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AVN 4P Marketing
  Eastwood Hall, Nottingham
  28th & 29th November 2011
            Day 1
According to
Michael Gerber...

  Lead         Lead
Generation   Conversion
6 key growth drivers

   Get more sales leads                Marketing

   Convert more sales leads              Sales

   Change your prices                  Marketing

   Get customers to buy more           Marketing

   Get customers to buy more often     Marketing

   Get better at retaining customers    Service
YOUR PRACTICE                           10% improvement

Number of clients at start       250

Defection rate                   10%

Sales leads                       50

Conversion                       50%

No of customers                  250

Average price                   £250

Average amount bought              2

Frequency                          2

Total sales                  £250,000

Direct costs (10%)            £25,000

Fixed costs                  £150,000

TOTAL PROFIT                  £75,000
YOUR PRACTICE                           10% improvement

Number of clients at start       250

Defection rate                   10%                9%

Sales leads                       50                55

Conversion                       50%               55%

No of customers                  250               258

Average price                   £250

Average amount bought              2

Frequency                          2

Total sales                  £250,000

Direct costs (10%)            £25,000

Fixed costs                  £150,000

TOTAL PROFIT                  £75,000
YOUR PRACTICE                                      10% improvement

Number of clients at start                  250

Defection rate                              10%                9%

Sales leads                                  50                55

Conversion                                  50%               55%
No of customers                           250                 258

Average price
                             improvement £250
                                         in                  £255

Average amount bought             sales     2                  2.2

Frequency                                     2                2.2

Total sales                             £250,000          £318,424

Direct costs (10%)                       £25,000

Fixed costs                             £150,000

TOTAL PROFIT                             £75,000
YOUR PRACTICE                                      10% improvement

Number of clients at start                  250

Defection rate                              10%                9%

Sales leads                                  50                55

Conversion                                  50%               55%
No of customers                           250                 258

Average price
                             improvement £250
                                         in                  £255

Average amount bought             profit    2                  2.2

Frequency                                     2                2.2

Total sales                             £250,000          £318,424

Direct costs (10%)                       £25,000           £31,842

Fixed costs                             £150,000          £150,000

TOTAL PROFIT                             £75,000          £136,582
“Imperfect action always beats
  perfect conceptualisation”

           Alan Weiss
5 great speakers
 – Mark Wickersham FCA

 – Steve Pipe FCA

 – Sue Davenport      ACIM, ACMA

 – Luke Jackson     BA (Hons), MBA, ACIM

 – Steven Baldwin
09:30   Introduction                3:05   Break

10:00   Strategic marketing         3:25   Writing effective copy

11:00   Break                       3:45   Email campaigns

11:20   Strategic marketing         4:20   Social media introduction

11:50   Lead generation/referrals   4:40   Break

12:50   Lunch                       5:00   Effective pricing

1:40    Cross serving               5:50   Closing comments

2:40    Effective communication     6:00   Finish
It all begins with

Strategic Marketing
Hope is not a strategy!
X-                  Strategic marketing
                         Who – audience
                         What – message
X                      Mindset – help not sell

 XXgeneration
Lead                     Lead conversion         Cross serving

 “How” systems            “How” systems          “How” systems

Compelling reason to      Compelling reason to     Help more...
 invest time meeting     invest money working    so they buy more
          you                   with you

 Not on     On your         At       Beyond
your list     list        meeting    meeting
Content in one area
will help in other areas too
Action 1

Decide the type of clients you really want

 It is a “decision”
Action 2

Identify what those clients really want

 From their businesses

 In their bank accounts and lives

 For their families
Which is more attractive?
Accountancy, or…
Which is more attractive?
Accountancy, or…
Useful tool
“Pen pictures”
 Dave, 40, married, two kids 8 and 10, £100k mortgage
 Set up service business 10 years ago
 Turns over c £1m, employs 6 people
 Grew by word of mouth – but growth now stalled
 Business cashflow is tight
 Can’t pay himself as much as he wants
 Works 50+ hours a week
Business                     Personal
   More sales                  More take home pay
   More profits                More cash
                                More wealth
   Better cashflow
                                Worry free retirement
   Fewer problems
                                Debt free - mortgage paid off
   Less stress
                                Smart car
   Less risk                   Big house
   Lower tax bills             Education & house deposit for kids
   More saleable business      Holiday home abroad
   More valuable business      Better work-life balance
                                More investment income
                                More security
  Valued              Not as valued
  Proactive           Reactive
XFast                 Slow
 Known fees
   XX                 Surprise fees
  Work with clients   Work on clients
  Personal contact    Letters
  Recommendations     Justifications
  Prevent problems    Respond to problems
  Be candid           Hold back
 Plain English        Jargon
Action 3
Identify what you can do for them
 Features
  – advanced tax planning
 Benefits
  – lower tax bills
 Ultimate benefits
  – Exercise
Ultimate benefits
 Tax planning
 Business advisory
 Corporate finance
 Wealth management
 Accounts
Your “sweet spot”

      What           What
      they          you can
      want          deliver
The “last writes”
The key is to cover all 6…
W wealth increased
R risk reduced
I income increased
T time saved
E expenditure reduced
S stress reduced             Source: Andy Bounds
Action 4

Change your strategy if your sweet spot
doesn’t cover the 6 “last writes”

 Change the type of clients you want and /or

 Change your services to meet their needs
Action 5
Summarise your sweet spot
 It is your compelling attractiveness
 So it should be your core marketing message
  –   In writing
  –   For use verbally
  –   Using their type of language
  –   Covering all 6 of the last writes
Useful tool
1. You know how most people have a problem with
   accountants because… they aren’t very proactive, spend
   most of their time measuring the past and charge for
   every minute

2. Which means that… they aren’t sure their accountant is
   adding enough value

3. Well, what we do is… a diagnostic review and report
   with your accounts every year showing new ways to add
   thousands to your bank account, and give you a fixed
   price for every piece of work
4. Which means that...

... you can be certain that you will never receive a
    surprise bill, and will never miss out on any
    opportunities to earn more money, keep more of it,
    and become more financially secure.

  And by helping you become wealthier you also get
  more control over your life, with less stress and the
  option to work fewer hours if you want.
“The worst time to think of
the best thing to say is as the words
   are coming out of your mouth”

              Rob Brown
Action 6
Script and practice your key conversations
 What do you do?
 Why should I choose you?
 That’s expensive
 Objections
 Asking for referrals
The right mindset

1. Sales and marketing are not magic…
                           …they are a process

2. “HELP” not “sell”
Action 7
Gather the proof you have already

   Testimonials – we will look at these tomorrow
   Case studies
   Success stories
   Videos
Action 8
Decide if your proof is good enough
   Quantity - enough?
   Quality - of message?
   Credibility – of author?
   Format – all types?
   Up to date
   Range - does it cover all six “last writes”? And all services / benefits?
Action 9
Get everyone reporting on potential case
studies and success stories
 Create a game they want to play
 League table? Prizes?
 Write them up
Action 10
Enter business awards

 Brilliant proof

 Useful resource: How to win business awards
Action 11
Use your proof everywhere
 Website
 Proposals
 Brochure
 Reception table & meeting room walls
 Briefcase
 Hard drive
Three types of audience

1. Don’t know you

2. Know you

3. Permission to proactively contact them
Three types of prospects
1. Ideal – Frequent manual nurturing

2. Good - Automated or less frequent manual nurturing

3. Not sure - Automated nurturing

4. Bad – Take them off your list!
The best list
 Not too small… it’s a numbers game
 Made up of…
  –   People you’ve met
  –   People referred to you
  –   People who have contacted you
  –   People who have given you permission
  –   People you want to work with
Action 12
Clean your current prospect list
 Add all those from previous slide
 Categorise - “Ideal”, “Good”, “Not sure” and “Bad”
 Delete all “Bad”
 Mark those who have given permission
 Use a good database/CRM system

                    Now you can start adding to it…
Weak list building ideas
Avoid unless absolutely necessary
 Buying lists
 Renting lists
 Compiling lists (and never “steal”)
Action 13
Use referral systems to build your list
 Covered in detail on the one day course
 See the video of that session
Action 14
Actively create referrals for banks
 “How to get your bank to say yes”
  –   Report, seminar or surgery

 “How happy are you with your bank?”
  – Add to agendas, using a scale of 1-10

 “Do you need a business loan?” service
Action 15
Prepare a high impact presentation for banks
 Show it to as many as possible
 Short & attention grabbing
 Create a game they want to play
  – Benefits to them of giving you referrals
  – And benefits to their customers
 Video…                                       Here
Another idea

 AVN members should show the NatWest
  letter to all banks

Action 16
Actively create referrals for prospects
 Ask clients “How happy are you with… ?”
  – Solicitor, IFA, printer, insurance broker etc
  – Scale of 1-10
  – “What do you really want from them?”

 Make referral to alternative suppliers
  – Ask for a meeting in return
 3109% effect
  – 73% say “no” 5 times before saying “yes”
  – 92% of buyers have given up by 5th “no”

 Every “no” is one step closer to a “yes”

 System to get beyond 5th “no” painlessly
Action 17
Implement a manual nurturing system
 Frequently for ideal prospects
 Less frequently for good prospects
 Get entire team involved
  –   What useful info can you send to them?
  –   Who can you introduce them to?
  –   What events can you invite them to
  –   What can you do for them without charge?
Action 18
Create an electronic newsletter based
automated nurturing system
 People you don’t have time to nurture manually
 Valuable content – short and punchy
 Not sales puffery
 Monthly
 Don’t call it “Newsletter”
Action 19
Use “Auto responder” nurturing systems
 “Set and forget”
 Pre-written logical sequence of messages
 Sequence triggered when
  –   You meet them
  –   They give you their details – in person, or via a web page
  –   They subscribe to your newsletter
  –   They become a client
Action 20
Set up a nurturing system for referral sources

 It’s not just for prospects
We will cover lots of other
specific nurturing ideas in the
  lead generation sessions
Action 21
Set up a marketing management system

 Weekly operational meeting
  – Plan – with clear priorities
  – Implement – with time blocked out in diary
  – Review – using the right measurements

 Monthly report to board
X-                  Strategic marketing
                         Who – audience
                         What – message
X                      Mindset – help not sell

 XXgeneration
Lead                     Lead conversion         Cross serving

 “How” systems            “How” systems          “How” systems

Compelling reason to      Compelling reason to     Help more...
 invest time meeting     invest money working    so they buy more
          you                   with you

 Not on     On your         At       Beyond
your list     list        meeting    meeting
Lead Generation
Action 22
Calculate how much a typical lead is worth
Step 1 – Calculate value of typical client
 GRF multiple or lifetime profit basis
 Example = £2000
Step 2 – Measure how many leads you need to get one client
 Example = 5 leads to get one client – ie 20% conversion rate
Step 3 – Divide Step 1 by Step 2
 Example = £2000 divided by 5 = £400 value of a typical lead
Action 23
Draw up a list of compelling offers
 Can afford time/£ up to the value of a lead
 Low or no cost to prospect
 Based on what they really want
 Aim is to get a meeting
 Examples…
Compelling offer examples
   Book + meeting
   Diagnostic review + meeting
   Benchmarking report + meeting
   Videos + meeting
   Seminar + meeting
   SSTW + meeting
   1 million calculations + meeting (Using RTP software)
   Tax clinic
   Advanced tax planning opportunity
What else?
Action 24
Create plan to phone prospects with compelling offers
 Get your team involved
 Identify the most impressive offer
 Plan the call in advance
 Practice on a few “Good” prospects
 Prioritise “Ideal” prospects
 Record on database
 Repeat every few months /when topical
 If you have a recommendation already:
   – I think I may have a tax planning idea that could get you
      an extra £40,000 of cash to spend in any way you want.
      Would you like some details?

 And if you don’t:
   – Is it OK if I carry out a diagnostic review to see how
     much extra cash it is possible to put in your personal and
     business bank account - it won’t cost you anything or
     take up any of your time?
Prospect 1   Prospect 2   Prospect 3   etc

Offer 1

Offer 2

Offer 3

Action 25
Send out survey mailshots
 Our most effective marketing in 2010
 Very short survey
 Questions that give you clues
 Rewards for participation

 Example                            Here
Action 26
Invite them to be in “your new book”
 Their top tips
 Digitally published
 Hand delivered at a meeting
Action 27
Write a real book
 Or get someone to write it for you
Action 28
Launch a regional business award
 “Hertfordshire’s most dynamic business”
 Simple website
 “Heard good things/like to nominate you” letters
 Application form gives you info you need
 You as sponsor and administrator (not judge)
 “Great and the good” as judges
 Trophy and PR for winner – no other prizes
 Follow up afterwards
Action 29
Consider using telemarketing
 Who can recommend a supplier?
 What should firms expect?
 Top tips?
Action 30
Run tax surgeries at employer’s premises
 Clients first – others later
 Useful resource                    Here

 Variation: Tax surgery at the pub!
Action 31
Send a report benchmarking their website
 For marketing effectiveness
 Comparing to nearest rival
 ….
Action 32
Launch a “100 Club”
 We’ll give 100 businesses
 A 100 minute meeting
 To create a plan to get them an extra £100k

 Free to join – by application only
Action 33
Write and leverage valuable content
 Articles
 Blog post
 Pages on your website – and other people’s
 LinkedIn downloads
 Downloadable “Special reports”
Useful resources
Ready to use AVN content from
 Insider reports
 49 short insights in AR113
 Benchmarking software
 AVN press releases
Action 34
Create a seminar programme
 Full year plan
 Repeating the very best every year
 Speaker = External recommended
 Offer = Free and priced options
 Content = get more cash & other jugular issues…
Seminar ideas
   How to get an extra £2m
   Advanced tax planning
   Over 50 BBFs
   The best BBFs…
The best BBFs
   How to find the time to do the really important things
   How to make it in business without losing it in life
   Sensational service
   Pricing for profit
   How to interpret the numbers in your accounts
   What to do when your competitors are cheaper than you
   How to get paid on time, in full, every time
   Taking your business from Good to Great
   How to make work fun… with a serious intent
Action 35
Develop a seminar follow up system
 Plan it from day 1
 Who?
 What? – Your compelling offer
 How? - Time blocked out

 Brian Bell Meyer – South Wales   Here

 Calcutt Matthews – Kent          Here
Action 36
Offer to be a speaker at other events
 Use your best content
 Identify events
  – Chambers, banks, clubs, associations, trade bodies
 Offer freebies in exchange for business cards
Action 37
Form strategic alliance with a prestige car dealer
 Help them sell more cars
 Seminars in their showroom
 Surgeries
 “Get your next BMW for free” Joint mailing

 Resource: AR177
Action 38
Send them a link to a video
 AVN members video
  – Full version with PMI
  – Shorter version without PMI - Here
Action 39
Develop your permission systems
 For use verbally and in writing
 For each key situation – met, referred etc
 Two parts:
  – Something of value – eg freebie or compelling offer
  – Permission request
 Here’s the report I promised – is it OK if I send you
  other really useful stuff I come across?

 Dave Smith recommended me to you. So in
  preparation for contacting you I have benchmarked
  your business. Would you like me to send you my
  findings? And is it OK if I look out for other things
  that could put a lot of extra money in your bank
Action 40
Develop a networking plan
 Decide who should be networking
 Research best places to network (Straw poll)
 Allocate time to do it
 Be trained in effective networking…
Action 41
Put something really compelling on the
back of your business card

 Example…
 When your business or anyone in your family wants this
sort of extra money over and above what your accountant
           is already helping you to get, let’s talk.
  In the meantime please keep this card as a reminder
Best bit so far...
Cross Serving
X-                  Strategic marketing
                         Who – audience
                         What – message
X                      Mindset – help not sell

 XXgeneration
Lead                     Lead conversion         Cross serving

 “How” systems            “How” systems          “How” systems

Compelling reason to      Compelling reason to     Help more...
 invest time meeting     invest money working    so they buy more
          you                   with you

 Not on     On your         At       Beyond
your list     list        meeting    meeting
It all about technique
Which is best...

 Do you want to buy some extra stuff from us?

 I’ve had an idea that may help to put an extra
  £20,000 a year in your bank account?
The key

  Make them aware of how you can help

      by being their trusted adviser

          and without being pushy
Action 42
Produce a master list of high impact
preliminary recommendations
Action 43
Systematically make proactive preliminary
recommendations to clients for free
 When?
  – Every year with accounts as a minimum
  – Include in all conversations & meetings

 How…
       Build it into existing workload and meetings

       Systemise and delegate
    –     Accounts completion programme
    –     Yes/no questions
    –     Use technology
    –     And always…
Action 44
Quantify the value of everything
 Extrapolate and chunk down
 “That’s the equivalent of a red Ferrari, paid
  for by the taxman, isn’t it?”
 “What would you do with that kind of extra
  money, and how would it make you feel?”
Action 45
Use action plan selling to turn
proactivity into fees and profits

Useful resource

        OnTrack software
Top tips
 Don’t post the KIP report

 Use the action plan as main tool
Action 46
Give them a list of everything they need
to talk to you about

 Much better than a list of services

 Useful resource: KIP report           Here
Action 47
Give them a tick box list for
“The 10 decisions every client must make”
 Are you happy for care fees and tax to take the inheritance
  you should receive?
 Are you happy for care fees and tax to take the inheritance
  your loved ones should receive?
 Do you want it to be easier for your family if you become ill?
 Do you want to pay the legal minimum of tax?
 Etc
Action 48
Do a one-to-one client satisfaction survey
 Unhappy clients
  – Sort the problem
  – Compelling offer – eg diagnostic review
 Happy clients
  – Testimonials
  – Referrals
  – Cross selling – “did you know… ?”
Action 49
Put cross-serving message in your email footers
 Automatic
 Change them regularly
 Examples
Action 50
Run a powerpoint slideshow in reception

 “Did you know...?” questions

 “Ask us about” statements

 “If anything were possible...” questions (see later)
Action 51
Give them a short survey in reception
 Max 3 questions – max 60 seconds
 Receptionist asks them to fill it in
 Receptionist gives it to partner at handover
 Questions change over time…
Survey questions
 If you had a magic wand…
 What would you do with a windfall £100k?
Research with a PR benefit
 Business confidence barometer
Action 52
Put framed questions on wall of meeting rooms

 Examples…
If anything were possible

How quickly would you
 want to pay off your
If anything were possible

How much extra would
 you like to take home
      every year?
If anything were possible

Would an extra £20,000 a year
be enough to make you happy?
 Or would you prefer more?
If you received it as windfall

What would you do with
an extra £100,000 in your
     bank account?
  And how would it make you feel?
If anything were possible

How many hours a week
would you like to work?
If anything were possible

How much money would
 you like to leave to the
   next generation?
Are you happy for care fees
and the tax system to steal
     your inheritance?
Also put on walls
   Press cuttings
   Case studies
   Testimonials
   Inspirational quotes...
Action 53
Invite them to a tax clinic
 With specialist
 No charge – to you or clients
 Extremely successful            Here
Action 54
Use 0-100 scales
 On a scale of 0-100, what % of the tax the taxman
  would like to take from you are you happy to pay?

 O%                                              10O%

          Advanced          Bespoke   Standard   None
Other uses
On a scale of 0-100, how happy are you with
 Your profits
 Your personal income
 Your wealth
 Your retirement plan
 Your work life balance
Action 55
Use “Client Engagement Clarifications”
 Message 1 - Currently our engagement does not specifically
  cover XX. For clarity do you want to extend it to cover XX. Benefits
  are XX. Costs are XX. Please sign this yes or no.

 Message 2        - We will assume “no” after 30 days

 Message 3 - We have assumed “no”. Please advise if you
  change your mind.
2007 IHT Pilot
   2570 clients contacted by 12 firms
   148 IHT Healthchecks bought
   £61,722 total fees
   5.5% of clients bought

 At £250 each 7.2% of clients bought
 At £750 each 3.9% said yes
 In between 4.8% said yes
Lessons learned
 £750 is the most profitable price

 Greed motivates better than altruism

 You sell more face-to-face

 You sell more if you follow up
Action 56
Help clients produce a personal balance sheet
   Home – Mortgage, SDLT planning
   Other property - CGT planning
   Business – Valuation, exit planning, corporate finance
   Inheritances – IHT and tax planning for parents
   Assets – Insurance, protection, financial services
   Borrowings – Raising finance
   Net worth – Wealth management, IHT & tax planning
Action 57
Put a Master WOO chart on your server
Master WOO chart
                       Clients   Prospects Referrers

Relationship manager



Compelling offers

You only need to know

26 things
Action 58
10 second intro - a powerful first impression

 I’m Dave and I help business owners and
  other successful people get an extra £2m in
  their bank account. What about you?
Action 59
Magic wand - Helps get to the perfect outcome

 If this were a magic wand…

 Very powerful in
  – Sales – to identify their perfect solution
  – Creativity – to uncover extra ideas
Action 60
Appeal to fairness

 We both want to be fair, don’t we?

 Make your suggestion

 Does that seem as fair to you as it does to me?
Action 61
Enough of a difference?

 Quantify and extrapolate the outcome, then

 Is that enough of a difference to make it
  worth your while?
Action 62

          Tell me,
   how does that compare?
Action 63
I can do that by…

 Replace… “I can’t do that until Friday”

 With… “I can do that by Friday”
Action 64
Return the favour

 When someone says “Thanks”

 Change “It was nothing” into

 “I’m so pleased I was able to help you. Can I
  ask you to return the favour and give me a
  little bit of help?” (perhaps a referral)
Action 65
Use “Yes tags” to encourage others say yes
 They really work, don’t they?

 So you’ll use them, won’t you?

 But its best to use them in moderation, isn’t it?
Action 66
Embedded commands

 Taking action leads to results and value

 Take action and you will get results and see
  the value
Action 67
Phonological ambiguity

 Like me

 By now

 Like me, by now, you know it makes sense
Action 68
Do’s and don’t - Helps others to do as you ask

 Replace “Don’t” with “Do”

 Replace “Don’t forget” with “Remember”
            like me,
            by now,
 you know this stuff makes sense,
           don’t you?
Action 69
Humour clears the air when
you’ve made a mistake

 Sometimes I wonder if my
  mother dropped me on my
  head as a baby!

 Someone must have
  swapped stupid pills for my
  vitamins this morning
A few extra thoughts on
advanced tax planning…
Guiding principles
 Don’t prejudge who will be interested
 Don’t make conscience decisions for them
 Don’t tell the favoured few

 Systematically tell all who technically qualify
Guiding principles
 Don’t wait to be asked
 Don’t expect them to know what is possible
 Don’t be silent if you can’t find any savings

 Be genuinely proactive
Guiding principles
 Don’t try to hide payaways
 Don’t pretend they are something else

 Get your engagement letters right
Guiding principles
 Don’t wait until you understand every detail

 Knowing enough is enough
Guiding principles
 Don’t be the only person talking tax

 Get everyone talking to everyone
Guiding principles
 Don’t see it as a one year only exercise

 Do it every year - it gets easier and better!

 Repeat EBTs are easier and more profitable
 Some clients are now on their third!
Guiding principles
 Don’t be motivated by your profit

 Only ever by getting the best result for clients
Guiding principles
 Don’t see it as a short term strategy
 Don’t confuse “not yet” with “not ever”

 It can take a long time to warm clients up
effective copy
Kurt Cobain,

  1967 - 1994
A picture paints a
thousand words…
                         …but we still rely on the
                         written word to get our
                                messages across

 Letters                                    Brochures

                          Online profiles
Action 70 - AIDA
Remember this mnemonic:

 Attention
 Interest
 Desire
 Action
Action 71 - Headline
  Experts say headline strength =
   40-50% of marketing success
 Use ‘power words’
 Achieve        Accomplish     Crucial
 Know-how       Mind-blowing   Need
 Professional   Secrets        Authentic
 Clear-cut      Absolutely     Instantly
Action 72 - Generate interest

Strong opening paragraph

   Ask a question
   Share a secret
   Solve a problem
   Save them time and/or money
Set the tone
Write as you speak
 Conversational
 Friendly
 Relaxed
Action 73 – Break it up
Use proven techniques for easier reading

   Sub-headings
   Bulleted lists
   Highlighted keywords
   Short paragraphs
   Clear, concise language
Action 74 – Be Irresistible
Create desire in the reader

   What’s in it for me?
   Benefits, not features
   Use the scarcity factor
   Quote satisfied clients
   Provide proof
Action 75 – Your CTA

Start with the end in mind – ‘Call To Action’

   What do you want the reader to do?
   Provide them with the means to do it
   Make it obvious and create urgency
   Use it more than once
   Don’t confuse – only one CTA
Action 76 – Proof read
…and proof read again!
 Spelling, grammar and punctuation
 Check for cliches
 Get a second opinion
Final writing tips

 KISS 
 Test different styles
 Be consistent
Email campaigns
How to create email campaigns that work

…and how a monkey can help you improve your email
Good stuff   Bad stuff
Good stuff      Bad stuff
Low cost
High ROI
Easy to track and
Highly personalised and
Good stuff              Bad stuff
Low cost                  Deliverability issues
High ROI                  Email response decay
Easy to track and
Highly personalised and
Create email campaigns that really work
Determine your desired outcome
Determine your desired outcome

 Before you start writing, think:
  What message do you want to get across
  What is your objective
  What do you want your audience to do
State benefits clearly… and quickly!
State benefits clearly… and quickly!

   Why should they read your email?
   How will they benefit?

   Skip long introductions, backgrounds and
    company history
   Think benefits – not features!
Be personal and personable
Be personal and personable

    Address your recipients by name
    Personalise subject line
    Sign the email with your name
    And a friendly comment such as
     “Enjoy your weekend”
Formatting matters
Formatting matters

  Go for a standard font and size
  Make emails easy to scan:
    o   Bullet points
    o   Numbered lists
    o   Short paragraphs
    o   Bold headings, subheads, keywords
Use simple English
Use simple English

  Keep it appropriate for your audience
  Use your real voice
  You’ll seem more appealing
   and approachable
Have a clear ‘Call to Action’…
What do you want them to do?
Have a clear ‘Call to Action’…

  Explain the benefits
  Expressed as an action
  Sprinkle CTAs generously in your email
  Boldface / increase font size
  Use images or ‘buttons’ (but use text too!)
“Local business halves tax bills in one year.
Read more”

“Local business halves tax bills in one year.
Learn how you too can save thousands of
pounds in unnecessary tax bills”
Have a clear ‘Call to Action’…

  Explain the benefits
  Expressed as an action
  Sprinkle CTAs generously in your email
  Boldface / increase font size
  Use images or ‘buttons’ (but use text too!)
Adding more CTAs, and using CTAs that are
 more clear and obvious, will make your
email marketing more effective in driving
Make it easy for your reader to understand
 not just where but why to click through,
  and what they can expect on the other
Always, always use a PS.
Always, always use a PS.

  The PS. is always read
  Add your ‘Call to action’, or
  Add short testimonial, or
  Recap benefits
Write a great subject line!
Write a great subject line!

  Keep it short and simple
  ‘Front load’ the benefits
  Use a thought-provoking question
  Invoke urgency
  Make it personal
Subject A: “Free business analyser
report that could save you
thousands of pounds”

Subject B: “Save thousands of
pounds with our free business
analyser report”
Write a great subject line!

  Keep it short and simple
  ‘Front load’ the benefits
  Use a thought-provoking question
  Invoke urgency
  Make it personal
Your subject line can make or break your
email campaign's success so make sure that
   you give it the time and attention it
Proof-read… and then again
“Spelling and grammatical mistakes can lose
millions of pounds of revenue for companies.
Typos, rogue apostrophes and simple spelling
errors make a website [or email] appear
untrustworthy and low quality, and can directly –
and detrimentally – affect traffic and sales”
– Charles Duncombe
Proof-read… and then again

  Spelling and grammar (don’t rely on spell
  Show it to someone else
  Send yourself a test (check formatting, links,
   etc.) Try checking on iPad, tablet, mobile.
Consistency is the key
Consistency is the key

  Keep the look and feel consistent
  Help maintain and strengthen your brand
  Create an email template, use it every time
“Free business consulting meeting if you act now!”
“Free business consulting meeting if you act now!”

“Free consulting meeting for your business – today
“Free business consulting meeting if you act now!”

“Free consulting meeting for your business – today

 “Act fast! Free business consulting meeting from
               Baldwin Accountants”

 Keep your content (and offers) fresh
 Helps keep your audience
Stay relevant – segment your
Stay relevant – segment your audience

   Sent targeted, relevant messages
   Use information you already know
   Develop specific offers for each target
   Don’t annoy your subscribers!
Avoid being a ‘spammer’
Avoid being a ‘spammer’

    90% of all emails sent in
      2010 were spam…
Avoid being a ‘spammer’

  Adhere to UK anti-spam laws:
   o   Always use a subject line
   o   Do not use deceptive subject lines
   o   Include option to unsubscribe
   o   Include your physical address
Avoid being a ‘spammer’

  Work on your subject line – do not:
    o Use ALL CAPS
    o Use lots of punctuation marks
    o Spell words incorrectly
    o Use ‘spammy’ words (i.e. free,
      subscribe, please read)
Test different variables
Test different variables

 Subject line
 ‘From’ field (your name or company name)
 Different offers
 Length of message
 Prices
 Different days / times
Test different variables

 Subject line
 ‘From’ field (your name or company name)
 Different offers
 Length of message
 Prices
 Different days / times

  Only ever test one variable at a time
Measure                          Measure
          Measure       Measure Measure


     Measure               Measure
              Measure                Measure
    Measure         Measure
             Measure                     Measure                                  Measure
                               Measure                    Measure
                         Measure Measure Measure Measure

                                 Measure                                                           Measure
          Measure Measure

 Measure MeasureMeasure
                                Measure           Measure
                                              Measure          Measure

                          Measure    Measure        Measure
           Measure             Measure                Measure             Measure

                        Measure Measure                                   Measure
  Measure                                       Measure
                 Measure                       Measure              Measure              Measure
            Measure         Measure                             Measure
             Measure          Measure     Measure
               Measure                  Measure

                                                     Measure                             Measure

                        Measure                 Measure                 Measure        Measure

 Open rate
 Click rate
 What links were clicked?
 Unsubscribe rate
 Email clicks to conversions

  Send great looking campaigns
  Segment your audience
  Really handy integrations
  A/B split testing
  Measures everything!

  Send great looking campaigns
  Segment your audience
  Really handy integrations
  A/B split testing
  Measures everything!

  Send great looking campaigns
  Segment your audience
  Really handy integrations
  A/B split testing
  Measures everything!


  Send great looking campaigns
  Segment your audience
  Really handy integrations
  A/B split testing
  Measures everything!

Having a tried and tested email
marketing strategy in place is an
absolute must if you want your
       practice to grow!
Your email marketing actions:

Action 77 – Determine your desired outcome
Action 78 – State benefits clearly and quickly!
Action 79 – Personalise your emails
Action 80 – Get your formatting right
Action 81 – Use appropriate language
Your email marketing actions:

Action 82 – Have a clear ‘Call to Action’
Action 83 – Always use a PS.
Action 84 – Write a great subject line!
Action 85 – Remember to always proof read
Action 86 – Be consistent with your ‘look’
Your email marketing actions:

Action 87 – Keep your content fresh
Action 88 – Stay relevant
Action 89 – Don’t be a ‘spammer’
Action 90 – Test different variables
Action 91 – Measure – every time – measure…
and then make changes accordingly!
Introduction to Social
Why do I need it?
 Successful social media marketing builds social

 More likely to trust information coming from
  ‘people like me’ – ie someone they trust.
Why do I need it?
 Over 90% of Social Media Users believe a
  company should have a presence in Social
 That doesn’t mean you should treat Social
  Media as another channel for
Monologue v Dialogue
 This is why Social Media is set to replace email
  as a major marketing channel.
 It’s about two-way communication.
 Do your newsletters allow for dialogue?

 Social Media is dialogue not monologue
   Established in 2006
   Micro-blogging site (140 characters per tweet)
   “An information network”
   Use to engage with others
 Fast-moving – don’t try to keep up
 Jump into conversations
 Follow interesting users
 Ideal for mobile use to react ‘on the go’
 Established in 2004
 Sharing site – friends, news, updates, photos
 Simplest way for a business to have a social
  media presence
 If they all ‘Like’ your company page, their
  friends will also see this on their News Feeds.
   Add info, wall postings, photos, team news
   Create and share events
   Share YouTube videos
   Link to your website and other useful links
 How many team members do you have?
 Average Facebook user has 130 friends
 How many of them fall into your target
Google +
 Established June 28, 2011
 Google’s answer to Facebook and Twitter
 10 million users in first month – 1bn pieces of
  information shared
 Google+ because it wants to be “an extension
  of Google itself”
Google +
Your actions and tips for
A long lasting engagement

 Growth through engagement.

 Development of relationships allows your
  audience to do your marketing for you!
Action 92 – You need a

Planning + Message + Opportunity =
You need a plan....

 Be prepared to invest time.

 Don’t abandon what you’ve started.
Action 93 – Go mobile
   Apps available on most smartphones
   Easy to install and update frequently
   Interact with people ‘on-the-go’
   Enables quick response
Action 94 – Add Social
Media links to your website
 Make it easy for people to find you
 Image links work best
 Put them on the homepage

Tip: add links to all your team members’ email footers
Action 95 – Keep updating
   Social Media moves quickly
   Don’t answer quickly and your competitor will
   Make sure your information is current
   Diarise time each week to post updates
   Allocate to several trusted team members

    Tip: consider implementing a social media policy
Action 96 – Social Media
“Be conscious when mixing your business and personal lives.
  Online, your personal and business personas are likely to
  intersect. The Company respects the free speech rights of
  all of its associates, but you must remember that
  customers, colleagues and supervisors often have access to
  the online content you post. Keep this in mind when
  publishing information online that can be seen by more
  than friends and family, and know that information
  originally intended just for friends and family can be
  forwarded on.”
Action 97 – Manage your
 Integration is the key
 Free Social Media tools to manage accounts
  – Tweetdeck
 Manage multiple accounts in one place
Action 98 – Track progress
 Measure key stats
  – e.g. Number of followers, tweets, mentions, ‘likes’
 Use analytics to find out
  – Number of leads generated through Social Media
  – Number of new clients won
 Update weekly and share with the team
  - Know what works best for you
Golden Rules of Engagement
 Have a go, be committed and be disciplined
 Treat online networking as you would offline
 Give a compelling reason to talk to you
 Be interesting
 Be active
 Be genuine
Pricing for
maximum profit
What the research
tells us
           180 firms
           National Tax Conference –
            June 2010
What the research
tells us
 Prices range from £50 to £450

 The median (average) price is £150

 The top quartile (25%) charge from £200+

 Geography is insignificant

 The top quartile charge at least 25% more than the
  average firm
What’s at stake
 Average fees per partner: £247,008

                   If you...

 Increase your average price by 20%

    Assuming no loss of clients, you get...
What’s at stake
 Average fees per partner: £247,008

                   If you...

 Increase your average price by 20%

    Assuming no loss of clients, you get...
What’s at stake

    £49,402 extra fees and extra profit

       Over 10 years that could be
            about £500,000
You must revisit pricing
  Indexed                                                                       Annual 3%
 to Jan. 04            Inflation vs. a 3% realised annual price increase         increase
   = 100

                                                                                Price Index

         2004   2005          2006         2007          2008         2009   2010
Client segmentation
         Develop product to meet their needs


                    B              P1

             Revenue           A
Client segmentation
                             Segment Customers

                       “Value”     “Standard”    “Premium”







                      Importance    Importance   Importance

                         A              B             C
Client journeys across
                                     Versioning Long Tail

     Perceived price


                                                            One way nature allows
                                                               client to upsell
                                                            themselves once they
                          Value             Basic
                                                                see benefit of
                       Equivalence                           subsequent version
                        Line (VEL)

                                       Perceived benefits
Product Portfolio
                                     Versioning: Apple
     Perceived price    Value-disadvantaged area

                                                                       Full size screen;
                                                                       touch features;
                                                                       support games

                                                                          No screen;
                                                                       limited capacity
                        Line (VEL)             Value-advantaged area

                                      Perceived benefits
Customer segmentation
in practice
The power of

 Differentiate

 Close more sales

 Higher prices

 Improve service
3 step process

 What promises do our clients really want to hear?


 What specific promises can you make?


 What systems will you need?
15 ready-to-use
Practical Pricing for Accountants
  The practical guide to making a significant
    difference to your bottom line profits.
Effective Pricing for Accountants

 Hours of video-based lessons

 Hours of video-based success stories

 Audio programmes

 Workbook

 Systems resources... standard letters, price

  lists, scripts, checklists and forms
The 12 modules

1. Strategic pricing

2. How to price effectively

3. Adding massive value to your clients

4. Explaining the value brilliantly well

5. The power of guarantees

6. Linking your price to the value
The 12 modules

7. Different clients will pay different prices

8. The power of menu pricing

9. Dealing with price objections brilliantly

10. Getting paid much, much quicker

11. Building your value-based practice

12. Bonus module
Your investment...
Your investment in module 1 is only...

                      £295 + VAT

(If you are an AVN member it is just £145 + VAT)
Module 1 – Strategic pricing

   How you can benchmark your performance

   How to put your prices up

   A great letter for launching fixed prices

   How to avoid the loser trap

   16 ready-to-use USPs

   Creating your strategy

   What to do if clients choose you on price

   What to do about cheaper competitors
Module 1 – Strategic pricing

   8 key lessons that will transform your results

   How to create your ideal client profile

   A process for grading clients

   More letters

   5 great ideas for demonstrating value

   How you can increase your price by 20%

   Case studies and success stories... learning from what other
    accountants – like you – have achieved
Your key actions
 99 – Benchmark your fee levels
 100 – Calculate the amount of money at stake
 101 – If the amount is big enough to make a
     difference, invest in learning how to price
 102 – Increase your prices NOW by at least 3%
 103 – Segment your clients by creating bundles
 104 – Guarantee what you do
Wrapping up
Day 2 agenda
9.00    How to convert more leads into clients
11.00   How to use video as part of your marketing strategy
11.45   Advanced use of social media
12.30   LUNCH
1.20    How to demonstrate that you are an expert
1.50    The things you must build into your website to make it work for you
3.25    An automated lead generation system
3.50    Building your complete online marketing strategy
4.30    All the systems you need to build a preponderance of proof
5.30    End of day two
4P Marketing seminar - Day 1

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4P Marketing seminar - Day 1

  • 1. AVN 4P Marketing Eastwood Hall, Nottingham 28th & 29th November 2011 Day 1
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. According to Michael Gerber... Lead Lead Fulfilment Generation Conversion
  • 8. 6 key growth drivers  Get more sales leads Marketing  Convert more sales leads Sales  Change your prices Marketing  Get customers to buy more Marketing  Get customers to buy more often Marketing  Get better at retaining customers Service
  • 9. YOUR PRACTICE 10% improvement Number of clients at start 250 Defection rate 10% Sales leads 50 Conversion 50% No of customers 250 Average price £250 Average amount bought 2 Frequency 2 Total sales £250,000 Direct costs (10%) £25,000 Fixed costs £150,000 TOTAL PROFIT £75,000
  • 10. YOUR PRACTICE 10% improvement Number of clients at start 250 Defection rate 10% 9% Sales leads 50 55 Conversion 50% 55% No of customers 250 258 Average price £250 Average amount bought 2 Frequency 2 Total sales £250,000 Direct costs (10%) £25,000 Fixed costs £150,000 TOTAL PROFIT £75,000
  • 11. YOUR PRACTICE 10% improvement Number of clients at start 250 Defection rate 10% 9% Sales leads 50 55 Conversion 50% 55% 27.37% No of customers 250 258 Average price improvement £250 in £255 Average amount bought sales 2 2.2 Frequency 2 2.2 Total sales £250,000 £318,424 Direct costs (10%) £25,000 Fixed costs £150,000 TOTAL PROFIT £75,000
  • 12. YOUR PRACTICE 10% improvement Number of clients at start 250 Defection rate 10% 9% Sales leads 50 55 Conversion 50% 55% 82.11% No of customers 250 258 Average price improvement £250 in £255 Average amount bought profit 2 2.2 Frequency 2 2.2 Total sales £250,000 £318,424 Direct costs (10%) £25,000 £31,842 Fixed costs £150,000 £150,000 TOTAL PROFIT £75,000 £136,582
  • 13. “Imperfect action always beats perfect conceptualisation” Alan Weiss
  • 14.
  • 15. 5 great speakers – Mark Wickersham FCA – Steve Pipe FCA – Sue Davenport ACIM, ACMA – Luke Jackson BA (Hons), MBA, ACIM – Steven Baldwin
  • 16. Agenda 09:30 Introduction 3:05 Break 10:00 Strategic marketing 3:25 Writing effective copy 11:00 Break 3:45 Email campaigns 11:20 Strategic marketing 4:20 Social media introduction 11:50 Lead generation/referrals 4:40 Break 12:50 Lunch 5:00 Effective pricing 1:40 Cross serving 5:50 Closing comments 2:40 Effective communication 6:00 Finish
  • 17. It all begins with Strategic Marketing
  • 18. Hope is not a strategy!
  • 19. X- Strategic marketing Who – audience What – message X Mindset – help not sell  XXgeneration Lead Lead conversion Cross serving “How” systems “How” systems “How” systems Compelling reason to Compelling reason to Help more... invest time meeting invest money working so they buy more you with you Not on On your At Beyond your list list meeting meeting
  • 20. Content in one area will help in other areas too
  • 21. Action 1 Decide the type of clients you really want  It is a “decision”
  • 22. Action 2 Identify what those clients really want  From their businesses  In their bank accounts and lives  For their families
  • 23. Which is more attractive? Accountancy, or…
  • 24. Which is more attractive? Accountancy, or…
  • 25. Useful tool “Pen pictures”  Dave, 40, married, two kids 8 and 10, £100k mortgage  Set up service business 10 years ago  Turns over c £1m, employs 6 people  Grew by word of mouth – but growth now stalled  Business cashflow is tight  Can’t pay himself as much as he wants  Works 50+ hours a week
  • 26. Examples Business Personal  More sales  More take home pay  More profits  More cash  More wealth  Better cashflow  Worry free retirement  Fewer problems  Debt free - mortgage paid off  Less stress  Smart car  Less risk  Big house  Lower tax bills  Education & house deposit for kids  More saleable business  Holiday home abroad  More valuable business  Better work-life balance  More investment income  More security
  • 27. X- Valued Not as valued Proactive Reactive XFast Slow  Known fees XX Surprise fees Work with clients Work on clients Personal contact Letters Recommendations Justifications Prevent problems Respond to problems Be candid Hold back Plain English Jargon
  • 28. Action 3 Identify what you can do for them  Features – advanced tax planning  Benefits – lower tax bills  Ultimate benefits – Exercise
  • 29. Exercise Ultimate benefits  Tax planning  Business advisory  Corporate finance  Wealth management  Accounts
  • 30. Your “sweet spot” What What they you can want deliver
  • 31. The “last writes” The key is to cover all 6… W wealth increased R risk reduced I income increased T time saved E expenditure reduced S stress reduced Source: Andy Bounds
  • 32. Action 4 Change your strategy if your sweet spot doesn’t cover the 6 “last writes”  Change the type of clients you want and /or  Change your services to meet their needs
  • 33. Action 5 Summarise your sweet spot  It is your compelling attractiveness  So it should be your core marketing message – In writing – For use verbally – Using their type of language – Covering all 6 of the last writes
  • 34. Useful tool 1. You know how most people have a problem with accountants because… they aren’t very proactive, spend most of their time measuring the past and charge for every minute 2. Which means that… they aren’t sure their accountant is adding enough value 3. Well, what we do is… a diagnostic review and report with your accounts every year showing new ways to add thousands to your bank account, and give you a fixed price for every piece of work
  • 35. 4. Which means that... ... you can be certain that you will never receive a surprise bill, and will never miss out on any opportunities to earn more money, keep more of it, and become more financially secure. And by helping you become wealthier you also get more control over your life, with less stress and the option to work fewer hours if you want.
  • 36. “The worst time to think of the best thing to say is as the words are coming out of your mouth” Rob Brown
  • 37. Action 6 Script and practice your key conversations  What do you do?  Why should I choose you?  That’s expensive  Objections  Asking for referrals
  • 38. The right mindset 1. Sales and marketing are not magic… …they are a process 2. “HELP” not “sell”
  • 39. Action 7 Gather the proof you have already  Testimonials – we will look at these tomorrow  Case studies  Success stories  Videos
  • 40. Action 8 Decide if your proof is good enough  Quantity - enough?  Quality - of message?  Credibility – of author?  Format – all types?  Up to date  Range - does it cover all six “last writes”? And all services / benefits?
  • 41. Action 9 Get everyone reporting on potential case studies and success stories  Create a game they want to play  League table? Prizes?  Write them up
  • 42. Action 10 Enter business awards  Brilliant proof  Useful resource: How to win business awards
  • 43. Action 11 Use your proof everywhere  Website  Proposals  Brochure  Reception table & meeting room walls  Briefcase  Hard drive
  • 44. Three types of audience 1. Don’t know you 2. Know you 3. Permission to proactively contact them
  • 45. Three types of prospects 1. Ideal – Frequent manual nurturing 2. Good - Automated or less frequent manual nurturing 3. Not sure - Automated nurturing 4. Bad – Take them off your list!
  • 46. The best list  Not too small… it’s a numbers game  Made up of… – People you’ve met – People referred to you – People who have contacted you – People who have given you permission – People you want to work with
  • 47. Action 12 Clean your current prospect list  Add all those from previous slide  Categorise - “Ideal”, “Good”, “Not sure” and “Bad”  Delete all “Bad”  Mark those who have given permission  Use a good database/CRM system Now you can start adding to it…
  • 48. Weak list building ideas Avoid unless absolutely necessary  Buying lists  Renting lists  Compiling lists (and never “steal”)
  • 49.
  • 50. Action 13 Use referral systems to build your list  Covered in detail on the one day course  See the video of that session
  • 51. Action 14 Actively create referrals for banks  “How to get your bank to say yes” – Report, seminar or surgery  “How happy are you with your bank?” – Add to agendas, using a scale of 1-10  “Do you need a business loan?” service
  • 52. Action 15 Prepare a high impact presentation for banks  Show it to as many as possible  Short & attention grabbing  Create a game they want to play – Benefits to them of giving you referrals – And benefits to their customers  Video… Here
  • 53. Another idea  AVN members should show the NatWest letter to all banks Here
  • 54. Action 16 Actively create referrals for prospects  Ask clients “How happy are you with… ?” – Solicitor, IFA, printer, insurance broker etc – Scale of 1-10 – “What do you really want from them?”  Make referral to alternative suppliers – Ask for a meeting in return
  • 55. Nurturing  3109% effect – 73% say “no” 5 times before saying “yes” – 92% of buyers have given up by 5th “no”  Every “no” is one step closer to a “yes”  System to get beyond 5th “no” painlessly
  • 56. Action 17 Implement a manual nurturing system  Frequently for ideal prospects  Less frequently for good prospects  Get entire team involved – What useful info can you send to them? – Who can you introduce them to? – What events can you invite them to – What can you do for them without charge?
  • 57. Action 18 Create an electronic newsletter based automated nurturing system  People you don’t have time to nurture manually  Valuable content – short and punchy  Not sales puffery  Monthly  Don’t call it “Newsletter”
  • 58. Action 19 Use “Auto responder” nurturing systems  “Set and forget”  Pre-written logical sequence of messages  Sequence triggered when – You meet them – They give you their details – in person, or via a web page – They subscribe to your newsletter – They become a client
  • 59. Action 20 Set up a nurturing system for referral sources  It’s not just for prospects
  • 60. We will cover lots of other specific nurturing ideas in the lead generation sessions
  • 61. Action 21 Set up a marketing management system  Weekly operational meeting – Plan – with clear priorities – Implement – with time blocked out in diary – Review – using the right measurements  Monthly report to board
  • 62. X- Strategic marketing Who – audience What – message X Mindset – help not sell  XXgeneration Lead Lead conversion Cross serving “How” systems “How” systems “How” systems Compelling reason to Compelling reason to Help more... invest time meeting invest money working so they buy more you with you Not on On your At Beyond your list list meeting meeting
  • 64. Action 22 Calculate how much a typical lead is worth Step 1 – Calculate value of typical client  GRF multiple or lifetime profit basis  Example = £2000 Step 2 – Measure how many leads you need to get one client  Example = 5 leads to get one client – ie 20% conversion rate Step 3 – Divide Step 1 by Step 2  Example = £2000 divided by 5 = £400 value of a typical lead
  • 65.
  • 66. Action 23 Draw up a list of compelling offers  Can afford time/£ up to the value of a lead  Low or no cost to prospect  Based on what they really want  Aim is to get a meeting  Examples…
  • 67. Compelling offer examples  Book + meeting  Diagnostic review + meeting  Benchmarking report + meeting  Videos + meeting  Seminar + meeting  SSTW + meeting  1 million calculations + meeting (Using RTP software)  Tax clinic  Advanced tax planning opportunity
  • 69. Action 24 Create plan to phone prospects with compelling offers  Get your team involved  Identify the most impressive offer  Plan the call in advance  Practice on a few “Good” prospects  Prioritise “Ideal” prospects  Record on database  Repeat every few months /when topical Example…
  • 70. Examples  If you have a recommendation already: – I think I may have a tax planning idea that could get you an extra £40,000 of cash to spend in any way you want. Would you like some details?  And if you don’t: – Is it OK if I carry out a diagnostic review to see how much extra cash it is possible to put in your personal and business bank account - it won’t cost you anything or take up any of your time?
  • 71. Prospect 1 Prospect 2 Prospect 3 etc Offer 1 Offer 2 Offer 3 etc
  • 72. Action 25 Send out survey mailshots  Our most effective marketing in 2010  Very short survey  Questions that give you clues  Rewards for participation  Example Here
  • 73. Action 26 Invite them to be in “your new book”  Their top tips  Digitally published  Hand delivered at a meeting
  • 74. Action 27 Write a real book  Or get someone to write it for you
  • 75.
  • 76. Action 28 Launch a regional business award  “Hertfordshire’s most dynamic business”  Simple website  “Heard good things/like to nominate you” letters  Application form gives you info you need  You as sponsor and administrator (not judge)  “Great and the good” as judges  Trophy and PR for winner – no other prizes  Follow up afterwards
  • 77. Action 29 Consider using telemarketing  Who can recommend a supplier?  What should firms expect?  Top tips?
  • 78. Action 30 Run tax surgeries at employer’s premises  Clients first – others later  Useful resource Here  Variation: Tax surgery at the pub!
  • 79. Action 31 Send a report benchmarking their website  For marketing effectiveness  Comparing to nearest rival  ….
  • 80.
  • 81.
  • 82. Action 32 Launch a “100 Club”  We’ll give 100 businesses  A 100 minute meeting  To create a plan to get them an extra £100k  Free to join – by application only
  • 83. Action 33 Write and leverage valuable content  Articles  Blog post  Pages on your website – and other people’s  LinkedIn downloads  Downloadable “Special reports”
  • 84. Useful resources Ready to use AVN content from  Insider reports  49 short insights in AR113  Benchmarking software  AVN press releases
  • 85. Action 34 Create a seminar programme  Full year plan  Repeating the very best every year  Speaker = External recommended  Offer = Free and priced options  Content = get more cash & other jugular issues…
  • 86. Seminar ideas  How to get an extra £2m  Advanced tax planning  Over 50 BBFs  The best BBFs…
  • 87.
  • 88. The best BBFs  How to find the time to do the really important things  How to make it in business without losing it in life  Sensational service  Pricing for profit  How to interpret the numbers in your accounts  What to do when your competitors are cheaper than you  How to get paid on time, in full, every time  Taking your business from Good to Great  How to make work fun… with a serious intent
  • 89. Action 35 Develop a seminar follow up system  Plan it from day 1  Who?  What? – Your compelling offer  How? - Time blocked out
  • 90. Proof Brian Bell Meyer – South Wales Here Calcutt Matthews – Kent Here
  • 91. Action 36 Offer to be a speaker at other events  Use your best content  Identify events – Chambers, banks, clubs, associations, trade bodies  Offer freebies in exchange for business cards
  • 92. Action 37 Form strategic alliance with a prestige car dealer  Help them sell more cars  Seminars in their showroom  Surgeries  “Get your next BMW for free” Joint mailing  Resource: AR177
  • 93.
  • 94. Action 38 Send them a link to a video  AVN members video – Full version with PMI – Shorter version without PMI - Here
  • 95. Action 39 Develop your permission systems  For use verbally and in writing  For each key situation – met, referred etc  Two parts: – Something of value – eg freebie or compelling offer – Permission request Examples…
  • 96. Examples  Here’s the report I promised – is it OK if I send you other really useful stuff I come across?  Dave Smith recommended me to you. So in preparation for contacting you I have benchmarked your business. Would you like me to send you my findings? And is it OK if I look out for other things that could put a lot of extra money in your bank account?
  • 97. Action 40 Develop a networking plan  Decide who should be networking  Research best places to network (Straw poll)  Allocate time to do it  Be trained in effective networking…
  • 98.
  • 99. Action 41 Put something really compelling on the back of your business card  Example…
  • 100. £150,000  When your business or anyone in your family wants this sort of extra money over and above what your accountant is already helping you to get, let’s talk. In the meantime please keep this card as a reminder
  • 101. Best bit so far...
  • 102.
  • 104. X- Strategic marketing Who – audience What – message X Mindset – help not sell  XXgeneration Lead Lead conversion Cross serving “How” systems “How” systems “How” systems Compelling reason to Compelling reason to Help more... invest time meeting invest money working so they buy more you with you Not on On your At Beyond your list list meeting meeting
  • 105. It all about technique Which is best...  Do you want to buy some extra stuff from us?  I’ve had an idea that may help to put an extra £20,000 a year in your bank account?
  • 106. The key Make them aware of how you can help by being their trusted adviser and without being pushy
  • 107. Action 42 Produce a master list of high impact preliminary recommendations
  • 108. Action 43 Systematically make proactive preliminary recommendations to clients for free  When? – Every year with accounts as a minimum – Include in all conversations & meetings  How…
  • 109. How?  Build it into existing workload and meetings  Systemise and delegate – Accounts completion programme – Yes/no questions – Use technology – And always…
  • 110. Action 44 Quantify the value of everything  Extrapolate and chunk down  “That’s the equivalent of a red Ferrari, paid for by the taxman, isn’t it?”  “What would you do with that kind of extra money, and how would it make you feel?”
  • 111.
  • 112.
  • 113.
  • 114.
  • 115. Action 45 Use action plan selling to turn proactivity into fees and profits Example…
  • 116.
  • 117. Useful resource OnTrack software
  • 118. Top tips  Don’t post the KIP report  Use the action plan as main tool
  • 119. Action 46 Give them a list of everything they need to talk to you about  Much better than a list of services  Useful resource: KIP report Here
  • 120. Action 47 Give them a tick box list for “The 10 decisions every client must make”  Are you happy for care fees and tax to take the inheritance you should receive?  Are you happy for care fees and tax to take the inheritance your loved ones should receive?  Do you want it to be easier for your family if you become ill?  Do you want to pay the legal minimum of tax?  Etc
  • 121. Action 48 Do a one-to-one client satisfaction survey  Unhappy clients – Sort the problem – Compelling offer – eg diagnostic review  Happy clients – Testimonials – Referrals – Cross selling – “did you know… ?”
  • 122. Action 49 Put cross-serving message in your email footers  Automatic  Change them regularly  Examples
  • 123.
  • 124. Action 50 Run a powerpoint slideshow in reception  “Did you know...?” questions  “Ask us about” statements  “If anything were possible...” questions (see later)
  • 125. Action 51 Give them a short survey in reception  Max 3 questions – max 60 seconds  Receptionist asks them to fill it in  Receptionist gives it to partner at handover  Questions change over time…
  • 126. Survey questions Business  If you had a magic wand… Personal  What would you do with a windfall £100k? Research with a PR benefit  Business confidence barometer
  • 127. Action 52 Put framed questions on wall of meeting rooms  Examples…
  • 128. If anything were possible How quickly would you want to pay off your mortgage?
  • 129. If anything were possible How much extra would you like to take home every year?
  • 130. If anything were possible Would an extra £20,000 a year be enough to make you happy? Or would you prefer more?
  • 131. If you received it as windfall What would you do with an extra £100,000 in your bank account? And how would it make you feel?
  • 132. If anything were possible How many hours a week would you like to work?
  • 133. If anything were possible How much money would you like to leave to the next generation?
  • 134. Are you happy for care fees and the tax system to steal your inheritance?
  • 135. Also put on walls  Press cuttings  Case studies  Testimonials  Inspirational quotes...
  • 136.
  • 137. Action 53 Invite them to a tax clinic  With specialist  No charge – to you or clients  Extremely successful Here
  • 138. Action 54 Use 0-100 scales  On a scale of 0-100, what % of the tax the taxman would like to take from you are you happy to pay? O% 10O% Advanced Bespoke Standard None
  • 139. Other uses On a scale of 0-100, how happy are you with  Your profits  Your personal income  Your wealth  Your retirement plan  Your work life balance
  • 140. Action 55 Use “Client Engagement Clarifications”  Message 1 - Currently our engagement does not specifically cover XX. For clarity do you want to extend it to cover XX. Benefits are XX. Costs are XX. Please sign this yes or no.  Message 2 - We will assume “no” after 30 days  Message 3 - We have assumed “no”. Please advise if you change your mind.
  • 141. 2007 IHT Pilot  2570 clients contacted by 12 firms  148 IHT Healthchecks bought  £61,722 total fees  5.5% of clients bought  At £250 each 7.2% of clients bought  At £750 each 3.9% said yes  In between 4.8% said yes
  • 142. Lessons learned  £750 is the most profitable price  Greed motivates better than altruism  You sell more face-to-face  You sell more if you follow up
  • 143. Action 56 Help clients produce a personal balance sheet  Home – Mortgage, SDLT planning  Other property - CGT planning  Business – Valuation, exit planning, corporate finance  Inheritances – IHT and tax planning for parents  Assets – Insurance, protection, financial services  Borrowings – Raising finance  Net worth – Wealth management, IHT & tax planning
  • 144. Action 57 Put a Master WOO chart on your server
  • 145. Master WOO chart Clients Prospects Referrers Relationship manager Services Proactive recommendations Initiatives Compelling offers Other
  • 147. You only need to know 26 things
  • 148.
  • 149.
  • 150.
  • 151. Action 58 10 second intro - a powerful first impression  I’m Dave and I help business owners and other successful people get an extra £2m in their bank account. What about you?
  • 152. Action 59 Magic wand - Helps get to the perfect outcome  If this were a magic wand…  Very powerful in – Sales – to identify their perfect solution – Creativity – to uncover extra ideas
  • 153. Action 60 Appeal to fairness  We both want to be fair, don’t we?  Make your suggestion  Does that seem as fair to you as it does to me?
  • 154. Action 61 Enough of a difference?  Quantify and extrapolate the outcome, then ask…  Is that enough of a difference to make it worth your while?
  • 155. Action 62 Tell me, how does that compare?
  • 156. Action 63 I can do that by…  Replace… “I can’t do that until Friday”  With… “I can do that by Friday”
  • 157. Action 64 Return the favour  When someone says “Thanks”  Change “It was nothing” into  “I’m so pleased I was able to help you. Can I ask you to return the favour and give me a little bit of help?” (perhaps a referral)
  • 158. Action 65 Use “Yes tags” to encourage others say yes  They really work, don’t they?  So you’ll use them, won’t you?  But its best to use them in moderation, isn’t it?
  • 159. Action 66 Embedded commands  Taking action leads to results and value  Take action and you will get results and see the value
  • 160. Action 67 Phonological ambiguity  Like me  By now  Like me, by now, you know it makes sense
  • 161. Action 68 Do’s and don’t - Helps others to do as you ask  Replace “Don’t” with “Do”  Replace “Don’t forget” with “Remember”
  • 162. Summary Remember like me, by now, you know this stuff makes sense, don’t you?
  • 163. Action 69 Humour clears the air when you’ve made a mistake  Sometimes I wonder if my mother dropped me on my head as a baby!  Someone must have swapped stupid pills for my vitamins this morning
  • 164. A few extra thoughts on advanced tax planning…
  • 165. Guiding principles  Don’t prejudge who will be interested  Don’t make conscience decisions for them  Don’t tell the favoured few  Systematically tell all who technically qualify
  • 166. Guiding principles  Don’t wait to be asked  Don’t expect them to know what is possible  Don’t be silent if you can’t find any savings  Be genuinely proactive
  • 167. Guiding principles  Don’t try to hide payaways  Don’t pretend they are something else  Get your engagement letters right
  • 168. Guiding principles  Don’t wait until you understand every detail  Knowing enough is enough
  • 169. Guiding principles  Don’t be the only person talking tax  Get everyone talking to everyone
  • 170. Guiding principles  Don’t see it as a one year only exercise  Do it every year - it gets easier and better! Example  Repeat EBTs are easier and more profitable  Some clients are now on their third!
  • 171. Guiding principles  Don’t be motivated by your profit  Only ever by getting the best result for clients
  • 172. Guiding principles  Don’t see it as a short term strategy  Don’t confuse “not yet” with “not ever”  It can take a long time to warm clients up
  • 173.
  • 175. Kurt Cobain, Nirvana 1967 - 1994
  • 176. A picture paints a thousand words… …but we still rely on the Emails written word to get our Website messages across Letters Brochures Tweets Online profiles
  • 177. Action 70 - AIDA Remember this mnemonic:  Attention  Interest  Desire  Action
  • 178. Action 71 - Headline Experts say headline strength = 40-50% of marketing success Use ‘power words’ Achieve Accomplish Crucial Know-how Mind-blowing Need Professional Secrets Authentic Clear-cut Absolutely Instantly
  • 179. Action 72 - Generate interest Strong opening paragraph  Ask a question  Share a secret  Solve a problem  Save them time and/or money
  • 180. Set the tone Write as you speak  Conversational  Friendly  Relaxed
  • 181. Action 73 – Break it up Use proven techniques for easier reading  Sub-headings  Bulleted lists  Highlighted keywords  Short paragraphs  Clear, concise language “Scannability”
  • 182. Action 74 – Be Irresistible Create desire in the reader  What’s in it for me?  Benefits, not features  Use the scarcity factor  Quote satisfied clients  Provide proof
  • 183. Action 75 – Your CTA Start with the end in mind – ‘Call To Action’  What do you want the reader to do?  Provide them with the means to do it  Make it obvious and create urgency  Use it more than once  Don’t confuse – only one CTA
  • 184. Action 76 – Proof read …and proof read again!  Spelling, grammar and punctuation  Check for cliches  Get a second opinion
  • 185. Final writing tips  KISS   Test different styles  Be consistent
  • 187. How to create email campaigns that work …and how a monkey can help you improve your email marketing!
  • 188. Good stuff Bad stuff
  • 189. Good stuff Bad stuff Low cost High ROI Easy to track and measure Instant Highly personalised and targeted
  • 190. Good stuff Bad stuff Low cost Deliverability issues High ROI Email response decay Easy to track and measure Instant Highly personalised and targeted
  • 191. Create email campaigns that really work
  • 193. Determine your desired outcome Before you start writing, think:  What message do you want to get across  What is your objective  What do you want your audience to do
  • 194. State benefits clearly… and quickly!
  • 195. State benefits clearly… and quickly!  Why should they read your email?  How will they benefit?  Skip long introductions, backgrounds and company history  Think benefits – not features!
  • 196. Be personal and personable
  • 197. Be personal and personable  Address your recipients by name  Personalise subject line  Sign the email with your name  And a friendly comment such as “Enjoy your weekend”
  • 199. Formatting matters  Go for a standard font and size  Make emails easy to scan: o Bullet points o Numbered lists o Short paragraphs o Bold headings, subheads, keywords o DON’T SHOUT AT THEM!
  • 201. Use simple English  Keep it appropriate for your audience  Use your real voice  You’ll seem more appealing and approachable
  • 202. Have a clear ‘Call to Action’…
  • 203. What do you want them to do?
  • 204. Have a clear ‘Call to Action’…  Explain the benefits  Expressed as an action  Sprinkle CTAs generously in your email  Boldface / increase font size  Use images or ‘buttons’ (but use text too!)
  • 205. “Local business halves tax bills in one year. Read more” “Local business halves tax bills in one year. Learn how you too can save thousands of pounds in unnecessary tax bills”
  • 206. Have a clear ‘Call to Action’…  Explain the benefits  Expressed as an action  Sprinkle CTAs generously in your email  Boldface / increase font size  Use images or ‘buttons’ (but use text too!)
  • 207. Adding more CTAs, and using CTAs that are more clear and obvious, will make your email marketing more effective in driving conversions.
  • 208. Make it easy for your reader to understand not just where but why to click through, and what they can expect on the other side.
  • 210. Always, always use a PS.  The PS. is always read  Add your ‘Call to action’, or  Add short testimonial, or  Recap benefits
  • 211. Write a great subject line!
  • 212. Write a great subject line!  Keep it short and simple  ‘Front load’ the benefits  Use a thought-provoking question  Invoke urgency  Make it personal
  • 213. Subject A: “Free business analyser report that could save you thousands of pounds” Subject B: “Save thousands of pounds with our free business analyser report”
  • 214. Write a great subject line!  Keep it short and simple  ‘Front load’ the benefits  Use a thought-provoking question  Invoke urgency  Make it personal
  • 215. Your subject line can make or break your email campaign's success so make sure that you give it the time and attention it deserves.
  • 217. “Spelling and grammatical mistakes can lose millions of pounds of revenue for companies. Typos, rogue apostrophes and simple spelling errors make a website [or email] appear untrustworthy and low quality, and can directly – and detrimentally – affect traffic and sales” – Charles Duncombe
  • 218.
  • 219.
  • 220. Proof-read… and then again  Spelling and grammar (don’t rely on spell checker)  Show it to someone else  Send yourself a test (check formatting, links, etc.) Try checking on iPad, tablet, mobile.
  • 222. Consistency is the key  Keep the look and feel consistent  Help maintain and strengthen your brand  Create an email template, use it every time
  • 224. “Free business consulting meeting if you act now!”
  • 225. “Free business consulting meeting if you act now!” “Free consulting meeting for your business – today only!”
  • 226. “Free business consulting meeting if you act now!” “Free consulting meeting for your business – today only!” “Act fast! Free business consulting meeting from Baldwin Accountants”
  • 227. Variety  Keep your content (and offers) fresh  Helps keep your audience engaged
  • 228. Stay relevant – segment your audience
  • 229. Stay relevant – segment your audience  Sent targeted, relevant messages  Use information you already know  Develop specific offers for each target audience  Don’t annoy your subscribers!
  • 230. Avoid being a ‘spammer’
  • 231. Avoid being a ‘spammer’ 90% of all emails sent in 2010 were spam…
  • 232. Avoid being a ‘spammer’  Adhere to UK anti-spam laws: o Always use a subject line o Do not use deceptive subject lines o Include option to unsubscribe o Include your physical address
  • 233. Avoid being a ‘spammer’  Work on your subject line – do not: o Use ALL CAPS o Use lots of punctuation marks o Spell words incorrectly o Use ‘spammy’ words (i.e. free, subscribe, please read)
  • 235. Test different variables  Subject line  ‘From’ field (your name or company name)  Different offers  Length of message  Prices  Different days / times
  • 236. Test different variables  Subject line  ‘From’ field (your name or company name)  Different offers  Length of message  Prices  Different days / times Only ever test one variable at a time
  • 239. Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure
  • 240. Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure MeasureMeasure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure
  • 241. Measure  Open rate  Click rate  What links were clicked?  Unsubscribe rate  Email clicks to conversions
  • 242.
  • 244. MailChimp  Send great looking campaigns  Segment your audience  Really handy integrations  A/B split testing  Measures everything!
  • 246. MailChimp  Send great looking campaigns  Segment your audience  Really handy integrations  A/B split testing  Measures everything!
  • 247. MailChimp  Send great looking campaigns  Segment your audience  Really handy integrations  A/B split testing  Measures everything! Free!
  • 248. MailChimp  Send great looking campaigns  Segment your audience  Really handy integrations  A/B split testing  Measures everything! Free!
  • 249. Having a tried and tested email marketing strategy in place is an absolute must if you want your practice to grow!
  • 250. Your email marketing actions: Action 77 – Determine your desired outcome Action 78 – State benefits clearly and quickly! Action 79 – Personalise your emails Action 80 – Get your formatting right Action 81 – Use appropriate language
  • 251. Your email marketing actions: Action 82 – Have a clear ‘Call to Action’ Action 83 – Always use a PS. Action 84 – Write a great subject line! Action 85 – Remember to always proof read Action 86 – Be consistent with your ‘look’
  • 252. Your email marketing actions: Action 87 – Keep your content fresh Action 88 – Stay relevant Action 89 – Don’t be a ‘spammer’ Action 90 – Test different variables Action 91 – Measure – every time – measure… and then make changes accordingly!
  • 254.
  • 255. Why do I need it?  Successful social media marketing builds social proof.  More likely to trust information coming from ‘people like me’ – ie someone they trust.
  • 256. Why do I need it?  Over 90% of Social Media Users believe a company should have a presence in Social Media.  That doesn’t mean you should treat Social Media as another channel for broadcasting......
  • 257. Monologue v Dialogue  This is why Social Media is set to replace email as a major marketing channel.  It’s about two-way communication.  Do your newsletters allow for dialogue?  Social Media is dialogue not monologue
  • 258.
  • 259. Established in 2006  Micro-blogging site (140 characters per tweet)  “An information network”  Use to engage with others
  • 260.  Fast-moving – don’t try to keep up  Jump into conversations  Follow interesting users – –  Ideal for mobile use to react ‘on the go’
  • 261.
  • 262.  Established in 2004  Sharing site – friends, news, updates, photos  Simplest way for a business to have a social media presence  If they all ‘Like’ your company page, their friends will also see this on their News Feeds.
  • 263. Add info, wall postings, photos, team news  Create and share events  Share YouTube videos  Link to your website and other useful links
  • 264.  How many team members do you have?  Average Facebook user has 130 friends  How many of them fall into your target audience?
  • 265.
  • 266.
  • 267. Google +  Established June 28, 2011  Google’s answer to Facebook and Twitter  10 million users in first month – 1bn pieces of information shared  Google+ because it wants to be “an extension of Google itself”
  • 269. Your actions and tips for success
  • 270. A long lasting engagement  Growth through engagement.  Development of relationships allows your audience to do your marketing for you!
  • 271. Action 92 – You need a plan... Planning + Message + Opportunity = Success
  • 272. You need a plan....  Be prepared to invest time.  Don’t abandon what you’ve started.
  • 273. Action 93 – Go mobile  Apps available on most smartphones  Easy to install and update frequently  Interact with people ‘on-the-go’  Enables quick response
  • 274. Action 94 – Add Social Media links to your website  Make it easy for people to find you  Image links work best  Put them on the homepage Tip: add links to all your team members’ email footers too!
  • 275. Action 95 – Keep updating  Social Media moves quickly  Don’t answer quickly and your competitor will  Make sure your information is current  Diarise time each week to post updates  Allocate to several trusted team members Tip: consider implementing a social media policy
  • 276. Action 96 – Social Media Policy “Be conscious when mixing your business and personal lives. Online, your personal and business personas are likely to intersect. The Company respects the free speech rights of all of its associates, but you must remember that customers, colleagues and supervisors often have access to the online content you post. Keep this in mind when publishing information online that can be seen by more than friends and family, and know that information originally intended just for friends and family can be forwarded on.”
  • 277. Action 97 – Manage your accounts  Integration is the key  Free Social Media tools to manage accounts – Tweetdeck  Manage multiple accounts in one place
  • 278. Action 98 – Track progress  Measure key stats – e.g. Number of followers, tweets, mentions, ‘likes’  Use analytics to find out – Number of leads generated through Social Media – Number of new clients won  Update weekly and share with the team - Know what works best for you
  • 279. Golden Rules of Engagement  Have a go, be committed and be disciplined  Treat online networking as you would offline networking  Give a compelling reason to talk to you  Be interesting  Be active  Be genuine
  • 280.
  • 282. What the research tells us  180 firms  National Tax Conference – June 2010
  • 283.
  • 284. What the research tells us  Prices range from £50 to £450  The median (average) price is £150  The top quartile (25%) charge from £200+  Geography is insignificant  The top quartile charge at least 25% more than the average firm
  • 285. What’s at stake Average fees per partner: £247,008 If you... Increase your average price by 20% Assuming no loss of clients, you get...
  • 286. What’s at stake Average fees per partner: £247,008 If you... Increase your average price by 20% Assuming no loss of clients, you get...
  • 287. What’s at stake £49,402 extra fees and extra profit Over 10 years that could be about £500,000
  • 288.
  • 289. You must revisit pricing regularly Indexed Annual 3% price to Jan. 04 Inflation vs. a 3% realised annual price increase increase = 100 Price Index (CPI) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
  • 290. Client segmentation Develop product to meet their needs Price Capture Premium P3 C P2 Drive Share B P1 Revenue A Sales Importance
  • 291. Client segmentation Segment Customers “Value” “Standard” “Premium” Price Content Access Functionality Brand/Trust Support Importance Importance Importance A B C
  • 292. Client journeys across services Versioning Long Tail Premium+ Perceived price Premium One way nature allows client to upsell themselves once they Value Basic see benefit of Equivalence subsequent version Line (VEL) Perceived benefits
  • 293. Product Portfolio Versioning: Apple Perceived price Value-disadvantaged area Full size screen; touch features; support games No screen; limited capacity Value Equivalence Line (VEL) Value-advantaged area Perceived benefits
  • 295.
  • 296.
  • 297. The power of guarantees  Differentiate  Close more sales  Higher prices  Improve service
  • 299.
  • 300.
  • 301.
  • 302. 3 step process STEP 1  What promises do our clients really want to hear? STEP 2  What specific promises can you make? STEP 3  What systems will you need?
  • 303.
  • 305. Practical Pricing for Accountants The practical guide to making a significant difference to your bottom line profits. Visit
  • 306.
  • 307. Effective Pricing for Accountants  Hours of video-based lessons  Hours of video-based success stories  Audio programmes  Workbook  Systems resources... standard letters, price lists, scripts, checklists and forms
  • 308.
  • 309. The 12 modules 1. Strategic pricing 2. How to price effectively 3. Adding massive value to your clients 4. Explaining the value brilliantly well 5. The power of guarantees 6. Linking your price to the value
  • 310. The 12 modules 7. Different clients will pay different prices 8. The power of menu pricing 9. Dealing with price objections brilliantly 10. Getting paid much, much quicker 11. Building your value-based practice 12. Bonus module
  • 311. Your investment... Your investment in module 1 is only... £295 + VAT (If you are an AVN member it is just £145 + VAT)
  • 312. Module 1 – Strategic pricing  How you can benchmark your performance  How to put your prices up  A great letter for launching fixed prices  How to avoid the loser trap  16 ready-to-use USPs  Creating your strategy  What to do if clients choose you on price  What to do about cheaper competitors
  • 313. Module 1 – Strategic pricing  8 key lessons that will transform your results  How to create your ideal client profile  A process for grading clients  More letters  5 great ideas for demonstrating value  How you can increase your price by 20%  Case studies and success stories... learning from what other accountants – like you – have achieved
  • 314.
  • 315. Your key actions  99 – Benchmark your fee levels  100 – Calculate the amount of money at stake  101 – If the amount is big enough to make a difference, invest in learning how to price  102 – Increase your prices NOW by at least 3%  103 – Segment your clients by creating bundles  104 – Guarantee what you do
  • 316. Wrapping up today
  • 317.
  • 318. Day 2 agenda 9.00 How to convert more leads into clients 11.00 How to use video as part of your marketing strategy 11.45 Advanced use of social media 12.30 LUNCH 1.20 How to demonstrate that you are an expert 1.50 The things you must build into your website to make it work for you 3.25 An automated lead generation system 3.50 Building your complete online marketing strategy 4.30 All the systems you need to build a preponderance of proof 5.30 End of day two

Editor's Notes

  1. How many of us currently have?Having an email marketing strategy in place is absolutely critical…We’ve had a great morning… (making the most of social media, video marketing, and how to create a great website… all really valuable stuff!) But, if you don’t have a strong email marketing strategy in place… Backbone Just like any form of marketing you’ve got to do right to make it work. So, over the next few minutes I’m going to show you how you can create email campaigns that work. pros and cons
  2. Sending an email doesn’t cost you a penny.So by keeping email marketing a major Highest ROI.Direct Marketing AssociationWith the right tools… and with the right measurement systems then in place. Minutes after sending out your email campaign It’s obvious isn’t it? Sending… And with the right tools you can use your emails to target specific prospects… Also, emails can be easily personalised
  3. The biggest problem with send an email is that you cannot guarantee…Well, it’s not as simple as just typing a up email…I’m going to show you how you can create email campaigns that really work!
  4. I’m going show you the entire process from initially creating your email right through to what to do once it’s been sent. So, how do we go about creating an email which is going to generate results? Well let’s start at the beginning…
  5. The last thing you want to send is an ambiguous or rambling email. So before…Without a clear understanding of your desired end result, your thoughts may come across disorganised and you’ll easily confuse the reader. The clearer your intention, the more focused you will be…
  6. When you’re writing your email put yourself in your audiences’ shoes (read questions) The answers to these questions…Answer questions firstSkip long…
  7. Everyone in life likes to be treated and spoken to as an individual. Not going to respond to your messageThe more human you come across the more likely your audience will like you… so the more likely they’ll buy from you.
  8. There is nothing worse…
  9. if your writing is too formal or uses irrelevant technical lingo.
  10. Visit website, lead, call.undoubtedly clear
  11. “what’s in it for me?”
  12. Simply by explaining what the reader will get by clicking on the link you’ll be able to dramatically increase your click through rates.
  13. You want to give your reader as many opportunities.Only one action. (white paper)Give them just one action but give them several means on doing it. Stand out from rest of email.Recent studies have shown that buttons are a more effective means of getting people to click through
  14. Never underestimate the importance of your PS. Many people…I’ve noticed a trend recently…
  15. most important partYou can write the most well-constructed email in history, spend hours proof reading it, making sure that your spelling is faultless, your words eloquent, and your grammar beyond reproach,
  16. Your recipients are likely hurried and quickly…50 charactersTabloid newspapersequally as critical to use the correct words in the right order. Put the words that will have the biggest impact at the front,
  17. Biggest impact at the front and you’ll immediately grab your readers attention.
  18. Because of human nature…make your reader curious This works so well because no one wants to feel Time and time again, tests show that
  19. It’s a fact, spelling mistakes cost money.
  20. If your recipient stumbles across an error while they read your email, the credibility and professionalism
  21. Whether you’re sending out a newsletter, a frequent email publication or a marketing email to your prospects
  22. two totally different elements of your email campaign.
  23. Each time I send out this email I devalue my message… Not so special…
  24. So don’t weaken your message by constant repetition; keep your message and any offers fresh to keep your audience engaged and your open rates high.
  25. The more targeted and relevant your campaign is the more likely it will be a success. You may want the whole world Use information you have already identified about your customers and prospectsSending an irrelevant email will not only affect your campaigns success
  26. If you’re anything like me you probably bear a strong dislike to spam emails.
  27. And the last thing you want is for your recipients to perceive you as spam. Few steps you can take.
  28. … (slides)A major factor in determining whether your message will be spammed or not is the quality of your subject line. So, a few things to bear in mind are:
  29. Testing is absolutely paramount when developing a successful email marketing strategy. If you want your email campaigns to be as effective and as successful…
  30. … (slide)Quick word of advice though.
  31. Testing is a fantastic way to try out different things in your email but if you don’t then measure the success of the changes you made then how are you ever going to know what works?Test, measure, compare… (button CTA)I really can’t emphasis just how important measuring is.
  32. So what sort of things should you be measuring?
  33. As you start seeing trends in this data, which you will the more and more you test and measure, you’ll get an understanding of what works, what doesn’t work, what your subscribers hate and what type of email gets the best results. So remember, measure, measure, measure! And of course remember to make changes accordingly based of your results. Monkey time!
  34. Quick show of hands, who currently uses MailChimp for their own email marketing?MailChimp is an absolutely remarkable marketing tool. Indispensable
  35. Over the next day or two you’ll going to learn even more fantastic stuff… And email marketing is what ties a lot of the other marketing strategies together…
  36. Massive area – 20mins is a little mission impossible! Two year MSc in Social Media at Birmingham University.Starbucks, Toyota, SAP, Dell, Ford and the HomeDepot (to name but a few) – all of whom are investing heavily in Twitter and are reaping significant gains from having a presence on this channel.  Admittedly these are multibillion dollar firms but they wouldn’t be dedicating teams of people and massive resources to Twitter if it ‘was a complete and utter waste of time’ – would they?! Much of the success of the recent Arab Spring has been attributed to Social Media – indeed one protester was quoted on the BBC stating: “We use Facebook to promote our message. Twitter to co-ordinate our activity. And YouTube to tell the world”.London Riots – but the least said the better.
  37. There are over 100 SM channels – these the most popular.
  38. Social proofing or social authority is developed when an individual or organization establishes themselves as an "expert" in their given field or area, thereby becoming an INFLUENCER.It must be cleverly executed because while people are resistant to marketing in general, they are even more resistant to direct or overt marketing through social media platforms.This may seem counter-intuitive but is the main reason building social authority with credibility is so important.As a result of social media – and the direct or indirect influence of social media marketers – today, consumers are as likely – or more likely – to make buying decisions based on what they read and see in platforms we call "social" but only if presented by someone they have come to trust. That is why a purposeful and carefully designed social media strategy has become an integral part of any complete and directed marketing plan but must also be designed using newer "authority building" techniques.The Endelman Trust Barometer
  39. Half the world’s population is under 30They’ve never known working life without the internet.Millions active on SM.SM has evolved from a powerful communication medium to a key marketing channel. It offers a platform for customers to find you when they’re seeking reviews and validation.
  40. Why have social media networks grown so explosively? Unlike traditional business communication tools (phone, fax) SM sole purpose was social interaction.
  41. Stream – newsfeedSparks – recommendation engineCircles – friend management serviceHangouts – video chatProfilePhotos
  42. Those practices who are realising the true benefits of SM are those who are engaging with their existing and potential clients. This in turn establishes brand reputation and loyalty – which in turn gets your connections to do your marketing for you!!Adopt on the spot. Come late to the party. Ignore and hope it’ll go away...Don’t ignore - it’s here to stay – it’s a proven way to reach, engage and cultivate relationships with clients, potential clients.But it’s no good just having a presence you’ve got to use it. IN SHORT YOU NEED A PLAN!!!!
  43. This was the basic strategy employed by the Obama fundraising campaign for his 2008 election.Overall the campaign raised $750m of which $500m was pledged via Twitter, Facebook and other social media channels.
  44. Chances are you already invest time in writing copy for brochures, updating your web-presence – your SM is no different. But instead of just writing, editing and checking you’re engaging – sharing information, listening to feedback, exchanging ideas – all in a real time setting. It’s an interactive relationship – so you really shouldn’t abandon what you start.The more platforms upon which you’re present the more you will appear in searches – especially now that your presence in social media is a key part of search engine algorithms...
  45. Over 11m UK smartphone users – with access to SM.