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To: Replace with name Comment by Sharon Rose: Use down
arrow to expand all comments below.
Remove all comments in paper before submitting to earn a
better grade. One way to do this, right click on each comment,
select ‘Delete Comment’.
All Papers will be checked using SafeAssign. Please focus on
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Comment by James Manning: From: Replace with
nameDate: Replace with dateSubject: Replace with subject of
memo Introduction Comment by Sharon Rose: The CEO
challenge is for an internal employee provide recommendation
of new IT system to remove or bring the Shadow IT projects
under the IT department.
Include how this assignment will communicate how your project
proposal satisfied the CEO's concern.
Remember Shadow IT from the Week 1 Discussion. The Shadow
IT has to either be adopted by the organization, or it has to be
removed by the organization. Comment by James Manning:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Vestibulum et nisl ante. Etiam pulvinar fringilla ipsum facilisis
efficitur. Maecenas volutpat risus dignissim dui euismod auctor.
Nulla facilisi. Mauris euismod tellus malesuada dolor egestas,
ac vulputate odio suscipit. Comment by Sharon Rose:
Replace Latin text with your writing for this assignment. Enter
your content where the Latin text appears.
The Introduction is a short overview of your memo.
Comment by James Manning:
Sed pellentesque sagittis diam, sit amet faucibus diam lobortis
quis. Sed mattis turpis ligula, in accumsan ante pellentesque eu.
Quisque ut nisl leo. Nullam ipsum odio, eleifend non orcinon,
volutpat sollicitudin lacus. (Beetle Baily Cartoon) Proposed
Information System Comment by Sharon Rose: Identify the
main functions of your proposed information system and why
they are important to the business.
To earn an ‘A’ in this section you must (From Grading Rubric):
Proposed an original information system. Identified the main
functions of the system. Explained the importance of each
function to the business.
Explained the stylistic choices for architecture of information
system. Connected main functions of system to business needs
and shadow IT.
Donec tincidunt ligula eget sollicitudin vehicula. Proin pharetra
tellus id lectus mollis sollicitudin. Etiam auctor ligula a nulla
posuere, consequat feugiat ex lobortis. Duis eu cursus arcu,
congue luctus turpis. Sed dapibus turpis ac diam viverra
consectetur. Aliquam placerat molestie eros vel posuere.
Comment by Sharon Rose: Add diagrams when applicable.
If a diagram is added, it should show the proposed information
system. Comment by James Manning:
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Figure 1. Title (Source: )
Comment by Sharon Rose: Include source if applicable,
remove when diagram is original) Comment by James
Manning: Functions Important to Business Comment by
James Manning:
To earn an “A” in this section (From Grading Rubric):
Explained how the main functions are being handled by the old
information system. Described the problems of the old system.
Justified why the new system can handle things better than the
old system.
Described why inefficiencies of maintenance in the old system
persist. Provided options for keeping the system separate,
integrating with old, or scaling up/down based on business
Sed facilisis, lacus vel accumsan convallis, massa est
ullamcorper mauris, quis feugiat eros ligula eget est. Vivamus
nunc turpis, lobortis et magna a, convallis aliquam diam. Lorem
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Comment by Sharon Rose: Add Charts when applicable.
Comment by James Manning:
Figure 2. Title (Source of data citation) Comment by Sharon
Rose: Include source if applicable, remove when diagram is
original). Comment by James Manning:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Vestibulum et nisl ante. Etiam pulvinar fringilla ipsum facilisis
efficitur. Maecenas volutpat risus dignissim dui euismod auctor.
Nulla facilisi. Mauris euismod tellus malesuada dolor egestas,
ac vulputate odio suscipit. Data Management Comment by
Sharon Rose: Provide an overview of data management.
Comment by James Manning:
Donec tincidunt ligula eget sollicitudin vehicula. Proin pharetra
tellus id lectus mollis sollicitudin. Etiam auctor ligula a nulla
posuere, consequat feugiat ex lobortis. Duis eu cursus arcu,
congue luctus turpis. Sed dapibus turpis ac diam viverra
consectetur.Data Types Comment by James Manning:
Describe the data types in the system.
The 13 Types Of Data
To earn an “A” in this section (From Grading Rubric):
Described the data types in the system.
Sed facilisis, lacus vel accumsan convallis, massa est
ullamcorper mauris, quis feugiat eros ligula eget est. Vivamus
nunc turpis, lobortis et magna a, convallis aliquam diam. Lorem
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Storage
Methods Comment by James Manning: Describe the Storage
4 Data Storage Methods for Businesses
To earn an “A” in this section (From Grading Rubric):
Explained how the system would hold each data type.
Explained the system storage and interaction with data.
Sed facilisis, lacus vel accumsan convallis, massa est
ullamcorper mauris, quis feugiat eros ligula eget est. Vivamus
nunc turpis, lobortis et magna a, convallis aliquam diam. Lorem
ipsudolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Data Quality
Comment by James Manning: Describe the Data Quality
What is Data Quality?
To earn an “A” in this section (From Grading Rubric):
Proposed how data quality would be ensured.
Considered the impacts of cost and maintenance on data quality.
Sed facilisis, lacus vel accumsan convallis, massa est
ullamcorper mauris, quis feugiat eros ligula eget est. Vivamus
nunc turpis, lobortis et magna a, convallis aliquam diam. Lorem
ipsudolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Transition of
System Functions Comment by Sharon Rose: Describe the
System Transition
To earn an “A” in this section (From Grading Rubric):
Explain how the functions you mentioned are being handled by
the old information system
The problems that occur
Why your information system will handle things better.
Described why inefficiencies of maintenance in the old system
Provided options for keeping the system separate, integrating
with old, or scaling up/down based on business needs.
Sed facilisis, lacus vel accumsan convallis, massa est
ullamcorper mauris, quis feugiat eros ligula eget est. Vivamus
nunc turpis, lobortis et magna a, convallis aliquam diam. Lorem
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Evidence of
Feasibility Comment by Sharon Rose: Offer evidence of
feasibility: Show that similar information systems have been
built successfully and that they save more money than they cost.
What is Feasibility?
To earn an “A” in this section (From Grading Rubric):
Identified similar, successful information systems.
Demonstrated cost savings comparison.
Defended how the new system could operate similarly to
successful systems.
Explain what makes the information system identified similar to
Demonstrate how the new system outperforms similar systems.
Sed facilisis, lacus vel accumsan convallis, massa est
ullamcorper mauris, quis feugiat eros ligula eget est. Vivamus
nunc turpis, lobortis et magna a, convallis aliquam diam. Lorem
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
References Comment by Sharon Rose: Reference Page
Notes: Use a separate references page and double space. Note
that throughout the paper and reference list, titles of non-
periodicals and the names of journals, book titles, and volume
are set in italics rather than being underlined. See APA Manual,
pages 239-281 for examples of various references. In addition,
please read pages 215-232 for basic reference guidelines.
Remove References in example that you do not use.
American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication
manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.).
Washington, DC: Author.
Cuddy, C.M. (2002). Demystifying APA style. Orthopaedic
Nursing, 21(5), 35-42. Retrieved June 28, 2004, from
EBSCOhost database.
Daniels, C. (2004, July 28). 50 Best companies for minorities.
Fortune, 149(13), 136-
141. Retrieved October 19, 2004, from ProQuest database.
Lawton. K. A., Cousineau, L., & Hillard, V.E. (2001).
Plagiarism:Its nature and consequences. Retrieved June 28,
2004, from Duke University Guide to Library Research Web
Proofreading for commas. (n.d.). Retrieved June 28, 2004, from
Purdue University Online Writing Lab Web site:
Sterngold, A. (2004). Confronting plagiarism: How
conventional teaching invites cyber-cheating. Change, 36(3),
16+. Retrieved June 28, 2004, from ProQuest database
Strunk, W., Jr. (1999). Omit needless words. In The elements of
style (chap. 3). Retrieved June 28, 2004, from
Venes, D. (2001). Taber's cyclopedic medical dictionary (19th
ed.). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company.
Change the Chart Title to Fit Your Needs
Series 1 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3
Category 4 4.3 2.5 3.5 4.5 Series 2 Category 1
Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 2.4
4.4000000000000004 1.8 2.8 Series 3 Category 1
Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 2 2 3
Florida National University
Biomedical Ethics: Week 1
Critical Reflection Paper: Chapter 1
Objective: To critically replicate you’re thoughtful of the
readings and your competence to rub on them to your Health
care ethics.
Students will judgmentally appraise the readings from Chapter 1
on your textbook. This assignment is intended to help you
assessment, examination, and spread over the readings to your
healthcare ethics as well as become the foundation for all of
your remaining assignments.
You need to read the article (in the additional weekly reading
resources localize in the Syllabus and also in the Lectures link)
assigned for week 1 and develop a 2-3-page paper reflecting
your appreciative and ability to apply the readings to your
ethics. Each paper must be typewritten with 12-point font and
double-spaced with standard margins. Follow APA format 7th
Edition, when referring to the selected articles and include a
reference page.
1. Introduction (25%) Provide a short-lived summary of the
undertone (not a description) of each Chapter and articles you
read, in your own words.
2. Your Critique (50%)
What is your response to the content of the articles?
What did you absorb about the Types of Ethics? Mention and
explain two examples where you can apply them.
What did you obtain about the key features of the natural law?
What is Deontology Theory and its principles? Apply them your
future carrier.
Mention and describe all the principle of ethics and mention
example of them that apply to your professional life.
3. Conclusion (15%)
Fleetingly recapitulate your thoughts & postulation to your
analysis of the articles and Chapter you read. How did these
articles and Chapters impact your thoughts about the principles
of ethics?
Evaluation will be based on how clearly you respond to the
above, in particular:
a) The clarity with which you critique the articles;
b) The depth, scope, and association of your paper; and,
c) Your conclusions, including a description of the impact of
these articles and Chapters on any Health Care Setting.
The assignment is to be electronically posted in the
Assignments Link on Blackboard no later than noon on Sunday,
May 17, 2020.
Originality: Turnitin submission required
Assignments Guidelines
1.0 Points
2.5 Points
Your Critique
5.0 Points
1.5 Points
10 points
90% - 100%
85% - 89%
80% - 84%
75% - 79%
70% - 74%
60% – 69%
50% - 59% Or less.
Dr. Gisela LLamas
Chapter 1
Theory of Health Care
Why Study Ethics?
• Because health care is changing, you need
tools for making necessary and difficult
• It will help you better understand patients,
fellow professionals, and the system in
• It will assist you in building and maintaining
your career.
Types of Ethics
• Normative ethics
– Is the study of what is right and wrong.
• Metaethics
– Is the study of ethical concepts and theories.
Types of Normative Ethical Theories
• Authority-based
• Egoistic
• Natural law
• Deontological
• Teleological
• Virtue
Ethical Relativism
• Ethical relativism purports that there is no
absolute theory for ethics.
• However, this lack of a complete theory does
not mean everything is relative.
• People need to make rational decisions about
ethics-based issues.
• Therefore, ethics theories are useful.
Egoism as Ethics Theory
• Egoism is based on the idea that one’s self
interest is the basis his or her ethics decisions.
• Theory is not helpful in health care ethics
because professionals are taught to set aside
• The interests of the patient should come first.
Authority-based Ethics Theory
• Decisions about ethics (right or wrong) are
based on central authority such as in a
theology or an ideology.
• For health care ethics, there may difficulty
deciding which authority is the correct one.
• However, knowing this view of ethics helps
with understanding patients and health policy
Virtue Ethics Theory
• Is founded in the writings of Aristotle.
• Everything moves from potentiality to
• Character development allows you to
actualize your highest good.
• Eudaimonia should be sought as the highest
Virtue Ethics Theory
• Eudaimonia means that you seek to build your
character and increase virtue.
• Professional education seeks to develop
people of high character.
• People who work toward eudaimonia become
persons of practical wisdom.
Virtue Ethics Theory
• Principles of ethics can help to define your
character and assist with your actions. See
Chapter Two for more information.
• Virtue ethics is criticized as being elitist.
• Virtue ethics requires the balancing of
conflicting obligations.
• People with practical wisdom can make
appropriate ethical decisions.
Natural Law Theory
• It is founded in the writings of St. Thomas
• It assumes that nature is rational and orderly.
• Humans are part of the natural world and are
given the ability to be rational.
• Our natural reason allows us to distinguish
right from wrong.
Natural Law Theory
• Reason is also action in that humans can
choose to do good or evil.
• The Principle of Double Effect helps us
decided which action is good.
• Good is also defined as that which helps to
maximize potential, such as preserving life,
gaining wisdom, and knowing God.
Natural Law Theory
• In natural law, there are some acts that are
not ethical because they violate the ability to
reach one’s potential.
• People who support social responsibility can
use natural law as a foundation for actions.
• Understanding natural law also assists with
patient relations.
Deontology Theory
• Comes from the Greek word “deon” meaning
• It is sometimes called duty-based ethics.
• One of the main theorists is Immanuel Kant.
• The world exists in the form of things we can
experience directly (phenomenal world) and
things that exist independently of the intellect
(noumenal world).
Deontology Theory
• Free will makes ethics possible and without it
we would not need ethics.
• Areas of character can be used for good or
• Therefore, the only true good is good will.
• The ability to choose to do good is what
makes us human.
Deontology Theory
• Actions are judged by their intention and not
just their outcomes.
• Kant attempted to define a rational principle
for making moral judgments.
• The principle is the categorical imperative.
• People can never be used as a means to an
end; they must be respected.
Deontology Theory
• The Golden Rule is not a synonym for the
categorical imperative.
• Kant believed that we must act based on duty
to moral law and not on the consequences of
our actions.
• Practicing this is its pure form is difficult in
modern society.
Kant and Virtue Ethics
• Pure Kantian ethics is absolute in its definition
of duty but virtue ethics allows for grey areas.
• Kant does not assist with deciding among
lesser evils and greater goods
• Virtue ethics allows the use of tools to make
these decisions
Deontology and Policy
• Health care professionals recognize a duty to
the patient
• Health care managers also have a duty to the
patient, but they have duties to the
organization and community as well.
• Conflicting duties must be considered in policy
Non-Kantian Deontology
• Recent proponents of the deontology
tradition include John Rawls and Robert
• These theorists deal with the idea of justice
through our actions.
• Their thinking influences health care reform,
public health, and other health areas.
John Rawls
• John Rawls worked to define the
characteristics of a just society.
• He examined justice as fairness and applied it
to societies that respect the rule of law.
• His work is based on the idea of a social
contract between members of a society.
Self Interest and Justice
• Rawls used a hypothetical or mind experiment
called the original position to explain why
rational people would protect everyone’s self
• In this mind experiment, he also included the
concept of the veil of ignorance to help us
understand why we would care about self
Self Interest and Justice
• If we were in the original position, we would
all be equal.
• Therefore, we could all be treated in the same
way in a society.
• Therefore, it would be in our self interest to
make sure that everyone is given an equal
share of benefits and burdens.
Basic Principles of Justice
• The first principle of justice for Rawls is liberty.
• This principle is also a priority over all other
principles of justice.
• People should have equal right to basic
liberties (see the Bill of Rights).
Basic Principles of Justice
• The second principle for Rawls is justification
of inequalities.
• He uses the difference principle to justify
when social and economic inequities are
• Physicians are a classic example of the
difference principle.
Rawls’ Opponent
• Robert Nozick is also considered to be a
• He represents the conservative tradition and
has great influence in the debate over health
care reform.
• Nozick emphasizes the autonomy and the
rights of the individual.
Nozick and Social Goods
• For Nozick, there is no social good that
requires sacrifice.
• We are only “other people”.
• We should influence people to take steps to
improve their own situations.
• Theories like Rawls supports defeat voluntary
Nozick and Distributive Justice
• For Nozick, there is no principle of distributive
• He finds justice in acquisition and owned
• Historical injustices are not addressed in his
theory except to suggest that society could be
organized to maximize the position of the
least well off.
Consequentialism Theory
• Through Mill’s work, this theory is also known
as utilitarianism.
• For this theory, your intentions are irrelevant;
all that counts is the outcome.
• Greatest Good for the Greatest Number is
often used as a summary of the theory.
Consequentialism Theory
• Has two main types
• Classical or act utilitarianism.
– Each act considered on its own
• Rule utilitarianism.
– Develop rules that net the greatest benefit
Consequentialism Theory
• Rule utilitarianism is used to make health care
• Exceptions can be made under special
• Rule utilitarianism also allows for negative
consequentialism or preventing the greatest
harm for the greatest number.
Consequentialism Theory
• Preference utilitarianism argues that good is
honoring preferences and bad is frustrating
• Preferences must be known or a substituted
judgment can be used
Consequentialism Theory
• Criticisms of utilitarianism include
– The minority is not protected when the
greatest good for the greatest number is
the goal.
– Some say this theory means that the ends
justifies the means.
• These criticisms are not valid because respect
for autonomy and liberty is essential to the
Use of Ethical Theories
• There is no pure ethical theory; each has
strengths and weaknesses.
• However, health care professionals must make
complicated ethics decisions
• The ability to understand theory enhances
your decision making tool kit.
In Summary…
Slide Number 1Chapter 1Slide Number 3Why Study
Ethics?Types of Ethics Types of Normative Ethical Theories
Ethical RelativismEgoism as Ethics TheoryAuthority-based
Ethics TheoryVirtue Ethics TheoryVirtue Ethics Theory Virtue
Ethics TheoryNatural Law TheoryNatural Law TheoryNatural
Law TheoryDeontology TheoryDeontology TheoryDeontology
TheoryDeontology TheoryKant and Virtue EthicsDeontology
and Policy Non-Kantian DeontologyJohn RawlsSelf Interest and
JusticeSelf Interest and Justice Basic Principles of JusticeBasic
Principles of JusticeRawls’ OpponentNozick and Social
GoodsNozick and Distributive JusticeConsequentialism
TheoryConsequentialism TheoryConsequentialism
TheoryConsequentialism TheoryConsequentialism TheoryUse of
Ethical TheoriesIn Summary…
4To  Replace with name Comment by Sharon Rose Use down ar.docx

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4To Replace with name Comment by Sharon Rose Use down ar.docx

  • 1. 4 To: Replace with name Comment by Sharon Rose: Use down arrow to expand all comments below. Remove all comments in paper before submitting to earn a better grade. One way to do this, right click on each comment, select ‘Delete Comment’. All Papers will be checked using SafeAssign. Please focus on keeping the SafeAssign percentage to approximately 20%. Comment by James Manning: From: Replace with nameDate: Replace with dateSubject: Replace with subject of memo Introduction Comment by Sharon Rose: The CEO challenge is for an internal employee provide recommendation of new IT system to remove or bring the Shadow IT projects under the IT department. Include how this assignment will communicate how your project proposal satisfied the CEO's concern. Remember Shadow IT from the Week 1 Discussion. The Shadow IT has to either be adopted by the organization, or it has to be removed by the organization. Comment by James Manning: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum et nisl ante. Etiam pulvinar fringilla ipsum facilisis efficitur. Maecenas volutpat risus dignissim dui euismod auctor. Nulla facilisi. Mauris euismod tellus malesuada dolor egestas, ac vulputate odio suscipit. Comment by Sharon Rose: Replace Latin text with your writing for this assignment. Enter your content where the Latin text appears. The Introduction is a short overview of your memo.
  • 2. Comment by James Manning: Sed pellentesque sagittis diam, sit amet faucibus diam lobortis quis. Sed mattis turpis ligula, in accumsan ante pellentesque eu. Quisque ut nisl leo. Nullam ipsum odio, eleifend non orcinon, volutpat sollicitudin lacus. (Beetle Baily Cartoon) Proposed Information System Comment by Sharon Rose: Identify the main functions of your proposed information system and why they are important to the business. To earn an ‘A’ in this section you must (From Grading Rubric): Proposed an original information system. Identified the main functions of the system. Explained the importance of each function to the business. Explained the stylistic choices for architecture of information system. Connected main functions of system to business needs and shadow IT. Donec tincidunt ligula eget sollicitudin vehicula. Proin pharetra tellus id lectus mollis sollicitudin. Etiam auctor ligula a nulla posuere, consequat feugiat ex lobortis. Duis eu cursus arcu, congue luctus turpis. Sed dapibus turpis ac diam viverra consectetur. Aliquam placerat molestie eros vel posuere. Comment by Sharon Rose: Add diagrams when applicable. If a diagram is added, it should show the proposed information system. Comment by James Manning: This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA Figure 1. Title (Source: ) Comment by Sharon Rose: Include source if applicable, remove when diagram is original) Comment by James Manning: Functions Important to Business Comment by James Manning:
  • 3. To earn an “A” in this section (From Grading Rubric): Explained how the main functions are being handled by the old information system. Described the problems of the old system. Justified why the new system can handle things better than the old system. Described why inefficiencies of maintenance in the old system persist. Provided options for keeping the system separate, integrating with old, or scaling up/down based on business needs. Sed facilisis, lacus vel accumsan convallis, massa est ullamcorper mauris, quis feugiat eros ligula eget est. Vivamus nunc turpis, lobortis et magna a, convallis aliquam diam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Comment by Sharon Rose: Add Charts when applicable. Comment by James Manning: Figure 2. Title (Source of data citation) Comment by Sharon Rose: Include source if applicable, remove when diagram is original). Comment by James Manning: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum et nisl ante. Etiam pulvinar fringilla ipsum facilisis efficitur. Maecenas volutpat risus dignissim dui euismod auctor. Nulla facilisi. Mauris euismod tellus malesuada dolor egestas, ac vulputate odio suscipit. Data Management Comment by Sharon Rose: Provide an overview of data management. Comment by James Manning: Donec tincidunt ligula eget sollicitudin vehicula. Proin pharetra tellus id lectus mollis sollicitudin. Etiam auctor ligula a nulla posuere, consequat feugiat ex lobortis. Duis eu cursus arcu, congue luctus turpis. Sed dapibus turpis ac diam viverra consectetur.Data Types Comment by James Manning: Describe the data types in the system. The 13 Types Of Data
  • 4. To earn an “A” in this section (From Grading Rubric): Described the data types in the system. Sed facilisis, lacus vel accumsan convallis, massa est ullamcorper mauris, quis feugiat eros ligula eget est. Vivamus nunc turpis, lobortis et magna a, convallis aliquam diam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Storage Methods Comment by James Manning: Describe the Storage Methods 4 Data Storage Methods for Businesses To earn an “A” in this section (From Grading Rubric): Explained how the system would hold each data type. Explained the system storage and interaction with data. Sed facilisis, lacus vel accumsan convallis, massa est ullamcorper mauris, quis feugiat eros ligula eget est. Vivamus nunc turpis, lobortis et magna a, convallis aliquam diam. Lorem ipsudolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Data Quality Comment by James Manning: Describe the Data Quality What is Data Quality? To earn an “A” in this section (From Grading Rubric): Proposed how data quality would be ensured. Considered the impacts of cost and maintenance on data quality. Sed facilisis, lacus vel accumsan convallis, massa est ullamcorper mauris, quis feugiat eros ligula eget est. Vivamus nunc turpis, lobortis et magna a, convallis aliquam diam. Lorem ipsudolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Transition of System Functions Comment by Sharon Rose: Describe the System Transition To earn an “A” in this section (From Grading Rubric): Explain how the functions you mentioned are being handled by the old information system
  • 5. The problems that occur Why your information system will handle things better. Described why inefficiencies of maintenance in the old system persist. Provided options for keeping the system separate, integrating with old, or scaling up/down based on business needs. Sed facilisis, lacus vel accumsan convallis, massa est ullamcorper mauris, quis feugiat eros ligula eget est. Vivamus nunc turpis, lobortis et magna a, convallis aliquam diam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Evidence of Feasibility Comment by Sharon Rose: Offer evidence of feasibility: Show that similar information systems have been built successfully and that they save more money than they cost. What is Feasibility? To earn an “A” in this section (From Grading Rubric): Identified similar, successful information systems. Demonstrated cost savings comparison. Defended how the new system could operate similarly to successful systems. Explain what makes the information system identified similar to yours. Demonstrate how the new system outperforms similar systems. Sed facilisis, lacus vel accumsan convallis, massa est ullamcorper mauris, quis feugiat eros ligula eget est. Vivamus nunc turpis, lobortis et magna a, convallis aliquam diam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. References Comment by Sharon Rose: Reference Page Notes: Use a separate references page and double space. Note
  • 6. that throughout the paper and reference list, titles of non- periodicals and the names of journals, book titles, and volume are set in italics rather than being underlined. See APA Manual, pages 239-281 for examples of various references. In addition, please read pages 215-232 for basic reference guidelines. Remove References in example that you do not use. American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Cuddy, C.M. (2002). Demystifying APA style. Orthopaedic Nursing, 21(5), 35-42. Retrieved June 28, 2004, from EBSCOhost database. Daniels, C. (2004, July 28). 50 Best companies for minorities. Fortune, 149(13), 136- 141. Retrieved October 19, 2004, from ProQuest database. Lawton. K. A., Cousineau, L., & Hillard, V.E. (2001). Plagiarism:Its nature and consequences. Retrieved June 28, 2004, from Duke University Guide to Library Research Web site: Proofreading for commas. (n.d.). Retrieved June 28, 2004, from Purdue University Online Writing Lab Web site: .html Sterngold, A. (2004). Confronting plagiarism: How conventional teaching invites cyber-cheating. Change, 36(3), 16+. Retrieved June 28, 2004, from ProQuest database Strunk, W., Jr. (1999). Omit needless words. In The elements of style (chap. 3). Retrieved June 28, 2004, from Venes, D. (2001). Taber's cyclopedic medical dictionary (19th ed.). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company. Change the Chart Title to Fit Your Needs
  • 7. Series 1 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 4.3 2.5 3.5 4.5 Series 2 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 2.4 4.4000000000000004 1.8 2.8 Series 3 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 2 2 3 5 Florida National University Biomedical Ethics: Week 1 Critical Reflection Paper: Chapter 1 Objective: To critically replicate you’re thoughtful of the readings and your competence to rub on them to your Health care ethics. ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINES (10%): Students will judgmentally appraise the readings from Chapter 1 on your textbook. This assignment is intended to help you assessment, examination, and spread over the readings to your healthcare ethics as well as become the foundation for all of your remaining assignments. You need to read the article (in the additional weekly reading resources localize in the Syllabus and also in the Lectures link) assigned for week 1 and develop a 2-3-page paper reflecting your appreciative and ability to apply the readings to your ethics. Each paper must be typewritten with 12-point font and double-spaced with standard margins. Follow APA format 7th Edition, when referring to the selected articles and include a
  • 8. reference page. EACH PAPER SHOULD INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Introduction (25%) Provide a short-lived summary of the undertone (not a description) of each Chapter and articles you read, in your own words. 2. Your Critique (50%) What is your response to the content of the articles? What did you absorb about the Types of Ethics? Mention and explain two examples where you can apply them. What did you obtain about the key features of the natural law? What is Deontology Theory and its principles? Apply them your future carrier. Mention and describe all the principle of ethics and mention example of them that apply to your professional life. 3. Conclusion (15%) Fleetingly recapitulate your thoughts & postulation to your analysis of the articles and Chapter you read. How did these articles and Chapters impact your thoughts about the principles of ethics? Evaluation will be based on how clearly you respond to the above, in particular: a) The clarity with which you critique the articles; b) The depth, scope, and association of your paper; and, c) Your conclusions, including a description of the impact of these articles and Chapters on any Health Care Setting. ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE: The assignment is to be electronically posted in the Assignments Link on Blackboard no later than noon on Sunday, May 17, 2020. Originality: Turnitin submission required ASSIGNMENT RUBRICS Assignments Guidelines 1.0 Points 10%
  • 9. Introduction 2.5 Points 25% Your Critique 5.0 Points 50% Conclusion 1.5 Points 15% Total 10 points 100% ASSIGNMENT GRADING SYSTEM A 90% - 100% B+ 85% - 89% B 80% - 84% C+ 75% - 79% C 70% - 74% D 60% – 69% F 50% - 59% Or less.
  • 10. Dr. Gisela LLamas 1 Chapter 1 Theory of Health Care Ethics 3 Why Study Ethics? • Because health care is changing, you need tools for making necessary and difficult decisions. • It will help you better understand patients, fellow professionals, and the system in general. • It will assist you in building and maintaining your career.
  • 11. 4 Types of Ethics • Normative ethics – Is the study of what is right and wrong. • Metaethics – Is the study of ethical concepts and theories. 5 Types of Normative Ethical Theories • Authority-based • Egoistic • Natural law • Deontological • Teleological • Virtue 6 Ethical Relativism • Ethical relativism purports that there is no absolute theory for ethics. • However, this lack of a complete theory does not mean everything is relative.
  • 12. • People need to make rational decisions about ethics-based issues. • Therefore, ethics theories are useful. 7 Egoism as Ethics Theory • Egoism is based on the idea that one’s self interest is the basis his or her ethics decisions. • Theory is not helpful in health care ethics because professionals are taught to set aside self-interest. • The interests of the patient should come first. 8 Authority-based Ethics Theory • Decisions about ethics (right or wrong) are based on central authority such as in a theology or an ideology. • For health care ethics, there may difficulty deciding which authority is the correct one. • However, knowing this view of ethics helps with understanding patients and health policy
  • 13. decisions. 9 Virtue Ethics Theory • Is founded in the writings of Aristotle. • Everything moves from potentiality to actuality. • Character development allows you to actualize your highest good. • Eudaimonia should be sought as the highest good. 10 Virtue Ethics Theory • Eudaimonia means that you seek to build your character and increase virtue. • Professional education seeks to develop people of high character. • People who work toward eudaimonia become persons of practical wisdom.
  • 14. 11 Virtue Ethics Theory • Principles of ethics can help to define your character and assist with your actions. See Chapter Two for more information. • Virtue ethics is criticized as being elitist. • Virtue ethics requires the balancing of conflicting obligations. • People with practical wisdom can make appropriate ethical decisions. 12 Natural Law Theory • It is founded in the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas • It assumes that nature is rational and orderly. • Humans are part of the natural world and are given the ability to be rational. • Our natural reason allows us to distinguish right from wrong.
  • 15. 13 Natural Law Theory • Reason is also action in that humans can choose to do good or evil. • The Principle of Double Effect helps us decided which action is good. • Good is also defined as that which helps to maximize potential, such as preserving life, gaining wisdom, and knowing God. 14 Natural Law Theory • In natural law, there are some acts that are not ethical because they violate the ability to reach one’s potential. • People who support social responsibility can use natural law as a foundation for actions. • Understanding natural law also assists with patient relations. 15
  • 16. Deontology Theory • Comes from the Greek word “deon” meaning “duty.” • It is sometimes called duty-based ethics. • One of the main theorists is Immanuel Kant. • The world exists in the form of things we can experience directly (phenomenal world) and things that exist independently of the intellect (noumenal world). 16 Deontology Theory • Free will makes ethics possible and without it we would not need ethics. • Areas of character can be used for good or evil. • Therefore, the only true good is good will. • The ability to choose to do good is what makes us human. 17
  • 17. Deontology Theory • Actions are judged by their intention and not just their outcomes. • Kant attempted to define a rational principle for making moral judgments. • The principle is the categorical imperative. • People can never be used as a means to an end; they must be respected. 18 Deontology Theory • The Golden Rule is not a synonym for the categorical imperative. • Kant believed that we must act based on duty to moral law and not on the consequences of our actions. • Practicing this is its pure form is difficult in modern society. 19 Kant and Virtue Ethics
  • 18. • Pure Kantian ethics is absolute in its definition of duty but virtue ethics allows for grey areas. • Kant does not assist with deciding among lesser evils and greater goods • Virtue ethics allows the use of tools to make these decisions 20 Deontology and Policy • Health care professionals recognize a duty to the patient • Health care managers also have a duty to the patient, but they have duties to the organization and community as well. • Conflicting duties must be considered in policy making. 21 Non-Kantian Deontology • Recent proponents of the deontology tradition include John Rawls and Robert Nozick. • These theorists deal with the idea of justice
  • 19. through our actions. • Their thinking influences health care reform, public health, and other health areas. 22 John Rawls • John Rawls worked to define the characteristics of a just society. • He examined justice as fairness and applied it to societies that respect the rule of law. • His work is based on the idea of a social contract between members of a society. 23 Self Interest and Justice • Rawls used a hypothetical or mind experiment called the original position to explain why rational people would protect everyone’s self interests. • In this mind experiment, he also included the concept of the veil of ignorance to help us understand why we would care about self interests.
  • 20. 24 Self Interest and Justice • If we were in the original position, we would all be equal. • Therefore, we could all be treated in the same way in a society. • Therefore, it would be in our self interest to make sure that everyone is given an equal share of benefits and burdens. 25 Basic Principles of Justice • The first principle of justice for Rawls is liberty. • This principle is also a priority over all other principles of justice. • People should have equal right to basic liberties (see the Bill of Rights). 26 Basic Principles of Justice
  • 21. • The second principle for Rawls is justification of inequalities. • He uses the difference principle to justify when social and economic inequities are appropriate. • Physicians are a classic example of the difference principle. 27 Rawls’ Opponent • Robert Nozick is also considered to be a deontologist. • He represents the conservative tradition and has great influence in the debate over health care reform. • Nozick emphasizes the autonomy and the rights of the individual. 28 Nozick and Social Goods • For Nozick, there is no social good that requires sacrifice.
  • 22. • We are only “other people”. • We should influence people to take steps to improve their own situations. • Theories like Rawls supports defeat voluntary agreements. 29 Nozick and Distributive Justice • For Nozick, there is no principle of distributive justice. • He finds justice in acquisition and owned resources. • Historical injustices are not addressed in his theory except to suggest that society could be organized to maximize the position of the least well off. 30 Consequentialism Theory • Through Mill’s work, this theory is also known as utilitarianism. • For this theory, your intentions are irrelevant; all that counts is the outcome.
  • 23. • Greatest Good for the Greatest Number is often used as a summary of the theory. 31 Consequentialism Theory • Has two main types • Classical or act utilitarianism. – Each act considered on its own • Rule utilitarianism. – Develop rules that net the greatest benefit 32 Consequentialism Theory • Rule utilitarianism is used to make health care policy. • Exceptions can be made under special circumstances. • Rule utilitarianism also allows for negative consequentialism or preventing the greatest harm for the greatest number. 33
  • 24. Consequentialism Theory • Preference utilitarianism argues that good is honoring preferences and bad is frustrating preferences • Preferences must be known or a substituted judgment can be used 34 Consequentialism Theory • Criticisms of utilitarianism include – The minority is not protected when the greatest good for the greatest number is the goal. – Some say this theory means that the ends justifies the means. • These criticisms are not valid because respect for autonomy and liberty is essential to the theory. 35 Use of Ethical Theories
  • 25. • There is no pure ethical theory; each has strengths and weaknesses. • However, health care professionals must make complicated ethics decisions • The ability to understand theory enhances your decision making tool kit. 36 In Summary… 37 Slide Number 1Chapter 1Slide Number 3Why Study Ethics?Types of Ethics Types of Normative Ethical Theories Ethical RelativismEgoism as Ethics TheoryAuthority-based Ethics TheoryVirtue Ethics TheoryVirtue Ethics Theory Virtue Ethics TheoryNatural Law TheoryNatural Law TheoryNatural Law TheoryDeontology TheoryDeontology TheoryDeontology TheoryDeontology TheoryKant and Virtue EthicsDeontology and Policy Non-Kantian DeontologyJohn RawlsSelf Interest and JusticeSelf Interest and Justice Basic Principles of JusticeBasic Principles of JusticeRawls’ OpponentNozick and Social GoodsNozick and Distributive JusticeConsequentialism TheoryConsequentialism TheoryConsequentialism TheoryConsequentialism TheoryConsequentialism TheoryUse of Ethical TheoriesIn Summary…