SlideShare a Scribd company logo   VOL. 14/NO.6   NOV/DEC 2004      >>

                                                      A TASTE OF THE MARK               P 11

                                                      NUKE-FREE MIDEAST                 P 14

                                                      TWO CROWNS, ONE NATION P 22
Many have stated that it is impossible to know whether or not we are living in the last
                              days before the second coming of Jesus Christ. However, below you will find dra-
                              matic proof that these are the endtimes. The proofs below defy coincidence.

Euphrates River to Be Dried Up                               In Revelation 16:12, the Bible predicts that the Euphrates
River will be dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the east to invade Israel. This will happen at the time of the
Battle of Armageddon according to verse 16 of the same chapter. The Battle of Armageddon will be the final battle at
which time Jesus will return and fight on the side of the nation of Israel. Immediately thereafter He will establish His
kingdom and usher in His one thousand-year reign of peace. On January 13, 1990, the Indianapolis Star carried the head-
line “Turkey Will Cut Off Flow of Euphrates for One Month.” The article stated that a huge reservoir had been built
by Turkey. While filling up the reservoir, the flow of the Euphrates would be stopped for one month and a concrete
plug for a diversion channel built. These things have now been done. With this newly built dam, Turkey has the ability to
stop the Euphrates River at will. The conditions for fulfilling this 1,900 year-old prophecy are now in place.

                                                                 China Goes to War In Revelation 9:15-16,
the Bible prophesies that an army of 200 million soldiers will launch a war which would kill “the third part of men.”
Never in the history of the world until our present generation has there been a power on earth that could field 200 mil-
lion soldiers. However, the late ruler of China, Mao Tse Tung, boasted in his diary that he could field an army of 200
million. The CIA World Factbook reports that in the year 2001, it is estimated that China has 200,886,946 men of mili-
tary age, and this number is growing by 10 million per year.

Worldwide Numbering System Predicted                                             In Revelation 13, the Bible prophesies that
a world dictator will soon rule over a world government. He will cause all people in the earth to receive a number with-
out which they will be unable to buy or sell. We are seeing this prophecy fulfilled before our eyes in a most astonishing
way. Nearly every human being in the world now has been assigned a number. In America it is our Social Security num-
ber. In the past few years, we have seen this number extended to newborns. A child without a Social Security number
cannot be declared as a dependent on an income tax return. We have seen the emergence of electronic money, shopping
with credit cards, and many people urging the abolishment of cash. All of these things could not possibly have been
fulfilled until this present time. Only after the invention of the computer could such a worldwide numbering system be

                              The Emergence of a New World Order                                   Revelation 13:7 and
Daniel 7:23 prophesy the establishment of a world government. The term “New World Order” has become a prevalent
phrase in the world’s political culture. Mikhail Gorbachev made the term famous, and Pope John Paul II has referred to
it repeatedly. In the September 12, 1990 issue of the Chicago Tribune, our former president George Bush said, “Iraq is the
first test for the New World Order.” He emphatically stated that the Iraq War is Saddam Hussein against the world. The
United Nations’ troops are continually referred to as the multi-national forces. The decision has been made to establish
an interdependent community of nations that will rule the world under United Nations authority. The Bible says that
this will lead us into a great world government. The formation of this government is at hand.

                                              or Divine Providence?
Is it coincidental that all of these major prophecies pertaining to the last times are being fulfilled simultaneously?

P r o p h e c y To u r 2 0 0 5
                                     May 2-14 >> 13 Days

 UN>>Israel >>Rome>>Venice
>>Explore the Vatican in

                                                   here are the two most exciting        Roman Colosseum, and more if time
Rome                                               places on earth to travel during      allows.
                                                   the year 2005? How about Israel,
                                          where Jesus lived, died and was raised 2,000   In Florence:
                                          years ago. And Italy, home of the Vatican,     On our way to Florence we will drive
                                          which will play a very prominent role in       through the hill towns of Tuscany and
                                          endtime Bible prophecy. Add United             Umbria. Soak in the beauty of Florence at
                                          Nations Headquarters in New York and the       night. Tour two of the world’s top muse-
                                          stunning beauty of Venice—and you have         ums. See Michaelangelo’s David.
                                          the trip of a lifetime! I want to personally
                                          invite you to join us for Prophecy Tour        In Venice:
                                          2005. You won’t want to miss it!               Built on a hundred islands, its exotic
                                                                                         palaces are laced together by sun-speckled
>>Tour UN Headquarters                    In New York:                                   canals. By day, it’s a city of museums and
in New York                               First we will visit UN Headquarters, the       churches, packed with great art, all with-
                                          seat of world government. Experience a         in a half-hour’s walk. Cruise the canals on
                                          private briefing from a UN official, fol-      a vaporetto water-bus. Hop on a gondola
                                          lowed by a Q & A session! From there, it’s     at sunset. Plenty of free time to shop for
                                          on to Israel!                                  local crafts, such as glass and lace, or for
                                                                                         high fashions. Or just wander the car-free
                                          In Israel:                                     streets aimlessly pretending that the day
                                          We will stand on the Mount of Olives           will never end. Ah, Venice!
                                          where Jesus will stand when He returns.
                                          Visit the Temple Mount itself where the        Cost:
                                          Third Temple will soon be built. See the       The cost for the entire UN, Israel, Italy
                                          cornerstone intended for the rebuilding of     tour will be $2,895 plus tips and taxes.
                                          the Third Temple. At the Temple Institute      You can ensure your place on the tour
                                          we will see the vessels and the garments       by sending a deposit of $300 as soon as
                                          already prepared for resumption of temple      possible. Total payment will need to be
                                          worship. Visit the Garden Tomb and the         made 70 days before departure. If you
>>Ride a gondola in                       Garden of Gethsemane. See the site of          have further questions, call Mary Beth
Venice                                    the coming Battle of Armageddon. Visit
                                          Judean settlements where Jesus prophesied
                                                                                         Stigleman at 1-800-ENDTIME.

                                          great tribulation will come in the near
                                          future (Matthew 24:15-21). Sing your way
                                          across the Sea of Galilee
                                          on a boat. Imagine your-
                                          self as Peter walking on
                                          the water—and much,
                                          much more! Then... the
                                          tour heads for Rome!

                                          In Rome:
                                          In Rome tour Vatican
                                          City, St. Peter’s Square,
                                          the amazing Vatican
                                          Museum, the famous

>>Experience Israel —
the Holy Land                                                         Tour Israel through the eyes of Bible
                                                                          prophecy with Irvin Baxter!
Israel photo taken by: Kenn Thorpe

                           Irvin Baxter
                                                                                                        REVEALING THE FUTURE THROUGH BIBLE PROPHECY

                                                                                                              MAGAZINE STAFF
                                                                                                 Editor-in-Chief: Irvin Baxter Jr.

                                                                                                 Assistant Editor: Eddie Sax

                                                                                                 Editorial Assistants: Ginger Boerkircher, Liz Freeman,
                       Candidates                                                                Dana Grohman, Craig Treadwell

                                                                                                 Research: Kathy McKinney

                                                                                                 Product Sales/Subscriptions: David Robbins
                  ave we ever seen                     in an information war for the
                  a more hotly con-        or          heart and soul of this nation.            Partner Relations: Jana Robbins
                  tested presidential                  When major Christian denomi-
                                                                                                 Conference Director: Kara McPeak
     campaign? Not in                                                  nations can read
     my memory. So                                                     in scripture that,
                                                                                                 Radio Outreach Director: Scott Richey
     many times, our                                                   if a man lies with
     decisions as voters                                               mankind as with           Webmaster: Dan Barkley
     depend upon the                                                   womankind, it is          Layout/Design: James M. Dunn II
     personality or the charisma of one         an abomination to God, and then can
     candidate over the other. But should       appoint state bishops that are living
     it really be that way?                     in open homosexual relationships, we
        Candidates come and go. After           are rapidly moving down the slippery                      ENDTIME MINISTRIES
     their terms of two, four or eight          slope of moral decay.                                     STATEMENT OF FAITH
     years, whatever the case may be, they         Let’s cut to the chase! The future
     move off the scene. But the decisions      of our nation depends on whether we              WE BELIEVE that the Bible is the inspired Word
     they made, the votes they cast and the     condone sodomy or stand against it.              of God, that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world,
     appointments they made live on. This       The future of our world depends on
                                                                                                 and that He will come again to establish a kindgom that
     brings us to the subject at hand.          whether the U.S. leads in a responsible
                                                                                                 shall never be destroyed (Daniel 2:44). Those who are
        Should we be merely voting for          and compassionate way or whether
     candidates, or should we cast our          we sell our future to multilateralism,           born again (John 3:3-5) will have eternal life and rule as
     votes according to a person’s position     following the majority of nations that           kings and priests with Christ forever.
     on the issues? In the present political    are presently being herded into the
     season, the issues have never loomed       socialistic New World Order over                 WHAT IS ENDTIME MAGAZINE?
     larger. Will we legalize same-sex mar-     which the Antichrist will soon rule.                 In 1968, Irvin Baxter discovered the United States
     riage, or will we stand against it? Will      As we choose our political leaders            and other modern nations in the Bible. He also found
     we move further into the world gov-        in each election, let’s remember issues          the Berlin Wall in the Bible and that one day it was to be
     ernmental system being built at the        should determine our choices. Know               torn down, reuniting Germany, and that event would be
     UN, or will we preserve our sover-         what the critical issues are, know               the catalyst to spark an international movement called
     eignty? Will judges that are appointed     where each candidate stands on those             the “New World Order.” These things have now come
     interpret the law or legislate from the    issues, and then vote accordingly.               to pass.
     bench? Should we allow partial birth          Lastly, all of us should remember                 Irvin Baxter, a Pentecostal minister, began Endtime
     abortion, or should it be against the      how the Bible teaches us to conduct              Ministries in 1986 when he wrote A Message For The
     law?                                       ourselves toward all of our political            President, a book explaining the major prophecies of the
        These are the issues that will deter-   leaders, whether we agree with them              Bible which he had been teaching since 1968.
     mine what kind of world our chil-          or not:                                              After the fall of the Berlin Wall, prophetic fulfillment
     dren and our grandchildren will live          “I exhort therefore, that, first of all,       accelerated rapidly. The decision was made to launch
     in. Our votes should not be a mere         supplications, prayers, intercessions, and       ENDTIME. The purpose of the magazine is to explain the
     popularity campaign. They must be          giving of thanks, be made for all men; For       prophecies of the Bible and to show that they are now
     the expression of what is right and        kings, and for all that are in authority; that   being fulfilled in intricate detail.
     what is wrong. Are we still a Judeo-       we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all        Articles focus on the soon return of Jesus Christ, the
     Christian society, or have we slid into    godliness and honesty. For this is good and      truth of the Bible, and the need for salvation. ENDTIME
     moral relativism?                          acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.”      does not deal with doctrinal controversies, as valid as
        Make no mistake about it. We are        I Timothy 2:1-3                          e       they may be. This will be left to other publications.


                                                                                               CONTENTS    MARKOFTHEBEAST
                                                                                                                                         NOV / DEC VOL. 14 / NO. 6

                                                                                                      10 MYSTERY CLOTHING COMPANY PLANS

                                                                                                         ITEM-LEVEL RFID ROLLOUT
                                                                                                            RFID tagging is about to go item-level in stores. The
                                                                                                            weak attempt to conceal the pioneering retailer who
                                                                                                            would make the big leap was unmasked by privacy

                                                                                                            advocate Katherine Albrecht.

      4 EDITORIAL Candidates or Issues?                                                               11 A TASTE OF THE MARK TO COME
                                                                                                            To see the probable link between RFID and the coming
      6 LETTERS & FEEDBACK                                                                                  mark of the beast, look no further than NASA’s new
                                                                                                            RFID-based access control system.
         • Rabbi lobbies for UN resolution against                                                         >>COVERSTORIES
           suicide bombings
         • Sharon: Arafat’s time will come                                                            12 TWO NUCLEAR WARS AHEAD!
         • Temple Mount Religious Control                                                                   This world is headed straight for, not one, but two
         • House Votes to Protect Pledge from Courts                                                        nuclear wars! Does the Bible really prophesy this?
         • EU defense ministers assume global responsibility
         • Vatican stirs debate on Turkish EU membership                                                    ISRAELANDTHEMIDDLEEAST
         • China’s new sub catches U.S. off guard                                                     14 SHARON CONSIDERS NUKE-FREE MIDEAST
                                                                                                            When Ariel Sharon comes out openly in favor of a
      17 RADIO LOG                                                                                          nuclear-free Middle East, prophecy students stand up
                                                                                                            and take notice, for the Bible prophesies nuclear weap-
      18 ENDTIME PROPHECY CONFERENCES                                                                       ons will be used at Armageddon.

      20 PRODUCT PAGES                                                                                     ISRAELANDTHEMIDDLEEAST
                                                                                                      15 THE THIRD TEMPLE’S HOLY OF HOLIES:
      25 WHETSTONE BIBLE QUIZ                                                                               Here is the third and final installment of the story be-
                                                                                                            hind Israel’s secret nuclear weaons program.
Cover: Endtime Photos | Top: Endtime Image | Bottom Left: photo
courtesy of Evan Gilmore | Bottom Right: Image courtesy of Corbin                                          GOD&AMERICA
Runnels                                                                                               22 TWO CROWNS, ONE NATION
                                                                                                            America’s founding fathers: Christians or Masons?

                                                                                                      26 YIELDING TO THE POWER OF EUROPE
                                                                                                            Why did President Bush kowtow to the Europeans on
                                                                                                            his hard fought world court exemption? It appears that
                                                                                                            a deal was struck. But why? The answer reveals great
                                                                                                            truths about the EU’s strength and its place in the com-
                                                                                                            ing world government.

                                                                                                      28 U.S. NOW SUBJECT TO WORLD COURT

                               22                                                28                         As of June 30, 2004, U.S. citizens are no longer exempt-
                                                                                                            ed from the jurisdiction of the International Criminal
 Endtime is published bi-monthly by Endtime Inc., 1301 South 8th Street, Richmond, IN 47374. Subscription price: $29 for 12 issues. Periodical postage paid #009267, ISSN# 1066-6885, Rich-
mond, IN, and additional mailing offices. ©2004 Endtime, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. POSTMASTER: Send address changes
   to Endtime, PO Box 2066, Richmond, IN 47375-2066. For subscriptions call 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week 1-800-ENDTIME. Other inquires call 765-962-6344 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Eastern).

                                                               W H AT ' S                 O N   Y O U R       M I N D ?

     Javier who?                                The beast is described as having the      might take the place of RFID. In
       The other day you mentioned              body of the leopard, the feet of the      the October issue of Popular Science,
     someone named “Javier..Something”          bear, the mouth of the lion and the       they refer to UWB (ultra wideband)
     who some people think may be the           ten horns of the ten-horned beast         signals that can contain more infor-
     Antichrist. Who is he, what is his last    described in Daniel 7:7-8. The bear       mation and can be read faster than
     name, and why do people suspect            is Russia, the lion is Great Britain      RFID. -A. Chester
     him? -Penny D.                             and the leopard is Germany. Since
                                                the European powers dominate this         Comparing sins
         REPLY: His name is Javier Solana.      prophecy of the endtime world gov-           Irvin made the comment that
     Solana was born in Madrid, Spain in        ernment, it is obvious that the beast     Sodom was destroyed because of
     1942. He was a member of parlia-           will not be predominantly Muslim.         homosexuality. Where in scripture
     ment from 1977 to 1995. From 1995                                                    do you find this? With such a large
     to 1999, Solana served as NATO             North Korea… not Taiwan                   listening audience, your zeal must be
     Secretary General. He is currently the        Although produced over a year ago,     contained within the truth – first and
     Secretary General of the European          I find that your video “Did 9/11 Start     foremost. I know you believe and
     Union as well as the current High          World War III?” is one of the most        practice this.
     Representative for Common Foreign          relevant in your arsenal. There is talk      Unless I lack understanding of the
     and Security Policy. On June 29, 2004      about North Korea almost daily in         Word, I believe the Word said that
     Javier Solana was selected by the          the news and you point to North           there were not even ten righteous
     Council of the European Union to           Korea as a very likely flashpoint for      found in the city. It is my belief,
     be its first Foreign Minister under the    the 6th Trumpet. It’s a fascinating       as concluded from scripture, that
     new EU constitution.                       lesson that makes you sit up and take     homosexuality is the apex of degra-
        Most people in the know agree           notice of current events making the       dation from sin and refusing God’s
     that Solana is the single most pow-        6th Trumpet seem more plausible           way. However, we must take care not
     erful person in Europe. Since the          as having begun on 9/11. The              to categorize sin. If we fail at one we
     Antichrist will almost certainly come      scenario of the war playing out with      fail at them all. Since all have sinned,
     from Europe, it is natural to suspect      North Korea and China as the chief        we all deserve destruction just as
     Solana.                                    instigators, as opposed to Taiwan and     those in Sodom. I need not contin-
        Note: An in depth story concern-        China, is what really grabs you. -G.B.    ue about our righteousness through
     ing Javier Solana will be carried in the                                             Christ Jesus.
     next edition of Endtime magazine.             REPLY: When it appeared that the          Although the agenda of the father
                                                Iraq War was over, many people ques-      of evil is advancing with great ven-
     Islamic Beast?                             tioned the validity of our “Did 9/11      geance through the gay community,
           I was made familiar with the         Start WW III?” video. However, sub-       we know He that is in us is greater
     “Islamic Beast Theory.” It is an           sequent developments have shown           than he that is in the world.
     interesting theory, and I wonder if        that this message is now more rel-           Please take care in your zeal for
     you are familiar with it, and what your    evant than ever. As President Bush        holiness, which is good, and not be
     comments on it would be. -Jason            has pointed out repeatedly, the War       caught in the comparison of one sin
                                                on Terror is going to be long. And        over another. I feel this should be
       REPLY: I am not sure exactly what        as you stated, the dispute with North     corrected over the air. Please let me
     you mean by the “Islamic Beast             Korea is hotter than ever.                know if I am wrong, or have misun-
     Theory,” but I assume you mean that                                                  derstood. -B.D. Reagan
     the Antichrist will be a Muslim. The       RFID or UWB
     world government prophesied for the          I thought you might be interest-          REPLY: When the angels in the
     endtime is depicted in Revelation 13.      ed in a new type of radio tag that        form of men went into Lot’s house,

LETTERSTOTHEEDITOR                         >>

the men of Sodom attempted to             Revelation 11:18 says, “And the           judge you in meat, or in drink, or in
break the door down in order to have      nations were angry.” We can already       respect of an holyday, or of the new
homosexual relations with these two       sense a rising anger among nations        moon, or of the sabbath days: Which
new men to the town. That’s how           in our world. We are not quite to the     are a shadow of things to come; but
blatant and open homosexuality was        time of the fulfillment of Revelation     the body is of Christ.” (Colossians
in Sodom.                                 11:18, but we can already feel the        2:16-17)
   Jude 1:7 states that the cities of     conditions developing.                      Seventh-Day Adventists teach that
Sodom and Gomorrah gave them-                                                       the Roman Catholic Church changed
selves over to fornication and going      Seventh-Day mark                          the day of worship from Saturday to
after ‘strange flesh.’ Fornication          What are your thoughts on the           Sunday, thus nullifying the Sabbath.
includes homosexual activity, and         Seventh-Day Adventist belief on the       They contend that those who wor-
going after strange flesh speaks of       mark of the beast? They claim it is       ship on Sunday have taken the mark
unnatural sexual desires.                 people who keep the Sunday Sabbath        of the beast. However, the New
   Of course, I don’t need to remind      instead of the Saturday Sabbath.          Testament church is the one that
you that the word for homosexu-             -Romy C.                                instituted the practice of worshipping
al sex—sodomy, is derived directly                                                  on Sunday.
from the city of Sodom. It is appar-        REPLY: In the Old Testament, the
ent to me from the above scriptures       Sabbath was on Saturday. If we were       Restructured Holy Roman
that sodomy was the cardinal sin that     instructed to keep the Sabbath in the     Empire
exceeded God’s level of tolerance,        New Testament in the same way as            Where in the Bible does it proph-
resulting in His decision to destroy      people were instructed to keep it in      esy the restructuring of the Holy
the city.                                 the Old Testament, it should be done      Roman Empire? -Rex R.
   As you point out, sin is sin.          on Saturday. However, it is obvi-
However, the scriptures do put sex-       ous from scripture that there was a          REPLY: The revival of the Holy
ual immorality in a class of its own. I   change in the way the Sabbath was to      Roman Empire (HRE) in the endtime
Corinthians 6:18 instructs us to, “Flee   be observed when we moved into the        is prophesied in two different places
fornication. Every sin that a man         New Testament time.                       in scripture. In Daniel 2:36-44, the
doeth is without the body; but he           In the Old Testament, God com-          HRE is portrayed as the feet of iron
that committeth fornication sinneth       manded Moses to stone a man that          mingled with clay. In Revelation 17,
against his own body.” In Romans          was found picking up sticks on the        the HRE is represented by a woman
1:26-27, Paul referred to homosexual-     Sabbath day. In the New Testament,        riding a seven-headed, ten-horned
ity as vile affections.                   the same God told a man to take up        beast. The woman is the Vatican, and
   The Bible does teach that there are    his bed and walk on the Sabbath.          the beast is the world government of
levels of sin’s progress in a person      Why the difference?                       the endtime. This depicts a marriage
or in a nation until the level reaches      Scriptures teach us that the Old        between politics and religion that has
God’s criteria that demands judgment.     Testament practices were types and        always been the structure of the Holy
God told Abraham that four genera-        shadows of things to come in the          Roman Empire. (A much fuller expla-
tions would pass before He brought        New Testament. The Old Testament          nation is given in the fifth lesson of
Israel into her promised land… “for       sacrifices were a foreshadowing of        our prophecy series, Understanding
the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet   the blood of Christ that continues        the Endtime—Level 1.)
full.” (Genesis 15:16)                    to cleanse each born again Christian
                                          on a daily basis. Likewise, the Old
Perilous times                            Testament Sabbath was a shadow of         Feedback
   II Timothy 3:1-9 speaks of peril-      the rest that is provided when, as Sons      I just finished reading your book
ous times and perilous men. I feel we     of God, we are led by the Spirit—24       Dark Intentions and thought I would
are at this time. I can see it all over   hours a day, 7 days a week. Hebrews       send some feedback. Your story
the world. There are more prophe-         4:9-10 describes the New Testament        moved along well. You didn’t bog
cies happening everyday. I would like     Sabbath: “There remaineth therefore       things down with unnecessary details
your opinion on this one. I love what     a rest to the people of God. For he       that cause many novels to drag, caus-
you are doing and pray that God will      that is entered into his rest, he also    ing someone to merely scan over pag-
keep you going strong. -C. Carver, Jr.    hath ceased from his own works, as        es. This also held true in your China
                                          God did from his.” Notice that we         War & The Third Temple novel. Every
  REPLY: The perilous times to which      don’t merely cease from our own           page held my attention. I will encour-
you refer were to occur in the ‘last      works one day a week. We cease from       age others to read them as well.
days.’ There is no doubt at all that we   our own works completely.                    -R. Brent                       e
are in those times now. Describing          When writing to the Colossians,         Letters do not necessarily reflectect the viewsENDTIME or
                                                                                              do not necessarily refl the views of of ENDTIME
the time of the Second Coming,            Paul said, “Let no man therefore          its staff. ENDTIME reserves the right edit.
                                                                                    or its staff. ENDTIME reserves the right toto edit.

                                                                    ENDTIME MAGAZINE NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2004 7

                                                                                                   Ginger Boerkircher

                                                                GLOBAL NEWS SEEN THROUGH

                                               will take 12 weeks. They will most
     >> ISRAEL&THEMIDDLEEAST                   likely be carried out next summer.          >> GODINAMERICA
     >> ONEWORLDGOVERNMENT                     Sharon stated, “I estimate now that
     Rabbi lobbies for UN resolution           the evacuation… will be very com-           South Carolina Could Be
     against suicide bombings                  plex and very difficult… I can’t give       Destination for Christian Exodus
        Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder of the      an exact date, but it must be done in          Cory Burnell believes the U.S.
     Simon Wiesenthal Center, met with         the summer.” The comment reverses           government will never adopt a
     Austrian officials to lobby for a UN       an earlier decision to speed up the         conservative Christian agenda. He
     resolution that would proclaim suicide    pullout.                                    has joined with others who share his
     bombings crimes against humanity.            Sharon went on to say that Israel        beliefs and are trying to take matters
        “A resolution would signal to those    will “deal with” PA Chairman Yasser         into their own hands.
     who recruit suicide bombers – and         Arafat the same way it has dealt with          Burnell is one of the founders of
     those they target – that their actions    other terrorist leaders. Referring to a The group
     are wrong,” Hier said. “Why is the        recent terrorist attack Sharon said, “It    hopes to gather conservative
     [UN] General Assembly quiet on            was a grave attack, something which         Christians for a series of mass moves
     suicide bombings? This is the crime       obliges us to continue fighting terror-     to South Carolina. Their intent is
                                               >> MARKOFTHEBEAST
     of the 21st century. A resolution is      ism as we have in the past. We acted        to bring enough voters to the state
     needed to brand suicide bombings a        against Hamas people and since then         to establish a government based
     crime against humanity for the welfare    more people have been added to this         on the Ten Commandments and
     of the world.”                            list. When the time is right, we will act   conservative Christian values. Should
        He brought up the issue with           the same way with Arafat.                   they meet with opposition from the
     Austrian President Heinz Fischer and         “The world has finally realized           federal government, Burnell and
     Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel. The        that terror in the U.S., Russia, Spain,     his group have not ruled out the
     chancellor promised to discuss the        Turkey and Indonesia is all the same        possibility of secession.
     resolution.                               terror.”                                       “We’ve got a very unique quality
        Fischer also said that Austria                                                     of life here in South Carolina, so
     would not permit an October Islamic       Temple Mount Religious                      it’s not surprising that folks would
     Congress conference banned by             Control: PA out, Jordan in                  want to come here,” said Will Folks,
     Berlin’s local government to relocate        Due to a persistent Israeli policy       spokesman for Gov. Mark Sanford.
     to Vienna if the German assessment        of pushing the Palestinian Authority        “As for secession, we’ve tried that
     of the meeting was accurate. Berlin       (PA) out of Jerusalem, for the first         before and it didn’t work out so
     concluded that the conference website     time in years Jordan, and not the PA,       well.”
     condoned suicide attacks against          is in control of the administration of
     Israel and the United States. Germany     Islamic religious authority. This is        House Votes to Protect Pledge
     deported the main organizer, Fadi         believed to signal a weakening of the       from Courts
     Madi, to his native Lebanon.              PLO and a shift in Jordan’s role in the       In a risky election-year vote, the
        The Wiesenthal Center has              Israeli-Palestinian conflict.                House sought to guarantee that God’s
     previously suggested that international
     >> WORLDRELIGION                             The Temple Mount, which Muslims          50-year presence in the Pledge of
     tribunals could prosecute those           call the Haram al-Sharif, is one of         Allegiance will be safe from challenges
     who order, plan or inspire suicide        the most hotly contested issues in          in federal courts — including the
     bombings.                                 the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It         Supreme Court.
                                               is Judaism’s most holy site and the           The bill (H.R. 2028), approved
     Sharon: Arafat’s time will come           Muslims’ third holiest site after Mecca     by a 247-173 vote, would prevent
       Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon     and Medina, and has been under              federal courts from ruling on whether
     estimates that the removal of all the     Israeli security control since 1967         the words “under God” should be
     Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip      after the Six-Day War when Jerusalem        removed from the pledge.
     and four in the northern West Bank        was reunited.                                 The legislation drew strong protests

AROUNDTHEGLOBE             >>

from Democrats and, in all probability,       Turkey, which is a predominantly            than 50 of its stores nationwide by
will not clear the Senate this year. Still,   Muslim secular republic, should seek        June, 2005.
the issue is vital to conservatives who       political union with Arab states and
want to get lawmakers on the record           not with European countries. His            >> GODINAMERICA
on topical social issues such as gay          suggestion was for Turkey to “try           >> ONEWORLDGOVERNMENT
marriage and flag burning.                     to set up a cultural continent with
                                              neighboring Arab countries and              Chirac: Time for global tax
                                              become the leading figure of a culture          Joining forces with Brazilian
>> EUWATCH                                    with its own identity.”                     President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva,
                                                 The European Commission will             French President Jacques Chirac
EU defense ministers assume                   publish a report on Turkey’s readiness      has called for the imposition of
global responsibility                         to join, and, on the basis of the report,   an international tax to help fight
   The EU’s twenty-five member                 EU leaders will make a decision in          poverty.
states have committed themselves              December.                                      Speaking at the United Nations
to respond to crises throughout                                                           in New York, Chirac praised a
the world by 2010. These include                                                          report prepared by a French group
humanitarian and rescue tasks, crisis- >> 6THTRUMPETWATCH                                 that proposed a global tax be levied
management, peacekeeping and joint                                                        on arms sales and some financial
disarmament operations.                  China’s new submarines catch                     transactions. It is similar to the
   The aggressive plan called Headline U.S. intelligence off guard                        “Tobin Tax” idea proposed last year
Goal 2010 says, “The European               Several months ago, China surprised           at the G8 summit. Chirac said the
Union is a global actor, ready to U.S. intelligence by showcasing a                       report contains “technically realistic
share in the responsibility for global new class (Yuan class) of attack                   and economically rational solutions.”
security.”                               submarines. They are now building                The plan’s goal is to cut in half the
   According to the plan, the EU must a new deep-water submarine port                     number of people in poverty by 2015.
be able to decide to launch an operation along the northern coast at Qingdao,             One hundred and ten countries signed
within five days, and its forces should Shandong Province.                                 a declaration urging governments to
be capable of implementing their            Submarines and guided missile                 consider the report.
plans on the ground “no later than ten warships will be the centerpiece                      The U.S. delegation attacked
days after the EU decision to launch of China’s military buildup, along                   Chirac’s ideas. U.S. Agriculture
the operation.”                          with large numbers of ballistic and              Secretary Ann Veneman said, “global
   The plan calls for the establishment cruise missiles. In addition to Beijing           taxes are inherently undemocratic.
of a European Defense Agency which wanting the port to be part of its                     Implementation is impossible.”
was begun in mid-February 2004. maritime strategy for controlling
Member States must “harmonize waters near its coast, it will be used                      No amnesty for genocide and
their respective future requirements” for underwater research and to find                  war crimes, says Annan
by 2010.                                 oil and gas resources.                              UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan
                                                                                          called for the UN to reject any
Vatican stirs debate on Turkish                                                           amnesty for genocide, war crimes and
EU membership                                 >> MARKOFTHEBEAST                           crimes against humanity when helping
   Negative comments by a high-                                                           war-torn societies re-establish the rule
ranking Catholic Cardinal about               Target Meets With Suppliers                 of law and come to terms with large-
Turkish membership in the EU                  About RFID Plans                            scale past abuses after conflict. Such
have once more stimulated the                    Target Corp. held a meeting with         crimes include ethnic, gender and
controversial debate. Cardinal Joseph         several hundred suppliers in down-          sexually based international crimes.
Ratzinger said that Turkey is “in             town Minneapolis to discuss and                However, Annan stressed that the
permanent contrast to Europe” and             identify requirements for its RFID          UN should not establish or directly
that linking it to Europe would be a          technology plans.                           participate in any tribunal for which
mistake.                                         It’s not clear how many suppliers        capital punishment is a possible
   To make his point he cited the             will participate at first, but factors      sanction, and that it require full
Ottoman Empire’s incursions into the          such as the size of the supplier or the     govt. cooperation with international
heart of Europe in the past. “Cultural        type of items they offer will probably      and mixed tribunals, including the
riches should not be sacrificed for the        play into the decision about which          surrender of accused persons.
sake of economic riches.”                     companies will be in the first deploy-         He will instruct the Exec. Com-
   Ratzinger, a German, who heads             ment. Target has told suppliers that        mittee on Peace & Security to propose
the Vatican’s Congregation for the            its RFID project will begin in Texas,       concrete action to strengthen UN
Doctrine of the Faith, said that              with the intention to expand to more        support for tackling these issues. e

                                                                         ENDTIME MAGAZINE NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2004 9

       A       n unnamed national com-
               pany plans to tag all of its
               clothing items with radio
     frequency identification (RFID)
     tracking devices in 2005, according
                                              companies could be toying with the
                                                CASPIAN (Consumers Against
                                              Supermarket Privacy Invasion and
                                              Numbering) obtained clear shots of
                                                                                        are pretty good at sniffing out the
                                                                                        industry’s dirty little secrets, but this
                                                                                        was pretty much handed to us on
                                                                                        a silver platter. Checkpoint failed
                                                                                        to cover over the Abercrombie &
     to Checkpoint representatives at the     prototype RFID clothing tags bearing      Fitch collegiate logo at the end of the
     mid-September Frontline Expo 2004        these companies’ logos.                   tags.”
     trade show in Chicago.                     “While Checkpoint didn’t reveal             Additional evidence suggesting that
        Checkpoint is the leader in elec-     the company name, representatives         Abercrombie & Fitch could be the
     tronic theft prevention tags and has     did refer to the company as a ‘well-      mystery company comes from a May
     recently begun encouraging its clients   known national retailer.’ That was        18, 2004 Women’s Wear Daily article
     to incorporate RFID in their tagging     one clue,” said Katherine Albrecht,       titled “Abercrombie to Give RFID
     programs.                                Founder and Director of CASPIAN.          a Try.” The article cited statements
        Could the mystery brand be Calvin     Another clue could be the two             made by an Abercrombie & Fitch
                                                                  prototype dark        executive at a retail conference earlier
                                                                  blue hang tags        this year where he described a new
                                                                  that “screamed        store format that “would be the first
                                                                  for attention,”       in the [Abercrombie & Fitch] group
                                                                  according to          to use RFID at the item level.”
                                                                  Albrecht.                 Albrecht characterizes any plans
                                                                     Albrecht re-       by Abercrombie & Fitch to roll out
                                                                  vealed photos         item-level RFID tagging as ill advised.
                                                                  that show how         “They’re still reeling from boycotts
                                                                  Checkpoint            over their marketing practices. It
                                                                  attempted        to   would be a PR disaster for them to
                                                                  obscure        the    further antagonize the public.”
                                                                  company brand             Ongoing boycotts of the company
                                                                  name on two           were launched by Christian and fam-
                                                                  blue hang tags        ily oriented organizations, including
                                                                  at their display.     Focus on the Family, in response
                                                                  Checkpoint            to Abercrombie & Fitch’s sexually
                                                                  representatives       explicit marketing materials. These
                                                                  reported that the     materials have glorified teen nudity
     Checkpoint’s exhibit promoted “EPC/RFID for retail” for tags contained             and group sex.
     item-level RFID tagging, rather than supply chain or ware- EPC-compliant               Albrecht offers this parting advice
     house applications. This puts the company squarely at odds RFID chips.             to companies like Abercrombie &
     with the recommendations of privacy experts who have called    “The      man-      Fitch, Calvin Klein, Champion and
     for a moratorium on item-level tagging. No wonder they’re ner in which             any other companies considering
     keeping mum on their clients’ plans.                         Checkpoint con-       item-level RFID tagging: “Don’t do
                                                                  cealed the name       it. Study what happened to Benetton
     Klein, Champion, or Abercrombie leads us to question whether the tape              before taking advice from RFID pro-
     & Fitch? Representatives from was there to hide the brand name or                  ponents like Checkpoint. It can be
     Checkpoint wouldn’t say, but based create drama around the tags,” says             hard to win back customer trust once
     on what we saw, any one of these Albrecht. “Researchers at CASPIAN                 you’ve crossed the RFID line.”         e

MARKOFTHEBEAST            >>

                  the Bible, we read      use the technology to gain access to       Keep the Dark Ages?
                  about the mark of       secured areas. If successful, NASA              Most people are technologically
                  the beast. A number     anticipates issuing more than 100,000      attuned. We live by computer. We
                  will be assigned to     smart cards to employees and con-          love gadgets…anything new. Yet
every person on earth, or at least the    tractors agency-wide before the end        when we compare the prophecies
global government will try. It may        of 2005.                                   to new technology, we should real-
not be a number, but some sort of            Pending success at NASA, RFID           ize that we are much closer than we
mark or name. Without it you won’t        access systems are expected to sweep       have ever been to ushering in what
be able to buy anything; you won’t be     the military, as well as other govern-     the Bible described 2,000 years ago
able to sell anything.                    ment agencies and major companies.         as an economic system with a point
   Will it be an injected computer        Soon it will become a condition of         of no return. It’s a system that could
chip? Survey says yes; Bible says         employment. Accept the system or           not possibly have worked prior to the
maybe, but not necessarily.               find a job elsewhere. Is this the mark     computer age. Until today, the fulfill-
   There are many economic systems        of the beast? No. Not yet, at least.       ment of this prophecy was impos-
in existence already for which you           Most every company, agency and          sible.
need a number in order to have                                                          It’s not about trying to prevent

                                              Can a NASA
access: Social security number, credit                                               every technological advance. It is
card, ATM card, driver’s license. No                                                 simply that through Bible proph-

                                           employee make
number? No access. When we see such                                                  ecy, we can more clearly understand
systems, it would be ridiculous to say                                               where the world is headed and know

                                           it into heaven?
that the system is inherently bad or                                                 that the Second Coming of Jesus
evil. It would be legitimate, however,                                               Christ is near.
to question where such a system might
lead—for such economic systems, in
fact, are parallel to what Revelation     organization          has
13:15-18 describes as the mark of the     guidelines to which
beast. Therefore, the more pervasive      employees           must
the systems are in society, the greater   adhere. Agree to the
should be our cause for concern.          guidelines, get your
   Which brings us to NASA.               passkey, get your pay-
                                          check. Guidelines may
Access NASA                               soon relate to toler-
   The U.S. government’s space agen-      ance at the workplace
cy is launching an RFID-based access      – religious tolerance
control system. Everyone will receive     – diversity – accep-
a card, wristband or ankle bracelet       tance, affirmation and
with an RFID chip that will provide       validation of other
controlled access to the NASA facil-      religions.
ity. These will be contactless chips         A Christian can’t sign that. No            Can a NASA employee make it
that can be kept in a person’s pocket     passkey, no paycheck; welcome to           into heaven? Sure—but it might get
and still be scanned by radio fre-        the mark of the beast. Want electric-      sticky between here and there. Can
quency readers.                           ity turned on? Phone service? Water?       the gadget lover and computer addict
   Before the end of 2004, two thou-      Sorry. It’s in its infancy now, but this   make it to heaven? Absolutely. Know
sand NASA employees at the Marshall       is where it could lead. Moreover, it’s     your Bible and know when to say,
Space Flight Center in Alabama will       where the Bible says it will lead.         “Adios.”                          e

                                                                   ENDTIME MAGAZINE NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2004 11

       T         hat’s right! It’s right there
                 in your Bible. This world
                 is headed straight for, not
     one, but two nuclear wars!
        Does the Bible really prophe-
                                                 resort to their nuclear option unless
                                                 the existence of the state is threat-
                                                    Israel’s nuclear capacity is known
                                                 as the ‘Samson Option.’ Why the
                                                                                            war will be nuclear.

                                                                                            THE OTHER NUCLEAR WAR
                                                                                              At least three and one-half
                                                                                            years before Armageddon, maybe
     sy two nuclear wars for the times           Samson Option?                             longer, another war will occur. The
     ahead? The prophecy in Zechariah               Samson begged God to allow his          prophecy foretelling this war is found
     14 details events that will occur in        great strength to return to him one last   in Revelation 9:13-16. It does not
     the world’s last war, Armageddon.           time. God granted Samson’s request.        explicitly state that this war will be
     Verse 12 unmistakably teaches that          As a result, he pulled down the house      nuclear, but the results of the war
     nuclear weapons will be used in this        of the Philistine lords, killing himself   indicate that it will have to be.
     last battle:                                and 3,000 of
        “And this shall be the plague            the enemy’s
     wherewith the LORD will smite all           leaders.
     the people that have fought against            W h e n
     Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume        Israel picked
     away while they stand upon their feet,      the name,
     and their eyes shall consume away           the Samson
     in their holes, and their tongue shall      Option, she
     consume away in their mouth.”               was noti-
        The physical symptoms that this          fying      the
     passage states will be suffered by          world that,
     those who come against Jerusalem at         if she goes
     Armageddon are the exact symptoms           down, she
     experienced by victims of nuclear           will      take
     radiation: eyes consumed in their           her      ene-
     sockets, tongues in their mouths and        mies down
     flesh falling off the bones.                with      her.
        It is the world’s worst kept secret      Apparently,
     that Israel has a significant nuclear       things will
     arsenal. Jane’s Intelligence Report         become so
     places the number of Israel’s nuclear       bad during
     missiles at around 200. The Israelis        Armageddon that Israel will resort to        “So the four angels, who had been
     have promised that they will never          the Samson Option. The world’s last        prepared for the hour and day and

COVERSTORY         >>

month and year, were released to kill       will result from this prophesied war        sat in the region and shadow of death
a third of mankind. Now the number          are capable of striking horror in the       light is sprung up.”
of the army of the horsemen was two         heart of the bravest among us. Is              The world is once again in darkness
hundred million; I heard the number         it time to ‘head for the hills?’ What       as we near the Second Coming. Of
of them.” (NKJV)                            should be the mindset of Christians at      our time, Daniel prophesied:
   The prophecy states that a war is        this unprecedented juncture in human           “And such as do wickedly against
coming, which will kill one-third of        history?                                    the covenant shall he (the Antichrist)
mankind. Taken at face value, this             Jesus said that we are the salt of the   corrupt by flatteries: but the people
means that two billion people will die      earth. He said that we are the light of     that do know their God shall be
in this war. There is only one weapon       the world. Is it time to remove the         strong, and do exploits. And they that
presently available to mankind that         light just when the world is going to       understand among the people shall
could wreak this level of death and         need it the most? Of course not! Jesus      instruct many…” (Daniel 11:32-33).
devastation—the nuclear bomb.
   We are also told that one of the
armies involved in this war will
number 200 million soldiers. The
other army that will participate in the
war will almost certainly be the only
nation on earth that has the nuclear
arsenal capable of wreaking this kind
of death and destruction—the United
States. This prophesied conflict will
obviously be the biggest, most horrible
war that has ever occurred. Up until
now, World War II has been the most
destructive war by far. It resulted in
52 million deaths. This coming war
will kill 40 times that many!

   All of us agree that the world has not
been the same since the 3,000 fatalities
of 9/11. What quantum changes will
undoubtedly occur when mankind
awakens to the unbelievable chaos of
two billion corpses? Be assured that
our world will be changed forever.
   The cries will be deafening for
a world government with teeth
that can prevent war from ever
happening again. The horror of what
has happened will create the perfect
platform for the Antichrist and the
False Prophet to ride to power.
   The        same        unprecedented
destruction, that will drive millions
into the arms of the Antichrist, will
drive others toward a true relationship
with God. The Bible Christians              told us that where sin abounds, grace         In the troubled times that lie just
will be motivated to levels of total        will much more abound.                      ahead, the true church of Jesus
commitment not witnessed on earth              The world was in great darkness          Christ will be able to hold forth the
since the early church. The result will     when Jesus came to earth the first           wonderful promise of eternal life in a
be great revival.                           time. Matthew 4:16 spoke of that time       world awash in death. When the final
                                            and concerning the coming of Jesus:         chapter of the church age is finally
WHAT SHOULD WE DO?                          “The people which sat in darkness           written, the caption will undoubtedly
  The unspeakable conditions that           saw great light; and to them which          read, “It was their finest hour.”    e

                                                                      ENDTIME MAGAZINE NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2004 13

                         ohammed       El-       sibility of nuclear material to “sub-     is what has been called for by many
                         Baradei, head of        nationalist” groups is now the world’s    of the players in the Middle East,
                         the International       foremost major threat. His agency’s       the likelihood of Israel disarming
                         Atomic Energy           top priority is to address the ease       its nuclear arsenal is slim. From a
                         Agency (IAEA),          with which terrorists can now obtain      prophetic point of view, the likeli-
     who was recently in Iran, often             nuclear weapons.                          hood is nil. Zechariah 14:12 proph-
     receives criticism from the Arab                                                      esies the use of nuclear weapons at
     world, which accuses him of not deal-       KEEPING ITS NUCLEAR ACE-                  Armageddon.
     ing evenhandedly with Israel. Critics       IN-THE-HOLE                                  As long as the current situation
     cite pressure from the United States          The world       believes Israel has     in the Middle East exists, Israel will
     as his motivation for turning a blind       between                 one- and two-     need to keep its ace-in-the-hole. It is
     eye.                                        hun-                      dred nuclear    a small nation of six million people
        Yet, during a recent visit by El-                                                  in a sea of 250 million Arabs and,
     Baradei with Ariel Sharon,                                                            thus, it is believed that Israel has to
     the Israeli Prime Minister                                                                  maintain its nuclear weapons
     issued the statement,                                                                           in order to survive. The fact
     Israel would look                                                                               is that Israel has no inten-
     favorably into                                                                                         tions of changing its
     turning the                                                                                               nuclear policy, and
     region into                                                                                                 recent develop-
     a nucle-                                                                                                       ments in the
                                                                                                                     region have
                                                                                                                       not pro-
                                                                                                                         vided any
                                                                                                                            to do

     ar-free                                                                                                              What
     zone in                                                                                                         does Sharon
     the con-                                                                                                       mean when he
     text of a                                                                                                    says he would
     true Middle                                                                                                look favorably on
     East peace.                                                                                             turning the region
        While speak-                                                                                     into a nuclear-free zone
     ing at the Hebrew                                                                              in the context of true Middle
     University of Jer-                                                                          East peace? What does he mean
     usalem, El-Baradei,                                                                       by true Middle East peace? Sha-
     the UN’s nuke czar,                                                                   ron knows that a disarmed Israel
     said, “This is the first time I heard       weapons on the launching pads. The        would be annihilated in less than a
     this statement from an Israeli prime        true nature of its nuclear capabilities   New York minute.
     minister, and I find it a positive devel-   has been a long-kept secret. Although       Following is the third and final
     opment.”                                    Sharon said he would be willing to        installment of the story behind Israel’s
        However, to El-Baradei, the acces-       consider a nuclear-free zone, which       secret nuclear weapons program.


                                            to collapse on the rubble. This was        landed near Dimona, one of them a
1974-1999: BRINGING THE                     the world’s first attack on a nuclear       close miss. Threats of retaliation by
BOMB UP THE BASEMENT                        reactor.
STAIRS                                         Since September 19, 1988, Israel
   “Never Again!”                           has worked on its own satellite
   Reportedly welded on the first            reconnaissance system to decrease
Israeli nuclear bomb.                       reliance on U.S. sources. On that day,
   Shortly after the 1973 war, Israel       they launched the Offeq-1 satellite.
allegedly fielded considerable nuclear       Offeq-2 went up on April 3, 1990. The
artillery consisting of American 175        launch of the Offeq-3, which failed
mm and 203 mm self-propelled                on its first attempt, was successful on
artillery pieces, capable of firing          April 5, 1995.
nuclear shells. By 1976, according to          Mordechai Vanunu provided the
one unclassified source, the Central         best look at the Israeli nuclear arsenal
Intelligence Agency believed that           in 1985 complete with photographs.
the Israelis had 10 to 20 nuclear           A technician from Dimona who lost
weapons available. In 1972, two             his job, Vanunu secretly took photo-
Israeli scientists, Isaiah Nebenzahl        graphs, immigrated to Australia and
and Menachem Levin, developed a             published some of his material in the
cheaper, faster uranium enrichment          London Sunday Times. He was sub-
process that used a laser beam for          sequently kidnapped by Israeli agents,
isotope separation.                         tried and imprisoned. His data shows
   The Israelis, interested in targeting    a sophisticated nuclear program. In
data from U.S. intelligence, discovered     the words of one American, “[the
that they were on the Soviet target list.   Israelis] can do anything we or the
American-born Israeli spy Jonathan          Soviets can do.” Vanunu not only
Pollard obtained satellite-imaging data     made the technical details of the
of the Soviet Union, allowing Israel        Israeli program and stockpile pub-
to target accurately Soviet cities. This    lic but in his wake, Israel began
showed Israel’s intention to use its        veiled official acknowledgement of
nuclear arsenal as a deterrent political    the potent Israeli nuclear deterrent.
lever, or retaliatory capability against    They began bringing the bomb up
the Soviet Union itself.                    the basement stairs if not out of the
   Israel also used American satellite      basement.
imagery to plan the June7, 1981 attack           Israel went on full-scale nuclear
on the Tammuz-1 reactor at Osiraq,          alert again on the first day of Desert
Iraq. This daring attack punched a hole     Storm, January 18, 1991. Seven
in the concrete reactor dome before         SCUD missiles were fired against the
the reactor began operation (and just       cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa by Iraq
days before an Israeli election). It        (only two actually hit Tel Aviv and        Shavit space launch of Offeq-2, April 3,
delivered 15 delay-fused 2000 pound         one hit Haifa). This alert lasted for      1990. (Courtesy of John Pike, globalse-
bombs deep into the reactor structure       the duration of the 43-day war. Over
(the 16th bomb hit a nearby hall). The      the course of the war, Iraq launched
blasts shredded the reactor and blew        around 40 missiles in 17 separate          the Shamir government if the Iraqis
out the dome foundations, causing it        attacks at Israel. Several supposedly      used chemical warheads were inter-

                                                                     ENDTIME MAGAZINE NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2004 15

     preted to mean that Israel intended to    Lieutenant General Amnon Shahak,            large conventional attack; to deter all
     launch a nuclear strike if gas attacks    has declared, “all methods are accept-      levels of unconventional (chemical,
     occurred. One Israeli commentator         able in withholding nuclear capabili-       biological, nuclear) attacks; to preempt
     recommended that Israel should sig-       ties from an Arab state.”                   enemy nuclear attacks; to support
     nal Iraq that “any Iraqi action against      As the Israeli bomb comes out of         conventional preemption against
     Israeli civilian populations, with or     the basement, open discussion, even         enemy nuclear assets; to support
     without gas, may leave Iraq without       in Israel, is occurring on why the          conventional preemption against
     Baghdad.”                                 Israelis feel they need an arsenal not      enemy non-nuclear (conventional,

          Control room of the Machon 2 plutonium separation plant (courtesy of Mordechai Vanunu, with permission from John

        Current military contacts between      used in at least two if not three wars.     chemical, biological) assets; for
     Israel and India, another nuclear         Avner Cohen states: “It [Israel] must       nuclear warfighting; the “Samson
     power, bring up questions of nucle-       be in a position to threaten another        Option” (last resort destruction).
     ar cooperation. Pakistani sources         Hiroshima to prevent another holo-             The 1994 accord with Jordan,
     have already voiced concerns over         caust.” In July 1998 Shimon Peres           allowing limited Israeli military
     a possible joint Israeli-Indian attack    was quoted in the Jordan Times as say-      presence in Jordanian skies, could
     on Pakistan’s nuclear facilities. A       ing, “We have built a nuclear option,       make the flying distance to several
     Parameters article speculated on          not in order to have a Hiroshima,           potential adversaries considerably
     Israel’s willingness to furnish nucle-    but to have an Oslo,” referring to the      shorter. Israel is concerned about
     ar capabilities or assistance to cer-     peace process.                              Iran’s desire to obtain nuclear
     tain states, such as Turkey. Retired         One list of current reasons for an       weapons and become a regional leader,
     Israeli Defense Force Chief of Staff,     Israeli nuclear capability is: to deter a   coupled with large numbers of Shiite


Moslems in southern Lebanon. The           and attempt to control oil prices.         Ariel Sharon, an outspoken proponent
Israeli Air Force commanding general          Another speculative area concerns       of “Greater Israel” was quoted as
issued a statement saying Israel would     Israeli nuclear security and possible      saying, “Arabs may have the oil, but we
“consider an attack”                                                                                   have the matches.”
if any country gets                                                                                    [Endtime note: this

                              The Israeli Air Force commanding
“close to achieving a                                                                                  article was penned in
nuclear      capability.”                                                                              1999; Sharon became

                            general issued a statement saying
They           consider                                                                                Prime Minister in
regional         nation                                                                                2001.]

                            Israel would “consider an attack”
nuclear programs to                                                                                       Could the Gush
be a sufficient cause                                                                                   Emunim, a right

                            if any country gets “close to
for war. Their record                                                                                  wing          religious
of accomplishment is                                                                                   organization,        or

                            achieving a nuclear capability.”
clear: having hit the                                                                                  others, hijack a
early Iraqi nuclear                                                                                    nuclear device to
effort,     they     feel                                                                              “liberate” the Temple
vindicated by Desert                                                                                   Mount       for     the
Storm. They also feel                                                                                  building of the Third
that only the American and Israeli         misuse. What is the chain of decision      Temple? Chances are small but could
nuclear weapons kept Iraq’s Saddam         and control of Israel’s weapons? How       increase as radicals decry the peace
Hussein from using chemical or             susceptible are they to misuse or theft?   process. A 1997 article reviewing
biological weapons against Israel.         With no open, frank, public debate on      the Israeli Defense Force repeatedly
   Israel, like Iran, has desires of       nuclear issues, there has accordingly      stressed the possibilities of, and the
regional power. The 1956 alliance with     been no debate or information on           need to guard against, a religious,
France and Britain might have been         existing safeguards. This has led to       right wing military coup, especially
a first attempt at regional hegemony.       accusations of “monolithic views and       as the proportion of religious in the
A nuclear Iran or Iraq might use its       sinister intentions.” Would a right-       military increases.
nuclear weapons to protect some            wing military government decide to            Israel is a nation with a state
states in the region, threaten others,     employ nuclear weapons recklessly?         religion, but its top leaders are not

                    politicsstation log
                              & religion
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                                                                       ENDTIME MAGAZINE NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2004 17

     religious Jews. The intricacies                                                                 have been used in the past
     of Jewish religious politics                                                                    to ensure America does not
     and rabbinical law do affect                                                                    desert Israel under increased
     their politics and decision                                                                     Arab or oil embargo pressure
     processes. In Jewish law,                                                                       and have forced the United
     there are two types of war,                                                                     States to support Israel
     one obligatory and mandatory                                                                    diplomatically against the
     (milkhemet mitzvah) and the                                                                     Soviet Union. Israel used
     one authorized but optional                                                                     their existence to guarantee
     (milkhemet reshut). The                                                                         a continuing supply of
     labeling of Prime Minister                                                                      American          conventional
     Begin’s “Peace for Galilee”                                                                     weapons, a policy likely to
     operation as a milchemet brera                                                                  continue.
     (“war of choice”) was one of                                                                       Regardless of the true
     the factors that caused it to                                                                   types and numbers of Israeli
     lose support. Interpretation                                                                    nuclear weapons, they have
     of Jewish law concerning                                                                        developed a sophisticated
     nuclear weapons does not                                                                        system, by myriad methods,
     permit their use for mutual                                                                     and are a nuclear power to be
     assured destruction. However,                                                                   reckoned with. Their nuclear
     it does allow possession and                                                                    ambiguity has served their
     threatening their use, even                                                                     purposes well, but Israel is
     if actual use is not justifiable                                                                 entering a different phase of
     under the law. Interpretations                                                                  visibility even as their nuclear
     of the law allow tactical use                                                                   capability is entering a new
     on the battlefield, but only                                                                     phase. This new visibility
     after warning the enemy and                                                                     may not be in America’s
     attempting to make peace.            After traveling around the world for several months,      interest. Many are predicting
     How much these intricacies           Mordechai Vanunu converted to Christianity in Aus-        the Israeli nuclear arsenal will
     affect Israeli nuclear strategy      tralia. The religious group he associated with has an     become less useful “out of the
     decisions is unknown.                activist anti-nuclear bent, and he soon decided to make   basement” and possibly spur
        One other purpose of Israeli      public his knowledge of Israel’s nuclear capability. He   a regional arms race. Israeli
     nuclear weapons, not often           made contact with the London Sunday Times, which began    President Ezer Weizman
     stated, but obvious, is their        preparing an exclusive news story. Unfortunately for      has stated “the nuclear issue
     “use” on the United States.          Vanunu, the Israeli government had found out about his is gaining momentum [and
     America does not want Israel’s       activities and the Mossad (Israeli intelligence) arranged the] next war will not be
     nuclear profile raised. They          to kidnap him and bring him back to Israel for trial.     conventional.”                 e

                               on the road-
                             Prophecy Conference Schedule

          Ft. Smith, AR – Thur., Nov. 4                                    Bridgman, MI – Thur., Nov. 18
          7:30 P.M. Columbus Acres Hall, Hwy 71 S.                         7:00 P.M. Bridgman High School Auditorium, Gast Rd.
          Host: Pastor James Myers (479) 996-7966                          Host: Pastor David Coban (269) 465-6798

          Omaha, NE – Fri., Nov. 5                                         Prophecy Tour 2005 – May 2-14
          7:30 P.M. The Church of Omaha, 3715 N. 104th Ave.,               Join Irvin Baxter Jr. for his next Holy Land Tour! See page 3
          2 blocks north of La Quinta Inn, by I-680 & Maple.               for more information or simply call 1-800-Endtime (1-800-
          Host: Pastor Jimmy Toney (402) 572-8904                          363-8463).

          Des Moines, IA – Fri., Nov. 12
          7:30 P.M. Ankeny Christian Academy, 1604 W. 1st St.,
          Host: Pastor Rex Deckard (512) 262-7133

Level 1
                 Understanding the Endtime
      Lesson 1 United States in the Bible • Lesson 2 New World Order is World Government
Lesson 3 Road to Armageddon • Lesson 4 Four Horsemen • Lesson 5 Holy Roman Empire Revived
                Lesson 6 Antichrist & False Prophet • Lesson 7 Mark of the Beast
                              Lesson 8 Coming One-World Religion
                Lesson 9 How to Enter the Kingdom of God • Lesson 10 Rapture

     #930 12 hrs on VHS $130 • #939 12 hrs on DVD $130 • #910 12 hrs on Cassette $60
           #940 12 hrs on CD $60 • #901 Study Manual $19 • #900 Flip Chart $60

                             Level 2
                 Understanding the Endtime
             Lesson 11 #941 11:59 P.M. • Lesson 12 #942 The Seven Trumpets
Lesson 13 #941 Babylon the Great: Who Is It? • Lesson 14 #944 Will the UN Invade Israel Next?
     Lesson 15 #945 Is the Antichrist Among Us? • Lesson 16 #947 Antichrist Conspiracy
              Lesson 17 #948 The China Threat • Lesson 18 #949 Interfaithism
                     Lesson 19 #990 Israel Prepares for Armageddon, I
                     Lesson 20 #991 Israel Prepares for Armageddon, II

Any 3 titles (VHS/DVD) $50 • Any 5 titles (VHS/DVD) $80 • #976 All 10 hrs (VHS/DVD) $155
  #946 10 hrs on Cassette $60 • #946CD 10 hrs on CD $60 • #946M Study Manual NEW! $19

                             Level 3
                 Understanding the Endtime
        Lesson 1 Secret to Understanding Revelation • Lesson 2 Seals, Trumpets & Vials
 Lesson 3 Great Tribulation • Lesson 4 Wrath of God • Lesson 5 Second Coming of Jesus Christ
             Lesson 6 Timeline of the End • Bonus Lesson: Questions & Answers

                 #950 7 hrs (VHS/DVD) $100 • #953 12 hrs on Cassette $40
                    #954 Study Manual $19 • #955 Transparencies $100

                                 Understanding the Endtime
                                     Order Today!
                                 All 3 levels available on
                                         DVD & VHS
2 nuclear wars ahead   nov-dec 2004
2 nuclear wars ahead   nov-dec 2004
2 nuclear wars ahead   nov-dec 2004
2 nuclear wars ahead   nov-dec 2004
2 nuclear wars ahead   nov-dec 2004
2 nuclear wars ahead   nov-dec 2004
2 nuclear wars ahead   nov-dec 2004
2 nuclear wars ahead   nov-dec 2004
2 nuclear wars ahead   nov-dec 2004
2 nuclear wars ahead   nov-dec 2004
2 nuclear wars ahead   nov-dec 2004
2 nuclear wars ahead   nov-dec 2004

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  • 2. Many have stated that it is impossible to know whether or not we are living in the last days before the second coming of Jesus Christ. However, below you will find dra- matic proof that these are the endtimes. The proofs below defy coincidence. Euphrates River to Be Dried Up In Revelation 16:12, the Bible predicts that the Euphrates River will be dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the east to invade Israel. This will happen at the time of the Battle of Armageddon according to verse 16 of the same chapter. The Battle of Armageddon will be the final battle at which time Jesus will return and fight on the side of the nation of Israel. Immediately thereafter He will establish His kingdom and usher in His one thousand-year reign of peace. On January 13, 1990, the Indianapolis Star carried the head- line “Turkey Will Cut Off Flow of Euphrates for One Month.” The article stated that a huge reservoir had been built by Turkey. While filling up the reservoir, the flow of the Euphrates would be stopped for one month and a concrete plug for a diversion channel built. These things have now been done. With this newly built dam, Turkey has the ability to stop the Euphrates River at will. The conditions for fulfilling this 1,900 year-old prophecy are now in place. China Goes to War In Revelation 9:15-16, the Bible prophesies that an army of 200 million soldiers will launch a war which would kill “the third part of men.” Never in the history of the world until our present generation has there been a power on earth that could field 200 mil- lion soldiers. However, the late ruler of China, Mao Tse Tung, boasted in his diary that he could field an army of 200 million. The CIA World Factbook reports that in the year 2001, it is estimated that China has 200,886,946 men of mili- tary age, and this number is growing by 10 million per year. Worldwide Numbering System Predicted In Revelation 13, the Bible prophesies that a world dictator will soon rule over a world government. He will cause all people in the earth to receive a number with- out which they will be unable to buy or sell. We are seeing this prophecy fulfilled before our eyes in a most astonishing way. Nearly every human being in the world now has been assigned a number. In America it is our Social Security num- ber. In the past few years, we have seen this number extended to newborns. A child without a Social Security number cannot be declared as a dependent on an income tax return. We have seen the emergence of electronic money, shopping with credit cards, and many people urging the abolishment of cash. All of these things could not possibly have been fulfilled until this present time. Only after the invention of the computer could such a worldwide numbering system be administered. The Emergence of a New World Order Revelation 13:7 and Daniel 7:23 prophesy the establishment of a world government. The term “New World Order” has become a prevalent phrase in the world’s political culture. Mikhail Gorbachev made the term famous, and Pope John Paul II has referred to it repeatedly. In the September 12, 1990 issue of the Chicago Tribune, our former president George Bush said, “Iraq is the first test for the New World Order.” He emphatically stated that the Iraq War is Saddam Hussein against the world. The United Nations’ troops are continually referred to as the multi-national forces. The decision has been made to establish an interdependent community of nations that will rule the world under United Nations authority. The Bible says that this will lead us into a great world government. The formation of this government is at hand. or Divine Providence? Is it coincidental that all of these major prophecies pertaining to the last times are being fulfilled simultaneously? Hardly.
  • 3. P r o p h e c y To u r 2 0 0 5 May 2-14 >> 13 Days UN>>Israel >>Rome>>Venice >>Explore the Vatican in W here are the two most exciting Roman Colosseum, and more if time Rome places on earth to travel during allows. the year 2005? How about Israel, where Jesus lived, died and was raised 2,000 In Florence: years ago. And Italy, home of the Vatican, On our way to Florence we will drive which will play a very prominent role in through the hill towns of Tuscany and endtime Bible prophecy. Add United Umbria. Soak in the beauty of Florence at Nations Headquarters in New York and the night. Tour two of the world’s top muse- stunning beauty of Venice—and you have ums. See Michaelangelo’s David. the trip of a lifetime! I want to personally invite you to join us for Prophecy Tour In Venice: 2005. You won’t want to miss it! Built on a hundred islands, its exotic palaces are laced together by sun-speckled >>Tour UN Headquarters In New York: canals. By day, it’s a city of museums and in New York First we will visit UN Headquarters, the churches, packed with great art, all with- seat of world government. Experience a in a half-hour’s walk. Cruise the canals on private briefing from a UN official, fol- a vaporetto water-bus. Hop on a gondola lowed by a Q & A session! From there, it’s at sunset. Plenty of free time to shop for on to Israel! local crafts, such as glass and lace, or for high fashions. Or just wander the car-free In Israel: streets aimlessly pretending that the day We will stand on the Mount of Olives will never end. Ah, Venice! where Jesus will stand when He returns. Visit the Temple Mount itself where the Cost: Third Temple will soon be built. See the The cost for the entire UN, Israel, Italy cornerstone intended for the rebuilding of tour will be $2,895 plus tips and taxes. the Third Temple. At the Temple Institute You can ensure your place on the tour we will see the vessels and the garments by sending a deposit of $300 as soon as already prepared for resumption of temple possible. Total payment will need to be worship. Visit the Garden Tomb and the made 70 days before departure. If you >>Ride a gondola in Garden of Gethsemane. See the site of have further questions, call Mary Beth Venice the coming Battle of Armageddon. Visit Judean settlements where Jesus prophesied Stigleman at 1-800-ENDTIME. great tribulation will come in the near future (Matthew 24:15-21). Sing your way across the Sea of Galilee on a boat. Imagine your- self as Peter walking on the water—and much, much more! Then... the tour heads for Rome! In Rome: In Rome tour Vatican City, St. Peter’s Square, the amazing Vatican Museum, the famous >>Experience Israel — the Holy Land Tour Israel through the eyes of Bible prophecy with Irvin Baxter! Israel photo taken by: Kenn Thorpe
  • 4. >> PERSPECTIVE EDITORIAL Irvin Baxter EDITOR-IN-CHIEF REVEALING THE FUTURE THROUGH BIBLE PROPHECY MAGAZINE STAFF Editor-in-Chief: Irvin Baxter Jr. Assistant Editor: Eddie Sax Editorial Assistants: Ginger Boerkircher, Liz Freeman, Candidates Dana Grohman, Craig Treadwell Research: Kathy McKinney H Product Sales/Subscriptions: David Robbins ave we ever seen in an information war for the a more hotly con- or heart and soul of this nation. Partner Relations: Jana Robbins tested presidential When major Christian denomi- Conference Director: Kara McPeak campaign? Not in nations can read my memory. So in scripture that, Issues? Radio Outreach Director: Scott Richey many times, our if a man lies with decisions as voters mankind as with Webmaster: Dan Barkley depend upon the womankind, it is Layout/Design: James M. Dunn II personality or the charisma of one an abomination to God, and then can candidate over the other. But should appoint state bishops that are living it really be that way? in open homosexual relationships, we Candidates come and go. After are rapidly moving down the slippery ENDTIME MINISTRIES their terms of two, four or eight slope of moral decay. STATEMENT OF FAITH years, whatever the case may be, they Let’s cut to the chase! The future move off the scene. But the decisions of our nation depends on whether we WE BELIEVE that the Bible is the inspired Word they made, the votes they cast and the condone sodomy or stand against it. of God, that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, appointments they made live on. This The future of our world depends on and that He will come again to establish a kindgom that brings us to the subject at hand. whether the U.S. leads in a responsible shall never be destroyed (Daniel 2:44). Those who are Should we be merely voting for and compassionate way or whether candidates, or should we cast our we sell our future to multilateralism, born again (John 3:3-5) will have eternal life and rule as votes according to a person’s position following the majority of nations that kings and priests with Christ forever. on the issues? In the present political are presently being herded into the season, the issues have never loomed socialistic New World Order over WHAT IS ENDTIME MAGAZINE? larger. Will we legalize same-sex mar- which the Antichrist will soon rule. In 1968, Irvin Baxter discovered the United States riage, or will we stand against it? Will As we choose our political leaders and other modern nations in the Bible. He also found we move further into the world gov- in each election, let’s remember issues the Berlin Wall in the Bible and that one day it was to be ernmental system being built at the should determine our choices. Know torn down, reuniting Germany, and that event would be UN, or will we preserve our sover- what the critical issues are, know the catalyst to spark an international movement called eignty? Will judges that are appointed where each candidate stands on those the “New World Order.” These things have now come interpret the law or legislate from the issues, and then vote accordingly. to pass. bench? Should we allow partial birth Lastly, all of us should remember Irvin Baxter, a Pentecostal minister, began Endtime abortion, or should it be against the how the Bible teaches us to conduct Ministries in 1986 when he wrote A Message For The law? ourselves toward all of our political President, a book explaining the major prophecies of the These are the issues that will deter- leaders, whether we agree with them Bible which he had been teaching since 1968. mine what kind of world our chil- or not: After the fall of the Berlin Wall, prophetic fulfillment dren and our grandchildren will live “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, accelerated rapidly. The decision was made to launch in. Our votes should not be a mere supplications, prayers, intercessions, and ENDTIME. The purpose of the magazine is to explain the popularity campaign. They must be giving of thanks, be made for all men; For prophecies of the Bible and to show that they are now the expression of what is right and kings, and for all that are in authority; that being fulfilled in intricate detail. what is wrong. Are we still a Judeo- we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all Articles focus on the soon return of Jesus Christ, the Christian society, or have we slid into godliness and honesty. For this is good and truth of the Bible, and the need for salvation. ENDTIME moral relativism? acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.” does not deal with doctrinal controversies, as valid as Make no mistake about it. We are I Timothy 2:1-3 e they may be. This will be left to other publications. 4 ENDTIME MAGAZINE NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2004
  • 5. CONTENTS MARKOFTHEBEAST NOV / DEC VOL. 14 / NO. 6 10 MYSTERY CLOTHING COMPANY PLANS 12 ITEM-LEVEL RFID ROLLOUT RFID tagging is about to go item-level in stores. The weak attempt to conceal the pioneering retailer who would make the big leap was unmasked by privacy DEPARTMENTS advocate Katherine Albrecht. MARKOFTHEBEAST 4 EDITORIAL Candidates or Issues? 11 A TASTE OF THE MARK TO COME To see the probable link between RFID and the coming 6 LETTERS & FEEDBACK mark of the beast, look no further than NASA’s new RFID-based access control system. 8 WORLD REVIEW • Rabbi lobbies for UN resolution against >>COVERSTORIES suicide bombings • Sharon: Arafat’s time will come 12 TWO NUCLEAR WARS AHEAD! • Temple Mount Religious Control This world is headed straight for, not one, but two • House Votes to Protect Pledge from Courts nuclear wars! Does the Bible really prophesy this? • EU defense ministers assume global responsibility • Vatican stirs debate on Turkish EU membership ISRAELANDTHEMIDDLEEAST • China’s new sub catches U.S. off guard 14 SHARON CONSIDERS NUKE-FREE MIDEAST When Ariel Sharon comes out openly in favor of a 17 RADIO LOG nuclear-free Middle East, prophecy students stand up and take notice, for the Bible prophesies nuclear weap- 18 ENDTIME PROPHECY CONFERENCES ons will be used at Armageddon. 20 PRODUCT PAGES ISRAELANDTHEMIDDLEEAST 15 THE THIRD TEMPLE’S HOLY OF HOLIES: 25 WHETSTONE BIBLE QUIZ Here is the third and final installment of the story be- hind Israel’s secret nuclear weaons program. 31 ENDTIME BIBLE STUDIES Cover: Endtime Photos | Top: Endtime Image | Bottom Left: photo courtesy of Evan Gilmore | Bottom Right: Image courtesy of Corbin GOD&AMERICA Runnels 22 TWO CROWNS, ONE NATION America’s founding fathers: Christians or Masons? WORLDGOVERNMENT 26 YIELDING TO THE POWER OF EUROPE Why did President Bush kowtow to the Europeans on his hard fought world court exemption? It appears that a deal was struck. But why? The answer reveals great truths about the EU’s strength and its place in the com- ing world government. WORLDGOVERNMENT 28 U.S. NOW SUBJECT TO WORLD COURT 22 28 As of June 30, 2004, U.S. citizens are no longer exempt- ed from the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. Endtime is published bi-monthly by Endtime Inc., 1301 South 8th Street, Richmond, IN 47374. Subscription price: $29 for 12 issues. Periodical postage paid #009267, ISSN# 1066-6885, Rich- mond, IN, and additional mailing offices. ©2004 Endtime, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Endtime, PO Box 2066, Richmond, IN 47375-2066. For subscriptions call 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week 1-800-ENDTIME. Other inquires call 765-962-6344 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Eastern).
  • 6. >> LETTERSTOTHEEDITOR &FEEDBACK W H AT ' S O N Y O U R M I N D ? ENDTIME Javier who? The beast is described as having the might take the place of RFID. In The other day you mentioned body of the leopard, the feet of the the October issue of Popular Science, someone named “Javier..Something” bear, the mouth of the lion and the they refer to UWB (ultra wideband) who some people think may be the ten horns of the ten-horned beast signals that can contain more infor- Antichrist. Who is he, what is his last described in Daniel 7:7-8. The bear mation and can be read faster than name, and why do people suspect is Russia, the lion is Great Britain RFID. -A. Chester him? -Penny D. and the leopard is Germany. Since the European powers dominate this Comparing sins REPLY: His name is Javier Solana. prophecy of the endtime world gov- Irvin made the comment that Solana was born in Madrid, Spain in ernment, it is obvious that the beast Sodom was destroyed because of 1942. He was a member of parlia- will not be predominantly Muslim. homosexuality. Where in scripture ment from 1977 to 1995. From 1995 do you find this? With such a large to 1999, Solana served as NATO North Korea… not Taiwan listening audience, your zeal must be Secretary General. He is currently the Although produced over a year ago, contained within the truth – first and Secretary General of the European I find that your video “Did 9/11 Start foremost. I know you believe and Union as well as the current High World War III?” is one of the most practice this. Representative for Common Foreign relevant in your arsenal. There is talk Unless I lack understanding of the and Security Policy. On June 29, 2004 about North Korea almost daily in Word, I believe the Word said that Javier Solana was selected by the the news and you point to North there were not even ten righteous Council of the European Union to Korea as a very likely flashpoint for found in the city. It is my belief, be its first Foreign Minister under the the 6th Trumpet. It’s a fascinating as concluded from scripture, that new EU constitution. lesson that makes you sit up and take homosexuality is the apex of degra- Most people in the know agree notice of current events making the dation from sin and refusing God’s that Solana is the single most pow- 6th Trumpet seem more plausible way. However, we must take care not erful person in Europe. Since the as having begun on 9/11. The to categorize sin. If we fail at one we Antichrist will almost certainly come scenario of the war playing out with fail at them all. Since all have sinned, from Europe, it is natural to suspect North Korea and China as the chief we all deserve destruction just as Solana. instigators, as opposed to Taiwan and those in Sodom. I need not contin- Note: An in depth story concern- China, is what really grabs you. -G.B. ue about our righteousness through ing Javier Solana will be carried in the Christ Jesus. next edition of Endtime magazine. REPLY: When it appeared that the Although the agenda of the father Iraq War was over, many people ques- of evil is advancing with great ven- Islamic Beast? tioned the validity of our “Did 9/11 geance through the gay community, I was made familiar with the Start WW III?” video. However, sub- we know He that is in us is greater “Islamic Beast Theory.” It is an sequent developments have shown than he that is in the world. interesting theory, and I wonder if that this message is now more rel- Please take care in your zeal for you are familiar with it, and what your evant than ever. As President Bush holiness, which is good, and not be comments on it would be. -Jason has pointed out repeatedly, the War caught in the comparison of one sin on Terror is going to be long. And over another. I feel this should be REPLY: I am not sure exactly what as you stated, the dispute with North corrected over the air. Please let me you mean by the “Islamic Beast Korea is hotter than ever. know if I am wrong, or have misun- Theory,” but I assume you mean that derstood. -B.D. Reagan the Antichrist will be a Muslim. The RFID or UWB world government prophesied for the I thought you might be interest- REPLY: When the angels in the endtime is depicted in Revelation 13. ed in a new type of radio tag that form of men went into Lot’s house, 6 ENDTIME MAGAZINE NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2004
  • 7. LETTERSTOTHEEDITOR >> the men of Sodom attempted to Revelation 11:18 says, “And the judge you in meat, or in drink, or in break the door down in order to have nations were angry.” We can already respect of an holyday, or of the new homosexual relations with these two sense a rising anger among nations moon, or of the sabbath days: Which new men to the town. That’s how in our world. We are not quite to the are a shadow of things to come; but blatant and open homosexuality was time of the fulfillment of Revelation the body is of Christ.” (Colossians in Sodom. 11:18, but we can already feel the 2:16-17) Jude 1:7 states that the cities of conditions developing. Seventh-Day Adventists teach that Sodom and Gomorrah gave them- the Roman Catholic Church changed selves over to fornication and going Seventh-Day mark the day of worship from Saturday to after ‘strange flesh.’ Fornication What are your thoughts on the Sunday, thus nullifying the Sabbath. includes homosexual activity, and Seventh-Day Adventist belief on the They contend that those who wor- going after strange flesh speaks of mark of the beast? They claim it is ship on Sunday have taken the mark unnatural sexual desires. people who keep the Sunday Sabbath of the beast. However, the New Of course, I don’t need to remind instead of the Saturday Sabbath. Testament church is the one that you that the word for homosexu- -Romy C. instituted the practice of worshipping al sex—sodomy, is derived directly on Sunday. from the city of Sodom. It is appar- REPLY: In the Old Testament, the ent to me from the above scriptures Sabbath was on Saturday. If we were Restructured Holy Roman that sodomy was the cardinal sin that instructed to keep the Sabbath in the Empire exceeded God’s level of tolerance, New Testament in the same way as Where in the Bible does it proph- resulting in His decision to destroy people were instructed to keep it in esy the restructuring of the Holy the city. the Old Testament, it should be done Roman Empire? -Rex R. As you point out, sin is sin. on Saturday. However, it is obvi- However, the scriptures do put sex- ous from scripture that there was a REPLY: The revival of the Holy ual immorality in a class of its own. I change in the way the Sabbath was to Roman Empire (HRE) in the endtime Corinthians 6:18 instructs us to, “Flee be observed when we moved into the is prophesied in two different places fornication. Every sin that a man New Testament time. in scripture. In Daniel 2:36-44, the doeth is without the body; but he In the Old Testament, God com- HRE is portrayed as the feet of iron that committeth fornication sinneth manded Moses to stone a man that mingled with clay. In Revelation 17, against his own body.” In Romans was found picking up sticks on the the HRE is represented by a woman 1:26-27, Paul referred to homosexual- Sabbath day. In the New Testament, riding a seven-headed, ten-horned ity as vile affections. the same God told a man to take up beast. The woman is the Vatican, and The Bible does teach that there are his bed and walk on the Sabbath. the beast is the world government of levels of sin’s progress in a person Why the difference? the endtime. This depicts a marriage or in a nation until the level reaches Scriptures teach us that the Old between politics and religion that has God’s criteria that demands judgment. Testament practices were types and always been the structure of the Holy God told Abraham that four genera- shadows of things to come in the Roman Empire. (A much fuller expla- tions would pass before He brought New Testament. The Old Testament nation is given in the fifth lesson of Israel into her promised land… “for sacrifices were a foreshadowing of our prophecy series, Understanding the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet the blood of Christ that continues the Endtime—Level 1.) full.” (Genesis 15:16) to cleanse each born again Christian on a daily basis. Likewise, the Old Perilous times Testament Sabbath was a shadow of Feedback II Timothy 3:1-9 speaks of peril- the rest that is provided when, as Sons I just finished reading your book ous times and perilous men. I feel we of God, we are led by the Spirit—24 Dark Intentions and thought I would are at this time. I can see it all over hours a day, 7 days a week. Hebrews send some feedback. Your story the world. There are more prophe- 4:9-10 describes the New Testament moved along well. You didn’t bog cies happening everyday. I would like Sabbath: “There remaineth therefore things down with unnecessary details your opinion on this one. I love what a rest to the people of God. For he that cause many novels to drag, caus- you are doing and pray that God will that is entered into his rest, he also ing someone to merely scan over pag- keep you going strong. -C. Carver, Jr. hath ceased from his own works, as es. This also held true in your China God did from his.” Notice that we War & The Third Temple novel. Every REPLY: The perilous times to which don’t merely cease from our own page held my attention. I will encour- you refer were to occur in the ‘last works one day a week. We cease from age others to read them as well. days.’ There is no doubt at all that we our own works completely. -R. Brent e are in those times now. Describing When writing to the Colossians, Letters do not necessarily reflectect the viewsENDTIME or do not necessarily refl the views of of ENDTIME the time of the Second Coming, Paul said, “Let no man therefore its staff. ENDTIME reserves the right edit. or its staff. ENDTIME reserves the right toto edit. ENDTIME MAGAZINE NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2004 7
  • 8. >> AROUNDTHEGLOBE WORLD REVIEW Ginger Boerkircher GLOBAL NEWS SEEN THROUGH will take 12 weeks. They will most >> ISRAEL&THEMIDDLEEAST likely be carried out next summer. >> GODINAMERICA >> ONEWORLDGOVERNMENT Sharon stated, “I estimate now that Rabbi lobbies for UN resolution the evacuation… will be very com- South Carolina Could Be against suicide bombings plex and very difficult… I can’t give Destination for Christian Exodus Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder of the an exact date, but it must be done in Cory Burnell believes the U.S. Simon Wiesenthal Center, met with the summer.” The comment reverses government will never adopt a Austrian officials to lobby for a UN an earlier decision to speed up the conservative Christian agenda. He resolution that would proclaim suicide pullout. has joined with others who share his bombings crimes against humanity. Sharon went on to say that Israel beliefs and are trying to take matters “A resolution would signal to those will “deal with” PA Chairman Yasser into their own hands. who recruit suicide bombers – and Arafat the same way it has dealt with Burnell is one of the founders of those they target – that their actions other terrorist leaders. Referring to a The group are wrong,” Hier said. “Why is the recent terrorist attack Sharon said, “It hopes to gather conservative [UN] General Assembly quiet on was a grave attack, something which Christians for a series of mass moves suicide bombings? This is the crime obliges us to continue fighting terror- to South Carolina. Their intent is >> MARKOFTHEBEAST of the 21st century. A resolution is ism as we have in the past. We acted to bring enough voters to the state needed to brand suicide bombings a against Hamas people and since then to establish a government based crime against humanity for the welfare more people have been added to this on the Ten Commandments and of the world.” list. When the time is right, we will act conservative Christian values. Should He brought up the issue with the same way with Arafat. they meet with opposition from the Austrian President Heinz Fischer and “The world has finally realized federal government, Burnell and Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel. The that terror in the U.S., Russia, Spain, his group have not ruled out the chancellor promised to discuss the Turkey and Indonesia is all the same possibility of secession. resolution. terror.” “We’ve got a very unique quality Fischer also said that Austria of life here in South Carolina, so would not permit an October Islamic Temple Mount Religious it’s not surprising that folks would Congress conference banned by Control: PA out, Jordan in want to come here,” said Will Folks, Berlin’s local government to relocate Due to a persistent Israeli policy spokesman for Gov. Mark Sanford. to Vienna if the German assessment of pushing the Palestinian Authority “As for secession, we’ve tried that of the meeting was accurate. Berlin (PA) out of Jerusalem, for the first before and it didn’t work out so concluded that the conference website time in years Jordan, and not the PA, well.” condoned suicide attacks against is in control of the administration of Israel and the United States. Germany Islamic religious authority. This is House Votes to Protect Pledge deported the main organizer, Fadi believed to signal a weakening of the from Courts Madi, to his native Lebanon. PLO and a shift in Jordan’s role in the In a risky election-year vote, the The Wiesenthal Center has Israeli-Palestinian conflict. House sought to guarantee that God’s previously suggested that international >> WORLDRELIGION The Temple Mount, which Muslims 50-year presence in the Pledge of tribunals could prosecute those call the Haram al-Sharif, is one of Allegiance will be safe from challenges who order, plan or inspire suicide the most hotly contested issues in in federal courts — including the bombings. the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It Supreme Court. is Judaism’s most holy site and the The bill (H.R. 2028), approved Sharon: Arafat’s time will come Muslims’ third holiest site after Mecca by a 247-173 vote, would prevent Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Medina, and has been under federal courts from ruling on whether estimates that the removal of all the Israeli security control since 1967 the words “under God” should be Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip after the Six-Day War when Jerusalem removed from the pledge. and four in the northern West Bank was reunited. The legislation drew strong protests 8 ENDTIME MAGAZINE NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2004
  • 9. AROUNDTHEGLOBE >> from Democrats and, in all probability, Turkey, which is a predominantly than 50 of its stores nationwide by will not clear the Senate this year. Still, Muslim secular republic, should seek June, 2005. the issue is vital to conservatives who political union with Arab states and want to get lawmakers on the record not with European countries. His >> GODINAMERICA on topical social issues such as gay suggestion was for Turkey to “try >> ONEWORLDGOVERNMENT marriage and flag burning. to set up a cultural continent with neighboring Arab countries and Chirac: Time for global tax become the leading figure of a culture Joining forces with Brazilian >> EUWATCH with its own identity.” President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, The European Commission will French President Jacques Chirac EU defense ministers assume publish a report on Turkey’s readiness has called for the imposition of global responsibility to join, and, on the basis of the report, an international tax to help fight The EU’s twenty-five member EU leaders will make a decision in poverty. states have committed themselves December. Speaking at the United Nations to respond to crises throughout in New York, Chirac praised a the world by 2010. These include report prepared by a French group humanitarian and rescue tasks, crisis- >> 6THTRUMPETWATCH that proposed a global tax be levied management, peacekeeping and joint on arms sales and some financial disarmament operations. China’s new submarines catch transactions. It is similar to the The aggressive plan called Headline U.S. intelligence off guard “Tobin Tax” idea proposed last year Goal 2010 says, “The European Several months ago, China surprised at the G8 summit. Chirac said the Union is a global actor, ready to U.S. intelligence by showcasing a report contains “technically realistic share in the responsibility for global new class (Yuan class) of attack and economically rational solutions.” security.” submarines. They are now building The plan’s goal is to cut in half the According to the plan, the EU must a new deep-water submarine port number of people in poverty by 2015. be able to decide to launch an operation along the northern coast at Qingdao, One hundred and ten countries signed within five days, and its forces should Shandong Province. a declaration urging governments to be capable of implementing their Submarines and guided missile consider the report. plans on the ground “no later than ten warships will be the centerpiece The U.S. delegation attacked days after the EU decision to launch of China’s military buildup, along Chirac’s ideas. U.S. Agriculture the operation.” with large numbers of ballistic and Secretary Ann Veneman said, “global The plan calls for the establishment cruise missiles. In addition to Beijing taxes are inherently undemocratic. of a European Defense Agency which wanting the port to be part of its Implementation is impossible.” was begun in mid-February 2004. maritime strategy for controlling Member States must “harmonize waters near its coast, it will be used No amnesty for genocide and their respective future requirements” for underwater research and to find war crimes, says Annan by 2010. oil and gas resources. UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan called for the UN to reject any Vatican stirs debate on Turkish amnesty for genocide, war crimes and EU membership >> MARKOFTHEBEAST crimes against humanity when helping Negative comments by a high- war-torn societies re-establish the rule ranking Catholic Cardinal about Target Meets With Suppliers of law and come to terms with large- Turkish membership in the EU About RFID Plans scale past abuses after conflict. Such have once more stimulated the Target Corp. held a meeting with crimes include ethnic, gender and controversial debate. Cardinal Joseph several hundred suppliers in down- sexually based international crimes. Ratzinger said that Turkey is “in town Minneapolis to discuss and However, Annan stressed that the permanent contrast to Europe” and identify requirements for its RFID UN should not establish or directly that linking it to Europe would be a technology plans. participate in any tribunal for which mistake. It’s not clear how many suppliers capital punishment is a possible To make his point he cited the will participate at first, but factors sanction, and that it require full Ottoman Empire’s incursions into the such as the size of the supplier or the govt. cooperation with international heart of Europe in the past. “Cultural type of items they offer will probably and mixed tribunals, including the riches should not be sacrificed for the play into the decision about which surrender of accused persons. sake of economic riches.” companies will be in the first deploy- He will instruct the Exec. Com- Ratzinger, a German, who heads ment. Target has told suppliers that mittee on Peace & Security to propose the Vatican’s Congregation for the its RFID project will begin in Texas, concrete action to strengthen UN Doctrine of the Faith, said that with the intention to expand to more support for tackling these issues. e ENDTIME MAGAZINE NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2004 9
  • 10. >> MARKOFTHEBEAST A n unnamed national com- pany plans to tag all of its clothing items with radio frequency identification (RFID) tracking devices in 2005, according companies could be toying with the idea. CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering) obtained clear shots of are pretty good at sniffing out the industry’s dirty little secrets, but this was pretty much handed to us on a silver platter. Checkpoint failed to cover over the Abercrombie & to Checkpoint representatives at the prototype RFID clothing tags bearing Fitch collegiate logo at the end of the mid-September Frontline Expo 2004 these companies’ logos. tags.” trade show in Chicago. “While Checkpoint didn’t reveal Additional evidence suggesting that Checkpoint is the leader in elec- the company name, representatives Abercrombie & Fitch could be the tronic theft prevention tags and has did refer to the company as a ‘well- mystery company comes from a May recently begun encouraging its clients known national retailer.’ That was 18, 2004 Women’s Wear Daily article to incorporate RFID in their tagging one clue,” said Katherine Albrecht, titled “Abercrombie to Give RFID programs. Founder and Director of CASPIAN. a Try.” The article cited statements Could the mystery brand be Calvin Another clue could be the two made by an Abercrombie & Fitch prototype dark executive at a retail conference earlier blue hang tags this year where he described a new that “screamed store format that “would be the first for attention,” in the [Abercrombie & Fitch] group according to to use RFID at the item level.” Albrecht. Albrecht characterizes any plans Albrecht re- by Abercrombie & Fitch to roll out vealed photos item-level RFID tagging as ill advised. that show how “They’re still reeling from boycotts Checkpoint over their marketing practices. It attempted to would be a PR disaster for them to obscure the further antagonize the public.” company brand Ongoing boycotts of the company name on two were launched by Christian and fam- blue hang tags ily oriented organizations, including at their display. Focus on the Family, in response Checkpoint to Abercrombie & Fitch’s sexually representatives explicit marketing materials. These reported that the materials have glorified teen nudity Checkpoint’s exhibit promoted “EPC/RFID for retail” for tags contained and group sex. item-level RFID tagging, rather than supply chain or ware- EPC-compliant Albrecht offers this parting advice house applications. This puts the company squarely at odds RFID chips. to companies like Abercrombie & with the recommendations of privacy experts who have called “The man- Fitch, Calvin Klein, Champion and for a moratorium on item-level tagging. No wonder they’re ner in which any other companies considering keeping mum on their clients’ plans. Checkpoint con- item-level RFID tagging: “Don’t do cealed the name it. Study what happened to Benetton Klein, Champion, or Abercrombie leads us to question whether the tape before taking advice from RFID pro- & Fitch? Representatives from was there to hide the brand name or ponents like Checkpoint. It can be Checkpoint wouldn’t say, but based create drama around the tags,” says hard to win back customer trust once on what we saw, any one of these Albrecht. “Researchers at CASPIAN you’ve crossed the RFID line.” e 10 ENDTIME MAGAZINE NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2004
  • 11. MARKOFTHEBEAST >> In the Bible, we read use the technology to gain access to Keep the Dark Ages? about the mark of secured areas. If successful, NASA Most people are technologically the beast. A number anticipates issuing more than 100,000 attuned. We live by computer. We will be assigned to smart cards to employees and con- love gadgets…anything new. Yet every person on earth, or at least the tractors agency-wide before the end when we compare the prophecies global government will try. It may of 2005. to new technology, we should real- not be a number, but some sort of Pending success at NASA, RFID ize that we are much closer than we mark or name. Without it you won’t access systems are expected to sweep have ever been to ushering in what be able to buy anything; you won’t be the military, as well as other govern- the Bible described 2,000 years ago able to sell anything. ment agencies and major companies. as an economic system with a point Will it be an injected computer Soon it will become a condition of of no return. It’s a system that could chip? Survey says yes; Bible says employment. Accept the system or not possibly have worked prior to the maybe, but not necessarily. find a job elsewhere. Is this the mark computer age. Until today, the fulfill- There are many economic systems of the beast? No. Not yet, at least. ment of this prophecy was impos- in existence already for which you Most every company, agency and sible. need a number in order to have It’s not about trying to prevent Can a NASA access: Social security number, credit every technological advance. It is card, ATM card, driver’s license. No simply that through Bible proph- employee make number? No access. When we see such ecy, we can more clearly understand systems, it would be ridiculous to say where the world is headed and know it into heaven? that the system is inherently bad or that the Second Coming of Jesus evil. It would be legitimate, however, Christ is near. to question where such a system might lead—for such economic systems, in fact, are parallel to what Revelation organization has 13:15-18 describes as the mark of the guidelines to which beast. Therefore, the more pervasive employees must the systems are in society, the greater adhere. Agree to the should be our cause for concern. guidelines, get your Which brings us to NASA. passkey, get your pay- check. Guidelines may Access NASA soon relate to toler- The U.S. government’s space agen- ance at the workplace cy is launching an RFID-based access – religious tolerance control system. Everyone will receive – diversity – accep- a card, wristband or ankle bracelet tance, affirmation and with an RFID chip that will provide validation of other controlled access to the NASA facil- religions. ity. These will be contactless chips A Christian can’t sign that. No Can a NASA employee make it that can be kept in a person’s pocket passkey, no paycheck; welcome to into heaven? Sure—but it might get and still be scanned by radio fre- the mark of the beast. Want electric- sticky between here and there. Can quency readers. ity turned on? Phone service? Water? the gadget lover and computer addict Before the end of 2004, two thou- Sorry. It’s in its infancy now, but this make it to heaven? Absolutely. Know sand NASA employees at the Marshall is where it could lead. Moreover, it’s your Bible and know when to say, Space Flight Center in Alabama will where the Bible says it will lead. “Adios.” e ENDTIME MAGAZINE NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2004 11
  • 12. >> COVERSTORY T hat’s right! It’s right there in your Bible. This world is headed straight for, not one, but two nuclear wars! Does the Bible really prophe- resort to their nuclear option unless the existence of the state is threat- ened. Israel’s nuclear capacity is known as the ‘Samson Option.’ Why the war will be nuclear. THE OTHER NUCLEAR WAR At least three and one-half years before Armageddon, maybe sy two nuclear wars for the times Samson Option? longer, another war will occur. The ahead? The prophecy in Zechariah Samson begged God to allow his prophecy foretelling this war is found 14 details events that will occur in great strength to return to him one last in Revelation 9:13-16. It does not the world’s last war, Armageddon. time. God granted Samson’s request. explicitly state that this war will be Verse 12 unmistakably teaches that As a result, he pulled down the house nuclear, but the results of the war nuclear weapons will be used in this of the Philistine lords, killing himself indicate that it will have to be. last battle: and 3,000 of “And this shall be the plague the enemy’s wherewith the LORD will smite all leaders. the people that have fought against W h e n Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume Israel picked away while they stand upon their feet, the name, and their eyes shall consume away the Samson in their holes, and their tongue shall Option, she consume away in their mouth.” was noti- The physical symptoms that this fying the passage states will be suffered by world that, those who come against Jerusalem at if she goes Armageddon are the exact symptoms down, she experienced by victims of nuclear will take radiation: eyes consumed in their her ene- sockets, tongues in their mouths and mies down flesh falling off the bones. with her. It is the world’s worst kept secret Apparently, that Israel has a significant nuclear things will arsenal. Jane’s Intelligence Report become so places the number of Israel’s nuclear bad during missiles at around 200. The Israelis Armageddon that Israel will resort to “So the four angels, who had been have promised that they will never the Samson Option. The world’s last prepared for the hour and day and 12 ENDTIME MAGAZINE NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2004
  • 13. COVERSTORY >> month and year, were released to kill will result from this prophesied war sat in the region and shadow of death a third of mankind. Now the number are capable of striking horror in the light is sprung up.” of the army of the horsemen was two heart of the bravest among us. Is The world is once again in darkness hundred million; I heard the number it time to ‘head for the hills?’ What as we near the Second Coming. Of of them.” (NKJV) should be the mindset of Christians at our time, Daniel prophesied: The prophecy states that a war is this unprecedented juncture in human “And such as do wickedly against coming, which will kill one-third of history? the covenant shall he (the Antichrist) mankind. Taken at face value, this Jesus said that we are the salt of the corrupt by flatteries: but the people means that two billion people will die earth. He said that we are the light of that do know their God shall be in this war. There is only one weapon the world. Is it time to remove the strong, and do exploits. And they that presently available to mankind that light just when the world is going to understand among the people shall could wreak this level of death and need it the most? Of course not! Jesus instruct many…” (Daniel 11:32-33). devastation—the nuclear bomb. We are also told that one of the armies involved in this war will number 200 million soldiers. The other army that will participate in the war will almost certainly be the only nation on earth that has the nuclear arsenal capable of wreaking this kind of death and destruction—the United States. This prophesied conflict will obviously be the biggest, most horrible war that has ever occurred. Up until now, World War II has been the most destructive war by far. It resulted in 52 million deaths. This coming war will kill 40 times that many! WHERE WILL THE 6TH TRUMPET WAR LEAD? All of us agree that the world has not been the same since the 3,000 fatalities of 9/11. What quantum changes will undoubtedly occur when mankind awakens to the unbelievable chaos of two billion corpses? Be assured that our world will be changed forever. The cries will be deafening for a world government with teeth that can prevent war from ever happening again. The horror of what has happened will create the perfect platform for the Antichrist and the False Prophet to ride to power. The same unprecedented destruction, that will drive millions into the arms of the Antichrist, will drive others toward a true relationship with God. The Bible Christians told us that where sin abounds, grace In the troubled times that lie just will be motivated to levels of total will much more abound. ahead, the true church of Jesus commitment not witnessed on earth The world was in great darkness Christ will be able to hold forth the since the early church. The result will when Jesus came to earth the first wonderful promise of eternal life in a be great revival. time. Matthew 4:16 spoke of that time world awash in death. When the final and concerning the coming of Jesus: chapter of the church age is finally WHAT SHOULD WE DO? “The people which sat in darkness written, the caption will undoubtedly The unspeakable conditions that saw great light; and to them which read, “It was their finest hour.” e ENDTIME MAGAZINE NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2004 13
  • 14. >> ISRAELANDTHEMIDDLEEAST M ohammed El- sibility of nuclear material to “sub- is what has been called for by many Baradei, head of nationalist” groups is now the world’s of the players in the Middle East, the International foremost major threat. His agency’s the likelihood of Israel disarming Atomic Energy top priority is to address the ease its nuclear arsenal is slim. From a Agency (IAEA), with which terrorists can now obtain prophetic point of view, the likeli- who was recently in Iran, often nuclear weapons. hood is nil. Zechariah 14:12 proph- receives criticism from the Arab esies the use of nuclear weapons at world, which accuses him of not deal- KEEPING ITS NUCLEAR ACE- Armageddon. ing evenhandedly with Israel. Critics IN-THE-HOLE As long as the current situation cite pressure from the United States The world believes Israel has in the Middle East exists, Israel will as his motivation for turning a blind between one- and two- need to keep its ace-in-the-hole. It is eye. hun- dred nuclear a small nation of six million people Yet, during a recent visit by El- in a sea of 250 million Arabs and, Baradei with Ariel Sharon, thus, it is believed that Israel has to the Israeli Prime Minister maintain its nuclear weapons issued the statement, in order to survive. The fact Israel would look is that Israel has no inten- favorably into tions of changing its turning the nuclear policy, and region into recent develop- a nucle- ments in the region have not pro- vided any reason to do so. ar-free What zone in does Sharon the con- mean when he text of a says he would true Middle look favorably on East peace. turning the region While speak- into a nuclear-free zone ing at the Hebrew in the context of true Middle University of Jer- East peace? What does he mean usalem, El-Baradei, by true Middle East peace? Sha- the UN’s nuke czar, ron knows that a disarmed Israel said, “This is the first time I heard weapons on the launching pads. The would be annihilated in less than a this statement from an Israeli prime true nature of its nuclear capabilities New York minute. minister, and I find it a positive devel- has been a long-kept secret. Although Following is the third and final opment.” Sharon said he would be willing to installment of the story behind Israel’s However, to El-Baradei, the acces- consider a nuclear-free zone, which secret nuclear weapons program. 14 ENDTIME MAGAZINE NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2004
  • 15. ISRAELANDTHEMIDDLEEAST >> to collapse on the rubble. This was landed near Dimona, one of them a 1974-1999: BRINGING THE the world’s first attack on a nuclear close miss. Threats of retaliation by BOMB UP THE BASEMENT reactor. STAIRS Since September 19, 1988, Israel “Never Again!” has worked on its own satellite Reportedly welded on the first reconnaissance system to decrease Israeli nuclear bomb. reliance on U.S. sources. On that day, Shortly after the 1973 war, Israel they launched the Offeq-1 satellite. allegedly fielded considerable nuclear Offeq-2 went up on April 3, 1990. The artillery consisting of American 175 launch of the Offeq-3, which failed mm and 203 mm self-propelled on its first attempt, was successful on artillery pieces, capable of firing April 5, 1995. nuclear shells. By 1976, according to Mordechai Vanunu provided the one unclassified source, the Central best look at the Israeli nuclear arsenal Intelligence Agency believed that in 1985 complete with photographs. the Israelis had 10 to 20 nuclear A technician from Dimona who lost weapons available. In 1972, two his job, Vanunu secretly took photo- Israeli scientists, Isaiah Nebenzahl graphs, immigrated to Australia and and Menachem Levin, developed a published some of his material in the cheaper, faster uranium enrichment London Sunday Times. He was sub- process that used a laser beam for sequently kidnapped by Israeli agents, isotope separation. tried and imprisoned. His data shows The Israelis, interested in targeting a sophisticated nuclear program. In data from U.S. intelligence, discovered the words of one American, “[the that they were on the Soviet target list. Israelis] can do anything we or the American-born Israeli spy Jonathan Soviets can do.” Vanunu not only Pollard obtained satellite-imaging data made the technical details of the of the Soviet Union, allowing Israel Israeli program and stockpile pub- to target accurately Soviet cities. This lic but in his wake, Israel began showed Israel’s intention to use its veiled official acknowledgement of nuclear arsenal as a deterrent political the potent Israeli nuclear deterrent. lever, or retaliatory capability against They began bringing the bomb up the Soviet Union itself. the basement stairs if not out of the Israel also used American satellite basement. imagery to plan the June7, 1981 attack Israel went on full-scale nuclear on the Tammuz-1 reactor at Osiraq, alert again on the first day of Desert Iraq. This daring attack punched a hole Storm, January 18, 1991. Seven in the concrete reactor dome before SCUD missiles were fired against the the reactor began operation (and just cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa by Iraq days before an Israeli election). It (only two actually hit Tel Aviv and Shavit space launch of Offeq-2, April 3, delivered 15 delay-fused 2000 pound one hit Haifa). This alert lasted for 1990. (Courtesy of John Pike, globalse- bombs deep into the reactor structure the duration of the 43-day war. Over (the 16th bomb hit a nearby hall). The the course of the war, Iraq launched blasts shredded the reactor and blew around 40 missiles in 17 separate the Shamir government if the Iraqis out the dome foundations, causing it attacks at Israel. Several supposedly used chemical warheads were inter- ENDTIME MAGAZINE NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2004 15
  • 16. >> ISRAELANDTHEMIDDLEEAST preted to mean that Israel intended to Lieutenant General Amnon Shahak, large conventional attack; to deter all launch a nuclear strike if gas attacks has declared, “all methods are accept- levels of unconventional (chemical, occurred. One Israeli commentator able in withholding nuclear capabili- biological, nuclear) attacks; to preempt recommended that Israel should sig- ties from an Arab state.” enemy nuclear attacks; to support nal Iraq that “any Iraqi action against As the Israeli bomb comes out of conventional preemption against Israeli civilian populations, with or the basement, open discussion, even enemy nuclear assets; to support without gas, may leave Iraq without in Israel, is occurring on why the conventional preemption against Baghdad.” Israelis feel they need an arsenal not enemy non-nuclear (conventional, Control room of the Machon 2 plutonium separation plant (courtesy of Mordechai Vanunu, with permission from John Pike, Current military contacts between used in at least two if not three wars. chemical, biological) assets; for Israel and India, another nuclear Avner Cohen states: “It [Israel] must nuclear warfighting; the “Samson power, bring up questions of nucle- be in a position to threaten another Option” (last resort destruction). ar cooperation. Pakistani sources Hiroshima to prevent another holo- The 1994 accord with Jordan, have already voiced concerns over caust.” In July 1998 Shimon Peres allowing limited Israeli military a possible joint Israeli-Indian attack was quoted in the Jordan Times as say- presence in Jordanian skies, could on Pakistan’s nuclear facilities. A ing, “We have built a nuclear option, make the flying distance to several Parameters article speculated on not in order to have a Hiroshima, potential adversaries considerably Israel’s willingness to furnish nucle- but to have an Oslo,” referring to the shorter. Israel is concerned about ar capabilities or assistance to cer- peace process. Iran’s desire to obtain nuclear tain states, such as Turkey. Retired One list of current reasons for an weapons and become a regional leader, Israeli Defense Force Chief of Staff, Israeli nuclear capability is: to deter a coupled with large numbers of Shiite 16 ENDTIME MAGAZINE NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2004
  • 17. ISRAELANDTHEMIDDLEEAST >> Moslems in southern Lebanon. The and attempt to control oil prices. Ariel Sharon, an outspoken proponent Israeli Air Force commanding general Another speculative area concerns of “Greater Israel” was quoted as issued a statement saying Israel would Israeli nuclear security and possible saying, “Arabs may have the oil, but we “consider an attack” have the matches.” if any country gets [Endtime note: this The Israeli Air Force commanding “close to achieving a article was penned in nuclear capability.” 1999; Sharon became general issued a statement saying They consider Prime Minister in regional nation 2001.] Israel would “consider an attack” nuclear programs to Could the Gush be a sufficient cause Emunim, a right if any country gets “close to for war. Their record wing religious of accomplishment is organization, or achieving a nuclear capability.” clear: having hit the others, hijack a early Iraqi nuclear nuclear device to effort, they feel “liberate” the Temple vindicated by Desert Mount for the Storm. They also feel building of the Third that only the American and Israeli misuse. What is the chain of decision Temple? Chances are small but could nuclear weapons kept Iraq’s Saddam and control of Israel’s weapons? How increase as radicals decry the peace Hussein from using chemical or susceptible are they to misuse or theft? process. A 1997 article reviewing biological weapons against Israel. With no open, frank, public debate on the Israeli Defense Force repeatedly Israel, like Iran, has desires of nuclear issues, there has accordingly stressed the possibilities of, and the regional power. The 1956 alliance with been no debate or information on need to guard against, a religious, France and Britain might have been existing safeguards. This has led to right wing military coup, especially a first attempt at regional hegemony. accusations of “monolithic views and as the proportion of religious in the A nuclear Iran or Iraq might use its sinister intentions.” Would a right- military increases. nuclear weapons to protect some wing military government decide to Israel is a nation with a state states in the region, threaten others, employ nuclear weapons recklessly? religion, but its top leaders are not politicsstation log radio & religion ARKANSAS Ft. Smith KFSA 950 AM 3:00-4:00pm Live Little Rock KAAY 1090 AM 3:00-4:00pm CALIFORNIA Santa Maria KGDP 660 AM 2:00-3:00pm FLORIDA Jacksonville WMSX 103.9 FM 4:00-5:00pm GEORGIA Atlanta WGUN 1010 AM 2:00-2:30pm Macon WBML 900 AM 6:00-6:30pm ILLINOIS Chicago WNDZ 750 AM 7:00-7:30am INDIANA South Bend WHME 103.1 FM 4:00-5:00pm Richmond WHON 930 AM 2:00-3:00pm Ft. Wayne WLYV 1450 AM 4:30-5:00pm Live Indianapolis WNTS 1590 AM 4:00-500pm IOWA Des Moines KPSZ 940 AM 3:00-3:30pm Live LOUISIANA New Orleans WLNO 1060 AM 3:00-4:00pm Live MICHIGAN Ann Arbor WAAM 1600 AM Sunday only 8:00-9:00am Detroit WLQV 1500 AM 6:30-7:00pm Battle Creek WOLY 1500 AM 4:00-5:00pm Live MISSISSIPPI Jackson WTWZ 1120 AM 9:30-10:30am MISSOURI Mexico KMFC 92.1 FM 1:00-2:00pm Poplar Bluff KOKS 89.5 FM 3:00-4:00pm Live St. Louis KXEN 1010 AM 3:00-3:30pm NEBRASKA Omaha KCRO 660 AM 1:00-1:30pm Live OREGON Portland KKSL 1290 AM 1:00-2:00pm Live TEXAS Daingerfield KEGG 91.9 FM 11:00am-12:00 noon Corpus Christi KCTA 1030 AM 4:00-4:30pm Dallas KVTT 91.7 FM 3:00-4:00pm Live Bay City KROY 99.7 FM 3:00-4:00pm Live Kenedy KEMA 94.5 FM 3:00-4:00pm Live WASHINGTON Spokane KTRW 970 AM 1:00-2:00pm Live Spokane KTRW 96.9 FM 1:00-2:00pm Live WISCONSIN Milwaukee live WJYI 1340 AM 3:00-4:00pm WORLDWIDE—SHORTWAVE RADIO (times shown for U.S. Eastern) North & South America WHRI 15.105 4:00-5:00pm Live, 7.315 10:00- 11:00pm North America, Middle East, Africa WHRA 17.650 2:00-2:30pm North America & Europe WHRI 13.760 4:00-5:00pm Live, 9.850 6:00-7:00am WORLDWIDE—INTERNET – listen live or to archives ENDTIME MAGAZINE NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2004 17
  • 18. >> ISRAELANDTHEMIDDLEEAST religious Jews. The intricacies have been used in the past of Jewish religious politics to ensure America does not and rabbinical law do affect desert Israel under increased their politics and decision Arab or oil embargo pressure processes. In Jewish law, and have forced the United there are two types of war, States to support Israel one obligatory and mandatory diplomatically against the (milkhemet mitzvah) and the Soviet Union. Israel used one authorized but optional their existence to guarantee (milkhemet reshut). The a continuing supply of labeling of Prime Minister American conventional Begin’s “Peace for Galilee” weapons, a policy likely to operation as a milchemet brera continue. (“war of choice”) was one of Regardless of the true the factors that caused it to types and numbers of Israeli lose support. Interpretation nuclear weapons, they have of Jewish law concerning developed a sophisticated nuclear weapons does not system, by myriad methods, permit their use for mutual and are a nuclear power to be assured destruction. However, reckoned with. Their nuclear it does allow possession and ambiguity has served their threatening their use, even purposes well, but Israel is if actual use is not justifiable entering a different phase of under the law. Interpretations visibility even as their nuclear of the law allow tactical use capability is entering a new on the battlefield, but only phase. This new visibility after warning the enemy and may not be in America’s attempting to make peace. After traveling around the world for several months, interest. Many are predicting How much these intricacies Mordechai Vanunu converted to Christianity in Aus- the Israeli nuclear arsenal will affect Israeli nuclear strategy tralia. The religious group he associated with has an become less useful “out of the decisions is unknown. activist anti-nuclear bent, and he soon decided to make basement” and possibly spur One other purpose of Israeli public his knowledge of Israel’s nuclear capability. He a regional arms race. Israeli nuclear weapons, not often made contact with the London Sunday Times, which began President Ezer Weizman stated, but obvious, is their preparing an exclusive news story. Unfortunately for has stated “the nuclear issue “use” on the United States. Vanunu, the Israeli government had found out about his is gaining momentum [and America does not want Israel’s activities and the Mossad (Israeli intelligence) arranged the] next war will not be nuclear profile raised. They to kidnap him and bring him back to Israel for trial. conventional.” e on the road- Prophecy Conference Schedule Ft. Smith, AR – Thur., Nov. 4 Bridgman, MI – Thur., Nov. 18 7:30 P.M. Columbus Acres Hall, Hwy 71 S. 7:00 P.M. Bridgman High School Auditorium, Gast Rd. Host: Pastor James Myers (479) 996-7966 Host: Pastor David Coban (269) 465-6798 Omaha, NE – Fri., Nov. 5 Prophecy Tour 2005 – May 2-14 7:30 P.M. The Church of Omaha, 3715 N. 104th Ave., Join Irvin Baxter Jr. for his next Holy Land Tour! See page 3 2 blocks north of La Quinta Inn, by I-680 & Maple. for more information or simply call 1-800-Endtime (1-800- Host: Pastor Jimmy Toney (402) 572-8904 363-8463). Des Moines, IA – Fri., Nov. 12 7:30 P.M. Ankeny Christian Academy, 1604 W. 1st St., Host: Pastor Rex Deckard (512) 262-7133 18 ENDTIME MAGAZINE NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2004
  • 19.
  • 20. Level 1 Understanding the Endtime Lesson 1 United States in the Bible • Lesson 2 New World Order is World Government Lesson 3 Road to Armageddon • Lesson 4 Four Horsemen • Lesson 5 Holy Roman Empire Revived Lesson 6 Antichrist & False Prophet • Lesson 7 Mark of the Beast Lesson 8 Coming One-World Religion Lesson 9 How to Enter the Kingdom of God • Lesson 10 Rapture #930 12 hrs on VHS $130 • #939 12 hrs on DVD $130 • #910 12 hrs on Cassette $60 #940 12 hrs on CD $60 • #901 Study Manual $19 • #900 Flip Chart $60 Level 2 Understanding the Endtime Lesson 11 #941 11:59 P.M. • Lesson 12 #942 The Seven Trumpets Lesson 13 #941 Babylon the Great: Who Is It? • Lesson 14 #944 Will the UN Invade Israel Next? Lesson 15 #945 Is the Antichrist Among Us? • Lesson 16 #947 Antichrist Conspiracy Lesson 17 #948 The China Threat • Lesson 18 #949 Interfaithism Lesson 19 #990 Israel Prepares for Armageddon, I Lesson 20 #991 Israel Prepares for Armageddon, II Any 3 titles (VHS/DVD) $50 • Any 5 titles (VHS/DVD) $80 • #976 All 10 hrs (VHS/DVD) $155 #946 10 hrs on Cassette $60 • #946CD 10 hrs on CD $60 • #946M Study Manual NEW! $19 Level 3 Understanding the Endtime Lesson 1 Secret to Understanding Revelation • Lesson 2 Seals, Trumpets & Vials Lesson 3 Great Tribulation • Lesson 4 Wrath of God • Lesson 5 Second Coming of Jesus Christ Lesson 6 Timeline of the End • Bonus Lesson: Questions & Answers #950 7 hrs (VHS/DVD) $100 • #953 12 hrs on Cassette $40 #954 Study Manual $19 • #955 Transparencies $100 Understanding the Endtime Order Today! All 3 levels available on DVD & VHS