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How to manipulate the
perception of reality
Raffaele Serafini
Venetian Language
The following publication has no copyrights and its parts
can be copied, transmitted and shared with any device and
technique: mechanical, electronique including fotocopies
and recordings both audio and videos. Feel free to store and
share it freely without any permission from the author and
printed in Venice and translated from Venetian Language to
English in 2013. Original title "Gramatega del consenso"
1° Edition november 2010
I dedicate this work to those who have the courage to open
their eyes and understand that the world around them is built
to obtain their daily consent and to inhibit any doubt that
their interpretation of reality might be the contrary of what it
I have been working on this paper since I was a young
student in the university of Barcelona in Bellaterra,
Catalunya in 1988, and decided to analyse how we are
manipulated by the mass medias. It took me 22 years to
finish the work the 9 november 2010 in Venice, just few
hours before one of the many raids of the italian political
police who often violated my intimacy with the expropriation
of my writings and studies. Furtunately, I miracolously
saved the work, otherwise it would have been lost.
The text deals with the "soft" methods used to obtain
consent. The "hard" methods such as tortures, privation,
stress, are not the subject of this work which are widely
treated by the military literature of the most powerfull
countries. Forgive the redundancy, I wish many others after
me will reduce and synthesize my work and better formalize
the principles that are used to manipulate consent. There are
no biographical notes at the end of the book, because the
examples are taken by everyday mass
media production of which I produce
several examples. The richness of text
and images is also a consistent proof.
The book is the production and work
on the field without any special mean
but those ordinary of everyday life.
Everybody can do it without financial
resources, just a lot of time and desire
to analyze and compare news. The
world around us speaks, we must
study, we must analyze it, we must
naked it and try to formalize principles that governs it. Open
your eyes, read the names of the streets, ask yourself why,
open a newspaper and ask yourself why those pictures, why
those titles and why not others. Watch a tv program or listen
to a radio program and ask yourself why. All you hear and
all you see, it is not there by chance, but it is built for you, it
is placed for you to be absorbed and to make you react in a
foreseeable way. Nothing must ever lead you to doubt, to
think that is was built for you, anything must appear by case.
The reasons for this book, can be traced among the pictures
and drawings that follow. As far as I know few if none has
ever reduced to formal ideas the manipulation's tecniques
that are used every day to feed billions of human beings and
that drive them to accept the ideologies of truthfull
oligarchies similar to monarchies and called ipocritically
democracies. Such "democracies" govern a humanity always
more mentally conformed,
brainwashed, uncapable to
discriminate between reality
and illusion.
The image with the circles was
built to convey you the
perception that the brown
circle inside the crown of big
cirlces, is smaller than the one surrounded by small circles.
The brown circles have the same diameter, but the optical
illusion make you believe the contrary.
The grey squares of the second picture, appear to have a
different tonality: the one on the left looks lighter than the
one on the right, while they
are equals. It is a cromatic
The third image of the page,
exploits a cromatic illusion.
The red stripes have blue
contours on the left side and
yellow contours on the right side.
The contours modify the perception
of red colour which is actually the
same for all stripes.
The three soldiers in the
first picture are equally
tall, but the manipulation
of the drawing gives a
different interpretation.
The two pictures with the
houses bent as if they were
falling, is the product of a rotation of the image. The cars are
parked in a road which is not flat. The counter rotation of the
picture gives the impression that the houses have an
inclination and are falling.
The drawing made on the pavement,
with its colours, lines and subject, is
perfectly integrated in the
environment and gives the illusion
of depth. The man's position helps!
The last drawing
rapresents what
everybody would
define a square,
but it is not. It is
the illusion of the
geometry of a
From the 3 pictures above, we can gather that perceiving is
different that understanding reality. We can imagine and also
draw figures that are
impossible in our world but
that we perceive as real.
This gape between reality
and perception of reality, is a
richness and a weakness of
humankind. For example in
the 3 pictures below, equal dimensions are
perceived as different. Our "common
sense" is different than reality. Surfaces,
colours, inclinations, shapes...anything can
be built and tansformed to give us different
sensations, like in an illusionist's stage.
Our attention is deviated, our senses are confused, saturated,
so much until we loose any analitic capacity. The last
pictures are an example of distortion. The stripes appear to
have an inclination, while they are parallel.
The traditional way to obtain
consent, was to oblige people to
obey through terror and violence.
The modern way is more
sofisticated and efficient. The
construction of a
mental prison in
which the input is
manipulated so as to create a controlled
perception of reality in the minds of the
people, is the purpose of any
government. The result is that the
population is inevitably driven to
think "the right way" that is
actually the way that favour the
government's agenda. The words
democracy and pluralism hides a
different reality: totalitarianism
and indoctrination. Anything that
is placed before our eyes has the
very specific purpose of driving
our decisions. We believe and must believe that we freely
choose, while we are induced to elect. We are fed like
chickens with predigested informations. Truth has no
importance, but only the belief
that it is genuinly true. In this
process of brainwashing it is of
fundamental importance to
dissolve any doubt inside the
population. A faithfull people
can be governed easily.
The italian national
ideology is an
example of this
process of mass
Italian nationalism
since the invasion
of Venetia, of
Sicily, of south
Tirol, has been creating several stereotypes: the drunk
Venetian, the stupid Venetian, the ignorant venetian, the
venetian prostitute. The Sicilians
have been painted as mafia
people, while the Sardenians as
shepperds and the Tiroleans as
stupid mountain people unable
to speak. The native and ancient
languages spoken by these
ethnic groups have been defined despectively "dialects" and
forbidden in all public places such as schools, municipalities
and all government offices. Local history and traditions have
been hidden or subjected to derision
under words such as: barbarians,
uncivilized, and
the ancient
alphabets called
scratches. The
italian invasion is
In the last 100 years,
the national states
those that defines
themselfs democracies,
used in a
monopolistical and
monodirectional way,
the means to obtain
consent in order to
conform the minds and culture of masses.
In the last decades, with the arrival of the World Wide Web
WWW), the monopolium of informations is vanishing. We
all have the possibility to
be consumers and
producers at the same
time. The verticality and
monodirectionality of
informations is replaced
by orizontal reciprocal
comunication, where we
all participate at the
same level and are free to choose. The mediators of consent
disappear. The concept of virality becomes important to
ignite a chain reaction of
replication of memes (ideas).
The new revolutions are made
with the construction and
diffusion of memes. The
production of consent is not the
work and monopolium of a
lobby but of all human beings.
Propaganda, the daily mass media brainwashing, is higly
organized with rules fit to influence our cognitive apparatus.
The analysis in this book shows how propaganda is
organized. The manufacturers of consent, in most cases,
purposely produce their messages without knowing or
having ever formalized rules. The creation of messages is
governed by rules, in many cases unknown even to the top
manufacturers of consent. It happened the same for
languages, for thousands of years human beings have been
using languages without knowing any grammar. Let's say
that nowdays, many of those who distort the perception of
reality, still know very few about it. There is a lack of
studies on this subject, we lack grammars that explain how
propaganda is built. This work, is a grammar about how the
leaderships of modern democracies produce consent.
The image above is known as "Ames chamber", and it was
built to distort reality with the creation of optical and
cognitive illusions. The kid is not a giant, the man is 170 cm
tall, but the room gives the perception that the kid is much
taller than the man. The production of consent in modern
democracies, is more important than the military budget. A
huge fully equipped national propaganda machine is used for
the production videos, audios, printed papers such as
creation studios, editing house, directors, assemblers etc...
The news that arrive through the media streams, are
predigested and go through a process of manipulation and
filtering, before they arrive to us.
Nothing is left to the case. The production of news is like
producing commercial spots, it is a job of professionals. The
game is to fool people and hide the real intentions.
The importance of public opinion, is the key of modern
regimes, of those we call "democracies". The mass consent,
becomes the most important thing, and that is why all
democracies in the last century paid particular attention to
monopolize and fully controll the production and diffusion
of culture. The controll the cultural production, has become
a true obsession for all governments. We can fully assert that
the production of culture is totalizing and capillary
organixed as in any modern industrial and marketing
enterprise. In this factory there are workers, directors,
managers, technological tools to create and manipulate
messages, transmission tools, magnifiers, distribution nets to
the last consumer. News arrive to the final consumer like the
oxigen to the cells of our body.
The producers of "culture"
(journalists, philosophers,
politicians, protagonists of tv
shows, commentators,
economists, financial counselors,
military...) use mass medias with some of the
tactics and strategies treated in this book.
These "promoters" are so brainwashed with
the dominant national dogmas and they
digested them so intimately, that they
produce a series of memes, of reasonings, of
justifications and theorems, that are fully
allined to the " common sense". The
"common sense" is the way citizens must
interpret reality in order to influence politics as less as
possible, in order to give consent. Dissidency is self
removed. A good theolog of national doctrines has the
extraordinary capacity to remove doubts and "bad thoughts".
Homeland, religion, military, police, politicians, the national
flag and anthem, are always insert in or between tv
programs, newspapers, magazines,
radioprograms. It is important to give the
general impression that there is freedom to
talk about anything (sex, scandals,
corruption, legal matters, politics...), but the
real foundings of national power and
doctrines, remain untouchables, their
substance is kept far from serious critics.
Several technologies are
used to build messages.
Anything becomes sign: a
scratch on the sand or on a
wall, a book or a tv
program. Words, colors,
writings, sounds, videos, images, shaking
of hands, flirts, anything becomes sign.
The industrial production of consent uses
the most advanced tecnologies. The
governments and the most powerfull
economic and financial institutions, take
controll and monopolize
the most powerfull means of production
and transmission of mass messages. Tv,
editing, radios have become weapons more
powerfull than armies.
A military of people
moved by doctrines,
worth much more than mercenaries in
uniform. Wars between geopolitical
entities, are not the work of militaries,
but a national business, a fight between
citizens grown up and educated in the
national ideology. The citizen is the carrier of an ideology
built to keep him faithfull. The citizen
of the national state, of the modern
democracies, is unable to imagine a
life without the national dogmas and
"his" homeland.
In the past, the palaces of power were
conquered. The modern golpes are
made with the conquest of tv studios,
facilities, radio
stations and the
web. Nowdays
the public
opinion is more inportant than an
army and it is of key importance to
controll it. It should not surprise to find
radios and tv even in the poorest places
of the earth and among the poorest
people of the earth.
If in modern states
the outputs of
people: their
decisions, thoughts
and votes, are so important, then it is a
must to produce and controll all the
inputs that reach them. The theologs, the producers of
consent, can be replaced, but the net
remains. In the name of democracy,
many are allowed to produce memes,
but few are allowed to spread them.
The sistematic diffusion of messages
and the controll of the net, are the
foundings of the state model of consent. The old states and
empires used analphabetism as a barrier to power, modern
states use alphabetisation to brainwash & controll citizens.
In the past the scribes copied books
one by one, in such a way diffusion
was limited. Printing permitted a
revolution in the world of books. Tv
repeaters are the equivalent of printing
machines, tv the equivalent of books
which are the devices that bear the
ideas. The beginning of printing
created the first traumas to the old
system of consent where the
monopolium of writing was strictly controlled. Massive
rivolts and dissidency begun no more and only for food or
slavery, but because of the spreading of ideas. Religious
revolts, revolutions, revindications...gave the first shocks to
the centralized powers. So it became obvious, in order to
controll people, that it was important to controll the means of
diffusion of ideas. Those states that first controlled these
means of diffusion, obtained
the allignment of public
opinion as much as a faithfull
army and could first coin the
word democracy. The
fidelization of the citizen
through his or her
brainwashing, became the
caracteristic of stability of
modern states. This status remained unrivalled until the
appearance of the personal computers and the World Wide
Web, of those instruments that permit to build and reproduce
messages, share and transmit them, orizontally, reciprocally
at almost no cost. The monopolium of memes has come to an
Paintings, monuments,
military parades, are also
means of diffusion of
memes. National states
own or controll all means
of mass communication
and have a totalizing
presence in them. Each
demonstration, every cultural expression, are
the demonstration of this nationalism and
centralism. Sport's events, festivities,
anniversaries and
toponomastics, storiography,
geography, iconography.....
anything celebrates and recall
homeland ideology. Up to the
16th century the Catholic Roman
Church controlled exclusively all forms of human culture in
Europe. Paintings, sculpture, literature, music, resembled the
total control by church of any form of human expression.
The protagonists of all pieces of arts were: saints, bishops,
virgins Mary, Jesus,
god. All other aspects
of life were censored,
we'd better say: artists
censored themselves
and prostituted their
skills to an ideology.
The concept of visibility is both tactical
and strategical. An invisable message is
not a message because it leaves no
trace, no matter how convincing it is.
Vixibility or tracebility are the
necessary attributes for a message.
During the
siege of
Tien Ament square in Peking, the
struggle of an unknown man
before the tanks had a great
vixibility and the western medias
gave it a huge resonancy in order
to autoglorify themself.
The Statue of Liberty is a
propaganda statue, placed at the
entrance of New York harbour so
millions of European immigrants,
who arrived by boat in the 20th
century could see it and fulfill the
american dream. What is more
visable than a black sheep among a flock of white sheeps.
The colour contrast makes a minority more visable.
Contextual factors are very relevant.
We summarize the main caracteristics of propaganda
messages as follows:
The same principle applies
to those girls who cover
their face and hair in the
west. In an islamic country
a face covered woman goes
unnoticed, while in the
west it rarer and visable
that her veil becomes the
object of cults and legal disputes. It was a
similar case when the short skirt in the sixties
became a scandal and in some countries
object of legal disputes too. In may 1997, a
bunch of armed of venetians
took possession of Venice's
towerbell. It was a brilliant
operation to obtain the world's
attention. The cocktail was:
visable Venice + visable
To convince, is the quality of a good
politician. A message to be effective
must be credible. Rather than logic,
coherence and transparency, is more
important credibility. The eliocentric
theory was not credible because common
sense suggested that the earth was unmovable with the sun
rotating around it. That is why Tolomeus and the Aristothelic
school were more successfull for more that 15 centuries.
People give judgements based on very superficial reasonings
and analysis. Rationality does not pay back a master of
consent. It is more usefull to stimulate
passions, primitive reactions, sex, and
superstitions. The real power of an
ideology in present society, is
credibility; this worths for religion,
economic and political theories. The
level of persuasivity is related to the
caracteristics of the receiver. For
example an odiens of farmers is more attracted and
pursuaded by speeches that mention and are related to
agriculture and economy, rather than sport and math. An
odiens of economists will prefer a speech politically related
to currency exchanges, international finance. Army
professionals will like speeches about
financing and increase of military
budget. While an odiens of retired
people, will be concerned about pensions
and medical care.
"Exclusivity", is one of the most important concept when we
consider the winning memes in history. If we look at what
determined the success of conifers in the
world of trees, we discover that this group
of plants, produces substances that inhibit
the growth of potential competitors
around them. It is a way to get rid of
competitors. Well, successfull religions
and ideologies also
carried this kind of
attribute. Inquisitions,
religious wars, gulags,
concentration camps, are the historical
proofs of how to inhibit competitors'
ideologies. In religion monotheism
strongly opposed to politheism at such a
degree that alternative cults were treated
with death. Communism pretended to be
scientifically justified which meant: expropriation and
anhilation of any other theory or ideology. Capitalism and
democracy describe themself as the absolute good and for it
legitimate wars and imperialism with no limits.
The assumption "to pursue truth and be in the positions of
those who are the good ones", is the requisite of winning
memes. If a meme could describe itself it would say: "I am
the best, anything other than me is worse and must be
terminated or modified to resemble me".
Modern production techniques, copying
and diffusion means, with the speed and
precision they can be transported,
facilitate the
production of
messages on an
industrial scale
and can reach
the farest
places of the
Messages are
virally in millions of copies. The
cinema, the music, the editing, the tv and the radio
industries, have produced hundreds of millions of copies.
Fashion's products go through the same process and are
consumed because of their symbolic value, better say,
because of the credit they are given. Religious and political
messages have sometime a great
replication power. The Coran, the
Torah, Marx's Capital, are works
that propagated for years,
virally the
culture of
human kind.
The present work concentrates on the tactics used to
manipulate consent. The following pages will analyse one by
one the tactics used to manipulate consent.
The analysis of the tactics used
reveals two different aspects of the
manipulators of consent:
a)Intentionality and premeditation
b)In many cases the complete lack
of rational understanding of the
techniques used.
The majority of those who produce consent, ignores the
foundings of consent and never organixed analitically and
scientifically their work.
This work rapresent a pioneristic work that opens for all a
rational understanding of mechanism used to manipulate
consent. The reading of this book, can help both producers
and receptors to either manipulate or avoid manipulation.
For manipulators this book is a grammar that will help them,
while for the consumers it will
function as an antidote to the daily
brainwashing that regimes, states,
firms, preechers, carry on daily.
The core of this book, deals with the
formalization of the tactics used to
indoctrinate people. The next
chapters, will show a list of practical
examples that explain better than any
word, the tecniques used to produced
consent. The image (on your
rightright) painted in the street is an
example of distortion of reality
through the tecnique of perspective,
inserted with cure in a real
The propaganda of traditional regimes is less sofisticated. In
Iran the media positioning of the subjects rapresents the
jerarchies inside the theocracy that rules the country. This
positioning is very similar to the roman catholic iconography
used in old
paintings. It is a case
of primitive
propaganda free of
any chromatic or
mean. The
propaganda of
modern regimes,
what we call
"western democracies", is more sofisticated, and, as a
consequence, more convincing and usefull to submit
population without any physical coercion or intimidation.
The tactic of lying is as old as life and we
can find examples in the animal world. A
Venetian dictum says "Lies have short
legs". Lying is a tactic that in the long run
does not pay
and it is the last
resource used
by any regime, so it is getting rarer
in any system of modern consent.
Let's say that lying is used mostly
by those entities such as militaries
and police. In the italian state,
police, military, judges, medical analysts and expertise
falsify reports and witnesses in order to justify crimes that
the authorities carry on. The
events during
the 2001
summit G8
are the
example of these methods.
Let's point out that such methods are old fashioned in a
modern system of consent and they survive only thanks to a
chain of complicities and inefficiencies. Lying is a tactic
used mostly by old fashioned regimes and it is easily
Official news and accredited journalists, are
a self referential product. The true
journalists, the impartial reporters do not
exist. The invalidity of official news and
sources became clearly evident during the
invasion of Iraq in 2003, when the accredited
journalists were accompanied by the
invasion's troups, while those not in the
company of Usa military, were killed accidentally.
The main problem of culture and
information is self reference. References
are those sources called official and
supported by a huge military and legal
apparatus. True or false, what matters are
the prints and certifications of police
stations, prefectures, accredited journalists
and academics. To maintain the opposite of
any official truth is difficult because in a
corporate way the entire system will go against you. Regime
intellectuals and a considerable amount of resources with the
addition of legal intimidation and antidefamation laws, will
do the rest. For example if somebody in the Vatican square
would shout that the Pope is a story
teller and the books he uses are
legends comparable to fairy tales, he
would be inprisoned instantly.
On the other hand if he shouts that the president of Iran or
north Korea are dictators, he will not be requested any
evidence for his statements and he will be supported by the
corporate medias.
All christian catholic mithology and literature, are a huge
propagandistic corpus deprived of the most common
hystorical foundings and completely self­referenced,
nonetheless there are also academics and universities
dedicated to it.
Few years ago to maintain that
the Venetian language was a
dialect, requested no proof, on
the contrary those who defined it
a language were censored.
proofs were evident but common
sense, conformism, ignorance and in
many cases the judgements of
official academics, prevailed and
discrimination was the rule.
Wikipedia in some cases uses books
to officialize a position rather than a
truthfull Galileian method, so to
officialize truth is a matter of
printing books through the Sbn
system and not a matter of direct proofs and evidence.
To know what others cannot
know , is a real weapon. It
means to controll others and
beeing absolved to give any
explanation. Secrecy is the
product of a military and
authoritaryan vertical culture.
Catholic church created a sacrament called "Penance" in
order to know anything about everybody. In the state of Italy,
secrecy reigns. Since 1943 the italian state governed through
a series of murders, lies, massacres, kidnapping,
intimidations, falsifications and legal cheating of any kind.
The "state secret" was used and
is still in use to know about
events such as the massacre of
"Porteddu della Ginestra", the
massacre of Ustica, of Piazza
Fontana, of Piazza della Loggia,
the murder of colonel Giuliano.
The same attitude of authorities
was used for the murders of Enrico Mattei, De Màuro and
Pasolini. In 1943 the italian
monarchy and later the italian
government, signed
agreements with Usa that are
still covered by secrecy.
Who are the anonymous
forces of an infamous history
in Italy? When no responsable
are found and the secrecy is
invoked, the finger must be
pointed on the military
carabinieri, on the church and
Usa military who behind the
courtain and covered by secrecy, did what they want in
The secrecy is used to cover illegal acts done behind the
shoulders of people and legality. Secrecy, in many cases,
guarantees immunity to those who act against the law.
Transparency is called upon when it serves the purpose to
defeat uncomfortable enemies and mostly the simple citizen.
Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden
weakened the net of secrecy built by the western world, and
for the first time the secrets and infamous behaviour of
governments' leaders have been displayed. Such revelations
potrait the ipocrisy of a western leadership
who preach democracy and transparency
while in reality violates the most basic
human rights and struggle to maintain
secrecy. Secrecy, is one of the basis of
inequality e privilege. The abolition of
secrecy puts everybody on the same level of
transparency, and mostly those in power
whose concern is strong whenever their
privacy is at stake. Trasparency is the good
medecine for a sane policy and economy.
Privacy is a smart invention to know
anything about you and hide
anything of those in power, so they
can controll you and anticipate any
decision of yours. In an open
growing society where informations
become a shared freedom, the
kapoes of politics, economy and
military, do anything to enforce law
on privacy. For example bank's
officials know anything about you
and share such information within their net, but when the
fellow in the street invokes transparency, the banks hide
themselves behind the pretext of privacy. The principle of
reciprocity is violated and it instaures a monopolium and
abuse of informations.
The pretext of privacy is comparable to the secret of
confession used for centuries by the roman catholic church,
where the clerics controlled the most intimate actions and
thoughts of people. With the arrival and diffusion of the
world wide web, and the free sharing of datas all over the
world, all those categories who built their position on
privacy, secrecy and anonimacy of datas begun to loose
power. Search engines are mercyless and drive you to find
info and details about anybody, so most of governments
begun to censor the web with the pretexts such as "common
good", "security", "prevention", "defamation", "morality"....
In may 1997 in the main square of
Venice, a group of italian military special
forces (carabinieri) neutralized the
demonstrative action of an independentist
Venetian group called "Serenissimi". The
italian commando after the neutralization
of the Venetian group, begun to beat to
blood the independentists, without any reason. Isn't it strange
that these people use masks everytime they are in action and
it is not possible to identify them.
In most of European cities and
villages, there is a net of videocams
that record every action and sound
of people in the streets. On the
other hand there are no video cams
in all public offices, military
buildings and police stations, where the government personel
enjoys full impunity for their actions. Can the private citizen
controll the pubblic officer?
From one side, there is a huge care in
skanning common people's behaviour,
but such care in not used when it is
time to controll and record the actions
of police, of military, of those
working in public offices. Anonimacy
permits any sort of abuse in those
places where people's rights should be
higly guaranteed for their crimes.
Once, when I was a kid and passed close
to a farmer house, my mother pointed at
it saying: "You see that house over
there? There was a man who was
shooting at police, he was crazy". No
further discussion, no explanation of the
reasons of the farmer, who I discovered
later, difended his house and land from
the expropriation of the government
that, with the pretext of the common good, was taking the
farmer's land. On that land it was buillt a highway that after
its completion was privatized.
The mental illness, is one of the weapons
used to close uncomfortable discussions,
to avoid embarassing explanations. Latin
storiography is a propagandistic
masterpiece in which emperors such as
Calligola and Nero, are depicted as
crazy. On the contrary, the two emperors
were reformists and innovators who
were fighting conservative forces filled
up with prejudices.
With the blossoming of nationalisms in the 19th century, in
Europe and all over the western world, the political
dissidence begins to be treated like a mental illness. Political
opponents, anarchists in first line, were interned in mental
clinics and electrocuted until complete mental destruction.
The people who did not allign to the common doctrine of
those in power, were declared mentally insane a deprived of
their liberties. Psychiatry became a "scientific" instrument
used by western regimes to bend the opponents' will. Fasism,
nazism, communism and all national states built "mental
facilities" where ideologically uncomfortable men and
women were imprisoned, filled up with drugs and treated
with electroshock. Dissidents were: anarchists, homosexuals,
lesbians, religious dissidents who deviated from the
orthodoxy of state ideology. The mental illness were used to
deter even the simplest housewife or daughter who
revindicated foundamental liberties.
The cuban Angel Valodia Matos at the Olympic Games of
Bejin in 2008, lost the bronze medal due to a decision of the
referees, who are in many cases not reliable and easily
corruptable. The world press defined the vengefull action of
the athlete as an act of madness. On a deeper analysis it
might be called an act of justice which was deeply
motivated, but corporate
media silenced his reasons.
When corporate medias
adopt words such as raptus,
madness, crazy, mentally
ill.....they use a terminology
that closes any discussion
of the reasons that moved
the action and inhibit any
further analysis. It is similar to the invocation of privacy and
secrecy that determines a block of any further deep analysis.
In all cases, no explanations are required and further
discussions are closed.
Derision in one of the most
frequently used tecniques by
national states in order to annihilate
the identity of a People, of an ethnic
or religious group. Making fun of
somatic traits, of the traditions, of
the language, has the function to oppress the identity, so the
carriers of that identity feel ashame of their identity. For
example, inside the italian borders
Venetian, Tirol, Sicilian, Sardegna People
have been the subject of defamation's
campaigns in which they were depicted as
farmers, shepperds, alcoholic,
analphabets, ignorants.... while the
population living in the capital Rome or in
the central
areas of the state, were depicted
as positive emancipated models.
Jews, Gipsies, homosexuals,
afroamericans were often
stereotyped, transformed into
monsters, in subhumans by all
nazist and fascist propaganda.
Filmography, iconography, every
propaganda's mean is used to
degradate the racial enemies, the
ethnic enemies, those who did not
conform to the national ideology.
Up to the sixties of the
twientieth century, we can
notice how afroamericans
and native american People
are ridiculed in literature
and movies. In the movies
"Gone with the wind", "The
Searchers", afroamericans and native indians are object of
derision or hatred. In literature writers such as Mark Twain
and Harriet Beecher Stowe, defame afroamericans and native
indians. Such works perfectly match and reflect the
apartheid, the discrimination and physical distruction of a
part of the inhabitants of present United States. The product
of this ridiculization and discrimination is well noticed when
father and mother are both ashamed to speak their native
language to their kids or to each other, and arrive to use an
accessorial language that is the one spoken by the positive
heroes of the medias. The tactic of derision is widely used in
the propaganda 's programs of states. The derision of
neighboring people's
countries feeds
internal nationalism,
it safeguards the
identy's borders and
it justifies
Usa used such
tecniques widely during second world war and also during
the iron courtain period. Hundreds of movies and posters
were produced to depict negatively the enemy.
The international tribunals are a sort of arena, built by the
winners to delegitimate the loosers. It is interesting to find
out that the major power on earth such as Russia, Cina, Usa,
did not fully recognize the authority of the international
tribunals and for such reasons, the soldiers and citizens of
such countries, cannot be judged as war criminals or for
crimes against human kind. One
of the most famous cases is the
massacre of Mi Lai in Vietnam,
where Usa soldiers killed the
whole population of the small
village. It was one of the
thousands massacres carried on
by or under the supervision of Usa troups in Vietnam. Usa
soldiers are autorized with the certainty of international
impunity to commit crimes against humanity. No
international tribunal has ever
condamned a Usa soldier or a
politician. The Nurberg trial is one
of the clearest example of such
tribunals. The heads of the Nazis
regime were accused and
condamned for bombing civilian
targets and genocide, while the Allied forces were never
judged for the same crimes against the European and Asian
population. No international tribunal ever condamned them
for dropping atomic bombs against civilians in Nagasaki and
Hiroshima or for the heavy bombing of Lubeck etc.....
With the invasion of Kossovo by the Usa
forces, it begun a campaign of trials at the
International court of Aja. Serbs,
Croatians, Bosnians were incriminated of
crimes against humanity and a hunt to
criminals begun. All these people
inarguably committed orrible crimes, but
the cause that moved their action was their national fanatism,
their commitment to national interests. Did
any international tribunal ever judged a
president of Usa for the crimes committed in
Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Vietnam and tens of
other countries? On the contrary, they used
international legality to safeguard the national
interests of Usa. These are certified crimes
where impunity is guaranteed.
In several cases of genocide and ethnocide, documents are of
no use. After a century the Turkish regime still denies the
massacres of hundreds of thousands of civilian Armenians
and Greeks, that was the founding action to build a uniform
national state. The Turkish regime maintain that there are no
written orders that demonstrate such massacres. The same
thesis is maintained by those negationists who deny the
Nazis genocides of Europen populations and ethnic
groups.Would the lack of documentation demonstrate the
innocence of thousands of soldiers and politicians? Those
officers who commit crimes, even on small
scale, or are part in it, pay
particular attentions in the
destruction of such orders
and proofs.
Let's have a look at the sentence below:
Those who live within italian state borders, can only be italians
It is a sentence with a premise and a
conclusion. There is no space for
further discussion.
A famous ancient fairy tale from
Aesop can clarify better the idea. It
is the famous story of "The wolf and
the lamb". The wolf accuses the lamb to dirty the water
while the lamb is actually on the souther part of the river. At
the end no reasoning or evidence satisfy the wolf who eats
the lamb.
To justify the second invasion of Iraq we could assist to the
production of sentences such as:
If Saddam does not accept the exile, it will be war
If Saddam does not accept to destroy all his weapons, it will be war
If Saddam does not accept the Un resolutions, it will be war
These were threats dressed with "good intentions". In this
way, a superficial analysis drives us to think that it was
Saddam Hussein who caused the war. It is a sort of deductive
method where anything becomes a consequence of the
premises and conditions offered. The war on Kossovo began
in the same way. Serbia was offered to accept the invasion of
one of its territories by Usa troups. The refusal meant war.
To further understand the substantial
logic of this method, let's look at the
Ptolemy's planetary system in which
earth was at the centre of the earth,
planets rotated around it and stars
were fixed luminous objects. The
premises for the theory were: "The
earth is the centre of universe and
does not move". For centuries,
Roman Catholic Church sponsored this theory sparing no
person's life who dared to affirm the opposite. Heliocentrism
won with the arrival of Galileo who paid with torture and
prison his critics and demonstration of the fallacy of
Geocentrism. The whole ideological apparatus of religions
originates from a premise: "My religion is the true one". It is
not admitted to have doubts about the existance and power of
the divinity.
National states, also are
founded on some premises,
such as the integrity of the
borders, the unic language,
the glorious and
predetermined history of the
nation, the eternity of the
nation etc.... Nationalisms
are religions, are state religions. From such founding ideas
(premises), come certain consequences such as: all profit
produced inside the country must be taxed, the inhabitants
are subjected to some restrictions, the inhabitants are obliged
to difend with their lives the integrity of the state, they must
pay property taxes, send their kids to compulsory schools
Check the 9 figures below and try to join them in 3 groups of
3 images each. Make the groups using your "common
Most of western people, will use colours to make the
grouping, plus the common sense instilled during a life of
brainwashing will do the rest. The Vatican and Penthagon
culture do the rest. White will be associated with the pigeon,
and pope, while black with terrorism and women oppression.
A Nepalese will find this simple test disgusting and his
sensibility offended.
The western culture favored a lojic procedure formalized in
ancient Greece
The corporate medias use this procedure to indoctrinate
people. For example in the western medias the Usa Army are
depicted as follow.
Usa soldiers are equal to missionaries in their actions
(invasions or attacks) called missions (war operations). In
the imaginary of western people, christian missionaries, are
associated with goodness. The natural conclusion suggested
by "common sense" is that the Usa soldiers are doing good.
Let's see it schematically:
The producers of consent will never insist to give you
answers or tell you what to do, but they will use a series of
stereotypes, a series of cultural cornerstones, prejudices,
forms, sounds, colours, and use them all to create messages
that have the task to produce inside you the predictable
answers they want, as if they were spontaneusly produced
inside you. Premises are already inside you, they are the
product of your education of the national, media
brainwashing you have been exposed to since the day you
were born. The answers come out when "properly"
stimulated. Let's make another example:
"In a bus there are 4 people, a young woman, a policeman, a
very well dressed attorney, a mexican immigrant with no
working permit, an afroamerican unemployed with criminal
records for thief. At the stop, people start to jump off and a
girl comes out screaming that one of people in the bus raped
her". Who would you stopped first? In a civil society all
travellers should be checked without any discrimination and
a scientific analysis should be carried on. On the other hand
common sense and corporate medias will build the case
against this or that before any solid research. Linching was
based on common sense, morality, prejudice, ignorance.
Check the images below. Who resemble more a rapist? In
western present society: beard, skin colour, phisycal
are subject
Prolixity is a traits very developed in some
cultures. It was common in the scripts of ancient
latins to use river of words to express a very
simple concept. This way of expressing is typical
of the mediterranean culture and visable in several
forms. Regimes used this tecnique to complicate
things, to saturate any discussion in such a way
that the opponent get exhausted and gives up. The draw
explains this way of doing. To make a clearer example, let's
imagine that the straight line rapresent the direct way a man
asks a woman to go to bed with him. The spiral rapresents
the oriental way of doing, a sort of cultural holism where
anything brings the partner to
accept the request. The second
line shows the mediterranean
way of behaving where along
the path
digression are
made. The third straight line rapresents the
evidenceof asking in Anglosaxon culture. In
both the last two methods prolixity and
digressions are involved and have an
edulcorating effect toward the
comprehension of the reasons that move the
speech. Digressions and prolixity creates so much confusion
in most of the people that the comprehension of the premises
and real intentions are lost. It is a sort of exaustion and
confusing process.
Prolixity and digressions cause a considerable waste of
resources, most for those who receive the message who loose
the train of thought, or
abandon the discussion due
to exaustion.
So confusion and exaustion
are the product of a
complex way of presenting
events. The result is very
similar to the signing of an
insurance policy after a
long and exausting
explanation by the insurer,
who will remind you the infinite reasons to be insured, and
will drive you to sign the policy in order to get rid of him
and his frightening admonitions.
Vulgarity is the transgression to formality, it is the escape
from the cage that is used to justify and give credibility to
people and their actions.
Formality has the
function, to give value
to worthless things.
Imagine what
presidents, kings,
generals would be
without the daily
ceremonies and
formalisms, from clothes, way of speaking, to the
environment around them. Let's look at a priest, the way he
dresses to give himself more credibility about the fairy tales
he tells. What about a doctor dressed as a plumber who
advice you to buy a certain drug?
Formality is so part of our existance
that we even dress in a certain way
when we go biking, running or to a
disco. Formality is the pretext to
exclude others, feel part of the lobby
and create exclusivity. How would a
military parade be without all those
fancy medals, colors and music? How
would those soldiers appear without
imns and flags?
Papers, licences, taxes, stamps, prints,
certificates, autorizations... What better than
bureaucracy to inhibit the aspirations, the
ambitions of the population? "Ein Turhuter"
of Kafka is a short fictional account of the
selfish purpose of bureaucracy. Vertical
structures, rooms of power and bureaucrats
are there only for you to block, to filter you.
The best way to block any private
enterprise, is to build artificial obstacles that exhaust and
discourage the individuals, and isolate them one by one. The
waste of time, the waste of economic
resources are strong deterrents. A nice
example of this can be found in italian
roads where 20 raws of explanation are
part of a road signal. The choice is to
the driver: to stop the car, read,
understand it all and go back, or, risk
and go towards a certain fine, unless you are one of the
bureaucrats. Linguistic complexity,
mountain of papers, bureaucracy, are
filters used to exclude parts of the
population from political and economical
life. The capacity to manage bureaucracy,
is part of the training given to those in
power in any regime, and has the function
to select the faithfull servants and exclude
the potential dissidents.
In nazis Germany the function of horror
movies was that to make the Germans
citizens feel secure once out of cinema.
Any reality is adorable compared to the
terryfing experiences suffered watching a
terror movie. What is the common
principle that preserves all regimes and
so called democracies? The fear of
ritorsion, the fear to loose the wage, the
fear to be inprisoned, the fear to be expropriated of our
properties, the fear to loose our dears, the fear to loose what
we call freedom. All these fears keep us
faithfull and help us to accept the humiliation
that most citizen feel on their skin. What
would happen to national states without the
inner fears of their citizens? The civilian mass
murder policy accomplished throug bombs, of
the second part of the twentieth century, can be observed in
all countries under Usa controll, both in Latin America and
Europe. Such strategy was finalized to justify authoritarian
regimes and limit civil liberties with special laws against
terrorism. After the 11th of september 2001, a series of
letters filled with anthrax and directed to Usa politicians,
begun to circulate in Usa. All
together, the medias falsely pointed
the finger on islamic groups while it
has never been discovered the
Antiterrorism's laws, permit the
military a list of impunities and
freedom to limit human rights.
Terrorism thus is created by
military, because of its functionality
to them. What would be the use of
a strong military and police structure without internal and
external menaces? The bombings accomplished by the Allied
forces in Europe during the second world war, between 1944
and 1945, Hiroshima, Nahazaki, later the
bombings over Vietnam, Serbia...did not
have any real military function, but a
psycological one, finalized to terrorize the
inhabitants and move them with hostility
towards their rispective governments.
Environmental disasters, earthquakes,
forest burnings, hurricanes, are used by the
corporate medias
to transmit a sense of security to
those who assist before a tv set to
the tragedies. It is important to
renovate in the mind of the subjects,
that all you have, can be taken and
you are in a privileged position. Any
economical crisis, any lack of
reforms, any corruption in the government is nothing
compared to the real tragedies
performed on tv. Before the
magnitude of such suffering any
sacrifice must be accepted: law
enforcement, new taxes, lack of
fundamental rights.
The medias have the attitude to give relevance to news
where national citizens who decided to go abroad, have been
victims of very unfair situations. Why such form of terror?
The news show the delays in
airports, the deaths, the
accidents of those who are
Total silence about the
casualties inside the national
borders. On the contrary those
citizens who choosed to spend
their money in the mother land
enjoy wonderfull vacations.
Terrorism of this kind and on
such scale, has the function to
limit excessive national
currency to be spent abroad. It
is a terrorism finalized to protect natioanal interests.
The people we call "stars", are
sort of living idols. During
Stalinist propaganda it was
important the creation of heroes
and mithical figures. The most
famous cases were Stackanov a
coal miner who was made
famous for his capacity to extract huge quantity of coal and
keep up with unhuman rythm of work. Another hero was the
sniper Zaitsev made famous
during the siege of Stalingrad for
killing almost hundred enemies.
If we check the italian military
history we discover that such
heroic figures are distributed with
premeditations. In world war 1,
to keep the morale of military high, it was created an heroic
figure who resembled the actions of Richtofen (the Red
Baron). The Air Force needed an hero and
so it was built the mith of Francesco
Baracca. Later for the navy it was created
another symbolic hero "Nazario Sauro". For
the army the hero choosen was Cesare
Battisti and for the carabinieri "D'Acquisto".
Most of the stories of such heroes are faked,
exagerated, they are the mixt product of
propaganda and reality.
Hollywood's stars, the protagonists of
magazines, tv series, are called V.i.p. (very
important person) are often used by the
producers of consent to fix the moral borders
of society. When a star breaks the rule of
faithfullness to common sense, it is usually
Those who controll the
stars are always the
controllers of the distribution net. Stars are
used to create fashion, trends, to propagate
commercial, religious or political messages.
The persuasive value of a star is the fact
that he or she is known, he or she is part of
our "acquaintances". Stars enter through the
door of our mind with no filters and they
influence more easily our thinking.
Stars become model for acceptable ways of life within the
regime rules. Millions of fans emulate their stars. If alligned,
stars enjoy a privileged position otherwise they become a
serious problem for regimes of any sort.
It is not a case that corporate medias do all
possible efforts to give maximum vixibility
to presidents, prime ministers, kings and
religious leaders, to transform them into
the indiscussed
protagonists of medias.
Familiarity guarantees
to such figure more
influence over people.
The common good, the good
proposals and intentions,
security, peace missions,
democracy, progress,
philanthropism.. become the
alibi of modern democracies
and regimes to justify
invasions, embargoes,
bombings, national terrorism and restrictions of civil
liberties. The 2 atomic bombs dropped on Japan civilians and
the good intentions that caused this useless massacre, says a
lot about philanthropism. Bombing and massacres against
cvilians in Vietnam, are another example of good intentions.
In the past, colonialism was sold as a the opportunity to
export civilization, but now in the modern era of
neocolonialism, the word have been replaced by
"democracy", and "peace". Millions of western citizens are
convinced that war is a good mean to achieve peace. The
economic sanctions are
weapons to bend the
enemies' states, while the
real price of sanctions is
paid by the population
and in several cases it
strenghtens the regimes.
The bombings against roads, water
supplies, gas deposits, railway lines, tv
stations, factories.. are motivated by the
western democracies as a necessity to
bend the will of those enemies in power.
The moral responsability to leave
millions of people without water supplies,
no elctricity, no gas, no roads, no
factories, is far from the imagination of
our leaders. What matters to the western
democratic leaders is simply the intention
to free the population. In short, for our leaders it is better a
free, naked and starving population, but with "democracy".
Western medias associate philanthropic messages when they
portrait the actors of the war, and that is
why we see soldiers and politicians
surrounded by kids, by wounded and
crippled civilians, by widows. The
actors of war are depicted as saviours,
as missionaries.
In the past decades soldiers were
always described as warriors, fearless
and merciless, in search for glory.
Journalists were free not only to edit
secret documents, but pictures that
described war for what it is: bloody and
cruel. Now modern medias transform soldiers into nurses.
There was defenately more freedom 40 years ago when
accredited journalist were not submitted and completely
allined to the state ideology.
The last step of an hero, is to become a myth. Miths are like
totems. The hero, the vip, turns into a divinity, into an object
of cult. Saints, mythical heroes, martirs, are
very similar phenomenons. Supernatural powers
surround such figures who become religious
divinities, protagonists of sacred
books. Their bodies or what
remains of them, is the object of
cult, mausoleums, cathedrals,
mosques and monuments are built,
and millions of people pay omage to what
remains of them. Superstition, credulity is
instilled using such mythical figures. Behind the back of
these dead personalities, religions are built, states are
founded. Not necessarily all mythical figures
existed, many of them are the mixture of
legends and local heroes. Others such as
Lenin, Mào, Guevara, Kennedy, became
myths used by governments to justify their
power. States use myths to give moral
examples and sign the borders of undiscussed
behavior. They become the pretext to make
laws, codes of honour, actions and crimes. Holy
wars are declared in the name of myths. The
need for myth is a necessity in several fields and
the advantage compared to living stars and
heroes, is that the dead never turn into
dissidents, never betray those in power.
Communism, Nationalsocialism,
Catholicism, Buddism...these are all
political ideologies, under the vest of
a theocracy or of mechanicistic
views, but all of them are founded on
prejudiced. Religions promise eternal
life after death (reincarnation) for
those who repent and make charity offer during life. The
regimes of human history, used ideologies to rule over
people. Lenin was worshipped like a divinity at the same
level of any idol that can be found in Buddist or Catholic
temples. Statues and pictures
of saints, virgins Mary can be
found in any corner of the
roman catholic world,
Muslims temples grow in
number everyday. The
lejislation of most of the
world states guarantees privileges and immunity
to the leaders of religions. Democracy at all
costs is a religion, and the western world is trying to impose
its controll in the name of this religion as the past crusaders.
In the name of ideologies and religions human kind suffered
and is suffering: ethnocide, genocide, tortures,
discrimination, exploitation. Ideology is usefull because it
gives a pseudo rational alibi to justify any sort of crime, and
that is what human beeings need to have in order to justify
actions. The pretexts are: common good
or sense, morality, progress, peace.
Ideology and together with them
religions, are the most irrational way to
obtain consent where a great deal of
prejudice and credulity are involved.
When you do not want to give explanation to
a kid the old tecnique of fear is used. Witches,
ghosts, monsters are enough to scare him and
force him to do what we want. Well, regimes
and democracies, all over the world keep
doing it on a large scale. Monsters, enemies
and taboos are used to drive people's consent.
For national ideology the concept of enemy is foundamental,
it is a necessity that keeps unity and borders tight like the
wall of a living cell. Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein were the
scarecrows that reinforced western nationalisms. No matter
if Bin Laden lived in a the remote mountains of Afghanistan
with no electricity, no running water and no technological
means, what counted was to have an enemy
with a name and the appearance of a human.
What was the meaning to destroy a
meaningless land like Afghanistan? The
construction of words such as "rogue state"
is part of a plan to build enemies and fill the
imagination of the citizens who must pay
consent to new invasions and bombings.
It is interesting to notice that more than a
century ago, press was less controlled than
today. Gaetano Bresci who justiced the kin
of Italy was described as a nice looking
gentleman with educated manners by the
Turin press, just after the event.
Nobody has ever explained the motive
for Bresci to shoot the king, but in 1898
the colonnel of italian
militari carabinieri B.
Beccaris shot more
than 100 civilians who
were demonstrated for
workers' rights in the
streets of Turin. This infamous military
was decorated by the king in person for
his action. Gaetano Bresci decided to
make an act of justice and terminated the king of italy.
About linguistic, sexual, racial taboos...let's look for example
at the war that the italian state and its bureaucrats do to
minorities and their languages. The catholic church, the
italian military, politicians and government officials, inhibit
the social, the economical, the political emancipation of
those who speak native languages other than italian. This
hatred towards diversity, is part of an ethnocide process
carried on by the italian national ideology and is an integral
part of italian nationalism.
The roman catholic church perpetuates a series of sexual
taboos without any real practical reason other than prejudice
and ignorance. Have the taboos against sexuality and nudity
the function to maintain the exclusive monopolium of sex
controll? Sexual barriers, monogamy, divorce inhibition,
gave the Roman Catholic Church a big power over people.
Free sex breaks monopoliums, breaks
exclusivity, breaks those who make
money or increase power out of
The value of interviews, of
parades, of mass
demonstrations that fill the
roads and main squares of the
cities, no matter if for sport,
religion, politics, have a huge
psycologic influence on
human nature.
The nazis and fascist
propaganda machine, used
mass parades and reunions,
not only to show off power,
but mostly to convince the
adepts themselves. To be part of a mass demonstration, to be
part of collective actions such as the mass raids against
jewish properties and people, carried on during the
"Kristallnacht" had more convincing effects on the nazis
youth. Ethnocides and genocides, are a consequence of this
mechanism. Imitation drives our actions in many cases and
can destroy any personal moral barrier. Group rape and
murder are easier to accomplish than individually. Paying
taxes, accepting any kind of state humiliation is tolarable and
right just because: "everybody does". The collective
autosuggestion, the group visions, the miracles, are part of
this mechanism of group's pressure. The visions of Fatima,
Lourdes, Madjugorje, are the product of this pressure.
With the tactics of psychological
pressure, medias give relevance
to very small events. Tv and
newspapers have the power to
transform small events into
hystorical steps for human kind.
The space given on corporate
medias to a small event, pumps
the idea that it was a mass event, otherwise why such
relevance? Interviews to a single regime intellectual reported
widely by medias, have the same effects of a speech during
a mass rally. The interviews induce the odiens to perceive the
borders of accepted moral behaviour, while crime news show
the consequences of those who traspass these borders and
their punishment acts as deterrent.
Native languages speakers are banned and the speakers
speak the capitol variant of the
dominating language, so the odiens
believe that they are a minority and
tend to self censor their language,
their tradition, and move to imitate
the model presented through the
In some cases the person
interviewed is a politician, a
scientist who give very complex
justifications more adapt to a rational odiens of intellectuals.
Debates, tv forums, political speeches, have the function to
drive public opinion. In the italian state most of the
protagonists of such interviews and programs are priests,
girls with huge tits or politicians and militaries in high
Associations is one of the most widely used
tactic to gain people's consent. Do you want to
sell a motorbike to a male odiens? Associate a
nice attractive girl to the motorbike you want
to sell. Most men istinctively associate the
purchase of the motorbike with the possibility
to easily have girls when riding it. The
magazine PlayBoy used obsesively
associations with beautyfull girls and
the Usa flag. Just a case or a national
sponsor for Usa? Huge cars, sex,
freedom, money, health....have been
associated to consumers goods.
Tobacco and alchool
industry overused
association tecnique
causing millions of casualties for lungs
and smoke related deseases all over the
world, not to mention the death and social
dramas of alchoolism.
The association with
religious items and war
symbols of soldiers, has been part of islamic
ajihad but also the battle horse of the west
to justify the annihilation of the islamic
world through wars, golpes, totalitarian
The two pictures represent the
contrary of what italian medias
produced since the years of fascism.
The two images use a series of
stereotype the italian language and
in some way make more attractive
the venetian language. In short the
cold opposed to the warm color, the
word language riferred to Venetian, while the word dialect
referred to Italian. Sexual association opposed to the pig and
farmer association. For the Venetian language's draw, capital
letters have been used. The venetian people have been
bombarded for decades with messages that despised their
language and that put italian in the pedestall, so much that
millions of venetians became ashamed to speak their native
language to kids.
The 30th of september 2000 the The New York Times,
Associated Press and many others, published a picture of a
young men beaten to blood and an Israeli
policeman on the back of him. The official
version was that the bleeding men was a
Palestinian victim of Israeli brutality. It was a
way to discredit Israel. The truth came to
light and it was found out that the bleeding
man was a jew who had just been saved from
a Palestinian assault and very likely murder
attempt. In this last case, the association of
the two persons (a bleeding man and an
Israeli cop) has induced the media of half the
world to corroborate a lie.
Prejudices and the creation of
stereotypes, are very similar things.
The drunk Venetian man, the
Venetian prostitute, the Sardegna
shepperd, the Sicilian mafia guy, the
stingy Jew, Gipsy thief, the Tirolean
idiot.....are all stereotypes created
by italian propaganda and nationalism in the last century.
Stereotypes have the function to
destroy the identity of ethnic and
social groups, and conform them to
the national identity in a process
called "integration". Yes,
integration corresponds to
ethnocide which is the last offer of
any regime before genocide. In the
Franchist national Spain, the Catalans, the
Basques, were stereotyped as unable to speak,
ignorant and farmers. The spanish national
model, pushed to eliminate any tract that could
question the integrity of the
spanish state. Polingualism in
several cases puts at risk the
doctrines of omogeneity of
modern national states.
Diversity in such contexts
deserves to be mentioned only
That is why the national
medias describe
Venetians only when
dressed like farmers and
carefully avoid any
modern reference to
their modernity and
technological advances.
National patriotism is
incompatible with
diversity and stereotypes help to stimulates self contempt. A
Ventian mother who sees on tv that prostitutes speak
Venetian, will be ashamed to speak Venetian to her kids, plus
she will try to hide her Venetian origin and will faithfully
imitate the italian model. Venetian women will search for an
italian speaker partner after the bombings of italian
translated soup operas. The positive heroes of Hollywood
were played by actors with blue eyes,
spitze nouse and very light skin and
hair. The same was for the feminine
heroes and models. The bad were
dark eyes, long nouses, dark
hair....That is why in the second part
of the 20th century millions of people
begun to oxygen their hair.
Female fashion models were so
skinny that millions of girls became
anoressic to starvation because of
such bombing through medias who
transformed pure skeletons in world
acclaimed models.
Tv, newspapers, magazine, radios station publish news that
come from the so called "Press Agencies" such as: Reuters,
France Press, Associated Press, BBC News, CNN.... Those
who publish such predigested informations, use and accept
the same terminologies, categories, points of views of the
press agencies. The analisis of sentences can reveal us how it
is easy to create categories and drive our perception of
reality so to controll public opinion. Let's see the examples:
"An albanian, makes a car accident and kills a biker"
In the sentence, the national origin of the driver is declared
istead of simply using the word "driver". It is clear that the
purpose is to discredit a category of people with the creation
of the Albanese driver stereotype.
Let's see now how some words are created by press agency
to make war acceptable and describe them as a sort of
humanitarian operations:
"Peace", "Mission", "Help", "Humanitarian"
Press Agencies and newspapers use semantic categories to
describe wars carried on by Western powers. If seriously
analyzed this propaganda looks ridicolous, but it is the
product of the deformation of perception of reality in order
to obtain predictable answers.
The enemies of the West, the enemies of the economic and
ideology made in Usa, are depicted within negative semantic
"Fanatics", "Extremists", "Conservatives",
As seen here it looks very evident, but the skill of the
manipulators of consent, consists of inserting these new
concepts, these new categories, in the right spot, in the right
moment, so they become almost unnoticeable. To tranform a
soldier who kills people into a missionary is a job for
Let's see how we can drive public opinion to the desired
tracks of perception:
"Do you watch tv a little, only 2 hours a day, on the average
some 4 hours a day, or a lot 12 hours a day?"
To watch tv 4 hours a day, is a huge effort, and it would be a
lot even 2 hours a day, but in order to let the idea pass softly
and convince that tv is a good thing, the borders, the
categories of what is acceptable, are created.
Let us look at the sentences below and make an analysis of
the words used. The same event is described, but the terms
used, which could be passed as synonyms, gradually change
the meaning and the point of view, and bring us to a
complete different interpretation.
"Afghan terrorists assault Usa peace contingents"
"Afghan guerrilla attack Usa troups"
"Afghan soldiers clash with Usa soldiers"
"Afghan resistance fight the Usa occupation forces"
"Afghan partisans struggle against the Usa invaders"
Let's analyze each word and put them schematically in a
table with the use of grammatic categories:
Note that all categories gradually change their meaning
reaching the opposite.
peace contingents
fight occupation forces
Corporate medias, press agencies, filters and manipulate
information, they transform, they create categories and point
of views, step by step so to turn fiction into reality and
viceversa. Words such as "irregular" soldier oppose "soldier"
so to certify better the killings. Among irregular soldiers we
can find "partisans" if they are symphatetic with our
ideology, or "paramilitary", and "militia" if they are opposed
to our regime creeds. "Guerrilla" fighters are those in
between we must like them or not, it is a postponed decision
to give them a definite position, they are between "terrorists"
or "freedom fighters". The palestinian "kamikaze" are
defined "martyrs" by the filoislamic press, while terrorists by
the antagonist press. The "immigrant" is often opposed to the
"citizen", so citizenship becomes the aim of immigrants and
cause them to accept any sort of humiliation to be rewarded
with the new passport. To understand the utility of the tactics
of synonyms have a look at the 2 word below:
Turks historyans define the Armenian extermination and
"genocide", a "relocation". In other words, a very simple
transfer of people, as a sort of vacation and the assignment of
new homes and lands. Unfortunately those unarmed civilians
were tortured and led for thousands of chilometers until
death for illness, exhaustion and stravation came. What
about if we use the terminology "relocation" for the millions
of jews deported from all Europe to Birkenau? The
impression of this word is incredable. Five thousands
venetians and their families were relocated to the swamps of
Rome by the national italian fascists. 50% of those deported
died out of malaria and illnesses. Stalin relocated millions,
and Heichmann until his final judgement insisted that he
simply transported people and obeyed orders.
We connect to the previous chapters
and introduce a very similar concept.
Let's use colors and words to
demonstrate what the tactic of
gradation is all about. The picture you
see here move to one color to the other
with stripes that varies chromaticallyl,
very slowly to reach a completely
different colors. This slow gradual
swifting is similar to the semantic
sequences of word of the example
below. Gradually the meaning is transformed and swifts
considerably. Words such as "liberation" and "defense" are
really different
"Rose", "Orange", "Red"
"International community", "Nato", "Usa"
"Merchant", "Seller", "Drug dealer"
"Defense", "Preventive defense", "Liberation"
"Family", "People", "Nation", "Homeland", "State"
If we want to criminalize an ethnic group we will gradually
introduce terms to despise them and call them drunkards,
lazy bums, parasites, rats, subhumans, socially dangerous
etc...until the last step that justify jenocide if they refuse to
"integrate" of course.
In 2002, when the italian government had to prepare its
citizens to accept a new war of aggression against Iraq, said:
"Italy will not participate to the war in Afghanistan"
Later the italian government authorized :
"the intervention of troups of peace keeping"
Once sent the military, he declared that:
"the soldiers might be employed in combat actions"
After some weeks, the italian government came out with a
clear statement:
"The italian military will participate to military operations
in which they will shoot first"
In 2003, the italian government gave the ok for a full
military aggression, justified with many good proposals.Step
by step, gradually, pubblic consent was prepared to accept an
invasion war.
Modern societies are in need of new words due to the growth
of technologies and culture. It works the same for
propaganda: new enemies, new concepts, new monsters,
need more words to be coined. Tv, magazines, radios...
ditribute these new concepts, these new ideas and word.
Let's see the following list:
"Mass destruction weapons"
"Rogue states"
"Preemptive war"
"International community"
"Intelligent bombs"
"Peace force"
"Peace mission"
"International police operation"
These are very creative words with a strange complexity, it is
hard to imagine that those who created such words were
naive and did it by case. There should be some premeditation
in it. The language is extremely creative and strangely
childish. Bombs are defined "intelligent", war a "mission".
We are not far from a fictional world purposely built for our
mind. These memes are distributed like pills to the citizens
of the western democracies and are a sort of predigested
informations to help to accept any kind of political action
from above.
A good deal of the human culture is filled up with the
dualism between "bad" and "good", between what we care
and what we care not. Both religions and philosophical
systems find their foundings in such dualism. Political
systems, like theocracies use such dualism, they feed it and
build when necessary. In this way a stage is built up. The
work then, is to give some sort of rational appearance to the
action that must be carried on. Let's see the pairs of words
The manipulation of consent is so refined that it suffices to
turn upside down the meaning. An invasion is called
"liberation" and the action to do it must be "just". Let's see
how the regimes and democracies all over the world present
a war:
"Usa helps and liberate Iraq"
"Usa invades and submit Iraq"
We could substitute Usa with any other countries and the
risult would have been the same. Reality is turned upside
down and it suffice to substitute words. It is wrong to say
that prisoners are "tortured", the right democratic words are
"dissuade", "convince"....
"Nato attacks Iraq"
"Nato defends Turkey"
During the invasionof Iraq in 2003, Usa justified war with
the pretext to protect Turkey where actually the bombers
were taking off for the daily raids over civilian structures in
Iraq. Very carefully the discussion about the bombers and
indirect partecipaton of Turkey to war, was silenced, while
the bombings were transformed in difensive operations.
For the catholic roman propaganda of the past century,
muslims were a "sect" and induism a sort of "primitive"
religion. The Vatican anticipated geniuses of propaganda like
Goebbels. Let's see some opposites words:
"religion ­ sect"
"ceremony ­ ritual"
"truth ­ superstition"
"faith ­ credulity"
"faith ­ fanatism"
"modern ­ primitive"
"superior ­ inferior"
"convert ­ abuse"
"history ­ propaganda"
"education ­ braiwash"
"religiosity ­ fanatism"
"teach ­ indoctrinate"
The tactic of decoying, is one of the finest of all. This kind of
tactic is the base for most of the Usa propaganda during the
cold war, and it was widely used all over the satellite
countries of Washington. In this tactic it was important to
create a bipolarism in which both antipodes were bad and
people were inevetably driven to choose the middle.
Communism and Fascism were depicted as the extremes and
this was also chromatically represented.
A stage was built in the immagination of the people where
extremists groups were left or right wing, where bombs and
terrorists were used against civilians, and all this was very
likely controlled and fed by the intelligences of each country
in strict cooperation with Usa intelligence. The strategy was
to leave no choice to population except to support those
depicted as moderates, "those in the
middle, the moderates" (the filo Usa
party). Any other solution was a taboo
and people were obliged to remain in
this ideological cage.
While walking in Venice I was once approached by a fellow
who staring with his eyes at me asked:
"Do you have anything against disabled people?"
Another time an african guy asked me:
"Do you have anything against africans?"
What could you answer to such people? What would all the
teachings since you were born tell you to answer? The next
step after the answer (presumably "no"), was to sign some
petition of solidarity and later to give them some money.
Such tecnique has been tested to destroy all your defences
and spill money from your pocket. It is a case of decoying in
which with a question and the forced answer (as a
consequence of the premises) will drive you to inevitable
conclusions. Let's see the following sentences:
"Do you want to starve or eat potatoes?"
"Do you want to go to war or be sentenced as disertor?"
"Do you want to make a brilliant career or be a looser?"
With the above sentences the answers are obvious. There is
nothing to discuss, you are driven by the premises and bent
to give consent. An interesting
parallelism can be done with chess
game. Have a look at the position in the
chess board where black moves first.
The black queen in h1! The white king
is forced to take the black queen and be
chess mate after bishop f3 and rock d1.
The tactic of contrast helps to
change the perception of reality.
Imagine you are offered the option
to eat a plate of shit and drink a
glass of diarrhea, or a disgusting
plate of old beans with a glass of
vinegar offered by a "generous"
master. Wouldn't you be happy to take the second offer? All
world regimes treat their subjects this way and literally
oblige them to digest any sort of new and solution. A
government needs to increase taxes? Stream medias will
begin to bomb people with catastrophic scenarios, and after
weeks of terrorism, some "illuminated" politicians will offer
to pass only 3 new taxes out of the tens of taxes planned.
That is how the increase of taxes is served and cooked. What
the regime offers you must always be perceived as the last of
the evils. In this way a political butcher is transformed into
an hero at the eyes of the idiotized citizens. The tactic of
contrast is used by kids to serve their
parents a bad results at school. Kids
lower their parents expectations in order
to prevent retaliation. They prepare
parents with the perspective of very bad
marks at school. Later the results are
low but better than the worst prediction.
Parents will digest the results because
they were prepared for the worst
The picture on the side
shows how easily we
can change perception
of colors. The contrast
transform one of the
equal yellos into a
darker one. The same
principle it drives you to perceive as different some figures
with the same
dimensions. The ball
brown ball on the right
looks bigger than the
brown ball encircled by
the big grey balls.
An image says more than many words.
Magnification is the tactic that transforms
the perception of things into bigger ones.
Objects, events, ideas, can be portrayed
by medias so to manipulate the perception
not only in terms of their size. The
contrary of this would be called
"demagnification", which is used when medias cannot avoid
to talk about something, so they try to minimize all aspects.
The italian medias for example always magnify anything
concerning Vatican and its monarch, the same they do for
Washington and its politicians, while they underreported
embarassing events such as the thousands of kids'raping
carried on by Catholic Roman's
priests or the drones victims
caused by Usa. An oceanic
rally can be underreported
(demagnified), while a
demonstration of few of the
lobby, is depicted as important
in the political life of the nation. For example
if the government wants to pass a law that
increase or renew military and police
spendings, any episode anticipating the vote,
will magnify crime's news, so to produce
among the odiens the automatic reply: "Let's
spend more on security".
It is interesting to notice in
pornography, how the male
partners are of small proportions
compared to reality; they are
choosen this way for one reason:
the major consumers of
pornography today are man and
they search as protagonist girls,
for this reason, to magnify the
size of women, they are coupled
with tiny male partners. It is the
same in all action movies where
actors such as Stallone or
Schwarzenegher were the protagonists. In such action
movies the other actors were usually tiny to give the
impression the protagonists are of big size.
The Pope's blessing on sunday morning are cyclopized by
the italian medias. The
pope is closed up by the
cameras that are very
carefull not to show that
the Vatican square is
empty, or the few who
attend are so few that they
look insignificant
compared to the
dimensions of the Vatican
Vixibility is one of the most used
tactics. Look where the propaganda
posters are placed, in places where
tons of cars and people pass
through and cannoot avoid to
notice them. When a new has to
spread, it is on the main page of
newspapers or on tv at a certain time of a certain day when
the odiens in guaranteed. What about the nationalist
monumentality that governs the main squares, streets and
corners of all cities. Doesn't a
speaker place himself on a stage
when he makes a speech?
Are we sure the visibility
criteria of Google are
impartials? Vixibility is the
major key to success also in the
Disney and many others had success
because of their vixibility in propaganda,
in shops, bars and not because of their
quality. We buy and vote what and who
we think we know, what or who is
visible. This is the reason we are
constantly bombarded with images and
sounds that become familiar.
Radios and Tv have been used to give visibility to songs
because it was known that a song repeatedly heard, creates a
sort of addiction in people's mind.
In 2009 after the European election in Venice, the digit
newspaper "GaxetaVeneta" did a study trying to understand
why the result of PNV (Partito Nasional Veneto) was so low
compared to the major competitor Lega Nord. Let's see the
table. The first coloumn shows the propaganda means used:
posters, letters, flyers, radio, tv. The second and third
coloumns signs the quantity of pieces or presence of the
rispective parties: Pnv and Lega Nord. In the fourth and fifth
coloumns, some values of vixibility and persuasivity are
given, and they become multiplicators of the previous
coloumns. The result is in the last two columns, and it is the
product of propagation's means and persuasivity and
vixibility values. What really makes the difference is Tv
which worth 100.000 flyers and it is 100 times more
persuasive because of its semantic richness: images, sounds,
colours, speeches, and plus must be considered that a tv
program is seen when your defences are low (mostly home).
A new political party with no tv, see all its efforts nullified.
The real game is played on tv. Wall papers, fliers, letters, are
all diffusion means that are left to the poor parties so they
can not deny the democratic theorem of pluralism and
The difference between the
Pravda of the Soviet Union and
the pluralism of western medias,
is that what is actually called
pluralism, rings the same bell.
One hundred magazines say the
things and focus on the same
subjects. It is a constant hammering
that has the redundant function to
close any other space, a sort of
saturation. In the schools of all
regimes, programms are extremely
repetitive. Always the same writers,
the same philosophers are the
theologs, the guru of history
which is predetermined with his
protagonists the fathers of the
Let's have a look at road
signals, in the italian state. You
can look for an hospital, for a
county office, for a toilet, but all signals will bring you to the
military police "carabinieri". Why so much redundancy, why
so many signals everywhere? Such signals and their quantity
have the same function of the huge pictures of dictators in
the main streets of cities in traditional regimes, or the never
ending appearance of the same politicians on tv.
Religions are great producers of
ripetitivity, suffice to see how people
pray and the concepts of prayers. In
the sprimg of 2005 an insignificant
fact as the death of an old completely
idiotized man such as Carlos Woytila,
was given huge relevance and blocked
for several weeks any other information or analisys in all
italian mainstream medias. In the italian state, up to 2
months before the death of Carlos Woytila, the catholic pope,
italian newspapers filled all pages everyday speaking
exclusively of this old man. The ripetitivity was a sort of an
anesthetic to obscure any
important political or
economical issue.
Exagerated ripetitivity, exausts
the odiens who abandon the
political struggle. Such
passivity is the main cause of
modern totalitarianism.
Another well known case of ripetitivity are the weather
forecasts that billions of people watch daily in the
mainstream medias. The weatherforecasts and their
ripetitivity have the function to repeteadly show you and
confirm the national borders, as if you were still in school
where the national map dominated the walls of your
classroom. Not strange and not by case, all over the world
the national map in classrooms and the weatherforecasts are
a constant trait. Weather forecast renew your perception of
the national borders and the weather is only a pretext to
renovate the borders line in your mind as if you were still in
primary school.
The weather forecasts, the
recursivness of military
parades, the infinite bombing
of images of the national flags,
the omnipresence of military
and police corps, have the
function of reinforcing in
people's mind some
cornerstones of homeland
ideology. During a life time the
citizen is bombed with weather
forecasts in which the national borders are renewed in his
mind through the same map. The
national map is almost
anthropomorphized and from a
pure geopolitical concepts it
becomes part of our familiar
ideology. It assumes human traits
and we "love it", "we "respect it",
we "honour it", we"give our life
for it"; in many world languages it becomes "she" with the
attributes of a female divinity.
To understand what ripetitivity means, suffice to visit any
exhibition of south european medieval paintings, and you
will notice how clerics, crucifixions, saints, resurrections,
martyrs, nativity.... were repeatedly
the exclusive protagonists of art in the
14th century.
The obsessing ripetitivity of images, had the function to
oblige each individual to see the
world only and always under
the religious point of view.
I the music industry "hit
parades" of the radios, the datas
and polls about consumers'
tastes have always been pretexts
to transmit music motives. The
repetition of a melody,
conforms our mind in such a way that we miss the melody
and feel a sort of emptyness that can be filled only by
listening to the melody again. The tactics that music record
companies used, was to repeat a song through radio and tv
station so to create the need inside the odiens and drive
people to buy music products in shops. Ripetitivity of music
through mainstream medias was part of a calculated project
to make consumers buy music products.
I remember when I visited Egypt in 2006, the image of the
political leader was everywhere in
the streets of Cairo. This repetition
of the leader's image is typical of
all regimes modern democracies
included. The main medias
generously show the leader
(president, prime minister,
monarch or religious leader), or mention him repeatedly in
radio programs. His image, his voice, his name is
obsessively the protagonist of medias. This redundancy has
the function to convey familiarity, to instill inside us the idea
that the political or religious leader is one of the family, one
of your clan, one that deserves attention and consent.
Illusionists know very well the tactics of
deflection, also called misdirection or
deviation. It is used to drive the attention
of the spectators somewhere else so they
loose sight or controll of the real game.
With the help of deviation the illusionist does not need to
hide completely his manouvers, he simply deviates the
attention of people. In this way nobody will declare that the
magician has hidden truth. The principle is to let people
believe that anything is done openly
with no lies. This is what the subjects
of any regime must believe, must
perceive. Vip, funerals, tragedies,
environmental and human
catastrophes, have this function when portrayed by
mainstream medias: "to deviate people's attention from
important things". Tornados, woods burning, earthquake
become the unic protagonists of news.
Many times such events are far from us
and our daily lives, but they are widely
covered to keep our attention busy far
away from reality, mostly far away from
what really matters: politics those things
people in power make behind your
back. Victims, funerals, happy ending
stories, money raising, tragedies,
funerals, sport events are fully
described and if possible from a
nationalist point of view.
Sport is one of best arenas to feed
nationalism and deviate the attention of
subjects of modern states. Ussr regime
used chess to occupy the mind of its
citizens. Usa is using baseball, football,
and in Europe soccer. Mainstream
medias are saturated with sport news.
Tv debates, interviews fill a
considarable space of medias programs. We can rightly say it
is an artificial arena built to keep people busy and happy, the
same it was during the roman empire and the games
organized to gain citizens consent. Cocaine, alchool, all sorts
of drugs do the rest. The important is to deviate and avoid
the political fight. In Europe soccer stadiums have become
places where thousands of young people fight. The political
confrontation, the clash that in the past was in the main
squares of the cities have been confined to ghettos called
sports fields. No matter if there is a social confrontation, in
that case the government will behave as a moderator and
winner. Noam Chomsky in his "Manufacturing Consent"
makes an interesting example of deviation: "What was
wrong with the war in Vietnam: to give up, to use too much
power, to use too much Napalm, a bad political or military
leadership?" All these reasons were built to keep the
attention of people far from another
issue from the real mistake from the
right thing to do: "Usa had not to
export war in Vietnam, Usa should
have stayed home". A case o
deviation in chess: Rock is deviated
with the sacrifice 1.Queen e8! Rock
e8 2.Bishop d5#.
The uncomfortable and
unmanageable news, must
desappear, they must be suffocated.
One of the most interesting cases of
suffocation of a new was the
"anthrax letter" case where few days after the 2001 Twin
Towers attack, letters with lethal anthrax powder begun to
circulate in Usa mail system. The entire Usa post system,
suffered a blackout, hundreds of tons of letters and packs
were confiscated and still today nobody knows what
happened to them. The mainstream medias and all the Usa
propaganda machines begun to accuse internal and external
enemies. With an arrogance typical of the best lyers, the
police and military entourage gave for granted that the antrax
letters were part of an islamic attack. In those days several
people were linched in the street for the sole reasons that
they were of islamic religion. After some weeks, any new
related to the anthrax letters, desappeared from the
mainstream medias. The same medias that generously talked
about it, now layed a veil of silence over
the fact that the anthrax and the letters
were produced by Usa intelligence and
military personell. Better to suffocate a
new when it is too embarassing.
Abdullah Ocalan leader PKK, the Kurd
independentist's group, was captured by
the Turkish military in 1999.
All the media of the world began to speak about the violation
of human rights that Turky is sistematically carrying on,
through a fanatic nationalism. The Turkish authorities begun
an economical intimidation campaign towards those
countries that described the Turkish atrocities of the past and
present times against Armenians, Greeks, Kurds. After few
weeks Ocalan will be captured in Africa by the Turkish
intelligence in violation of any international law. From that
moment on, the news about any violation of human rights by
Turkey will be suffocated.
A very interesting case of suffocation of a new was the so
called "recount" in 2000 during the presidential election in
Usa between the two candidates Al Gore and Bush. For the
result the vote of Florida was the one that would have
decided the victory. Officially Bush was declared the winner,
but at a serious controll the result was in favour of the
opponent. The credibility of Usa and its "democratic" system
was at stake. It became clear the technological inefficiency
and the brolls during the vote. The main stream medias
magically suffocated any discussion, any news about it.
Space clearance is a rather violent
tactic, and has to do with silencing and
interruption of all discussions and
programs, so to introduce one of
particular "importance". Usually it
deals with emergency speeches done to
the Country by the prime minister or the
president, and are done during an emergency
such as environmental, political, military,
economical calamity. A clear example of
space clearance was accomplished the 11
september 2001, when al radio and tv
programs were interrupted to narrate
the events of New York. Any program,
any other discussion, left the space
only to the fall of the twin Towers. An
other example of space clearance are
the presidents or kings' speeches done
every end of the year on tv and radio.
It is a very violent act in which all radio and tv station
transmit the same thing at the same
time. In such occasion it is over
evident how authoritarian are what we
call western democracies. Let's see in
chess a case of space clearance: the
white rock is taken away, so the queen
can chess mate (Rock h7, King takes
Rock, Queen g7#).
Space clearance is a rather
traumatic tactic used by
medias, a veil of silence
falls abruptly. It is the block
of some people or
arguments protagonists of
mainstream media. It is a
form of controlled
censorship. Film companies
know very well that to put
on the stage always the same actor saturates attention and
causes rejection; that is the main reason the protagonists of
cinema and tv, are periodically "cast away" and to be
reintroduced later. The same
technique works for politicians.
In the italian state Sìlvio Berluscòni
used very intelligently all medias he
owned and controlled. In 2003 when
Usa occupied Iraq, the italian prime
minister (Berlusconi), risked
unpopularity for his allignment to
the invasion. Berlusconi at his
arrival in Rome airport after the war
agreement in Washington, when
interviewed and asked if Italy would
have participated to the war, replied:
"Italy will not participate to the war". The embarassing thing
was that Colin Powell (during Berlusconi's trip back to Italy)
had already declared that Italy agreed to participate to the
war of invasion. At that point, the interview was abruptly cut
and the prime minister desappeared from all medias for 2
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent
A Grammar of Consent

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A Grammar of Consent

  • 1.
  • 2. 1
  • 3. 2 A GRAMMAR of CONSENT How to manipulate the perception of reality Raffaele Serafini Edition Venetian Language
  • 4. 3 The following publication has no copyrights and its parts can be copied, transmitted and shared with any device and technique: mechanical, electronique including fotocopies and recordings both audio and videos. Feel free to store and share it freely without any permission from the author and editor. printed in Venice and translated from Venetian Language to English in 2013. Original title "Gramatega del consenso" 1° Edition november 2010
  • 5. 4 I dedicate this work to those who have the courage to open their eyes and understand that the world around them is built to obtain their daily consent and to inhibit any doubt that their interpretation of reality might be the contrary of what it seems.
  • 6. 5 SHORT NOTE I have been working on this paper since I was a young student in the university of Barcelona in Bellaterra, Catalunya in 1988, and decided to analyse how we are manipulated by the mass medias. It took me 22 years to finish the work the 9 november 2010 in Venice, just few hours before one of the many raids of the italian political police who often violated my intimacy with the expropriation of my writings and studies. Furtunately, I miracolously saved the work, otherwise it would have been lost.
  • 7. 6 INTRODUCTION The text deals with the "soft" methods used to obtain consent. The "hard" methods such as tortures, privation, stress, are not the subject of this work which are widely treated by the military literature of the most powerfull countries. Forgive the redundancy, I wish many others after me will reduce and synthesize my work and better formalize the principles that are used to manipulate consent. There are no biographical notes at the end of the book, because the examples are taken by everyday mass media production of which I produce several examples. The richness of text and images is also a consistent proof. The book is the production and work on the field without any special mean but those ordinary of everyday life. Everybody can do it without financial resources, just a lot of time and desire to analyze and compare news. The world around us speaks, we must study, we must analyze it, we must naked it and try to formalize principles that governs it. Open your eyes, read the names of the streets, ask yourself why, open a newspaper and ask yourself why those pictures, why those titles and why not others. Watch a tv program or listen to a radio program and ask yourself why. All you hear and all you see, it is not there by chance, but it is built for you, it is placed for you to be absorbed and to make you react in a foreseeable way. Nothing must ever lead you to doubt, to think that is was built for you, anything must appear by case.
  • 8. 7 The reasons for this book, can be traced among the pictures and drawings that follow. As far as I know few if none has ever reduced to formal ideas the manipulation's tecniques that are used every day to feed billions of human beings and that drive them to accept the ideologies of truthfull oligarchies similar to monarchies and called ipocritically democracies. Such "democracies" govern a humanity always more mentally conformed, brainwashed, uncapable to discriminate between reality and illusion. The image with the circles was built to convey you the perception that the brown circle inside the crown of big cirlces, is smaller than the one surrounded by small circles. The brown circles have the same diameter, but the optical illusion make you believe the contrary. The grey squares of the second picture, appear to have a different tonality: the one on the left looks lighter than the one on the right, while they are equals. It is a cromatic illusion. The third image of the page, exploits a cromatic illusion. The red stripes have blue contours on the left side and yellow contours on the right side. The contours modify the perception of red colour which is actually the same for all stripes.
  • 9. 8 The three soldiers in the first picture are equally tall, but the manipulation of the drawing gives a different interpretation. The two pictures with the houses bent as if they were falling, is the product of a rotation of the image. The cars are parked in a road which is not flat. The counter rotation of the picture gives the impression that the houses have an inclination and are falling. The drawing made on the pavement, with its colours, lines and subject, is perfectly integrated in the environment and gives the illusion of depth. The man's position helps! The last drawing rapresents what everybody would define a square, but it is not. It is the illusion of the geometry of a square.
  • 10. 9 From the 3 pictures above, we can gather that perceiving is different that understanding reality. We can imagine and also draw figures that are impossible in our world but that we perceive as real. This gape between reality and perception of reality, is a richness and a weakness of humankind. For example in the 3 pictures below, equal dimensions are perceived as different. Our "common sense" is different than reality. Surfaces, colours, inclinations, shapes...anything can be built and tansformed to give us different sensations, like in an illusionist's stage. Our attention is deviated, our senses are confused, saturated, so much until we loose any analitic capacity. The last pictures are an example of distortion. The stripes appear to have an inclination, while they are parallel.
  • 11. 10 The traditional way to obtain consent, was to oblige people to obey through terror and violence. The modern way is more sofisticated and efficient. The construction of a mental prison in which the input is manipulated so as to create a controlled perception of reality in the minds of the people, is the purpose of any government. The result is that the population is inevitably driven to think "the right way" that is actually the way that favour the government's agenda. The words democracy and pluralism hides a different reality: totalitarianism and indoctrination. Anything that is placed before our eyes has the very specific purpose of driving our decisions. We believe and must believe that we freely choose, while we are induced to elect. We are fed like chickens with predigested informations. Truth has no importance, but only the belief that it is genuinly true. In this process of brainwashing it is of fundamental importance to dissolve any doubt inside the population. A faithfull people can be governed easily.
  • 12. 11 The italian national ideology is an example of this process of mass indoctrination. Italian nationalism since the invasion of Venetia, of Sicily, of south Tirol, has been creating several stereotypes: the drunk Venetian, the stupid Venetian, the ignorant venetian, the venetian prostitute. The Sicilians have been painted as mafia people, while the Sardenians as shepperds and the Tiroleans as stupid mountain people unable to speak. The native and ancient languages spoken by these ethnic groups have been defined despectively "dialects" and forbidden in all public places such as schools, municipalities and all government offices. Local history and traditions have been hidden or subjected to derision under words such as: barbarians, uncivilized, and the ancient alphabets called scratches. The italian invasion is called "unification".
  • 13. 12 In the last 100 years, the national states those that defines themselfs democracies, used in a monopolistical and monodirectional way, the means to obtain consent in order to conform the minds and culture of masses. In the last decades, with the arrival of the World Wide Web WWW), the monopolium of informations is vanishing. We all have the possibility to be consumers and producers at the same time. The verticality and monodirectionality of informations is replaced by orizontal reciprocal comunication, where we all participate at the same level and are free to choose. The mediators of consent disappear. The concept of virality becomes important to ignite a chain reaction of replication of memes (ideas). The new revolutions are made with the construction and diffusion of memes. The production of consent is not the work and monopolium of a lobby but of all human beings.
  • 14. 13 PART I STRUCTURED PROPAGANDA Propaganda, the daily mass media brainwashing, is higly organized with rules fit to influence our cognitive apparatus. The analysis in this book shows how propaganda is organized. The manufacturers of consent, in most cases, purposely produce their messages without knowing or having ever formalized rules. The creation of messages is governed by rules, in many cases unknown even to the top manufacturers of consent. It happened the same for languages, for thousands of years human beings have been using languages without knowing any grammar. Let's say that nowdays, many of those who distort the perception of reality, still know very few about it. There is a lack of studies on this subject, we lack grammars that explain how propaganda is built. This work, is a grammar about how the leaderships of modern democracies produce consent.
  • 15. 14 The image above is known as "Ames chamber", and it was built to distort reality with the creation of optical and cognitive illusions. The kid is not a giant, the man is 170 cm tall, but the room gives the perception that the kid is much taller than the man. The production of consent in modern democracies, is more important than the military budget. A huge fully equipped national propaganda machine is used for the production videos, audios, printed papers such as creation studios, editing house, directors, assemblers etc... The news that arrive through the media streams, are predigested and go through a process of manipulation and filtering, before they arrive to us. Nothing is left to the case. The production of news is like producing commercial spots, it is a job of professionals. The game is to fool people and hide the real intentions.
  • 16. 15 CHAPTER 1 INDUSTRY OF CONSENT The importance of public opinion, is the key of modern regimes, of those we call "democracies". The mass consent, becomes the most important thing, and that is why all democracies in the last century paid particular attention to monopolize and fully controll the production and diffusion of culture. The controll the cultural production, has become a true obsession for all governments. We can fully assert that the production of culture is totalizing and capillary organixed as in any modern industrial and marketing enterprise. In this factory there are workers, directors, managers, technological tools to create and manipulate messages, transmission tools, magnifiers, distribution nets to the last consumer. News arrive to the final consumer like the oxigen to the cells of our body.
  • 17. 16 THE THEOLOGS OF CONSENT The producers of "culture" (journalists, philosophers, politicians, protagonists of tv shows, commentators, economists, financial counselors, military...) use mass medias with some of the tactics and strategies treated in this book. These "promoters" are so brainwashed with the dominant national dogmas and they digested them so intimately, that they produce a series of memes, of reasonings, of justifications and theorems, that are fully allined to the " common sense". The "common sense" is the way citizens must interpret reality in order to influence politics as less as possible, in order to give consent. Dissidency is self removed. A good theolog of national doctrines has the extraordinary capacity to remove doubts and "bad thoughts". Homeland, religion, military, police, politicians, the national flag and anthem, are always insert in or between tv programs, newspapers, magazines, radioprograms. It is important to give the general impression that there is freedom to talk about anything (sex, scandals, corruption, legal matters, politics...), but the real foundings of national power and doctrines, remain untouchables, their substance is kept far from serious critics.
  • 18. 17 Several technologies are used to build messages. Anything becomes sign: a scratch on the sand or on a wall, a book or a tv program. Words, colors, writings, sounds, videos, images, shaking of hands, flirts, anything becomes sign. The industrial production of consent uses the most advanced tecnologies. The governments and the most powerfull economic and financial institutions, take controll and monopolize the most powerfull means of production and transmission of mass messages. Tv, editing, radios have become weapons more powerfull than armies. A military of people moved by doctrines, worth much more than mercenaries in uniform. Wars between geopolitical entities, are not the work of militaries, but a national business, a fight between citizens grown up and educated in the national ideology. The citizen is the carrier of an ideology built to keep him faithfull. The citizen of the national state, of the modern democracies, is unable to imagine a life without the national dogmas and "his" homeland. MEANS TO BUILD THE MESSAGE
  • 19. 18 In the past, the palaces of power were conquered. The modern golpes are made with the conquest of tv studios, newspapers facilities, radio stations and the web. Nowdays the public opinion is more inportant than an army and it is of key importance to controll it. It should not surprise to find radios and tv even in the poorest places of the earth and among the poorest people of the earth. If in modern states the outputs of people: their decisions, thoughts and votes, are so important, then it is a must to produce and controll all the inputs that reach them. The theologs, the producers of consent, can be replaced, but the net remains. In the name of democracy, many are allowed to produce memes, but few are allowed to spread them. The sistematic diffusion of messages and the controll of the net, are the foundings of the state model of consent. The old states and empires used analphabetism as a barrier to power, modern states use alphabetisation to brainwash & controll citizens. MEANS TO TRANSMIT THE MESSAGE
  • 20. 19 In the past the scribes copied books one by one, in such a way diffusion was limited. Printing permitted a revolution in the world of books. Tv repeaters are the equivalent of printing machines, tv the equivalent of books which are the devices that bear the ideas. The beginning of printing created the first traumas to the old system of consent where the monopolium of writing was strictly controlled. Massive rivolts and dissidency begun no more and only for food or slavery, but because of the spreading of ideas. Religious revolts, revolutions, revindications...gave the first shocks to the centralized powers. So it became obvious, in order to controll people, that it was important to controll the means of diffusion of ideas. Those states that first controlled these means of diffusion, obtained the allignment of public opinion as much as a faithfull army and could first coin the word democracy. The fidelization of the citizen through his or her brainwashing, became the caracteristic of stability of modern states. This status remained unrivalled until the appearance of the personal computers and the World Wide Web, of those instruments that permit to build and reproduce messages, share and transmit them, orizontally, reciprocally at almost no cost. The monopolium of memes has come to an end.
  • 21. 20 Paintings, monuments, military parades, are also means of diffusion of memes. National states own or controll all means of mass communication and have a totalizing presence in them. Each demonstration, every cultural expression, are the demonstration of this nationalism and centralism. Sport's events, festivities, anniversaries and celebrations, onomastic, toponomastics, storiography, geography, iconography..... anything celebrates and recall homeland ideology. Up to the 16th century the Catholic Roman Church controlled exclusively all forms of human culture in Europe. Paintings, sculpture, literature, music, resembled the total control by church of any form of human expression. The protagonists of all pieces of arts were: saints, bishops, virgins Mary, Jesus, god. All other aspects of life were censored, we'd better say: artists censored themselves and prostituted their skills to an ideology.
  • 22. 21 The concept of visibility is both tactical and strategical. An invisable message is not a message because it leaves no trace, no matter how convincing it is. Vixibility or tracebility are the necessary attributes for a message. During the siege of Tien Ament square in Peking, the struggle of an unknown man before the tanks had a great vixibility and the western medias gave it a huge resonancy in order to autoglorify themself. The Statue of Liberty is a propaganda statue, placed at the entrance of New York harbour so millions of European immigrants, who arrived by boat in the 20th century could see it and fulfill the american dream. What is more visable than a black sheep among a flock of white sheeps. The colour contrast makes a minority more visable. Contextual factors are very relevant. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MESSAGE CHAPTER 2 VISIBILITY We summarize the main caracteristics of propaganda messages as follows:
  • 23. 22 The same principle applies to those girls who cover their face and hair in the west. In an islamic country a face covered woman goes unnoticed, while in the west it rarer and visable that her veil becomes the object of cults and legal disputes. It was a similar case when the short skirt in the sixties became a scandal and in some countries object of legal disputes too. In may 1997, a bunch of armed of venetians took possession of Venice's towerbell. It was a brilliant operation to obtain the world's attention. The cocktail was: visable Venice + visable action.
  • 24. 23 To convince, is the quality of a good politician. A message to be effective must be credible. Rather than logic, coherence and transparency, is more important credibility. The eliocentric theory was not credible because common sense suggested that the earth was unmovable with the sun rotating around it. That is why Tolomeus and the Aristothelic school were more successfull for more that 15 centuries. People give judgements based on very superficial reasonings and analysis. Rationality does not pay back a master of consent. It is more usefull to stimulate passions, primitive reactions, sex, and superstitions. The real power of an ideology in present society, is credibility; this worths for religion, economic and political theories. The level of persuasivity is related to the caracteristics of the receiver. For example an odiens of farmers is more attracted and pursuaded by speeches that mention and are related to agriculture and economy, rather than sport and math. An odiens of economists will prefer a speech politically related to currency exchanges, international finance. Army professionals will like speeches about financing and increase of military budget. While an odiens of retired people, will be concerned about pensions and medical care. PERSUASIVITY
  • 25. 24 "Exclusivity", is one of the most important concept when we consider the winning memes in history. If we look at what determined the success of conifers in the world of trees, we discover that this group of plants, produces substances that inhibit the growth of potential competitors around them. It is a way to get rid of competitors. Well, successfull religions and ideologies also carried this kind of attribute. Inquisitions, religious wars, gulags, concentration camps, are the historical proofs of how to inhibit competitors' ideologies. In religion monotheism strongly opposed to politheism at such a degree that alternative cults were treated with death. Communism pretended to be scientifically justified which meant: expropriation and anhilation of any other theory or ideology. Capitalism and democracy describe themself as the absolute good and for it legitimate wars and imperialism with no limits. The assumption "to pursue truth and be in the positions of those who are the good ones", is the requisite of winning memes. If a meme could describe itself it would say: "I am the best, anything other than me is worse and must be terminated or modified to resemble me". EXCLUSIVITY
  • 26. 25 Modern production techniques, copying and diffusion means, with the speed and precision they can be transported, facilitate the production of messages on an industrial scale and can reach the farest places of the planet. Messages are reproduced virally in millions of copies. The cinema, the music, the editing, the tv and the radio industries, have produced hundreds of millions of copies. Fashion's products go through the same process and are consumed because of their symbolic value, better say, because of the credit they are given. Religious and political messages have sometime a great replication power. The Coran, the Torah, Marx's Capital, are works that propagated for years, influenced virally the culture of human kind. REPLICATIVITY
  • 27. 26 The present work concentrates on the tactics used to manipulate consent. The following pages will analyse one by one the tactics used to manipulate consent. The analysis of the tactics used reveals two different aspects of the manipulators of consent: a)Intentionality and premeditation b)In many cases the complete lack of rational understanding of the techniques used. The majority of those who produce consent, ignores the foundings of consent and never organixed analitically and scientifically their work. This work rapresent a pioneristic work that opens for all a rational understanding of mechanism used to manipulate consent. The reading of this book, can help both producers and receptors to either manipulate or avoid manipulation. For manipulators this book is a grammar that will help them, while for the consumers it will function as an antidote to the daily brainwashing that regimes, states, firms, preechers, carry on daily. TACTICS OF THE MESSAGE CHAPTER 3
  • 28. 27 The core of this book, deals with the formalization of the tactics used to indoctrinate people. The next chapters, will show a list of practical examples that explain better than any word, the tecniques used to produced consent. The image (on your rightright) painted in the street is an example of distortion of reality through the tecnique of perspective, inserted with cure in a real environment. The propaganda of traditional regimes is less sofisticated. In Iran the media positioning of the subjects rapresents the jerarchies inside the theocracy that rules the country. This positioning is very similar to the roman catholic iconography used in old paintings. It is a case of primitive propaganda free of any chromatic or coreographical mean. The propaganda of modern regimes, what we call "western democracies", is more sofisticated, and, as a consequence, more convincing and usefull to submit population without any physical coercion or intimidation. PART II TACTICS
  • 29. 28 The tactic of lying is as old as life and we can find examples in the animal world. A Venetian dictum says "Lies have short legs". Lying is a tactic that in the long run does not pay and it is the last resource used by any regime, so it is getting rarer in any system of modern consent. Let's say that lying is used mostly by those entities such as militaries and police. In the italian state, police, military, judges, medical analysts and expertise falsify reports and witnesses in order to justify crimes that the authorities carry on. The Genova events during the 2001 summit G8 are the clearest example of these methods. Let's point out that such methods are old fashioned in a modern system of consent and they survive only thanks to a chain of complicities and inefficiencies. Lying is a tactic used mostly by old fashioned regimes and it is easily detactable. CHAPTER 4 LIES
  • 30. 29 CHAPTER 5 Official news and accredited journalists, are a self referential product. The true journalists, the impartial reporters do not exist. The invalidity of official news and sources became clearly evident during the invasion of Iraq in 2003, when the accredited journalists were accompanied by the invasion's troups, while those not in the company of Usa military, were killed accidentally. The main problem of culture and information is self reference. References are those sources called official and supported by a huge military and legal apparatus. True or false, what matters are the prints and certifications of police stations, prefectures, accredited journalists and academics. To maintain the opposite of any official truth is difficult because in a corporate way the entire system will go against you. Regime intellectuals and a considerable amount of resources with the addition of legal intimidation and antidefamation laws, will do the rest. For example if somebody in the Vatican square would shout that the Pope is a story teller and the books he uses are legends comparable to fairy tales, he would be inprisoned instantly. REFERENCES & SOURCES
  • 31. 30 On the other hand if he shouts that the president of Iran or north Korea are dictators, he will not be requested any evidence for his statements and he will be supported by the corporate medias. All christian catholic mithology and literature, are a huge propagandistic corpus deprived of the most common hystorical foundings and completely self­referenced, nonetheless there are also academics and universities dedicated to it. Few years ago to maintain that the Venetian language was a dialect, requested no proof, on the contrary those who defined it a language were censored. Practic proofs were evident but common sense, conformism, ignorance and in many cases the judgements of official academics, prevailed and discrimination was the rule. Wikipedia in some cases uses books to officialize a position rather than a truthfull Galileian method, so to officialize truth is a matter of printing books through the Sbn system and not a matter of direct proofs and evidence.
  • 32. 31 CHAPTER 6 To know what others cannot know , is a real weapon. It means to controll others and beeing absolved to give any explanation. Secrecy is the product of a military and authoritaryan vertical culture. Catholic church created a sacrament called "Penance" in order to know anything about everybody. In the state of Italy, secrecy reigns. Since 1943 the italian state governed through a series of murders, lies, massacres, kidnapping, intimidations, falsifications and legal cheating of any kind. The "state secret" was used and is still in use to know about events such as the massacre of "Porteddu della Ginestra", the massacre of Ustica, of Piazza Fontana, of Piazza della Loggia, the murder of colonel Giuliano. The same attitude of authorities was used for the murders of Enrico Mattei, De Màuro and Pasolini. In 1943 the italian monarchy and later the italian government, signed agreements with Usa that are still covered by secrecy. SECRECY
  • 33. 32 Who are the anonymous forces of an infamous history in Italy? When no responsable are found and the secrecy is invoked, the finger must be pointed on the military carabinieri, on the church and Usa military who behind the courtain and covered by secrecy, did what they want in Europe. The secrecy is used to cover illegal acts done behind the shoulders of people and legality. Secrecy, in many cases, guarantees immunity to those who act against the law. Transparency is called upon when it serves the purpose to defeat uncomfortable enemies and mostly the simple citizen. Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden weakened the net of secrecy built by the western world, and for the first time the secrets and infamous behaviour of governments' leaders have been displayed. Such revelations potrait the ipocrisy of a western leadership who preach democracy and transparency while in reality violates the most basic human rights and struggle to maintain secrecy. Secrecy, is one of the basis of inequality e privilege. The abolition of secrecy puts everybody on the same level of transparency, and mostly those in power whose concern is strong whenever their privacy is at stake. Trasparency is the good medecine for a sane policy and economy.
  • 34. 33 CHAPTER 7 Privacy is a smart invention to know anything about you and hide anything of those in power, so they can controll you and anticipate any decision of yours. In an open growing society where informations become a shared freedom, the kapoes of politics, economy and military, do anything to enforce law on privacy. For example bank's officials know anything about you and share such information within their net, but when the fellow in the street invokes transparency, the banks hide themselves behind the pretext of privacy. The principle of reciprocity is violated and it instaures a monopolium and abuse of informations. The pretext of privacy is comparable to the secret of confession used for centuries by the roman catholic church, where the clerics controlled the most intimate actions and thoughts of people. With the arrival and diffusion of the world wide web, and the free sharing of datas all over the world, all those categories who built their position on privacy, secrecy and anonimacy of datas begun to loose power. Search engines are mercyless and drive you to find info and details about anybody, so most of governments begun to censor the web with the pretexts such as "common good", "security", "prevention", "defamation", "morality".... PRIVACY
  • 35. 34 CHAPTER 8 In may 1997 in the main square of Venice, a group of italian military special forces (carabinieri) neutralized the demonstrative action of an independentist Venetian group called "Serenissimi". The italian commando after the neutralization of the Venetian group, begun to beat to blood the independentists, without any reason. Isn't it strange that these people use masks everytime they are in action and it is not possible to identify them. In most of European cities and villages, there is a net of videocams that record every action and sound of people in the streets. On the other hand there are no video cams in all public offices, military buildings and police stations, where the government personel enjoys full impunity for their actions. Can the private citizen controll the pubblic officer? From one side, there is a huge care in skanning common people's behaviour, but such care in not used when it is time to controll and record the actions of police, of military, of those working in public offices. Anonimacy permits any sort of abuse in those places where people's rights should be higly guaranteed for their crimes. ANONIMACY
  • 36. 35 CHAPTER 9 Once, when I was a kid and passed close to a farmer house, my mother pointed at it saying: "You see that house over there? There was a man who was shooting at police, he was crazy". No further discussion, no explanation of the reasons of the farmer, who I discovered later, difended his house and land from the expropriation of the government that, with the pretext of the common good, was taking the farmer's land. On that land it was buillt a highway that after its completion was privatized. The mental illness, is one of the weapons used to close uncomfortable discussions, to avoid embarassing explanations. Latin storiography is a propagandistic masterpiece in which emperors such as Calligola and Nero, are depicted as crazy. On the contrary, the two emperors were reformists and innovators who were fighting conservative forces filled up with prejudices. With the blossoming of nationalisms in the 19th century, in Europe and all over the western world, the political dissidence begins to be treated like a mental illness. Political opponents, anarchists in first line, were interned in mental clinics and electrocuted until complete mental destruction. MENTAL ILLNESS
  • 37. 36 The people who did not allign to the common doctrine of those in power, were declared mentally insane a deprived of their liberties. Psychiatry became a "scientific" instrument used by western regimes to bend the opponents' will. Fasism, nazism, communism and all national states built "mental facilities" where ideologically uncomfortable men and women were imprisoned, filled up with drugs and treated with electroshock. Dissidents were: anarchists, homosexuals, lesbians, religious dissidents who deviated from the orthodoxy of state ideology. The mental illness were used to deter even the simplest housewife or daughter who revindicated foundamental liberties. The cuban Angel Valodia Matos at the Olympic Games of Bejin in 2008, lost the bronze medal due to a decision of the referees, who are in many cases not reliable and easily corruptable. The world press defined the vengefull action of the athlete as an act of madness. On a deeper analysis it might be called an act of justice which was deeply motivated, but corporate media silenced his reasons. When corporate medias adopt words such as raptus, madness, crazy, mentally ill.....they use a terminology that closes any discussion of the reasons that moved the action and inhibit any further analysis. It is similar to the invocation of privacy and secrecy that determines a block of any further deep analysis. In all cases, no explanations are required and further discussions are closed.
  • 38. 37 CHAPTER 10 Derision in one of the most frequently used tecniques by national states in order to annihilate the identity of a People, of an ethnic or religious group. Making fun of somatic traits, of the traditions, of the language, has the function to oppress the identity, so the carriers of that identity feel ashame of their identity. For example, inside the italian borders Venetian, Tirol, Sicilian, Sardegna People have been the subject of defamation's campaigns in which they were depicted as farmers, shepperds, alcoholic, analphabets, ignorants.... while the population living in the capital Rome or in the central areas of the state, were depicted as positive emancipated models. Jews, Gipsies, homosexuals, afroamericans were often stereotyped, transformed into monsters, in subhumans by all nazist and fascist propaganda. Filmography, iconography, every propaganda's mean is used to degradate the racial enemies, the ethnic enemies, those who did not conform to the national ideology. DERISION
  • 39. 38 Up to the sixties of the twientieth century, we can notice how afroamericans and native american People are ridiculed in literature and movies. In the movies "Gone with the wind", "The Searchers", afroamericans and native indians are object of derision or hatred. In literature writers such as Mark Twain and Harriet Beecher Stowe, defame afroamericans and native indians. Such works perfectly match and reflect the apartheid, the discrimination and physical distruction of a part of the inhabitants of present United States. The product of this ridiculization and discrimination is well noticed when father and mother are both ashamed to speak their native language to their kids or to each other, and arrive to use an accessorial language that is the one spoken by the positive heroes of the medias. The tactic of derision is widely used in the propaganda 's programs of states. The derision of neighboring people's countries feeds internal nationalism, it safeguards the identy's borders and it justifies extraordinary measures. Usa used such tecniques widely during second world war and also during the iron courtain period. Hundreds of movies and posters were produced to depict negatively the enemy.
  • 40. 39 CHAPTER 11 The international tribunals are a sort of arena, built by the winners to delegitimate the loosers. It is interesting to find out that the major power on earth such as Russia, Cina, Usa, did not fully recognize the authority of the international tribunals and for such reasons, the soldiers and citizens of such countries, cannot be judged as war criminals or for crimes against human kind. One of the most famous cases is the massacre of Mi Lai in Vietnam, where Usa soldiers killed the whole population of the small village. It was one of the thousands massacres carried on by or under the supervision of Usa troups in Vietnam. Usa soldiers are autorized with the certainty of international impunity to commit crimes against humanity. No international tribunal has ever condamned a Usa soldier or a politician. The Nurberg trial is one of the clearest example of such tribunals. The heads of the Nazis regime were accused and condamned for bombing civilian targets and genocide, while the Allied forces were never judged for the same crimes against the European and Asian population. No international tribunal ever condamned them for dropping atomic bombs against civilians in Nagasaki and Hiroshima or for the heavy bombing of Lubeck etc..... TRIBUNALS­LEGALITY­CERTIFICATIONS
  • 41. 40 With the invasion of Kossovo by the Usa forces, it begun a campaign of trials at the International court of Aja. Serbs, Croatians, Bosnians were incriminated of crimes against humanity and a hunt to criminals begun. All these people inarguably committed orrible crimes, but the cause that moved their action was their national fanatism, their commitment to national interests. Did any international tribunal ever judged a president of Usa for the crimes committed in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Vietnam and tens of other countries? On the contrary, they used international legality to safeguard the national interests of Usa. These are certified crimes where impunity is guaranteed. In several cases of genocide and ethnocide, documents are of no use. After a century the Turkish regime still denies the massacres of hundreds of thousands of civilian Armenians and Greeks, that was the founding action to build a uniform national state. The Turkish regime maintain that there are no written orders that demonstrate such massacres. The same thesis is maintained by those negationists who deny the Nazis genocides of Europen populations and ethnic groups.Would the lack of documentation demonstrate the innocence of thousands of soldiers and politicians? Those officers who commit crimes, even on small scale, or are part in it, pay particular attentions in the destruction of such orders and proofs.
  • 42. 41 CHAPTER 12 Let's have a look at the sentence below: Those who live within italian state borders, can only be italians It is a sentence with a premise and a conclusion. There is no space for further discussion. A famous ancient fairy tale from Aesop can clarify better the idea. It is the famous story of "The wolf and the lamb". The wolf accuses the lamb to dirty the water while the lamb is actually on the souther part of the river. At the end no reasoning or evidence satisfy the wolf who eats the lamb. To justify the second invasion of Iraq we could assist to the production of sentences such as: If Saddam does not accept the exile, it will be war If Saddam does not accept to destroy all his weapons, it will be war If Saddam does not accept the Un resolutions, it will be war These were threats dressed with "good intentions". In this way, a superficial analysis drives us to think that it was Saddam Hussein who caused the war. It is a sort of deductive method where anything becomes a consequence of the premises and conditions offered. The war on Kossovo began in the same way. Serbia was offered to accept the invasion of one of its territories by Usa troups. The refusal meant war. PREMISES & CONCLUSIONS
  • 43. 42 To further understand the substantial logic of this method, let's look at the Ptolemy's planetary system in which earth was at the centre of the earth, planets rotated around it and stars were fixed luminous objects. The premises for the theory were: "The earth is the centre of universe and does not move". For centuries, Roman Catholic Church sponsored this theory sparing no person's life who dared to affirm the opposite. Heliocentrism won with the arrival of Galileo who paid with torture and prison his critics and demonstration of the fallacy of Geocentrism. The whole ideological apparatus of religions originates from a premise: "My religion is the true one". It is not admitted to have doubts about the existance and power of the divinity. National states, also are founded on some premises, such as the integrity of the borders, the unic language, the glorious and predetermined history of the nation, the eternity of the nation etc.... Nationalisms are religions, are state religions. From such founding ideas (premises), come certain consequences such as: all profit produced inside the country must be taxed, the inhabitants are subjected to some restrictions, the inhabitants are obliged to difend with their lives the integrity of the state, they must pay property taxes, send their kids to compulsory schools etc...
  • 44. 43 Check the 9 figures below and try to join them in 3 groups of 3 images each. Make the groups using your "common sense". CHAPTER 13 SYLLOGISM­DEDUCTION Most of western people, will use colours to make the grouping, plus the common sense instilled during a life of brainwashing will do the rest. The Vatican and Penthagon culture do the rest. White will be associated with the pigeon, and pope, while black with terrorism and women oppression. A Nepalese will find this simple test disgusting and his sensibility offended.
  • 45. 44 The western culture favored a lojic procedure formalized in ancient Greece The corporate medias use this procedure to indoctrinate people. For example in the western medias the Usa Army are depicted as follow. Usa soldiers are equal to missionaries in their actions (invasions or attacks) called missions (war operations). In the imaginary of western people, christian missionaries, are associated with goodness. The natural conclusion suggested by "common sense" is that the Usa soldiers are doing good. Let's see it schematically: A=B C=B A=C = GOOD GOOD = =
  • 46. 45 The producers of consent will never insist to give you answers or tell you what to do, but they will use a series of stereotypes, a series of cultural cornerstones, prejudices, forms, sounds, colours, and use them all to create messages that have the task to produce inside you the predictable answers they want, as if they were spontaneusly produced inside you. Premises are already inside you, they are the product of your education of the national, media brainwashing you have been exposed to since the day you were born. The answers come out when "properly" stimulated. Let's make another example: "In a bus there are 4 people, a young woman, a policeman, a very well dressed attorney, a mexican immigrant with no working permit, an afroamerican unemployed with criminal records for thief. At the stop, people start to jump off and a girl comes out screaming that one of people in the bus raped her". Who would you stopped first? In a civil society all travellers should be checked without any discrimination and a scientific analysis should be carried on. On the other hand common sense and corporate medias will build the case against this or that before any solid research. Linching was based on common sense, morality, prejudice, ignorance. Check the images below. Who resemble more a rapist? In western present society: beard, skin colour, phisycal apparance are subject to discriminati on.
  • 47. 46 Prolixity is a traits very developed in some cultures. It was common in the scripts of ancient latins to use river of words to express a very simple concept. This way of expressing is typical of the mediterranean culture and visable in several forms. Regimes used this tecnique to complicate things, to saturate any discussion in such a way that the opponent get exhausted and gives up. The draw explains this way of doing. To make a clearer example, let's imagine that the straight line rapresent the direct way a man asks a woman to go to bed with him. The spiral rapresents the oriental way of doing, a sort of cultural holism where anything brings the partner to accept the request. The second line shows the mediterranean way of behaving where along the path digression are made. The third straight line rapresents the evidenceof asking in Anglosaxon culture. In both the last two methods prolixity and digressions are involved and have an edulcorating effect toward the comprehension of the reasons that move the speech. Digressions and prolixity creates so much confusion in most of the people that the comprehension of the premises and real intentions are lost. It is a sort of exaustion and confusing process. CHAPTER 14 PROLIXITY & DIGRESSIONS
  • 48. 47 Prolixity and digressions cause a considerable waste of resources, most for those who receive the message who loose the train of thought, or abandon the discussion due to exaustion. So confusion and exaustion are the product of a complex way of presenting events. The result is very similar to the signing of an insurance policy after a long and exausting explanation by the insurer, who will remind you the infinite reasons to be insured, and will drive you to sign the policy in order to get rid of him and his frightening admonitions.
  • 49. 48 CHAPTER 15 Vulgarity is the transgression to formality, it is the escape from the cage that is used to justify and give credibility to people and their actions. Formality has the function, to give value to worthless things. Imagine what presidents, kings, generals would be without the daily ceremonies and formalisms, from clothes, way of speaking, to the environment around them. Let's look at a priest, the way he dresses to give himself more credibility about the fairy tales he tells. What about a doctor dressed as a plumber who advice you to buy a certain drug? Formality is so part of our existance that we even dress in a certain way when we go biking, running or to a disco. Formality is the pretext to exclude others, feel part of the lobby and create exclusivity. How would a military parade be without all those fancy medals, colors and music? How would those soldiers appear without imns and flags? FORMALITY
  • 50. 49 CHAPTER 16 Papers, licences, taxes, stamps, prints, certificates, autorizations... What better than bureaucracy to inhibit the aspirations, the ambitions of the population? "Ein Turhuter" of Kafka is a short fictional account of the selfish purpose of bureaucracy. Vertical structures, rooms of power and bureaucrats are there only for you to block, to filter you. The best way to block any private enterprise, is to build artificial obstacles that exhaust and discourage the individuals, and isolate them one by one. The waste of time, the waste of economic resources are strong deterrents. A nice example of this can be found in italian roads where 20 raws of explanation are part of a road signal. The choice is to the driver: to stop the car, read, understand it all and go back, or, risk and go towards a certain fine, unless you are one of the bureaucrats. Linguistic complexity, mountain of papers, bureaucracy, are filters used to exclude parts of the population from political and economical life. The capacity to manage bureaucracy, is part of the training given to those in power in any regime, and has the function to select the faithfull servants and exclude the potential dissidents. BUREAUCRACY
  • 51. 50 CHAPTER 17 In nazis Germany the function of horror movies was that to make the Germans citizens feel secure once out of cinema. Any reality is adorable compared to the terryfing experiences suffered watching a terror movie. What is the common principle that preserves all regimes and so called democracies? The fear of ritorsion, the fear to loose the wage, the fear to be inprisoned, the fear to be expropriated of our properties, the fear to loose our dears, the fear to loose what we call freedom. All these fears keep us faithfull and help us to accept the humiliation that most citizen feel on their skin. What would happen to national states without the inner fears of their citizens? The civilian mass murder policy accomplished throug bombs, of the second part of the twentieth century, can be observed in all countries under Usa controll, both in Latin America and Europe. Such strategy was finalized to justify authoritarian regimes and limit civil liberties with special laws against terrorism. After the 11th of september 2001, a series of letters filled with anthrax and directed to Usa politicians, begun to circulate in Usa. All together, the medias falsely pointed the finger on islamic groups while it has never been discovered the responsability. TERRORISM
  • 52. 51 Antiterrorism's laws, permit the military a list of impunities and freedom to limit human rights. Terrorism thus is created by military, because of its functionality to them. What would be the use of a strong military and police structure without internal and external menaces? The bombings accomplished by the Allied forces in Europe during the second world war, between 1944 and 1945, Hiroshima, Nahazaki, later the bombings over Vietnam, Serbia...did not have any real military function, but a psycological one, finalized to terrorize the inhabitants and move them with hostility towards their rispective governments. Environmental disasters, earthquakes, forest burnings, hurricanes, are used by the corporate medias to transmit a sense of security to those who assist before a tv set to the tragedies. It is important to renovate in the mind of the subjects, that all you have, can be taken and you are in a privileged position. Any economical crisis, any lack of reforms, any corruption in the government is nothing compared to the real tragedies performed on tv. Before the magnitude of such suffering any sacrifice must be accepted: law enforcement, new taxes, lack of fundamental rights.
  • 53. 52 The medias have the attitude to give relevance to news where national citizens who decided to go abroad, have been victims of very unfair situations. Why such form of terror? The news show the delays in airports, the deaths, the accidents of those who are abroad. Total silence about the casualties inside the national borders. On the contrary those citizens who choosed to spend their money in the mother land enjoy wonderfull vacations. Terrorism of this kind and on such scale, has the function to limit excessive national currency to be spent abroad. It is a terrorism finalized to protect natioanal interests.
  • 54. 53 CHAPTER 18 The people we call "stars", are sort of living idols. During Stalinist propaganda it was important the creation of heroes and mithical figures. The most famous cases were Stackanov a coal miner who was made famous for his capacity to extract huge quantity of coal and keep up with unhuman rythm of work. Another hero was the sniper Zaitsev made famous during the siege of Stalingrad for killing almost hundred enemies. If we check the italian military history we discover that such heroic figures are distributed with premeditations. In world war 1, to keep the morale of military high, it was created an heroic figure who resembled the actions of Richtofen (the Red Baron). The Air Force needed an hero and so it was built the mith of Francesco Baracca. Later for the navy it was created another symbolic hero "Nazario Sauro". For the army the hero choosen was Cesare Battisti and for the carabinieri "D'Acquisto". Most of the stories of such heroes are faked, exagerated, they are the mixt product of propaganda and reality. HEROES, STARS, VIP
  • 55. 54 Hollywood's stars, the protagonists of magazines, tv series, are called V.i.p. (very important person) are often used by the producers of consent to fix the moral borders of society. When a star breaks the rule of faithfullness to common sense, it is usually shortcircuited. Those who controll the stars are always the controllers of the distribution net. Stars are used to create fashion, trends, to propagate commercial, religious or political messages. The persuasive value of a star is the fact that he or she is known, he or she is part of our "acquaintances". Stars enter through the door of our mind with no filters and they influence more easily our thinking. Stars become model for acceptable ways of life within the regime rules. Millions of fans emulate their stars. If alligned, stars enjoy a privileged position otherwise they become a serious problem for regimes of any sort. It is not a case that corporate medias do all possible efforts to give maximum vixibility to presidents, prime ministers, kings and religious leaders, to transform them into the indiscussed protagonists of medias. Familiarity guarantees to such figure more influence over people.
  • 56. 55 CHAPTER 19 The common good, the good proposals and intentions, security, peace missions, democracy, progress, philanthropism.. become the alibi of modern democracies and regimes to justify invasions, embargoes, bombings, national terrorism and restrictions of civil liberties. The 2 atomic bombs dropped on Japan civilians and the good intentions that caused this useless massacre, says a lot about philanthropism. Bombing and massacres against cvilians in Vietnam, are another example of good intentions. In the past, colonialism was sold as a the opportunity to export civilization, but now in the modern era of neocolonialism, the word have been replaced by "democracy", and "peace". Millions of western citizens are convinced that war is a good mean to achieve peace. The economic sanctions are weapons to bend the enemies' states, while the real price of sanctions is paid by the population and in several cases it strenghtens the regimes. PHILANTHROPISM
  • 57. 56 The bombings against roads, water supplies, gas deposits, railway lines, tv stations, factories.. are motivated by the western democracies as a necessity to bend the will of those enemies in power. The moral responsability to leave millions of people without water supplies, no elctricity, no gas, no roads, no factories, is far from the imagination of our leaders. What matters to the western democratic leaders is simply the intention to free the population. In short, for our leaders it is better a free, naked and starving population, but with "democracy". Western medias associate philanthropic messages when they portrait the actors of the war, and that is why we see soldiers and politicians surrounded by kids, by wounded and crippled civilians, by widows. The actors of war are depicted as saviours, as missionaries. In the past decades soldiers were always described as warriors, fearless and merciless, in search for glory. Journalists were free not only to edit secret documents, but pictures that described war for what it is: bloody and cruel. Now modern medias transform soldiers into nurses. There was defenately more freedom 40 years ago when accredited journalist were not submitted and completely allined to the state ideology.
  • 58. 57 CHAPTER 20 The last step of an hero, is to become a myth. Miths are like totems. The hero, the vip, turns into a divinity, into an object of cult. Saints, mythical heroes, martirs, are very similar phenomenons. Supernatural powers surround such figures who become religious divinities, protagonists of sacred books. Their bodies or what remains of them, is the object of cult, mausoleums, cathedrals, mosques and monuments are built, and millions of people pay omage to what remains of them. Superstition, credulity is instilled using such mythical figures. Behind the back of these dead personalities, religions are built, states are founded. Not necessarily all mythical figures existed, many of them are the mixture of legends and local heroes. Others such as Lenin, Mào, Guevara, Kennedy, became myths used by governments to justify their power. States use myths to give moral examples and sign the borders of undiscussed behavior. They become the pretext to make laws, codes of honour, actions and crimes. Holy wars are declared in the name of myths. The need for myth is a necessity in several fields and the advantage compared to living stars and heroes, is that the dead never turn into dissidents, never betray those in power. MITHS
  • 59. 58 CHAPTER 21 Communism, Nationalsocialism, Catholicism, Buddism...these are all political ideologies, under the vest of a theocracy or of mechanicistic views, but all of them are founded on prejudiced. Religions promise eternal life after death (reincarnation) for those who repent and make charity offer during life. The regimes of human history, used ideologies to rule over people. Lenin was worshipped like a divinity at the same level of any idol that can be found in Buddist or Catholic temples. Statues and pictures of saints, virgins Mary can be found in any corner of the roman catholic world, Muslims temples grow in number everyday. The lejislation of most of the world states guarantees privileges and immunity to the leaders of religions. Democracy at all costs is a religion, and the western world is trying to impose its controll in the name of this religion as the past crusaders. In the name of ideologies and religions human kind suffered and is suffering: ethnocide, genocide, tortures, discrimination, exploitation. Ideology is usefull because it gives a pseudo rational alibi to justify any sort of crime, and that is what human beeings need to have in order to justify actions. The pretexts are: common good or sense, morality, progress, peace. Ideology and together with them religions, are the most irrational way to obtain consent where a great deal of prejudice and credulity are involved. RELIGIONS & IDEOLOGIES
  • 60. 59 CHAPTER 22 When you do not want to give explanation to a kid the old tecnique of fear is used. Witches, ghosts, monsters are enough to scare him and force him to do what we want. Well, regimes and democracies, all over the world keep doing it on a large scale. Monsters, enemies and taboos are used to drive people's consent. For national ideology the concept of enemy is foundamental, it is a necessity that keeps unity and borders tight like the wall of a living cell. Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein were the scarecrows that reinforced western nationalisms. No matter if Bin Laden lived in a the remote mountains of Afghanistan with no electricity, no running water and no technological means, what counted was to have an enemy with a name and the appearance of a human. What was the meaning to destroy a meaningless land like Afghanistan? The construction of words such as "rogue state" is part of a plan to build enemies and fill the imagination of the citizens who must pay consent to new invasions and bombings. It is interesting to notice that more than a century ago, press was less controlled than today. Gaetano Bresci who justiced the kin of Italy was described as a nice looking gentleman with educated manners by the Turin press, just after the event. DEMONS­TABOOS­ENEMIES
  • 61. 60 Nobody has ever explained the motive for Bresci to shoot the king, but in 1898 the colonnel of italian militari carabinieri B. Beccaris shot more than 100 civilians who were demonstrated for workers' rights in the streets of Turin. This infamous military was decorated by the king in person for his action. Gaetano Bresci decided to make an act of justice and terminated the king of italy. About linguistic, sexual, racial taboos...let's look for example at the war that the italian state and its bureaucrats do to minorities and their languages. The catholic church, the italian military, politicians and government officials, inhibit the social, the economical, the political emancipation of those who speak native languages other than italian. This hatred towards diversity, is part of an ethnocide process carried on by the italian national ideology and is an integral part of italian nationalism. The roman catholic church perpetuates a series of sexual taboos without any real practical reason other than prejudice and ignorance. Have the taboos against sexuality and nudity the function to maintain the exclusive monopolium of sex controll? Sexual barriers, monogamy, divorce inhibition, gave the Roman Catholic Church a big power over people. Free sex breaks monopoliums, breaks exclusivity, breaks those who make money or increase power out of prohibitionism.
  • 62. 61 The value of interviews, of parades, of mass demonstrations that fill the roads and main squares of the cities, no matter if for sport, religion, politics, have a huge psycologic influence on human nature. The nazis and fascist propaganda machine, used mass parades and reunions, not only to show off power, but mostly to convince the adepts themselves. To be part of a mass demonstration, to be part of collective actions such as the mass raids against jewish properties and people, carried on during the "Kristallnacht" had more convincing effects on the nazis youth. Ethnocides and genocides, are a consequence of this mechanism. Imitation drives our actions in many cases and can destroy any personal moral barrier. Group rape and murder are easier to accomplish than individually. Paying taxes, accepting any kind of state humiliation is tolarable and right just because: "everybody does". The collective autosuggestion, the group visions, the miracles, are part of this mechanism of group's pressure. The visions of Fatima, Lourdes, Madjugorje, are the product of this pressure. CHAPTER 23 GROUP'S PRESSURE
  • 63. 62 With the tactics of psychological pressure, medias give relevance to very small events. Tv and newspapers have the power to transform small events into hystorical steps for human kind. The space given on corporate medias to a small event, pumps the idea that it was a mass event, otherwise why such relevance? Interviews to a single regime intellectual reported widely by medias, have the same effects of a speech during a mass rally. The interviews induce the odiens to perceive the borders of accepted moral behaviour, while crime news show the consequences of those who traspass these borders and their punishment acts as deterrent. Native languages speakers are banned and the speakers speak the capitol variant of the dominating language, so the odiens believe that they are a minority and tend to self censor their language, their tradition, and move to imitate the model presented through the media. In some cases the person interviewed is a politician, a scientist who give very complex justifications more adapt to a rational odiens of intellectuals. Debates, tv forums, political speeches, have the function to drive public opinion. In the italian state most of the protagonists of such interviews and programs are priests, girls with huge tits or politicians and militaries in high uniform.
  • 64. 63 CHAPTER 24 Associations is one of the most widely used tactic to gain people's consent. Do you want to sell a motorbike to a male odiens? Associate a nice attractive girl to the motorbike you want to sell. Most men istinctively associate the purchase of the motorbike with the possibility to easily have girls when riding it. The magazine PlayBoy used obsesively associations with beautyfull girls and the Usa flag. Just a case or a national sponsor for Usa? Huge cars, sex, freedom, money, health....have been associated to consumers goods. Tobacco and alchool industry overused association tecnique causing millions of casualties for lungs and smoke related deseases all over the world, not to mention the death and social dramas of alchoolism. The association with religious items and war symbols of soldiers, has been part of islamic ajihad but also the battle horse of the west to justify the annihilation of the islamic world through wars, golpes, totalitarian regimes. ASSOCIATIONS
  • 65. 64 The two pictures represent the contrary of what italian medias produced since the years of fascism. The two images use a series of associatios that stereotype the italian language and in some way make more attractive the venetian language. In short the cold opposed to the warm color, the word language riferred to Venetian, while the word dialect referred to Italian. Sexual association opposed to the pig and farmer association. For the Venetian language's draw, capital letters have been used. The venetian people have been bombarded for decades with messages that despised their language and that put italian in the pedestall, so much that millions of venetians became ashamed to speak their native language to kids. The 30th of september 2000 the The New York Times, Associated Press and many others, published a picture of a young men beaten to blood and an Israeli policeman on the back of him. The official version was that the bleeding men was a Palestinian victim of Israeli brutality. It was a way to discredit Israel. The truth came to light and it was found out that the bleeding man was a jew who had just been saved from a Palestinian assault and very likely murder attempt. In this last case, the association of the two persons (a bleeding man and an Israeli cop) has induced the media of half the world to corroborate a lie.
  • 66. 65 CHAPTER 25 Prejudices and the creation of stereotypes, are very similar things. The drunk Venetian man, the Venetian prostitute, the Sardegna shepperd, the Sicilian mafia guy, the stingy Jew, Gipsy thief, the Tirolean idiot.....are all stereotypes created by italian propaganda and nationalism in the last century. Stereotypes have the function to destroy the identity of ethnic and social groups, and conform them to the national identity in a process called "integration". Yes, integration corresponds to ethnocide which is the last offer of any regime before genocide. In the Franchist national Spain, the Catalans, the Basques, were stereotyped as unable to speak, ignorant and farmers. The spanish national model, pushed to eliminate any tract that could question the integrity of the spanish state. Polingualism in several cases puts at risk the doctrines of omogeneity of modern national states. Diversity in such contexts deserves to be mentioned only negatively. STEREOTYPES
  • 67. 66 That is why the national medias describe Venetians only when dressed like farmers and carefully avoid any modern reference to their modernity and technological advances. National patriotism is incompatible with diversity and stereotypes help to stimulates self contempt. A Ventian mother who sees on tv that prostitutes speak Venetian, will be ashamed to speak Venetian to her kids, plus she will try to hide her Venetian origin and will faithfully imitate the italian model. Venetian women will search for an italian speaker partner after the bombings of italian translated soup operas. The positive heroes of Hollywood were played by actors with blue eyes, spitze nouse and very light skin and hair. The same was for the feminine heroes and models. The bad were dark eyes, long nouses, dark hair....That is why in the second part of the 20th century millions of people begun to oxygen their hair. Female fashion models were so skinny that millions of girls became anoressic to starvation because of such bombing through medias who transformed pure skeletons in world acclaimed models.
  • 68. 67 Tv, newspapers, magazine, radios station publish news that come from the so called "Press Agencies" such as: Reuters, France Press, Associated Press, BBC News, CNN.... Those who publish such predigested informations, use and accept the same terminologies, categories, points of views of the press agencies. The analisis of sentences can reveal us how it is easy to create categories and drive our perception of reality so to controll public opinion. Let's see the examples: "An albanian, makes a car accident and kills a biker" In the sentence, the national origin of the driver is declared istead of simply using the word "driver". It is clear that the purpose is to discredit a category of people with the creation of the Albanese driver stereotype. Let's see now how some words are created by press agency to make war acceptable and describe them as a sort of humanitarian operations: "Peace", "Mission", "Help", "Humanitarian" Press Agencies and newspapers use semantic categories to describe wars carried on by Western powers. If seriously analyzed this propaganda looks ridicolous, but it is the product of the deformation of perception of reality in order to obtain predictable answers. CHAPTER 26 CATEGORIES
  • 69. 68 The enemies of the West, the enemies of the economic and ideology made in Usa, are depicted within negative semantic categories: "Fanatics", "Extremists", "Conservatives", "Uncompromising" As seen here it looks very evident, but the skill of the manipulators of consent, consists of inserting these new concepts, these new categories, in the right spot, in the right moment, so they become almost unnoticeable. To tranform a soldier who kills people into a missionary is a job for professionals. Let's see how we can drive public opinion to the desired tracks of perception: "Do you watch tv a little, only 2 hours a day, on the average some 4 hours a day, or a lot 12 hours a day?" To watch tv 4 hours a day, is a huge effort, and it would be a lot even 2 hours a day, but in order to let the idea pass softly and convince that tv is a good thing, the borders, the categories of what is acceptable, are created.
  • 70. 69 Let us look at the sentences below and make an analysis of the words used. The same event is described, but the terms used, which could be passed as synonyms, gradually change the meaning and the point of view, and bring us to a complete different interpretation. "Afghan terrorists assault Usa peace contingents" "Afghan guerrilla attack Usa troups" "Afghan soldiers clash with Usa soldiers" "Afghan resistance fight the Usa occupation forces" "Afghan partisans struggle against the Usa invaders" Let's analyze each word and put them schematically in a table with the use of grammatic categories: Note that all categories gradually change their meaning reaching the opposite. terrorists guerrilla soldiers resistance partisans troups peace contingents attack assault clash VERBS fight occupation forces invaders SUBJECTS OBJECTS soldiers struggle CHAPTER 27 SYNONYMS
  • 71. 70 Corporate medias, press agencies, filters and manipulate information, they transform, they create categories and point of views, step by step so to turn fiction into reality and viceversa. Words such as "irregular" soldier oppose "soldier" so to certify better the killings. Among irregular soldiers we can find "partisans" if they are symphatetic with our ideology, or "paramilitary", and "militia" if they are opposed to our regime creeds. "Guerrilla" fighters are those in between we must like them or not, it is a postponed decision to give them a definite position, they are between "terrorists" or "freedom fighters". The palestinian "kamikaze" are defined "martyrs" by the filoislamic press, while terrorists by the antagonist press. The "immigrant" is often opposed to the "citizen", so citizenship becomes the aim of immigrants and cause them to accept any sort of humiliation to be rewarded with the new passport. To understand the utility of the tactics of synonyms have a look at the 2 word below: "Deportation­Relocation" Turks historyans define the Armenian extermination and "genocide", a "relocation". In other words, a very simple transfer of people, as a sort of vacation and the assignment of new homes and lands. Unfortunately those unarmed civilians were tortured and led for thousands of chilometers until death for illness, exhaustion and stravation came. What about if we use the terminology "relocation" for the millions of jews deported from all Europe to Birkenau? The impression of this word is incredable. Five thousands venetians and their families were relocated to the swamps of Rome by the national italian fascists. 50% of those deported died out of malaria and illnesses. Stalin relocated millions, and Heichmann until his final judgement insisted that he simply transported people and obeyed orders.
  • 72. 71 CHAPTER 28 We connect to the previous chapters and introduce a very similar concept. Let's use colors and words to demonstrate what the tactic of gradation is all about. The picture you see here move to one color to the other with stripes that varies chromaticallyl, very slowly to reach a completely different colors. This slow gradual swifting is similar to the semantic sequences of word of the example below. Gradually the meaning is transformed and swifts considerably. Words such as "liberation" and "defense" are really different "Rose", "Orange", "Red" "International community", "Nato", "Usa" "Merchant", "Seller", "Drug dealer" "Defense", "Preventive defense", "Liberation" "Family", "People", "Nation", "Homeland", "State" If we want to criminalize an ethnic group we will gradually introduce terms to despise them and call them drunkards, lazy bums, parasites, rats, subhumans, socially dangerous etc...until the last step that justify jenocide if they refuse to "integrate" of course. SEMANTIC GRADATIONS
  • 73. 72 In 2002, when the italian government had to prepare its citizens to accept a new war of aggression against Iraq, said: "Italy will not participate to the war in Afghanistan" Later the italian government authorized : "the intervention of troups of peace keeping" Once sent the military, he declared that: "the soldiers might be employed in combat actions" After some weeks, the italian government came out with a clear statement: "The italian military will participate to military operations in which they will shoot first" In 2003, the italian government gave the ok for a full military aggression, justified with many good proposals.Step by step, gradually, pubblic consent was prepared to accept an invasion war.
  • 74. 73 Modern societies are in need of new words due to the growth of technologies and culture. It works the same for propaganda: new enemies, new concepts, new monsters, need more words to be coined. Tv, magazines, radios... ditribute these new concepts, these new ideas and word. Let's see the following list: "Mass destruction weapons" "Rogue states" "Preemptive war" "International community" "Intelligent bombs" "Peace force" "Peace mission" "International police operation" These are very creative words with a strange complexity, it is hard to imagine that those who created such words were naive and did it by case. There should be some premeditation in it. The language is extremely creative and strangely childish. Bombs are defined "intelligent", war a "mission". We are not far from a fictional world purposely built for our mind. These memes are distributed like pills to the citizens of the western democracies and are a sort of predigested informations to help to accept any kind of political action from above. CHAPTER 29 NEOLOGISMS
  • 75. 74 A good deal of the human culture is filled up with the dualism between "bad" and "good", between what we care and what we care not. Both religions and philosophical systems find their foundings in such dualism. Political systems, like theocracies use such dualism, they feed it and build when necessary. In this way a stage is built up. The work then, is to give some sort of rational appearance to the action that must be carried on. Let's see the pairs of words below: "false­true" "bad­good" "ugly­handsome" "unjust­just" "profane­sacred" "ocupation­liberation" The manipulation of consent is so refined that it suffices to turn upside down the meaning. An invasion is called "liberation" and the action to do it must be "just". Let's see how the regimes and democracies all over the world present a war: "Usa helps and liberate Iraq" "Usa invades and submit Iraq" We could substitute Usa with any other countries and the risult would have been the same. Reality is turned upside down and it suffice to substitute words. It is wrong to say that prisoners are "tortured", the right democratic words are "dissuade", "convince".... CHAPTER 30 OPPOSITES
  • 76. 75 "Nato attacks Iraq" "Nato defends Turkey" During the invasionof Iraq in 2003, Usa justified war with the pretext to protect Turkey where actually the bombers were taking off for the daily raids over civilian structures in Iraq. Very carefully the discussion about the bombers and indirect partecipaton of Turkey to war, was silenced, while the bombings were transformed in difensive operations. For the catholic roman propaganda of the past century, muslims were a "sect" and induism a sort of "primitive" religion. The Vatican anticipated geniuses of propaganda like Goebbels. Let's see some opposites words: "religion ­ sect" "ceremony ­ ritual" "truth ­ superstition" "faith ­ credulity" "faith ­ fanatism" "modern ­ primitive" "superior ­ inferior" "convert ­ abuse" "history ­ propaganda" "education ­ braiwash" "religiosity ­ fanatism" "teach ­ indoctrinate"
  • 77. 76 The tactic of decoying, is one of the finest of all. This kind of tactic is the base for most of the Usa propaganda during the cold war, and it was widely used all over the satellite countries of Washington. In this tactic it was important to create a bipolarism in which both antipodes were bad and people were inevetably driven to choose the middle. Communism and Fascism were depicted as the extremes and this was also chromatically represented. A stage was built in the immagination of the people where extremists groups were left or right wing, where bombs and terrorists were used against civilians, and all this was very likely controlled and fed by the intelligences of each country in strict cooperation with Usa intelligence. The strategy was to leave no choice to population except to support those depicted as moderates, "those in the middle, the moderates" (the filo Usa party). Any other solution was a taboo and people were obliged to remain in this ideological cage. CHAPTER 31 DICOYING COMMUNISTS AMERICANS NAZISTS BAD GOOD BAD RED WHITE BLACK
  • 78. 77 While walking in Venice I was once approached by a fellow who staring with his eyes at me asked: "Do you have anything against disabled people?" Another time an african guy asked me: "Do you have anything against africans?" What could you answer to such people? What would all the teachings since you were born tell you to answer? The next step after the answer (presumably "no"), was to sign some petition of solidarity and later to give them some money. Such tecnique has been tested to destroy all your defences and spill money from your pocket. It is a case of decoying in which with a question and the forced answer (as a consequence of the premises) will drive you to inevitable conclusions. Let's see the following sentences: "Do you want to starve or eat potatoes?" "Do you want to go to war or be sentenced as disertor?" "Do you want to make a brilliant career or be a looser?" With the above sentences the answers are obvious. There is nothing to discuss, you are driven by the premises and bent to give consent. An interesting parallelism can be done with chess game. Have a look at the position in the chess board where black moves first. The black queen in h1! The white king is forced to take the black queen and be chess mate after bishop f3 and rock d1.
  • 79. 78 CHAPTER 32 The tactic of contrast helps to change the perception of reality. Imagine you are offered the option to eat a plate of shit and drink a glass of diarrhea, or a disgusting plate of old beans with a glass of vinegar offered by a "generous" master. Wouldn't you be happy to take the second offer? All world regimes treat their subjects this way and literally oblige them to digest any sort of new and solution. A government needs to increase taxes? Stream medias will begin to bomb people with catastrophic scenarios, and after weeks of terrorism, some "illuminated" politicians will offer to pass only 3 new taxes out of the tens of taxes planned. That is how the increase of taxes is served and cooked. What the regime offers you must always be perceived as the last of the evils. In this way a political butcher is transformed into an hero at the eyes of the idiotized citizens. The tactic of contrast is used by kids to serve their parents a bad results at school. Kids lower their parents expectations in order to prevent retaliation. They prepare parents with the perspective of very bad marks at school. Later the results are low but better than the worst prediction. Parents will digest the results because they were prepared for the worst CONTRAST
  • 80. 79 The picture on the side shows how easily we can change perception of colors. The contrast transform one of the equal yellos into a darker one. The same principle it drives you to perceive as different some figures with the same dimensions. The ball brown ball on the right looks bigger than the brown ball encircled by the big grey balls.
  • 81. 80 An image says more than many words. Magnification is the tactic that transforms the perception of things into bigger ones. Objects, events, ideas, can be portrayed by medias so to manipulate the perception not only in terms of their size. The contrary of this would be called "demagnification", which is used when medias cannot avoid to talk about something, so they try to minimize all aspects. The italian medias for example always magnify anything concerning Vatican and its monarch, the same they do for Washington and its politicians, while they underreported embarassing events such as the thousands of kids'raping carried on by Catholic Roman's priests or the drones victims caused by Usa. An oceanic rally can be underreported (demagnified), while a demonstration of few of the lobby, is depicted as important in the political life of the nation. For example if the government wants to pass a law that increase or renew military and police spendings, any episode anticipating the vote, will magnify crime's news, so to produce among the odiens the automatic reply: "Let's spend more on security". CHAPTER 33 MAGNIFICATION
  • 82. 81 It is interesting to notice in pornography, how the male partners are of small proportions compared to reality; they are choosen this way for one reason: the major consumers of pornography today are man and they search as protagonist girls, for this reason, to magnify the size of women, they are coupled with tiny male partners. It is the same in all action movies where actors such as Stallone or Schwarzenegher were the protagonists. In such action movies the other actors were usually tiny to give the impression the protagonists are of big size. The Pope's blessing on sunday morning are cyclopized by the italian medias. The pope is closed up by the cameras that are very carefull not to show that the Vatican square is empty, or the few who attend are so few that they look insignificant compared to the dimensions of the Vatican square.
  • 83. 82 CHAPTER 34 Vixibility is one of the most used tactics. Look where the propaganda posters are placed, in places where tons of cars and people pass through and cannoot avoid to notice them. When a new has to spread, it is on the main page of newspapers or on tv at a certain time of a certain day when the odiens in guaranteed. What about the nationalist monumentality that governs the main squares, streets and corners of all cities. Doesn't a speaker place himself on a stage when he makes a speech? Are we sure the visibility criteria of Google are impartials? Vixibility is the major key to success also in the web. Coca­cola, Disney and many others had success because of their vixibility in propaganda, in shops, bars and not because of their quality. We buy and vote what and who we think we know, what or who is visible. This is the reason we are constantly bombarded with images and sounds that become familiar. VISIBILITY
  • 84. 83 Radios and Tv have been used to give visibility to songs because it was known that a song repeatedly heard, creates a sort of addiction in people's mind. In 2009 after the European election in Venice, the digit newspaper "GaxetaVeneta" did a study trying to understand why the result of PNV (Partito Nasional Veneto) was so low compared to the major competitor Lega Nord. Let's see the table. The first coloumn shows the propaganda means used: posters, letters, flyers, radio, tv. The second and third coloumns signs the quantity of pieces or presence of the rispective parties: Pnv and Lega Nord. In the fourth and fifth coloumns, some values of vixibility and persuasivity are given, and they become multiplicators of the previous coloumns. The result is in the last two columns, and it is the product of propagation's means and persuasivity and vixibility values. What really makes the difference is Tv which worth 100.000 flyers and it is 100 times more persuasive because of its semantic richness: images, sounds, colours, speeches, and plus must be considered that a tv program is seen when your defences are low (mostly home). A new political party with no tv, see all its efforts nullified. The real game is played on tv. Wall papers, fliers, letters, are all diffusion means that are left to the poor parties so they can not deny the democratic theorem of pluralism and freedom.
  • 85. 84 CHAPTER 35 The difference between the Pravda of the Soviet Union and the pluralism of western medias, is that what is actually called pluralism, rings the same bell. One hundred magazines say the same things and focus on the same subjects. It is a constant hammering that has the redundant function to close any other space, a sort of saturation. In the schools of all regimes, programms are extremely repetitive. Always the same writers, the same philosophers are the theologs, the guru of history which is predetermined with his protagonists the fathers of the homeland. Let's have a look at road signals, in the italian state. You can look for an hospital, for a county office, for a toilet, but all signals will bring you to the military police "carabinieri". Why so much redundancy, why so many signals everywhere? Such signals and their quantity have the same function of the huge pictures of dictators in the main streets of cities in traditional regimes, or the never ending appearance of the same politicians on tv. REDUNDANCY
  • 86. 85 Religions are great producers of ripetitivity, suffice to see how people pray and the concepts of prayers. In the sprimg of 2005 an insignificant fact as the death of an old completely idiotized man such as Carlos Woytila, was given huge relevance and blocked for several weeks any other information or analisys in all italian mainstream medias. In the italian state, up to 2 months before the death of Carlos Woytila, the catholic pope, italian newspapers filled all pages everyday speaking exclusively of this old man. The ripetitivity was a sort of an anesthetic to obscure any important political or economical issue. Exagerated ripetitivity, exausts the odiens who abandon the political struggle. Such passivity is the main cause of modern totalitarianism. Another well known case of ripetitivity are the weather forecasts that billions of people watch daily in the mainstream medias. The weatherforecasts and their ripetitivity have the function to repeteadly show you and confirm the national borders, as if you were still in school where the national map dominated the walls of your classroom. Not strange and not by case, all over the world the national map in classrooms and the weatherforecasts are a constant trait. Weather forecast renew your perception of the national borders and the weather is only a pretext to renovate the borders line in your mind as if you were still in primary school.
  • 87. 86 The weather forecasts, the recursivness of military parades, the infinite bombing of images of the national flags, the omnipresence of military and police corps, have the function of reinforcing in people's mind some cornerstones of homeland ideology. During a life time the citizen is bombed with weather forecasts in which the national borders are renewed in his mind through the same map. The national map is almost anthropomorphized and from a pure geopolitical concepts it becomes part of our familiar ideology. It assumes human traits and we "love it", "we "respect it", we "honour it", we"give our life for it"; in many world languages it becomes "she" with the attributes of a female divinity. To understand what ripetitivity means, suffice to visit any exhibition of south european medieval paintings, and you will notice how clerics, crucifixions, saints, resurrections, martyrs, nativity.... were repeatedly the exclusive protagonists of art in the 14th century.
  • 88. 87 The obsessing ripetitivity of images, had the function to oblige each individual to see the world only and always under the religious point of view. I the music industry "hit parades" of the radios, the datas and polls about consumers' tastes have always been pretexts to transmit music motives. The repetition of a melody, conforms our mind in such a way that we miss the melody and feel a sort of emptyness that can be filled only by listening to the melody again. The tactics that music record companies used, was to repeat a song through radio and tv station so to create the need inside the odiens and drive people to buy music products in shops. Ripetitivity of music through mainstream medias was part of a calculated project to make consumers buy music products. I remember when I visited Egypt in 2006, the image of the political leader was everywhere in the streets of Cairo. This repetition of the leader's image is typical of all regimes modern democracies included. The main medias generously show the leader (president, prime minister, monarch or religious leader), or mention him repeatedly in radio programs. His image, his voice, his name is obsessively the protagonist of medias. This redundancy has the function to convey familiarity, to instill inside us the idea that the political or religious leader is one of the family, one of your clan, one that deserves attention and consent.
  • 89. 88 CHAPTER 36 Illusionists know very well the tactics of deflection, also called misdirection or deviation. It is used to drive the attention of the spectators somewhere else so they loose sight or controll of the real game. With the help of deviation the illusionist does not need to hide completely his manouvers, he simply deviates the attention of people. In this way nobody will declare that the magician has hidden truth. The principle is to let people believe that anything is done openly with no lies. This is what the subjects of any regime must believe, must perceive. Vip, funerals, tragedies, environmental and human catastrophes, have this function when portrayed by mainstream medias: "to deviate people's attention from important things". Tornados, woods burning, earthquake become the unic protagonists of news. Many times such events are far from us and our daily lives, but they are widely covered to keep our attention busy far away from reality, mostly far away from what really matters: politics those things people in power make behind your back. Victims, funerals, happy ending stories, money raising, tragedies, funerals, sport events are fully described and if possible from a nationalist point of view. DEFLECTION
  • 90. 89 Sport is one of best arenas to feed nationalism and deviate the attention of subjects of modern states. Ussr regime used chess to occupy the mind of its citizens. Usa is using baseball, football, and in Europe soccer. Mainstream medias are saturated with sport news. Tv debates, interviews fill a considarable space of medias programs. We can rightly say it is an artificial arena built to keep people busy and happy, the same it was during the roman empire and the games organized to gain citizens consent. Cocaine, alchool, all sorts of drugs do the rest. The important is to deviate and avoid the political fight. In Europe soccer stadiums have become places where thousands of young people fight. The political confrontation, the clash that in the past was in the main squares of the cities have been confined to ghettos called sports fields. No matter if there is a social confrontation, in that case the government will behave as a moderator and winner. Noam Chomsky in his "Manufacturing Consent" makes an interesting example of deviation: "What was wrong with the war in Vietnam: to give up, to use too much power, to use too much Napalm, a bad political or military leadership?" All these reasons were built to keep the attention of people far from another issue from the real mistake from the right thing to do: "Usa had not to export war in Vietnam, Usa should have stayed home". A case o deviation in chess: Rock is deviated with the sacrifice 1.Queen e8! Rock e8 2.Bishop d5#.
  • 91. 90 CHAPTER 37 The uncomfortable and unmanageable news, must desappear, they must be suffocated. One of the most interesting cases of suffocation of a new was the "anthrax letter" case where few days after the 2001 Twin Towers attack, letters with lethal anthrax powder begun to circulate in Usa mail system. The entire Usa post system, suffered a blackout, hundreds of tons of letters and packs were confiscated and still today nobody knows what happened to them. The mainstream medias and all the Usa propaganda machines begun to accuse internal and external enemies. With an arrogance typical of the best lyers, the police and military entourage gave for granted that the antrax letters were part of an islamic attack. In those days several people were linched in the street for the sole reasons that they were of islamic religion. After some weeks, any new related to the anthrax letters, desappeared from the mainstream medias. The same medias that generously talked about it, now layed a veil of silence over the fact that the anthrax and the letters were produced by Usa intelligence and military personell. Better to suffocate a new when it is too embarassing. Abdullah Ocalan leader PKK, the Kurd independentist's group, was captured by the Turkish military in 1999. SUFFOCATION
  • 92. 91 All the media of the world began to speak about the violation of human rights that Turky is sistematically carrying on, through a fanatic nationalism. The Turkish authorities begun an economical intimidation campaign towards those countries that described the Turkish atrocities of the past and present times against Armenians, Greeks, Kurds. After few weeks Ocalan will be captured in Africa by the Turkish intelligence in violation of any international law. From that moment on, the news about any violation of human rights by Turkey will be suffocated. A very interesting case of suffocation of a new was the so called "recount" in 2000 during the presidential election in Usa between the two candidates Al Gore and Bush. For the result the vote of Florida was the one that would have decided the victory. Officially Bush was declared the winner, but at a serious controll the result was in favour of the opponent. The credibility of Usa and its "democratic" system was at stake. It became clear the technological inefficiency and the brolls during the vote. The main stream medias magically suffocated any discussion, any news about it.
  • 93. 92 CHAPTER 38 Space clearance is a rather violent tactic, and has to do with silencing and interruption of all discussions and programs, so to introduce one of particular "importance". Usually it deals with emergency speeches done to the Country by the prime minister or the president, and are done during an emergency such as environmental, political, military, economical calamity. A clear example of space clearance was accomplished the 11 september 2001, when al radio and tv programs were interrupted to narrate the events of New York. Any program, any other discussion, left the space only to the fall of the twin Towers. An other example of space clearance are the presidents or kings' speeches done every end of the year on tv and radio. It is a very violent act in which all radio and tv station transmit the same thing at the same time. In such occasion it is over evident how authoritarian are what we call western democracies. Let's see in chess a case of space clearance: the white rock is taken away, so the queen can chess mate (Rock h7, King takes Rock, Queen g7#). SPACE CLEARANCE
  • 94. 93 Space clearance is a rather traumatic tactic used by medias, a veil of silence falls abruptly. It is the block of some people or arguments protagonists of mainstream media. It is a form of controlled censorship. Film companies know very well that to put on the stage always the same actor saturates attention and causes rejection; that is the main reason the protagonists of cinema and tv, are periodically "cast away" and to be reintroduced later. The same technique works for politicians. In the italian state Sìlvio Berluscòni used very intelligently all medias he owned and controlled. In 2003 when Usa occupied Iraq, the italian prime minister (Berlusconi), risked unpopularity for his allignment to the invasion. Berlusconi at his arrival in Rome airport after the war agreement in Washington, when interviewed and asked if Italy would have participated to the war, replied: "Italy will not participate to the war". The embarassing thing was that Colin Powell (during Berlusconi's trip back to Italy) had already declared that Italy agreed to participate to the war of invasion. At that point, the interview was abruptly cut and the prime minister desappeared from all medias for 2 months.