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Charles Lamm

   v. 1.1

The materials available at this website are for informational purposes only, and not for the
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FTC and Affiliate Notices:

Beginning December 1, 2009, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) began enforcing new rules
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I do not accept free products from manufacturers or advertisers or free books from writers and
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I maintain an affiliate/publisher/republisher relationship with hundreds of companies. This
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is a special URL to the affiliate merchant which lets him know you reached his site/sales page
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In many cases, I do not personally review products but pass on news I have discovered from
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I find outlines easier to read than most Internet marketing manuals. If you like rags-to-
riches stories or questionable income screen shots, there are hundreds of so-called Internet
marketing “gurus” who will sell you some fluff for $27 or $47 or $97 or more.

What I present here are free resources I call “points of hype” - places you can promote your
website or brand.

Your marketing will benefit if you have a domain name that works as a user name for most sites
where you establish a profile. For example, when I Googled “pointsofhype” and found that no
one was using it, I bought the domain name - - and began joining social
networking sites and promoting my business.

Every post, article, profile, and email will help brand “pointsofhype” or “Points of Hype” without
any additional effort on my part.

Now on to Outliners - 3x:

   1. What is 3x?

           a. a brief manual which lists 3 resources in different categories for use by online
              marketers and local offline business owners to promote their products and

           b. using a minimum of 3 resources in each area of promotion on a regular basis, the
              typical website or business owner will be well ahead of the game

   2. Media categories:

           a.   article directories
           b.   blog hosts (free)
           c.   blog search engines
           d.   business listings (IYP)
           e.   classified ads (free, online)
           f.   community websites
           g.   microblogging
           h.   music recommendation
i.   photo sharing
          j.   ping
          k.   podcasting
          l.   RSS search engines
          m.   search engines
          n.   social bookmarking
          o.   social networking
          p.   video sharing
          q.   web directories (free)
          r.   website hosting (free)

   3. Why social media marketing is important for your online or offline business:

          a.   your reputation can be trashed in record time online
          b.   complaints are now viral
          c.   use social media to find out where your customers hang out
          d.   monitor your online reputation
          e.   produce content your audience will love
          f.   build relationships without hard selling or interruption marketing
          g.   promote your content and other non-competing content your customers will want
               to know about

   ●   thousands of free search engines, Internet yellow pages, business directories, social
       media, and online directories to promote your website or bricks and mortar business

   ●   hundreds of free blog and website hosts, community websites, and article directories to
       publish articles that create authority and expert status for you and your business

   ●   best source of high PR backlinks

   ●   organic SEO naturally

Are these the top resources in each category? Sometimes yes. Sometimes no.

What they are is a bare bones minimum for the do-it-yourself marketer.

Some sites are chosen for ease of use as much as PageRank.
Article Directories:

   2. GoArticles
   3. ArticleDashboard

“Article directories are websites where users submit unique articles to be categorized and
included to a specific niche. Well-written content articles released for free distribution have the
potential of increasing the authoring business' credibility within its market as well as attracting
new clients.”

   ●   your articles are available for republishing by other ezines, blogs, and websites
   ●   good source of high PageRank backlinks to your top level domains
   ●   top article directories are constantly re-indexed by the search engine bots
   ●   many restrictions imposed by the site owners
   ●   each article directory will disclose their own author guidelines regarding length of article
       and links permitted
   ● is the gold standard
   ●   lost influence after the latest Google slap
   ●   want to spend your time submitting quality articles to the highest ranked and most active
   ●   create powerful backlinks using your niche keyword phrases in the bio/resource box
   ●   most directories prohibit affiliate links in your article or bio
   ●   popular directories are authority sites with good SEO backlink value
   ●   submit unique, categorized articles
   ●   less important with the growth of free blog hosts who impose fewer restrictions on

“It's becoming fairly common knowledge amongst Internet marketers and webmasters alike that
in order to promote your website, blog or online business, a powerful and free way of generating
targeted traffic is to submit articles to article directories....To do this manually can be a slow and
painstaking process, but a necessary one if you want the search engines to rank your site as
well as deliver that traffic to your site. And not just traffic, but also those all-important inbound
links to give your sites the authority they need to compete in the search engine results.”

Caveat: The recent Panda update to the Google search algorithm reduced the
effectiveness and PR of article marketing, yet it will continue to be a useful marketing
and branding tool as long as your content is unique (or heavily spun) and gives good
value to your visitors.

As I write this, Google is developing the most significant changes to its search engine
ever, mostly to counter the growth of influence by Facebook. Search results will soon be
largely individual to you and include influence from your social media.

Pro Tool:

  I love spinners. Some marketers do not. The one I use is simple, not too automated, and leaves me
 in control. Magic Article Rewriter allows me to submit unique content to each article directory, blog, or
       website. Magic Article Submitter is also available, but hackers have reduced its usefulness.
Blog Hosts (free):

   1. Blogger
   2. Wordpress
   3. Livejournal

“Definition: The company that provides the space on their servers and equipment to store
your blog. Blogging hosts can provide a variety of ancillary services, and some blog hosts
provide blogging software as well. There are both paid blog hosts and free blog hosts
offering a diverse array of services.”

   ●   as you know, blog is just short for web log
   ●   blogs come in many forms including news, commentary, online diaries, corporate, sales,
       and personal
   ●   interactive
   ●   several free blog platforms are available for use, with blogger and wordpress
   ●   features can include comments, blogrolls, linkbacks, pingbacks, trackbacks, refbacks,
       and widgets
   ●   have search engines and communities devoted exclusively to blogs
   ●   many social networking and social bookmarking sites include internal blog space for

“A Web site that lets anyone write and publish their own blog that is hosted on its servers. With
pre-designed templates providing the blogger with a choice of page look and feel, the blog host
typically offers a free, ad-supported service and a premium service without the ads. A common
option is the use of a private domain name instead of one appended to the blog service; for
example, rather than”

Pro Tool:

                                          presell pro
Blog Search Engines:

   1. Technorati
   2. Google Blogs
   3. IceRocket

“A search engine for the blogosphere. Blog search engines only index and provide search
results from blogs (Web logs). Examples of blog search engines include Google Blog Search
and Technorati.”

   ●   model for blog search in technorati (technology + literati)
   ●   looks at tags authors place on their articles and sites, not keyword phrases extracted by
       the search engine bots
   ●   most blog search engines are single language specific

“Several blog search engines are used to search blog contents, such as Bloglines, BlogScope,
and Technorati. Technorati, which is among the most popular blog search engines, provides
current information on both popular searches and tags used to categorize blog postings. The
research community is working on going beyond simple keyword search, by inventing new ways
to navigate through huge amounts of information present in the blogosphere, as demonstrated
by projects like BlogScope.”

Autoblogging Upgrade:

       The Last Autoblogging System You'll Ever Want (Or Need)
Business Listings:

   1. Google Places
   2. Localeze

“Electronic or interactive versions of Yellow Pages directories that allow on-line search for local

   ●   printed yellowpages and business directories are nearing death and filling dumpsters
   ●   online business listings can be owner created or extracted from business telephone
   ●   now called local search
   ●   most listing promote a business name, address, phone, fax, website, email address,
       contact person, map, directions, coupons, QR codes, prices, menus, photos, video, and
   ●   Internet Yellow Pages (IYP) are web directories of businesses
   ●   content management for local search engines
   ●   some companies like Localeze provide data to local business directories
   ●   also included in this category are online business listings like LinkedIn

“Electronic Yellow Pages are online versions of traditional printed business directories
produced by telephone companies around the world. Typical functionalities of online yellow
pages include the alphabetical listings of businesses and search functionality of the business
database by name, business or location. Since Electronic Yellow Pages are not limited by space
considerations, they often contain far more comprehensive business information such as vicinity
maps, company profiles, product information, and more.”

Tool for Local Search:

                              Small Business Internet Marketing
Community Websites:

   1. Squidoo
   2. Hubpages
   3. Weebly

“A virtual community is a social network of individuals who interact through specific media,
potentially crossing geographical and political boundaries in order to pursue mutual interests or

   ●   community websites allow users to create multimedia pages without knowing HTML
   ●   user-built website
   ●   many community websites use Google Adsense or other programs for ad revenue

“Squidoo is a community website that allows users to create pages (called lenses) for subjects
of interest. Squidoo had 1.5 million hand-built lenses as of October, 2011.”

Good Free Training:

                                           Tiffany Dow
Classified Ads (free):

   1. Craigslist
   2. USFreeads
   3. PennySaverUSA

“Craigslist is a centralized network of online communities, featuring free online classified
advertisements – with sections devoted to jobs, housing, personals, for sale, services,
community, gigs, résumés, and discussion forums.”

   ●   online or interactive version of traditional newspaper classified ads
   ●   Craigslist is the leading classified ad service in any media
   ●   migration to Craigslist is killing US newspaper revenue - and will continue to do so
   ●   cannot post ads for illegal activity
   ●   incredible reach

“ - a portal for free online classifieds, coupons, businesses and online
contests in USA. Place free classifieds to offer your services or items for sale. Browse through
free classifieds online to search for various merchandise, real estate classifieds, cars & vehicles
for sale, services, job listings, restaurant listings, garage sales, pet classifieds and event tickets.
Use our portal to find the best offers and coupons and reach our loyal readership through online
classifieds. Placing free ads is easy as 1-2-3.”

For Classified Professionals:

                  Blast your ad to over 3 thousand websites daily.

   1. Twitter
   2. Plurk
   3. Jaiku

“Microblogging is a broadcast medium in the form of blogging. A microblog differs from a
traditional blog in that its content is typically smaller in both actual and aggregate file size.
Microblogs "allow users to exchange small elements of content such as short sentences,
individual images, or video links".”

   ●   differs from blogging
   ●   short sentences, video links, single images
   ●   aka “tumblelogs”
   ●   content is smaller in actual and aggregate file size
   ●   especially valuable for instant news updates (think recent civil unrest around the world)
   ●   can set up your own micro-blogging service using free and open source software

“A blog that contains brief entries about the daily activities of an individual or
company. Created to keep friends, colleagues and customers up-to-date, small
images may be included as well as brief audio and video clips. The most popular
microblog is Twitter.”

Pro Submitter:

Magic Submitter keeps track of all your new urls. It checks the article directories and if one
 hasn't approved your article yet (sometimes it can take a few days or even a week), Link
  Manager won't add it to the list. But all working urls are added automatically to a list.
Music Recommendation:

   1. Pandora
   3. slacker

“ is a popular Internet radio site for music, founded in the United Kingdom in 2002. It
claims over 30 million active users based in more than 200 countries. On 30 May 2007, CBS
Interactive acquired for £140m ($280m USD).”

   ●   music from every imaginable genre
   ●   most rely on user profiles to build playlists and suggest music
   ●   custom radio stations
   ●   share your playlists with friends
   ●   listen to your favorites or discover new artists
   ●   most music sites are monetized by selling ads or individual tracks

“Using a music recommender system called "Audioscrobbler", builds a detailed profile
of each user's musical taste by recording details of the songs the user listens to, either from
Internet radio stations, or the user's computer or many portable music devices. This information
is transferred to's database ("scrobbled") either via the music player itself (Rdio,
Spotify, Amarok) or via a plugin installed into the user's music player. The profile data is then
displayed on the user's profile page. The site offers numerous social networking features and
can recommend and play artists similar to the user's favourites.”

Create Your Own Beats:

         SonicProducer is an incredible cutting edge music sequencer
                         with mp3 export capability.
Photo Sharing:

   1. Flickr
   2. Picassa
   3. photobucket

“Photo sharing is the publishing or transfer of a user's digital photos online, thus enabling the
user to share them with others (whether publicly or privately). This functionality is provided
through both websites and applications that facilitate the upload and display of images. …”

   ●   website stores and shares user uploaded photos
   ●   digital images
   ●   smartphones are now a huge platform for photo sharing
   ●   some smartphones can upload photos instantly

“A Web site used to store and share photos. Users upload their pictures to the
site, which are stored on the server and made available to friends and family via
personal Web pages. Prints and other accessories can be ordered, which is the
motivation for publishing the site. One of the earliest photo sharing sites was
Ofoto. Launched in 1999 and acquired by Kodak in 2001, it was renamed Kodak
EasyShare Gallery ( in 2005. “

Pro Photo Software:

how to enhance and edit photos easily and quickly with our industry-
                         leading software

   1. Pingoat
   2. Ping-O-Matic
   3. Pingates

“The main usage of Ping is to deliver the latest updated content toping servers. Everyday
millions of bloggers around the world uses online ping services to notify various websites and
aggregators about their latest contents.”

   ● pinging is a fast way to announce changes to your blog or website
   ● also notifies a site that another blog has linked to it
   ● XML-RPC signal is sent to "ping servers," which then generate a list of blogs that have
     new content
   ● most blog platforms automatically ping the servers each time an author creates a new
     post or updates an existing one

“Definition: A signal sent from one web server to another to verify its existence. Pings are
useful to bloggers because they notify other sites when a blog is updated thereby driving
traffic. Pings are also used when Blog A sends a trackback to Blog B notifying Blog B (via a
ping and resulting trackback comment) that Blog A has linked to Blog B. See 'trackback'.”

Pro Tool - RSS - Ping - Backlinks:

                                      Nuclear Link Crawler

   1. podbeam
   2. podomatic
   3. podcastmachine

“(iPOD broadCAST) An audio broadcast that has been converted to an MP3 file or other audio
file format for playback in a digital music player. Although many podcasts are played in a
regular computer, the original idea was to listen on a portable device; hence, the "pod" name
from "iPod." Although podcasts are mostly verbal, they may contain music, images and video.”

   ●   podcast (ipod + broadcasting)
   ●   non-streamed webcast
   ●   digital media files - audio or video
   ●   files hosted on remote servers

“A podcast (or non-streamed webcast) is a series of digital media files (either audio orvideo)
that are released episodically and often downloaded through web syndication. The word
replaced webcast in common vernacular due to the fame of the iPod and its role in the rising
popularity and innovation of web feeds.”

Pro Niche Podcasting Tool:

                                         Niche Podcasting
Press Releases (free, online):

   1. i-Newswire
   2. PRLog
   3. Free Press Releases

It’s simple. You write an announcement about your organization – a new product launch, current
promotion, or local team sponsorship - whatever. We distribute your release to every major
news site and search engine on the Web, and can put you in front of consumers and journalists.

   ●   company generated “news” or announcements
   ●   distributed electronically over the web instead of by traditional mail or media kits

An announcement of an event, performance, or other newsworthy item that is issued to the

Press Release Software:

                                        Press Equalizer

   1. RSS Search Hub
   2. RSS Micro
   3. RSS Search Engine

“The fastest way to have an RSS feed spidered by Yahoo or MSN is to include the feed on a
personal or my.msn home page. Simply create an account on the respective search
engines and customize the home page to include your RSS feed. This is done by adding
content and listing the URL to the RSS feed. Typically, within 24-48 hours the feed's contents
will be spidered and indexed by Yahoo and MSN.”

   ●   collections of RSS feeds (not just blog feeds)
   ●   special search engines that index these feeds

“Also called web feeds, RSS is a content delivery vehicle. It is the format used when you want
to syndicate news and other web content. When it distributes the content it is called a feed. You
could think of RSS as your own personal wire service.”

RSS Feeds:

           Add An RSS Feed To Your Web Pages In 4 Easy Steps
Search Engines:

   1. Google
   2. Bing
   3. Yahoo

“A program that searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the
documents where the keywords were found. Although search engine is really a general class
of programs, the term is often used to specifically describe systems like Google, Alta Vista
and Excite that enable users to search for documents on the World Wide Web and USENET
newsgroups....Typically, a search engine works by sending out a spider to fetch as many
documents as possible. Another program, called an indexer, then reads these documents and
creates an index based on the words contained in each document. Each search engine uses a
proprietary algorithm to create its indices such that, ideally, only meaningful results are returned
for each query.”

   ●   Google is the alpha and omega of SEO and business promotion on the Internet
   ●   organic SEO is the holy grail for all websites
   ●   original, unique content is the coin of the realm
   ●   method by which most Internet users find information
   ●   local search is critical for bricks and mortar business
   ●   customers research online then buy locally

“a computer program that searches documents, especially on theworld Wide web, for a
specified word or words and provides a listof documents in which they are found”

Search Engine Submission:

     Instantly submit your website to over 500 search engines
             including: Google, Yahoo, Bing, and AOL
Social Bookmarking:

   1. digg
   2. stumbleupon
   3. diigo

“Social bookmarking is a method for Internet users to share, organize, search, and manage
bookmarks of web resources. Unlike file sharing, the resources themselves aren't shared,
merely bookmarks that reference them.”

   ●   many sites permit the addition of descriptions, tags, votes, and categories
   ●   users save links to web pages that can be shared
   ●   many social bookmarking services provide feeds for bookmarks
   ●   online version of local bookmarking or favorites
   ●   many sites support importing and exporting of bookmarks from browsers
   ●   features can include ratings, comments, emailing, and web annotation
   ●   some sites include link search by tag
   ●   good way to have your favorites online for use from any device connected to the Internet
   ●   sites come and go frequently, even large ones like Propeller disappear
   ●   creates one-way backlinks to your sites and affiliate products - no reciprocal links
   ●   simple, convenient, and hassle-free
   ●   can be submitted manually or through multi-site submitters like Amplify and
   ●   virtually all social bookmarking sites are search engine friendly, authority sites

“The concept of social bookmarking can be compared to personal bookmarks, or favorites lists.
These networks allow people to add links they like, not just their own. Social bookmarking can
be used by anyone, but is generally utilized for business to business information, or business to
consumer information.”

Bookmarking Demon:

   Just Fill In Some Blanks And Press The Start Button, And You Can Start Increasing Your
                Affiliate Commissions, Product Sales And Adsense Income Today
Social Networking:

   1. Facebook
   2. LinkedIn
   3. MySpace

“A social networking service is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on building and
reflecting of social networks or social relations among people, e.g., who share interests and/or
activities. A social network service essentially consists of a representation of each user (often
a profile), his/her social links, and a variety of additional services. Most social network services
are web based and provide means for users to interact over the internet, such as e-mail and
instant messaging. Online community services are sometimes considered as a social network
service, though in a broader sense, social network service usually means an individual-centered
service whereas online community services are group-centered. Social networking sites allow
users to share ideas, activities, events, and interests within their individual networks.”

           ●   hundreds of permutations on thousands of sites
           ●   base is a personal profile and the ability to connect to other members
           ●   many organized around a common interest
           ●   may include IM, email, video, photo sharing, blogging, micro-blogging
           ●   social networking sites are fast replacing dating sites

“The process of building online communities, often accomplished both through 'groups'
and 'friends lists' that allow greater interaction on websites. Find out more about social

Social Media Marketing:

  500+ Training Videos on all aspects of Social Media including Facebook,
                  Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and Google+
Video Sharing:

   1. YouTube
   2. Viddler
   3. Vimeo

Video hosting services refers to websites or software where users can distribute their video
clips. Other sites that might offer video are file hosting services image hosting services and
social network services and such now support video sharing as an enhancement to their
primary mission, but in general, they are not listed here. Many services have options for private
sharing and other publication options. Video sharing services can be classified into several
categories, among them: user generated video sharing websites, video sharing platform / white
label providers and web based video editing. Please note that websites that are solely search
engines and do not provide the hosting of their video content (such as Singingfish) are not
included in this article. Some services may charge, but the large majority of video sharing sites
offer their service for free. Some websites offer commercialization features, such as partnership
programs and the ability for users to offer pay-per-view for their videos.

   ●   YouTube is the standard for video sharing (now owned by Google)
   ●   most free sites are user generated video sharing

“Video marketing is surpassing article marketing for “newness” but also effectiveness of the link
building and direct traffic it generates.”

Creating Videos On-The-Fly:

 Here is where Video Spin Blaster comes in. The soul purpose of this Mass Video Creator is to
generate videos on the fly, on the push of a mouse button. All you need to do is download some
                                 images and you are good to go.
Web Directories (free):

   1. DMOZ
   2. Jayde
   3. Mavicanet

“A web directory or link directory is a directory on the World Wide Web. It specializes in
linking to other web sites andcategorizing those links.
A web directory is not a search engine and does not display lists of web pages based on
keywords; instead, it lists web sites by category and subcategory. Most web directory entries
are also not found by web crawlers but by humans. The categorization is usually based on
the whole web site rather than one page or a set of keywords, and sites are often limited to
inclusion in only a few categories. Web directories often allow site owners to directly submit their
site for inclusion, and have editors review submissions for fitness.”

   ●   similar to search engines, but most are human edited instead of compiled by bots
   ●   edited and approved before inclusion
   ●   can often take some time to be included
   ●   many web directories have shifted to a paid model

“Web Directory – a collection of websites grouped by categories. Usually each site is verified
by an editor prior to approval. The most well-known web directory is Dmoz, but there are
thousands of such websites on the internet.”

Free Tool:

                     AutoHotKey. Save time by creating your own macros.
Websites (free):

   1. Bravenet
   2. Wix
   3. yola

“Bravehost features a classic hosting control panel with access to FTP, file manager, PHP,
databases, email accounts, and domain management.”

   ●   free web hosting is not as popular as in years back, but it still exists
   ●   most now have newbie friendly site builders
   ●   may include images, audio, video
   ●   most have free and premium options
   ●   may be in a subdomain or your own domain name

“Yola is the website builder and hosting service that helps small businesses stand out on the
web. Our site builder allows you to showcase your products and services online to reach the
widest audience possible. With Yola, your website will look professional, have all the features
your audience wants, and be free from annoying ads.”

Free Tool:

 To keep track of all of your logins and profiles, I recommend It’s free, includes
  a great online form filler and password generator, and can be run either on your computer or
                                           totally online.
This Report’s Last Point of Hype:
Internet promotion is not set in stone. Sites come and go. In this report we have listed 3x
Points of Hype in 18 different areas to promote your business or websites. 54 places to get
started. Already you will be ahead of 99% of all online marketers.

Problem with free profile and promotional sites:

   1.   companies come and go constantly
   2.   existing companies change their focus or terms of service
   3.   sites go from free to paid and you lose access
   4.   sites are sold or taken down by their owners, and you lose all you have contributed
   5.   you spend time contributing to sites that are not active or which have low PR

For updates on free points of hype, visit Points of Hype.

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3x V11

  • 1. Charles Lamm v. 1.1
  • 2. Disclaimers The materials available at this website are for informational purposes only, and not for the purpose of providing legal, financial, tax, accounting, or medical advice. You should contact your attorney, financial planner, tax adviser, accountant, or physician to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Use of and access to this website/blog or any of the links contained within the site do not create an attorney-client, doctor-patient, or any other fiduciary relationship between the author or owner of the site and the user, visitor, or browser. The opinions expressed at or through this site are the opinions of the individual author and may not reflect the opinions of owner of this site. The Publisher strives to be as accurate and complete as possible in the material presented in this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the content within is currently accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. While all attempts have been made to confirm and to verify information provided in this publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, people, or organizations are completely unintentional. Earnings Disclaimer: For financial products, no guarantees are expressed or implied regarding your own results with the strategies mentioned. You may not achieve the same (or any) results by following the information on this website and the software featured on this page. All business endeavors involve risk. Some individuals are more able to profit from Internet marketing than others due to business abilities and communication skills. Others may find it somewhat difficult or impossible. No guarantees are made as to whether you will see any results, regardless of the author's own experience with these procedures and strategies. In practical advice books, ebooks, articles, posts, and reports, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their own individual circumstances to act accordingly. Business also involves risk of loss, including, but not limited to: money, time and energy. The publisher has made every effort to accurately portray the information offered on this site, but cannot be held liable for any damages that may occur as a result of using this information - even if the user informs the author prior to or after these damages occur. You agree that you are solely responsible for the consequences of your actions. It is the user's responsibility to conduct due diligence prior to making any business or legal decisions. The information contained and distributed by this website is not to be considered professional business advice or legal advice. For legal purposes, this product and website should be considered "for entertainment purposes only".
  • 3. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: You should assume that the owner of this website has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this site and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline. FTC and Affiliate Notices: Beginning December 1, 2009, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) began enforcing new rules regarding transparency in advertising relations between product endorsers, advertisers, affiliate marketers, product reviewers, bloggers, celebrities, and other marketers, and the general public. Opinions on this blog or website are my own. No one else is responsible for the content. I have not received any compensation for writing this post, article, review, ebook, or other content, and I have no material connection to the brands or products mentioned, except as noted below. I do not accept free products from manufacturers or advertisers or free books from writers and publishers in exchange for a review. All of the product reviews on this blog are influenced solely by the performance of the product itself. I do not receive any kind of monetary compensation for my content or reviews including cash or free products. AFFILIATE NOTICE: I maintain an affiliate/publisher/republisher relationship with hundreds of companies. This page or report may contain affiliate links to one or more of these companies. An affiliate link is a special URL to the affiliate merchant which lets him know you reached his site/sales page through my recommendation, text link, or banner ad. In many cases, I do not personally review products but pass on news I have discovered from research. I often quote from other sources of information or from the manufacturer/product owner’s site. Any product features, statistics, quotes or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or distributor. On occasion, I may write or blog about a product or service and include an affiliate link. If you purchase a product via my affiliate link, I may receive a commission for referring you. In fact, that is the whole purpose of the affiliate link. This site may contain in-context textual ads or banner ads, such as from Google or Kontera, over which I have no control over the content. I may or may not have an affiliate/business relationship with the companies advertising on those services. If you click on one of these links, I hope to be paid a small sum for sending you to that merchant's site. Otherwise, I would have no reason to give Google and others space on my website.
  • 4. You should consult the respective privacy policies of these third-party ad servers for more detailed information on their practices as well as for instructions about how to opt-out of certain practices. We cannot control the activities of other advertisers or web sites. Unless otherwise stated, the website guest or visitor should assume that any link to a third-party vendor is a paid link, and that the author or website owner may receive compensation for that link. Distribution and Editing Feel free to distribute and give away this report/checklist in its original form so long as you do not alter any text or links, do not sell the product, and do not attempt to claim ownership of the report as your own. [YES] - Can be offered as a bonus. [YES] - Can be packaged with products. [YES] - Can add to a FREE Membership site. [YES] - Can add to a paid membership site. [NO] - Can sell this product directly. [NO] - Can sell for personal use. [NO] - Can put your name on sales page. [NO] - Can sell resale rights [NO] - Can sell master resale rights. [NO] - Can sell PLR. [NO] - Can sell via auction sites.
  • 5. I find outlines easier to read than most Internet marketing manuals. If you like rags-to- riches stories or questionable income screen shots, there are hundreds of so-called Internet marketing “gurus” who will sell you some fluff for $27 or $47 or $97 or more. What I present here are free resources I call “points of hype” - places you can promote your website or brand. Your marketing will benefit if you have a domain name that works as a user name for most sites where you establish a profile. For example, when I Googled “pointsofhype” and found that no one was using it, I bought the domain name - - and began joining social networking sites and promoting my business. Every post, article, profile, and email will help brand “pointsofhype” or “Points of Hype” without any additional effort on my part. Now on to Outliners - 3x: 1. What is 3x? a. a brief manual which lists 3 resources in different categories for use by online marketers and local offline business owners to promote their products and services b. using a minimum of 3 resources in each area of promotion on a regular basis, the typical website or business owner will be well ahead of the game 2. Media categories: a. article directories b. blog hosts (free) c. blog search engines d. business listings (IYP) e. classified ads (free, online) f. community websites g. microblogging h. music recommendation
  • 6. i. photo sharing j. ping k. podcasting l. RSS search engines m. search engines n. social bookmarking o. social networking p. video sharing q. web directories (free) r. website hosting (free) 3. Why social media marketing is important for your online or offline business: a. your reputation can be trashed in record time online b. complaints are now viral c. use social media to find out where your customers hang out d. monitor your online reputation e. produce content your audience will love f. build relationships without hard selling or interruption marketing g. promote your content and other non-competing content your customers will want to know about ● thousands of free search engines, Internet yellow pages, business directories, social media, and online directories to promote your website or bricks and mortar business ● hundreds of free blog and website hosts, community websites, and article directories to publish articles that create authority and expert status for you and your business ● best source of high PR backlinks ● organic SEO naturally Are these the top resources in each category? Sometimes yes. Sometimes no. What they are is a bare bones minimum for the do-it-yourself marketer. Some sites are chosen for ease of use as much as PageRank.
  • 7. Article Directories: 1. 2. GoArticles 3. ArticleDashboard “Article directories are websites where users submit unique articles to be categorized and included to a specific niche. Well-written content articles released for free distribution have the potential of increasing the authoring business' credibility within its market as well as attracting new clients.” ● your articles are available for republishing by other ezines, blogs, and websites ● good source of high PageRank backlinks to your top level domains ● top article directories are constantly re-indexed by the search engine bots ● many restrictions imposed by the site owners ● each article directory will disclose their own author guidelines regarding length of article and links permitted ● is the gold standard ● lost influence after the latest Google slap ● want to spend your time submitting quality articles to the highest ranked and most active directories ● create powerful backlinks using your niche keyword phrases in the bio/resource box ● most directories prohibit affiliate links in your article or bio ● popular directories are authority sites with good SEO backlink value ● submit unique, categorized articles ● less important with the growth of free blog hosts who impose fewer restrictions on backlinks “It's becoming fairly common knowledge amongst Internet marketers and webmasters alike that in order to promote your website, blog or online business, a powerful and free way of generating targeted traffic is to submit articles to article directories....To do this manually can be a slow and painstaking process, but a necessary one if you want the search engines to rank your site as well as deliver that traffic to your site. And not just traffic, but also those all-important inbound links to give your sites the authority they need to compete in the search engine results.” ~ Caveat: The recent Panda update to the Google search algorithm reduced the effectiveness and PR of article marketing, yet it will continue to be a useful marketing and branding tool as long as your content is unique (or heavily spun) and gives good value to your visitors. As I write this, Google is developing the most significant changes to its search engine
  • 8. ever, mostly to counter the growth of influence by Facebook. Search results will soon be largely individual to you and include influence from your social media. Pro Tool: I love spinners. Some marketers do not. The one I use is simple, not too automated, and leaves me in control. Magic Article Rewriter allows me to submit unique content to each article directory, blog, or website. Magic Article Submitter is also available, but hackers have reduced its usefulness.
  • 9. Blog Hosts (free): 1. Blogger 2. Wordpress 3. Livejournal “Definition: The company that provides the space on their servers and equipment to store your blog. Blogging hosts can provide a variety of ancillary services, and some blog hosts provide blogging software as well. There are both paid blog hosts and free blog hosts offering a diverse array of services.” ~ ● as you know, blog is just short for web log ● blogs come in many forms including news, commentary, online diaries, corporate, sales, and personal ● interactive ● several free blog platforms are available for use, with blogger and wordpress dominating. ● features can include comments, blogrolls, linkbacks, pingbacks, trackbacks, refbacks, and widgets ● have search engines and communities devoted exclusively to blogs ● many social networking and social bookmarking sites include internal blog space for users “A Web site that lets anyone write and publish their own blog that is hosted on its servers. With pre-designed templates providing the blogger with a choice of page look and feel, the blog host typically offers a free, ad-supported service and a premium service without the ads. A common option is the use of a private domain name instead of one appended to the blog service; for example, rather than” ~ Pro Tool: presell pro
  • 10. Blog Search Engines: 1. Technorati 2. Google Blogs 3. IceRocket “A search engine for the blogosphere. Blog search engines only index and provide search results from blogs (Web logs). Examples of blog search engines include Google Blog Search and Technorati.” ~ ● model for blog search in technorati (technology + literati) ● looks at tags authors place on their articles and sites, not keyword phrases extracted by the search engine bots ● most blog search engines are single language specific “Several blog search engines are used to search blog contents, such as Bloglines, BlogScope, and Technorati. Technorati, which is among the most popular blog search engines, provides current information on both popular searches and tags used to categorize blog postings. The research community is working on going beyond simple keyword search, by inventing new ways to navigate through huge amounts of information present in the blogosphere, as demonstrated by projects like BlogScope.” ~ Autoblogging Upgrade: The Last Autoblogging System You'll Ever Want (Or Need)
  • 11. Business Listings: 1. Google Places 2. Localeze 3. “Electronic or interactive versions of Yellow Pages directories that allow on-line search for local listings.” ● printed yellowpages and business directories are nearing death and filling dumpsters ● online business listings can be owner created or extracted from business telephone directories ● now called local search ● most listing promote a business name, address, phone, fax, website, email address, contact person, map, directions, coupons, QR codes, prices, menus, photos, video, and more ● Internet Yellow Pages (IYP) are web directories of businesses ● content management for local search engines ● some companies like Localeze provide data to local business directories ● also included in this category are online business listings like LinkedIn “Electronic Yellow Pages are online versions of traditional printed business directories produced by telephone companies around the world. Typical functionalities of online yellow pages include the alphabetical listings of businesses and search functionality of the business database by name, business or location. Since Electronic Yellow Pages are not limited by space considerations, they often contain far more comprehensive business information such as vicinity maps, company profiles, product information, and more.” ~ Tool for Local Search: Small Business Internet Marketing
  • 12. Community Websites: 1. Squidoo 2. Hubpages 3. Weebly “A virtual community is a social network of individuals who interact through specific media, potentially crossing geographical and political boundaries in order to pursue mutual interests or goals.” ● community websites allow users to create multimedia pages without knowing HTML ● user-built website ● many community websites use Google Adsense or other programs for ad revenue sharing “Squidoo is a community website that allows users to create pages (called lenses) for subjects of interest. Squidoo had 1.5 million hand-built lenses as of October, 2011.” ~ Good Free Training: Tiffany Dow
  • 13. Classified Ads (free): 1. Craigslist 2. USFreeads 3. PennySaverUSA “Craigslist is a centralized network of online communities, featuring free online classified advertisements – with sections devoted to jobs, housing, personals, for sale, services, community, gigs, résumés, and discussion forums.” ~ ● online or interactive version of traditional newspaper classified ads ● Craigslist is the leading classified ad service in any media ● migration to Craigslist is killing US newspaper revenue - and will continue to do so ● cannot post ads for illegal activity ● incredible reach “ - a portal for free online classifieds, coupons, businesses and online contests in USA. Place free classifieds to offer your services or items for sale. Browse through free classifieds online to search for various merchandise, real estate classifieds, cars & vehicles for sale, services, job listings, restaurant listings, garage sales, pet classifieds and event tickets. Use our portal to find the best offers and coupons and reach our loyal readership through online classifieds. Placing free ads is easy as 1-2-3.” ~ For Classified Professionals: Blast your ad to over 3 thousand websites daily.
  • 14. Microblogging: 1. Twitter 2. Plurk 3. Jaiku “Microblogging is a broadcast medium in the form of blogging. A microblog differs from a traditional blog in that its content is typically smaller in both actual and aggregate file size. Microblogs "allow users to exchange small elements of content such as short sentences, individual images, or video links".” ~ ● differs from blogging ● short sentences, video links, single images ● aka “tumblelogs” ● content is smaller in actual and aggregate file size ● especially valuable for instant news updates (think recent civil unrest around the world) ● can set up your own micro-blogging service using free and open source software “A blog that contains brief entries about the daily activities of an individual or company. Created to keep friends, colleagues and customers up-to-date, small images may be included as well as brief audio and video clips. The most popular microblog is Twitter.” ~,2542,t=microblog&i=58092,00.asp Pro Submitter: Magic Submitter keeps track of all your new urls. It checks the article directories and if one hasn't approved your article yet (sometimes it can take a few days or even a week), Link Manager won't add it to the list. But all working urls are added automatically to a list.
  • 15. Music Recommendation: 1. Pandora 2. 3. slacker “ is a popular Internet radio site for music, founded in the United Kingdom in 2002. It claims over 30 million active users based in more than 200 countries. On 30 May 2007, CBS Interactive acquired for £140m ($280m USD).” ● music from every imaginable genre ● most rely on user profiles to build playlists and suggest music ● custom radio stations ● share your playlists with friends ● listen to your favorites or discover new artists ● most music sites are monetized by selling ads or individual tracks “Using a music recommender system called "Audioscrobbler", builds a detailed profile of each user's musical taste by recording details of the songs the user listens to, either from Internet radio stations, or the user's computer or many portable music devices. This information is transferred to's database ("scrobbled") either via the music player itself (Rdio, Spotify, Amarok) or via a plugin installed into the user's music player. The profile data is then displayed on the user's profile page. The site offers numerous social networking features and can recommend and play artists similar to the user's favourites.” ~ Create Your Own Beats: SonicProducer is an incredible cutting edge music sequencer with mp3 export capability.
  • 16. Photo Sharing: 1. Flickr 2. Picassa 3. photobucket “Photo sharing is the publishing or transfer of a user's digital photos online, thus enabling the user to share them with others (whether publicly or privately). This functionality is provided through both websites and applications that facilitate the upload and display of images. …” ● website stores and shares user uploaded photos ● digital images ● smartphones are now a huge platform for photo sharing ● some smartphones can upload photos instantly “A Web site used to store and share photos. Users upload their pictures to the site, which are stored on the server and made available to friends and family via personal Web pages. Prints and other accessories can be ordered, which is the motivation for publishing the site. One of the earliest photo sharing sites was Ofoto. Launched in 1999 and acquired by Kodak in 2001, it was renamed Kodak EasyShare Gallery ( in 2005. “ ~,2542,t=photo+sharing+site&i=49197,00.asp Pro Photo Software: how to enhance and edit photos easily and quickly with our industry- leading software
  • 17. Ping: 1. Pingoat 2. Ping-O-Matic 3. Pingates “The main usage of Ping is to deliver the latest updated content toping servers. Everyday millions of bloggers around the world uses online ping services to notify various websites and aggregators about their latest contents.” ~ ● pinging is a fast way to announce changes to your blog or website ● also notifies a site that another blog has linked to it ● XML-RPC signal is sent to "ping servers," which then generate a list of blogs that have new content ● most blog platforms automatically ping the servers each time an author creates a new post or updates an existing one “Definition: A signal sent from one web server to another to verify its existence. Pings are useful to bloggers because they notify other sites when a blog is updated thereby driving traffic. Pings are also used when Blog A sends a trackback to Blog B notifying Blog B (via a ping and resulting trackback comment) that Blog A has linked to Blog B. See 'trackback'.” ~ Pro Tool - RSS - Ping - Backlinks: Nuclear Link Crawler
  • 18. Podcasting: 1. podbeam 2. podomatic 3. podcastmachine “(iPOD broadCAST) An audio broadcast that has been converted to an MP3 file or other audio file format for playback in a digital music player. Although many podcasts are played in a regular computer, the original idea was to listen on a portable device; hence, the "pod" name from "iPod." Although podcasts are mostly verbal, they may contain music, images and video.” ~,2542,t=podcast&i=49433,00.asp ● podcast (ipod + broadcasting) ● non-streamed webcast ● digital media files - audio or video ● files hosted on remote servers “A podcast (or non-streamed webcast) is a series of digital media files (either audio orvideo) that are released episodically and often downloaded through web syndication. The word replaced webcast in common vernacular due to the fame of the iPod and its role in the rising popularity and innovation of web feeds.” ~ Pro Niche Podcasting Tool: Niche Podcasting
  • 19. Press Releases (free, online): 1. i-Newswire 2. PRLog 3. Free Press Releases It’s simple. You write an announcement about your organization – a new product launch, current promotion, or local team sponsorship - whatever. We distribute your release to every major news site and search engine on the Web, and can put you in front of consumers and journalists. ~ ● company generated “news” or announcements ● distributed electronically over the web instead of by traditional mail or media kits An announcement of an event, performance, or other newsworthy item that is issued to the press. ~ Press Release Software: Press Equalizer
  • 20. RSS: 1. RSS Search Hub 2. RSS Micro 3. RSS Search Engine “The fastest way to have an RSS feed spidered by Yahoo or MSN is to include the feed on a personal or my.msn home page. Simply create an account on the respective search engines and customize the home page to include your RSS feed. This is done by adding content and listing the URL to the RSS feed. Typically, within 24-48 hours the feed's contents will be spidered and indexed by Yahoo and MSN.” ~ ● collections of RSS feeds (not just blog feeds) ● special search engines that index these feeds “Also called web feeds, RSS is a content delivery vehicle. It is the format used when you want to syndicate news and other web content. When it distributes the content it is called a feed. You could think of RSS as your own personal wire service.” ~ RSS Feeds: Add An RSS Feed To Your Web Pages In 4 Easy Steps
  • 21. Search Engines: 1. Google 2. Bing 3. Yahoo “A program that searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found. Although search engine is really a general class of programs, the term is often used to specifically describe systems like Google, Alta Vista and Excite that enable users to search for documents on the World Wide Web and USENET newsgroups....Typically, a search engine works by sending out a spider to fetch as many documents as possible. Another program, called an indexer, then reads these documents and creates an index based on the words contained in each document. Each search engine uses a proprietary algorithm to create its indices such that, ideally, only meaningful results are returned for each query.” ~ ● Google is the alpha and omega of SEO and business promotion on the Internet ● organic SEO is the holy grail for all websites ● original, unique content is the coin of the realm ● method by which most Internet users find information ● local search is critical for bricks and mortar business ● customers research online then buy locally “a computer program that searches documents, especially on theworld Wide web, for a specified word or words and provides a listof documents in which they are found” ~ Search Engine Submission: Instantly submit your website to over 500 search engines including: Google, Yahoo, Bing, and AOL
  • 22. Social Bookmarking: 1. digg 2. stumbleupon 3. diigo “Social bookmarking is a method for Internet users to share, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of web resources. Unlike file sharing, the resources themselves aren't shared, merely bookmarks that reference them.” ● many sites permit the addition of descriptions, tags, votes, and categories ● users save links to web pages that can be shared ● many social bookmarking services provide feeds for bookmarks ● online version of local bookmarking or favorites ● many sites support importing and exporting of bookmarks from browsers ● features can include ratings, comments, emailing, and web annotation ● some sites include link search by tag ● good way to have your favorites online for use from any device connected to the Internet ● sites come and go frequently, even large ones like Propeller disappear ● creates one-way backlinks to your sites and affiliate products - no reciprocal links required ● simple, convenient, and hassle-free ● can be submitted manually or through multi-site submitters like Amplify and OnlyWire ● virtually all social bookmarking sites are search engine friendly, authority sites “The concept of social bookmarking can be compared to personal bookmarks, or favorites lists. These networks allow people to add links they like, not just their own. Social bookmarking can be used by anyone, but is generally utilized for business to business information, or business to consumer information.” ~ Bookmarking Demon: Just Fill In Some Blanks And Press The Start Button, And You Can Start Increasing Your Affiliate Commissions, Product Sales And Adsense Income Today
  • 23. Social Networking: 1. Facebook 2. LinkedIn 3. MySpace “A social networking service is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people, e.g., who share interests and/or activities. A social network service essentially consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his/her social links, and a variety of additional services. Most social network services are web based and provide means for users to interact over the internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging. Online community services are sometimes considered as a social network service, though in a broader sense, social network service usually means an individual-centered service whereas online community services are group-centered. Social networking sites allow users to share ideas, activities, events, and interests within their individual networks.” ● hundreds of permutations on thousands of sites ● base is a personal profile and the ability to connect to other members ● many organized around a common interest ● may include IM, email, video, photo sharing, blogging, micro-blogging ● social networking sites are fast replacing dating sites “The process of building online communities, often accomplished both through 'groups' and 'friends lists' that allow greater interaction on websites. Find out more about social networking.” Social Media Marketing: 500+ Training Videos on all aspects of Social Media including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and Google+
  • 24. Video Sharing: 1. YouTube 2. Viddler 3. Vimeo Video hosting services refers to websites or software where users can distribute their video clips. Other sites that might offer video are file hosting services image hosting services and social network services and such now support video sharing as an enhancement to their primary mission, but in general, they are not listed here. Many services have options for private sharing and other publication options. Video sharing services can be classified into several categories, among them: user generated video sharing websites, video sharing platform / white label providers and web based video editing. Please note that websites that are solely search engines and do not provide the hosting of their video content (such as Singingfish) are not included in this article. Some services may charge, but the large majority of video sharing sites offer their service for free. Some websites offer commercialization features, such as partnership programs and the ability for users to offer pay-per-view for their videos. ~ ● YouTube is the standard for video sharing (now owned by Google) ● most free sites are user generated video sharing “Video marketing is surpassing article marketing for “newness” but also effectiveness of the link building and direct traffic it generates.” ~ Creating Videos On-The-Fly: Here is where Video Spin Blaster comes in. The soul purpose of this Mass Video Creator is to generate videos on the fly, on the push of a mouse button. All you need to do is download some images and you are good to go.
  • 25. Web Directories (free): 1. DMOZ 2. Jayde 3. Mavicanet “A web directory or link directory is a directory on the World Wide Web. It specializes in linking to other web sites andcategorizing those links. A web directory is not a search engine and does not display lists of web pages based on keywords; instead, it lists web sites by category and subcategory. Most web directory entries are also not found by web crawlers but by humans. The categorization is usually based on the whole web site rather than one page or a set of keywords, and sites are often limited to inclusion in only a few categories. Web directories often allow site owners to directly submit their site for inclusion, and have editors review submissions for fitness.” ~ ● similar to search engines, but most are human edited instead of compiled by bots ● edited and approved before inclusion ● can often take some time to be included ● many web directories have shifted to a paid model “Web Directory – a collection of websites grouped by categories. Usually each site is verified by an editor prior to approval. The most well-known web directory is Dmoz, but there are thousands of such websites on the internet.” ~ Free Tool: AutoHotKey. Save time by creating your own macros.
  • 26. Websites (free): 1. Bravenet 2. Wix 3. yola “Bravehost features a classic hosting control panel with access to FTP, file manager, PHP, databases, email accounts, and domain management.” ~ ● free web hosting is not as popular as in years back, but it still exists ● most now have newbie friendly site builders ● may include images, audio, video ● most have free and premium options ● may be in a subdomain or your own domain name “Yola is the website builder and hosting service that helps small businesses stand out on the web. Our site builder allows you to showcase your products and services online to reach the widest audience possible. With Yola, your website will look professional, have all the features your audience wants, and be free from annoying ads.” ~ Free Tool: To keep track of all of your logins and profiles, I recommend It’s free, includes a great online form filler and password generator, and can be run either on your computer or totally online.
  • 27. This Report’s Last Point of Hype: Internet promotion is not set in stone. Sites come and go. In this report we have listed 3x Points of Hype in 18 different areas to promote your business or websites. 54 places to get started. Already you will be ahead of 99% of all online marketers. Problem with free profile and promotional sites: 1. companies come and go constantly 2. existing companies change their focus or terms of service 3. sites go from free to paid and you lose access 4. sites are sold or taken down by their owners, and you lose all you have contributed 5. you spend time contributing to sites that are not active or which have low PR For updates on free points of hype, visit Points of Hype.