a good idea. Let's do it today! I can wear my turquoise dress and you can wear that blue suit of yours.” “Today?” Renaud questioned with huge eyes, “Vic don't you think we should actually plan something.” “Nah I can call the fam, and they should be over in a flash. I'm pretty sure they will be so surprised that I'm actually getting married that they'll drop whatever they're doing just to witness the event.” “Victoria I really think we should wait a least a week and plan something,” Renaud told her thinking realistically. Victoria rolled her eyes, “Do you want to get married or not?”
  • 68. Even though he was reluctant to do it right that very day Renaud eventually agreed to get married to Victoria right in their kitchen. Commitment had always freaked her out, but Victoria actually found that she was finally ready to call Renaud her husband rather than fiance, and even though she was quite a handful, Renaud loved her was ready to be able to finally officially call her his wife.
  • 69. And just like Victoria had assumed the entire family was there to celebrate in a flash as Victoria getting married was an event that may go down in history as one of the biggest surprises.
  • 70. And it was also no surprise that Victoria shoved wedding cake right into Renaud's mouth with a huge laugh. ____ Renaud (Weburg) London Personality: 4/7/8/3/3 Aspiration: Fortune LTW: Top Intelligence
  • 71. There was probably no one more thrilled than Juliet that Victoria was finally married.“Victoria I can't believe you finally did it! You're married. Isn't it wonderful? And with a kid two! I'm pretty sure you're the one rocking the family life now!” Juliet flashed Victoria once of her largest grins and clapped her hands together in glee. Victoria sighed at her cousin's over enthused attitude, “Yeah yeah yeah, it's really not all that exciting.” “Oh it totally is!” “You could not be more of a family sim right now Juliet!” “Yeah well I love being a family sim thank you very much!” she smiled. “Yeah yeah I know you do,” Victoria laughed giving her cousin a brief hug which caused Juliet to get even more excited.
  • 72. Much later that night Rosaline sat at the computer feeling a sting of frustration. She heard a loud boom of thunder from outside and glanced over to the window to see that it had started pouring down rain. She sighed ignoring it and turned back to her computer screen that was now beginning to blur from her tired eyes.
  • 73. She was supposed to be writing an article for work and for some reason she just couldn't focus, and the rain wasn't helping either as it seemed to be distracting her more. She gently massaged her temple that seemed to be aching trying to think of an idea. Her thoughts were interrupted when she suddenly heard the door bell ring. She jumped up in surprise wondering who the heck could be at her house this late and rainy.
  • 74. Rosaline could not have been anymore surprised at the answer to this question as she opened the door to see the last person she would have ever expected to see. Her mouth immediately hung open at the site, “Ethan?”
  • 75. “Um hey Ros how are you?” he asked quietly seeing how surprised she was. They stood in an awkward silence for a second until he said, “Can I uh come in? It's raining really hard.” “Umm yeah sure,” Rosaline answered her voice shaking a bit. She stepped to the side to let him in not sure what she was feeling at the moment.
  • 76. Ethan immediately looked up at the house upon entering, “Nice house,” he commented. “Uh thanks,” Rosaline answered trying to sound as phlegmatic as possible though it wasn't working, “I like it.” “Yeah I would too. It's really nice,” he said turning back to her.
  • 77. “So um what are you doing here?” Rosaline asked him trying not to sound rude, “I mean Lexy told me you like disappeared.” “Uh yeah I did. I went to Twikkii Island for awhile. I kind of meant to tell her, but it was sort of a last minute arrangement” “Oh, well she was really worried about you,” Rosaline told him placing her hands on her hips uncomfortably. Ethan looked down at his hand, “Yeah I know, but I apologized and we're cool now.” “Oh,” Rosaline responded not sure of what to say.
  • 78. Suddenly she looked down noticing the small golden ring on his left hand, “You're married!”
  • 79. “Uh yeah,” he answered timidly, “that was another sort of last minute arrangement.” “Oh,” Rosaline said finding that was all she could say. She couldn't help but feel a knot forming tightly in her stomach, though she tried to shake it off as she shouldn't be feeling that anymore. “It's to um Katerina, you know that girl I was dating in college? Well yeah we just sort of got married on the beach at Twikkii. It was nice, though I wish my friends and family could have been there.” “Mmhmm.” “And uh are you seeing anyone?” he asked having noticed she had a ring as well.
  • 80. “Yeah I am actually. I'm engaged. His name is Ronan,” she answered, “He's the one who bought the house actually.” “Oh cool where is he?” Ethan asked quietly. “Um he's working late tonight. He's in the gaming business and apparently there's some game he has to see is beatable or something. I'm not really sure,” she uttered a slight laugh. “Oh well that's actually kind of cool,” he told her, though Rosaline could tell he really didn't actually think so. “So um Ethan what are you actually doing here?” she asked him getting to the point.
  • 81. “Well um I came here to see you of course. Lexy told me where you live, and I wanted to drop by and see how you were. I know right now isn't that great of a time, but I was around so I decided to stop by,” he gave a small smile. Rosaline nodded wishing that he hadn't, “Oh well that's nice,” she lied, “I've been good.” “That's good,” he said quickly then stood in silence. Rosaline just looked at him uncertain of what to do next feeling so many mixed emotions that none of them even seemed real, “Um do you want a tour of the house?” she suddenly blurted out lamely not knowing what else to do. Ethan nodded, “Yeah sure.”
  • 82. She showed him the entire house which he seemed to like quite a lot, though it wasn't until she showed him the bedroom where he got excited as he saw an object that struck his interest. “Ros you own a guitar!” he cried with excitement looking at the white electric guitar as if it were the best thing in the world. “Um not exactly. It's Ronans, though he never actually uses it much,” Rosaline answered looking at the object that normally just sat untouched in their bedroom. Ethan walked closer to it with great fascination, “It's really nice, sort of a waste if he never plays it.” “Well um you can play it if you want,” Rosaline told him without thinking. “Really?” Ethan cried excitedly, touching it gently. “Um yeah sure,” Rosaline answered timidly regretting this decision.
  • 83. He gladly took her up on that offer picking up the white guitar and playing it with ease. Rosaline watched him clapping with delight as the wonderful rhythm fled through her ears. She was suddenly reminded of the time she had cheered on Ethan playing guitar as teen, though now he was so much better moving his hands up and down the neck of the guitar swiftly, playing the chords effortlessly. Ethan always looked right while playing guitar, and Rosaline couldn't help but smile as she watched him.
  • 84. “Ha that was a little rusty,” Ethan laughed placing the guitar back once he was done, “I haven't played much since college. Katerina doesn't really like when I play at home.” Rosaline tilted her head wondering how Katerina could prevent him from doing something he was so wonderful at, “Well I didn't notice because you were great, amazing actually.” Ethan grinned, “Thanks Ros you've always been my number one fan from the beginning.” “I'm such a cheerleader,” Rosaline teased rolling her eyes. “You have always been a good one to me,” Ethan smiled.
  • 85. It was then that they stood there with an odd tension between them. Rosaline was having a major recollection of the time they had stood silently looking at each other in Alexandra's room years ago trying to avoid that loud party of Victoria's feeling as if that moment had just happened yesterday.
  • 86. And because of that remembrance she found herself compelled to produce the same result as she pulled him close to her gently brushing her lips upon his without even giving a second thought to the action. Last time the kiss had been awkward, but this time it felt ideal, like a kiss should feel with both people completly into the moment.
  • 87. Though unlike last time they continued to move further neither of them giving much thought into what they were actually doing too caught up in the rhythm of each other shutting the rest of the world out.
  • 88. Going farther than they probably should have.
  • 89.
  • 90. Rosaline's eyes quickly shot open in alarm from the sound of the front door opening as she registered the realization of what was happening. Reality had just slapped her back in the face hard.
  • 91. She could hear Ronan heading toward the kitchen, probably to get water. She quickly jumped out of bed turning back to see the sleep figure behind her which did not belong to her finance. Shit she thought.
  • 92. “Ethan!” she yelled quietly, vigorously tapping him on the shoulder, panic running threw her veins. “Hmm?” he grunted slowly sitting up in bed confused on what was going on. “Ethan you have to get out of here!” Rosaline cried glancing over at the clock which read 3:32 AM. Ethan gave a yawn stretching his arms out, “Why?”
  • 93. “Because Ronan's home!” she cried in panic, “And you've gotta get out of here!” Ethan looked over to the door and then back to Rosaline, “Oh shit really?” “Yes and isn't Katerina going to wonder where you are!” “I would assume so,” Ethan yawned still half asleep. Rosaline could now hear Ronan's footsteps beginning to come up the stairs and her anxiety multiplied, “Ethan there are steps that lead outside from the porch!” she told him as quickly as possible, “Go out that door.” She pointed to the glass door on the other side of the room. “Okay.” Ethan quickly began to pile all of his belongs heading out the door at record speed.
  • 94.
  • 95.
  • 96.
  • 97. “Rosaline!” Ronan smiled walking in completely unaware of anything that had just happened, “What are you still doing up, and in your underwear might I add?” “Um waiting for you of course,” Rosaline lied her voiced shaking a bit, she forced a small smile. “At 3:40 in the morning?” Ronan asked raising an eyebrow. Rosaline swallowed wishing she could just swallow the heap of guilt that hung in her throat, “I wanted to surprise you.”
  • 98. Ronan let out a huge grin wrapping his arms around Rosaline, “You're amazing you know that?” No I'm not! I'm not amazing at all, Rosaline thought returning the hug with a giant sting of guilt. “No seriously you are, I don't think I could be with anyone more perfect!” he told her hugging her again. Rosaline let out a small sigh, yes you could, you could be with anyone more perfect than me. Ronan squeezed her tighter, “I love you Ros.”
  • 99. “I love you too Ronan,” Rosaline answered sadly.
  • 101. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* “Did you really just spit in my face you nasty little thing!” “Victoria you better be acting nice to our daughter!” “Nice! The thing just spit in my face!” *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Victoria being a mother is a rather scary thought isn't it? Anyway this is where I will be leaving you for now. Next chapter should begin to focus more on generation 4 though there are still quite a few things that need to be sorted with generation 3 before a true transition of focus can occur. But anyway thanks for reading and I'll see you next time!