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The overarching goals of the Cal State Fullerton (CSUF) Tusk Media campaign were to:

1. Increase the number of competitive candidates for Special Agent and Professional Staff positions.

2. Increase awareness and consideration within the target market at CSUF of FBI Special Agent and
Professional Staff career opportunities.

3. Increase awareness and participation in the FBI’s Internship programs.

4. Generate creative marketing strategies for future FBI recruiting campaigns.
Organizational Chart

                        Nicole Martin                         Emily Ransom
                       VP, Tusk Media                        CEO, Tusk Media

                          Creative       Media/Advertising
    Research                                                  PR/Promotions         Finance
                         Department        Department
   Department                                                  Department          Department
                        Jody Weisberg                                           Mickey Steinmeyer
                                          Jackie Hesketh     Anthony Madrigal
Jennifer Porterfield
                       Department Head                                          Department Head
                                         Department Head     Department Head
 Department Head
                         Heidi Hong        David Bradley
 Arlene Calderon                                              Ryan Brueckner
                         Associate          Associate
    Associate                                                   Associate
                       Johana Montano    Charles Pendleton
 Seon Augustine                                                Corey Cafaro
                          Associate         Associate
   Associate                                                    Associate

                        Dalya Taman                            Jeudy Mom
Hana Muhammad
                         Associate                              Associate

                         Presentation                                              Agency
                         Department                                                Mentors
                        Bridget Perez                                           Professor Sage
                       Department Head

                        Jennifer Batka
                                                                                 Katie Moffett

Executive Summary        9

Research                 13

Media                    27

Creative                 33

Promotions               45

Public Relations         55

Finance                  59

Campaign Results         61

Recommendations          63

Appendix                 65

Since its birth in 1908, the Federal Bureau of                The target market is the most technological
Investigation (FBI) has become an American icon and
                                                              savvy, most diverse and hardest to
one of the world’s most recognizable brands.
                                                              convince. The big question is: Is there
Unfortunately, current perceptions
                                                              a common denominator that makes
have largely been distorted as a result of Hollywood’s
                                                              marketing the same message to multiple
exploitation via movies and television.
The following statements exemplify the target market’s        cultures within the target market possible?
                                                              The answer is YES. The RETHINK
   •	I do not fit the WASP Hollywood stereotype (3.5%)
   •	Muslims are discriminated against (4.1%)                 campaign is the embodiment, or if you will,
   •	Non-whites don’t fit (4.5%)
                                                              the means to connect multiple cultures with
   •	FBI lacks gender diversity (3.8%)
   •	Too dangerous/hate weapons (16.2%)                       the same effective message.
   •	It’s a government thing and that can’t be good (11.5%)

Research                                           A post campaign focus group was conducted to
 The Research Department at Tusk Media              further understand the target market’s perceptions
 used a pre- and a post-campaign survey, a          of the FBI. Our questions were developed to elicit
 focus group and campaign response forms to         thoughtful responses from the participants on what
 evaluate our target audience’s attitudes and       was beneficial about our campaign. Our use of
 perceptions toward the FBI.                        outdoor media (chalking) was the most effective
                                                    according to our participants.
 Our pre-campaign research concluded that our
 target audience is simply not aware of career/     The data collected by Tusk Media’s Research
 internship opportunities the FBI has to offer.     department shows that the RETHINK campaign was
 Most of our target audience values salary,         effective as our results show in the detail that follows.
 health/life insurance benefits, job security
 and advancement opportunities as the most
                                                    Creatively, our message was simple – RETHINK! In
 important when choosing a career or a job. We
                                                    using this tagline we were able to influence potential
 used this information to create a campaign that
                                                    employees of the FBI to RETHINK their current
 highlighted the benefits and opportunities a
                                                    career, prospective employer, or their future as a
 career with the FBI offers.
                                                    working professional. Furthermore, we wanted to
 To ensure we reached our target market we
                                                    highlight careers with the FBI that utilized critical
 used our research results to shape our creative,
                                                    language skills. We believe that this message was
 advertising, promotions and public relations
                                                    delivered in all advertisements, and other promotional
 activities throughout this campaign.

activities. For example, our print advertisements            Q&A session with two FBI special agents.
incorporated more than 10 languages specific to the
                                                             Public Relations
FBI’s need for candidates possessing critical language
                                                             The Public Relations Department was successful in
skills, along with information regarding job security and
                                                             developing relationships with the campus newspaper,
salary. This approach was consistent throughout all
                                                             volunteer center, and campus online radio station.
advertisements coupled with FBI brand recognition and
                                                             These networks provided us with media support to
a color scheme that was identifiable.
                                                             further aid us in our efforts to create a buzz about the
                                                             RETHINK campaign. Multiple press releases were sent
The Promotions Department developed a strategic plan         to local media, and PSA’s were created to alert the
using the research results to promote our RETHINK            local media about our agency’s efforts. Based on the
campaign to the target audience. Promotional tactics         success of the final event, Tusk Media confident the
included; three promotional events, flyers, e-mail blasts,   result will be increased applications from CSUF.
and viral marketing. These strategies were implemented
to create awareness about the FBI’s career/internship
                                                             The Media Department exclusively utilized on-campus
                                                             media to reach the target market. A significant
Our largest promotional event was our “Ask An Agent          percentage of the media budget was spent online and
                                                             in the campus newspaper.
Day!” The event was very successful in drawing a
substantial crowd of interested candidates. At the
event, students were able to participate in a panel style

Specifically the Media Department employed one-quarter page advertisements in the Daily Titan
 newspaper, sudoku sponsorship opportunities in the Daily Titan, ad rack advertisements, online banners,
 flyers, and t-shirts.

 The total media effort delivered a total of 273,000 impressions, a 13.2% increase over the stipulated


 The finance department was challenged to deliver a benefit over and above

 its investment of $2500 in the RETHINK campaign. The results showed the

 Campaign achieved a value added benefit equaling 36.4% more than the

 budgeted investment.

Pre-Campaign                                              4. Identify the target market’s interests, behaviors,
                                                          needs, and desires
The objective of our campaign is to not only negate
false perceptions but to also highlight the various career 5. Measure the effectiveness of the campaign
                                                          (comparing pre- and post-research results)
opportunities the FBI has to offer. The surveys and the
focus group we conducted conclusively support our
                                                          Defining the Target Market
assumption that the FBI lacks consideration among the
                                                          CSUF students between the ages of 21 and 36
Target Audience.
                                                          who are U.S. citizens with a diverse background.
                                                          Within that target, we focused on students with
                                                          diverse backgrounds and students who possess
1. Measure the target market’s perception of the FBI
                                                          critical language skills.
2. Measure the target market’s awareness of the FBI
careers Web site,

3. Measure the target market’s awareness of FBI career

According to the Institutional Research and Analytical Studies from CSUF, in spring 2008 there were
 36,018 students. Approximately 70 percent of the student body were ages 21 thru 36. The same
 research reveals considerable diversity among the student population. Approximately 90 percent of CSUF
 students are U.S. citizens.

Competitive Set                                    a variety of media. The FBI along with other federal
                                                    agencies and private sector firms continue to create
 Recruiting the target market is not an easy
                                                    new and innovative ways to communicate their career
 task. The FBI must compete with other
 federal agencies and private sector firms,
                                                    Strategies & Tactics
 such as the CIA and local law enforcement.
 The need to recruit qualified, diverse, and
                                                    Two primary research methods were used to complete
 experienced individuals is always necessary.
                                                    the research objectives: surveys and a focus group.
 Targeted recruitment programs, such as the
                                                    Surveys were used as the primary research method
 FBI’s “Collegiate Marketing and Recruitment
                                                    to complete the pre-campaign research. Surveys,
 Program,” have been created to communicate
                                                    campaign response forms, and a focus group were
 career opportunities to the target market.
                                                    used to complete the post-campaign research.
 Developing relationships with universities
                                                    The pre- and post-campaign surveys were distributed
 and colleges to maintain a connection with
                                                    to the target market online and in-person. The
 eligible candidates has become a priority in
                                                    campaign response forms were completed at the
 the recruitment process for all federal agencies
                                                    conclusion of our final promotional event.
 and private sector firms. A constant reminder
                                                    Volunteers were recruited to participate in the post-
 is necessary to create interest among the
                                                    campaign focus group through the pre-campaign
 target market. Some recruitmant examples
 include local law enforcement presentations,
 “Career Day” participation, and advertising in

Pre-Campaign Survey                                        Pre-Campaign Findings

Tusk Media’s Research Department delivered surveys         We concluded that the FBI did not rank high as a career
via classroom visits, walk-ups, and e-mails. We visited    choice due to the following results:
various CSUF colleges and departments distributing
                                                           Question 6 asked participants to rate their knowledge
surveys to participants in the target market who
                                                           of the career opportunities within the FBI. On a scale
possess critical language skills such as Farsi, Chinese,
                                                           of 0 to 5, with 0 being “Don’t Know” and 5 being “Very
and Arabic. Examples of classes with students
                                                           Good,” the average rating was 1.38 (between “Very
participating were Arabic 101, Chinese 201, Spanish
                                                           Poor” and “Poor”). Conclusively, the majority had very
203, and Chemistry 301B.
                                                           poor or poor knowledge of the career opportunities
Additionally, students who were studying informational     within the FBI.
and technological skills were also approached. Some
                                                           Question 7 asked participants if they had ever
of the CSUF colleges visited included the Business and
                                                           considered a career with the FBI? 74 percent had not
Economics, Humanities, Sciences and Engineering
                                                           considered a career within the FBI.
Colleges. Other campus locations where we reached
                                                           Question 8 asked participants to rate the following
the target market include: the quad, the library and the
                                                           statement: the FBI offers a variety of career
Titan Student Union. 445 pre-campaign surveys were
                                                           opportunities that interest me. On a scale of 0 to 5, with
                                                           0 being “Don’t Know” and 5 being “Strongly Agree,”
                                                           the rating average was 1.34 (just a little over “Strongly

Question 9 asked, if you saw a position that
 you were interested in and qualified for, how
 likely is it that you would apply for a position
 with the FBI? On a scale of 0 to 5, with 0 being
 “Don’t Know” and 5 being “Very Likely,” 2.49
 was the average rating of the target market,
 which states that even if half of the target
 market were interested and qualified, they still
 would not apply for a position within the FBI.

Post-Campaign Survey

 Tusk Media’s Research Department delivered surveys via classroom visits, walk-ups, and e-mails with
 instructions to go to to complete the survey online. The surveys were directed to the
 target market to measure the effectiveness of the campaign and whether their perceptions of the FBI as a
 career choice have changed.

 Key Findings

 Question 7 asked participants if they were aware of the career
 opportunities within the FBI more now than they did eight weeks ago.
 Thirty-two percent of the participants are more aware, proving the
 RETHINK campaign effective.

 Question 10 asked participants whether their consideration of the
 FBI as a career choice, increased, lessened, or stayed the same in the
 past eight weeks. Consideration of the FBI as a career choice had a
 net increase of 13%, which is a significant improvement.

Pre-Campaign vs. Post-Campaign
Other significant improvements were seen between the pre and post-campaign surveys with the following
Have you heard of the FBI career Web site

PRE                               18% Yes
POST                              49% Yes                           270% Change

Have you ever been exposed to FBI advertisements?

PRE                               17% Yes
POST                              48% Yes                           281% Change

Rate your knowledge of career opportunities within the FBI:

PRE                               3% Good
                                  2 % Very Good
POST                              14% Good                          403% Change
                                  5% Very Good                      294% Change
Rate your agreement with the following statement: The FBI offers a variety of career
opportunities that interest me.

PRE                               6% Rating 4
                                  3% Strongly Agree (Rating 5)
POST                              12% Rating 4                      178% Change
                                  6% Strongly Agree (Rating 5)      293% Change

Campaign Response Form

 People who attended the Q&A on “Ask an Agent Day Event!” completed a total of seventy-seven
 response forms. The following questions are the most relevant:

 How did you hear about this event?

 Posters/Flyers           58%
 Word of Mouth            38%
 Prior to attending this event, had you considered a career with the FBI?

 Yes                      50%
 No                       50%
 Having attended this event, would you now consider a career with the FBI?

 Yes                      69%
 No                       9%
 Don’t Know               22%

 The posters and flyers distributed were effective in communicating the Q&A event. Word of mouth also
 played a major part in spreading the word about the event.

 Fifty percent of those who completed the response form had not considered a career with the FBI. After
 the Q&A, sixty-nine percent of the fifty percent now considered a career with the FBI.

A Q&A session with FBI agents is an effective way in communicating FBI career opportunities and the
“Ask an Agent Day Event!” clearly proved that. There are many individuals within the target market who
have questions about FBI career opportunities. Providing a forum to interact with FBI agents is critically
necessary in making a connection between the target market and the FBI. An answered question can
make all the difference.

Post-Campaign Focus Group

Tusk Media’s Research Department conducted a post focus group in order to further understand the
target market’s perceptions and views of the FBI. Our questions were developed to elicit thoughtful
responses from the participants on what was beneficial to our research. Five potential FBI candidates
participated in this focus group and the results concluded the following:
   •	All participants majored in subjects valuable to the FBI. These majors included Sociology, Biology,
      Chemistry, Computer Science and Criminal Justice
   •	One participant spoke Spanish fluently, while another spoke Russian and Ukrainian fluently. The rest
      of the focus group did not have any critical foreign language skills besides English, but wanted to
      learn, particularly the Asian languages such as Japanese.
   •	Integrity, Law Enforcement, Security and Secretive were the first words that came to their minds
       when they heard the term “FBI”.
   •	Participants were extremely knowledgeable and informative about the FBI as an employer. Most
      agreed that the media may have “dramatized” the FBI resulting in a distorted image of the agency.

•	One participant stated that the FBI agents she met were “down to earth”, warm and friendly. The rest
        have not met or spoken to an FBI agent.
     •	Although most of the participants knew about the benefits offered by the FBI, they stated that
        personal happiness ranked number one as the most important factor when choosing a job or
     •	All agreed that they wanted to apply for the Special Agent career positions.
     •	The Internet was the media used widely amongst the participants. News sites such as
        and and the Cal State Fullerton Web site were frequently visited. Along with Facebook,
        Myspace, and Twitter.
     •	Television was the second widely used media; shows such as CSI, Criminal Minds, Without a Trace,
        Heroes and 24 are some examples of programs that were enjoyed by the focus group.
     •	Television, radio and outdoor ads were more effective in catching attention and interest than print and
        online ads. Outdoor ads were particularly memorable, followed by television, then radio.
     •	Participants appealed more to advertisements with meaning in the message; a third responded that
        sex appeal was used too often in ads, which in turn rendered the ad as ineffective.
     •	All participants except one have not seen any FBI advertisements prior to the current campaign.
     •	During the current campaign, participants responded that the chalking and outdoor ads were the
        most effective of the current campaign advertisements. They were not exposed to the ads placed in
        the school newspaper and Daily Titan Web site.
     •	Majority of the participants were unaware that the FBI searched for potential employee candidates.
     •	The focus group participants were very interested in applying for an internship with the FBI. One
        focus group member has already applied and is pending a background check.

Focus Group Participants:

Two Females

Three Males

Major, Level

First Female: Double major in Psychology and Criminal Justice, Junior

Second Female: Double major in Criminal Justice and Sociology, Junior

First Male: Criminal Justice, Senior

Second Male: Biology major with minor in Chemistry, Junior

Third Male: Computer Science, unknown


Caucasian: 4

Hispanic: 1

Research Results

 The data from our pre-campaign research conclusively confirms our thesis that the FBI is not very
 well known as an employer and that our target market at CSUF is not educated regarding the career
 opportunities offered by the FBI. Results also show that previous marketing efforts by the FBI failed to
 connect with our target market. We do not know the reasons why past advertising and marketing efforts
 failed, but we can conclude that the FBI was fundamentally unsuccessful in connecting with the students
 at CSUF.

 The data collected from our post-campaign survey conclusively demonstrates that our RETHINK
 campaign has has successfully achieved campaign objectives. We successfully were able to expose our
 target market to the numerous opportunities, careers, and benefits the FBI has to offer.

With a budget of $2,500, Tusk Media developed a          Objectives
media plan that achieved significant awareness and
                                                         Select one or more media vehicles that reach an
interest in the FBI as a realistic career opportunity.
                                                         optimum number of prospects by achieving:
It was extremely important that Tusk Media create a        •	A minimum of 250,000 impressions
media plan that was both strategic and creative. The
                                                           •	An optimum amount of frequency
FBI campaign brief and media objectives were used
                                                           •	The lowest cost per thousand
as a platform to develop an innovative and effective
                                                           •	Minimum waste

Via the research we discovered the most common
places our target market congregate on campus. We        Strategies
used this information to strategically place our media
                                                         Utilize on-campus media vehicles that are
where students spend time and would be more likely
                                                         consumed most by the target market.
be exposed to the ads.


 Tusk Media is confident that our integrated marketing communication (IMC) plan was both efficient and
 effective. We used on-campus media vehicles to reach our target market who possess critical language
 skills. We utilized ¼ page newspaper advertisements, sponsorship opportunities in the Daily Titan (CSUF’s
 campus newspaper), web ads on the Daily Titan Web site, outdoor ads, and flyers were passed out to
 students at promotional events to get students to RETHINK their career path as well as direct them to the Web site.

 Daily Titan Newspaper

 CSUF is a commuter school and the majority of students come to campus with the sole purpose to
 attend class and then exit the campus quickly thereafter. In order to keep up with campus news and
 events many students read the Daily Titan. With a readership of over 13,500, the Daily Titan was a
 powerful media outlet that played a vital role in the success of the campaign. In order to make a lasting
 impression on the target market, the media department ran ¼ page black and white ads in the Daily Titan
 the week of November 10th and the week of the 17th.

 Planned Dates:              Actual Dates:
                             November 12
 November 12
                             November 13
 November 13
                             November 17
 November 17
                             November 18
 November 18

Sudoku Puzzle Sponsorship

The Daily Titan features a Sudoku puzzle every weekday in the classified section. Since most students
pick up the paper specifically to complete the puzzle, we felt this sponsorship was a key element in
our media plan. Next to the Sudoku puzzle is a vertical advertisement using our RETHINK campaign,
ensuring readers would see our ¼ page ads while reading the paper.

Planned Dates:              Actual Dates:
                            November 6
November 10
                            November 10
November 12
                            November 12
November 13
                            November 13
November 17

Daily Titan Online

Our research revealed that the Internet is the number one medium consumed by our target market. By
running web ads on the Daily Titan Web site, we achieved over 75,000 impressions.

Run dates: November 7th – December 7th

Daily Titan AdRax

 Outdoor advertising is a powerful medium that helps achieve an optimal level of impressions. The AdRax
 distribution bins contain an 11x17 poster and are displayed at eye level, capturing the attention of anyone
 walking by. The AdRax purchased for our ad was located outside the Titan Student Union; where most of
 the foot-traffic takes place on campus.

 Run date: November 6th – December 6th

Results   Media Flowchart

The FBI would like to increase representation of diverse     Also students who might be interested in working
ethnic backgrounds and intelligence presence within          in Professional Staff positions or being an FBI
the Bureau as well as those who are proficient in a          Honors Intern.
foreign language critical to national security. To achieve
this, the FBI must first increase awareness of career
                                                             To establish the FBI as a realistic career choice
opportunities within the Bureau among their target
                                                             among the target market.
market. The goal is to build positive perceptions of the
FBI while continuing to increase awareness of career
opportunities with the FBI among qualified candidates
with critical skills. The current priority is on diversity and To convince: the target audience (defined above)
critical language skills.                                    To consider: the FBI as a realistic career choice

Target Audience                                              Instead of: selecting other federal agencies and/or
                                                             private sector firms
Students and alumni ages 21-36
                                                             Because: the FBI offers challenging advancement
Primary focus on diversity and/or students with critical
                                                             opportunities and superior employee benefits
language skills


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FBI Marketing Campaign Book

  • 2. 2
  • 3. MISSION STATEMENT The overarching goals of the Cal State Fullerton (CSUF) Tusk Media campaign were to: 1. Increase the number of competitive candidates for Special Agent and Professional Staff positions. 2. Increase awareness and consideration within the target market at CSUF of FBI Special Agent and Professional Staff career opportunities. 3. Increase awareness and participation in the FBI’s Internship programs. 4. Generate creative marketing strategies for future FBI recruiting campaigns.
  • 4. Organizational Chart Nicole Martin Emily Ransom VP, Tusk Media CEO, Tusk Media Creative Media/Advertising Research PR/Promotions Finance Department Department Department Department Department Jody Weisberg Mickey Steinmeyer Jackie Hesketh Anthony Madrigal Jennifer Porterfield Department Head Department Head Department Head Department Head Department Head Heidi Hong David Bradley Arlene Calderon Ryan Brueckner Associate Associate Associate Associate Johana Montano Charles Pendleton Seon Augustine Corey Cafaro Associate Associate Associate Associate Dalya Taman Jeudy Mom Hana Muhammad Associate Associate Associate Presentation Agency Department Mentors Bridget Perez Professor Sage Department Head Jennifer Batka Associate Katie Moffett
  • 6.
  • 7. TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 9 Research 13 Media 27 Creative 33 Promotions 45 Public Relations 55 Finance 59 Campaign Results 61 Recommendations 63 Appendix 65
  • 8.
  • 9. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Since its birth in 1908, the Federal Bureau of The target market is the most technological Investigation (FBI) has become an American icon and savvy, most diverse and hardest to one of the world’s most recognizable brands. convince. The big question is: Is there Unfortunately, current perceptions a common denominator that makes have largely been distorted as a result of Hollywood’s marketing the same message to multiple exploitation via movies and television. The following statements exemplify the target market’s cultures within the target market possible? perceptions: The answer is YES. The RETHINK • I do not fit the WASP Hollywood stereotype (3.5%) • Muslims are discriminated against (4.1%) campaign is the embodiment, or if you will, • Non-whites don’t fit (4.5%) the means to connect multiple cultures with • FBI lacks gender diversity (3.8%) • Too dangerous/hate weapons (16.2%) the same effective message. • It’s a government thing and that can’t be good (11.5%) 9
  • 10. Research A post campaign focus group was conducted to The Research Department at Tusk Media further understand the target market’s perceptions used a pre- and a post-campaign survey, a of the FBI. Our questions were developed to elicit focus group and campaign response forms to thoughtful responses from the participants on what evaluate our target audience’s attitudes and was beneficial about our campaign. Our use of perceptions toward the FBI. outdoor media (chalking) was the most effective according to our participants. Our pre-campaign research concluded that our target audience is simply not aware of career/ The data collected by Tusk Media’s Research internship opportunities the FBI has to offer. department shows that the RETHINK campaign was Most of our target audience values salary, effective as our results show in the detail that follows. health/life insurance benefits, job security Creative and advancement opportunities as the most Creatively, our message was simple – RETHINK! In important when choosing a career or a job. We using this tagline we were able to influence potential used this information to create a campaign that employees of the FBI to RETHINK their current highlighted the benefits and opportunities a career, prospective employer, or their future as a career with the FBI offers. working professional. Furthermore, we wanted to To ensure we reached our target market we highlight careers with the FBI that utilized critical used our research results to shape our creative, language skills. We believe that this message was advertising, promotions and public relations delivered in all advertisements, and other promotional activities throughout this campaign. 10
  • 11. activities. For example, our print advertisements Q&A session with two FBI special agents. incorporated more than 10 languages specific to the Public Relations FBI’s need for candidates possessing critical language The Public Relations Department was successful in skills, along with information regarding job security and developing relationships with the campus newspaper, salary. This approach was consistent throughout all volunteer center, and campus online radio station. advertisements coupled with FBI brand recognition and These networks provided us with media support to a color scheme that was identifiable. further aid us in our efforts to create a buzz about the Promotions RETHINK campaign. Multiple press releases were sent The Promotions Department developed a strategic plan to local media, and PSA’s were created to alert the using the research results to promote our RETHINK local media about our agency’s efforts. Based on the campaign to the target audience. Promotional tactics success of the final event, Tusk Media confident the included; three promotional events, flyers, e-mail blasts, result will be increased applications from CSUF. and viral marketing. These strategies were implemented Media to create awareness about the FBI’s career/internship The Media Department exclusively utilized on-campus opportunities. media to reach the target market. A significant Our largest promotional event was our “Ask An Agent percentage of the media budget was spent online and in the campus newspaper. Day!” The event was very successful in drawing a substantial crowd of interested candidates. At the event, students were able to participate in a panel style 11
  • 12. Specifically the Media Department employed one-quarter page advertisements in the Daily Titan newspaper, sudoku sponsorship opportunities in the Daily Titan, ad rack advertisements, online banners, flyers, and t-shirts. The total media effort delivered a total of 273,000 impressions, a 13.2% increase over the stipulated deliverable. Budget The finance department was challenged to deliver a benefit over and above its investment of $2500 in the RETHINK campaign. The results showed the Campaign achieved a value added benefit equaling 36.4% more than the budgeted investment. 12
  • 13. RESEARCH Pre-Campaign 4. Identify the target market’s interests, behaviors, needs, and desires The objective of our campaign is to not only negate false perceptions but to also highlight the various career 5. Measure the effectiveness of the campaign (comparing pre- and post-research results) opportunities the FBI has to offer. The surveys and the focus group we conducted conclusively support our Defining the Target Market assumption that the FBI lacks consideration among the CSUF students between the ages of 21 and 36 Target Audience. who are U.S. citizens with a diverse background. Objectives: Within that target, we focused on students with diverse backgrounds and students who possess 1. Measure the target market’s perception of the FBI critical language skills. 2. Measure the target market’s awareness of the FBI careers Web site, 3. Measure the target market’s awareness of FBI career opportunities 13
  • 14. According to the Institutional Research and Analytical Studies from CSUF, in spring 2008 there were 36,018 students. Approximately 70 percent of the student body were ages 21 thru 36. The same research reveals considerable diversity among the student population. Approximately 90 percent of CSUF students are U.S. citizens. 14
  • 15. 15
  • 16. Competitive Set a variety of media. The FBI along with other federal agencies and private sector firms continue to create Recruiting the target market is not an easy new and innovative ways to communicate their career task. The FBI must compete with other opportunities. federal agencies and private sector firms, Strategies & Tactics such as the CIA and local law enforcement. The need to recruit qualified, diverse, and Two primary research methods were used to complete experienced individuals is always necessary. the research objectives: surveys and a focus group. Targeted recruitment programs, such as the Surveys were used as the primary research method FBI’s “Collegiate Marketing and Recruitment to complete the pre-campaign research. Surveys, Program,” have been created to communicate campaign response forms, and a focus group were career opportunities to the target market. used to complete the post-campaign research. Developing relationships with universities The pre- and post-campaign surveys were distributed and colleges to maintain a connection with to the target market online and in-person. The eligible candidates has become a priority in campaign response forms were completed at the the recruitment process for all federal agencies conclusion of our final promotional event. and private sector firms. A constant reminder Volunteers were recruited to participate in the post- is necessary to create interest among the campaign focus group through the pre-campaign target market. Some recruitmant examples survey. include local law enforcement presentations, “Career Day” participation, and advertising in 16
  • 17. Pre-Campaign Survey Pre-Campaign Findings Tusk Media’s Research Department delivered surveys We concluded that the FBI did not rank high as a career via classroom visits, walk-ups, and e-mails. We visited choice due to the following results: various CSUF colleges and departments distributing Question 6 asked participants to rate their knowledge surveys to participants in the target market who of the career opportunities within the FBI. On a scale possess critical language skills such as Farsi, Chinese, of 0 to 5, with 0 being “Don’t Know” and 5 being “Very and Arabic. Examples of classes with students Good,” the average rating was 1.38 (between “Very participating were Arabic 101, Chinese 201, Spanish Poor” and “Poor”). Conclusively, the majority had very 203, and Chemistry 301B. poor or poor knowledge of the career opportunities Additionally, students who were studying informational within the FBI. and technological skills were also approached. Some Question 7 asked participants if they had ever of the CSUF colleges visited included the Business and considered a career with the FBI? 74 percent had not Economics, Humanities, Sciences and Engineering considered a career within the FBI. Colleges. Other campus locations where we reached Question 8 asked participants to rate the following the target market include: the quad, the library and the statement: the FBI offers a variety of career Titan Student Union. 445 pre-campaign surveys were opportunities that interest me. On a scale of 0 to 5, with completed. 0 being “Don’t Know” and 5 being “Strongly Agree,” the rating average was 1.34 (just a little over “Strongly Disagree”). 17
  • 18. Question 9 asked, if you saw a position that you were interested in and qualified for, how likely is it that you would apply for a position with the FBI? On a scale of 0 to 5, with 0 being “Don’t Know” and 5 being “Very Likely,” 2.49 was the average rating of the target market, which states that even if half of the target market were interested and qualified, they still would not apply for a position within the FBI. 18
  • 19. 19
  • 20. Post-Campaign Survey Tusk Media’s Research Department delivered surveys via classroom visits, walk-ups, and e-mails with instructions to go to to complete the survey online. The surveys were directed to the target market to measure the effectiveness of the campaign and whether their perceptions of the FBI as a career choice have changed. Key Findings Question 7 asked participants if they were aware of the career opportunities within the FBI more now than they did eight weeks ago. Thirty-two percent of the participants are more aware, proving the RETHINK campaign effective. Question 10 asked participants whether their consideration of the FBI as a career choice, increased, lessened, or stayed the same in the past eight weeks. Consideration of the FBI as a career choice had a net increase of 13%, which is a significant improvement. 20
  • 21. Pre-Campaign vs. Post-Campaign Other significant improvements were seen between the pre and post-campaign surveys with the following questions: Have you heard of the FBI career Web site PRE 18% Yes POST 49% Yes 270% Change Have you ever been exposed to FBI advertisements? PRE 17% Yes POST 48% Yes 281% Change Rate your knowledge of career opportunities within the FBI: PRE 3% Good 2 % Very Good POST 14% Good 403% Change 5% Very Good 294% Change Rate your agreement with the following statement: The FBI offers a variety of career opportunities that interest me. PRE 6% Rating 4 3% Strongly Agree (Rating 5) POST 12% Rating 4 178% Change 6% Strongly Agree (Rating 5) 293% Change 21
  • 22. Campaign Response Form People who attended the Q&A on “Ask an Agent Day Event!” completed a total of seventy-seven response forms. The following questions are the most relevant: How did you hear about this event? Posters/Flyers 58% Word of Mouth 38% Prior to attending this event, had you considered a career with the FBI? Yes 50% No 50% Having attended this event, would you now consider a career with the FBI? Yes 69% No 9% Don’t Know 22% The posters and flyers distributed were effective in communicating the Q&A event. Word of mouth also played a major part in spreading the word about the event. Fifty percent of those who completed the response form had not considered a career with the FBI. After the Q&A, sixty-nine percent of the fifty percent now considered a career with the FBI. 22
  • 23. A Q&A session with FBI agents is an effective way in communicating FBI career opportunities and the “Ask an Agent Day Event!” clearly proved that. There are many individuals within the target market who have questions about FBI career opportunities. Providing a forum to interact with FBI agents is critically necessary in making a connection between the target market and the FBI. An answered question can make all the difference. Post-Campaign Focus Group Tusk Media’s Research Department conducted a post focus group in order to further understand the target market’s perceptions and views of the FBI. Our questions were developed to elicit thoughtful responses from the participants on what was beneficial to our research. Five potential FBI candidates participated in this focus group and the results concluded the following: • All participants majored in subjects valuable to the FBI. These majors included Sociology, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science and Criminal Justice • One participant spoke Spanish fluently, while another spoke Russian and Ukrainian fluently. The rest of the focus group did not have any critical foreign language skills besides English, but wanted to learn, particularly the Asian languages such as Japanese. • Integrity, Law Enforcement, Security and Secretive were the first words that came to their minds when they heard the term “FBI”. • Participants were extremely knowledgeable and informative about the FBI as an employer. Most agreed that the media may have “dramatized” the FBI resulting in a distorted image of the agency. 23
  • 24. • One participant stated that the FBI agents she met were “down to earth”, warm and friendly. The rest have not met or spoken to an FBI agent. • Although most of the participants knew about the benefits offered by the FBI, they stated that personal happiness ranked number one as the most important factor when choosing a job or career. • All agreed that they wanted to apply for the Special Agent career positions. • The Internet was the media used widely amongst the participants. News sites such as and and the Cal State Fullerton Web site were frequently visited. Along with Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter. • Television was the second widely used media; shows such as CSI, Criminal Minds, Without a Trace, Heroes and 24 are some examples of programs that were enjoyed by the focus group. • Television, radio and outdoor ads were more effective in catching attention and interest than print and online ads. Outdoor ads were particularly memorable, followed by television, then radio. • Participants appealed more to advertisements with meaning in the message; a third responded that sex appeal was used too often in ads, which in turn rendered the ad as ineffective. • All participants except one have not seen any FBI advertisements prior to the current campaign. • During the current campaign, participants responded that the chalking and outdoor ads were the most effective of the current campaign advertisements. They were not exposed to the ads placed in the school newspaper and Daily Titan Web site. • Majority of the participants were unaware that the FBI searched for potential employee candidates. • The focus group participants were very interested in applying for an internship with the FBI. One focus group member has already applied and is pending a background check. 24
  • 25. Focus Group Participants: Two Females Three Males Major, Level First Female: Double major in Psychology and Criminal Justice, Junior Second Female: Double major in Criminal Justice and Sociology, Junior First Male: Criminal Justice, Senior Second Male: Biology major with minor in Chemistry, Junior Third Male: Computer Science, unknown Ethnicity Caucasian: 4 Hispanic: 1 25
  • 26. Research Results The data from our pre-campaign research conclusively confirms our thesis that the FBI is not very well known as an employer and that our target market at CSUF is not educated regarding the career opportunities offered by the FBI. Results also show that previous marketing efforts by the FBI failed to connect with our target market. We do not know the reasons why past advertising and marketing efforts failed, but we can conclude that the FBI was fundamentally unsuccessful in connecting with the students at CSUF. The data collected from our post-campaign survey conclusively demonstrates that our RETHINK campaign has has successfully achieved campaign objectives. We successfully were able to expose our target market to the numerous opportunities, careers, and benefits the FBI has to offer. 26
  • 27. MEDIA With a budget of $2,500, Tusk Media developed a Objectives media plan that achieved significant awareness and Select one or more media vehicles that reach an interest in the FBI as a realistic career opportunity. optimum number of prospects by achieving: It was extremely important that Tusk Media create a • A minimum of 250,000 impressions media plan that was both strategic and creative. The • An optimum amount of frequency FBI campaign brief and media objectives were used • The lowest cost per thousand as a platform to develop an innovative and effective • Minimum waste campaign. Via the research we discovered the most common places our target market congregate on campus. We Strategies used this information to strategically place our media Utilize on-campus media vehicles that are where students spend time and would be more likely consumed most by the target market. be exposed to the ads. 27
  • 28. Tactics Tusk Media is confident that our integrated marketing communication (IMC) plan was both efficient and effective. We used on-campus media vehicles to reach our target market who possess critical language skills. We utilized ¼ page newspaper advertisements, sponsorship opportunities in the Daily Titan (CSUF’s campus newspaper), web ads on the Daily Titan Web site, outdoor ads, and flyers were passed out to students at promotional events to get students to RETHINK their career path as well as direct them to the Web site. Daily Titan Newspaper CSUF is a commuter school and the majority of students come to campus with the sole purpose to attend class and then exit the campus quickly thereafter. In order to keep up with campus news and events many students read the Daily Titan. With a readership of over 13,500, the Daily Titan was a powerful media outlet that played a vital role in the success of the campaign. In order to make a lasting impression on the target market, the media department ran ¼ page black and white ads in the Daily Titan the week of November 10th and the week of the 17th. Planned Dates: Actual Dates: November 12 November 12 November 13 November 13 November 17 November 17 November 18 November 18 28
  • 29. Sudoku Puzzle Sponsorship The Daily Titan features a Sudoku puzzle every weekday in the classified section. Since most students pick up the paper specifically to complete the puzzle, we felt this sponsorship was a key element in our media plan. Next to the Sudoku puzzle is a vertical advertisement using our RETHINK campaign, ensuring readers would see our ¼ page ads while reading the paper. Planned Dates: Actual Dates: November 6 November 10 November 10 November 12 November 12 November 13 November 13 November 17 Daily Titan Online Our research revealed that the Internet is the number one medium consumed by our target market. By running web ads on the Daily Titan Web site, we achieved over 75,000 impressions. Run dates: November 7th – December 7th 29
  • 30. Daily Titan AdRax Outdoor advertising is a powerful medium that helps achieve an optimal level of impressions. The AdRax distribution bins contain an 11x17 poster and are displayed at eye level, capturing the attention of anyone walking by. The AdRax purchased for our ad was located outside the Titan Student Union; where most of the foot-traffic takes place on campus. Run date: November 6th – December 6th 30
  • 31. Results Media Flowchart 31
  • 32. 32
  • 33. CREATIVE The FBI would like to increase representation of diverse Also students who might be interested in working ethnic backgrounds and intelligence presence within in Professional Staff positions or being an FBI the Bureau as well as those who are proficient in a Honors Intern. foreign language critical to national security. To achieve Objective this, the FBI must first increase awareness of career To establish the FBI as a realistic career choice opportunities within the Bureau among their target among the target market. market. The goal is to build positive perceptions of the FBI while continuing to increase awareness of career Strategy opportunities with the FBI among qualified candidates with critical skills. The current priority is on diversity and To convince: the target audience (defined above) critical language skills. To consider: the FBI as a realistic career choice Target Audience Instead of: selecting other federal agencies and/or private sector firms Students and alumni ages 21-36 Because: the FBI offers challenging advancement Primary focus on diversity and/or students with critical opportunities and superior employee benefits language skills 3