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Vol. 12/No. 5                   September/October 2002   $3.00

Many have stated that it is impossible to know whether or not we are living in the last days
                              before the second coming of Jesus Christ. However, below you will find dramatic proof that
                              these are the endtimes. The proofs below defy coincidence.

Euphrates River to Be Dried Up                                       In Revelation 16:12, the Bible predicts that the Euphrates River
will be dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the east to invade Israel. This will happen at the time of the battle of Armageddon
according to verse 16 of the same chapter. The battle of Armageddon will be the final battle at which time Jesus will return and fight
on the side of the nation of Israel. Immediately thereafter He will establish His kingdom and usher in His one thousand-year reign of
peace. On January 13, 1990, the Indianapolis Star carried the headline “Turkey Will Cut Off Flow of Euphrates for One Month.” The
article stated that a huge reservoir had been built by Turkey. While filling up the reservoir, the flow of the Euphrates would be stopped
for one month and a concrete plug for a diversion channel built. These things have now been done. With this newly built dam, Turkey
has the ability to stop the Euphrates River at will. The conditions for fulfilling this 1,900 year-old prophecy are now in place.

                                                                    China Goes to War                   In Revelation 9:15-16,
the Bible prophesies that an army of 200 million soldiers will launch a war which would kill “the third part of men.” Never in the
history of the world until our present generation has there been a power on earth that could field 200 million soldiers. However, the
late ruler of China, Mao Tse Tung boasted in his diary that he could field an army of 200 million. The CIA World Factbook reports
that in the year 2001, it is estimated that China has 200,886,946 men of military age, and this number is growing by 10 million per

Worldwide Numbering System Predicted In Revelation 13, the Bible prophesies that a
world dictator will soon rule over a world government. He will cause all people in the earth to receive a number without which they
will be unable to buy or sell. We are seeing this prophecy fulfilled before our eyes in a most astonishing way. Nearly every human
being in the world now has been assigned a number. In America it is our Social Security number. In the past few years, we have seen
this number extended to newborns. A child without a Social Security number cannot be declared as a dependent on an income tax
return. We have seen the emergence of electronic money, shopping with credit cards, and many people urging the abolishment of cash.
All of these things could not possibly have been fulfilled until this present time. Only after the invention of the computer could such a
worldwide numbering system be administered.

                              The Emergence of a New World Order                                                    Revelation 13:7 and
Daniel 7:23 prophesy the establishment of a world government. The term “New World Order” has become a prevalent phrase in the
world’s political culture. Mikhail Gorbachev made the term famous, and Pope John Paul II has referred to it repeatedly. In the
September 12, 1990 issue of the Chicago Tribune, our former president George Bush said, “Iraq is the first test for the New World
Order.” He emphatically stated that the Iraq War is Saddam Hussein against the world. The United Nations’ troops are continually
referred to as the multi-national forces. The decision has been made to establish an interdependent community of nations that will rule
the world under United Nations authority. The Bible says that this will lead us into a great world government. The formation of this
government is at hand.

                                               or Divine Providence?
Is it coincidental that all of these major prophecies pertaining to the last times are being fulfilled simultaneously?

                               Source: Endtime Magazine, P.O. Box 2066, Richmond, IN 47375
                                       This page may be copied and distributed freely

World Events from a Biblical Perspective                                                                                             CONTENTS
                                                                                                                      Cover Story
                                                                                                                      8     Effects of 9/11—One Year Later
                                                                                                                            Last fall, Endtime took an in depth look at
                                                                                                                            the prophetic implications of the terror
                                                                                                                            attack on America—what would rise from
                                                                                                                            the ashes of the World Trade Center and
                                                                                                                            Pentagon? With the Bible as our guide,
                                                                                                                            the quest began to look beyond the wake
                                                                                                                            of September 11. Today, one year removed
                                                                                                                            from the most catastrophic event in mod-
                                                                                                                            ern U.S. history, the answers are clearer.
                                                                                                                            Let’s see how the events of 9/11 have
                                                                                                                            directly affected the fulfillment of endtime
                                                                                                                            Bible prophecies.

Departments                                          Feature Articles
4 Editorial                                          16 China’s Military Build-up
    Racing the Rapture                                     Reports are pouring in of an aggressive military build
                                                           up by China. Is their goal merely to gobble up
6 Letters & Feedback                                       Taiwan, or is to be a global superpower? Is a nuclear
                                                           war with the United States inevitable? Endtime
                                                           recently spoke with William C. Triplett, co-author of
19 Whetstone                                               the best selling books, Red Dragon Rising and The Year
                                                           of the Rat.                                                                                     Photo Courtsey of William Tripplet

27 Radio Log,
   Regional Bible Studies                            18 Marching to World Order
                                                           While the world sleeps, the United Nations continues
                                                           executing its century-old plan to create a world mili-
28 World Review                                            tary force. As Arthur Schlesinger wrote in 1995, “We
    Internet Industry: Towards an                          are not going to achieve a new world order without
         Online ID                                         paying for it in blood as well as in words and money.”
    Oh Brother, Big Brothers Big
    Momma Plays Big Brother                          22 The Bush-o-meter
    A Decision Reached Prayerfully                         When it comes to prophetic issues, how does                                                     Photo Courtesy of Jamie Brendan

    United Methodists Assign                               President Bush rate? Is he making efforts to put
         Transsexual Pastor                                America into a position where it can execute God’s
    Bush, Putin Cut Nukes                                  will in the endtime? Or is he, knowingly or unknow-
    Sesame Street introduces first                         ingly, leading the country straight into the jaws of
         HIV positive Muppet                               the Antichrist? September 11th greatly accelerated
                                                           world events related to prophecy fulfillments, and has
                                                           enabled us to get a clearer read on the President. Let’s
                                                           take a look at Bush’s record on key issues as they
 Don’t forget to check out our website.                    relate to Bible prophecy. Thumbs up, thumbs down,
                                  and why.                                                                                        Photo Courtesy of Jamie Brendan

 Endtime is published bi-monthly by Endtime, Inc., 1301 South 8th Street, Richmond, IN 47374. Subscription price is $29 for 12 issues. Periodical postage paid #009267, ISSN# 1066-
 6885, Richmond, IN, and additional mailing offices. © 2001 Endtime, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. POSTMAS-
 TER: Send address changes to Endtime, PO Box 2066, Richmond, IN 47375-2066. For subscriptions call 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week 1-800-ENDTIME. Other inquiries call 1-765-962-6344
 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Central).

Editorial                                             By Irvin Baxter Jr.

                                                                                                             Magazine Staff

Racing the Rapture                                                                                               Editor-in-Chief
                                                                                                                 Irvin Baxter Jr.
                                                                                                                Assistant Editor

        n his famous book Tale of Two Cities,     literally an account given to us in advance of                   Eddie Sax
        Charles Dickens wrote, “It was the best   the revealing of Jesus Christ to the world. The
        of times. It was the worst of times.”     concluding act will be “And every eye shall                 Editorial Assistants
        Those words are truer today than when     behold Him.”                                                 Ginger Boerkircher
        they were written. Our world has never       You and I live in the rarified atmosphere of                 Liz Freeman
faced more dangerous times than it is facing      belonging to the unique generation that Jesus
right now. The prophetic fulfillments present-    prophesied about in Matthew 24:34. He said,                      Research
ly in progress speak of World War III. This       “...This generation shall not pass, till all these            Kathy McKinney
war will make all preceding wars, even World      things be fulfilled.”
Wars I and II, seem like weekend maneuvers           We do live in a generation of destiny…but
                                                                                                             Fulfillment Services
by the National Guard, in comparison. This        what is our destiny? Jesus revealed your des-                Sheri Woodring
coming war will destroy one-third of              tiny and mine in Matthew 24:14 when He
mankind.                                          said, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be                  Stewardship
   Yet, even while living under the specter of    preached in all the world for a witness unto all                Kara McPeak
the emerging world government, the mark of        nations; and then shall the end come.” We are
the beast and the rise of the Antichrist, we      the endtime generation that will spread the                       Network
experience the thrill of being the generation     gospel of the soon coming kingdom of Jesus                      Administrator
that is witnessing first hand the unfolding       Christ into the entire world. Let’s get busy and                Dave Northrop
events of the book of Revelation. Revelation is   do it together! ❏
                                                                                                             Webmaster, Layout
                                                                                                                Dan Barkley
          Prophecy Conference Schedule for Irvin Baxter Jr.
                                                                                                               Radio Operations
                                                                                                                 Jim Stigleman
 South Bend, IN – Sept. 20                         Mexico, MO – October 25
   Ironwood United Pentecostal Church              Presser Hall                                         Endtime Ministries
                                                                                                        Statement of Faith
   ...where Ironwood hits the Bypass               900 S. Jefferson St., 1 block n. of Hwy 54
   7:30pm; 574-291-3060                            Host: Pastor Larry Baitinger
   Host: Pastor Kenneth Mendenhall                 7:30pm; 573-581-2575                                We believe that the Bible is the inspired
                                                                                                       Word of God, that Jesus Christ is the
 Ft. Smith, AR – October 3                        Dallas-Ft. Worth – Nov. 1                            Savior of the world, and that He will
   Columbus Acres                                  Arlington Convention Center                         come again to establish a kingdom that
   Hwy 71 So., 1 mi. so. of Ft. Smith,             7:30pm                                              shall never be destroyed (Daniel 2:44).
   behind McD’s                                                                                        Those who are born again (John 3:3-5)
   Host: Pastor James Myers                                                                            will have eternal life and rule as kings
   7:30pm; 479-996-7966                                                                                and priests with Christ forever.

   Omaha, NE – October 4
   The Church of Omaha
   3715 N. 104th Ave., just off I-680,
   between Maple & Fort
   7:30pm; 402-571-9078
   Host: Pastor Jimmy Toney
Prophecy Tour 2003
    Israel • Greece • Patmos
Three-day Greek Islands Cruise

                                     Where are the two most exciting places on earth to travel during the year 2003? How
                                   about Jerusalem where our Lord was born over 2,000 years ago and the Isle of Patmos
                                   where the Book of Revelation was written? Add to that Bethlehem, Nazareth, Samaria,
                                   Judea, Athens, Corinth, Mars Hill, Ephesus, Rhodes, and a Mediterranean Sea cruise—
                                   and you have the trip of a lifetime! I want to personally invite you to join us for Prophecy
                                   Tour 2003. You won’t want to miss it!

                                   In Israel:
                                      We will stand on the Mount of Olives where Jesus will stand when He returns—Visit
                                   the Temple Mount itself where the Third Temple will soon be built—See the corner-
                                   stone intended for the rebuilding of the Third Temple—At the Temple Institute we will
                                   see the vessels and the garments already prepared for resumption of temple worship—
                                   Visit the Garden Tomb and the Garden of Gethsemane—See the site of the coming
                                   Battle of Armageddon—We will visit Judean settlements where Jesus prophesied great
                                   tribulation will come in the near future (Matthew 24:15-21)—Boat across the Sea of
                                   Galilee where Jesus walked on the water—and much, much more!

                                   In Greece:
                                     We will visit the home of the Corinthian church in Corinth, and visit Mars Hill in
                                   Athens where Paul preached his famous sermon concerning the “Unknown God.”

                                   Mediterranean Sea Cruise:
                                      The first stop of will be the beautiful and famous island of Mykonos. Then we sail to
                                   the Island of Rhodes (Acts 21:1). The next day we visit Patmos where John wrote the
                                   Book of Revelation. The last day of the cruise takes us to Ephesus. Ephesus is the most
                                   incredible archaeological site I have ever visited. We will walk on the Roman roads that
                                   Paul walked on 2,000 years ago, and stand in the 23,000-seat theater where the
                                   Ephesians shouted “Great is the goddess Diana” for two hours! The ship will be our float-
                                   ing hotel and restaurant for these three beautiful, relaxing and exciting days.
                                      Those who went on our cruise three years ago have yet to quit talking about it! I’m
                                   sure it will be the same for you.
                                      The cost for the entire Israel, Greece, and Mediterranean Sea Cruise will be $2,650
                                   plus tips and taxes. If at all possible, I’m sure you will want to take the cruise, especial-
                                   ly since it includes Patmos and Ephesus. You can insure your place on the tour by send-
                                   ing a deposit of $200 as soon as possible. Total payment will need to be made 45 days
    Irvin Baxter Jr. — Tour Host   before departure. If you have further questions, you may call us here at 1-800-endtime.

April 23 - May 5, 2003                 Call 1-800-ENDTIME for more information. (Ask for Debbie)
Letters to the Editor

   Letters &
   Feedback                                               What’s On Your Mind?
                                                          Endtime Wants to Know.

About Ashcroft                                                        the Bible says that Jesus had brothers and sisters. Mary was a
   I am interested in what you know about Attorney General            virgin when Jesus was born, but she had a normal marriage with
John Ashcroft. Is he a real Christian? Is he willingly playing        Joseph afterward.
into establishing the American police state because he believes          In recent times, five million Catholics signed a petition,
he will be raptured away before its impact is felt in our nation?     which was then sent to the Pope, requesting that Mary be
It seems odd that a “real” Christian would make it to that level      declared a deity, equal to the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost.
of government. Thanks.                                                This is nothing short of idolatry.

                   S. Peterson
                                                                      Was Chernobyl God’s wrath?
   Reply: I don’t know Mr. Ashcroft personally, and I don’t know         The 3rd Trumpet is argued by many religious people to be the
what he believes concerning the rapture. The only measuring           Chernobyl nuclear disaster. I believe the 3rd Trumpet was
stick we have is to analyze his actions. He does seem to favor        Chernobyl because the effects are similar to what happened dur-
turning the U.S. into more of a police state. And it appears that     ing the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. The Dniper River was pol-
he has no reluctance to instituting a national ID. I don’t under-     luted in what is now Ukraine. It flows south to the Black Sea
stand how anyone who believes the prophecies of the Bible could       and many thousands are dying as a result of cancer from the radi-
go down that road.                                                    ation.
                                                                         However, I do not believe the scripture is quoted exactly accu-
                                                                      rate as we read it today in English and in other languages as it
Does Mary offer our prayers to God?                                   was documented over 2,000 years ago. It states in Revelation
   I am a frequent listener (on the web), and am interested in the    8:9-10 that the 3rd angel sounded a trumpet and that a star fell
opinions you express on the broadcast. I call into question your      from heaven burning like a lamp causing the waters to become
interpretation when you allow callers to mislead listeners on the     bitter killing thousands of people. This would be inferring that
issue of Catholics’ view of Mary. Catholics do not pray to Mary,      God punished people in that area by dropping an object from
but we do ask her to offer our prayers to God. I am sure you          the sky, maybe allowing the Chernobyl plant to be bombed by
know this, but by not correcting callers I question your whole        another country when in fact the Russians did a foolish experi-
interpretation.                                                       ment at the plant that they knew was dangerous. Thus by not
                                                                      informing the public and doing this experiment, a deadly acci-
                   D. Connor                                          dent happened which killed many people.
                                                                         What do you think about this? I appreciate your comment.
  Reply: I Timothy 2:5 reads, “For there is one God, and one
mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” The                                 P.J. Quave Jr.
book of Hebrews refers to Jesus as the lone mediator of the new
covenant. The Bible does not tell us that Mary is also a media-         Reply: Your question is excellent. While we both believe that
tor. The near deification of Mary, in which many Catholic circles     there is enough evidence to conclude that Chernobyl fulfilled
involve themselves, is not biblical. Many Catholics would             Revelation’s 3rd Trumpet, how can that be since the wrath of
believe that Mary is still a virgin. This is a direct contradiction   God came upon many innocent people? The question therefore
of scripture. Matthew 1:25 states that Joseph did not know            becomes, is the 3rd Trumpet, in fact, the wrath of God? The
Mary intimately until after Jesus was born. Then in Mark 6:3,         answer is no. Let me explain.

In Revelation there are seven Seals, seven Trumpets and seven       q   Proofs of Endtime. I am writing to obtain permission to
Vials. Of these 21 events, only 9 are specifically called God’s            copy and distribute the inside cover of Endtime magazine [per-
wrath. These are the 6th Seal, the 7th Trumpet, and all seven              mission granted!]. I believe that it speaks volumes about
Vials. The Bible does not classify the remaining six Seals and six         today's world. I hope and pray that it will encourage people
Trumpets as the wrath of God. These 12 passages recorded by                to pick up their Bible and with God’s grace, receive His mes-
John are merely significant events that will take place on earth           sage. Thank you!! I pray that God continues to bless you and
during the time leading up to the period known as God’s wrath.             your ministry! —Anthony G., Milwaukee
(The 3 1/2 years immediately preceding God’s wrath is known
in the Bible as the Great Tribulation, Matt. 24:21; also known         q   Interfaithism. I shouldn’t have been, but I was shocked to see
as the wrath of Satan, Rev. 12:12.)                                        the Samantha Runnion funeral used as a platform for the one
   It has been widely taught that all of the Seal, Trumpet and             world religion. Rev. Schuller invited a rabbi, Buddhist priest,
Vial judgments are the wrath of God. Scriptures do not support             Mormon leader, Catholic priest, pastor from the Religious
this assertion. (Endtime has produced a six-lesson series dealing          Science, etc. to light candles during her funeral. How could
with this, and related issues, called The Sequence of Endtime              they possibly pollute her funeral with their agenda? —Connie
Events.)                                                                   R.

                                                                       q   Starting Ministry. I have been developing a deeper under-
The time is coming when...                                                 standing of the endtimes, and would like to get in on that
  Those who have SS#'s, have they already received the mark of             bulk subscription ministry that you have. I am also in the
the beast?                                                                 process of working with one of my elders to produce a
                                                                           newsletter for our local church. Your magazines and other
                    J. Howard                                              materials we will be purchasing will be of tremendous value.
                                                                           Look for my order soon. Thank you brethren for your burden
   Reply: Social Security numbers are definitely a forerunner to           in sharing the gospel the way you do. Obviously not everyone
the mark, but not the mark itself. Revelation 13:16-18 foretells           is going to agree, but God is blessing you indeed, and I
of a global society in which every person will have a number               encourage you to keep fighting the good fight. —Dan K.
without which they will be unable to participate in the econo-
my. In 21st Century America, the SS# most definitely fits that         q   Heat Stroke. I sit in my truck almost everyday at 3PM in the
description. It has virtually become a person’s password to exist.         Dallas heat with the windows down under any shade tree I can
Recently, I learned that my home state of Indiana now requires             find in the parking lot of my office complex just to listen to
the SS# for all new drivers’ licenses.                                     your radio program. The security guard keeps coming up to
   The mark of the beast will either be “the name of the beast,”           me to see if I am still among the living. Can't wait for fall
or “the number of his name.” Accepting the mark will entail                and some relief to the heat. Baruch HaBa B'Shem Adonai! —
worshiping or pledging allegiance to the Antichrist himself. At            Travis T.
this present time, a person does not have to do this in order to
receive a social security number.                                      q   Teaching. Our church here in Bonita Springs, Florida started
   This having been said, I must point out that the SS# should             viewing your Understanding the Endtime videos at our mid-
be a concern. With the drive for a National I.D., coupled with             week service. I believe this will help people grow closer to
the drive to link all drivers’ licenses into a national database and       God. Thank you for your work. Sometimes we fall asleep and
the insistence that all SS#’s are to be included on those licenses,        think that we have a lot of time to prepare for our Lord’s com-
it does not take a particularly creative mind to envision a near           ing, not seeing the signs of the time. You have made the signs
term scenario as to how our number could become a mechanism                more obvious and clear for those too busy to notice, but who
used by the Antichrist to establish his mark.                              have the goal of some day waking up before it’s too late.
                                                                           Thanks again and keep up the great work... B. Frye

Feedback                                                               q   Wimps. I just want to encourage you. A caller said you are a
                                                                           wimp for not telling people that they should move to the
q   Ethiopia. I am very happy, and thank you very much for send-           “boonies.” He is the wimp. Did the disciples run out of
    ing me the March/April 2002 issue of Endtime magazine. The             Jerusalem when persecution came? No. They kept going back
    first you sent me was that of November/December 2001 issue.            in the midst of certain persecution. If those at your ministry
    The two magazines you sent me freely, and of course your               were wimps you would not be on the air with the message you
    daily broadcast on WHRA [shortwave], have greatly changed              have. Keep on Keepin' on... Pastor R. Bost
    my knowledge of understanding the endtimes. With Gods
    Love, —Tesfaye S., Ethiopia

q   Born Again. I enjoy your broadcast daily. Today I was born
    again!!! I believe you speak the true word of GOD and had a              Endtime thanks you for your letters. The letters we use
    direct influence on my being saved. I thank you for the work           in Endtime do not necessarily reflect the views of
    you do and I praise GOD and thank Him for blessing us that             Endtime and/or its staff. Endtime reserves the right to
    listen to you and hear the word. —Dan B., Middlebury, Indiana          edit letters according to space and editorial style.

                                                                                 ENDTIME MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2002 7
Cover Story

         BY IRVIN   BAXTER JR.                  Since the attack on America, we’ve            1. The coming of World War III in
                                             heard it over and over. The world will         which 2 billion people will die

       t’s a picture that will be forever    never be the same. Things had changed            2. An agreement between Israel and the
       stamped indelibly upon my brain.      forever. And somehow, we all sensed that       World Community concerning the
       The 747 Jet cut into the World        it was true. A fundamental shift had           Middle East
       Trade Center like a hot knife slic-   taken place in our world. Governmental           3. The emergence of a system of world
       ing into warm butter. I’d never       intrusions into our private lives that         government
seen anything quite like it.                 would have been absolutely intolerable           4. A global belief system that will
  The first question that sprang to my       previously were suddenly being accepted        teach respect for all religions
mind: “Was this an accident, or was this     without so much as a whimper.                    5. A cashless society where people will
some kind of deliberate attack?” It wasn’t      We’ve now had one year to recover           need a number in order to participate in
long until that question was answered.       from the shock of 3,000 innocent victims       the economy
The second plane plowed into Trade           being suddenly snuffed out by religion-
Tower #2. Then came the news reports         crazed extremists. We are all still grap-      One-third of mankind will die
disclosing that there were at least two      pling with nagging questions. How have            The prophecy has stared back at us
more airplanes under the control of          the events of 9/11 changed our world?          from the pages of Revelation 9:13-16 for
hijackers…and possibly more.                 What changes should we accept, and             2,000 years. Its words echo like a haunt-
  “What kind of madmen could purpose-        which ones should we reject? How much          ing harbinger of apocalyptic events to
fully fly a plane loaded with innocent       freedom are we willing to surrender in         come. It speaks of a war that will “slay the
individuals into a skyscraper where men      exchange for promises of security? Most        third part of men.” We are challenged to
and women were simply going about            importantly, where is God in all of this?      think the unthinkable. One-third of
their daily jobs?” What in the world was     And have the events of 9/11 accelerated        mankind wiped out in a single war?
going on here?                               the prophetic fulfillments that are lead-         World War I with its 8.2 million fatal-
  That was my initial reaction to the sui-   ing to the Second Coming of Jesus              ities didn’t even come close. World War
cide attacks of 9/11. I’m sure you remem-    Christ?                                        II and its unprecedented 52 million
ber yours. Of course, as we look back, we       In order to answer these questions, let’s   deaths only amounted to about 1.7% of
now know who was responsible and what        take a look at the major prophecies that       the population of that time. The prophe-
their motives were.                          were directly impacted by 9/11. They are:      cy we are considering speaks of a future

a year, for to slay the third part of men.”
                                                                                                What does the Euphrates River have to
                                                                                             do with the coming apocalyptic war?
                                                                                             World Book Encyclopedia depicts the
                                                                                             Euphrates River as beginning in Turkey,
                                                                                             flowing through Syria, then through Iraq,
                                                                                             and finally emptying into the Persian
                                                                                             Gulf. Every single country through which
                                                                                             the Euphrates flows is a Muslim country.
                                                                                             The Euphrates River is an exclusively
                                                                                             Muslim River!
                                                                                                Verse 14 speaks of four angels bound in
                                                                                             the Euphrates River. What could this
                                                                                             mean? Hebrews 1:13-14 states that
                                                                                             angels are spirits. We know that there are
                                                                                             obedient angels and there are rebellious
                                                                                             angels. Scripture teaches us that one-third
                                                                                             of the angels of heaven joined Satan in his
                                                                                             rebellion against God Himself.
                                                                                                Would it then be possible that the
                                                                                             angels of the Euphrates are evil spirits
                                                                                             that have been held in check until the
                                                                                             appointed time? Could these spirits be
                                                                                             the spirits of militant Islam?
                                                                                                As we have discussed, three powers on
                                                                                             earth could possibly field an army of 200
                                                                                             million. But only one of the three can lay
                                                                                             claim to a special relationship with the
                                                                                             Euphrates River.
                                                                                                If the Muslims are to supply the 200
                                                                                             million-man army that triggers World
war that will kill one human being out of     Book of 2001 states that China now has         War III, and if the spirits symbolically
every three on the planet! And there are      201 million men of military age (15-49).       locked in the Euphrates are the spirits of
very convincing reasons to believe that          India’s population of 1 billion is grow-    militant Islam, then it is very likely that
the September 11, 2001 attack on              ing twice as fast as China’s. This is quick-   the spirits were loosed from the
America by the 19 Muslim extremists           ly bringing India to the point that she        Euphrates on 9/11 when nineteen radical
may have unleashed the forces that will       could possess the prophesied number of         Islamists hijacked four airplanes (coin-
soon throw mankind into the abyss of          soldiers, if she doesn’t already.              cides with four angels?) for the purpose of
World War III with its prophesied two            The last possible source of the 200 mil-    attacking America. If these things are
billion fatalities.                           lion-man army is the Muslim world. The         true, then the war that will kill two bil-
  Why should anyone think that the sui-       present world population of Muslims            lion people began on September 11,
cide attacks of 9/11 could have been the      stands at 1.2 billion, very close to the       2001.
beginning of the prophesied war of            population of China. It is obvious that           It should be noticed that nearly every
Revelation 9?                                 Muslims could supply the prophesied            conflict on earth today is being fueled by
                                              200 million men for the fulfillment of the     militant Muslims. In the conflict between
Two major clues                               prophecy.                                      India and Pakistan, the Muslims are the
   We are given two major clues as to the        So it seems certain that China, India or    force that is stirring up the strife over
identity of the force that will trigger the   the Muslim world will be the initiator of      Kashmir. The conflict presently brewing
horrific war that will kill one-third of      the prophesied war that will destroy one-      in the Philippines is being fueled by
mankind. Revelation 9:16 tells us that        third of mankind.                              Muslims. In the Middle East, the
the army participating in the coming war                                                     Muslims are challenging Israel’s right to
will number 200 million.                         The second clue concerning the perpe-       exist and have laid claim to the heart of
   There are three powers on this earth       trator of the coming Third World War is        Jerusalem—the Temple Mount. And of
that could field an army of 200 million.      given in Revelation 9:14-15, “Saying to        course, all 19 hijackers that perpetrated
Mao Tse Tung, the late leader of China,       the sixth angel which had the trumpet,         the horrendous attacks of 9/11 were
boasted in his diary that he could field an   Loose the four angels which are bound in       Muslims.
army of 200 million—the exact number          the great river Euphrates. And the four           Immediately after the September 11,
in the prophecy. China’s total population     angels were loosed, which were prepared        2001 attacks, President Bush said that
is presently at 1.3 billion. The CIA Fact     for an hour, and a day, and a month, and       the United States was declaring war on
Cover Story
terrorism. He said it would be a long war,

                                                                                                                                            AP Photo/Reggie Lewis
possibly lasting as long as ten years.
   All the talk is presently focused on the
planned attack against Saddam Hussein
and Iraq. Some observers believe that
Saddam will draw Israel into the coming
war, and that this will precipitate the
entrance of other Muslim countries into
the conflict against Israel and the United
States. The possible scenario closely
resembles the prophecy of Revelation
   All reports are saying that the U.S. will
attack Iraq within the next twelve
months. If things play out as many people
think they will, it is entirely possible that
we could see the fulfillment of Revelation
9 within the next year.

Antichrist and world community
reaches agreement with Israel
   On the day the Trade Towers came
down and the Pentagon went up in
flames, video footage of Palestinians            “Ground Zero” one year later.
dancing in the streets in celebration was
shown around the world. But the scenes          Prime Minister ever would or could. He        among the Israeli populace were greater
were only shown that one day. They dis-         offered to re-divide Jerusalem, share the     with these types of victims.
appeared from public sight as quickly as        Temple Mount and create a Palestinian            Slowly but surely, the negatives of
they had come. Why?                             state.                                        Yasser Arafat began to outweigh his
   Yasser Arafat arrested the photogra-            The only thing more shocking than          image as a champion of a displaced and
phers that had recorded the footage. He         Barak’s offer was Arafat’s reply. “We’ll      downtrodden people. Arafat could no
confiscated the video coverage in their         take all of that, but we also must return 3   longer contend that he was willing to
possession and demanded that their news         million Palestinian refugees to the heart-    make peace. He had just turned down the
services discontinue showing the footage        land of Israel—to Haifa, Tel Aviv and         best peace offer he could ever hope for—
that had already been sent to them. He          Jerusalem. Slowly the realization began to    an offer that most of the world thought he
menacingly suggested that he could not          dawn on President Clinton. This demand        should have jumped at.
insure the photographers’ safety if their       would result in the destruction of the           Arafat had contended that the terror
news services did not comply. In response       nation of Israel. The Israeli hard-liners     attacks against Israel were not really ter-
to his death threat, the footage was            had been right all the time when they had     rorism. He stated that the suicide
pulled.                                         said that Arafat didn’t want peace with       bombers were waging a war of liberation
   Understanding the tremendous public          Israel—that his ultimate goal was only        against an occupying force. However,
relations damage that these scenes could        the destruction of the State of Israel.       these arguments rang hollow since he had
produce, Arafat quickly went to a nearby           This truth was further driven home in      just turned down an offer by the occupy-
clinic to donate blood for the victims of       January of 2001 when a desperate Barak,       ing force to withdraw if peace would
the attack on America. This magnani-            facing an election he was losing, offered     result. The contention that Palestinians
mous gesture was openly recorded on             to totally surrender the entire Temple        were not involved in terrorism and did
video for the whole world to see. This          Mount forever to Palestinian control in       not favor terrorism lost all credibility
footage was not pulled.                         exchange for a final settlement. Again,       when President Bush saw the video of
   However, the damage was done. It             the offer was rejected by Arafat.             Palestinians dancing and celebrating on
must be understood that Arafat’s star had          Arafat responded to the most generous      the day that the 19 Muslims killed 3,000
been in decline for some time before            peace offer he could ever expect to receive   Americans. And make no mistake about
September 11, 2001. In July of 2000,            from Israel by launching a new reign of       it—President Bush saw the footage!
President Clinton had invited Arafat and        terror. Suicide bombers began to walk            The straw that broke the camel’s back
Israeli Prime Minister Barak to Camp            onto Israeli buses, into shopping malls,      occurred in January of 2002. U.S. satel-
David in an attempt to finally settle the       into restaurants…anyplace to kill as          lites spotted an Iranian ship, near the
Palestinian-Israeli    conflict.    Barak       many Israelis as possible. If women and       coast of Iran, transferring armaments to
shocked the world by offering Arafat            children were killed, so much the better.     another ship. That ship was tracked by
more than anyone thought an Israeli             The shock value and the creation of terror    the U.S. until it entered the waters of the

Red Sea. When it became obvious that              This thinking led U.S. Secretary of        Are we in world government yet?
the armaments were headed for                  State Colin Powell to call for internation-      When the United Nations was formed
Palestinian territory, Israel was notified.    al peace negotiations led by the world’s      in 1945, it was designed to be a system of
Israeli commandos boarded the ship, con-       four great powers—the United States, the      world government. Any bona fide world
fiscating 50 tons of illegal armaments—        European Union, the Russian Federation        government must have a court system
weapons that Arafat had agreed in the          and the United Nations. These four pow-       that can enforce its laws upon the people
Oslo Agreement not to possess. Included        ers quickly became dubbed as “the             over which it rules. As early as 1948, pro-
in the illegal armaments was the powder        Quartet.”                                     posals were made to establish a world
used to create the suicide belts used to          The prophecy indicates an agreement        court system. However, fifty years ago,
kill innocent women and children.              of some sort between the Antichrist and       most of the world’s nations were not pre-
                                               the international community, and Israel.      pared to yield their individual sovereign-
   The prophecy of Daniel 9:27 states that     It appears that the irrelevancy of the        ties to a system of global governance.
the Antichrist will confirm a covenant         Palestinians, which has resulted from            In more recent times, national sover-
with Israel. Since the Antichrist will be      9/11, will continue, and eventually result    eignty has taken the blame for many
the leader of the international communi-       in peace initiatives between Israel and the   wars, and the idea of sharing sovereignty
ty, it follows that the international com-     international community.                      within a world community has gained
munity will confirm a covenant with                                                          popularity. The problem of global terror-
Israel. The most prominent covenant in         Why is all this important?                    ism has provided impetus toward accept-
the Old Testament was God’s covenant              According to the prophecy, the con-        ing more and more global governance.
with Abraham—that the land of Israel           firming of the covenant between Israel           In 1997, President Clinton welcomed
would belong to his descendants forever.       and the international community will          the UN General Assembly to the city of
   So what does this have to do with 9/11?     mark the beginning of a final seven-year      New York. In his speech, he stated that
Until the Palestinian celebrations that        period that culminates at the Battle of       the time had come for the establishment
accompanied the terrorism against              Armageddon. It is at Armageddon that          of a world criminal court. Having
America, many people thought the               Jesus returns to earth to defeat the          received the nod from the leader of the
Palestinians were a legitimate peace part-     Antichrist and the forces of the world        world’s only remaining superpower, the
ner for Israel. For some time Israel had       community and to establish His prom-          proponents of world government moved
been stating to the world community            ised kingdom upon earth.                      quickly to implement a world court sys-
that Arafat was a terrorist. After 9/11,          It appears that the internationalization   tem.
Israel declared loud and often that Arafat     of the Middle East peace process is              A conference was held in Rome from
was Israel’s Osama Bin Laden. Slowly, but      preparing the way for this final seven        June 15-July 17, 1998. The result of this
surely, the United States and then the         years to begin.                               conference was the adoption of the
world began to see that perhaps it was
really true.
   The Palestinian terror continued
through 2001 and much of 2002. Israel
finally declared that she was done with
Arafat. “We won’t negotiate with him.
We won’t even talk to him. To us he is
now irrelevant.” At first, this step
seemed drastic. But as the suicide attacks
became more frequent and barbaric, the
United States followed Israel’s lead.
President Bush openly called for the
removal of Arafat and his Palestinian
   Finally, influential voices in the inter-
national community suggested that the
Palestinians and the Israelis would never
be able to make peace. They suggested
that the time had come for the interna-
tional community to set forward its own
peace plan. It was argued that, once a
comprehensive peace plan for the Middle
East was endorsed by the world commu-
nity, the international pressure to accept
this plan would become so great that
Palestinian or Israeli leaders who refused
to accept it would soon be overthrown.

                                                                              ENDTIME MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2002 11
Cover Story
International Criminal Court Statute of

                                                                                                                                               Photo Courtesy of Jamie Brendan
Rome. The ICC Statute was adopted by a
vote of 120 nations in favor to 7 opposed.
Interestingly, the United States voted
against the Statute after having been its
original proponent. The negotiators at
Rome had extended the power of the new
court much further than the U.S. had
favored or could tolerate. The sovereignty
of the United States, and every other
nation on earth, would be superceded by
this new enforcement mechanism of
world government.
   In order for the world court system to
take power, sixty national parliaments
had to ratify. Many people thought the
ratification process might take eight to
ten years. However, the events of 9/11
seemed to accelerate the ratification
process. On April 11, 2002, the required
sixtieth ratification was received at the
                                              Bill Pace, shown here at a press conference, is the director of the umbrella group that cov-
   The court then assumed jurisdiction on     ers 1,000 other organizations dedicated to the establishment of the International Criminal
July 1, 2002. For the first time, every       Court. Pace also directs the World Federalist Movement, which is openly dedicated to
person on earth became subject to a world     establishing a one-world government.
court system.
                                             describes the same world government sys-        Summit on Sustainable Development
   The world government deceivers will       tem: “And it was given unto him (the            being held in Johannesburg, South
tell us that we have global governance,      Antichrist) to make war with the saints,        Africa, August 26-September 4, 2002,
but that we do not have world govern-        and to overcome them: and power was             will endorse the Earth Charter.
ment. Anyone have a dictionary?              given him over all kindreds, and tongues,       Gorbachev and Strong see this as a step-
Webster’s Third New International            and nations.”                                   ping stone to the Earth Charter’s adop-
Dictionary defines global as “worldwide.”                                                    tion as a global belief system by the entire
It defines governance as “government.”                                                       United Nations.
Webster dares to tell the truth. Global      Don’t all religions really worship
governance is worldwide government!          the same God?                                      When it became known that every
Anyone who tries to tell you any different      In order for a one-world system of gov-      9/11 hijacker was a Muslim, tremendous
is either ignorant or purposely misleading   ernment to be implemented, globalists           pressure was exerted on President Bush to
you.                                         believe there must be some kind of a            exonerate the Muslim community. He
   We now have the World Bank, the           global belief system. They contend that         made the statement that the Muslim reli-
World Trade Organization, the World          most wars are caused by religious conflict;     gion was a great faith (even though
Health Organization, the International       therefore, for the sake of world peace          Muslims do not believe that Jesus is the
Monetary Fund and the World Court.           there must be some kind of global spiri-        Messiah or that Jesus is God). Muslims
But the world government crowd will tell     tual unity established. There are tremen-       were invited to the White House for a
us to not listen to the right-wing wacko’s   dous efforts being made at the present          dinner to observe the Muslim Feast of
who try to say that we are entering into     time to give birth to such a system.            Ramadan. This was highly offensive to
world government.                               At the Parliament of the World’s             those of us who believe that Islam is a
   In case you are interested, there are     Religions in 1993, a Global Ethic was           pagan religion.
prophecies that specifically speak of a      published. It provided the general guide-          The one-worlders took the opportunity
world government for the very near           lines of thinking that all human beings         of 9/11 to sell the “benefits” of their envi-
future.                                      should adopt in order for nations to live       sioned global spirituality. Many contend
   In the Old Testament, Daniel 7:23         in peace and security.                          that all religions contain common ele-
speaks of the coming world government:          More recently, Mikhail Gorbachev and         ments and that we all really worship the
“The fourth beast shall be the fourth        Maurice Strong have co-authored a docu-         same God even though we call Him by
kingdom upon earth, which shall be           ment called the Earth Charter. This docu-       different names. Therefore, one religion
diverse from all kingdoms, and shall         ment contains guidelines for human              (or faith tradition as they like to call it) is
devour the whole earth, and shall tread it   behavior in the realm of the environment,       no more right or wrong than the other.
down, and break it in pieces.”               shared spirituality and sustainable devel-      Thus everyone should treat all of the
   Revelation 13:7 in the New Testament      opment. They hope that the World                world’s religions with respect. This new

religious inclusiveness is called              of global identification so badly they        type of biomorphic identification and the
Interfaithism. Prince Charles of Wales has     could taste it! In order to manage and        individual’s social security number. In
recently founded an Interfaith movement        control people, you must be able to iden-     spite of opposition from Congress to the
called Respect, which embraces the above       tify them and track their whereabouts.        National ID scheme, implementation is
concepts.                                         The 9/11 attack by the Muslim hijack-      proceeding anyway—supposedly on a
   The opposite of religious inclusiveness     ers provided the perfect rationale for the    volunteer basis.
is what the globalists believe is the          establishment of some kind of system of         By the way…would anyone like to
world’s worst cancer—religious exclu-          identification. The contention was that, if   know what Bible prophecy has to say
siveness. People guilty of religious exclu-    we had been able to know what the sui-        about the emerging global ID system?
siveness believe that there is absolute        cide hijackers were doing, we would have        “And he causeth all, both small and
truth which must be embraced for salva-        been able to prevent the horrible events of   great, rich and poor, free and bond, to
tion. They believe their religion is true      September 11, 2001.                           receive a mark in their right hand, or in
and that all others, who do not worship           On December 13, 2001, a meeting on         their foreheads: And that no man might
the God of their religion, do not have sal-    the world’s refugee problem was held at       buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or
vation. Examples of religious exclusive-       the United Nations. Mr. Pascal Smet, the      the name of the beast, or the number of
ness would be when Jesus said, “No man         head of Belgium’s independent asylum          his name” (Revelation 13:16-17).
cometh to the Father, but by me.” Or           review board, presented a plan whereby
“Except you believe that I am He you will      every person in the world would be fin-          So here we stand one year later, looking
die in your sins.” I suppose the classic one   gerprinted and registered under a univer-     back on the world changing effects of
of all times would be the teaching of Jesus    sal identification scheme.                    9/11. It’s true. The world will never be
on salvation: “Except a man is born again,                                                   the same. But through the eyes of Bible
he cannot enter the kingdom of God.”                                                         prophecy, we are not left groping blindly
   Mikhail Gorbachev so strongly con-               “There are no                            in the darkness. It is easy to see that major
demns religious exclusiveness that he                                                        prophetic fulfillments which signal the
places it in the same category as genocide       technical problems.                         nearness of the Second Coming of Jesus
or crimes against humanity. In his book                                                      Christ were dramatically accelerated by
Perestroika, Gorbachev’s blueprint for          It is only a question                        the 9/11 tragedy. Let’s review the results
global peace and security, he states on                                                      of the 9/11 terror attacks one more time:
page 231 of the hardback edition, “We
                                                      of will and
must extirpate all genocide, apartheid
and religious exclusiveness.”
                                                     investment.”                              q It appears that the forces that will
                                                                                             soon destroy one-third of mankind were
   On June 26th, 2000, an Interfaith                                                         unleashed.
organization called the United Religions          In his speech, Mr. Smet said the             q The prophesied internationalization
was born. This new effort to unite the         European Union was already considering        of the Mideast conflict has been accom-
religions of the world was born at the ini-    a Europe-wide system, using either fin-       plished.
tiative of the United Nations, and its con-    gerprints or eye scanning technology, to        q The establishment of a world court
stitution was signed on the 55th birthday      identify citizens. He stated that the plan    system, the biggest advance into world
of the United Nations. The goal of the         could easily be extended worldwide.           government in the last 50 years, is now
United Nations Initiative was to bring         “There are no technical problems,” he         completed.
the religions of the world into unity until    said. “It is only a question of will and        q The concept of a global spirituality
they might speak with a single voice in        investment.”                                  and that all religions are interrelated has
the same way the United Nations now               Most people would agree that the           been sold to the world.
speaks as the single voice of the world        world may not yet be ready to make the          q One hundred nations now have a
community.                                     big leap into a system of global identifi-    national ID, and the rest appear prepared
   Since 9/11, no effort has been spared in    cation where every human being on             to soon follow.
propagating the concepts of Interfaithism      earth would have his own personal glob-
and religious inclusiveness. This has all      al identification number. However,              Since 9/11, we’ve come a long way. We
been done in the name of preventing a          many feel that the impetus for a nation-      sure have. As a matter of fact, we’ve come
cultural war between Muslims and the           al ID has been provided by the events of      way too far. The events resulting from
Western Judeo-Christian world.                 9/11.                                         9/11 are sweeping us, with breathtaking
                                                  President Bush proceeded quickly after     speed, straight into the arms of the
                                               9/11 to establish a huge new department       Antichrist and his one-world government
National ID and 666                            of U.S. government called Homeland            system. Slow down America…Slow down
   The most ominous result of the attack       Security. Neatly tucked away in the plans     world…Slow down!
on America has to be the resulting hue         for Homeland Security was a provision for       On the other hand, I hear the words of
and cry for a foolproof system of identifi-    the establishment of a national ID for        Jesus reminding us, “And when these
cation for the citizens of the world. For      every American citizen. The plan pro-         things begin to come to pass, then look
many years, believers in total government      vides for all state drivers’ licenses to be   up, and lift up your heads; for your
for the total world have wanted a system       standardized. Each should contain some        redemption draweth nigh.” ❏

                                                                              ENDTIME MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2002 13
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6th Trumpet Watch

China’s Military Build-up
Exclusive Interview with William C. Triplett

               eports are pouring in of an

                                                                                                                                                   Photo Courtesy of William Triplett
               aggressive military build
               up by China. Is their goal
               merely to gobble up
               Taiwan, or is it to be a
global superpower? Is a nuclear war with
the United States inevitable?
   Endtime recently spoke with William C.
Triplett, co-author of the best selling
books, Red Dragon Rising and The Year of
the Rat. Triplett is the former Chief
Republican Counsel to the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, and served in the
Executive Office of the President during
the first Reagan Administration. He has
more than thirty years of experience
working on China and national security,
and is fluent in Mandarin Chinese.

  Baxter: In 2000, there were threats of
an imminent outbreak of hostilities
between China and Taiwan. During the
Taiwanese elections, the leading candi-
date, Chen Shui-bian, advocated Taiwan                Bill Triplett, left, with his writing partner Ed Timperlake, a former marine and expert on
independence. He won the election. We                 Chinese military weapons and tactics.
heard of threats of an attack by China.
Has this threat gone away, or is it still a          Jul2002/d20020712china.pdf). Buried              Baxter: I read recently that Russia and
danger?                                              on pages 27 and 28 is a new revelation of      China had signed a mutual defense pact a
                                                     more nuclear warheads threatening the          few years ago. It caught me by surprise.
   Triplett: It’s still a danger. I think our        United States. Previously, the range of        Can you verify this?
Chinese friends there are part of the                their missiles was such that they could
problem, globally. Not only are they a               attack the West Coast. They have extend-          Triplett: What we are concerned about
threat to Taiwan, but they are also deeply           ed the range, and will triple the number       is a “friendship agreement.” That is the
engaged in the terrorism business as                 of missiles and add multiple warheads—         official title. The problem is that in 1939
well. They sell weapons of mass destruc-             at the same time other countries of the        Hitler and Stalin signed such a pact. Only
tion to all the terrorist countries. The sit-        world—U.S., Russia, France, Britain—           after the war did the secret details of the
uation is growing quietly worse, while               are reducing the number of warheads.           agreement come out. This time there is a
everyone is focused on the latest bomb-              The question is: why are they threatening      “friendship agreement” on the surface,
ing in the Middle East. China is becom-              more of the American people? In 1997,          but we have great suspicion that precise-
ing more and more of a threat in the Far             when they threatened Los Angeles, they         ly what you’re talking about [a mutual
East, as well as in its assistance to the            could get to the Rocky Mountains. Now          defense pact] is underneath the waterline.
“Axis of Evil.”                                      they’re across the Mississippi.
                                                                                                       Baxter: I have read that China had 50
   Baxter: I’ve read several accounts                   Baxter: Is the real core issue Taiwan or    missiles pointed at Taiwan six or seven
recently that China is rapidly building up           is this a struggle for global dominance?       years ago. Today they have between 300-
its military prowess. What is the latest on                                                         350, and are projecting to have 600 mis-
that?                                                   Triplett: In my opinion, this is a glob-    siles aimed at Taiwan by 2005. At what
                                                     al issue. You see it more and more when        point does this become overwhelming for
   Triplett: I’d like to recommend that              Chinese leaders make connections and           the Taiwanese, and at what point will
you read a Defense Department report                 military agreements with the Axis of           China feel confident that she can conquer
on the Chinese military buildup                      Evil, from Iran to Libya to Syria to Iraq to   Taiwan before America’s response can
( w w w. d e f e n s e l i n k . m i l / n e w s /   Cuba…                                          even begin?

Triplett: Your last question is the crit-     U.S. Anti-Missile Defense System is in         military buildup is aimed at counteract-
ical point. Essentially, what you are ask-       place and workable, China loses the abili-     ing U.S. force. For example, the
ing is at what point can the communist           ty to use her nuclear weapons to check-        Sovremenny destroyer ships were pur-
leaders of China ask its generals “Can you       mate the United States. Without a U.S.         chased from Russia immediately after the
do it…Yes or no?” When will that                 Anti-Missile Defense System, China can         crisis in 1996 when they were threaten-
answer be “yes”? “Do it” means taking            presently destroy 20 to 40 of America’s        ing to move into Taiwan. That was dur-
Taiwan without enormous causalities.             largest cities. China doesn’t want to lose     ing Taiwan’s first democratic election.
China is a nuclear power. It could take          that ability. So, does the emerging Anti-      Our aircraft carriers moved in and
Taiwan tomorrow by saying, “Surrender            Missile Defense capability create a win-       stopped them. They had nothing to
or we will turn you into radioactive             dow where China will feel compelled to         counter the power of our aircraft carriers.
dust.” But, we are talking about a con-          act before we are able to implement it?        They placed the order for the
ventional attack. To answer “when”, I                                                           Sovremenny ships shortly after that.
don’t know. The projections I’ve seen are           Triplett: I’m glad you asked that ques-     China has now taken delivery on those
that they will be in a position to take          tion. If you go back to pages 27 and 28 of     ships, which are specifically designed to
Taiwan before America can respond in             the Department of Defense report, you          deal with aircraft carriers. It looks like
about 2004 or 2005. I can easily see that        will see that they say China’s enormous        this whole build up is designed to coun-
China’s capability to do this might be in        increase in missile buildup occurred           teract American power so they can have
the middle of the presidential race in two       before—that’s the magic word—“before”          their way with Taiwan.
years.                                           the United States decided to deploy a
                                                 missile defense. So, they were already get-       Triplett: That is certainly true. The
   Baxter: Another factor in the Chinese-        ting ready to threaten the United States       interesting thing is that, not only have
Taiwan situation is the Anti-Missile             before President Bush came to that con-        they taken delivery of those two ships,
Defense that President Bush is promot-           clusion or began putting things in place.      they have ordered two more and are pour-
ing. I understand that he is escalating its      What you are pointing to is exactly right.     ing billions of dollars into these sorts of
deployment as rapidly as possible. He            The machine was already in motion              weapon systems. This is all happening at
stated that we will do “whatever it takes”       before Missile Defense was checked off.        the same time as the Chinese people are
to defend Taiwan. China heard that, too.         We are entering into a much more dan-          going hungry.
She has stated repeatedly that she intends       gerous timeframe, quite frankly.                  See the inside front cover of this magazine,
to take Taiwan either by diplomacy or, if                                                       “Proof This Is the Endtime,” to understand
necessary, by force. If China means that,           Baxter: I’ve been following this close-     the prophetic significance of China’s military
she must soon make a decision. Once the          ly, and it seems to me that a lot of China’s   build up. ❏

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           $5 each, buy 4 get 5th free!                                                 Independence
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                                                                           W820         Target Taiwan—Interview with William C. Triplett
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   U531        Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: The Biblical Position
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                                                                           U1022        Is the National I.D. the Mark of the Beast?
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                                                                           W530         Investigative Report on Applied Digital Solutions
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   W116        The Euro & the European Union in Bible Prophecy           More
                                                                           W219         Harry Potter: It’s Just Witchcraft Repackaged
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                                                                           Ute12        The Seven Trumpets lesson on audio
   W731        Iraq Attack Without UN Approval is a War Crime?
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   W807        John Washburn Interview: Head of US Coalition for
   W828        Live Report from Johannesburg—Joan Veon                   Cassette Series
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World Government Watch

                                                                                                                                              Photo Courtesy of Jamie Brendan
Marching to
                                                                                                enforce peace “by force.” That same year,
                                                                                                under the Republican Presidency of
                                                                                                William Taft, Congress passed a “peace
                                                                                                resolution” which would combine the
                                                                                                navies of the world into an international

World Order                                                                                     floating brigade – creating, it was hoped,
                                                                                                a type of high seas police force.
                                                                                                   With the end of World War I and the
                                                                                                subsequent rise of the League of Nations,
The Creation of a United Nations                                                                it was enthusiastically believed that a
                                                                                                world police could finally be mustered.
                                                                                                After all, the League’s charter allowed for
Military Regime                                                                                 itself military assets, including naval and
                                                                                                air armaments. But World War II func-
                                                                                                tionally collapsed the League of Nations
           BY JAMIE BRENDAN                       desire of many within the international       and its dream of global security. However,
                                                  community. Arguments for such a regime        the idea itself did not die; rather, out of
   “We are not going to achieve a new world       often center on the following line: Just as   the ashes of World War II, a new and
order without paying for it in blood as well as   local communities need police to main-        more potent organization arose.
in words and money.”                              tain law and order, so too the internation-
   — Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Foreign             al community needs a global force to          Power plays in high places
Affairs, July/August 1995, the official           ensure law, order, and world security.          On New Year’s Day, 1942, a short doc-
journal of the Council on Foreign                    This vision of order and international     ument titled the Declaration by the
Relations.                                        security has a long history. Already in       United Nations was signed by twenty-six
                                                  1910, during his Nobel Peace Prize            countries – an agreement to cooperate in
  The idea of creating a permanent                acceptance speech, Theodore Roosevelt         overthrowing the Nazi regime. This
“world military force” has long been a            called for an international league to         Declaration was seen as both a war pact

and an instrument of lasting peace. More
importantly, it was the first time in which
the term “United Nations” was officially
used.                                                                      Whetstone
   During those turbulent war years, the                                   by John L. Bryant
United Nations concept was hammered
out inside the power circles of
Washington, Moscow, and London.
Officials such as Hilary Saunders, the
Recorder of Combined Operations for             1. Whose hair was white like wool, as white as snow, eyes were as a flame of fire,
WWII, and Sumner Welles, US Under                  feet like unto fine brass?
Secretary of State, frequently referred to         A. Moses B. Jesus C. David D. Abraham
the allied military forces as fighting for,     2. One of the 12 spies, he was preserved when other spies perished.
and under, the United Nations. Moreover,           A. Caleb B. Jonah C. Hur D. Ammiel
released wire transcripts reveal that on        3. Jesus said that Martha’s sister had chosen that good part. Who is she?
November 29, 1943, President Roosevelt             A. Rachel B. Salome C. Herodias D. Mary
openly suggested to Stalin that this world      4. He, a king, asked God to give him an understanding heart to judge thy
organization should have a Police                  people. Known for his wisdom.
Committee, fully equipped with military            A. Jacob B. Esau C. Solomon D. Job
forces available to act against “aggressor      5. He chose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God.
nations.” In the transcript, Stalin                A. Cain B. Esau C. Melchizedek D. Moses
responded by suggesting that this force         6. Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him was spoken by whom?
would have to be coercive. Sadly,                  A. Isaac B. Job C. Peter D. Paul
Roosevelt never corrected Stalin. Instead,      7. The name of Peter’s brother.
he continued to discuss his Police
                                                   A. John Mark B. Titus C. Andrew D. Matthias
Committee and openly suggested using
                                                8. The brothers, the sons of Zebedee.
“bombardment or even occupation” as a
                                                   A. James and John B. Reuben and Simeon C. Dan and Gad
viable solution to opposing nations.
   Winston Churchill was a party to this           D. Judas and James
idea as well. Approximately nine months         9. Daughter-in-law to Naomi, wife of Boaz.
after the official creation of the UN on           A. Orpah B. Ruth C. Deborah D. Leah
June 26, 1945, Churchill, speaking at          10. A tower whose top may reach unto heaven, God stopped the building of it.
Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri,           A. Siloam B. Shechem C. Babel D. Edar
stated that “the United Nations                11. Ordered to go to Nineveh – swallowed by a great fish.
Organization must immediately begin to             A. Jonah B. Balaam C. Amos D. Simon
be equipped with an international armed        12. They were interpreters of the law.
force.”                                            A. Publicans B. Scribes C. Sadducees D. Pharisees
   Although a UN commanded and con-            13. This blind beggar called out to Jesus and was healed.
trolled police force didn’t materialize, the       A. Simon Zelotes B. Samson C. Bartimaeus D. Saul of Tarsus
dream persisted amongst foreign policy         14. God chose him, Samuel anointed him, Israel’s first king.
experts. Thomas C. Schelling, a member             A. Saul B. Joash C. Hezekiah D. David
of the Council on Foreign Relations and a      15. This great apostle was educated under Gamaliel – born in Tarsus of Cilicia.
recognized leader in military thinking,            A. Bartholomew B. Nathaniel C. Paul D. Judas
published an action plan for a “hypothet-      16. Created by God, Gabriel and Michael are what?
ical” global army in 1964…
                                                   A. Puppets B. Angels C. Satanic beings D. Mountains
                                               17. Wife of Uriah, becomes David’s wife, mother to Solomon.
   The three main kinds of military action
that the force could take against a united         A. Michal B. Abigail C. Esther D. Bathsheba
country would be pain, conquest, and           18. This judge, strong man, carried away the gates of the city.
obstruction. By ‘pain’ I mean sheer coer-          A. Samson B. Jonathan C. Abner D. Jeremiah
cive damage. Nuclear or other weapons          19. In a vision Isaiah saw someone sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and his
might be used to inflict civil damage at a         train filled the temple. Who was it?
rate sufficient to induce the government           A. Hezekiah B. Rehoboam C. Nehemiah D. The Lord
to change its mind and bend to the will of     20. The sun stood still, and the moon stayed at the request of this man.
the international authority. By ‘conquest’         A. Abner B. David C. Elisha D. Joshua
I mean invasion or occupation sufficient
to put the international authority into the
role of occupying power. By ‘obstruction’
                                                                                                                Answers on page 20
I mean military action designed to retard

                                                                            ENDTIME MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2002 19
World Government Watch
a country’s rearmament, to make it more        other violence. To coerce a country,          Paper – a policy directive – which
costly than the country could manage, to       like the landlord who shuts off the           enhanced the call to establish a UN mili-
spoil it altogether or to impede it suffi-     utilities when a tenant refuses to            tary authority.
ciently to prevent a major threat to the       move, the force could put on the                 Together, the Senate report and the
security of other countries. This might be     squeeze by shutting down services.            White Paper became the catalysts for a
done either by selective bombing or by         Rather than bomb electric power               more formal response. Hence, a high-
selective invasion and occupation of key       installations the force might press a         level committee was established between
facilities.                                    key that sets off a charge of dynamite        the Canadian government and members
                                               already installed.                            of the Ford Foundation, the International
  Adding to the speed and efficiency of a         If one really believed in the relia-       Institute for Strategic Studies, the
world army, Schelling recommended that,        bility and permanence of an interna-          Council on Foreign Relations, and mili-
                                               tional arrangement, such schemes              tary and policy officials from Russia,
  …forces could be kept deliberately           for providing the authority with              Uganda, Argentina, France, New
  within the countries that are most           ‘hostages’ might be more efficient,           Zealand, Turkey, Japan, and seven other
  likely to be ‘enemies.’ This would           even more humane, than providing              nations.
  mean keeping strategic forces within         it with bombers and shock troops.                The end result would prove to be the
  the larger industrial countries. It          One could even go further and let             most comprehensive national proposal to
  might include the option of moving           the force have a monopoly of critical         date, and would provide the momentum
  more forces into a country toward            medicines to use for bacterial war-           needed for the UN to actively pursue its
  which threats were being made or             fare on a transgressor country. As            own military brigade.
  with which war was imminent.                 soon as it starts an epidemic, it
  Moving extra forces into the United          sends its medical units in to make            Vanguards for change
  States or the Soviet Union would of          sure that no one suffers who cooper-             In September, 1995, the Canadian gov-
  course be a major political move and         ates.                                         ernment released the recommendations of
  might be subject to restriction of                                                         its high-level planning committee. The
  access. The purpose of being within           Schelling’s hypothetical proposals were      document, titled “Towards A Rapid
  the country…would be to minimize           just that – proposals. Yet they demon-          Reaction Capability for the United
  the cost and delay of invasion, occu-      strated how dangerously advanced a              Nations”, made recommendations that no
  pation, or selective destruction – i.e.,   world military force could become, and          other federal government had previously
  of war. Particularly for non-nuclear       how it could be used. Decades after             dared. The group recommended,
  invasion – a quick capture of strate-      Schelling’s extreme proposals, one of the
  gic points in the country – mobile         G8 nations would finally present a work-           — The forming of a UN rapid reaction
  forces already within the country,         able plan to the international community        force completely controlled by the UN
  properly distributed, might enhance        – a new world army would at last be             Secretary-General. It was suggested that
  the likelihood of quick success. The       attainable.                                     this military force be given a permanent
  force could occupy Moscow more                                                             command center, standardized training,
  reliably with ground forces located        Canada makes a proposal                         and the go-ahead to obtain and use
  thirty miles away than by relying on          During the last ten years, Canada has        advanced surveillance and communica-
  airborne troops in bad weather. An         positioned itself as a major advocate for       tions equipment, including the ability to
  amphibious landing on the coast of         empowering the United Nations. In               monitor road traffic via satellites, ground-
  Japan, France, or the United States        1992, UN Secretary-General Boutros-             sensors, and night-vision technologies. It
  would be harder than just moving           Ghali presented his forward-looking             was also recommended that this force be
  troops already located within these        “peacekeeping” document, An Agenda              linked into national intelligence organi-
  countries.                                 for Peace. While the US administration          zations [ed. Note: spy agencies such as the
                                             showed little formal interest, the              CIA, NSA, British MI-6, and the Russian
   Schelling further suggested a radical     Canadian federal government responded           SVR].
agenda that was more akin to hostage tak-    favorably by releasing a joint report              — The development and training of
ing than conventional military opera-        between its Department of National              the UN’s own civilian police units inde-
tions,                                       Defence and its Senate Committee on             pendent of the UN’s rapid reaction forces
                                             Foreign Affairs. Following in the steps of      and independent of national govern-
   …put critically vulnerable parts of a     Boutros-Ghali, the joint report – titled        ments.
  country’s economy and essential serv-      Meeting New Challenges: Canada’s                   — Establishing numerous “regionally-
  ices directly into the hands of an         Response to a New Generation of                 based” UN military headquarters along
  international force. If the force can      Peacekeeping – recommended the cre-             with pre-stocking of UN military hard-
  control the supply of water, electric-     ation of a “standing UN army” (bold in          ware in nations and regions strategic to
  ity, fuel, transport, and communica-       original) that would be able to counter         the organization’s security objectives.
  tion to American, German, or Soviet        military forces “of a lesser order.” The fol-      — Creating an “early-warning alert
  cities, it might minimize strategic        lowing year, the Canadian Department of         system,” thereby giving the United
  bombing, selective occupation, and         Defense tabled its 1994 Defense White           Nations the ability to monitor national

9 1-1 one year later - sept-oct 2002
9 1-1 one year later - sept-oct 2002
9 1-1 one year later - sept-oct 2002
9 1-1 one year later - sept-oct 2002
9 1-1 one year later - sept-oct 2002
9 1-1 one year later - sept-oct 2002
9 1-1 one year later - sept-oct 2002
9 1-1 one year later - sept-oct 2002
9 1-1 one year later - sept-oct 2002
9 1-1 one year later - sept-oct 2002
9 1-1 one year later - sept-oct 2002
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9 1-1 one year later - sept-oct 2002

  • 1. Vol. 12/No. 5 September/October 2002 $3.00 WORLD EVENTS FROM A BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE
  • 2. Many have stated that it is impossible to know whether or not we are living in the last days before the second coming of Jesus Christ. However, below you will find dramatic proof that these are the endtimes. The proofs below defy coincidence. Euphrates River to Be Dried Up In Revelation 16:12, the Bible predicts that the Euphrates River will be dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the east to invade Israel. This will happen at the time of the battle of Armageddon according to verse 16 of the same chapter. The battle of Armageddon will be the final battle at which time Jesus will return and fight on the side of the nation of Israel. Immediately thereafter He will establish His kingdom and usher in His one thousand-year reign of peace. On January 13, 1990, the Indianapolis Star carried the headline “Turkey Will Cut Off Flow of Euphrates for One Month.” The article stated that a huge reservoir had been built by Turkey. While filling up the reservoir, the flow of the Euphrates would be stopped for one month and a concrete plug for a diversion channel built. These things have now been done. With this newly built dam, Turkey has the ability to stop the Euphrates River at will. The conditions for fulfilling this 1,900 year-old prophecy are now in place. China Goes to War In Revelation 9:15-16, the Bible prophesies that an army of 200 million soldiers will launch a war which would kill “the third part of men.” Never in the history of the world until our present generation has there been a power on earth that could field 200 million soldiers. However, the late ruler of China, Mao Tse Tung boasted in his diary that he could field an army of 200 million. The CIA World Factbook reports that in the year 2001, it is estimated that China has 200,886,946 men of military age, and this number is growing by 10 million per year. Worldwide Numbering System Predicted In Revelation 13, the Bible prophesies that a world dictator will soon rule over a world government. He will cause all people in the earth to receive a number without which they will be unable to buy or sell. We are seeing this prophecy fulfilled before our eyes in a most astonishing way. Nearly every human being in the world now has been assigned a number. In America it is our Social Security number. In the past few years, we have seen this number extended to newborns. A child without a Social Security number cannot be declared as a dependent on an income tax return. We have seen the emergence of electronic money, shopping with credit cards, and many people urging the abolishment of cash. All of these things could not possibly have been fulfilled until this present time. Only after the invention of the computer could such a worldwide numbering system be administered. The Emergence of a New World Order Revelation 13:7 and Daniel 7:23 prophesy the establishment of a world government. The term “New World Order” has become a prevalent phrase in the world’s political culture. Mikhail Gorbachev made the term famous, and Pope John Paul II has referred to it repeatedly. In the September 12, 1990 issue of the Chicago Tribune, our former president George Bush said, “Iraq is the first test for the New World Order.” He emphatically stated that the Iraq War is Saddam Hussein against the world. The United Nations’ troops are continually referred to as the multi-national forces. The decision has been made to establish an interdependent community of nations that will rule the world under United Nations authority. The Bible says that this will lead us into a great world government. The formation of this government is at hand. or Divine Providence? Is it coincidental that all of these major prophecies pertaining to the last times are being fulfilled simultaneously? Hardly. Source: Endtime Magazine, P.O. Box 2066, Richmond, IN 47375 1-800-Endtime,, This page may be copied and distributed freely
  • 3. World Events from a Biblical Perspective CONTENTS Cover Story 8 Effects of 9/11—One Year Later Last fall, Endtime took an in depth look at the prophetic implications of the terror attack on America—what would rise from the ashes of the World Trade Center and Pentagon? With the Bible as our guide, the quest began to look beyond the wake of September 11. Today, one year removed from the most catastrophic event in mod- ern U.S. history, the answers are clearer. Let’s see how the events of 9/11 have directly affected the fulfillment of endtime Bible prophecies. Departments Feature Articles 4 Editorial 16 China’s Military Build-up Racing the Rapture Reports are pouring in of an aggressive military build up by China. Is their goal merely to gobble up 6 Letters & Feedback Taiwan, or is to be a global superpower? Is a nuclear war with the United States inevitable? Endtime recently spoke with William C. Triplett, co-author of 19 Whetstone the best selling books, Red Dragon Rising and The Year of the Rat. Photo Courtsey of William Tripplet 27 Radio Log, Regional Bible Studies 18 Marching to World Order While the world sleeps, the United Nations continues executing its century-old plan to create a world mili- 28 World Review tary force. As Arthur Schlesinger wrote in 1995, “We Internet Industry: Towards an are not going to achieve a new world order without Online ID paying for it in blood as well as in words and money.” Oh Brother, Big Brothers Big Sisters Momma Plays Big Brother 22 The Bush-o-meter A Decision Reached Prayerfully When it comes to prophetic issues, how does Photo Courtesy of Jamie Brendan United Methodists Assign President Bush rate? Is he making efforts to put Transsexual Pastor America into a position where it can execute God’s Bush, Putin Cut Nukes will in the endtime? Or is he, knowingly or unknow- Sesame Street introduces first ingly, leading the country straight into the jaws of HIV positive Muppet the Antichrist? September 11th greatly accelerated world events related to prophecy fulfillments, and has enabled us to get a clearer read on the President. Let’s take a look at Bush’s record on key issues as they Don’t forget to check out our website. relate to Bible prophecy. Thumbs up, thumbs down, and why. Photo Courtesy of Jamie Brendan Endtime is published bi-monthly by Endtime, Inc., 1301 South 8th Street, Richmond, IN 47374. Subscription price is $29 for 12 issues. Periodical postage paid #009267, ISSN# 1066- 6885, Richmond, IN, and additional mailing offices. © 2001 Endtime, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. POSTMAS- TER: Send address changes to Endtime, PO Box 2066, Richmond, IN 47375-2066. For subscriptions call 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week 1-800-ENDTIME. Other inquiries call 1-765-962-6344 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Central).
  • 4. Perspective Editorial By Irvin Baxter Jr. Editor-in-Chief Magazine Staff Racing the Rapture Editor-in-Chief Irvin Baxter Jr. Assistant Editor I n his famous book Tale of Two Cities, literally an account given to us in advance of Eddie Sax Charles Dickens wrote, “It was the best the revealing of Jesus Christ to the world. The of times. It was the worst of times.” concluding act will be “And every eye shall Editorial Assistants Those words are truer today than when behold Him.” Ginger Boerkircher they were written. Our world has never You and I live in the rarified atmosphere of Liz Freeman faced more dangerous times than it is facing belonging to the unique generation that Jesus right now. The prophetic fulfillments present- prophesied about in Matthew 24:34. He said, Research ly in progress speak of World War III. This “...This generation shall not pass, till all these Kathy McKinney war will make all preceding wars, even World things be fulfilled.” Ministry Wars I and II, seem like weekend maneuvers We do live in a generation of destiny…but Fulfillment Services by the National Guard, in comparison. This what is our destiny? Jesus revealed your des- Sheri Woodring coming war will destroy one-third of tiny and mine in Matthew 24:14 when He mankind. said, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be Stewardship Yet, even while living under the specter of preached in all the world for a witness unto all Kara McPeak the emerging world government, the mark of nations; and then shall the end come.” We are the beast and the rise of the Antichrist, we the endtime generation that will spread the Network experience the thrill of being the generation gospel of the soon coming kingdom of Jesus Administrator that is witnessing first hand the unfolding Christ into the entire world. Let’s get busy and Dave Northrop events of the book of Revelation. Revelation is do it together! ❏ Webmaster, Layout Dan Barkley Prophecy Conference Schedule for Irvin Baxter Jr. Radio Operations Jim Stigleman South Bend, IN – Sept. 20 Mexico, MO – October 25 Ironwood United Pentecostal Church Presser Hall Endtime Ministries Statement of Faith ...where Ironwood hits the Bypass 900 S. Jefferson St., 1 block n. of Hwy 54 7:30pm; 574-291-3060 Host: Pastor Larry Baitinger Host: Pastor Kenneth Mendenhall 7:30pm; 573-581-2575 We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, that Jesus Christ is the Ft. Smith, AR – October 3 Dallas-Ft. Worth – Nov. 1 Savior of the world, and that He will Columbus Acres Arlington Convention Center come again to establish a kingdom that Hwy 71 So., 1 mi. so. of Ft. Smith, 7:30pm shall never be destroyed (Daniel 2:44). behind McD’s Those who are born again (John 3:3-5) Host: Pastor James Myers will have eternal life and rule as kings 7:30pm; 479-996-7966 and priests with Christ forever. Omaha, NE – October 4 The Church of Omaha 3715 N. 104th Ave., just off I-680, between Maple & Fort 7:30pm; 402-571-9078 Host: Pastor Jimmy Toney
  • 5. Prophecy Tour 2003 Israel • Greece • Patmos Three-day Greek Islands Cruise Where are the two most exciting places on earth to travel during the year 2003? How about Jerusalem where our Lord was born over 2,000 years ago and the Isle of Patmos where the Book of Revelation was written? Add to that Bethlehem, Nazareth, Samaria, Judea, Athens, Corinth, Mars Hill, Ephesus, Rhodes, and a Mediterranean Sea cruise— and you have the trip of a lifetime! I want to personally invite you to join us for Prophecy Tour 2003. You won’t want to miss it! In Israel: We will stand on the Mount of Olives where Jesus will stand when He returns—Visit the Temple Mount itself where the Third Temple will soon be built—See the corner- stone intended for the rebuilding of the Third Temple—At the Temple Institute we will see the vessels and the garments already prepared for resumption of temple worship— Visit the Garden Tomb and the Garden of Gethsemane—See the site of the coming Battle of Armageddon—We will visit Judean settlements where Jesus prophesied great tribulation will come in the near future (Matthew 24:15-21)—Boat across the Sea of Galilee where Jesus walked on the water—and much, much more! In Greece: We will visit the home of the Corinthian church in Corinth, and visit Mars Hill in Athens where Paul preached his famous sermon concerning the “Unknown God.” Mediterranean Sea Cruise: The first stop of will be the beautiful and famous island of Mykonos. Then we sail to the Island of Rhodes (Acts 21:1). The next day we visit Patmos where John wrote the Book of Revelation. The last day of the cruise takes us to Ephesus. Ephesus is the most incredible archaeological site I have ever visited. We will walk on the Roman roads that Paul walked on 2,000 years ago, and stand in the 23,000-seat theater where the Ephesians shouted “Great is the goddess Diana” for two hours! The ship will be our float- ing hotel and restaurant for these three beautiful, relaxing and exciting days. Those who went on our cruise three years ago have yet to quit talking about it! I’m sure it will be the same for you. The cost for the entire Israel, Greece, and Mediterranean Sea Cruise will be $2,650 plus tips and taxes. If at all possible, I’m sure you will want to take the cruise, especial- ly since it includes Patmos and Ephesus. You can insure your place on the tour by send- ing a deposit of $200 as soon as possible. Total payment will need to be made 45 days Irvin Baxter Jr. — Tour Host before departure. If you have further questions, you may call us here at 1-800-endtime. April 23 - May 5, 2003 Call 1-800-ENDTIME for more information. (Ask for Debbie)
  • 6. Letters to the Editor Letters & Feedback What’s On Your Mind? Endtime Wants to Know. About Ashcroft the Bible says that Jesus had brothers and sisters. Mary was a I am interested in what you know about Attorney General virgin when Jesus was born, but she had a normal marriage with John Ashcroft. Is he a real Christian? Is he willingly playing Joseph afterward. into establishing the American police state because he believes In recent times, five million Catholics signed a petition, he will be raptured away before its impact is felt in our nation? which was then sent to the Pope, requesting that Mary be It seems odd that a “real” Christian would make it to that level declared a deity, equal to the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. of government. Thanks. This is nothing short of idolatry. S. Peterson Was Chernobyl God’s wrath? Reply: I don’t know Mr. Ashcroft personally, and I don’t know The 3rd Trumpet is argued by many religious people to be the what he believes concerning the rapture. The only measuring Chernobyl nuclear disaster. I believe the 3rd Trumpet was stick we have is to analyze his actions. He does seem to favor Chernobyl because the effects are similar to what happened dur- turning the U.S. into more of a police state. And it appears that ing the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. The Dniper River was pol- he has no reluctance to instituting a national ID. I don’t under- luted in what is now Ukraine. It flows south to the Black Sea stand how anyone who believes the prophecies of the Bible could and many thousands are dying as a result of cancer from the radi- go down that road. ation. However, I do not believe the scripture is quoted exactly accu- rate as we read it today in English and in other languages as it Does Mary offer our prayers to God? was documented over 2,000 years ago. It states in Revelation I am a frequent listener (on the web), and am interested in the 8:9-10 that the 3rd angel sounded a trumpet and that a star fell opinions you express on the broadcast. I call into question your from heaven burning like a lamp causing the waters to become interpretation when you allow callers to mislead listeners on the bitter killing thousands of people. This would be inferring that issue of Catholics’ view of Mary. Catholics do not pray to Mary, God punished people in that area by dropping an object from but we do ask her to offer our prayers to God. I am sure you the sky, maybe allowing the Chernobyl plant to be bombed by know this, but by not correcting callers I question your whole another country when in fact the Russians did a foolish experi- interpretation. ment at the plant that they knew was dangerous. Thus by not informing the public and doing this experiment, a deadly acci- D. Connor dent happened which killed many people. What do you think about this? I appreciate your comment. Reply: I Timothy 2:5 reads, “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” The P.J. Quave Jr. book of Hebrews refers to Jesus as the lone mediator of the new covenant. The Bible does not tell us that Mary is also a media- Reply: Your question is excellent. While we both believe that tor. The near deification of Mary, in which many Catholic circles there is enough evidence to conclude that Chernobyl fulfilled involve themselves, is not biblical. Many Catholics would Revelation’s 3rd Trumpet, how can that be since the wrath of believe that Mary is still a virgin. This is a direct contradiction God came upon many innocent people? The question therefore of scripture. Matthew 1:25 states that Joseph did not know becomes, is the 3rd Trumpet, in fact, the wrath of God? The Mary intimately until after Jesus was born. Then in Mark 6:3, answer is no. Let me explain. 6 ENDTIME MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2002
  • 7. In Revelation there are seven Seals, seven Trumpets and seven q Proofs of Endtime. I am writing to obtain permission to Vials. Of these 21 events, only 9 are specifically called God’s copy and distribute the inside cover of Endtime magazine [per- wrath. These are the 6th Seal, the 7th Trumpet, and all seven mission granted!]. I believe that it speaks volumes about Vials. The Bible does not classify the remaining six Seals and six today's world. I hope and pray that it will encourage people Trumpets as the wrath of God. These 12 passages recorded by to pick up their Bible and with God’s grace, receive His mes- John are merely significant events that will take place on earth sage. Thank you!! I pray that God continues to bless you and during the time leading up to the period known as God’s wrath. your ministry! —Anthony G., Milwaukee (The 3 1/2 years immediately preceding God’s wrath is known in the Bible as the Great Tribulation, Matt. 24:21; also known q Interfaithism. I shouldn’t have been, but I was shocked to see as the wrath of Satan, Rev. 12:12.) the Samantha Runnion funeral used as a platform for the one It has been widely taught that all of the Seal, Trumpet and world religion. Rev. Schuller invited a rabbi, Buddhist priest, Vial judgments are the wrath of God. Scriptures do not support Mormon leader, Catholic priest, pastor from the Religious this assertion. (Endtime has produced a six-lesson series dealing Science, etc. to light candles during her funeral. How could with this, and related issues, called The Sequence of Endtime they possibly pollute her funeral with their agenda? —Connie Events.) R. q Starting Ministry. I have been developing a deeper under- The time is coming when... standing of the endtimes, and would like to get in on that Those who have SS#'s, have they already received the mark of bulk subscription ministry that you have. I am also in the the beast? process of working with one of my elders to produce a newsletter for our local church. Your magazines and other J. Howard materials we will be purchasing will be of tremendous value. Look for my order soon. Thank you brethren for your burden Reply: Social Security numbers are definitely a forerunner to in sharing the gospel the way you do. Obviously not everyone the mark, but not the mark itself. Revelation 13:16-18 foretells is going to agree, but God is blessing you indeed, and I of a global society in which every person will have a number encourage you to keep fighting the good fight. —Dan K. without which they will be unable to participate in the econo- my. In 21st Century America, the SS# most definitely fits that q Heat Stroke. I sit in my truck almost everyday at 3PM in the description. It has virtually become a person’s password to exist. Dallas heat with the windows down under any shade tree I can Recently, I learned that my home state of Indiana now requires find in the parking lot of my office complex just to listen to the SS# for all new drivers’ licenses. your radio program. The security guard keeps coming up to The mark of the beast will either be “the name of the beast,” me to see if I am still among the living. Can't wait for fall or “the number of his name.” Accepting the mark will entail and some relief to the heat. Baruch HaBa B'Shem Adonai! — worshiping or pledging allegiance to the Antichrist himself. At Travis T. this present time, a person does not have to do this in order to receive a social security number. q Teaching. Our church here in Bonita Springs, Florida started This having been said, I must point out that the SS# should viewing your Understanding the Endtime videos at our mid- be a concern. With the drive for a National I.D., coupled with week service. I believe this will help people grow closer to the drive to link all drivers’ licenses into a national database and God. Thank you for your work. Sometimes we fall asleep and the insistence that all SS#’s are to be included on those licenses, think that we have a lot of time to prepare for our Lord’s com- it does not take a particularly creative mind to envision a near ing, not seeing the signs of the time. You have made the signs term scenario as to how our number could become a mechanism more obvious and clear for those too busy to notice, but who used by the Antichrist to establish his mark. have the goal of some day waking up before it’s too late. Thanks again and keep up the great work... B. Frye Feedback q Wimps. I just want to encourage you. A caller said you are a wimp for not telling people that they should move to the q Ethiopia. I am very happy, and thank you very much for send- “boonies.” He is the wimp. Did the disciples run out of ing me the March/April 2002 issue of Endtime magazine. The Jerusalem when persecution came? No. They kept going back first you sent me was that of November/December 2001 issue. in the midst of certain persecution. If those at your ministry The two magazines you sent me freely, and of course your were wimps you would not be on the air with the message you daily broadcast on WHRA [shortwave], have greatly changed have. Keep on Keepin' on... Pastor R. Bost my knowledge of understanding the endtimes. With Gods Love, —Tesfaye S., Ethiopia q Born Again. I enjoy your broadcast daily. Today I was born again!!! I believe you speak the true word of GOD and had a Endtime thanks you for your letters. The letters we use direct influence on my being saved. I thank you for the work in Endtime do not necessarily reflect the views of you do and I praise GOD and thank Him for blessing us that Endtime and/or its staff. Endtime reserves the right to listen to you and hear the word. —Dan B., Middlebury, Indiana edit letters according to space and editorial style. ENDTIME MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2002 7
  • 8. Cover Story BY IRVIN BAXTER JR. Since the attack on America, we’ve 1. The coming of World War III in heard it over and over. The world will which 2 billion people will die I t’s a picture that will be forever never be the same. Things had changed 2. An agreement between Israel and the stamped indelibly upon my brain. forever. And somehow, we all sensed that World Community concerning the The 747 Jet cut into the World it was true. A fundamental shift had Middle East Trade Center like a hot knife slic- taken place in our world. Governmental 3. The emergence of a system of world ing into warm butter. I’d never intrusions into our private lives that government seen anything quite like it. would have been absolutely intolerable 4. A global belief system that will The first question that sprang to my previously were suddenly being accepted teach respect for all religions mind: “Was this an accident, or was this without so much as a whimper. 5. A cashless society where people will some kind of deliberate attack?” It wasn’t We’ve now had one year to recover need a number in order to participate in long until that question was answered. from the shock of 3,000 innocent victims the economy The second plane plowed into Trade being suddenly snuffed out by religion- Tower #2. Then came the news reports crazed extremists. We are all still grap- One-third of mankind will die disclosing that there were at least two pling with nagging questions. How have The prophecy has stared back at us more airplanes under the control of the events of 9/11 changed our world? from the pages of Revelation 9:13-16 for hijackers…and possibly more. What changes should we accept, and 2,000 years. Its words echo like a haunt- “What kind of madmen could purpose- which ones should we reject? How much ing harbinger of apocalyptic events to fully fly a plane loaded with innocent freedom are we willing to surrender in come. It speaks of a war that will “slay the individuals into a skyscraper where men exchange for promises of security? Most third part of men.” We are challenged to and women were simply going about importantly, where is God in all of this? think the unthinkable. One-third of their daily jobs?” What in the world was And have the events of 9/11 accelerated mankind wiped out in a single war? going on here? the prophetic fulfillments that are lead- World War I with its 8.2 million fatal- That was my initial reaction to the sui- ing to the Second Coming of Jesus ities didn’t even come close. World War cide attacks of 9/11. I’m sure you remem- Christ? II and its unprecedented 52 million ber yours. Of course, as we look back, we In order to answer these questions, let’s deaths only amounted to about 1.7% of now know who was responsible and what take a look at the major prophecies that the population of that time. The prophe- their motives were. were directly impacted by 9/11. They are: cy we are considering speaks of a future 8 ENDTIME MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2002
  • 9. a year, for to slay the third part of men.” What does the Euphrates River have to do with the coming apocalyptic war? World Book Encyclopedia depicts the Euphrates River as beginning in Turkey, flowing through Syria, then through Iraq, and finally emptying into the Persian Gulf. Every single country through which the Euphrates flows is a Muslim country. The Euphrates River is an exclusively Muslim River! Verse 14 speaks of four angels bound in the Euphrates River. What could this mean? Hebrews 1:13-14 states that angels are spirits. We know that there are obedient angels and there are rebellious angels. Scripture teaches us that one-third of the angels of heaven joined Satan in his rebellion against God Himself. Would it then be possible that the angels of the Euphrates are evil spirits that have been held in check until the appointed time? Could these spirits be the spirits of militant Islam? As we have discussed, three powers on earth could possibly field an army of 200 million. But only one of the three can lay claim to a special relationship with the Euphrates River. If the Muslims are to supply the 200 million-man army that triggers World war that will kill one human being out of Book of 2001 states that China now has War III, and if the spirits symbolically every three on the planet! And there are 201 million men of military age (15-49). locked in the Euphrates are the spirits of very convincing reasons to believe that India’s population of 1 billion is grow- militant Islam, then it is very likely that the September 11, 2001 attack on ing twice as fast as China’s. This is quick- the spirits were loosed from the America by the 19 Muslim extremists ly bringing India to the point that she Euphrates on 9/11 when nineteen radical may have unleashed the forces that will could possess the prophesied number of Islamists hijacked four airplanes (coin- soon throw mankind into the abyss of soldiers, if she doesn’t already. cides with four angels?) for the purpose of World War III with its prophesied two The last possible source of the 200 mil- attacking America. If these things are billion fatalities. lion-man army is the Muslim world. The true, then the war that will kill two bil- Why should anyone think that the sui- present world population of Muslims lion people began on September 11, cide attacks of 9/11 could have been the stands at 1.2 billion, very close to the 2001. beginning of the prophesied war of population of China. It is obvious that It should be noticed that nearly every Revelation 9? Muslims could supply the prophesied conflict on earth today is being fueled by 200 million men for the fulfillment of the militant Muslims. In the conflict between Two major clues prophecy. India and Pakistan, the Muslims are the We are given two major clues as to the So it seems certain that China, India or force that is stirring up the strife over identity of the force that will trigger the the Muslim world will be the initiator of Kashmir. The conflict presently brewing horrific war that will kill one-third of the prophesied war that will destroy one- in the Philippines is being fueled by mankind. Revelation 9:16 tells us that third of mankind. Muslims. In the Middle East, the the army participating in the coming war Muslims are challenging Israel’s right to will number 200 million. The second clue concerning the perpe- exist and have laid claim to the heart of There are three powers on this earth trator of the coming Third World War is Jerusalem—the Temple Mount. And of that could field an army of 200 million. given in Revelation 9:14-15, “Saying to course, all 19 hijackers that perpetrated Mao Tse Tung, the late leader of China, the sixth angel which had the trumpet, the horrendous attacks of 9/11 were boasted in his diary that he could field an Loose the four angels which are bound in Muslims. army of 200 million—the exact number the great river Euphrates. And the four Immediately after the September 11, in the prophecy. China’s total population angels were loosed, which were prepared 2001 attacks, President Bush said that is presently at 1.3 billion. The CIA Fact for an hour, and a day, and a month, and the United States was declaring war on
  • 10. Cover Story terrorism. He said it would be a long war, AP Photo/Reggie Lewis possibly lasting as long as ten years. All the talk is presently focused on the planned attack against Saddam Hussein and Iraq. Some observers believe that Saddam will draw Israel into the coming war, and that this will precipitate the entrance of other Muslim countries into the conflict against Israel and the United States. The possible scenario closely resembles the prophecy of Revelation 9:13-16. All reports are saying that the U.S. will attack Iraq within the next twelve months. If things play out as many people think they will, it is entirely possible that we could see the fulfillment of Revelation 9 within the next year. Antichrist and world community reaches agreement with Israel On the day the Trade Towers came down and the Pentagon went up in flames, video footage of Palestinians “Ground Zero” one year later. dancing in the streets in celebration was shown around the world. But the scenes Prime Minister ever would or could. He among the Israeli populace were greater were only shown that one day. They dis- offered to re-divide Jerusalem, share the with these types of victims. appeared from public sight as quickly as Temple Mount and create a Palestinian Slowly but surely, the negatives of they had come. Why? state. Yasser Arafat began to outweigh his Yasser Arafat arrested the photogra- The only thing more shocking than image as a champion of a displaced and phers that had recorded the footage. He Barak’s offer was Arafat’s reply. “We’ll downtrodden people. Arafat could no confiscated the video coverage in their take all of that, but we also must return 3 longer contend that he was willing to possession and demanded that their news million Palestinian refugees to the heart- make peace. He had just turned down the services discontinue showing the footage land of Israel—to Haifa, Tel Aviv and best peace offer he could ever hope for— that had already been sent to them. He Jerusalem. Slowly the realization began to an offer that most of the world thought he menacingly suggested that he could not dawn on President Clinton. This demand should have jumped at. insure the photographers’ safety if their would result in the destruction of the Arafat had contended that the terror news services did not comply. In response nation of Israel. The Israeli hard-liners attacks against Israel were not really ter- to his death threat, the footage was had been right all the time when they had rorism. He stated that the suicide pulled. said that Arafat didn’t want peace with bombers were waging a war of liberation Understanding the tremendous public Israel—that his ultimate goal was only against an occupying force. However, relations damage that these scenes could the destruction of the State of Israel. these arguments rang hollow since he had produce, Arafat quickly went to a nearby This truth was further driven home in just turned down an offer by the occupy- clinic to donate blood for the victims of January of 2001 when a desperate Barak, ing force to withdraw if peace would the attack on America. This magnani- facing an election he was losing, offered result. The contention that Palestinians mous gesture was openly recorded on to totally surrender the entire Temple were not involved in terrorism and did video for the whole world to see. This Mount forever to Palestinian control in not favor terrorism lost all credibility footage was not pulled. exchange for a final settlement. Again, when President Bush saw the video of However, the damage was done. It the offer was rejected by Arafat. Palestinians dancing and celebrating on must be understood that Arafat’s star had Arafat responded to the most generous the day that the 19 Muslims killed 3,000 been in decline for some time before peace offer he could ever expect to receive Americans. And make no mistake about September 11, 2001. In July of 2000, from Israel by launching a new reign of it—President Bush saw the footage! President Clinton had invited Arafat and terror. Suicide bombers began to walk The straw that broke the camel’s back Israeli Prime Minister Barak to Camp onto Israeli buses, into shopping malls, occurred in January of 2002. U.S. satel- David in an attempt to finally settle the into restaurants…anyplace to kill as lites spotted an Iranian ship, near the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Barak many Israelis as possible. If women and coast of Iran, transferring armaments to shocked the world by offering Arafat children were killed, so much the better. another ship. That ship was tracked by more than anyone thought an Israeli The shock value and the creation of terror the U.S. until it entered the waters of the 10 ENDTIME MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2002
  • 11. Red Sea. When it became obvious that This thinking led U.S. Secretary of Are we in world government yet? the armaments were headed for State Colin Powell to call for internation- When the United Nations was formed Palestinian territory, Israel was notified. al peace negotiations led by the world’s in 1945, it was designed to be a system of Israeli commandos boarded the ship, con- four great powers—the United States, the world government. Any bona fide world fiscating 50 tons of illegal armaments— European Union, the Russian Federation government must have a court system weapons that Arafat had agreed in the and the United Nations. These four pow- that can enforce its laws upon the people Oslo Agreement not to possess. Included ers quickly became dubbed as “the over which it rules. As early as 1948, pro- in the illegal armaments was the powder Quartet.” posals were made to establish a world used to create the suicide belts used to The prophecy indicates an agreement court system. However, fifty years ago, kill innocent women and children. of some sort between the Antichrist and most of the world’s nations were not pre- the international community, and Israel. pared to yield their individual sovereign- The prophecy of Daniel 9:27 states that It appears that the irrelevancy of the ties to a system of global governance. the Antichrist will confirm a covenant Palestinians, which has resulted from In more recent times, national sover- with Israel. Since the Antichrist will be 9/11, will continue, and eventually result eignty has taken the blame for many the leader of the international communi- in peace initiatives between Israel and the wars, and the idea of sharing sovereignty ty, it follows that the international com- international community. within a world community has gained munity will confirm a covenant with popularity. The problem of global terror- Israel. The most prominent covenant in Why is all this important? ism has provided impetus toward accept- the Old Testament was God’s covenant According to the prophecy, the con- ing more and more global governance. with Abraham—that the land of Israel firming of the covenant between Israel In 1997, President Clinton welcomed would belong to his descendants forever. and the international community will the UN General Assembly to the city of So what does this have to do with 9/11? mark the beginning of a final seven-year New York. In his speech, he stated that Until the Palestinian celebrations that period that culminates at the Battle of the time had come for the establishment accompanied the terrorism against Armageddon. It is at Armageddon that of a world criminal court. Having America, many people thought the Jesus returns to earth to defeat the received the nod from the leader of the Palestinians were a legitimate peace part- Antichrist and the forces of the world world’s only remaining superpower, the ner for Israel. For some time Israel had community and to establish His prom- proponents of world government moved been stating to the world community ised kingdom upon earth. quickly to implement a world court sys- that Arafat was a terrorist. After 9/11, It appears that the internationalization tem. Israel declared loud and often that Arafat of the Middle East peace process is A conference was held in Rome from was Israel’s Osama Bin Laden. Slowly, but preparing the way for this final seven June 15-July 17, 1998. The result of this surely, the United States and then the years to begin. conference was the adoption of the world began to see that perhaps it was really true. The Palestinian terror continued through 2001 and much of 2002. Israel finally declared that she was done with Arafat. “We won’t negotiate with him. We won’t even talk to him. To us he is now irrelevant.” At first, this step seemed drastic. But as the suicide attacks became more frequent and barbaric, the United States followed Israel’s lead. President Bush openly called for the removal of Arafat and his Palestinian Authority. Finally, influential voices in the inter- national community suggested that the Palestinians and the Israelis would never be able to make peace. They suggested that the time had come for the interna- tional community to set forward its own peace plan. It was argued that, once a comprehensive peace plan for the Middle East was endorsed by the world commu- nity, the international pressure to accept this plan would become so great that Palestinian or Israeli leaders who refused to accept it would soon be overthrown. ENDTIME MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2002 11
  • 12. Cover Story International Criminal Court Statute of Photo Courtesy of Jamie Brendan Rome. The ICC Statute was adopted by a vote of 120 nations in favor to 7 opposed. Interestingly, the United States voted against the Statute after having been its original proponent. The negotiators at Rome had extended the power of the new court much further than the U.S. had favored or could tolerate. The sovereignty of the United States, and every other nation on earth, would be superceded by this new enforcement mechanism of world government. In order for the world court system to take power, sixty national parliaments had to ratify. Many people thought the ratification process might take eight to ten years. However, the events of 9/11 seemed to accelerate the ratification process. On April 11, 2002, the required sixtieth ratification was received at the UN. Bill Pace, shown here at a press conference, is the director of the umbrella group that cov- The court then assumed jurisdiction on ers 1,000 other organizations dedicated to the establishment of the International Criminal July 1, 2002. For the first time, every Court. Pace also directs the World Federalist Movement, which is openly dedicated to person on earth became subject to a world establishing a one-world government. court system. describes the same world government sys- Summit on Sustainable Development The world government deceivers will tem: “And it was given unto him (the being held in Johannesburg, South tell us that we have global governance, Antichrist) to make war with the saints, Africa, August 26-September 4, 2002, but that we do not have world govern- and to overcome them: and power was will endorse the Earth Charter. ment. Anyone have a dictionary? given him over all kindreds, and tongues, Gorbachev and Strong see this as a step- Webster’s Third New International and nations.” ping stone to the Earth Charter’s adop- Dictionary defines global as “worldwide.” tion as a global belief system by the entire It defines governance as “government.” United Nations. Webster dares to tell the truth. Global Don’t all religions really worship governance is worldwide government! the same God? When it became known that every Anyone who tries to tell you any different In order for a one-world system of gov- 9/11 hijacker was a Muslim, tremendous is either ignorant or purposely misleading ernment to be implemented, globalists pressure was exerted on President Bush to you. believe there must be some kind of a exonerate the Muslim community. He We now have the World Bank, the global belief system. They contend that made the statement that the Muslim reli- World Trade Organization, the World most wars are caused by religious conflict; gion was a great faith (even though Health Organization, the International therefore, for the sake of world peace Muslims do not believe that Jesus is the Monetary Fund and the World Court. there must be some kind of global spiri- Messiah or that Jesus is God). Muslims But the world government crowd will tell tual unity established. There are tremen- were invited to the White House for a us to not listen to the right-wing wacko’s dous efforts being made at the present dinner to observe the Muslim Feast of who try to say that we are entering into time to give birth to such a system. Ramadan. This was highly offensive to world government. At the Parliament of the World’s those of us who believe that Islam is a In case you are interested, there are Religions in 1993, a Global Ethic was pagan religion. prophecies that specifically speak of a published. It provided the general guide- The one-worlders took the opportunity world government for the very near lines of thinking that all human beings of 9/11 to sell the “benefits” of their envi- future. should adopt in order for nations to live sioned global spirituality. Many contend In the Old Testament, Daniel 7:23 in peace and security. that all religions contain common ele- speaks of the coming world government: More recently, Mikhail Gorbachev and ments and that we all really worship the “The fourth beast shall be the fourth Maurice Strong have co-authored a docu- same God even though we call Him by kingdom upon earth, which shall be ment called the Earth Charter. This docu- different names. Therefore, one religion diverse from all kingdoms, and shall ment contains guidelines for human (or faith tradition as they like to call it) is devour the whole earth, and shall tread it behavior in the realm of the environment, no more right or wrong than the other. down, and break it in pieces.” shared spirituality and sustainable devel- Thus everyone should treat all of the Revelation 13:7 in the New Testament opment. They hope that the World world’s religions with respect. This new 12 ENDTIME MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2002
  • 13. religious inclusiveness is called of global identification so badly they type of biomorphic identification and the Interfaithism. Prince Charles of Wales has could taste it! In order to manage and individual’s social security number. In recently founded an Interfaith movement control people, you must be able to iden- spite of opposition from Congress to the called Respect, which embraces the above tify them and track their whereabouts. National ID scheme, implementation is concepts. The 9/11 attack by the Muslim hijack- proceeding anyway—supposedly on a The opposite of religious inclusiveness ers provided the perfect rationale for the volunteer basis. is what the globalists believe is the establishment of some kind of system of By the way…would anyone like to world’s worst cancer—religious exclu- identification. The contention was that, if know what Bible prophecy has to say siveness. People guilty of religious exclu- we had been able to know what the sui- about the emerging global ID system? siveness believe that there is absolute cide hijackers were doing, we would have “And he causeth all, both small and truth which must be embraced for salva- been able to prevent the horrible events of great, rich and poor, free and bond, to tion. They believe their religion is true September 11, 2001. receive a mark in their right hand, or in and that all others, who do not worship On December 13, 2001, a meeting on their foreheads: And that no man might the God of their religion, do not have sal- the world’s refugee problem was held at buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or vation. Examples of religious exclusive- the United Nations. Mr. Pascal Smet, the the name of the beast, or the number of ness would be when Jesus said, “No man head of Belgium’s independent asylum his name” (Revelation 13:16-17). cometh to the Father, but by me.” Or review board, presented a plan whereby “Except you believe that I am He you will every person in the world would be fin- So here we stand one year later, looking die in your sins.” I suppose the classic one gerprinted and registered under a univer- back on the world changing effects of of all times would be the teaching of Jesus sal identification scheme. 9/11. It’s true. The world will never be on salvation: “Except a man is born again, the same. But through the eyes of Bible he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” prophecy, we are not left groping blindly Mikhail Gorbachev so strongly con- “There are no in the darkness. It is easy to see that major demns religious exclusiveness that he prophetic fulfillments which signal the places it in the same category as genocide technical problems. nearness of the Second Coming of Jesus or crimes against humanity. In his book Christ were dramatically accelerated by Perestroika, Gorbachev’s blueprint for It is only a question the 9/11 tragedy. Let’s review the results global peace and security, he states on of the 9/11 terror attacks one more time: page 231 of the hardback edition, “We of will and must extirpate all genocide, apartheid and religious exclusiveness.” investment.” q It appears that the forces that will soon destroy one-third of mankind were On June 26th, 2000, an Interfaith unleashed. organization called the United Religions In his speech, Mr. Smet said the q The prophesied internationalization was born. This new effort to unite the European Union was already considering of the Mideast conflict has been accom- religions of the world was born at the ini- a Europe-wide system, using either fin- plished. tiative of the United Nations, and its con- gerprints or eye scanning technology, to q The establishment of a world court stitution was signed on the 55th birthday identify citizens. He stated that the plan system, the biggest advance into world of the United Nations. The goal of the could easily be extended worldwide. government in the last 50 years, is now United Nations Initiative was to bring “There are no technical problems,” he completed. the religions of the world into unity until said. “It is only a question of will and q The concept of a global spirituality they might speak with a single voice in investment.” and that all religions are interrelated has the same way the United Nations now Most people would agree that the been sold to the world. speaks as the single voice of the world world may not yet be ready to make the q One hundred nations now have a community. big leap into a system of global identifi- national ID, and the rest appear prepared Since 9/11, no effort has been spared in cation where every human being on to soon follow. propagating the concepts of Interfaithism earth would have his own personal glob- and religious inclusiveness. This has all al identification number. However, Since 9/11, we’ve come a long way. We been done in the name of preventing a many feel that the impetus for a nation- sure have. As a matter of fact, we’ve come cultural war between Muslims and the al ID has been provided by the events of way too far. The events resulting from Western Judeo-Christian world. 9/11. 9/11 are sweeping us, with breathtaking President Bush proceeded quickly after speed, straight into the arms of the 9/11 to establish a huge new department Antichrist and his one-world government National ID and 666 of U.S. government called Homeland system. Slow down America…Slow down The most ominous result of the attack Security. Neatly tucked away in the plans world…Slow down! on America has to be the resulting hue for Homeland Security was a provision for On the other hand, I hear the words of and cry for a foolproof system of identifi- the establishment of a national ID for Jesus reminding us, “And when these cation for the citizens of the world. For every American citizen. The plan pro- things begin to come to pass, then look many years, believers in total government vides for all state drivers’ licenses to be up, and lift up your heads; for your for the total world have wanted a system standardized. Each should contain some redemption draweth nigh.” ❏ ENDTIME MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2002 13
  • 14. Understanding the Endtime The original ten lessons — Newly Updated! Other courses from Endtime that will cause you to grow spiritually q Keys to Spiritual Growth – guaranteed to never backslide q Your Bible a Whole New World See order form for pricing
  • 15. Sequence of Endtime Events Understanding the Endtime Level 3 Explaining your future What Will Happpen When? When will the rapture occur? Will the church go through the tribulation? See order form for pricing To order call 1-800-Endtime
  • 16. 6th Trumpet Watch China’s Military Build-up Exclusive Interview with William C. Triplett R eports are pouring in of an Photo Courtesy of William Triplett aggressive military build up by China. Is their goal merely to gobble up Taiwan, or is it to be a global superpower? Is a nuclear war with the United States inevitable? Endtime recently spoke with William C. Triplett, co-author of the best selling books, Red Dragon Rising and The Year of the Rat. Triplett is the former Chief Republican Counsel to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and served in the Executive Office of the President during the first Reagan Administration. He has more than thirty years of experience working on China and national security, and is fluent in Mandarin Chinese. Baxter: In 2000, there were threats of an imminent outbreak of hostilities between China and Taiwan. During the Taiwanese elections, the leading candi- date, Chen Shui-bian, advocated Taiwan Bill Triplett, left, with his writing partner Ed Timperlake, a former marine and expert on independence. He won the election. We Chinese military weapons and tactics. heard of threats of an attack by China. Has this threat gone away, or is it still a Jul2002/d20020712china.pdf). Buried Baxter: I read recently that Russia and danger? on pages 27 and 28 is a new revelation of China had signed a mutual defense pact a more nuclear warheads threatening the few years ago. It caught me by surprise. Triplett: It’s still a danger. I think our United States. Previously, the range of Can you verify this? Chinese friends there are part of the their missiles was such that they could problem, globally. Not only are they a attack the West Coast. They have extend- Triplett: What we are concerned about threat to Taiwan, but they are also deeply ed the range, and will triple the number is a “friendship agreement.” That is the engaged in the terrorism business as of missiles and add multiple warheads— official title. The problem is that in 1939 well. They sell weapons of mass destruc- at the same time other countries of the Hitler and Stalin signed such a pact. Only tion to all the terrorist countries. The sit- world—U.S., Russia, France, Britain— after the war did the secret details of the uation is growing quietly worse, while are reducing the number of warheads. agreement come out. This time there is a everyone is focused on the latest bomb- The question is: why are they threatening “friendship agreement” on the surface, ing in the Middle East. China is becom- more of the American people? In 1997, but we have great suspicion that precise- ing more and more of a threat in the Far when they threatened Los Angeles, they ly what you’re talking about [a mutual East, as well as in its assistance to the could get to the Rocky Mountains. Now defense pact] is underneath the waterline. “Axis of Evil.” they’re across the Mississippi. Baxter: I have read that China had 50 Baxter: I’ve read several accounts Baxter: Is the real core issue Taiwan or missiles pointed at Taiwan six or seven recently that China is rapidly building up is this a struggle for global dominance? years ago. Today they have between 300- its military prowess. What is the latest on 350, and are projecting to have 600 mis- that? Triplett: In my opinion, this is a glob- siles aimed at Taiwan by 2005. At what al issue. You see it more and more when point does this become overwhelming for Triplett: I’d like to recommend that Chinese leaders make connections and the Taiwanese, and at what point will you read a Defense Department report military agreements with the Axis of China feel confident that she can conquer on the Chinese military buildup Evil, from Iran to Libya to Syria to Iraq to Taiwan before America’s response can ( w w w. d e f e n s e l i n k . m i l / n e w s / Cuba… even begin? 16 ENDTIME MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2002
  • 17. Triplett: Your last question is the crit- U.S. Anti-Missile Defense System is in military buildup is aimed at counteract- ical point. Essentially, what you are ask- place and workable, China loses the abili- ing U.S. force. For example, the ing is at what point can the communist ty to use her nuclear weapons to check- Sovremenny destroyer ships were pur- leaders of China ask its generals “Can you mate the United States. Without a U.S. chased from Russia immediately after the do it…Yes or no?” When will that Anti-Missile Defense System, China can crisis in 1996 when they were threaten- answer be “yes”? “Do it” means taking presently destroy 20 to 40 of America’s ing to move into Taiwan. That was dur- Taiwan without enormous causalities. largest cities. China doesn’t want to lose ing Taiwan’s first democratic election. China is a nuclear power. It could take that ability. So, does the emerging Anti- Our aircraft carriers moved in and Taiwan tomorrow by saying, “Surrender Missile Defense capability create a win- stopped them. They had nothing to or we will turn you into radioactive dow where China will feel compelled to counter the power of our aircraft carriers. dust.” But, we are talking about a con- act before we are able to implement it? They placed the order for the ventional attack. To answer “when”, I Sovremenny ships shortly after that. don’t know. The projections I’ve seen are Triplett: I’m glad you asked that ques- China has now taken delivery on those that they will be in a position to take tion. If you go back to pages 27 and 28 of ships, which are specifically designed to Taiwan before America can respond in the Department of Defense report, you deal with aircraft carriers. It looks like about 2004 or 2005. I can easily see that will see that they say China’s enormous this whole build up is designed to coun- China’s capability to do this might be in increase in missile buildup occurred teract American power so they can have the middle of the presidential race in two before—that’s the magic word—“before” their way with Taiwan. years. the United States decided to deploy a missile defense. So, they were already get- Triplett: That is certainly true. The Baxter: Another factor in the Chinese- ting ready to threaten the United States interesting thing is that, not only have Taiwan situation is the Anti-Missile before President Bush came to that con- they taken delivery of those two ships, Defense that President Bush is promot- clusion or began putting things in place. they have ordered two more and are pour- ing. I understand that he is escalating its What you are pointing to is exactly right. ing billions of dollars into these sorts of deployment as rapidly as possible. He The machine was already in motion weapon systems. This is all happening at stated that we will do “whatever it takes” before Missile Defense was checked off. the same time as the Chinese people are to defend Taiwan. China heard that, too. We are entering into a much more dan- going hungry. She has stated repeatedly that she intends gerous timeframe, quite frankly. See the inside front cover of this magazine, to take Taiwan either by diplomacy or, if “Proof This Is the Endtime,” to understand necessary, by force. If China means that, Baxter: I’ve been following this close- the prophetic significance of China’s military she must soon make a decision. Once the ly, and it seems to me that a lot of China’s build up. ❏ Recommended Cassettes Sixth Trumpet Watch Prophecy Teaching Tapes by Irvin Baxter Jr. W801 A Likely World War III Scenario Explored W806 Taiwan Considers Resolution to Declare $5 each, buy 4 get 5th free! 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  • 18. World Government Watch Photo Courtesy of Jamie Brendan Marching to enforce peace “by force.” That same year, under the Republican Presidency of William Taft, Congress passed a “peace resolution” which would combine the navies of the world into an international World Order floating brigade – creating, it was hoped, a type of high seas police force. With the end of World War I and the subsequent rise of the League of Nations, The Creation of a United Nations it was enthusiastically believed that a world police could finally be mustered. After all, the League’s charter allowed for Military Regime itself military assets, including naval and air armaments. But World War II func- tionally collapsed the League of Nations BY JAMIE BRENDAN desire of many within the international and its dream of global security. However, community. Arguments for such a regime the idea itself did not die; rather, out of “We are not going to achieve a new world often center on the following line: Just as the ashes of World War II, a new and order without paying for it in blood as well as local communities need police to main- more potent organization arose. in words and money.” tain law and order, so too the internation- — Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Foreign al community needs a global force to Power plays in high places Affairs, July/August 1995, the official ensure law, order, and world security. On New Year’s Day, 1942, a short doc- journal of the Council on Foreign This vision of order and international ument titled the Declaration by the Relations. security has a long history. Already in United Nations was signed by twenty-six 1910, during his Nobel Peace Prize countries – an agreement to cooperate in The idea of creating a permanent acceptance speech, Theodore Roosevelt overthrowing the Nazi regime. This “world military force” has long been a called for an international league to Declaration was seen as both a war pact 18 ENDTIME MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2002
  • 19. and an instrument of lasting peace. More importantly, it was the first time in which the term “United Nations” was officially used. Whetstone During those turbulent war years, the by John L. Bryant United Nations concept was hammered out inside the power circles of Washington, Moscow, and London. Officials such as Hilary Saunders, the Recorder of Combined Operations for 1. Whose hair was white like wool, as white as snow, eyes were as a flame of fire, WWII, and Sumner Welles, US Under feet like unto fine brass? Secretary of State, frequently referred to A. Moses B. Jesus C. David D. Abraham the allied military forces as fighting for, 2. One of the 12 spies, he was preserved when other spies perished. and under, the United Nations. Moreover, A. Caleb B. Jonah C. Hur D. Ammiel released wire transcripts reveal that on 3. Jesus said that Martha’s sister had chosen that good part. Who is she? November 29, 1943, President Roosevelt A. Rachel B. Salome C. Herodias D. Mary openly suggested to Stalin that this world 4. He, a king, asked God to give him an understanding heart to judge thy organization should have a Police people. Known for his wisdom. Committee, fully equipped with military A. Jacob B. Esau C. Solomon D. Job forces available to act against “aggressor 5. He chose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God. nations.” In the transcript, Stalin A. Cain B. Esau C. Melchizedek D. Moses responded by suggesting that this force 6. Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him was spoken by whom? would have to be coercive. Sadly, A. Isaac B. Job C. Peter D. Paul Roosevelt never corrected Stalin. Instead, 7. The name of Peter’s brother. he continued to discuss his Police A. John Mark B. Titus C. Andrew D. Matthias Committee and openly suggested using 8. The brothers, the sons of Zebedee. “bombardment or even occupation” as a A. James and John B. Reuben and Simeon C. Dan and Gad viable solution to opposing nations. Winston Churchill was a party to this D. Judas and James idea as well. Approximately nine months 9. Daughter-in-law to Naomi, wife of Boaz. after the official creation of the UN on A. Orpah B. Ruth C. Deborah D. Leah June 26, 1945, Churchill, speaking at 10. A tower whose top may reach unto heaven, God stopped the building of it. Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, A. Siloam B. Shechem C. Babel D. Edar stated that “the United Nations 11. Ordered to go to Nineveh – swallowed by a great fish. Organization must immediately begin to A. Jonah B. Balaam C. Amos D. Simon be equipped with an international armed 12. They were interpreters of the law. force.” A. Publicans B. Scribes C. Sadducees D. Pharisees Although a UN commanded and con- 13. This blind beggar called out to Jesus and was healed. trolled police force didn’t materialize, the A. Simon Zelotes B. Samson C. Bartimaeus D. Saul of Tarsus dream persisted amongst foreign policy 14. God chose him, Samuel anointed him, Israel’s first king. experts. Thomas C. Schelling, a member A. Saul B. Joash C. Hezekiah D. David of the Council on Foreign Relations and a 15. This great apostle was educated under Gamaliel – born in Tarsus of Cilicia. recognized leader in military thinking, A. Bartholomew B. Nathaniel C. Paul D. Judas published an action plan for a “hypothet- 16. Created by God, Gabriel and Michael are what? ical” global army in 1964… A. Puppets B. Angels C. Satanic beings D. Mountains 17. Wife of Uriah, becomes David’s wife, mother to Solomon. The three main kinds of military action that the force could take against a united A. Michal B. Abigail C. Esther D. Bathsheba country would be pain, conquest, and 18. This judge, strong man, carried away the gates of the city. obstruction. By ‘pain’ I mean sheer coer- A. Samson B. Jonathan C. Abner D. Jeremiah cive damage. Nuclear or other weapons 19. In a vision Isaiah saw someone sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and his might be used to inflict civil damage at a train filled the temple. Who was it? rate sufficient to induce the government A. Hezekiah B. Rehoboam C. Nehemiah D. The Lord to change its mind and bend to the will of 20. The sun stood still, and the moon stayed at the request of this man. the international authority. By ‘conquest’ A. Abner B. David C. Elisha D. Joshua I mean invasion or occupation sufficient to put the international authority into the role of occupying power. By ‘obstruction’ Answers on page 20 I mean military action designed to retard ENDTIME MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2002 19
  • 20. World Government Watch a country’s rearmament, to make it more other violence. To coerce a country, Paper – a policy directive – which costly than the country could manage, to like the landlord who shuts off the enhanced the call to establish a UN mili- spoil it altogether or to impede it suffi- utilities when a tenant refuses to tary authority. ciently to prevent a major threat to the move, the force could put on the Together, the Senate report and the security of other countries. This might be squeeze by shutting down services. White Paper became the catalysts for a done either by selective bombing or by Rather than bomb electric power more formal response. Hence, a high- selective invasion and occupation of key installations the force might press a level committee was established between facilities. key that sets off a charge of dynamite the Canadian government and members already installed. of the Ford Foundation, the International Adding to the speed and efficiency of a If one really believed in the relia- Institute for Strategic Studies, the world army, Schelling recommended that, bility and permanence of an interna- Council on Foreign Relations, and mili- tional arrangement, such schemes tary and policy officials from Russia, …forces could be kept deliberately for providing the authority with Uganda, Argentina, France, New within the countries that are most ‘hostages’ might be more efficient, Zealand, Turkey, Japan, and seven other likely to be ‘enemies.’ This would even more humane, than providing nations. mean keeping strategic forces within it with bombers and shock troops. The end result would prove to be the the larger industrial countries. It One could even go further and let most comprehensive national proposal to might include the option of moving the force have a monopoly of critical date, and would provide the momentum more forces into a country toward medicines to use for bacterial war- needed for the UN to actively pursue its which threats were being made or fare on a transgressor country. As own military brigade. with which war was imminent. soon as it starts an epidemic, it Moving extra forces into the United sends its medical units in to make Vanguards for change States or the Soviet Union would of sure that no one suffers who cooper- In September, 1995, the Canadian gov- course be a major political move and ates. ernment released the recommendations of might be subject to restriction of its high-level planning committee. The access. The purpose of being within Schelling’s hypothetical proposals were document, titled “Towards A Rapid the country…would be to minimize just that – proposals. Yet they demon- Reaction Capability for the United the cost and delay of invasion, occu- strated how dangerously advanced a Nations”, made recommendations that no pation, or selective destruction – i.e., world military force could become, and other federal government had previously of war. Particularly for non-nuclear how it could be used. Decades after dared. The group recommended, invasion – a quick capture of strate- Schelling’s extreme proposals, one of the gic points in the country – mobile G8 nations would finally present a work- — The forming of a UN rapid reaction forces already within the country, able plan to the international community force completely controlled by the UN properly distributed, might enhance – a new world army would at last be Secretary-General. It was suggested that the likelihood of quick success. The attainable. this military force be given a permanent force could occupy Moscow more command center, standardized training, reliably with ground forces located Canada makes a proposal and the go-ahead to obtain and use thirty miles away than by relying on During the last ten years, Canada has advanced surveillance and communica- airborne troops in bad weather. An positioned itself as a major advocate for tions equipment, including the ability to amphibious landing on the coast of empowering the United Nations. In monitor road traffic via satellites, ground- Japan, France, or the United States 1992, UN Secretary-General Boutros- sensors, and night-vision technologies. It would be harder than just moving Ghali presented his forward-looking was also recommended that this force be troops already located within these “peacekeeping” document, An Agenda linked into national intelligence organi- countries. for Peace. While the US administration zations [ed. Note: spy agencies such as the showed little formal interest, the CIA, NSA, British MI-6, and the Russian Schelling further suggested a radical Canadian federal government responded SVR]. agenda that was more akin to hostage tak- favorably by releasing a joint report — The development and training of ing than conventional military opera- between its Department of National the UN’s own civilian police units inde- tions, Defence and its Senate Committee on pendent of the UN’s rapid reaction forces Foreign Affairs. Following in the steps of and independent of national govern- …put critically vulnerable parts of a Boutros-Ghali, the joint report – titled ments. country’s economy and essential serv- Meeting New Challenges: Canada’s — Establishing numerous “regionally- ices directly into the hands of an Response to a New Generation of based” UN military headquarters along international force. If the force can Peacekeeping – recommended the cre- with pre-stocking of UN military hard- control the supply of water, electric- ation of a “standing UN army” (bold in ware in nations and regions strategic to ity, fuel, transport, and communica- original) that would be able to counter the organization’s security objectives. tion to American, German, or Soviet military forces “of a lesser order.” The fol- — Creating an “early-warning alert cities, it might minimize strategic lowing year, the Canadian Department of system,” thereby giving the United bombing, selective occupation, and Defense tabled its 1994 Defense White Nations the ability to monitor national 20 ENDTIME MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2002