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                                                  Newsletter No.4

                                                  expected but hopefully we are not far off
                                                  “going to air”. Previous editions of “Glad
                                                  Tidings” have been fairly bulky and it was our
                                                  intention to do a much briefer version of the
                                                  newsletter for circulation this year, and refer
                                                  readers to the new website for the full version.
                                                  In the interim, this version of “Glad Tidings” is
                                                  a compromise- not as short as hoped but
                                                  briefer than previous ones. You will be able to
                                                  access the full version of this newsletter on
Greetings to all our readers. This is the         the new website soon.
first newsletter for 2009. My apologies for
taking so long to put it together but it          Mission to Seafarers Belfast Forum
has been a hectic three months. There is          Next month Bishop Garry, Graham Miller, Ian
no shortage of news, just time to get it          Porter and myself as members of the
into print. I have been “on the road” for         Australian Council will be attending the MtS
much of the last three months, involving          Consultative Forum in Belfast. The agenda
work with our seafaring centres in all six        looks full and challenging, and thankfully all
states.                                           four of us have been allocated sessions to
National Council meeting in Fremantle             give presentations on different issue affecting
As most would know, at the end of January,        our work here. So be assured that the rest of
the MtS Australian Council met over two days      the MtS global family will hear plenty from an
at the Flying Angel Club Fremantle. Thank         Aussie perspective. The next newsletter will
you very much to Dennis Claughton for his         provide a good opportunity to give you ample
great hospitality and kindness in looking after   feedback on our Belfast experience. We are
us with beds, food and a meeting room.            very much looking forward to making a
These two days together gave us an                contribution. We would value your prayers for
opportunity to work on preparation for the        the success of the Forum as well. As many of
September conference. It was also an              you would already know Bill Christianson is
opportunity to meet with the hard working         retiring shortly after the Conference- so we
staff and volunteers at the Fremantle centre.     have the perfect opportunity to thank him on
Our next national council meeting will take       behalf of all our Aussie centres for his unique
place at the end of the Rockingham                contribution to the life of the MtS ministry
conference, although the present council          worldwide, and to wish him great happiness in
members will communicate before that in a         his future endeavours. I hope that you enjoy
telephone link up planned for 9 June 2009         and find helpful the news that follows. And
 New website                                      please send your stories and news items for
Late last year, we retired the original Mission   the next edition planned for the end of June.
to Seafarers Australian Council website, and      Colin Brown
since then we have been constructing a brand      National Liaison & Support Officer
new one. This task has taken us longer than       Mission to Seafarers
                                                  Australian Council. March, 2009

Commissioning at Newcastle                        site Service to celebrate the new start for the
Cathedral                                         Centre , spoke very warmly of the tremendous
                                                  effort put in by the many new volunteers who
                                                  had rallied behind him to get the centre back on
                                                  its feet.

    [Bishop Brian & Rev’d Garry Dodd]

Newcastle has a new port chaplain.
The Revd Garry Dodd was commissioned for
his new ministry during the Lenten Sunday
Evening Liturgy at Christ Church Cathedral on        [Geraldton seafarers visiting centre]
8 March last. The proudest participant at the
commissioning was Garry’s 8 year old
daughter Abi, who had a front pew position to
cheer her dad on.

                                                              [Geraldton’s volunteers]
                                                  An invaluable contribution has been made by
Garry is ideally suited to the maritime           the Geraldton Port Authority as well in help
ministry with degrees in the social sciences      get the centre back on its feet for which Philip
and psychology and comes to our Newcastle         is extremely thankful. Philip’s wife Kath has
Seafaring Centre after 8 years as priest of the   been a tower of strength behind the scenes
Cooks Hill parish in Newcastle. Good luck         as has Sue Happ. Bishop David Mulready led
Garry with the new adventure- as chaplain to      the outdoor Service and demonstrated his
the world’s biggest coal exporting port-          commitment to ensuring that the Centre
You will not be bored!                            remains strong and viable by signing up to
                                                  volunteer on Thursday nights. That’s
Rededication in Geraldton                         leadership! It was very pleasing to see Justin
After almost 12 months of hard work the           Bianchini the Catholic Bishop of Geraldton
MtS Geraldton team has finally reopened           sitting with Bishop David at the Service and
the entrance door to the Geraldton Seafaring      both praying for the well being of the new
Centre. The Revd Philip Knife, during the on      ministry at Geraldton port. Bishop Justin is the
                                                  Bishop Promoter of the Apostleship of the
                                                  Sea in Australia.
Another Commissioning in Gladstone                         taught that Gladstone is in the world’s top five
                                                           biggest coal exporting ports, not far behind
                                                           Newcastle- and that their dad has a big job to
                                                           do. So Sarah, Naomi, Steven, Hannah &
                                                           Jemmah please be kind to him [and to mum
                                                           also of course]
                                                           Fremantle Meeting Australia Council

[ Trevor & Jenny Phillips with Bishop Godfrey & Fr Mike]

                                                           As mentioned earlier, the MtS council
                                                           members held their two day meeting at the
                                                           Flying Angel club in Fremantle. There was
                                                           more than enough on the agenda, but the
                                                           council made sure that a considerable
                                                           amount of time was given to planning for the
                                                           conference which fast approaches. Several
         [The Phillips crew - Sarah, Naomi,                reminders have already been sent about
            Steven, Hannah & Jemmah]                       registering for the conference and organizing
Gladstone Seafaring Centre was in a                        travel details. Dennis’ Fremantle team has
celebratory mood on the last Saturday in                   very kindly offered to help with the airport
January. Bishop Godfrey Fryar in the                       pick ups of the conference attenders, and
Centre’s chapel, led a joyous liturgy                      more detail on this will come from Graham
celebrating the commissioning of Trevor                    Miller closer to the event.
Phillips as Lay Chaplain and Manager of
the Mission to Seafarers, Gladstone. Fr                    Melbourne’s big Feasibility Study
Mike Vercoe has passed the torch onto
Trevor. Trevor who transferred from our
Brisbane MtS centre did not come alone.
His greatest supporters- wife Jenny and
five of the six kids accompanied him, all
ready to make a brand new start in
Gladstone. That’s faith- and the Phillips’
are not in short supply of this amazing
ingredient! Jenny who is a nursing sister has
been snapped up by the local hospital, and
according to the latest reports, the kids have
settled well into their new schools and
already learning how to tell a tanker from a
tug. No doubt, they will also be
                                                            [Archbishop Philip & ITF’s Matt Purcell]
Late last year a consultant was engaged           Still in Port Kembla
by the Melbourne Port Welfare Association to
undertake some research into the feasibility of
just one single seafaring centre serving the
seafarers to Melbourne. Such a study project
has very serious implications for the operation
of Melbourne’s existing centres, including our
one at 717 Flinders St Docklands. The Revd
Ken Cahill has made a significant contribution
to the Study and monitors the situation very
closely. The Australian Council also made a
submission providing a national perspective
to local aspirations.
On a more practical note, Melbourne MtS’
shiny new bus was presented by ITF’s Matt                [Dave Masters at the workgroup’s
Purcell, and blessed by Archbishop Philip                           whiteboard]
Freier at the Centre recently. Ken reassures      Dave Masters held a brainstorming/planning
us that the bus is badly needed and will be       day for many of his volunteers last month. It
put to immediate work on the roads and            was a very valuable day in terms of visioning
docks of Melbourne. Thank you ITF for your        for the future. A number of volunteers
great generosity- it keeps us mobile!             commented that they were very pleased to
                                                  have had some ‘quality time’ with Dave and
Port Kembla is revving up as well                 their mates, to “have a good hard look” at how
                                                  the centre might improve its care of the
                                                  visiting seafarers to Port Kembla. The
                                                  volunteers recommend the value of these
                                                  types of “workshops/funshops” to all our

                                                  Our Comrades in Arms

       [ Port Kembla’s intrepid drivers]
After waiting patiently for some time Port
Kembla’s new bus, again courtesy of the ITF,
arrived recently. The faithful turned out in
force to crack a bottle of champagne [alcohol
free] over the wheel and cut the ribbon. Dave
Masters led the gathering in prayer for the
safety of those who drive and travel in the             [Col & Australia’s ITF reps - Dean
new white beast. The reporter from the local          Summers in middle with biggest smile]
Illawarra Mercury newspaper was there to          ITF’s Dean Summers kindly invited Col
trumpet our centre’s good fortune to all its      to give a presentation to a group of his
readers throughout the “Gong”.                    ITF inspectors meeting in Sydney, in
The good publicity is always welcome.             January. It gave Col the perfect
                                                  opportunity to boast about the great
work all our MtS people were doing around         The seafarer visiting Albany is guaranteed a
the nation, and to thank ITF for their            warm and friendly reception from our mob.
unflagging support of our efforts.                For many years, Norm Stevens has been
Col enjoyed the very humorous stories             MtS’ main ship visitor and the first smiling
told to him by the inspectors, and gained         face the seafarers encounter in Albany. Let’s
further insight into the deep commitment          hope that Norm keeps powering on- those
and passion they share for championing            seafarers need you mate. Alan and Col later
the cause of the seafarer. We should never        in the day met with the CEO of Albany Port
underestimate how critical their work is. In      Authority to discuss ways in which we could
these grim economic times their job triples in    work more closely together to benefit our own
importance to ensure that the rights of           centre and the visiting seafarers to Princess
seafarers are not downtrodden, but respected      Royal Harbor [part of King Georges Sound]-
and advanced.                                     one of the most scenically beautiful harbors
                                                  anywhere on God’s Earth.
Beautiful Albany
                                                  Tropical Townsville……
                                                              Graham’s award

        [Norm Stevens and his bus]

                                                        [Graham Miller receives award on
                                                            behalf of MtS Townsville]
                                                  Graham Miller will be highly embarrassed to
                                                  read this section of the newsletter but one
                                                  should not hide their light under a bushel [or a
                                                  bundle of sugar cane]. A little while back
                                                  Graham received Townsville’s very sought
                                                  after “Business Excellence Award” on behalf
                                                  of the Mission to Seafarers Townsville.
                                                  The annual award is made available by the
                                                  Townsville Chamber of Commerce, and the
          [The Albany engine room]                presentation took place at the local Westpac
The Revd Alan Taylor organized a wonderful        Bank where Graham banks the millions of
gathering for Col’s visit to our Albany centre.   dollars he brings in annually for the mission.
Col gave a presentation to the volunteers and     Now for the pastoral Award!
then handed the floor over to them. The room
bristled with tremendous enthusiasm and
great ideas from the thirty odd participating.

Port Pirie’s face lift

                                                              [Rosalind & Rev’d Prue]
                                                  Margaret Vivian who is a local historian
       [Port Pirie’s Harold, Fay & Ian]           and strong supporter and volunteer at the
Col’s visit to South Australia last week          centre, showed Col a number of very old
enabled him to spend some time with our           photos, letters and books depicting the
Port Pirie volunteers. Ian Pole was in great      life of the Lincoln mission in its halcyon
form, showing off the centre’s new look and       days. Margaret has preserved this
presenting Col with a very trendy MtS Port        fascinating archival material on CD and
Pirie cap to keep the South Australian sun off    has copies available for anyone
his face. Although Pirie is not seeing many       interested.
overseas seafarers at the moment, those           Our great supporters AMWS
that are arriving are in danger of being killed   A new newsletter always provides an
by kindness- such is the warmth and good will     opportunity to whole heartedly thank our
of the Pirie volunteers.                          great friends at Australian Maritime Welfare
                                                  Society for their unwavering support of our
Port Lincoln’s rich history                       work. Capt Alan Tait steers the AMWS ship
                                                  with great skill and takes a close interest in
                                                  our efforts.
                                                  Stan Moriarity is our good friend who looks
                                                  after the “nuts and bolts” side of things and
                                                  ensures that the right invoices are paid at the
                                                  right time. Last year twelve of our centres
                                                  received financial assistance from AMWS and
                                                  every cent of that funding was put to good
                                                  use. Thank you AMWS from both MtS and
                                                  the visiting seafarer, as you make our work
                                                  that much more effective and the seafarer’s
                                                  life that much more bearable.

         [Port Lincoln’s iconic silos]
When in SA, Col was able to get to Port
Lincoln to meet with the Rev’d Susan Straub,
Rosalind Bascombe and Trevor Rowan who
is the chair of the MtS committee. Trevor is
keen to hold a ship visiting training course in
Port Lincoln in September and Port Kembla’s
Dave Masters expects to be available to offer
the two day course there.
A very warm welcome to John Kewa                Many graphic images have been sent around
                                                   the world revealing oil covered beaches and
                                                   hardworking clean up gangs. The hapless
                                                   Filipino captain of the vessel appeared in a
                                                   Brisbane court last week. We are pleased to
                                                   hear from Adrian Willes Brisbane’s manager,
                                                   that one of our MtS ship visitors Anthony
                                                   Bertossi, has been able to spend a good deal
                                                   of time with the captain to support him
                                                   throughout this tragic ordeal. The two have
                                                   become firm friends and Anthony’s support
The MtS family is thrilled to have John Kewa
                                                   will continue throughout this ordeal.
join Ken Cahill’s Melbourne team. John was
                                                   Remember all those involved in your prayers
previously with Stella Maris Melbourne and
did a great amount of ship visiting and
pastoral care work when there. John is well
know to many of our chaplains, as he joined
                                                   And finally……
them in the Melbourne course for training
Australian ship visiting instructors, last year.
John who hails from Madang Province PNG,
has many talents and is deeply committed to
and popular with visiting seafarers, especially
those from the Pacific Islands. John has
qualifications in counseling, pastoral and
religious studies. He speaks Pidgin [PNG],
Balama [Vanuata], Solomon Pidgin and
Tagolog [Philipino]. Did we forget to mention
English and a sprinkling of Latin? However, it     Sea Sunday - in July will soon be with
should be said that not many seafarers speak       us. A visit to the MtS global-UK website
Latin these days. John will provide great          will help you keep up to date. It is
support for Ken. He [John not Ken] is              expected that this year’s materials will
celebrating his 40 birthday with a party at the
                  th                               be dispatched from London in mid April.
Flying Angel on 17 April. Happy birthday and       So keep your eye out. If you do not
welcome to the family- and enjoy the new           receive anything contact Kathy Baldwin
venture John. Life begins at forty provided        at central office.
you survive the party.                             Last year Ken Cahill did an Aussie
                                                   version of some of the resources. Will
Brisbane supports Captain of the                   Ken be inspired to do something similar
“Pacific Adventurer”                               this year? Stay tuned and over to Ken!

Most of Australia held its breath as cyclone
battered “Pacific Adventurer” lost containers
then leaked oil off the Queensland coast.

Darwin progress- we have a couple                 Bunbury recovering - continues to recover
interested in helping at the East Arm port        from its dreadful tragedy last year. Tim
in Darwin. For some time we have been             Hopwood was able to visit Fremantle to say”
working to establish a MtS presence               hello” to us when we met there in January. It
there and things are looking promising.           was heartening to hear how the Bunbury
Hopefully, we will be able to report              team was working to overcome the tragedy.
much more in the next newsletter.                 We listen to Tim’s optimistic plans for the
                                                  future of the Centre. The Australian Council
Weipa progress - Col continues discussions        pledged to continue its support to the Bunbury
with Rio Tinto Marine about providing support     centre.
to help us establish a MtS ministry at Weipa
port. Last month Bishop Bill Ray kindly spent
some time with Col and Graham Miller in his
Townsville office discussing the Weipa
situation. Bill is keen to support our efforts
and we have our fingers crossed that good
things will happen with Bill’s backing.

Hobart course coming - Arthur Hinsley
reports that he hopes to announce a date for
his ship visiting course in Hobart soon. Arthur
ran a very successful one in Burnie last year.

Port Hedland busy - The Revd Bill Ross
reports that the two co-managers Maggie and
Mel Butcher who started last year in Hedland           [Seafarer’s Christmas lunch at Bunbury
                                                                Mission to Seafarers]
to support Carol and Peter, have moved on.
Fortunately, a new couple has been found to
take their place. Carol Morgan says that Port
Hedland is still as busy as ever in terms of
ship visiting numbers and needy seafarers
visiting the centre.


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2013 - Newsletter

Glad Tidings Newsletter 4 - Mission to Seafarers

  • 1. GLAD TIDINGS Newsletter No.4 Editorial expected but hopefully we are not far off “going to air”. Previous editions of “Glad Tidings” have been fairly bulky and it was our intention to do a much briefer version of the newsletter for circulation this year, and refer readers to the new website for the full version. In the interim, this version of “Glad Tidings” is a compromise- not as short as hoped but briefer than previous ones. You will be able to access the full version of this newsletter on Greetings to all our readers. This is the the new website soon. first newsletter for 2009. My apologies for taking so long to put it together but it Mission to Seafarers Belfast Forum has been a hectic three months. There is Next month Bishop Garry, Graham Miller, Ian no shortage of news, just time to get it Porter and myself as members of the into print. I have been “on the road” for Australian Council will be attending the MtS much of the last three months, involving Consultative Forum in Belfast. The agenda work with our seafaring centres in all six looks full and challenging, and thankfully all states. four of us have been allocated sessions to National Council meeting in Fremantle give presentations on different issue affecting As most would know, at the end of January, our work here. So be assured that the rest of the MtS Australian Council met over two days the MtS global family will hear plenty from an at the Flying Angel Club Fremantle. Thank Aussie perspective. The next newsletter will you very much to Dennis Claughton for his provide a good opportunity to give you ample great hospitality and kindness in looking after feedback on our Belfast experience. We are us with beds, food and a meeting room. very much looking forward to making a These two days together gave us an contribution. We would value your prayers for opportunity to work on preparation for the the success of the Forum as well. As many of September conference. It was also an you would already know Bill Christianson is opportunity to meet with the hard working retiring shortly after the Conference- so we staff and volunteers at the Fremantle centre. have the perfect opportunity to thank him on Our next national council meeting will take behalf of all our Aussie centres for his unique place at the end of the Rockingham contribution to the life of the MtS ministry conference, although the present council worldwide, and to wish him great happiness in members will communicate before that in a his future endeavours. I hope that you enjoy telephone link up planned for 9 June 2009 and find helpful the news that follows. And New website please send your stories and news items for Late last year, we retired the original Mission the next edition planned for the end of June. to Seafarers Australian Council website, and Colin Brown since then we have been constructing a brand National Liaison & Support Officer new one. This task has taken us longer than Mission to Seafarers Australian Council. March, 2009 1
  • 2. Commissioning at Newcastle site Service to celebrate the new start for the Cathedral Centre , spoke very warmly of the tremendous effort put in by the many new volunteers who had rallied behind him to get the centre back on its feet. [Bishop Brian & Rev’d Garry Dodd] Newcastle has a new port chaplain. The Revd Garry Dodd was commissioned for his new ministry during the Lenten Sunday Evening Liturgy at Christ Church Cathedral on [Geraldton seafarers visiting centre] 8 March last. The proudest participant at the commissioning was Garry’s 8 year old daughter Abi, who had a front pew position to cheer her dad on. [Geraldton’s volunteers] An invaluable contribution has been made by Garry is ideally suited to the maritime the Geraldton Port Authority as well in help ministry with degrees in the social sciences get the centre back on its feet for which Philip and psychology and comes to our Newcastle is extremely thankful. Philip’s wife Kath has Seafaring Centre after 8 years as priest of the been a tower of strength behind the scenes Cooks Hill parish in Newcastle. Good luck as has Sue Happ. Bishop David Mulready led Garry with the new adventure- as chaplain to the outdoor Service and demonstrated his the world’s biggest coal exporting port- commitment to ensuring that the Centre You will not be bored! remains strong and viable by signing up to volunteer on Thursday nights. That’s Rededication in Geraldton leadership! It was very pleasing to see Justin After almost 12 months of hard work the Bianchini the Catholic Bishop of Geraldton MtS Geraldton team has finally reopened sitting with Bishop David at the Service and the entrance door to the Geraldton Seafaring both praying for the well being of the new Centre. The Revd Philip Knife, during the on ministry at Geraldton port. Bishop Justin is the Bishop Promoter of the Apostleship of the Sea in Australia. 2
  • 3. Another Commissioning in Gladstone taught that Gladstone is in the world’s top five biggest coal exporting ports, not far behind Newcastle- and that their dad has a big job to do. So Sarah, Naomi, Steven, Hannah & Jemmah please be kind to him [and to mum also of course] Fremantle Meeting Australia Council [ Trevor & Jenny Phillips with Bishop Godfrey & Fr Mike] As mentioned earlier, the MtS council members held their two day meeting at the Flying Angel club in Fremantle. There was more than enough on the agenda, but the council made sure that a considerable amount of time was given to planning for the conference which fast approaches. Several [The Phillips crew - Sarah, Naomi, reminders have already been sent about Steven, Hannah & Jemmah] registering for the conference and organizing Gladstone Seafaring Centre was in a travel details. Dennis’ Fremantle team has celebratory mood on the last Saturday in very kindly offered to help with the airport January. Bishop Godfrey Fryar in the pick ups of the conference attenders, and Centre’s chapel, led a joyous liturgy more detail on this will come from Graham celebrating the commissioning of Trevor Miller closer to the event. Phillips as Lay Chaplain and Manager of the Mission to Seafarers, Gladstone. Fr Melbourne’s big Feasibility Study Mike Vercoe has passed the torch onto Trevor. Trevor who transferred from our Brisbane MtS centre did not come alone. His greatest supporters- wife Jenny and five of the six kids accompanied him, all ready to make a brand new start in Gladstone. That’s faith- and the Phillips’ are not in short supply of this amazing ingredient! Jenny who is a nursing sister has been snapped up by the local hospital, and according to the latest reports, the kids have settled well into their new schools and already learning how to tell a tanker from a tug. No doubt, they will also be [Archbishop Philip & ITF’s Matt Purcell] 3
  • 4. Late last year a consultant was engaged Still in Port Kembla by the Melbourne Port Welfare Association to undertake some research into the feasibility of just one single seafaring centre serving the seafarers to Melbourne. Such a study project has very serious implications for the operation of Melbourne’s existing centres, including our one at 717 Flinders St Docklands. The Revd Ken Cahill has made a significant contribution to the Study and monitors the situation very closely. The Australian Council also made a submission providing a national perspective to local aspirations. On a more practical note, Melbourne MtS’ shiny new bus was presented by ITF’s Matt [Dave Masters at the workgroup’s Purcell, and blessed by Archbishop Philip whiteboard] Freier at the Centre recently. Ken reassures Dave Masters held a brainstorming/planning us that the bus is badly needed and will be day for many of his volunteers last month. It put to immediate work on the roads and was a very valuable day in terms of visioning docks of Melbourne. Thank you ITF for your for the future. A number of volunteers great generosity- it keeps us mobile! commented that they were very pleased to have had some ‘quality time’ with Dave and Port Kembla is revving up as well their mates, to “have a good hard look” at how the centre might improve its care of the visiting seafarers to Port Kembla. The volunteers recommend the value of these types of “workshops/funshops” to all our centres. Our Comrades in Arms [ Port Kembla’s intrepid drivers] After waiting patiently for some time Port Kembla’s new bus, again courtesy of the ITF, arrived recently. The faithful turned out in force to crack a bottle of champagne [alcohol free] over the wheel and cut the ribbon. Dave Masters led the gathering in prayer for the safety of those who drive and travel in the [Col & Australia’s ITF reps - Dean new white beast. The reporter from the local Summers in middle with biggest smile] Illawarra Mercury newspaper was there to ITF’s Dean Summers kindly invited Col trumpet our centre’s good fortune to all its to give a presentation to a group of his readers throughout the “Gong”. ITF inspectors meeting in Sydney, in The good publicity is always welcome. January. It gave Col the perfect opportunity to boast about the great 4
  • 5. work all our MtS people were doing around The seafarer visiting Albany is guaranteed a the nation, and to thank ITF for their warm and friendly reception from our mob. unflagging support of our efforts. For many years, Norm Stevens has been Col enjoyed the very humorous stories MtS’ main ship visitor and the first smiling told to him by the inspectors, and gained face the seafarers encounter in Albany. Let’s further insight into the deep commitment hope that Norm keeps powering on- those and passion they share for championing seafarers need you mate. Alan and Col later the cause of the seafarer. We should never in the day met with the CEO of Albany Port underestimate how critical their work is. In Authority to discuss ways in which we could these grim economic times their job triples in work more closely together to benefit our own importance to ensure that the rights of centre and the visiting seafarers to Princess seafarers are not downtrodden, but respected Royal Harbor [part of King Georges Sound]- and advanced. one of the most scenically beautiful harbors anywhere on God’s Earth. Beautiful Albany Tropical Townsville…… Graham’s award [Norm Stevens and his bus] [Graham Miller receives award on behalf of MtS Townsville] Graham Miller will be highly embarrassed to read this section of the newsletter but one should not hide their light under a bushel [or a bundle of sugar cane]. A little while back Graham received Townsville’s very sought after “Business Excellence Award” on behalf of the Mission to Seafarers Townsville. The annual award is made available by the Townsville Chamber of Commerce, and the [The Albany engine room] presentation took place at the local Westpac The Revd Alan Taylor organized a wonderful Bank where Graham banks the millions of gathering for Col’s visit to our Albany centre. dollars he brings in annually for the mission. Col gave a presentation to the volunteers and Now for the pastoral Award! then handed the floor over to them. The room bristled with tremendous enthusiasm and great ideas from the thirty odd participating. 5
  • 6. Port Pirie’s face lift [Rosalind & Rev’d Prue] Margaret Vivian who is a local historian [Port Pirie’s Harold, Fay & Ian] and strong supporter and volunteer at the Col’s visit to South Australia last week centre, showed Col a number of very old enabled him to spend some time with our photos, letters and books depicting the Port Pirie volunteers. Ian Pole was in great life of the Lincoln mission in its halcyon form, showing off the centre’s new look and days. Margaret has preserved this presenting Col with a very trendy MtS Port fascinating archival material on CD and Pirie cap to keep the South Australian sun off has copies available for anyone his face. Although Pirie is not seeing many interested. overseas seafarers at the moment, those Our great supporters AMWS that are arriving are in danger of being killed A new newsletter always provides an by kindness- such is the warmth and good will opportunity to whole heartedly thank our of the Pirie volunteers. great friends at Australian Maritime Welfare Society for their unwavering support of our Port Lincoln’s rich history work. Capt Alan Tait steers the AMWS ship with great skill and takes a close interest in our efforts. Stan Moriarity is our good friend who looks after the “nuts and bolts” side of things and ensures that the right invoices are paid at the right time. Last year twelve of our centres received financial assistance from AMWS and every cent of that funding was put to good use. Thank you AMWS from both MtS and the visiting seafarer, as you make our work that much more effective and the seafarer’s life that much more bearable. [Port Lincoln’s iconic silos] When in SA, Col was able to get to Port Lincoln to meet with the Rev’d Susan Straub, Rosalind Bascombe and Trevor Rowan who is the chair of the MtS committee. Trevor is keen to hold a ship visiting training course in Port Lincoln in September and Port Kembla’s Dave Masters expects to be available to offer the two day course there. 6
  • 7. A very warm welcome to John Kewa Many graphic images have been sent around the world revealing oil covered beaches and hardworking clean up gangs. The hapless Filipino captain of the vessel appeared in a Brisbane court last week. We are pleased to hear from Adrian Willes Brisbane’s manager, that one of our MtS ship visitors Anthony Bertossi, has been able to spend a good deal of time with the captain to support him throughout this tragic ordeal. The two have become firm friends and Anthony’s support The MtS family is thrilled to have John Kewa will continue throughout this ordeal. join Ken Cahill’s Melbourne team. John was Remember all those involved in your prayers previously with Stella Maris Melbourne and please. did a great amount of ship visiting and pastoral care work when there. John is well know to many of our chaplains, as he joined And finally…… them in the Melbourne course for training Australian ship visiting instructors, last year. John who hails from Madang Province PNG, has many talents and is deeply committed to and popular with visiting seafarers, especially those from the Pacific Islands. John has qualifications in counseling, pastoral and religious studies. He speaks Pidgin [PNG], Balama [Vanuata], Solomon Pidgin and Tagolog [Philipino]. Did we forget to mention English and a sprinkling of Latin? However, it Sea Sunday - in July will soon be with should be said that not many seafarers speak us. A visit to the MtS global-UK website Latin these days. John will provide great will help you keep up to date. It is support for Ken. He [John not Ken] is expected that this year’s materials will celebrating his 40 birthday with a party at the th be dispatched from London in mid April. Flying Angel on 17 April. Happy birthday and So keep your eye out. If you do not welcome to the family- and enjoy the new receive anything contact Kathy Baldwin venture John. Life begins at forty provided at central office. you survive the party. Last year Ken Cahill did an Aussie version of some of the resources. Will Brisbane supports Captain of the Ken be inspired to do something similar “Pacific Adventurer” this year? Stay tuned and over to Ken! Most of Australia held its breath as cyclone battered “Pacific Adventurer” lost containers then leaked oil off the Queensland coast. 7
  • 8. Darwin progress- we have a couple Bunbury recovering - continues to recover interested in helping at the East Arm port from its dreadful tragedy last year. Tim in Darwin. For some time we have been Hopwood was able to visit Fremantle to say” working to establish a MtS presence hello” to us when we met there in January. It there and things are looking promising. was heartening to hear how the Bunbury Hopefully, we will be able to report team was working to overcome the tragedy. much more in the next newsletter. We listen to Tim’s optimistic plans for the future of the Centre. The Australian Council Weipa progress - Col continues discussions pledged to continue its support to the Bunbury with Rio Tinto Marine about providing support centre. to help us establish a MtS ministry at Weipa port. Last month Bishop Bill Ray kindly spent some time with Col and Graham Miller in his Townsville office discussing the Weipa situation. Bill is keen to support our efforts and we have our fingers crossed that good things will happen with Bill’s backing. Hobart course coming - Arthur Hinsley reports that he hopes to announce a date for his ship visiting course in Hobart soon. Arthur ran a very successful one in Burnie last year. Port Hedland busy - The Revd Bill Ross reports that the two co-managers Maggie and Mel Butcher who started last year in Hedland [Seafarer’s Christmas lunch at Bunbury Mission to Seafarers] to support Carol and Peter, have moved on. Fortunately, a new couple has been found to take their place. Carol Morgan says that Port Hedland is still as busy as ever in terms of ship visiting numbers and needy seafarers visiting the centre. 8