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MUNITY XLII      The Hague International Model United Nations

Monday, January 25, 2010                                                               Volume 18, Issue 1

  By: Victoria Uwemedimo
                             Making the World a Better Place
                                     solely            the
A murmur of thrumming                government itself,
anticipation pervades the World      instead     ensuring
Forum Theatre as hundreds of         that        “citizens,
delegates wait for THIMUN            leaders and public
XLII to officially commence,         institutions relate to
their impatience palpable and        each other in order
casting a veneer of solemn           to make change
tension over the conference          happen”. This, of
room. Can Soylu, President of        course,        relates
the General Assembly, hushes         directly to our own
the room with the words “Could       conference and the
the house please come to order!”     role we play in the
and a few authoritative taps of      colossal mechanism
his mallet. After one minute of      that is THIMUN: we
meditative silenc e to remember      must “learn how to
those who have died through          communicate [our]                                                                        Eric Lawton
natural disasters or man-made        ideas to [our] peers        “ The future is in your hands,” said our distinguished keynote speaker.
causes, a resounding scatter         and thus prepare to be              concluding element of solidarity answered: “Problems can be
of applause breaks and Mr.           communicative world citizens”. is brought to the atmosphere. seen as big at THIMUN; but
Frits Huffnagel, the Elderman            Perhaps the key note of Ms. Simultaneously, a sense of every problem has a solution.”
of International Affairs of the      Dubock’s inspiring speech hope and determination can be                    The Secretary G e n e r a l ,
Municipality of The Hague            was the incredibly relevant detected as we realised that we Alessandro Guglielmi, made
spoke to the delegates about         correlation she drew between can make a change, we can make the final speech emphasising the
his cosmopolitan city. Ms.           THIMUN and the recent a difference.                                    massive impact that THIMUN
Linda Dubock, Chair of the           disaster in Haiti. Our pride and       A passionate speech delivered makes and the magic that lies
THIMUN Board of Directors,           near sense-self of importance by the keynote speaker and therein. He managed to embody
then took her place behind the       gradually swelling in our THIMUN patron, Her Royal THIMUN in a few simple lines:
microphone. She once again           chests throughout the speech Princess, Princess Mabel von “But THIMUN is more than
sets into motion the wheel of        was brought crashing down as Oranje-Nassau, compelled us a mere conference. It is a place
dynamism which spins the             Ms. Dubock recalled through to admire her perspicacity and and time where people excel, it
straw of young, raw ingenious        repressed tears the “devastation undying quest to make the world is a place and time where people
minds into the gold that is that     and heartbreaking images” “a better place”. The princess experience great new things, it is
final resolution at the end of the   of the Haitian earthquake. underlined just how vital good a place and time where memories
week.                                Suddenly, we became aware governance is in the successful are created”. Thus the opening
    Ms. Dubock highlighted the       of our extremely privileged running and maintenance of a ceremony ended on a highly
significance of this year’s topic,   situations and the way in which country, with the affirmation positive note which reminded
Good Governance, which in            we take for granted what some “the problems might be bad and us all that we symbolise the
her opinion is “mostly about the     have never had. Nonetheless, deep-rooted, but they can be youth of the world, we speak for
implementation of human rights       as Ms. Dubock announces that changed”. After the ceremony, those who do not have a voice,
and the enforcement of human         the proceeds of the collection MUNITY reporter Patricia and, through “partnership and
rights standards”. She also          for charity this year will be Kim asked Princess Mabel if she teamwork”, we can achieve
stressed that Good Governance        donated to the victims of had any advice for THIMUN something brilliant.
does not involve nor require         the Haitian catastrophe, a delegates, to which the Princess
                                                          IN THIS ISSUE:
    The Art of Lobbying:                          Preparations for THIMUN :                    The Hague Travel Guide:
    How to lobby step-by-step!                    Selection process and prepa-                 A quick guide to glamorous
    Get your ideas heard and                      ration that leads to a suc-                  places to eat, socialize and
    your resolutions                cessful THIMUN conference           14
    10, 11                               12
Issue 1                                                                                                              January 25, 2010
     Munity XLII
                                                   Stabilizing the Core
                                        By: Divya Sharan
       2E Van Blankenburgstraat 119      “Obama-mania,” as it was        government institutions –       own lifestyles and luxuries
    2517HC Den Haag, The Netherlands   termed, is quickly sweeping       which is exactly what “Good     are not being jeopardized.

                                       across the globe, reaching        Governance” refers to.          “However, in the face of
                                       all those who want to see an        It is the lack of this sense  economic and environmental
           Editors-in-Chief            end to the problems facing        of “Good Governance” in         crises, that complacency just
             Kuan Yu Shen              the world today. Recent           the world that inadvertently    isn’t possible anymore,” Mr.
           Andria Varnavides           Nobel Prize winner, Barack        makes it the root cause         Buscher adds.
                                       Obama, has become a highly        of many of the world’s            It is becoming more
            Text-Editors               influential household name;       problems. Paul Wolfowitz,       and more evident that
           Mari-Ana Narbon             simply put, what he says, goes.   former President of the         there is a need to look in
              Jessia Gao               On his first trip to Africa       World Bank, said that good      to the transparency and
           Alejandra Paton             as President of the United        governance “is essentially the  accountability of individual
                                       States, Obama addressed one       combination of transparent      governments. In fact, there
                Reporters              of the most pressing, yet often   and accountable institutions,   is nothing the rest of the
               Divya Sharan            overlooked issues                                                        world can do to solve
          Victoria Uwemedimo
                Patricia Kim
                                       in the world – the     “[Good governance]                                this problem. Instead,
                                       problem of “Good                                                         it is up to individual
               Bavo Stevens
            Aditya Naganath
                                       Governance.”           is the ingredient                                 governments to take
                                         “ [ G o o d                                                            responsibility for their
             Liske Bruinsma
              Vera BLoemen
                                       governance] is the     which has been                                    actions and to uphold
                                       ingredient which                                                         the United Nations
            Genevieve Snider
             Tugce Koseoglu
                                       has been missing in    missing in far too                                Charter.         “Good
                                       far too many places,                                                     Governance” is the
                                       for far too long.” It  many places, for far                              theme of THIMUN
               Layout                  remains to be seen                                                       2010. Amongst all
          SeoHyun Sarah Bae            how Obama’s words      too long. “                                       the problems facing
           Spencer Jackson             impact the Africans,                                                     the world, this was
             Jennifer Sun              but this year’s                                                          singled out to be one
          Mara Wendebourg              THIMUN Administrators             strong skills and competence, of the most important issues
                                       have decided to take up the       and        a      fundamental that needed to be solved,
            Photographers              challenge and explore what        willingness to do the right and in fact, it is. If nations
              Eric Lawton              the world would be like           thing. Those are the things can achieve the standards of
           Sophia Palenberg            with good governance. The         that enable a government to “Good Governance,” almost
            Karina Dukalska            selection of this theme came      deliver services to its people half the world’s problems
                                       about when “during the mid-       efficiently.”                   will become less daunting or
                                       evaluation of the Millennium        Furthermore, Mr. Jeff simply disappear.
            Brianna Felegi
                                       Development              Goals    Buscher,      a     THIMUN        That brings us to THIMUN
                                       (MDGs), experts proved            Advisory Board Member, XLII. Delegates will get
                Adviser                that a part of the failure of     explains       that     “Good to interact and debate on
          Mr. Andrew Newman            some of the goals were due to     governance is more critical issues pertaining to this
                                       Bad Governance,” says Mr.         today than ever before, both in idea of good governance. In
                                       Alain Meidinger, a member         the developing and developed particular, the focus will be
                                       of the Board of Directors. In     worlds.” As the developing on the Special Conference
    Opinions expressed by MU-          addition, Her Royal Highness      world realizes the sheer delegates to produce first-
    NITY are not necessarily           Princess Mabel van Oranje         quality and quantity of wealth class resolutions that aim to
    those of the newspaper, The        brought up this issue in her      and resources present in their cover topics ranging from
    Hague International Model          book, ‘In vrijheid blijven ge     nations, mismanagement and corruption to increased
    United Nations, its affillates,    loven’ (Continue to believe       corruption are becoming national dialogue. Delegates
    sponsors, or participants, but     in freedom). In this book, she    more and more widespread, should keep in mind the
    rather those of the individual     addresses the need for certain    driving these nations deeper relevance of good governance
    writers formed from their          freedoms and the need to          into poverty than they should to almost every major world
    obersation of the conference       defend democracy across           be. Thus, good governance problem when they engage
    with research. Commentary          the globe. Furthermore,           is necessary for them to lift in fruitful debates in their
    and response referring to the      Mr. Meidinger states that         themselves out of poverty. At respective committees in
    articles are welcomed. MU-         this book mentioned the           the same time, people in the order to understand and
    NITY reserves the right to         defense of democracy against      developed world continue create solutions for the core
    withold or edit submissions.       dictatorship,      corruption,    to turn a blind eye to such issues of “Good Governance”.
                                       and lack of transparency in       poor governance since their
January 25, 2010                                                                                                                          Issue 1
                                                                                                                                  PAGE 3
                Flags Fly for the Honorable Ambassadors
By: Vera Bloemen and Genna Snider

  They     are    hardworking.
They are studious ,intelligent
and tactful. They represent
their home countries and
are essential to international
politics. Who are these people?
They are the Ambassadors,
the representatives of their
countries. When asked, Peter
Goosen, the Ambassador of
South Africa, expressed that
“Ambassadors are in place to
represent countries in their
interests and to improve
ties with other countries.”
Likewise, Marciano Dasilva,
the Ambassador of Timor,
stated that Ambassadors are
appointed to “promote the
country and bring in investors,                                                                                                  Eric Lawton
work for the people and
represent the people as best as       Ambassadors thought that               and answers questions in the        start the young generation on
possible, and work for peace          the theme chosen is “very              international community as          the political track.
in the country and the world”.        good”, “interesting” and
                                      “definitely should be solved”.
                                                    Even      though
                                                                            “...the theme cho-                                 For all the
                                                                                                                             delegates      out
                                                    researching for
                                                    your country is         sen is ‘very good,’                              there,
                                                    often difficult,                                                         experience       is
                                                    all ambassadors
                                                    agree that the
                                                                            ‘interesting,’ and                               closer to reality,
                                                                                                                             as many of the
                                                                            ‘definitely should be                            issues faced in
                                                                                                                             this conference

                                                                            solved.’ “
                                                    their countries                                                          are faced on a
                                                    well and to their                                                        daily basis. The
                                                    full potential.                                                          ambassadors of the
                                                                                                                             countries present
                                                      Unquestionably,        well. Marciano DaSilva, from        at THIMUN come constantly
                                                    THIMUN brings            Timor, agreed and said that it is   across the repercussions and
                                                    the world closer         an appropriate event for young      outcomes of the issues being
                                    Eric Lawton to a brighter                people and it is the best way to    discussed here.
                                                    future for all. It is
This year’s THIMUN theme is           in the hopes of everyone that
Good Governance and there             ‘a consensus (will be reached)
are many nations represented          which will bring prosperity
at this conference who all            to all’, as said by the Deputy
have different views on what          Ambassador of Norway, Siri
good governance is and how            Nicolaisin. Alternatively, as
it is interpreted and applied         the Ambassador of the Russian
within their territory. Many          Federation put it, THIMUN
Ambassadors of the represented        and the youth participating in
countries     of     THIMUN           it shall ‘make the world a better
were present at the opening           place’.
ceremony today, giving their
compliments to the student               The Ambassador of South
delegates representing their          Africa, Peter Goosen, expressed
nation as well as their gratitude     that THIMUN is a great event
for the students’ efforts. A few      that engages young people                                                                  Eric Lawton
Issue 1                                                                                                    January 25, 2010
PAGE 4                                                                                                   EDITORIAL
                          Teddy MUNY Tries to Help Haiti

  It has been more than twelve   Linda Dubbock, Chair of      organized a raffle in which      ticket. Raffle tickets are
days since a 7.0 magnitude       the board of the THIMUN      one person will be able to win   being sold for 50 cents at the
earthquake struck Port-          Foundation, to raise money   the teddy bear Teddy MUN.        Merchandise Stand. At 50
au-Prince, leaving most          for Haiti, honoring Her      At the moment, 100 Euros         cents or more, even you can
of the city in ruins and         Royal Highness, Princess     has already been raised, and     help make a difference in
resulting in more than 150       Mabel von Oranje-Nassau,     the THIMUN Foundation            Haiti.
000 confirmed dead. The          with the choice of charity   hopes that every conference
destruction has inspired         in Haiti. Ms. Dubbock has    attendant will buy a raffle

 Thank you ARAMCO for your generous support to THIMUN. MUNITY looks forward to sharing more information about
your sponsorship in tomorrow’s issue.

                             Press Box Release
  Don’t forget to catch tonight’s movie ‘Silent Army’ – a stark story about an innocent
 child forced into child soldiery, whose tale serves as an incentive for us to work
 even harder to tackle some of the world’s most pressing issues. Spare some time at
 7:30pm for this beautiful and worthy movie and we’ll see you there! The Director of
 the movie, Jean van de Velde, would be present to entertain any questions from the
January 25, 2010                                                                                                           Issue 1
INTERVIEW                                                                                                          PAGE 5
                   SG Plans To Ensure THIMUN Succeeds
                   Secretary General Profile                      How come you decided             matter, is my number one
                                                                to apply for the Secretary         priority.
                                                                General position?
                                                                  I don’t really know, to be         Which do you personally
                                                                honest. Few people told me         consider the most cur-
                                                                I should apply so eventually       rently pressing issue in the
                                                                I did. I think it’s just because   world?
                                                                as SG, you can really make           Two things. First of all,
                                                                changes and contribute.            world hunger. There are
                                                                                                   1.02 billion undernourished
                                                                 And what was the first            people in the world today.
                                                                thing that came to your            This means that almost
                                                                mind when you found out            one in six people do not get
                                                                you got the job?                   enough food, while there is
                                                                 I couldn’t believe it. I          enough food for everyone on
                                                                was extremely happy and            the planet. Secondly, educa-
                                                                couldn’t wait to get started.      tion. Education is the key
                                                                                                   to the improvement of the
                                                                 What is the most valuable         quality of life in my opinion.
                                                                skill you’ve learnt through        Education still isn’t accessi-
                                                                THIMUN?                            ble enough for many people,
                                                                  Teamwork. It’s incredibly        and this has to change.
                                                                important to try to do ev-
                                                                erything as a team and to get        How would you like to
                                                                everyone involved. This way        be remembered by future
                                                                you get multiple views from        THIMUN generations?
                                   Sophia Palenberg             different perspectives, so the       As the SG who was happy
                    Name: Alessandro                            quality of the final product is    and cheerful, and who mo-
                   Surname: Guglielmi                           always higher.                     tivated many people to give
           School: Rijnlands Lyceum Wassenaar                                                      MUN all they have. Being
                                                                  How about your most              remembered would be more
This year’s Secretary Gen-      What do you feel inspires
                                                                cherished THIMUN                   than enough, seeing as it’s all
eral (SG), Alessandro Gug-      you most about THIMUN?
                                                                memory?                            about the conference being
lielmi, “the man in charge”,      Seeing many young people
                                                                  Last year’s closing ceremo-      remembered and not the
hopes to make this year’s       having fun. The reason why
                                                                ny. I was a student officer last   individual.
Conference as successful        so many people want to at-
                                                                year and when the closing
and fruitful as possible.       tend THIMUN is because
                                                                ceremony came to a close,            What is your advice to all
Despite having a very tight     everyone has a great time.
                                                                all the student officers were      THIMUN participants,
schedule, he found the          The combination of the aca-
                                                                still talking amongst each         especially to THIMUN
time to share some of his       demic aspect and the social
                                                                other on the stage. Some-          first-timers?
experiences with MUNITY         aspect just makes it a great
                                                                how, I just didn’t want to get       THIMUN might seem
readers...                      experience. Weeks, even
                                                                off the stage. We didn’t want      intimidating but there is no
                                months before the confer-
                                                                to leave because we knew it        reason why you shouldn’t
                                ence you’re excited. Then
                                                                would mean that the confer-        speak up. Don’t be scared
  How many M.U.N.               during the conference you
                                                                ence was definitely coming         to take the floor – raise that
Conferences have you at-        have an incredible time and
                                                                to an end.                         placard!
tended?                         the month after the confer-
  I’m not 100% sure. I think    ence you suffer from the well
                                                                 Would you ever consider           Thank you for your time,
THIMUN will be about my         known “post-THIMUN-
                                                                dropping out because of            Mr. Secretary General, and
18th [or] 20th conference.      syndrome”. It is more than
                                                                the unbearable work load?          for all the hard work you
I have been in the MUN-         just a five day simulation of
                                                                 Never; THIMUN and                 put into THIMUN!
circuit for quite awhile now!   the United Nations.
                                                                MUN in general, for that
Issue 1                                                                                                 January 25, 2010
      Interview          with Thomas Wilopo:

      What is your favorite      memory of a previous MUN conference?
      My favorite memory of      all [the] conferences was when I was a delegate during my first conference (MiniMUN 2007).
      I was very shy at first,   until I was forced to speak by my chairs. After my first speech, which seemed to last for
      ages, my fear of pub-      lic speaking disappeared and was replaced by addiction to take the floor and to speak. I also
      have some nice memo-       ries representing countries like: Pakistan, The Russian Federation (THIMUN 2008 Security
      Council) and China.
      What do you consider       the most pressing issue facing the UN these days?
      The most pressing Is-      sue facing the UN these days is climate change. Never before has the world been in such big
      of a dilemma choosing      between lifestyle and climate. Until now it was always lifestyle that came first, which was
      very understandable to     a certain degree. But now we have to find a compromise between these two, which won’t be
      easy. And for that we      do need “good governance” and transparency.
      wwSophia Palenberg

      Interview with Lara Nonninger:

      How many MUN conferences have you participated in? What is the most valuable
      lesson you have taken away from these conferences?
      I have participated in eighteen conferences, this one included. The most valuable les-
      son would have to be that no matter what your opinion is, express it, so that people can
      understand it and learn from it.
      What is your life goal? Does it pertain to the UN or peacekeeping?
      My life goal is to go and work for the UN as a field observer after I graduate from
      What is your favourite memory of a previous MUN Conference?
      My favourite memory is making friends at one Conference and then meeting the same
      friends again.
      What do you consider the most presing issue facing the UN these days?
      I think the most pressing issue facing the UN is globalisation.                                    Sophia Palenberg
      What is your life goal? Does it pertain to the UN or peacekeeping?
      My life goal is to go and work for the UN as a filed observer after I graduate from university.

      Interview with Madeleine Versteeg:

      How many MUN conferences have you participated in? What is the most valuable lesson you have taken away
      from these conferences?
      I haveSophia Palenberg
             participated in eighteen or nineteen conferences, not including this year’s conference. The most valuable lesson
                                   I’ve learned is that that even though it is a simulation, MUN really does make a differ-
                                   ence. Maybe not necessarily with the solutions we produce, but it changes people’s way of
                                   thinking and point of views. I have met so many people, thanks to MUN, that I am sure are
                                   someday going to make a huge difference in this world.
                                   How many MUN conferences have you participated in? What is the most valuable les-
                                   son you have taken away from these conferences?
                                   I have participated in eighteen or nineteen conferences, not including this year’s confer-
                                   ence. The most valuable lesson I’ve learned is that that even though it is a simulation, MUN
                                   really does make a difference. Maybe not necessarily with the solutions we produce, but
                                   it changes people’s way of thinking and point of views. It enlarges the world and views of
                                   all the participants, lets us meet new cultures, lets us think about world issues, and even
                                   though the solutions we come up with might not be carried out now, I have met so many
                                   people, thanks to MUN, that I am sure are someday going to make a huge difference in this
            Sophia Palenberg world. In that way, MUN really does contribute something to the real world.
January 25, 2010                                                                                                     Issue 1
                                                                                                              PAGE 7

What is your life goal? Does it pertain to the UN or peacekeeping?
I do not have a specific life goal yet. I have so many dreams, and I am planning on making as many of them come true
as possible. I would love a job at the UN or at a NGO, but I don’t think you can plan your life out like that. You just have
to see what comes your way. However, my field of study will probably be in an area related to international politics.

What do you hope the THIMUN 2010 conference will achieve?
I hope that it will reach even more people. That not only will we give 4,000 people an amazing week, but we will also
learn something [from] all these people, and that even more people will be motivated to continue this way of thinking
in their everyday lives.

Interview with David Ollivier de Leth:

What do you consider the most pressing issue facing the UN these days?
There are a lot of pressing issues. One of them I am very concerned about is the situation in the Democratic Republic
of Congo. The conflict that is taking place there is the deadliest since WWII (killing 5.4 million people. That is more
than the entire population of Singapore!). The humanitarian situation there is horrific;
enormous amounts of child soldiers are involved and it doesn’t look like the situation
will improve [over the] short term.
What is your life goal? Does it pertain to the UN or peacekeeping?
At the moment, I have a very Miss-World-like life goal. I hope that when I die, I can
say I have significantly improved the lives of people who were not so fortunate to be
born in one of the richest countries in the world. About how to achieve this I am not
entirely sure yet, but I for example know I want to join the United Nations Volunteers
program, and be active in one of the problem areas. Of course, however, this weekend
my committee chose me as “most likely to become a porn star”, so my life goal might
What is your favorite memory of a previous MUN conference?
My favorite memory is making friends at one conference and then meeting the same
friends again.
                                                                                                     Sophia Palenberg
What is your favorite memory of a previous MUN conference?
I have an innumerable amount of favorite MUN-memories. But this is one of them: I once represented Iran, and one of
the issues concerned the nuclear program of Iran. Actually there is almost no evidence of the nuclear weapons Iran is
supposed to have, and I was trying to convince the committee of that. But a few minutes later, Iran was compared to a
New York Pizza restaurant with nukes! (Yes indeed, that is a weird metaphor) It was also funny to see a male delegate
accidentally yielding HIMSELF to the female chair.
What do you consider the most pressing issue facing the UN these days?
There are a lot of pressing issues. One of them I am very concerned about is the situation in the Democratic Republic of
Congo. The conflict that is taking place there is the deadliest since WWII (killing 5.4 million people. That is more than

                                                                                         Sophia Palenberg

                                                    Sophia Palenberg                                Sophia Palenberg
                                                                                                    Sophia Palenberg
Issue 1                              January 25, 2010

                 Sophia Palenberg       Eric Lawton

                                    Sophia Palenberg

          Karina Dukalska

             Eric Lawton
             Eric Lawton            Sophia Palenberg
January 25, 2010                                     Issue 1
                                              PAGE 9

    Sophia Palenberg                      Karina Dukalska

                       Karina Dukalska    Karina Dukalska

                       Sophia Palenberg

                        Karina Dukalska   Karina Dukalska
Issue 1                                                                                                                    January 25, 2010
PAGE 10                                                                                                                        FEATURE

By: Aditja Naganath
                         Discovering The Art of Lobbying
   Delegates looking to make their mark
in this year’s conference seized the very
first opportunity they got – the ‘Lobbying’
session. As the adage goes, ‘first impressions
are last impressions’ and this is exactly
what delegates kept in mind when they
sought not only to impress their allies (and
their chairs!) but also to intimidate their
adversaries. Of course, the most successful
delegates did employ some ‘sophisticated’
MUN techniques, some of which I have
taken the liberty to enumerate for you:

  •	     Well Researched:
   Well prepared delegates like Amy Zheao
(Delegate of UK) entered the conference
not only with clear objectives but also
with enough firepower to bamboozle other
delegates who were not as well researched,
assimilating them in her bloc in the process.                                                                                    Eric Lawton
                                                  •	       Eloquence Worked:                      that matter, during lobbying. Norstrom,
                                                       Nikhil Lalvani (Delegate of Peru)          like many other delegates, was attracted to
  •	      Laptops! :                             was extremely fluent and glib when               those whom he felt knew others as everyone
  It has been proven MUNtifically that           communicating with other delegates. He           seeks to be a part of some sort of circle. It
delegates tend to crowd around the person        evidently knew that eloquence always             was also amusing to see delegates who had
who wields technology. Fernando Zanardi          creates the notion of intellect, whether         no real stand on an issue, approached by a
(Delegates of Antigua and Bermuda)               or not one has the content backing one           couple of other people; the numbers game
seemed to have cracked the system as he          up. A majority of the delegates used it as a     does have a profound psychological impact
watched others swarm around him, each            marketing tool to get recognized. It was         on a delegate’s decisions.
dictating their own preambs and operatives.      observed that delegates were attracted
When the dust has settled, the credit goes       to the eloquent and glib talkers, not the
to him. Those clauses did come from his          reticent fact spewing robots and rightly so!       •	       Some Schmoozed:
laptop after all.                                It’s always important to have something to          “I’ll give you chocolate if you recognize
                                                 say and to say it well.                          me” – these unforgettable words to the
                                                                                                  General Assembly 2 Chair Rabia Majeed,
                                                                                                  clearly explicate the kind of under hand
                                                                              •	 Associating      tactics certain delegates employed during
                                                                           with others:           the lobbying session. That said, softening
                                                                              M i t c he l l      the chair up a bit can grant certain
                                                                           N o r s t r o m        privileges: an extra minute to speak, your
                                                                           (Delegate         of   overly aggressive behavior overlooked from
                                                                           Botswana)              time to time etc. The accumulation of these
                                                                           realized that even     minutiae may actually reap rich rewards at
                                                                           if he doesn’t know     the end of the day – like one’s resolution
                                                                           the delegate next      being passed for example. It’s nice to see
                                                                           to him, it pays        that some delegates are meticulously
                                                                           to hang out with       planning for their future.
                                                                           him       anyway.
                                                                           Nobody         likes     After an extremely fruitful session of
                                                                           to be stranded         lobbying, it will be interesting to see what
                                                                           without a bloc/        delegates do next when the real conference
                                                         Eric Lawton       group after or for     begins. With the amount of planning put

                                                                                       Continued on Page 11.
January 25, 2010                                                                                                                  Issue 1
FEATURE                                                                                                                 PAGE 11

                                              Lobbying Pays Off
into the lobbying session, one can only       his country’s stand rather than act on his      the USA! Talk about irony! To some of
imagine their output during discussion        emotions. As a reporter, it was surprising      the aspiring and relatively inexperienced
time. It looks like THIMUN XLII will          to see delegates representing conflicting       delegates out there, it is imperative to
unfold into a very enriching and fulfilling   countries work together in the lobbying         stick to one’s stand not only because one
conference.                                   session purely because they wanted to           is ‘representing’ that country but also to
                                              form a bloc, knew that person or needed         preserve the reality of a Model United
 (On an off note: While I may not be the      to be authors of resolutions. A baffled chair   Nations that gives it its name.)
most experienced delegate, I do know that     recounted how she was once presented with
during lobbying, a delegate must adhere to    a resolution co – submitted by Russia and

        The Veto Power Reform in the Security Council
By: Tugce Koseoglu
          “I forbid!” That’s      since it was established.           Federation and its predecessor     debatable. Those advocating
what Vyacheslav Molotov, also                                         the Soviet Union with 123          the veto power, mostly the
known as Mr. Veto, meant by         “The effect of veto               vetoes and the country with the    Permanent Five countries,
using the power to veto. Since      power is essential in             least amount of vetoes is China    imply that the utilization of it
fifty-one countries adopted the     guiding resolutions...”           with six in total. Even though     is rare and that it is essential
UN Charter in 1945, the veto                                          the record belongs to the          for the collaboration of the P5
power has been used many times                                        Russian Federation, the United     countries. They suggest that
for the sake of international              When we look back          States has used the veto power     since the international arms
diplomacy and world peace.        through history, the veto power     eleven times in recent years,      control agreements are the
Although the system has           was established just after the      mostly on the controversial        responsibility of the Security
worked successfully for over      founding of UN. In sixty-five       issues concerning Israel.          Council, the veto power is
half a century, the veto power    years the veto power was used                 The effect of veto       needed in the monitoring of
of the UN has always been a       261 times in total, almost three    power is essential in guiding      the applications of arms. On
controversial issue among the     times per year. The vetoing         resolutions,    although    the    the other hand, some groups
states of the Security Council    record belongs to the Russian       pros and cons of vetoes are        such as the G4 bloc, formed
                                                                                                         by Brazil, China, India and
                                                                                                         South Africa, advocate reform
                                                                                                         by limiting the veto power,
                                                                                                         requiring agreements from
                                                                                                         multiple states before using it
                                                                                                         or even abolishing it entirely.
                                                                                                         Some voiced concerns that
                                                                                                         the national interests of the
                                                                                                         P5 can stunt the process of
                                                                                                         peacekeeping. In addition to
                                                                                                         these opinions, some argue that
                                                                                                         countries like Brazil, Japan and
                                                                                                         Germany should be a part of
                                                                                                         the permanent states to balance
                                                                                                         power distribution within the
                                                                                                         Security Council.

                                                                                                                   The hint of reform
                                                                                                         has already been given with
                                                                                                         a proposal concerning the
                                                                                                         increase in the number of
                                                                                                         permanent states made by the
                                                                                                         G4. It seems that the strong
                                                                                                         policies of nations and the
                                                                                                         sensitivity of the issue may heat
                                                     Zack Lee Creative Commons 2.0 BY NC ND              up the process of the reform.
Issue 1                                                                                                                   January 25, 2010
PAGE 12                                                                                                                     FEATURE
 Selection Process and Preparation Leads to THIMUN Success
By: Bavo Stevens
 The competition is tough.           cumbersome, but rewarding           intelligent,    confident,   or    especially those outside the
                                     preparation phase. In just a few    resolute. By mastering the Art     region, THIMUN is also an
  Sometimes there are more           months, we are changed from         of Speaking you will be able to    opportunity to travel around
than a hundred applicants for        (hopefully) idealistic youths to    inflame the hearts of millions     Europe. Some delegations even
twelve highly coveted delegate       (hopefully) idealistic delegates.   to your cause. Patrick McGuire,    studied Parisian metro maps
spots. Essays need to be written,    As Manuel Ramos, delegate of        a Chair of General Assembly        before going sightseeing.
speeches prepared, intensive         the Dominican Republic, put it,     Two, commented that to be
research needs to be done; and       to be successful at THIMUN,         successful at THIMUN one             Lesson 4: Pack Wisely.
all of these before we are even      one should be interested in         should be an excellent public        Packing is also an important
chosen as delegate! With that        doing only good. But the            speaker.                           part of the trip, and for some
said, the conclusion is obvious:     transformation from idealist                                           delegates, a challenging one.
THIMUN violently gets us to          youth to idealistic delegate           Lesson 2: Research.             THIMUN advisors from
feel the true numbing power of       doesn’t happen overnight.              At THIMUN, research             tropical regions have mentioned
a selection process.                 With the help of our THIMUN         plays an essential since           that packing for the cold has
                                     advisors, we master the skills      it’s the foundation of all         been nearly impossible. Coats,
  Those long waits outside the       that will help sharpen the dull     our interactions. From the         sweaters, and thick socks were
interview rooms, the insistent       edges of politics as we know it     delegates who need to know         borrowed from friends or family,
clattering of stiff knees, and       today.                              almost everything about their      and most probably thoroughly
alternatively the way in which                                           country to the chairs who          washed.       But      otherwise,
time leading onto the final            According to many delegates,      need to memorize around            complaints about packing
decision seemed to creep by, are     no lesson has been lost on them.    4,000 words of information,        have been limited to socks and
all things we became painfully       Sweat, blood, and tears are put     research is essential. Research    gloves, articles of clothing that
aware of. After all, regarding the   in their work, and with the help    has prevented proclamations        can be easily replaced in The
interview process, how can we        of their THIMUN advisors,           of naval warfare by landlocked     Hague. It is clear that this year
be expected to, with a meager        they’ve become successful           countries.                         THIMUN delegates have been
three minutes, explain how           delegates through the mastery                                          well prepared.
MUNtastic we are? It just isn’t      of these age old.                     Lesson 3: Know your way
fair.                                                                    around.                               Furthermore,        remember
                                       Lesson 1: The Art of                  Preparation for THIMUN         to practice sitting on chairs
  Therefore, lesson of the day:      Speaking.                           often goes beyond the              because as the World Forum
if you’re here, congratulations;       Eloquence in your way of          conference itself. Tourism is      Conference Center wisely
you’ve made it.                      speech will make you look           an integral part of most, if not   announced “due to safety
                                     intelligent, confident, and         all, delegations that travel to    regulations, sitting on the stairs
 And thus begins the long,           resolute even if you aren’t         The Hague. For many schools,       is forbidden at all times.”

                                                                                                                            Alejandra Paton
January 25, 2010                                                                                                                   Issue 1
FEATURE                                                                                                                PAGE 13
Delegates solve world issues and loosen up, too!
By: Vera Bloemen
                                 for some place to have              Paard van Troje’, ‘De Zwarte      thought out top 3 things to
  Of course we’re all here       dinner, and you’d like a            Ruiter’ and ‘De Supermarkt’,      do:
to change the world, to          restaurant with good food           all of which are places where       1. Did you know that the Dutch
find solutions to world-         and an exotic atmosphere, be        you can have a drink, dance       soldiers freed Haarlem from the
concerning issues and to         sure to visit ‘Popocatepetl’,       or just sit and listen to live    Spaniards on ice-skates? I guess
                                 a very popular and famous           bands play for the whole          you’ll never know when ice-
search for proper ways to
                                                                                                       skates might come in handy, but
implement them. Of course        Mexican restaurant, located         night! Other possibilities
                                                                                                       you have to admit they’re a lot of
we all want to create a world    in the Centrum (Buitenhof           at The Hague include ‘Bar         fun! Take our advice: go to the
                                                 5).      Other      & Boos’ (Papestraat 26),          ‘Buitenhof ’ to practice your ice
                                                 options are         which consists of a small but     skating skills and do yourselves
                                                 ‘ Va p i a no’      intimate dance floor, and         a favor by having a nice, hot cup
                                                 and        VIP      a bar that is always packed       of hot chocolate afterwards!
                                                 (Very Italian       with THIMUN delegates!
                                                 Pizza), which       And if none of these places         2. Visit the ‘Boulevard’ in
                                                 are relatively      satisfy your needs, perhaps       Scheveningen. Here you can
                                                 cheap Italian       you could try ‘Club Madness’      walk along the beach while
                                                                                                       shopping, visiting nice bars,
                                                 rest au ra nt s     (Dagelijkse groenmarkt 6),
                                                                                                       cafés and restaurants. Perhaps
                                                 also       with     ano ther very popular and         you might want to take a dip in
                                                 delicious           crowded club. Last but not        the sea as well?
                                                 food        and     least, there is ‘Byblos’, where
                                                 a          cozy     dinner commences the                3. And for those who want
                                                 ambiance            evening which culminates          to get a little cultural, you can
                                                (B u i t e n h o f   in a night of boogying and        go to the ‘Museon’ (Scientific
                                                45-51        and     partying! Oh, and for the         Museum), the ‘Gemeente
                                                Kettingstraat        brave ones with golden            Museum’ (right now, there is an
                                                1 3 -1 5) .          voices make sure to drop by       exposition on Haute Couture
                                                                                                       and one on Kandinsky!) or the
                                                Other than           at ‘Thai Princess’ for some
                                                these, most of       karaoke! (Achterom 10)
                                Karina Dukalska The Hague’s                                              So, after a long, tedious day of
                                                wel l-k now n         We know that you probably        debate, make sure you soften up
without war and conflicts,       and most visited bars and           have a very full schedule,        your brains and bodies; loosen
without violations of human      clubs are located at the            but if you can find some          up a little – we’re not just here to
rights; a world where            ‘Grote Markt’. When you go          extra time, it definitely won’t   save the world, we’re also here to
everyone is equal and happy.     there, make sure to visit ‘Het      hurt to follow our carefully      have the time of our lives!
And of course we are
willing to work very
hard to achieve that.

  But, after a long
and hard day of
debate, all we really
want to do is to
stop thinking and
working, and to
just have a great
time here at The
Hague. Fortunately,
Munity is here to
suggest to all of you
a few glamorous
places     to     eat,
socialize and party:
                                                                                                                         Eric Lawton
 If you’re looking
Issue 1                                                                                                          January 25, 2010
PAGE 14                                                                                               ENTERTAINMENT
             How Much Do You Devote Yourself to MUN?
 By: Tugce Koseoglu

     Sometimes being a delegate can be hectic and not all the metabolisms can handle big doses
    of MUN fever. If you think you need a small dose for your own sake, come and take a glance
    at this quiz which can show you how much you take MUN seriously!

           1. MUN becomes the most enjoyable…
                a. When you take the floor.(4)
                b. When you dine with your delegation after a tiring day. (2)
                c. When you dance till you drop at the post-conference party. (1)
                d. When you explore the city of The Hague. (3)

           2. During the conference, the accessory that you can’t live without is …
                 a. Your camera. (3)
                 b. A Louis Vuitton handbag. (2)
                 c. A classy folder. (4)
                 d. The Blackberry you bought recently. (1)

           3. During a recess period, your ambassador can find you…
                  a. Standing with other delegates, chit-chatting (or more?). (1)
                  b. Taking photos of the conference venue. (3)
                  c. In the bathroom, freshening up. (2)
                  d. In the middle of an enthusiastic crowd, discussing the next resolution to be debated. (4)

           4. Let’s proceed with the post-conference party attitude. In the party…
                   a. You feel like you should be outside, doing a little more sightseeing. (3)
                   b. You are hoping that you’ll be chosen as the “Best Dressed Delegate” in the next issue of MUNITY. (2)
                   c. You are sitting/standing in a corner, discussing committee issues and best debate moments with
          others from your committee room. (4)
                   d. You are dancing with the boy/girl whom you had been talking a lot to during the conference. (1)

           5. The note-passing issue: Usually you pass notes when you…
                  a. Are desperate to ask someone how your hair looks. (2)
                  b. Are desperate to tell someone that the admin staff is cute. (1)
                  c. Are desperate to ask for an opinion concerning the amendment to be debated. (4)
                  d. Are desperate to ask someone where the best restaurant is in town. (3)

           6. While you were packing for THIMUN 2010, you filled your luggage with…
                 a. Lots of clothes - what else would you possibly need? (4)
                 b. Lots of batteries – you’ll definitely need them. (3)
                 c. Lots of extra paper and pens. (1)
                 d. Lots of high-heeled / fashionable shoes; that’s what all MUN conferences are for! (2)

                       Now, add the numbers next to the
                      choices that you’ve chosen and check
                        out your results on the next page!
                                                    (Continued on Page 15)
January 25, 2010                                                                                                          Issue 1
ENTERTAINMENT                                                                                                   PAGE 15
                           How Much Do You Devote Yourself to MUN?
  0-8 -> Delegate: Dear delegate! Welcome to the room! No, not the dance room, the committee room! We think that you are
too involved with the informal parts of MUN rather than the serious business. We know that The Hague is a beautiful city and
we understand that the delegate in front of you is very pretty, but you should remind yourself that this is MUN! Just try to tell
yourself that debates can also be quite interesting and fun when you stop thinking about the post-conference party and actually
get yourself involved during the debates!
  9-17 -> Chair: A chair who is stuck in the middle! As we can predict, you love being the social butterfly and tasting the sweet
side of MUN, and you want to shine during the heated debates as well. You need to keep the balance between the urge to
socialize and the need to participate in debates. Well, if you want to be the center of attention during the debates, you have to
work a bit more, honey! We know that you are just a step behind becoming the best delegate on your committee!
  18-24 -> PGA: Congrats PGA! You are a delegate everyone desires to be. You concentrate on debates and try to be the most
active delegate in your committee. We can say that you are on the right track to accomplish it. Still, Mr. /Ms. PGA, you must
bear in mind that MUN conferences give you the opportunity to explore wonderful friendships, to visit very beautiful cities
such as The Hague, and to enjoy the privilege of wearing formal dress!
  Remember people, in THIMUN, being yourself is what makes the experience all the more unforgettable! Good luck to you
during the conference and remember to keep the balance!

                                   Cracking Jokes Like a Comedian
 By: Bavo Stevens
  Like any good diplomat or politician, THIMUN delegates
spend their time fighting amongst themselves on issues that
need solutions. Debates can get fiery, and zealotry is not
uncommon. Luckily for the hard working delegates, there
are always many individuals with a good sense of humor.
They cast aside the serious tone of the debates and decide
to open their speeches with the funniest opening line that
they can think of. The following are funny opening lines.
Everything is PG rated.

   •	This	resolution	is	like	a	donut,	sweet	but	it	has	a	large	hole	
in the middle.
   •	 This	 resolution	 is	 like	 a	 jelly	 donut;	 it	 tastes	 good	 and	
doesn’t have any holes in it!
   •	 This	 resolution	 is	 like	 a	 block	 of	 wood,	 it’s	 strong	 and	
sturdy, but easily catches fire.
   •	This	resolution	is	like	my	mobile	phone,	it	may	be	old,	but	
it has always worked well.
   •	 This	 resolution	 is	 like	 tape,	 it’s	 a	 quick	 fix,	 but	 no	 long	
term solution.
   •	This	resolution	is	like	a	suspension	bridge;	it’s	safe	and	
bridges gaps.
   •	 This	 resolution	 is	 like	 a	 pineapple:	 it	 tastes	 good	 but	 it	
hurts when you sit on it.

         But while this sense of levity does exist at
THIMUN, humor at the conference is not limited to
opening lines. Untapped sources of comedic talent will be
discovered and people will learn to laugh to the situational
irony they will find themselves in. Naturally, the seriousness
of the debates will be up held, but THIMUN, prepare to

                                                                                   By: Alejandra Paton
Issue 1                                                                                                                 January 25, 2010

                       by Patricia Kim        TALKING OF THIMUN
   For the first day of THIMUN, we interviewed four delegates from different committees:
   Thomas van der Sommen, representative from the World Bank of Economic and Social
   Council (ECOSOC), Gabriela Lima, delegate of Guatemala from the Disarmament
   Commission Commission 1, Neha Lalani, delegate of St. Vincent Grenadines from
   General Assembly 1 (GA1), and Jason Huh, delegate of Jordan from Human Rights
   Commission 1 (HR1). These were their answers:

   Goals for this year’s conference?
   Neha: To speak and participate a lot in the            How are your first impressions of this year’s conference?
   debate because I didn’t really speak much              Neha: The room is very small, but the overall impression is
   last year.                                             organized and nice.
   Jason: I’m mostly here to improve my debate            Jason: This is my first year at THIMUN, so I’m pretty
   and speaking skills because THIMUN is a                scared. There are a lot of people, but I’ll get used to the
   great opportunity to talk in front of a lot of         forum soon.
   people.                                                Thomas: I was a delegate in GA last year. ECOSOC is the
   Thomas: Main-submitting, but having fun                biggest forum I’ve been in.
   as well. That’s the biggest goal.                      Gabriela: Everyone has a lot of experience and most
   Gabriela: Just working on my resolution and            delegates seem to have prepared a lot for the conference.
   giving out ideas.
   What are you looking forward to besides the
   Neha: Because I used to live in Den Haag,                           How do you plan to contribute in your forum?
   I’m planning on seeing my old friends.                              Jason: I’m mostly going to throw out ideas for people to
   Thomas: Partying. I live here so I’m planning                       consider. By coming up with new ideas, other delegates
   on partying with new and old friends                                will add those onto their resolutions, and hopefully the
   together.                                                           debates will take new directions.
   Gabriella: I’m here for the conference, but                         Gabriela: Helping some of the resolutions to pass if I’m
   also shopping and hanging out.                                      sided with it, and providing other delegates with new

                                    LAPTOP FEVER!                                                                       Eric Lawton

                                         Eric Lawton
                                                                                                                   Karina Dukalska

                            Karina Dukalska                                                                              Eric Lawton

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2010 MUNITY Volume 18 Issue 1

  • 1. MUNITY XLII The Hague International Model United Nations Monday, January 25, 2010 Volume 18, Issue 1 By: Victoria Uwemedimo Making the World a Better Place solely the A murmur of thrumming government itself, anticipation pervades the World instead ensuring Forum Theatre as hundreds of that “citizens, delegates wait for THIMUN leaders and public XLII to officially commence, institutions relate to their impatience palpable and each other in order casting a veneer of solemn to make change tension over the conference happen”. This, of room. Can Soylu, President of course, relates the General Assembly, hushes directly to our own the room with the words “Could conference and the the house please come to order!” role we play in the and a few authoritative taps of colossal mechanism his mallet. After one minute of that is THIMUN: we meditative silenc e to remember must “learn how to those who have died through communicate [our] Eric Lawton natural disasters or man-made ideas to [our] peers “ The future is in your hands,” said our distinguished keynote speaker. causes, a resounding scatter and thus prepare to be concluding element of solidarity answered: “Problems can be of applause breaks and Mr. communicative world citizens”. is brought to the atmosphere. seen as big at THIMUN; but Frits Huffnagel, the Elderman Perhaps the key note of Ms. Simultaneously, a sense of every problem has a solution.” of International Affairs of the Dubock’s inspiring speech hope and determination can be The Secretary G e n e r a l , Municipality of The Hague was the incredibly relevant detected as we realised that we Alessandro Guglielmi, made spoke to the delegates about correlation she drew between can make a change, we can make the final speech emphasising the his cosmopolitan city. Ms. THIMUN and the recent a difference. massive impact that THIMUN Linda Dubock, Chair of the disaster in Haiti. Our pride and A passionate speech delivered makes and the magic that lies THIMUN Board of Directors, near sense-self of importance by the keynote speaker and therein. He managed to embody then took her place behind the gradually swelling in our THIMUN patron, Her Royal THIMUN in a few simple lines: microphone. She once again chests throughout the speech Princess, Princess Mabel von “But THIMUN is more than sets into motion the wheel of was brought crashing down as Oranje-Nassau, compelled us a mere conference. It is a place dynamism which spins the Ms. Dubock recalled through to admire her perspicacity and and time where people excel, it straw of young, raw ingenious repressed tears the “devastation undying quest to make the world is a place and time where people minds into the gold that is that and heartbreaking images” “a better place”. The princess experience great new things, it is final resolution at the end of the of the Haitian earthquake. underlined just how vital good a place and time where memories week. Suddenly, we became aware governance is in the successful are created”. Thus the opening Ms. Dubock highlighted the of our extremely privileged running and maintenance of a ceremony ended on a highly significance of this year’s topic, situations and the way in which country, with the affirmation positive note which reminded Good Governance, which in we take for granted what some “the problems might be bad and us all that we symbolise the her opinion is “mostly about the have never had. Nonetheless, deep-rooted, but they can be youth of the world, we speak for implementation of human rights as Ms. Dubock announces that changed”. After the ceremony, those who do not have a voice, and the enforcement of human the proceeds of the collection MUNITY reporter Patricia and, through “partnership and rights standards”. She also for charity this year will be Kim asked Princess Mabel if she teamwork”, we can achieve stressed that Good Governance donated to the victims of had any advice for THIMUN something brilliant. does not involve nor require the Haitian catastrophe, a delegates, to which the Princess IN THIS ISSUE: The Art of Lobbying: Preparations for THIMUN : The Hague Travel Guide: How to lobby step-by-step! Selection process and prepa- A quick guide to glamorous Get your ideas heard and ration that leads to a suc- places to eat, socialize and your resolutions cessful THIMUN conference 14 10, 11 12
  • 2. Issue 1 January 25, 2010 PAGE 2 Munity XLII Staff Stabilizing the Core By: Divya Sharan 2E Van Blankenburgstraat 119 “Obama-mania,” as it was government institutions – own lifestyles and luxuries 2517HC Den Haag, The Netherlands termed, is quickly sweeping which is exactly what “Good are not being jeopardized. across the globe, reaching Governance” refers to. “However, in the face of all those who want to see an It is the lack of this sense economic and environmental Editors-in-Chief end to the problems facing of “Good Governance” in crises, that complacency just Kuan Yu Shen the world today. Recent the world that inadvertently isn’t possible anymore,” Mr. Andria Varnavides Nobel Prize winner, Barack makes it the root cause Buscher adds. Obama, has become a highly of many of the world’s It is becoming more Text-Editors influential household name; problems. Paul Wolfowitz, and more evident that Mari-Ana Narbon simply put, what he says, goes. former President of the there is a need to look in Jessia Gao On his first trip to Africa World Bank, said that good to the transparency and Alejandra Paton as President of the United governance “is essentially the accountability of individual States, Obama addressed one combination of transparent governments. In fact, there Reporters of the most pressing, yet often and accountable institutions, is nothing the rest of the Divya Sharan overlooked issues world can do to solve Victoria Uwemedimo Patricia Kim in the world – the “[Good governance] this problem. Instead, problem of “Good it is up to individual Bavo Stevens Aditya Naganath Governance.” is the ingredient governments to take “ [ G o o d responsibility for their Liske Bruinsma Vera BLoemen governance] is the which has been actions and to uphold ingredient which the United Nations Genevieve Snider Tugce Koseoglu has been missing in missing in far too Charter. “Good far too many places, Governance” is the for far too long.” It many places, for far theme of THIMUN Layout remains to be seen 2010. Amongst all SeoHyun Sarah Bae how Obama’s words too long. “ the problems facing Spencer Jackson impact the Africans, the world, this was Jennifer Sun but this year’s singled out to be one Mara Wendebourg THIMUN Administrators strong skills and competence, of the most important issues have decided to take up the and a fundamental that needed to be solved, Photographers challenge and explore what willingness to do the right and in fact, it is. If nations Eric Lawton the world would be like thing. Those are the things can achieve the standards of Sophia Palenberg with good governance. The that enable a government to “Good Governance,” almost Karina Dukalska selection of this theme came deliver services to its people half the world’s problems about when “during the mid- efficiently.” will become less daunting or Intern evaluation of the Millennium Furthermore, Mr. Jeff simply disappear. Brianna Felegi Development Goals Buscher, a THIMUN That brings us to THIMUN (MDGs), experts proved Advisory Board Member, XLII. Delegates will get Adviser that a part of the failure of explains that “Good to interact and debate on Mr. Andrew Newman some of the goals were due to governance is more critical issues pertaining to this Bad Governance,” says Mr. today than ever before, both in idea of good governance. In Alain Meidinger, a member the developing and developed particular, the focus will be of the Board of Directors. In worlds.” As the developing on the Special Conference Opinions expressed by MU- addition, Her Royal Highness world realizes the sheer delegates to produce first- NITY are not necessarily Princess Mabel van Oranje quality and quantity of wealth class resolutions that aim to those of the newspaper, The brought up this issue in her and resources present in their cover topics ranging from Hague International Model book, ‘In vrijheid blijven ge nations, mismanagement and corruption to increased United Nations, its affillates, loven’ (Continue to believe corruption are becoming national dialogue. Delegates sponsors, or participants, but in freedom). In this book, she more and more widespread, should keep in mind the rather those of the individual addresses the need for certain driving these nations deeper relevance of good governance writers formed from their freedoms and the need to into poverty than they should to almost every major world obersation of the conference defend democracy across be. Thus, good governance problem when they engage with research. Commentary the globe. Furthermore, is necessary for them to lift in fruitful debates in their and response referring to the Mr. Meidinger states that themselves out of poverty. At respective committees in articles are welcomed. MU- this book mentioned the the same time, people in the order to understand and NITY reserves the right to defense of democracy against developed world continue create solutions for the core withold or edit submissions. dictatorship, corruption, to turn a blind eye to such issues of “Good Governance”. and lack of transparency in poor governance since their
  • 3. January 25, 2010 Issue 1 PAGE 3 Flags Fly for the Honorable Ambassadors By: Vera Bloemen and Genna Snider They are hardworking. They are studious ,intelligent and tactful. They represent their home countries and are essential to international politics. Who are these people? They are the Ambassadors, the representatives of their countries. When asked, Peter Goosen, the Ambassador of South Africa, expressed that “Ambassadors are in place to represent countries in their interests and to improve ties with other countries.” Likewise, Marciano Dasilva, the Ambassador of Timor, stated that Ambassadors are appointed to “promote the country and bring in investors, Eric Lawton work for the people and represent the people as best as Ambassadors thought that and answers questions in the start the young generation on possible, and work for peace the theme chosen is “very international community as the political track. in the country and the world”. good”, “interesting” and “definitely should be solved”. Even though “...the theme cho- For all the delegates out researching for your country is sen is ‘very good,’ there, simulated this UN often difficult, experience is all ambassadors agree that the ‘interesting,’ and closer to reality, as many of the students representing are ‘definitely should be issues faced in this conference solved.’ “ their countries are faced on a well and to their daily basis. The full potential. ambassadors of the countries present Unquestionably, well. Marciano DaSilva, from at THIMUN come constantly THIMUN brings Timor, agreed and said that it is across the repercussions and the world closer an appropriate event for young outcomes of the issues being Eric Lawton to a brighter people and it is the best way to discussed here. future for all. It is This year’s THIMUN theme is in the hopes of everyone that Good Governance and there ‘a consensus (will be reached) are many nations represented which will bring prosperity at this conference who all to all’, as said by the Deputy have different views on what Ambassador of Norway, Siri good governance is and how Nicolaisin. Alternatively, as it is interpreted and applied the Ambassador of the Russian within their territory. Many Federation put it, THIMUN Ambassadors of the represented and the youth participating in countries of THIMUN it shall ‘make the world a better were present at the opening place’. ceremony today, giving their compliments to the student The Ambassador of South delegates representing their Africa, Peter Goosen, expressed nation as well as their gratitude that THIMUN is a great event for the students’ efforts. A few that engages young people Eric Lawton
  • 4. Issue 1 January 25, 2010 PAGE 4 EDITORIAL Teddy MUNY Tries to Help Haiti It has been more than twelve Linda Dubbock, Chair of organized a raffle in which ticket. Raffle tickets are days since a 7.0 magnitude the board of the THIMUN one person will be able to win being sold for 50 cents at the earthquake struck Port- Foundation, to raise money the teddy bear Teddy MUN. Merchandise Stand. At 50 au-Prince, leaving most for Haiti, honoring Her At the moment, 100 Euros cents or more, even you can of the city in ruins and Royal Highness, Princess has already been raised, and help make a difference in resulting in more than 150 Mabel von Oranje-Nassau, the THIMUN Foundation Haiti. 000 confirmed dead. The with the choice of charity hopes that every conference destruction has inspired in Haiti. Ms. Dubbock has attendant will buy a raffle Thank you ARAMCO for your generous support to THIMUN. MUNITY looks forward to sharing more information about your sponsorship in tomorrow’s issue. Press Box Release Don’t forget to catch tonight’s movie ‘Silent Army’ – a stark story about an innocent child forced into child soldiery, whose tale serves as an incentive for us to work even harder to tackle some of the world’s most pressing issues. Spare some time at 7:30pm for this beautiful and worthy movie and we’ll see you there! The Director of the movie, Jean van de Velde, would be present to entertain any questions from the audience.
  • 5. January 25, 2010 Issue 1 INTERVIEW PAGE 5 SG Plans To Ensure THIMUN Succeeds Secretary General Profile How come you decided matter, is my number one to apply for the Secretary priority. General position? I don’t really know, to be Which do you personally honest. Few people told me consider the most cur- I should apply so eventually rently pressing issue in the I did. I think it’s just because world? as SG, you can really make Two things. First of all, changes and contribute. world hunger. There are 1.02 billion undernourished And what was the first people in the world today. thing that came to your This means that almost mind when you found out one in six people do not get you got the job? enough food, while there is I couldn’t believe it. I enough food for everyone on was extremely happy and the planet. Secondly, educa- couldn’t wait to get started. tion. Education is the key to the improvement of the What is the most valuable quality of life in my opinion. skill you’ve learnt through Education still isn’t accessi- THIMUN? ble enough for many people, Teamwork. It’s incredibly and this has to change. important to try to do ev- erything as a team and to get How would you like to everyone involved. This way be remembered by future you get multiple views from THIMUN generations? Sophia Palenberg different perspectives, so the As the SG who was happy Name: Alessandro quality of the final product is and cheerful, and who mo- Surname: Guglielmi always higher. tivated many people to give School: Rijnlands Lyceum Wassenaar MUN all they have. Being How about your most remembered would be more This year’s Secretary Gen- What do you feel inspires cherished THIMUN than enough, seeing as it’s all eral (SG), Alessandro Gug- you most about THIMUN? memory? about the conference being lielmi, “the man in charge”, Seeing many young people Last year’s closing ceremo- remembered and not the hopes to make this year’s having fun. The reason why ny. I was a student officer last individual. Conference as successful so many people want to at- year and when the closing and fruitful as possible. tend THIMUN is because ceremony came to a close, What is your advice to all Despite having a very tight everyone has a great time. all the student officers were THIMUN participants, schedule, he found the The combination of the aca- still talking amongst each especially to THIMUN time to share some of his demic aspect and the social other on the stage. Some- first-timers? experiences with MUNITY aspect just makes it a great how, I just didn’t want to get THIMUN might seem readers... experience. Weeks, even off the stage. We didn’t want intimidating but there is no months before the confer- to leave because we knew it reason why you shouldn’t ence you’re excited. Then would mean that the confer- speak up. Don’t be scared How many M.U.N. during the conference you ence was definitely coming to take the floor – raise that Conferences have you at- have an incredible time and to an end. placard! tended? the month after the confer- I’m not 100% sure. I think ence you suffer from the well Would you ever consider Thank you for your time, THIMUN will be about my known “post-THIMUN- dropping out because of Mr. Secretary General, and 18th [or] 20th conference. syndrome”. It is more than the unbearable work load? for all the hard work you I have been in the MUN- just a five day simulation of Never; THIMUN and put into THIMUN! circuit for quite awhile now! the United Nations. MUN in general, for that
  • 6. Issue 1 January 25, 2010 PAGE 6 By Genna Snider MUNITY INTRODUCES THE DSG’S Interview with Thomas Wilopo: What is your favorite memory of a previous MUN conference? My favorite memory of all [the] conferences was when I was a delegate during my first conference (MiniMUN 2007). I was very shy at first, until I was forced to speak by my chairs. After my first speech, which seemed to last for ages, my fear of pub- lic speaking disappeared and was replaced by addiction to take the floor and to speak. I also have some nice memo- ries representing countries like: Pakistan, The Russian Federation (THIMUN 2008 Security Council) and China. What do you consider the most pressing issue facing the UN these days? The most pressing Is- sue facing the UN these days is climate change. Never before has the world been in such big of a dilemma choosing between lifestyle and climate. Until now it was always lifestyle that came first, which was very understandable to a certain degree. But now we have to find a compromise between these two, which won’t be easy. And for that we do need “good governance” and transparency. wwSophia Palenberg Interview with Lara Nonninger: How many MUN conferences have you participated in? What is the most valuable lesson you have taken away from these conferences? I have participated in eighteen conferences, this one included. The most valuable les- son would have to be that no matter what your opinion is, express it, so that people can understand it and learn from it. What is your life goal? Does it pertain to the UN or peacekeeping? My life goal is to go and work for the UN as a field observer after I graduate from university. What is your favourite memory of a previous MUN Conference? My favourite memory is making friends at one Conference and then meeting the same friends again. What do you consider the most presing issue facing the UN these days? I think the most pressing issue facing the UN is globalisation. Sophia Palenberg What is your life goal? Does it pertain to the UN or peacekeeping? My life goal is to go and work for the UN as a filed observer after I graduate from university. Interview with Madeleine Versteeg: How many MUN conferences have you participated in? What is the most valuable lesson you have taken away from these conferences? I haveSophia Palenberg participated in eighteen or nineteen conferences, not including this year’s conference. The most valuable lesson I’ve learned is that that even though it is a simulation, MUN really does make a differ- ence. Maybe not necessarily with the solutions we produce, but it changes people’s way of thinking and point of views. I have met so many people, thanks to MUN, that I am sure are someday going to make a huge difference in this world. How many MUN conferences have you participated in? What is the most valuable les- son you have taken away from these conferences? I have participated in eighteen or nineteen conferences, not including this year’s confer- ence. The most valuable lesson I’ve learned is that that even though it is a simulation, MUN really does make a difference. Maybe not necessarily with the solutions we produce, but it changes people’s way of thinking and point of views. It enlarges the world and views of all the participants, lets us meet new cultures, lets us think about world issues, and even though the solutions we come up with might not be carried out now, I have met so many people, thanks to MUN, that I am sure are someday going to make a huge difference in this Sophia Palenberg world. In that way, MUN really does contribute something to the real world.
  • 7. January 25, 2010 Issue 1 PAGE 7 What is your life goal? Does it pertain to the UN or peacekeeping? I do not have a specific life goal yet. I have so many dreams, and I am planning on making as many of them come true as possible. I would love a job at the UN or at a NGO, but I don’t think you can plan your life out like that. You just have to see what comes your way. However, my field of study will probably be in an area related to international politics. What do you hope the THIMUN 2010 conference will achieve? I hope that it will reach even more people. That not only will we give 4,000 people an amazing week, but we will also learn something [from] all these people, and that even more people will be motivated to continue this way of thinking in their everyday lives. Interview with David Ollivier de Leth: What do you consider the most pressing issue facing the UN these days? There are a lot of pressing issues. One of them I am very concerned about is the situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The conflict that is taking place there is the deadliest since WWII (killing 5.4 million people. That is more than the entire population of Singapore!). The humanitarian situation there is horrific; enormous amounts of child soldiers are involved and it doesn’t look like the situation will improve [over the] short term. What is your life goal? Does it pertain to the UN or peacekeeping? At the moment, I have a very Miss-World-like life goal. I hope that when I die, I can say I have significantly improved the lives of people who were not so fortunate to be born in one of the richest countries in the world. About how to achieve this I am not entirely sure yet, but I for example know I want to join the United Nations Volunteers program, and be active in one of the problem areas. Of course, however, this weekend my committee chose me as “most likely to become a porn star”, so my life goal might change... What is your favorite memory of a previous MUN conference? My favorite memory is making friends at one conference and then meeting the same friends again. Sophia Palenberg What is your favorite memory of a previous MUN conference? I have an innumerable amount of favorite MUN-memories. But this is one of them: I once represented Iran, and one of the issues concerned the nuclear program of Iran. Actually there is almost no evidence of the nuclear weapons Iran is supposed to have, and I was trying to convince the committee of that. But a few minutes later, Iran was compared to a New York Pizza restaurant with nukes! (Yes indeed, that is a weird metaphor) It was also funny to see a male delegate accidentally yielding HIMSELF to the female chair. What do you consider the most pressing issue facing the UN these days? There are a lot of pressing issues. One of them I am very concerned about is the situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The conflict that is taking place there is the deadliest since WWII (killing 5.4 million people. That is more than Sophia Palenberg Sophia Palenberg Sophia Palenberg Sophia Palenberg
  • 8. Issue 1 January 25, 2010 PAGE 8 Sophia Palenberg Eric Lawton Sophia Palenberg Karina Dukalska Eric Lawton Eric Lawton Sophia Palenberg
  • 9. January 25, 2010 Issue 1 PAGE 9 Sophia Palenberg Karina Dukalska Karina Dukalska Karina Dukalska Sophia Palenberg Karina Dukalska Karina Dukalska
  • 10. Issue 1 January 25, 2010 PAGE 10 FEATURE By: Aditja Naganath Discovering The Art of Lobbying Delegates looking to make their mark in this year’s conference seized the very first opportunity they got – the ‘Lobbying’ session. As the adage goes, ‘first impressions are last impressions’ and this is exactly what delegates kept in mind when they sought not only to impress their allies (and their chairs!) but also to intimidate their adversaries. Of course, the most successful delegates did employ some ‘sophisticated’ MUN techniques, some of which I have taken the liberty to enumerate for you: • Well Researched: Well prepared delegates like Amy Zheao (Delegate of UK) entered the conference not only with clear objectives but also with enough firepower to bamboozle other delegates who were not as well researched, assimilating them in her bloc in the process. Eric Lawton • Eloquence Worked: that matter, during lobbying. Norstrom, Nikhil Lalvani (Delegate of Peru) like many other delegates, was attracted to • Laptops! : was extremely fluent and glib when those whom he felt knew others as everyone It has been proven MUNtifically that communicating with other delegates. He seeks to be a part of some sort of circle. It delegates tend to crowd around the person evidently knew that eloquence always was also amusing to see delegates who had who wields technology. Fernando Zanardi creates the notion of intellect, whether no real stand on an issue, approached by a (Delegates of Antigua and Bermuda) or not one has the content backing one couple of other people; the numbers game seemed to have cracked the system as he up. A majority of the delegates used it as a does have a profound psychological impact watched others swarm around him, each marketing tool to get recognized. It was on a delegate’s decisions. dictating their own preambs and operatives. observed that delegates were attracted When the dust has settled, the credit goes to the eloquent and glib talkers, not the to him. Those clauses did come from his reticent fact spewing robots and rightly so! • Some Schmoozed: laptop after all. It’s always important to have something to “I’ll give you chocolate if you recognize say and to say it well. me” – these unforgettable words to the General Assembly 2 Chair Rabia Majeed, clearly explicate the kind of under hand • Associating tactics certain delegates employed during with others: the lobbying session. That said, softening M i t c he l l the chair up a bit can grant certain N o r s t r o m privileges: an extra minute to speak, your (Delegate of overly aggressive behavior overlooked from Botswana) time to time etc. The accumulation of these realized that even minutiae may actually reap rich rewards at if he doesn’t know the end of the day – like one’s resolution the delegate next being passed for example. It’s nice to see to him, it pays that some delegates are meticulously to hang out with planning for their future. him anyway. Nobody likes After an extremely fruitful session of to be stranded lobbying, it will be interesting to see what without a bloc/ delegates do next when the real conference Eric Lawton group after or for begins. With the amount of planning put Continued on Page 11.
  • 11. January 25, 2010 Issue 1 FEATURE PAGE 11 Lobbying Pays Off (Continued) into the lobbying session, one can only his country’s stand rather than act on his the USA! Talk about irony! To some of imagine their output during discussion emotions. As a reporter, it was surprising the aspiring and relatively inexperienced time. It looks like THIMUN XLII will to see delegates representing conflicting delegates out there, it is imperative to unfold into a very enriching and fulfilling countries work together in the lobbying stick to one’s stand not only because one conference. session purely because they wanted to is ‘representing’ that country but also to form a bloc, knew that person or needed preserve the reality of a Model United (On an off note: While I may not be the to be authors of resolutions. A baffled chair Nations that gives it its name.) most experienced delegate, I do know that recounted how she was once presented with during lobbying, a delegate must adhere to a resolution co – submitted by Russia and The Veto Power Reform in the Security Council By: Tugce Koseoglu “I forbid!” That’s since it was established. Federation and its predecessor debatable. Those advocating what Vyacheslav Molotov, also the Soviet Union with 123 the veto power, mostly the known as Mr. Veto, meant by “The effect of veto vetoes and the country with the Permanent Five countries, using the power to veto. Since power is essential in least amount of vetoes is China imply that the utilization of it fifty-one countries adopted the guiding resolutions...” with six in total. Even though is rare and that it is essential UN Charter in 1945, the veto the record belongs to the for the collaboration of the P5 power has been used many times Russian Federation, the United countries. They suggest that for the sake of international When we look back States has used the veto power since the international arms diplomacy and world peace. through history, the veto power eleven times in recent years, control agreements are the Although the system has was established just after the mostly on the controversial responsibility of the Security worked successfully for over founding of UN. In sixty-five issues concerning Israel. Council, the veto power is half a century, the veto power years the veto power was used The effect of veto needed in the monitoring of of the UN has always been a 261 times in total, almost three power is essential in guiding the applications of arms. On controversial issue among the times per year. The vetoing resolutions, although the the other hand, some groups states of the Security Council record belongs to the Russian pros and cons of vetoes are such as the G4 bloc, formed by Brazil, China, India and South Africa, advocate reform by limiting the veto power, requiring agreements from multiple states before using it or even abolishing it entirely. Some voiced concerns that the national interests of the P5 can stunt the process of peacekeeping. In addition to these opinions, some argue that countries like Brazil, Japan and Germany should be a part of the permanent states to balance power distribution within the Security Council. The hint of reform has already been given with a proposal concerning the increase in the number of permanent states made by the G4. It seems that the strong policies of nations and the sensitivity of the issue may heat Zack Lee Creative Commons 2.0 BY NC ND up the process of the reform.
  • 12. Issue 1 January 25, 2010 PAGE 12 FEATURE Selection Process and Preparation Leads to THIMUN Success By: Bavo Stevens The competition is tough. cumbersome, but rewarding intelligent, confident, or especially those outside the preparation phase. In just a few resolute. By mastering the Art region, THIMUN is also an Sometimes there are more months, we are changed from of Speaking you will be able to opportunity to travel around than a hundred applicants for (hopefully) idealistic youths to inflame the hearts of millions Europe. Some delegations even twelve highly coveted delegate (hopefully) idealistic delegates. to your cause. Patrick McGuire, studied Parisian metro maps spots. Essays need to be written, As Manuel Ramos, delegate of a Chair of General Assembly before going sightseeing. speeches prepared, intensive the Dominican Republic, put it, Two, commented that to be research needs to be done; and to be successful at THIMUN, successful at THIMUN one Lesson 4: Pack Wisely. all of these before we are even one should be interested in should be an excellent public Packing is also an important chosen as delegate! With that doing only good. But the speaker. part of the trip, and for some said, the conclusion is obvious: transformation from idealist delegates, a challenging one. THIMUN violently gets us to youth to idealistic delegate Lesson 2: Research. THIMUN advisors from feel the true numbing power of doesn’t happen overnight. At THIMUN, research tropical regions have mentioned a selection process. With the help of our THIMUN plays an essential since that packing for the cold has advisors, we master the skills it’s the foundation of all been nearly impossible. Coats, Those long waits outside the that will help sharpen the dull our interactions. From the sweaters, and thick socks were interview rooms, the insistent edges of politics as we know it delegates who need to know borrowed from friends or family, clattering of stiff knees, and today. almost everything about their and most probably thoroughly alternatively the way in which country to the chairs who washed. But otherwise, time leading onto the final According to many delegates, need to memorize around complaints about packing decision seemed to creep by, are no lesson has been lost on them. 4,000 words of information, have been limited to socks and all things we became painfully Sweat, blood, and tears are put research is essential. Research gloves, articles of clothing that aware of. After all, regarding the in their work, and with the help has prevented proclamations can be easily replaced in The interview process, how can we of their THIMUN advisors, of naval warfare by landlocked Hague. It is clear that this year be expected to, with a meager they’ve become successful countries. THIMUN delegates have been three minutes, explain how delegates through the mastery well prepared. MUNtastic we are? It just isn’t of these age old. Lesson 3: Know your way fair. around. Furthermore, remember Lesson 1: The Art of Preparation for THIMUN to practice sitting on chairs Therefore, lesson of the day: Speaking. often goes beyond the because as the World Forum if you’re here, congratulations; Eloquence in your way of conference itself. Tourism is Conference Center wisely you’ve made it. speech will make you look an integral part of most, if not announced “due to safety intelligent, confident, and all, delegations that travel to regulations, sitting on the stairs And thus begins the long, resolute even if you aren’t The Hague. For many schools, is forbidden at all times.” Alejandra Paton
  • 13. January 25, 2010 Issue 1 FEATURE PAGE 13 Delegates solve world issues and loosen up, too! By: Vera Bloemen for some place to have Paard van Troje’, ‘De Zwarte thought out top 3 things to Of course we’re all here dinner, and you’d like a Ruiter’ and ‘De Supermarkt’, do: to change the world, to restaurant with good food all of which are places where 1. Did you know that the Dutch find solutions to world- and an exotic atmosphere, be you can have a drink, dance soldiers freed Haarlem from the concerning issues and to sure to visit ‘Popocatepetl’, or just sit and listen to live Spaniards on ice-skates? I guess a very popular and famous bands play for the whole you’ll never know when ice- search for proper ways to skates might come in handy, but implement them. Of course Mexican restaurant, located night! Other possibilities you have to admit they’re a lot of we all want to create a world in the Centrum (Buitenhof at The Hague include ‘Bar fun! Take our advice: go to the 5). Other & Boos’ (Papestraat 26), ‘Buitenhof ’ to practice your ice options are which consists of a small but skating skills and do yourselves ‘ Va p i a no’ intimate dance floor, and a favor by having a nice, hot cup and VIP a bar that is always packed of hot chocolate afterwards! (Very Italian with THIMUN delegates! Pizza), which And if none of these places 2. Visit the ‘Boulevard’ in are relatively satisfy your needs, perhaps Scheveningen. Here you can cheap Italian you could try ‘Club Madness’ walk along the beach while shopping, visiting nice bars, rest au ra nt s (Dagelijkse groenmarkt 6), cafés and restaurants. Perhaps also with ano ther very popular and you might want to take a dip in delicious crowded club. Last but not the sea as well? food and least, there is ‘Byblos’, where a cozy dinner commences the 3. And for those who want ambiance evening which culminates to get a little cultural, you can (B u i t e n h o f in a night of boogying and go to the ‘Museon’ (Scientific 45-51 and partying! Oh, and for the Museum), the ‘Gemeente Kettingstraat brave ones with golden Museum’ (right now, there is an 1 3 -1 5) . voices make sure to drop by exposition on Haute Couture and one on Kandinsky!) or the Other than at ‘Thai Princess’ for some ‘Omniversum’. these, most of karaoke! (Achterom 10) Karina Dukalska The Hague’s So, after a long, tedious day of wel l-k now n We know that you probably debate, make sure you soften up without war and conflicts, and most visited bars and have a very full schedule, your brains and bodies; loosen without violations of human clubs are located at the but if you can find some up a little – we’re not just here to rights; a world where ‘Grote Markt’. When you go extra time, it definitely won’t save the world, we’re also here to everyone is equal and happy. there, make sure to visit ‘Het hurt to follow our carefully have the time of our lives! And of course we are willing to work very hard to achieve that. But, after a long and hard day of debate, all we really want to do is to stop thinking and working, and to just have a great time here at The Hague. Fortunately, Munity is here to suggest to all of you a few glamorous places to eat, socialize and party: Eric Lawton If you’re looking
  • 14. Issue 1 January 25, 2010 PAGE 14 ENTERTAINMENT How Much Do You Devote Yourself to MUN? By: Tugce Koseoglu Sometimes being a delegate can be hectic and not all the metabolisms can handle big doses of MUN fever. If you think you need a small dose for your own sake, come and take a glance at this quiz which can show you how much you take MUN seriously! 1. MUN becomes the most enjoyable… a. When you take the floor.(4) b. When you dine with your delegation after a tiring day. (2) c. When you dance till you drop at the post-conference party. (1) d. When you explore the city of The Hague. (3) 2. During the conference, the accessory that you can’t live without is … a. Your camera. (3) b. A Louis Vuitton handbag. (2) c. A classy folder. (4) d. The Blackberry you bought recently. (1) 3. During a recess period, your ambassador can find you… a. Standing with other delegates, chit-chatting (or more?). (1) b. Taking photos of the conference venue. (3) c. In the bathroom, freshening up. (2) d. In the middle of an enthusiastic crowd, discussing the next resolution to be debated. (4) 4. Let’s proceed with the post-conference party attitude. In the party… a. You feel like you should be outside, doing a little more sightseeing. (3) b. You are hoping that you’ll be chosen as the “Best Dressed Delegate” in the next issue of MUNITY. (2) c. You are sitting/standing in a corner, discussing committee issues and best debate moments with others from your committee room. (4) d. You are dancing with the boy/girl whom you had been talking a lot to during the conference. (1) 5. The note-passing issue: Usually you pass notes when you… a. Are desperate to ask someone how your hair looks. (2) b. Are desperate to tell someone that the admin staff is cute. (1) c. Are desperate to ask for an opinion concerning the amendment to be debated. (4) d. Are desperate to ask someone where the best restaurant is in town. (3) 6. While you were packing for THIMUN 2010, you filled your luggage with… a. Lots of clothes - what else would you possibly need? (4) b. Lots of batteries – you’ll definitely need them. (3) c. Lots of extra paper and pens. (1) d. Lots of high-heeled / fashionable shoes; that’s what all MUN conferences are for! (2) Now, add the numbers next to the choices that you’ve chosen and check out your results on the next page! (Continued on Page 15)
  • 15. January 25, 2010 Issue 1 ENTERTAINMENT PAGE 15 How Much Do You Devote Yourself to MUN? (Continued) 0-8 -> Delegate: Dear delegate! Welcome to the room! No, not the dance room, the committee room! We think that you are too involved with the informal parts of MUN rather than the serious business. We know that The Hague is a beautiful city and we understand that the delegate in front of you is very pretty, but you should remind yourself that this is MUN! Just try to tell yourself that debates can also be quite interesting and fun when you stop thinking about the post-conference party and actually get yourself involved during the debates! 9-17 -> Chair: A chair who is stuck in the middle! As we can predict, you love being the social butterfly and tasting the sweet side of MUN, and you want to shine during the heated debates as well. You need to keep the balance between the urge to socialize and the need to participate in debates. Well, if you want to be the center of attention during the debates, you have to work a bit more, honey! We know that you are just a step behind becoming the best delegate on your committee! 18-24 -> PGA: Congrats PGA! You are a delegate everyone desires to be. You concentrate on debates and try to be the most active delegate in your committee. We can say that you are on the right track to accomplish it. Still, Mr. /Ms. PGA, you must bear in mind that MUN conferences give you the opportunity to explore wonderful friendships, to visit very beautiful cities such as The Hague, and to enjoy the privilege of wearing formal dress! Remember people, in THIMUN, being yourself is what makes the experience all the more unforgettable! Good luck to you during the conference and remember to keep the balance! Cracking Jokes Like a Comedian By: Bavo Stevens Like any good diplomat or politician, THIMUN delegates spend their time fighting amongst themselves on issues that need solutions. Debates can get fiery, and zealotry is not uncommon. Luckily for the hard working delegates, there are always many individuals with a good sense of humor. They cast aside the serious tone of the debates and decide to open their speeches with the funniest opening line that they can think of. The following are funny opening lines. Everything is PG rated. • This resolution is like a donut, sweet but it has a large hole in the middle. • This resolution is like a jelly donut; it tastes good and doesn’t have any holes in it! • This resolution is like a block of wood, it’s strong and sturdy, but easily catches fire. • This resolution is like my mobile phone, it may be old, but it has always worked well. • This resolution is like tape, it’s a quick fix, but no long term solution. • This resolution is like a suspension bridge; it’s safe and bridges gaps. • This resolution is like a pineapple: it tastes good but it hurts when you sit on it. But while this sense of levity does exist at THIMUN, humor at the conference is not limited to opening lines. Untapped sources of comedic talent will be discovered and people will learn to laugh to the situational irony they will find themselves in. Naturally, the seriousness of the debates will be up held, but THIMUN, prepare to laugh. By: Alejandra Paton
  • 16. Issue 1 January 25, 2010 PAGE 16 by Patricia Kim TALKING OF THIMUN For the first day of THIMUN, we interviewed four delegates from different committees: Thomas van der Sommen, representative from the World Bank of Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), Gabriela Lima, delegate of Guatemala from the Disarmament Commission Commission 1, Neha Lalani, delegate of St. Vincent Grenadines from General Assembly 1 (GA1), and Jason Huh, delegate of Jordan from Human Rights Commission 1 (HR1). These were their answers: Goals for this year’s conference? Neha: To speak and participate a lot in the How are your first impressions of this year’s conference? debate because I didn’t really speak much Neha: The room is very small, but the overall impression is last year. organized and nice. Jason: I’m mostly here to improve my debate Jason: This is my first year at THIMUN, so I’m pretty and speaking skills because THIMUN is a scared. There are a lot of people, but I’ll get used to the great opportunity to talk in front of a lot of forum soon. people. Thomas: I was a delegate in GA last year. ECOSOC is the Thomas: Main-submitting, but having fun biggest forum I’ve been in. as well. That’s the biggest goal. Gabriela: Everyone has a lot of experience and most Gabriela: Just working on my resolution and delegates seem to have prepared a lot for the conference. giving out ideas. What are you looking forward to besides the conference? Neha: Because I used to live in Den Haag, How do you plan to contribute in your forum? I’m planning on seeing my old friends. Jason: I’m mostly going to throw out ideas for people to Thomas: Partying. I live here so I’m planning consider. By coming up with new ideas, other delegates on partying with new and old friends will add those onto their resolutions, and hopefully the together. debates will take new directions. Gabriella: I’m here for the conference, but Gabriela: Helping some of the resolutions to pass if I’m also shopping and hanging out. sided with it, and providing other delegates with new ideas. LAPTOP FEVER! Eric Lawton Eric Lawton Karina Dukalska Karina Dukalska Eric Lawton