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Dominik Przybysz @alien11689
class Person {
String firstName
String lastName
Integer age
boolean isAdult() {
age >= 18
} Part. 1
public class PersonValidator {
public void validatePerson(Person person) {
String firstName = person.getFirstName();
if (firstName == null || firstName.length() == 0) {
throw new PersonValidationException("First
name must be given");
String lastName = person.getLastName();
if (lastName == null || lastName.length() == 0) {
throw new PersonValidationException("Last name
must be given");
} Part. 2
Integer age = person.getAge();
if (age == null){
throw new PersonValidationException("Age must be
if( age < 0) {
throw new PersonValidationException("Age cannot
be negative");
public class PersonValidationException extends
RuntimeException {
public PersonValidationException(String message) {
PersonDao.groovy Part. 1
class PersonDao {
final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate
PersonDao(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate
PersonDao.groovy Part. 2
void persist(List<Person> persons) {
persons.each {
void persist(Person person) {
jdbcTemplate.execute("Insert into person
(first_name, last_name, age) values ('${person.
firstName}', '${person.lastName}', ${person.age})")
PersonDao.groovy Part. 3
List<Person> findByLastName(String lastName) {
jdbcTemplate.queryForList("select first_name,
last_name, age from person where last_name = ?",
[lastName] as Object[])
.collect({Map row -> new Person(row.first_name,
row.last_name, row.age)
void close() {
println "Closing person dao"
PersonController.groovy Part. 1
class PersonController {
final PersonValidator personValidator
final PersonDao personDao
PersonController(PersonValidator personValidator,
PersonDao personDao) {
this.personValidator = personValidator
this.personDao = personDao
PersonController.groovy Part. 2
void addPerson(Person person) {
PersonContextConfiguration.groovy Part. 1
class PersonContextConfiguration {
JdbcTemplate getJdbcTemplate(DataSource dataSource){
return new JdbcTemplate(dataSource)
PersonContextConfiguration.groovy Part. 2
DataSource getDataSource() {
BasicDataSource basicDataSource = new
INIT=runscript from 'classpath:db/person.sql';")
return basicDataSource
compile 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.4.0'
compile 'org.springframework:spring-jdbc:4.0.5.RELEASE'
compile 'org.springframework:spring-beans:4.0.5.RELEASE'
compile 'org.springframework:spring-context:4.0.5.RELEASE'
compile 'commons-dbcp:commons-dbcp:1.4'
compile 'com.h2database:h2:1.4.178'
testCompile 'org.spockframework:spock-core:1.0-groovy-2.4'
testCompile 'org.spockframework:spock-spring:1.0-groovy-
testCompile 'org.springframework:spring-test:4.0.5.
testCompile 'cglib:cglib-nodep:3.1'
testCompile 'org.objenesis:objenesis:2.1'
when-then blocks
class PersonTest extends Specification {
def "should set first name from constructor"() {
Person person = new Person(firstName: "Bob")
person.firstName == "Bob"
Test failed output
person.firstName == "Bob"
| | |
| Bb false
| 1 difference (66% similarity)
| B(-)b
| B(o)b
com.blogspot.przybyszd.spock.dto.Person(Bb, null, null)
Block with description
def "should set first name from constructor 2"() {
when: "person with set first name"
Person person = new Person(firstName: "Bob")
then: "person has first name"
person.firstName == "Bob"
Given block
def "should set first name from setter"() {
Person person = new Person(firstName: "Bob")
person.firstName = 'Tom'
person.firstName == "Tom"
Multiple asserts
def "should set person data from constructor"() {
Person person = new Person("Bob", "Smith", 15)
person.firstName == "Bob"
person.lastName == "Smith"
person.age == 15
Multiple when then
def "should set first name from constructor and change
with setter"() {
Person person = new Person(firstName: "Bob")
person.firstName == "Bob"
person.firstName = "Tom"
person.firstName == "Tom"
And block
def "should set first name and last name"() {
Person person = new Person(firstName: "Bob",
lastName: "Smith")
person.firstName == "Bob"
person.lastName == "Smith"
Expect block
def "should compare person with equals"() {
new Person("Bob", "Smith", 15) == new Person
("Bob", "Smith", 15)
Test fields
class LifecycleSpockTest extends Specification {
StringWriter writer
Person person
Setup specification
def setupSpec() {
println "In setup spec"
writer = new StringWriter()
Setup each test
def setup() {
println "In setup"
person = new Person(firstName: "Tom", lastName:
"Smith", age: 21)
Cleanup each test
def cleanup() {
println "In cleanup"
person = null
Cleanup specification
def cleanupSpec() {
println "In cleanup spec"
Setup and clenup blocks
def "should check firstName"() {
println "setup in test"
println "should check firstName"
person.firstName == "Tom"
println "Cleanup after test"
Statements without block
def "should check lastName"() {
println "should check lastName"
person.lastName == "Smith"
Parameters in table
def "should set person data"() {
Person person = new Person(lastName: lastName,
firstName: firstName, age: age)
person.firstName == firstName
person.lastName == lastName
person.age == age
lastName | firstName | age
"Smith" | "John" | 25
"Kowalski" | "Jan" | 24
Parameters in method signature
def "should set person data 2"(String firstName, String
lastName, int age) {
// …
lastName | firstName | age
"Smith" | "John" | 25
"Kowalski" | "Jan" | 24
Parameters in method name
def "should set person with #lastName, #firstName and
#age"() {
// …
lastName | firstName | age
"Smith" | "John" | 25
"Kowalski" | "Jan" | 24
Call parameterless method in test name
Part 1
@Unroll("should set person with #lastName.length(),
#firstName.toUpperCase() and #age")
Call parameterless method in test name
Part 2
@Unroll("should set person with #lastName.length(),
#firstName.toUpperCase() and #age when last name starts
with #firstLetter")
def "should set person with lastName, firstName and age
3"() {
lastName | firstName | age
"Smith" | "John" | 25
"Kowalski" | "Jan" | 24
firstLetter = lastName.charAt(0)
Separeted table
def "should check if person is adult with table"() {
new Person(age: age).isAdult() == adult
age || adult
17 || false
18 || true
19 || true
Parameters from list
def "should check if person is adult with list"() {
new Person(age: age).isAdult() == adult
ageSquare == age * age
age << [17, 18, 19]
adult << [false, true, true]
ageSquare = age * age
Parameters from list of list
def "should check if person is adult with list 2"() {
new Person(age: age).isAdult() == adult
[age, adult] << [[17,false], [18,true], [19,
One paramter table
def "should set first name"() {
Person person = new Person(firstName: firstName)
person.firstName == firstName
firstName | _
"John" | _
"Jan" | _
Parameters from db - setup
static Sql sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:h2:mem:", "sa",
"", "org.h2.Driver")
def setupSpec() {
sql.execute("""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS person;
first_name VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL,
last_name VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL,
sql.executeInsert("""INSERT INTO person (first_name,
last_name, age) VALUES
('Tom', 'Smith', 24),
('Jan', 'Kowalski', 30);""")
Parameters from db - cleanup
def cleanupSpec() {
All parameters from db
def "should set person data with #lastName, #firstName
and #age"() {
// …
[firstName, lastName, age] << sql.rows("SELECT *
FROM person;")
All parameters from db by name
def "should set person data with #lastName, #firstName
and #age"() {
// …
[firstName, lastName, age] << sql.rows("SELECT
first_name, last_name, age FROM person;")
Drop last parameter
def "should set person data with #lastName, #firstName
and #age"() {
// …
[firstName, lastName] << sql.rows("SELECT * FROM
Omit parameter
def "should set person data with #lastName, #firstName
and #age"() {
// …
[_, lastName, age] << sql.rows("SELECT * FROM
Not thrown exception
PersonValidator sut = new PersonValidator()
def "should pass validation"() {
Person person = new Person(firstName: "Tom",
lastName: "Smith", age: 30)
Not thrown exception - fails
Expected no exception of type 'com.blogspot.przybyszd.
spock.bean.PersonValidationException' to be thrown, but
got it nevertheless
Thrown exception
def "should not pass validation"() {
PersonValidationException exception = thrown
exception.message == message
firstName | lastName | age | message
"Tom" | "Smith" | -1 | "Age cannot be
"" | "Kowalski" | 19 | "First name must
be given"
"Jan" | null | 19 | "Last name must
be given"
Thrown exception - another exception
Expected exception of type 'com.blogspot.przybyszd.
spock.bean.PersonValidationException', but got 'java.
Thrown exception - but no exception
Expected exception of type 'com.blogspot.przybyszd.
spock.bean.PersonValidationException', but no exception
was thrown
Mocking and stubbing
Creating mock
JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = Mock(JdbcTemplate)
PersonDao sut = new PersonDao(jdbcTemplate)
Validate mock calls
def "should persist one person"() {
Person person = new Person("John", "Smith", 20)
1 * jdbcTemplate.execute("Insert into person
(first_name, last_name, age) values ('John', 'Smith',
Mock not called
Too few invocations for:
1 * jdbcTemplate.execute("Insert into person
(first_name, last_name, age) values ('John', 'Smith',
20)") (0 invocations)
Unmatched invocations (ordered by similarity):
Too many calls
1 * jdbcTemplate.execute("Insert into person
(first_name, last_name, age) values ('John', 'Smith',
20)") (2 invocations)
Matching invocations (ordered by last occurrence):
2 * jdbcTemplate.execute('Insert into person
(first_name, last_name, age) values ('John',
'Smith', 20)') <-- this triggered the error
Another parameters in calls
def "should persist many persons"() {
List<Person> persons = [new Person("John",
"Smith", 20), new Person("Jan", "Kowalski", 15)]
1 * jdbcTemplate.execute("Insert into person
(first_name, last_name, age) values ('John', 'Smith',
1 * jdbcTemplate.execute("Insert into person
(first_name, last_name, age) values ('Jan', 'Kowalski',
Any parameter
2 * jdbcTemplate.execute(_)
Range of calls
(1..3) * jdbcTemplate.execute(_)
At least one call
(1.._) * jdbcTemplate.execute(_)
Any amount of calls
_ * jdbcTemplate.execute(_)
Two calls of method of any mock
2 * _.execute(_)
Two calls of any method of mock
2 * jdbcTemplate._(_)
Two calls of method by regex
2 * jdbcTemplate./exe.*/(_)
Closure validates call
2 * jdbcTemplate.execute({
String sql -> sql.endsWith("('John', 'Smith',
20)") || sql.endsWith("('Jan', 'Kowalski', 15)")
Sequential calls
def "should persist many persons in order"() {
List<Person> persons = [new Person("John",
"Smith", 20), new Person("Jan", "Kowalski", 15)]
1 * jdbcTemplate.execute("Insert into person
(first_name, last_name, age) values ('John', 'Smith',
1 * jdbcTemplate.execute("Insert into person
(first_name, last_name, age) values ('Jan', 'Kowalski',
Define mock interactions in given block
jdbcTemplate = Mock(JdbcTemplate) {
2 * execute({
String sql -> sql.endsWith("('John',
'Smith', 20)") || sql.endsWith("('Jan', 'Kowalski',
def "should find one person"() {
jdbcTemplate.queryForList("select first_name,
last_name, age from person where last_name = ?",
["Kowalski"]) >> [[first_name: "Jan", last_name:
"Kowalski", age: 20]]
sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") == [new Person
("Jan", "Kowalski", 20)]
Stub in context
jdbcTemplate = Stub(JdbcTemplate) {
queryForList("select first_name, last_name, age
from person where last_name = ?", ["Kowalski"]) >>
[[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]]
Any stub parameters
def "should find many times person"() {
jdbcTemplate.queryForList(_, _) >> [[first_name:
"Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]]
sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") == [new Person
("Jan", "Kowalski", 20)]
sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") == [new Person
("Jan", "Kowalski", 20)]
Multiple return values
def "should find many times person 2"() {
jdbcTemplate.queryForList(_, _) >> [[first_name:
"Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]] >>
[[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 25]]
sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") == [new Person
("Jan", "Kowalski", 20)]
sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") == [new Person
("Jan", "Kowalski", 25)]
Multiple return values as list
def "should find many times person 3"() {
jdbcTemplate.queryForList(_, _) >>> [
[[first_name: "Jan", last_name:
"Kowalski", age: 20]],
[[first_name: "Jan", last_name:
"Kowalski", age: 15]]]
sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") == [new Person
("Jan", "Kowalski", 20)]
sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") == [new Person
("Jan", "Kowalski", 15)]
Side effects
def "should throw exception on second find"() {
jdbcTemplate.queryForList(_, _) >>
[[first_name: "Jan", last_name:
"Kowalski", age: 20]] >>
{ throw new
DataRetrievalFailureException("Cannot retrieve data") }
sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") == [new Person
("Jan", "Kowalski", 20)]
Mocking and stubbing
def "should find one person and check invocation"() {
List result = sut.findByLastName("Kowalski")
result == [new Person("Jan", "Kowalski", 20)]
1 * jdbcTemplate.queryForList(_, _) >>
[[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]]
Any parameter list
1 * jdbcTemplate.queryForList(*_) >> [[first_name:
"Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]]
Validate parameter value
1 * jdbcTemplate.queryForList(_, !(["Smith"] as
Object[])) >> [[first_name: "Jan", last_name:
"Kowalski", age: 20]]
Validate parameter is not null
1 * jdbcTemplate.queryForList(!null, _) >>
[[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]]
Interaction block
def "should find one person and check invocation
external with first parameter not null"() {
List result = sut.findByLastName("Kowalski")
result == [new Person("Jan", "Kowalski", 20)]
interaction {
void queryForListCalledOnceWithFirstName(){
1 * jdbcTemplate.queryForList(!null, _) >>
[[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]]
List sut = Spy(ArrayList, constructorArgs: [10])
def "should use spy on list"() {
sut.add(1) >> {
sut.size() >> 10
sut.size() == 10
sut.get(0) == 1
Spring from configuration class
@ContextConfiguration(classes =
class PersonContextFromClassTest extends Specification
PersonController personController
PersonDao personDao
Spring from configuration xml
@ContextConfiguration(locations = "classpath:
class PersonContextFromXmlTest extends Specification {
PersonController personController
PersonDao personDao
Helper methods
Without helper
def "should check person"() {
Person result = new Person("Tom", "Smith", 20)
result != null
result.firstName == "Tom"
result.lastName == "Smith"
result.age == 20
Boolean helper
def "should check person with boolean helper method"()
Person result = new Person("Tom", "Smith", 20)
checkPerson(result, "Tom", "Smith", 20)
boolean checkPerson(Person person, String firstName,
String lastName, int age) {
person != null &&
person.firstName == firstName &&
person.lastName == lastName &&
person.age == age
Boolean helper - output
checkPerson(result, "Tom", "Smith", 20)
| |
false com.blogspot.przybyszd.spock.dto.Person
(Tom, Smith, 20)
Helper with assert
def "should check person with assert helper method"() {
Person result = new Person("Tom", "Smith", 20)
checkPersonWithAssert(result, "Tom", "Smith",
void checkPersonWithAssert(Person person, String
firstName, String lastName, int age) {
assert person != null
assert person.firstName == firstName
assert person.lastName == lastName
assert person.age == age
Helper with assert - output
person.firstName == "John"
| | |
| Tom false
| 3 differences (25% similarity)
| (T)o(m-)
| (J)o(hn)
com.blogspot.przybyszd.spock.dto.Person(Tom, Smith, 20)
def "should set first name, last name and age 1"() {
Person person = new Person(firstName: "Bob",
lastName: "Smith", age: 40)
with(person) {
firstName == "Bob"
lastName == "Smith"
age == 40
class IgnoreTest extends Specification {
def "test 1"() {
1 == 1
def "test 2"() {
1 == 1
def "test 3"() {
1 == 1
class IgnoreRestTest extends Specification {
def "test 1"() {
1 == 1
def "test 2"() {
1 == 1
def "test 3"() {
1 == 1
class IgnoreIfTest extends Specification {
// @IgnoreIf({})
// @IgnoreIf({os.linux})
@IgnoreIf({ System.getProperty("").contains
("Linux") })
def "test 1"() {
1 == 1
class RequiresTest extends Specification {
// @Requires({})
// @Requires({os.linux})
@Requires({ System.getProperty("").contains
("windows") })
def "test 1"() {
1 == 1
class AutoCleanupTest extends Specification {
JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = Mock(JdbcTemplate)
@AutoCleanup(value = "close", quiet = true)
PersonDao sut = new PersonDao(jdbcTemplate)
def "test 1"() {
sut != null
class FailsWithTest extends Specification {
def "test 1"() {
throw new RuntimeException()
class TimeoutTest extends Specification {
@Timeout(value = 750, unit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
def "test 1"() {
1 == 1
@Title("Title annotation is tested in this
class TitleTest extends Specification {
def "test 1"() {
1 == 1
@Narrative("""Multiline narrative annotation
is tested in this specification""")
class NarrativeTest extends Specification {
def "test 1"() {
1 == 1
class SubjectTest extends Specification {
Person person = new Person("John", "Smith", 21)
def "should be adult"() {
class IssueTest extends Specification {
id=12345", ""])
def "test 1"() {
1 == 1
void instead of def
void "should set first name from constructor"() {
Person person = new Person(firstName: "Bob")
person.firstName == "Bob"
Shoud instead of def
Should "set first name from constructor"() {
Person person = new Person(firstName: "Bob")
person.firstName == "Bob"
Shoud instead of def - how it works
import java.lang.Void as Should
Q & A
Thank you

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  • 3. Person.groovy @Canonical class Person { String firstName String lastName Integer age boolean isAdult() { age >= 18 } }
  • 4. Part. 1 @Component public class PersonValidator { public void validatePerson(Person person) { String firstName = person.getFirstName(); if (firstName == null || firstName.length() == 0) { throw new PersonValidationException("First name must be given"); } String lastName = person.getLastName(); if (lastName == null || lastName.length() == 0) { throw new PersonValidationException("Last name must be given"); }
  • 5. Part. 2 Integer age = person.getAge(); if (age == null){ throw new PersonValidationException("Age must be given"); } if( age < 0) { throw new PersonValidationException("Age cannot be negative"); } } }
  • 6. public class PersonValidationException extends RuntimeException { public PersonValidationException(String message) { super(message); } }
  • 7. PersonDao.groovy Part. 1 @Component class PersonDao { final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate @Autowired PersonDao(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) { this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate }
  • 8. PersonDao.groovy Part. 2 void persist(List<Person> persons) { persons.each { persist(it) } } @Transactional void persist(Person person) { jdbcTemplate.execute("Insert into person (first_name, last_name, age) values ('${person. firstName}', '${person.lastName}', ${person.age})") }
  • 9. PersonDao.groovy Part. 3 List<Person> findByLastName(String lastName) { jdbcTemplate.queryForList("select first_name, last_name, age from person where last_name = ?", [lastName] as Object[]) .collect({Map row -> new Person(row.first_name, row.last_name, row.age) }) } void close() { println "Closing person dao" } }
  • 10. PersonController.groovy Part. 1 @Component class PersonController { final PersonValidator personValidator final PersonDao personDao @Autowired PersonController(PersonValidator personValidator, PersonDao personDao) { this.personValidator = personValidator this.personDao = personDao }
  • 11. PersonController.groovy Part. 2 void addPerson(Person person) { personValidator.validatePerson(person) personDao.persist(person) } }
  • 12. PersonContextConfiguration.groovy Part. 1 @Configuration @ComponentScan("com.blogspot.przybyszd.spock") class PersonContextConfiguration { @Bean JdbcTemplate getJdbcTemplate(DataSource dataSource){ return new JdbcTemplate(dataSource) }
  • 13. PersonContextConfiguration.groovy Part. 2 @Bean DataSource getDataSource() { BasicDataSource basicDataSource = new BasicDataSource() basicDataSource .setDriverClassName("org.h2.Driver") basicDataSource .setUrl("jdbc:h2:mem:personDB;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=1000; INIT=runscript from 'classpath:db/person.sql';") basicDataSource.setUsername("sa") basicDataSource.setPassword("") return basicDataSource } }
  • 15. Dependencies compile 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.4.0' compile 'org.springframework:spring-jdbc:4.0.5.RELEASE' compile 'org.springframework:spring-beans:4.0.5.RELEASE' compile 'org.springframework:spring-context:4.0.5.RELEASE' compile 'commons-dbcp:commons-dbcp:1.4' compile 'com.h2database:h2:1.4.178' testCompile 'org.spockframework:spock-core:1.0-groovy-2.4' testCompile 'org.spockframework:spock-spring:1.0-groovy- 2.4' testCompile 'org.springframework:spring-test:4.0.5. RELEASE' testCompile 'cglib:cglib-nodep:3.1' testCompile 'org.objenesis:objenesis:2.1'
  • 16. when-then blocks class PersonTest extends Specification { def "should set first name from constructor"() { when: Person person = new Person(firstName: "Bob") then: person.firstName == "Bob" } }
  • 17. Test failed output person.firstName == "Bob" | | | | Bb false | 1 difference (66% similarity) | B(-)b | B(o)b com.blogspot.przybyszd.spock.dto.Person(Bb, null, null)
  • 18. Block with description def "should set first name from constructor 2"() { when: "person with set first name" Person person = new Person(firstName: "Bob") then: "person has first name" person.firstName == "Bob" }
  • 19. Given block def "should set first name from setter"() { given: Person person = new Person(firstName: "Bob") when: person.firstName = 'Tom' then: person.firstName == "Tom" }
  • 20. Multiple asserts def "should set person data from constructor"() { when: Person person = new Person("Bob", "Smith", 15) then: person.firstName == "Bob" person.lastName == "Smith" person.age == 15 }
  • 21. Multiple when then def "should set first name from constructor and change with setter"() { when: Person person = new Person(firstName: "Bob") then: person.firstName == "Bob" when: person.firstName = "Tom" then: person.firstName == "Tom" }
  • 22. And block def "should set first name and last name"() { when: Person person = new Person(firstName: "Bob", lastName: "Smith") then: person.firstName == "Bob" and: person.lastName == "Smith" }
  • 23. Expect block def "should compare person with equals"() { expect: new Person("Bob", "Smith", 15) == new Person ("Bob", "Smith", 15) }
  • 25. Test fields class LifecycleSpockTest extends Specification { @Shared StringWriter writer Person person }
  • 26. Setup specification def setupSpec() { println "In setup spec" writer = new StringWriter() }
  • 27. Setup each test def setup() { println "In setup" person = new Person(firstName: "Tom", lastName: "Smith", age: 21) }
  • 28. Cleanup each test def cleanup() { println "In cleanup" person = null }
  • 29. Cleanup specification def cleanupSpec() { println "In cleanup spec" writer.close() }
  • 30. Setup and clenup blocks def "should check firstName"() { setup: println "setup in test" println "should check firstName" expect: person.firstName == "Tom" cleanup: println "Cleanup after test" }
  • 31. Statements without block def "should check lastName"() { println "should check lastName" expect: person.lastName == "Smith" }
  • 33. Parameters in table @Unroll def "should set person data"() { when: Person person = new Person(lastName: lastName, firstName: firstName, age: age) then: person.firstName == firstName person.lastName == lastName person.age == age where: lastName | firstName | age "Smith" | "John" | 25 "Kowalski" | "Jan" | 24 }
  • 34. Parameters in method signature @Unroll def "should set person data 2"(String firstName, String lastName, int age) { // … where: lastName | firstName | age "Smith" | "John" | 25 "Kowalski" | "Jan" | 24 }
  • 35. Parameters in method name @Unroll def "should set person with #lastName, #firstName and #age"() { // … where: lastName | firstName | age "Smith" | "John" | 25 "Kowalski" | "Jan" | 24 }
  • 36. Call parameterless method in test name Part 1 @Unroll("should set person with #lastName.length(), #firstName.toUpperCase() and #age")
  • 37. Call parameterless method in test name Part 2 @Unroll("should set person with #lastName.length(), #firstName.toUpperCase() and #age when last name starts with #firstLetter") def "should set person with lastName, firstName and age 3"() { //… where: lastName | firstName | age "Smith" | "John" | 25 "Kowalski" | "Jan" | 24 firstLetter = lastName.charAt(0) }
  • 38. Separeted table @Unroll def "should check if person is adult with table"() { expect: new Person(age: age).isAdult() == adult where: age || adult 17 || false 18 || true 19 || true }
  • 39. Parameters from list @Unroll def "should check if person is adult with list"() { expect: new Person(age: age).isAdult() == adult ageSquare == age * age where: age << [17, 18, 19] adult << [false, true, true] ageSquare = age * age }
  • 40. Parameters from list of list @Unroll def "should check if person is adult with list 2"() { expect: new Person(age: age).isAdult() == adult where: [age, adult] << [[17,false], [18,true], [19, true]] }
  • 41. One paramter table @Unroll def "should set first name"() { when: Person person = new Person(firstName: firstName) then: person.firstName == firstName where: firstName | _ "John" | _ "Jan" | _ }
  • 42. Parameters from db - setup static Sql sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:h2:mem:", "sa", "", "org.h2.Driver") def setupSpec() { sql.execute("""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS person; CREATE TABLE person ( first_name VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, last_name VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, age INT NOT NULL );""") sql.executeInsert("""INSERT INTO person (first_name, last_name, age) VALUES ('Tom', 'Smith', 24), ('Jan', 'Kowalski', 30);""") }
  • 43. Parameters from db - cleanup def cleanupSpec() { sql.close() }
  • 44. All parameters from db @Unroll def "should set person data with #lastName, #firstName and #age"() { // … where: [firstName, lastName, age] << sql.rows("SELECT * FROM person;") }
  • 45. All parameters from db by name @Unroll def "should set person data with #lastName, #firstName and #age"() { // … where: [firstName, lastName, age] << sql.rows("SELECT first_name, last_name, age FROM person;") }
  • 46. Drop last parameter @Unroll def "should set person data with #lastName, #firstName and #age"() { // … where: [firstName, lastName] << sql.rows("SELECT * FROM person;") }
  • 47. Omit parameter @Unroll def "should set person data with #lastName, #firstName and #age"() { // … where: [_, lastName, age] << sql.rows("SELECT * FROM person;") }
  • 49. Not thrown exception PersonValidator sut = new PersonValidator() def "should pass validation"() { given: Person person = new Person(firstName: "Tom", lastName: "Smith", age: 30) when: sut.validatePerson(person) then: notThrown(PersonValidationException) }
  • 50. Not thrown exception - fails Expected no exception of type 'com.blogspot.przybyszd. spock.bean.PersonValidationException' to be thrown, but got it nevertheless
  • 51. Thrown exception @Unroll def "should not pass validation"() { then: PersonValidationException exception = thrown (PersonValidationException) exception.message == message where: firstName | lastName | age | message "Tom" | "Smith" | -1 | "Age cannot be negative" "" | "Kowalski" | 19 | "First name must be given" "Jan" | null | 19 | "Last name must be given" }
  • 52. Thrown exception - another exception Expected exception of type 'com.blogspot.przybyszd. spock.bean.PersonValidationException', but got 'java. lang.RuntimeException'
  • 53. Thrown exception - but no exception Expected exception of type 'com.blogspot.przybyszd. spock.bean.PersonValidationException', but no exception was thrown
  • 55. Creating mock JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = Mock(JdbcTemplate) PersonDao sut = new PersonDao(jdbcTemplate)
  • 56. Validate mock calls def "should persist one person"() { given: Person person = new Person("John", "Smith", 20) when: sut.persist(person) then: 1 * jdbcTemplate.execute("Insert into person (first_name, last_name, age) values ('John', 'Smith', 20)") }
  • 57. Mock not called Too few invocations for: 1 * jdbcTemplate.execute("Insert into person (first_name, last_name, age) values ('John', 'Smith', 20)") (0 invocations) Unmatched invocations (ordered by similarity): None
  • 58. Too many calls 1 * jdbcTemplate.execute("Insert into person (first_name, last_name, age) values ('John', 'Smith', 20)") (2 invocations) Matching invocations (ordered by last occurrence): 2 * jdbcTemplate.execute('Insert into person (first_name, last_name, age) values ('John', 'Smith', 20)') <-- this triggered the error
  • 59. Another parameters in calls def "should persist many persons"() { given: List<Person> persons = [new Person("John", "Smith", 20), new Person("Jan", "Kowalski", 15)] when: sut.persist(persons) then: 1 * jdbcTemplate.execute("Insert into person (first_name, last_name, age) values ('John', 'Smith', 20)") 1 * jdbcTemplate.execute("Insert into person (first_name, last_name, age) values ('Jan', 'Kowalski', 15)") }
  • 60. Any parameter then: 2 * jdbcTemplate.execute(_)
  • 61. Range of calls then: (1..3) * jdbcTemplate.execute(_)
  • 62. At least one call then: (1.._) * jdbcTemplate.execute(_)
  • 63. Any amount of calls then: _ * jdbcTemplate.execute(_)
  • 64. Two calls of method of any mock then: 2 * _.execute(_)
  • 65. Two calls of any method of mock then: 2 * jdbcTemplate._(_)
  • 66. Two calls of method by regex then: 2 * jdbcTemplate./exe.*/(_)
  • 67. Closure validates call then: 2 * jdbcTemplate.execute({ String sql -> sql.endsWith("('John', 'Smith', 20)") || sql.endsWith("('Jan', 'Kowalski', 15)") })
  • 68. Sequential calls def "should persist many persons in order"() { given: List<Person> persons = [new Person("John", "Smith", 20), new Person("Jan", "Kowalski", 15)] when: sut.persist(persons) then: 1 * jdbcTemplate.execute("Insert into person (first_name, last_name, age) values ('John', 'Smith', 20)") then: 1 * jdbcTemplate.execute("Insert into person (first_name, last_name, age) values ('Jan', 'Kowalski', 15)") }
  • 69. Define mock interactions in given block given: jdbcTemplate = Mock(JdbcTemplate) { 2 * execute({ String sql -> sql.endsWith("('John', 'Smith', 20)") || sql.endsWith("('Jan', 'Kowalski', 15)") }) }
  • 70. Stub def "should find one person"() { given: jdbcTemplate.queryForList("select first_name, last_name, age from person where last_name = ?", ["Kowalski"]) >> [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]] expect: sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") == [new Person ("Jan", "Kowalski", 20)] }
  • 71. Stub in context given: jdbcTemplate = Stub(JdbcTemplate) { queryForList("select first_name, last_name, age from person where last_name = ?", ["Kowalski"]) >> [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]] }
  • 72. Any stub parameters def "should find many times person"() { given: jdbcTemplate.queryForList(_, _) >> [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]] expect: sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") == [new Person ("Jan", "Kowalski", 20)] sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") == [new Person ("Jan", "Kowalski", 20)] }
  • 73. Multiple return values def "should find many times person 2"() { given: jdbcTemplate.queryForList(_, _) >> [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]] >> [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 25]] expect: sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") == [new Person ("Jan", "Kowalski", 20)] sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") == [new Person ("Jan", "Kowalski", 25)] }
  • 74. Multiple return values as list def "should find many times person 3"() { given: jdbcTemplate.queryForList(_, _) >>> [ [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]], [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 15]]] expect: sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") == [new Person ("Jan", "Kowalski", 20)] sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") == [new Person ("Jan", "Kowalski", 15)] }
  • 75. Side effects def "should throw exception on second find"() { given: jdbcTemplate.queryForList(_, _) >> [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]] >> { throw new DataRetrievalFailureException("Cannot retrieve data") } expect: sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") == [new Person ("Jan", "Kowalski", 20)] when: sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") then: thrown(DataAccessException) }
  • 76. Mocking and stubbing def "should find one person and check invocation"() { when: List result = sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") then: result == [new Person("Jan", "Kowalski", 20)] 1 * jdbcTemplate.queryForList(_, _) >> [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]] }
  • 77. Any parameter list then: 1 * jdbcTemplate.queryForList(*_) >> [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]]
  • 78. Validate parameter value then: 1 * jdbcTemplate.queryForList(_, !(["Smith"] as Object[])) >> [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]]
  • 79. Validate parameter is not null then: 1 * jdbcTemplate.queryForList(!null, _) >> [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]]
  • 80. Interaction block def "should find one person and check invocation external with first parameter not null"() { when: List result = sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") then: result == [new Person("Jan", "Kowalski", 20)] interaction { queryForListCalledOnceWithFirstName() } } void queryForListCalledOnceWithFirstName(){ 1 * jdbcTemplate.queryForList(!null, _) >> [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]] }
  • 81. Spies List sut = Spy(ArrayList, constructorArgs: [10]) def "should use spy on list"() { given: sut.add(1) >> { callRealMethod() } sut.size() >> 10 when: sut.add(1) then: sut.size() == 10 sut.get(0) == 1 }
  • 83. Spring from configuration class @ContextConfiguration(classes = PersonContextConfiguration) class PersonContextFromClassTest extends Specification { @Autowired PersonController personController @Autowired PersonDao personDao //… }
  • 84. Spring from configuration xml @ContextConfiguration(locations = "classpath: personContext.xml") class PersonContextFromXmlTest extends Specification { @Autowired PersonController personController @Autowired PersonDao personDao //… }
  • 86. Without helper def "should check person"() { when: Person result = new Person("Tom", "Smith", 20) then: result != null result.firstName == "Tom" result.lastName == "Smith" result.age == 20 }
  • 87. Boolean helper def "should check person with boolean helper method"() { when: Person result = new Person("Tom", "Smith", 20) then: checkPerson(result, "Tom", "Smith", 20) } boolean checkPerson(Person person, String firstName, String lastName, int age) { person != null && person.firstName == firstName && person.lastName == lastName && person.age == age }
  • 88. Boolean helper - output checkPerson(result, "Tom", "Smith", 20) | | false com.blogspot.przybyszd.spock.dto.Person (Tom, Smith, 20)
  • 89. Helper with assert def "should check person with assert helper method"() { when: Person result = new Person("Tom", "Smith", 20) then: checkPersonWithAssert(result, "Tom", "Smith", 20) } void checkPersonWithAssert(Person person, String firstName, String lastName, int age) { assert person != null assert person.firstName == firstName assert person.lastName == lastName assert person.age == age }
  • 90. Helper with assert - output person.firstName == "John" | | | | Tom false | 3 differences (25% similarity) | (T)o(m-) | (J)o(hn) com.blogspot.przybyszd.spock.dto.Person(Tom, Smith, 20)
  • 91. With def "should set first name, last name and age 1"() { when: Person person = new Person(firstName: "Bob", lastName: "Smith", age: 40) then: with(person) { firstName == "Bob" lastName == "Smith" age == 40 } }
  • 93. Ignore class IgnoreTest extends Specification { def "test 1"() { expect: 1 == 1 } @Ignore def "test 2"() { expect: 1 == 1 } def "test 3"() { expect: 1 == 1 } }
  • 94. IgnoreRest class IgnoreRestTest extends Specification { def "test 1"() { expect: 1 == 1 } @IgnoreRest def "test 2"() { expect: 1 == 1 } def "test 3"() { expect: 1 == 1 } }
  • 95. IgnoreIf class IgnoreIfTest extends Specification { // @IgnoreIf({}) // @IgnoreIf({os.linux}) @IgnoreIf({ System.getProperty("").contains ("Linux") }) def "test 1"() { expect: 1 == 1 } }
  • 96. Requires class RequiresTest extends Specification { // @Requires({}) // @Requires({os.linux}) @Requires({ System.getProperty("").contains ("windows") }) def "test 1"() { expect: 1 == 1 } }
  • 97. AutoCleanup class AutoCleanupTest extends Specification { JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = Mock(JdbcTemplate) @AutoCleanup(value = "close", quiet = true) PersonDao sut = new PersonDao(jdbcTemplate) def "test 1"() { expect: sut != null } }
  • 98. FailsWith class FailsWithTest extends Specification { @FailsWith(RuntimeException) def "test 1"() { expect: throw new RuntimeException() } }
  • 99. Timeout class TimeoutTest extends Specification { @Timeout(value = 750, unit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) def "test 1"() { expect: 1 == 1 } }
  • 100. Title @Title("Title annotation is tested in this specification") class TitleTest extends Specification { def "test 1"() { expect: 1 == 1 } }
  • 101. Narrative @Narrative("""Multiline narrative annotation is tested in this specification""") class NarrativeTest extends Specification { def "test 1"() { expect: 1 == 1 } }
  • 102. Subject @Subject(Person) class SubjectTest extends Specification { @Subject Person person = new Person("John", "Smith", 21) def "should be adult"() { expect: person.isAdult() } }
  • 103. Issue class IssueTest extends Specification { @Issue([" id=12345", ""]) def "test 1"() { expect: 1 == 1 } }
  • 104. Extra
  • 105. void instead of def void "should set first name from constructor"() { when: Person person = new Person(firstName: "Bob") then: person.firstName == "Bob" }
  • 106. Shoud instead of def Should "set first name from constructor"() { when: Person person = new Person(firstName: "Bob") then: person.firstName == "Bob" }
  • 107. Shoud instead of def - how it works import java.lang.Void as Should
  • 108. Q & A