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Personal Experiences: A Fictional Narrative
Richard held Lexi's sweat–slicked body against his, tenderly kissing and caressing as they both
came down from the heights of pleasure. Content to have seemingly satiated her needs as much as
she had his, the Hacker possessed not the slightest inkling that her assumption of control stemmed
not purely from desire, but because of Karl Williams. A man Richard despised, but who had also
recently been allowed the satisfaction of bringing Lexi to orgasm by fucking her with a roughness
much more brutal than that she'd denied him. Mustn't that mean, at least in some way, she'd enjoyed
it? Despite his love for Alexandra, that question would likely always prey on Richard's mind if the
truth ever emerged.
"Keep surprising me." Richard responded with a drowsy grin, feeling the pace of Lexi's pulse
slow under her skin, and watched her eyelids close. Only after she was on her way to dreamland,
did Richard close his own eyes, the image of the faint smile on Lexi's face that his last comment
had elicited imprinted in his mind as he fell into a deep, restful sleep, Alexandra safe in his embrace.
Consciousness arrived with the filtering of the sunlight through the hotel room window. The
Hacker's eyes fluttered open and closed, and he yawned, flinging his arm sleepily across in search
for Lexi. When his hand instead hit nothing but more content...
Exiting a couple of minutes later, hair neatly combed, and looking and feeling more awake, he
approached Lexi, slid his arms around her from behind, kissed the back of her neck, and fixed a
coffee. "Sleep well?" Arching a brow, the Hacker sensed a tension in the air. It may have been more
imagined than real, but for Richard the pleasurable memories of the night had begun to fade,
replaced by the reality of the reasons behind their early morning rise, and it made him ever more
impatient to leave the confines of the claustrophobic hotel
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Cover In Frankenstein
Georgia Kavanaugh
Gr 12
INTRO: The phrase "do not judge a book by its cover" is a widely recognized idea the majority of
people keep in their peripheral mind when introduced with a new idea. The initial perceptions we
make solely on someone's outward appearances are out of our control, as it is a natural connection
our brain makes between presentation and character. Though we cannot control what we
instinctually comprehend, keeping an open mind is important, especially when meeting someone
In the works Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux, the
physical appearances of our main antagonists, Erik, and "The Creature", are difficult to overcome for
the average soul. Through more content...
Frankenstein, suffered a similar, uncaring fate. When The Creature first rises from dormancy, he is
promptly turned away by a fearful Frankenstein who locks himself in his room. (pg. 35–36)
He is shamed into living in solitude, fearful that he will be ostracized if he attempts to set foot on
the surface. Over the years of tormenting those who reside in the Opera house, he earns the
reputation of "opera ghost" due to his unseen and spectral nature. It is shown in numerous occasions
that even referring to him as "opera ghost" is somewhat taboo. (p.14)
As a result of their unfortunate upbringing, Erik and the Creature grow to resent humanity for its
poor treatment of them. In the Creatures case, a couple specific instances stand out which fuel his
desire for revenge. When he reveals himself to the De Lacey family, he is attacked and forced to flee
for his own safety as well as theirs. He soon returns, only to find the cottage empty. He proceeds to
burn it down out of hurt and rage. This is a good example of his explosive nature, and how he is
compelled to act on his emotions rather than use logic.
"For the first time feelings of revenge and hatred filled my bosom... I bent my mind towards injury
and death." – The Creature, Frankenstein pg.
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The Failure Of The Soviet Union
There is a myriad of factors that accounted for the dissolution of the USSR, and the consolidation
of capitalist superiority from 1991 onwards after the fall of an autocracy, and demise of a disunited
provisional government. The official declaration of the termination of the Soviet Union was
December 26 1991; this collapse was addressed by the west as the defeat of communism, and the
end of the Cold War. To understand how and why this previously prosperous nation came to fall it is
important to look at the major factors contributing to this disarray. I will examine the economic and
ethnic problems the Soviet Union faced, as well as the problems with those in power.
After the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, the newly formed government had a more
Communism is described as " a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all
property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. "
In some countries this system worked, but what the Soviet Union failed to do was to instill the
ideology of Communism into the heart and minds of its population, an anonymous Soviet citizen
said, "They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work," Showing the lack of motivation amongst the
citizens, and lack of enthusiasm in the system. Not only was there no productivity, but also in the
middle of the 1980's approximately seventy percent of industrial output of the Soviet Union was
going to the military, causing severe shortages of the industrial goods for the rest of the economy,
and failing to meet the needs of the State resulting in acute poverty. In the end the Soviet people
became more cynical about their government and only felt distrust towards them, this and the fact
that the Soviet Union failed to produce a stable economy led to economic decline, eventually
demanding the necessity to
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Girl Interrupted Essay example
Girl, Interrupted Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious psychiatric illness. People that
are diagnosed with this disorder suffer from an intense pattern of affective instability, extreme
difficulties in interpersonal relationships, problems with behavioral or impulse control, and disrupted
cognitive processes. The estimated prevalence of BPD in the general adult population is about 2%,
mostly affecting young women. Susanna Kaysen was born on November 11, 1948 in Cambridge,
Massachusetts to Carl and Annette Kaysen. Susanna attended high school at the Commonwealth
School in Boston, and also The Cambridge School. In 1967, at the age of 18 she was sent to
McLean Hospital to undergo psychiatric treatment for depression. She more content...
Distortions in thinking and sense of self are a part of this disorder. Suzanna exhibits this throughout
the movie. While Susanna is talking with her therapist in the hospital, she tells him that she has no
bones in her hands, and when he asked her how she opened the bottle of aspirin her response was
that they just reappeared. People with BPD often have suicide attempts and substance abuse in their
history, along with self–mutilation. They may feel unfairly misunderstood or mistreated, bored,
empty, and have little idea who they are. Such symptoms are most acute when people with BPD
feel isolated and lacking in social support, and may result in frantic efforts to avoid being alone
by acting out. People with BPD exhibit other impulsive behaviors, such as excessive spending,
binge eating and risky sex. She exhibits spontaneous damaging behaviors that are mainly sexual.
She has an affair with her English professor who was married. And also has sex with two different
guys in one day. This disorder occurs in most by early adulthood. The unstable pattern of interacting
with others persists for years and is usually closely related to the person's self–image and early social
interactions. The pattern is present in a variety of settings, and often is accompanied by a similar
fluctuation in a person's emotions and feelings. Relationships and the person's emotion may often be
characterized as being shallow. People with BPD often have odd thinking and
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Humanity is a part of everyday life, but what if your humanity was lost? All throughout the human
existence, there has been humanity. In the time period of humanity, humanity was put to the test.
Mass genocides, cruel leaders, world wars, and many more have shown humanity at its lowest. It
shows how humanity is completely destroyed in times of injustice and war. Surviving Hitler, by
Andrea Warren and The Diary of Anne Frank by Goodrich and Hackett show how theNazi party
dehumanized all Europeans that opposed the Nazi party and how they destroyed their humanity in
the process.
In the story Surviving Hitler by Andrea Warren, the main character Jack is living in the time of the
holocaust. During his lifetime he goes through many more content...
Van Daan has been taking food secretly from everyone while they have been sleeping. His greed
took away him common sense and his humanity a weathered down to nothing. His greed led him to
take from the ones who needed the food the most. The terror and dehumanization of the Nazi's
worked. They have scared and terrorized these everyday people into being greedy and forgetting their
sense of humanity.
Others may argue that humanity is not lost and destroyed in times of injustice and war, but they are
definitely wrong. "Before the war Jack had parents, a brother, a grandfather, uncles, aunts, and
cousins – eighty one people in all. Now, everyone except Jack's second cousins, Robert and Arek,
Aunt Hinda, Uncle Sigmund, and Jack was dead." "If I had known this when I was in the camps,
why would I have struggled so hard to live?" You cannot just think about the time in the camps. You
must think about the after effect and psychological problems that this could and have caused. You
can argue that they survived and they still have humanity because they are alive, but would you
want to keep living when you know that everyone that you had known before except 4 people are
dead? Where is the humanity in all of this?
All of these stories give examples of the dehumanization of the Nazi's. They took away their names,
their lives, and most of all their humanity. Imagine if you were in that situation. You are alive but do
you really feel
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What I Learned About Writing
Introduction: Lessons on Writing, and How I Learned Them When I signed up for this class (at the
last minute, I should add, after dropping out of an economics class), I had no idea what to expect
from a college–level creative writing course. I was excited to write creatively as a part of a group of
like–minded people, but I wondered about the academic aspect of the class: what exactly would I
learn about writing itself, and how would I learn it? Looking back now, I realize that through my
interactions with the readings we did, my critique of others work, and the feedback I received on
my own pieces, I have expanded my depth of knowledge on what is required to create great writing,
and, perhaps most importantly, I have learned that great writing can take a variety of
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Reading and discussing works such as "Cathedral" and "Helping" introduced me to a variety of
ways that writing can be effective. For instance, Ron Hansen's "Wickedness" has almost no
dialogue in it; meanwhile, "Helping" is effective in the way it primarily uses dialogue to reveal the
characters' backstories. Both pieces, however, are held in equally high regard, as they are both
examples of effective – if not opposite – styles of writing. All of the stories we read, despite their
differences, contained shared traits that made them pleasing to read, such as verisimilitude, effective
word use, and overall creativity. By reading and discussing them in class, I was able to absorb these
elements of strong writing and incorporate them into my own
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The Lottery Paragraph Analysis
Paragraph 1 The Lottery, a short story by Shirley Jackson, was published in 1948 in the magazine
The New Yorker. The plot is that It starts in a small town with 300 people on a sunny day June
28th people gathered in the town square with lots of farmers 1st the slips are prepared 1 for each
family. head of the family draws and draw notes the ones with black dot draw again. but it's the
family the family member with the black dot gets stoned to death. The theme of the story. The theme
was blindly following tradition. First, When people gather in the town square for the lottery because
it's tradition and they don't want to break it. Second, When people throw rock nobody apise because
they think no one will stand beside the to help. Next, more content...
First, In the book it was a lot more suspenseful. When you read the book it start on a sunny day in
June when the town people get of work or leave home to go to the town square it puts suspense
because you're wondering what's going on until they throw rocks at Mrs, Dunbar, Next, The kids
playing around. When the boys were grabbing rocks in the movie it showed a boy tackle another
boy for a rock which showed in that they were exited to kill/ stone someone. In the book the kids
were just playing and grabbing rock which made you think nothing of it. Last People grabbing
rocks. When one of Mrs, Dunbar's friends in the book grabbed the rock they said it was heavy
and they were tired so they couldn't go on, wich showed she cared for her friend and didn't want
to kill her or anybody. In the movie Mrs, dunbar's friend grabbed a big rock a brought it and
through it, which showed she didn't care much for her and wanted to get it done and over
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Examples Of Survival In The Hunger Games
Survival in a Dystopian or Unusual Setting
Survival is a very dominant genre when it comes to movies and books. Many award winning
novels and films have been about survival. it is perceived clearly in the movies The Hunger Games
and Gravity, the book Gone
The film Gravity, directed by Alfonso CuarГіn identifies the theme 'Survival in a dystopian or
unusual setting'. This is portrayed through character Dr. Ryan Stone. She is the sole survivor of a
shuttle mission after flying debris from a destroyed Russian satellite wipes out her entire ship
along with all the crew. Her will to live grows, as well as her audacity and bravery, as her
hallucinations and memories of her devastating past continue to haunt her memory. When she talks
to herself, she tells her dead daughter that she loves her and that she's going to keep fighting.
Cuaron wants us to understand her courage and persistence when she is thrust into many dangerous
situations. "Either I make it down there in one piece and I have one hell of a story to tell. Or I burn
up in the next ten minutes. Either way, whichever way, no harm no foul. Cos either way, more
Stones' fight for survival is also perceived In the film The Hunger Games, directed by Gary Ross,
when 16 year old Katniss Everdeen volunteers for her sister's place is the annual event in which 24
tributes fight to the death until a lone victor remains. Despite the whole event being glorified,
Katniss knows what she's in for and, just like Dr. Stone, isn't prepared to throw her life away. She
uses her tactful thinking a hunting skills to survive in her new treacherous environment. "I told her
that I would try to win. That I would try to win for her." In this quote, about talking to her sister
before the games, Garry Ross shows us that Katniss has no intention of giving up and proves that
through the horrible circumstances and the danger that surrounds her, she is stopping at nothing to
remain alive and return home to her widowed mother and younger
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Tecumseh Essay example
Tecumseh ,Shawnee war chief, was born at Old Piqua, on the Mad River in western Ohio. In 1774,
his father, Puckeshinwa, was killed at the Battle of Point Pleasant, and in 1779 his mother,
Methoataske, accompanied those Shawnees who migrated to Missouri, later died. Raised by an
older sister, Tecumpease, Tecumseh would play war games with other fellow youths in his tribe.
Tecumseh accompanied an older brother, Chiksika, on a series of raids against frontier settlements in
Kentucky and Tennessee in the late 1780's. Chiksika had a vision that he would not survive the
battle at Buchanan's station he went ahead as plan and attacked the stockade and was mortally
wounded and was carried from the battle field and the dying warrior asked not to more
Tecumseh slowly transformed his brother's religious following into a political movement. In 1808
Tecumseh and the Prophet moved their village to the juncture of the Tippecanoe and Wabash rivers,
where the new settlement, Prophetstown, continued to attract Indians. After the loss of much Indian
land at the Treaty of Fort Wayne, Tecumseh gradually eclipsed his brother as the primary leader of
the movement. He traveled throughout the Midwest urging tribes to form a political confederacy to
prevent any further erosion of their lands. In November 1811, while Tecumseh was in the South
attempting to recruit the Creeks into his confederacy, U.S. forces marched against Prophetstown. In
the subsequent Battle of the Tippecanoe they defeated the Prophet, burned the settlement, and
destroyed the Indians' food supplies. After returning from the South Tecumseh tried to rebuild his
shattered confederacy. But when the War of 1812 broke out, he withdrew to Michigan where he
assisted the British in the capture of Detroit and led pro–British Indians in small actions in southern
Michigan and northern Ohio (Fort Meigs). When William Henry Harrison invaded Upper Canada,
Tecumseh reluctantly accompanied the British retreat. He was killed by American forces at the
Battle of the Thames on October 5, 1813. Although they never found the body of
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War Story- Personal Narrative Essay
War Story– Personal Narrative Finally we got a well deserved break from what seemed like our
endless marching. As we stopped pain shot up my left leg like a bullet. I looked automatically to
my right. Nobody was there. My best friend Simon would usually stand there, as he had in the war
before, I could imagine the grin on his face. The images of all those years ago started to play in my
It began when we were assembled in the safety of the trench. Then we heard those dreaded words
that can make a man throw up with fear for his life.
"Go! Over the top men, go!"
I froze, not breathing, not even blinking I was paralysed, standing there motionless, my legs as solid more content...
Then, turning my head again I saw Simon dive to my aid. He did not utter a single word but just
gave a faint grin then promptly looked down at my leg and set to work. He freed me and with a little
help I made it to the safety of the next shell hole. I owed him my life.
Simon refused to stop. He climbed up again to help the others. I tried to tug him back but my
efforts were worthless; seen as I was wounded. Gun shots and shell fire pounded my ears like a
right hand from a heavy weight boxer. I will never forget the next sound I heard. I knew it was the
end so I looked up at the morning sun and prayed towards the heavens. I could hear the screams
penetrating throughout my mind.
Now I'm standing here about to march on to fight in another war, fighting for my dear friend.
When will man kind learn? Now, however, I fear this time I might not be so lucky, especially now,
without Simon, who I did not even get a chance to thank for saving my life. Now I try to put the
thoughts out of my mind with a tear in my eye turning away from the other soldiers so they cannot
I can see a large church in front of me and can hear the sounds of children playing. I begin to think
about the contrast. The young, blameless children playing happily with each other only a short
distance away from where us, the adults are contemplating what lies ahead hideously slaughtering the
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World War 2 Home Front Research Paper
Mr. Langford
US History: Period 6
27 February 2016
WWII Home Front: The Key to Victory
The path to Allied victory in World War II wasn't solely due to the soldiers fighting on the frontline,
but also a result of the people fighting at the home front as well. When Pearl Harbor was attacked
on December 7 of 1941, the United States were forced to enter the war and panic gripped the
country as a whole and made many fear of plausible attacks to the United States. However, instead
of just cowering in fear, the majority of Americans converted this fear into their acceptance that the
only way to win this war, was to fight back through their very own, home front. The home front was
the war efforts back in the United States, in which many Americans made imperative sacrifices that
turned the tide of victory in favor of the United States and Allies. This is evident in the fact that
Americans resorted to the rationing of supplies at home, employing women in the defense plants,
and buying war bonds to pay for and support the war effort. Thus, the home front was crucial in the
United State' more content...
From the beginning of World War II, it became quite evident that mass amounts of weapons and
vehicles would be needed in order to defeat the Axis powers. Due to this necessity, approximately
2.5 million women were hired to work in shipyards, aircraft factories and such manufacturing and
defense plants. As a result of these 2.5 million women in the war factories, approximately 90,000
navy vessels, 80,000 tanks and 300,000 aircrafts and much more were made during those warring
years. These mass war productions showed that the home front was a crucial aspect to the United
States attaining victory during World War II, due to the fact that it allowed the United States to grow
in numbers and
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Summary Mastery Evaluation
After being challenged to compare my scores on two summaries, I noticed that, for the most part,
my scores improved. The most noticeable improvements were from the "summary mastery" and
"style" categories, where I scored higher on Summary 2 than Summary 1. Applying for the Osprey
Writing Badge has made me aware and has confirmed that my writing in this course thus far has
improved. To begin, my score from the "summary mastery" category improved from a 2 to a 4.
Whenever I was writing summary 1, summarizing in such a professional way was very new to me.
At the time, I was not aware of including several points and examples to back up my main idea
because I did not study the rubric, like I should have. In Summary 1, my central idea did not relate
to the main points I included and I did not provide enough more content...
When writing Summary 1, the concept of "style" was still fresh on my mind because I had never
learned about the specifics, until this class. After rereading Summary 1, I noticed that I used
simplistic sentences, my word choice was not fully developed, and I used passive voice in some
of my sentences. I did not receive any peer advice on style, so I tried hard to study my sentences
in Summary 2 and make corrections. Whenever I was writing my Summary 2, I read each of my
sentences aloud to make sure the style sounded appropriate. I made my sentences more complex,
added variety, used active verbs, and used a more mature word choice. For example, in Summary
2, I made this sentence more complex and used active verbs, "They state disabled students face
barriers while receiving education, which lead to lack of support from faculty and peers, lack in
financial support, and lack of participation." I have not mastered the "style" category yet, but I have
improved. I am still working on making my diction precise, instead of having an iffy choice of
words that do not flow great
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Personal Narrative- Making Positive Changes Essay
Personal Narrative– Making Positive Changes
I have positive attributes and weaknesses as everyone else does. However, since I came from Peru
to America, I experienced many changes in my personality from a shy girl to an independent,
outgoing and friendly teenager. My strongest personal attributes are generosity, my spirit of
collaboration and my perseverance to achieve any goals and overcome obstacles in my life. For
example, when I was in Peru I used to go to a hospital to help children with disabilities. I used to
visit them very often. I played with them so that they could forget for a while about their sickness. At
the time I could make them happy and they enjoyed a nice moment getting to know me. By helping
them, I felt a more content...
People might say that I am not that talkative. When I was in school I wasn't the kind of girl who
goes and talks to everyone, unless I knew the person. I always had to wait for someone to start a
conversation with me. That's why in some way it was hard for me to make friends as a child,
because of my shyness.
When my parents decided to come here, it was kind of a shock for me. First of all, the language
and the challenge to start a new life, meet new people and adapt myself to the new and different
customs worried me. Here in the United States, the fact that I didn't speak English really well
made the high school separate me from the other students, putting me into a different program;
ESL. This program helped me a lot, because the teacher encourage us to not give up. She told us
that it is good to experience sometimes some changes in our lives. That's how we can learn more
and improve ourselves. She also talked with the principal about doing a diversity program to help
ESL students integrate more with the rest of the school. She encouraged us to talk about and to feel
proud of the differences in our cultures. By overcoming this huge change, this experience made me
grow more inside as a person.
Now, I am more independent, a little bit more outgoing and friendly. I'm more independent in the
way that I have a job and I don't depend anymore on my parent's money. I can buy and have all
what I want, but always keeping in mind to save for tomorrow. The
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Summer Program Application Essay
The reason as to why I am applying for this summer program is because of the opportunity that it
provides. Programs such as these gives the unique opportunity to explore multiple different career
paths. But, not only does it provide a learning opportunity, it also allows a cultural one. Being able
to travel and live in a foreign country at such a young age is one of the most memorable and
amazing things that you can do. I believe that if accepted into this program, that I will do my very
best to prove myself dedicated as a student because I want to spend my life learning and preparing
myself for the real world as a careered woman. I have not yet solidified what I would like to be in the
future, but as of this moment, I hope to possibly more content...
I have always loved looking and participating in art classes, although I am not the best artist, and I
enjoy learning about the history behind different art techniques. But I think that international
relations would be something that is absolutely amazing to learn about because through this I
could learn about the connections and effects that occur between so many different nations, and
learn about how they interact with one another. I feel like I could provide an interesting
perspective to this program, for the main reason of having been apart of programs similar to this
one during previous summers. I work well with others, and I always try to keep an open mind as
to avoid biases and to be more empathetic and understanding towards others. I am very adaptive to
my surroundings even if that means changing topics within a classroom discussion. Something else
about me is that I am what is known as an ambivert. This means that I sit in the scale between being
and introvert and an extrovert. Although iI do tend to sway more towards the introverted side, but
only for the reason that I can get lost in my own thoughts or go for hours without taking a break
from a book that I am
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Wonderful Kids Program Research Paper
Wonderful Kids Program, the destination families program also utilizes mental health services in the
program. It has been shown that many of foster youth deal with mental issues "Seventy five percent
(75%) of foster youth suffer from severe emotional disturbances" and additionally 65% of foster
youth were evaluated as needing mental services but would rarely receive them ("The Foster Care
Crisis."). The mental health team in the Destination Family program specifically focuses on
teenagers and helps these teens process through their past loss and grief, attachment and bonding
difficulties, along with support and stabilizing the teenagers. They also assist in preparing teenagers
for permanency and helping them understand the importance of finding a forever family.
more content...
Though most of the programs are meant to be beneficial we must look at the money we are
spending on them and if they are producing positive outcomes. If not, why do we have those
programs? Should we get rid of all foster care programs that help teens? Or, should they just be
reformed? We can't believe that programs discussed like AB 12 are beneficial for foster teenagers.
This program may work for some foster teenagers, but not all of them. Throwing money into a
program just so foster teenagers have money is not effective. For a program to be effective, it really
needs to look at what the foster teenagers need. Foster teenagers need to be able to learn important
independent living skills such as housekeeping, cooking, job skills, time management, shopping,
laundry, and budgeting. There are some programs such as the Independent Living Program (ILP) that
teaches this, but how much can a teenager really learn from a couple lesson plans? These are skills
that they would learn from their parents if it was in a traditional household that would take time,
nurturing, and
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Cerebral Palsy Research Paper
Cerebral Palsy is a rage of different neurological disorders that affects the part of the brain that
controls all muscle movement in the body. It is estimated that over 500,000 adults have CP, and
over 8,000 infants and toddlers are diagnosed with the disease every year. Almost all children who
are diagnosed with the disorder, they are born with it. Cerebral Palsy appears most often during
infancy or while the affected child is still relatively young. According to the National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke, the most common symptoms of Cerebral Palsy are lack of
muscle coordination, stiff or very loose muscles, involuntary movements, lack of muscle tone,
seizures, loss of hearing and eyesight, lack in breathing ability, and more content...
During the mid eighteen–hundreds a doctor by the name of William John Little began the study of
CP due to the lack of knowledge about a disease he possessed himself as a child. It was then that
he and other doctors that worked alongside him, uncovered the many different parts of the
disease. Years later he published a book by the name of "On the Nature and Treatment of
Deformities of the Human Frame." Due to the lack of writing on the subject, Cerebral Palsy was
named Little's Disease for many years. In later times, Sir William Owens wrote and published a
book in the topic titled "Cerebral Palsies of Children." and decided not to refer to the disease as
"Little's Disease" but chose Cerebral Palsy instead. For a long time it was undetermined whether or
not CP was a disease that was caused due to lack of oxygen to the brain during and after birth, or if
instead it was a neurological disease that developed in the brain during this gestation period. In the
1980s it was proved that CP could be developed more likely during pregnancy, rather than after
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Nutrition Plan for Students Essay example
The Core Body of Knowledge: New York State's Core Competencies for Early Childhood
Educators is a set of standards, written by the NYS Early Childhood Advisory Council for those
professionals who work with young children in different areas. The standards exist to provide daily
practice for professionals who wrok with children. It is a guide for programs administrators and
directors to help them assess the performance of the their staff and to help in area that need
developing. They help training organizations with evaluation and development of opportunities for
professionals. They assist teacher education programs. They support local and stat agneices in policy
making and public and private investments. The standards are separate more content...
I will repeat the steps for the vegetable, fruit, diary, meat and fat/oil groups. I would have
pre–laminated food cuts for children take turns putting them into the right groups. Using the
pyramid, I would ask the children what food is healthy and can help them grow. We would make
a list of healthy snacks for the classroom. I would allow them to come up with the list as I write
them on the board. If there is one that is not a healthy snack, I would ask the class if anybody
notice any unhealthy snacks on the list. Then I would remove the unhealthy snack. I can have the
children write down what kinds of food they have at home and what food groups they fit into.
Another lesson I can teach to children is the meals of the day. I would focus on breakfast, luch and
dinner. For breakfast, I would ask the children to tell me what they had for breakfast before they
came to school. Then I would ask them about the favorite breakfast. I would repeat the questions for
lunch and dinner. I would split the class up into three groups, breakfast, lunch and dinner, and have
them brainstorm what food from the food pyramid they have for either meal. They can also mention
foods that are not on the pyramid, so children can learn about different food in different cultures.
They can utilize the toy food from the kitchen center for the activity. During a daycare observation, I
notice the children each brought in different vegetables. They were going to make a salad after
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American Identity Examples
An American Identity "Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave. O'er the land and of the
free, and the home of the brave." These words from our beloved national anthem, are words that
this country chooses to live by. Ladies and gentlemen will remove their caps, and then all rise for
the playing of the Star Spangled Banner. Most Americans have become comfortable about this
right and pleasure that we have. To be able to show respect for the ones who aren't here, and can't
even stand to do so. One professional American football player had another agenda for this time.
He decided to kneel instead of stand like we have all become accustomed to. In my generation, we
take our freedom and rights for granted. We do this, because we never more content...
In the fourteen years that I have been on this Earth, America has been very fortunate. Of course
we have has very tragic things happen, but none that I can remember vividly. I asked my
grandma if she could remember where she was and what she was doing when 9/11 occurred. "
ASK GRANDMA ABOUT 9/11." It's times like that, that i have never experienced for myself,
and I am grateful that I haven't. Though, when Colin Kaepernick didn't stand to show his respect,
it hit me like a ton of bricks. I just remember thinking, " We are so fortunate, what more could he
want. There are other countries that would hunt him down for doing this. Someone else died so
that you could do what you love." I know that I am not a saint, I question my rights all the time,
but I would never act out against what I am so lucky to have. Although some may say that he was
just exercising his right. He has a freedom of speech and there is nothing that he did wrong. I
would agree legally he did nothing wrong, but what about morally. Has my generation been lost in
the woods for so long that we can't see the trail that could lead us out? We all have such strong
opinions, that we refuse to listen to the other. We choose to always fight instead of just being at
peace with what we
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Inductive Argument
In the first part of the assignment we were asked to identify components of arguments, premise
and conclusion, for the passages. Where applicable we are to highlight key words or phrases that
identify a claim as a premise or a conclusion. A premise is the support for the conclusion. (Missimer,
2005) The first example has several premises as follows if Sue's baby is a boy it will be named Mark
and if it is a girl it will be named Margaret. Another premise is that Sue will have a boy or girl.
"So" is a keyword indicating the conclusion that Sue's baby will be named Mark or Margaret. In
the next example, "because" is a keyword in the premise and indicates that the conclusion has
preceded and a reason will follow. This premise is that more content...
In the last part of the assignment we are asked to identify the arguments as inductive or deductive. An
argument is said to be deductive if its conclusion is claimed to necessarily follow the premise. An
inductive argument claims only that its conclusion probably follows from its premises. That is,
the inferential claim is that since the premises are true or acceptable, the conclusion is likely to
be true or acceptable. (Missimer, 2005) The first and second examples are inductive because even
though the premises may be true, it is still possible for the conclusion to be false. They will then
have to be looked at to see if they are strong or weak and if all premises are true or if one or more
is false. We can then determine if the argument is reliable or unreliable. The third example is a
deductive argument if we go by the definition above. If the premises are true then it simply isn't
possible for the conclusion to be false. If you have a deductive argument and you accept the truth of
the premises, then you must also accept the truth of the conclusion; if you deny it, then you are
denying logic
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600 Word Essay Example

  • 1. Personal Experiences: A Fictional Narrative Richard held Lexi's sweat–slicked body against his, tenderly kissing and caressing as they both came down from the heights of pleasure. Content to have seemingly satiated her needs as much as she had his, the Hacker possessed not the slightest inkling that her assumption of control stemmed not purely from desire, but because of Karl Williams. A man Richard despised, but who had also recently been allowed the satisfaction of bringing Lexi to orgasm by fucking her with a roughness much more brutal than that she'd denied him. Mustn't that mean, at least in some way, she'd enjoyed it? Despite his love for Alexandra, that question would likely always prey on Richard's mind if the truth ever emerged. "Keep surprising me." Richard responded with a drowsy grin, feeling the pace of Lexi's pulse slow under her skin, and watched her eyelids close. Only after she was on her way to dreamland, did Richard close his own eyes, the image of the faint smile on Lexi's face that his last comment had elicited imprinted in his mind as he fell into a deep, restful sleep, Alexandra safe in his embrace. Consciousness arrived with the filtering of the sunlight through the hotel room window. The Hacker's eyes fluttered open and closed, and he yawned, flinging his arm sleepily across in search for Lexi. When his hand instead hit nothing but more content... Exiting a couple of minutes later, hair neatly combed, and looking and feeling more awake, he approached Lexi, slid his arms around her from behind, kissed the back of her neck, and fixed a coffee. "Sleep well?" Arching a brow, the Hacker sensed a tension in the air. It may have been more imagined than real, but for Richard the pleasurable memories of the night had begun to fade, replaced by the reality of the reasons behind their early morning rise, and it made him ever more impatient to leave the confines of the claustrophobic hotel Get more content on
  • 2. Cover In Frankenstein Georgia Kavanaugh Gr 12 ENG LIT Hanson INTRO: The phrase "do not judge a book by its cover" is a widely recognized idea the majority of people keep in their peripheral mind when introduced with a new idea. The initial perceptions we make solely on someone's outward appearances are out of our control, as it is a natural connection our brain makes between presentation and character. Though we cannot control what we instinctually comprehend, keeping an open mind is important, especially when meeting someone new. In the works Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux, the physical appearances of our main antagonists, Erik, and "The Creature", are difficult to overcome for the average soul. Through more content... Frankenstein, suffered a similar, uncaring fate. When The Creature first rises from dormancy, he is promptly turned away by a fearful Frankenstein who locks himself in his room. (pg. 35–36) He is shamed into living in solitude, fearful that he will be ostracized if he attempts to set foot on the surface. Over the years of tormenting those who reside in the Opera house, he earns the reputation of "opera ghost" due to his unseen and spectral nature. It is shown in numerous occasions that even referring to him as "opera ghost" is somewhat taboo. (p.14) As a result of their unfortunate upbringing, Erik and the Creature grow to resent humanity for its poor treatment of them. In the Creatures case, a couple specific instances stand out which fuel his desire for revenge. When he reveals himself to the De Lacey family, he is attacked and forced to flee for his own safety as well as theirs. He soon returns, only to find the cottage empty. He proceeds to burn it down out of hurt and rage. This is a good example of his explosive nature, and how he is compelled to act on his emotions rather than use logic. "For the first time feelings of revenge and hatred filled my bosom... I bent my mind towards injury and death." – The Creature, Frankenstein pg. Get more content on
  • 3. The Failure Of The Soviet Union There is a myriad of factors that accounted for the dissolution of the USSR, and the consolidation of capitalist superiority from 1991 onwards after the fall of an autocracy, and demise of a disunited provisional government. The official declaration of the termination of the Soviet Union was December 26 1991; this collapse was addressed by the west as the defeat of communism, and the end of the Cold War. To understand how and why this previously prosperous nation came to fall it is important to look at the major factors contributing to this disarray. I will examine the economic and ethnic problems the Soviet Union faced, as well as the problems with those in power. After the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, the newly formed government had a more content... Communism is described as " a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. " In some countries this system worked, but what the Soviet Union failed to do was to instill the ideology of Communism into the heart and minds of its population, an anonymous Soviet citizen said, "They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work," Showing the lack of motivation amongst the citizens, and lack of enthusiasm in the system. Not only was there no productivity, but also in the middle of the 1980's approximately seventy percent of industrial output of the Soviet Union was going to the military, causing severe shortages of the industrial goods for the rest of the economy, and failing to meet the needs of the State resulting in acute poverty. In the end the Soviet people became more cynical about their government and only felt distrust towards them, this and the fact that the Soviet Union failed to produce a stable economy led to economic decline, eventually demanding the necessity to Get more content on
  • 4. Girl Interrupted Essay example Girl, Interrupted Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious psychiatric illness. People that are diagnosed with this disorder suffer from an intense pattern of affective instability, extreme difficulties in interpersonal relationships, problems with behavioral or impulse control, and disrupted cognitive processes. The estimated prevalence of BPD in the general adult population is about 2%, mostly affecting young women. Susanna Kaysen was born on November 11, 1948 in Cambridge, Massachusetts to Carl and Annette Kaysen. Susanna attended high school at the Commonwealth School in Boston, and also The Cambridge School. In 1967, at the age of 18 she was sent to McLean Hospital to undergo psychiatric treatment for depression. She more content... Distortions in thinking and sense of self are a part of this disorder. Suzanna exhibits this throughout the movie. While Susanna is talking with her therapist in the hospital, she tells him that she has no bones in her hands, and when he asked her how she opened the bottle of aspirin her response was that they just reappeared. People with BPD often have suicide attempts and substance abuse in their history, along with self–mutilation. They may feel unfairly misunderstood or mistreated, bored, empty, and have little idea who they are. Such symptoms are most acute when people with BPD feel isolated and lacking in social support, and may result in frantic efforts to avoid being alone by acting out. People with BPD exhibit other impulsive behaviors, such as excessive spending, binge eating and risky sex. She exhibits spontaneous damaging behaviors that are mainly sexual. She has an affair with her English professor who was married. And also has sex with two different guys in one day. This disorder occurs in most by early adulthood. The unstable pattern of interacting with others persists for years and is usually closely related to the person's self–image and early social interactions. The pattern is present in a variety of settings, and often is accompanied by a similar fluctuation in a person's emotions and feelings. Relationships and the person's emotion may often be characterized as being shallow. People with BPD often have odd thinking and Get more content on
  • 5. Humanity Humanity is a part of everyday life, but what if your humanity was lost? All throughout the human existence, there has been humanity. In the time period of humanity, humanity was put to the test. Mass genocides, cruel leaders, world wars, and many more have shown humanity at its lowest. It shows how humanity is completely destroyed in times of injustice and war. Surviving Hitler, by Andrea Warren and The Diary of Anne Frank by Goodrich and Hackett show how theNazi party dehumanized all Europeans that opposed the Nazi party and how they destroyed their humanity in the process. In the story Surviving Hitler by Andrea Warren, the main character Jack is living in the time of the holocaust. During his lifetime he goes through many more content... Van Daan has been taking food secretly from everyone while they have been sleeping. His greed took away him common sense and his humanity a weathered down to nothing. His greed led him to take from the ones who needed the food the most. The terror and dehumanization of the Nazi's worked. They have scared and terrorized these everyday people into being greedy and forgetting their sense of humanity. Others may argue that humanity is not lost and destroyed in times of injustice and war, but they are definitely wrong. "Before the war Jack had parents, a brother, a grandfather, uncles, aunts, and cousins – eighty one people in all. Now, everyone except Jack's second cousins, Robert and Arek, Aunt Hinda, Uncle Sigmund, and Jack was dead." "If I had known this when I was in the camps, why would I have struggled so hard to live?" You cannot just think about the time in the camps. You must think about the after effect and psychological problems that this could and have caused. You can argue that they survived and they still have humanity because they are alive, but would you want to keep living when you know that everyone that you had known before except 4 people are dead? Where is the humanity in all of this? All of these stories give examples of the dehumanization of the Nazi's. They took away their names, their lives, and most of all their humanity. Imagine if you were in that situation. You are alive but do you really feel Get more content on
  • 6. What I Learned About Writing Introduction: Lessons on Writing, and How I Learned Them When I signed up for this class (at the last minute, I should add, after dropping out of an economics class), I had no idea what to expect from a college–level creative writing course. I was excited to write creatively as a part of a group of like–minded people, but I wondered about the academic aspect of the class: what exactly would I learn about writing itself, and how would I learn it? Looking back now, I realize that through my interactions with the readings we did, my critique of others work, and the feedback I received on my own pieces, I have expanded my depth of knowledge on what is required to create great writing, and, perhaps most importantly, I have learned that great writing can take a variety of more content... Reading and discussing works such as "Cathedral" and "Helping" introduced me to a variety of ways that writing can be effective. For instance, Ron Hansen's "Wickedness" has almost no dialogue in it; meanwhile, "Helping" is effective in the way it primarily uses dialogue to reveal the characters' backstories. Both pieces, however, are held in equally high regard, as they are both examples of effective – if not opposite – styles of writing. All of the stories we read, despite their differences, contained shared traits that made them pleasing to read, such as verisimilitude, effective word use, and overall creativity. By reading and discussing them in class, I was able to absorb these elements of strong writing and incorporate them into my own Get more content on
  • 7. The Lottery Paragraph Analysis Paragraph 1 The Lottery, a short story by Shirley Jackson, was published in 1948 in the magazine The New Yorker. The plot is that It starts in a small town with 300 people on a sunny day June 28th people gathered in the town square with lots of farmers 1st the slips are prepared 1 for each family. head of the family draws and draw notes the ones with black dot draw again. but it's the family the family member with the black dot gets stoned to death. The theme of the story. The theme was blindly following tradition. First, When people gather in the town square for the lottery because it's tradition and they don't want to break it. Second, When people throw rock nobody apise because they think no one will stand beside the to help. Next, more content... First, In the book it was a lot more suspenseful. When you read the book it start on a sunny day in June when the town people get of work or leave home to go to the town square it puts suspense because you're wondering what's going on until they throw rocks at Mrs, Dunbar, Next, The kids playing around. When the boys were grabbing rocks in the movie it showed a boy tackle another boy for a rock which showed in that they were exited to kill/ stone someone. In the book the kids were just playing and grabbing rock which made you think nothing of it. Last People grabbing rocks. When one of Mrs, Dunbar's friends in the book grabbed the rock they said it was heavy and they were tired so they couldn't go on, wich showed she cared for her friend and didn't want to kill her or anybody. In the movie Mrs, dunbar's friend grabbed a big rock a brought it and through it, which showed she didn't care much for her and wanted to get it done and over Get more content on
  • 8. Examples Of Survival In The Hunger Games Survival in a Dystopian or Unusual Setting Survival is a very dominant genre when it comes to movies and books. Many award winning novels and films have been about survival. it is perceived clearly in the movies The Hunger Games and Gravity, the book Gone The film Gravity, directed by Alfonso CuarГіn identifies the theme 'Survival in a dystopian or unusual setting'. This is portrayed through character Dr. Ryan Stone. She is the sole survivor of a shuttle mission after flying debris from a destroyed Russian satellite wipes out her entire ship along with all the crew. Her will to live grows, as well as her audacity and bravery, as her hallucinations and memories of her devastating past continue to haunt her memory. When she talks to herself, she tells her dead daughter that she loves her and that she's going to keep fighting. Cuaron wants us to understand her courage and persistence when she is thrust into many dangerous situations. "Either I make it down there in one piece and I have one hell of a story to tell. Or I burn up in the next ten minutes. Either way, whichever way, no harm no foul. Cos either way, more content... Stones' fight for survival is also perceived In the film The Hunger Games, directed by Gary Ross, when 16 year old Katniss Everdeen volunteers for her sister's place is the annual event in which 24 tributes fight to the death until a lone victor remains. Despite the whole event being glorified, Katniss knows what she's in for and, just like Dr. Stone, isn't prepared to throw her life away. She uses her tactful thinking a hunting skills to survive in her new treacherous environment. "I told her that I would try to win. That I would try to win for her." In this quote, about talking to her sister before the games, Garry Ross shows us that Katniss has no intention of giving up and proves that through the horrible circumstances and the danger that surrounds her, she is stopping at nothing to remain alive and return home to her widowed mother and younger Get more content on
  • 9. Tecumseh Essay example Tecumseh ,Shawnee war chief, was born at Old Piqua, on the Mad River in western Ohio. In 1774, his father, Puckeshinwa, was killed at the Battle of Point Pleasant, and in 1779 his mother, Methoataske, accompanied those Shawnees who migrated to Missouri, later died. Raised by an older sister, Tecumpease, Tecumseh would play war games with other fellow youths in his tribe. Tecumseh accompanied an older brother, Chiksika, on a series of raids against frontier settlements in Kentucky and Tennessee in the late 1780's. Chiksika had a vision that he would not survive the battle at Buchanan's station he went ahead as plan and attacked the stockade and was mortally wounded and was carried from the battle field and the dying warrior asked not to more content... Tecumseh slowly transformed his brother's religious following into a political movement. In 1808 Tecumseh and the Prophet moved their village to the juncture of the Tippecanoe and Wabash rivers, where the new settlement, Prophetstown, continued to attract Indians. After the loss of much Indian land at the Treaty of Fort Wayne, Tecumseh gradually eclipsed his brother as the primary leader of the movement. He traveled throughout the Midwest urging tribes to form a political confederacy to prevent any further erosion of their lands. In November 1811, while Tecumseh was in the South attempting to recruit the Creeks into his confederacy, U.S. forces marched against Prophetstown. In the subsequent Battle of the Tippecanoe they defeated the Prophet, burned the settlement, and destroyed the Indians' food supplies. After returning from the South Tecumseh tried to rebuild his shattered confederacy. But when the War of 1812 broke out, he withdrew to Michigan where he assisted the British in the capture of Detroit and led pro–British Indians in small actions in southern Michigan and northern Ohio (Fort Meigs). When William Henry Harrison invaded Upper Canada, Tecumseh reluctantly accompanied the British retreat. He was killed by American forces at the Battle of the Thames on October 5, 1813. Although they never found the body of Get more content on
  • 10. War Story- Personal Narrative Essay War Story– Personal Narrative Finally we got a well deserved break from what seemed like our endless marching. As we stopped pain shot up my left leg like a bullet. I looked automatically to my right. Nobody was there. My best friend Simon would usually stand there, as he had in the war before, I could imagine the grin on his face. The images of all those years ago started to play in my mind... It began when we were assembled in the safety of the trench. Then we heard those dreaded words that can make a man throw up with fear for his life. "Go! Over the top men, go!" I froze, not breathing, not even blinking I was paralysed, standing there motionless, my legs as solid more content... Then, turning my head again I saw Simon dive to my aid. He did not utter a single word but just gave a faint grin then promptly looked down at my leg and set to work. He freed me and with a little help I made it to the safety of the next shell hole. I owed him my life. Simon refused to stop. He climbed up again to help the others. I tried to tug him back but my efforts were worthless; seen as I was wounded. Gun shots and shell fire pounded my ears like a right hand from a heavy weight boxer. I will never forget the next sound I heard. I knew it was the end so I looked up at the morning sun and prayed towards the heavens. I could hear the screams penetrating throughout my mind. Now I'm standing here about to march on to fight in another war, fighting for my dear friend. When will man kind learn? Now, however, I fear this time I might not be so lucky, especially now, without Simon, who I did not even get a chance to thank for saving my life. Now I try to put the thoughts out of my mind with a tear in my eye turning away from the other soldiers so they cannot see. I can see a large church in front of me and can hear the sounds of children playing. I begin to think about the contrast. The young, blameless children playing happily with each other only a short distance away from where us, the adults are contemplating what lies ahead hideously slaughtering the Get more content on
  • 11. World War 2 Home Front Research Paper 393202 Mr. Langford US History: Period 6 27 February 2016 WWII Home Front: The Key to Victory The path to Allied victory in World War II wasn't solely due to the soldiers fighting on the frontline, but also a result of the people fighting at the home front as well. When Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7 of 1941, the United States were forced to enter the war and panic gripped the country as a whole and made many fear of plausible attacks to the United States. However, instead of just cowering in fear, the majority of Americans converted this fear into their acceptance that the only way to win this war, was to fight back through their very own, home front. The home front was the war efforts back in the United States, in which many Americans made imperative sacrifices that turned the tide of victory in favor of the United States and Allies. This is evident in the fact that Americans resorted to the rationing of supplies at home, employing women in the defense plants, and buying war bonds to pay for and support the war effort. Thus, the home front was crucial in the United State' more content... From the beginning of World War II, it became quite evident that mass amounts of weapons and vehicles would be needed in order to defeat the Axis powers. Due to this necessity, approximately 2.5 million women were hired to work in shipyards, aircraft factories and such manufacturing and defense plants. As a result of these 2.5 million women in the war factories, approximately 90,000 navy vessels, 80,000 tanks and 300,000 aircrafts and much more were made during those warring years. These mass war productions showed that the home front was a crucial aspect to the United States attaining victory during World War II, due to the fact that it allowed the United States to grow in numbers and Get more content on
  • 12. Summary Mastery Evaluation After being challenged to compare my scores on two summaries, I noticed that, for the most part, my scores improved. The most noticeable improvements were from the "summary mastery" and "style" categories, where I scored higher on Summary 2 than Summary 1. Applying for the Osprey Writing Badge has made me aware and has confirmed that my writing in this course thus far has improved. To begin, my score from the "summary mastery" category improved from a 2 to a 4. Whenever I was writing summary 1, summarizing in such a professional way was very new to me. At the time, I was not aware of including several points and examples to back up my main idea because I did not study the rubric, like I should have. In Summary 1, my central idea did not relate to the main points I included and I did not provide enough more content... When writing Summary 1, the concept of "style" was still fresh on my mind because I had never learned about the specifics, until this class. After rereading Summary 1, I noticed that I used simplistic sentences, my word choice was not fully developed, and I used passive voice in some of my sentences. I did not receive any peer advice on style, so I tried hard to study my sentences in Summary 2 and make corrections. Whenever I was writing my Summary 2, I read each of my sentences aloud to make sure the style sounded appropriate. I made my sentences more complex, added variety, used active verbs, and used a more mature word choice. For example, in Summary 2, I made this sentence more complex and used active verbs, "They state disabled students face barriers while receiving education, which lead to lack of support from faculty and peers, lack in financial support, and lack of participation." I have not mastered the "style" category yet, but I have improved. I am still working on making my diction precise, instead of having an iffy choice of words that do not flow great Get more content on
  • 13. Personal Narrative- Making Positive Changes Essay Personal Narrative– Making Positive Changes I have positive attributes and weaknesses as everyone else does. However, since I came from Peru to America, I experienced many changes in my personality from a shy girl to an independent, outgoing and friendly teenager. My strongest personal attributes are generosity, my spirit of collaboration and my perseverance to achieve any goals and overcome obstacles in my life. For example, when I was in Peru I used to go to a hospital to help children with disabilities. I used to visit them very often. I played with them so that they could forget for a while about their sickness. At the time I could make them happy and they enjoyed a nice moment getting to know me. By helping them, I felt a more content... People might say that I am not that talkative. When I was in school I wasn't the kind of girl who goes and talks to everyone, unless I knew the person. I always had to wait for someone to start a conversation with me. That's why in some way it was hard for me to make friends as a child, because of my shyness. When my parents decided to come here, it was kind of a shock for me. First of all, the language and the challenge to start a new life, meet new people and adapt myself to the new and different customs worried me. Here in the United States, the fact that I didn't speak English really well made the high school separate me from the other students, putting me into a different program; ESL. This program helped me a lot, because the teacher encourage us to not give up. She told us that it is good to experience sometimes some changes in our lives. That's how we can learn more and improve ourselves. She also talked with the principal about doing a diversity program to help ESL students integrate more with the rest of the school. She encouraged us to talk about and to feel proud of the differences in our cultures. By overcoming this huge change, this experience made me grow more inside as a person. Now, I am more independent, a little bit more outgoing and friendly. I'm more independent in the way that I have a job and I don't depend anymore on my parent's money. I can buy and have all what I want, but always keeping in mind to save for tomorrow. The Get more content on
  • 14. Summer Program Application Essay The reason as to why I am applying for this summer program is because of the opportunity that it provides. Programs such as these gives the unique opportunity to explore multiple different career paths. But, not only does it provide a learning opportunity, it also allows a cultural one. Being able to travel and live in a foreign country at such a young age is one of the most memorable and amazing things that you can do. I believe that if accepted into this program, that I will do my very best to prove myself dedicated as a student because I want to spend my life learning and preparing myself for the real world as a careered woman. I have not yet solidified what I would like to be in the future, but as of this moment, I hope to possibly more content... I have always loved looking and participating in art classes, although I am not the best artist, and I enjoy learning about the history behind different art techniques. But I think that international relations would be something that is absolutely amazing to learn about because through this I could learn about the connections and effects that occur between so many different nations, and learn about how they interact with one another. I feel like I could provide an interesting perspective to this program, for the main reason of having been apart of programs similar to this one during previous summers. I work well with others, and I always try to keep an open mind as to avoid biases and to be more empathetic and understanding towards others. I am very adaptive to my surroundings even if that means changing topics within a classroom discussion. Something else about me is that I am what is known as an ambivert. This means that I sit in the scale between being and introvert and an extrovert. Although iI do tend to sway more towards the introverted side, but only for the reason that I can get lost in my own thoughts or go for hours without taking a break from a book that I am Get more content on
  • 15. Wonderful Kids Program Research Paper Wonderful Kids Program, the destination families program also utilizes mental health services in the program. It has been shown that many of foster youth deal with mental issues "Seventy five percent (75%) of foster youth suffer from severe emotional disturbances" and additionally 65% of foster youth were evaluated as needing mental services but would rarely receive them ("The Foster Care Crisis."). The mental health team in the Destination Family program specifically focuses on teenagers and helps these teens process through their past loss and grief, attachment and bonding difficulties, along with support and stabilizing the teenagers. They also assist in preparing teenagers for permanency and helping them understand the importance of finding a forever family. more content... Though most of the programs are meant to be beneficial we must look at the money we are spending on them and if they are producing positive outcomes. If not, why do we have those programs? Should we get rid of all foster care programs that help teens? Or, should they just be reformed? We can't believe that programs discussed like AB 12 are beneficial for foster teenagers. This program may work for some foster teenagers, but not all of them. Throwing money into a program just so foster teenagers have money is not effective. For a program to be effective, it really needs to look at what the foster teenagers need. Foster teenagers need to be able to learn important independent living skills such as housekeeping, cooking, job skills, time management, shopping, laundry, and budgeting. There are some programs such as the Independent Living Program (ILP) that teaches this, but how much can a teenager really learn from a couple lesson plans? These are skills that they would learn from their parents if it was in a traditional household that would take time, nurturing, and Get more content on
  • 16. Cerebral Palsy Research Paper Cerebral Palsy is a rage of different neurological disorders that affects the part of the brain that controls all muscle movement in the body. It is estimated that over 500,000 adults have CP, and over 8,000 infants and toddlers are diagnosed with the disease every year. Almost all children who are diagnosed with the disorder, they are born with it. Cerebral Palsy appears most often during infancy or while the affected child is still relatively young. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, the most common symptoms of Cerebral Palsy are lack of muscle coordination, stiff or very loose muscles, involuntary movements, lack of muscle tone, seizures, loss of hearing and eyesight, lack in breathing ability, and more content... During the mid eighteen–hundreds a doctor by the name of William John Little began the study of CP due to the lack of knowledge about a disease he possessed himself as a child. It was then that he and other doctors that worked alongside him, uncovered the many different parts of the disease. Years later he published a book by the name of "On the Nature and Treatment of Deformities of the Human Frame." Due to the lack of writing on the subject, Cerebral Palsy was named Little's Disease for many years. In later times, Sir William Owens wrote and published a book in the topic titled "Cerebral Palsies of Children." and decided not to refer to the disease as "Little's Disease" but chose Cerebral Palsy instead. For a long time it was undetermined whether or not CP was a disease that was caused due to lack of oxygen to the brain during and after birth, or if instead it was a neurological disease that developed in the brain during this gestation period. In the 1980s it was proved that CP could be developed more likely during pregnancy, rather than after Get more content on
  • 17. Nutrition Plan for Students Essay example The Core Body of Knowledge: New York State's Core Competencies for Early Childhood Educators is a set of standards, written by the NYS Early Childhood Advisory Council for those professionals who work with young children in different areas. The standards exist to provide daily practice for professionals who wrok with children. It is a guide for programs administrators and directors to help them assess the performance of the their staff and to help in area that need developing. They help training organizations with evaluation and development of opportunities for professionals. They assist teacher education programs. They support local and stat agneices in policy making and public and private investments. The standards are separate more content... I will repeat the steps for the vegetable, fruit, diary, meat and fat/oil groups. I would have pre–laminated food cuts for children take turns putting them into the right groups. Using the pyramid, I would ask the children what food is healthy and can help them grow. We would make a list of healthy snacks for the classroom. I would allow them to come up with the list as I write them on the board. If there is one that is not a healthy snack, I would ask the class if anybody notice any unhealthy snacks on the list. Then I would remove the unhealthy snack. I can have the children write down what kinds of food they have at home and what food groups they fit into. Another lesson I can teach to children is the meals of the day. I would focus on breakfast, luch and dinner. For breakfast, I would ask the children to tell me what they had for breakfast before they came to school. Then I would ask them about the favorite breakfast. I would repeat the questions for lunch and dinner. I would split the class up into three groups, breakfast, lunch and dinner, and have them brainstorm what food from the food pyramid they have for either meal. They can also mention foods that are not on the pyramid, so children can learn about different food in different cultures. They can utilize the toy food from the kitchen center for the activity. During a daycare observation, I notice the children each brought in different vegetables. They were going to make a salad after learning Get more content on
  • 18. American Identity Examples An American Identity "Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave. O'er the land and of the free, and the home of the brave." These words from our beloved national anthem, are words that this country chooses to live by. Ladies and gentlemen will remove their caps, and then all rise for the playing of the Star Spangled Banner. Most Americans have become comfortable about this right and pleasure that we have. To be able to show respect for the ones who aren't here, and can't even stand to do so. One professional American football player had another agenda for this time. He decided to kneel instead of stand like we have all become accustomed to. In my generation, we take our freedom and rights for granted. We do this, because we never more content... In the fourteen years that I have been on this Earth, America has been very fortunate. Of course we have has very tragic things happen, but none that I can remember vividly. I asked my grandma if she could remember where she was and what she was doing when 9/11 occurred. " ASK GRANDMA ABOUT 9/11." It's times like that, that i have never experienced for myself, and I am grateful that I haven't. Though, when Colin Kaepernick didn't stand to show his respect, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I just remember thinking, " We are so fortunate, what more could he want. There are other countries that would hunt him down for doing this. Someone else died so that you could do what you love." I know that I am not a saint, I question my rights all the time, but I would never act out against what I am so lucky to have. Although some may say that he was just exercising his right. He has a freedom of speech and there is nothing that he did wrong. I would agree legally he did nothing wrong, but what about morally. Has my generation been lost in the woods for so long that we can't see the trail that could lead us out? We all have such strong opinions, that we refuse to listen to the other. We choose to always fight instead of just being at peace with what we Get more content on
  • 19. Inductive Argument In the first part of the assignment we were asked to identify components of arguments, premise and conclusion, for the passages. Where applicable we are to highlight key words or phrases that identify a claim as a premise or a conclusion. A premise is the support for the conclusion. (Missimer, 2005) The first example has several premises as follows if Sue's baby is a boy it will be named Mark and if it is a girl it will be named Margaret. Another premise is that Sue will have a boy or girl. "So" is a keyword indicating the conclusion that Sue's baby will be named Mark or Margaret. In the next example, "because" is a keyword in the premise and indicates that the conclusion has preceded and a reason will follow. This premise is that more content... In the last part of the assignment we are asked to identify the arguments as inductive or deductive. An argument is said to be deductive if its conclusion is claimed to necessarily follow the premise. An inductive argument claims only that its conclusion probably follows from its premises. That is, the inferential claim is that since the premises are true or acceptable, the conclusion is likely to be true or acceptable. (Missimer, 2005) The first and second examples are inductive because even though the premises may be true, it is still possible for the conclusion to be false. They will then have to be looked at to see if they are strong or weak and if all premises are true or if one or more is false. We can then determine if the argument is reliable or unreliable. The third example is a deductive argument if we go by the definition above. If the premises are true then it simply isn't possible for the conclusion to be false. If you have a deductive argument and you accept the truth of the premises, then you must also accept the truth of the conclusion; if you deny it, then you are denying logic Get more content on