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   Chat. Connec t. Chill.

                                                                                                                         Objectives/History & Future ......................................................              5

                                                                                                                         Competition ..............................................................................      6

                                                                                                                         Market Research .......................................................................         10

                                                                                                                         Focus Groups.............................................................................       8

                                                                                                                         Target Market ...........................................................................       10
The situation presented to Northwood Advertising is unique due to the ever changing world of technology and social       Circle of Sales ...........................................................................     14
media. Our goal is not only the brand of AIM and its suite of products, but also to ensure AIM’s powerful presence
within the messaging and social networking community.                                                                    Creative ....................................................................................   16

                                                                                                                         Traditional ................................................................................    20
To penetrate the minds of millions of consumers using a non-traditional approach, Northwood Advertising has created
a colorful and catchy solution backed by product, consumer and creative research that will position AIM as the brand     Non-Tradtional ..........................................................................       22
of choice. Our non-traditional approach utilizes AIM branded user stations, special events, unique outdoor advertis-
ing, and in city product placements to capture the attention of our target market. The campaign will create a sense of   Sweepstakes .............................................................................       24
simplicity amongst our target markets by integrating their divergent lifestyles.
                                                                                                                         Media .......................................................................................   26
• The campaign will ensure that AIM remains the product of choice                                                        Budget ......................................................................................   30
• The campaign will create usage and consumer engagement of all AIM products
                                                                                                                         Flight Plan ................................................................................    31

                                                                                             AIM in order to
           The following objectives were set forth by
                              achieve desirable results:
           	       	      •	Bridge	the	gap	between	AIM	Messaging	and	AIM	Social	Media
           	       	      •	Increase	trial	and	drive	usage	15%	
           	       	      •	Increase	AIM	brand	awareness

                       We also feel that the following objectives	should	be	a	
                                           focus as well:
           	       	      •	Merge	social	media/AIM	messaging	and	educational	media
           	       	      •	Make	AIM	and	its	suite	of	products	simple	and	more	accessible	

Where did AIM begin?                                                               Where is AIM now?
AIM	established	in	1997.	It	was	viewed	as	possibly	being	used	as	much	             •	AIM	is	still	one	of	the	top	instant	messaging	programs
as	e-mail.		When	it	first	started	the	capabilities	of	AIM	version	2.0	included,	   •	Recently	released	own	version	of	social	networking	
file	sharing,	instant	messaging	from	one	computer	to	another	computer	             page	(AIM	pages)
and	chartrooms	where	multiple	users	could	chat	together.	Version	4.3	of	           •	As	a	brand,	AIM	is	recognized	more	as	a	messaging	
AIM	introduced	features	such	as	storing	up	to	200	buddies,	and	play	inter-         program	rather	than	social	media.
active	games	with	other	online	users.	Since	then	AIM	has	grown	beyond	
belief	with	new	versions	such	as	including	picture	sharing,	and	version	5.5	
which	includes	video	chatting.		Version	6.1	allows	users	to	insert	images,	
link	screen	names,	and	improved	Windows	Vista	support.
6                 COMPETITION
                                                                      Instant Messenger Direct Competition
                                                                      MSN Messenger
                                                                      •	Extremely	functional
                                                                      •	Easy	to	use
                                                                      •	Integrates	voice	messaging,	webcams,	and	application					
                                                                      •	Searchable	history	archives	and	contact	activity
                                                                      •	Allows	you	to	make	international	phone	calls
                                                                      •	Allows	consumer	to	play	online	games

                                                                      Yahoo Messenger
                                                                      •	Known	as	“Swiss	Army	Knife”	instant	messenger
                                                                      •	Available	user	management
                                                                      •	Integrates	voice	messaging,	webcams,	and	application		
                                                                      •	Organized
                                                                      •	Yahoo!	Chat	rooms
    Instant Messenger Indirect Competition                            •	Radio	Feature
    •	ICQ
    •	Skype
                                                                      •	Integrated	into	Gmail
    •	iChat
                                                                      •	Simple
    •	IMVU.COM
                                                                      •	Integrates	voice	messaging,	webcams,	and	file	sharing
    Social Media Competitors
    Facebook	is	a	social	utility	that	connects	people	with	friends	and	others	who	work,	
    study	and	live	around	them.	People	use	
    Facebook	to	keep	up	with	friends,	upload	an	unlimited	number	of	photos,	share	
    links	and	videos,	and	learn	more	about	the	people	they	meet.		Facebook	has	
    grown	enormously	and	is	now	overtaking	the	US	social	media	market	share.

    The	first	of	its	kind	social	media	site	that	allows	consumers	to	freely	navigate	the	
    website	in	the	search	or	friends,	new	friends,	music,	videos,	and	the	ability	to	share	
    photos.		Myspace	holds	the	majority	of	market	share,	with	Facebook	rapidly	closing	

    We	administered:

        • 16 focus groups
        •1,500 surveys
        • Individual Interviews
        • Extensive Secondary Research
        • Online blogs
        • Multiple AOL Reports

Research	is	using	a	flashlight	to	find	your	
way	out	of	a	forest	at	night.		It	shows	what	is	
imminent	and	approaching,	and	you	
                               lost without it.
would	be	completely

    1. What is multi-tasking?
    “It’s	more	of	a	juggling	act	than	taking	care	of	mul-
    tiple	tasks.		It’s	TV,	Internet,	and	homework	all	at	the	
    same	time.

    “Remembering	that	you	have	something	else	to	
    do	while	you	are	doing	something	else...and	doing	
    them	both	at	the	same	time.”

    2. How important are social media sites
    (Facebook, Myspace, etc.) to your everyday
    “Honestly,	I	can’t	imagine	my	life	without	it.		I	am	not	
    saying	that	it	is	the	most	important	part	of	my	day,	
    but	I	have	lived	it	everyday	of	my	life	for	the	past	3	
    years.		If	it	were	gone	I	would	be	lost	and	confused.”

    “It’s	such	a	good	way	to	keep	in	contact	with	friends.		
    In	that	way,	it	is	very	important	to	my	everyday	life.”

    “I	am	addicted	and	I	haven’t	come	up	with	an	an-
    swer	as	to	why.”

    Our Insight:
    Social	and	school	life	are	the	most	important	part	of	
    the	target’s	everyday	lives.		They	are	very	creative	
    as	to	how	they	manage	the	two.

                                                                                Top	6	websites	visited:
 3. Surveys
                                                                                       1.	Facebook
 I	prefer	the	websites	I	visit	to	be	simple	(78%)                               	      2.	Myspace
                                                                                	      3.	School	Account	
 I	like	to	lead	others (72%)
                                                                                	      4.	Google
 I	am	influenced	by	what’s	hot	and	what’s	not	(61%)                             	      5.	ESPN
                                                                                	      6.	Yahoo!
 I	am	always	one	of	the	first	of	my	friends	to	try	new	
 products/services	(55%)

 Items	They	Own:
        cell	phone (94%)
 	      laptop	(93%)
 	      iPod	(73%)
 	      game	system	(56%)
        Blackberry/smart	phone (20%)
        PDA/Palm	Pilot (15%)

Our Insight:
Cell	phones	and	laptops	have	a	very	high	market	penetration,	indicating	just	how	important	they	
regard	their	social	life.		Also,	the	target	considers	themselves	very	affluent	in	technology.
10          TARGET MARKET

             The	target	market	spends	a	significant	amount	

     of	time	developing	their	social	status	in	a	technological	age.		They	write	

     text	messages,	email	messages,	wall	messages,	and	instant	messages.		Their	life	

     revolves	around	school            	to	secure	themselves	for	the	future,	and	their	

     social	life	to	maintain	an	elite	social	status.		To	better	de-

     fine	our	target	market,	Northwood	Advertising	has	named	them	


         Socialites	consist	of	both	men	and	women	
     ages	18-24	and	roughly	76	million	members.	In	
      order to get a better idea of who socialites are
       we	have	broken	them	down	by	their	life,	their	
                              friends,	and	their	media.

life.	friends.	media.

                     Socialite’s Life
                     •	Always	juggling	multiple	things	at	a	time,	they	are	true	multi-taskers.	
                     •	They	are	socially	conscious.	They	need	to	feel	a	sense	of	belonging.	
                     •	Materialistic.	They	feel	the	need	for	the	latest	and	hippest	“things”.	
                     •	They	want	to	be	understood,	accepted,	respected,	and	included.	
                     •	They	pay	attention	to	things	that	are	over	the	edge.	
                     •	They	like	quick	results.	

                     Socialite’s Friends
                     •	Friends	are	their	number	one	influences.
                     •	There	is	a	constant	need	to	stay	connected	with	friends	by	texting,	instant	
                     messaging,	visiting	social	media	sites,	e-mailing,	etc.	They	crave	constant	
                     •	When	away	at	college,	they	are	more	likely	to	stay	connected	with	old	
  Socialite’s Media
  •	Technology	is	used	for	mainly	social	reasons.
  •	This	market	grew	up	with	the	Internet.	
  •	They	must	have	the	latest	technology.	
  •	They	trust	magazines	to	show	them	trends.
  •	Their	attention	will	most	likely	be	won	by	multiple	
  			media	outlets	at	the	same	time.	


                                                                 online activities
Send or read e mail

Research for school

Instant Message

Play games

Download music

Take part in chat rooms

Read someones blog

Search info on someone

Download computer games

Create / Work on blog

                            We	have	taken	AIM’s	

                         target market and
                         segmented	them	into	three
     different categories.	These	three	categories	are							

                   						“TrueBlue”,	the	

                                        Zone”,	and					


                                                                        True Blue
                 The	True	Blue	consumer	is	the	member	of	AIM	who’s	had	their	instant	
       messaging	screen	name	for	years	and	uses	AIM	as	their	primary	source	of	online	

                                                                       War Zone
The	War	Zone	is	the	people	who	currently	use	online	communication	but	not	AIM.		These	
                                             members	prefer	to	use	MSN,	Yahoo!,	etc.

                                                                 Golden Future
The	Golden	Future	is	people	who	do	not	have	a	primary	online	communication	user	or	do	
                                                   not	communicate	online	in	general.
16              CREATIVE EXECUTION


                                  ICE	Cube,	or	the	Integrated	Communication	Einstein,	is	an	innovative	3D	desktop	application	which	al-

                                  lows	users	to	integrate	AIM	and	its	suite	of	products.		ICE	Cube	will	come	preloaded	with	Instant	Mes-

                                  senger,	AIM	Profiles,	Chat,	People	Connection,	Polls,	and	Hulu	on	Aol.		Since	socialites	crave	the	abil-
Interactive Desktop Application

                                  ity	to	customize	their	products,	after	they	have	installed	the	application	they	will	be	allowed	to	choose	

                                  which	AIM	products	will	go	on	each	side	of	the	cube.		The	ICE	Cube	will	rotate	by	clicking	and	dragging	

                                  your	mouse	to	the	desired	side.		Also,	each	side	of	the	cube	will	be	assigned	a	dedicated	number	(1-6)	

                                  so	the	users	can	hotkey	each	AIM	product.		The	application	will	be	an	excellent	way	to	integrate	AIM’s	

                                  suite	of	products.	This	application	will	resonate	with	our	True	Blue	market	and	will	attract	the	Golden	


                                                                      30%	of	socialites	have	visited	a	video	sharing	site	on	a	typical	day.		In	order	
                                                                      to	capitalize	on	this	market	a	side	of	the	ICE	Cube	will	be	dedicated	to	Hulu	
                                                                      on	Aol.		Hulu	on	Aol	streams	video	from	television	shows	and	movies.		The	
                                                                      video	content	is	some	of	the	highest	rated	among	18-24	year	olds	with	such	TV	
                                                                      shows	as	“House,”	“The	Simpsons,”	“The	Office,”	and	“Family	Guy.”

     Creative Strategy
     Strategic focus:
     Creatively	integrate	AIM	and	social	media	products	to	cater	to	the	consumers’	busy	life	styles	
     through	a	functional	application.

     Creative Positioning:
     To	position	AIM	and	its	suite	of	products	as	the	one-stop-shop	for	socialites	and	all	their	social	
     media	needs.	

     Big Unifying Idea:
     The	Integrated	Communication	Einstein	(ICE	Cube),	a	6-sided	cube	that	integrates	AIM’s	suite	of	
     products	to	a	desktop	application,	is	the	heart	of	our	target	market’s	life.		Traditional	and	nontradi-
     tional	advertising	will	use	the	characteristics,	interpretations,	and	influence	of	words	associated	with	
     “ICE”	to	fully	integrate	our	marketing	campaign.

Print Ad
This	print	advertisement	is	very	effective	
because	it	demands	the	eye.		It	is	extremely	
simple,	a	trait	that	socialites	prefer,	and	it	
invokes	the	consumer	to	want	to	learn	more	
about	AIM.		It	integrates	the	campaign	per-
fectly	as	it	follows	the	“frosted”	theme	con-
nected	to	all	of	AIM’s	new	products.	AIM3	
gives	the	viewer	a	sense	that	AIM	is	“upgrad-
ing”.	AIM	“Cubed”	entices	the	Golden	Future	
and	War	Zone	market	to	explore	the	new	ap-
plication.	It	also	hints	towards	the	unveiling	of	
future	AIM	products,	including	the	interactive	
desktop	application	ICE	Cube.

Chat. Connect. Chill.
This	tagline	hits	home	with	socialites.		It	gives	
the	consumer	the	sense	that	AIM	is	used	to	
make	connections	and	chat.		It	also	gives	
the	overall	feel	of	being	relaxed.		The	tagline	
fits	in	perfectly	with	the	target	market’s	fast	
paced	lifestyles	as	it	is	very	simple	and	easy	
to	remember.
Commercial Idea 1:
The	ICE	Cube,	better	known	as	the	Interactive	Communication	Einstein,	is	a	one-stop-shop	for	all	aAIM	products.	No	longer	will	AIM’s	

users	have	to	go	through	several	different	sites.	The	ICE	Cube	is	a	6-sided	interactive	cube,	that	can	be	downloaded	in	the	form	of	a	

widget	or	program.	Each	side	will	contain	an	AIM	program,	website,	and	or	tool.	The	cube	will	rotate	by	mouse	click,	each	face	will	be	

clickable	and	will	zoom	out	to	fill	the	screen	when	clicked.	When	you	want	to	close	the	window,	you	simply	click	anywhere	on	the	win-

dow	and	drag	down,	as	the	cube	will	shrink	to	the	bottom	right	corner	of	the	screen.	The	cube	Is	a	customizable	tool,	both	innovative	

and	fun.	The	user	can	upload	photos	to	there	AIM	pages	simply	by	dragging	a	photo	to	the	upload	side	of	the	cub.	It	also	has	the	ability

to	upload	music,	videos,	and	word	files.	The	cube	is	the	answer,	the	truth,	ying	to	your	yang,	your	welcome.

Commercial Idea 2:
A	man	wakes	up	and	notices	a	Cube	sitting	on	his	night	stand.		As	he	gets	out	of	bed,	he	grabs	the	Cube	and	taps	his	computer	screen	

and	suddenly	his	AIM	appears	on	one	side	of	his	Cube.		While	the	man	is	leaving	his	house,	he	stops	by	his	mailbox	and	taps	the	box	

while	all	of	his	mail	begins	flying	into	another	side	of	the	Cube.		As	the	man	gets	out	of	his	car	to	walk	into	school,	he	taps	his	stereo	

and	music	goes	straight	into	the	Cube.		As	he	walks	into	his	class	a	few	minutes	late,	he	sets	his	Cube	down	on	the	desk	while	all	of	

his	notes	from	class	appear	on	his	Blackboard	application	on	his	Cube.		Lastly,	he	turns	and	smirks	at	the	camera	and	says	“life	just	got	

that	much	easier.”

																																																			Chat.	Connect.	Chill	appears	on	the	screen.
22            NON TRADITIONAL

     What is a Chill Zone?
     A	Chill	Zone	provides	6-10	mounted	flat	screen	computers	with	pull	out	key	boards	that	provide	free	internet	access.	The	screens	will	only	
     have	the	Cube,	but	it	will	be	enlarged	to	fit	the	whole	screen.	To	use	the	Cube,	it	will	require	a	screen	name.	If	you	do	not	have	a	screen	
     name	then	you	will	be	able	to	easily	sign	up	for	one	right	there.	Once	the	computer	establishes	your	screen	name,	it	has	created	your	
     Cube.	Your	Cube	will	show	up	the	way	you	left	it.	The	way	you	left	it	at	either	one	of	the	chill	zones	or	at	your	home.	The	Cube	continually	
     rotates	to	show	you	everything	that	is	offered.	Once	you	place	your	curser	over	the	Cube,	you	can	then	have	control	to	where	it	goes.	

     The Chill Zone Atmosphere:
     The	atmosphere	of	the	Chill	Zones	will	be	visually	welcoming	to	our	target	market.	It	will	have	a	common	theme	of	light	blues,	whites,	and	
     frosted	effects.	It	will	be	partially	enclosed	so	that	while	in	the	Chill	Zone	you	feel	somewhat	secluded,	but	those	on	the	outside	will	see	
     just	enough	to	create	curiosity.	On	the	walls	inside	the	Chill	Zones	there	will	be	a	tie	with	the	print	ads.	The	creative	slogans	that	are	used	
     in	the	print	ads	will	be	strategically	placed	on	the	walls.	This	will	help	create	a	welcoming	and	fun	environment.
                 Why Have a Chill Zone?
                The	locations	that	were	chosen	for	the	Chill	Zones	were	spe-
            cific	to	where	our	target	market	is	and	where	they	will	commonly	
          have	a	need	for	the	Internet.	The	hands-on	use	of	ICE	Cube	will	
       effectively	create	a	call	for	action	and	also	build	the	number	of	those	
     who	have	registered	screen	names.

For	a	non-traditional	promotion	AIM	has	strate-
gically	placed	their	product	in	the	heart	of	the	
winter	sporting	world,	major	ski	resorts	across	
the	U.S.		These	Chill	Zone	computer	units	will	be	
placed	in	enclosed	gondolas	that	transport	skiers	
and	snowboarders	to	the	peak	of	the	mountain.		
This	will	give	consumers	15min.	of	unavoidable	
exposure	to	the	new	ICE	Cube	product.		They	
will	have	the	choice	to	view	the	Internet,	AIM	
products,	and	enjoy	music	during	their	ride	to	the	

                                                          “Chill Zones”
top	of	the	mountain.	

Also,	for	non-traditional,	outdoor	advertising	will	
                                                          The	Chill	Zones	are	a	hip/enjoyable	area	to	“chill”.	They	
be	placed	on	the	inside	walls	of	subways.	There	
                                                          are located in the following areas:
will	be	a	series	of	still	photos	of	the	ICE	Cube	
product	which	will	play	like	a	flip	book	as	the	sub-
way	passes	by	the	still	frames	at	high	speeds.            • Airports

                                                          • On Campus Coffee houses

                                                          • Restaurants (Hard Rock Café)

                                                          • Malls

                                                          • Resorts (Related to our target market)
24             NON TRADITIONAL

     4 Iced Over Cubes                                                 March Madness Promotion
     In	order	to	start	the	campaign	with	a	buzz,	Northwood	            During	the	course	of	the	male	and	female	collegiate	basketball	
     Advertising	will	place	four	iced	over	cubes	in	high	traf-         Final	Four	tournaments	AIM	will	sponsor	the	“AIM3	coldest	play	of	
     fic	areas	(Los	Angeles,	Houston,	Miami,	and	New	York	             the	game.”	Several	times	per	game	viewers	will	be	informed	by	the	
     City).		The	cubes	will	eventually	melt	because	of	the	high	       game	commentators	that	they	can	go	online	to	vote	for	the	“AIM3
     summer	temperatures,	revealing	an	enormous	ice	cube.		            coldest	play	of	the	game.”	Within	the	last	few	minutes	of	the	game,	
     From	the	introduction	of	the	frozen	cubes,	to	when	AIM’s	         the	commentators	will	announce	the	winner	while	mentioning	the	
     ice	cube	is	finally	revealed,	a	great	amount	of	buzz	will	be	     AIM	brand	name	and	ICE	Cube	product.	With	over	130	million	view-
     generated	in	the	blogosphere.		Bloggers	are	very	likely	          ers	of	the		2007	tournament	and	40.3	million	viewers	of	the	final	
     to	write	about	seeing	the	unusual	frozen	sculpture	in	the	        game,	this	will	be	an	attempt	to	increase	AIM	brand	awareness	and	
     summer	time,	and	the	surprise	of	discovering	that	AIM’s	          product	usage.	
     new	social	media	product	was	underneath	it	the	whole	
                                                                       Reusable LED ice-cubes
     Rationale:                                                        As	another	form	of	nontraditional	advertising	AIM	will	purchase	and	
     •	The	cubes	will	be	located	in	cities	highly	populated	with		     distribute	300,000	reusable	ice	cubes.	AIM	will	distribute	these	ice	
     		our	target	market.	                                             cubes	at	the	“Iced	Out”	event	and	periodically	at	Chill	Zones.	Street	
     •	Creates	curiosity	prior	to	the	unveiling	of	the	sides	of	the	
                                                                   	   teams	made	up	of	promo-girls	will	be	passing	out	the	ice	cubes	at	
     			cube.                                                          the	“Iced	Out”	concert	and	at	the	Chill	Zones	across	the	country.	
     •	4	Unveiling	Street	Teams	                                       This nontraditional effort will increase brand awareness and at the
                                                                       same	time	provide	a	free	and	unique	product	to	the	target	market.

                                       Also	at	the	unveiling	of	
                                        the	cubes,	there	will	be	      Desktop	Game
                                         street	teams	that	con-        Tetris	Cubed
                                          sist	of	both	men	and	        Tetris	Cubed	is	a	desktop	application	that	will	be	made	available	
                                          women	ages	18-24	            from	AIM.		T

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Northwood AAF - AIM Case Book

  • 2. 2
  • 3. 3 CONTENTS Objectives/History & Future ...................................................... 5 Competition .............................................................................. 6 Market Research ....................................................................... 10 Focus Groups............................................................................. 8 Target Market ........................................................................... 10 The situation presented to Northwood Advertising is unique due to the ever changing world of technology and social Circle of Sales ........................................................................... 14 media. Our goal is not only the brand of AIM and its suite of products, but also to ensure AIM’s powerful presence within the messaging and social networking community. Creative .................................................................................... 16 Traditional ................................................................................ 20 To penetrate the minds of millions of consumers using a non-traditional approach, Northwood Advertising has created a colorful and catchy solution backed by product, consumer and creative research that will position AIM as the brand Non-Tradtional .......................................................................... 22 of choice. Our non-traditional approach utilizes AIM branded user stations, special events, unique outdoor advertis- ing, and in city product placements to capture the attention of our target market. The campaign will create a sense of Sweepstakes ............................................................................. 24 simplicity amongst our target markets by integrating their divergent lifestyles. Media ....................................................................................... 26 • The campaign will ensure that AIM remains the product of choice Budget ...................................................................................... 30 • The campaign will create usage and consumer engagement of all AIM products Flight Plan ................................................................................ 31
  • 5. 5 AIM in order to The following objectives were set forth by achieve desirable results: • Bridge the gap between AIM Messaging and AIM Social Media • Increase trial and drive usage 15% • Increase AIM brand awareness We also feel that the following objectives should be a focus as well: • Merge social media/AIM messaging and educational media • Make AIM and its suite of products simple and more accessible Where did AIM begin? Where is AIM now? AIM established in 1997. It was viewed as possibly being used as much • AIM is still one of the top instant messaging programs as e-mail. When it first started the capabilities of AIM version 2.0 included, • Recently released own version of social networking file sharing, instant messaging from one computer to another computer page (AIM pages) and chartrooms where multiple users could chat together. Version 4.3 of • As a brand, AIM is recognized more as a messaging AIM introduced features such as storing up to 200 buddies, and play inter- program rather than social media. active games with other online users. Since then AIM has grown beyond belief with new versions such as including picture sharing, and version 5.5 which includes video chatting. Version 6.1 allows users to insert images, link screen names, and improved Windows Vista support.
  • 6. 6 COMPETITION Instant Messenger Direct Competition MSN Messenger • Extremely functional • Easy to use • Integrates voice messaging, webcams, and application sharing • Searchable history archives and contact activity • Allows you to make international phone calls • Allows consumer to play online games Yahoo Messenger • Known as “Swiss Army Knife” instant messenger • Available user management • Integrates voice messaging, webcams, and application sharing • Organized • Yahoo! Chat rooms Instant Messenger Indirect Competition • Radio Feature • ICQ Gtalk • Skype • Integrated into Gmail • iChat • Simple • IMVU.COM • Integrates voice messaging, webcams, and file sharing Social Media Competitors Facebook Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, share links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet. Facebook has grown enormously and is now overtaking the US social media market share. Myspace The first of its kind social media site that allows consumers to freely navigate the website in the search or friends, new friends, music, videos, and the ability to share photos. Myspace holds the majority of market share, with Facebook rapidly closing in.
  • 7. 7 We administered: • 16 focus groups •1,500 surveys • Individual Interviews • Extensive Secondary Research • Online blogs • Multiple AOL Reports Research is using a flashlight to find your way out of a forest at night. It shows what is imminent and approaching, and you lost without it. would be completely
  • 8. 8 FOCUS GROUPS 1. What is multi-tasking? “It’s more of a juggling act than taking care of mul- tiple tasks. It’s TV, Internet, and homework all at the same time. “Remembering that you have something else to do while you are doing something else...and doing them both at the same time.” 2. How important are social media sites (Facebook, Myspace, etc.) to your everyday life? “Honestly, I can’t imagine my life without it. I am not saying that it is the most important part of my day, but I have lived it everyday of my life for the past 3 years. If it were gone I would be lost and confused.” “It’s such a good way to keep in contact with friends. In that way, it is very important to my everyday life.” “I am addicted and I haven’t come up with an an- swer as to why.” Our Insight: Social and school life are the most important part of the target’s everyday lives. They are very creative as to how they manage the two.
  • 9. 9 Top 6 websites visited: 3. Surveys 1. Facebook I prefer the websites I visit to be simple (78%) 2. Myspace 3. School Account I like to lead others (72%) 4. Google I am influenced by what’s hot and what’s not (61%) 5. ESPN 6. Yahoo! I am always one of the first of my friends to try new products/services (55%) Items They Own: cell phone (94%) laptop (93%) iPod (73%) game system (56%) Blackberry/smart phone (20%) PDA/Palm Pilot (15%) Our Insight: Cell phones and laptops have a very high market penetration, indicating just how important they regard their social life. Also, the target considers themselves very affluent in technology.
  • 10. 10 TARGET MARKET The target market spends a significant amount of time developing their social status in a technological age. They write text messages, email messages, wall messages, and instant messages. Their life revolves around school to secure themselves for the future, and their social life to maintain an elite social status. To better de- fine our target market, Northwood Advertising has named them “Socialites.”
  • 11. 11 Socialites consist of both men and women ages 18-24 and roughly 76 million members. In order to get a better idea of who socialites are we have broken them down by their life, their friends, and their media. life. friends. media.
  • 12. 12 TARGET MARKET Socialite’s Life • Always juggling multiple things at a time, they are true multi-taskers. • They are socially conscious. They need to feel a sense of belonging. • Materialistic. They feel the need for the latest and hippest “things”. • They want to be understood, accepted, respected, and included. • They pay attention to things that are over the edge. • They like quick results. Socialite’s Friends • Friends are their number one influences. • There is a constant need to stay connected with friends by texting, instant messaging, visiting social media sites, e-mailing, etc. They crave constant updates. • When away at college, they are more likely to stay connected with old friends.
  • 13. 13 Socialite’s Media • Technology is used for mainly social reasons. • This market grew up with the Internet. • They must have the latest technology. • They trust magazines to show them trends. • Their attention will most likely be won by multiple media outlets at the same time. 91% online activities Send or read e mail 79 Research for school 62 Instant Message 54 Play games 46 Download music 34 Take part in chat rooms 32 Read someones blog 32 Search info on someone 29 Download computer games 13 Create / Work on blog
  • 14. 14 CIRCLE OF SALES We have taken AIM’s target market and segmented them into three different categories. These three categories are “TrueBlue”, the Zone”, and “War Future. “Golden
  • 15. 15 True Blue The True Blue consumer is the member of AIM who’s had their instant messaging screen name for years and uses AIM as their primary source of online communication. War Zone The War Zone is the people who currently use online communication but not AIM. These members prefer to use MSN, Yahoo!, etc. Golden Future The Golden Future is people who do not have a primary online communication user or do not communicate online in general.
  • 17. 17 ICECUBE ICE Cube, or the Integrated Communication Einstein, is an innovative 3D desktop application which al- lows users to integrate AIM and its suite of products. ICE Cube will come preloaded with Instant Mes- senger, AIM Profiles, Chat, People Connection, Polls, and Hulu on Aol. Since socialites crave the abil- Interactive Desktop Application ity to customize their products, after they have installed the application they will be allowed to choose which AIM products will go on each side of the cube. The ICE Cube will rotate by clicking and dragging your mouse to the desired side. Also, each side of the cube will be assigned a dedicated number (1-6) so the users can hotkey each AIM product. The application will be an excellent way to integrate AIM’s suite of products. This application will resonate with our True Blue market and will attract the Golden Future. 30% of socialites have visited a video sharing site on a typical day. In order to capitalize on this market a side of the ICE Cube will be dedicated to Hulu on Aol. Hulu on Aol streams video from television shows and movies. The video content is some of the highest rated among 18-24 year olds with such TV shows as “House,” “The Simpsons,” “The Office,” and “Family Guy.”
  • 18. 18 CREATIVE EXECUTION Creative Strategy Strategic focus: Creatively integrate AIM and social media products to cater to the consumers’ busy life styles through a functional application. Creative Positioning: To position AIM and its suite of products as the one-stop-shop for socialites and all their social media needs. Big Unifying Idea: The Integrated Communication Einstein (ICE Cube), a 6-sided cube that integrates AIM’s suite of products to a desktop application, is the heart of our target market’s life. Traditional and nontradi- tional advertising will use the characteristics, interpretations, and influence of words associated with “ICE” to fully integrate our marketing campaign.
  • 19. 19 Print Ad This print advertisement is very effective because it demands the eye. It is extremely simple, a trait that socialites prefer, and it invokes the consumer to want to learn more about AIM. It integrates the campaign per- fectly as it follows the “frosted” theme con- nected to all of AIM’s new products. AIM3 gives the viewer a sense that AIM is “upgrad- ing”. AIM “Cubed” entices the Golden Future and War Zone market to explore the new ap- plication. It also hints towards the unveiling of future AIM products, including the interactive desktop application ICE Cube. Chat. Connect. Chill. This tagline hits home with socialites. It gives the consumer the sense that AIM is used to make connections and chat. It also gives the overall feel of being relaxed. The tagline fits in perfectly with the target market’s fast paced lifestyles as it is very simple and easy to remember.
  • 20. 20
  • 21. 21 Commercial Idea 1: The ICE Cube, better known as the Interactive Communication Einstein, is a one-stop-shop for all aAIM products. No longer will AIM’s users have to go through several different sites. The ICE Cube is a 6-sided interactive cube, that can be downloaded in the form of a widget or program. Each side will contain an AIM program, website, and or tool. The cube will rotate by mouse click, each face will be clickable and will zoom out to fill the screen when clicked. When you want to close the window, you simply click anywhere on the win- dow and drag down, as the cube will shrink to the bottom right corner of the screen. The cube Is a customizable tool, both innovative and fun. The user can upload photos to there AIM pages simply by dragging a photo to the upload side of the cub. It also has the ability to upload music, videos, and word files. The cube is the answer, the truth, ying to your yang, your welcome. Commercial Idea 2: A man wakes up and notices a Cube sitting on his night stand. As he gets out of bed, he grabs the Cube and taps his computer screen and suddenly his AIM appears on one side of his Cube. While the man is leaving his house, he stops by his mailbox and taps the box while all of his mail begins flying into another side of the Cube. As the man gets out of his car to walk into school, he taps his stereo and music goes straight into the Cube. As he walks into his class a few minutes late, he sets his Cube down on the desk while all of his notes from class appear on his Blackboard application on his Cube. Lastly, he turns and smirks at the camera and says “life just got that much easier.” Chat. Connect. Chill appears on the screen.
  • 22. 22 NON TRADITIONAL What is a Chill Zone? A Chill Zone provides 6-10 mounted flat screen computers with pull out key boards that provide free internet access. The screens will only have the Cube, but it will be enlarged to fit the whole screen. To use the Cube, it will require a screen name. If you do not have a screen name then you will be able to easily sign up for one right there. Once the computer establishes your screen name, it has created your Cube. Your Cube will show up the way you left it. The way you left it at either one of the chill zones or at your home. The Cube continually rotates to show you everything that is offered. Once you place your curser over the Cube, you can then have control to where it goes. The Chill Zone Atmosphere: The atmosphere of the Chill Zones will be visually welcoming to our target market. It will have a common theme of light blues, whites, and frosted effects. It will be partially enclosed so that while in the Chill Zone you feel somewhat secluded, but those on the outside will see just enough to create curiosity. On the walls inside the Chill Zones there will be a tie with the print ads. The creative slogans that are used in the print ads will be strategically placed on the walls. This will help create a welcoming and fun environment.
  • 23. 23 Why Have a Chill Zone? The locations that were chosen for the Chill Zones were spe- cific to where our target market is and where they will commonly have a need for the Internet. The hands-on use of ICE Cube will effectively create a call for action and also build the number of those who have registered screen names. Non-traditional: For a non-traditional promotion AIM has strate- gically placed their product in the heart of the winter sporting world, major ski resorts across the U.S. These Chill Zone computer units will be placed in enclosed gondolas that transport skiers and snowboarders to the peak of the mountain. This will give consumers 15min. of unavoidable exposure to the new ICE Cube product. They will have the choice to view the Internet, AIM products, and enjoy music during their ride to the “Chill Zones” top of the mountain. Also, for non-traditional, outdoor advertising will The Chill Zones are a hip/enjoyable area to “chill”. They be placed on the inside walls of subways. There are located in the following areas: will be a series of still photos of the ICE Cube product which will play like a flip book as the sub- way passes by the still frames at high speeds. • Airports • On Campus Coffee houses • Restaurants (Hard Rock Café) • Malls • Resorts (Related to our target market)
  • 24. 24 NON TRADITIONAL 4 Iced Over Cubes March Madness Promotion In order to start the campaign with a buzz, Northwood During the course of the male and female collegiate basketball Advertising will place four iced over cubes in high traf- Final Four tournaments AIM will sponsor the “AIM3 coldest play of fic areas (Los Angeles, Houston, Miami, and New York the game.” Several times per game viewers will be informed by the City). The cubes will eventually melt because of the high game commentators that they can go online to vote for the “AIM3 summer temperatures, revealing an enormous ice cube. coldest play of the game.” Within the last few minutes of the game, From the introduction of the frozen cubes, to when AIM’s the commentators will announce the winner while mentioning the ice cube is finally revealed, a great amount of buzz will be AIM brand name and ICE Cube product. With over 130 million view- generated in the blogosphere. Bloggers are very likely ers of the 2007 tournament and 40.3 million viewers of the final to write about seeing the unusual frozen sculpture in the game, this will be an attempt to increase AIM brand awareness and summer time, and the surprise of discovering that AIM’s product usage. new social media product was underneath it the whole Reusable LED ice-cubes time. Rationale: As another form of nontraditional advertising AIM will purchase and • The cubes will be located in cities highly populated with distribute 300,000 reusable ice cubes. AIM will distribute these ice our target market. cubes at the “Iced Out” event and periodically at Chill Zones. Street • Creates curiosity prior to the unveiling of the sides of the teams made up of promo-girls will be passing out the ice cubes at cube. the “Iced Out” concert and at the Chill Zones across the country. • 4 Unveiling Street Teams This nontraditional effort will increase brand awareness and at the same time provide a free and unique product to the target market. Digital Also at the unveiling of the cubes, there will be Desktop Game street teams that con- Tetris Cubed sist of both men and Tetris Cubed is a desktop application that will be made available women ages 18-24 from AIM. T