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IELTS SPEAKING PART 2 OVERVIEW ............................................................................8
TOPIC 1: PEOPLE & ANIMALS ...................................................................................... 10
Cue card 1: Describe a child you know. .................................................................................... 13
Cue card 2: Describe an old person you admire. ...................................................................... 15
Cue card 3: Describe a person in your family........................................................................... 18
Cue card 4: Describe a friend of yours...................................................................................... 18
Cue card 5: Describe a person on news that you would like to meet........................................ 18
Cue card 6: Describe a person who tries to protect the environment ...................................... 20
Cue card 7: Describe a person who often travels by plane ....................................................... 22
Cue card 8: Describe a person who is good at his/ her job ....................................................... 24
Cue card 9: Describe an interesting animal you have ever seen............................................... 27
TOPIC 2: FAVORITES ...................................................................................................... 29
Cue card 1: Describe your favourite gadget ............................................................................. 30
Cue card 2: Describe a piece ofequipment/ household appliance in your home ..................... 32
Cue card 3: Describe an important item................................................................................... 33
Cue card 4: Describe something you bought but difficult to use at first.................................. 35
Cue card 5: Describe a toy you got in your childhood.............................................................. 36
Cue card 6: Describe a picture or photograph in your home ................................................... 38
Cue card 7: Describe a painting or work of art that you have seen ......................................... 40
Cue card 8: Describe a uniform you wear................................................................................. 42
Cue card 9: Describe a piece ofclothes you enjoy wearing ......................................................44
Cue card 10: Describe a film or TV program that made you laugh......................................... 45
Cue card 11: Describe your favorite food ................................................................................. 47
Cue card 12: Describe your favourite sport.............................................................................. 49
Cue card 13: Describe your ideal job ........................................................................................ 51
TOPIC 3: PLACES ............................................................................................................. 53
Cue card 1: Describe a natural beauty......................................................................................54 Cue
card 2: Describe an ideal house or apartment you would like to have in the future ........56 Cue
card 3: Describe a hotel you have stayed in....................................................................... 59 Cue
card 4: Describe a crowded place you have been to ..........................................................61 Cue
card 5: Describe a school you went to in your childhood ..................................................61 Cue
card 6: Describe a library that you visited ........................................................................ 62 Cue
card 7: Describe a place you remember well that is full of colors.....................................64
TOPIC 4: EXPERIENCES & EVENTS ............................................................................. 66
Cue card 1: Describe a time when you were excited................................................................. 66
Cue card 2: Describe a performance that you enjoy................................................................. 68
Cue card 3: Describe a challenge you have ever faced .............................................................70
Cue card 4: Describe a goal you tried your best to achieve ...................................................... 72
Cue card 5: Describe an experience that you got bored when you were with others............... 73
Cue card 6: Describe a time when someone apologized you.....................................................75
Cue card 7: Describe a time when the bad weather stopped you from doing something ........ 77
Cue card 8: Describe a time you were sleepy but had to stay awake ....................................... 79
Cue card 9: Describe a time you was ill .................................................................................... 81
TOPIC 5: OTHERS ............................................................................................................ 83
Cue card 1: Describe a physical phenomenon you knowor study ........................................... 83
Cue card 2: Describe a sky you would like to see...................................................................... 86
Cue card 3: Describe an environmental issue in your country................................................. 88
Cue card 4: Describe a newlawyou would implement where you live to make it a better place
.................................................................................................................................................... 90
Cue card 5: Describe a mathematical skill you learnt at primary school ................................ 93
RECAP................................................................................................................................ 95
APPENDIX......................................................................................................................... 99
Chào các em!
Cô là Trương Thu Hương, một Giáo viên với
kinh nghiệm hơn 4 năm giảng dạy Tiếng anh tại
Hà Nội.
Nội dung giảng dạy chính của cô là Phát âm,
Giao tiếp và IELTS speaking.
Hiện tại cô đang giảng dạy tại SYM English, cùng với cô Bunny (Cô Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương)
- tác giả của chuỗi videos “Dạy Reading có tâm’ trên Youtube của SYM English được rất
nhiều bạn Học viên đón nhận và đánh giá cao.
Thoắt cái đã gần 4 năm cô gắn bó với nghề rồi. Trong suốt những năm tháng ấy, được giảng
dạy nhiều đối tượng người học (độ tuổi, trình độ, mục tiêu/ chứng chỉ mong muốn khác nhau),
cô nhận thấy thời lượng học Tiếng anh trên trường lớp, trung tâm là không đủ cho một cú huých,
sự cải thiện khả năng Tiếng anh. Người học cần luyện tập, tự học rất nhiều tại nhà thì mới thấy
đuợc sự thay đổi. Tuy nhiên, cứ tự loay hoay thì cũng nản lắm, mà cũng không hiệu quả vì
không có ai chỉ ra mình sai chỗ nào, rồi cần sửa ra sao.
Nhận ra được vấn đề mà người học Tiếng anh gặp phải, cô mong muốn tạo ra một môi trường
tự học cho các bạn học Tiếng anh, mà trong đó cô sẽ là người tạo thói quen, lịch trình học tập
cho các bạn và đóng góp, nhận xét, sửa chữa bài làm của các bạn. Với mong muốn đó, trong
thời gian qua, cô có thực hiện một số Video hướng dẫn Phát âm trên Youtube, bao gồm: Một số
âm & từ người học Tiếng anh thường hay phát âm sai; Trọng âm từ-câu;Dạng rút ngắn trong
Phát âm của một số từ, Nối âm, ..... Ngoài ra, cô cũng khởi động ‘Dự án chấm Speaking có
tâm’: hàng tuần, một Topic trong IELTS Speaking (Part 1 hoặc Part 2) sẽ được đăng trên Group
của SYM English. Kèm theo đó là gợi ý cách triển khai ý tưởng và Từ vựng. Các bạn nộp bài
theo link đính kèm trong bài đăng. Cô chấm bài dựa trên các Tiêu chí của bài thi IELTS
Speaking và chỉ ra một số lỗi Phát âm, Sử dụng từ, Ngữ pháp, cũng như gợi ý cách cải thiện bài
Cô rất vui khi nhận được những phản hồi tích cực của các bạn Học viên từ những Videos trên
kênh Youtube của SYM English và ‘Dự án chấm Speaking có tâm’ thông qua Facebook cá
nhân của cô Điều đó tiếp thêm cho cô rất nhiều
động lực để tiếp tục nỗ lực và hỗ trợ các bạn học Tiếng anh. Trong ‘Dự án chấm Speaking có
tâm’, cô nhận thấy, cũng như một số bạn cũng inbox chia sẻ rằng các bạn còn lúng túng, thậm
chí hoang mang khi đổi mặt với IELTS SPEAKING Part 2, đặc biệt với những đề ‘lạ’. Vì vậy,
cô mong muốn thiết kế một cuốn Handbook hướng dẫn những sĩ tử học IELTS cách hệ thống
các Topics trong IELTS Speaking Part 2 và cách triển khai ý tưởng trong phần này, để dù đề
bài có ‘khoai’ hay ‘lạ’, chúng ta vẫn bình tĩnh xử lý được.
Handbook này chỉ hệ thống những CORE TOPICS (Chủ đề cốt lõi) và gợi ý cách triển khai ý
tưởng. Điều quan trọng là ‘Speak your mind’-các bạn nên tập trung vào yếu tố tự nhiên để
những gì nói ra thực sự là những gì mình suy nghĩ. Đây là thông điệp mà cô và SYM English
luôn muốn truyền tải tới các bạn Học viên. Học IELTS hay Tiếng anh nói chung là công cụ để
chúng mình thể hiện được suy nghĩ, cá tính của chính mình, thay vì rập khuôn đi theo những
khuôn khổ, bài mẫu cho trước.
Ngoài ra, chúng mình cũng cần lưu ý về trình tự học IELTS Speaking. Chúng mình đừng vội
vàng học IELTS Speaking nếu chưa có nền tảng về Từ vựng và Phát âm nha. Cuốn sách nhỏ
này phù hợp với những bạn đã có nền tảng khá ổn rồi, và đang bước vào Giai đoạn ‘Luyện tập’
hoặc ‘Cấp tốc/ Sắp thi’.
Nếu có câu hỏi/ thắc mắc trong quá trình học, chúng mình đừng ngại trao đổi với cô qua:
✔ FB cá nhân:
✔ Kênh Youtube: ✔ Fanpage:
Tại sao lại là SPEAKING PART 2?
Trước hết, chúng mình cùng xem lại Cấu trúc
của IELTS Speaking nhé. ✓ Bài thi IELTS
Speaking bao gồm 3 phần:
▷ Part 1: Interview
- Giám khảo sẽ hỏi bạn 10-12 câu hỏi liên quan tới những chủ đề thân quen trong đời
sống hàng ngày, ví dụ: Study, Work, Health, Advertising.
- Thời lượng cho mỗi câu trả lời là khoảng 30 giây.
▷ Part 2: Individual talk
Bạn sẽ có 1 phút để chuẩn bị cho bài nói.
Đây là phần bạn được yêu cầu nói liên tục trong thời gian từ 1 phút 45 giây đến 2 phút.
Giám khảo sẽ không ngắt quãng quá trình nói của bạn.
▷ Part 3: Discussion
Phần cuối cùng trong bài thi IELTS Speaking kiểm tra khả năng phân tích, lập luận, đưa ra
quan điểm đối với vấn đề liên quan tới Chủ đề của Part 2.
Cụ thể, nếu Part 2 hỏi ‘Describe your favourite book’, thì câu hỏi trong Part 3 sẽ có nội dung
về Books. Các câu hỏi về Books trong Part 3 có thể dưới dạng như sau:
o What can be the benefits of reading books?
o Why do very few young people nowdays read books?
o Do you think that e-books will replace paper books in the future?
Giám khảo sẽ hỏi bạn 3-5 câu hỏi trong phần này.
Thời lượng cho mỗi câu trả lời là khoảng 45 giây.
✓ Kết quả của bài nói được quyết định dựa trên Part 1 và Part 2. Tức là sau khi bạn hoàn
thành Part 1 và Part 2, giám khảo đã định hình số điểm cho bài nói của bạn rồi. Trong khi đó,
kết quả của Part 3 không ảnh hưởng quá nhiều tới kết quả toàn bộ bài nói. Cụ thể, nếu kết quả
Part 3 không được tốt lắm, kết quả của toàn bài nói sẽ là kết quả của Part 1 & 2. Ngược lại,
nếu kết quả Part 3 của bạn tốt, nó sẽ là điểm cộng vào kết quả của Part 1 & 2, từ đó nâng kết
quả của toàn bộ bài nói.
Từ những đặc điểm trên, chúng ta có thể nhận
thấy được:
∙ Thứ nhất, Part 2 trong IELTS SPEAKING là phần nói cần đầu tư nhiều công sức nhất
và tác động nhiều nhất tới Kết quả toàn bộ bài Speaking. Và đây cũng là phần người
học IELTS chúng mình thường loay hoay nhất.
∙ Thứ hai, có được kĩ năng tốt cho Part 2 thì Part 1 cũng tự động nói được vì Part 1
không đòi hỏi nói dài và triển khai ý sâu như Part 2 (thời gian trung bình cho mỗi câu
trả lời ở Part 1 là 30 giây).
∙ Thứ 3, Part 3 là phát triển thêm của Part 2 nên các bạn hoàn toàn có thể định hướng
bài nói của mình để chuẩn bị tốt cho Part 3.
Vì thế, Part 2 là phần trọng tâm của IELTS Speaking, và vì thế trong handbook này, cô chỉ đề
cập tới Part 2. Có được kiến thức và Kĩ năng cần thiết cho Part 2 là đủ để chúng ta giải quyết
những phần còn lại rồi.
Trong Handbook này, cô sẽ cover 5 CORE topics, để chúng mình nắm được cách triển khai ý
tưởng. Nắm được core topics rồi, chúng ta sẽ biết cách giải quyết subtopics (những topic nhỏ
5. OTHERS ( The nature-The environment; Skills, Law)
�Highlight một số Từ vựng hay cho Core topics và từng Cue card.
Trước khi bắt đầu với Nội dung chính của Handbook, hãy cùng nhìn lại một số thông tin cần
biết về IELTS SPEAKING PART 2 nha.
Trong phòng thi, giám khảo sẽ đưa cho bạn một Cue card giống như sau:
Describe an old person you admire
You should say:
▪ Who this person is
▪ How long you have known him/ her
▪ What qualities he/ she has
And explain why you admire him/ her so much.
► 1 phút chuẩn bị: Giám khảo sẽ nhắc bạn khi thời gian chuẩn bị trong 1 phút hết và yêu
cầu bạn bắt đầu bài nói.
► 2 phút để nói. Trong thời gian 2 phút bạn nói, giám khảo sẽ không can thiệp vào bài nói
của bạn.
Lưu ý:
Thời lượng tối thiểu cho bài Nói Part 2 là 1 phút 45 giây. Nếu bạn nói ngắn hơn 1 phút 45
- Tiêu chí Fluency của bạn sẽ bị trừ điểm
- Giám khảo sẽ hỏi thêm một số câu hỏi (do độ dài bài nói của bạn quá ngắn), và khi đó,
Part 2 sẽ trở nên khó khăn hơn.
Vì thế, chúng mình cố gắng nói trong thời gian tối thiểu là 1 phút 45 giây, hoặc 2 phút là tốt
nhất nha.
Ngược lại, nếu bạn nói quá 2 phút:
- Giám khảo sẽ ngắt bài nói của bạn, yêu cầu bạn dừng lại. Trong trường hợp này, đừng lo
lắng quá nhé. Giám khảo yêu cầu bạn dừng lại là để đảm bảo thời gian đã đặt ra cho
toàn bộ bài IELTS Speaking.
� Như vậy Speaking Part 2 là Individual talk, khác với Part 1 là Interview (Giám khảo hỏi
câu nào, bạn trả lời câu đó), và khác với Part 3 là Discussion (thảo luận những câu hỏi phức
tạp hơn, cần khả năng phân tích, so sánh, …).
Những phần gợi ý trong Cue card You should
▪ Who this person is
▪ How long you have known him/ her ▪ What
qualities he/she has
Chỉ mang tính gợi ý, không bắt buộc � bạn không cần phải cover toàn bộ những gợi ý này.
Bạn có thể đề cập những nội dung khác bên ngoài. Tuy nhiên trong thời gian rất hạn chế là 1
phút để chuẩn bị, nên đi theo những gợi ý này. Nếu bị tắc ở ý nào, thì bỏ quả và chuyển sang
ý tiếp theo.
▶ Những việc cần làm trong thời gian 1 phút chuẩn bị
Do IELTS Speaking Part 2 là phần tác động nhiều nhất tới kết quả bài nói của bạn, nên bạn
cần chuẩn bị kĩ càng cho nó thông qua việc take notes, để lên kế hoạch sẽ nói những ý nào,
triển khai ra sao và sử dụng từ vựng nào.
Nếu không chuẩn bị mà cứ thế tằng tằng nói, quá trình nói sẽ khó mà được mượt mà, ý tưởng
triển khai bị lộn xộn, và thiếu từ vựng đưa vào bài nói.
Còn nếu không take notes, mà tin tưởng vào khả năng ghi nhớ của bản thân trong thời gian
chuẩn bị 1 phút, khả năng cao là khi bắt đầu nói, bạn quên mất mình đã lên kế hoạch làm
những gì trong bài nói này.
Chúng ta cũng cần học cách take notes nhanh (do thời gian chuẩn bị rất ngắn, 1 phút) mà vẫn
đảm bảo vẽ ra được bức tranh tổng thể mà các chi tiết của nó sẽ được đề cập đầy đủ trong quá
Và bây giờ, chúng ta hãy bắt đầu với Topic đầu tiên nha!
Trong một kho tàng câu hỏi ‘Describe a person’, từ những đối tượng gần gũi như ‘Describe a
famous person/ helpful person’ đến những đối tượng không mấy thân quen như ‘Describe a
person who travels a lot/ protects the environment’, sẽ là không thể nếu học mô tả từng đối
tượng cụ thể (một là do số lượng đối tượng quá nhiều, nếu không nói là vô hạn; hai là khi đi
thi giám khảo hỏi về ‘a person’ mà chúng ta không lường trước được). Vì vậy, chúng ta cần
học cách ‘Describe a person’ một cách nói chung, lấy đó làm gốc về cách triển khai ý và từ
vựng, để khi đề bài hỏi bất kì đối tượng nào, chúng ta chỉ cần theo các bước của cái ‘gốc’ kia
và uốn nắn, thêm thắt chút, là có thể hoàn thành tốt câu hỏi về mọi loại đối tượng rồi.
Cô sẽ minh hoạ cho chúng mình thấy nha.
Giả sử chúng mình đã chuẩn bị kĩ cho câu hỏi ‘Describe a child’. Chúng mình đã chuẩn bị
cách mô tả Ngoại hình cũng như tính cách đứa bé, và lý do tại mình quý đứa bé đó. Khi đi thi,
nếu đề bài có hỏi ‘Describe a person that appears a lot on the news’- một câu hỏi mà chúng
mình chưa gặp trong quá trình ôn luyện, chúng ta hoàn toàn có thể chuyển sang nói về ‘A
child’: coi đứa bé đó là ‘a person that appears a lot on the news’.
Hay nếu đi thi, đề bài hỏi ‘Describe a person who travels a lot’, chúng ta vẫn hoàn toàn sử
dụng được cái khung mô tả về Ngoại hình và tính cách của ‘a child’, vì đã mô tả người thì sẽ
cần nói về 2 đặc điểm này. Việc chuẩn bị cái ‘khung mô tả’ này giảm áp lực phải nói nhiều về
‘Explain why this person travels a lot’.
� Vậy thì cái ‘gốc’ gồm những gì?
Cái gốc sẽ bao gồm 2 đối tượng: A child & An old person
Đồng thời, 2 đối tượng này sẽ được miêu tả dựa trên các nội dung sau:
1. Appearance (Ngoại hình)
2. Character (Tính cách)
3. ‘Love’ expressions (Những cụm từ diễn tả tình cảm)
1. Appearance
2. Character
3. 'Expressions of
Các bạn cùng cô nghiên cứu cụ thể nha!
love' adore, cherish, etc
Khi nói về ‘A person’ thì hãy đề cập tới những Nội dung sau đây:
1. Appearance bao gồm: Gương mặt, tuổi tác & Vóc dáng
▪ Gương mặt, tuổi tác (nhìn tổng quát và một số nét nổi bật)
✔ He’s in early 20s ( đầu 20). He’s good-looking with a high-bridged (mũi cao)
nose and bushy (rậm rạp) eyebrows.
✔ She’s in late 30s ( cuối 30). She’s pretty with big blue eyes and rosy (hồng hào)
▶ Với Children thì có thể mô tả:
✔ My nephew is 4 years old. He’s very adorable/ cute (dễ thương) with big black
eyes and a chubby (bụ bẫm) face.
▶ Với Elderly people thì có thể nói:
✔ My grandmother is in mid-60s. She’s quite beautiful with a round face, full lips
and sun-tanned (rám nắng) complexion although she has some wrinkles (nếp
▪ Vóc dáng
✔ He’s in good shape (cân đối) because he does a lot of sports such as badminton,
football and swimming.
✔ She has a good figure (vóc dáng đẹp) as she has a balanced diet (chế độ ăn cân
đối) and regular sleep schedule.
▶ Với Children:
✔ He is quite plump ( mập, mũm mĩm). Now he weighs 25 kilos, and he’s about
130 cm tall.
▶ Với Elderly people:
✔ My grandmom is in very good shape as she has a balanced diet and regular sleep
2. Character
Bao gồm tính cách trong cuộc sống (social life) và trong công việc/ học tập
(work) Social life Work
Funny, talkative, humorous, helpful,
shy, playful, etc
E.g. My father is very humorous. He
often tells funny stories at dinner, so
we have a lot of fun.
3. Một số Động từ liên quan tới ‘love’
Hard-working, responsible, ambitious,
decisive, creative, etc
E.g. My father is a hard-working person.
He stays up late to finish work and never
complains about working overtime.
Chúng ta cần chuẩn bị trước một số Cách diễn đạt tình cảm cho người mình yêu
quý. Ví dụ:
✔ Adore/ Cherish sb: yêu thương, muốn che chở chăm sóc ai đó
✔ Admire/ idolize sb: ngưỡng mộ, thần tượng ai đó
✔ Hold sb in high regard: tôn trọng, ngưỡng mộ ai đó
▶ Trăm nói không bằng thực hành.
Chúng mình cùng bắt đầu với 2 core (lõi, chủ chốt) Cue cards ‘ Describe a child’ và
‘Describe an elderly person’ nha. Chuẩn bị kĩ 2 Cue cards cốt lõi này, chúng ta sẽ biết cách
triển khai những Cue cards khác cùng Chủ đề: PEOPLE.
Cue card 1: Describe a child you know.
Describe a child you know
You should say:
▪ Who this child is and how often you see him or
her ▪ How old this child is
▪ What he or she is like
And explain what you feel about this child.
Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to tell you about a child who is my nephew.
Bước 2: Triển khai các ý
▶ Ý 1: Who this child is and How often
you see him or her
✔ Có một Tip nho nhỏ
Để tránh nói quá ngắn về ‘How often you
see him’, chúng mình có thể chia ra:
In the past: I used to & Now: but now/
▶ Ý 2: How old this child is
Nào, chúng mình nói về ‘Appearance’
vào đây nha.
▶ Ý 3: What he or she is like
✔ Chúng mình áp dụng mô tả
tính cách theo 2 phương diện
mà cô đã trình bày ở trên:
Social life & Work nào!
He is the son of my elder sister. I used to see
him very often, but recently I’ve been busy
with work, so I haven’t met him for weeks.
My nephew is 4 years old. He’s very
adorable/ cute with big black eyes and a
chubby face. He is quite plump. Now he
weighs 25 kilos, and he’s about 130 cm tall.
He’s very playful. He never seems inactive
during the day or even at night. He just runs
around, climbs trees in the garden and
splashes water on his face. Sometimes, he’s
a bit naughty and uncontrollable, but he
would know not to cross the line.
Bước 3: Explain what you feel about this
✔ Chúng mình đừng quên sử dụng
Expressions of ‘love’
(adore, cherish, etc) nha.
✔ Chúng mình nên đưa vào ‘một dẫn
chứng/ câu chuyện’ khi nói ra một ‘từ
khoá’ nhé. Ở đây, cô nói cậu bé ‘smart’,
thì cô đưa vào câu chuyện giải thích cho
sự thông minh của cậu bé đó.
He’s a smart boy. At the age of 4, he can
count from 0 to 1000, and he can read
medium-length stories. Plus, he can
understand cartoons in English on Youtube.
▶ I absolutely cherish my nephew. We’re so
attached to each other. Whenever I drop by,
he would scream with excitement and give
me a warm welcome. He would also give me
a big hug, sit in my laps and tell me his
stories at school. I really treasure those
happy moments with my nephew.
▶ And I particularly admire him for his
intelligence. As I said earlier, he is incredibly
smart. I remember one time when his mother
tested his English level, he scored 10 out of
10. At kindergarten, he is praised for being
quick at understanding and offering his
mates a hand when they can’t solve a
Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thúc bài nói That’s all I want to say.
Be adorable/ cute: dễ thương
Be chubby: bụ bẫm
To splash: té nước
To cross the line: đi quá giới hạn To
cherish: yêu thương, cưng nựng Be
attached to sb: gần gũi, hợp với ai đó
To drop by: ghé qua chơi
A warm welcome: sự chào đón nồng
hậu To sit in sb’s laps: ngồi vào đùi ai
đó To treasure st: trân trọng cái gì
To admire sb/st: ngưỡng mộ ai/ cái gì
Be quick at understanding: nhanh hiểu (vấn
To offer sb a hand: đề nghị giúp đỡ ai đó
Cue card 2: Describe an old person you
Describe an old person you admire.
You should say:
▪ Who this person is
▪ How long you have known him/ her
▪ What qualities he/she has
And explain why you admire him/ her so much.
Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to tell you about my grandmother whom I love very
Bước 2: Triển khai các ý
▶ Ý 1: What she looks like
▶ Ý 2: How often you see her (Chuyển qua
thành ý này nha)
✔ Để kéo dài ý này, chúng mình có thể chia
ra 2 mốc thời gian: Quá khứ- I used to &
Hiện tại- Recently nha.
▶ Ý 3: What qualities she has Trong ý này,
chúng mình có thể nói về ‘Work’ nha.
My grandmother is in mid-60s. She’s pretty
beautiful with a round face, full lips and sun
tanned complexion although she has some
wrinkles. She has a good figure as she has a
balanced diet and regular sleepschedule.
I used to see her very regularly, say twice or
three times a week. I haven’t visited her for
weeks as I’ve got too much work. I will
spend more time with her when my schedule
gets less tight.
She is known for her punctuality. She’s on
time without fail. She often tells me that
punctuality is very important as it shows
respect for those waiting for us, especially
business partners.
She is also very hard-working. She doesn’t
bother working from dawn till dusk to
finish work. I would say that she sets a really
good example for her children.
Bước 3:
Explain why you admire her so much.
There are two main reasons why I really
respect her.
▶ Firstly, she is ahead of her times and open
to new ideas. Unlike her peers in mid-60s
who choose to enjoy the convenience of
modern life, she chooses to devote herself to
being a volunteer calling for helping disabled
children. She welcomes novel ideas and
rarely makes any judgements on others’
thoughts or decisions. That’s why I love
sharing my plans with her as she is a good
▶ Secondly, she always looks on the bright
side. In times of hardships, she stays calm
and tries her best to figure out solutions. For
her, difficulties are inevitable, and we should
regard them as an opportunity for personal
growth. They will sooner or later will
disappear, and we should live our life to the
Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thúc bài nói That’s all I want to say.
Sun-tanned complexion: nước da rám
nắng Wrinkles: nếp nhăn
A good figure: vóc dáng đẹp
Balanced diet: chế độ ăn cân bằng dinh
Regular sleep schedule: giờ ngủ đều đặn
Tight schedule: lịch trình dày đặc/ bận
rộn Ahead of time: đi trước thời đại
Disabled children: trẻ khuyết tật
Sun-tanned complexion: nước da rám
nắng Punctuality: sự đúng giờ
Without fail = always
Business partners: đối tác kinh doanh
From dawn till dusk: từ sáng tinh mơ đến tối
To set a good example: tạo ra cách sống/
làm việc tốt để người khác học hỏi
To make judgements: đánh giá, nhận xét Be
a good listener: một người biết lắng nghe
To look on the bright side: lạc quan Sto stay
calm: bình tĩnh
Be inevitable: không tránh được
To live life to the fullest: sống trọn vẹn
Cue card 3: Describe a person in your
Describe a person in your family
You should say:
▪ How this person is related to you
▪ What this person looks like
▪ What kind of person he/she is
And explain why you like this person.
✔ Với chủ đề này, chúng mình có thể liên kết sang ‘Describe a child or an old person’ ở trên
Cue card 4: Describe a friend of yours
Describe a friend of yours
You should say:
▪ What this person looks like
▪ When and where you met this person
▪ What you do when you are together
And explain why he/she is one of your best friends.
✔ Chúng ta có thể xử lý Cue card này, sử dụng cách triển khai cốt lõi của ‘Describe a person’
ở trên và thêm một số chi tiết khác nữa hoặc Chuyển hẳn sang ‘Describe a child/ an old
person’- coi that child/ old person là best friend nha.
Cue card 5: Describe a person on news that you would like to meet
Describe a person on news that you would like to meet
You should say
▪ Who that is
▪ When the news was
▪ What that person did
And explain why you would like to meet that person.
✔ Tương tự, Cue card này có thể sử dụng những đặc điểm mô tả ‘A child’ hoặc ‘An old
person’ ở trên để nói nha.
Cue card 6: Describe a person who tries to
protect the environment
Describe a person who tries to protect the
environment You should say:
▪ Who the person is
▪ How the person protects the environment
▪ What difficulties this person has faced
And explain how you felt about the person.
Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to tell you about a teenager who is an avid activist on
saving the environment.
Bước 2: Triển khai các ý
▶ Ý 1: Who the person is
▶ Ý 2: How the person protects the
▶ Ý 3: What difficulties this person has
She’s Greta Thunberg- a Swedish
environmental activist on climate change
whose campaigns have gained a lot of
international recognition in recent years.
She’s now 16. She has Asperger's
Syndrome, a developmental disorder, but it
seems as a gift and a superpower.
In May 2018, she decided to start protesting
in front of the Swedish parliament building,
vowing to go on until the government meet
the carbon emissions target set by
environmentalists. Recently, she refused to
travel by plane to International conference
on Climate change held in Chicago and
chose zero-emission boats instead.
Her parents used to be not enthusiastic about
what she was persuing. They made it clear
that she would have to be on her own in
pursuit of her dream. She also came into a
clash with some politicians, most notably
with Amercian president- Trump, as they
see her efforts as barrier to their moving
up their career ladder and achieving target
economic growth.
Bước 3: Explain how you felt about the
Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói
cam kết
Zero-emission: không xả khí thải Clash: đụng
độ, cãi vã gay gắt Barrier: rào cản
Wholeheartedly: toàn tâm toàn ý
▶ I really admire this person. She genuinely
and deeply cares about the environment.
Many of us may be aware of environmental
issues, but just to some extent, but she
wholeheartedly takes care of the
environment. She has brought these issues to
an international level, awakening us to our
irreversible harms to the environment.
▶ She also impresses me with her persistence,
integrity and charisma. The determination in
her eyes urges people in the world to rethink
about their reckless actions to the
environment and take immediate actions. And
her lasting efforts in various forms such as
demonstrations and strikes really touch our
That’s all I want to say.
Persistence: bền bỉ, kiên trì
Integrity: sự ngay thẳng, chính trực
Charisma: khả năng tác động tới người khác
một cách tự nhiên
To urge: thúc giục
To awaken sb to st: làm ai đó nhận ra điều gì
Be irreversible: không thể sửa chữa được
Be reckless: bất cẩn, ẩu đả
Demonstration: biểu tình ( để phản đối)
Strike: cuộc đình công
Cue card 7: Describe a person who often
travels by plane
Describe a person who often travels by plane
You should say:
▪ Who this person is
▪ How you know this person
▪ Where this person travels to
Explain why this person likes to travel by plane.
Bước 1: Giới thiệu
✔ Chúng mình cần lưu ý: Paraphrase ‘often
travel’ thành ‘travel on a
regular basis’
Bước 2: Triển khai các ý ▶ Ý 1: Who this
person is
▶ Ý 2: How you know this person
✔ Chúng mình nên đưa kịch bản ‘At first …
Then …’ để có thêm ý
tưởng nha.
▶ Ý 3: Where this person travels to
Today I’d like to tell you about my friend,
Tom who travels by plane on a regular basis.
He is the chief sales officer at company Y-
one of the leading companies in making eco-
friendly cars. He has been working here for
nearly 5 years.
He is my old friend. We first met when we
were at secondary school.
At first, we didn’t get on well with each other.
We usually had fights and fell out for weeks.
But gradually, it dawned on us that we had a
lot in common. For example, we both liked
pets and travelling. We were also crazy about
Most of his travel by plane is business trips.
He often goes to the headquarters of his
company’s business partners to negotiate
and win lucrative contracts. Most of these
headquarters are based in America and Europe
which are known for very high living
standards, advanced education and
spectacular natural beauty and constructions.
Bước 3: Explain this person why likes to
travel by plane
✔ Triển khai ý này bằng
đưa ra ví dụ cụ thể, so
sánh Planes với một
phương tiện khác.
Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói
▶ He thinks travelling by plane is much faster
than other means of transport.
Let’s take an example. It takes only 2 hours to
get to Ho Chi Minh city from Hanoi, but it
might take up to 30 hours by coach, which is
very time-consuming.
For him, planes are convenient with plenty of
air conditioners and adjustable chairs. He also
likes the food served on planes because there
is a wide selectionof foods to choose from
and it is really good.
▶ He is always captured by the wonderful
views from plane windows: spectacular
mountain ranges, drifting clouds and still
water of rivers. Plane windows are a perfect
vantage point to enjoy these amazing sights.
He usually takes photos of these sights and
keeps them in his mobile phone so that he can
look back on them anytime.
That’s all I want to say.
Chief sales officer: trưởng phòng Kinh doanh
Leading companies: những công ty dẫn đầu
(về lĩnh vực gì đó)
Be eco-friendly: thân thiện với môi trường
Old friend: bạn lâu năm
To get on well with sb: hoà thuận với ai đó
To have fights = Fall out: cãi nhau To
dawn on sb = realize: nhận ra điều gì
Business trip: chuyến công tác
Headquarters: trụ sở chính
Business partners: đối tác kinh doanh
Be lucrative: sinh lời lớn
Be based in: được đặt ở đâu
Time-consuming: tốn thời gian
Wide selection: nhiều sự lựa chọn: Be
captured by sb/ st: bị cuốn hút bởi cái gì
Drifting clouds: những đám mây trôi lơ lửng
Still water: nước lặng
Vantage point: một nơi ngắm được nhiều
cảnh xung quanh
Cue card 8: Describe a person who is good
at his/ her job
Describe a person who is good at his/ her job
You should say:
▪ Who this person is
▪ What his/ her job is
▪ How he/ she likes the job
And explain why this person is good at this job.
Bước 1: Giới thiệu
✔ Chúng mình thêm ‘extra
information’ bằng cách sử dụng
mệnh đề ‘Who’ nha.
Bước 2: Triển khai ý
▶ Ý 1. What he/ she looks like
✔ Mình chuyển sang ý này nha vì ở
Phần trước, chúng mình đã đề cập
tới việc cứ vào Cue card ‘Describe
a person’ thì sẽ đưa vào
‘Appearance’ vào triển khai.
▶ Ý 2: What her job is
✔ Chúng mình có thể triển khai thêm về
bộ phận mà người nay đang làm và
Main responsibilities của họ.
▶ Ý 3: How he/ she likes the job
‘I’d like to tell you about my manager, X,
who is directly supervising my work at
company Y’.
Overall, she is good-looking, by which I mean
she’s genuinely attractive though she hardly
ever wears make-up or dresses up to capture
attention. What I like most about her
appearance are her big black eyes and her
shiny smile.
She is the manager of Division of Sales &
Marketing in my company. She has been
working here for almost 4 years. Her main
responsibilities are to devise Sales and
Marketing directions to ensure the growth of
the company, and monitor the recruitment
for her Division as well as interview potential
candidates. She also assigns tasks to us and
checks the progress.
Bước 3: Explain why this person is good
at this job
✔ Chúng mình triển khai thêm ‘her
expertise’ đã giúp cô ấy như thế nào
trong công việc.
✔ Và chúng mình đừng quên đưa ra ví
dụ cụ thể
✔ Và chúng mình đừng quên
đưa ra ví dụ cụ thể.
I am really impressed by her passion for
work. She can talk about her work for hours.
I can see the delight in her eyes whenever she
shares about her Sales & Marketing. And she
always puts her heart and soul into every
task no matter how hard it is.
▶ She has expertise in Sales and Marketing
that has been built up from her college
education and plenty of experience working
in several firms.
Her expertise has helped her to figure out
problems of low sales and suggest effective
solutions to boost sales.
Last year, her suggested solutions did
increase the sales by 20% and made our
company become one of the market leaders.
▶ She always keeps in mind that ’Nothing is
impossible’. If she encounters a problem,
she strains every nerve to discover the
causes. She never gives up until she can
unlock a problem.
For example, a few weeks ago when an
excellent candidate refused to work for us,
she studied thoroughly about that candidate’s
profiles to find out the best way to persuade
him. Then she spent hours talking him into
working for us. Finally, he was blown away
by her knowledge and skills and accepted her
Bước 4: Đừng quên kết bài thúc bài nói That’s all I want to say.
looking: ưa nhìn
Delight: niềm vui
Be genuinely attractive: cuốn hút, hấp dẫn
một cách tự nhiên
To dress up: ăn diện, ăn mặc đẹp
Shiny smile: nụ cười toả nắng
To monitor: giám sát, quản lý
Recruitment: tuyển nhân sự
To assign: phân công, phân chia công việc
To check the progress: kiểm tra tiến độ
To put her heart and soul into st: dành tâm
huyết cho việc gì
Expertise: kiến thức chuyên môn cao
To keep in mind: ghi nhớ rằng, nhớ một
điều rằng
To strain every nerve: căng não lên suy nghĩ
To encounter sb/ st: đối mặt, gặp phải ai/
vấn đề gì
Be blown away by sb/st: bị choáng ngợp,
cuốn hút bởi ai/ cái gì
▶ Mô tả PEOPLE xong rồi, bây giờ chúng mình cùng chuyển sang mô tả ANIMALS nha.
Về bản chất, mô tả Animals không khác nhiều so với PEOPLE. Vì vậy, chúng ta có thể đưa
cái khung: Appearance, Character & ‘love’ expressions để mô tả Animals nha.
Hãy cùng tiếp tục với Cue card 9!
Cue card 9: Describe an interesting animal you have ever seen
Describe an interesting animal you have ever seen
You should say:
▪ What the animal was
▪ Where you saw it
▪ What you did
And explain how you felt about it.
Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to share with you about an animal I saw last week.
Bước 2: Triển khai các ý
▶ Ý 1: What the animal was
✔ Áp dụng miêu tả
‘Appearance’ của People vào Animals nào!
✔ Và một chút vể
▶ Ý 2: Where you saw it
▶ Ý 3: What you did
He was a dog, a Corgi from the UK, I
guessed. I’d heard of this breed of dog, and
I’d always been excited to see them in real
He looked so cute with soft fur and bright
eyes. His fur was so distinctive with yellow
and white on his head, and black on his
It was playful, running nonstop to bond with
other dogs. They seemed to enjoy
I caught a sight of that Corgi when I was
jogging around the lake in my neighborhood.
Locals usually take their dogs there every
afternoon. They teach their dogs how to
swim and throw balls for them to catch.
I came close to him, lovingly stroked his fur
and patted him gently. He wagged its tail to
welcome me
Bước 3: Explain how you felt about it
Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thúc bài nói
distinctive: khác biệt, nổi bật To bond: quây
quần, gắn bó
To enjoy oneself: có thời gian vui vẻ To
stroke: vuốt ve
To pat: vỗ nhẹ
in return. Then I fed him with my snacks. He
licked its lips to signal that I should give him
▶ Well, I felt so happy when I saw that Corgi
and spent some time with him. We kinda
clicked each other the first time we met.
When I was about to leave, he just followed
me and asked for affection. When I finally
left, he barked continuously as if he was
begging me to stay with him.
▶ I also felt relaxed as I could have time for
myself by strolling. I’d been so swamped
with work, you know: getting to the office at 8
o’clock and not getting back home until 8pm.
It was a stressful period. Playing with that dog
somehow easedmy tension, and I did have a
great time.
That’s all I want to say.
To click: hợp nhau, kết nhau
Affection: tình cảm, yêu thương
To bark: sủa (chó sủa)
Be swamped (with st): bù đầu với việc gì ( rất
To wag: di chuyển từ bên này sang bên
To lick sb’s lips: liếm láp, liếm môi (ví
dụ: khi nhìn thấy món ăn yêu thích)
To ease tension: giảm căng thằng
Kết thúc Topic 1, chúng mình chuyển sang
Topic tiếp theo: Favorites.
Favourites là một chủ đề rất rộng bởi vì có vô số đồ vật, và sở thích của mỗi người lại khác
nhau. Thế nên, cô sẽ lựa chọn những Favourites tiêu biểu trong đời sống hàng ngày.
Cụ thể, Topic này sẽ được chia 7 Nội dung chính, đó là:
Technological gadgets & Household appliances
Handcrafts: Toys, Photos, Paintings
3. Clothes
Movies, Books
5. Food
6. Sports
cùng bắt đầu với Technological gadgets. Tương tự như trong Topic 1: PEOPLE &
ANIMALS, khi đi thi, giám khảo có thể hỏi về bất kì Technological devices nào. Vì vậy,
chúng ta cần trang bị cách triển khai ‘xương sống’, để có thể giải quyết được bất kì đối tượng
Technological gadgets nào. Trong phần này, cô sẽ lấy ‘Smart phones’ làm ‘xương sống’, để
các em nắm được cách triển khai thế nào nha.
Làm được điều này, dù đề bài có hỏi ‘Describe your favourite gadget/ Describe an important
item’, chúng ta hoàn toàn xử lý được.
▶ Chúng mình bắt đầu với Cue card số 1 thôi !
Cue card 1: Describe your favorite gadget
Describe your favorite gadget
You should say:
▪ What is it
▪ When did you get it
▪ How often do you use it
And say why is it so important to you.
Bước 1: Giới thiệu I’d like to tell you about my mobile phone which is my favourite item.
Bước 2: Triển khai các ý ▶ Ý 1: When you
got it
▶ Ý 2: What it looked like ▶ Ý 3: How often
you use it
The mobile phone is the gift from my parents
when I passed the university entrance exam
last year. They kept their promise to get me
an Iphone X which I’d been longing for a
long time. I’m a technophile, so I like to
keepup with the latest technological trends.
That Iphone X looks so chic with the colour
white and plain design. Its screen is medium-
sized and shiny. I was drawn to it the first
time I saw it. So I begged my parents to buy
me one on condition that I would sailed
through the exam with flying colors.
✔ Cô triển khai thêm bằng cách thêm vế sau
‘but’, nói về
tương lai mình sẽ dành bao nhiêu thời gian
lướt web.
Bước 3: Say why is it so important to you
Well, I use it everyday. I spend an average of
6 hours per day surfing the Net, but I will
probably reduce the amount of time using it
to 3 hours or so to protect my eyes and
devote more time to doing sports.
▶ It would be hard to imagine a life without a
mobile phone. It’s an indispensable item to
me. It is useful for both study and work.
Besides basic functions such as making
phone calls and texting, I can check mails,
send files without opening my laptop. I can
also read daily news to keepmyself
informed of current affairs and look up new
words when studying English.
▶ Plus, a mobile phone is a good source of
free entertainment. There are plenty of games
to let my hair down after school or work,
ranging from games for fun to games to
sharpen your mind. I especially like the
game ‘Dota’ which teaches me several skills
such as communicating with people from
different cultures and racking my brain to
find out the best strategy.
Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thúc bài nói That’s all I want to say.
Technophile: người yêu công nghệ
To keep up with st: cập nhật cái gì
Be chic: thời trang
Be drawn to st: bị cuốn hút bởi cái gì
To sail through an exam with flying colors:
vượt qua kì thi với điểm số rất tốt
Be indispensable: không thể thiếu được
To keep sb informed of st: cho ai đó được
biết/ thông báo về cái gì
Current affairs: sự kiện gần đây
To let sb’s hair down: thư giãn
To sharpen your mind: luyện tập đầu óc
To rack one’s brain: vắt não suy nghĩ
To devote time to doing st: dành thời gian
làm gì
▶ Chúng mình chuyển sang Household appliances nha.
Cue card 2: Describe a piece of equipment/ household appliance in your home
Describe a piece of equipment/ household appliance in your
home You should say:
▪ What it is
▪ How often you use it;
▪ Who you usually use it with
And explain why this item is important to you.
Bước 1: Giới thiệu I’d like to tell you about the washer that is very important to my
Bước 2: Triển khai các ý
▶ Ý 1: What it is
✔ Chúng mình ĐỪNG nói luôn đó là hãng
nào. Hãy tạo một câu chuyện, có tình tiết:
� We intended to buy … . But then … .
▶ Ý 2: How often you use it
▶ Ý 3: When you bought it
(Đổi thành ý này nha)
Bước 3: Explain why this item is
important to you
It’s an Electrolux from Germany, a country
well known for making top-notch electronic
equipment. We intended to buy a Samsung,
but then we changed our mind and decided
on the Electrolux.
We use the washer everyday, sometimes
twice or three times a day when there’s a
bunch of dirty clothes. It has a large capacity
and is very powerful. If my memory serves,
it can hold up to 10 kilos. And what I
particularly like about this washer is the
wide range of clothing it can wash and that
it makes almost no noise when it’s working.
My father bought this washer two years ago
when the previous one broke down. It was
just wear and tear.
▶ I think doing the laundry with a washer
would be much less labor-intensive and
time-saving. Thanks to it, there’s no need to
bend our backs to
✔ Dừng lại ở đây thì ngắn quá ha. Mình
đưa vào một ví dụ
hoặc câu chuyện để làm
rõ ý hơn nha.
do the washing by hand. What you need to
do is just put the clothes in the washer, hit
the correct buttons and wait for about 45
minutes. Meanwhile, you can multitask
such as sweeping the floor or cooking.
Then, take out the clean clothes and hang
them up in the air.
▶ On top of that, a washer is excellent at
getting rid of stains or any kind of marks.
In contrast, no matter hard we try to scrub
the stains with a stiff brush, soap and water,
they won’t go.
You know, last month my T-shirt got
stained when my cousin spilled coffee on it.
I soaked it in soapy water for hours, but the
stain didn’t disappear. But then I threw it in
the washer, and much to my surprise, after
many spins, it was gone.
Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thúc bài nói That’s all I want to say.
Be top-notch = excellent: rất tốt, tuyệt
vời To hange sb’s mind: thay đổi quyết
định To decide on st: quyết định chọn cái
If my memory serves: nếu tôi nhớ không
A wide range of st: nhiều loại gì đó
Be labour-intensive: dùng nhiều sức lao
Be time-saving: tiết kiệm thời gian Cue
card 3: Describe an important item
To do the washing/ do the laundary: làm công
việc giặt giũ
To multitask: làm nhiều việc cùng
lúc To take out: lấy ra
To get rid of st: bỏ đi, tống khứ đi
Stain: vết ố
To scrub: chà ( để đánh bật vết
bẩn) Be stiff: cứng
Describe an important item
You should say:
▪ Where you got it from
▪ How long you have it
▪ What you use it for
And explain why it is so important to you.
Cue card này hoàn toàn có thể chuyển sang Cue card 1 hoặc 2 ở trên nha.
Cue card 4: Describe something you bought
but difficult to use at first
Describe something you bought but difficult to use at first
You should say
▪ What that was
▪ Where you bought it
▪ What difficulties you had
And explain how you felt about it.
Chúng mình tham khảo Cue card 1 hoặc 2 nha.
Cô sẽ gợi ý thêm Ý 3 ‘What difficulties you had’ và ‘Explain how you felt about it’ vì chắc
đây là 2 Nội dung các bạn bối rối.
▶ Difficulties: Couldn’t remember a bunch of buttons; the folders in the camera looked like a
maze to me
▶ How you felt:
▪ At first: impatient and a bit cranky
▪ Then: When I got the hang of it, I was so relieved and excited
Maze: mê cung
Be cranky: cáu kỉnh
Be relieved: nhẹ nhõm, thanh thản Be
user-friendly: thân thiện với người dùng
To work improperly: (máy móc, thiết bị)
hoạt động không bình thường
Be baffled/ confused by st: bị khó hiểu bởi
cái gì
To get the hang of st: hiểu được cách sử
dụng cái gì
Trong Nội dung Handcrafts này, chúng mình đi vào chi tiết cách triển khai 3 món đồ
Handcrafts tiêu biểu, đó là: A toy, A picture & A painting
▶ Nào, chúng mình bắt đầu với món đồ đầu tiên ‘A toy’
Cue card 5: Describe a toy you got in your childhood
Describe a toy you got in your childhood
You should say:
▪ What it was
▪ When you received it
▪ Who gave it to you
And explain how you feel about it.
Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to tell you about one of my favourites- the toy from my
Bước 2: Triển khai các ý
▶ Ý 1. What it was
▶ Ý 2. When you received it
Triển khai tiếp bằng cách
đưa ‘emotions’ lúc nhận quà
▶ Ý 3. Who gave it to you
Bước 3: Explain how you feel about it
It was a cooking set that consists of a large
bowl, several medium-sized bowls, two
knives and some utensils. It’s a product of the
UK and has always been craved by all
children. I was so lucky to be given such a
wonderful gift.
I got this gift on my 7th birthday. I received a
bunch of gifts: a pair of sneakers, some barbie
dolls, pretty hair clips and so on. But I liked the
cooking set the most.
I was on cloud nine when I opened it. I
carefully unwrapped the paper and took a
closer look at it with huge excitement.
It was my uncle who gave me that cooking
toy. He must have watched me asking my
mother to buy me one when he visited us.
How thoughtful he was!
✔ Đừng quên triển khai cụ thể câu chuyện
▶ Looking at the cooking toy gives me
pleasure. It brings back sweet childhood
memories: I acted as a chef taking orders
from customers whose roles were taken by
my neighborhood friends. I also performed
juggling foods and other cooking skills to
amuse them. They complimented on my
dishes that were out of this world and rated
9 out of 10. All these memories are so
beautiful that sometimes I just want to
indulge myself in nostalgia.
▶ Plus, I feel so relaxed when looking back
on those memories. The cooking toy
somewhat entertains me after stressful days
at work. It reminds me not to be too hard on
myself. Just take it easy ad enjoy life like a
child. It has become part of both my
childhood and adulthood life. Sometimes
something small and simple can uplift your
Bước 4: Đừng quên kết bài That’s all I want to say.
To crave st: rất mong muốn/ thích cái gì
Utensil: bộ dụng cụ bếp (dao, thìa, dĩa, …)
Be on cloud nine: rất sung sướng, hạnh
phúc To unwrap: mở gói quà
Be thoughtful: chu đáo
To give sb pleasure: đem lại cho ai đó niềm
To take orders: lấy đặt món ăn/ hàng từ
khách hàng
To juggle: tung hứng
To amuse sb: giải trí, làm cho ai đó cười
Be out of this world: of very good
quality To indulge: chìm đắm, tận hưởng
Nostalgia: sự hoài cổ
To take it easy = relax
▶ Và bây giờ, là món đồ thứ 2: A picture/
photograph Cue card 6: Describe a picture
or photograph in your home
Describe a picture or photograph in your home
You should say:
▪ What the picture is about
▪ Who took that picture
▪ Where you put it at home
And explain how you feel about it.
Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to share with you about a photograph of my family.
Bước 2: Triển khai các ý
▶ Ý 1. What the picture is about ▶ Ý 2. Who
took that picture
▶ Ý 3. Where you put it at home
It’s a photograph of all members in my
extended family. It was taken on our trip to
Dai Lai, a five-star resort on the outskirts of
It was taken by the manager of the resort. We
were having a barbecue in the garden when
the weather was so nice. Everyone offered
their hands to wash vegetables, chop pork
and make dipping sauce. And we just wanted
to capture that wonderful moment of family
bonding, so we asked the manager to do us a
favor of taking a photo.
I put this photograph in a pretty frame on the
wall of living room so that every guest can
see it. Sometimes I turn off all the lights, light
up the candles that give off very pleasant
aroma, I just gaze at it to remind myself of
the tight bond among all the members.
Bước 3: Explain how you feel about it
✔ Đừng quên đưa vào
một câu chuyện giải thích
từ khoá ‘supportive’
▶ I’m so blessedto be born into my family
where every member is loving and
accommodating. When one’s life is on the
rocks, others are always supportive.
Two years ago, when I got sick, actually I
was at the death’s door, my uncles, aunts
and cousins took turns to keepa lookout for
me. They made me good dishes, told me
funny stories to cheer me up. They even
offered to pay my hospital fees.
▶ I also respect my senior members as they
set very positive examples to their children.
My grandmother, for example, leads a
healthy lifestyle. She’s in late 80s but she’s as
fit as a fiddle. She gets up at 5 o’clock, then
goes for a walk and does t'ai chi in the park
near my house. She then goes back home and
prepares breakfast for us.
Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thúc bài nói That’s all I want to say.
Be blessed (ADJ): cảm thấy may mắn
Be accommodating=helpful
On the rocks: gặp khó khăn
Be at the death’s door: ốm rất nặng
To keep a lockout for sb: trông chừng, để
mắt tới ai đó
To cheer sb up: làm ai đó cảm thấy vui hơn
Be fit as a fiddle: rất khoẻ mạnh
To gaze at st: nhìn chằm chằm vào cái gì
Extended family: gia đình lớn (vs Immediate
family: gia đình có bố mẹ và anh chị em
Be on the outskirts of a city: ở vùng ngoại ô
của một thành phố
To capture st: chộp lấy, nắm bắt lấy cái gì To
do sb a favor: giúp đỡ ai ( lịch sự) To light
up ( a candle): thắp sáng (ngọn nến) Aroma:
mùi thơm
▶ Và bây giờ là món đồ cuối cùng: A painting
Cue card 7: Describe a painting or work of
art that you have seen
Describe a painting or work of art that you have seen
You should say:
∙ When you saw this work of art
∙ Where you saw it
∙ What it looked like
And explain your impression of it.
Trước hết, chúng mình đừng bị hoảng loạn bởi từ khoá ‘painting or work of art’ nha. Tâm lý
thí sinh đi thi thường hay bị áp lực bởi những từ khoá như thế này vì chúng ta sợ rằng sẽ
không biết nói gì. Tuy nhiên, những chủ đề có vẻ ‘lạ’ này hoàn toàn có thể xử lý gọn gàng
bằng cách liên kết nó với những chủ đề gần gũi hơn với chúng ta.
Bước 1: Giới thiệu
✔ Chúng mình đừng dừng lại ở ‘ … by my
Hãy tiếp tục add information cho ‘my
nephew’ bằng
‘a very smart and playful
Bước 2: Triển khai các ý
▶ Ý 1: When you saw this work of art ▶ Ý 2:
Where you saw it
▶ Ý 3: What it looked like
Today I’d like to tell you about a painting
produced by my nephew, a very smart and
playful boy.
I came across this painting last week when I
was cleaning the house. At that time I caught
a glimpse of something colorful. I was so
curious that I got close to it and found out
what it was.
It was among the pile of the books on my bed.
Maybe my nephew took out this painting
from his bag and showed it to his mother. But
he forgot to put it back in the bag.
I don’t know whether it is a landscape
painting or not. But I was so absorbed in it.
On the one side of
Bước 3:
Explain your impression of it
✔ Triển khai ý bằng cách đưa vào ‘emotions’
the paper, he painted all the characters; on the
other side, it said ‘Let’s protect animals on
Earth’, and there was a score of ‘A’ next to
the words. I thought it was his assignment of
art subject at school.
▶ I was blown away by his intended message
about deforestation. In the painting, a number
of poachers are cutting down trees and hunt
some wild animals such as tigers, lions and
They look frightened when they are being
chased by these poachers, and their habitats
are being destroyed. I have to say that his
painting moved me to tears as the animals in
his painting looked so pathetic. What they
are suffering is so shocking.
▶ I love the way he mixed and matched
colours so that every part in the painting was
so connected. Every scene in the painting
looks so real as if it was happening in front of
my very eyes. I especially love the way he
portrayed the poachers; you know cruelty is
written on their faces.
Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói That’s all I want to say.
To come across: vô tình gặp/ tìm thấy To catch a glimpse: thoáng nhìn thấy gì đó Be
absorbed in st: mải mê, tập trung vào gì đó
Landscape painting: tranh phong cảnh Be
blown away: bị choáng ngợp bởi
Deforestation: nạn phá rừng
To cut down trees: đốn hạ cây
To move Sb to tears: làm ai đó xúc
động Be pathetic: đáng thương
Cruelty: sự độc ác
Be written: hiện rõ, rõ ràng
Cue card 8: Describe a uniform you wear
Describe a uniform you wear
You should say
▪ How it looks like
▪ When you wear it
And explain how you feel about it.
Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to tell you about my high school uniform that I have to
wear from Monday to
Bước 2: Triển khai các ý
▶ Ý 1: How it looks like
✔ Đến bước này, nếu chùng mình bí
ý quá, không biết mô tả thêm gì về
cái bộ đồng phục, thì hãy thử nói về
cách ‘mix and match’ với các
clothes/ accessories khác.
▶ Ý 2: When you wear it
✔ Khi câu hỏi đề cập tới thời gian,
đừng quên ‘nhắc’ tới quá khứ rồi
hãy quay trở lại hiện tại nha.
This uniform consists of a white T-shirt and a
dark blue skirt. It looks plain but pretty nice.
I usually mix and match my uniform with a
pair of blue sneakers, which sets off my height
and fair complexion.
Previously, students at my school had to wear
uniform the whole week, but they showed
objections to that rule, and then the school
board decided to allow students to wear freely
on Saturdays. We were so glad to hear that we
could follow our styles on Saturdays.
Bước 3: Explain how you feel about it ▶ At first, I didn’t really like the uniform because
it didn’t look like my cup of tea. But
when I figured out how to look good in it, I
gradually loved it. I feel it is now part of my
student life. It reminds me that I belong to my
current school and to some extent, it
represents my school’s traditions and values
that have been preserved since it was opened
in 1980.
▶ On top of that, I do believe that uniforms, in
general, connect students within a school. I
mean they could eradicate possible gaps
among students. No matter how poor or rich
they are, they are considered equal when
wearing the same outfits to school. Perhaps
uniforms show their utmost importance when
it comes to competition between schools.
Students in the the same uniforms tend to feel
connected, bond into a closely knit team, and
this can increase chances of winning.
Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói That’s all I want to say.
To consist of: bao gồm
Be plain: đơn giản, không cầu kì
To mix and match: phối đồ
To set off st: tôn da/ dáng người/ etc
Fair complexion: nước da trắng
(show) objection(s) to st: phản đối
My cup of tea: guu/ thẩm mỹ/ kiểu
mình thích
To figure out: tìm ra
To represent: đại diện, thể
hiện To preserve: lưu giữ, bảo
tồn To eradicate: xoá bỏ
Outfit: quần áo ( DT đếm được)
Utmost imprtance: rất quan
trọng To bond: gắn bó, gần gũi
Be closely knit: khăng khít
Cue card 9: Describe a piece of clothes you
enjoy wearing
Describe a piece of clothes you enjoy wearing
You should say:
▪ What it is
▪ Where you bought it
▪ When you wear it
And explain how you feel about it.
✔ Chúng mình có thể nói về Uniforms ( Cue card 8 bên trên) hoặc chọn một trang phục
khác, dựa trên cách triển khai ý tưởng của Uniforms nha.
Cue card 10: Describe a film or TV
program that made you laugh
Describe a film or TV program that made you laugh
You should say:
▪ When and where you watched it
▪ What type of film or TV program it was
▪ What it was about
And explain why it made you laugh.
Bước 1: Giới thiệu I’d like to share with you about a film that I find incredibly hilarious.
Bước 2: Triển khai các ý
▶ Ý 1. When and where you watched it
▶ Ý 2. What type of film or TV program
it was
▶ Ý 3. What it was about
Last week my flatmate and I were in the
mood for a movie, so we searched for a good
one, the latest one. It was quite confusing at
first to find, but we finally decided on the
movie ‘Gái già lắm chiêu’ as its poster was
very eye-catching and it got postive reviews.
It is a comedy. The plots were so exciting and
amusing. The film stars Mr Siro and Lan
Ngoc who are very famous public figures . I
couldn’t take my eyes off them because they
were so attractive. Their chic outfits would
kill the audience.
It tells a story of a guy in his mid-20s falling
in love with a lady who is 10 years his
senior. She’s loaded being the director of an
entertainment company. They first met when
he went to the job interview. They had to
jump through many hoops to have a happy
Bước 3: Explain why it made you laugh ▶ What made me laugh was her clumsiness
when she was introduced to her boyfriend’s
family. She accidentally broke several bowls
and bumped into the wall. Then she got a lot
of bruises. Her clumsiness made a bad
impression on his family. His mother who is
a tough nut to crack strongly expressed her
objection to their marriage.
▶ Another intersting point about the film was
her best friends who stand by her side and
accompany her to big parties and events.
They’re supportive and have an arsenal of
tricks that made me burst out laughing.
Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói That’s all I want to say.
Be in the mood for st: có hứng thú làm
gì Be eye-catching: bắt mắt
To star sb: có diễn viên chính là ai
Public figures: Nhân vật của công
Can’t take sb’s eyes off st: không thể rời
mắt khỏi cái gì
To kill sb: đốn hạ trái tim ai đó N
years sb’s senior: hơn ai đó n tuổi
Be loaded: giàu có
To jump through many hoops: trải qua nhiều
cửa ải, thử thách
To make a bad impression on sb: tạo ấn
tượng xấu với ai
A tough nut (to crack): ai đó/ cái gì đó khó
khăn, khó xử lý
To burst out V-ing (laughing): cười phá lên
Cue card 11: Describe your favorite food
Describe your favorite food
You should say:
▪ What the food is
▪ What it is made of
▪ What you love about it
And say why it is your favorite food.
Bước 1: Giới thiệu I’d like to tell you about the food that I really like.
Bước 2: Triển khai các ý
▶ Ý 1: What the food is
▶ Ý 2: What it is made of
▶ Ý 3: Where you can enjoy Phở (Chuyển
thành ý này nha)
It’s Phở- one of the specialties in Vietnamese
cuisine. Phở has several diversities, but I like
Phở Thìn the most. It has been popular with
not only Vietnamese people but also foreign
tourists. In recent years, it has been featured
on CNN and other American TV channels.
Phở consists of rice noodles, sliced beef,
broth made from beef bones and onions. All
the ingredients are put in a bowl with onions
on top of the beef.
There are a bunch of places where you can
eat Phở, and the prices greatly vary. But I
would recommend Phở Thìn on Lò Đúc street
as the price is very reasonable- it costs only
30,000 VNĐ while it may cost 50.000 –
1000,000 VNĐ at other places.
Bước 3: Say why it is your favourite food ▶ Honestly, a bowl of Phở is always mouth
watering to me. The tastes of all ingredients
are in perfect harmony. It has a delicate
taste and smells so good that I can’t resist it
whenever I go past. Phở is also nutritious
enough to be a typical breakfast in Vietnam.
▶ Plus, I really respect the painstaking
efforts to make Phở. You know, it might take
up to 10 hours to make Phở. Those who make
Phở should have a big passion so that they
have preserved the business of making Phở
for decades although it is not really a
lucrative one.
Take Mr Thìn, the owner of Phở Thìn for
example. His life has been on the rocks
several times as incomes from selling Phở
could not cover his living costs and his wife
left him. But he still sticks to his passion, and
last year he was invited to Japan as the
ambassador of Vietnamese cuisine to make
Phở for Japanese people.
Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói That’s all I want to say.
Vocabulary highlights
Specialty: đặc sản
Cuisine: ẩm thực
Diversity: đa dạng, nhiều phiên
bản Broth: nước dùng
Be reasonable: hợp lý ( giá cả, tính cách)
Be mouth-watering: khiến ai đó chảy nước
miếng ( do quá ngon)
In harmony (with st): hài hoà, ăn nhập (với
cái gì)
Be delicate: tinh tế, nhẹ nhàng
To resist: kháng cự
Be painstaking: bỏ rất nhiều công
sức Be lucrative: sinh lãi nhiều
Be on the rocks: gặp khó khăn
Cue card 12: Describe your favourite sport
Describe your favourite sport
You should say:
▪ What it is
▪ How often you play/ watch it
▪ How to play it
And explain why it is your favourite sport.
Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to tell you about a sport that I’m really keen on.
Bước 2: Triển khai các ý
▶ Ý 1: What it is
▶ Ý 2: How often you play/ watch it
✔ Hãy bắt đầu bằng hành trình chúng mình
trở nên thích
môn thể thao này như thế nào nha.
▶ Ý 3: How to play it
It’s badminton- a sport orginally comes from
China as far as I know. Then it’s spread to
many countries and become popular all over
the world.
I took up this sport in the 8th grade after
watching a badminton match between the
two top badminton players at Olympics
Games 2008. I’ve become interested in it
since then.
I’ve never missed a single badminton match
on TV, and I play badminton nearly every
day. So I would call myself a badminton
Badminton is a team sport. The number of
members each team can vary. At professional
games, it is a maximum of 2, but it can be up
to 5- 6 at amateur games.
Playing it is just a piece of cake. Just hit the
shuttlecock towards the opponents over the
Bước 3: Explain why it’s your favourite
using your racket, and they are supposed to
catch the shuttlecock.
▶ It’s simple and easy to play. For complete
beginners, they can learn how to play it with
just a few instructions. Plus, it does not
require too much equipment as other sports.
While you need complex equipment such as a
set of golf clubs that cost an arm and a leg
to play golf, all you need are just a set of
rackets and a few shuttlecocks.
▶ Another reason why I love this sport is that
it is not very vigorous, so it’s suitable for
people of almost all ages and health
conditions. I used to play football, but I often
got exhausted: you know, being short of
breath after every match as I got to run a lot.
But I get energetic after playing badminton.
Since I led a healthy lifestyle: having a
balanced diet and playing badminton every
morning, I have become fit as a fiddle.
Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói That’s all I want to say.
Be keen on st = like st
To take up: bắt đầu một sở thích
A badminton person: người thích cầu lông
(E.g. A dog/cat person)
A piece of cake: rất dễ dàng
To cost an arm and a leg: đắt đỏ, ngốn rất
nhiều tiền
Be vigorous: đòi hỏi nhiều sức, năng lượng
Be short of breath: thở dốc/ hổn
hển Be energetic: tràn trề năng
To lead a healthy lifestyle: có một lối sống
khoẻ mạnh
A balanced diet: chế độ ăn cân
bằng Be fit as a fiddle: rất khoẻ
Cue card 13: Describe your ideal job
Describe your ideal job
You should say:
▪ What the job would involve
▪ What qualification or experience you would need for this job ▪
What you think the most difficult thing about the job would be And
explain why it is your dream job.
Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to share with you about my dream job in the future. It
would be teaching English to
speakers of other languages.
Bước 2: Triển khai các ý
▶ Ý 1: What your current job is (Chuyển
thành ý này nha)
▶ Ý 2: What the job would involve
▶ Ý 3: What qualification or experience you
would need for this job
Actually, I’ve been pursuing this profession
for nearly 4 years, and I realize that it’s my
true calling. I would put my heart and soul
in it to become a good teacher to help learners
of English to make tremendous progress and
communicate effectively in both social and
work contexts.
Teaching English involves doing thorough
research on methods of learning and teaching
a language and then apply the right one in
specific cases. Teachers also prepare for
lessons prior to class time to make sure that
contents will be delivered within an amount of
time, say 45 minutes or one hour , and most
importantly, students will be engaged in the
lesson. On top of that, tests and exams are
needed to check students’ progress and make
any changes if necessary.
In order to become a professional English
teacher, I would have to obtain the
International teaching certificate CELTA that
stands for Certificate in English Language
Teaching to Adults. I also need to
Bước 3: Explain why it is your dream job
brush up on my English to gain proficiency as
well as teach and observe several classes to
get the picture of common problems that
learners of English have.
Teaching would be my dream job as
▶ I’ve loved English since I was 4. It was my
grandfather that inspired me to learn English. I
would like to share what I’ve accumulated
throughout the years with learners of English.
▶ And I would be able to meet learners from
all walks of life, each of whom has a story.
And this means that I can have a great time
listening to their experiences and learn a lot
from them. Then I would make friends and
broaden my social circles.
▶ I also like to deliver lessons, communicate
with others and ensure that they understand
the lessons and the messages I convey. It
would be big happiness when my students get
good results, exchange small talks with me
and give me presents on special occasions
such as Vietnamese teachers’ day or Women’s
day even after they finish the course.
Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói That’s all I want to say.
True calling: định mệnh, tiếng gọi con tim
To put my heart and soul in st: dồn tâm
huyết vào việc gì
To make tremendous progress: tiến bộ đáng
kể/ rất nhiều
Thorough research: nghiên cứu, tìm hiểu rất
kĩ lưỡng
Be engaged in st: tham gia vào cái gì
To obtain st: đạt được kiến thức, kĩ năng,
etc To stand for st: đại diện, viết tắt cho cái
gì To brush up on st: luyện tập cái gì To
accumulate: tích luỹ
Walks of life: các tầng lớp xã hội
Social circles: mạng lưới bạn bè
To deliver lessons: truyền tải bài học
Sau Topic 2: OBJECTS & FAVOURITES, chúng mình tiếp tục với chủ đề PLACES. Với
Topic số 3 này, cô sẽ chia thành 2 Main Subtopics: Natural beauty & Man-made
Natural beauty
l P
Trước hết, mình bắt đầu với Natural beauty nha.
Nếu chúng ta nắm được ‘xương sống’ triển khai Miêu tả Natural beauty (Ví dụ, chúng mình
chọn ‘Describe a beach’và chuẩn bị thật kĩ cho nó), thì khi đi thi, đề bài hỏi ‘Describe a river/
lake/ mountain/ forest, etc’ thì chúng ta hoàn toàn giải quyết được, bởi vì:
Cho dù hỏi về ‘A beach’ hay ‘A river/ lake/ mountain/ river’ thì chúng ta cũng sẽ phải đề cập
- Specific information about this place
- Location
- Who you went with/ Where you stayed
- Activities you engaged in while you were there
Nếu những nội dung trên chúng ta chuẩn bị kĩ cho ‘A beach’ rồi, thì cứ thế khéo léo áp dụng
cho ‘A river/ lake/ mountain/ river’ thôi.
▶ Chúng ta bắt đầu với Cue card ‘xương sống’ nha! Trong Cue card xương sống này, cô lựa
chọn nói về Halong bay.
Cue card 1: Describe a natural beauty
Describe a natural beauty
You should say:
▪ What is it
▪ Who you went with
▪ When you visited it
And explain why it is a place worth visiting.
Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to tell you about a natural beauty in Vietnam that has
become one of the
most popular destinations in the world.
Bước 2: Triển khai các ý
▶ Ý 1: What it is
✔ Lưu ý: Đừng dừng lại ở việc chỉ nói
tên địa danh. Chúng mình triển khai
∙ Một là: vị trí của địa danh đó ‘in
Southern Vietnam …’
∙ Hai là: Nó nổi tiếng thế nào ‘it
attracts milions of tourists …’
▶ Ý 2: Who you went with and where you
▶ Ý 3: What you did there
(Chuyển thành ý này nha)
It’s Halong bay- a complex of beach and bay
in Southern Vietnam that has been
recognized as the world heritage by
UNESCO. Every year, it attracts millions of
tourists from all over the world and generates
income for local people through several
tourism services such as accommodation and
luxury cruise.
I went there with my family last summer
vacation. We chose this place after a lot of
thorough research. We stayed at a self
catering hotel that overlooked the sea. It
was such a stunning view.
Well, we had a blast at Halong bay. We took
part in many activities such as swimming,
volleyball and sailing. We got up at breaking
dawn to watch the sunrise, stroll along the
beach, and make sand castles and swim at
sunset. We went there out of season, so there
were no flocks of tourists as in peak season.
Bước 3: Explain why it is a place worth
▶ Going sightseeing at this place was a
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity as it’s
endowed with breathtaking landscape that
took my breath away: crystal clear sea
water, smooth sand and mountain ranges
spreading to the infinity. I particularly liked
the overnight cruise in which I could observe
the sky full of sparkling stars and indulge in
the still of the night.
▶ I also really like the local residents who
gave us very warming welcome. They were
incredibly friendly and accommodating.
There was one time I got lost, and some locals
were willing to get me to my hotel although
it was a pretty long distance. I could learn
from their diligence, optimism and
Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói That’s all I want to say.
Be thorough: cẩn thận, kĩ lưỡng
Self-catering: tự cung tự cấp
To overlook st: ở vị trí đối diện cái gì
Be stunning: rất đẹp, choáng ngợp To
have a blast: rất vui
Breaking dawn: sáng tinh mơ
Be out of season: không phải mùa cao
điểm Flock: đám đông người
Peak season: Mùa cao điểm
To go sightseeing: đi ngắm cảnh
Once-in-a-lifetime: cơ hội có một không hai
Be endowed with st: được trời phú cho cái
To take sb’s breath away: khiến ai đó choáng
Sparkling stars: những ngôi sao lấp
lánh Still: Sự tĩnh lặng
Be ccommodating: hay giúp đỡ người khác,
tốt bụng
Hospitality: sự hiếu khách
▶ Bây giờ, chúng mình chuyển sang MAN-
Đối với man-made structures, cách triển khai trong mỗi câu hỏi chi tiết có thể khác nhau môt
chút (Describe your ideal house/ a hotel/ library, etc). Nhưng tựu chung lại, cho dù là Ideal
house, Library, Hotel hay bất kì công trình kiến trúc nào, thì vẫn bao gồm 2 phần: Exterior
(Phía bên ngoài) và Interior (Phía bên trong). Vậy là, khi biết cách miêu tả Exterior và
Interior cho 1 công trình kiến trúc nào đó, chúng ta sẽ áp dụng được cho những công trình
kiến trúc khác.
Tuy nhiên, cách miêu tả Man-made structures không chỉ dừng lại ở Exterior và Interior, mà
còn bao gồm một số nội dung khác, phụ thuộc vào từng câu hỏi cụ thể. Trong phần tiếp theo,
cô sẽ lựa chọn 4 Câu hỏi: Describe an ideal house; Describe a hotel; Describe a library &
Describe a place full of colors (đề này hơi lạ một chút) để chúng ta hiểu được một số nội
dung cần triển khai bên cạnh Exterior & Interior nha.
Cue card 2: Describe an ideal house or apartment you would like to have in the future
Describe an ideal house or apartment you would like to have in the
future You should say:
▪ Where it is
▪ What furniture or equipment it would have
▪ How it looks
And explain why you would like to live in it in the future.
Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to tell you about my dream house that I have longed
for since I was a child.
Bước 2: Triển khai các ý
▶ Ý 1: Where it is
▶ Ý 2: What furniture or equipment it would
It would be a detached house, much of a
bungalow in the suburb where air pollution
is not a serious issue. The first time I saw a
bungalow on TV, I was so captured by it,
and I’ve dreamt of having one since then.
I’d like my future house to follow a
minimalist style, in other words, not having
too much furniture or equipment. It would
just have cupboards, a set of utensils in the
kitchen and a
▶ Ý 3: How it looks like
✔ Bắt đầu miêu tả một chút về Exterior nha.
✔ Và tiếp tục với Interior nha.
Bước 3: Explain why you would like to live
in it in the future
large closet for the whole family in the
bedroom, and some other essentials.
It would be a medium-sized house with a
balcony on the second floor so that I can
watch the sky and enjoy the gentle breeze
while sipping a cup of tea in the morning or
in the late afternoon.
And I would paint it in the color creamy
white- a color expressing my hospitality. It
would also have an indoor garden with both
local and exotic flowers and plants that give
off very pleasant fragrance.
▶ Well, I’d love to live in this house because
it is tranquil and peaceful, as opposed to the
hustle and bustle in cities. I would listen to
birds singing at dawn and my favorite
melodies at night without being disturbed by
noisy neighbors.
▶ I would have healthy lifestyle if I live in
this kind of house. There would be plenty of
space to walk or run to keep myself active
throughout the day as well as very fresh air to
breathe in. I would take up fishing on
weekends instead of gluing my eyes to
electronic gadgets such as smart phones or
▶ Lastly, having a bungalow means that I can
have a barbecue on weekends and invite my
friends to come over, and throw an amazing house-warming party on a spacious yard.
Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói That’s all I want to say.
HIGHLIGHTS Be detached:
Be exotic: khác lạ, đặc biệt
Bungalow: nhà gỗ một tầng
Be captured by st: bị thu hút bởi cái gì
Minimalist: tối giản (lối sống, phong cách, …)
Essentials: đồ dùng thiết yếu
Breeze: cơn gió nhẹ, thoang thoảng To sip:
nhấm nháp, uống ngụm nhỏ
To give off: toả ra ( mùi hương) Be tranquil:
yên tĩnh, yên bình Hustle and bustle: sự ồn ào
náo nhiệt To disturb st: quấy rầy ai đó House-
warming: tân gia
Cue card 3: Describe a hotel you have
stayed in
Describe a hotel you have stayed in
You should say:
▪ Where the hotel was
▪ Why you stayed at that particular hotel
▪ Give details of the hotel and the view from
it And explain what makes the hotel special.
Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to share with you about a hotel that I stayed during my
summer vacation in Da
Nang three years ago.
Bước 2: Triển khai các ý
▶ Ý 1: Where the hotel was
▶ Ý 2: Why you stayed at that particular
▶ Ý 3: Give details of the hotel and the
view from it
✔ Chúng mình triển khai theo
Exterior & Interior nha.
After doing a lot of thorough research on
Agoda an app for booking accommodation, I
decided on a hotel named ‘Zu zi’ located
near My Khe beach that has been
recognized as one of the most popular
attractions in the world.
I chose that hotel because it looked great on
its website and it is reasonably priced, only
250,000 VND per night including a meal.
And it made good impressions on me when I
got there. It was tidy and neat, and it had a
fantastic view of the beach.
Well, the hotel didn’t look gorgeous from
the exterior, but as I entered it, I was blown
away by its cozy atmosphere. There was a
small garden with local and exotic plants. A
brook was making babbling sounds. The
hotel was painted in white, and it offered
Bước 3: Explain what makes the hotel
�Có rất nhiều yếu tố ‘makes the hotel
special’: tiện nghi, khoảng cách gần với
trung tâm thành phố/ biển, thái độ nhân
viên phục vụ, etc. Chúng mình có thể
lựa chọn tiêu chí chúng mình yêu thích.
Ở đây, cô lựa chọn: thái độ nhân viên
phục vụ và khoảng cách gần với biển.
conveniences such as TVs, air-conditioners,
etc. Everything was spick and span.
▶ I really appreciated its staff who were
helpful and hospitable. They knocked on my
room door to give clean shower towels in early
afternoon every day and booked Grabs for me.
When I didn’t know where to go in Danang,
they just recommended several places as well
as itineraries to get the most of these places.
They also invited me to have meals with them.
They gave me a very warm welcome.
▶ Besides that, I particularly liked the
proximity of the hotel to the beach, you know,
just a few steps of walking. I got up very early,
say 4:30 or 5:00 and strolled to the beach. I
could also enjoy the gentle breeze from the
balcony of the hotel while nibbling some
toasts and a cup of coffee.
Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói That’s all I want to say.
Be gorgeous: hoành tráng, đẹp đẽ
Exterior: phần bên ngoài
Be blown away by st: bị cuốn hút bởi cái
gì Cozy: ấm cúng
Be exotic: ngoại lai, khác biệt
Brook: dòng thác/ suối nhỏ
Be babbling: róc rách (tiếng suối chảy) Be
spick and span: sạch tinh tươm To get the
most of st: tận dụng tối đa cái gì
Proximity to st: gần với cái gì (vị trí địa lý)
Breeze: cơn gió nhẹ
To nibble: ăn rón rén, ăn miếng nhỏ
Cue card 4: Describe a crowded place you
have been to
Describe a crowded place you have been to
You should say:
▪ Where it was
▪ Who you were with
▪ What you did there
And explain how you felt about it.
✔ Với Cue card này, chúng mình có thể chuyển sang nói về Natural beauty (Cue card 1)
▶ Gợi ý một số Từ vựng cho key word ‘A crowded place’
∙ Tourist trap: điểm đến rất đông khách du lịch
∙ To flock: đổ dồn đến đâu với số lượng lớn
∙ Hordes of tourists: đám đông du khách
∙ In season: trong mùa du lịch ( vs out of season: mùa thấp điểm)
Cue card 5: Describe a school you went to in your childhood
Describe a school you went to in your childhood
You should say:
▪ Where it was
▪ What it was like
▪ What you learned there
And say how you felt about it.
✔ Với Cue card này, chúng mình áp dụng những gợi ý triển khai ở những Cue card trên
▶ Mô tả: Exterior (big school gate, colorful flower beds, etc) và Interior ( 50 well-equipped
classrooms, libraries with plenty of books and references, etc).
▶ Còn đối với phần ‘Say how you felt about it’ thì đơn giản rồi ha. Chúng ta có thể đưa vào
một số từ vựng chỉ tình cảm ‘love’ expressions đã chuẩn bị trong Topic: PERSONS.
Cue card 6: Describe a library that you
Describe a library that you visited
You should say:
▪ Where the library was
▪ What facilities it had
▪ Why you went there
And explain whether you found the library useful or not.
Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to tell you about a library that I went to last month.
Bước 2: Triển khai các ý
▶ Ý 1: Where the library was
✔ Chúng mình triển khai thêm bằng
cách giới thiệu thời gian thành lập
▶ Ý 2: What facilities it had
✔ Chúng mình triển khai theo
Exterior & Interior nha.
▶ Ý 3: Why you went there
It is located in the heart of Hanoi, on Ba
Trieu street- a very bustling part of Hanoi.
It was first opened in 1954 by the French
colonists, and it has been in existence for
nearly 70 years. It’s a beauty of interest of
Hanoi. Every year it attracts millions of
tourists all over the world.
What impressed me in the first place was the
fabulous fountain in the front yard that
produced very impressive sounds and shapes.
The entrance door was arch-shaped which is
typical of French architectural style. When I
stepped in the main hall, I could see large
numbers of shelves filled with hardcover
books of various genres such as novels,
journals and so on.
At that time, I had plenty of spare time, so I
went there just to kill time. Visiting that
library was a part of my exploring Hanoi. I
Bước 3: Explain whether you found the
library useful or not.
had very little idea of specialties of my city
although I’d lived there for about 10 years.
I found that library quite useful because
▶ Firstly, it had a diversity of books and
references ranging from novels to some
academic journals. And it is noticeable that
all the materials were in very good
condition. I came across an incredibly
valuable book dating back to 1900, and it’s
been well-preserved over a century.
▶ Secondly, the library was an ideal place of
studying as it was spacious, airy and quiet.
Everyone coming there was required to keep
quiet and turn off their mobile phones and
they would be rejected if they made noise to
distract others. Since I discovered the library
as a study room, my level of concentration
was greatly improved.
Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói That’s all I want to say.
In the heart of a place: nằm ở trung tâm của
một nơi
Be bustling: huyên náo, sôi nổi
In the first place: ngay từ đầu
Be fabulous: hoành tráng, tráng
lệ Hardcover: (sách) bìa cứng
Genre: thể loại (sách, âm nhạc)
To kill time: giết thời gian
To come across st: tình cờ phát hiện ra cái gì
Be in good condition: được bản quản/ giữ
gìn tốt To date back to a year (1980): có nguồn gốc
từ khi nào
Cue card 7: Describe a place you remember
well that is full of colors
Describe a place you remember well that is full of
colors You should say:
▪ Where it is
▪ What it is like
▪ What it is used for
And explain why you remember it well.
Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to tell you about a place that is decorated with a
spectrum of colors.
Bước 2: Triển khai các ý
▶ Ý 1: Where it is
▶ Ý 2: What it is like
▶ Ý 3: What it is used for
Bước 3: Explain why you remember
it well
It’s Yen So park, a newly constructed
amenity, and it’s about 5 kilometers from my
house. This park used to be for farming, but
then it’s been transformed into a great
It’s enormous with an estimated size of 1,000
square meters. It has an arch-shaped entrance
gate and plenty of flower beds whose colors
greatly differ in intensity. Some of them have
dark colors; others have bright colors. My
mood seemed to switch from excitement and
delight to calmness as I moved from bright
color flowers to dark color ones.
This park is originally intended for
entertainment. It has been equipped with a
large number of rides such as merry-go-
round and some extreme rides. But it can be
used as a place to hold events such as raising
funds for disabled children.
There are two reasons why this place keeps
echoing in my head.
▶ Firstly, it’s indeed a landmark. When I was
going to the art event that was held at this park,
I could immediately catch a sight of it as it was
so noticeable and impressive. I was drawn to its
colorful style and its surroundings that were
made up of landscape paintings and wooden
statues of some animals.
▶ Secondly, it has state-of-the-art facilities and
it’s incredibly clean. I was blown away by its
lush green land, the range of its rides, cafeterias
as well as helpful and professional staff. They
gave me very detailed instructions on how to
play the rides safely and directions to some
special zones in the park. They were also willing
to take photos for us.
Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói That’s all I want to say.
A spectrum of st: một dải (màu), sự đa dạng
Amenity: cơ sở vật chất (mang tính giải trí)
Intensity (color): tông màu (sáng, trung tính,
Merry-go-round: vòng quay ngựa gỗ
Extreme rides: vòng quay mạo hiểm
To raise funds: gây quỹ
Disabled children: trẻ em khuyết tập
To echoe in sb’s head: nằm sâu trong tâm
trí ai (do ấn tượng)
To catch a sight of sb/st: nhìn thoáng thấy
ai/ cái gì
Be drawn to st: bị cuốn hút bởi cái gì
Landscape paintings: tranh phong cảnh
Be state-of-the-art: hiện đại, cập nhật
Be lush: Xanh rờn, nhiều cây cối
Một Topic khá là rộng. Trải nghiệm và sự kiện trong cuộc đời thì chúng mình có vô số: đỗ đại
học, học lại, thất tình, trúng xổ số, … nói chung không thể đếm xuể. Theo cô, chúng mình có
thể chia những sự kiện và trải nghiệm trong cuộc đời thành 2 nhóm: Happy experiences &
Sad experiences.
Từ cách phân chia trên, chúng mình cần trang bị một số Vocabularies miêu tả Happiness và
Sadness để nói về Emotions trong các câu hỏi cụ thể của Topic này.
Một số Từ vựng chỉ Happiness: Excited, Over the moon, On cloud nine
Một số Từ vựng chỉ Sadness: Disappointed, Down in the dumps, Frustrated
▶ Chúng ta bắt đầu với Cue card đầu tiên về HAPPY EXPERIENCES nha!
Cue card 1: Describe a time when you were excited
Describe a time when you were excited
You should say
▪ When it was
▪ What happened
▪ Who you were with
And explain why you were excited.
Bước 1: Giới thiệu I’d like to tell you about a time I got excited that I will remember for
my whole life.
Bước 2: Triển khai các ý
▶ Ý 1: When it was
▶ Ý 2: What happened
✔ Sau đó, chúng ta cần kể chi tiết hơn những
gì xảy ra nha.
It was in November 2016 that I first fell in
love. It was love at first sight. We just
clicked right from the first time we met.
We saw a romantic movie at CGV near my
work office and then had dinner. We had a
stroll, talked for hours. We did have a great
Then he held my hands and gave me a kiss on
my cheek, which made me get goosebumps. I
was speechless, but deep down from my
heart, I was really over the moon at that time
as I eventually found the missing piece of my
s▶ Ý 3: What you were wearing (Chuyển sang
ý này nha)
Bước 3: Explain why you were excited
Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thúc bài nói
At that time, I was wearing a flowery dress that
I spent hours looking for. It set out my sun-
tanned complexion and concealed my modest
height. I just looked so pretty in it that my
boyfriend complimented on me and couldn’t
take his eyes off me.
That was the first time I had been in love, and
the tender love from him really uplifted my
emotions. My emotions, I guess, were much
more intense than those in love several times.
They were new, thrilling and just perfect. I
would treasure such wonderful moments with
▶ Another reason why I got high at that time
was I could find someone who lent me an ear
and had a lot in common with me although
there were some opposites, but I just keepin
mind that opposites attract.
For example, he kept everything neat and tidy,
and he always made careful plans. I, on the
other hand, was quite messy and disorganized.
I just did things on the spur of the moment.
That’s all I want to say
Love at first sight: yêu từ cái nhìn đầu tiên
To click: hợp nhau ngay tức khắc (get)
goosebumps: (nổi) da gà
Be speechless: không biết nói gì (do xúc
Be over the moon: rất hạnh phúc, mãn
Can’t take my eyes off sb/st: không thể dời
mắt khỏi ai/ cái gì
To uplift (emotions): nâng cảm xúc
Be intense: mãnh liệt
Be thrilling: hồi hộp, gay cấn
To lend sb an ear: lắng nghe ai đó tâm sự To
keep in mind: ghi nhớ, khắc cốt ghi tâm
Opposites attract: trái dấu hút nhau Be
disorganized (ADJ): lộn xộn, thiếu trật tự
Be on the spur of the moment: thích thì làm,
không có kế hoạch
Cue card 2: Describe a performance that
you enjoy
Describe a performance that you enjoy
You should say
▪ What it is about
▪ Where it is
▪ Who you were with
And explain why you enjoy it.
Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I‘d like to share with you about a singing performance that has
had a lasting impression on
me until now.
Bước 2: Triển khai các ý
▶ Ý 1: What it is about
✔ Chúng mừng dừng lại ở đây nha.
Hãy nói rõ hơn tại sao người này
lại ‘well-known’.
▶ Ý 2: Where it is
▶ Ý 3: Who you were with
It was a gig of Ha Anh Tuan- one of the most
well known singers in Vietnam.
He is applauded for his beautiful voice that is
free of rigid singing techniques and captures
the audience’s attention from the first notes.
The gig was held on a university campus in Da
Lat- a Southern province of Vietnam. Ha Anh
Tuan seems to have a strong preference for
this place as most of his concerts have taken
place there.
Well, it might sound a bit weird, but I went to
the gig alone. I just wanted solo travel, and I
knew at that time that my friends were
swamped with work, so it would be no good
asking them to go with me.
Bước 3: Explain why you enjoy it ▶ As I said earlier, I’m really into Ha Anh Tuan. His
voice is so awesome. He never mimics any
other singers’ styles; he chooses his own style:
gentle, delicate but powerful , which is unique and
blows the audience away whenever he is on
stage. I especially like the way he reaches high
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5 core topics in ielts speaking part 2 (1)

  • 1. TABLE OF CONTENT PREFACE.............................................................................................................................4 IELTS SPEAKING PART 2 OVERVIEW ............................................................................8 TOPIC 1: PEOPLE & ANIMALS ...................................................................................... 10 Cue card 1: Describe a child you know. .................................................................................... 13 Cue card 2: Describe an old person you admire. ...................................................................... 15 Cue card 3: Describe a person in your family........................................................................... 18 Cue card 4: Describe a friend of yours...................................................................................... 18 Cue card 5: Describe a person on news that you would like to meet........................................ 18 Cue card 6: Describe a person who tries to protect the environment ...................................... 20 Cue card 7: Describe a person who often travels by plane ....................................................... 22 Cue card 8: Describe a person who is good at his/ her job ....................................................... 24 Cue card 9: Describe an interesting animal you have ever seen............................................... 27 TOPIC 2: FAVORITES ...................................................................................................... 29 Cue card 1: Describe your favourite gadget ............................................................................. 30 Cue card 2: Describe a piece ofequipment/ household appliance in your home ..................... 32 Cue card 3: Describe an important item................................................................................... 33 Cue card 4: Describe something you bought but difficult to use at first.................................. 35 Cue card 5: Describe a toy you got in your childhood.............................................................. 36 Cue card 6: Describe a picture or photograph in your home ................................................... 38 Cue card 7: Describe a painting or work of art that you have seen ......................................... 40 Cue card 8: Describe a uniform you wear................................................................................. 42 Cue card 9: Describe a piece ofclothes you enjoy wearing ......................................................44 Cue card 10: Describe a film or TV program that made you laugh......................................... 45 Cue card 11: Describe your favorite food ................................................................................. 47 Cue card 12: Describe your favourite sport.............................................................................. 49 Cue card 13: Describe your ideal job ........................................................................................ 51 TOPIC 3: PLACES ............................................................................................................. 53 Cue card 1: Describe a natural beauty......................................................................................54 Cue card 2: Describe an ideal house or apartment you would like to have in the future ........56 Cue card 3: Describe a hotel you have stayed in....................................................................... 59 Cue card 4: Describe a crowded place you have been to ..........................................................61 Cue card 5: Describe a school you went to in your childhood ..................................................61 Cue card 6: Describe a library that you visited ........................................................................ 62 Cue card 7: Describe a place you remember well that is full of colors.....................................64 TOPIC 4: EXPERIENCES & EVENTS ............................................................................. 66 2
  • 2. Cue card 1: Describe a time when you were excited................................................................. 66 Cue card 2: Describe a performance that you enjoy................................................................. 68 Cue card 3: Describe a challenge you have ever faced .............................................................70 Cue card 4: Describe a goal you tried your best to achieve ...................................................... 72 Cue card 5: Describe an experience that you got bored when you were with others............... 73 Cue card 6: Describe a time when someone apologized you.....................................................75 Cue card 7: Describe a time when the bad weather stopped you from doing something ........ 77 Cue card 8: Describe a time you were sleepy but had to stay awake ....................................... 79 Cue card 9: Describe a time you was ill .................................................................................... 81 TOPIC 5: OTHERS ............................................................................................................ 83 Cue card 1: Describe a physical phenomenon you knowor study ........................................... 83 Cue card 2: Describe a sky you would like to see...................................................................... 86 Cue card 3: Describe an environmental issue in your country................................................. 88 Cue card 4: Describe a newlawyou would implement where you live to make it a better place .................................................................................................................................................... 90 Cue card 5: Describe a mathematical skill you learnt at primary school ................................ 93 RECAP................................................................................................................................ 95 APPENDIX......................................................................................................................... 99 3
  • 3. PREFACE Chào các em! Cô là Trương Thu Hương, một Giáo viên với kinh nghiệm hơn 4 năm giảng dạy Tiếng anh tại Hà Nội. Nội dung giảng dạy chính của cô là Phát âm, Giao tiếp và IELTS speaking. Hiện tại cô đang giảng dạy tại SYM English, cùng với cô Bunny (Cô Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương) - tác giả của chuỗi videos “Dạy Reading có tâm’ trên Youtube của SYM English được rất nhiều bạn Học viên đón nhận và đánh giá cao. Thoắt cái đã gần 4 năm cô gắn bó với nghề rồi. Trong suốt những năm tháng ấy, được giảng dạy nhiều đối tượng người học (độ tuổi, trình độ, mục tiêu/ chứng chỉ mong muốn khác nhau), cô nhận thấy thời lượng học Tiếng anh trên trường lớp, trung tâm là không đủ cho một cú huých, sự cải thiện khả năng Tiếng anh. Người học cần luyện tập, tự học rất nhiều tại nhà thì mới thấy đuợc sự thay đổi. Tuy nhiên, cứ tự loay hoay thì cũng nản lắm, mà cũng không hiệu quả vì không có ai chỉ ra mình sai chỗ nào, rồi cần sửa ra sao. Nhận ra được vấn đề mà người học Tiếng anh gặp phải, cô mong muốn tạo ra một môi trường tự học cho các bạn học Tiếng anh, mà trong đó cô sẽ là người tạo thói quen, lịch trình học tập cho các bạn và đóng góp, nhận xét, sửa chữa bài làm của các bạn. Với mong muốn đó, trong thời gian qua, cô có thực hiện một số Video hướng dẫn Phát âm trên Youtube, bao gồm: Một số âm & từ người học Tiếng anh thường hay phát âm sai; Trọng âm từ-câu;Dạng rút ngắn trong Phát âm của một số từ, Nối âm, ..... Ngoài ra, cô cũng khởi động ‘Dự án chấm Speaking có tâm’: hàng tuần, một Topic trong IELTS Speaking (Part 1 hoặc Part 2) sẽ được đăng trên Group của SYM English. Kèm theo đó là gợi ý cách triển khai ý tưởng và Từ vựng. Các bạn nộp bài theo link đính kèm trong bài đăng. Cô chấm bài dựa trên các Tiêu chí của bài thi IELTS Speaking và chỉ ra một số lỗi Phát âm, Sử dụng từ, Ngữ pháp, cũng như gợi ý cách cải thiện bài nói. Cô rất vui khi nhận được những phản hồi tích cực của các bạn Học viên từ những Videos trên kênh Youtube của SYM English và ‘Dự án chấm Speaking có tâm’ thông qua Facebook cá nhân của cô Điều đó tiếp thêm cho cô rất nhiều động lực để tiếp tục nỗ lực và hỗ trợ các bạn học Tiếng anh. Trong ‘Dự án chấm Speaking có tâm’, cô nhận thấy, cũng như một số bạn cũng inbox chia sẻ rằng các bạn còn lúng túng, thậm chí hoang mang khi đổi mặt với IELTS SPEAKING Part 2, đặc biệt với những đề ‘lạ’. Vì vậy, 4
  • 4. cô mong muốn thiết kế một cuốn Handbook hướng dẫn những sĩ tử học IELTS cách hệ thống các Topics trong IELTS Speaking Part 2 và cách triển khai ý tưởng trong phần này, để dù đề bài có ‘khoai’ hay ‘lạ’, chúng ta vẫn bình tĩnh xử lý được. Handbook này chỉ hệ thống những CORE TOPICS (Chủ đề cốt lõi) và gợi ý cách triển khai ý tưởng. Điều quan trọng là ‘Speak your mind’-các bạn nên tập trung vào yếu tố tự nhiên để những gì nói ra thực sự là những gì mình suy nghĩ. Đây là thông điệp mà cô và SYM English luôn muốn truyền tải tới các bạn Học viên. Học IELTS hay Tiếng anh nói chung là công cụ để chúng mình thể hiện được suy nghĩ, cá tính của chính mình, thay vì rập khuôn đi theo những khuôn khổ, bài mẫu cho trước. Ngoài ra, chúng mình cũng cần lưu ý về trình tự học IELTS Speaking. Chúng mình đừng vội vàng học IELTS Speaking nếu chưa có nền tảng về Từ vựng và Phát âm nha. Cuốn sách nhỏ này phù hợp với những bạn đã có nền tảng khá ổn rồi, và đang bước vào Giai đoạn ‘Luyện tập’ hoặc ‘Cấp tốc/ Sắp thi’. Nếu có câu hỏi/ thắc mắc trong quá trình học, chúng mình đừng ngại trao đổi với cô qua: ✔ FB cá nhân: ✔ Kênh Youtube: ✔ Fanpage:
  • 5. 5 Tại sao lại là SPEAKING PART 2? Trước hết, chúng mình cùng xem lại Cấu trúc của IELTS Speaking nhé. ✓ Bài thi IELTS Speaking bao gồm 3 phần: ▷ Part 1: Interview - Giám khảo sẽ hỏi bạn 10-12 câu hỏi liên quan tới những chủ đề thân quen trong đời sống hàng ngày, ví dụ: Study, Work, Health, Advertising. - Thời lượng cho mỗi câu trả lời là khoảng 30 giây. ▷ Part 2: Individual talk Bạn sẽ có 1 phút để chuẩn bị cho bài nói. Đây là phần bạn được yêu cầu nói liên tục trong thời gian từ 1 phút 45 giây đến 2 phút. Giám khảo sẽ không ngắt quãng quá trình nói của bạn. ▷ Part 3: Discussion Phần cuối cùng trong bài thi IELTS Speaking kiểm tra khả năng phân tích, lập luận, đưa ra quan điểm đối với vấn đề liên quan tới Chủ đề của Part 2. Cụ thể, nếu Part 2 hỏi ‘Describe your favourite book’, thì câu hỏi trong Part 3 sẽ có nội dung về Books. Các câu hỏi về Books trong Part 3 có thể dưới dạng như sau: o What can be the benefits of reading books? o Why do very few young people nowdays read books? o Do you think that e-books will replace paper books in the future? Giám khảo sẽ hỏi bạn 3-5 câu hỏi trong phần này. Thời lượng cho mỗi câu trả lời là khoảng 45 giây. ✓ Kết quả của bài nói được quyết định dựa trên Part 1 và Part 2. Tức là sau khi bạn hoàn thành Part 1 và Part 2, giám khảo đã định hình số điểm cho bài nói của bạn rồi. Trong khi đó, kết quả của Part 3 không ảnh hưởng quá nhiều tới kết quả toàn bộ bài nói. Cụ thể, nếu kết quả Part 3 không được tốt lắm, kết quả của toàn bài nói sẽ là kết quả của Part 1 & 2. Ngược lại, nếu kết quả Part 3 của bạn tốt, nó sẽ là điểm cộng vào kết quả của Part 1 & 2, từ đó nâng kết quả của toàn bộ bài nói.
  • 6. 6 Từ những đặc điểm trên, chúng ta có thể nhận thấy được: ∙ Thứ nhất, Part 2 trong IELTS SPEAKING là phần nói cần đầu tư nhiều công sức nhất và tác động nhiều nhất tới Kết quả toàn bộ bài Speaking. Và đây cũng là phần người học IELTS chúng mình thường loay hoay nhất. ∙ Thứ hai, có được kĩ năng tốt cho Part 2 thì Part 1 cũng tự động nói được vì Part 1 không đòi hỏi nói dài và triển khai ý sâu như Part 2 (thời gian trung bình cho mỗi câu trả lời ở Part 1 là 30 giây). ∙ Thứ 3, Part 3 là phát triển thêm của Part 2 nên các bạn hoàn toàn có thể định hướng bài nói của mình để chuẩn bị tốt cho Part 3. Vì thế, Part 2 là phần trọng tâm của IELTS Speaking, và vì thế trong handbook này, cô chỉ đề cập tới Part 2. Có được kiến thức và Kĩ năng cần thiết cho Part 2 là đủ để chúng ta giải quyết những phần còn lại rồi. Trong Handbook này, cô sẽ cover 5 CORE topics, để chúng mình nắm được cách triển khai ý tưởng. Nắm được core topics rồi, chúng ta sẽ biết cách giải quyết subtopics (những topic nhỏ hơn). 1. PEOPLE & ANIMALS 2. FAVORITES 3. PLACES 4. EXPERIENCES/ EVENTS 5. OTHERS ( The nature-The environment; Skills, Law) � �Highlight một số Từ vựng hay cho Core topics và từng Cue card.
  • 7. 7 IELTS SPEAKING PART 2 OVERVIEW Trước khi bắt đầu với Nội dung chính của Handbook, hãy cùng nhìn lại một số thông tin cần biết về IELTS SPEAKING PART 2 nha. Trong phòng thi, giám khảo sẽ đưa cho bạn một Cue card giống như sau: Describe an old person you admire You should say: ▪ Who this person is ▪ How long you have known him/ her ▪ What qualities he/ she has And explain why you admire him/ her so much. ✔ THỜI GIAN ► 1 phút chuẩn bị: Giám khảo sẽ nhắc bạn khi thời gian chuẩn bị trong 1 phút hết và yêu cầu bạn bắt đầu bài nói. ► 2 phút để nói. Trong thời gian 2 phút bạn nói, giám khảo sẽ không can thiệp vào bài nói của bạn. Lưu ý: Thời lượng tối thiểu cho bài Nói Part 2 là 1 phút 45 giây. Nếu bạn nói ngắn hơn 1 phút 45 giây: - Tiêu chí Fluency của bạn sẽ bị trừ điểm - Giám khảo sẽ hỏi thêm một số câu hỏi (do độ dài bài nói của bạn quá ngắn), và khi đó, Part 2 sẽ trở nên khó khăn hơn. Vì thế, chúng mình cố gắng nói trong thời gian tối thiểu là 1 phút 45 giây, hoặc 2 phút là tốt nhất nha. Ngược lại, nếu bạn nói quá 2 phút: - Giám khảo sẽ ngắt bài nói của bạn, yêu cầu bạn dừng lại. Trong trường hợp này, đừng lo lắng quá nhé. Giám khảo yêu cầu bạn dừng lại là để đảm bảo thời gian đã đặt ra cho toàn bộ bài IELTS Speaking. � Như vậy Speaking Part 2 là Individual talk, khác với Part 1 là Interview (Giám khảo hỏi câu nào, bạn trả lời câu đó), và khác với Part 3 là Discussion (thảo luận những câu hỏi phức tạp hơn, cần khả năng phân tích, so sánh, …).
  • 8. 8 ✔ MỘT SỐ LƯU Ý Những phần gợi ý trong Cue card You should say: ▪ Who this person is ▪ How long you have known him/ her ▪ What qualities he/she has Chỉ mang tính gợi ý, không bắt buộc � bạn không cần phải cover toàn bộ những gợi ý này. Bạn có thể đề cập những nội dung khác bên ngoài. Tuy nhiên trong thời gian rất hạn chế là 1 phút để chuẩn bị, nên đi theo những gợi ý này. Nếu bị tắc ở ý nào, thì bỏ quả và chuyển sang ý tiếp theo. ▶ Những việc cần làm trong thời gian 1 phút chuẩn bị Do IELTS Speaking Part 2 là phần tác động nhiều nhất tới kết quả bài nói của bạn, nên bạn cần chuẩn bị kĩ càng cho nó thông qua việc take notes, để lên kế hoạch sẽ nói những ý nào, triển khai ra sao và sử dụng từ vựng nào. Nếu không chuẩn bị mà cứ thế tằng tằng nói, quá trình nói sẽ khó mà được mượt mà, ý tưởng triển khai bị lộn xộn, và thiếu từ vựng đưa vào bài nói. Còn nếu không take notes, mà tin tưởng vào khả năng ghi nhớ của bản thân trong thời gian chuẩn bị 1 phút, khả năng cao là khi bắt đầu nói, bạn quên mất mình đã lên kế hoạch làm những gì trong bài nói này. Chúng ta cũng cần học cách take notes nhanh (do thời gian chuẩn bị rất ngắn, 1 phút) mà vẫn đảm bảo vẽ ra được bức tranh tổng thể mà các chi tiết của nó sẽ được đề cập đầy đủ trong quá nói. Và bây giờ, chúng ta hãy bắt đầu với Topic đầu tiên nha!
  • 9. 9 TOPIC 1: PEOPLE & ANIMALS Trong một kho tàng câu hỏi ‘Describe a person’, từ những đối tượng gần gũi như ‘Describe a famous person/ helpful person’ đến những đối tượng không mấy thân quen như ‘Describe a person who travels a lot/ protects the environment’, sẽ là không thể nếu học mô tả từng đối tượng cụ thể (một là do số lượng đối tượng quá nhiều, nếu không nói là vô hạn; hai là khi đi thi giám khảo hỏi về ‘a person’ mà chúng ta không lường trước được). Vì vậy, chúng ta cần học cách ‘Describe a person’ một cách nói chung, lấy đó làm gốc về cách triển khai ý và từ vựng, để khi đề bài hỏi bất kì đối tượng nào, chúng ta chỉ cần theo các bước của cái ‘gốc’ kia và uốn nắn, thêm thắt chút, là có thể hoàn thành tốt câu hỏi về mọi loại đối tượng rồi. Cô sẽ minh hoạ cho chúng mình thấy nha. Giả sử chúng mình đã chuẩn bị kĩ cho câu hỏi ‘Describe a child’. Chúng mình đã chuẩn bị cách mô tả Ngoại hình cũng như tính cách đứa bé, và lý do tại mình quý đứa bé đó. Khi đi thi, nếu đề bài có hỏi ‘Describe a person that appears a lot on the news’- một câu hỏi mà chúng mình chưa gặp trong quá trình ôn luyện, chúng ta hoàn toàn có thể chuyển sang nói về ‘A child’: coi đứa bé đó là ‘a person that appears a lot on the news’. Hay nếu đi thi, đề bài hỏi ‘Describe a person who travels a lot’, chúng ta vẫn hoàn toàn sử dụng được cái khung mô tả về Ngoại hình và tính cách của ‘a child’, vì đã mô tả người thì sẽ cần nói về 2 đặc điểm này. Việc chuẩn bị cái ‘khung mô tả’ này giảm áp lực phải nói nhiều về ‘Explain why this person travels a lot’. � Vậy thì cái ‘gốc’ gồm những gì? Cái gốc sẽ bao gồm 2 đối tượng: A child & An old person Đồng thời, 2 đối tượng này sẽ được miêu tả dựa trên các nội dung sau: 1. Appearance (Ngoại hình) 2. Character (Tính cách) 3. ‘Love’ expressions (Những cụm từ diễn tả tình cảm)
  • 10. 10 E L P O E P 1. Appearance 2. Character 3. 'Expressions of Age Face Figure Social Work Các bạn cùng cô nghiên cứu cụ thể nha! love' adore, cherish, etc Khi nói về ‘A person’ thì hãy đề cập tới những Nội dung sau đây: 1. Appearance bao gồm: Gương mặt, tuổi tác & Vóc dáng ▪ Gương mặt, tuổi tác (nhìn tổng quát và một số nét nổi bật) ✔ He’s in early 20s ( đầu 20). He’s good-looking with a high-bridged (mũi cao) nose and bushy (rậm rạp) eyebrows. ✔ She’s in late 30s ( cuối 30). She’s pretty with big blue eyes and rosy (hồng hào) cheeks. ▶ Với Children thì có thể mô tả: ✔ My nephew is 4 years old. He’s very adorable/ cute (dễ thương) with big black eyes and a chubby (bụ bẫm) face. ▶ Với Elderly people thì có thể nói: ✔ My grandmother is in mid-60s. She’s quite beautiful with a round face, full lips and sun-tanned (rám nắng) complexion although she has some wrinkles (nếp nhăn).
  • 11. 11 ▪ Vóc dáng ✔ He’s in good shape (cân đối) because he does a lot of sports such as badminton, football and swimming. ✔ She has a good figure (vóc dáng đẹp) as she has a balanced diet (chế độ ăn cân đối) and regular sleep schedule. ▶ Với Children: ✔ He is quite plump ( mập, mũm mĩm). Now he weighs 25 kilos, and he’s about 130 cm tall. ▶ Với Elderly people: ✔ My grandmom is in very good shape as she has a balanced diet and regular sleep schedule. 2. Character Bao gồm tính cách trong cuộc sống (social life) và trong công việc/ học tập (work) Social life Work Funny, talkative, humorous, helpful, shy, playful, etc E.g. My father is very humorous. He often tells funny stories at dinner, so we have a lot of fun. 3. Một số Động từ liên quan tới ‘love’ Hard-working, responsible, ambitious, decisive, creative, etc E.g. My father is a hard-working person. He stays up late to finish work and never complains about working overtime. Chúng ta cần chuẩn bị trước một số Cách diễn đạt tình cảm cho người mình yêu quý. Ví dụ: ✔ Adore/ Cherish sb: yêu thương, muốn che chở chăm sóc ai đó ✔ Admire/ idolize sb: ngưỡng mộ, thần tượng ai đó ✔ Hold sb in high regard: tôn trọng, ngưỡng mộ ai đó ▶ Trăm nói không bằng thực hành. Chúng mình cùng bắt đầu với 2 core (lõi, chủ chốt) Cue cards ‘ Describe a child’ và ‘Describe an elderly person’ nha. Chuẩn bị kĩ 2 Cue cards cốt lõi này, chúng ta sẽ biết cách
  • 12. triển khai những Cue cards khác cùng Chủ đề: PEOPLE. 12 Cue card 1: Describe a child you know. Describe a child you know You should say: ▪ Who this child is and how often you see him or her ▪ How old this child is ▪ What he or she is like And explain what you feel about this child. Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to tell you about a child who is my nephew. Bước 2: Triển khai các ý ▶ Ý 1: Who this child is and How often you see him or her ✔ Có một Tip nho nhỏ Để tránh nói quá ngắn về ‘How often you see him’, chúng mình có thể chia ra: In the past: I used to & Now: but now/ currently. ▶ Ý 2: How old this child is Nào, chúng mình nói về ‘Appearance’ vào đây nha. ▶ Ý 3: What he or she is like ✔ Chúng mình áp dụng mô tả tính cách theo 2 phương diện mà cô đã trình bày ở trên: Social life & Work nào! He is the son of my elder sister. I used to see him very often, but recently I’ve been busy with work, so I haven’t met him for weeks. My nephew is 4 years old. He’s very adorable/ cute with big black eyes and a chubby face. He is quite plump. Now he weighs 25 kilos, and he’s about 130 cm tall.
  • 13. He’s very playful. He never seems inactive during the day or even at night. He just runs around, climbs trees in the garden and splashes water on his face. Sometimes, he’s a bit naughty and uncontrollable, but he would know not to cross the line. 13 Bước 3: Explain what you feel about this child ✔ Chúng mình đừng quên sử dụng Expressions of ‘love’ (adore, cherish, etc) nha. ✔ Chúng mình nên đưa vào ‘một dẫn chứng/ câu chuyện’ khi nói ra một ‘từ khoá’ nhé. Ở đây, cô nói cậu bé ‘smart’, thì cô đưa vào câu chuyện giải thích cho sự thông minh của cậu bé đó. He’s a smart boy. At the age of 4, he can count from 0 to 1000, and he can read medium-length stories. Plus, he can understand cartoons in English on Youtube. ▶ I absolutely cherish my nephew. We’re so attached to each other. Whenever I drop by, he would scream with excitement and give me a warm welcome. He would also give me a big hug, sit in my laps and tell me his stories at school. I really treasure those happy moments with my nephew. ▶ And I particularly admire him for his intelligence. As I said earlier, he is incredibly smart. I remember one time when his mother tested his English level, he scored 10 out of 10. At kindergarten, he is praised for being quick at understanding and offering his mates a hand when they can’t solve a problem. Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thúc bài nói That’s all I want to say. VOCABULARY HIGHTLIGHTS Be adorable/ cute: dễ thương Be chubby: bụ bẫm To splash: té nước To cross the line: đi quá giới hạn To cherish: yêu thương, cưng nựng Be attached to sb: gần gũi, hợp với ai đó
  • 14. To drop by: ghé qua chơi A warm welcome: sự chào đón nồng hậu To sit in sb’s laps: ngồi vào đùi ai đó To treasure st: trân trọng cái gì To admire sb/st: ngưỡng mộ ai/ cái gì Be quick at understanding: nhanh hiểu (vấn đề) To offer sb a hand: đề nghị giúp đỡ ai đó 14 Cue card 2: Describe an old person you admire. Describe an old person you admire. You should say: ▪ Who this person is ▪ How long you have known him/ her ▪ What qualities he/she has And explain why you admire him/ her so much. Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to tell you about my grandmother whom I love very much. Bước 2: Triển khai các ý ▶ Ý 1: What she looks like ▶ Ý 2: How often you see her (Chuyển qua thành ý này nha) ✔ Để kéo dài ý này, chúng mình có thể chia ra 2 mốc thời gian: Quá khứ- I used to & Hiện tại- Recently nha. ▶ Ý 3: What qualities she has Trong ý này, chúng mình có thể nói về ‘Work’ nha. My grandmother is in mid-60s. She’s pretty beautiful with a round face, full lips and sun tanned complexion although she has some
  • 15. wrinkles. She has a good figure as she has a balanced diet and regular sleepschedule. I used to see her very regularly, say twice or three times a week. I haven’t visited her for weeks as I’ve got too much work. I will spend more time with her when my schedule gets less tight. She is known for her punctuality. She’s on time without fail. She often tells me that punctuality is very important as it shows respect for those waiting for us, especially business partners. She is also very hard-working. She doesn’t bother working from dawn till dusk to finish work. I would say that she sets a really good example for her children. 15 Bước 3: Explain why you admire her so much. There are two main reasons why I really respect her. ▶ Firstly, she is ahead of her times and open to new ideas. Unlike her peers in mid-60s who choose to enjoy the convenience of modern life, she chooses to devote herself to being a volunteer calling for helping disabled children. She welcomes novel ideas and rarely makes any judgements on others’ thoughts or decisions. That’s why I love sharing my plans with her as she is a good listener. ▶ Secondly, she always looks on the bright side. In times of hardships, she stays calm and tries her best to figure out solutions. For her, difficulties are inevitable, and we should regard them as an opportunity for personal growth. They will sooner or later will disappear, and we should live our life to the fullest. Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thúc bài nói That’s all I want to say. VOCABULARY HIGHTLIGHTS Sun-tanned complexion: nước da rám nắng Wrinkles: nếp nhăn A good figure: vóc dáng đẹp Balanced diet: chế độ ăn cân bằng dinh dưỡng Regular sleep schedule: giờ ngủ đều đặn Tight schedule: lịch trình dày đặc/ bận rộn Ahead of time: đi trước thời đại Disabled children: trẻ khuyết tật Sun-tanned complexion: nước da rám nắng Punctuality: sự đúng giờ Without fail = always Business partners: đối tác kinh doanh From dawn till dusk: từ sáng tinh mơ đến tối
  • 16. khuya To set a good example: tạo ra cách sống/ làm việc tốt để người khác học hỏi To make judgements: đánh giá, nhận xét Be a good listener: một người biết lắng nghe 16 To look on the bright side: lạc quan Sto stay calm: bình tĩnh Be inevitable: không tránh được To live life to the fullest: sống trọn vẹn
  • 17. 17
  • 18. Cue card 3: Describe a person in your family Describe a person in your family You should say: ▪ How this person is related to you ▪ What this person looks like ▪ What kind of person he/she is And explain why you like this person. ✔ Với chủ đề này, chúng mình có thể liên kết sang ‘Describe a child or an old person’ ở trên nha. Cue card 4: Describe a friend of yours Describe a friend of yours You should say: ▪ What this person looks like ▪ When and where you met this person ▪ What you do when you are together And explain why he/she is one of your best friends. ✔ Chúng ta có thể xử lý Cue card này, sử dụng cách triển khai cốt lõi của ‘Describe a person’ ở trên và thêm một số chi tiết khác nữa hoặc Chuyển hẳn sang ‘Describe a child/ an old person’- coi that child/ old person là best friend nha. Cue card 5: Describe a person on news that you would like to meet
  • 19. Describe a person on news that you would like to meet You should say ▪ Who that is ▪ When the news was ▪ What that person did And explain why you would like to meet that person. 18 ✔ Tương tự, Cue card này có thể sử dụng những đặc điểm mô tả ‘A child’ hoặc ‘An old person’ ở trên để nói nha.
  • 20. 19 Cue card 6: Describe a person who tries to protect the environment Describe a person who tries to protect the environment You should say: ▪ Who the person is ▪ How the person protects the environment ▪ What difficulties this person has faced And explain how you felt about the person. Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to tell you about a teenager who is an avid activist on saving the environment. Bước 2: Triển khai các ý ▶ Ý 1: Who the person is ▶ Ý 2: How the person protects the environment ▶ Ý 3: What difficulties this person has faced She’s Greta Thunberg- a Swedish environmental activist on climate change whose campaigns have gained a lot of international recognition in recent years. She’s now 16. She has Asperger's Syndrome, a developmental disorder, but it seems as a gift and a superpower. In May 2018, she decided to start protesting in front of the Swedish parliament building, vowing to go on until the government meet the carbon emissions target set by environmentalists. Recently, she refused to travel by plane to International conference on Climate change held in Chicago and chose zero-emission boats instead. Her parents used to be not enthusiastic about
  • 21. what she was persuing. They made it clear that she would have to be on her own in pursuit of her dream. She also came into a clash with some politicians, most notably with Amercian president- Trump, as they see her efforts as barrier to their moving up their career ladder and achieving target economic growth. 20 Bước 3: Explain how you felt about the person Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói VOCABULARY HIGHTLIGHTS To vow: cam kết Zero-emission: không xả khí thải Clash: đụng độ, cãi vã gay gắt Barrier: rào cản Wholeheartedly: toàn tâm toàn ý ▶ I really admire this person. She genuinely and deeply cares about the environment. Many of us may be aware of environmental issues, but just to some extent, but she wholeheartedly takes care of the environment. She has brought these issues to an international level, awakening us to our irreversible harms to the environment. ▶ She also impresses me with her persistence, integrity and charisma. The determination in her eyes urges people in the world to rethink about their reckless actions to the environment and take immediate actions. And her lasting efforts in various forms such as demonstrations and strikes really touch our heart. That’s all I want to say.
  • 22. Persistence: bền bỉ, kiên trì Integrity: sự ngay thẳng, chính trực Charisma: khả năng tác động tới người khác một cách tự nhiên To urge: thúc giục To awaken sb to st: làm ai đó nhận ra điều gì Be irreversible: không thể sửa chữa được Be reckless: bất cẩn, ẩu đả Demonstration: biểu tình ( để phản đối) Strike: cuộc đình công 21 Cue card 7: Describe a person who often travels by plane Describe a person who often travels by plane You should say: ▪ Who this person is ▪ How you know this person ▪ Where this person travels to Explain why this person likes to travel by plane. Bước 1: Giới thiệu ✔ Chúng mình cần lưu ý: Paraphrase ‘often travel’ thành ‘travel on a regular basis’ Bước 2: Triển khai các ý ▶ Ý 1: Who this person is ▶ Ý 2: How you know this person ✔ Chúng mình nên đưa kịch bản ‘At first … Then …’ để có thêm ý tưởng nha. ▶ Ý 3: Where this person travels to Today I’d like to tell you about my friend, Tom who travels by plane on a regular basis. He is the chief sales officer at company Y- one of the leading companies in making eco- friendly cars. He has been working here for nearly 5 years. He is my old friend. We first met when we
  • 23. were at secondary school. At first, we didn’t get on well with each other. We usually had fights and fell out for weeks. But gradually, it dawned on us that we had a lot in common. For example, we both liked pets and travelling. We were also crazy about K-Pop. Most of his travel by plane is business trips. He often goes to the headquarters of his company’s business partners to negotiate and win lucrative contracts. Most of these headquarters are based in America and Europe which are known for very high living standards, advanced education and spectacular natural beauty and constructions. 22 Bước 3: Explain this person why likes to travel by plane ✔ Triển khai ý này bằng cách đưa ra ví dụ cụ thể, so sánh Planes với một phương tiện khác. Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói VOCABULARY HIGHTLIGHTS ▶ He thinks travelling by plane is much faster than other means of transport. Let’s take an example. It takes only 2 hours to get to Ho Chi Minh city from Hanoi, but it might take up to 30 hours by coach, which is very time-consuming. For him, planes are convenient with plenty of air conditioners and adjustable chairs. He also likes the food served on planes because there is a wide selectionof foods to choose from and it is really good. ▶ He is always captured by the wonderful views from plane windows: spectacular mountain ranges, drifting clouds and still water of rivers. Plane windows are a perfect vantage point to enjoy these amazing sights. He usually takes photos of these sights and keeps them in his mobile phone so that he can look back on them anytime. That’s all I want to say. Chief sales officer: trưởng phòng Kinh doanh Leading companies: những công ty dẫn đầu (về lĩnh vực gì đó) Be eco-friendly: thân thiện với môi trường Old friend: bạn lâu năm To get on well with sb: hoà thuận với ai đó
  • 24. To have fights = Fall out: cãi nhau To dawn on sb = realize: nhận ra điều gì Business trip: chuyến công tác Headquarters: trụ sở chính Business partners: đối tác kinh doanh Be lucrative: sinh lời lớn Be based in: được đặt ở đâu Time-consuming: tốn thời gian Wide selection: nhiều sự lựa chọn: Be captured by sb/ st: bị cuốn hút bởi cái gì Drifting clouds: những đám mây trôi lơ lửng Still water: nước lặng Vantage point: một nơi ngắm được nhiều cảnh xung quanh 23 Cue card 8: Describe a person who is good at his/ her job Describe a person who is good at his/ her job You should say: ▪ Who this person is ▪ What his/ her job is ▪ How he/ she likes the job And explain why this person is good at this job. Bước 1: Giới thiệu ✔ Chúng mình thêm ‘extra information’ bằng cách sử dụng mệnh đề ‘Who’ nha. Bước 2: Triển khai ý ▶ Ý 1. What he/ she looks like ✔ Mình chuyển sang ý này nha vì ở Phần trước, chúng mình đã đề cập tới việc cứ vào Cue card ‘Describe a person’ thì sẽ đưa vào ‘Appearance’ vào triển khai. ▶ Ý 2: What her job is ✔ Chúng mình có thể triển khai thêm về bộ phận mà người nay đang làm và Main responsibilities của họ. ▶ Ý 3: How he/ she likes the job ‘I’d like to tell you about my manager, X, who is directly supervising my work at company Y’.
  • 25. Overall, she is good-looking, by which I mean she’s genuinely attractive though she hardly ever wears make-up or dresses up to capture attention. What I like most about her appearance are her big black eyes and her shiny smile. She is the manager of Division of Sales & Marketing in my company. She has been working here for almost 4 years. Her main responsibilities are to devise Sales and Marketing directions to ensure the growth of the company, and monitor the recruitment for her Division as well as interview potential candidates. She also assigns tasks to us and checks the progress. 24 Bước 3: Explain why this person is good at this job ✔ Chúng mình triển khai thêm ‘her expertise’ đã giúp cô ấy như thế nào trong công việc. ✔ Và chúng mình đừng quên đưa ra ví dụ cụ thể ✔ Và chúng mình đừng quên đưa ra ví dụ cụ thể. I am really impressed by her passion for work. She can talk about her work for hours. I can see the delight in her eyes whenever she shares about her Sales & Marketing. And she always puts her heart and soul into every task no matter how hard it is. ▶ She has expertise in Sales and Marketing that has been built up from her college education and plenty of experience working in several firms. Her expertise has helped her to figure out problems of low sales and suggest effective solutions to boost sales.
  • 26. Last year, her suggested solutions did increase the sales by 20% and made our company become one of the market leaders. ▶ She always keeps in mind that ’Nothing is impossible’. If she encounters a problem, she strains every nerve to discover the causes. She never gives up until she can unlock a problem. For example, a few weeks ago when an excellent candidate refused to work for us, she studied thoroughly about that candidate’s profiles to find out the best way to persuade him. Then she spent hours talking him into working for us. Finally, he was blown away by her knowledge and skills and accepted her offer. Bước 4: Đừng quên kết bài thúc bài nói That’s all I want to say. 25 VOCABULARY HIGHTLIGHTS Good- looking: ưa nhìn Delight: niềm vui Be genuinely attractive: cuốn hút, hấp dẫn một cách tự nhiên To dress up: ăn diện, ăn mặc đẹp Shiny smile: nụ cười toả nắng To monitor: giám sát, quản lý Recruitment: tuyển nhân sự To assign: phân công, phân chia công việc To check the progress: kiểm tra tiến độ To put her heart and soul into st: dành tâm huyết cho việc gì Expertise: kiến thức chuyên môn cao To keep in mind: ghi nhớ rằng, nhớ một điều rằng To strain every nerve: căng não lên suy nghĩ To encounter sb/ st: đối mặt, gặp phải ai/ vấn đề gì Be blown away by sb/st: bị choáng ngợp, cuốn hút bởi ai/ cái gì
  • 27. 26 ▶ Mô tả PEOPLE xong rồi, bây giờ chúng mình cùng chuyển sang mô tả ANIMALS nha. Về bản chất, mô tả Animals không khác nhiều so với PEOPLE. Vì vậy, chúng ta có thể đưa cái khung: Appearance, Character & ‘love’ expressions để mô tả Animals nha. Hãy cùng tiếp tục với Cue card 9! Cue card 9: Describe an interesting animal you have ever seen Describe an interesting animal you have ever seen You should say: ▪ What the animal was ▪ Where you saw it ▪ What you did And explain how you felt about it.
  • 28. Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to share with you about an animal I saw last week. Bước 2: Triển khai các ý ▶ Ý 1: What the animal was ✔ Áp dụng miêu tả ‘Appearance’ của People vào Animals nào! ✔ Và một chút vể ‘Character’ ▶ Ý 2: Where you saw it ▶ Ý 3: What you did He was a dog, a Corgi from the UK, I guessed. I’d heard of this breed of dog, and I’d always been excited to see them in real life. He looked so cute with soft fur and bright eyes. His fur was so distinctive with yellow and white on his head, and black on his cheeks. It was playful, running nonstop to bond with other dogs. They seemed to enjoy themselves. I caught a sight of that Corgi when I was jogging around the lake in my neighborhood. Locals usually take their dogs there every afternoon. They teach their dogs how to swim and throw balls for them to catch. I came close to him, lovingly stroked his fur and patted him gently. He wagged its tail to welcome me 27 Bước 3: Explain how you felt about it Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thúc bài nói VOCABULARY HIGHTLIGHTS Be distinctive: khác biệt, nổi bật To bond: quây
  • 29. quần, gắn bó To enjoy oneself: có thời gian vui vẻ To stroke: vuốt ve To pat: vỗ nhẹ in return. Then I fed him with my snacks. He licked its lips to signal that I should give him more. ▶ Well, I felt so happy when I saw that Corgi and spent some time with him. We kinda clicked each other the first time we met. When I was about to leave, he just followed me and asked for affection. When I finally left, he barked continuously as if he was begging me to stay with him. ▶ I also felt relaxed as I could have time for myself by strolling. I’d been so swamped with work, you know: getting to the office at 8 o’clock and not getting back home until 8pm. It was a stressful period. Playing with that dog somehow easedmy tension, and I did have a great time. That’s all I want to say. To click: hợp nhau, kết nhau Affection: tình cảm, yêu thương To bark: sủa (chó sủa) Be swamped (with st): bù đầu với việc gì ( rất bận) To wag: di chuyển từ bên này sang bên kia To lick sb’s lips: liếm láp, liếm môi (ví dụ: khi nhìn thấy món ăn yêu thích) To ease tension: giảm căng thằng 28
  • 30. TOPIC 2: FAVORITES Kết thúc Topic 1, chúng mình chuyển sang Topic tiếp theo: Favorites. Favourites là một chủ đề rất rộng bởi vì có vô số đồ vật, và sở thích của mỗi người lại khác nhau. Thế nên, cô sẽ lựa chọn những Favourites tiêu biểu trong đời sống hàng ngày. Cụ thể, Topic này sẽ được chia 7 Nội dung chính, đó là: 1. Technological gadgets & Household appliances 2. Handcrafts: Toys, Photos, Paintings 3. Clothes 4. Movies, Books 5. Food 6. Sports 7.
  • 31. Work 29 TECHNOLOGICAL GADGETS & HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES Hãy cùng bắt đầu với Technological gadgets. Tương tự như trong Topic 1: PEOPLE & ANIMALS, khi đi thi, giám khảo có thể hỏi về bất kì Technological devices nào. Vì vậy, chúng ta cần trang bị cách triển khai ‘xương sống’, để có thể giải quyết được bất kì đối tượng Technological gadgets nào. Trong phần này, cô sẽ lấy ‘Smart phones’ làm ‘xương sống’, để các em nắm được cách triển khai thế nào nha. Làm được điều này, dù đề bài có hỏi ‘Describe your favourite gadget/ Describe an important item’, chúng ta hoàn toàn xử lý được. ▶ Chúng mình bắt đầu với Cue card số 1 thôi ! Cue card 1: Describe your favorite gadget Describe your favorite gadget You should say: ▪ What is it ▪ When did you get it ▪ How often do you use it And say why is it so important to you. Bước 1: Giới thiệu I’d like to tell you about my mobile phone which is my favourite item. Bước 2: Triển khai các ý ▶ Ý 1: When you got it
  • 32. ▶ Ý 2: What it looked like ▶ Ý 3: How often you use it The mobile phone is the gift from my parents when I passed the university entrance exam last year. They kept their promise to get me an Iphone X which I’d been longing for a long time. I’m a technophile, so I like to keepup with the latest technological trends. That Iphone X looks so chic with the colour white and plain design. Its screen is medium- sized and shiny. I was drawn to it the first time I saw it. So I begged my parents to buy me one on condition that I would sailed through the exam with flying colors. 30 ✔ Cô triển khai thêm bằng cách thêm vế sau ‘but’, nói về tương lai mình sẽ dành bao nhiêu thời gian lướt web. Bước 3: Say why is it so important to you Well, I use it everyday. I spend an average of 6 hours per day surfing the Net, but I will probably reduce the amount of time using it to 3 hours or so to protect my eyes and devote more time to doing sports. ▶ It would be hard to imagine a life without a mobile phone. It’s an indispensable item to me. It is useful for both study and work. Besides basic functions such as making phone calls and texting, I can check mails, send files without opening my laptop. I can also read daily news to keepmyself informed of current affairs and look up new words when studying English. ▶ Plus, a mobile phone is a good source of free entertainment. There are plenty of games to let my hair down after school or work, ranging from games for fun to games to sharpen your mind. I especially like the game ‘Dota’ which teaches me several skills such as communicating with people from different cultures and racking my brain to find out the best strategy. Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thúc bài nói That’s all I want to say. VOCABULARY HIGHTLIGHTS Technophile: người yêu công nghệ To keep up with st: cập nhật cái gì Be chic: thời trang Be drawn to st: bị cuốn hút bởi cái gì To sail through an exam with flying colors: vượt qua kì thi với điểm số rất tốt Be indispensable: không thể thiếu được To keep sb informed of st: cho ai đó được
  • 33. biết/ thông báo về cái gì Current affairs: sự kiện gần đây To let sb’s hair down: thư giãn To sharpen your mind: luyện tập đầu óc To rack one’s brain: vắt não suy nghĩ To devote time to doing st: dành thời gian làm gì ▶ Chúng mình chuyển sang Household appliances nha. 31 Cue card 2: Describe a piece of equipment/ household appliance in your home Describe a piece of equipment/ household appliance in your home You should say: ▪ What it is ▪ How often you use it; ▪ Who you usually use it with And explain why this item is important to you. Bước 1: Giới thiệu I’d like to tell you about the washer that is very important to my family. Bước 2: Triển khai các ý ▶ Ý 1: What it is ✔ Chúng mình ĐỪNG nói luôn đó là hãng nào. Hãy tạo một câu chuyện, có tình tiết: � We intended to buy … . But then … . ▶ Ý 2: How often you use it ▶ Ý 3: When you bought it (Đổi thành ý này nha) Bước 3: Explain why this item is important to you It’s an Electrolux from Germany, a country well known for making top-notch electronic equipment. We intended to buy a Samsung, but then we changed our mind and decided on the Electrolux. We use the washer everyday, sometimes twice or three times a day when there’s a bunch of dirty clothes. It has a large capacity and is very powerful. If my memory serves, it can hold up to 10 kilos. And what I particularly like about this washer is the
  • 34. wide range of clothing it can wash and that it makes almost no noise when it’s working. My father bought this washer two years ago when the previous one broke down. It was just wear and tear. ▶ I think doing the laundry with a washer would be much less labor-intensive and time-saving. Thanks to it, there’s no need to bend our backs to 32 ✔ Dừng lại ở đây thì ngắn quá ha. Mình đưa vào một ví dụ hoặc câu chuyện để làm rõ ý hơn nha. do the washing by hand. What you need to do is just put the clothes in the washer, hit the correct buttons and wait for about 45 minutes. Meanwhile, you can multitask such as sweeping the floor or cooking. Then, take out the clean clothes and hang them up in the air. ▶ On top of that, a washer is excellent at getting rid of stains or any kind of marks. In contrast, no matter hard we try to scrub the stains with a stiff brush, soap and water, they won’t go. You know, last month my T-shirt got stained when my cousin spilled coffee on it. I soaked it in soapy water for hours, but the stain didn’t disappear. But then I threw it in the washer, and much to my surprise, after many spins, it was gone. Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thúc bài nói That’s all I want to say. VOCABULARY HIGHTLIGHTS Be top-notch = excellent: rất tốt, tuyệt vời To hange sb’s mind: thay đổi quyết định To decide on st: quyết định chọn cái gì If my memory serves: nếu tôi nhớ không nhầm A wide range of st: nhiều loại gì đó Be labour-intensive: dùng nhiều sức lao động Be time-saving: tiết kiệm thời gian Cue card 3: Describe an important item To do the washing/ do the laundary: làm công việc giặt giũ To multitask: làm nhiều việc cùng
  • 35. lúc To take out: lấy ra To get rid of st: bỏ đi, tống khứ đi Stain: vết ố To scrub: chà ( để đánh bật vết bẩn) Be stiff: cứng Describe an important item 33 You should say: ▪ Where you got it from ▪ How long you have it ▪ What you use it for And explain why it is so important to you. Cue card này hoàn toàn có thể chuyển sang Cue card 1 hoặc 2 ở trên nha.
  • 36. 34 Cue card 4: Describe something you bought but difficult to use at first Describe something you bought but difficult to use at first You should say ▪ What that was ▪ Where you bought it ▪ What difficulties you had And explain how you felt about it. Chúng mình tham khảo Cue card 1 hoặc 2 nha. Cô sẽ gợi ý thêm Ý 3 ‘What difficulties you had’ và ‘Explain how you felt about it’ vì chắc đây là 2 Nội dung các bạn bối rối. ▶ Difficulties: Couldn’t remember a bunch of buttons; the folders in the camera looked like a maze to me ▶ How you felt: ▪ At first: impatient and a bit cranky ▪ Then: When I got the hang of it, I was so relieved and excited VOCABULARY HIGHTLIGHTS Maze: mê cung Be cranky: cáu kỉnh Be relieved: nhẹ nhõm, thanh thản Be user-friendly: thân thiện với người dùng To work improperly: (máy móc, thiết bị) hoạt động không bình thường Be baffled/ confused by st: bị khó hiểu bởi cái gì To get the hang of st: hiểu được cách sử dụng cái gì
  • 37. 35 HANDCRAFTS Trong Nội dung Handcrafts này, chúng mình đi vào chi tiết cách triển khai 3 món đồ Handcrafts tiêu biểu, đó là: A toy, A picture & A painting ▶ Nào, chúng mình bắt đầu với món đồ đầu tiên ‘A toy’ Cue card 5: Describe a toy you got in your childhood Describe a toy you got in your childhood You should say: ▪ What it was ▪ When you received it ▪ Who gave it to you And explain how you feel about it. Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to tell you about one of my favourites- the toy from my childhood Bước 2: Triển khai các ý ▶ Ý 1. What it was ▶ Ý 2. When you received it Triển khai tiếp bằng cách đưa ‘emotions’ lúc nhận quà ▶ Ý 3. Who gave it to you
  • 38. Bước 3: Explain how you feel about it It was a cooking set that consists of a large bowl, several medium-sized bowls, two knives and some utensils. It’s a product of the UK and has always been craved by all children. I was so lucky to be given such a wonderful gift. I got this gift on my 7th birthday. I received a bunch of gifts: a pair of sneakers, some barbie dolls, pretty hair clips and so on. But I liked the cooking set the most. I was on cloud nine when I opened it. I carefully unwrapped the paper and took a closer look at it with huge excitement. It was my uncle who gave me that cooking toy. He must have watched me asking my mother to buy me one when he visited us. How thoughtful he was! 36 ✔ Đừng quên triển khai cụ thể câu chuyện nha. ▶ Looking at the cooking toy gives me pleasure. It brings back sweet childhood memories: I acted as a chef taking orders from customers whose roles were taken by my neighborhood friends. I also performed juggling foods and other cooking skills to amuse them. They complimented on my dishes that were out of this world and rated 9 out of 10. All these memories are so beautiful that sometimes I just want to indulge myself in nostalgia. ▶ Plus, I feel so relaxed when looking back on those memories. The cooking toy somewhat entertains me after stressful days at work. It reminds me not to be too hard on myself. Just take it easy ad enjoy life like a child. It has become part of both my childhood and adulthood life. Sometimes something small and simple can uplift your emotions. Bước 4: Đừng quên kết bài That’s all I want to say. VOCABULARY HIGHTLIGHTS To crave st: rất mong muốn/ thích cái gì Utensil: bộ dụng cụ bếp (dao, thìa, dĩa, …) Be on cloud nine: rất sung sướng, hạnh phúc To unwrap: mở gói quà Be thoughtful: chu đáo To give sb pleasure: đem lại cho ai đó niềm vui To take orders: lấy đặt món ăn/ hàng từ khách hàng To juggle: tung hứng To amuse sb: giải trí, làm cho ai đó cười Be out of this world: of very good quality To indulge: chìm đắm, tận hưởng Nostalgia: sự hoài cổ To take it easy = relax
  • 39. 37 ▶ Và bây giờ, là món đồ thứ 2: A picture/ photograph Cue card 6: Describe a picture or photograph in your home Describe a picture or photograph in your home You should say: ▪ What the picture is about ▪ Who took that picture ▪ Where you put it at home And explain how you feel about it. Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to share with you about a photograph of my family. Bước 2: Triển khai các ý ▶ Ý 1. What the picture is about ▶ Ý 2. Who took that picture ▶ Ý 3. Where you put it at home It’s a photograph of all members in my extended family. It was taken on our trip to Dai Lai, a five-star resort on the outskirts of Hanoi. It was taken by the manager of the resort. We
  • 40. were having a barbecue in the garden when the weather was so nice. Everyone offered their hands to wash vegetables, chop pork and make dipping sauce. And we just wanted to capture that wonderful moment of family bonding, so we asked the manager to do us a favor of taking a photo. I put this photograph in a pretty frame on the wall of living room so that every guest can see it. Sometimes I turn off all the lights, light up the candles that give off very pleasant aroma, I just gaze at it to remind myself of the tight bond among all the members. 38 Bước 3: Explain how you feel about it ✔ Đừng quên đưa vào một câu chuyện giải thích từ khoá ‘supportive’ ▶ I’m so blessedto be born into my family where every member is loving and accommodating. When one’s life is on the rocks, others are always supportive. Two years ago, when I got sick, actually I was at the death’s door, my uncles, aunts and cousins took turns to keepa lookout for me. They made me good dishes, told me funny stories to cheer me up. They even offered to pay my hospital fees. ▶ I also respect my senior members as they set very positive examples to their children. My grandmother, for example, leads a healthy lifestyle. She’s in late 80s but she’s as fit as a fiddle. She gets up at 5 o’clock, then goes for a walk and does t'ai chi in the park near my house. She then goes back home and prepares breakfast for us. Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thúc bài nói That’s all I want to say. VOCABULARY HIGHTLIGHTS Be blessed (ADJ): cảm thấy may mắn Be accommodating=helpful On the rocks: gặp khó khăn Be at the death’s door: ốm rất nặng To keep a lockout for sb: trông chừng, để mắt tới ai đó To cheer sb up: làm ai đó cảm thấy vui hơn Be fit as a fiddle: rất khoẻ mạnh To gaze at st: nhìn chằm chằm vào cái gì
  • 41. Extended family: gia đình lớn (vs Immediate family: gia đình có bố mẹ và anh chị em ruột) Be on the outskirts of a city: ở vùng ngoại ô của một thành phố To capture st: chộp lấy, nắm bắt lấy cái gì To do sb a favor: giúp đỡ ai ( lịch sự) To light up ( a candle): thắp sáng (ngọn nến) Aroma: mùi thơm 39 ▶ Và bây giờ là món đồ cuối cùng: A painting Cue card 7: Describe a painting or work of art that you have seen Describe a painting or work of art that you have seen You should say: ∙ When you saw this work of art ∙ Where you saw it ∙ What it looked like And explain your impression of it. Trước hết, chúng mình đừng bị hoảng loạn bởi từ khoá ‘painting or work of art’ nha. Tâm lý thí sinh đi thi thường hay bị áp lực bởi những từ khoá như thế này vì chúng ta sợ rằng sẽ không biết nói gì. Tuy nhiên, những chủ đề có vẻ ‘lạ’ này hoàn toàn có thể xử lý gọn gàng bằng cách liên kết nó với những chủ đề gần gũi hơn với chúng ta. Bước 1: Giới thiệu ✔ Chúng mình đừng dừng lại ở ‘ … by my nephew’. Hãy tiếp tục add information cho ‘my nephew’ bằng ‘a very smart and playful boy’. Bước 2: Triển khai các ý ▶ Ý 1: When you saw this work of art ▶ Ý 2:
  • 42. Where you saw it ▶ Ý 3: What it looked like Today I’d like to tell you about a painting produced by my nephew, a very smart and playful boy. I came across this painting last week when I was cleaning the house. At that time I caught a glimpse of something colorful. I was so curious that I got close to it and found out what it was. It was among the pile of the books on my bed. Maybe my nephew took out this painting from his bag and showed it to his mother. But he forgot to put it back in the bag. I don’t know whether it is a landscape painting or not. But I was so absorbed in it. On the one side of 40 Bước 3: Explain your impression of it ✔ Triển khai ý bằng cách đưa vào ‘emotions’ the paper, he painted all the characters; on the other side, it said ‘Let’s protect animals on Earth’, and there was a score of ‘A’ next to the words. I thought it was his assignment of art subject at school. ▶ I was blown away by his intended message about deforestation. In the painting, a number of poachers are cutting down trees and hunt some wild animals such as tigers, lions and elephants. They look frightened when they are being chased by these poachers, and their habitats are being destroyed. I have to say that his painting moved me to tears as the animals in his painting looked so pathetic. What they are suffering is so shocking. ▶ I love the way he mixed and matched colours so that every part in the painting was so connected. Every scene in the painting looks so real as if it was happening in front of my very eyes. I especially love the way he portrayed the poachers; you know cruelty is written on their faces. Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói That’s all I want to say. VOCABULARY HIGHTLIGHTS To come across: vô tình gặp/ tìm thấy To catch a glimpse: thoáng nhìn thấy gì đó Be
  • 43. absorbed in st: mải mê, tập trung vào gì đó Landscape painting: tranh phong cảnh Be blown away: bị choáng ngợp bởi Deforestation: nạn phá rừng To cut down trees: đốn hạ cây To move Sb to tears: làm ai đó xúc động Be pathetic: đáng thương Cruelty: sự độc ác Be written: hiện rõ, rõ ràng 41 CLOTHES Cue card 8: Describe a uniform you wear Describe a uniform you wear You should say ▪ How it looks like ▪ When you wear it And explain how you feel about it. Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to tell you about my high school uniform that I have to wear from Monday to Friday. Bước 2: Triển khai các ý ▶ Ý 1: How it looks like ✔ Đến bước này, nếu chùng mình bí ý quá, không biết mô tả thêm gì về cái bộ đồng phục, thì hãy thử nói về cách ‘mix and match’ với các
  • 44. clothes/ accessories khác. ▶ Ý 2: When you wear it ✔ Khi câu hỏi đề cập tới thời gian, đừng quên ‘nhắc’ tới quá khứ rồi hãy quay trở lại hiện tại nha. This uniform consists of a white T-shirt and a dark blue skirt. It looks plain but pretty nice. I usually mix and match my uniform with a pair of blue sneakers, which sets off my height and fair complexion. Previously, students at my school had to wear uniform the whole week, but they showed objections to that rule, and then the school board decided to allow students to wear freely on Saturdays. We were so glad to hear that we could follow our styles on Saturdays. Bước 3: Explain how you feel about it ▶ At first, I didn’t really like the uniform because it didn’t look like my cup of tea. But when I figured out how to look good in it, I gradually loved it. I feel it is now part of my student life. It reminds me that I belong to my current school and to some extent, it represents my school’s traditions and values 42 that have been preserved since it was opened in 1980. ▶ On top of that, I do believe that uniforms, in general, connect students within a school. I mean they could eradicate possible gaps among students. No matter how poor or rich they are, they are considered equal when wearing the same outfits to school. Perhaps uniforms show their utmost importance when it comes to competition between schools. Students in the the same uniforms tend to feel connected, bond into a closely knit team, and this can increase chances of winning. Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói That’s all I want to say. VOCABULARY HIGHTLIGHTS
  • 45. To consist of: bao gồm Be plain: đơn giản, không cầu kì To mix and match: phối đồ To set off st: tôn da/ dáng người/ etc Fair complexion: nước da trắng (show) objection(s) to st: phản đối My cup of tea: guu/ thẩm mỹ/ kiểu mình thích To figure out: tìm ra To represent: đại diện, thể hiện To preserve: lưu giữ, bảo tồn To eradicate: xoá bỏ Outfit: quần áo ( DT đếm được) Utmost imprtance: rất quan trọng To bond: gắn bó, gần gũi Be closely knit: khăng khít 43 Cue card 9: Describe a piece of clothes you enjoy wearing Describe a piece of clothes you enjoy wearing You should say: ▪ What it is ▪ Where you bought it ▪ When you wear it And explain how you feel about it.
  • 46. ✔ Chúng mình có thể nói về Uniforms ( Cue card 8 bên trên) hoặc chọn một trang phục khác, dựa trên cách triển khai ý tưởng của Uniforms nha. 44
  • 47. MOVIES Cue card 10: Describe a film or TV program that made you laugh Describe a film or TV program that made you laugh You should say: ▪ When and where you watched it ▪ What type of film or TV program it was ▪ What it was about And explain why it made you laugh. Bước 1: Giới thiệu I’d like to share with you about a film that I find incredibly hilarious. Bước 2: Triển khai các ý ▶ Ý 1. When and where you watched it ▶ Ý 2. What type of film or TV program it was ▶ Ý 3. What it was about Last week my flatmate and I were in the mood for a movie, so we searched for a good one, the latest one. It was quite confusing at first to find, but we finally decided on the movie ‘Gái già lắm chiêu’ as its poster was very eye-catching and it got postive reviews. It is a comedy. The plots were so exciting and amusing. The film stars Mr Siro and Lan Ngoc who are very famous public figures . I couldn’t take my eyes off them because they were so attractive. Their chic outfits would kill the audience. It tells a story of a guy in his mid-20s falling in love with a lady who is 10 years his
  • 48. senior. She’s loaded being the director of an entertainment company. They first met when he went to the job interview. They had to 45 jump through many hoops to have a happy ending. Bước 3: Explain why it made you laugh ▶ What made me laugh was her clumsiness when she was introduced to her boyfriend’s family. She accidentally broke several bowls and bumped into the wall. Then she got a lot of bruises. Her clumsiness made a bad impression on his family. His mother who is a tough nut to crack strongly expressed her objection to their marriage. ▶ Another intersting point about the film was her best friends who stand by her side and accompany her to big parties and events. They’re supportive and have an arsenal of tricks that made me burst out laughing. Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói That’s all I want to say. VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS Be in the mood for st: có hứng thú làm gì Be eye-catching: bắt mắt To star sb: có diễn viên chính là ai Public figures: Nhân vật của công chúng Can’t take sb’s eyes off st: không thể rời mắt khỏi cái gì To kill sb: đốn hạ trái tim ai đó N years sb’s senior: hơn ai đó n tuổi Be loaded: giàu có To jump through many hoops: trải qua nhiều cửa ải, thử thách To make a bad impression on sb: tạo ấn tượng xấu với ai A tough nut (to crack): ai đó/ cái gì đó khó khăn, khó xử lý To burst out V-ing (laughing): cười phá lên
  • 49. 46 FOOD Cue card 11: Describe your favorite food Describe your favorite food You should say: ▪ What the food is ▪ What it is made of ▪ What you love about it And say why it is your favorite food. Bước 1: Giới thiệu I’d like to tell you about the food that I really like. Bước 2: Triển khai các ý ▶ Ý 1: What the food is ▶ Ý 2: What it is made of ▶ Ý 3: Where you can enjoy Phở (Chuyển thành ý này nha) It’s Phở- one of the specialties in Vietnamese
  • 50. cuisine. Phở has several diversities, but I like Phở Thìn the most. It has been popular with not only Vietnamese people but also foreign tourists. In recent years, it has been featured on CNN and other American TV channels. Phở consists of rice noodles, sliced beef, broth made from beef bones and onions. All the ingredients are put in a bowl with onions on top of the beef. There are a bunch of places where you can eat Phở, and the prices greatly vary. But I would recommend Phở Thìn on Lò Đúc street as the price is very reasonable- it costs only 30,000 VNĐ while it may cost 50.000 – 1000,000 VNĐ at other places. Bước 3: Say why it is your favourite food ▶ Honestly, a bowl of Phở is always mouth watering to me. The tastes of all ingredients 47 are in perfect harmony. It has a delicate taste and smells so good that I can’t resist it whenever I go past. Phở is also nutritious enough to be a typical breakfast in Vietnam. ▶ Plus, I really respect the painstaking efforts to make Phở. You know, it might take up to 10 hours to make Phở. Those who make Phở should have a big passion so that they have preserved the business of making Phở for decades although it is not really a lucrative one. Take Mr Thìn, the owner of Phở Thìn for example. His life has been on the rocks several times as incomes from selling Phở could not cover his living costs and his wife left him. But he still sticks to his passion, and last year he was invited to Japan as the ambassador of Vietnamese cuisine to make Phở for Japanese people. Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói That’s all I want to say. Vocabulary highlights
  • 51. Specialty: đặc sản Cuisine: ẩm thực Diversity: đa dạng, nhiều phiên bản Broth: nước dùng Be reasonable: hợp lý ( giá cả, tính cách) Be mouth-watering: khiến ai đó chảy nước miếng ( do quá ngon) In harmony (with st): hài hoà, ăn nhập (với cái gì) Be delicate: tinh tế, nhẹ nhàng To resist: kháng cự Be painstaking: bỏ rất nhiều công sức Be lucrative: sinh lãi nhiều Be on the rocks: gặp khó khăn 48 SPORTS Cue card 12: Describe your favourite sport Describe your favourite sport You should say: ▪ What it is ▪ How often you play/ watch it ▪ How to play it And explain why it is your favourite sport. Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to tell you about a sport that I’m really keen on. Bước 2: Triển khai các ý ▶ Ý 1: What it is
  • 52. ▶ Ý 2: How often you play/ watch it ✔ Hãy bắt đầu bằng hành trình chúng mình trở nên thích môn thể thao này như thế nào nha. ▶ Ý 3: How to play it It’s badminton- a sport orginally comes from China as far as I know. Then it’s spread to many countries and become popular all over the world. I took up this sport in the 8th grade after watching a badminton match between the two top badminton players at Olympics Games 2008. I’ve become interested in it since then. I’ve never missed a single badminton match on TV, and I play badminton nearly every day. So I would call myself a badminton person. Badminton is a team sport. The number of members each team can vary. At professional games, it is a maximum of 2, but it can be up to 5- 6 at amateur games. Playing it is just a piece of cake. Just hit the shuttlecock towards the opponents over the net 49 Bước 3: Explain why it’s your favourite sport using your racket, and they are supposed to catch the shuttlecock. ▶ It’s simple and easy to play. For complete beginners, they can learn how to play it with just a few instructions. Plus, it does not require too much equipment as other sports. While you need complex equipment such as a set of golf clubs that cost an arm and a leg to play golf, all you need are just a set of rackets and a few shuttlecocks. ▶ Another reason why I love this sport is that it is not very vigorous, so it’s suitable for people of almost all ages and health conditions. I used to play football, but I often got exhausted: you know, being short of breath after every match as I got to run a lot. But I get energetic after playing badminton. Since I led a healthy lifestyle: having a balanced diet and playing badminton every morning, I have become fit as a fiddle. Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói That’s all I want to say. VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS
  • 53. Be keen on st = like st To take up: bắt đầu một sở thích A badminton person: người thích cầu lông (E.g. A dog/cat person) A piece of cake: rất dễ dàng To cost an arm and a leg: đắt đỏ, ngốn rất nhiều tiền Be vigorous: đòi hỏi nhiều sức, năng lượng Be short of breath: thở dốc/ hổn hển Be energetic: tràn trề năng lượng To lead a healthy lifestyle: có một lối sống khoẻ mạnh A balanced diet: chế độ ăn cân bằng Be fit as a fiddle: rất khoẻ mạnh. 50 WORK Cue card 13: Describe your ideal job Describe your ideal job You should say: ▪ What the job would involve ▪ What qualification or experience you would need for this job ▪ What you think the most difficult thing about the job would be And explain why it is your dream job. Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to share with you about my dream job in the future. It would be teaching English to speakers of other languages.
  • 54. Bước 2: Triển khai các ý ▶ Ý 1: What your current job is (Chuyển thành ý này nha) ▶ Ý 2: What the job would involve ▶ Ý 3: What qualification or experience you would need for this job Actually, I’ve been pursuing this profession for nearly 4 years, and I realize that it’s my true calling. I would put my heart and soul in it to become a good teacher to help learners of English to make tremendous progress and communicate effectively in both social and work contexts. Teaching English involves doing thorough research on methods of learning and teaching a language and then apply the right one in specific cases. Teachers also prepare for lessons prior to class time to make sure that contents will be delivered within an amount of time, say 45 minutes or one hour , and most importantly, students will be engaged in the lesson. On top of that, tests and exams are needed to check students’ progress and make any changes if necessary. In order to become a professional English teacher, I would have to obtain the International teaching certificate CELTA that stands for Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults. I also need to 51 Bước 3: Explain why it is your dream job brush up on my English to gain proficiency as well as teach and observe several classes to get the picture of common problems that learners of English have. Teaching would be my dream job as ▶ I’ve loved English since I was 4. It was my grandfather that inspired me to learn English. I would like to share what I’ve accumulated throughout the years with learners of English. ▶ And I would be able to meet learners from all walks of life, each of whom has a story. And this means that I can have a great time listening to their experiences and learn a lot from them. Then I would make friends and broaden my social circles. ▶ I also like to deliver lessons, communicate with others and ensure that they understand the lessons and the messages I convey. It would be big happiness when my students get good results, exchange small talks with me
  • 55. and give me presents on special occasions such as Vietnamese teachers’ day or Women’s day even after they finish the course. Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói That’s all I want to say. VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS True calling: định mệnh, tiếng gọi con tim To put my heart and soul in st: dồn tâm huyết vào việc gì To make tremendous progress: tiến bộ đáng kể/ rất nhiều Thorough research: nghiên cứu, tìm hiểu rất kĩ lưỡng Be engaged in st: tham gia vào cái gì To obtain st: đạt được kiến thức, kĩ năng, etc To stand for st: đại diện, viết tắt cho cái gì To brush up on st: luyện tập cái gì To accumulate: tích luỹ Walks of life: các tầng lớp xã hội Social circles: mạng lưới bạn bè To deliver lessons: truyền tải bài học 52 TOPIC 3: PLACES Sau Topic 2: OBJECTS & FAVOURITES, chúng mình tiếp tục với chủ đề PLACES. Với Topic số 3 này, cô sẽ chia thành 2 Main Subtopics: Natural beauty & Man-made structures. s Natural beauty e c a l P Man-made structures Trước hết, mình bắt đầu với Natural beauty nha.
  • 56. Nếu chúng ta nắm được ‘xương sống’ triển khai Miêu tả Natural beauty (Ví dụ, chúng mình chọn ‘Describe a beach’và chuẩn bị thật kĩ cho nó), thì khi đi thi, đề bài hỏi ‘Describe a river/ lake/ mountain/ forest, etc’ thì chúng ta hoàn toàn giải quyết được, bởi vì: Cho dù hỏi về ‘A beach’ hay ‘A river/ lake/ mountain/ river’ thì chúng ta cũng sẽ phải đề cập tới: - Specific information about this place - Location - Who you went with/ Where you stayed - Activities you engaged in while you were there Nếu những nội dung trên chúng ta chuẩn bị kĩ cho ‘A beach’ rồi, thì cứ thế khéo léo áp dụng cho ‘A river/ lake/ mountain/ river’ thôi. ▶ Chúng ta bắt đầu với Cue card ‘xương sống’ nha! Trong Cue card xương sống này, cô lựa chọn nói về Halong bay. 53 Cue card 1: Describe a natural beauty Describe a natural beauty You should say: ▪ What is it ▪ Who you went with ▪ When you visited it And explain why it is a place worth visiting. Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to tell you about a natural beauty in Vietnam that has become one of the most popular destinations in the world. Bước 2: Triển khai các ý
  • 57. ▶ Ý 1: What it is ✔ Lưu ý: Đừng dừng lại ở việc chỉ nói tên địa danh. Chúng mình triển khai thêm: ∙ Một là: vị trí của địa danh đó ‘in Southern Vietnam …’ ∙ Hai là: Nó nổi tiếng thế nào ‘it attracts milions of tourists …’ ▶ Ý 2: Who you went with and where you stayed ▶ Ý 3: What you did there (Chuyển thành ý này nha) It’s Halong bay- a complex of beach and bay in Southern Vietnam that has been recognized as the world heritage by UNESCO. Every year, it attracts millions of tourists from all over the world and generates income for local people through several tourism services such as accommodation and luxury cruise. I went there with my family last summer vacation. We chose this place after a lot of thorough research. We stayed at a self catering hotel that overlooked the sea. It was such a stunning view. Well, we had a blast at Halong bay. We took part in many activities such as swimming, volleyball and sailing. We got up at breaking dawn to watch the sunrise, stroll along the beach, and make sand castles and swim at sunset. We went there out of season, so there were no flocks of tourists as in peak season. 54 Bước 3: Explain why it is a place worth visiting ▶ Going sightseeing at this place was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity as it’s endowed with breathtaking landscape that took my breath away: crystal clear sea water, smooth sand and mountain ranges spreading to the infinity. I particularly liked the overnight cruise in which I could observe the sky full of sparkling stars and indulge in the still of the night. ▶ I also really like the local residents who gave us very warming welcome. They were incredibly friendly and accommodating. There was one time I got lost, and some locals were willing to get me to my hotel although it was a pretty long distance. I could learn from their diligence, optimism and hospitability. Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói That’s all I want to say. VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS
  • 58. Be thorough: cẩn thận, kĩ lưỡng Self-catering: tự cung tự cấp To overlook st: ở vị trí đối diện cái gì Be stunning: rất đẹp, choáng ngợp To have a blast: rất vui Breaking dawn: sáng tinh mơ Be out of season: không phải mùa cao điểm Flock: đám đông người Peak season: Mùa cao điểm To go sightseeing: đi ngắm cảnh Once-in-a-lifetime: cơ hội có một không hai Be endowed with st: được trời phú cho cái gì To take sb’s breath away: khiến ai đó choáng ngợp Sparkling stars: những ngôi sao lấp lánh Still: Sự tĩnh lặng Be ccommodating: hay giúp đỡ người khác, tốt bụng Hospitality: sự hiếu khách 55 ▶ Bây giờ, chúng mình chuyển sang MAN- MADE STRUCTURES nha. Đối với man-made structures, cách triển khai trong mỗi câu hỏi chi tiết có thể khác nhau môt chút (Describe your ideal house/ a hotel/ library, etc). Nhưng tựu chung lại, cho dù là Ideal house, Library, Hotel hay bất kì công trình kiến trúc nào, thì vẫn bao gồm 2 phần: Exterior (Phía bên ngoài) và Interior (Phía bên trong). Vậy là, khi biết cách miêu tả Exterior và Interior cho 1 công trình kiến trúc nào đó, chúng ta sẽ áp dụng được cho những công trình kiến trúc khác. Tuy nhiên, cách miêu tả Man-made structures không chỉ dừng lại ở Exterior và Interior, mà còn bao gồm một số nội dung khác, phụ thuộc vào từng câu hỏi cụ thể. Trong phần tiếp theo, cô sẽ lựa chọn 4 Câu hỏi: Describe an ideal house; Describe a hotel; Describe a library & Describe a place full of colors (đề này hơi lạ một chút) để chúng ta hiểu được một số nội dung cần triển khai bên cạnh Exterior & Interior nha. Cue card 2: Describe an ideal house or apartment you would like to have in the future Describe an ideal house or apartment you would like to have in the future You should say: ▪ Where it is ▪ What furniture or equipment it would have ▪ How it looks And explain why you would like to live in it in the future.
  • 59. Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to tell you about my dream house that I have longed for since I was a child. Bước 2: Triển khai các ý ▶ Ý 1: Where it is ▶ Ý 2: What furniture or equipment it would have It would be a detached house, much of a bungalow in the suburb where air pollution is not a serious issue. The first time I saw a bungalow on TV, I was so captured by it, and I’ve dreamt of having one since then. I’d like my future house to follow a minimalist style, in other words, not having too much furniture or equipment. It would just have cupboards, a set of utensils in the kitchen and a 56 ▶ Ý 3: How it looks like ✔ Bắt đầu miêu tả một chút về Exterior nha. ✔ Và tiếp tục với Interior nha. Bước 3: Explain why you would like to live in it in the future large closet for the whole family in the bedroom, and some other essentials. It would be a medium-sized house with a balcony on the second floor so that I can watch the sky and enjoy the gentle breeze while sipping a cup of tea in the morning or in the late afternoon. And I would paint it in the color creamy white- a color expressing my hospitality. It would also have an indoor garden with both local and exotic flowers and plants that give off very pleasant fragrance. ▶ Well, I’d love to live in this house because it is tranquil and peaceful, as opposed to the hustle and bustle in cities. I would listen to birds singing at dawn and my favorite melodies at night without being disturbed by noisy neighbors. ▶ I would have healthy lifestyle if I live in this kind of house. There would be plenty of space to walk or run to keep myself active throughout the day as well as very fresh air to breathe in. I would take up fishing on weekends instead of gluing my eyes to electronic gadgets such as smart phones or Ipads. ▶ Lastly, having a bungalow means that I can have a barbecue on weekends and invite my
  • 60. friends to come over, and throw an amazing house-warming party on a spacious yard. Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói That’s all I want to say. 57 VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS Be detached: nhà Be exotic: khác lạ, đặc biệt Bungalow: nhà gỗ một tầng Be captured by st: bị thu hút bởi cái gì Minimalist: tối giản (lối sống, phong cách, …) Essentials: đồ dùng thiết yếu Breeze: cơn gió nhẹ, thoang thoảng To sip: nhấm nháp, uống ngụm nhỏ To give off: toả ra ( mùi hương) Be tranquil: yên tĩnh, yên bình Hustle and bustle: sự ồn ào náo nhiệt To disturb st: quấy rầy ai đó House- warming: tân gia
  • 61. 58 Cue card 3: Describe a hotel you have stayed in Describe a hotel you have stayed in You should say: ▪ Where the hotel was ▪ Why you stayed at that particular hotel ▪ Give details of the hotel and the view from it And explain what makes the hotel special.
  • 62. Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to share with you about a hotel that I stayed during my summer vacation in Da Nang three years ago. Bước 2: Triển khai các ý ▶ Ý 1: Where the hotel was ▶ Ý 2: Why you stayed at that particular hotel ▶ Ý 3: Give details of the hotel and the view from it ✔ Chúng mình triển khai theo Exterior & Interior nha. After doing a lot of thorough research on Agoda an app for booking accommodation, I decided on a hotel named ‘Zu zi’ located near My Khe beach that has been recognized as one of the most popular attractions in the world. I chose that hotel because it looked great on its website and it is reasonably priced, only 250,000 VND per night including a meal. And it made good impressions on me when I got there. It was tidy and neat, and it had a fantastic view of the beach. Well, the hotel didn’t look gorgeous from the exterior, but as I entered it, I was blown away by its cozy atmosphere. There was a small garden with local and exotic plants. A brook was making babbling sounds. The hotel was painted in white, and it offered some 59
  • 63. Bước 3: Explain what makes the hotel special � �Có rất nhiều yếu tố ‘makes the hotel special’: tiện nghi, khoảng cách gần với trung tâm thành phố/ biển, thái độ nhân viên phục vụ, etc. Chúng mình có thể lựa chọn tiêu chí chúng mình yêu thích. Ở đây, cô lựa chọn: thái độ nhân viên phục vụ và khoảng cách gần với biển. conveniences such as TVs, air-conditioners, etc. Everything was spick and span. ▶ I really appreciated its staff who were helpful and hospitable. They knocked on my room door to give clean shower towels in early afternoon every day and booked Grabs for me. When I didn’t know where to go in Danang, they just recommended several places as well as itineraries to get the most of these places. They also invited me to have meals with them. They gave me a very warm welcome. ▶ Besides that, I particularly liked the proximity of the hotel to the beach, you know, just a few steps of walking. I got up very early, say 4:30 or 5:00 and strolled to the beach. I could also enjoy the gentle breeze from the balcony of the hotel while nibbling some toasts and a cup of coffee. Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói That’s all I want to say. VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS Be gorgeous: hoành tráng, đẹp đẽ Exterior: phần bên ngoài Be blown away by st: bị cuốn hút bởi cái gì Cozy: ấm cúng Be exotic: ngoại lai, khác biệt Brook: dòng thác/ suối nhỏ Be babbling: róc rách (tiếng suối chảy) Be spick and span: sạch tinh tươm To get the most of st: tận dụng tối đa cái gì Proximity to st: gần với cái gì (vị trí địa lý) Breeze: cơn gió nhẹ To nibble: ăn rón rén, ăn miếng nhỏ 60
  • 64. Cue card 4: Describe a crowded place you have been to Describe a crowded place you have been to You should say: ▪ Where it was ▪ Who you were with ▪ What you did there And explain how you felt about it. ✔ Với Cue card này, chúng mình có thể chuyển sang nói về Natural beauty (Cue card 1) nha. ▶ Gợi ý một số Từ vựng cho key word ‘A crowded place’ ∙ Tourist trap: điểm đến rất đông khách du lịch ∙ To flock: đổ dồn đến đâu với số lượng lớn ∙ Hordes of tourists: đám đông du khách ∙ In season: trong mùa du lịch ( vs out of season: mùa thấp điểm) Cue card 5: Describe a school you went to in your childhood Describe a school you went to in your childhood You should say: ▪ Where it was ▪ What it was like ▪ What you learned there And say how you felt about it. ✔ Với Cue card này, chúng mình áp dụng những gợi ý triển khai ở những Cue card trên nha.
  • 65. ▶ Mô tả: Exterior (big school gate, colorful flower beds, etc) và Interior ( 50 well-equipped classrooms, libraries with plenty of books and references, etc). ▶ Còn đối với phần ‘Say how you felt about it’ thì đơn giản rồi ha. Chúng ta có thể đưa vào một số từ vựng chỉ tình cảm ‘love’ expressions đã chuẩn bị trong Topic: PERSONS. 61 Cue card 6: Describe a library that you visited Describe a library that you visited You should say: ▪ Where the library was ▪ What facilities it had ▪ Why you went there And explain whether you found the library useful or not. Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to tell you about a library that I went to last month. Bước 2: Triển khai các ý ▶ Ý 1: Where the library was ✔ Chúng mình triển khai thêm bằng cách giới thiệu thời gian thành lập nha. ▶ Ý 2: What facilities it had ✔ Chúng mình triển khai theo Exterior & Interior nha.
  • 66. ▶ Ý 3: Why you went there It is located in the heart of Hanoi, on Ba Trieu street- a very bustling part of Hanoi. It was first opened in 1954 by the French colonists, and it has been in existence for nearly 70 years. It’s a beauty of interest of Hanoi. Every year it attracts millions of tourists all over the world. What impressed me in the first place was the fabulous fountain in the front yard that produced very impressive sounds and shapes. The entrance door was arch-shaped which is typical of French architectural style. When I stepped in the main hall, I could see large numbers of shelves filled with hardcover books of various genres such as novels, journals and so on. At that time, I had plenty of spare time, so I went there just to kill time. Visiting that library was a part of my exploring Hanoi. I 62 Bước 3: Explain whether you found the library useful or not. had very little idea of specialties of my city although I’d lived there for about 10 years. I found that library quite useful because ▶ Firstly, it had a diversity of books and references ranging from novels to some academic journals. And it is noticeable that all the materials were in very good condition. I came across an incredibly valuable book dating back to 1900, and it’s been well-preserved over a century. ▶ Secondly, the library was an ideal place of studying as it was spacious, airy and quiet. Everyone coming there was required to keep quiet and turn off their mobile phones and they would be rejected if they made noise to distract others. Since I discovered the library as a study room, my level of concentration was greatly improved. Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói That’s all I want to say. VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS In the heart of a place: nằm ở trung tâm của một nơi Be bustling: huyên náo, sôi nổi In the first place: ngay từ đầu Be fabulous: hoành tráng, tráng lệ Hardcover: (sách) bìa cứng Genre: thể loại (sách, âm nhạc) To kill time: giết thời gian To come across st: tình cờ phát hiện ra cái gì Be in good condition: được bản quản/ giữ
  • 67. gìn tốt To date back to a year (1980): có nguồn gốc từ khi nào 63 Cue card 7: Describe a place you remember well that is full of colors Describe a place you remember well that is full of colors You should say: ▪ Where it is ▪ What it is like ▪ What it is used for And explain why you remember it well. Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I’d like to tell you about a place that is decorated with a spectrum of colors. Bước 2: Triển khai các ý ▶ Ý 1: Where it is ▶ Ý 2: What it is like ▶ Ý 3: What it is used for
  • 68. Bước 3: Explain why you remember it well It’s Yen So park, a newly constructed amenity, and it’s about 5 kilometers from my house. This park used to be for farming, but then it’s been transformed into a great attraction. It’s enormous with an estimated size of 1,000 square meters. It has an arch-shaped entrance gate and plenty of flower beds whose colors greatly differ in intensity. Some of them have dark colors; others have bright colors. My mood seemed to switch from excitement and delight to calmness as I moved from bright color flowers to dark color ones. This park is originally intended for entertainment. It has been equipped with a large number of rides such as merry-go- round and some extreme rides. But it can be used as a place to hold events such as raising funds for disabled children. There are two reasons why this place keeps echoing in my head. 64 ▶ Firstly, it’s indeed a landmark. When I was going to the art event that was held at this park, I could immediately catch a sight of it as it was so noticeable and impressive. I was drawn to its colorful style and its surroundings that were made up of landscape paintings and wooden statues of some animals. ▶ Secondly, it has state-of-the-art facilities and it’s incredibly clean. I was blown away by its lush green land, the range of its rides, cafeterias as well as helpful and professional staff. They gave me very detailed instructions on how to play the rides safely and directions to some special zones in the park. They were also willing to take photos for us. Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thức bài nói That’s all I want to say. VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS A spectrum of st: một dải (màu), sự đa dạng Amenity: cơ sở vật chất (mang tính giải trí)
  • 69. Intensity (color): tông màu (sáng, trung tính, tối) Merry-go-round: vòng quay ngựa gỗ Extreme rides: vòng quay mạo hiểm To raise funds: gây quỹ Disabled children: trẻ em khuyết tập To echoe in sb’s head: nằm sâu trong tâm trí ai (do ấn tượng) To catch a sight of sb/st: nhìn thoáng thấy ai/ cái gì Be drawn to st: bị cuốn hút bởi cái gì Landscape paintings: tranh phong cảnh Be state-of-the-art: hiện đại, cập nhật Be lush: Xanh rờn, nhiều cây cối 65 TOPIC 4: EXPERIENCES & EVENTS Một Topic khá là rộng. Trải nghiệm và sự kiện trong cuộc đời thì chúng mình có vô số: đỗ đại học, học lại, thất tình, trúng xổ số, … nói chung không thể đếm xuể. Theo cô, chúng mình có thể chia những sự kiện và trải nghiệm trong cuộc đời thành 2 nhóm: Happy experiences & Sad experiences. Từ cách phân chia trên, chúng mình cần trang bị một số Vocabularies miêu tả Happiness và Sadness để nói về Emotions trong các câu hỏi cụ thể của Topic này. Một số Từ vựng chỉ Happiness: Excited, Over the moon, On cloud nine Một số Từ vựng chỉ Sadness: Disappointed, Down in the dumps, Frustrated ▶ Chúng ta bắt đầu với Cue card đầu tiên về HAPPY EXPERIENCES nha! Cue card 1: Describe a time when you were excited Describe a time when you were excited You should say ▪ When it was ▪ What happened ▪ Who you were with And explain why you were excited.
  • 70. Bước 1: Giới thiệu I’d like to tell you about a time I got excited that I will remember for my whole life. Bước 2: Triển khai các ý ▶ Ý 1: When it was ▶ Ý 2: What happened ✔ Sau đó, chúng ta cần kể chi tiết hơn những gì xảy ra nha. It was in November 2016 that I first fell in love. It was love at first sight. We just clicked right from the first time we met. We saw a romantic movie at CGV near my work office and then had dinner. We had a stroll, talked for hours. We did have a great time. Then he held my hands and gave me a kiss on my cheek, which made me get goosebumps. I was speechless, but deep down from my heart, I was really over the moon at that time as I eventually found the missing piece of my life. 66 s▶ Ý 3: What you were wearing (Chuyển sang ý này nha) Bước 3: Explain why you were excited Bước 4: Đừng quên kết thúc bài nói VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS At that time, I was wearing a flowery dress that I spent hours looking for. It set out my sun- tanned complexion and concealed my modest height. I just looked so pretty in it that my
  • 71. boyfriend complimented on me and couldn’t take his eyes off me. That was the first time I had been in love, and the tender love from him really uplifted my emotions. My emotions, I guess, were much more intense than those in love several times. They were new, thrilling and just perfect. I would treasure such wonderful moments with him. ▶ Another reason why I got high at that time was I could find someone who lent me an ear and had a lot in common with me although there were some opposites, but I just keepin mind that opposites attract. For example, he kept everything neat and tidy, and he always made careful plans. I, on the other hand, was quite messy and disorganized. I just did things on the spur of the moment. That’s all I want to say Love at first sight: yêu từ cái nhìn đầu tiên To click: hợp nhau ngay tức khắc (get) goosebumps: (nổi) da gà Be speechless: không biết nói gì (do xúc động) Be over the moon: rất hạnh phúc, mãn nguyện Can’t take my eyes off sb/st: không thể dời mắt khỏi ai/ cái gì To uplift (emotions): nâng cảm xúc Be intense: mãnh liệt Be thrilling: hồi hộp, gay cấn To lend sb an ear: lắng nghe ai đó tâm sự To keep in mind: ghi nhớ, khắc cốt ghi tâm Opposites attract: trái dấu hút nhau Be disorganized (ADJ): lộn xộn, thiếu trật tự Be on the spur of the moment: thích thì làm, không có kế hoạch 67 Cue card 2: Describe a performance that you enjoy Describe a performance that you enjoy You should say ▪ What it is about ▪ Where it is ▪ Who you were with And explain why you enjoy it.
  • 72. Bước 1: Giới thiệu Today I‘d like to share with you about a singing performance that has had a lasting impression on me until now. Bước 2: Triển khai các ý ▶ Ý 1: What it is about ✔ Chúng mừng dừng lại ở đây nha. Hãy nói rõ hơn tại sao người này lại ‘well-known’. ▶ Ý 2: Where it is ▶ Ý 3: Who you were with It was a gig of Ha Anh Tuan- one of the most well known singers in Vietnam. He is applauded for his beautiful voice that is free of rigid singing techniques and captures the audience’s attention from the first notes. The gig was held on a university campus in Da Lat- a Southern province of Vietnam. Ha Anh Tuan seems to have a strong preference for this place as most of his concerts have taken place there. Well, it might sound a bit weird, but I went to the gig alone. I just wanted solo travel, and I knew at that time that my friends were swamped with work, so it would be no good asking them to go with me. Bước 3: Explain why you enjoy it ▶ As I said earlier, I’m really into Ha Anh Tuan. His voice is so awesome. He never mimics any other singers’ styles; he chooses his own style: 68 gentle, delicate but powerful , which is unique and blows the audience away whenever he is on stage. I especially like the way he reaches high