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Donald Lipford
English Composition II
Columbia Southern University
Research Paper Draft 2
Radio and Television have the highest probability to generate
both negative and positive effects, and many researchers have
considered the impression created by television on society,
mainly on the young people and adolescents. Given that a
child’s level of development is a very important factor in
defining whether the radio or television content will have
negative or positive effects. However, not all television content
is considered bad, but the specific programs displaying the
negative effects of introduction to inappropriate sexuality,
violence, and aggressive language are wanting. As a result,
parents and physicians need to support continuous research
based on the positive and the negative impacts of media on both
kids and adolescents. According to Chrispin (2007), Science and
technology make Television and its content more important in
the present world. Thus, kids are exposed to every media
content at an early age. Although television is sometimes an
attractive thing, it grounds some problems and effects of the
young generation (Chrispin, 2007).
Apart from just programs, Dafe (2010) also depicts the roles
music plays in determining the society morals. The reaction of
the audience depends on the music content. Art is also one of
the determinants of societal morals. According to Holmes
(2008), there is a variety of techniques through which art
creates some immorality. Bad art is brought by bad music,
violent movies, and TV shows, in the society. Parks (2007),
assert that the present media do not have skills to demonstrate
things right. On the contrary, Jian (2011) argues that Arts have
an obligation to shape good morals in young people and the
society in general.
According to Price (2008), Price clearly demonstrates well-used
continuity, balance and intensity to clarify how morals could be
founded on strong grounds of the society. This paper focuses on
topics such as TV shows morals, the role art plays in Spreading
morals among kids and adolescents and the effect of bad Art in
the society today.
Research Paper Draft 1
Chrispin. (2007). The Radio and Television. New York Times,
pp. 1-24.
Chrispin is reaching out in the fact that radio and television
play very crucial role in impacting the life of the crying people.
The parents are advised do on their ultimate role in shaping the
life of the young person. Considering the programs that are
being aired every day in our televisions, children and youth are
the highest losers. When they grow in such environments with
such exposures, they are capable of growing up with unworthy
behaviors. The author is interplaying a fact that needs to be
accepted that the young people may be at a loss if the state of
what they watch every day cannot be shape; It can go a long
way in making them spoiled for a cause. The author, therefore,
parts it short with a comment that even though television and
radio build bad character, some programs are educative.
Dafe. (2010). What is the Importance of Music in Life? Journal
of Genres, 1-50.
This is a journal of genres. It is produced majorly to discuss the
essence of art. Dafe, the writer of the paper, is having a
discussion on the roles music is playing in shaping the morals
of the society. In her lengthy discussion, he has classified songs
depending on the content and the audience. Christian sources
are meant to teach the morals that human beings should
advocate for. The writer considers the Christina songs as the
ultimate factor for spreading the good news while at the same
time spreading the gospel of Christ. In his other proposal for the
dissemination of morals, the writer considers national anthems
as being part of every nation plan to cover morals. The soul also
wants some soothing and the writer in his explanation has
advocated for the use of classical music.
Holmes, J. (2008). Bad Art. California: University of California
In the whole book of Bad Art by Holmes, there is an
explanation of how art has been depicted to teach an immoral
thing. The author has made a collection of all the techniques
that are thought to bring adverse impacts to the growth of
morality in societies.TV shows, bad music, and violent movies
have been featured to contribute to the bad art in the society.
The author has managed to down the facts surrounding these
factors and has made elaborative.
Jian, Z. (2011, September 24-25). Moral Obligation of Arts.
London: Penguin.
This is a general book by Jian to explain the importance of arts
of arts in the society. Its first specks of the explanation have
focused on the educative programs that Arts makes. He explains
that when focus is given to the roles the arts brings such as on
educative and spiritual, it is easy to change the society’s moral
standing. Jain has made it clear by using examples of TV
programs that are very helpful in changing the family morals as
well as well as changing the perceptions about life and what it
Parkes, A. (2007). "A Sense of Justice: Whistler, Ruskin,
James, Impressionism." Victoria: Penguin Books.
This book by Parkes is a crying call for the need to have the arts
be used to the right.In his symbolic terms of
impressionism,Parks claims that our current media does not
serve justice because they don't use skill to do the right thing,
He quotes some movies that have spread violence among the
young people.The better explanation is for the case of children
who have been found embroiled in acts of violence as a result of
watching violent clips. To Sparkles, there is not justice in this
act.He advises parents to be so careful about what they allow
their children to watch as it serves to spoil their morals forever.
Price, M. (2008). The moment Of Youth. Journal Of Sports, 12-
The journal by Price is about an extensive study of the role
sports plays in spreading morals. In his explanation, Price has
very well used intensity, continuity and balance to explain how
morals can be expounded. In the journal, terms of self-
confidence, reliance and belief and reliance has been used to
show how sports play a role. The source communicates to us
that with continuity in sport given the reliance that is always
put in the game, it is easy to tackle life challenges.
Literature review
After the analysis of the sources, various important issues
features up (Bridges.W., 2003).The topics that comes out
clearly and agree are as follows;
· Morals in TV shows.
· Role of art in Spreading morals
· Morals among young people
· Bad Art
On analyzing these issues, it is very clear that the society needs
morals. It is through arts that we can help the community to
spread the morals. In as much as arts spread the morals, it is
important to be selective on which of the morals to choose
The Bad Art and Morals in young people talk about the same
issue but don’t agree. The former claims that are exposing
children to TV and radio handle the fall in morals but the later
claims it is through TV shows that children can have morals.
This paper is a detailed effort to illustrate how TV, movies, bad
art and music negatively influence the morals of young people.
Bridges.W. (2003, Aug 24). Need for Literature Review.
Cambridge, MA: DA Capo Press.
Chrispin. (2007). The Radio and Television. New York Times,
pp. 1-24.
Dafe. (2010). What is the Importance of Music in Life? Journal
of Genres, 1-50.
Holmes, J. (2008). Bad Art. California: University of California
Jian, Z. (2011, September 24-25). Moral Obligation of Arts.
London: Penguin.
Parkes, A. (2007). A Sense of Justice: Whistler, Ruskin, James,
Impressionism. Victoria: Penguin Books.
Price, M. (2008). The moment Of Youth. Journal Of Sports, 12-
Technology is Transferring Human Education to Computers
Student Name
November 27, 2012
Review of Literature
Matthew Etherington, the author of the article “E-Learning
pedagogy in the Primary
School Classroom: the McDonaldization of Education,” (2008)
writes about the dehumanization
of primary students as a direct result of online pedagogy.
Human evolution has led to the
creation of better technology. That technology has led humans
to become reliant on machines,
which do not require or necessitate any social interaction to be
effective. This is confirmed by
Etherington (2008) when he stated “when a child gets on their
computer….there is no sense of a
physical connection – there is only a mask” (p. 34).
To delve further, socialization is defined from an industry
perspective by John Macionis
in his book Society the Basics (2009) in this statement:
“sociologists use the term socialization to
refer to the lifelong social experience by which people develop
their human potential and learn
culture” (p. 72). Macionis also stresses that socialization is also
significantly enhanced by
children attending a physical school. It is in school that they
begin to recognize cultural, racial,
social, and gender differences between themselves and others
and what makes them different, in
addition to being able to decipher which characteristics allow
them to connect with others.
Additionally, while in school, children also begin to form their
own peer groups, which permit
“escape [from] direct supervision of adults” (Macionis, 2009, p.
81). This freedom is how they
first begin to establish personal relationships outside the family.
In demonstration, W. E. Ross, who wrote the article “The
Promise and Perils of E-
learning: A Critical Look at the New Technology” in 2009,
attended the Wired Culture Forum
that was hosted in the city of Toronto. At this forum, he found
that more than 400 high school
students expressed remarkable concern that technology is
beginning to take over their lives.
Those students noted a continually increasing reliance on their
own personal devices, that the
internet isolates them from interacting with others, and that
“technology threatens their… ability
to relate to others” (Ross, 2009, p. 483). While some high
schools in many states and countries
have already converted to the online format, in Pennsylvania,
there is “currently a proposal for a
cyber-school that would enroll children as young as 5 years old”
(Ross, 2009, p. 482).
In order to understand some of the reasons for the issues that
children face in pedagogical
technology, it is imperative to understand some of the
definitions of behavior. In Psychology: An
Introduction, Benjamin Lahey (2007) defines psychology as
“the science of behavior and mental
processes” (p. 5). To further understand this, here are some of
the common terms that define
psychology and help to accomplish the goals of psychology:
Lahey (2007) defines science as
“psychologists attempt[ing] to understand people through
careful, controlled observation” (p. 5);
next, behavior is considered any direct, physical action that can
be observed; finally, mental
processes are any “private thoughts, emotions, feelings, and
motives that others cannot directly
observe” (p. 5).
Additionally, Lahey (2007) also compares our closest
evolutionary ladder match in which
he illuminates the “nature versus nurture” debate as
inapplicable to childhood socialization, by
illustrating how two researchers (the Harlows) studied the
effects of early social deprivation on
monkeys by taking a small group of infant monkeys and raising
them in isolation for the first few
months of their lives. These monkeys seemed to be completely
normal at the conclusion of this
stage. At adulthood, the monkeys were then released into
population with normal monkeys, and
later (at 3 years of age) they were placed in specific breeding
cages; “it was then that the
Harlows first noticed that the social, sexual, and emotional
behavior of these monkeys was
distinctly abnormal” (Lahey, 2007, p. 319) in both the male and
the female of the species,
characteristically. The females were afraid and withdrew from
their normal male counterparts,
while the males that were paired up with normal females were
clumsy, awkward, and overly
anxious. The research was further proven by the reactions of
these same monkeys upon the
birthing of their own baby monkeys and their extreme behavior
to their own offspring, which
often included murder.
To add to these findings, John Macionis (2009) quantified that
“humans need social
experience… to survive” (p. 72). Mead (as cited in Macionis,
2009), who developed social
behaviorism and the central concept of “self,” stated that, “the
self develops only with social
experience” (p. 77). This indicates that without the social
experience, the self does not develop.
According to Etherington’s (2008) postulation of
“dehumanization,” some of the
potential problems that will stem from a child’s sole online
pedagogy are “isolation, lack of
community, and decreased socialization of its learners” (p. 34),
and also more physical problems
as “repetitive stress injuries, eyestrain, [and] obesity” (p. 43).
In addition to these physical dangers, there are also abnormal
personality disorders that
can occur as a result of de-socialization. Some of those
disorders are explained in detail by
Nevid, Rathus, and Greene in their book Abnormal Psychology
in a Changing World (2009):
avoidant personality disorder (similarly, social phobias),
increased proneness to different types
of phobias, and a terror of rejection and criticism that renders
that person generally unwilling to
enter relationships. As a result, they do not often have close
relationships outside their family.
Another possible disorder is separation-individuation: a process
by which children learn
to “differentiate their own identities from their mothers”
(Nevid, Rathus, & Greene, 2009, p.
456). Failure for a child to complete this process can create a
personality disorder in an adult,
and lead to separation anxiety. To expound on this issue, the
type of anxiety disorder that could
easily result from this could lead to a borderline personality
disorder in which people lack
confidence about their individual characteristics (which can
include both personality and
sexuality), leading to constant feelings of emptiness and
Furthermore, physical communication disorders can quickly
breed in children who are
unsocial because they do not experience proper enunciation and
articulation of different letters
and sounds. These disorders range from an expressive language
disorder, a mixed
receptive/expressive language disorder, a phonological disorder,
to stuttering (Nevid, Rathus, &
Greene, 2009). Indeed, other physical and personality
manifestations can result from a lack of
socialization: children become “more passive … [and] less
likely to use [their] imagination”
(Macionis, 2009, p. 82).
Ross (2009) establishes that technology can certainly benefit a
professional environment
by his statement that, “over 85% of Fortune 500 companies use
remote training” (p. 482). In fact,
most companies today actually utilize remote computer training
for new hires as a part of their
orientation to a new job. Some places even offer distance
education as incentive to further one’s
career, not only by offering a raise, but also offering monetary
gifts as well. Again, the
correlation between adult pedagogy in technology and child
pedagogy in technology is
demonstrated by Etherington’s (2008) further study of a child
being in a physical school, and a
teacher being absent from the classroom, but elsewhere
conducting an interactive activity. His
study noted that the child would not only leave the computer,
but would have no interest in or
recollection of the computer during this physical activity. To
recap, John Macionis (2009)
stresses that necessary socialization is significantly enhanced by
children attending a physical
school and interacting with other children on a constant, daily
Etherington, M. (2008). E-Learning pedagogy in the primary
school classroom: The
McDonaldization of education, Australian Journal of Teacher
Education: 33(5), 3, 1-48.
Lahey, B. B., (2007). Psychology: An introduction (9th ed.).
Chicago, IL: McGraw-Hill.
Macionis, J. J. (2009). Society the basics (10th ed.). Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice
Nevid, J. S., Rathus, S. A., & Greene, B. (2009). Abnormal
psychology in a changing world
(Custom ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Ross, W. E. (2000). The promise and perils of E-learning: A
critical look at the new technology.
Theory and Research in Social Education, 28(4), 482-492.
7Running head Research Paper Draft 2                       .docx

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7Running head Research Paper Draft 2 .docx

  • 1. 7 Running head: Research Paper Draft 2 Donald Lipford English Composition II Columbia Southern University Research Paper Draft 2 Introduction Radio and Television have the highest probability to generate both negative and positive effects, and many researchers have considered the impression created by television on society, mainly on the young people and adolescents. Given that a child’s level of development is a very important factor in defining whether the radio or television content will have negative or positive effects. However, not all television content is considered bad, but the specific programs displaying the negative effects of introduction to inappropriate sexuality, violence, and aggressive language are wanting. As a result, parents and physicians need to support continuous research based on the positive and the negative impacts of media on both
  • 2. kids and adolescents. According to Chrispin (2007), Science and technology make Television and its content more important in the present world. Thus, kids are exposed to every media content at an early age. Although television is sometimes an attractive thing, it grounds some problems and effects of the young generation (Chrispin, 2007). Apart from just programs, Dafe (2010) also depicts the roles music plays in determining the society morals. The reaction of the audience depends on the music content. Art is also one of the determinants of societal morals. According to Holmes (2008), there is a variety of techniques through which art creates some immorality. Bad art is brought by bad music, violent movies, and TV shows, in the society. Parks (2007), assert that the present media do not have skills to demonstrate things right. On the contrary, Jian (2011) argues that Arts have an obligation to shape good morals in young people and the society in general. According to Price (2008), Price clearly demonstrates well-used continuity, balance and intensity to clarify how morals could be founded on strong grounds of the society. This paper focuses on topics such as TV shows morals, the role art plays in Spreading morals among kids and adolescents and the effect of bad Art in the society today. Research Paper Draft 1 Chrispin. (2007). The Radio and Television. New York Times, pp. 1-24. Chrispin is reaching out in the fact that radio and television play very crucial role in impacting the life of the crying people. The parents are advised do on their ultimate role in shaping the life of the young person. Considering the programs that are being aired every day in our televisions, children and youth are the highest losers. When they grow in such environments with such exposures, they are capable of growing up with unworthy
  • 3. behaviors. The author is interplaying a fact that needs to be accepted that the young people may be at a loss if the state of what they watch every day cannot be shape; It can go a long way in making them spoiled for a cause. The author, therefore, parts it short with a comment that even though television and radio build bad character, some programs are educative. Dafe. (2010). What is the Importance of Music in Life? Journal of Genres, 1-50. This is a journal of genres. It is produced majorly to discuss the essence of art. Dafe, the writer of the paper, is having a discussion on the roles music is playing in shaping the morals of the society. In her lengthy discussion, he has classified songs depending on the content and the audience. Christian sources are meant to teach the morals that human beings should advocate for. The writer considers the Christina songs as the ultimate factor for spreading the good news while at the same time spreading the gospel of Christ. In his other proposal for the dissemination of morals, the writer considers national anthems as being part of every nation plan to cover morals. The soul also wants some soothing and the writer in his explanation has advocated for the use of classical music. Holmes, J. (2008). Bad Art. California: University of California Press. In the whole book of Bad Art by Holmes, there is an explanation of how art has been depicted to teach an immoral thing. The author has made a collection of all the techniques that are thought to bring adverse impacts to the growth of morality in societies.TV shows, bad music, and violent movies have been featured to contribute to the bad art in the society. The author has managed to down the facts surrounding these factors and has made elaborative. Jian, Z. (2011, September 24-25). Moral Obligation of Arts. London: Penguin. This is a general book by Jian to explain the importance of arts of arts in the society. Its first specks of the explanation have focused on the educative programs that Arts makes. He explains
  • 4. that when focus is given to the roles the arts brings such as on educative and spiritual, it is easy to change the society’s moral standing. Jain has made it clear by using examples of TV programs that are very helpful in changing the family morals as well as well as changing the perceptions about life and what it offers. Parkes, A. (2007). "A Sense of Justice: Whistler, Ruskin, James, Impressionism." Victoria: Penguin Books. This book by Parkes is a crying call for the need to have the arts be used to the right.In his symbolic terms of impressionism,Parks claims that our current media does not serve justice because they don't use skill to do the right thing, He quotes some movies that have spread violence among the young people.The better explanation is for the case of children who have been found embroiled in acts of violence as a result of watching violent clips. To Sparkles, there is not justice in this act.He advises parents to be so careful about what they allow their children to watch as it serves to spoil their morals forever. Price, M. (2008). The moment Of Youth. Journal Of Sports, 12- 34. The journal by Price is about an extensive study of the role sports plays in spreading morals. In his explanation, Price has very well used intensity, continuity and balance to explain how morals can be expounded. In the journal, terms of self- confidence, reliance and belief and reliance has been used to show how sports play a role. The source communicates to us that with continuity in sport given the reliance that is always put in the game, it is easy to tackle life challenges. Literature review After the analysis of the sources, various important issues features up (Bridges.W., 2003).The topics that comes out clearly and agree are as follows; · Morals in TV shows. · Role of art in Spreading morals · Morals among young people · Bad Art
  • 5. On analyzing these issues, it is very clear that the society needs morals. It is through arts that we can help the community to spread the morals. In as much as arts spread the morals, it is important to be selective on which of the morals to choose from. The Bad Art and Morals in young people talk about the same issue but don’t agree. The former claims that are exposing children to TV and radio handle the fall in morals but the later claims it is through TV shows that children can have morals. Thesis This paper is a detailed effort to illustrate how TV, movies, bad art and music negatively influence the morals of young people. References Bridges.W. (2003, Aug 24). Need for Literature Review. Cambridge, MA: DA Capo Press. Chrispin. (2007). The Radio and Television. New York Times, pp. 1-24. Dafe. (2010). What is the Importance of Music in Life? Journal of Genres, 1-50. Holmes, J. (2008). Bad Art. California: University of California Press. Jian, Z. (2011, September 24-25). Moral Obligation of Arts. London: Penguin. Parkes, A. (2007). A Sense of Justice: Whistler, Ruskin, James, Impressionism. Victoria: Penguin Books. Price, M. (2008). The moment Of Youth. Journal Of Sports, 12- 34. Running head: TECHNOLOGY IN HUMAN EDUCATION 1
  • 6. Technology is Transferring Human Education to Computers Student Name November 27, 2012 TECHNOLOGY IN HUMAN EDUCATION 2 Review of Literature Matthew Etherington, the author of the article “E-Learning pedagogy in the Primary School Classroom: the McDonaldization of Education,” (2008) writes about the dehumanization of primary students as a direct result of online pedagogy. Human evolution has led to the creation of better technology. That technology has led humans to become reliant on machines, which do not require or necessitate any social interaction to be effective. This is confirmed by Etherington (2008) when he stated “when a child gets on their computer….there is no sense of a
  • 7. physical connection – there is only a mask” (p. 34). To delve further, socialization is defined from an industry perspective by John Macionis in his book Society the Basics (2009) in this statement: “sociologists use the term socialization to refer to the lifelong social experience by which people develop their human potential and learn culture” (p. 72). Macionis also stresses that socialization is also significantly enhanced by children attending a physical school. It is in school that they begin to recognize cultural, racial, social, and gender differences between themselves and others and what makes them different, in addition to being able to decipher which characteristics allow them to connect with others. Additionally, while in school, children also begin to form their own peer groups, which permit “escape [from] direct supervision of adults” (Macionis, 2009, p. 81). This freedom is how they first begin to establish personal relationships outside the family. In demonstration, W. E. Ross, who wrote the article “The Promise and Perils of E- learning: A Critical Look at the New Technology” in 2009,
  • 8. attended the Wired Culture Forum that was hosted in the city of Toronto. At this forum, he found that more than 400 high school students expressed remarkable concern that technology is beginning to take over their lives. TECHNOLOGY IN HUMAN EDUCATION 3 Those students noted a continually increasing reliance on their own personal devices, that the internet isolates them from interacting with others, and that “technology threatens their… ability to relate to others” (Ross, 2009, p. 483). While some high schools in many states and countries have already converted to the online format, in Pennsylvania, there is “currently a proposal for a cyber-school that would enroll children as young as 5 years old” (Ross, 2009, p. 482). In order to understand some of the reasons for the issues that children face in pedagogical technology, it is imperative to understand some of the definitions of behavior. In Psychology: An Introduction, Benjamin Lahey (2007) defines psychology as “the science of behavior and mental
  • 9. processes” (p. 5). To further understand this, here are some of the common terms that define psychology and help to accomplish the goals of psychology: Lahey (2007) defines science as “psychologists attempt[ing] to understand people through careful, controlled observation” (p. 5); next, behavior is considered any direct, physical action that can be observed; finally, mental processes are any “private thoughts, emotions, feelings, and motives that others cannot directly observe” (p. 5). Additionally, Lahey (2007) also compares our closest evolutionary ladder match in which he illuminates the “nature versus nurture” debate as inapplicable to childhood socialization, by illustrating how two researchers (the Harlows) studied the effects of early social deprivation on monkeys by taking a small group of infant monkeys and raising them in isolation for the first few months of their lives. These monkeys seemed to be completely normal at the conclusion of this stage. At adulthood, the monkeys were then released into population with normal monkeys, and later (at 3 years of age) they were placed in specific breeding
  • 10. cages; “it was then that the Harlows first noticed that the social, sexual, and emotional behavior of these monkeys was distinctly abnormal” (Lahey, 2007, p. 319) in both the male and the female of the species, TECHNOLOGY IN HUMAN EDUCATION 4 characteristically. The females were afraid and withdrew from their normal male counterparts, while the males that were paired up with normal females were clumsy, awkward, and overly anxious. The research was further proven by the reactions of these same monkeys upon the birthing of their own baby monkeys and their extreme behavior to their own offspring, which often included murder. To add to these findings, John Macionis (2009) quantified that “humans need social experience… to survive” (p. 72). Mead (as cited in Macionis, 2009), who developed social behaviorism and the central concept of “self,” stated that, “the self develops only with social experience” (p. 77). This indicates that without the social
  • 11. experience, the self does not develop. According to Etherington’s (2008) postulation of “dehumanization,” some of the potential problems that will stem from a child’s sole online pedagogy are “isolation, lack of community, and decreased socialization of its learners” (p. 34), and also more physical problems as “repetitive stress injuries, eyestrain, [and] obesity” (p. 43). In addition to these physical dangers, there are also abnormal personality disorders that can occur as a result of de-socialization. Some of those disorders are explained in detail by Nevid, Rathus, and Greene in their book Abnormal Psychology in a Changing World (2009): avoidant personality disorder (similarly, social phobias), increased proneness to different types of phobias, and a terror of rejection and criticism that renders that person generally unwilling to enter relationships. As a result, they do not often have close relationships outside their family. Another possible disorder is separation-individuation: a process by which children learn to “differentiate their own identities from their mothers” (Nevid, Rathus, & Greene, 2009, p.
  • 12. 456). Failure for a child to complete this process can create a personality disorder in an adult, TECHNOLOGY IN HUMAN EDUCATION 5 and lead to separation anxiety. To expound on this issue, the type of anxiety disorder that could easily result from this could lead to a borderline personality disorder in which people lack confidence about their individual characteristics (which can include both personality and sexuality), leading to constant feelings of emptiness and boredom. Furthermore, physical communication disorders can quickly breed in children who are unsocial because they do not experience proper enunciation and articulation of different letters and sounds. These disorders range from an expressive language disorder, a mixed receptive/expressive language disorder, a phonological disorder, to stuttering (Nevid, Rathus, & Greene, 2009). Indeed, other physical and personality manifestations can result from a lack of socialization: children become “more passive … [and] less
  • 13. likely to use [their] imagination” (Macionis, 2009, p. 82). Ross (2009) establishes that technology can certainly benefit a professional environment by his statement that, “over 85% of Fortune 500 companies use remote training” (p. 482). In fact, most companies today actually utilize remote computer training for new hires as a part of their orientation to a new job. Some places even offer distance education as incentive to further one’s career, not only by offering a raise, but also offering monetary gifts as well. Again, the correlation between adult pedagogy in technology and child pedagogy in technology is demonstrated by Etherington’s (2008) further study of a child being in a physical school, and a teacher being absent from the classroom, but elsewhere conducting an interactive activity. His study noted that the child would not only leave the computer, but would have no interest in or recollection of the computer during this physical activity. To recap, John Macionis (2009) stresses that necessary socialization is significantly enhanced by children attending a physical
  • 14. school and interacting with other children on a constant, daily basis. TECHNOLOGY IN HUMAN EDUCATION 6 References Etherington, M. (2008). E-Learning pedagogy in the primary school classroom: The McDonaldization of education, Australian Journal of Teacher Education: 33(5), 3, 1-48. Lahey, B. B., (2007). Psychology: An introduction (9th ed.). Chicago, IL: McGraw-Hill. Macionis, J. J. (2009). Society the basics (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Nevid, J. S., Rathus, S. A., & Greene, B. (2009). Abnormal psychology in a changing world (Custom ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Prentice Hall. Ross, W. E. (2000). The promise and perils of E-learning: A critical look at the new technology. Theory and Research in Social Education, 28(4), 482-492.