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For the past seven years, the ImagePower®
Green Brands Survey has analyzed
consumer perceptions of green products and
corporate brands.

WPP companies Cohn & Wolfe, Landor
Associates, and Penn Schoen Berland, in
partnership with corporate environmental
strategy consultancy, Esty Environmental
Partners, conducted the research and

The 2011 survey is the largest ever—with
over 9,000 people in eight countries.

This deck presents top-line findings and
global trends. However, it only begins to tell
the story—please contact us to learn more.

9,009 online interviews were conducted in Australia, Brazil, China,
France, Germany, India, the U.S., and U.K. from April 2 – May 3,

Interviews were conducted online among the general adult population.
In China, India, and Brazil, respondents were from tier-one cities.*
                NUMBER OF INTERVIEWS

  AUSTRALIA            1,100

  BRAZIL               1,106

  CHINA                1,102

  FRANCE               1,100

  GERMANY              1,100

  INDIA                1,101

  U.K.                 1,200
                                       * Tier-one cities are major
  U.S.                 1,200
                                       metropolitan areas in a country.
Top-line findings and
country insights

The Green Brands
Survey answers
several important

How have consumers’ attitudes toward green brands,
products and services changed from previous years and
how do they vary by country?

What consumer challenges must companies overcome in
the green space?

Do consumer perceptions vary on how different
industries address sustainability?

What types of green products are consumers currently
buying and in which categories do consumers plan to
purchase more green products?

What brands in each country do consumers think are
green and why?

Consumers are increasingly concerned about environmental
issues, particularly energy use

   In most countries, concern about the state of the economy fell,
   while concern about the state of the environment grew.
   While the number of consumers who choose climate change as
   the most important green issue fell, the number who cite energy
   use as an issue rose.

Consumers want to buy from green companies and plan to
spend more on green products

   Consistent with previous years, the majority of consumers
   across all countries say it is important to buy from
   environmentally-friendly companies.

   In developing countries, the majority of consumers say they plan
   to ―spend more‖ on green products and services.

Packaging influences green purchasing

   At least a quarter of consumers in all countries say that packaging
   has the greatest impact on their likelihood to purchase green products.
   Consumers rely heavily on certification marks to decide if a product
   is green.

Consumers are less likely to cite hurdles to buying green
compared to last year; but price and lack of choice remain

   In developed countries, more than half of consumers report that high
   cost of buying green is the biggest hurdle.
   More than a third of consumers in developed countries say they are
   not willing to pay a green price premium.
   In developing countries, consumers most frequently cite limited
   selection as the biggest hurdle to buying green. In China, confusing
   or untrustworthy green labeling is a barrier.

Consumers are more likely to purchase green products in the
household, grocery, personal care, and packaged food and beverage
industries. Auto and tech are poised for green growth.

    Consumers in developed countries purchase more green products in the grocery
    industry compared to any other industry.

    In India and Brazil, consumers are more likely to purchase green products in the
    household category and in China consumers are more likely to purchase green
    products in the packaged food and beverage category.

    Consumers in all markets intend to buy more green products in the technology and
    auto industries in the next year.

Consumers are looking for public leadership on green innovation

    An overwhelming majority say the government should support more green
    innovation than it does now.

    Consumers in all countries except the U.S. believe it should be primarily the
    government that supports green innovation (rather than the private sector).

Australians concerned about climate change, and the environment in general

  Australia is the only country polled that selected climate change as the largest environmental issue.

  The number of consumers who say the environment is on the wrong track versus headed in the
  right direction jumped from 42% in 2010 to 53% in 2011.

Demand for information but overall face fewer hurdles to buying green

  77% of consumers think labels that tell where food comes from and 72% think disclosure of
  ingredients and materials in products are important requirements the government could put in

  The number of consumers citing confusing or untrustworthy green labeling or product information,
  difficulty to find, limited selection, and expense as hurdles to buying green fell from last year.

Consumers identify grocery and retail green brands

  5 of the top 10 green brands are grocers or retailers.

Strong environmental interest

 More consumers in Brazil think the state of the environment is on the wrong track
 than consumers in the other countries.

 Consumers cite deforestation and climate change as the most important
 environmental issues.

Affinity for green brands and willing to pay more for green products

 74% say that ―Is environmentally conscious‖ is an important brand attribute—
 more than in other countries.

 77% are willing to spend more on a product because it is green.

More likely to purchase green household and personal care products

 61% of Brazilians say they have purchased green household products in the past
 year—more than in other countries.

 7 of the top 10 green brands are personal care or household product companies.

Optimistic about the state of the environment

 China is the only country in which more consumers say the environment is
 headed in the right direction rather than say it is on the wrong track.

Consumers are willing to pay more for green. Auto industry is poised for
green growth.

 95% are willing to spend more on a product because it is green.

 28% of consumers say they intend to purchase green auto products in the next
 year, up from the 13% of consumers who report having purchased such products
 in the past year.

See role for government in driving green innovation and ensuring product

 77% say it should be the government who supports green innovation rather than
 the private sector.

 79% think that more food and product safety testing is an important requirement
 the government could put in place.

Consumers are environmentally conscious, but look for value

 88% say that when they think about brands to buy it is important that a
 company is environmentally friendly—more than in the other developed
 countries polled.

 78% say the biggest challenge to purchasing green products or services is
 that they are too expensive—more than in other countries.

Tune out green advertising

 France is the only country in which more consumers say there is so much
 advertising about green products that consumers tune it out.

Cite the retail industry as doing the best job to protect the environment

 France is the only country in which more consumer say the retail industry is
 doing the best job of helping to protect the environment compared to other

Germans focused on product information

 Germany is the only developed country in which consumers say green
 labeling or product information is confusing is a top challenge.

Report commitment to green innovation
 Germany is the only country in which a majority of consumers say the
 government supports more green innovation.

 72% of Germans say developed countries should focus on green innovation
 rather than developing countries.

Show interest in energy issues

 32% of Germans cite energy use as the most important green issue—higher
 than in any other country.

 30% of consumers say they intend to purchase green energy products in the
 next year, up from the 21% of consumers who report having purchased such
 products in the past year.

Unique environmental issues and innovation oriented

 India is the only country to chose air pollution as the most important green
 issue (tied with deforestation)

 India is the only country in which more consumers say it should be
 developing countries that should focus on green innovation versus developed

Receptive to green advertising

 86% of Indians report advertising helps consumers make more informed
 decisions and understand the benefits of green products.

 57% say that TV ads have the greatest impact on their likelihood to purchase
 green products.

Consumers are interested in green auto products

 28% of consumers say they intend to purchase green auto products in the
 next year, up from the 16% of consumers who report having purchased such
 products in the past year.

Concern about the economy and cost of green products predominate

 Britons are more concerned about the state of the economy than consumers
 in other countries.

 40% of Britons are not willing to spend more on a product because it is
 green—more than in other countries.

They’re engaged on packaging issues

 91% say companies use too much material in the packaging of products and
 73% believe that requiring companies to recycle product packaging is an
 important requirement the government could put in place.

Grocers and retailers vie for sustainability leadership

 Grocery stores and retailers account for 6 of the top 10 green brands.

Consumers want to buy green, but price remains a hurdle

 72% believe it is important to buy from green companies and 30% say they plan to
 spend more on green products in the next year.

 65% think green products cost more, but only 22% are willing to pay that premium.

Consumers are most likely to buy ―in me‖ and ―on me‖ green products. Tech is
poised to grow.

 Consumers buy more green products in the grocery, household, and personal care
 categories than in any other categories.

 22% of consumers say they intend to purchase green tech products in the next year,
 up from the 14% of consumers who report having purchased such products in the past

Demand for corporate innovation

 The U.S. is the only country in which consumers say the private sector should support
 green innovation versus the government.
Global Outlook

More consumers in the U.S., France, Australia, China, and
India think the environment is on the wrong track than in
previous years. Consumers in India and Brazil are
particularly concerned.
Do you think the state of the environment in this country                                               2009       2010      2011
is headed in the right direction or is it on the wrong track?
Showing “Wrong track”

                      66 66
                                                                                   59   59
            53                                                                54                        53                          54
                                                                 48 47                                       48              47
       42                                                   42                                                    43


 AUSTRALIA             BRAZIL             CHINA             FRANCE       GERMANY         INDIA            U.K.               U.S.
      AU                 BR                   CH                 DE           FR             IN              UK              US

Consumers in most countries rate energy use as the most
important green issue—other issues split by region
Which of the following do you feel is the most important                          Most important    2nd most important
green issue or problem today?

                           AUSTRALIA        BRAZIL         CHINA   FRANCE GERMANY       INDIA       U.K.        U.S.

Energy use                      17              4           27      19      32            6         24           23

Climate change                  22             15           14      11      26           18         19           14

Chemicals, toxics, &
                                12              8           14      19      13           12          7           16
heavy metals

Air pollution                    6             14           15      16       4           21          8           10

Deforestation                    9             32           4        6       2           21         11            4

Waste management                 4              8           8        8       3            9         17           10

Water issues                    15              9           12       8       1            9          2            4

Ocean pollution and
                                 6              2           2        7       6            1          6            4

Biodiversity loss                2              6           4        4       3            2          3            1

 In the last year, concern about energy use and toxics grew,
 while concern about climate change and air pollution fell
 Which of the following do you feel is the most important                           Issue increased in importance since 2010
 green issue or problem today?                                                      Issue decreased in importance since 2010
 Showing difference between 2011 and 2010

                           AUSTRALIA         BRAZIL         CHINA   FRANCE GERMANY        INDIA         U.K.          U.S.

Energy use                       +4             +2          +14      +9      +13           +1            +3           +1

Chemicals, toxics and
                                 +5             +3           +5      +6      +7            +4            +1           +6
heavy metals

Biodiversity loss                +1             +3           +2       0      -1             0            +2            0

Ocean pollution and
                                 +3             0            +1       0      -2             0            0            +1

Waste management                 -2             +2           +3      -1      -1            +2            0             -3

Deforestation                    -4             +2           +2      -4      -4            -5            0             -1

Water issues                     -8             +1           -3      -3      -1             0            +1            -2

Air pollution                    -5             +2           -4      -1      -8            -1            -4            -5

Climate change                   2             -15           -18     -7      -7            -1            -2            -1

At least one third of consumers in all countries think it is
important for companies to be environmentally conscious,
but other attributes are more important
Companies can have different priorities. How important is it to                                 Most important         2nd most important
you that a company is the following when choosing to purchase
their products or services? Showing Very Important

                                     AUSTRALIA       BRAZIL       CHINA         FRANCE      GERMANY      INDIA         U.K.         U.S.

Offers good value                         75           71          68            69           73          71           73           74
Is reliable                               68           87          68            56           63          81           65           72
Offers high-quality products or
                                          63           87          68            54           61          78           61           67
Is trustworthy                            65           53          70            56           57          81           64           67
Cares about its customers                 57           84          62            51           47          83           55           65
Is responsible                            52           79          71            45           49          70           46           58
Is environmentally conscious                   7th          5th           8th         5th          5th           5th          8th          7th
                                          42           74          56            51           51          72           33           38
(showing rank)
Is green                                  25           55          61            26           21          60           21           31
Is best in its category                   24           51          45            26           17          57           21           32
Is innovative                             20           55          36            21           23          48           18           33
Has a strong brand                        21           34          31             9           17          43           19           40
Local                                     38           29          12            34           23          14           26           26
Is dynamic                                12           43          28            18           15          34           10           18
Contributes to charities and the
                                          18           48          14            15           21          24           14           21
Is distinctive                            12           43          17            16           14          30           11           18

The majority of consumers in all countries say it is very or
somewhat important that companies are environmentally

When you think about what brands to buy, how important is it to you
that a company is environmentally friendly or is a "green" company?

                                                                       Somewhat or
                                                                      very important

                                                                       Somewhat or
                                                                      very unimportant

                                                                       Undecided

The majority of consumers in developing markets still plan to
spend more on green products. Yet, overall the number of
consumers spending the same grew in all countries.
In the next year, do you plan to spend more, less or the same amount
on green products and services?

                                                                        More
                                                                        Same
                                                                        Less
                                                                        Undecided

 Cost is the biggest challenge to buying green in developed
 markets; selection and labeling in developing economies
 What do you think are the biggest challenges to purchasing                          Biggest challenge         2nd most important
 green products or services? Please select all that apply.

                             AUSTRALIA    BRAZIL         CHINA     FRANCE GERMANY       INDIA         U.K.              U.S.

They are too expensive          62           53               41    78      51            43              66             62

There is a limited
selection of items from         50           59               56    42      34            63              48             44
which to choose

They are difficult to find
(i.e., in specialty stores
rather than mainstream
                                33           55               31    27      27            57              26             23

The green labeling or
product information is
confusing or not
                                37           32               56    27      41            33              26             22

They are difficult to
identify because they are       34           35               53    31      27            31              28             17
poorly labeled

They are of low quality/
do not function as well as      14            7               22     7       6            10              10             13
traditional products

The number of consumers citing challenges to buying green
fell in all countries
What do you think are the biggest challenges to purchasing
green products or services? Please select all that apply.
Showing difference between 2011 and 2010

                              AUSTRALIA     BRAZIL           CHINA   FRANCE GERMANY   INDIA   U.K.   U.S.
The green labeling or
product information is
confusing or not                 -7            -6             -13     -6      -1      -11     -6     -4

They are difficult to find
(i.e., in specialty stores
rather than mainstream
                                 -6            -8             -9      -6      -2       -9     -4     -6

There is a limited
selection of items from          -7            -8             -12     -3       0       -9     -6     -2
which to choose

They are difficult to
identify because they            -7            -7             -5      -6      -4       -9     -2     -6
are poorly labeled

They are too expensive           -7            0              -2       0      -7       -3     -5     -5

They are of low quality/ do
not function as well as          -4            +1             -2      -2      -1       -5     -6     -6
traditional products

The majority of consumers in all countries believe green
products generally cost more than comparable non-green
Generally speaking, do you believe that green products cost
more or less than comparable non-green products?
Showing “Generally cost more”

                                                                  83              84
      81                                 79
                        74                                                73             74

 AUSTRALIA           BRAZIL            CHINA           FRANCE   GERMANY   INDIA   U.K.   U.S.
     AU                BR               CN                FR      DE      IN      UK     US

Consumers in developing countries are more willing to pay a
green price premium

And thinking about your on general behavior, how much
more in percentage terms are you willing to spend on a
product because it is green?

                                                          Not willing to
                                                         spend more
                                                          Up to 10% more
                                                          11-20% more
                                                          21-30% more
                                                          Over 30% more
                                                          Undecided

Many consumers use certification marks to determine if a
product is green, especially in France, Germany and China
How do you decide for yourself that a product is "green‖?
Showing ―I look for a specific certification mark‖


       48                  48
                                                                               45             44


  AUSTRALIA             BRAZIL              CHINA           FRANCE   GERMANY   INDIA   U.K.   U.S.
      AU                  BR                 CN              FR        DE      IN      UK     US

Consumers in developed countries say that packaging has the
greatest impact on their likelihood to purchase green products,
while consumers in developing countries cite TV ads
Which of the following do you feel has the greatest impact on                        Greatest impact      2nd greatest impact
your likelihood to purchase green products?

                                            AUSTRALIA BRAZIL         CHINA   FRANCE GERMANY       INDIA       U.K.        U.S

Packaging                                       35              38    26       30       30         33         34          29
Television ads                                  24              46    42       19       11         57         25          24
Television programs                             24              38    43       18       30         41         22          17
Word of mouth (i.e. family, friends)            25              37    38       23       21         40         20          27
Newspaper articles                              19              25    26       18       22         45         17          11
Magazine articles                               13              30    19       16       16         30         10           9
Brand's own website                             11              27    28       13        9         28          8           9
Newspaper ads                                   10              22    19        7        6         40          7           8
Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter        5              26    34       3         7         27          5           7
Magazine ads                                     7              26    13       11        7         25          6           8
Radio                                            8              15     8        8        8         15          5           4
Books                                            5               9    19        7        6         17          3           4
Blogs                                            4              11    17        3        4         13          3           6
Cost                                             0               0     0        0        0          0          0           1
Internet                                         0               0     0        0        0          0          0           1
Third party sources                              0               0     0        0        0          0          0           1
Consumer reports / Consumer product              0              0      0       0         0          0          0           0
testing agency
News / News websites                             0              0      0       0         0          0          0           0

Most consumers, especially in developing countries, trust green
advertising—however, the French are more skeptical

Which of the following statements do you agree with more?

                                                             Advertising about
                                                            green products helps
                                                            consumers make
                                                            more informed
                                                            purchase decisions
                                                            and understand the
                                                            benefits of these

                                                             There is so much
                                                            advertising about
                                                            green products
                                                            that consumers just
                                                            tune out

                                                             Undecided

Consumers want governments to mandate extended producer
responsibility and greater label clarity with regard to ingredients
and food origin
Now please take a look at the following list of possible requirements                     Most important    2nd most important
your government could put in place. Please rate each initiative in
terms of importance. Showing 8-10 on a 1-10 point scale.

                                       AUSTRALIA        BRAZIL      CHINA    FRANCE   GERMANY     INDIA     U.K.       U.S.
Companies must recycle
                                            68            81            68     76       77          71      73          57
product packaging
Disclosure of all materials and
                                            72            76            75     66       74          73      62          66
ingredients in products
Labels that tell where our food
                                            77            76            60     73       74          72      64          61
comes from
Companies must take back
products, such as electronics, at           62            79            68     76       76          66      68          56
the end of their useful life
Green product labels that are
                                            65            78            74     67       67          73      62          59
easier to understand
More food and product safety
                                            63            74            79     67       69          73      51          61
Labels that tell the
environmental impact of the                 55            78            70     62       64          72      55          48
Labels that tell the carbon
                                            51            70            59     53       56          68      49          43
footprint of the product
Information that explains how a
                                            49            65            58     59       59          59      46          47
product was manufactured

Developing countries and Germany say the tech industry is
doing the best job protecting the environment. Leading
industries vary in developed countries.
Which of the following private industries is doing the best job of                                    Best job           2nd best job
helping to protect the environment?

                                 AUSTRALIA          BRAZIL           CHINA   FRANCE   GERMANY   INDIA             U.K.           U.S.

Technology                            11               22             33       6        19       22                7              12

Energy                                20               17             14       13       13       20               17              18

Grocery                                9                1             2        12        9       7                21              15

Household Products                     8               13             7        5         5       8                 4              9

Personal Care                          3               20             5        7         2       8                 2              2

Automobile                             5                3             3        7         7       4                10              9

Retail                                 2                2             4        17        7       3                 5              1
Packaged Foods and
                                       3                5             3        5         5       6                 7              6

Hotels/Hospitality                     2                4             5        2         2       9                 2              2

Mobile service provider                1                1             13       1         1       4                 1              1
Quick Service
Restaurants                            1                1             3        1         1       1                 0              1
(Fast Food)

 Consumers in developed countries purchase green grocery and
 household products; in developing countries consumers also
 buy green personal care and food and beverage products
 What types of ―green‖ products or services have you                                    Largest number of customers
 purchased in the last year? Please select all that apply                               2nd largest number of customers

                         AUSTRALIA        BRAZIL            CHINA   FRANCE   GERMANY   INDIA         U.K.          U.S.

Household Products            54             61              48       54       45       57           45             49
Grocery                       57             30              25       59       65       53           62             53
Personal Care                 34             60              51       44       37       52           31             35
Packaged Foods and
                              29             43              54       33       40       44           38             31

Retail                        21             23              40       32       29       28           21             16
Energy                        32             28              32       15       21       28           20             24
Technology                    16             34              39       9        16       30           13             14
Quick Service
Restaurants (Fast             10             19              33       7         9       18            6             12
Mobile provider
                              6              9               33       3         4       25            4             5

Hotels/Hospitality            7              10              21       4         5       22            5             7
Automobile                    7              11              13       6         6       16            6             6

Consumers plan to buy more green auto, tech and energy sector
products in the coming year
 Showing difference between ―What types of                  Poised for green growth – Greatest difference between the number of
 ―green‖ products or services do you intend to             consumers who say they have purchased green products compared with those
 purchase this year? Please select all that apply‖         who say they intend to purchase green products in the category
 and ―What types of "green" products or services
 have you purchased in the last year? Please                Decline in green sales – Greatest decline between the number of consumers
 select all that apply.‖                                   who say they have purchased green products compared with those who say they
                                                           intend to purchase green products in the category

                          AUSTRALIA        BRAZIL    CHINA        FRANCE      GERMANY         INDIA         U.K.          U.S.

Automobile                     +3            +14     +15             +3           +2           +12           +2           +6
Technology                     +3            +10      +7             +7           +3            +7           +4           +8
Energy                         +3             +8     +10             +2           +9            +5           +4           +3
Retail                         +2             +7      +8             -1           +1            +8           +2           +6
Mobile provider service        +1             +7      +6             +2           +1            +5           +2           +3
Hotels/Hospitality             +1             +8      +5             +2           +2            +3           +1           +1
Quick Service
Restaurants (Fast Food)
                               +2             +5      +4             -1            -1           +6           +1           +3
Personal Care                   0             -2      +4             -1            0            -1            0           +2
Packaged Foods and
                               +1              0      -2             +1            -3           -2           -2           +2
Grocery                        -3             +4      +7             -5            -8           -3           -8            -1
Household Products             -4             -5      +9             -7            -6           -2           -3            -4

     How ―green‖ would you consider this brand to be?
     Brands ranked based on percentage of respondents who
     chose 8-10 on a 1-10 point scale, where 10 means the brand
     is more "green."

            AUSTRALIA                              BRAZIL                       CHINA               FRANCE

1     Subway                         1   Natura Cosméticos        1    Haier            1    Yves Rocher

2     Toyota                         2   O Boticário              2    Gree             2    L’Occitane en Provence

3     ALDI                           3   Ipê                      3    Microsoft        3    Veolia Environnement

4     IKEA                           4   Unilever                 4    Mengniu          4    Belambra Clubs (VVF)

5     Woolworth’s                    5   Nestlé                   5    Volkswagen       5    IKEA

6     Apple                          6   Petrobras                6    Shangri-La       6    Decathalon

7     Dove                           7   Bombril                  7    Tsingtao         7    Danone

8     IGA                            8   Johnson & Johnson        8    Yili             8    NIVEA

9     Kimberly Clark                 9   Avon                     9    Lenovo           9    Suez Environnement

10    Coles                         10   Hering                   10   Suning           10   Leclerc

     How ―green‖ would you consider this brand to be?
     Brands ranked based on percentage of respondents who
     chose 8-10 on a 1-10 point scale, where 10 means the brand
     is more "green."

           GERMANY                                   INDIA                          U.K.                 U.S.

1     Alnatura                       1   Amul                       1    The Body Shop      1    Seventh Generation

2     LichtBlick                     2   Dabur                      2    Innocent           2    Whole Foods Market

3     Frosch (Erdal Rex)             3   Infosys                    3    The Co-operative   3    Tom’s of Maine

4     Tegut                          4   Taj Hotels and Palaces     4    Marks & Spencer    4    Burt’s Bees

5     Edeka                          5   Britannia                  5    IKEA               5    Trader Joe’s

6     NORDSEE                        6   Suzlon                     6    Dove               6    Walt DIsney

7     REWE                           7   Hindustan Unilever         7    Sainsbury’s        7    SC Johnson

8     Dr. Oetker                     8   Wipro                      8    Waitrose           8    Dove

9     Volkswagen                     9   Maruti Suzuki              9    Fairy              9    Apple

10    Henkel                       10    Godrej Consumer Products   10   Morrisons          10   Microsoft, Starbucks (TIE)
About Us

Annie Longsworth

(415) 365-8521

Cohn & Wolfe is a strategic public relations agency dedicated to creating,
building and protecting the world’s most prolific brands. With offices
around the world, the agency is committed to breaking new ground in the
delivery of cross-channel media strategies, creative programming, and
practice area excellence.

Cohn & Wolfe is recognized year after year by clients and the industry for
excellence in creativity, client service, digital communications, media
strategy, senior management and strategic counsel. Cohn & Wolfe also
consistently ranks among the top ―Best Agencies to Work For‖ in an
annual, industry-wide employee survey. For more information, visit: Cohn & Wolfe is part of WPP (Nasdaq: WPPGY),
one of the world’s largest communications services group.

Amy Longsworth

(202) 365-6638

Esty Environmental Partners (EEP) is a management
consultancy working with corporate clients to build high-
impact environmental strategies that create sustainable
business value. EEP serves a range of
companies, from Fortune 500 to small business, in diverse
industries including apparel, financial services, industrial,
and consumer packaged goods. EEP clients are
executives whose responsibilities include corporate
environmental affairs and sustainability, product line
management, facilities management, and the highest levels
of company or division general management. They engage
EEP’s team of experienced environmental and business
professionals to help them build core capabilities, innovate,
and differentiate their companies through environmental
strategy. To learn more, please visit

Russ Meyer

(415) 365-3866

Landor Associates is one of the world’s leading strategic brand consulting
and design firms. Founded by Walter Landor in 1941, Landor pioneered
many of the research, design, and consulting methods that are now
standard in the branding industry. Partnering with clients, Landor drives
business transformation and performance by creating brands that are
more innovative, progressive, and dynamic than their competitors.

Landor’s holistic approach to branding is a balance of rigorous, business-
driven thinking and exceptional creativity. Its work spans the full breadth
of branding services, including brand research and valuation, brand
positioning and architecture, naming and writing, corporate identity and
consumer packaging design, branded experience, brand equity
management, brand engagement, and digital branding.

Russ Meyer

(415) 365-3866

With 21 offices in 16 countries, Landor’s current and past clients include
some of the world’s most powerful brands, including BlackBerry, Citi, the
Council on Foreign Relations, Diageo, Hilton Hotels, HP, Jet Airways,
Microsoft, MillerCoors, Panasonic, PGA of America, Procter & Gamble,
Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces, and Verizon.

Landor is a member of the Young & Rubicam Brands network within WPP,
one of the world's largest marketing and communications firms.
For more information, please visit

Dave Hughes

(619) 709-4043

Penn Schoen Berland is a global research-based consultancy that
specializes in messaging and communications strategy for blue-chip
political, corporate and entertainment clients. PSB has over 30 years of
experience leveraging unique insights about public opinion to provide
clients with a competitive advantage. PSB executes polling and message
testing services for Fortune 100 corporations and have helped elect more
than 30 presidents and prime ministers around the world. Penn Schoen
Berland is a part of Young & Rubicam Brands, a subsidiary of WPP, one
of the world’s leading communications services networks. More
information is available at

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2011 - Green Brands Global Media Deck

  • 1.
  • 2. BACKGROUND For the past seven years, the ImagePower® Green Brands Survey has analyzed consumer perceptions of green products and corporate brands. WPP companies Cohn & Wolfe, Landor Associates, and Penn Schoen Berland, in partnership with corporate environmental strategy consultancy, Esty Environmental Partners, conducted the research and analysis.
  • 3. BACKGROUND The 2011 survey is the largest ever—with over 9,000 people in eight countries. This deck presents top-line findings and global trends. However, it only begins to tell the story—please contact us to learn more.
  • 5. METHODOLOGY 9,009 online interviews were conducted in Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, the U.S., and U.K. from April 2 – May 3, 2011. Interviews were conducted online among the general adult population. In China, India, and Brazil, respondents were from tier-one cities.* NUMBER OF INTERVIEWS AUSTRALIA 1,100 BRAZIL 1,106 CHINA 1,102 FRANCE 1,100 GERMANY 1,100 INDIA 1,101 U.K. 1,200 * Tier-one cities are major U.S. 1,200 metropolitan areas in a country.
  • 7. KEY FINDINGS The Green Brands Survey answers several important questions…
  • 8. KEY FINDINGS How have consumers’ attitudes toward green brands, products and services changed from previous years and how do they vary by country? What consumer challenges must companies overcome in the green space? Do consumer perceptions vary on how different industries address sustainability? What types of green products are consumers currently buying and in which categories do consumers plan to purchase more green products? What brands in each country do consumers think are green and why?
  • 9. KEY FINDINGS (1/3) Consumers are increasingly concerned about environmental issues, particularly energy use In most countries, concern about the state of the economy fell, while concern about the state of the environment grew. While the number of consumers who choose climate change as the most important green issue fell, the number who cite energy use as an issue rose. Consumers want to buy from green companies and plan to spend more on green products Consistent with previous years, the majority of consumers across all countries say it is important to buy from environmentally-friendly companies. In developing countries, the majority of consumers say they plan to ―spend more‖ on green products and services.
  • 10. KEY FINDINGS (2/3) Packaging influences green purchasing At least a quarter of consumers in all countries say that packaging has the greatest impact on their likelihood to purchase green products. Consumers rely heavily on certification marks to decide if a product is green. Consumers are less likely to cite hurdles to buying green compared to last year; but price and lack of choice remain challenges In developed countries, more than half of consumers report that high cost of buying green is the biggest hurdle. More than a third of consumers in developed countries say they are not willing to pay a green price premium. In developing countries, consumers most frequently cite limited selection as the biggest hurdle to buying green. In China, confusing or untrustworthy green labeling is a barrier.
  • 11. KEY FINDINGS (3/3) Consumers are more likely to purchase green products in the household, grocery, personal care, and packaged food and beverage industries. Auto and tech are poised for green growth. Consumers in developed countries purchase more green products in the grocery industry compared to any other industry. In India and Brazil, consumers are more likely to purchase green products in the household category and in China consumers are more likely to purchase green products in the packaged food and beverage category. Consumers in all markets intend to buy more green products in the technology and auto industries in the next year. Consumers are looking for public leadership on green innovation An overwhelming majority say the government should support more green innovation than it does now. Consumers in all countries except the U.S. believe it should be primarily the government that supports green innovation (rather than the private sector).
  • 12. AUSTRALIA Australians concerned about climate change, and the environment in general Australia is the only country polled that selected climate change as the largest environmental issue. The number of consumers who say the environment is on the wrong track versus headed in the right direction jumped from 42% in 2010 to 53% in 2011. Demand for information but overall face fewer hurdles to buying green 77% of consumers think labels that tell where food comes from and 72% think disclosure of ingredients and materials in products are important requirements the government could put in place. The number of consumers citing confusing or untrustworthy green labeling or product information, difficulty to find, limited selection, and expense as hurdles to buying green fell from last year. Consumers identify grocery and retail green brands 5 of the top 10 green brands are grocers or retailers.
  • 13. BRAZIL Strong environmental interest More consumers in Brazil think the state of the environment is on the wrong track than consumers in the other countries. Consumers cite deforestation and climate change as the most important environmental issues. Affinity for green brands and willing to pay more for green products 74% say that ―Is environmentally conscious‖ is an important brand attribute— more than in other countries. 77% are willing to spend more on a product because it is green. More likely to purchase green household and personal care products 61% of Brazilians say they have purchased green household products in the past year—more than in other countries. 7 of the top 10 green brands are personal care or household product companies.
  • 14. CHINA Optimistic about the state of the environment China is the only country in which more consumers say the environment is headed in the right direction rather than say it is on the wrong track. Consumers are willing to pay more for green. Auto industry is poised for green growth. 95% are willing to spend more on a product because it is green. 28% of consumers say they intend to purchase green auto products in the next year, up from the 13% of consumers who report having purchased such products in the past year. See role for government in driving green innovation and ensuring product safety 77% say it should be the government who supports green innovation rather than the private sector. 79% think that more food and product safety testing is an important requirement the government could put in place.
  • 15. FRANCE Consumers are environmentally conscious, but look for value 88% say that when they think about brands to buy it is important that a company is environmentally friendly—more than in the other developed countries polled. 78% say the biggest challenge to purchasing green products or services is that they are too expensive—more than in other countries. Tune out green advertising France is the only country in which more consumers say there is so much advertising about green products that consumers tune it out. Cite the retail industry as doing the best job to protect the environment France is the only country in which more consumer say the retail industry is doing the best job of helping to protect the environment compared to other industries.
  • 16. GERMANY Germans focused on product information Germany is the only developed country in which consumers say green labeling or product information is confusing is a top challenge. Report commitment to green innovation Germany is the only country in which a majority of consumers say the government supports more green innovation. 72% of Germans say developed countries should focus on green innovation rather than developing countries. Show interest in energy issues 32% of Germans cite energy use as the most important green issue—higher than in any other country. 30% of consumers say they intend to purchase green energy products in the next year, up from the 21% of consumers who report having purchased such products in the past year.
  • 17. INDIA Unique environmental issues and innovation oriented India is the only country to chose air pollution as the most important green issue (tied with deforestation) India is the only country in which more consumers say it should be developing countries that should focus on green innovation versus developed countries. Receptive to green advertising 86% of Indians report advertising helps consumers make more informed decisions and understand the benefits of green products. 57% say that TV ads have the greatest impact on their likelihood to purchase green products. Consumers are interested in green auto products 28% of consumers say they intend to purchase green auto products in the next year, up from the 16% of consumers who report having purchased such products in the past year.
  • 18. UNITED KINGDOM Concern about the economy and cost of green products predominate Britons are more concerned about the state of the economy than consumers in other countries. 40% of Britons are not willing to spend more on a product because it is green—more than in other countries. They’re engaged on packaging issues 91% say companies use too much material in the packaging of products and 73% believe that requiring companies to recycle product packaging is an important requirement the government could put in place. Grocers and retailers vie for sustainability leadership Grocery stores and retailers account for 6 of the top 10 green brands.
  • 19. UNITED STATES Consumers want to buy green, but price remains a hurdle 72% believe it is important to buy from green companies and 30% say they plan to spend more on green products in the next year. 65% think green products cost more, but only 22% are willing to pay that premium. Consumers are most likely to buy ―in me‖ and ―on me‖ green products. Tech is poised to grow. Consumers buy more green products in the grocery, household, and personal care categories than in any other categories. 22% of consumers say they intend to purchase green tech products in the next year, up from the 14% of consumers who report having purchased such products in the past year. Demand for corporate innovation The U.S. is the only country in which consumers say the private sector should support green innovation versus the government.
  • 21. GLOBAL OUTLOOK More consumers in the U.S., France, Australia, China, and India think the environment is on the wrong track than in previous years. Consumers in India and Brazil are particularly concerned. Do you think the state of the environment in this country  2009  2010  2011 is headed in the right direction or is it on the wrong track? Showing “Wrong track” 66 66 63 61 59 59 57 53 54 53 54 50 48 47 48 47 42 42 43 41 39 32 29 AUSTRALIA BRAZIL CHINA FRANCE GERMANY INDIA U.K. U.S. AU BR CH DE FR IN UK US
  • 22. GLOBAL OUTLOOK Consumers in most countries rate energy use as the most important green issue—other issues split by region Which of the following do you feel is the most important  Most important  2nd most important green issue or problem today? AUSTRALIA BRAZIL CHINA FRANCE GERMANY INDIA U.K. U.S. Energy use 17 4 27 19 32 6 24 23 Climate change 22 15 14 11 26 18 19 14 Chemicals, toxics, & 12 8 14 19 13 12 7 16 heavy metals Air pollution 6 14 15 16 4 21 8 10 Deforestation 9 32 4 6 2 21 11 4 Waste management 4 8 8 8 3 9 17 10 Water issues 15 9 12 8 1 9 2 4 Ocean pollution and 6 2 2 7 6 1 6 4 overfishing Biodiversity loss 2 6 4 4 3 2 3 1
  • 23. GLOBAL OUTLOOK In the last year, concern about energy use and toxics grew, while concern about climate change and air pollution fell Which of the following do you feel is the most important  Issue increased in importance since 2010 green issue or problem today?  Issue decreased in importance since 2010 Showing difference between 2011 and 2010 AUSTRALIA BRAZIL CHINA FRANCE GERMANY INDIA U.K. U.S. Energy use +4 +2 +14 +9 +13 +1 +3 +1 Chemicals, toxics and +5 +3 +5 +6 +7 +4 +1 +6 heavy metals Biodiversity loss +1 +3 +2 0 -1 0 +2 0 Ocean pollution and +3 0 +1 0 -2 0 0 +1 overfishing Waste management -2 +2 +3 -1 -1 +2 0 -3 Deforestation -4 +2 +2 -4 -4 -5 0 -1 Water issues -8 +1 -3 -3 -1 0 +1 -2 Air pollution -5 +2 -4 -1 -8 -1 -4 -5 Climate change 2 -15 -18 -7 -7 -1 -2 -1
  • 24. GLOBAL OUTLOOK At least one third of consumers in all countries think it is important for companies to be environmentally conscious, but other attributes are more important Companies can have different priorities. How important is it to  Most important  2nd most important you that a company is the following when choosing to purchase their products or services? Showing Very Important AUSTRALIA BRAZIL CHINA FRANCE GERMANY INDIA U.K. U.S. Offers good value 75 71 68 69 73 71 73 74 Is reliable 68 87 68 56 63 81 65 72 Offers high-quality products or 63 87 68 54 61 78 61 67 services Is trustworthy 65 53 70 56 57 81 64 67 Cares about its customers 57 84 62 51 47 83 55 65 Is responsible 52 79 71 45 49 70 46 58 Is environmentally conscious 7th 5th 8th 5th 5th 5th 8th 7th 42 74 56 51 51 72 33 38 (showing rank) Is green 25 55 61 26 21 60 21 31 Is best in its category 24 51 45 26 17 57 21 32 Is innovative 20 55 36 21 23 48 18 33 Has a strong brand 21 34 31 9 17 43 19 40 Local 38 29 12 34 23 14 26 26 Is dynamic 12 43 28 18 15 34 10 18 Contributes to charities and the 18 48 14 15 21 24 14 21 community Is distinctive 12 43 17 16 14 30 11 18
  • 25. GLOBAL OUTLOOK The majority of consumers in all countries say it is very or somewhat important that companies are environmentally friendly When you think about what brands to buy, how important is it to you that a company is environmentally friendly or is a "green" company?  Somewhat or very important  Somewhat or very unimportant  Undecided
  • 26. GLOBAL OUTLOOK The majority of consumers in developing markets still plan to spend more on green products. Yet, overall the number of consumers spending the same grew in all countries. In the next year, do you plan to spend more, less or the same amount on green products and services?  More  Same  Less  Undecided
  • 27. GLOBAL OUTLOOK Cost is the biggest challenge to buying green in developed markets; selection and labeling in developing economies What do you think are the biggest challenges to purchasing  Biggest challenge  2nd most important green products or services? Please select all that apply. AUSTRALIA BRAZIL CHINA FRANCE GERMANY INDIA U.K. U.S. They are too expensive 62 53 41 78 51 43 66 62 There is a limited selection of items from 50 59 56 42 34 63 48 44 which to choose They are difficult to find (i.e., in specialty stores rather than mainstream 33 55 31 27 27 57 26 23 stores)"" The green labeling or product information is confusing or not 37 32 56 27 41 33 26 22 trustworthy They are difficult to identify because they are 34 35 53 31 27 31 28 17 poorly labeled They are of low quality/ do not function as well as 14 7 22 7 6 10 10 13 traditional products
  • 28. GLOBAL OUTLOOK The number of consumers citing challenges to buying green fell in all countries What do you think are the biggest challenges to purchasing green products or services? Please select all that apply. Showing difference between 2011 and 2010 AUSTRALIA BRAZIL CHINA FRANCE GERMANY INDIA U.K. U.S. The green labeling or product information is confusing or not -7 -6 -13 -6 -1 -11 -6 -4 trustworthy They are difficult to find (i.e., in specialty stores rather than mainstream -6 -8 -9 -6 -2 -9 -4 -6 stores) There is a limited selection of items from -7 -8 -12 -3 0 -9 -6 -2 which to choose They are difficult to identify because they -7 -7 -5 -6 -4 -9 -2 -6 are poorly labeled They are too expensive -7 0 -2 0 -7 -3 -5 -5 They are of low quality/ do not function as well as -4 +1 -2 -2 -1 -5 -6 -6 traditional products
  • 29. GLOBAL OUTLOOK The majority of consumers in all countries believe green products generally cost more than comparable non-green products Generally speaking, do you believe that green products cost more or less than comparable non-green products? Showing “Generally cost more” 91 83 84 81 79 74 73 74 AUSTRALIA BRAZIL CHINA FRANCE GERMANY INDIA U.K. U.S. AU BR CN FR DE IN UK US
  • 30. GLOBAL OUTLOOK Consumers in developing countries are more willing to pay a green price premium And thinking about your on general behavior, how much more in percentage terms are you willing to spend on a product because it is green?  Not willing to spend more  Up to 10% more  11-20% more  21-30% more  Over 30% more  Undecided
  • 31. GLOBAL OUTLOOK Many consumers use certification marks to determine if a product is green, especially in France, Germany and China How do you decide for yourself that a product is "green‖? Showing ―I look for a specific certification mark‖ 66 64 62 48 48 45 44 27 AUSTRALIA BRAZIL CHINA FRANCE GERMANY INDIA U.K. U.S. AU BR CN FR DE IN UK US
  • 32. GLOBAL OUTLOOK Consumers in developed countries say that packaging has the greatest impact on their likelihood to purchase green products, while consumers in developing countries cite TV ads Which of the following do you feel has the greatest impact on  Greatest impact  2nd greatest impact your likelihood to purchase green products? AUSTRALIA BRAZIL CHINA FRANCE GERMANY INDIA U.K. U.S Packaging 35 38 26 30 30 33 34 29 Television ads 24 46 42 19 11 57 25 24 Television programs 24 38 43 18 30 41 22 17 Word of mouth (i.e. family, friends) 25 37 38 23 21 40 20 27 Newspaper articles 19 25 26 18 22 45 17 11 Magazine articles 13 30 19 16 16 30 10 9 Brand's own website 11 27 28 13 9 28 8 9 Newspaper ads 10 22 19 7 6 40 7 8 Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter 5 26 34 3 7 27 5 7 Magazine ads 7 26 13 11 7 25 6 8 Radio 8 15 8 8 8 15 5 4 Books 5 9 19 7 6 17 3 4 Blogs 4 11 17 3 4 13 3 6 Cost 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Internet 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Third party sources 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Consumer reports / Consumer product 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 testing agency News / News websites 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  • 33. GLOBAL OUTLOOK Most consumers, especially in developing countries, trust green advertising—however, the French are more skeptical Which of the following statements do you agree with more?  Advertising about green products helps consumers make more informed purchase decisions and understand the benefits of these projects  There is so much advertising about green products that consumers just tune out  Undecided
  • 34. GLOBAL OUTLOOK Consumers want governments to mandate extended producer responsibility and greater label clarity with regard to ingredients and food origin Now please take a look at the following list of possible requirements  Most important  2nd most important your government could put in place. Please rate each initiative in terms of importance. Showing 8-10 on a 1-10 point scale. AUSTRALIA BRAZIL CHINA FRANCE GERMANY INDIA U.K. U.S. Companies must recycle 68 81 68 76 77 71 73 57 product packaging Disclosure of all materials and 72 76 75 66 74 73 62 66 ingredients in products Labels that tell where our food 77 76 60 73 74 72 64 61 comes from Companies must take back products, such as electronics, at 62 79 68 76 76 66 68 56 the end of their useful life Green product labels that are 65 78 74 67 67 73 62 59 easier to understand More food and product safety 63 74 79 67 69 73 51 61 testing Labels that tell the environmental impact of the 55 78 70 62 64 72 55 48 product Labels that tell the carbon 51 70 59 53 56 68 49 43 footprint of the product Information that explains how a 49 65 58 59 59 59 46 47 product was manufactured
  • 35. GLOBAL OUTLOOK Developing countries and Germany say the tech industry is doing the best job protecting the environment. Leading industries vary in developed countries. Which of the following private industries is doing the best job of  Best job  2nd best job helping to protect the environment? AUSTRALIA BRAZIL CHINA FRANCE GERMANY INDIA U.K. U.S. Technology 11 22 33 6 19 22 7 12 Energy 20 17 14 13 13 20 17 18 Grocery 9 1 2 12 9 7 21 15 Household Products 8 13 7 5 5 8 4 9 Personal Care 3 20 5 7 2 8 2 2 Automobile 5 3 3 7 7 4 10 9 Retail 2 2 4 17 7 3 5 1 Packaged Foods and Beverage 3 5 3 5 5 6 7 6 Hotels/Hospitality 2 4 5 2 2 9 2 2 Mobile service provider 1 1 13 1 1 4 1 1 Quick Service Restaurants 1 1 3 1 1 1 0 1 (Fast Food)
  • 36. GLOBAL OUTLOOK Consumers in developed countries purchase green grocery and household products; in developing countries consumers also buy green personal care and food and beverage products What types of ―green‖ products or services have you  Largest number of customers purchased in the last year? Please select all that apply  2nd largest number of customers AUSTRALIA BRAZIL CHINA FRANCE GERMANY INDIA U.K. U.S. Household Products 54 61 48 54 45 57 45 49 Grocery 57 30 25 59 65 53 62 53 Personal Care 34 60 51 44 37 52 31 35 Packaged Foods and Beverage 29 43 54 33 40 44 38 31 Retail 21 23 40 32 29 28 21 16 Energy 32 28 32 15 21 28 20 24 Technology 16 34 39 9 16 30 13 14 Quick Service Restaurants (Fast 10 19 33 7 9 18 6 12 Food) Mobile provider service 6 9 33 3 4 25 4 5 Hotels/Hospitality 7 10 21 4 5 22 5 7 Automobile 7 11 13 6 6 16 6 6
  • 37. GLOBAL OUTLOOK Consumers plan to buy more green auto, tech and energy sector products in the coming year Showing difference between ―What types of  Poised for green growth – Greatest difference between the number of ―green‖ products or services do you intend to consumers who say they have purchased green products compared with those purchase this year? Please select all that apply‖ who say they intend to purchase green products in the category and ―What types of "green" products or services have you purchased in the last year? Please  Decline in green sales – Greatest decline between the number of consumers select all that apply.‖ who say they have purchased green products compared with those who say they intend to purchase green products in the category AUSTRALIA BRAZIL CHINA FRANCE GERMANY INDIA U.K. U.S. Automobile +3 +14 +15 +3 +2 +12 +2 +6 Technology +3 +10 +7 +7 +3 +7 +4 +8 Energy +3 +8 +10 +2 +9 +5 +4 +3 Retail +2 +7 +8 -1 +1 +8 +2 +6 Mobile provider service +1 +7 +6 +2 +1 +5 +2 +3 Hotels/Hospitality +1 +8 +5 +2 +2 +3 +1 +1 Quick Service Restaurants (Fast Food) +2 +5 +4 -1 -1 +6 +1 +3 Personal Care 0 -2 +4 -1 0 -1 0 +2 Packaged Foods and Beverage +1 0 -2 +1 -3 -2 -2 +2 Grocery -3 +4 +7 -5 -8 -3 -8 -1 Household Products -4 -5 +9 -7 -6 -2 -3 -4
  • 38. TOP GREEN BRANDS BY COUNTRY How ―green‖ would you consider this brand to be? Brands ranked based on percentage of respondents who chose 8-10 on a 1-10 point scale, where 10 means the brand is more "green." AUSTRALIA BRAZIL CHINA FRANCE 1 Subway 1 Natura Cosméticos 1 Haier 1 Yves Rocher 2 Toyota 2 O Boticário 2 Gree 2 L’Occitane en Provence 3 ALDI 3 Ipê 3 Microsoft 3 Veolia Environnement 4 IKEA 4 Unilever 4 Mengniu 4 Belambra Clubs (VVF) 5 Woolworth’s 5 Nestlé 5 Volkswagen 5 IKEA 6 Apple 6 Petrobras 6 Shangri-La 6 Decathalon 7 Dove 7 Bombril 7 Tsingtao 7 Danone 8 IGA 8 Johnson & Johnson 8 Yili 8 NIVEA 9 Kimberly Clark 9 Avon 9 Lenovo 9 Suez Environnement 10 Coles 10 Hering 10 Suning 10 Leclerc
  • 39. TOP GREEN BRANDS BY COUNTRY How ―green‖ would you consider this brand to be? Brands ranked based on percentage of respondents who chose 8-10 on a 1-10 point scale, where 10 means the brand is more "green." GERMANY INDIA U.K. U.S. 1 Alnatura 1 Amul 1 The Body Shop 1 Seventh Generation 2 LichtBlick 2 Dabur 2 Innocent 2 Whole Foods Market 3 Frosch (Erdal Rex) 3 Infosys 3 The Co-operative 3 Tom’s of Maine 4 Tegut 4 Taj Hotels and Palaces 4 Marks & Spencer 4 Burt’s Bees 5 Edeka 5 Britannia 5 IKEA 5 Trader Joe’s 6 NORDSEE 6 Suzlon 6 Dove 6 Walt DIsney 7 REWE 7 Hindustan Unilever 7 Sainsbury’s 7 SC Johnson 8 Dr. Oetker 8 Wipro 8 Waitrose 8 Dove 9 Volkswagen 9 Maruti Suzuki 9 Fairy 9 Apple 10 Henkel 10 Godrej Consumer Products 10 Morrisons 10 Microsoft, Starbucks (TIE)
  • 41. ABOUT US Annie Longsworth COHN & WOLFE (415) 365-8521 Cohn & Wolfe is a strategic public relations agency dedicated to creating, building and protecting the world’s most prolific brands. With offices around the world, the agency is committed to breaking new ground in the delivery of cross-channel media strategies, creative programming, and practice area excellence. Cohn & Wolfe is recognized year after year by clients and the industry for excellence in creativity, client service, digital communications, media strategy, senior management and strategic counsel. Cohn & Wolfe also consistently ranks among the top ―Best Agencies to Work For‖ in an annual, industry-wide employee survey. For more information, visit: Cohn & Wolfe is part of WPP (Nasdaq: WPPGY), one of the world’s largest communications services group.
  • 42. ABOUT US Amy Longsworth ESTY ENVIRONMENTAL PARTNERS (202) 365-6638 Esty Environmental Partners (EEP) is a management consultancy working with corporate clients to build high- impact environmental strategies that create sustainable business value. EEP serves a range of companies, from Fortune 500 to small business, in diverse industries including apparel, financial services, industrial, and consumer packaged goods. EEP clients are executives whose responsibilities include corporate environmental affairs and sustainability, product line management, facilities management, and the highest levels of company or division general management. They engage EEP’s team of experienced environmental and business professionals to help them build core capabilities, innovate, and differentiate their companies through environmental strategy. To learn more, please visit
  • 43. ABOUT US Russ Meyer LANDOR (415) 365-3866 Landor Associates is one of the world’s leading strategic brand consulting and design firms. Founded by Walter Landor in 1941, Landor pioneered many of the research, design, and consulting methods that are now standard in the branding industry. Partnering with clients, Landor drives business transformation and performance by creating brands that are more innovative, progressive, and dynamic than their competitors. Landor’s holistic approach to branding is a balance of rigorous, business- driven thinking and exceptional creativity. Its work spans the full breadth of branding services, including brand research and valuation, brand positioning and architecture, naming and writing, corporate identity and consumer packaging design, branded experience, brand equity management, brand engagement, and digital branding.
  • 44. ABOUT US Russ Meyer LANDOR (415) 365-3866 With 21 offices in 16 countries, Landor’s current and past clients include some of the world’s most powerful brands, including BlackBerry, Citi, the Council on Foreign Relations, Diageo, Hilton Hotels, HP, Jet Airways, Microsoft, MillerCoors, Panasonic, PGA of America, Procter & Gamble, Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces, and Verizon. Landor is a member of the Young & Rubicam Brands network within WPP, one of the world's largest marketing and communications firms. For more information, please visit
  • 45. ABOUT US Dave Hughes PENN SCHOEN BERLAND (619) 709-4043 Penn Schoen Berland is a global research-based consultancy that specializes in messaging and communications strategy for blue-chip political, corporate and entertainment clients. PSB has over 30 years of experience leveraging unique insights about public opinion to provide clients with a competitive advantage. PSB executes polling and message testing services for Fortune 100 corporations and have helped elect more than 30 presidents and prime ministers around the world. Penn Schoen Berland is a part of Young & Rubicam Brands, a subsidiary of WPP, one of the world’s leading communications services networks. More information is available at

Editor's Notes

  1. Would be great if we could change the accent color for these slides to a light green (from the leaves) to go better with the color scheme of the charts that follow
  2. Slide 19 in GB International Media Deck 2June-2011—indicative of how bar graphs should be handled (also slides 27, 29, 33 should be translated into theme colors). Please order countries alphabetically throughout, and use text instead of country icons.
  3. Slide 20 in GB International Media Deck 2June-2011—indicative of how matricesshould be handled (also slides 21, 22, 25, 26, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36 should be translated into theme colors—should use yellow or orange for negative things like an issue decreasing in importance in slide 21). Please order countries alphabetically throughout, and use text instead of country icons.
  4. Slide 20 in GB International Media Deck 2June-2011—indicative of how matricesshould be handled (also slides 21, 22, 25, 26, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36 should be translated into theme colors—should use yellow or orange for negative things like an issue decreasing in importance in slide 21). Please order countries alphabetically throughout, and use text instead of country icons.
  5. Slide 20 in GB International Media Deck 2June-2011—indicative of how matricesshould be handled (also slides 21, 22, 25, 26, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36 should be translated into theme colors—should use yellow or orange for negative things like an issue decreasing in importance in slide 21). Please order countries alphabetically throughout, and use text instead of country icons.
  6. Slide 23 in GB International Media Deck 2June-2011
  7. Slide 20 in GB International Media Deck 2June-2011—indicative of how matricesshould be handled (also slides 21, 22, 25, 26, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36 should be translated into theme colors—should use yellow or orange for negative things like an issue decreasing in importance in slide 21). Please order countries alphabetically throughout, and use text instead of country icons.
  8. Slide 20 in GB International Media Deck 2June-2011—indicative of how matricesshould be handled (also slides 21, 22, 25, 26, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36 should be translated into theme colors—should use yellow or orange for negative things like an issue decreasing in importance in slide 21). Please order countries alphabetically throughout, and use text instead of country icons.
  9. Slide 28 in GB International Media Deck 2June-2011
  10. Slide 28 in GB International Media Deck 2June-2011
  11. Slide 37 in GB International Media Deck 2June-2011 (re-ordered)
  12. Slide 38 in GB International Media Deck 2June-2011 (re-ordered)