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OhioX is a nonprofit membership organization that connects,
promotes, and advocates for tech in Ohio.
Ohio UX Roundtable
In Ohio, we should be investing more in defining, designing, and
delivering innovative user experiences to grow our economy and to
address social needs.
As we kept meeting as a group, we agreed to some basic goals to help
us get started:
• Raise awareness of UX careers
• Improve UX capabilities in organizations
• Increase the professionalization of UX
Where’s everyone from? (poll on Zuddl)
I am here
Who are you? (poll on Zuddl)
Which of these role titles is closest to what you do?
• UX-er
• Software Developer / Engineer
• People Manager
• something else
How long have you done stuff? (poll on Zuddl)
How many years of experience do you have,
across all of your "real" jobs combined?
• 0–5
• 6–10
• 11+
Bachelor’s degree, Philosophy, 1998
Master’s degree, UX Design, 2018
• 1 philosophical
• X quotes from
• Many times I ask the
question “why?”
• Imagine This Future
• Syzygy
• Gresham’s Law
• Our So-Called Career
• How We’re Doing
• Artificial Untelligence
• How To Prevent the Future
Imagine This Future
Punchline: This Future is Now
image source: When a Stranger Calls (2006 version)
Syzygy, Antisyzygy, and Scotsmen
/ sɪz ɪ dʒi /
any two related things, either alike or opposite
the joining together of opposites
Caledonian Antisyzygy
“In the very combination of opposites—the Caledonian
antisyzygy— we have a reflection of the contrasts which
the Scot shows at every turn…. Oxymoron was ever the
bravest figure, and we must not forget that disorderly
order is order after all.”
sources: Merriam-Webster Dictionary; Collins Dictionary; G. Gregory Smith, Scottish Literature
“The test of a first-rate intelligence
is the ability to hold two opposing
ideas in mind at the same time and
still retain the ability to function.
One should, for example, be able
to see that things are hopeless yet
be determined to make them
– F. Scott Fitzgerald
Gresham’s Law
“Bad money drives out
– attributed to Sir Thomas Gresham
(1519-1579), English financier and
advisor to Queen Elizabeth I
source: Economic History Association, “Gresham’s Law”,
Where both good and bad money enjoy similar legal-
tender status, and where all money must be accepted, the
employment of bad money becomes a dominant strategy
in what amounts to a Prisoners’ Dilemma game in which
both sellers and buyers participate.
Gresham’s Law Applied to Design
No, it’s not an exact analogy. People are not keeping good
design to themselves while using bad design for others.
Bad design is easier and cheaper (= debased!) compared
to good design.
“Just copy what Google / Apple / Microsoft / etc. is doing.”
Let’s take a look, shall we?
Material Design (Google)
source: Google Material Design, “Styles” page,
Human Interface Guidelines (Apple)
source: Apple Human Interface Guidelines, “Sheets” page,
Fluent (Microsoft)
source: Microsoft Fluent UI, “Icons” page,
Can you tell the difference any more?
Flat Design Has Inherent Usability Problems
Flat design is a web-design style that became popular
around 2012. It is still widely used today, and its overuse
can cause serious usability problems. One of the biggest
usability issues introduced by flat design is the lack of
signifiers on clickable elements.
Since flat design’s emergence in 2011, Nielsen Norman
Group has been a vocal critic of its inherent usability
issues. Our primary objection to flat design is that it tends
to sacrifice users’ needs for the sake of trendy aesthetics.
source: Nielsen Norman Group, “Flat Design: Its Origins, Its Problems, and Why Flat 2.0 Is Better for Users”, Kate
Moran, September 27, 2015,
Yet Flat Design Continues to Dominate
sources: Citibank, Capital One, and KeyBank mobile apps (iOS) as of May 2023
Why is UXD So Susceptible to Gresham’s Law?
Because copying bad design is easy and fast.
“The iterative process relieves them of having to perform
rigorous planning, thinking, and product due diligence (in
other words, interaction design).”
– Alan Cooper, The Inmates are Running the Asylum
“Less-skilled engineers [or designers] are likely to take
shortcuts based on what’s easier to code [or design].”
– Kim Goodwin, Designing for the Digital Age
How is UX Design Doing as a “Profession”?
Our name for ourselves stinks.
• ‘Design’ is a terribly overloaded term.
• ‘User Experience’ is infamously squishy.
• And speaking of ‘users’….
“There are only two industries
that refer to their customers as
'users': illegal drugs and
– Edward Tufte
NNg’s 100-Year View of the UX “Profession”
source: “A 100-Year View of User Experience”, Nielsen Norman Group,
Is Dramatic UX Job Growth Plausible or Desirable?
sources: various, plus data analysis by the author
Other (Real) Professions with Terminal Master’s Degrees, U.S.
sources: AICPA; NCARB; Interior Design magazine; AND; BLS; Nielsen Norman Group
Year Accountants
Architects Interior
2010 646,000 104,270 87,500 80,000
2020 666,600 122,000 112,000 110,150
2030 748,400 125,300 120,000 115,100
* using NNg estimates and assuming U.S. accounts for 25% of world total
UX-ers (*)
Percentages with Master’s Degrees:
• Accountants (CPAs): 90%
• Architects: 48%
• Interior Designers: 6%
• Registered Dietitians: 45% (will be 100% after 2024)
• UX-ers: 15% (?)
U.S. BLS Projections for Digital Designers
Digital designers develop, create, and test website or
interface layout, functions, and navigation for usability.
• design digital user interfaces or websites
• design and test interfaces that facilitate the human-
computer interaction and maximize usability
• May create graphics used in websites and manage
website content and links
Number of Jobs, 2021 197,100
Job Outlook, 2021-31 23% (much faster than average)
Number of Jobs, 2031 242,500
source: Occupational Outlook Handbook, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Note that these numbers include “web developers” alongside “digital designers”, although it not clear to
me how “web developers” are carved out from other developer jobs tracked by the BLS.
UX Lacks Many Attributes of a Profession
source: Spins on User Experience, Keith Instone, 2021,
Criteria of Real Professions Does UX “Profession” Have This?
Full-Time Occupations Yes
Training and Certificates No (those that exist are not widely
recognized and many are bunk)
University Programs
(Degrees, Labs, Research)
although weak on labs and research
Body of Knowledge No
International, National, and Local
Yes, although more for practitioners /
afficionados rather than professionals
Standards and Standards Bodies No
Ethics No
Licensing No
Recognition by Governments to Self-
Manage or to be Regulated
How is UX Design Doing as a “Profession”?
Not very how.
image source: original Winnie the Pooh drawing, via Bibliodyssey
WebAIM Million: No Real Improvement
source: WebAIM Million 2023 report,
percentage of home pages with detected WCAG (Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines) conformance failures over time
System Usability Scale (SUS) Score Changes:
From Terrible to Slightly less Terrible
source: Jeff Sauro, MeasuringU; various studies (see slide notes)
We’re not exactly crushing it.
26 41
Wireless Carriers
Intranet Success Rates: No Improvement
source: Nielsen Norman Group, Intranet Usability Guidelines 3rd ed. (2011),
2001-2002 (Study One) 75% success rate (“meager”)
2004-2005 (Study Two) 81%
2010-2011 (Study Three) 74%
How could the intranet design community’s work go
from below average, to good, to below average
again after more than 10 years of experience and
technology changes? This decline comes in part
from organizations that traded usability and
employee efficiency for easy-to-deploy technology
solutions with the latest trending features.
NNg Intranet Guidelines
Iterative Design
Frequent User Testing
Simplify, Standardize
Unify the Navigation
Use a CMS (Content
Management System)
Frequent User Testing
Improve Search [Nav]
Use Page Templates
[part of a CMS]
Be Agile [= Iterative]
Update Navigation
Use CMS Advances
2001 2010 2020
Overall E-Commerce UX Performance
source: Baymard Institute, “End of Year Performances”,
Why are e-
getting worse?
source: Baymard Institute, “End of Year Performances”,
Data –
It’s been 10
years. Why
aren’t these
sources: Our World In Data (child mortality), Baymard Institute (e-com checkout process)
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Baymard E-com Checkout Process
Benchmark, % Poor-, 2012-2021
Poor- compared to Child Mortality
Mediocre+ compared to Life Expectancy
sources: Our World in Data (life expectancy), Baymard Institute (e-com checkout process)
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Baymard E-com Checkout
Process Benchmark,
% Mediocre+, 2012-2021
Anecdotal Evidence Suggest We’re Bad At Our Jobs
3 Mile Island nuclear
plant melts down due to
confusing and faulty
indicator light (1979)
John S. McCain
destroyer collides with
Liberian tanker, killing 10,
due to poorly designed
checkbox (2017)
Hawaii erroneous ballistic
missile alert panics world
due to poorly
differentiated list options
Jeep Cherokee’s
Monostable shifter
causes 101 crashes, 38
injuries, and 1 death, due
to unclear interface
20-year-old commits
suicide after
misinterpreting confusing
Robinhood trading app
U.I. (2020)
Air Inter Flight 148
crashes into mountain,
killing 87 people, due to
poor U.I. (1992)
Artificial ‘Intelligence’
Artificial, yes.
Intelligent, no.
ChatGPT Makes Up Stuff
If used as a brainstorming tool, ChatGPT's logical leaps
and confabulations might lead to creative breakthroughs.
But when used as a factual reference, ChatGPT could
cause real harm, and OpenAI knows it.
Not long after the model's launch, OpenAI CEO Sam
Altman tweeted, "ChatGPT is incredibly limited, but good
enough at some things to create a misleading impression
of greatness. It's a mistake to be relying on it for anything
important right now. It’s a preview of progress; we have
lots of work to do on robustness and truthfulness." In a
later tweet, he wrote, "It does know a lot, but the danger is
that it is confident and wrong a significant fraction of the
source: “Why ChatGPT and Bing Chat are so good at making things up”, ArsTechnica, Benj Edwards, April 6, 2023
Devs Can Review ChatGPT’s Code? Umm…
source: (various dates within past 6 months)
Word-Salad Generators Reflect Our Own
Thoughts Back to Us (Like Gaming ‘Oracles’)
source: Oracle tables from the game Ironsworn, by Shawn Tompkin; dice rolls via Google
Reject Dream
The Gartner Hype Cycle
Hype Cycle 2002
source: “Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2002”, via Pinterest,
source: “Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2012”, Gartner Research,
source: “What’s New in the 2022 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies”, Gartner Research
Wait…*nothing* is in the trough
nor beyond?
Where are natural-
language stuff and
When Did We Replace Reason with Madness?
image source: Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
How Do We Prevent the Future?
Collaborate Less
Get Good
Obtain Power (to say “no”)
Speak the Language of Business
Become a Real Profession
Resist Hype
Stop Being Collaborators in Our Own Demise
We let ‘Product Management’ steal our stuff.
Or maybe UX is part of market research.
And it seems that developers gonna develop, regardless of
what we design.
(Therefor, we’d better start to learn to code.)
Poll Question (only UX-ers answer this!)
Within the last year, how many times have you been
invited as an active participant in any of the following:
(A) code writing;
(B) QA test script creation;
(C) marketing message creation.
• 0
• 1 or 2
• 3 or more
Consider: how many times did you, UX-er, invite others
as active participants in your decisions and processes?
Why are we doing this?
“If we must choose between
them, it is far safer to be
feared than loved.”
– Niccolò Machiavelli
Expertise is the First Step to Trusted Advisor
Trustworthiness = Credibility + Reliability + Intimacy
source: The Trusted Advisor, David H. Maister, Free Press (2000), p. 69
Technical Articles vs. Design Articles
source: Smashing Magazine, various articles (see slide notes)
Speak the Language of Business
Especially money ($ € £ ¥ …).
But also other metrics the business cares about.
Zack Naylor’s Mad Libs formulation:
I recommend we <design decision>
Because we learned <supporting research>
This will help us <relevant success indicator>
So that we can <overall goal statement>
without numbers
here, no-one will
listen to you (nor
should they)
How Do We Prevent the Future?
Collaborate Less
Get Good
Obtain Power (to say “no”)
Speak the Language of Business
Become a Real Profession
Resist Hype
Don’t Give Up Hope
Oh yeah… get back to user-centered design
fundamentals; those haven’t changed.
“Always you can see good and bad on
each side… so of course one ends up
doing nothing. Perhaps that’s what
evolution requires, to leave the field
free for younger, unencumbered
minds, and those not afraid to act. …
All societies are like that; the damping
hand of the old and the firebrand
youth together.”
– Iain M. Banks
Slides I Didn’t End Up Using, in the
Interests of Time
Physical World Design Isn’t Afflicted by Gresham’s Law
Image sources: too many to list; see slide notes
1950s 1980s 2023
Popular Jobs of the 1950s
source: Business Insider magazine citing U.S. Census Bureau data
Industry 1950 2017 Change
Logging 187,314 89,998 -57%
Laundering, cleaning, and dyeing 696,742 295,395 -58%
Blast furnaces, steel works, and rolling mills 691,184 270,367 -61%
Water transportation 212,979 74,362 -65%
Primary iron and steel industries 282,922 88,234 -69%
Apparel and accessories manufacturing 1,006,386 207,023 -79%
Tobacco product manufacturing 104,689 20,286 -81%
Railroads and railway transportation 1,436,681 254,836 -82%
Yarn, thread, and fabric manufacturing 897,266 107,607 -88%
Knitting mills 208,863 18,074 -91%
Fastest Growing Jobs Going into 2030
source: Forbes magazine citing Bureau of Labor Statistics projections
Information security
Data scientists and
mathematical science
occupations, all other
Operations research
Wind turbine service
Nurse practitioners
Solar photovoltaic installers
Physical therapist
Home health and personal
care aides
Medical and health services
Physician assistants
Animal trainers
Computer numerically
controlled tool
Genetic counselors
Crematory operators and
personal care and service
workers, all other
Health specialties teachers,
Forest fire inspectors and
prevention specialists
Interpreters and translators
Athletic trainers
Respiratory therapists
Substance abuse,
behavioral disorder, and
mental health counselors
Food preparation and
serving related workers, all
Nursing instructors and
teachers, postsecondary
Woodworkers, all other
Software developers
and software quality
assurance analysts and

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24 Hours of UX, 2023: Preventing the Future

  • 1.
  • 2. The Always Asked For Slide Deck
  • 3. OhioX is a nonprofit membership organization that connects, promotes, and advocates for tech in Ohio. Ohio UX Roundtable In Ohio, we should be investing more in defining, designing, and delivering innovative user experiences to grow our economy and to address social needs. As we kept meeting as a group, we agreed to some basic goals to help us get started: • Raise awareness of UX careers • Improve UX capabilities in organizations • Increase the professionalization of UX
  • 4. Where’s everyone from? (poll on Zuddl) I am here
  • 5. Who are you? (poll on Zuddl) Which of these role titles is closest to what you do? • UX-er • Software Developer / Engineer • People Manager • something else
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8. How long have you done stuff? (poll on Zuddl) How many years of experience do you have, across all of your "real" jobs combined? • 0–5 • 6–10 • 11+
  • 9. Bachelor’s degree, Philosophy, 1998 Master’s degree, UX Design, 2018 • 1 philosophical concept • X quotes from philosophers • Many times I ask the question “why?”
  • 10. Agenda • Imagine This Future • Syzygy • Gresham’s Law • Our So-Called Career • How We’re Doing • Artificial Untelligence • How To Prevent the Future
  • 12. Punchline: This Future is Now image source: When a Stranger Calls (2006 version)
  • 13. Syzygy, Antisyzygy, and Scotsmen syzygy / sɪz ɪ dʒi / any two related things, either alike or opposite antisyzygy the joining together of opposites Caledonian Antisyzygy “In the very combination of opposites—the Caledonian antisyzygy— we have a reflection of the contrasts which the Scot shows at every turn…. Oxymoron was ever the bravest figure, and we must not forget that disorderly order is order after all.” sources: Merriam-Webster Dictionary; Collins Dictionary; G. Gregory Smith, Scottish Literature
  • 14. “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless yet be determined to make them otherwise.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • 15. Gresham’s Law “Bad money drives out good.” – attributed to Sir Thomas Gresham (1519-1579), English financier and advisor to Queen Elizabeth I source: Economic History Association, “Gresham’s Law”, Where both good and bad money enjoy similar legal- tender status, and where all money must be accepted, the employment of bad money becomes a dominant strategy in what amounts to a Prisoners’ Dilemma game in which both sellers and buyers participate.
  • 16. Gresham’s Law Applied to Design No, it’s not an exact analogy. People are not keeping good design to themselves while using bad design for others. Bad design is easier and cheaper (= debased!) compared to good design. “Just copy what Google / Apple / Microsoft / etc. is doing.” Let’s take a look, shall we?
  • 17. Material Design (Google) source: Google Material Design, “Styles” page,
  • 18. Human Interface Guidelines (Apple) source: Apple Human Interface Guidelines, “Sheets” page, guidelines/components/presentation/sheets
  • 19. Fluent (Microsoft) source: Microsoft Fluent UI, “Icons” page,
  • 20. Can you tell the difference any more?
  • 21. Flat Design Has Inherent Usability Problems Flat design is a web-design style that became popular around 2012. It is still widely used today, and its overuse can cause serious usability problems. One of the biggest usability issues introduced by flat design is the lack of signifiers on clickable elements. Since flat design’s emergence in 2011, Nielsen Norman Group has been a vocal critic of its inherent usability issues. Our primary objection to flat design is that it tends to sacrifice users’ needs for the sake of trendy aesthetics. source: Nielsen Norman Group, “Flat Design: Its Origins, Its Problems, and Why Flat 2.0 Is Better for Users”, Kate Moran, September 27, 2015,
  • 22. Yet Flat Design Continues to Dominate sources: Citibank, Capital One, and KeyBank mobile apps (iOS) as of May 2023
  • 23. Why is UXD So Susceptible to Gresham’s Law? Because copying bad design is easy and fast. “The iterative process relieves them of having to perform rigorous planning, thinking, and product due diligence (in other words, interaction design).” – Alan Cooper, The Inmates are Running the Asylum “Less-skilled engineers [or designers] are likely to take shortcuts based on what’s easier to code [or design].” – Kim Goodwin, Designing for the Digital Age
  • 24. How is UX Design Doing as a “Profession”? Our name for ourselves stinks. • ‘Design’ is a terribly overloaded term. • ‘User Experience’ is infamously squishy. • And speaking of ‘users’….
  • 25. “There are only two industries that refer to their customers as 'users': illegal drugs and software.” – Edward Tufte
  • 26. NNg’s 100-Year View of the UX “Profession” source: “A 100-Year View of User Experience”, Nielsen Norman Group,
  • 27. Is Dramatic UX Job Growth Plausible or Desirable? sources: various, plus data analysis by the author
  • 28. Other (Real) Professions with Terminal Master’s Degrees, U.S. sources: AICPA; NCARB; Interior Design magazine; AND; BLS; Nielsen Norman Group Year Accountants (CPAs) Architects Interior Designers Registered Dietitians 2010 646,000 104,270 87,500 80,000 2020 666,600 122,000 112,000 110,150 2030 748,400 125,300 120,000 115,100 * using NNg estimates and assuming U.S. accounts for 25% of world total UX-ers (*) xxx 37,500 250,000 2,000,000 Percentages with Master’s Degrees: • Accountants (CPAs): 90% • Architects: 48% • Interior Designers: 6% • Registered Dietitians: 45% (will be 100% after 2024) • UX-ers: 15% (?)
  • 29. U.S. BLS Projections for Digital Designers Digital designers develop, create, and test website or interface layout, functions, and navigation for usability. • design digital user interfaces or websites • design and test interfaces that facilitate the human- computer interaction and maximize usability • May create graphics used in websites and manage website content and links Number of Jobs, 2021 197,100 Job Outlook, 2021-31 23% (much faster than average) Number of Jobs, 2031 242,500 source: Occupational Outlook Handbook, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Note that these numbers include “web developers” alongside “digital designers”, although it not clear to me how “web developers” are carved out from other developer jobs tracked by the BLS.
  • 30. UX Lacks Many Attributes of a Profession source: Spins on User Experience, Keith Instone, 2021, Criteria of Real Professions Does UX “Profession” Have This? Full-Time Occupations Yes Training and Certificates No (those that exist are not widely recognized and many are bunk) University Programs (Degrees, Labs, Research) Yes, although weak on labs and research Body of Knowledge No International, National, and Local Associations Yes, although more for practitioners / afficionados rather than professionals Standards and Standards Bodies No Ethics No Licensing No Recognition by Governments to Self- Manage or to be Regulated No
  • 31. How is UX Design Doing as a “Profession”? Not very how. image source: original Winnie the Pooh drawing, via Bibliodyssey
  • 32. WebAIM Million: No Real Improvement source: WebAIM Million 2023 report, percentage of home pages with detected WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) conformance failures over time
  • 33. System Usability Scale (SUS) Score Changes: From Terrible to Slightly less Terrible source: Jeff Sauro, MeasuringU; various studies (see slide notes) We’re not exactly crushing it. 43 52 News 26 41 Wireless Carriers 69 62 Flowers
  • 34. Intranet Success Rates: No Improvement source: Nielsen Norman Group, Intranet Usability Guidelines 3rd ed. (2011), 2001-2002 (Study One) 75% success rate (“meager”) 2004-2005 (Study Two) 81% 2010-2011 (Study Three) 74% How could the intranet design community’s work go from below average, to good, to below average again after more than 10 years of experience and technology changes? This decline comes in part from organizations that traded usability and employee efficiency for easy-to-deploy technology solutions with the latest trending features.
  • 35. NNg Intranet Guidelines Iterative Design Frequent User Testing Simplify, Standardize Unify the Navigation Use a CMS (Content Management System) Xxx Frequent User Testing xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Improve Search [Nav] Use Page Templates [part of a CMS] Be Agile [= Iterative] Xxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Update Navigation Use CMS Advances 2001 2010 2020
  • 36. Overall E-Commerce UX Performance source: Baymard Institute, “End of Year Performances”, Why are e- commerce websites getting worse?
  • 37. source: Baymard Institute, “End of Year Performances”, 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Baymard Data – checkout process It’s been 10 years. Why aren’t these getting markedly better?
  • 38. sources: Our World In Data (child mortality), Baymard Institute (e-com checkout process) 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Baymard E-com Checkout Process Benchmark, % Poor-, 2012-2021 Poor- compared to Child Mortality
  • 39. Mediocre+ compared to Life Expectancy sources: Our World in Data (life expectancy), Baymard Institute (e-com checkout process) 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Baymard E-com Checkout Process Benchmark, % Mediocre+, 2012-2021
  • 40. Anecdotal Evidence Suggest We’re Bad At Our Jobs 3 Mile Island nuclear plant melts down due to confusing and faulty indicator light (1979) John S. McCain destroyer collides with Liberian tanker, killing 10, due to poorly designed checkbox (2017) Hawaii erroneous ballistic missile alert panics world due to poorly differentiated list options (2018) Jeep Cherokee’s Monostable shifter causes 101 crashes, 38 injuries, and 1 death, due to unclear interface (2016) 20-year-old commits suicide after misinterpreting confusing Robinhood trading app U.I. (2020) Air Inter Flight 148 crashes into mountain, killing 87 people, due to poor U.I. (1992)
  • 42. ChatGPT Makes Up Stuff If used as a brainstorming tool, ChatGPT's logical leaps and confabulations might lead to creative breakthroughs. But when used as a factual reference, ChatGPT could cause real harm, and OpenAI knows it. Not long after the model's launch, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman tweeted, "ChatGPT is incredibly limited, but good enough at some things to create a misleading impression of greatness. It's a mistake to be relying on it for anything important right now. It’s a preview of progress; we have lots of work to do on robustness and truthfulness." In a later tweet, he wrote, "It does know a lot, but the danger is that it is confident and wrong a significant fraction of the time." source: “Why ChatGPT and Bing Chat are so good at making things up”, ArsTechnica, Benj Edwards, April 6, 2023
  • 43. Devs Can Review ChatGPT’s Code? Umm… source: (various dates within past 6 months)
  • 44. Word-Salad Generators Reflect Our Own Thoughts Back to Us (Like Gaming ‘Oracles’) source: Oracle tables from the game Ironsworn, by Shawn Tompkin; dice rolls via Google Reject Dream
  • 46. Hype Cycle 2002 source: “Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2002”, via Pinterest,
  • 47. source: “Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2012”, Gartner Research,
  • 48. source: “What’s New in the 2022 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies”, Gartner Research Wait…*nothing* is in the trough nor beyond? Where are natural- language stuff and ‘AI’????
  • 49. When Did We Replace Reason with Madness? image source: Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
  • 50. How Do We Prevent the Future? Collaborate Less Get Good Obtain Power (to say “no”) Speak the Language of Business Become a Real Profession Resist Hype
  • 51. Stop Being Collaborators in Our Own Demise We let ‘Product Management’ steal our stuff. Or maybe UX is part of market research. And it seems that developers gonna develop, regardless of what we design. (Therefor, we’d better start to learn to code.)
  • 52. Poll Question (only UX-ers answer this!) Within the last year, how many times have you been invited as an active participant in any of the following: (A) code writing; (B) QA test script creation; (C) marketing message creation. • 0 • 1 or 2 • 3 or more Consider: how many times did you, UX-er, invite others as active participants in your decisions and processes? Why are we doing this?
  • 53. “If we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared than loved.” – Niccolò Machiavelli
  • 54. Expertise is the First Step to Trusted Advisor Trustworthiness = Credibility + Reliability + Intimacy Self-Orientation source: The Trusted Advisor, David H. Maister, Free Press (2000), p. 69
  • 55. Technical Articles vs. Design Articles source: Smashing Magazine, various articles (see slide notes)
  • 56. Speak the Language of Business Numbers. Especially money ($ € £ ¥ …). But also other metrics the business cares about. Zack Naylor’s Mad Libs formulation: I recommend we <design decision> Because we learned <supporting research> This will help us <relevant success indicator> So that we can <overall goal statement> without numbers here, no-one will listen to you (nor should they)
  • 57. How Do We Prevent the Future? Collaborate Less Get Good Obtain Power (to say “no”) Speak the Language of Business Become a Real Profession Resist Hype Don’t Give Up Hope Oh yeah… get back to user-centered design fundamentals; those haven’t changed.
  • 58. “Always you can see good and bad on each side… so of course one ends up doing nothing. Perhaps that’s what evolution requires, to leave the field free for younger, unencumbered minds, and those not afraid to act. … All societies are like that; the damping hand of the old and the firebrand youth together.” – Iain M. Banks
  • 59. Slides I Didn’t End Up Using, in the Interests of Time
  • 60. Physical World Design Isn’t Afflicted by Gresham’s Law Image sources: too many to list; see slide notes 1950s 1980s 2023
  • 61. Popular Jobs of the 1950s source: Business Insider magazine citing U.S. Census Bureau data Industry 1950 2017 Change Logging 187,314 89,998 -57% Laundering, cleaning, and dyeing 696,742 295,395 -58% Blast furnaces, steel works, and rolling mills 691,184 270,367 -61% Water transportation 212,979 74,362 -65% Primary iron and steel industries 282,922 88,234 -69% Apparel and accessories manufacturing 1,006,386 207,023 -79% Tobacco product manufacturing 104,689 20,286 -81% Railroads and railway transportation 1,436,681 254,836 -82% Yarn, thread, and fabric manufacturing 897,266 107,607 -88% Knitting mills 208,863 18,074 -91%
  • 62. Fastest Growing Jobs Going into 2030 source: Forbes magazine citing Bureau of Labor Statistics projections Statisticians Information security analysts Data scientists and mathematical science occupations, all other Logisticians Operations research analysts Actuaries Wind turbine service technicians Nurse practitioners Solar photovoltaic installers Physical therapist assistants Home health and personal care aides Medical and health services managers Physician assistants Epidemiologists Speech-language pathologists Animal trainers Computer numerically controlled tool programmers Genetic counselors Crematory operators and personal care and service workers, all other Health specialties teachers, postsecondary Forest fire inspectors and prevention specialists Interpreters and translators Athletic trainers Respiratory therapists Substance abuse, behavioral disorder, and mental health counselors Food preparation and serving related workers, all other Nursing instructors and teachers, postsecondary Woodworkers, all other Phlebotomists Software developers and software quality assurance analysts and testers

Editor's Notes

  1. “Preventing the Future", presented by Joshua Randall during 24 Hours of UX on May 3, 2023.
  2. I want to thank “24 Hours of UX’ for inviting me to present. I am here under the auspices of OhioX, a nonprofit membership organization that advocates for tech in Ohio, where I live.
  3. Because 24 Hours of UX is also international, I’m curious: where’s everyone from? Use the polling feature in Zuddl. We’ll wait a few seconds for people to respond… [talk briefly about the results]
  4. Before we get any further let me introduce myself. My name is Joshua Randall and I’m a user experience design. My skills are primarily on the research, information architecture, and interaction design side rather than the visual design side. Talking through my career progression -- I worked as an information technology business analyst for 20 years, mostly at big Cleveland companies: American Greetings, Progressive Insurance, Medical Mutual, and Sherwin-Williams among others. I started working as a User Experience Designer about nine years ago, and I’ve done that in both small and large companies.
  5. Before we get any further let me introduce myself. My name is Joshua Randall and I’m a user experience design. My skills are primarily on the research, information architecture, and strategy side rather than the visual design side. Talking through my career progression -- I worked as an information technology business analyst for 20 years, mostly at big Cleveland companies: American Greetings, Progressive Insurance, Medical Mutual, and Sherwin-Williams among others. I started working as a User Experience Designer about nine years ago, and I’ve done that in both small and large companies.
  6. Looking at my educational background, I have a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from Yale University, which goes to show that you never know where your career will take you. I have a master’s degree in User Experience Design from Kent State University, and I’m now also an adjunct instructor in that program – so the circle of life continues. [next slide]
  7. [go through agenda] xxx
  8. Imagine this future. A large company needs a better interface to support their manufacturing process, to cut down on errors, to save time, and to improve employee morale. The project management organization allots 8 weeks of development effort to this. A.I. designs are generated overnight, and a harried developer picks the first one that looks cool. A.I. writes some code, the developer gives it a quick once-over, and the code is put in front of “digital twins of customers” for feedback. In a shock to absolutely no-one, the digital twins of customers don’t detect any usability problems. Meanwhile, the human developers discover the manufacturing system’s API can’t provide all the data assumed by the A.I.-written code, so a scramble begins. The product manager, who has a robust 18 months of experiences (including 6 months as an intern) plus a rigorous 2-day certification, decides that users don’t need any guidance through the system’s information space, as long as the features originally agreed upon are there and functioning according to the nonexistent integration tests. With one week to go, the marketing department looks at the design and freaks out that the color palette doesn’t match the customer-facing dot-com website and it doesn’t have enough calls to action (even though this is an inward-facing manufacturing interface). The poor devs scramble again to make these changes. The code is declared “done” by the original deadline; it doesn’t actually roll out to users for another 4 weeks. Only 3% of users adopt the new system, with the rest remaining on the old system until six months later, when they are forced to adopt the new system because the old one is removed. Users can’t make head nor tails of the so-called reporting, so they build their own reports in Microsoft Excel. At fiscal year end, various people collect their bonuses for hitting the deadline, the A.I. is declared a success, and nobody remembers to measure error rates, time savings, nor employee morale. Image sources:
  9. When a Stranger Calls (2006 version)
  10. Scrabble point values: S=1, Y=4, Z=8, G=2. Thus SYZYGY is worth 1+4+8+4+2+4=23 points. he has made allowance for new conditions, in his practical judgement, which is the admission that two sides of the matter have been considered (GG Smith) a conflict between rational and romantic, canny and reckless, moralistic and violent, an idea of dueling polarities within one entity (The Mighty Scot, Maureen M. Martin, 2009 Sources: G. Gregory Smith, Scottish Literature: Character and Influence, 1919.
  11. F. Scott Fitzgerald writing at his desk, circa 1920 (Photo: Bettmann / Getty Images). Quote from “The Crack Up”, 1936.
  17. Citibank, Capital One, and KeyBank mobile apps (iOS) as of May 2023
  18. Cooper, Alan. The Inmates are Running the Asylum. 2004. Sams. Goodwin, Kim. Designing for the Digital Age. 2009. Wiley Publishing.
  19. Image source: Edward Tufte’s Facebook page
  20. Jakob Nielsen, December 24, 2017 Is it realistic to expect that an entire percent of the population will be occupied with something as esoteric as user experience? Yes, because UX won’t be esoteric in 2050. It will be a key driver of the world economy. I think it’s completely realistic to expect 1% of the population to work on figuring out what should be designed, and then designing those products (and services). The remaining 99% of the people can then work on building, selling, and servicing what we have designed. The main value driver in the future economy will be user experience. Not only will UX be a key differentiator between premium-priced products and commodities, but it will also be the only way to overcome the productivity languor that’s currently plaguing advanced countries. When most value is produced by knowledge workers, the way to increase productivity is to employ cognitive-design strategies and create products that augment the human mind. Technologies that negate human skills are a prescription for continued low productivity in the knowledge economy. We know that UX generates strong ROI, and will continue to do so as we turn to solving the advanced economies’ productivity problems, expanding the goal of the UX profession beyond the current obsession with addicting users to their social media feeds. It will totally pay for itself many times over to have 1% of the world’s population become UX professionals. The other 99% will thank us as they will finally master technology instead of being oppressed by it. And even if they don’t realize that a substantial proportion of the growth in the world economy will be to our credit, they’ll still appreciate how much richer they will be because of us. If you can’t tell by now, I’m very bullish on the future of the UX profession. What we’ve seen so far is nothing compared with what’s to come.
  21. AICPA = American Institute of Certified Public Accountants NCARB = National Council of Architectural Registration Boards AND = Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly known as the American Dietetic Association) BLS = U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
  22. Design digital user interfaces or websites. Develop and test layouts, interfaces, functionality, and navigation menus to ensure compatibility and usability across browsers or devices. May use web framework applications as well as client-side code and processes. May evaluate web design following web and accessibility standards, and may analyze web use metrics and optimize websites for marketability and search engine ranking. May design and test interfaces that facilitate the human-computer interaction and maximize the usability of digital devices, websites, and software with a focus on aesthetics and design. May create graphics used in websites and manage website content and links. Excludes “Special Effects Artists and Animators” (27-1014) and “Graphic Designers” (27-1024).
  23. Only one strong “yes” out of 9 criteria.
  25. Most common errors: Low contrast text Missing alternative text for images Empty links Missing form labels Empty buttons Missing document language
  27. The 10 Best Intranet Designs of 2001, Jakob Nielsen, November 24, 2001, 10 Best Intranets of 2020: What Makes Them Great, Kara Pernice and Patty Caya on January 5, 2020, 10 Best Intranets of 2010, Jakob Nielsen, January 3, 2010, What Every Intranet Needs: Reflections After 20 Years of the Intranet Design Annual, Kara Pernice, November 17, 2019,
  28. Back to the question, how are we doing? As I said before, quoting the depressive Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh: “not very how”.
  29. Checkout (2012-2015) / Cart & Checkout (2016-2021) 2020-2021: Mobile Checkout (not desktop, which was worse)
  33.  Machine learning models are just big black-box correlation machines. Unlike a mathematical model, you have way less understanding of how you get from A to B, or the hard principles that your model is founded on.  That means that identifying problems within the model can be extremely difficult, and a lot of places solve the problem by mashing more data inside, which causes other problems. – Noel Spurgeon, email to UTEST listerv, April 6, 2023
  34. A variety of Slashdot articles.
  35. NLP does not understand meaning. ChatGPT does not understand the meaning of the text it generates. It may look appealing, and we might even infer that the words in the salad mean something. But that's just the problem--we infer the meaning. It's subjective.  - Indi Young, indi in your inbox, April 6, 2023
  36. 3 of the talks today about AI
  39. Digital twins use both online and physical interactions to accurately simulate the customer experience and provide context and predictions of future consumer behaviors. A DToC is a dynamic, virtual representation of a customer that simulates their behavior and learns to emulate and anticipate it. Customers can be individuals, personas, groups of people or machines.
  40. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
  42. -- “The insights community has a heated debate about whether UX is part of market research, whether the two should co-exist within the same function, or are entirely different disciplines” "The average 3 year old knows more than 500 words in their native language. There are about 50 HTML elements that really matter. Learn and know HTML better than the average 3 year old speaks their native language.“ – Nicolas Steenhout on LinkedIn, April 2023,
  43. Image source: , Niccolò Machiavelli, detail of an oil painting by Santi di Tito; in the Palazzo Vecchio, Florence.
  44. Word cloud generation via Article sources:
  45. “One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless yet be determined to make them otherwise.” - Fitzgerald
  46. Image via Quote from the book Use of Weapons, p. 244
  47. Physical world design doesn’t proliferate bad designs. Aesthetically, maybe yes. (Most cars looks the same, interior design of cabinetry goes in waves, etc.) But physical world design doesn’t “sacrifice users’ needs to trendy aesthetics.” The physical stuff in your life just works. (With rare ultra-trendy exceptions.) Good designs are indeed copied. Bad designs are driven out of the marketplace, or only exist as niche products whose primary appeal is something other than usability. Image sources: Stovetops 1950s: 1980s: 2023: Kitchen Cabinets 1950s: 1980s: 2023: Ball point pens: 1950s: 1980s: 2023:
  48. 20 jobs popular in the 1950s that are almost gone today, Andy Kiersz Oct 10, 2019,
  49. The 30 Fastest-Growing Jobs And Careers For The Next 10 Years, Jack Kelly, September 16, 2021,