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Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 45:382–388
DOI 10.1007/s00170-009-1959-1


A method to exchange the demand of products
for cost improvement
Sanjay Sharma

Received: 18 October 2007 / Accepted: 3 February 2009 / Published online: 24 February 2009
# Springer-Verlag London Limited 2009

Abstract In a multiproduct manufacturing environment, the              facilities optimally. However, when most of the firms
actual demands of various products are either available, or            achieve this level, there is loss of competitive edge, and
these are expected. There are situations when demand of a              further cost reduction becomes necessary. In such a scenario,
product can be substituted with that of another. In the context        an examination of significant parameters is essential.
of cyclic manufacture, all the items are produced in an optimal        Demand management is critical nowadays, and therefore, a
cycle time, and the production facility runs at certain cost           method is explored in the present paper to exchange the
level. The total cost consists of the facility setup cost,             demand of products for cost improvement in certain cases.
inventory carrying costs, and the manufacturing time cost                 In a continuous production, single standard product is
for the basic case. The total cost is optimized. For the purpose       manufactured in large quantities. Even if the type of
of total cost improvement, a method is presented in which the          product is similar, it can be produced in a wide variety of
demand of a product is exchanged with that of another item in          sizes. For instance, in a tube or pipe manufacturing
the group. The basic model without backorders is analyzed              industry, these are in different diameters/thicknesses. In a
first. Then, it is extended for an inclusion of shortages that are     job shop/batch production also, several items are processed
either completely backlogged or partially. In addition to the          in a cycle time. For example, if the cycle time is 3 months
cost components discussed before, shortage costs are included          or 0.25 year, all items/product varieties are manufactured in
in the total cost for this case. Finally, after a discussion of idle   the cycle time. This is called as common cycle time. If the
time costs, these are also included briefly in the formulation of      production rate of an item is, say 300 U per month, and the
the total cost. The proposed methods are useful for imple-             demand rate is 100 U per month, the production time in a
mentation in a variety of industrial or business situations in the     cycle time of 3 months will be 1 month, i.e., 3×(100/300).
context of internal benchmarking or gradual improvement.               Benefits can be achieved by synchronizing production
                                                                       activities sequentially in a cycle time [3]. A relevant cost
Keywords Multi-item cyclic manufacture . Demand rate .                 needs to be estimated/modeled for the concerning produc-
Production time . Idle time costs                                      tion environment. For example, if shortages are not
                                                                       allowed, the shortage costs will not become a component
                                                                       of the total relevant cost. After an optimization of the total
1 Introduction                                                         relevant cost, a common cycle time is usually obtained in
                                                                       which all the items in a family are produced. A generalized
In the manufacturing firms, one or more products are made              production cost is used [1] including shop floor index, the
in certain cycle time. In order to become competitive, the             value of which lies in the range 0–1. The generalized
progressive firms are expected to run their production                 production cost is obtained as the multiplication of fixed
                                                                       production cost and a factor that is an exponential order of
                                                                       the ratio of production rate to demand rate of an item.
S. Sharma (*)
                                                                          In the context of modeling process, the rate of manufac-
National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE),
Vihar Lake, Mumbai 400087, India                                       ture and demand rate are among significant input parameters.
e-mail:                                          Manufacturing rate is considered to be a decision variable
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 45:382–388                                                                                    383

[8]. Shortages are included in the production system. These           With the purpose of an internal benchmarking/improve-
may be backordered completely/partially. Various cases are        ment activities, it seems reasonable to consider an appro-
analyzed [5–7, 9] for single/multi-item scenario. The             priate item whose demand is to be interchanged by any
demand rate per year or an annual demand needs to be              other remaining item in the group. The present paper is
adjusted in order to incorporate partial or fractional back-      divided into nine sections. Assumptions and notations are
ordering situation. For a single product case, the demand         provided in the “Assumptions” section, followed by
increase is included in different context [2, 4] considering      methodology in the “Methodology” section. Mathematical
demand function with respect to time. As it will be discussed     formulation for the basic problem is dealt with in the
later, a quite different approach is presented in this paper in   “Mathematical formulation” section followed by an illus-
the context of multiproduct manufacturing environment.            trative numerical example in the “Illustrative example”
This is expected to be useful in certain situations of business   section. Shortages are included in the “Extension for
when more or less stable product demands exist.                   shortages” section with the assumption that all the shortage
   In the traditional production/manufacturing setup, the         quantities will be backordered completely. This assumption
demand is analyzed solely as an input parameter. In the           is relaxed in the “Partial backlogging” section. An idle time
present paper, the demands are being viewed in an uncon-          cost is introduced in the “Incorporating an idle time cost”
ventional manner. For instance, several production lines run in   section for this approach, and finally, the concluding
parallel in the pharmaceutical industries. Whether it is          remarks are provided in the “Concluding remarks” section.
multiple or single production line, a batch production is
usually adopted. After certain development or value addition,
the management wishes to promote the improved product             2 Assumptions
(which may be patented in a different name) at the cost of
similar (more or less for medicinal purpose) matured product.     An industrial organization is engaged in the production of
However, the improved product is at least presently in lower      multiple items in a common cycle time. The manufacturing
demand because of either the availability of a familiar matured   facility is being run conventionally in an optimum manner. It
product at higher demand level or lack of awareness. This may     is often difficult to obtain information for benchmarking
also be due to purely psychological or emotional reasons          purpose particularly at the production facility level. With the
attached to a familiar product. As the aggregate demand is        aim of a gradual improvement, an intentional search is made
more or less uniform for similar types of products, the           to exchange the demand of an item (strategically selected by
production strategy may be based on a conscious anticipated       the management) with another appropriate item in the family
demand swapping. Further, there should be a strong justifica-     for any potential cost reduction. A business environment of
tion if it yields into the total relevant cost reduction.         stable demand exists in general. The proposed method
   In oligopoly, few firms dominate the market. While in          considers an exact interchange of the demand level of two
the monopolistic competition, many firms are active in            items because it is in the interest of the organization to
satisfying the market demands. Whether it is monopolistic         maintain a similar aggregate demand for the whole family of
competition or oligopoly, each progressive firm in the            items.
industrial sector would run their production operations at a         In addition to the above, the following assumptions are
certain optimum level. There is continuous pressure to            also made:
adopt a kind of internal benchmarking and improve the
                                                                  1. The facility is set-up for a family of items, and
production/operational cost further. In a planning period, it
                                                                     therefore, the facility setup cost is included in the
is possible to substitute the demand of an item by another
                                                                     formulation. As the individual item setup time is not
suitable item in the product family. The firm may have
                                                                     relevant in the present context, it is ignored.
invested in product development activities. It would like to
                                                                  2. All the items are manufactured in a common cycle time.
exchange the lower demand of new product with higher
                                                                  3. Shortages may or may not be allowed.
demand of an old matured product, and the firm manage-
                                                                  4. In case shortages are allowed, these may be backordered
ment is confident of getting it consumed as a substitute in
                                                                     completely/partially depending on the situation.
the market. In yet another situation, a factory may face
                                                                  5. An idle time exists usually in a common cycle time. If the
quality problems related to the input item of a product, and
                                                                     idle time costs are significant, these may be incorporated
it wants to exchange the demand of such a product with
                                                                     in the modeling process depending on the case.
another in the short-run. In many cases, contribution per
unit is almost similar for the products in a family. It is an        Based on these assumptions, a formulation is first made
interesting approach to explore the possibility concerning        for the basic production situation. Then the shortages are
the exchange of demand of items and examine the effects           incorporated with complete backordering. This is extended
on total relevant cost.                                           for a fractional backordering case. The idle time cost is
384                                                                                                    Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 45:382–388

further discussed briefly with its inclusion in the suggested                                Compute the existing cost, E


2.1 Notation                                                                                 Select Dk from the set Di , i≠j

∝     Shop floor index lying usually in the range (0≤ ∝ <1).            No
                                                                                                 Exchange Dj with Dk
Ai    Setup cost for item i.
bi    A faction of shortage quantity which is not
      backordered for product i.                                                                       ∑(Di/Pi)< 1
c     Fixed production cost per year.
c1    Idle time cost per year.
Di    Annual demand for item i.
                                                                                                 Compute the revised cost
E     Total relevant cost.
E1    Total cost after exchange of the demand rate of two
                                                                       Retain the minimum cost along with corresponding exchange and implement
Hi    Inventory carrying cost for an item i per unit-year.
j     An item whose demand rate is desired to be                     Fig. 2 An iterative process of demand exchange
      exchanged with another appropriate item.
Ji    Shortage quantities for a product i.
k     Selected another appropriate item whose demand rate              All the remaining items can be considered one at a time.
      would be exchanged with that of item j.                        However, the conditions are developed next in order to
Ki    Annual shortage cost per unit for a product i.                 have a small subset of items to make the search procedure
n     Number of items in the group.                                  convenient.
Pi    Production rate per year for item i.
T     Common cycle time in year.
                                                                     4 Mathematical formulation

                                                                     A generalized production cost is cðPi =Di Þa per year, and as
                                                                     the manufacturing time for an item i is (Di/Pi), the annual
                                                                     manufacturing time cost for an item i is cðDi =Pi Þ1Àa . With
3 Methodology                                                        the inclusion of this cost component, a total relevant cost
                                                                     for the basic model without shortages,
From a family of n items, an item j is selected by the
management whose demand rate is to be exchanged by that                       X
                                                                                                             1X n
                                                                                                                        TX n
                                                                     E¼c             ðDi =Pi Þ1Àa þ                Ai þ       Di Hi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ
of another appropriate item k among the remaining items.                                                     T i¼1      2 i¼1
Figure 1 represents the process of exchange of demand rates.
                             Pn                                                                                                                              ð1Þ
   The production time is T ðDi =Pi Þ in a cycle time T, and
in order to have a feasible schedule, the production time             The optimal cycle time can be obtained by differentiating
should be less than T, i.e.,       ðDi =Pi Þ < 1. In the iterative   Eq. 1 with respect to T and equating to 0. The optimal
process of exchange (Fig. 2), Dj is exchanged by Dk such             values (T* and subsequently E*) can easily be obtained as,
that the constraint on total production time is satisfied.
                                                                           u                P n
                                                                           u             2 Ai
                                                                     T * ¼ uP               i¼1
Fig. 1 Exchanging the demand                                D1                                                                                               ð2Þ
rate                                                                       t n
                                                            D2                    Di Hi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ
                                       Dj                   .                           X
                                                            Dk       and E * ¼ c                 ðDi =Pi Þ1Àa                                                ð3Þ
                                                            .                              i¼1
                                                            .                           u " n             #"                                           #
                                                            Dn                          u X                    X  n
                                                                                      þ t2            Ai               Di Hi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ
                                                           Di, i≠j                                   i¼1            i¼1
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 45:382–388                                                                                                                                         385

   With reference to Eq. 3, the components concerning item
j and item k are separated from the remaining items. After
exchanging Dj and Dk, the total optimal cost,
         2                                                                                     3
      6Xn               À  Á1Àa À  Á1Àa 7
E1 ¼ c6
      4   ðDi =Pi Þ1Àa þ Dk Pj  þ Dj Pk   7
                                          5                                                                                                                                       ð4Þ
                              2                                                                                                                               3
         u X #6X  n                n                                                         À                Á                      À               Á7
       þ u2            Ai 6   4         fDi Hi ð1 À Di =Pi Þg þ Dk Hj 1 À Dk Pj þ Dj Hk 1 À Dj Pk 7                                                           5
                      i¼1              i6¼j

Subtracting Eqs. (4) from (3), any potential cost improvement,

            hÀ  Á                     À  Á1Àa À  Á1Àa i
E Ã À E1 ¼ c Dj Pj
       Ã           1Àa
                       þ ðDk =Pk Þ1Àa À Dk Pj  À Dj Pk                                                                                                                            ð5Þ

                                        2                              sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi                                               3
                  sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi6                                              fDi Hi ð1 À Di =Pi Þg                                                            7
                     X 6n                                                   i¼1                                                                                   7
                                  6 vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 7
                 þ 2         A i 6 uP                                                                                                                             7
                                  6 Àu fD H ð1 À D =P Þg þ D H À1 À D P Á þ D H À1 À D P Á 7
                      i¼1         4 t            i i                i     i              k j                 k       j            j k                 j      k 5

Equation (5) has two components, the first component is                                                           The second component is certain to be positive if,
certain to be positive if,
À  Á1Àa                   À  Á1Àa À  Á1Àa
 Dj Pj      þðDk =Pk Þ1Àa  Dk Pj   þ Dj Pk        ð6Þ

     À       Á                             À       Á        À       Á
Dj Hj 1 À Dj hPj þ Dk Hk ð1 Dk =PÞ  Dk Hj 1 À Dk Pj þ Dj Hk 1 À Dj Pk
                            À     k
   À       Á À        Á          H À        Ái                                                                                                                                    ð7Þ
or Dj À Dk Hj À Hk þ Hkk À Pjj Dj þ Dk  0

There is a guaranteed cost improvement if the conditions 6
and 7 are satisfied. The entire feasible remaining item
demand rate can be exchanged if it is difficult to draw any                                                       Table 1 Input parameters
conclusion with the use of conditions 6 and 7.

                                                                                                                                                                      1       2
5 Illustrative example
                                                                                                                  Annual demand Di                                    400     300
Table 1 shows the input parameters concerning two items.                                                          Annual production rate Pi                           720     750
As it is a simple numerical example for illustration purpose,                                                     Setup cost, Ai ($)                                  100     150
Pn                             P
   Di Hi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ ¼ 0 and   ðDi =Pi Þ1Àa ¼ 0.                                                                Annual carrying cost Hi ($ per unit)                 13       5
i6¼j                                      i6¼j
i6¼k                                      i6¼k                                                                    Annual shortage cost Ki ($ per unit)                120      80
   Using the relevant parameters for the basic case, i.e.,                                                        Fraction bi
                   Pn                                                                                                                                                   0.2     0.3
without shortages,     ðDi =Pi Þ ¼ 0:955  1, and the feasible
data are ensured.                                                                                                 c=$9,000 per year; α=0.2
386                                                                                                                                                                Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 45:382–388

    From Eq. 3, the total relevant cost, E* =$11,214.88.
    Now, let j=1 and k=2. After exchanging Dj with Dk,
    ðDi =Pi Þ ¼ 0:95, and the feasibility is ensured.                                                                                   Vi
i¼1                                                                                                                       Production
    From condition 6, 1.1051.101.                                                                                        inventory
                                                                                                                                                                Pi – D i                                Di
    From condition 7, 2.780.
    As the both conditions are satisfied, there is a guaranteed
cost improvement with the implementation of the proposed                                                                                                                                                                              Time
    With the use of Eq. 4, a reduced total relevant cost after
demand exchange, E1* =$11,177.19.                                                                                                                                                        T

                                                                                                                          Fig. 3 The production cycle with shortages

6 Extension for shortages
                                                                                                                                                                            TDi Hi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ
                                                                                                                          Substituting optimal Ji ¼                                                                                    ð11Þ
Quite often, the shortages are included in a manufacturing                                                                                                                      ðHi þ Ki Þ
system. These are assumed to be completely backordered at
present. Figure 3 shows this kind of environment.                                                                                    X
                                                                                                                                                                      1 Xn
                                                                                                                                                                                 T X Di Hi Ki ð1 À Di =Pi Þ
    Since the shortages exist for a period Ji =ðPi À Di Þþ                                                                E¼c                ðDi =Pi Þ1Àa þ                 Ai þ
                                                                                                                                                                      T i¼1      2 iÀ1    ðHi þ Ki Þ
ðJi =Di Þ, the annual shortage cost for an item i,                                                                                    i¼1

      h             i                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ð12Þ
¼ Ji ðPi ÀDi Þ þ Dii Ki
          Ji     J
                                                                                                                          The optimal values can be obtained as,
                                               P Ki Ji2
and the total annual shortage cost       ¼ 2T1                                                                                  vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
                                                   Di ð1ÀDi =Pi Þ                                                               u                              P n
                                                                                   i¼1                                          u                           2 Ai
                                                               ð8Þ                                                              u
                                                                                                                          T * ¼ uP
 Now, the maximum inventory level, Vi ¼ ðPi ÀiDi ÞTDi =Pi À Ji
                                                                                                                                t n
                                                                                                                                       ½Di Hi Ki ð1 À Di =Pi Þ=ðHi þ Ki ÞŠ
and the annual carrying cost ¼ Vi T À ðPi ÀDi Þ À Dii Hi Substitut-
                                          Ji      J
                                                      T                                                                                      i¼1
ing Vi, the total annual carrying cost,
    T Xn                        Xn
                                              1 Xn
                                                         Hi Ji2
¼         Di Hi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ À     Hi J i þ
    2 i¼1                       i¼1
                                             2T i¼1 Di ð1 À Di =Pi Þ
                                                                                                           ð9Þ             and E * ¼ c                   ðDi =Pi Þ1Àa
                                                                                                                                                                  ! n                                                                 !
Adding the Eqs. 8, 9, and the remaining cost components,                                                                                                P n            P
                                                                                                                                                 þ 2          Ai             Di Hi Ki ð1 À Di =Pi Þ=ðHi þ Ki Þ
                                           1X n
                                                       1 X ðHi þ Ki ÞJi2
                                                                                                                                                              i¼1            i¼1
E¼c            ðDi =Pi Þ1Àa þ                    Ai þ
                                           T i¼1      2T i¼1 Di ð1 À Di =Pi Þ                                                                                                                                                          ð14Þ
          T   X
              n                                              X
      þ               Di Hi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ À                          Hi Ji                                                With the swapping of Dj and Dk,
          2    i¼1                                            i¼1

          2                                                                                     3

 *     6Xn               À  Á1Àa À  Á1Àa 7
E1 ¼ c 6
       4   ðDi =Pi Þ1Àa þ Dk Pj  þ D j Pk  7

                              2                                                                                                                                                                                                               3
         u X #6X  n                n                                                                                       À                ÁÀ                       Á                      À               Á                             7
       þ u2            Ai 6   4         fDi Hi Ki ð1 À Di =Pi Þ=ðHi þ Ki Þg þ Dk Hj Kj 1 À Dk Pj                                                        Hj þ Kj þ Dj Hk Kk 1 À Dj Pk ðHk þ Kk Þ7                                              5
                      i¼1              i6¼j

Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 45:382–388                                                                                                                            387

Following the procedure discussed in the “Mathematical                                                      obtained. The first condition is similar to 6. The second
formulation” section, the relevant conditions can be                                                        condition is obtained as,

                                                         (                            )#
À             Á          Hj Kj       Hk Kk     À        Á       Hk Kk        Hj Kj
    Dj À Dk           À         ÁÀ            þ Dj þ Dk                  À À         Á    0                                                                        ð16Þ
                        Hj þ Kj    ðHk þ Kk Þ               Pk ðHk þ Kk Þ Pj Hj þ Kj

With the input parameters of Table 1, the condition 6 is                                                    advertising costs apportioned for unit product and loss of
already satisfied.                                                                                          profit among other factors, an explicit computation for
   From condition 16, 1.2090.                                                                              contribution of the lost units of product is not necessary. A
   As the both conditions (6) and (16) are satisfied, there is                                              suitable parameter for relevant cost is assumed for all the
certain cost improvement using the proposed approach.                                                       shortage quantities whether these are backlogged or not. An
   From Eq. 14, E*=$ 11,158.62.                                                                             annual demand needs to be adjusted in order to incorporate
   The reduced relevant cost from Eq. 15, E1 ¼ $11; 121:22.                                                 the partial backordering.
   The corresponding costs are also lower than that                                                             From Eq. 8, the annual shortage quantity can be obtained
obtained in the previous section. This can be justified by                                                  as,
observing Eqs. 3 and 14. As Ki =ðHi þ Ki Þ is less than 1, the
relevant costs are lower with relaxation of the constraint                                                  ¼
that the backorders would not be allowed.                                                                           i¼1
                                                                                                                          2TDi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ

                                                                                                             A fraction bi of the shortage quantity is not backordered,
                                                                                                            and therefore, the annual manufacturing cost,
7 Partial backlogging
                                                                                                                X 1
                                                                                                                 n                                  !1Àa
                                                                                                                                       bi Ji2
In a real-world situation, a portion of the shortage quantities                                             ¼c             Di À
                                                                                                                i¼1 i
                                                                                                                                 2TDi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ
may not be backordered. A particular customer may switch
over to another competitive firm in the industry. However,                                                  Equation 10 can now be adjusted as follows for this
with the advertising among other efforts, a new customer                                                    situation,
can replace the old one, at a later date. In case where the
shortage costs are estimated to be a good representation of

        X 1                             !1Àa
                           bi Ji2              1 Xn
                                                           1 X ðHi þ Ki ÞJi2
                                                                                   T X
                                                                                     n                        Xn
E¼c             Di À                         þ       Ai þ                        þ      Di Hi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ À     H i Ji                                            ð17Þ
        i¼1 i
                     2TDi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ        T i¼1      2T i¼1 Di ð1 À Di =Pi Þ 2 i¼1                       i¼1

Mathematical/analytical procedure as discussed before,                                                      7.1 Specific case
cannot be followed for the optimization of Eq. 17. However,
conventional search process such as univariate method can                                                   α=0 in a specific case, and the Eq. 17 can be written as,
be implemented conveniently for any real data set.

                                  1 Xn
                                              1 X ðHi þ Ki À cbi =Pi ÞJi2 T X
                                                 n                            n                        Xn
E¼c            ðDi =Pi Þ þ              Ai þ                             þ       Di Hi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ À     H i Ji                                                   ð18Þ
                                  T i¼1      2T i¼1  Di ð1 À Di =Pi Þ      2 i¼1                       i¼1

The optimal relevant cost can be obtained as,

                            u  n             #                                                                                                            #
          n                 u X                    X  n
E* ¼ c            ðD =P Þ þ t2
                        i   i             A            i   D H ð1 À D =P ÞðK À cb =P Þ=ðH þ K À cb =P Þ
                                                                       i   i             i     i      i         i     i         i        i         i     i          ð19Þ
          i¼1                                 i¼1             i¼1
388                                                                                                         Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 45:382–388

As c/Pi is the unit production cost, and shortage costs are                         framework of organization along with several input
much greater than this in the real world, an optimality/                            parameters. However, these are continuously striving for
feasibility condition, i.e., Ki c/Pi, is satisfied easily.                         the cost improvement. Internal benchmarking practices are
   In order to exchange the demand of products, Eq. 19 can                          also adopted where the standards are bound to vary with
be used as a reference equation.                                                    time. A method is proposed and analyzed in which the
   Consider the input data of Table 1.                                              demand of a strategically selected item is exchanged with
   From Eq. 19, E*=$9,809.46                                                        another suitable item in the group. Analysis is first made for
   After an exchange of the demands, the reduced relevant                           the basic case without shortages and conditions are
cost is obtained as,                                                                developed for convenience in the search of another suitable
 Ã                                                                                  item. The process is illustrated with the help of a numerical
E1 ¼ $ 9; 759:21
                                                                                    example. Further extensions are concerning the inclusion of
                                                                                    shortages that may be backlogged completely or partially.
                                                                                    The costs are obtained at a lower level with the allowable
8 Incorporating an idle time cost                                                   backorders. However, an annual shortage cost needs to be
                                                                                    estimated with care considering the all relevant factors.
In the cyclic manufacture, a production activity usually takes                         In a production cycle time, a certain period is usually idle.
place for certain portion of the cycle time, and the remaining                      This idle time frequently repeats itself in case where the
portion is idle. With reference to Eq. 3,        ðDi =Pi Þ is the                   associated manufacturing schedule is implemented. Idle time
annual manufacturing time. After an exchange of demand,                             cost is introduced for the proposed method. With the inclusion
this parameter will vary. For instance, an annual manufac-                          of this cost, the reference equations are obtained which can be
turing time has been reduced after the exchange of demand                           useful for an exchange of demand. In the presence of a
in the illustrative example of the “Illustrative example”                           relevant situation, these are suitable for a trade-off concerning
section. This means that the idle time during the cycle has                         the production time and idle time among other factors.
increased. In few cases, the problems are associated with an                           The possibilities for demand exchange can be conve-
idle production facility such as the maintenance problems.                          niently explored, and depending on the business strategy, the
Consistency in the quality of a product and skills of the                           proposed approach may be implemented in a short-run/long-
human resources may also get affected up to some extent.                            run. In case of the various problems being faced by the firm,
With the occurrence of this type of problems, it seems                              an alternate schedule is available on the basis of certain
reasonable to introduce the idle time cost.                                         methodology. This will help in incorporating flexibility in
                                                                                    the industrial system and also in the decision-making process
Consider an idle time cost per year ¼ c1 ðc1  cÞ                                   in a variety of situations.
                                  X n
Idle time cost in a year ¼ c1 1 À     ðDi =Pi Þ
                                                     i¼1                            References
Equation 3 can now be transformed as follows:
                                                                                    1. Chowdhury MR, Sarker BR (2001) Manufacturing batch size and
                                  n                                                    ordering policy for products with shelf lives. Int J Prod Res 39
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A method to exchange the demands of products for cost impovement

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A method to exchange the demands of products for cost impovement

  • 1. Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 45:382–388 DOI 10.1007/s00170-009-1959-1 ORIGINAL ARTICLE A method to exchange the demand of products for cost improvement Sanjay Sharma Received: 18 October 2007 / Accepted: 3 February 2009 / Published online: 24 February 2009 # Springer-Verlag London Limited 2009 Abstract In a multiproduct manufacturing environment, the facilities optimally. However, when most of the firms actual demands of various products are either available, or achieve this level, there is loss of competitive edge, and these are expected. There are situations when demand of a further cost reduction becomes necessary. In such a scenario, product can be substituted with that of another. In the context an examination of significant parameters is essential. of cyclic manufacture, all the items are produced in an optimal Demand management is critical nowadays, and therefore, a cycle time, and the production facility runs at certain cost method is explored in the present paper to exchange the level. The total cost consists of the facility setup cost, demand of products for cost improvement in certain cases. inventory carrying costs, and the manufacturing time cost In a continuous production, single standard product is for the basic case. The total cost is optimized. For the purpose manufactured in large quantities. Even if the type of of total cost improvement, a method is presented in which the product is similar, it can be produced in a wide variety of demand of a product is exchanged with that of another item in sizes. For instance, in a tube or pipe manufacturing the group. The basic model without backorders is analyzed industry, these are in different diameters/thicknesses. In a first. Then, it is extended for an inclusion of shortages that are job shop/batch production also, several items are processed either completely backlogged or partially. In addition to the in a cycle time. For example, if the cycle time is 3 months cost components discussed before, shortage costs are included or 0.25 year, all items/product varieties are manufactured in in the total cost for this case. Finally, after a discussion of idle the cycle time. This is called as common cycle time. If the time costs, these are also included briefly in the formulation of production rate of an item is, say 300 U per month, and the the total cost. The proposed methods are useful for imple- demand rate is 100 U per month, the production time in a mentation in a variety of industrial or business situations in the cycle time of 3 months will be 1 month, i.e., 3×(100/300). context of internal benchmarking or gradual improvement. Benefits can be achieved by synchronizing production activities sequentially in a cycle time [3]. A relevant cost Keywords Multi-item cyclic manufacture . Demand rate . needs to be estimated/modeled for the concerning produc- Production time . Idle time costs tion environment. For example, if shortages are not allowed, the shortage costs will not become a component of the total relevant cost. After an optimization of the total 1 Introduction relevant cost, a common cycle time is usually obtained in which all the items in a family are produced. A generalized In the manufacturing firms, one or more products are made production cost is used [1] including shop floor index, the in certain cycle time. In order to become competitive, the value of which lies in the range 0–1. The generalized progressive firms are expected to run their production production cost is obtained as the multiplication of fixed production cost and a factor that is an exponential order of the ratio of production rate to demand rate of an item. S. Sharma (*) In the context of modeling process, the rate of manufac- National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Vihar Lake, Mumbai 400087, India ture and demand rate are among significant input parameters. e-mail: Manufacturing rate is considered to be a decision variable
  • 2. Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 45:382–388 383 [8]. Shortages are included in the production system. These With the purpose of an internal benchmarking/improve- may be backordered completely/partially. Various cases are ment activities, it seems reasonable to consider an appro- analyzed [5–7, 9] for single/multi-item scenario. The priate item whose demand is to be interchanged by any demand rate per year or an annual demand needs to be other remaining item in the group. The present paper is adjusted in order to incorporate partial or fractional back- divided into nine sections. Assumptions and notations are ordering situation. For a single product case, the demand provided in the “Assumptions” section, followed by increase is included in different context [2, 4] considering methodology in the “Methodology” section. Mathematical demand function with respect to time. As it will be discussed formulation for the basic problem is dealt with in the later, a quite different approach is presented in this paper in “Mathematical formulation” section followed by an illus- the context of multiproduct manufacturing environment. trative numerical example in the “Illustrative example” This is expected to be useful in certain situations of business section. Shortages are included in the “Extension for when more or less stable product demands exist. shortages” section with the assumption that all the shortage In the traditional production/manufacturing setup, the quantities will be backordered completely. This assumption demand is analyzed solely as an input parameter. In the is relaxed in the “Partial backlogging” section. An idle time present paper, the demands are being viewed in an uncon- cost is introduced in the “Incorporating an idle time cost” ventional manner. For instance, several production lines run in section for this approach, and finally, the concluding parallel in the pharmaceutical industries. Whether it is remarks are provided in the “Concluding remarks” section. multiple or single production line, a batch production is usually adopted. After certain development or value addition, the management wishes to promote the improved product 2 Assumptions (which may be patented in a different name) at the cost of similar (more or less for medicinal purpose) matured product. An industrial organization is engaged in the production of However, the improved product is at least presently in lower multiple items in a common cycle time. The manufacturing demand because of either the availability of a familiar matured facility is being run conventionally in an optimum manner. It product at higher demand level or lack of awareness. This may is often difficult to obtain information for benchmarking also be due to purely psychological or emotional reasons purpose particularly at the production facility level. With the attached to a familiar product. As the aggregate demand is aim of a gradual improvement, an intentional search is made more or less uniform for similar types of products, the to exchange the demand of an item (strategically selected by production strategy may be based on a conscious anticipated the management) with another appropriate item in the family demand swapping. Further, there should be a strong justifica- for any potential cost reduction. A business environment of tion if it yields into the total relevant cost reduction. stable demand exists in general. The proposed method In oligopoly, few firms dominate the market. While in considers an exact interchange of the demand level of two the monopolistic competition, many firms are active in items because it is in the interest of the organization to satisfying the market demands. Whether it is monopolistic maintain a similar aggregate demand for the whole family of competition or oligopoly, each progressive firm in the items. industrial sector would run their production operations at a In addition to the above, the following assumptions are certain optimum level. There is continuous pressure to also made: adopt a kind of internal benchmarking and improve the 1. The facility is set-up for a family of items, and production/operational cost further. In a planning period, it therefore, the facility setup cost is included in the is possible to substitute the demand of an item by another formulation. As the individual item setup time is not suitable item in the product family. The firm may have relevant in the present context, it is ignored. invested in product development activities. It would like to 2. All the items are manufactured in a common cycle time. exchange the lower demand of new product with higher 3. Shortages may or may not be allowed. demand of an old matured product, and the firm manage- 4. In case shortages are allowed, these may be backordered ment is confident of getting it consumed as a substitute in completely/partially depending on the situation. the market. In yet another situation, a factory may face 5. An idle time exists usually in a common cycle time. If the quality problems related to the input item of a product, and idle time costs are significant, these may be incorporated it wants to exchange the demand of such a product with in the modeling process depending on the case. another in the short-run. In many cases, contribution per unit is almost similar for the products in a family. It is an Based on these assumptions, a formulation is first made interesting approach to explore the possibility concerning for the basic production situation. Then the shortages are the exchange of demand of items and examine the effects incorporated with complete backordering. This is extended on total relevant cost. for a fractional backordering case. The idle time cost is
  • 3. 384 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 45:382–388 further discussed briefly with its inclusion in the suggested Compute the existing cost, E method. 2.1 Notation Select Dk from the set Di , i≠j ∝ Shop floor index lying usually in the range (0≤ ∝ <1). No Exchange Dj with Dk Ai Setup cost for item i. bi A faction of shortage quantity which is not backordered for product i. ∑(Di/Pi)< 1 c Fixed production cost per year. c1 Idle time cost per year. Yes Di Annual demand for item i. Compute the revised cost E Total relevant cost. E1 Total cost after exchange of the demand rate of two Retain the minimum cost along with corresponding exchange and implement items. Hi Inventory carrying cost for an item i per unit-year. j An item whose demand rate is desired to be Fig. 2 An iterative process of demand exchange exchanged with another appropriate item. Ji Shortage quantities for a product i. k Selected another appropriate item whose demand rate All the remaining items can be considered one at a time. would be exchanged with that of item j. However, the conditions are developed next in order to Ki Annual shortage cost per unit for a product i. have a small subset of items to make the search procedure n Number of items in the group. convenient. Pi Production rate per year for item i. T Common cycle time in year. 4 Mathematical formulation A generalized production cost is cðPi =Di Þa per year, and as the manufacturing time for an item i is (Di/Pi), the annual manufacturing time cost for an item i is cðDi =Pi Þ1Àa . With 3 Methodology the inclusion of this cost component, a total relevant cost for the basic model without shortages, From a family of n items, an item j is selected by the management whose demand rate is to be exchanged by that X n 1X n TX n E¼c ðDi =Pi Þ1Àa þ Ai þ Di Hi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ of another appropriate item k among the remaining items. T i¼1 2 i¼1 i¼1 Figure 1 represents the process of exchange of demand rates. Pn ð1Þ The production time is T ðDi =Pi Þ in a cycle time T, and i¼1 in order to have a feasible schedule, the production time The optimal cycle time can be obtained by differentiating Pn should be less than T, i.e., ðDi =Pi Þ < 1. In the iterative Eq. 1 with respect to T and equating to 0. The optimal i¼1 process of exchange (Fig. 2), Dj is exchanged by Dk such values (T* and subsequently E*) can easily be obtained as, that the constraint on total production time is satisfied. vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi u P n u 2 Ai u u T * ¼ uP i¼1 Fig. 1 Exchanging the demand D1 ð2Þ rate t n D2 Di Hi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ i¼1 . . Dj . X n Dk and E * ¼ c ðDi =Pi Þ1Àa ð3Þ . i¼1 . vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi . u " n #" # Dn u X X n þ t2 Ai Di Hi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ Di, i≠j i¼1 i¼1
  • 4. Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 45:382–388 385 With reference to Eq. 3, the components concerning item j and item k are separated from the remaining items. After exchanging Dj and Dk, the total optimal cost, 2 3 6Xn À Á1Àa À Á1Àa 7 E1 ¼ c6 à 4 ðDi =Pi Þ1Àa þ Dk Pj þ Dj Pk 7 5 ð4Þ i6¼j i6¼k vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 3 u u u X #6X n n À Á À Á7 u þ u2 Ai 6 4 fDi Hi ð1 À Di =Pi Þg þ Dk Hj 1 À Dk Pj þ Dj Hk 1 À Dj Pk 7 5 t i¼1 i6¼j i6¼k Subtracting Eqs. (4) from (3), any potential cost improvement, hÀ Á À Á1Àa À Á1Àa i E à À E1 ¼ c Dj Pj à 1Àa þ ðDk =Pk Þ1Àa À Dk Pj À Dj Pk ð5Þ 2 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 3 Pn sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi6 fDi Hi ð1 À Di =Pi Þg 7 X 6n i¼1 7 6 vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 7 þ 2 A i 6 uP 7 6 Àu fD H ð1 À D =P Þg þ D H À1 À D P Á þ D H À1 À D P Á 7 n i¼1 4 t i i i i k j k j j k j k 5 i6¼j i6¼k Equation (5) has two components, the first component is The second component is certain to be positive if, certain to be positive if, À Á1Àa À Á1Àa À Á1Àa Dj Pj þðDk =Pk Þ1Àa Dk Pj þ Dj Pk ð6Þ À Á À Á À Á Dj Hj 1 À Dj hPj þ Dk Hk ð1 Dk =PÞ Dk Hj 1 À Dk Pj þ Dj Hk 1 À Dj Pk À k À Á À Á H À Ái ð7Þ or Dj À Dk Hj À Hk þ Hkk À Pjj Dj þ Dk 0 P There is a guaranteed cost improvement if the conditions 6 and 7 are satisfied. The entire feasible remaining item demand rate can be exchanged if it is difficult to draw any Table 1 Input parameters conclusion with the use of conditions 6 and 7. Item 1 2 5 Illustrative example Annual demand Di 400 300 Table 1 shows the input parameters concerning two items. Annual production rate Pi 720 750 As it is a simple numerical example for illustration purpose, Setup cost, Ai ($) 100 150 Pn P n Di Hi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ ¼ 0 and ðDi =Pi Þ1Àa ¼ 0. Annual carrying cost Hi ($ per unit) 13 5 i6¼j i6¼j i6¼k i6¼k Annual shortage cost Ki ($ per unit) 120 80 Using the relevant parameters for the basic case, i.e., Fraction bi Pn 0.2 0.3 without shortages, ðDi =Pi Þ ¼ 0:955 1, and the feasible i¼1 data are ensured. c=$9,000 per year; α=0.2
  • 5. 386 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 45:382–388 From Eq. 3, the total relevant cost, E* =$11,214.88. Now, let j=1 and k=2. After exchanging Dj with Dk, Pn ðDi =Pi Þ ¼ 0:95, and the feasibility is ensured. Vi i¼1 Production From condition 6, 1.1051.101. inventory Pi – D i Di From condition 7, 2.780. As the both conditions are satisfied, there is a guaranteed 0 cost improvement with the implementation of the proposed Time method. With the use of Eq. 4, a reduced total relevant cost after Ji demand exchange, E1* =$11,177.19. T Fig. 3 The production cycle with shortages 6 Extension for shortages TDi Hi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ Substituting optimal Ji ¼ ð11Þ Quite often, the shortages are included in a manufacturing ðHi þ Ki Þ system. These are assumed to be completely backordered at present. Figure 3 shows this kind of environment. X n 1 Xn T X Di Hi Ki ð1 À Di =Pi Þ n Since the shortages exist for a period Ji =ðPi À Di Þþ E¼c ðDi =Pi Þ1Àa þ Ai þ T i¼1 2 iÀ1 ðHi þ Ki Þ ðJi =Di Þ, the annual shortage cost for an item i, i¼1 h i ð12Þ ¼ Ji ðPi ÀDi Þ þ Dii Ki 2 Ji J T The optimal values can be obtained as, P Ki Ji2 n and the total annual shortage cost ¼ 2T1 vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Di ð1ÀDi =Pi Þ u P n i¼1 u 2 Ai u ð8Þ u T * ¼ uP i¼1 ð13Þ Now, the maximum inventory level, Vi ¼ ðPi ÀiDi ÞTDi =Pi À Ji h t n ½Di Hi Ki ð1 À Di =Pi Þ=ðHi þ Ki ÞŠ and the annual carrying cost ¼ Vi T À ðPi ÀDi Þ À Dii Hi Substitut- 2 Ji J T i¼1 ing Vi, the total annual carrying cost, T Xn Xn 1 Xn Hi Ji2 ¼ Di Hi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ À Hi J i þ 2 i¼1 i¼1 2T i¼1 Di ð1 À Di =Pi Þ P n ð9Þ and E * ¼ c ðDi =Pi Þ1Àa i¼1 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ! n ! Adding the Eqs. 8, 9, and the remaining cost components, P n P þ 2 Ai Di Hi Ki ð1 À Di =Pi Þ=ðHi þ Ki Þ X n 1X n 1 X ðHi þ Ki ÞJi2 n i¼1 i¼1 E¼c ðDi =Pi Þ1Àa þ Ai þ i¼1 T i¼1 2T i¼1 Di ð1 À Di =Pi Þ ð14Þ T X n X n þ Di Hi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ À Hi Ji With the swapping of Dj and Dk, 2 i¼1 i¼1 ð10Þ 2 3 * 6Xn À Á1Àa À Á1Àa 7 E1 ¼ c 6 4 ðDi =Pi Þ1Àa þ Dk Pj þ D j Pk 7 5 i6¼j i6¼k vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 3 u u u X #6X n n À ÁÀ Á À Á 7 u þ u2 Ai 6 4 fDi Hi Ki ð1 À Di =Pi Þ=ðHi þ Ki Þg þ Dk Hj Kj 1 À Dk Pj Hj þ Kj þ Dj Hk Kk 1 À Dj Pk ðHk þ Kk Þ7 5 t i¼1 i6¼j i6¼k ð15Þ
  • 6. Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 45:382–388 387 Following the procedure discussed in the “Mathematical obtained. The first condition is similar to 6. The second formulation” section, the relevant conditions can be condition is obtained as, ( )# À Á Hj Kj Hk Kk À Á Hk Kk Hj Kj Dj À Dk À ÁÀ þ Dj þ Dk À À Á 0 ð16Þ Hj þ Kj ðHk þ Kk Þ Pk ðHk þ Kk Þ Pj Hj þ Kj With the input parameters of Table 1, the condition 6 is advertising costs apportioned for unit product and loss of already satisfied. profit among other factors, an explicit computation for From condition 16, 1.2090. contribution of the lost units of product is not necessary. A As the both conditions (6) and (16) are satisfied, there is suitable parameter for relevant cost is assumed for all the certain cost improvement using the proposed approach. shortage quantities whether these are backlogged or not. An From Eq. 14, E*=$ 11,158.62. annual demand needs to be adjusted in order to incorporate à The reduced relevant cost from Eq. 15, E1 ¼ $11; 121:22. the partial backordering. The corresponding costs are also lower than that From Eq. 8, the annual shortage quantity can be obtained obtained in the previous section. This can be justified by as, observing Eqs. 3 and 14. As Ki =ðHi þ Ki Þ is less than 1, the X n Ji2 relevant costs are lower with relaxation of the constraint ¼ that the backorders would not be allowed. i¼1 2TDi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ A fraction bi of the shortage quantity is not backordered, and therefore, the annual manufacturing cost, 7 Partial backlogging X 1 n !1Àa bi Ji2 In a real-world situation, a portion of the shortage quantities ¼c Di À P1Àa i¼1 i 2TDi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ may not be backordered. A particular customer may switch over to another competitive firm in the industry. However, Equation 10 can now be adjusted as follows for this with the advertising among other efforts, a new customer situation, can replace the old one, at a later date. In case where the shortage costs are estimated to be a good representation of X 1 !1Àa n bi Ji2 1 Xn 1 X ðHi þ Ki ÞJi2 n T X n Xn E¼c Di À þ Ai þ þ Di Hi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ À H i Ji ð17Þ P1Àa i¼1 i 2TDi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ T i¼1 2T i¼1 Di ð1 À Di =Pi Þ 2 i¼1 i¼1 Mathematical/analytical procedure as discussed before, 7.1 Specific case cannot be followed for the optimization of Eq. 17. However, conventional search process such as univariate method can α=0 in a specific case, and the Eq. 17 can be written as, be implemented conveniently for any real data set. X n 1 Xn 1 X ðHi þ Ki À cbi =Pi ÞJi2 T X n n Xn E¼c ðDi =Pi Þ þ Ai þ þ Di Hi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ À H i Ji ð18Þ i¼1 T i¼1 2T i¼1 Di ð1 À Di =Pi Þ 2 i¼1 i¼1 The optimal relevant cost can be obtained as, vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi u n # # X n u X X n E* ¼ c ðD =P Þ þ t2 i i A i D H ð1 À D =P ÞðK À cb =P Þ=ðH þ K À cb =P Þ i i i i i i i i i i i ð19Þ i¼1 i¼1 i¼1
  • 7. 388 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 45:382–388 As c/Pi is the unit production cost, and shortage costs are framework of organization along with several input much greater than this in the real world, an optimality/ parameters. However, these are continuously striving for feasibility condition, i.e., Ki c/Pi, is satisfied easily. the cost improvement. Internal benchmarking practices are In order to exchange the demand of products, Eq. 19 can also adopted where the standards are bound to vary with be used as a reference equation. time. A method is proposed and analyzed in which the Consider the input data of Table 1. demand of a strategically selected item is exchanged with From Eq. 19, E*=$9,809.46 another suitable item in the group. Analysis is first made for After an exchange of the demands, the reduced relevant the basic case without shortages and conditions are cost is obtained as, developed for convenience in the search of another suitable à item. The process is illustrated with the help of a numerical E1 ¼ $ 9; 759:21 example. Further extensions are concerning the inclusion of shortages that may be backlogged completely or partially. The costs are obtained at a lower level with the allowable 8 Incorporating an idle time cost backorders. However, an annual shortage cost needs to be estimated with care considering the all relevant factors. In the cyclic manufacture, a production activity usually takes In a production cycle time, a certain period is usually idle. place for certain portion of the cycle time, and the remaining This idle time frequently repeats itself in case where the Pn portion is idle. With reference to Eq. 3, ðDi =Pi Þ is the associated manufacturing schedule is implemented. Idle time i¼1 annual manufacturing time. After an exchange of demand, cost is introduced for the proposed method. With the inclusion this parameter will vary. For instance, an annual manufac- of this cost, the reference equations are obtained which can be turing time has been reduced after the exchange of demand useful for an exchange of demand. In the presence of a in the illustrative example of the “Illustrative example” relevant situation, these are suitable for a trade-off concerning section. This means that the idle time during the cycle has the production time and idle time among other factors. increased. In few cases, the problems are associated with an The possibilities for demand exchange can be conve- idle production facility such as the maintenance problems. niently explored, and depending on the business strategy, the Consistency in the quality of a product and skills of the proposed approach may be implemented in a short-run/long- human resources may also get affected up to some extent. run. In case of the various problems being faced by the firm, With the occurrence of this type of problems, it seems an alternate schedule is available on the basis of certain reasonable to introduce the idle time cost. methodology. This will help in incorporating flexibility in the industrial system and also in the decision-making process Consider an idle time cost per year ¼ c1 ðc1 cÞ in a variety of situations. # X n Idle time cost in a year ¼ c1 1 À ðDi =Pi Þ i¼1 References Equation 3 can now be transformed as follows: 1. Chowdhury MR, Sarker BR (2001) Manufacturing batch size and # Xn 1Àa X n ordering policy for products with shelf lives. Int J Prod Res 39 E* ¼ c ðDi =Pi Þ þ c1 1 À ðDi =Pi Þ (7):1405–1426. doi:10.1080/00207540110052148 i¼1 i¼1 2. Giri BC, Jalan AK, Chaudhari KS (2005) An economic production vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi lot size model with increasing demand, shortages and partial u n # # backlogging. Int Trans Oper Res 12:235–245 u X X n þ t2 Ai Di Hi ð1 À Di =Pi Þ ð20Þ 3. Hall RW (1988) Cyclic scheduling for improvement. Int J Prod Res 26(3):457–472. doi:10.1080/00207548808947876 i¼1 i¼1 4. Hill RM (1995) Inventory models for increasing demand followed by level demand. J Opl Res Soc 46(10):1250–1259 The above equation can be used as a reference equation for 5. Sharma S (2004) Optimal production policy with shelf life the exchange of demand. including shortages. J Opl Res Soc 55(8):902–909 Similarly an idle time cost can be added in Eq. 14 with 6. Sharma S (2006) Incorporating fractional backordering in the multi- the inclusion of shortages in a manufacturing system. product manufacturing situation with shelf lives. Proc IMechE, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 220:1151–1156 7. Sharma S, Sadiwala CM (1997) Effects of lost sales on composite lot sizing. Computers Ind Engng 32(3):671–677 9 Concluding remarks 8. Silver EA (1990) Deliberately slowing down output in a family production context. Int J Prod Res 28(1):17–27 9. Viswanathan S, Goyal SK (2000) Incorporating planned backorders Almost all competitive firms in an industrial/business sector in a family production context with shelf life considerations. Int J are expected to perform in an optimal manner within the Prod Res 38(4):829–836