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The Magazine of
Hayes Free Church (URC)
April 2018
111, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Kent BR2 7HU
Sunday Services 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.
We are a member of the United Reformed Church.
We believe in Justice and Peace.
Principal Contacts
Interim Moderator: Mrs Hilary Miles
Church Secretary: Mrs Mavis Righini Tel: 020 8462 1168
Treasurer: Mr. Simon Narracott Tel: 020 8462 2004
Lettings Secretary: Mrs Undine Connolly Tel: 020 8776 0108
Church Website
Editor: Miss Christine Rees catalysthfc
Contents :
Sunday Services 1 April dates 8
Church Secretary’s Letter 2 An English hymn-writer 8-9
Church Family 3 Upcoming events 10
Church Notices 4-6 Stop press 10
Fairtrade/ Big Brew 6 Public info – power cuts 11
Unseasonal weather 7 Monthly calendar 12
Bromley Food Bank 8 HFC Organisations - inside back cover
Final Thought - back cover
Copy for May 2018 is needed by Sunday 15th
April 2018. The editor is
very grateful if you would submit items in good time.
You can leave copy in the "R" Pigeon Hole for Christine to collect; hand it
directly to her, or e-mail it to (please note
change of email address). Thank you.
Editor’s note: throughout this magazine, the following abbreviations are
standardly used: URC (United Reformed Church); HFC (Hayes Free
Church); CTiH (Churches Together in Hayes).
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Sunday Services
April 2018
10.30 am – Easter Sunday – Holy Communion
Duncan Wilson with Mavis Righini
6.30 pm – Evening Service –TBC
10.30 am - Morning Service – Tony Russell
6.30 pm – Evening Service – Martin Nunn
10.30 am – Morning Service – Mike Tinson
6.30 pm – Evening Service – TBC
10.30am – Morning Service – Jim Holman
6.30 pm - Evening Service – Judy Davies
10.30am – Morning Service – TBC
6.30 pm - Evening Service – Alan Kienlen
All of the evening services will take place in the Elders Vestry,
accessed from the side door in Hilldown Road.
 Duncan Wilson started his training as a Lay Preacher in
January. The course will last for eight months.
 Mavis Righini is Church Secretary.
 Tony Russell is a non-serving Elder of Hayes Free Church. He
was formerly Church Secretary, and later Church Treasurer.
 Martin Nunn is a non-serving Elder, and a member of Hayes
Free Church since 1957. He also leads the Saturday
 Mike Tinson is a Methodist Local Preacher, who worships at
Bromley Methodist Church.
 Jim Holman is from Bromley Methodist Church.
 Judy Davies is a Synod Recognized Lay Preacher from
Bromley URC, where she is also Church Secretary.
 Alan Kienlen is a Synod Recognized Lay Preacher from
Emmanuel URC, where he is also a Serving Elder.
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Letter from the Church Secretary
Dear All,
You should all have received this letter in time for Easter Day, that
glorious day when we celebrate Christ risen from the dead. As
many of you know I have very few childhood memories but I do
remember that many Easter holidays were spent at my
grandparents in Leigh-on-Sea. Easter morning would see us at the
Methodist Chapel where we always seemed to sing 'Jesus Christ is
Risen today'. It is good that such a memory has stayed with me.
It is good to have such memories but sadly most children these
days will grow up with Easter memories of chocolate Easter eggs
and Easter bunnies.
It is not too late to pop an Easter card in the post with the real
message of Easter. If we as Christians don't spread the real
meaning of Easter, how can our youngsters ever know?
So let us spread the joyful news that Christ died to clear us of our
sins and that He rose again.
What wonderful news. Alleluia!
I have also been asked to let you know that at the back of the
church are greetings cards for sale and all proceeds go to the
Wishing you all a joyful Easter Day,
With Christian love
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News of the Church Family
Mike Duke: Despite a deep layer of snow, the church was crowded
on 1st
March for a service of thanksgiving and celebration of Mike’s
life. We know that there were others too who would have been
there but for the weather, and these numbers are in themselves a
testament to the great joy, friendship and love which he brought into
so many lives. Rev Bill Bowman began his address by recalling the
welcome that he himself had received from Mike on their first
meeting, and we also heard happy memories, and very
characteristic stories, along with a poem, from members of the
family. No celebration of Mike would be complete without laughter,
and we certainly had some, but throughout the service we also had
constantly in mind his commitment to the Christian hope, which
sustained him throughout his life. Amidst the inevitable sadness at
his passing, the service was an uplifting one for family and his many
friends, and memories continued to be shared at the Warren
If you missed the service and would like to make a practical
acknowledgement in Mike's memory, donations are invited to
"Mission Aviation Fellowship UK Limited" and cheques can be sent
to J.R. Killick in West Wickham, marked with Mike's name on the
reverse. The next issue of Catalyst will contain a short article from
Mike’s family to formally acknowledge the love, support and best
wishes received over the past weeks.
And a message from our former Minister Rev John Robinson:
May I take a little space, please, to mention that in August I
shall have my 50th Anniversary of Ordination. I understand that
only a few will now remember me as I left Hayes in 1990, but I want
to let readers know that there is to be a Service of Recognition of
the 50th Anniversary on Sunday 26th August at 10.30 A.M. at Christ
Church (URC/Methodist), Braunton, North Devon conducted by Rev
Bryn Thomas. If anyone happens to be in the South West that
weekend, a warm welcome will be extended.
With every good wish to the Church Family,
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Church Meetings
The next two Elders' meetings will be at 7.00 pm in the small hall on
Tuesdays 3rd
April and 1st
May. The next Church meeting will be held in the
Church at 12.00 noon on Sunday 27th
Saturday Fellowship: Saturday 7th April
The Saturday Fellowship will meet for a Bible Study on Saturday 7th
April at
2.30pm at Barbara’s house. Martin is the leader of the group, and you are
welcome to join us.
Women's Contact Group: Monday 9th April
We will be meeting for our monthly meal at the Warren Sports Ground,
Hayes, at 12.30 pm on Monday 9th
April. The Warren is accessed by car
from Croydon Road (address: Croydon Road, Hayes, BR2 7AL) or on foot
from the junction of Warren Road and Holland Way. All ladies are welcome.
Men's Group: Thursday 19th April
The Men's Group will meet on Thursday 19th
April at 7.45 for 8.00pm, at the
Crown, Bromley Common, for a meal organised by Martin. Please let him
know by the previous Sunday (15th
April) if you would like to go.
Messy Church: Wednesday 25th April
This meets on the 4th Wednesday of every month in the church from 3.30 -
4.30 pm, and children from 2 to 12 years are welcome.
Tuesday Friendship Group: Tues afternoons from 17th April
All are welcome at the meetings of this group, which will be held in the small
hall at 2.00 pm on Tuesdays, finishing at about 3.30 pm. There will be a
short break after Easter, and for the rest of April, the programme is:
Exercises from your chairs - with Pat
Meet the hedgehogs - with Mavis
Members who use the Mini-Ambulance service are asked to phone Sylvia on
8462 1938 by 9.00 am on any Tuesday that they are unable to come to a
meeting. Please come along for a pleasant afternoon. We have a very varied
programme with plenty to interest everyone. Wendy
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Hayes Mothers' & Toddlers' Club: from Friday 27th April
We welcome all babies and children under school age, accompanied by their
parents, grandparents or carers, to our club on Friday afternoons between 2
and 4pm during term time. The fee is £1 per family - tea, squash and biscuits
are provided. This is a time when adults can meet up, while the children in
their care are busy playing with toys and activities in the company of other
children. Please note that following our Easter break, we will resume on
Friday 27th
April. Wendy
Book Club: Wednesday 11th April (NOTE CHANGE OF DATE)
We meet once a month, usually on the first Wednesday, at 2.00pm in the
Small Hall. Please note that the April meeting, exceptionally, will take place
on Wednesday 11th
Singles’ Lunches – Sunday 15th April
Anyone living alone is welcome to come along to
our Singles Lunches, which take place
approximately once a month on a Sunday. They are
held at the Warren, starting at 12.30pm (for details
of the location see the Women’s Contact Group
notice above). The next three dates (all Sundays)
Further information from Joan.
Notice Sheets
If you have an item for inclusion on the Notice Sheet on a particular Sunday,
please contact the relevant person below, by the date shown (the first
Sunday of the month is often in the previous month’s magazine):
By Tuesday 27th
March for Sunday 1st
April: Brenda 8462 3867
By Tuesday 3rd
April for Sunday 8th
: Brenda 8462 3867
By Tuesday 10th
April for Sunday 15th
: Joan 8462 3920
By Tuesday 17th
April for Sunday 22nd
: Joan 8462 3920
By Tuesday 24th
April for Sunday 29th
: Pamela 8658 0748
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The Fairtrade Stall (Sunday 8th April), and the BIG BREW
The Fairtrade stall is held once a month, on the second Sunday (8th
April in
this case) just after the morning service. The stall is near the refreshments
trolley, so do pop by to see what we have for sale. The items range from
snacks and breakfast foods through to greetings cards. Fairtrade fortnight is
over now but the need for support for fair trade does not go away, so please
give some thought to making extra purchases at the monthly stall now and in
later months. It will be much appreciated. We look forward to seeing you.
Richard & Barbara
You will remember that the BIG BREW, our special event for Fairtrade
Fortnight, could not be held as planned on 3rd
March, when snow still lay
fairly deep and crisp and even. What happened then? Barbara takes up the
Big Brew eventually took place on Sunday 12th March after the morning
service. Snow and ice had stopped our original date but undeterred we made
more cakes and lemon curd. More chicks appeared with cream eggs inside
and with books for sale as well we made the wonderful sum of £150. Praise
the Lord!
Ministry of Flowers
Thank you to Mavis and her helpers for their weekly choice and arrangement
of flowers in the church. Thanks go also to those who provide for these
displays week by week. For April, the following dates have been booked:
– Martin 8th
– Mavis & Colin
– Anonymous donation 22nd
– Anonymous donation
– Sylvia and Laurie
After the service on Sunday morning, the flowers will distributed in order to
celebrate, or thank, or support, and in all cases to bring further enjoyment.
Besides helping to decorate the church, supplying flowers for a particular
Sunday is an excellent way to mark a special anniversary, or remember a
friend or family member. If you would be interested and have not done this
before, please have a word with Mavis.
- 7 -
The unseasonal weather disrupted many of our normal activities last
month – but there were compensations……
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Bromley Food Bank
The list of the most urgently needed items (as shown on their website) is
again unchanged. Here it is:
Coffee; longlife fruit juice; sponge puddings; jellies; instant whips; tinned
meat (that can form the basis of a hot meal); toilet rolls; washing detergent
(tablets, soap or liquid); washing up liquid; shower gel; shampoo; deodorant;
And as usual, they do not need: beans, pasta, soup and cereal.
Please remember that large supermarkets in the borough have collecting
boxes, to save you from the need to transport items home and then again to
church. In West Wickham for instance the Sainsbury’s in Station Road has a
box for the Bromley foodbank, and the Sainsbury’s at the other end of the
High Street collects for the area towards Shirley and Croydon. And we have
a collection point in Hayes too, at the charity shop next to the chemist Day
Lewis. Another option of course is to donate money, either online at, or by cheque, payable to Bromley
Borough Foodbank, and posted to ‘c/o Bromley Baptist Church, Park Road,
Bromley, BR1 3HJ’.
For another way to help the Foodbank this month, see p10.
Some important dates in April:
 Sunday 1st
April: Easter Day
 Monday 2nd
April: Bank Holiday
 Monday 23rd
April: St George’s Day, Patron Saint of England
And, speaking of St George’s Day…. this month it is the turn of a hymn-
writer from England to be profiled, and I have chosen George Herbert
In some ways, George Herbert barely qualifies to represent England. He
was born in Wales, to a family with strong Welsh connections, and indeed
died on St David’s Day. But he lived most of his life in England, and ended it
as an Anglican priest. He is also widely recognised as a distinguished
English poet, and just now we have a chance to celebrate the 425th
anniversary of his birth (on April 3rd
). He is the most aristocratic and
intellectual of our four hymn-writers, and because he is by some way the
earliest in date, his way of life can seem particularly remote - all the more
wonderful that his hymns and poems can inspire us so directly today.
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George Herbert was born into a wealthy family, related to the Earls of
Pembroke. His father died early on, but there was enough money for George
to attend Westminster School and then (aged 16 as was the custom of the
time) to go on to Cambridge University. At 19 he completed his degree, and
published his first poems (they were in Latin, written in response to the death
of Prince Henry, James I’s eldest son). His academic work, in Latin and
Greek as well as Divinity, was clearly well regarded: he stayed on at
Cambridge as a Fellow, then a Reader, and in 1620 was elected Public
Orator. This would have involved making ceremonial speeches on behalf of
the University, again in Latin. George then followed his father into
Parliament, as MP for his birthplace, Montgomery, in 1624 and 1625. His
poetry was also beginning to attract attention, including that of the king.
But now, with so many prestigious options before him, he was drawn back to
an old idea of his, and a different sort of life. He was ordained a deacon in
1626, and in 1630 became Rector of Bemerton, near Salisbury. He only had
three years there, but seems to have been an exemplary parish priest;
besides ministering to his parishioners, he (along with his newly-married
wife) gave a home to three orphaned nieces, and he contributed to the
restoration of the church building. He preached, played the lute, composed
or revised his poems, and wrote a prose guide to the role of a priest in a
rural parish (advising that sermons should last no longer than an hour!). He
died of “consumption” (TB) while still under 40, and is buried at Bemerton.
George Herbert’s English poems were published shortly after his death.
They are all on religious themes, and mostly deal with his individual
relationship with God. His language is simple and direct, but deals with
complex ideas, so his poetry can have immediate resonance for us, but may
also encourage us to think more deeply. We probably know “Let all the world
in every corner sing” best of his hymns, but have a look at some others -
“Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life”, for instance, (352 in Rejoice and Sing)
manages to set out 12 images of Jesus, all of them inviting further thought,
within three short verses. John and Charles Wesley realised the musical
potential of his poems, and adapted several for the Methodist hymnal. And
outside church services, his work has attracted composers down the years,
from Henry Purcell and John Blow in his own time, to Vaughan Williams,
Britten and still more recently Judith Weir.
Notices of forthcoming events appear on the next page:
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Top of the Pew: Sunday 15th
It’s not far away now! Your team, accompanied by its scorer, will soon be
starting its campaign in the 2018 quiz series “Top of the Pew” at St
Anthony’s, Anerley, beginning at 8.00pm on Sunday April 15th
. Please come
along to support us and enjoy a fun evening.
And two clashing events – but both look likely to be good value and to raise
money for very deserving local charities. Let’s hope for a good crowd at each
of them. Here is the choice:
Fund Raiser for Nash College: Friday 20th
At the Warren, Coney Hill (address: Croydon Road, Hayes, BR2 7AL)
Doors open 6.30pm
Concert starts at 7.45pm
Cost £7.50; tickets from Margaret Tannock.
Quiz in aid of the Foodbank: Friday 20th
A quiz organised by a group at St John’s West Wickham – no food for
participants (except what you bring), and no joining fee, but donations are
invited in money or in kind. The venue is the building currently occupied by St
John’s (known as SJ’s) at 58 Croydon Road, in the Coney Hall shopping
centre next to the Tile shop. Full information is below:
Friday 20th
April 2018: 7pm at SJs 58 Croydon Road
A charity Quiz Evening.
Come along and invite a friend.
Bring your own drinks and nibbles.
Come as a team in a group of 4/5 if you can,
or make up a team on the night.
Donations are for Bromley Food Bank and donations in kind
(e.g. tinned food/long-life milk/loo rolls/ 500g bags of rice/
also any unwanted plastic carrier bags) are welcome
but a collecting tin will be available if preferred.
OBERAMMERGAU PASSION PLAY 2020: Bill and Marion Bowman invite
you to join them on a visit to Austria and Oberammergau in the first week of
August 2020. Brochures are available now from 07905 499815 or More on this next month.
- 11 -
You or someone you live with may be eligible for extra support during a
power cut.
This is a service offered by UK Power Networks, the body which owns the
electric cables in London and the SouthEast, and is responsible for
maintaining the electricity supply. (Please note, they deal with the cables, not
the electricity itself, so they are different from the company which supplies
your electricity and bills you for it).
The circumstances which can entitle people to support include:
 Reliance on medical equipment
 Reliance on medicines kept in the fridge
 Serious/ chronic illness
 Disability
 Dementia
 Being of pensionable age or having children under 5 in the household
 Short-term need (eg recovering after hospital stay)
The sort of help provided would be:
 A priority number for you to call
 Updates on the situation
 and sometimes what is described as “tailored help”, which would be
help with things you as an individual might need. This could include
home visits, hot meals, and keeping your relatives informed about you.
To register for this service you can ring: 0800 169 9970 or go to their website You can also ask to be updated by text during
a power cut (this service seems to be available to everyone).
DURING A POWER CUT – If you are NOT registered as a priority customer,
and therefore do not have a priority number, you can ring:
105 or 0800 31 63 105 for general information.
Wishing you a very
- 12 -
Calendar for April 2018
Sun 1
Holy Communion – Duncan Wilson
with Mavis Righini (p1)
Evening Service - TBC (p1)
Tue 3 7.00pm Elders’ Meeting (p4)
Sat 7 2.30pm Saturday Fellowship (p4)
Sun 8 10.30am
Morning Service – Tony Russell (p1)
Fairtrade Stall (p6)
Evening Service - Martin Nunn (p1)
Mon 9 12.30pm Women’s Contact Group lunch (p4)
Weds 11 2.00pm Book Club (p5)
Sun 15 10.30am
Morning Service – Mike Tinson (p1)
Singles’ Lunch (p5)
Evening Service - TBC (p1)
Top of the Pew (p10)
Tue 17 2.00pm Tuesday Friendship Group (p4)
Thur 19 7.45 for
Men’s Group meal out (p4)
Fri 20 6.30 for
Fundraiser for Nash: Night at the Proms (p10)
Quiz in aid of Bromley Food Bank (p10)
Sun 22 10.30am
Morning Service – Jim Holman (p1)
Evening Service – Judy Davies (p1)
Mon 23 St George’s Day, England’s patron saint
Tue 24 2.00pm Tuesday Friendship Group (p4)
Weds 25 3.30pm Messy Church (p4)
Fri 27 2.00pm Mothers’ and Toddlers’ Club resumes (p5)
Sun 29 10.30am
Morning Service – TBC (p1)
Evening Service – Alan Kienlen (p1)
And early May 2018
Tue 1 2.00pm
Tuesday Friendship Group (p4)
Elders’ Meeting (p4)
CHURCH ORGANISATIONS – please advise the Editor of updates as they arise
Day Organisation Contact Phone
12.30pm – once a
month only
Singles’ lunch Joan Smith 020 8462 3920
5.45pm Brownies Sarah Humphrey 020 3539 8113
6.30pm Cubs Brenda Petts 020 8325 3956
12.30pm - 1st
Mon only
Women's Contact Group Sylvia Mack 020 8462 1938
2.00pm Tuesday Friendship
Wendy Smith 020 8462 1779
7.15pm Scouts - 1st troop Paul Hasling 020 3236 0083
2.00pm - 1st
Weds only
HFC Book Club Wendy Smith 020 8462 1779
3.30pm - 4th
Weds only
Messy Church Mavis Righini 020 8462 1168
5.30pm Rainbows Please use this email
6.00pm Beavers Brenda Petts 020 8325 3956
6.30pm Guides – 4th Hayes Teresa Cheyne 020 8777 6042
8.00pm Explorers Phil Butcher
Dan Perrott
5.30pm Brownies Stevie Blair 020 8325 3469
7.15 - 8.45pm Rangers Please use this email
7.15pm Scouts - 2nd troop Paul Hasling 020 3236 0083
8.00pm - 3rd
Thurs only
Men's Group Bruce Tannock 020 8325 6264
2.00pm Mothers & Toddlers Wendy Smith 020 8462 1779
6.30pm Guides – 3rd Hayes Teresa Cheyne 020 8777 6042
2.30pm - 1st Sat
Saturday Fellowship Martin Nunn 020 8462 5918
Final Thought
The God of Love my shepherd is,
And he that doth me feed:
While he is mine, and I am his,
What can I want or need?
He leads me to the tender grass,
Where I both feed and rest;
Then to the streams that gently pass:
In both I have the best.
Surely Thy sweet and wondrous love
Shall measure all my days:
And as it never shall remove,
So neither shall my praise.
George Herbert (1593 – 1633) - based on Psalm 23

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2018 april final

  • 1. Catalyst The Magazine of Hayes Free Church (URC) April 2018
  • 2. HAYES FREE CHURCH 111, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Kent BR2 7HU Sunday Services 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. We are a member of the United Reformed Church. We believe in Justice and Peace. Principal Contacts Interim Moderator: Mrs Hilary Miles Church Secretary: Mrs Mavis Righini Tel: 020 8462 1168 Treasurer: Mr. Simon Narracott Tel: 020 8462 2004 Lettings Secretary: Mrs Undine Connolly Tel: 020 8776 0108 Church Website Catalyst Editor: Miss Christine Rees catalysthfc Contents : Sunday Services 1 April dates 8 Church Secretary’s Letter 2 An English hymn-writer 8-9 Church Family 3 Upcoming events 10 Church Notices 4-6 Stop press 10 Fairtrade/ Big Brew 6 Public info – power cuts 11 Unseasonal weather 7 Monthly calendar 12 Bromley Food Bank 8 HFC Organisations - inside back cover Final Thought - back cover ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copy for May 2018 is needed by Sunday 15th April 2018. The editor is very grateful if you would submit items in good time. You can leave copy in the "R" Pigeon Hole for Christine to collect; hand it directly to her, or e-mail it to (please note change of email address). Thank you. Editor’s note: throughout this magazine, the following abbreviations are standardly used: URC (United Reformed Church); HFC (Hayes Free Church); CTiH (Churches Together in Hayes).
  • 3. - 1 - Sunday Services April 2018 1st 10.30 am – Easter Sunday – Holy Communion Duncan Wilson with Mavis Righini 6.30 pm – Evening Service –TBC 8th 10.30 am - Morning Service – Tony Russell 6.30 pm – Evening Service – Martin Nunn 15th 10.30 am – Morning Service – Mike Tinson 6.30 pm – Evening Service – TBC 22nd 10.30am – Morning Service – Jim Holman 6.30 pm - Evening Service – Judy Davies 29th 10.30am – Morning Service – TBC 6.30 pm - Evening Service – Alan Kienlen All of the evening services will take place in the Elders Vestry, accessed from the side door in Hilldown Road. -------------------  Duncan Wilson started his training as a Lay Preacher in January. The course will last for eight months.  Mavis Righini is Church Secretary.  Tony Russell is a non-serving Elder of Hayes Free Church. He was formerly Church Secretary, and later Church Treasurer.  Martin Nunn is a non-serving Elder, and a member of Hayes Free Church since 1957. He also leads the Saturday Fellowship.  Mike Tinson is a Methodist Local Preacher, who worships at Bromley Methodist Church.  Jim Holman is from Bromley Methodist Church.  Judy Davies is a Synod Recognized Lay Preacher from Bromley URC, where she is also Church Secretary.  Alan Kienlen is a Synod Recognized Lay Preacher from Emmanuel URC, where he is also a Serving Elder.
  • 4. - 2 - Letter from the Church Secretary Dear All, You should all have received this letter in time for Easter Day, that glorious day when we celebrate Christ risen from the dead. As many of you know I have very few childhood memories but I do remember that many Easter holidays were spent at my grandparents in Leigh-on-Sea. Easter morning would see us at the Methodist Chapel where we always seemed to sing 'Jesus Christ is Risen today'. It is good that such a memory has stayed with me. It is good to have such memories but sadly most children these days will grow up with Easter memories of chocolate Easter eggs and Easter bunnies. It is not too late to pop an Easter card in the post with the real message of Easter. If we as Christians don't spread the real meaning of Easter, how can our youngsters ever know? So let us spread the joyful news that Christ died to clear us of our sins and that He rose again. What wonderful news. Alleluia! I have also been asked to let you know that at the back of the church are greetings cards for sale and all proceeds go to the church. Wishing you all a joyful Easter Day, With Christian love Mavis
  • 5. - 3 - News of the Church Family Mike Duke: Despite a deep layer of snow, the church was crowded on 1st March for a service of thanksgiving and celebration of Mike’s life. We know that there were others too who would have been there but for the weather, and these numbers are in themselves a testament to the great joy, friendship and love which he brought into so many lives. Rev Bill Bowman began his address by recalling the welcome that he himself had received from Mike on their first meeting, and we also heard happy memories, and very characteristic stories, along with a poem, from members of the family. No celebration of Mike would be complete without laughter, and we certainly had some, but throughout the service we also had constantly in mind his commitment to the Christian hope, which sustained him throughout his life. Amidst the inevitable sadness at his passing, the service was an uplifting one for family and his many friends, and memories continued to be shared at the Warren afterwards. If you missed the service and would like to make a practical acknowledgement in Mike's memory, donations are invited to "Mission Aviation Fellowship UK Limited" and cheques can be sent to J.R. Killick in West Wickham, marked with Mike's name on the reverse. The next issue of Catalyst will contain a short article from Mike’s family to formally acknowledge the love, support and best wishes received over the past weeks. And a message from our former Minister Rev John Robinson: May I take a little space, please, to mention that in August I shall have my 50th Anniversary of Ordination. I understand that only a few will now remember me as I left Hayes in 1990, but I want to let readers know that there is to be a Service of Recognition of the 50th Anniversary on Sunday 26th August at 10.30 A.M. at Christ Church (URC/Methodist), Braunton, North Devon conducted by Rev Bryn Thomas. If anyone happens to be in the South West that weekend, a warm welcome will be extended. With every good wish to the Church Family, John
  • 6. - 4 - Church Meetings The next two Elders' meetings will be at 7.00 pm in the small hall on Tuesdays 3rd April and 1st May. The next Church meeting will be held in the Church at 12.00 noon on Sunday 27th May. Saturday Fellowship: Saturday 7th April The Saturday Fellowship will meet for a Bible Study on Saturday 7th April at 2.30pm at Barbara’s house. Martin is the leader of the group, and you are welcome to join us. Women's Contact Group: Monday 9th April We will be meeting for our monthly meal at the Warren Sports Ground, Hayes, at 12.30 pm on Monday 9th April. The Warren is accessed by car from Croydon Road (address: Croydon Road, Hayes, BR2 7AL) or on foot from the junction of Warren Road and Holland Way. All ladies are welcome. Sylvia Men's Group: Thursday 19th April The Men's Group will meet on Thursday 19th April at 7.45 for 8.00pm, at the Crown, Bromley Common, for a meal organised by Martin. Please let him know by the previous Sunday (15th April) if you would like to go. Messy Church: Wednesday 25th April This meets on the 4th Wednesday of every month in the church from 3.30 - 4.30 pm, and children from 2 to 12 years are welcome. Tuesday Friendship Group: Tues afternoons from 17th April All are welcome at the meetings of this group, which will be held in the small hall at 2.00 pm on Tuesdays, finishing at about 3.30 pm. There will be a short break after Easter, and for the rest of April, the programme is: 17th Exercises from your chairs - with Pat 24th Meet the hedgehogs - with Mavis Members who use the Mini-Ambulance service are asked to phone Sylvia on 8462 1938 by 9.00 am on any Tuesday that they are unable to come to a meeting. Please come along for a pleasant afternoon. We have a very varied programme with plenty to interest everyone. Wendy
  • 7. - 5 - Hayes Mothers' & Toddlers' Club: from Friday 27th April We welcome all babies and children under school age, accompanied by their parents, grandparents or carers, to our club on Friday afternoons between 2 and 4pm during term time. The fee is £1 per family - tea, squash and biscuits are provided. This is a time when adults can meet up, while the children in their care are busy playing with toys and activities in the company of other children. Please note that following our Easter break, we will resume on Friday 27th April. Wendy Book Club: Wednesday 11th April (NOTE CHANGE OF DATE) We meet once a month, usually on the first Wednesday, at 2.00pm in the Small Hall. Please note that the April meeting, exceptionally, will take place on Wednesday 11th April. Singles’ Lunches – Sunday 15th April Anyone living alone is welcome to come along to our Singles Lunches, which take place approximately once a month on a Sunday. They are held at the Warren, starting at 12.30pm (for details of the location see the Women’s Contact Group notice above). The next three dates (all Sundays) are: 15th April 20th May 17th June Further information from Joan. Notice Sheets If you have an item for inclusion on the Notice Sheet on a particular Sunday, please contact the relevant person below, by the date shown (the first Sunday of the month is often in the previous month’s magazine): By Tuesday 27th March for Sunday 1st April: Brenda 8462 3867 By Tuesday 3rd April for Sunday 8th : Brenda 8462 3867 By Tuesday 10th April for Sunday 15th : Joan 8462 3920 By Tuesday 17th April for Sunday 22nd : Joan 8462 3920 By Tuesday 24th April for Sunday 29th : Pamela 8658 0748
  • 8. - 6 - The Fairtrade Stall (Sunday 8th April), and the BIG BREW The Fairtrade stall is held once a month, on the second Sunday (8th April in this case) just after the morning service. The stall is near the refreshments trolley, so do pop by to see what we have for sale. The items range from snacks and breakfast foods through to greetings cards. Fairtrade fortnight is over now but the need for support for fair trade does not go away, so please give some thought to making extra purchases at the monthly stall now and in later months. It will be much appreciated. We look forward to seeing you. Richard & Barbara You will remember that the BIG BREW, our special event for Fairtrade Fortnight, could not be held as planned on 3rd March, when snow still lay fairly deep and crisp and even. What happened then? Barbara takes up the story…. Big Brew eventually took place on Sunday 12th March after the morning service. Snow and ice had stopped our original date but undeterred we made more cakes and lemon curd. More chicks appeared with cream eggs inside and with books for sale as well we made the wonderful sum of £150. Praise the Lord! Ministry of Flowers Thank you to Mavis and her helpers for their weekly choice and arrangement of flowers in the church. Thanks go also to those who provide for these displays week by week. For April, the following dates have been booked: 1st – Martin 8th – Mavis & Colin 15th – Anonymous donation 22nd – Anonymous donation 29th – Sylvia and Laurie After the service on Sunday morning, the flowers will distributed in order to celebrate, or thank, or support, and in all cases to bring further enjoyment. Besides helping to decorate the church, supplying flowers for a particular Sunday is an excellent way to mark a special anniversary, or remember a friend or family member. If you would be interested and have not done this before, please have a word with Mavis.
  • 9. - 7 - The unseasonal weather disrupted many of our normal activities last month – but there were compensations……
  • 10. - 8 - Bromley Food Bank The list of the most urgently needed items (as shown on their website) is again unchanged. Here it is: Coffee; longlife fruit juice; sponge puddings; jellies; instant whips; tinned meat (that can form the basis of a hot meal); toilet rolls; washing detergent (tablets, soap or liquid); washing up liquid; shower gel; shampoo; deodorant; And as usual, they do not need: beans, pasta, soup and cereal. Please remember that large supermarkets in the borough have collecting boxes, to save you from the need to transport items home and then again to church. In West Wickham for instance the Sainsbury’s in Station Road has a box for the Bromley foodbank, and the Sainsbury’s at the other end of the High Street collects for the area towards Shirley and Croydon. And we have a collection point in Hayes too, at the charity shop next to the chemist Day Lewis. Another option of course is to donate money, either online at, or by cheque, payable to Bromley Borough Foodbank, and posted to ‘c/o Bromley Baptist Church, Park Road, Bromley, BR1 3HJ’. For another way to help the Foodbank this month, see p10. ******** Some important dates in April:  Sunday 1st April: Easter Day  Monday 2nd April: Bank Holiday  Monday 23rd April: St George’s Day, Patron Saint of England And, speaking of St George’s Day…. this month it is the turn of a hymn- writer from England to be profiled, and I have chosen George Herbert (1593-1633). In some ways, George Herbert barely qualifies to represent England. He was born in Wales, to a family with strong Welsh connections, and indeed died on St David’s Day. But he lived most of his life in England, and ended it as an Anglican priest. He is also widely recognised as a distinguished English poet, and just now we have a chance to celebrate the 425th anniversary of his birth (on April 3rd ). He is the most aristocratic and intellectual of our four hymn-writers, and because he is by some way the earliest in date, his way of life can seem particularly remote - all the more wonderful that his hymns and poems can inspire us so directly today.
  • 11. - 9 - George Herbert was born into a wealthy family, related to the Earls of Pembroke. His father died early on, but there was enough money for George to attend Westminster School and then (aged 16 as was the custom of the time) to go on to Cambridge University. At 19 he completed his degree, and published his first poems (they were in Latin, written in response to the death of Prince Henry, James I’s eldest son). His academic work, in Latin and Greek as well as Divinity, was clearly well regarded: he stayed on at Cambridge as a Fellow, then a Reader, and in 1620 was elected Public Orator. This would have involved making ceremonial speeches on behalf of the University, again in Latin. George then followed his father into Parliament, as MP for his birthplace, Montgomery, in 1624 and 1625. His poetry was also beginning to attract attention, including that of the king. But now, with so many prestigious options before him, he was drawn back to an old idea of his, and a different sort of life. He was ordained a deacon in 1626, and in 1630 became Rector of Bemerton, near Salisbury. He only had three years there, but seems to have been an exemplary parish priest; besides ministering to his parishioners, he (along with his newly-married wife) gave a home to three orphaned nieces, and he contributed to the restoration of the church building. He preached, played the lute, composed or revised his poems, and wrote a prose guide to the role of a priest in a rural parish (advising that sermons should last no longer than an hour!). He died of “consumption” (TB) while still under 40, and is buried at Bemerton. George Herbert’s English poems were published shortly after his death. They are all on religious themes, and mostly deal with his individual relationship with God. His language is simple and direct, but deals with complex ideas, so his poetry can have immediate resonance for us, but may also encourage us to think more deeply. We probably know “Let all the world in every corner sing” best of his hymns, but have a look at some others - “Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life”, for instance, (352 in Rejoice and Sing) manages to set out 12 images of Jesus, all of them inviting further thought, within three short verses. John and Charles Wesley realised the musical potential of his poems, and adapted several for the Methodist hymnal. And outside church services, his work has attracted composers down the years, from Henry Purcell and John Blow in his own time, to Vaughan Williams, Britten and still more recently Judith Weir. ********* Notices of forthcoming events appear on the next page:
  • 12. - 10 - Top of the Pew: Sunday 15th April It’s not far away now! Your team, accompanied by its scorer, will soon be starting its campaign in the 2018 quiz series “Top of the Pew” at St Anthony’s, Anerley, beginning at 8.00pm on Sunday April 15th . Please come along to support us and enjoy a fun evening. And two clashing events – but both look likely to be good value and to raise money for very deserving local charities. Let’s hope for a good crowd at each of them. Here is the choice: Fund Raiser for Nash College: Friday 20th April NIGHT AT THE PROMS with BIGGIN HILL CONCERT BAND At the Warren, Coney Hill (address: Croydon Road, Hayes, BR2 7AL) Doors open 6.30pm Concert starts at 7.45pm Cost £7.50; tickets from Margaret Tannock. Quiz in aid of the Foodbank: Friday 20th April A quiz organised by a group at St John’s West Wickham – no food for participants (except what you bring), and no joining fee, but donations are invited in money or in kind. The venue is the building currently occupied by St John’s (known as SJ’s) at 58 Croydon Road, in the Coney Hall shopping centre next to the Tile shop. Full information is below: Friday 20th April 2018: 7pm at SJs 58 Croydon Road A charity Quiz Evening. Come along and invite a friend. Bring your own drinks and nibbles. Come as a team in a group of 4/5 if you can, or make up a team on the night. Donations are for Bromley Food Bank and donations in kind (e.g. tinned food/long-life milk/loo rolls/ 500g bags of rice/ also any unwanted plastic carrier bags) are welcome but a collecting tin will be available if preferred. and…. STOP PRESS: OBERAMMERGAU PASSION PLAY 2020: Bill and Marion Bowman invite you to join them on a visit to Austria and Oberammergau in the first week of August 2020. Brochures are available now from 07905 499815 or More on this next month.
  • 13. - 11 - POWER CUTS - DID YOU KNOW? You or someone you live with may be eligible for extra support during a power cut. This is a service offered by UK Power Networks, the body which owns the electric cables in London and the SouthEast, and is responsible for maintaining the electricity supply. (Please note, they deal with the cables, not the electricity itself, so they are different from the company which supplies your electricity and bills you for it). The circumstances which can entitle people to support include:  Reliance on medical equipment  Reliance on medicines kept in the fridge  Serious/ chronic illness  Disability  Dementia  Being of pensionable age or having children under 5 in the household  Short-term need (eg recovering after hospital stay) The sort of help provided would be:  A priority number for you to call  Updates on the situation  and sometimes what is described as “tailored help”, which would be help with things you as an individual might need. This could include home visits, hot meals, and keeping your relatives informed about you. To register for this service you can ring: 0800 169 9970 or go to their website You can also ask to be updated by text during a power cut (this service seems to be available to everyone). DURING A POWER CUT – If you are NOT registered as a priority customer, and therefore do not have a priority number, you can ring: 105 or 0800 31 63 105 for general information. ***** Wishing you a very HAPPY EASTER
  • 14. - 12 - Calendar for April 2018 Sun 1 10.30am 6.30pm EASTER DAY Holy Communion – Duncan Wilson with Mavis Righini (p1) Evening Service - TBC (p1) Tue 3 7.00pm Elders’ Meeting (p4) Sat 7 2.30pm Saturday Fellowship (p4) Sun 8 10.30am 11.30pm 6.30pm Morning Service – Tony Russell (p1) Fairtrade Stall (p6) Evening Service - Martin Nunn (p1) Mon 9 12.30pm Women’s Contact Group lunch (p4) Weds 11 2.00pm Book Club (p5) Sun 15 10.30am 12.30pm 6.30pm 8.00pm Morning Service – Mike Tinson (p1) Singles’ Lunch (p5) Evening Service - TBC (p1) Top of the Pew (p10) Tue 17 2.00pm Tuesday Friendship Group (p4) Thur 19 7.45 for 8.00pm Men’s Group meal out (p4) Fri 20 6.30 for 7.45pm 7.00pm Fundraiser for Nash: Night at the Proms (p10) Quiz in aid of Bromley Food Bank (p10) Sun 22 10.30am 6.30pm Morning Service – Jim Holman (p1) Evening Service – Judy Davies (p1) Mon 23 St George’s Day, England’s patron saint Tue 24 2.00pm Tuesday Friendship Group (p4) Weds 25 3.30pm Messy Church (p4) Fri 27 2.00pm Mothers’ and Toddlers’ Club resumes (p5) Sun 29 10.30am 6.30pm Morning Service – TBC (p1) Evening Service – Alan Kienlen (p1) And early May 2018 Tue 1 2.00pm 7.00pm Tuesday Friendship Group (p4) Elders’ Meeting (p4)
  • 15. CHURCH ORGANISATIONS – please advise the Editor of updates as they arise Day Organisation Contact Phone Sunday 12.30pm – once a month only Singles’ lunch Joan Smith 020 8462 3920 Monday 5.45pm Brownies Sarah Humphrey 020 3539 8113 6.30pm Cubs Brenda Petts 020 8325 3956 12.30pm - 1st Mon only Women's Contact Group Sylvia Mack 020 8462 1938 Tuesday 2.00pm Tuesday Friendship Group Wendy Smith 020 8462 1779 7.15pm Scouts - 1st troop Paul Hasling 020 3236 0083 Wednesday 2.00pm - 1st Weds only HFC Book Club Wendy Smith 020 8462 1779 3.30pm - 4th Weds only Messy Church Mavis Righini 020 8462 1168 5.30pm Rainbows Please use this email contact: Second hayesrainbows@ 6.00pm Beavers Brenda Petts 020 8325 3956 6.30pm Guides – 4th Hayes Teresa Cheyne 020 8777 6042 8.00pm Explorers Phil Butcher & Dan Perrott pip.butcher danperrott@ Thursday 5.30pm Brownies Stevie Blair 020 8325 3469 7.15 - 8.45pm Rangers Please use this email contact: Hayesdistrict@ 7.15pm Scouts - 2nd troop Paul Hasling 020 3236 0083 8.00pm - 3rd Thurs only Men's Group Bruce Tannock 020 8325 6264 Friday 2.00pm Mothers & Toddlers Wendy Smith 020 8462 1779 6.30pm Guides – 3rd Hayes Teresa Cheyne 020 8777 6042 Saturday 2.30pm - 1st Sat only Saturday Fellowship Martin Nunn 020 8462 5918
  • 16. Final Thought The God of Love my shepherd is, And he that doth me feed: While he is mine, and I am his, What can I want or need? He leads me to the tender grass, Where I both feed and rest; Then to the streams that gently pass: In both I have the best. Surely Thy sweet and wondrous love Shall measure all my days: And as it never shall remove, So neither shall my praise. George Herbert (1593 – 1633) - based on Psalm 23