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Within the
Ayush Jasoria
Roll NO: 231037(FMG-23A)
March 1, 2015
TO: Dr. Anita Tripathi Lal
FROM: Ayush Jasoria
Student, Fore School of Management
SUBJECT: Business Communication within the Organisation
As per the course of Advanced Communication and Analysis, I am submitting the
attached report entitled ‘Business Communication within the organisation’.
This report first gives an overview on business communication and then examines
the issues faced within the organisation and what are the views of the employees regarding
I hope the report will be a nice guide to the people who are looking to work in the
organisation and wanted to have a perspective of the issues faced within the organisation.
Ayush Jasoria
Executive summary
All businesses, both large and small, require effective and efficient business communication
solutions in order to continuously meet their customer expectations and attain a
competitive advantage, and therefore be successful. Whether a company is large or small it
is realized that, the right amount of financing, materials, talent, and experience are not
enough to succeed without a good communication system in place that enables smooth
transaction sealing. Communications is at the heart of regional and international
integration, with the development of an efficient, cost effective and technologically
advanced communications infrastructure . With the economies of most countries becoming
increasingly sophisticated and knowledge-intensive, there is a greater need for the
existence of an efficient network that will enable decision-makers to have access to timely
and accurate data to facilitate decision-making and transaction sealing.
In this report we talked about the importance of
business communication, purpose of business communication ,what are its objectives, what
are the various methodology of business communication.We then prepared literature
review I have done the primary data analysis and on the basis of that I have prepared a
questionnaire which is floated among the Tata Consultancy Services ltd employees .The
questions deals with business meeting ,cross culture communication, Interpersonal
communication. After the questionnaire is floated the analysis is done.
Acknowledgement........................................................................................................................ 5
Purpose of study....................................................................................................................... 8
Objective of study..................................................................................................................... 9
Theoretical framework.............................................................................................................. 9
Outline of chapters................................................................................................................. 10
Methodology.............................................................................................................................. 10
Universe of Study.................................................................................................................... 10
Locale of study........................................................................................................................ 11
Sampling................................................................................................................................ 11
Data collection........................................................................................................................ 11
Acknowledgement.................................................................................................................. 11
Literature review on Business Communication............................................................................. 11
Analysis...................................................................................................................................... 17
Business communication meetings .......................................................................................... 17
Interpersonnal communication................................................................................................ 17
Cross-Culture communication.................................................................................................. 17
Profile analysis........................................................................................................................ 17
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 18
Sources...................................................................................................................................... 18
References ............................................................................................................................. 18
Bibliography........................................................................................................................... 19
Appendix................................................................................................................................ 19
If words are considered as a symbol of approval and token of acknowledgement, then the
following words play the heralding role of expressing my gratitude. A great deal of time and
much effort have gone into developing and researching this project. Many people have
participated directly or indirectly in the completion of this project.
I deem it my pride and privilege to render my deep sense of gratitude to my guide and
supervisor Dr. Anita Tripathi Lal for her intellectual and invaluable guidance and constant
encouragement through out the progress of the study. Her fascination and inspiration in the
form of help provided me in making this study more successful
I owe special thanks debt to the other staff members of this esteemed college and all the
friends and family members for being favorable and compassionate, and for encouraging
me throughout this project to make it a grand success.
Business communication is the sharing of information between people within an
organization that is performed for the commercial benefit of the organization. It can also be
defined as relaying of information within a business by its people.Business communication
(or simply "communication", in a business context) encompasses topics such as
marketing, brand management, customer relations, consumer behavior, advertising ,public
relations, corporate communication, community engagement, reputation
management, interpersonal communication, employee engagement, and event
management. It is closely related to the fields of professional communication and technical
communication.Media channels for business communication include the Internet, print
media, radio, television, ambient media, and word of mouth.Business communication can
also refer to internal communication that takes place within the organization.Business
communication is a common topic included in the curricula of Undergraduate and Master
programs of many colleges and universities.
Business Communication is goal oriented. The rules, regulations and policies of a company
have to be communicated to people within and outside the organization. Business
Communication is regulated by certain rules and norms. In early times, business
communication was limited to paper-work, telephone calls etc. But now with advent of
technology, we have cell phones, video conferencing, emails, satellite communication to
support business communication. Effective business communication helps in building
goodwill of an organization.
Business Communication can be of two types:
1. Oral Communication - An oral communication can be formal or informal. Generally
business communication is a formal means of communication, like : meetings,
interviews, group discussion, speeches etc. An example of Informal business
communication would be - Grapevine.
2. Written Communication - Written means of business communication includes -
agenda, reports, manuals etc.
Oral communication implies communication through mouth. It includes individuals
conversing with each other, be it direct conversation or telephonic conversation. Speeches,
presentations, discussions are all forms of oral communication. Oral communication is
generally recommended when the communication matter is of temporary kind or where a
direct interaction is required. Face to face communication (meetings, lectures, conferences,
interviews, etc.) is significant so as to build a rapport and trust.
Advantages of Oral Communication
 There is high level of understanding and transparency in oral communication as it is
 There is no element of rigidity in oral communication. There is flexibility for allowing
changes in the decisions previously taken.
 The feedback is spontaneous in case of oral communication. Thus, decisions can be
made quickly without any delay.
 Oral communication is not only time saving, but it also saves upon money and
 Oral communication is best in case of problem resolution. The conflicts, disputes and
many issues/differences can be put to an end by talking them over.
 Oral communication can be best used to transfer private and confidential
Disadvantages/Limitations of Oral Communication
 Relying only on oral communication may not be sufficient as business
communication is formal and very organized.
 Oral communication is less authentic than written communication as they are
informal and not as organized as written communication.
 Oral communication is time-saving as far as daily interactions are concerned, but in
case of meetings, long speeches consume lot of time and are unproductive at times.
 Oral communications are not easy to maintain and thus they are unsteady.
 There may be misunderstandings as the information is not complete and may lack
Written communication has great significance in today’s business world. It is an innovative
activity of the mind. Effective written communication is essential for preparing worthy
promotional materials for business development. Speech came before writing. But writing is
more unique and formal than speech. Effective writing involves careful choice of words,
their organization in correct order in sentences formation as well as cohesive composition of
sentences. Also, writing is more valid and reliable than speech. But while speech is
spontaneous, writing causes delay and takes time as feedback is not immediate.
There are several methods of business communication, including:
 Web-based communication - for better and improved communication, anytime
anywhere ...
 video conferencing which allow people in different locations to hold interactive
 Reports - important in documenting the activities of any department;
 Presentations - very popular method of communication in all types of organizations,
usually involving audiovisual material, like copies of reports, or material prepared in
Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe Flash;
 telephone meetings, which allow for long distance speech;
 forum boards, which allow people to instantly post information at a centralized
location; and
 face-to-face meetings, which are personal and should be succeeded by a written
 suggestion box,it is mainly for upward communication as because some people may
hesitate to communicate to the to management directly so they can give suggestion
by drafting
 suggestion in suggestion box.
Purpose of study
1. Communication promotes motivation by informing and clarifying the employees
about the task to be done, the manner they are performing the task, and how to
improve their performance if it is not up to the mark.
2. Communication is a source of information to the organizational members for
decision-making process as it helps identifying and assessing alternative course of
3. Communication also plays a crucial role in altering individual’s attitudes, i.e., a well
informed individual will have better attitude than a less-informed individual.
Organizational magazines, journals, meetings and various other forms of oral and
written communication help in moulding employee’s attitudes.
4. Communication also helps in socializing. In todays life the only presence of another
individual fosters communication. It is also said that one cannot survive without
5. As discussed earlier, communication also assists in controlling process. It helps
controlling organizational member’s behaviour in various ways. There are various
levels of hierarchy and certain principles and guidelines that employees must follow
in an organization. They must comply with organizational policies, perform their job
role efficiently and communicate any work problem and grievance to their superiors.
Thus, communication helps in controlling function of management.
Objective of study
1.To Exchange Information: The prime objective of communication is to
exchange information internally and externally i.e. to deal within the
organization and outside the organization.
2. To Achieve Goal: The goal of the organization can be obtained
through effective organizational communication. Everybody tries to acquire such
goal and therefore it requires effective organizational communication.
3. To Maintain Co-ordination and Co-operation: Co-ordination and co-operation
among three levels i.e. corporate level, divisional level and functional level of an
Organization are maintained through communication.
4. To Plan: Planning decides what is to be done in future. All the information and
data which are required to make a plan for business can be obtained or gathered
through communication.
5. To Facilitate Direction and Motivation: The boss gives direction or order to his
subordinate. And managers need to motivate their employees to increase the
concentration and productivity. Hence, communication helps to facilitate
direction and motivation.
This report demonstrates the idea and importance behind the Business Communication
within an Organization through step by step follow of well defined process. The report starts
with the Introduction part wherein analysis and importance of Business Communication is
discussed. Following which description of the methodology adopted i.e. Secondary research
in the form of Questionnaires and Interviews and analysis is carried upon on the basis of
data collected which leads us to the conclusion for the report.
Let us examine communication and communication theory through the following
 Mechanistic - The mechanistic view point says that communication is simply the
transmission of information from the first party to the second party. The first party
being the sender and the second party being the receiver.
 Psychological - According to the psychological view point, communication is simply
not the flow of information from the sender to the receiver but actually the
thoughts, feelings of the sender which he tries to share with the recepients. It also
includes the reactions, feelings of the receiver after he decodes the information.
 Social - The social view point considers communication as a result of interaction
between the sender and the receiver. It simply says that communication is directly
dependent on the content of the speech. “How one communicates” is the basis of
the social view point.
 Systemic - The systemic view point says that communication is actually a new and a
different message which is created when various individuals interpret it in their own
way and then reinterpret it and draw their own conclusion.
 Critical - The critical view point says that communication is simply a way with the
help of which an individual expresses his power and authority among other
To summarize the communication theory proposes that to survive, every living entity, needs
to communicate with others and also among themselves. Communication is a dire need of
Outline of chapters
Chapter1-It gives the introduction on business communication.It explains the
purpose of business communication,objective of business communication.
Chapter 2-It explains the methodology.
Chapter 3-It is on Literature review.In this we have briefly explained around 10
research papers on business communication.
Chapter 4-It deals with analysis part of the questionnaire prepared.
Chapter 5-It is conclusion part of the business communication within the
Universe of Study
There are many ways of classifying data.
A common classification is based upon who collected the data.
Primary data: Data collected by the investigator himself/ herself for a specific purpose.
Examples: Data collected by a student for his/her thesis or research project.
(In movies) The hero is directly told by the heroine that he is her “ideal man”.
Secondary data: Data collected by someone else for some other purpose (but being utilized
by the investigator for another purpose).
Examples: Census data being used to analyze the impact of education on career choice and
Locale of study
I have studied Business Communication in Tata Consultancy Services ltd.I have taken the
view of employees of Working in TCS Gurgaon.
Our Sample is mostly engineer working at the designation of Assistant systemengineer or
System engineer.The age group is from 23 to 28.The sample data include employees
working either on offshore or onsite.
Data collection
Data we have collected is through primary data .A questionnaire is prepared and is floated
among the employees and the response is jotted down.
The contact person has played an important role in collection of data.I would like to thank
the contact person in ensuring the data received is genuine and accurate
Literature review on Business Communication
Communication is a process of transferring information from one entity to another'.
However, communication is not just a process. It's an art of first listening or reading the
information, comprehending it, processing it and then transferring it. There is a huge
amount of effort that goes into communication. Gesticulations, voice modulation, body
language and the spoken language are some of the important aspects of communication. If
the other person is unable to comprehend any of these factors of communication, then the
process of communication fails. Communication involves the sharing of ideas and
information. While many people think of communication primarily in oral or written form,
communication is in fact so much more. A knowing look or a gentle touch can also
communicate a message loud and clear, as can a hard push or an angry slap. So, what is
communication -an interaction between two people in which something is exchanged
Lavinia Hulea(September 2005)pointed out that general communication processes rely on
messages implying contents, communication channels, a receiver and clear objectives. Once
accepting the importance of defining objectives, three strategies, narrative, implicative, and
decisional, seemto be specific for most business communications. While narrative business
communications convey information with a view of simply transmitting information and
depend on accuracy, complexity, and clarity, implicative business communications convey
information in order to determine a certain behavior of the receiver and rely on credibility,
logic, and motivation; decisional business communications transmit information having a
negative or positive connotation and depend on message, tone, and language.
Patricia Mark(January 2008) explained that communication skills top the list of what
employers look for the most in employees and job candidates. Unfortunately,
communication skills also top the list of skills most lacking in new college graduates. As a
result, many academicians have incorporated business communication courses into their
curricula to teach students to be effective communicators. These courses have historically
included such areasas oral and written communication, team skills, etc. but have generally
not emphasized skills that make students employable.
Manthy K.S. (january2009)wrote an article on the barriers to business communication
between the West and the Orient are discussed. It is noted that access to communication
resources between the two hemispheres is limited. Those resources that do exist are not
always readily accessible or easy to use. It is suggested that beyond the technical barriers of
communication is a very real fundamental interaction problem, as attempts are made to
translate very different languages and cultures into mutually comprehensible and
appreciable partnerships. Attention is given to technological advancements and cooperation
that are providing solutions to communication dissemination
MF Nielsen(January 2009) article will contribute to the study of leadership communication
by combining organization communication theory and conversation analytic methodology.
The article shows important ways in which middle managers “do leadership”: by
contextualizing employee actions and bringing employee perceptions in accordance with
executive-level perceptions of organizational practices.
Oksana Erdeli(march 2009) hypothesized that in cross-cultural business communication
stereotypes play a crucial role. In my research work I am trying to answer the following
questions: (a) do members of a business community in a given nationstate make use of
stereotypes while collecting information on another nation-state as a potential business
partner? (b) If so, what impact do they have on business communication? (c) If not, why are
these stereotypes rejected by members of the business community? Our discussion of the
role of stereotypes in business communication is conducted with the consideration of the
following criteria: age groups and stereotypes, professional position (rank) and stereotypes,
education and stereotypes, gender and stereotypes. The results obtained are applied to a
discussion of overall effectiveness of business companies immersed in national guises, with
particular reference to Ukrainian and Polish enterprises.
Ruhet Genc(july 2010) pointed out that communication entails the transfer of ideas,
thoughts or feelings by the sender to receiver via verbal or nonverbal means. This transfer
gains special significance in business especially in the service sector, since the service
providers work with humans and what distinguishes humans from any other species is their
ability to communicate with others. Communication affects a wide variety of business issues
including productivity and job satisfaction via improving the conveyance of information in
every level of the organization. Thus, in order to establish effective communication, the
managers in an organization has to channel the receiver what they mean to communicate in
a simple, direct and precise manner whether it be on the oral or written modality. To
achieve this end, they should also take into consideration the gender and cultural variations
in terms of communication.Anne Ellerup Nielsen(august 2010) paper is motivated by a
recent interest within public sector management and communication research of studying
higher education strategic communication and marketing. On the basis of a review of
relevant literature, the paper analyzes the occurrence of selected internally and externally
oriented CSR keywords in the sections of education, research and strategy of 17 business
schools’ website, the purpose being to investigate how business schools in different
contexts prioritize CSR communication on their websites, and whether this communication
is consistent. The findings are discussed in light of the context and increasing expectations
from stakeholders.
Ke Gong,(June 2011)said that as part of communication, cultural differences affect business
negotiation deeply. In a globalizing world today, with international business happened
frequently, cultural differences bring influence to communication, any misunderstanding of
it may directly affect the business. Therefore, it makes sense for the countries of different
cultural backgrounds to understand each other. With the entry into the 21st century and
China’s access to the WTO, Sino-U.S. trade and economy has developed rapidly, and it is
necessary for the negotiators from two countries to understand the cultural differences and
make full use of the beneficial strategies.Junko Kobayashi & Linda Viswat(26, July 2011)
paper summarizes the results of interviews and questionnaires of 20 American business
people who have experience in doing business with Japanese people and discusses how
Americans with a high degree of intercultural awareness made compromises or could make
compromises in order to conduct business negotiations more efficiently. While
acknowledging that one’s intercultural communication competence is context-dependent
and there is no panacea for resolving cultural differences, the constructive responses given
by the American business people will certainly help deepen Japanese and American mutual
Vijay K. Bhatia(October 2012)said that the concept of Business English has undergone some
major shifts in the last few years because of a number of developments, such as advances in
genre theory and the coming together of English for Business Purposes and Business
Communication, inspired by the realization that there is a gap to be bridged between the
academy and the globalized business world. Drawing on advances in the analysis of business
discourses, especially in applied genre analysis, this state-of-the-art review revisits the
frameworks currently used in English for Business Purposes and Business Communication
(or, more generally, Professional Communication) to suggest an integration of the two
approaches for the design of English for Business Communication (EBC) programmes. The
study incorporates an extensive review of much of the relevant published work in all the
three areas mentioned above to identify some of the main issues in EBC, and illustrates a
gradual shift in the rationale for the design and implementation of EBC programmes.
Communication is life blood of a business organization. No organization can succeed or
progress, build up reputation, and win friends and customers without effective
communication skills.In fact successful communication is the bed rock of ground and
pleasant relationship between the seniors and sub ordinates, between the workers and
the management, between the customers and the sellers good and efficient systemof
communication helps in better coordination and efficient control. It results in clear
understanding, good production, healthy climate within the organization willing cooperation
among the various levels, if businessman can communicate effectively and successfully.
Profit and prosperity shall knock at the doors of firm, organization or shop keeper through
effective system of communication
Communication is a process of transferring information from one entity to another'.
However, communication is not just a process. It's an art of first listening or reading the
information, comprehending it, processing it and then transferring it. There is a huge
amount of effort that goes into communication. Gesticulations, voice modulation, body
language and the spoken language are some of the important aspects of communication. If
the other person is unable to comprehend any of these factors of communication, then the
process of communication fails. Communication involves the sharing of ideas and
information. While many people think of communication primarily in oral or written form,
communication is in fact so much more. A knowing look or a gentle touch can also
communicate a message loud and clear, as can a hard push or an angry slap. So, what is
communication -an interaction between two people in which something is exchanged
Lavinia Hulea(September 2005)pointed out that general communication processes rely on
messages implying contents, communication channels, a receiver and clear objectives. Once
accepting the importance of defining objectives, three strategies, narrative, implicative, and
decisional, seemto be specific for most business communications. While narrative business
communications convey information with a view of simply transmitting information and
depend on accuracy, complexity, and clarity, implicative business communications convey
information in order to determine a certain behavior of the receiver and rely on credibility,
logic, and motivation; decisional business communications transmit information having a
negative or positive connotation and depend on message, tone, and language.
Patricia Mark(January 2008) explained that communication skills top the list of what
employers look for the most in employees and job candidates. Unfortunately,
communication skills also top the list of skills most lacking in new college graduates. As a
result, many academicians have incorporated business communication courses into their
curricula to teach students to be effective communicators. These courses have historically
included such areasas oral and written communication, team skills, etc. but have generally
not emphasized skills that make students employable.
Manthy K.S.(january2009)wrote an article on the barriers to business communication
between the West and the Orient are discussed. It is noted that access to communication
resources between the two hemispheres is limited. Those resources that do exist are not
always readily accessible or easy to use. It is suggested that beyond the technical barriers of
communication is a very real fundamental interaction problem, as attempts are made to
translate very different languages and cultures into mutually comprehensible and
appreciable partnerships. Attention is given to technological advancements and cooperation
that are providing solutions to communication dissemination
MF Nielsen(January 2009) article will contribute to the study of leadership communication
by combining organization communication theory and conversation analytic methodology.
The article shows important ways in which middle managers “do leadership”: by
contextualizing employee actions and bringing employee perceptions in accordance with
executive-level perceptions of organizational practices.
Oksana Erdeli(march 2009) hypothesized that in cross-cultural business communication
stereotypes play a crucial role. In my research work I am trying to answer the following
questions: (a) do members of a business community in a given nationstate make use of
stereotypes while collecting information on another nation-state as a potential business
partner? (b) If so, what impact do they have on business communication? (c) If not, why are
these stereotypes rejected by members of the business community? Our discussion of the
role of stereotypes in business communication is conducted with the consideration of the
following criteria: age groups and stereotypes, professional position (rank) and stereotypes,
education and stereotypes, gender and stereotypes. The results obtained are applied to a
discussion of overall effectiveness of business companies immersed in national guises, with
particular reference to Ukrainian and Polish enterprises.
Ruhet Genc(july 2010) pointed out that communication entails the transfer of ideas,
thoughts or feelings by the sender to receiver via verbal or nonverbal means. This transfer
gains special significance in business especially in the service sector, since the service
providers work with humans and what distinguishes humans from any other species is their
ability to communicate with others. Communication affects a wide variety of business issues
including productivity and job satisfaction via improving the conveyance of information in
every level of the organization. Thus, in order to establish effective communication, the
managers in an organization has to channel the receiver what they mean to communicate in
a simple, direct and precise manner whether it be on the oral or written modality. To
achieve this end, they should also take into consideration the gender and cultural variations
in terms of communication.Anne Ellerup Nielsen(august 2010) paper is motivated by a
recent interest within public sector management and communication research of studying
higher education strategic communication and marketing. On the basis of a review of
relevant literature, the paper analyzes the occurrence of selected internally and externally
oriented CSR keywords in the sections of education, research and strategy of 17 business
schools’ website, the purpose being to investigate how business schools in different
contexts prioritize CSR communication on their websites, and whether this communication
is consistent. The findings are discussed in light of the context and increasing expectations
from stakeholders.
Ke Gong,(June 2011)said that as part of communication, cultural differences affect business
negotiation deeply. In a globalizing world today, with international business happened
frequently, cultural differences bring influence to communication, any misunderstanding of
it may directly affect the business. Therefore, it makes sense for the countries of different
cultural backgrounds to understand each other. With the entry into the 21st century and
China’s access to the WTO, Sino-U.S. trade and economy has developed rapidly, and it is
necessary for the negotiators from two countries to understand the cultural differences and
make full use of the beneficial strategies.Junko Kobayashi & Linda Viswat(26, July 2011)
paper summarizes the results of interviews and questionnaires of 20 American business
people who have experience in doing business with Japanese people and discusses how
Americans with a high degree of intercultural awareness made compromises or could make
compromises in order to conduct business negotiations more efficiently. While
acknowledging that one’s intercultural communication competence is context-dependent
and there is no panacea for resolving cultural differences, the constructive responses given
by the American business people will certainly help deepen Japanese and American mutual
Vijay K. Bhatia(October 2012)said that the concept of Business English has undergone some
major shifts in the last few years because of a number of developments, such as advances in
genre theory and the coming together of English for Business Purposes and Business
Communication, inspired by the realization that there is a gap to be bridged between the
academy and the globalized business world. Drawing on advances in the analysis of business
discourses, especially in applied genre analysis, this state-of-the-art review revisits the
frameworks currently used in English for Business Purposes and Business Communication
(or, more generally, Professional Communication) to suggest an integration of the two
approaches for the design of English for Business Communication (EBC) programmes. The
study incorporates an extensive review of much of the relevant published work in all the
three areas mentioned above to identify some of the main issues in EBC, and illustrates a
gradual shift in the rationale for the design and implementation of EBC programmes.
Business communicationmeetings
 According to the survey we get to know that meetings in TCS are conducted on
monthly basis and issues which they face are mostly related to coordination
between the onsite team and the offsore team.
 It has been found that in these meetings usually the Manager and the Team Lead are
in the driver’s seat whereas the employees with a work experience of 1 to 3 years
are on the back burner.
 It was found that employees usually understand whatever is discussed in the
meeting but employees with less than 1 year of work experience face some problem
 Most of the employees feel that the objective of the meeting are completely met.
Interpersonnal communication
 It has been observed that during the time of conflict ,it is usually solved by mutual
 People are neutral towards sharing of knowledge as politics comes into play.
 The most preferred mode of communication among the employees is email
followed by telephonic conversation.
Cross-Culture communication
 People usually feel that their is the diversified culture in their organisation.
 Employees are usually comfortable conversing with employees from diversified
culture but in some occasion it may lead to misunderstanding.
 According to the survey ,Employees do get to learn other region culture.
Profile analysis
 Our target audience is usually from the age group of 23-28.
 It comprises of both male and female.
 Martial status is usually unmarried.
 The education background in engineering.
Communication is life blood of a business organization. No organization can succeed or
progress, build up reputation, and win friends and customers without effective
communication skills.In fact successful communication is the bed rock of ground and
pleasant relationship between the seniors and sub ordinates, between the workers and
the management, between the customers and the sellers good and efficient systemof
communication helps in better coordination and efficient control. It results in clear
understanding, good production, healthy climate within the organization willing cooperation
among the various levels, if businessman can communicate effectively and successfully.
Profit and prosperity shall knock at the doors of firm, organization or shop keeper through
effective system of communication. Effective communication enables a company to inform
and build relationships with its stakeholders. It is a two-way process enabling stakeholders
to interact with the company. This includes employees supplying ideas for improvements
and customers providing feedback.
Enterprise uses a multi-channel approach to its communication strategies to increase
awareness of its key messages. Using a mix of formal and informal communication helps to
improve effectiveness. Its internal communications strategies ensure the company values
and culture are maintained. Its ‘onboarding’ programme and The Hub intranet encourage
employee engagement, knowledge and increases motivation.
To maximise effectiveness of its communications strategies, Enterprise tailors its
communication messages and channels to each specific audience’s needs. This ensures that
any barriers to communication are dealt with. Enterprise regularly evaluates its internal and
external communications strategies to maintain its focus on high levels of customer service
and employee relations
Richmond, McCroskey, & McCroskey (2005). THE NATURE OF COMMUNICATION IN
Jacqueline Mayfield and Milton Mayfield, Texas A&M International University “The Role of
Leader Motivating Language in Employee Absenteeism”; International journal of business
 International journal on business communication ,Business Communication
 Department of Communication, University of South Alabama, Redefining
business communication
 Ieeexplore, Bridging the gap of international business communication
 INTERNATIONAL journal on business communication ,Interpretative
Management in Business Meetings
 Adam Mickiewicz University,Poland, Stereotypes in Business Communication
 Acta Universitatis Danubius, The Vitality of Business Communication
 Adam Mickiewicz University,Poland Intercultural communication
 Foreign Languages Department, Shandong Jiaotong University, Jinan, China,
a Research on Cultural Differences Impact on Sino-US Business Negotiation
 Cambridge Journals, English for Business Communication
1. Most of the information I receive on a daily basis comes from my manager.
a.) Strongly Agree b.) Agree c.) Neutral d.) Disagree e.) Strongly Disagree
2. In this organization, my ideas are frequently passed on to top-management.
a.) Strongly Agree b.) Agree c.) Neutral d.) Disagree e.) Strongly Disagree
3. Most of the information I receive on a daily basis come from my co-workers.
a.) Strongly Agree b.) Agree c.) Neutral d.) Disagree e.) Strongly Disagree
4. I feel comfortable sharing ideas directly with members of top-management.
a.)Strongly Agree b.) Agree c.) Neutral d.) Disagree e.) Strongly Disagree
5. Please indicate how frequently you use the following methods of communications on
daily basis
Please tick on the appropriate response 1 2 3 4 5
Face-to-face interaction
Electronic communications
Written communication
Telephone calls
6. I receive the information I need to perform my job in a timely manner.
a.) Strongly Agree b.) Agree c.) Neutral d.) Disagree e.) Strongly Disagree
7. There is free-flow upward communication
a.) Strongly Agree b.) Agree c.) Neutral d.) Disagree e.) Strongly Disagree
8. There is free-flow downward communication
a.) Strongly Agree b.) Agree c.) Neutral d.) Disagree e.) Strongly Disagree
9. There is free-flow horizontal communication
a.) Strongly Agree b.) Agree c.) Neutral d.) Disagree e.) Strongly Disagree
10.In this organization, important information is a scarce resource.
a.) Strongly Agree b.) Agree c.) Neutral d.) Disagree e.) Strongly Disagree
11. Using the following scale, please indicate how effective the following methods are for
communicating information you need on a daily basis to do your job.
Please tick on the
appropriate response
Effective Extremely
The company intranet
Phone-in hotlines
Chose the option which is the closest to describing yourpersonality
Q1. I make important decisions based on:
a. how I picture it working
b. how I feel about the person
c. which answer sounds most convincing
d. a detailed analysis of all the issues.
Q2. I most easily demonstrate my state of mind by:
a. stating my feelings
b. the colors and clothes I wear
c. the words I choose
d. my tone of voice
Q3. How do you handle conflicts?
a. I try to dominate the other party
b. I have a predetermined solution to the outcome
c. I listen with an open mind to alternative options
d. I try to reach on a mutual resolution so that it is a win-win for both the parties
Q4. Which one of the following communication method do you use most frequently for
routine exchanges of information with your colleagues?
a. Electronic messaging (E-mail, instant messaging, text messages)
b. In-person meetings or discussion
c. Telephonic conversations
Q5. Please answer all questions by marking a Tick in the appropriate box.
Statement Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Me and my colleagues share
Employees invite each others in
informal meetings and gatherings
My employer values my opinion
and encourages open discussion
Q.1 Have you ever communicated with someone from another nation/cultural background?
Yes □
No □
Q.2 Does your organization provide proper training for cross-culture communication
Yes □ No □
Q.3 I am comfortable communicating with employees from different culture?
□ Strongly Agree □ Agree □ Indifferent □ Disagree □ Strongly
Q.4 It is important to understand cultural differences to carry out international business?
□ Strongly Agree □ Agree □ Indifferent □ Disagree □ Strongly
Q.5 When I communicate cross-culturally, I make efforts to ensure that my message is
clearly understood by the receiver?
□ Strongly Agree □ Agree □ Indifferent □ Disagree □ Strongly
Q.6 Have you ever been in a cross-cultural communication which ended up in
Yes □
No □
Q.7 In daily life cross-cultural communication, which type of misunderstanding below do
you think is more common? Check the applicable one(s)
□ Verbal misunderstandings (misunderstanding the words/language used).
□ Vocal misunderstandings (misunderstanding what is indicated due to the tone of
□ Non-verbal misunderstandings (misunderstanding the body language/gestures etc.)
□ Other
Q.8 Effectiveness of communication of the team falls sometimes when people from
different countries are working in the team
□Strongly Agree □ Agree □ Indifferent □ Disagree
□ Strongly disagree
Business Meetings
Q1) How often business meetings are conducted in the organization?
a. Weekly b. Fortnightly
b. Monthly d. Once in a quarter
Q2) The purpose of a meeting is met
a. Always b. Most often
b. Sometimes d. Never
Q3) Each and every person contributes to the agenda of the meeting while conducting a
a. Always c. Most often
b. Sometimes d. Never
Q4) Every one present at the meeting understood the meeting's purpose.
a. Agree b. Neither agree nor disagree c. Disagree
Q5) Of all the times the meeting is held, what percent of the time approximately does the
meeting advance the work of your organization?
a.100% b. 75%
c.50% d. 25%
e. Less than 10%
Q6) How much connected do you feel with the agenda in the meeting?
a. I feel connected to the best of my level
b. I feel somewhat connected with the agenda
c. I feel totally disconnected with the agenda
External Communication
2. There exists a proper mechanism that the management employs to monitor relevant
external information and considers the impact on the entity.
a) Strongly disagree
b) Disagree
c) Neutral
d) Agree
e) Strongly agree
3. Does your organization has a proper PR team/ Connect team which communicates
relevant information to media houses or other channels?
a) Yes
b) No
4. Which staff has responsibility for communication?
a) Marketing
b) Public Relation department
c) Partners outside the company (e.g. national authorities, NGOs, the media, PR
d) If any others, please specify _________
5. How often do you take feedback from customers and frontline companies?
a) Weekely
b) Monthly
c) Quaterly
d) Yearly
1. What kind of mechanism does your organization have for reporting employee
a. Employee Helpline
b. Immediate supervisor
c. Approaching unions
d. Reporting to HR department
e. Any other
2. An ex-employee who used to work under you has asked for a recommendation from
you, requesting you to exaggerate his/her capabilities and responsibilities. What
would be your response?
a. Comply to the request
b. Refuse to give recommendation
c. Provide an honest recommendation
d. Complain against him/her
3. How does the organization communicate vacancies for a position?
a. Advertisements in Print media
b. Official website
c. Job Portals such as Monster,
d. Any other mode
4. How would you evaluate the present orientation programme for the new recruits?
a. Very Helpful
b. Satisfactory
c. Can’t Say
d. Needs Improvement
5. How often do you hang out with colleagues for lunch/dinner?
a. Once in a month or less
b. Twice or thrice a month
c. Weekly
d. Twice or thrice a week
e. Daily
6. Who initiated informal communication at your workplace when you joined it?
a. You initiated it
b. Colleagues
c. Superiors
d. Took place with the interference of a third party (eg. Induction programme)
7. I feel that I know people I work with:
a. Extremely well
b. Somewhat well
c. Not very well
d. Not at all well
8. How much of your time is devoted to informal communication, such as small talk or
casual chatting, which is not work-related?
a. None
b. Less than 15%
c. Between 15 and 25%
d. Between 26 and 50%
e. Over 50%

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  • 2. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL March 1, 2015 TO: Dr. Anita Tripathi Lal FROM: Ayush Jasoria Student, Fore School of Management SUBJECT: Business Communication within the Organisation As per the course of Advanced Communication and Analysis, I am submitting the attached report entitled ‘Business Communication within the organisation’. This report first gives an overview on business communication and then examines the issues faced within the organisation and what are the views of the employees regarding it. I hope the report will be a nice guide to the people who are looking to work in the organisation and wanted to have a perspective of the issues faced within the organisation. Ayush Jasoria
  • 3. Executive summary All businesses, both large and small, require effective and efficient business communication solutions in order to continuously meet their customer expectations and attain a competitive advantage, and therefore be successful. Whether a company is large or small it is realized that, the right amount of financing, materials, talent, and experience are not enough to succeed without a good communication system in place that enables smooth transaction sealing. Communications is at the heart of regional and international integration, with the development of an efficient, cost effective and technologically advanced communications infrastructure . With the economies of most countries becoming increasingly sophisticated and knowledge-intensive, there is a greater need for the existence of an efficient network that will enable decision-makers to have access to timely and accurate data to facilitate decision-making and transaction sealing. In this report we talked about the importance of business communication, purpose of business communication ,what are its objectives, what are the various methodology of business communication.We then prepared literature review I have done the primary data analysis and on the basis of that I have prepared a questionnaire which is floated among the Tata Consultancy Services ltd employees .The questions deals with business meeting ,cross culture communication, Interpersonal communication. After the questionnaire is floated the analysis is done.
  • 4. Contents Acknowledgement........................................................................................................................ 5 Introduction.................................................................................................................................6 Purpose of study....................................................................................................................... 8 Objective of study..................................................................................................................... 9 Theoretical framework.............................................................................................................. 9 Outline of chapters................................................................................................................. 10 Methodology.............................................................................................................................. 10 Universe of Study.................................................................................................................... 10 Locale of study........................................................................................................................ 11 Sampling................................................................................................................................ 11 Data collection........................................................................................................................ 11 Acknowledgement.................................................................................................................. 11 Literature review on Business Communication............................................................................. 11 Analysis...................................................................................................................................... 17 Business communication meetings .......................................................................................... 17 Interpersonnal communication................................................................................................ 17 Cross-Culture communication.................................................................................................. 17 Profile analysis........................................................................................................................ 17 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 18 Sources...................................................................................................................................... 18 References ............................................................................................................................. 18 Bibliography........................................................................................................................... 19 Appendix................................................................................................................................ 19
  • 5. Acknowledgement If words are considered as a symbol of approval and token of acknowledgement, then the following words play the heralding role of expressing my gratitude. A great deal of time and much effort have gone into developing and researching this project. Many people have participated directly or indirectly in the completion of this project. I deem it my pride and privilege to render my deep sense of gratitude to my guide and supervisor Dr. Anita Tripathi Lal for her intellectual and invaluable guidance and constant encouragement through out the progress of the study. Her fascination and inspiration in the form of help provided me in making this study more successful I owe special thanks debt to the other staff members of this esteemed college and all the friends and family members for being favorable and compassionate, and for encouraging me throughout this project to make it a grand success.
  • 6. Introduction Business communication is the sharing of information between people within an organization that is performed for the commercial benefit of the organization. It can also be defined as relaying of information within a business by its people.Business communication (or simply "communication", in a business context) encompasses topics such as marketing, brand management, customer relations, consumer behavior, advertising ,public relations, corporate communication, community engagement, reputation management, interpersonal communication, employee engagement, and event management. It is closely related to the fields of professional communication and technical communication.Media channels for business communication include the Internet, print media, radio, television, ambient media, and word of mouth.Business communication can also refer to internal communication that takes place within the organization.Business communication is a common topic included in the curricula of Undergraduate and Master programs of many colleges and universities. Business Communication is goal oriented. The rules, regulations and policies of a company have to be communicated to people within and outside the organization. Business Communication is regulated by certain rules and norms. In early times, business communication was limited to paper-work, telephone calls etc. But now with advent of technology, we have cell phones, video conferencing, emails, satellite communication to support business communication. Effective business communication helps in building goodwill of an organization. Business Communication can be of two types: 1. Oral Communication - An oral communication can be formal or informal. Generally business communication is a formal means of communication, like : meetings, interviews, group discussion, speeches etc. An example of Informal business communication would be - Grapevine. 2. Written Communication - Written means of business communication includes - agenda, reports, manuals etc. Oral communication implies communication through mouth. It includes individuals conversing with each other, be it direct conversation or telephonic conversation. Speeches, presentations, discussions are all forms of oral communication. Oral communication is generally recommended when the communication matter is of temporary kind or where a direct interaction is required. Face to face communication (meetings, lectures, conferences, interviews, etc.) is significant so as to build a rapport and trust. Advantages of Oral Communication  There is high level of understanding and transparency in oral communication as it is interpersonal.
  • 7.  There is no element of rigidity in oral communication. There is flexibility for allowing changes in the decisions previously taken.  The feedback is spontaneous in case of oral communication. Thus, decisions can be made quickly without any delay.  Oral communication is not only time saving, but it also saves upon money and efforts.  Oral communication is best in case of problem resolution. The conflicts, disputes and many issues/differences can be put to an end by talking them over.  Oral communication can be best used to transfer private and confidential information/matter. Disadvantages/Limitations of Oral Communication  Relying only on oral communication may not be sufficient as business communication is formal and very organized.  Oral communication is less authentic than written communication as they are informal and not as organized as written communication.  Oral communication is time-saving as far as daily interactions are concerned, but in case of meetings, long speeches consume lot of time and are unproductive at times.  Oral communications are not easy to maintain and thus they are unsteady.  There may be misunderstandings as the information is not complete and may lack essentials Written communication has great significance in today’s business world. It is an innovative activity of the mind. Effective written communication is essential for preparing worthy promotional materials for business development. Speech came before writing. But writing is more unique and formal than speech. Effective writing involves careful choice of words, their organization in correct order in sentences formation as well as cohesive composition of sentences. Also, writing is more valid and reliable than speech. But while speech is spontaneous, writing causes delay and takes time as feedback is not immediate. There are several methods of business communication, including:  Web-based communication - for better and improved communication, anytime anywhere ...
  • 8.  video conferencing which allow people in different locations to hold interactive meetings;  Reports - important in documenting the activities of any department;  Presentations - very popular method of communication in all types of organizations, usually involving audiovisual material, like copies of reports, or material prepared in Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe Flash;  telephone meetings, which allow for long distance speech;  forum boards, which allow people to instantly post information at a centralized location; and  face-to-face meetings, which are personal and should be succeeded by a written followup.  suggestion box,it is mainly for upward communication as because some people may hesitate to communicate to the to management directly so they can give suggestion by drafting  suggestion in suggestion box. Purpose of study 1. Communication promotes motivation by informing and clarifying the employees about the task to be done, the manner they are performing the task, and how to improve their performance if it is not up to the mark. 2. Communication is a source of information to the organizational members for decision-making process as it helps identifying and assessing alternative course of actions. 3. Communication also plays a crucial role in altering individual’s attitudes, i.e., a well informed individual will have better attitude than a less-informed individual. Organizational magazines, journals, meetings and various other forms of oral and written communication help in moulding employee’s attitudes. 4. Communication also helps in socializing. In todays life the only presence of another individual fosters communication. It is also said that one cannot survive without communication. 5. As discussed earlier, communication also assists in controlling process. It helps controlling organizational member’s behaviour in various ways. There are various levels of hierarchy and certain principles and guidelines that employees must follow in an organization. They must comply with organizational policies, perform their job
  • 9. role efficiently and communicate any work problem and grievance to their superiors. Thus, communication helps in controlling function of management. . Objective of study 1.To Exchange Information: The prime objective of communication is to exchange information internally and externally i.e. to deal within the organization and outside the organization. 2. To Achieve Goal: The goal of the organization can be obtained through effective organizational communication. Everybody tries to acquire such goal and therefore it requires effective organizational communication. 3. To Maintain Co-ordination and Co-operation: Co-ordination and co-operation among three levels i.e. corporate level, divisional level and functional level of an Organization are maintained through communication. 4. To Plan: Planning decides what is to be done in future. All the information and data which are required to make a plan for business can be obtained or gathered through communication. 5. To Facilitate Direction and Motivation: The boss gives direction or order to his subordinate. And managers need to motivate their employees to increase the concentration and productivity. Hence, communication helps to facilitate direction and motivation. Theoreticalframework This report demonstrates the idea and importance behind the Business Communication within an Organization through step by step follow of well defined process. The report starts with the Introduction part wherein analysis and importance of Business Communication is discussed. Following which description of the methodology adopted i.e. Secondary research in the form of Questionnaires and Interviews and analysis is carried upon on the basis of data collected which leads us to the conclusion for the report. Let us examine communication and communication theory through the following viewpoints:  Mechanistic - The mechanistic view point says that communication is simply the transmission of information from the first party to the second party. The first party being the sender and the second party being the receiver.  Psychological - According to the psychological view point, communication is simply not the flow of information from the sender to the receiver but actually the
  • 10. thoughts, feelings of the sender which he tries to share with the recepients. It also includes the reactions, feelings of the receiver after he decodes the information.  Social - The social view point considers communication as a result of interaction between the sender and the receiver. It simply says that communication is directly dependent on the content of the speech. “How one communicates” is the basis of the social view point.  Systemic - The systemic view point says that communication is actually a new and a different message which is created when various individuals interpret it in their own way and then reinterpret it and draw their own conclusion.  Critical - The critical view point says that communication is simply a way with the help of which an individual expresses his power and authority among other individuals. To summarize the communication theory proposes that to survive, every living entity, needs to communicate with others and also among themselves. Communication is a dire need of survival. Outline of chapters Chapter1-It gives the introduction on business communication.It explains the purpose of business communication,objective of business communication. Chapter 2-It explains the methodology. Chapter 3-It is on Literature review.In this we have briefly explained around 10 research papers on business communication. Chapter 4-It deals with analysis part of the questionnaire prepared. Chapter 5-It is conclusion part of the business communication within the organisation. Methodology Universe of Study There are many ways of classifying data. A common classification is based upon who collected the data. Primary data: Data collected by the investigator himself/ herself for a specific purpose. Examples: Data collected by a student for his/her thesis or research project.
  • 11. (In movies) The hero is directly told by the heroine that he is her “ideal man”. Secondary data: Data collected by someone else for some other purpose (but being utilized by the investigator for another purpose). Examples: Census data being used to analyze the impact of education on career choice and earning. Locale of study I have studied Business Communication in Tata Consultancy Services ltd.I have taken the view of employees of Working in TCS Gurgaon. Sampling Our Sample is mostly engineer working at the designation of Assistant systemengineer or System engineer.The age group is from 23 to 28.The sample data include employees working either on offshore or onsite. Data collection Data we have collected is through primary data .A questionnaire is prepared and is floated among the employees and the response is jotted down. Acknowledgement The contact person has played an important role in collection of data.I would like to thank the contact person in ensuring the data received is genuine and accurate Literature review on Business Communication Communication is a process of transferring information from one entity to another'. However, communication is not just a process. It's an art of first listening or reading the information, comprehending it, processing it and then transferring it. There is a huge amount of effort that goes into communication. Gesticulations, voice modulation, body language and the spoken language are some of the important aspects of communication. If the other person is unable to comprehend any of these factors of communication, then the process of communication fails. Communication involves the sharing of ideas and information. While many people think of communication primarily in oral or written form, communication is in fact so much more. A knowing look or a gentle touch can also communicate a message loud and clear, as can a hard push or an angry slap. So, what is communication -an interaction between two people in which something is exchanged
  • 12. Lavinia Hulea(September 2005)pointed out that general communication processes rely on messages implying contents, communication channels, a receiver and clear objectives. Once accepting the importance of defining objectives, three strategies, narrative, implicative, and decisional, seemto be specific for most business communications. While narrative business communications convey information with a view of simply transmitting information and depend on accuracy, complexity, and clarity, implicative business communications convey information in order to determine a certain behavior of the receiver and rely on credibility, logic, and motivation; decisional business communications transmit information having a negative or positive connotation and depend on message, tone, and language. Patricia Mark(January 2008) explained that communication skills top the list of what employers look for the most in employees and job candidates. Unfortunately, communication skills also top the list of skills most lacking in new college graduates. As a result, many academicians have incorporated business communication courses into their curricula to teach students to be effective communicators. These courses have historically included such areasas oral and written communication, team skills, etc. but have generally not emphasized skills that make students employable. Manthy K.S. (january2009)wrote an article on the barriers to business communication between the West and the Orient are discussed. It is noted that access to communication resources between the two hemispheres is limited. Those resources that do exist are not always readily accessible or easy to use. It is suggested that beyond the technical barriers of communication is a very real fundamental interaction problem, as attempts are made to translate very different languages and cultures into mutually comprehensible and appreciable partnerships. Attention is given to technological advancements and cooperation that are providing solutions to communication dissemination MF Nielsen(January 2009) article will contribute to the study of leadership communication by combining organization communication theory and conversation analytic methodology. The article shows important ways in which middle managers “do leadership”: by contextualizing employee actions and bringing employee perceptions in accordance with executive-level perceptions of organizational practices. Oksana Erdeli(march 2009) hypothesized that in cross-cultural business communication stereotypes play a crucial role. In my research work I am trying to answer the following questions: (a) do members of a business community in a given nationstate make use of stereotypes while collecting information on another nation-state as a potential business partner? (b) If so, what impact do they have on business communication? (c) If not, why are these stereotypes rejected by members of the business community? Our discussion of the role of stereotypes in business communication is conducted with the consideration of the following criteria: age groups and stereotypes, professional position (rank) and stereotypes, education and stereotypes, gender and stereotypes. The results obtained are applied to a
  • 13. discussion of overall effectiveness of business companies immersed in national guises, with particular reference to Ukrainian and Polish enterprises. Ruhet Genc(july 2010) pointed out that communication entails the transfer of ideas, thoughts or feelings by the sender to receiver via verbal or nonverbal means. This transfer gains special significance in business especially in the service sector, since the service providers work with humans and what distinguishes humans from any other species is their ability to communicate with others. Communication affects a wide variety of business issues including productivity and job satisfaction via improving the conveyance of information in every level of the organization. Thus, in order to establish effective communication, the managers in an organization has to channel the receiver what they mean to communicate in a simple, direct and precise manner whether it be on the oral or written modality. To achieve this end, they should also take into consideration the gender and cultural variations in terms of communication.Anne Ellerup Nielsen(august 2010) paper is motivated by a recent interest within public sector management and communication research of studying higher education strategic communication and marketing. On the basis of a review of relevant literature, the paper analyzes the occurrence of selected internally and externally oriented CSR keywords in the sections of education, research and strategy of 17 business schools’ website, the purpose being to investigate how business schools in different contexts prioritize CSR communication on their websites, and whether this communication is consistent. The findings are discussed in light of the context and increasing expectations from stakeholders. Ke Gong,(June 2011)said that as part of communication, cultural differences affect business negotiation deeply. In a globalizing world today, with international business happened frequently, cultural differences bring influence to communication, any misunderstanding of it may directly affect the business. Therefore, it makes sense for the countries of different cultural backgrounds to understand each other. With the entry into the 21st century and China’s access to the WTO, Sino-U.S. trade and economy has developed rapidly, and it is necessary for the negotiators from two countries to understand the cultural differences and make full use of the beneficial strategies.Junko Kobayashi & Linda Viswat(26, July 2011) paper summarizes the results of interviews and questionnaires of 20 American business people who have experience in doing business with Japanese people and discusses how Americans with a high degree of intercultural awareness made compromises or could make compromises in order to conduct business negotiations more efficiently. While acknowledging that one’s intercultural communication competence is context-dependent and there is no panacea for resolving cultural differences, the constructive responses given by the American business people will certainly help deepen Japanese and American mutual understanding. Vijay K. Bhatia(October 2012)said that the concept of Business English has undergone some major shifts in the last few years because of a number of developments, such as advances in
  • 14. genre theory and the coming together of English for Business Purposes and Business Communication, inspired by the realization that there is a gap to be bridged between the academy and the globalized business world. Drawing on advances in the analysis of business discourses, especially in applied genre analysis, this state-of-the-art review revisits the frameworks currently used in English for Business Purposes and Business Communication (or, more generally, Professional Communication) to suggest an integration of the two approaches for the design of English for Business Communication (EBC) programmes. The study incorporates an extensive review of much of the relevant published work in all the three areas mentioned above to identify some of the main issues in EBC, and illustrates a gradual shift in the rationale for the design and implementation of EBC programmes. Communication is life blood of a business organization. No organization can succeed or progress, build up reputation, and win friends and customers without effective communication skills.In fact successful communication is the bed rock of ground and pleasant relationship between the seniors and sub ordinates, between the workers and the management, between the customers and the sellers good and efficient systemof communication helps in better coordination and efficient control. It results in clear understanding, good production, healthy climate within the organization willing cooperation among the various levels, if businessman can communicate effectively and successfully. Profit and prosperity shall knock at the doors of firm, organization or shop keeper through effective system of communication Communication is a process of transferring information from one entity to another'. However, communication is not just a process. It's an art of first listening or reading the information, comprehending it, processing it and then transferring it. There is a huge amount of effort that goes into communication. Gesticulations, voice modulation, body language and the spoken language are some of the important aspects of communication. If the other person is unable to comprehend any of these factors of communication, then the process of communication fails. Communication involves the sharing of ideas and information. While many people think of communication primarily in oral or written form, communication is in fact so much more. A knowing look or a gentle touch can also communicate a message loud and clear, as can a hard push or an angry slap. So, what is communication -an interaction between two people in which something is exchanged Lavinia Hulea(September 2005)pointed out that general communication processes rely on messages implying contents, communication channels, a receiver and clear objectives. Once accepting the importance of defining objectives, three strategies, narrative, implicative, and decisional, seemto be specific for most business communications. While narrative business communications convey information with a view of simply transmitting information and depend on accuracy, complexity, and clarity, implicative business communications convey information in order to determine a certain behavior of the receiver and rely on credibility,
  • 15. logic, and motivation; decisional business communications transmit information having a negative or positive connotation and depend on message, tone, and language. Patricia Mark(January 2008) explained that communication skills top the list of what employers look for the most in employees and job candidates. Unfortunately, communication skills also top the list of skills most lacking in new college graduates. As a result, many academicians have incorporated business communication courses into their curricula to teach students to be effective communicators. These courses have historically included such areasas oral and written communication, team skills, etc. but have generally not emphasized skills that make students employable. Manthy K.S.(january2009)wrote an article on the barriers to business communication between the West and the Orient are discussed. It is noted that access to communication resources between the two hemispheres is limited. Those resources that do exist are not always readily accessible or easy to use. It is suggested that beyond the technical barriers of communication is a very real fundamental interaction problem, as attempts are made to translate very different languages and cultures into mutually comprehensible and appreciable partnerships. Attention is given to technological advancements and cooperation that are providing solutions to communication dissemination MF Nielsen(January 2009) article will contribute to the study of leadership communication by combining organization communication theory and conversation analytic methodology. The article shows important ways in which middle managers “do leadership”: by contextualizing employee actions and bringing employee perceptions in accordance with executive-level perceptions of organizational practices. Oksana Erdeli(march 2009) hypothesized that in cross-cultural business communication stereotypes play a crucial role. In my research work I am trying to answer the following questions: (a) do members of a business community in a given nationstate make use of stereotypes while collecting information on another nation-state as a potential business partner? (b) If so, what impact do they have on business communication? (c) If not, why are these stereotypes rejected by members of the business community? Our discussion of the role of stereotypes in business communication is conducted with the consideration of the following criteria: age groups and stereotypes, professional position (rank) and stereotypes, education and stereotypes, gender and stereotypes. The results obtained are applied to a discussion of overall effectiveness of business companies immersed in national guises, with particular reference to Ukrainian and Polish enterprises. Ruhet Genc(july 2010) pointed out that communication entails the transfer of ideas, thoughts or feelings by the sender to receiver via verbal or nonverbal means. This transfer gains special significance in business especially in the service sector, since the service providers work with humans and what distinguishes humans from any other species is their ability to communicate with others. Communication affects a wide variety of business issues
  • 16. including productivity and job satisfaction via improving the conveyance of information in every level of the organization. Thus, in order to establish effective communication, the managers in an organization has to channel the receiver what they mean to communicate in a simple, direct and precise manner whether it be on the oral or written modality. To achieve this end, they should also take into consideration the gender and cultural variations in terms of communication.Anne Ellerup Nielsen(august 2010) paper is motivated by a recent interest within public sector management and communication research of studying higher education strategic communication and marketing. On the basis of a review of relevant literature, the paper analyzes the occurrence of selected internally and externally oriented CSR keywords in the sections of education, research and strategy of 17 business schools’ website, the purpose being to investigate how business schools in different contexts prioritize CSR communication on their websites, and whether this communication is consistent. The findings are discussed in light of the context and increasing expectations from stakeholders. Ke Gong,(June 2011)said that as part of communication, cultural differences affect business negotiation deeply. In a globalizing world today, with international business happened frequently, cultural differences bring influence to communication, any misunderstanding of it may directly affect the business. Therefore, it makes sense for the countries of different cultural backgrounds to understand each other. With the entry into the 21st century and China’s access to the WTO, Sino-U.S. trade and economy has developed rapidly, and it is necessary for the negotiators from two countries to understand the cultural differences and make full use of the beneficial strategies.Junko Kobayashi & Linda Viswat(26, July 2011) paper summarizes the results of interviews and questionnaires of 20 American business people who have experience in doing business with Japanese people and discusses how Americans with a high degree of intercultural awareness made compromises or could make compromises in order to conduct business negotiations more efficiently. While acknowledging that one’s intercultural communication competence is context-dependent and there is no panacea for resolving cultural differences, the constructive responses given by the American business people will certainly help deepen Japanese and American mutual understanding. Vijay K. Bhatia(October 2012)said that the concept of Business English has undergone some major shifts in the last few years because of a number of developments, such as advances in genre theory and the coming together of English for Business Purposes and Business Communication, inspired by the realization that there is a gap to be bridged between the academy and the globalized business world. Drawing on advances in the analysis of business discourses, especially in applied genre analysis, this state-of-the-art review revisits the frameworks currently used in English for Business Purposes and Business Communication (or, more generally, Professional Communication) to suggest an integration of the two approaches for the design of English for Business Communication (EBC) programmes. The study incorporates an extensive review of much of the relevant published work in all the
  • 17. three areas mentioned above to identify some of the main issues in EBC, and illustrates a gradual shift in the rationale for the design and implementation of EBC programmes. Analysis Business communicationmeetings  According to the survey we get to know that meetings in TCS are conducted on monthly basis and issues which they face are mostly related to coordination between the onsite team and the offsore team.  It has been found that in these meetings usually the Manager and the Team Lead are in the driver’s seat whereas the employees with a work experience of 1 to 3 years are on the back burner.  It was found that employees usually understand whatever is discussed in the meeting but employees with less than 1 year of work experience face some problem .  Most of the employees feel that the objective of the meeting are completely met. Interpersonnal communication  It has been observed that during the time of conflict ,it is usually solved by mutual resolution.  People are neutral towards sharing of knowledge as politics comes into play.  The most preferred mode of communication among the employees is email followed by telephonic conversation. Cross-Culture communication  People usually feel that their is the diversified culture in their organisation.  Employees are usually comfortable conversing with employees from diversified culture but in some occasion it may lead to misunderstanding.  According to the survey ,Employees do get to learn other region culture. Profile analysis  Our target audience is usually from the age group of 23-28.  It comprises of both male and female.  Martial status is usually unmarried.  The education background in engineering.
  • 18. Conclusion Communication is life blood of a business organization. No organization can succeed or progress, build up reputation, and win friends and customers without effective communication skills.In fact successful communication is the bed rock of ground and pleasant relationship between the seniors and sub ordinates, between the workers and the management, between the customers and the sellers good and efficient systemof communication helps in better coordination and efficient control. It results in clear understanding, good production, healthy climate within the organization willing cooperation among the various levels, if businessman can communicate effectively and successfully. Profit and prosperity shall knock at the doors of firm, organization or shop keeper through effective system of communication. Effective communication enables a company to inform and build relationships with its stakeholders. It is a two-way process enabling stakeholders to interact with the company. This includes employees supplying ideas for improvements and customers providing feedback. Enterprise uses a multi-channel approach to its communication strategies to increase awareness of its key messages. Using a mix of formal and informal communication helps to improve effectiveness. Its internal communications strategies ensure the company values and culture are maintained. Its ‘onboarding’ programme and The Hub intranet encourage employee engagement, knowledge and increases motivation. To maximise effectiveness of its communications strategies, Enterprise tailors its communication messages and channels to each specific audience’s needs. This ensures that any barriers to communication are dealt with. Enterprise regularly evaluates its internal and external communications strategies to maintain its focus on high levels of customer service and employee relations Sources References EFFECTIVE BUSINESS COMMUNICATION; Asha Kaul 2004, PHI Learning Richmond, McCroskey, & McCroskey (2005). THE NATURE OF COMMUNICATION IN ORGANIZATIONS
  • 19. Jacqueline Mayfield and Milton Mayfield, Texas A&M International University “The Role of Leader Motivating Language in Employee Absenteeism”; International journal of business communication Bibliography  International journal on business communication ,Business Communication Strategies  Department of Communication, University of South Alabama, Redefining business communication  Ieeexplore, Bridging the gap of international business communication  INTERNATIONAL journal on business communication ,Interpretative Management in Business Meetings  Adam Mickiewicz University,Poland, Stereotypes in Business Communication  Acta Universitatis Danubius, The Vitality of Business Communication  BUSINESS SCHOOLS’ COMMUNICATION OF CSR ON THEIR WEBSITES  Adam Mickiewicz University,Poland Intercultural communication  Foreign Languages Department, Shandong Jiaotong University, Jinan, China, a Research on Cultural Differences Impact on Sino-US Business Negotiation  Cambridge Journals, English for Business Communication Appendix 1. Most of the information I receive on a daily basis comes from my manager. a.) Strongly Agree b.) Agree c.) Neutral d.) Disagree e.) Strongly Disagree
  • 20. 2. In this organization, my ideas are frequently passed on to top-management. a.) Strongly Agree b.) Agree c.) Neutral d.) Disagree e.) Strongly Disagree 3. Most of the information I receive on a daily basis come from my co-workers. a.) Strongly Agree b.) Agree c.) Neutral d.) Disagree e.) Strongly Disagree 4. I feel comfortable sharing ideas directly with members of top-management. a.)Strongly Agree b.) Agree c.) Neutral d.) Disagree e.) Strongly Disagree 5. Please indicate how frequently you use the following methods of communications on daily basis Please tick on the appropriate response 1 2 3 4 5 Face-to-face interaction Electronic communications Written communication Telephone calls 6. I receive the information I need to perform my job in a timely manner. a.) Strongly Agree b.) Agree c.) Neutral d.) Disagree e.) Strongly Disagree 7. There is free-flow upward communication a.) Strongly Agree b.) Agree c.) Neutral d.) Disagree e.) Strongly Disagree 8. There is free-flow downward communication a.) Strongly Agree b.) Agree c.) Neutral d.) Disagree e.) Strongly Disagree 9. There is free-flow horizontal communication a.) Strongly Agree b.) Agree c.) Neutral d.) Disagree e.) Strongly Disagree 10.In this organization, important information is a scarce resource.
  • 21. a.) Strongly Agree b.) Agree c.) Neutral d.) Disagree e.) Strongly Disagree 11. Using the following scale, please indicate how effective the following methods are for communicating information you need on a daily basis to do your job. Please tick on the appropriate response Very Ineffective Somewhat Ineffective Neither Effective nor Ineffective Effective Extremely Effective E-mail The company intranet Company publications/newsletters Memos/faxes Meetings Voicemail Phone-in hotlines Co-workers INTERPERSONALCOMMUNICATION Chose the option which is the closest to describing yourpersonality Q1. I make important decisions based on: a. how I picture it working b. how I feel about the person c. which answer sounds most convincing d. a detailed analysis of all the issues. Q2. I most easily demonstrate my state of mind by: a. stating my feelings
  • 22. b. the colors and clothes I wear c. the words I choose d. my tone of voice Q3. How do you handle conflicts? a. I try to dominate the other party b. I have a predetermined solution to the outcome c. I listen with an open mind to alternative options d. I try to reach on a mutual resolution so that it is a win-win for both the parties Q4. Which one of the following communication method do you use most frequently for routine exchanges of information with your colleagues? a. Electronic messaging (E-mail, instant messaging, text messages) b. In-person meetings or discussion c. Telephonic conversations Q5. Please answer all questions by marking a Tick in the appropriate box. Statement Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Me and my colleagues share knowledge Employees invite each others in informal meetings and gatherings My employer values my opinion and encourages open discussion CROSS-CULTURE COMMUNICATION Q.1 Have you ever communicated with someone from another nation/cultural background? Yes □ No □ Q.2 Does your organization provide proper training for cross-culture communication Yes □ No □ Q.3 I am comfortable communicating with employees from different culture? □ Strongly Agree □ Agree □ Indifferent □ Disagree □ Strongly disagree
  • 23. Q.4 It is important to understand cultural differences to carry out international business? □ Strongly Agree □ Agree □ Indifferent □ Disagree □ Strongly disagree Q.5 When I communicate cross-culturally, I make efforts to ensure that my message is clearly understood by the receiver? □ Strongly Agree □ Agree □ Indifferent □ Disagree □ Strongly disagree Q.6 Have you ever been in a cross-cultural communication which ended up in misunderstanding Yes □ No □ Q.7 In daily life cross-cultural communication, which type of misunderstanding below do you think is more common? Check the applicable one(s) □ Verbal misunderstandings (misunderstanding the words/language used). □ Vocal misunderstandings (misunderstanding what is indicated due to the tone of voice). □ Non-verbal misunderstandings (misunderstanding the body language/gestures etc.) □ Other Q.8 Effectiveness of communication of the team falls sometimes when people from different countries are working in the team □Strongly Agree □ Agree □ Indifferent □ Disagree □ Strongly disagree Business Meetings Q1) How often business meetings are conducted in the organization? a. Weekly b. Fortnightly b. Monthly d. Once in a quarter Q2) The purpose of a meeting is met a. Always b. Most often b. Sometimes d. Never
  • 24. Q3) Each and every person contributes to the agenda of the meeting while conducting a meeting a. Always c. Most often b. Sometimes d. Never Q4) Every one present at the meeting understood the meeting's purpose. a. Agree b. Neither agree nor disagree c. Disagree Q5) Of all the times the meeting is held, what percent of the time approximately does the meeting advance the work of your organization? a.100% b. 75% c.50% d. 25% e. Less than 10% Q6) How much connected do you feel with the agenda in the meeting? a. I feel connected to the best of my level b. I feel somewhat connected with the agenda c. I feel totally disconnected with the agenda External Communication 2. There exists a proper mechanism that the management employs to monitor relevant external information and considers the impact on the entity. a) Strongly disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly agree 3. Does your organization has a proper PR team/ Connect team which communicates relevant information to media houses or other channels? a) Yes b) No 4. Which staff has responsibility for communication? a) Marketing
  • 25. b) Public Relation department c) Partners outside the company (e.g. national authorities, NGOs, the media, PR agencies) d) If any others, please specify _________ 5. How often do you take feedback from customers and frontline companies? a) Weekely b) Monthly c) Quaterly d) Yearly Profiling 1. What kind of mechanism does your organization have for reporting employee grievances? a. Employee Helpline b. Immediate supervisor c. Approaching unions d. Reporting to HR department e. Any other 2. An ex-employee who used to work under you has asked for a recommendation from you, requesting you to exaggerate his/her capabilities and responsibilities. What would be your response? a. Comply to the request b. Refuse to give recommendation c. Provide an honest recommendation d. Complain against him/her 3. How does the organization communicate vacancies for a position? a. Advertisements in Print media b. Official website c. Job Portals such as Monster, d. Any other mode 4. How would you evaluate the present orientation programme for the new recruits? a. Very Helpful b. Satisfactory c. Can’t Say
  • 26. d. Needs Improvement 5. How often do you hang out with colleagues for lunch/dinner? a. Once in a month or less b. Twice or thrice a month c. Weekly d. Twice or thrice a week e. Daily 6. Who initiated informal communication at your workplace when you joined it? a. You initiated it b. Colleagues c. Superiors d. Took place with the interference of a third party (eg. Induction programme) 7. I feel that I know people I work with: a. Extremely well b. Somewhat well c. Not very well d. Not at all well 8. How much of your time is devoted to informal communication, such as small talk or casual chatting, which is not work-related? a. None b. Less than 15% c. Between 15 and 25% d. Between 26 and 50% e. Over 50%