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DCOB Conference Rooms B&C
Wednesday, March 26
8:00 AM - Study of Polymer Gels
James Howick, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Huang
Polymer gels have huge potential in the biomedical, bioengineering, and biotechnology fields. Polymer Gels were
recently discovered at MIT in the mid-1970s and resemble the popular gelatin desert Jell-O. This presentation will
answer questions about how these gels can be used to treat diabetes and how this technology can be used for
smart irrigation systems in the near future. We we cover how the gels actually work and respond to changes in
the environment, what we have done in the lab, and what still needs to be done in the future. If refined,
applications of stimuli responsive gels are enormous.
8:20 AM - The Effects of Morning Physical Activity on Students' On-task Behavior in the Classroom
Morgan Kibler, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Steven Davis
Hendricks Avenue Elementary School has limited theamount of physical education, activity, and recess time for
students throughoutthe school day. I chose to take three tofive students from a third grade class and engage
them in intense morning activitytwo times a week. These students participated in different activities for
twentyminutes before school. Students logged their activity, heart rate before and afteractivity, and how they
felt. I used a checklist for a pre and post assessment toobserve the students on-task behavior in the classroom
and look for potential changesafter implementing activity.
8:40 AM - A Defense of Reductionism: Issues in Personal Identity
Ryan J Dougherty, Faculty Sponsor: Scott Kimbrough
Personal Identity is the philosophical concept which concerns itself with knowing the “self.” Discussion is divided,
mostly, among Non-Reductionists, and the Reductionists. After mounting a defense against some of the more
direct attacks on Reductionism, the internal issues are addressed by means of Derek Parfit's "Relation R", an
alternative theory of identity. By exploring the history of this debate, one can better understand the opposing
viewpoints and synthesize the ideas into a new ideal, combining old with new. This synthesis attempts to combine
Parfitian ideas with Humean approaches in order to reach a conclusion.
9:00 AM - Altering Classroom Environments to Reduce and/or Eliminate Student Test Anxiety
Heather Knight, Faculty Sponsor: Steven Davis
Elementary students are faced with an exceeding amount of testing every school year putting pressure on them
to pass or be retained. This kind of stress can severely effect children while testing, causing them to not perform
as well as they could. In order for some students to perform well, the stress in a testing environment needs to be
reduced and eliminated if possible. In my study I plan to introduce two different environment changes into a
second grade classroom:The first change will be a seating rotation and the second change will be the use of soft
background music.
9:20 AM - MCM Traffic Flow Model
Randy Hughes, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Moseley
In this project, my group in the MCM developed a model of situations when certain traffic rules are most
effective. The primary basis for the model is that the flow or flux of traffic is directly related to the density and
velocity of traffc. Then proposed heavy and light traffic scenarios to find the best method to accomplish the
greatest flux. Multiple sample scenarios were analyzed for the right hand rules affect. The right hand rule is
defined as the courtesy rule to only use the right lane to pass on two lane highways.
9:40 AM - The Effects of Yoga on the Focus of Elementary Aged Boys
Karli Tobin, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Davis
Attention span and keeping students’ focus has always been a challenge for teachers, therefore this study is
important because it investigates a newer approach to maintaining students focus during a lesson. This
presentation will discuss an action research project that dealt with implementing yoga into an elementary
classroom. During the presentation I will describe how the yoga was applied as well as present both qualitative
and quantitative data to explain the effects that resulted from yoga on the students’ attention and focus.
10:00 AM - Toxic Algae in the Lower St. Johns River Basin
Rhea Derke, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Anthony Ouellette
Algae blooms in the Lower St. Johns River exhibit seasonality and are primarily composed of Microcystis. The
prolonged duration and increased toxicity of recent bloom events have prompted regular monitoring of algal
concentration, water toxicity, and environmental conditions from eight sites within Duval and St. Johns
Counties.Sites include recreationally-utilized and historically significant locations like Doctors Lake, Julington
Creek, and the Jacksonville University dock. Since September 2013, 150 samples have been collected and are
being quantitatively analyzed for chlorophyll-a and cyanotoxin concentrations. Analyses to determine possible
correlations between environmental parameters, toxicity, and algal biomass will be presented.
10:20 AM - Osteoporosis and osteopenia in patients with bronchiectasis
Nathan Diehl and Margaret M. Johnson, M.D. Pulmonary Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL., Faculty Sponsor:
Dr Nisse Goldberg
Background: The prevalence of osteoporosis or osteopenia in patients with bronchiectasis isunknown. Methods:
Retrospective chart review performed at Mayo Clinic, Florida identified the prevalenceof osteoporosis and
osteopenia in patients with bronchiectasis. Results: Of 113 patients with bronchiectasis, 78 had osteopenia or
osteoporosis and 10 didnot. Bone density was unknown in 25. Conclusions: Osteoporosis or osteopenia is present
in 69% of patients with bronchiectasis.Co-existent bone disease with bronchiectasis may impact clinical course
andtherapeutic decisions.
10:40 AM - Canine Heartworm Infection: Mosquito Vector Species Richness and Abundance in Jacksonville, FL
Katherine Kara, Faculty Sponsor: John Enz
Canine heartworm is transmitted to canines via mosquito vectors. The objective of this study was to determine
the potential risk for heartworm infection in Jacksonville, FL by deploying CDC mosquito light traps (biweekly) at
three different ecological locations: Natural, Urban, and Transitional, for eight weeks. Species richness, species
abundance, and vector status were compared against the different locations. The urban location demonstrated
the lowest diversity and abundance, but highest vector percentage. Vector percentage at natural and transitional
habitats was about 33% each. Based on vector abundance, unprotected dogs are at risk for heartworm infection
in Jacksonville, FL in summer.
11:00 AM - The Impact of Mentoring on College Students’ Attitudes Toward At-Risk Youth
Dr. Laura Chambers and Professor Shelley Grant
The Impact of Mentoring on College Students’ Attitudes Toward At-Risk Youth was a collaborative research
project conducted by Professor Shelley Grant and Dr. Laura Chambers. The purpose of this study was to
investigate the impact of mentoring on college students’ attitudes toward youth considered to be at-risk for
delinquent behavior. Data were collected through pre and post-course surveys and journal entries during the
months of August through December 2013. Results from post-course surveys demonstate that students were
more likely to recommend rehabilitative strategies for addressing juvenile offenses as compared to pre-course
surveys in which they were more likely to recommend punitive treatment.
Sales: Spring Software simplifying raw data via visual aids
Chiara Gillio, Hector Vega, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mattia
By implementing visual aids, tailored to the lay managers and shareholders, developers are currently
concentrating in familiarizing themselves with beginner user-friendly practices. It is necessary to break down
complex Spring Software Sales raw data into easily descendible dashboards. By displaying specific information, a
greater level of collaboration can be achieved among beginner business associates and experts alike. Once that
gap is bridged, as new user-friendly interfaces are developed via proven dashboards, the transmittal of corporate
information shall be facilitated. Therefore, the most effective way to impart complex text and or numerical raw
data, to either novices or skilled analytical engineers,
Creating Dashboards For New Users
Zac Furlough, Juan Rodriguez, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mattia
(INTRODUCTION) With databases becoming larger and more in-depth, our purpose is to present the dashboard in
the simplest way possible. (METHOD) We approach the dashboard by using basic functions so novice users can
learn understand it quicker. (RESULTS) After an evaluation of novice users, we used their feedback to gauge how
simple they thought it was to use. We surveyed them based on their ability to access dashboard quickly and
efficiently. (CONCLUSION) After extensive research, we found that the majority of users found our prototype
simple to use and that they would be interested in using it for their work.
Business Information
Jessica Norris, Taylor Salameh, Faculty Sponsor: Mattia
Title: Business Information Introduction: The reason we are doing this Dashboard isto provide information in an
organized and easy to read format. Method: We set up a Dashboard to help the user test theinformation and
have the user actually test the Dashboard. Results: We will report what the users said aboutour particular
Dashboard. In our case, we believe that the Dashboard isorganized and useful and makes finding data much
easier. Conclusion: The Dashboard prototype is a good way to testfor user experience and also to access data
easier making the research processmuch more relaxed.
Usability Issues: Understanding the Usability of Dashboards in the Workplace
Kendall Courtney, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mattia
The increased use of technology in the workplace has putdata visualization in high demand to support the large
data volumes and fast work-pacecharacteristic of today. I designed and evaluated a dashboard to test itsability to
provide the needed visualization. I evaluated the dashboard byconducting structured interviews with users in
order to gather data onusability issues. I report here the results (i) the dashboard increased datavisualization (ii) it
decreased analysis time (iii) it was user-friendly. Thedashboard provides data visualization to quickly and
comprehensively managedata. These characteristics aid users in decision making and efficiency.
User Experience: Excel Dashboard in the Workplace
Laura Stevenson, Faculty Sponsor: Dr Mattia
Now that most businesses are very invested in technology itis important that the employees have a positive
experience so they can learn touse the programs efficiently, and so that management can visualize thebusinesses
actions. The data visualization in the dashboard is described to theusers who are then evaluated during and after
their experience. Evaluation isbased on understanding and ease of use. After evaluating the users’
experiencefrom the dashboard the results are expected to show a positive user experienceand comprehension
from clarity of visualization. Users are not expected to belost in the information.
Excel Dashboard Prototypes
Erin Felker, Lisa Stover, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mattia
Researchers are focusing on gathering information on howrelatively inexperienced computer software users
can analyze data withspreadsheet and charting software. Increating dashboard prototypes, we can visually
demonstrate sales analysis andother aspects of company performance. Weevaluated the results of use of the
prototypes by novice and more experiencedusers. The focus was on the users’experiences and interactions with
the systems. To gather information about these experiences, we asked volunteers totest the prototypes and
interviewed them on the functionality, ease of use, howeffective the visual demonstrations were, and any other
observations they madeabout the trials.
User Acceptance Testing: Understanding Dashboard Criteria’s and Test Cases for End Users
Samantha Turner, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mattia
Withthe new integrations of dashboards into businesses, researchers are conducting User acceptance tests(UAT)
on dashboard applicability for end users before incorporating them in businesses. I describe the evaluation of
UAT that allows businesses to ensure the coverage forend users. I assessed UAT with business professionals and
reported (i) whatwould be the focusareas (ii) the different testcases applied and (iii) what defects would be
considered based on the needs ofbusinesses. UAT provides a resource that verifies that the end user will have
programsthat meet the business requirements creating confidence for end users.
Dashboard Prototype
Maria Figuerado, Joshua Gilmartin, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mattia
Intro: With the increase in technologicaladvances of these modern times, one of the biggest concerns has become
the averageperson’s ability to comprehend the technologies in a way that allows forsufficient operation. Method:
Allowing various users to operatetwo different dashboards. Results: It is predicted that the users found
thedashboards to be both cohesive, concise and easy to use. Conclusion: Our users found iteasy to comprehend
the data. Future Analysis: Next we would like to challengeour users to create a dashboard of their own using the
knowledge they learnedfrom using our dashboards.
Visualizing Dashboard
Justin Pitman, Khalid Alsomali, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mattia
The dashboard makes tasks easier as well as making the visualization of information easier. It allows information
to be broken down to be better understood which saves time. The purpose of doing this dashboard is to promote
information within the business world. Charts, graphs and tables of information will be used that will allow
consumers and superiors to see and comprehend the statistics of any company’s product. The overall result of
this dashboard should be the easy and successful relay of information throughout companies and their
Dashboard Prototype Business Analysis
Lindsay Forrest, Pratt Rexford, Faculty Sponsor: Professor Mattia
Through visualization of data and interactive charts, our Dashboard will provide aguide and analysis for the
business community. We offer a visually pleasingrepresentation of a company’s data that is easily comprehended.
Further, weevaluated our Dashboard Prototype by interviewing other Dashboard users to geta better
understanding of its strengths and weaknesses. Dashboard Prototypesare an easy way for a company to gauge
their data and the overall direction oftheir monetary state. Because of our diligent preparation we are confident
theusers will enjoy our Dashboard.
User Experience: The usability of excel based applications
Joao Rocha and John Smith, Faculty Sponsor: Dr Mattia
Introduction This research is to introduce a dashboard with visualexamples of charts and graphs of data that
informs and explains the changesthat the data undergoes throughout the project. Method In this project, the
interviews show different userexperiences. The dashboard is a visualization of different the informationsupplied
by the data. Results The user experience provides good feedback on usability fromthose familiar and unfamiliar
with excel. Conclusion This research has provided great feedback from users and themethods used provided the
information intended.
User experience using Dashboard
Kara Cunningham, Nathan Koslowski, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mattia
As the use of Excel Dashboard in the business world continues to increase as time goes on, some research has
been focused on the experience the Dashboard user has while working with Excel Dashboard. Using the research
and observations that we made, we are able to show how users are able to gather and group intelligent
information in a more sufficient way that is easier to use and understand while using Excel Dashboard, along with
the experience the user has while using Dashboard. We interviewed and observed different people in different
situations and reported how they interacted with Dashboard, the
Creating a User Friendly Dashboard
David Waugh and Billy Macomber, Faculty Sponsor: Mattia
(Introduction) With so many inexperienced users of Excel, our research team focused on creating a complete user
friendly experience while using the dashboard. (Method) We created a dashboard that has visual aids that are
easy to use and understand for inexperienced users. (Results) We found that with the use of the visual aids,
novices were able to understand the dashboard with little to no help. This created a user friendly experience.
(Conclusion) We found that the visual aids were easy to use and helped with the overall understanding of the
dashboard for both experienced and inexperienced users.
User Expirence
Benton Matthews, William Hammond, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mattia
In today’s fast paced business market managerial staff needs quick, current, and easy to use information to make
everyday business decisions. We created an easy sales based interface that allows businesses to know the
direction of where they are headed. After interviewing expert and beginner users, we found that the beginner
user was able to quickly interpret and understand the information just as well as the expert user. While seeming
complex, the dashboard actually supplies an effective and user-friendly interface that supplies managers with the
complete sales model that allows for timely decisions.
12:00 PM - How professors write exams
Zhaoyang Huang
In this talk, the strategies how chemistry professors write "good" exams are presented. This can be the surviving
tips for the chemistry students as well.
12:20 PM - Natural Human Performance Enhancement and Medical Benefit
Nelson Rivera, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Gail Maetozo
This case study explores the molecular components of a certain plant which contains muscle hypertrophy
mechanisms when applied to the human body. The benefits of protein synthesis and decrease in muscle
degradation will optimize human performance, due to a conversion in muscle fiber type. Many different groups of
people can also enjoy these properties, such as the elderly, which will help reverse the effects of aging through
the same process. This plant may very well have the potential of replacing steroids, removing negative side
effects, for the children affected by muscle dystrophy disorders.
12:40 PM - A Flexible and Hands Free Control Support for Mobile Devices based on Shape Memory Alloy
Bryam Duque, Faculty Sponsor: Huihui (Helen) Wang
A two-way Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) spring changes its dimensions due to thermal effect as current travels
through it, recovering to its original shape with the current off. The spring can operate at a lower voltage than a
mobile device battery and temperatures compatible with mobile devices. Integration of this material into mobile
device technology by designing a support that may be integrated into a mobile device and that uses SMAs to prop
up the device could be set by the user to go off as an alarm or be employed as a stand to view media, writing, or
1:00 PM - Plato and Shakespeare on the Good and the Bad
Dr. Erich Freiberger
In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Rosecncrantz denies that Denmark is a prison, and Hamlet responds:" Why, then, 'tis
none to you; for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so". This line, I propose, is a reference
to Plato. After showing the central importance of this idea for Plato’s understanding of the task of thinking. I
argue that this seemingly innocuous reference reveals that Shakespeare’s Hamlet uses Plato's “tragedy” of the
dispossession of the philosopher-king as a hidden conceit that determines the thought, character and action of
the play.
2 People 1 Dashboard
Eunique Jackson; Jonathon Glover, Faculty Sponsor: Angela Mattia
(INTRODUCTION) The project focuses on user compatibility and focuses on make making sure our program is
convenient and understood. We strive to build a program that helps individuals present their results in a pictorial
and informational manor without extraneous information. (METHOD) Our dashboard prototype and chose
random business men and women who use excel frequently in the work place. (RESULTS) The use of the
prototype the hypothesis is that the use of pictures/graphs would be more understandable and interesting within
the work place. (CONCLUSION) By testing the hypothesis there will be increases in the use of excel within the
Excel Effectiveness
Brandon Kilburn, Faculty Sponsor: Mattia
With growth of technology in the years a lot more working environments are using excel programs in one way or
another. This brings up the question on how people have evolved with the technology and how the excel
experience is shaping the working place. Through interviews we test the dashboard and are finding ways that
companies can use excel as an advantage with sorting information and cutting time that it takes to look at
important numbers. With this we hope to show that it is easy for all people in the working place to use excel to its
full potential.
User Experience
Derick Hernandez and Sarah Warden, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mattia
The use of dashboards is increasing in business oriented environments. Therefore, user experience must increase
as well. We show a simplified technique for users to apply dashboards to their companies’ annual reports. Thus,
creating a quicker and easier way to relay information to employers. We have evaluated user experience with
both novice and expert corporate excel users and explore further: (i) how both novice and expert users interact
with the dashboard (ii) variations and the experience between using different interactive components, and (iii)
offer improvements for users composing dashboards. We expect our user experience to improve.
Data Visualization Effectiveness
Ashley Simon Valentin Romero, Faculty Sponsor: Mattia
We are looking toincrease visualization and understanding of business data to help managers intheir decision
making process. We will describe and show the steps of thecreation of a dashboard with provided business data.
We will also show thebenefits of data visualization in the area of Decision Science Information Management.We
will evaluate the reports and feedbacks of new and experienced users of ourdashboard and analyze its
effectiveness. The dashboard should provide an aidfor data visualization for both expert and new users of this
system and help intheir decision process as managers of a business.
Surveying User Experience in Excel
Nate Ricci, Hannah Allerton, Faculty Sponsor: Mattia
With an increasing number of companies using Excel programs in everyday business, it is important for the
programs we use to be user friendly. We will have people use the programs and then fill out a survey asking their
opinions on the usability of Excel. Looking over the surveys, we evaluated (i) the ease with which they were able
to use the programs, and (ii) whether they would use it again if given the chance. Our program allows for more
people to experience the benefits of Excel, and increases their productivity in the office.
Dashboards in Modern Buisness
Blake Middleton, Evan Franz, Faculty Sponsor: Ms.Mattia
As Excel becomes a larger part of industry both in theindividualized and corporate settings, the need for a simple
user friendlysystem is becoming necessary. Dashboards are designed to show the data in asimple user friendly
way without showing the other information that couldconsist of thousands of sets of data. It deletes the
information that wasnecessary for the presentation and presents it on a single section. Dashboardsleave room for
creativity, individualization, as well as, different types ofcharts and tables. We will be testing the effectiveness of
dashboards throughinterviews and individual interactions.
Excel: Making Business Easier
Stormie Baylor, Sam Ritpricha, Faculty Sponsor: Mattia
Excel is very useful in everyday business affairs. It is efficient in many aspect ofconducting business. Excel makes it
easy to create dashboards that are easy touse and understand. We are creating a dashboard in Microsoft Excel to
presentdata clearly and in an organized fashion. We plan to test it on businessprofessionals that use Excel on a
regular basis. We have concluded that thedashboard should make it easier to present, visualize, and read the
data aswell as the user being able to comprehend what we are trying to present.
Usability of Excel Dashboards in a Business Environment
Michael Ayer, Kelly Toth, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mattia
Small businesses and offices use electronic forms of analyzing and computing data.Through testing Excel
Dashboards, we focus on user experience that allows personnel to quickly find and organize the data needed to
accomplish their goal. Users will be able to understand the data and retrieve valuable results with ease. Our users
will not need extensive training in Excel in order to use the program with minimal complications. We conclude
that by presenting this type of program, companies will feel more inclined to use Excel to classify data.
User Experience in Excel
Emily Laskelle and Erik Fournier, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mattia
With the increase in technology, Excel can effectively beused to organize data to create a clear visualization with a
user friendlyenvironment. To make a helpful visualization, we are making a dashboard toorganize a sufficient
amount of data and have two users test it. Our resultsare 1. How did they like using it and 2. How it compares to
other computerprograms. In conclusion, the two users who tested our dashboard should feelthat the program is
easy to follow, and is the most beneficial program when comparedto others.
Resveratrol treatment as an adjunct to pharmacological management in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus – Systematic
Review and Meta-Analysis
Heather A Hausenblas, Jennifer A. Schoulda, and James M. Smoliga
The study purpose was to conduct a systematic and meta-analtyic review of randomized controlled clinical trials
whereby resveratrol was used as an adjunct to pharmaceutical interventions in type 2 diabetes mellitus
(T2DM). Statistically significant positive effects, indicating that resveratrol supplementation was more effective
than placebo/control, were identified for systolic blood pressure, HbA1c, and fasting glucose and creatinine, but
not for diastolic blood pressure, insulin, triglycerides, LDL, or HDL cholesterol. These results demonstrate the
need for future large-scale clinical trials to identify the optimal dosages of resveratrol in long-term management
of T2DM.
Dashboards: The Organized and Efficient tool for Presenting a Company’s Overview
Alex Miskell, Kevin Lussier, Faculty Sponsor: Mattia
With the innovation of new technologies, Dashboards have created a means of presenting data to consumers and
stockholders in an organized and efficient overview.Simple tools organize large amounts of data into a quick and
easy means of gathering information for analyzing. The final product of the dashboards resulted in an effective
solution of presentingdata. In conclusion, Excel dashboards are an easy and efficent way to produce raw data and
results to managment.
Dashboard Visualization and User Experience
Najwa Samaoui, Faculty Sponsor: Anela Mattia
Dashboard Visualization and User Experience The usages of Dashboards are becoming increasingly popular in
today’s business world because of their ability to visually present data. The Dashboard is being tested on user
experience and usability. By creating, a simple and aesthetically pleasing dashboard, we hope that users will test
the functionally of its individual components. We predict that the visually presentable data will aid businesses to
easily gather necessary data and information.
User Interface in Excel Dashboards for Small Businesses
Joseph Merritt, Lane Gibson, Faculty Sponsor: Angela Mattia
With the creation of software geared towards increasing business efficiency in the past 10 years, more and more
companies, small and large, are using these viable forms of technology. Through interviews with local small
business professionals, the user interface and ease-of-use will be analyzed for the practicability of an Excel
Dashboard. We hope to find that local small businesses, with proper training, will utilize this technology to
increase efficiency in daily tasks of that small business.
Excel: Ease of Usability in the Workplace
Brandi Walker and Cecelia Donnelly, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Angela Mattia
Businesses, on a regular basis, implore the use of technology for research and daily operating functions. We have
designed a dashboard in order to help companies and individual users visualize data. We also conducted
interviews to gain information on specific data expectations. We hypothesize that users will find the dashboard to
be insightful and user friendly. It will provide functionality and quick analysis. This dashboard enables companies
to perform daily evaluations quickly, easily, and precisely. In result, Management is able to draw conclusions and
make decisions effectively.
1:40 PM - Pedagogical Poetry
Chris Dew
For the past decade I have given the following assignment to my freshman composition students. The students
receive a prompt that includes a definition of poetry. An example of this would be Wordsworth’s assertion that
“…Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of emotion recollected in tranquility.” The prompt also includes the 5
senses: taste, touch, sight, hearing and smell. I ask the students to find a comfortable spot outdoors on campus
and write about their memories coupled with what they experience. I also write my own poem. I propose to
discuss this assignment and read several of our poems.
2:00 PM - Promoting Vocabulary Growth in an Inclusive 4th grade Classroom using Research-Based Practices
Erin Bradley, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Tammy Ryan
The problem I identified in my inclusive fourth grade classroom was that vocabulary was rarely taught throughout
the school week due to time constraints. This prevented word consciousness, vocabulary retention, and
vocabulary growth. My intention was to intervene and teach a small group of six twice a week for 30 minutes
using a variety of research-based practices. My motivation for carrying out this research process was to increase
vocabulary test scores and expand their vocabulary using a variety of research based practices.
2:20 PM - Aerobic Exercise and Reading Comprehension
Cameron Mann, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Wilson
Over the last couple of years there has been a constant debate on the importance of physical education and the
question of whether or not to do away with it in schools. In my study I look to show that simple aerobic activities
such as walking, running, dancing, etc. will improve student’s reading comprehension scores leading to
improvements in the classroom and on FCAT/SAT tests. I intend to do this by putting my pool of students through
a variety of aerobic exercises and then having them complete different reading comprehnesion tests at different
time frames upon completion of each exercise.
2:40 PM - Developmental Reflection: Voices from the Field
Dr. Colleen M. Wilson and Dr. Shannon L. Wood
Research has been done regarding students perceptions of field experiences in the field of teacher preparation,
however, little research has been done as it pertains to preservice teachers development to use reflection as it
relates to program milestones and course content. This proposal examines the results from a survey conducted to
gather student voice regarding reflections in field placements at specific milestones in an education program (i.e.,
freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, and graduate).
3:00 PM - Guatemala Reading Project
Dr. Tammy Ryan and Ninoska Nunez
Learn how the Jacksonville University community came together to support efforts to make important differences
in the reading experiences of teachers and students living and learning in Guatemala. Ms. Nunez will share how
she coordinated efforts with other JU international students to gather, sort,and prepare an abundance of
donations for the workshop, "Reading the Story in Images" that Dr. Ryan provided to more than 320 Mayan
teachers in Guatemala on Feb. 17-21, 2014. Through narrated photographs, we share this adventure, its
importance, and how JU contributedto make differences in the reading futures for many living in Guatemala.
3:20 PM - The Relationship Between Shyness and Academic Performance
Kayla Fouraker, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Sherri Jackson
In my experiment, I wanted to see how extreme social shyness affects college students. I looked at shyness
correlated with with GPA, amount of studying, student-student relationships, and student-professor
relationships. Shyness and academic measures were obtained to find correlations between shyness, academic
success, and academic engagement. I predicted high levels of shyness would correlate negatively with academic
success and academic engagement with students and professors. Results show high levels of shyness correlate
positively with grade point average and hours of study, and high levels of shyness are also correlating negatively
with academic engagement and contentment with student-student and professor-student relationships.
3:40 PM - Does Teaching Word Recognition Increase Spelling Mastery in First Grade?
Savannah Rice, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Steven Davis
I am observing and assessing whether using word recognition strategies for spelling words in first grade is
beneficial to the students. I use a pre-assessment to test their knowledge on 30 words. I will move them through
these words over 3 weeks, 10 weekly, assessing them twice a week to monitor their progress. The process will be
using best practices according to McIntyre, Hulan, and Layne in Reading Instruction for the Diverse Classroom:
Research-based, Culturally Responsive Practices. I will also be referring to other references and peer reviewed
articles that back the use of research-based practices for emergent literacy.
4:00 PM - Explicit Vocabulary Instruction
Alissa Biagiotti, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Davis
Vocabulary knowledge is essential for reading comprehension. Deficiencies in vocabulaly can hinder
comprehension. The purpose of this research was to discover which method of explicit vocabulary instruction was
the most effective in a 2nd grade classroom. Students were exposed to three different methods of vocabulary
instruction. To discover which method was the most effective students were given pre and post-tests that
included each vocabulary word explicitly taught. The students were required to identify the correct vocabulary
word, write the definition, and use the word in a sentence. Data was collected and analyzed to discover which
method was most effective.
4:20 PM - Moving Towards Better Focus in the Classroom: The study of movement breaks on student attention
Joanna Zachowski, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Davis
In today's "age of accountability," bell-to-bell teaching is now expected so that students can recieve the greatest
amount of instruction during the school day. Because of this, there is no longer time time for students to have
time for a break. Students are exercising their brains, but have no time to exercise their bodies. Play and recess
are things of the past, even in grades as early as Kindergarten. This Action Research study will determine if
movement breaks before and during a lesson can improve student attention and focus in a Kindergarten
4:40 PM - The Greatest Ever
Tyler Hardison, Nicole Buckzowski, John Leong, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Anna Little
In this paper we present a model for evaluating college head coaches and their careers. Our model uses nine
different parameters in total to judge the prestige of a coach’s career. Using these we determine the top 5
coaches of 3 separate sports. We use a modified decision matrix to create a system that evaluates coaches in all
sports equally. We also make algorithms to accommodate team sports as well as individualized sports. With this
we are able to show the validity of our model as well as the flexibility of our model by evaluating various types of
NCAA sports.
DCOB Conference Rooms B&C
Thursday, March 27
8:00 AM - Increasing Academic Engaged Time in the Classroom Using a Self-Monitoring Checklist
Carolyn Darus, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Steven Davis
Students spend about 8 hours in a classroom everyday, but not all of that time is spent learning. While there are
many factors that can affect the Academic Engaged time in the classroom, this research focused specifically on
how student behavior affects academic engaged time. The students in this study were previously known to have a
lack of academic engaged time during lessons. In order to increase the students' engaged time, the students were
given a checklist to help them focus in the classroom. This study tracked the students' conduct grades before,
during, and after the use of the checklist.
8:20 AM - Fine Arts and Service Learning
Professor Kimberly Beasley and the students of MUS 322 SL: Service Learning Performance Ensemble
MUS 322 SL: Service Learning Performance Ensemble is a group of students in the Fine Arts that have been
serving the Jacksonville community for the past 4 years. We will present live music and dance and talk about
community outreach through the arts including student reflection on what community activism means to them.
The Professor will elaborate on the current and past events of the Service Learning Performance Ensemble.
8:40 AM - Can Fluid Dynamics Answer Traffic Flow?
Shameer Deen, Mark Russell, Brooks Wofford, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Paul Simony
In most countries, driving automobiles on the right is the rule. In thosecountries, most multi-lane freeways
employ a rule requiring drivers to stay onthe right-most lane unless they are passing another vehicle. A
mathematicalmodel has been developed to analyze the performance of that rule, withconsidering heavy and light
traffic. Using fluid dynamics, automobiles can bethought of as a stream of liquid passing through the roads. Other
factors to beconsidered include but are not limited to: speed limit, the tradeoffs betweentraffic flow and safety,
the roadways, human judgment, and right-hand vsleft-hand.
9:00 AM - Explicit Vocabulary Instruction in Mathematics using Visual and Kinesthetic Literacy Best Practices
Julia Peters, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Adele Hanlon
This study is performed to determine if implementing visual and kinesthetic literacy best practices with
explicit math vocabulary instruction will positively influence student learning and achievement for 17
second graders. Results on 1st and 2nd quarter tests determined a significant need for math vocabulary support.
The intention is to increase math vocabulary acquisition by delivering explicit instruction three times a week using
research-based practices to increase performance on high stake and classroom tests. A screening, outcome, and
formative assessments were created to collect quantitative data and monitor progress, determine learning gains,
and analyze the effectiveness of practices implemented.
9:20 AM - The impacts of spatial reasoning quick draws, on addition skills.
Lauren A. Herbert, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. A. Hanlon
Spatial reasoning has been tested and explored in many different capacities and has been proven to have links to
ways our brain processes and solves problems. I intend to research whether or not there is a link between spatial
abilty and basic two digit addition in a class of 22 1st graders. Students will be pre and post-tested on addition,
and for the course of 3 weeks participate in daily brain training exercises known as quick draws.
9:40 AM - Veni Emmanuel: The "O" Antiphons
Allison McClain, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Timothy Snyder
The “O” Antiphons belong to the rich repertory of Advent songs in the Western Christian tradition. This research
examines the "O" Antiphons as a lens through which the faithful can experience the Advent season and sheds
light on these questions: What is the Christian understanding of the season of Advent? How do the Antiphons,
through musical and textual structure, reinforce these understandings? Latin and English Antiphon texts are
compared with the contemporary hymn, “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.” Translated by Neale, the hymn
encapsulates all seven antiphons. This study, viewed through the heritage of these ancient Antiphons, is
10:00 AM - Das klagende Lied by Gustav Mahler: An Introduction to the Composer's First Choral Work
Dr. Timothy Snyder
Das klagende Lied [The Song of Lamentation], by Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) stands as the composer's first work
for chorus, and among his earliest works to have survived. Scored for large orchestra and off-stage orchestra,
chorus (including eight choral soloists), soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, boy soprano and boy alto soloists, Das
klagende Lied survives in multiple versions. This presentation sheds light on an underperformed early Mahler
masterpiece, deals with the genesis of the work, its text, provides a concise chronology of the score 's complex
history, and identifies seven vocal motives from which the bulk of the sung passages derive.
10:20 AM - The Effects of Yoga on Classroom Behavior
Olivia Blanco, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Steven Davis
Student behavior continues to be an area of concern for classroom teachers to this day. There are several studies
that discuss the various approaches for behavior management. This study investigates any possible effects of
yoga on student behavior. Yoga will be integrated three days a week for an average of fifteen minutes in a
kindergarten classroom. Behavior observation checklists will be completed on a group of seven students to
determine if their misbehavior decreases. Ideally, at the end of this study the students will have increased focus
and concentration, improved self-esteem and confidence as well as improved flexibility and strength.
10:40 AM - Social Media: A Promising Potential for the Nursing Profession
Kacee Gouin & Sabrina Howard, Faculty Sponsor: Ann Heusinger
The purpose of this meta-analysis is to determine the role that social media should play in the nursing profession,
while maintaining the confidentiality and fidelity implied in an ethical nurse-patient relationship. In practice,
nurses should adhere to institutional policies and maintain a professional identity. Positives include “apps”,
texting, and the internet overall to educate and empower both patients and nurses. The researchers suggest that
both schools and hospitals develop policies to use social media properly in order to increase patients’
involvement in their own care and empower them to be active participants in managing their health.
11:00 AM - A Review of Neurodegenerative Disease, Associated Proteins, and the Gallyas Braak Staining Method
Brianna T. Huynh, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Buffy Maetozo
Neurodegenerative disease (ND) affects millions of patients each year. The misfolding and subsequent
aggregation of proteins commonly defines ND, which appears to spread systematically along neuronal paths.
Using animal models, we can study prevalence of aggregates, and mechanisms of cell-to-cell spread. Evidence
suggests that proteins involved in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease show a prion-like transfer. These findings
are significant because they indicate preventing cell-to-cell transmission may hinder spread of the disease. In the
present study, we review recent findings with a focus on tau and α-synuclein injection in mice, and discuss
pathology identification with emphasis on Gallyas Braak staining.
11:20 AM - College Transition Issues for Military Veterans
Lynnette Kennison, PhD, ARNP; Sam Young, MD; and Kyle Fessenden, RMHCI
Jacksonville University has been awarded a major grant by Health Resources and Services Administration to
promote success of military veterans in our traditional School of Nursing BSN program and our RN-BSN programs,
online and ground-based. Military veterans come from different branches of the service and bring diverse
military experiences into the academic setting. Focus groups were held with current military veteran nursing
students to identify their transition issues into the classroom. Lessons learned from current students will be
addressed in this presentation. Heartmath is an evidence-based intervention that is offered to students as part
of the Student Counseling Center’s support.
11:40 AM - The Benefits of Promoting Cooperative Learning with Reticent Students
Kayleigh Marie Hill Hynes, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Colleen Wilson, Dr. Steven Davis, & Dr. Adele Hanlon
No Child Left Behind has placed so much focus on students with disabilities, that other students are not receiving
adequate attention. Students who suffer the most are reticent-students; students who are reserved, introverted,
or shy in classroom settings. I will observe five reticent-students’ individual participation in a traditional-
classroom, then apply cooperative-learning techniques in that same environment. Cooperative-techniques enable
students to take ownership of their own ideas, actively involve everyone, and expose students to a variety of
activities. I hope to see that cooperative instructional-strategies promote a more comfortable environment for
reticent-students to improve their communication, social, and decision-making skills.
12:00 PM - Comparison of the Common Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, Reefs in three Northeast Florida Creeks
Kimberly Mann & Fred Grunwald, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Quinton White
Prior to the 1980’s there was a sustainable oyster harvesting operation in Northeast Florida. To determine the
possibility of restoring the program, Crassostrea virginica are being studied in Sisters Creek, Clapboard Creek and
Pumpkin Hill Creek, Florida. Oyster mats have been placed in the three creeks to determine the availability of
oyster larvae for recruitment. In addition, aerial photographs are being examined for morphological changes that
may have occurred over time in the three creek beds. This research is a critical component of the effort to restore
a viable oyster harvesting operation in Northeast Florida.
Prof. Cheryl Sowder, Associate Professor of Art History
Discussed here is this faculty member’s ongoing work as a member of the team excavating the well at Cetamura
del Chianti in Italy. This is a collaborative archaeological project of Florida State University, associates from other
universities, and the Italian archaeological firm Ichnos. Excavation over Summer 2013 reached a new depth down
the well shaft of 107 feet. From pottery and coins, the newly extracted levels have been identified as dating
between the 4th century B.C.E. and 1st century C.E. Analysis of the latest finds is yielding further insights about
Etruscan and Roman habitation of this ancient site.
12:40 PM - Intermedia: Using Technology to Create Musical Performances
Dennis R. Vincent, Assoc. Prof., Music Education & Music Technology
The stories of musical and technological development are highly interwoven. The presenter will provide
examples of: how music can be used in animation and videogames, how technological devices can assist musical
performance, how computers can spontaneously generate original works, how music can be generated in
response to motion, and how music and video can be generated simultaneously. A summary of conferences,
publications, and available programs in intermedia will be provided.
1:00 PM - Performance based testing of Jacksonville University student-athletes: is it worth it?
Scott Del Vecchio, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Chris Robertson
Athletes are tested often to measure and document their training progression for peak sport performance. Such
testing is used by athletes to better understand their bodies and how their training affects performance and helps
prevent injury. A standard testing method is biomechanical analysis of body mechanics efficiency using
established scientific methods and state-of-the-art equipment. This research will show the current state of
athletic testing at Jacksonville University (JU) and propose new innovative methods of testing to help enhance
sport performance and reduce injury risk for student-athletes of all sports at JU.
1:20 PM - Retaining Vocabulary Using Multiple Learning Styles
Jessica Hamelin, Faculty Sponsor: Steven Davis
This study will focus on a comparison of learning styles and vocabulary retention. Most researchers have
compared all learning styles to themselves, I plan to compare the same learning styles within a small group of
students. I intend to do this by assessing students every two weeks on a set of ten words. The students will be
split into a control group and an experimental group. The experimental group will use the common learning style
and another style inegrated. The control group will only use the common learning style, no other styles will be
integrated for this group.
1:40 PM - Lifestyle Changes Through Coaching
Maetozo, Gail; Felker, Erin; Rothe, Marc; Barr, Alexandre; Hornak, Michael; Molloy, Tiffany; Drummond, Eric;
Meny, Marc; Amazan, Frantz; Gasca, Rene; Mack, Montaque; Hernandez, Victoria; Barton, Sharita; Rowe, Ryan;
Jones, Johnny; Troupe, Troy, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Buffy Maetozo
In the course PE 336, students receive a hands on experience with wellness and life coaching. Wellness and life
coaching is a collaborative relationship where coaches help to motivate and find solutions to aspect of the clients
life that they desire to change. These clients were faculty and staff from the JU community and they met with
their student coaches face to face once a week for eight weeks. The clients were provided with research
pertaining to their topic and motivation. This was achieved through weekly contact. This is a compilation of the
students experiences as wellness and life coaches.
2:00 PM - Do Goal-Setting, Imagery, or Self-Talk Activities Enhance Student Performance on the Pacer Test from
Nicole Albino, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Davis
The purpose of this study is to examine if goal-setting, imagery or self-talk activities enhance student
performance on the pacer test from FitnessGram. FitnessGram is a program that assesses student fitness and
activity levels. The pacer test specifically measures cardiovascular endurance. Eight students from a fourth grade
physical education class were chosen for this study. The students performed the pacer test, then were exposed to
goal-setting, imagery, and self-talk activities. Surveys and journal prompts were given throughout the study.
Lastly, the students performed the pacer test again to see if the activities had an affect on their performance.
2:20 PM - Does academic engagement time increase in higher ability students when they are able to choose their
Rebecca Meeks, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Davis
Throughout this action research project, I focused on the higher ability students. With these students, I observed
their academic engagement time during two different types of literacy centers. The first week, I observed four
students during normal center rotation. This literacy center is where students are assigned a certain center for
the day. After switching to choice time centers, I wanted to see if student’s academic engaged time increased
when they are allowed to choose what center and activity they complete during literacy centers. I used an
observation sheet to tally on and off task behaviors throughout this project.
2:40 PM - Attitudes of nurse practitioners towards utilizing smart phone apps to promote health behaviors in a
retail healthcare clinical setting
Ava R. Smith, ARNP, MSN, DNP candidate, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Hilary Morgan
Obesity and inactivity are the root cause of many chronic diseases. The introduction of smartphones and health
behavior tracker application (Apps) has revolutionized treatment possibilities. As an adjunct tool, Apps can
transform health management and patient self efficacy. Apps are portable, simple to use, inexpensive, and
convenient. Nurse practitioners (NPs) are instrumental for promoting patient behavior change and routine App
tracking of behaviors may prompt healthier choices. There is a paucity of research exploring the utilization of
Apps by NPs in retail health. This project proposes to explore NP attitudes and beliefs regarding these tools
to direct future innovative programs.
3:00 PM - Coaches of Legend
Savannah Bates, Adam Johnson, and Bryam Duque, Faculty Sponsor: Bob Hollister
When it comes to sports, the only thing that matters is who the best is. Our purpose is to design a model to select
the top five college sports coaches for any given sport. For the purposes of testing the validity of our model, we
applied it to three sports: football, basketball, and baseball over any time frame. The model must be applicable to
all coaches: whether male or female, young or old, white or black, modern or legendary. The model is also
designed to factor several variables that we believe are all necessary attributes of the best coaches.
3:20 PM - The United States' Economy: An Informative Analysis from January to October 2013
Zacchari Gale, Joseph Merritt, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Hassan Pordeli
This report presents factual, analytical information about the state of the U.S. economy and the quantifiable
effect of major events during the first three quarters of 2013. With the 2008 recession in the past, slow, stable
growth characterized the economy. Gross domestic product grew, though below the long-term average of 3.2
percent. Foreign trade had a deficit, but unemployment rate and federal government deficit shrank and personal
consumption expenditures and investments by businesses increased. The “fiscal cliff deal" averted another
possible recession, but it, like the government shutdown, took billions from the economy.
3:40 PM - Revenge, Execution, and Punishment
J. Noël West, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Scott Kimbrough
The killing of another person is deemed immoral unless it is in self-defence or war. The punishment for such a
crime is execution or life imprisonment. Execution is used as punishment in many states. The question we must
answer is whether or not execution is revenge. To answer this, we must explore the citizen/state relationship,
determine the goals of punishment, identify and analyse what revenge is, and then apply this to capital
punishment. We will focus on punishment from society and government.
4:00 PM - Exploring the Possibilities: Using iPads to Enhance Teaching and Learning
Kaleigh Kennedy, Olivia Wardle, Ally Lee, Cassandra Carter, Nikki Erdely, Faculty Sponsor: Tammy Ryan
Integrating digital technologies into instructional routines can better prepare today’s students for participation in
a global world. This study explored ways that pre-service teachers might integrate iPads and apps with traditional
forms of reading instruction. Subjects included eight pre-service teachers, the course instructor, and eight
children of a Boys and Girls Club. Lessons integrated traditional forms of reading instruction on an iPad through
choosing literacy apps and sites. Qualitative data included weekly lesson plans, reflections, student work samples,
instructor anecdotal notes, and video clips of tutoring sessions. Quantitative data included a five question,
pre/post survey completed by the pre-service teachers.
4:20 PM - How does poetry benefit reading fluency?
Megan Guillen, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Tammy Ryan
This study investigates how poetry can improve reading fluency by enhancing expression, helping in
automaticity, and setting a rhythm for students while reading which helps with students being able to read at an
appropriate rate. Through the use of a variety of poems used in each of the five poetry interventions and
researched based practices such as choral reading and repeated reading student’s oral reading accuracy and
words per minute are expected to improve from the formative assessment to the summative assessment.
4:40 PM - Positive Reinforcement with Behavior Management
Camilya Clark, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Steven Davis
Classroom management is something that teachers can always improve in. I am focusing on positive
reinforcement with behavior management. I believe that positive reinforcement is the most effective way to
minimize misbehavior in the classroom. I decided to implement this research with five students in classroom.
Each student has been struggling with misbehavior; they each have different learning needs. Thinking about their
individuality, I decided to use individualized behavior charts where they can earn incentives based on their
interests. I also am conducting interviews with the students at the end of the week about their behavior.
DCOB Conference Rooms B&C
Friday, March 28
8:00 AM - A comparison of algal associated invertebrate communities in natural vs. artificial hard-bottom habitat
in Palm Beach County, FL
Dannenhoffer, K.N., Faculty Sponsor: McCarthy, D.A.
As part of a larger state funded project, this study compares the algal-associated invertebrates encountered in
natural versus artificial habitats at four depths (0-1, 1-2, 2-3 & 3-4 m) during five surveys that were conducted
from 2012 to 2013. Over 8100 individual invertebrates were collected and identified from the surveys
representing 131 taxa found within over 650 samples. A higher biomass (p=0.003) of invertebrates were found in
depth stratum 1 during the last survey at the natural versus artificial reefs. Observed differences have
implications for trophic level interactions as well as for future nearshore hard-bottom mitigation efforts in
Southeast Florida.
8:20 AM - Measuring Home Field Advantage In Baseball
Jess Conner, Matthew Delk, Garrett Ruckel, Faculty Sponsor: Daniel Moseley
As fans and players of baseball, our objective is to examine how fans affect the game of baseball and to describe
our findings mathematically. We observed the relationships between crowd attendance and other in game
statistics. The statistics that we analyzed include offensive and defensive metrics allowing us to dissect the effect
of attendance on different aspects of the game. To justify our findings, we considered the relationship between
fan attendance and these metrics for teams and for individual players. The ultimate goal is to find mathematical
relationships and use logical reasoning to discuss the cause of these relationships
8:40 AM - Temperature Oscillation in Polymer Gels
Shandale McKay, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Zhaoyang Jack Huang
Research centered on polymer gels is very valuable because they have many biomedical applications such as
tissue engineering matrices which could be used for the regeneration of failed tissue and organs. The objective of
this research is to see if the poly(NIPAAm-co-MAAc) gel will demonstrate temperature oscillation by showing
obvious high and low changes in temperature. The polymer gel containing potassium permanganate will be
placed in a glycerol solution where an exothermic reaction will take place. As the reaction takes place the gel will
swell and collapse as the temperature oscillates. I hope to see at least five temperature oscillations.
9:00 AM - Seasonality Changes in Web Size of the Orchard Spider, Leucauge venusta
Rachel Frank, Faculty Sponsor: John Enz
The orchard spider is a predatory species that is primarily found in warm, humid environments in densely
vegetated areas. The purpose of this study was to identify whether a relationship exists between body size of the
orchard spider and web size, and body size and web height above the ground; and whether these relationships
show seasonality changes within the Theodore Roosevelt Area of the Timucuan Preserve in Jacksonville. There
appears to be a positive correlation between spider body area and orb web area in the orchard spider as well as a
seasonality change in the orb web size.
9:20 AM - Are hydrothermal vent plumes rising from the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Plate affected
by deep/intermediate currents?
Alexis Crouch, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Jeremy Stalker
This study project analyzes a data set provided by the University of Washington, School of Oceanography. To
create a 3 dimensional image of the dynamics of rising geothermally heated water through the marine water
column, above an active spreading center vent system 388 km off the west coast of Northwestern Washington in
the United States in 2500m of water. This graph will utilize GIS technology to interpolate the temperature data to
look at the shift in the plume that may show the direction and strength of deep/intermediate currents in the area
of the plume.
9:40 AM - Sea Turtle Nesting Patterns
Ciarra Slater, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Stalker
Predicting the populations of Loggerhead, Green, and Leatherback sea turtles and their reproductive success by
using long-term and short-term data sets from Ponte Vedra Beach, Northeastern Florida, USA. Insight could be
gained on the impacts of climate and anthropogenic influence leading to a better understanding on how
conservation activities can be improved to help threatened and endangered sea turtle to be a more
reproductively successful species. Data sets will be compared to long-term physical measurements including sea
surface temperature (SST), primary productivity, and storm tracks provided by NOAA resulting in a prediction
model. Increasing our understanding of long term and
10:00 AM - The Synthesis and Purification of K[Co3Ru(CO)12] and a Mechanistic Study of the Synthesis of
Christopher M. Potratz
Extended structures of K[Co3Ru(CO)12] and K[Co3Fe(CO)12] are potential catalyst precursors for Fischer-Tropsch
and hydroformylation. The literature IR spectrum of K[Co3Ru(CO)12] contains suspicious peaks that are
suspected to be impurities. The synthesis was modified to remove the impurities. The modified synthesis was
characterized by IR, which demonstrated that purification was successful. Due to the cost of Ru, a second
synthesis was done in which Ru was replaced with Fe. A mechanistic study of the K[Co3Fe(CO)12] synthesis was
conducted using IR spectra to monitor the synthesis.
10:20 AM - Haptics Using a Smart Material for Eyes-free Interaction in Personal Devices
Bryam Duque, John Leong, Devin Pappas, Faculty Sponsor: HuiHui Wang
In this paper we present a prototype using a dry ionic polymer metal composite (IPMC) in interactive personal
devices for haptic interaction when audio or visual feedback is not possible or practical. This prototype interface is
an electro-mechanical system that realizes a shape-changing haptic display for information communication. A dry
IPMC will change its dimensions due to the electrostatic effect when an electrical potential is provided to them.
When personal devices receive information signals, the original shape of the prototype will change to another
shape related to the specific sender or types of information sources.
10:40 AM - An Information Indicator based on Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) combining 3-D Printing
Max A Orozco, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Wang
A SMA is a “smart” material that alters its shape based on a thermal effect. By using a spring shaped SMA, the
process can be simplified as an expansion and contraction of the spring. Introducing the idea of this “smart”
spring, we can use a 3-D printer to design products. For example, this innovation can be used to produce a cubic
information indicator that notifies users of a certain event by the expansion of its springs (an expansion triggered
by the induction of an electrical current to cause the thermal effect).
11:00 AM - Synthesis of a Free Radical Initiator for Polymerization Reactions
Adam Campbell, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Joseph Cradlebaugh
Polymers are important compounds which constitute many modern materials such as plastics, rubbers, enamels,
fibers, adhesives, laminates, films and elastomers. They are typically made by jump-starting a chain reaction
between molecules called monomers with an initiator. Most initiators are thermally controlled, but it is more
desirable for an initiator to be controlled photolytically. It was suspected that a proposed compound would be
susceptible to homolytic bond cleavage and produce a radical capable of initiating a polymerization reaction. The
synthesis was accomplished utilizing mainstream organic reactions, and the compound was used in an attempt to
polymerize styrene.
11:20 AM - Gun-Shot Associated Wing Fracture in a Red-Shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus): Medical
Management, Rehabilitation, and Release
Peter DeLuca, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Borkowski
A wild red-shouldered hawk was brought to the Exotic Bird Hospital in Jacksonville after being found unable to fly
in May 2013. Radiographs revealed the raptor had been shot in the right wing near the radioulnar/humeral joint,
resulting in comminuted fractures. The bird was transferred to Jacksonville Zoo for weeks of supportive care, then
transferred to Florida Wildlife Hospital near Melbourne, FL for reconditioning and flight testing. The bird was
successfully released near Melbourne in November 2013, having overcome an injury that often warrants
euthanasia. The monogamous nature of this species posed questions regarding the bird’s resettlement in the
11:40 AM - A Comparison of Fish Communities on Artificial and Substrate in Palm Beach County, FL
Brett Durda, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. McCarthy
Often coastal fish communities differ as depth increases. Along the east Florida coast it has especially been
observed that there are higher abundances of fish closer to shore. However on artificial reefs in West Palm Beach,
FL there tend to be more species and higher abundance in the medium depths of the artificial reefs. Not only
does there tend to be higher abundances at medium depths but overall there tends to more omnivores especially
damselfish. Damselfish are more abundant most likely due to the amount of food available as well as the
diversification of food available.
12:00 PM - Undergraduate Research Fund Awards
Dr. Lee Ann Clements
12:20 PM - Applications of Shape Memory Alloys
Stephen Cowan, Faculty Sponsor: Huihui Wang
Throughout this semester, research has been conducted on the properties and applications of Shape Memory
Alloys. Shape Memory Alloys, SMA's, are a special type of alloy that allow the material to "remember" a given
shape. If this alloy is subject to deformations, applying heat will return the alloy to its original shape. During
these deformations the physical properties of the alloy, such as the frequency and stiffness, vary with respect to
temperature. It is our goal to implement the SMA's within the entertainment and educational fields in order to
provide possible advancements in childhood education, haptic surfaces and devices, and
12:40 PM - Critical amino acids responsible for GEF activity in Syx
Zoe Rocke, Faculty Sponsor: Dr.Karen Jackson
The focus was to identify critical amino acids on Synectin-binding RhoA exchange factor (Syx) responsible for its
guanine exchange factor (GEF) activity. Syx activates RhoA via GEF activity to stabilize endothelial cell junctions
(Ngok et al 2012). We expect critical residues to be located in the Dbl homology (DH) or pleckstrin-homology (PH)
domain because the DH-PH domains are responsible for the catalytic activity in RhoGEFs. To determine if a site
was important for Syx’s GEF activity a Rho GTPase activity assay was performed. The residues located in the
conserved DH-PH domains seemed most critical for the GEF activity in Syx.
1:00 PM - Coach's Rating
Jess Conner, Raegann Conner, Devin Pappas, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Duong
As participants in the national Mathematical Competition in Modeling, we have been presented with the problem
of revealing the best college coach of all time. Ultimately, we need to reveal the top five coaches for three college
sports. After research and discussion, we have concluded that coaches can be evaluated in five
categores numerous categories. We have created formulas for each category in which we can input sports
statistics and then add each category to obtain an overall “Coach’s Rating.” After collecting copious amounts of
data, the best college coach of all time can be revealed.
1:20 PM - Does Pond Size Matter? Fall Odonate Pond Size Preferences on the Jacksonville University Campus
Ariel White, Faculty Sponsor: John Enz
Dragonflies and Damselflies (Odonates) are aquatic insects that spend the majority of their lives in the predatory
larval stage in ponds, lakes, and streams. Short-lived winged adults fly, mate, and lay eggs in these water bodies.
This study tested Odonate “pond choice” by analyzing the Odonate diversity between two closely related ponds
on the JU Campus (Pond 1 was approximately 3x the size of Pond 2). Significant differences were found in the
diversity of Dragonflies between the 2 ponds but not Damselflies, in both larvae and adults.
1:40 PM - Fall Macroinvertebrate Diversity and Water Quality of Lotic and Lentic Waters on the Jacksonville
University Campus
Timothy and Thomas Radley, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. John Enz
Aquatic macroinvertebrates are often used to indicate water quality. Aquatic insects, due to long larval aquatic
stage and ease of collection, are typically focused on for these studies. Although some aquatic insect groups are
exclusively lentic or lotic in their larval stage, many can be found in both habitats. We compared the diversity of
aquatic insects found in the retention pond and the small stream on the campus of Jacksonville University (lentic
vs. lotic). Despite more niches for insects in the stream than in the pond, the pond showed higher diversity. Only
pollution tolerant species were found in the stream.
2:00 PM - A Matter of Few Degrees
Michael Korona and Brett Wickizer, Faculty Sponsor: Capt. Wayne Ziskal
Korean Air flight 007 accident was an entirelypreventable tragedy. The unnecessary destruction of the aircraft and
livesaboard did however start a process of advancement in the aviation industry thatallowed for more accurate
navigation technologies as well as better crew trainingthat lead to the excellent safety record that aviation has
today. Thispresentation explores what happened leading up to the accident, the lessonslearned in the aftermath,
and the crew’s resource management and use ofautomation in the cockpit.
2:20 PM - Internet Usage and Cognitive Impact
David Bilbray, John Pennix, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Sherri Jackson
The following research will demonstrate the relationship between the GPA and SAT scores of college students in
comparison to the amount of time these students spend using social media and other forms of electronic
communication. This study will demonstrate data found regarding correlations between academic scores and
survey results - obtained from a student body consisting of 100 individuals concerning the amount of social media
usage they partake in per week and the total time spent using the internet in general. The SAT scores and GPAs of
these individuals were taken by a third party to preserve the students’ anonymity.
2:40 PM - A Light in the Dark
Cortney Tarell, Faculty Sponsor: Ginger Sheridan
In modern American culture, the words light and darkness have come to represent intangible concepts which
most people understand. Light represents hope, and is almost always seen as a positive entity. Darkness
represents fear and mystery—the less positive aspects of life. In this body of work I choose common household
objects to light photographic images. This creates a distinct mood and a unique perspective. My work shows that
the lighting of a photograph does much more than just illuminate the subject; it also informs the viewer about
what they should be feeling when they look at the image.
3:00 PM - From Alpaca to Zebra: Enrichment in Zoological Setting
Jennifer Scaduto, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Vanderhoff
Environmental enrichment increases the psychological and physical health of zoo animals. There are six forms of
enrichment: Sensory, Feeding, Manipulation, Environmental, Social, Training and Puzzles. The type of enrichment
used depends on the specific needs of a given animal and the enrichment goals of a particular zoo. During my
summer internship at the Rolling Hills Zoo in Kansas I worked alongside zookeepers to create enrichment devices
for numerous animals, including white rhinos, kangaroos, chimpanzees, orangutans, giraffes, aardvarks, camels
and sheep.
3:20 PM - A Young Mother's War: Octavia Bryant-Stephens, Family Life, and Death in Northern Florida during the
Civil War
James Thomas, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Jesse Hingson
Octavia Bryant-Stephens is a young mother and wife who has to cope with an environment surrounded by death,
war, and disease. Her trials which included the loss her newborn daughter, husband, and mother as well as her
constant battle with disease shed light on how southern women in North Florida dealt with tragedy that occupied
the American Civil War.
3:40 PM - Wildsumaco Ecuador: Tropical Field Biology
Ryan Rillstone, Faiht Nylander, Kalli Unthank, Katherine Halbert, and Erika Kinchen, Faculty Sponsor: Vanderhoff
Last summer five JU students traveled to Wildsumaco Ecuador to learn about tropical biodiversity. As part of the
course each student conducted a mini research project. Each student will briefly discuss their project and the
trip. Ryan compared trees in primary and secondary forests. Similarly, Faiht examined spider diversity in primary
and secondary forests. Kalli examined moth diversity and Katherine surveyed mammals. Lastly, Ericka compared
hummingbird visitation rates to feeders located at the site.
4:00 PM - Honduras: Discover Diversity through graphic design and marketing strategies.
Ninoska Alejandra Nunez, Faculty Sponsor: Ginger Sheridan; David Smith
Thesis Title: Honduras: Discover the Diversity through graphic design and marketing strategies Honduras is a
hidden treasure of Central America. When it comes to the diversity of people, terrain and activities, it cannot be
beat. Many countries in Central America have had successful marketing campaigns which resulted in a rise of
international tourism. Now is the time for Honduras to enter the spotlight as well. This project “Honduras:
Discover the diversity through graphic design and marketing strategies,” promotes low impact, sustainable
adventure tourism in Honduras. The majority of Honduras’ tourists flock to all-inclusive destination resorts. These
commercial ventures offer
4:20 PM - The Value of Liberal Arts Degrees
Quang Ly, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Eric Freiberger
This presentation will look at the market value of liberal arts degrees. I will first explore the historical perspectives
of a liberal arts education. Then I will look at the background of STEM and explain the origin of STEM and its
impact on the economy. Then I will talk about what a liberal arts education teaches and examine what employers
look for in its candidates when making hiring decisions. Finally, I will talk about the value of a liberal arts and
STEM collaboration, and end with some suggestions as to what should be done to save the liberal arts programs.
4:40 PM - Developing an Aquaponics System
Christina Adams, Josh Hill, Faculty Sponsor: Gerry Pinto
Our group sought to build and test an Aquaponics system and evaluate its viability as a means of vegetable and
fish production. After completion of the system, we stocked it with tilapia and vegetable stock and ran it for
many months while collecting data on water quality. We will be presenting information on the design of this
system and water quality parameters we observed. We will also highlight challenges our group faced and
conclude with an overall evaluation of our system.
The Symposium Planning Committee:
Dr. John Buck, Dr. Laura Chambers, Dr. Teri Chenot, Dr. Janet Haavisto,
Dr. Jesse Hingson, Dr. W. Brian Lane, Prof. Ed McCourt, Dr. Chris Robertson.
The 2014 Symposium is funded by ECHO: JU's experiential learning program.
Follow the Symposium on Twitter: @JUSymposium #JUSymp2014

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2014 JU Faculty and Student Symposium schedule

  • 1. 2014 JU FACULTY & STUDENT SYMPOSIUM DCOB Conference Rooms B&C Wednesday, March 26 8:00 AM - Study of Polymer Gels James Howick, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Huang Polymer gels have huge potential in the biomedical, bioengineering, and biotechnology fields. Polymer Gels were recently discovered at MIT in the mid-1970s and resemble the popular gelatin desert Jell-O. This presentation will answer questions about how these gels can be used to treat diabetes and how this technology can be used for smart irrigation systems in the near future. We we cover how the gels actually work and respond to changes in the environment, what we have done in the lab, and what still needs to be done in the future. If refined, applications of stimuli responsive gels are enormous. 8:20 AM - The Effects of Morning Physical Activity on Students' On-task Behavior in the Classroom Morgan Kibler, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Steven Davis Hendricks Avenue Elementary School has limited theamount of physical education, activity, and recess time for students throughoutthe school day. I chose to take three tofive students from a third grade class and engage them in intense morning activitytwo times a week. These students participated in different activities for twentyminutes before school. Students logged their activity, heart rate before and afteractivity, and how they felt. I used a checklist for a pre and post assessment toobserve the students on-task behavior in the classroom and look for potential changesafter implementing activity. 8:40 AM - A Defense of Reductionism: Issues in Personal Identity Ryan J Dougherty, Faculty Sponsor: Scott Kimbrough Personal Identity is the philosophical concept which concerns itself with knowing the “self.” Discussion is divided, mostly, among Non-Reductionists, and the Reductionists. After mounting a defense against some of the more direct attacks on Reductionism, the internal issues are addressed by means of Derek Parfit's "Relation R", an alternative theory of identity. By exploring the history of this debate, one can better understand the opposing viewpoints and synthesize the ideas into a new ideal, combining old with new. This synthesis attempts to combine Parfitian ideas with Humean approaches in order to reach a conclusion. 9:00 AM - Altering Classroom Environments to Reduce and/or Eliminate Student Test Anxiety Heather Knight, Faculty Sponsor: Steven Davis Elementary students are faced with an exceeding amount of testing every school year putting pressure on them to pass or be retained. This kind of stress can severely effect children while testing, causing them to not perform as well as they could. In order for some students to perform well, the stress in a testing environment needs to be reduced and eliminated if possible. In my study I plan to introduce two different environment changes into a second grade classroom:The first change will be a seating rotation and the second change will be the use of soft background music. 9:20 AM - MCM Traffic Flow Model Randy Hughes, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Moseley In this project, my group in the MCM developed a model of situations when certain traffic rules are most effective. The primary basis for the model is that the flow or flux of traffic is directly related to the density and velocity of traffc. Then proposed heavy and light traffic scenarios to find the best method to accomplish the greatest flux. Multiple sample scenarios were analyzed for the right hand rules affect. The right hand rule is defined as the courtesy rule to only use the right lane to pass on two lane highways.
  • 2. 9:40 AM - The Effects of Yoga on the Focus of Elementary Aged Boys Karli Tobin, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Davis Attention span and keeping students’ focus has always been a challenge for teachers, therefore this study is important because it investigates a newer approach to maintaining students focus during a lesson. This presentation will discuss an action research project that dealt with implementing yoga into an elementary classroom. During the presentation I will describe how the yoga was applied as well as present both qualitative and quantitative data to explain the effects that resulted from yoga on the students’ attention and focus. 10:00 AM - Toxic Algae in the Lower St. Johns River Basin Rhea Derke, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Anthony Ouellette Algae blooms in the Lower St. Johns River exhibit seasonality and are primarily composed of Microcystis. The prolonged duration and increased toxicity of recent bloom events have prompted regular monitoring of algal concentration, water toxicity, and environmental conditions from eight sites within Duval and St. Johns Counties.Sites include recreationally-utilized and historically significant locations like Doctors Lake, Julington Creek, and the Jacksonville University dock. Since September 2013, 150 samples have been collected and are being quantitatively analyzed for chlorophyll-a and cyanotoxin concentrations. Analyses to determine possible correlations between environmental parameters, toxicity, and algal biomass will be presented. 10:20 AM - Osteoporosis and osteopenia in patients with bronchiectasis Nathan Diehl and Margaret M. Johnson, M.D. Pulmonary Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL., Faculty Sponsor: Dr Nisse Goldberg Background: The prevalence of osteoporosis or osteopenia in patients with bronchiectasis isunknown. Methods: Retrospective chart review performed at Mayo Clinic, Florida identified the prevalenceof osteoporosis and osteopenia in patients with bronchiectasis. Results: Of 113 patients with bronchiectasis, 78 had osteopenia or osteoporosis and 10 didnot. Bone density was unknown in 25. Conclusions: Osteoporosis or osteopenia is present in 69% of patients with bronchiectasis.Co-existent bone disease with bronchiectasis may impact clinical course andtherapeutic decisions. 10:40 AM - Canine Heartworm Infection: Mosquito Vector Species Richness and Abundance in Jacksonville, FL Katherine Kara, Faculty Sponsor: John Enz Canine heartworm is transmitted to canines via mosquito vectors. The objective of this study was to determine the potential risk for heartworm infection in Jacksonville, FL by deploying CDC mosquito light traps (biweekly) at three different ecological locations: Natural, Urban, and Transitional, for eight weeks. Species richness, species abundance, and vector status were compared against the different locations. The urban location demonstrated the lowest diversity and abundance, but highest vector percentage. Vector percentage at natural and transitional habitats was about 33% each. Based on vector abundance, unprotected dogs are at risk for heartworm infection in Jacksonville, FL in summer. 11:00 AM - The Impact of Mentoring on College Students’ Attitudes Toward At-Risk Youth Dr. Laura Chambers and Professor Shelley Grant The Impact of Mentoring on College Students’ Attitudes Toward At-Risk Youth was a collaborative research project conducted by Professor Shelley Grant and Dr. Laura Chambers. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of mentoring on college students’ attitudes toward youth considered to be at-risk for delinquent behavior. Data were collected through pre and post-course surveys and journal entries during the months of August through December 2013. Results from post-course surveys demonstate that students were more likely to recommend rehabilitative strategies for addressing juvenile offenses as compared to pre-course surveys in which they were more likely to recommend punitive treatment.
  • 3. 11:20 AM - POSTER SESSION: DCOB LOBBY Sales: Spring Software simplifying raw data via visual aids Chiara Gillio, Hector Vega, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mattia By implementing visual aids, tailored to the lay managers and shareholders, developers are currently concentrating in familiarizing themselves with beginner user-friendly practices. It is necessary to break down complex Spring Software Sales raw data into easily descendible dashboards. By displaying specific information, a greater level of collaboration can be achieved among beginner business associates and experts alike. Once that gap is bridged, as new user-friendly interfaces are developed via proven dashboards, the transmittal of corporate information shall be facilitated. Therefore, the most effective way to impart complex text and or numerical raw data, to either novices or skilled analytical engineers, Creating Dashboards For New Users Zac Furlough, Juan Rodriguez, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mattia (INTRODUCTION) With databases becoming larger and more in-depth, our purpose is to present the dashboard in the simplest way possible. (METHOD) We approach the dashboard by using basic functions so novice users can learn understand it quicker. (RESULTS) After an evaluation of novice users, we used their feedback to gauge how simple they thought it was to use. We surveyed them based on their ability to access dashboard quickly and efficiently. (CONCLUSION) After extensive research, we found that the majority of users found our prototype simple to use and that they would be interested in using it for their work. Business Information Jessica Norris, Taylor Salameh, Faculty Sponsor: Mattia Title: Business Information Introduction: The reason we are doing this Dashboard isto provide information in an organized and easy to read format. Method: We set up a Dashboard to help the user test theinformation and have the user actually test the Dashboard. Results: We will report what the users said aboutour particular Dashboard. In our case, we believe that the Dashboard isorganized and useful and makes finding data much easier. Conclusion: The Dashboard prototype is a good way to testfor user experience and also to access data easier making the research processmuch more relaxed. Usability Issues: Understanding the Usability of Dashboards in the Workplace Kendall Courtney, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mattia The increased use of technology in the workplace has putdata visualization in high demand to support the large data volumes and fast work-pacecharacteristic of today. I designed and evaluated a dashboard to test itsability to provide the needed visualization. I evaluated the dashboard byconducting structured interviews with users in order to gather data onusability issues. I report here the results (i) the dashboard increased datavisualization (ii) it decreased analysis time (iii) it was user-friendly. Thedashboard provides data visualization to quickly and comprehensively managedata. These characteristics aid users in decision making and efficiency. User Experience: Excel Dashboard in the Workplace Laura Stevenson, Faculty Sponsor: Dr Mattia Now that most businesses are very invested in technology itis important that the employees have a positive experience so they can learn touse the programs efficiently, and so that management can visualize thebusinesses actions. The data visualization in the dashboard is described to theusers who are then evaluated during and after their experience. Evaluation isbased on understanding and ease of use. After evaluating the users’ experiencefrom the dashboard the results are expected to show a positive user experienceand comprehension from clarity of visualization. Users are not expected to belost in the information.
  • 4. Excel Dashboard Prototypes Erin Felker, Lisa Stover, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mattia Researchers are focusing on gathering information on howrelatively inexperienced computer software users can analyze data withspreadsheet and charting software. Increating dashboard prototypes, we can visually demonstrate sales analysis andother aspects of company performance. Weevaluated the results of use of the prototypes by novice and more experiencedusers. The focus was on the users’experiences and interactions with the systems. To gather information about these experiences, we asked volunteers totest the prototypes and interviewed them on the functionality, ease of use, howeffective the visual demonstrations were, and any other observations they madeabout the trials. User Acceptance Testing: Understanding Dashboard Criteria’s and Test Cases for End Users Samantha Turner, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mattia Withthe new integrations of dashboards into businesses, researchers are conducting User acceptance tests(UAT) on dashboard applicability for end users before incorporating them in businesses. I describe the evaluation of UAT that allows businesses to ensure the coverage forend users. I assessed UAT with business professionals and reported (i) whatwould be the focusareas (ii) the different testcases applied and (iii) what defects would be considered based on the needs ofbusinesses. UAT provides a resource that verifies that the end user will have programsthat meet the business requirements creating confidence for end users. Dashboard Prototype Maria Figuerado, Joshua Gilmartin, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mattia Intro: With the increase in technologicaladvances of these modern times, one of the biggest concerns has become the averageperson’s ability to comprehend the technologies in a way that allows forsufficient operation. Method: Allowing various users to operatetwo different dashboards. Results: It is predicted that the users found thedashboards to be both cohesive, concise and easy to use. Conclusion: Our users found iteasy to comprehend the data. Future Analysis: Next we would like to challengeour users to create a dashboard of their own using the knowledge they learnedfrom using our dashboards. Visualizing Dashboard Justin Pitman, Khalid Alsomali, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mattia The dashboard makes tasks easier as well as making the visualization of information easier. It allows information to be broken down to be better understood which saves time. The purpose of doing this dashboard is to promote information within the business world. Charts, graphs and tables of information will be used that will allow consumers and superiors to see and comprehend the statistics of any company’s product. The overall result of this dashboard should be the easy and successful relay of information throughout companies and their consumers. Dashboard Prototype Business Analysis Lindsay Forrest, Pratt Rexford, Faculty Sponsor: Professor Mattia Through visualization of data and interactive charts, our Dashboard will provide aguide and analysis for the business community. We offer a visually pleasingrepresentation of a company’s data that is easily comprehended. Further, weevaluated our Dashboard Prototype by interviewing other Dashboard users to geta better understanding of its strengths and weaknesses. Dashboard Prototypesare an easy way for a company to gauge their data and the overall direction oftheir monetary state. Because of our diligent preparation we are confident theusers will enjoy our Dashboard.
  • 5. User Experience: The usability of excel based applications Joao Rocha and John Smith, Faculty Sponsor: Dr Mattia Introduction This research is to introduce a dashboard with visualexamples of charts and graphs of data that informs and explains the changesthat the data undergoes throughout the project. Method In this project, the interviews show different userexperiences. The dashboard is a visualization of different the informationsupplied by the data. Results The user experience provides good feedback on usability fromthose familiar and unfamiliar with excel. Conclusion This research has provided great feedback from users and themethods used provided the information intended. User experience using Dashboard Kara Cunningham, Nathan Koslowski, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mattia As the use of Excel Dashboard in the business world continues to increase as time goes on, some research has been focused on the experience the Dashboard user has while working with Excel Dashboard. Using the research and observations that we made, we are able to show how users are able to gather and group intelligent information in a more sufficient way that is easier to use and understand while using Excel Dashboard, along with the experience the user has while using Dashboard. We interviewed and observed different people in different situations and reported how they interacted with Dashboard, the Creating a User Friendly Dashboard David Waugh and Billy Macomber, Faculty Sponsor: Mattia (Introduction) With so many inexperienced users of Excel, our research team focused on creating a complete user friendly experience while using the dashboard. (Method) We created a dashboard that has visual aids that are easy to use and understand for inexperienced users. (Results) We found that with the use of the visual aids, novices were able to understand the dashboard with little to no help. This created a user friendly experience. (Conclusion) We found that the visual aids were easy to use and helped with the overall understanding of the dashboard for both experienced and inexperienced users. User Expirence Benton Matthews, William Hammond, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mattia In today’s fast paced business market managerial staff needs quick, current, and easy to use information to make everyday business decisions. We created an easy sales based interface that allows businesses to know the direction of where they are headed. After interviewing expert and beginner users, we found that the beginner user was able to quickly interpret and understand the information just as well as the expert user. While seeming complex, the dashboard actually supplies an effective and user-friendly interface that supplies managers with the complete sales model that allows for timely decisions. 12:00 PM - How professors write exams Zhaoyang Huang In this talk, the strategies how chemistry professors write "good" exams are presented. This can be the surviving tips for the chemistry students as well.
  • 6. 12:20 PM - Natural Human Performance Enhancement and Medical Benefit Nelson Rivera, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Gail Maetozo This case study explores the molecular components of a certain plant which contains muscle hypertrophy mechanisms when applied to the human body. The benefits of protein synthesis and decrease in muscle degradation will optimize human performance, due to a conversion in muscle fiber type. Many different groups of people can also enjoy these properties, such as the elderly, which will help reverse the effects of aging through the same process. This plant may very well have the potential of replacing steroids, removing negative side effects, for the children affected by muscle dystrophy disorders. 12:40 PM - A Flexible and Hands Free Control Support for Mobile Devices based on Shape Memory Alloy Bryam Duque, Faculty Sponsor: Huihui (Helen) Wang A two-way Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) spring changes its dimensions due to thermal effect as current travels through it, recovering to its original shape with the current off. The spring can operate at a lower voltage than a mobile device battery and temperatures compatible with mobile devices. Integration of this material into mobile device technology by designing a support that may be integrated into a mobile device and that uses SMAs to prop up the device could be set by the user to go off as an alarm or be employed as a stand to view media, writing, or pictures. 1:00 PM - Plato and Shakespeare on the Good and the Bad Dr. Erich Freiberger In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Rosecncrantz denies that Denmark is a prison, and Hamlet responds:" Why, then, 'tis none to you; for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so". This line, I propose, is a reference to Plato. After showing the central importance of this idea for Plato’s understanding of the task of thinking. I argue that this seemingly innocuous reference reveals that Shakespeare’s Hamlet uses Plato's “tragedy” of the dispossession of the philosopher-king as a hidden conceit that determines the thought, character and action of the play. 1:20 PM - POSTER SESSION: DCOB LOBBY 2 People 1 Dashboard Eunique Jackson; Jonathon Glover, Faculty Sponsor: Angela Mattia (INTRODUCTION) The project focuses on user compatibility and focuses on make making sure our program is convenient and understood. We strive to build a program that helps individuals present their results in a pictorial and informational manor without extraneous information. (METHOD) Our dashboard prototype and chose random business men and women who use excel frequently in the work place. (RESULTS) The use of the prototype the hypothesis is that the use of pictures/graphs would be more understandable and interesting within the work place. (CONCLUSION) By testing the hypothesis there will be increases in the use of excel within the workplace. Excel Effectiveness Brandon Kilburn, Faculty Sponsor: Mattia With growth of technology in the years a lot more working environments are using excel programs in one way or another. This brings up the question on how people have evolved with the technology and how the excel experience is shaping the working place. Through interviews we test the dashboard and are finding ways that companies can use excel as an advantage with sorting information and cutting time that it takes to look at important numbers. With this we hope to show that it is easy for all people in the working place to use excel to its full potential.
  • 7. User Experience Derick Hernandez and Sarah Warden, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mattia The use of dashboards is increasing in business oriented environments. Therefore, user experience must increase as well. We show a simplified technique for users to apply dashboards to their companies’ annual reports. Thus, creating a quicker and easier way to relay information to employers. We have evaluated user experience with both novice and expert corporate excel users and explore further: (i) how both novice and expert users interact with the dashboard (ii) variations and the experience between using different interactive components, and (iii) offer improvements for users composing dashboards. We expect our user experience to improve. Data Visualization Effectiveness Ashley Simon Valentin Romero, Faculty Sponsor: Mattia We are looking toincrease visualization and understanding of business data to help managers intheir decision making process. We will describe and show the steps of thecreation of a dashboard with provided business data. We will also show thebenefits of data visualization in the area of Decision Science Information Management.We will evaluate the reports and feedbacks of new and experienced users of ourdashboard and analyze its effectiveness. The dashboard should provide an aidfor data visualization for both expert and new users of this system and help intheir decision process as managers of a business. Surveying User Experience in Excel Nate Ricci, Hannah Allerton, Faculty Sponsor: Mattia With an increasing number of companies using Excel programs in everyday business, it is important for the programs we use to be user friendly. We will have people use the programs and then fill out a survey asking their opinions on the usability of Excel. Looking over the surveys, we evaluated (i) the ease with which they were able to use the programs, and (ii) whether they would use it again if given the chance. Our program allows for more people to experience the benefits of Excel, and increases their productivity in the office. Dashboards in Modern Buisness Blake Middleton, Evan Franz, Faculty Sponsor: Ms.Mattia As Excel becomes a larger part of industry both in theindividualized and corporate settings, the need for a simple user friendlysystem is becoming necessary. Dashboards are designed to show the data in asimple user friendly way without showing the other information that couldconsist of thousands of sets of data. It deletes the information that wasnecessary for the presentation and presents it on a single section. Dashboardsleave room for creativity, individualization, as well as, different types ofcharts and tables. We will be testing the effectiveness of dashboards throughinterviews and individual interactions. Excel: Making Business Easier Stormie Baylor, Sam Ritpricha, Faculty Sponsor: Mattia Excel is very useful in everyday business affairs. It is efficient in many aspect ofconducting business. Excel makes it easy to create dashboards that are easy touse and understand. We are creating a dashboard in Microsoft Excel to presentdata clearly and in an organized fashion. We plan to test it on businessprofessionals that use Excel on a regular basis. We have concluded that thedashboard should make it easier to present, visualize, and read the data aswell as the user being able to comprehend what we are trying to present.
  • 8. Usability of Excel Dashboards in a Business Environment Michael Ayer, Kelly Toth, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mattia Small businesses and offices use electronic forms of analyzing and computing data.Through testing Excel Dashboards, we focus on user experience that allows personnel to quickly find and organize the data needed to accomplish their goal. Users will be able to understand the data and retrieve valuable results with ease. Our users will not need extensive training in Excel in order to use the program with minimal complications. We conclude that by presenting this type of program, companies will feel more inclined to use Excel to classify data. User Experience in Excel Emily Laskelle and Erik Fournier, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mattia With the increase in technology, Excel can effectively beused to organize data to create a clear visualization with a user friendlyenvironment. To make a helpful visualization, we are making a dashboard toorganize a sufficient amount of data and have two users test it. Our resultsare 1. How did they like using it and 2. How it compares to other computerprograms. In conclusion, the two users who tested our dashboard should feelthat the program is easy to follow, and is the most beneficial program when comparedto others. Resveratrol treatment as an adjunct to pharmacological management in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus – Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Heather A Hausenblas, Jennifer A. Schoulda, and James M. Smoliga The study purpose was to conduct a systematic and meta-analtyic review of randomized controlled clinical trials whereby resveratrol was used as an adjunct to pharmaceutical interventions in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Statistically significant positive effects, indicating that resveratrol supplementation was more effective than placebo/control, were identified for systolic blood pressure, HbA1c, and fasting glucose and creatinine, but not for diastolic blood pressure, insulin, triglycerides, LDL, or HDL cholesterol. These results demonstrate the need for future large-scale clinical trials to identify the optimal dosages of resveratrol in long-term management of T2DM. Dashboards: The Organized and Efficient tool for Presenting a Company’s Overview Alex Miskell, Kevin Lussier, Faculty Sponsor: Mattia With the innovation of new technologies, Dashboards have created a means of presenting data to consumers and stockholders in an organized and efficient overview.Simple tools organize large amounts of data into a quick and easy means of gathering information for analyzing. The final product of the dashboards resulted in an effective solution of presentingdata. In conclusion, Excel dashboards are an easy and efficent way to produce raw data and results to managment. Dashboard Visualization and User Experience Najwa Samaoui, Faculty Sponsor: Anela Mattia Dashboard Visualization and User Experience The usages of Dashboards are becoming increasingly popular in today’s business world because of their ability to visually present data. The Dashboard is being tested on user experience and usability. By creating, a simple and aesthetically pleasing dashboard, we hope that users will test the functionally of its individual components. We predict that the visually presentable data will aid businesses to easily gather necessary data and information.
  • 9. User Interface in Excel Dashboards for Small Businesses Joseph Merritt, Lane Gibson, Faculty Sponsor: Angela Mattia With the creation of software geared towards increasing business efficiency in the past 10 years, more and more companies, small and large, are using these viable forms of technology. Through interviews with local small business professionals, the user interface and ease-of-use will be analyzed for the practicability of an Excel Dashboard. We hope to find that local small businesses, with proper training, will utilize this technology to increase efficiency in daily tasks of that small business. Excel: Ease of Usability in the Workplace Brandi Walker and Cecelia Donnelly, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Angela Mattia Businesses, on a regular basis, implore the use of technology for research and daily operating functions. We have designed a dashboard in order to help companies and individual users visualize data. We also conducted interviews to gain information on specific data expectations. We hypothesize that users will find the dashboard to be insightful and user friendly. It will provide functionality and quick analysis. This dashboard enables companies to perform daily evaluations quickly, easily, and precisely. In result, Management is able to draw conclusions and make decisions effectively. 1:40 PM - Pedagogical Poetry Chris Dew For the past decade I have given the following assignment to my freshman composition students. The students receive a prompt that includes a definition of poetry. An example of this would be Wordsworth’s assertion that “…Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of emotion recollected in tranquility.” The prompt also includes the 5 senses: taste, touch, sight, hearing and smell. I ask the students to find a comfortable spot outdoors on campus and write about their memories coupled with what they experience. I also write my own poem. I propose to discuss this assignment and read several of our poems. 2:00 PM - Promoting Vocabulary Growth in an Inclusive 4th grade Classroom using Research-Based Practices Erin Bradley, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Tammy Ryan The problem I identified in my inclusive fourth grade classroom was that vocabulary was rarely taught throughout the school week due to time constraints. This prevented word consciousness, vocabulary retention, and vocabulary growth. My intention was to intervene and teach a small group of six twice a week for 30 minutes using a variety of research-based practices. My motivation for carrying out this research process was to increase vocabulary test scores and expand their vocabulary using a variety of research based practices. 2:20 PM - Aerobic Exercise and Reading Comprehension Cameron Mann, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Wilson Over the last couple of years there has been a constant debate on the importance of physical education and the question of whether or not to do away with it in schools. In my study I look to show that simple aerobic activities such as walking, running, dancing, etc. will improve student’s reading comprehension scores leading to improvements in the classroom and on FCAT/SAT tests. I intend to do this by putting my pool of students through a variety of aerobic exercises and then having them complete different reading comprehnesion tests at different time frames upon completion of each exercise.
  • 10. 2:40 PM - Developmental Reflection: Voices from the Field Dr. Colleen M. Wilson and Dr. Shannon L. Wood Research has been done regarding students perceptions of field experiences in the field of teacher preparation, however, little research has been done as it pertains to preservice teachers development to use reflection as it relates to program milestones and course content. This proposal examines the results from a survey conducted to gather student voice regarding reflections in field placements at specific milestones in an education program (i.e., freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, and graduate). 3:00 PM - Guatemala Reading Project Dr. Tammy Ryan and Ninoska Nunez Learn how the Jacksonville University community came together to support efforts to make important differences in the reading experiences of teachers and students living and learning in Guatemala. Ms. Nunez will share how she coordinated efforts with other JU international students to gather, sort,and prepare an abundance of donations for the workshop, "Reading the Story in Images" that Dr. Ryan provided to more than 320 Mayan teachers in Guatemala on Feb. 17-21, 2014. Through narrated photographs, we share this adventure, its importance, and how JU contributedto make differences in the reading futures for many living in Guatemala. 3:20 PM - The Relationship Between Shyness and Academic Performance Kayla Fouraker, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Sherri Jackson In my experiment, I wanted to see how extreme social shyness affects college students. I looked at shyness correlated with with GPA, amount of studying, student-student relationships, and student-professor relationships. Shyness and academic measures were obtained to find correlations between shyness, academic success, and academic engagement. I predicted high levels of shyness would correlate negatively with academic success and academic engagement with students and professors. Results show high levels of shyness correlate positively with grade point average and hours of study, and high levels of shyness are also correlating negatively with academic engagement and contentment with student-student and professor-student relationships. 3:40 PM - Does Teaching Word Recognition Increase Spelling Mastery in First Grade? Savannah Rice, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Steven Davis I am observing and assessing whether using word recognition strategies for spelling words in first grade is beneficial to the students. I use a pre-assessment to test their knowledge on 30 words. I will move them through these words over 3 weeks, 10 weekly, assessing them twice a week to monitor their progress. The process will be using best practices according to McIntyre, Hulan, and Layne in Reading Instruction for the Diverse Classroom: Research-based, Culturally Responsive Practices. I will also be referring to other references and peer reviewed articles that back the use of research-based practices for emergent literacy. 4:00 PM - Explicit Vocabulary Instruction Alissa Biagiotti, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Davis Vocabulary knowledge is essential for reading comprehension. Deficiencies in vocabulaly can hinder comprehension. The purpose of this research was to discover which method of explicit vocabulary instruction was the most effective in a 2nd grade classroom. Students were exposed to three different methods of vocabulary instruction. To discover which method was the most effective students were given pre and post-tests that included each vocabulary word explicitly taught. The students were required to identify the correct vocabulary word, write the definition, and use the word in a sentence. Data was collected and analyzed to discover which method was most effective.
  • 11. 4:20 PM - Moving Towards Better Focus in the Classroom: The study of movement breaks on student attention Joanna Zachowski, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Davis In today's "age of accountability," bell-to-bell teaching is now expected so that students can recieve the greatest amount of instruction during the school day. Because of this, there is no longer time time for students to have time for a break. Students are exercising their brains, but have no time to exercise their bodies. Play and recess are things of the past, even in grades as early as Kindergarten. This Action Research study will determine if movement breaks before and during a lesson can improve student attention and focus in a Kindergarten classroom. 4:40 PM - The Greatest Ever Tyler Hardison, Nicole Buckzowski, John Leong, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Anna Little In this paper we present a model for evaluating college head coaches and their careers. Our model uses nine different parameters in total to judge the prestige of a coach’s career. Using these we determine the top 5 coaches of 3 separate sports. We use a modified decision matrix to create a system that evaluates coaches in all sports equally. We also make algorithms to accommodate team sports as well as individualized sports. With this we are able to show the validity of our model as well as the flexibility of our model by evaluating various types of NCAA sports.
  • 12. 2014 JU FACULTY & STUDENT SYMPOSIUM DCOB Conference Rooms B&C Thursday, March 27 8:00 AM - Increasing Academic Engaged Time in the Classroom Using a Self-Monitoring Checklist Carolyn Darus, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Steven Davis Students spend about 8 hours in a classroom everyday, but not all of that time is spent learning. While there are many factors that can affect the Academic Engaged time in the classroom, this research focused specifically on how student behavior affects academic engaged time. The students in this study were previously known to have a lack of academic engaged time during lessons. In order to increase the students' engaged time, the students were given a checklist to help them focus in the classroom. This study tracked the students' conduct grades before, during, and after the use of the checklist. 8:20 AM - Fine Arts and Service Learning Professor Kimberly Beasley and the students of MUS 322 SL: Service Learning Performance Ensemble MUS 322 SL: Service Learning Performance Ensemble is a group of students in the Fine Arts that have been serving the Jacksonville community for the past 4 years. We will present live music and dance and talk about community outreach through the arts including student reflection on what community activism means to them. The Professor will elaborate on the current and past events of the Service Learning Performance Ensemble. 8:40 AM - Can Fluid Dynamics Answer Traffic Flow? Shameer Deen, Mark Russell, Brooks Wofford, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Paul Simony In most countries, driving automobiles on the right is the rule. In thosecountries, most multi-lane freeways employ a rule requiring drivers to stay onthe right-most lane unless they are passing another vehicle. A mathematicalmodel has been developed to analyze the performance of that rule, withconsidering heavy and light traffic. Using fluid dynamics, automobiles can bethought of as a stream of liquid passing through the roads. Other factors to beconsidered include but are not limited to: speed limit, the tradeoffs betweentraffic flow and safety, the roadways, human judgment, and right-hand vsleft-hand. 9:00 AM - Explicit Vocabulary Instruction in Mathematics using Visual and Kinesthetic Literacy Best Practices Julia Peters, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Adele Hanlon This study is performed to determine if implementing visual and kinesthetic literacy best practices with explicit math vocabulary instruction will positively influence student learning and achievement for 17 second graders. Results on 1st and 2nd quarter tests determined a significant need for math vocabulary support. The intention is to increase math vocabulary acquisition by delivering explicit instruction three times a week using research-based practices to increase performance on high stake and classroom tests. A screening, outcome, and formative assessments were created to collect quantitative data and monitor progress, determine learning gains, and analyze the effectiveness of practices implemented. 9:20 AM - The impacts of spatial reasoning quick draws, on addition skills. Lauren A. Herbert, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. A. Hanlon Spatial reasoning has been tested and explored in many different capacities and has been proven to have links to ways our brain processes and solves problems. I intend to research whether or not there is a link between spatial abilty and basic two digit addition in a class of 22 1st graders. Students will be pre and post-tested on addition, and for the course of 3 weeks participate in daily brain training exercises known as quick draws.
  • 13. 9:40 AM - Veni Emmanuel: The "O" Antiphons Allison McClain, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Timothy Snyder The “O” Antiphons belong to the rich repertory of Advent songs in the Western Christian tradition. This research examines the "O" Antiphons as a lens through which the faithful can experience the Advent season and sheds light on these questions: What is the Christian understanding of the season of Advent? How do the Antiphons, through musical and textual structure, reinforce these understandings? Latin and English Antiphon texts are compared with the contemporary hymn, “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.” Translated by Neale, the hymn encapsulates all seven antiphons. This study, viewed through the heritage of these ancient Antiphons, is enlightening. 10:00 AM - Das klagende Lied by Gustav Mahler: An Introduction to the Composer's First Choral Work Dr. Timothy Snyder Das klagende Lied [The Song of Lamentation], by Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) stands as the composer's first work for chorus, and among his earliest works to have survived. Scored for large orchestra and off-stage orchestra, chorus (including eight choral soloists), soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, boy soprano and boy alto soloists, Das klagende Lied survives in multiple versions. This presentation sheds light on an underperformed early Mahler masterpiece, deals with the genesis of the work, its text, provides a concise chronology of the score 's complex history, and identifies seven vocal motives from which the bulk of the sung passages derive. 10:20 AM - The Effects of Yoga on Classroom Behavior Olivia Blanco, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Steven Davis Student behavior continues to be an area of concern for classroom teachers to this day. There are several studies that discuss the various approaches for behavior management. This study investigates any possible effects of yoga on student behavior. Yoga will be integrated three days a week for an average of fifteen minutes in a kindergarten classroom. Behavior observation checklists will be completed on a group of seven students to determine if their misbehavior decreases. Ideally, at the end of this study the students will have increased focus and concentration, improved self-esteem and confidence as well as improved flexibility and strength. 10:40 AM - Social Media: A Promising Potential for the Nursing Profession Kacee Gouin & Sabrina Howard, Faculty Sponsor: Ann Heusinger The purpose of this meta-analysis is to determine the role that social media should play in the nursing profession, while maintaining the confidentiality and fidelity implied in an ethical nurse-patient relationship. In practice, nurses should adhere to institutional policies and maintain a professional identity. Positives include “apps”, texting, and the internet overall to educate and empower both patients and nurses. The researchers suggest that both schools and hospitals develop policies to use social media properly in order to increase patients’ involvement in their own care and empower them to be active participants in managing their health. 11:00 AM - A Review of Neurodegenerative Disease, Associated Proteins, and the Gallyas Braak Staining Method Brianna T. Huynh, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Buffy Maetozo Neurodegenerative disease (ND) affects millions of patients each year. The misfolding and subsequent aggregation of proteins commonly defines ND, which appears to spread systematically along neuronal paths. Using animal models, we can study prevalence of aggregates, and mechanisms of cell-to-cell spread. Evidence suggests that proteins involved in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease show a prion-like transfer. These findings are significant because they indicate preventing cell-to-cell transmission may hinder spread of the disease. In the present study, we review recent findings with a focus on tau and α-synuclein injection in mice, and discuss pathology identification with emphasis on Gallyas Braak staining.
  • 14. 11:20 AM - College Transition Issues for Military Veterans Lynnette Kennison, PhD, ARNP; Sam Young, MD; and Kyle Fessenden, RMHCI Jacksonville University has been awarded a major grant by Health Resources and Services Administration to promote success of military veterans in our traditional School of Nursing BSN program and our RN-BSN programs, online and ground-based. Military veterans come from different branches of the service and bring diverse military experiences into the academic setting. Focus groups were held with current military veteran nursing students to identify their transition issues into the classroom. Lessons learned from current students will be addressed in this presentation. Heartmath is an evidence-based intervention that is offered to students as part of the Student Counseling Center’s support. 11:40 AM - The Benefits of Promoting Cooperative Learning with Reticent Students Kayleigh Marie Hill Hynes, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Colleen Wilson, Dr. Steven Davis, & Dr. Adele Hanlon No Child Left Behind has placed so much focus on students with disabilities, that other students are not receiving adequate attention. Students who suffer the most are reticent-students; students who are reserved, introverted, or shy in classroom settings. I will observe five reticent-students’ individual participation in a traditional- classroom, then apply cooperative-learning techniques in that same environment. Cooperative-techniques enable students to take ownership of their own ideas, actively involve everyone, and expose students to a variety of activities. I hope to see that cooperative instructional-strategies promote a more comfortable environment for reticent-students to improve their communication, social, and decision-making skills. 12:00 PM - Comparison of the Common Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, Reefs in three Northeast Florida Creeks Kimberly Mann & Fred Grunwald, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Quinton White Prior to the 1980’s there was a sustainable oyster harvesting operation in Northeast Florida. To determine the possibility of restoring the program, Crassostrea virginica are being studied in Sisters Creek, Clapboard Creek and Pumpkin Hill Creek, Florida. Oyster mats have been placed in the three creeks to determine the availability of oyster larvae for recruitment. In addition, aerial photographs are being examined for morphological changes that may have occurred over time in the three creek beds. This research is a critical component of the effort to restore a viable oyster harvesting operation in Northeast Florida. 12:20 PM - 2013 EXCAVATION OF THE WELL AT CETAMURA, ITALY Prof. Cheryl Sowder, Associate Professor of Art History Discussed here is this faculty member’s ongoing work as a member of the team excavating the well at Cetamura del Chianti in Italy. This is a collaborative archaeological project of Florida State University, associates from other universities, and the Italian archaeological firm Ichnos. Excavation over Summer 2013 reached a new depth down the well shaft of 107 feet. From pottery and coins, the newly extracted levels have been identified as dating between the 4th century B.C.E. and 1st century C.E. Analysis of the latest finds is yielding further insights about Etruscan and Roman habitation of this ancient site. 12:40 PM - Intermedia: Using Technology to Create Musical Performances Dennis R. Vincent, Assoc. Prof., Music Education & Music Technology The stories of musical and technological development are highly interwoven. The presenter will provide examples of: how music can be used in animation and videogames, how technological devices can assist musical performance, how computers can spontaneously generate original works, how music can be generated in response to motion, and how music and video can be generated simultaneously. A summary of conferences, publications, and available programs in intermedia will be provided.
  • 15. 1:00 PM - Performance based testing of Jacksonville University student-athletes: is it worth it? Scott Del Vecchio, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Chris Robertson Athletes are tested often to measure and document their training progression for peak sport performance. Such testing is used by athletes to better understand their bodies and how their training affects performance and helps prevent injury. A standard testing method is biomechanical analysis of body mechanics efficiency using established scientific methods and state-of-the-art equipment. This research will show the current state of athletic testing at Jacksonville University (JU) and propose new innovative methods of testing to help enhance sport performance and reduce injury risk for student-athletes of all sports at JU. 1:20 PM - Retaining Vocabulary Using Multiple Learning Styles Jessica Hamelin, Faculty Sponsor: Steven Davis This study will focus on a comparison of learning styles and vocabulary retention. Most researchers have compared all learning styles to themselves, I plan to compare the same learning styles within a small group of students. I intend to do this by assessing students every two weeks on a set of ten words. The students will be split into a control group and an experimental group. The experimental group will use the common learning style and another style inegrated. The control group will only use the common learning style, no other styles will be integrated for this group. 1:40 PM - Lifestyle Changes Through Coaching Maetozo, Gail; Felker, Erin; Rothe, Marc; Barr, Alexandre; Hornak, Michael; Molloy, Tiffany; Drummond, Eric; Meny, Marc; Amazan, Frantz; Gasca, Rene; Mack, Montaque; Hernandez, Victoria; Barton, Sharita; Rowe, Ryan; Jones, Johnny; Troupe, Troy, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Buffy Maetozo In the course PE 336, students receive a hands on experience with wellness and life coaching. Wellness and life coaching is a collaborative relationship where coaches help to motivate and find solutions to aspect of the clients life that they desire to change. These clients were faculty and staff from the JU community and they met with their student coaches face to face once a week for eight weeks. The clients were provided with research pertaining to their topic and motivation. This was achieved through weekly contact. This is a compilation of the students experiences as wellness and life coaches. 2:00 PM - Do Goal-Setting, Imagery, or Self-Talk Activities Enhance Student Performance on the Pacer Test from FitnessGram Nicole Albino, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Davis The purpose of this study is to examine if goal-setting, imagery or self-talk activities enhance student performance on the pacer test from FitnessGram. FitnessGram is a program that assesses student fitness and activity levels. The pacer test specifically measures cardiovascular endurance. Eight students from a fourth grade physical education class were chosen for this study. The students performed the pacer test, then were exposed to goal-setting, imagery, and self-talk activities. Surveys and journal prompts were given throughout the study. Lastly, the students performed the pacer test again to see if the activities had an affect on their performance.
  • 16. 2:20 PM - Does academic engagement time increase in higher ability students when they are able to choose their activity? Rebecca Meeks, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Davis Throughout this action research project, I focused on the higher ability students. With these students, I observed their academic engagement time during two different types of literacy centers. The first week, I observed four students during normal center rotation. This literacy center is where students are assigned a certain center for the day. After switching to choice time centers, I wanted to see if student’s academic engaged time increased when they are allowed to choose what center and activity they complete during literacy centers. I used an observation sheet to tally on and off task behaviors throughout this project. 2:40 PM - Attitudes of nurse practitioners towards utilizing smart phone apps to promote health behaviors in a retail healthcare clinical setting Ava R. Smith, ARNP, MSN, DNP candidate, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Hilary Morgan Obesity and inactivity are the root cause of many chronic diseases. The introduction of smartphones and health behavior tracker application (Apps) has revolutionized treatment possibilities. As an adjunct tool, Apps can transform health management and patient self efficacy. Apps are portable, simple to use, inexpensive, and convenient. Nurse practitioners (NPs) are instrumental for promoting patient behavior change and routine App tracking of behaviors may prompt healthier choices. There is a paucity of research exploring the utilization of Apps by NPs in retail health. This project proposes to explore NP attitudes and beliefs regarding these tools to direct future innovative programs. 3:00 PM - Coaches of Legend Savannah Bates, Adam Johnson, and Bryam Duque, Faculty Sponsor: Bob Hollister When it comes to sports, the only thing that matters is who the best is. Our purpose is to design a model to select the top five college sports coaches for any given sport. For the purposes of testing the validity of our model, we applied it to three sports: football, basketball, and baseball over any time frame. The model must be applicable to all coaches: whether male or female, young or old, white or black, modern or legendary. The model is also designed to factor several variables that we believe are all necessary attributes of the best coaches. 3:20 PM - The United States' Economy: An Informative Analysis from January to October 2013 Zacchari Gale, Joseph Merritt, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Hassan Pordeli This report presents factual, analytical information about the state of the U.S. economy and the quantifiable effect of major events during the first three quarters of 2013. With the 2008 recession in the past, slow, stable growth characterized the economy. Gross domestic product grew, though below the long-term average of 3.2 percent. Foreign trade had a deficit, but unemployment rate and federal government deficit shrank and personal consumption expenditures and investments by businesses increased. The “fiscal cliff deal" averted another possible recession, but it, like the government shutdown, took billions from the economy. 3:40 PM - Revenge, Execution, and Punishment J. Noël West, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Scott Kimbrough The killing of another person is deemed immoral unless it is in self-defence or war. The punishment for such a crime is execution or life imprisonment. Execution is used as punishment in many states. The question we must answer is whether or not execution is revenge. To answer this, we must explore the citizen/state relationship, determine the goals of punishment, identify and analyse what revenge is, and then apply this to capital punishment. We will focus on punishment from society and government.
  • 17. 4:00 PM - Exploring the Possibilities: Using iPads to Enhance Teaching and Learning Kaleigh Kennedy, Olivia Wardle, Ally Lee, Cassandra Carter, Nikki Erdely, Faculty Sponsor: Tammy Ryan Integrating digital technologies into instructional routines can better prepare today’s students for participation in a global world. This study explored ways that pre-service teachers might integrate iPads and apps with traditional forms of reading instruction. Subjects included eight pre-service teachers, the course instructor, and eight children of a Boys and Girls Club. Lessons integrated traditional forms of reading instruction on an iPad through choosing literacy apps and sites. Qualitative data included weekly lesson plans, reflections, student work samples, instructor anecdotal notes, and video clips of tutoring sessions. Quantitative data included a five question, pre/post survey completed by the pre-service teachers. 4:20 PM - How does poetry benefit reading fluency? Megan Guillen, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Tammy Ryan This study investigates how poetry can improve reading fluency by enhancing expression, helping in automaticity, and setting a rhythm for students while reading which helps with students being able to read at an appropriate rate. Through the use of a variety of poems used in each of the five poetry interventions and researched based practices such as choral reading and repeated reading student’s oral reading accuracy and words per minute are expected to improve from the formative assessment to the summative assessment. 4:40 PM - Positive Reinforcement with Behavior Management Camilya Clark, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Steven Davis Classroom management is something that teachers can always improve in. I am focusing on positive reinforcement with behavior management. I believe that positive reinforcement is the most effective way to minimize misbehavior in the classroom. I decided to implement this research with five students in classroom. Each student has been struggling with misbehavior; they each have different learning needs. Thinking about their individuality, I decided to use individualized behavior charts where they can earn incentives based on their interests. I also am conducting interviews with the students at the end of the week about their behavior.
  • 18. 2014 JU FACULTY & STUDENT SYMPOSIUM DCOB Conference Rooms B&C Friday, March 28 8:00 AM - A comparison of algal associated invertebrate communities in natural vs. artificial hard-bottom habitat in Palm Beach County, FL Dannenhoffer, K.N., Faculty Sponsor: McCarthy, D.A. As part of a larger state funded project, this study compares the algal-associated invertebrates encountered in natural versus artificial habitats at four depths (0-1, 1-2, 2-3 & 3-4 m) during five surveys that were conducted from 2012 to 2013. Over 8100 individual invertebrates were collected and identified from the surveys representing 131 taxa found within over 650 samples. A higher biomass (p=0.003) of invertebrates were found in depth stratum 1 during the last survey at the natural versus artificial reefs. Observed differences have implications for trophic level interactions as well as for future nearshore hard-bottom mitigation efforts in Southeast Florida. 8:20 AM - Measuring Home Field Advantage In Baseball Jess Conner, Matthew Delk, Garrett Ruckel, Faculty Sponsor: Daniel Moseley As fans and players of baseball, our objective is to examine how fans affect the game of baseball and to describe our findings mathematically. We observed the relationships between crowd attendance and other in game statistics. The statistics that we analyzed include offensive and defensive metrics allowing us to dissect the effect of attendance on different aspects of the game. To justify our findings, we considered the relationship between fan attendance and these metrics for teams and for individual players. The ultimate goal is to find mathematical relationships and use logical reasoning to discuss the cause of these relationships 8:40 AM - Temperature Oscillation in Polymer Gels Shandale McKay, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Zhaoyang Jack Huang Research centered on polymer gels is very valuable because they have many biomedical applications such as tissue engineering matrices which could be used for the regeneration of failed tissue and organs. The objective of this research is to see if the poly(NIPAAm-co-MAAc) gel will demonstrate temperature oscillation by showing obvious high and low changes in temperature. The polymer gel containing potassium permanganate will be placed in a glycerol solution where an exothermic reaction will take place. As the reaction takes place the gel will swell and collapse as the temperature oscillates. I hope to see at least five temperature oscillations. 9:00 AM - Seasonality Changes in Web Size of the Orchard Spider, Leucauge venusta Rachel Frank, Faculty Sponsor: John Enz The orchard spider is a predatory species that is primarily found in warm, humid environments in densely vegetated areas. The purpose of this study was to identify whether a relationship exists between body size of the orchard spider and web size, and body size and web height above the ground; and whether these relationships show seasonality changes within the Theodore Roosevelt Area of the Timucuan Preserve in Jacksonville. There appears to be a positive correlation between spider body area and orb web area in the orchard spider as well as a seasonality change in the orb web size.
  • 19. 9:20 AM - Are hydrothermal vent plumes rising from the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Plate affected by deep/intermediate currents? Alexis Crouch, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Jeremy Stalker This study project analyzes a data set provided by the University of Washington, School of Oceanography. To create a 3 dimensional image of the dynamics of rising geothermally heated water through the marine water column, above an active spreading center vent system 388 km off the west coast of Northwestern Washington in the United States in 2500m of water. This graph will utilize GIS technology to interpolate the temperature data to look at the shift in the plume that may show the direction and strength of deep/intermediate currents in the area of the plume. 9:40 AM - Sea Turtle Nesting Patterns Ciarra Slater, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Stalker Predicting the populations of Loggerhead, Green, and Leatherback sea turtles and their reproductive success by using long-term and short-term data sets from Ponte Vedra Beach, Northeastern Florida, USA. Insight could be gained on the impacts of climate and anthropogenic influence leading to a better understanding on how conservation activities can be improved to help threatened and endangered sea turtle to be a more reproductively successful species. Data sets will be compared to long-term physical measurements including sea surface temperature (SST), primary productivity, and storm tracks provided by NOAA resulting in a prediction model. Increasing our understanding of long term and 10:00 AM - The Synthesis and Purification of K[Co3Ru(CO)12] and a Mechanistic Study of the Synthesis of K[Co3Fe(CO)12] Christopher M. Potratz Extended structures of K[Co3Ru(CO)12] and K[Co3Fe(CO)12] are potential catalyst precursors for Fischer-Tropsch and hydroformylation. The literature IR spectrum of K[Co3Ru(CO)12] contains suspicious peaks that are suspected to be impurities. The synthesis was modified to remove the impurities. The modified synthesis was characterized by IR, which demonstrated that purification was successful. Due to the cost of Ru, a second synthesis was done in which Ru was replaced with Fe. A mechanistic study of the K[Co3Fe(CO)12] synthesis was conducted using IR spectra to monitor the synthesis. 10:20 AM - Haptics Using a Smart Material for Eyes-free Interaction in Personal Devices Bryam Duque, John Leong, Devin Pappas, Faculty Sponsor: HuiHui Wang In this paper we present a prototype using a dry ionic polymer metal composite (IPMC) in interactive personal devices for haptic interaction when audio or visual feedback is not possible or practical. This prototype interface is an electro-mechanical system that realizes a shape-changing haptic display for information communication. A dry IPMC will change its dimensions due to the electrostatic effect when an electrical potential is provided to them. When personal devices receive information signals, the original shape of the prototype will change to another shape related to the specific sender or types of information sources. 10:40 AM - An Information Indicator based on Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) combining 3-D Printing Max A Orozco, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Wang A SMA is a “smart” material that alters its shape based on a thermal effect. By using a spring shaped SMA, the process can be simplified as an expansion and contraction of the spring. Introducing the idea of this “smart” spring, we can use a 3-D printer to design products. For example, this innovation can be used to produce a cubic information indicator that notifies users of a certain event by the expansion of its springs (an expansion triggered by the induction of an electrical current to cause the thermal effect).
  • 20. 11:00 AM - Synthesis of a Free Radical Initiator for Polymerization Reactions Adam Campbell, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Joseph Cradlebaugh Polymers are important compounds which constitute many modern materials such as plastics, rubbers, enamels, fibers, adhesives, laminates, films and elastomers. They are typically made by jump-starting a chain reaction between molecules called monomers with an initiator. Most initiators are thermally controlled, but it is more desirable for an initiator to be controlled photolytically. It was suspected that a proposed compound would be susceptible to homolytic bond cleavage and produce a radical capable of initiating a polymerization reaction. The synthesis was accomplished utilizing mainstream organic reactions, and the compound was used in an attempt to polymerize styrene. 11:20 AM - Gun-Shot Associated Wing Fracture in a Red-Shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus): Medical Management, Rehabilitation, and Release Peter DeLuca, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Borkowski A wild red-shouldered hawk was brought to the Exotic Bird Hospital in Jacksonville after being found unable to fly in May 2013. Radiographs revealed the raptor had been shot in the right wing near the radioulnar/humeral joint, resulting in comminuted fractures. The bird was transferred to Jacksonville Zoo for weeks of supportive care, then transferred to Florida Wildlife Hospital near Melbourne, FL for reconditioning and flight testing. The bird was successfully released near Melbourne in November 2013, having overcome an injury that often warrants euthanasia. The monogamous nature of this species posed questions regarding the bird’s resettlement in the wild. 11:40 AM - A Comparison of Fish Communities on Artificial and Substrate in Palm Beach County, FL Brett Durda, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. McCarthy Often coastal fish communities differ as depth increases. Along the east Florida coast it has especially been observed that there are higher abundances of fish closer to shore. However on artificial reefs in West Palm Beach, FL there tend to be more species and higher abundance in the medium depths of the artificial reefs. Not only does there tend to be higher abundances at medium depths but overall there tends to more omnivores especially damselfish. Damselfish are more abundant most likely due to the amount of food available as well as the diversification of food available. 12:00 PM - Undergraduate Research Fund Awards Dr. Lee Ann Clements 12:20 PM - Applications of Shape Memory Alloys Stephen Cowan, Faculty Sponsor: Huihui Wang Throughout this semester, research has been conducted on the properties and applications of Shape Memory Alloys. Shape Memory Alloys, SMA's, are a special type of alloy that allow the material to "remember" a given shape. If this alloy is subject to deformations, applying heat will return the alloy to its original shape. During these deformations the physical properties of the alloy, such as the frequency and stiffness, vary with respect to temperature. It is our goal to implement the SMA's within the entertainment and educational fields in order to provide possible advancements in childhood education, haptic surfaces and devices, and
  • 21. 12:40 PM - Critical amino acids responsible for GEF activity in Syx Zoe Rocke, Faculty Sponsor: Dr.Karen Jackson The focus was to identify critical amino acids on Synectin-binding RhoA exchange factor (Syx) responsible for its guanine exchange factor (GEF) activity. Syx activates RhoA via GEF activity to stabilize endothelial cell junctions (Ngok et al 2012). We expect critical residues to be located in the Dbl homology (DH) or pleckstrin-homology (PH) domain because the DH-PH domains are responsible for the catalytic activity in RhoGEFs. To determine if a site was important for Syx’s GEF activity a Rho GTPase activity assay was performed. The residues located in the conserved DH-PH domains seemed most critical for the GEF activity in Syx. 1:00 PM - Coach's Rating Jess Conner, Raegann Conner, Devin Pappas, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Duong As participants in the national Mathematical Competition in Modeling, we have been presented with the problem of revealing the best college coach of all time. Ultimately, we need to reveal the top five coaches for three college sports. After research and discussion, we have concluded that coaches can be evaluated in five categores numerous categories. We have created formulas for each category in which we can input sports statistics and then add each category to obtain an overall “Coach’s Rating.” After collecting copious amounts of data, the best college coach of all time can be revealed. 1:20 PM - Does Pond Size Matter? Fall Odonate Pond Size Preferences on the Jacksonville University Campus Ariel White, Faculty Sponsor: John Enz Dragonflies and Damselflies (Odonates) are aquatic insects that spend the majority of their lives in the predatory larval stage in ponds, lakes, and streams. Short-lived winged adults fly, mate, and lay eggs in these water bodies. This study tested Odonate “pond choice” by analyzing the Odonate diversity between two closely related ponds on the JU Campus (Pond 1 was approximately 3x the size of Pond 2). Significant differences were found in the diversity of Dragonflies between the 2 ponds but not Damselflies, in both larvae and adults. 1:40 PM - Fall Macroinvertebrate Diversity and Water Quality of Lotic and Lentic Waters on the Jacksonville University Campus Timothy and Thomas Radley, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. John Enz Aquatic macroinvertebrates are often used to indicate water quality. Aquatic insects, due to long larval aquatic stage and ease of collection, are typically focused on for these studies. Although some aquatic insect groups are exclusively lentic or lotic in their larval stage, many can be found in both habitats. We compared the diversity of aquatic insects found in the retention pond and the small stream on the campus of Jacksonville University (lentic vs. lotic). Despite more niches for insects in the stream than in the pond, the pond showed higher diversity. Only pollution tolerant species were found in the stream. 2:00 PM - A Matter of Few Degrees Michael Korona and Brett Wickizer, Faculty Sponsor: Capt. Wayne Ziskal Korean Air flight 007 accident was an entirelypreventable tragedy. The unnecessary destruction of the aircraft and livesaboard did however start a process of advancement in the aviation industry thatallowed for more accurate navigation technologies as well as better crew trainingthat lead to the excellent safety record that aviation has today. Thispresentation explores what happened leading up to the accident, the lessonslearned in the aftermath, and the crew’s resource management and use ofautomation in the cockpit.
  • 22. 2:20 PM - Internet Usage and Cognitive Impact David Bilbray, John Pennix, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Sherri Jackson The following research will demonstrate the relationship between the GPA and SAT scores of college students in comparison to the amount of time these students spend using social media and other forms of electronic communication. This study will demonstrate data found regarding correlations between academic scores and survey results - obtained from a student body consisting of 100 individuals concerning the amount of social media usage they partake in per week and the total time spent using the internet in general. The SAT scores and GPAs of these individuals were taken by a third party to preserve the students’ anonymity. 2:40 PM - A Light in the Dark Cortney Tarell, Faculty Sponsor: Ginger Sheridan In modern American culture, the words light and darkness have come to represent intangible concepts which most people understand. Light represents hope, and is almost always seen as a positive entity. Darkness represents fear and mystery—the less positive aspects of life. In this body of work I choose common household objects to light photographic images. This creates a distinct mood and a unique perspective. My work shows that the lighting of a photograph does much more than just illuminate the subject; it also informs the viewer about what they should be feeling when they look at the image. 3:00 PM - From Alpaca to Zebra: Enrichment in Zoological Setting Jennifer Scaduto, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Vanderhoff Environmental enrichment increases the psychological and physical health of zoo animals. There are six forms of enrichment: Sensory, Feeding, Manipulation, Environmental, Social, Training and Puzzles. The type of enrichment used depends on the specific needs of a given animal and the enrichment goals of a particular zoo. During my summer internship at the Rolling Hills Zoo in Kansas I worked alongside zookeepers to create enrichment devices for numerous animals, including white rhinos, kangaroos, chimpanzees, orangutans, giraffes, aardvarks, camels and sheep. 3:20 PM - A Young Mother's War: Octavia Bryant-Stephens, Family Life, and Death in Northern Florida during the Civil War James Thomas, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Jesse Hingson Octavia Bryant-Stephens is a young mother and wife who has to cope with an environment surrounded by death, war, and disease. Her trials which included the loss her newborn daughter, husband, and mother as well as her constant battle with disease shed light on how southern women in North Florida dealt with tragedy that occupied the American Civil War. 3:40 PM - Wildsumaco Ecuador: Tropical Field Biology Ryan Rillstone, Faiht Nylander, Kalli Unthank, Katherine Halbert, and Erika Kinchen, Faculty Sponsor: Vanderhoff Last summer five JU students traveled to Wildsumaco Ecuador to learn about tropical biodiversity. As part of the course each student conducted a mini research project. Each student will briefly discuss their project and the trip. Ryan compared trees in primary and secondary forests. Similarly, Faiht examined spider diversity in primary and secondary forests. Kalli examined moth diversity and Katherine surveyed mammals. Lastly, Ericka compared hummingbird visitation rates to feeders located at the site.
  • 23. 4:00 PM - Honduras: Discover Diversity through graphic design and marketing strategies. Ninoska Alejandra Nunez, Faculty Sponsor: Ginger Sheridan; David Smith Thesis Title: Honduras: Discover the Diversity through graphic design and marketing strategies Honduras is a hidden treasure of Central America. When it comes to the diversity of people, terrain and activities, it cannot be beat. Many countries in Central America have had successful marketing campaigns which resulted in a rise of international tourism. Now is the time for Honduras to enter the spotlight as well. This project “Honduras: Discover the diversity through graphic design and marketing strategies,” promotes low impact, sustainable adventure tourism in Honduras. The majority of Honduras’ tourists flock to all-inclusive destination resorts. These commercial ventures offer 4:20 PM - The Value of Liberal Arts Degrees Quang Ly, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Eric Freiberger This presentation will look at the market value of liberal arts degrees. I will first explore the historical perspectives of a liberal arts education. Then I will look at the background of STEM and explain the origin of STEM and its impact on the economy. Then I will talk about what a liberal arts education teaches and examine what employers look for in its candidates when making hiring decisions. Finally, I will talk about the value of a liberal arts and STEM collaboration, and end with some suggestions as to what should be done to save the liberal arts programs. 4:40 PM - Developing an Aquaponics System Christina Adams, Josh Hill, Faculty Sponsor: Gerry Pinto Our group sought to build and test an Aquaponics system and evaluate its viability as a means of vegetable and fish production. After completion of the system, we stocked it with tilapia and vegetable stock and ran it for many months while collecting data on water quality. We will be presenting information on the design of this system and water quality parameters we observed. We will also highlight challenges our group faced and conclude with an overall evaluation of our system. The Symposium Planning Committee: Dr. John Buck, Dr. Laura Chambers, Dr. Teri Chenot, Dr. Janet Haavisto, Dr. Jesse Hingson, Dr. W. Brian Lane, Prof. Ed McCourt, Dr. Chris Robertson. The 2014 Symposium is funded by ECHO: JU's experiential learning program. Follow the Symposium on Twitter: @JUSymposium #JUSymp2014