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            A   s u p p l e m e n t   t o   O r e g o n   B u s i n e s s   m a g a z i n e

                                                                                                            5	 A conversation with
                                                                                                               industry leaders
                                                                                                       	            7 	 WORKFORCE ISSUES
                                                                                                       	            8 	 sustainability effort
                                                                                                       	            11	 business connections
                                                                                                       	            11	 communication factor

                                                                                                       13	 Driving economic growth
                                                                                                       14	 Regional breakdown
                                                                                                       	            14 PORTLAND METRO
                                                                                                       	            15 	WILLAMETTE VALLEY
                                                   Mike Ishida, director of sales for Day Wireless     	            16 	SOUTHERN OREGON
                                                   Systems, believes in spending quality business
                                                   time with a fly rod in hand. “Every year we bring   	            17	 EASTERN OREGON
                                                   executives from around the nation to Oregon,” he    	            18	 MT. HOOD / COLUMBIA River GORGE
                                                   says. “We have found there is no better place to    	
                                                   develop business relationships than on a river.”                 19	 CENTRAL OREGON
                                                                                                       	            20	 OREGON Coast
Cover photo by Michael G. Halle                                                                        	            21	 IMPACT OREGON: Stories of Success


Telling the Oregon story
It’s impossible to talk about tourism in Oregon without talking about busi-
ness at the same time. Visitors to Oregon help support the economy in a big                                A supplement to Oregon Business,
                                                                                                           produced and published by MEDIAmerica.
way, and the financial impacts of travel are easy to track: direct travel spend-
                                                                                                           President and ceo
ing in 2007 totaled $8.3 billion and supported more than 91,000 jobs.                                      Andrew A. Insinga
    But the numbers tell only part of the story –– and it’s a great story. Tourism                         SUPPLEMENT EDITOR
and business intersect in all kinds of interesting and strategically important                             Megan Monson
ways. Visitors help build our state’s reputation for environmental stewardship                             Art Director
and outstanding natural recreation. Often, people who first come as tourists                               Jon Ferland
return for good, bringing their businesses with them.                                                      Contributing Photographers
                                                                                                           Michael G. Halle, Edmund Keene
    The tourism industry is shaping what we teach in college, and making new
                                                                                                           Associate Publisher
family-wage jobs available to our children. It’s helping business recruitment ac-
                                                                                                           Megan Kirkpatrick
tivities and providing a needed income source for rural communities. Visitors
                                                                                                           Advertising Director
create demand for amenities and activities that residents can then enjoy.                                  Jason Garey
    In this issue of Impact Oregon, you will find details on all of these topics.                          Advertising Account Manager
The main section of the publication is devoted to a roundtable discussion                                  Kerwin Jacobsen
held recently in Portland. For that event, business and travel and hospitality                             Advertising Account Manager
leaders gathered to share their ideas on how the industries intersect. We                                  Jeff Helm

think you will find their discussion enlightening — we certainly did.                                      Event & Marketing Manager
                                                                                                           Katie Goldrick
    Elsewhere in this publication, you can read about how the main themes
                                                                                                           Circulation Manager
discussed at the roundtable event are echoed throughout the state in small                                 Jan Edwards-Pullin
stories of individual successes.                                                                           Production Director
    It’s clear that the symbiotic relationship between tourism and business                                Sherondra Thedford
in Oregon is a satisfying and productive one. We hope you enjoy the pages                                  Ad Production Coordinator
that follow.                                                                                               Bjorn van der Voo

                                                                                                           President and ceo Andrew A. Insinga
                                                                                                           Controller Bill Lee

                                                                                                           Board of Directors
                                                                                                           Chairman André W. Iseli	
Wally Van Valkenburg                             Kari Westlund                                             President Andrew A. Insinga
Chair, Oregon Economic & Community               Chair, Oregon Tourism Commission                          Secretary William L. Mainwaring		
Development Commission                                                                                     Treasurer Win McCormack

                                                                                                                                               2008 impact oregon   3
Wally Van Valkenburg
Oregon Economic & Community
Development Commission
Tourism means business >>

A conversation with industry leaders
 Travel Oregon and Oregon Business Magazine’s Publisher recently invited a
 group of leaders from across the state and across industries to talk about the
 relationship between tourism and business. Wally Van Valkenburg, chairman
 of the Oregon Economic & Community Development Commission, moderated
 the event. The frank and open discussion that resulted was all that we hoped
  for. Workforce issues, transportation challenges, the upside and downside of
 growth, sustainability as a lifestyle and as a marketing tool–– it’s all here.You
           can join the conversation by reading the pages that follow.

                          >> Photos by EdMUND Keene

                                                                                 2008 impact oregon   5
Todd Davidson
                            Travel Oregon

    Alison Sokol Blosser	
    Sokol Blosser Winery

    David Bragdon
    Metro Council

6   impact oregon 2008
Moderator >>
                            Wally Van Valkenburg
                            Chair, Oregon Economic & Community
                            Development Commission

WALLY VAN VALKENBURG: How important is tourism to the                            tion and make it into a vocation. Folks that perhaps fancy wine suddenly
economy in a place like Oregon?                                                  start wine businesses like you’ve seen in Oregon, and really stimulate our
                                                                                 economy that way.
BILL MACKENZIE: I work for Intel, and I don’t think there is any question
that the quality of life, the natural beauty of Oregon, is an incentive for
employees who want to come here. Some of our employees are people
                                                                                 “Our biggest problem at Intel is
who came here as tourists or on a business trip, and then decided they
wanted to relocate to Oregon. Maintaining that perception helps us when
                                                                                 not recruiting people to Oregon, it’s
we’re trying to recruit people. In fact, our biggest problem at Intel is not     getting them to leave when we want
recruiting people to Oregon, it’s getting them to leave when we want to
move them someplace else.                                                        to move them someplace else.”
ALANA AUDETTE: In the early ’90s, a Bend-area study was done to find out
                                                                                 >> Bill MacKenzie, Intel
the conversion rate of visitors to new business. Seventy percent of the
new base in 1993 reported that they first visited the region on vacation.
Tourism had a phenomenal impact on the change and dynamic develop-               VAN VALKENBURG: Other comments from people in the industry
ment of Central Oregon, as it did throughout the state as well.                  on this issue?
ADAM DAVIS: Take the Hatfield School over at Portland State University:
6,000 academics have visited Portland for stays averaging at least three         STEVE McCOID: Well, I think the perception is definitely there, and to a
days each. They want to come to Portland because of the quality of life          degree we say shame on us, Oregon Restaurant Association, for not
and the natural beauty, and they all become ambassadors. When we                 doing a better job of educating the public on what the opportunities really
think of business, we’ve got to think of it as wider than just the private       are. The majority of the jobs in the industry are family-wage jobs. It’s really
sector. Another thing––I am still struck by how schizophrenic the general        incumbent on us to get that word out and educate the public on those
public is about the value of travel and tourism––it’s almost like a love/hate    opportunities.
kind of thing. Tourism is proxy for population growth and more people            KARI WESTLUND: Our industry sector really provides a lot of varied oppor-
and more pressure on the things that I care about. I’m not hearing it with       tunities for people who are at different places in their lives and looking for
the intensity that I heard, say, 10, 15 years ago.                               different kinds of experiences. There are an awful lot of people working in
                                                                                 the industry who are there by choice for a very long period of time, and I
Workforce issues >>                                                              suspect it’s not because they’re feeling trapped in a minimum-wage job.
VAN VALKENBURG: About this perception that tourism is a low-                     They’re great at what they do.
wage industry––to what extent does that create challenges for
those of you who are actually in business?                                       VAN VALKENBURG: How do you all feel about the quality of the
                                                                                 employees you’re getting? Are there things we’re doing well?
DAVIS: I still hear that tourism is not as important as other sectors be-        Things we’re not doing so well as a state?
cause of those low-wage jobs and no benefits. And I know a lot of you live
with that perception all the time, but it’s still out there among the general    MILLER: We need more hospitality programs in higher education. As an
public.                                                                          industry, we are helping fund those things, but we need to be more orga-
JEFF MILLER: I believe that the perception is certainly out there, but I think   nized at that educational level.
businesses really see the benefits of these jobs. So many people in this         WESTLUND: We’ve got a great program in the Eugene area at Lane Com-
room started in hospitality jobs–-you needed that first part-time job as         munity College, with both an accredited culinary arts program and a hos-
a kid, you needed to work your way through college. And this industry            pitality management program. One of the biggest challenges they have
provides those jobs, and it also provides management-level jobs and              is that the industry is picking those kids out before they’re done with the
executive-level jobs.                                                            program because there is such a hunger for trained talent.
GREGG MINDT: Some research that the Oregon Tourism Commission                    MINDT: There are very few other industries with as quick a growth or ad-
did in the early to mid- ’90s indicated that roughly 10% of the jobs in          vancement track as the hospitality industry, particularly the hotel industry.
Oregon’s tourism industry were actually minimum-wage jobs with no tip            If you’re smart, you’re ambitious, and you want to succeed, it’s there.
income. And yet it also pointed out that 70% to 75% of the businesses in         STEVE FAULSTICK: I had an employee who came to us from the Ukraine and
Oregon’s tourism industry are sole proprietorships. So there is that low-        worked as a housekeeper at above minimum wage. Within six months,
wage perception, but there should also be a greater awareness of the             she grew into a job cleaning public areas, and then found her way into
management-level opportunities, as well as the chance to take an avoca-          a job in our executive meeting center, which grew into a $40,000-a-year

                                                                                                                                        2008 impact oregon         7
job within two years. I myself started as a bus boy 22 years ago in             in our country right now with individual travelers, groups and conven-
    Medford. I like to get in front of Western Culinary and New Avenues for         tions.
    Youth and Mt. Hood Community College to tell that story, because it is a        TODD DAVIDSON: It’s not unusual for us to hear international visitors refer
    career with wonderful opportunities.                                            to Oregon as being that clean, green and friendly destination, or to hear
    MACKENZIE: What I hear a lot of you saying is that the industry as a            domestically about the uncrowded, unspoiled natural beauty of Oregon.
    whole doesn’t seem to be doing a very good job of raising the public            There’s no other industry that has as much to lose or as much to con-
    consciousness about the people in the industry at all levels––people            tribute to this whole sustainability discussion as the travel and tourism
    for whom that job represents dignity and income and an opportunity to           industry does, so it‘s exciting to see the businesses that are stepping up
    grow and participate in the Oregon economy.                                     to embrace a sustainability ethic.
                                                                                    DAVID BRAGDON: I think the people in marketing will say the first prereq-
    VAN VALKENBURG: I’m curious as to what the prevailing political                 uisite of any brand is that it be genuine. It has to be something that really
    winds are on immigration, and what kind of impact that has on                   is reflective of what’s being branded, and I think this is a huge opportunity
    companies and industries.                                                       for us. The things that tourists like to do are the things that people who
                                                                                    already live here like to do––they want to go to Powell Books, they want to
    McCOID: Well, it’s a huge issue for the hospitality industry. The restaurants   eat in the restaurants, they want to go hiking. Their support for those types
    are co-chairing a coalition concerned about this, because 22 percent of         of activities actually creates more capacity for those of us who live here.
    the workforce in Oregon is immigrant and about half could be illegal. The       CHRISTOPHER SEHRING: I think you’re absolutely right with the green-
    coalition is working to prevent some of the things you’ve seen in Arizona
    and Oklahoma, where government rules caused chaos in the industry,
    and also to support some commonsense reform that takes into account             “LasVegas owns the glitz and glamour,
    what these folks do for our economy and to treat them with the respect
    they deserve as hard-working members of our society.
                                                                                    and California and Florida own the
    ANNE ROOT: One of the problems that we’re seeing is that there’s a real
    inclination to not support our high school students into jobs in hospitality
                                                                                    beaches. Oregon owns sustainability,
    and travel. I think we’ve supplemented that through our immigrant popu-         and it just so happens that
    lation. I think also that we’ve too narrowly defined hospitality as travel
    and tourism. It’s really hospitality in the retirement centers, it’s all your   sustainability is one of the top demand
    food service, in your hospitals––it’s across many, many industries that
    give a good customer service hospitality experience. If we could more           generators in our country right now.”
    broadly define it, we can better support it through our universities and        >> Steve Faulstick,
    our training programs.
                                                                                    Doubletree Hotel Portland–Lloyd Center
    The sustainability effort >>
    VAN VALKENBURG: Another issue is how tourism and hospitality fit                ness, the sustainability, the recycling. The wave is there, you’ve got a
    into Oregon’s strategy of being the world capital of sustainabil-               great niche, and there’s a lot of opportunity here.
    ity. How do people feel about that?
                                                                                    VAN VALKENBURG: How does tourism and development around
    AUDETTE: I think tourism is going to be the leading industry in the sustain-    the state affect transportation plans for the next 20 years?
    ability effort. We have a million acres of national forest lands to hike on,
    and every single person who visits or resides in Central Oregon wants           PATRICK COONEY: ODOT’s plans are affected by every piece of the tour-
    to be a steward of that.                                                        ism and growth areas, and we’re excited about the possibilities. We’ve
    FAULSTICK: We are sitting on a gold mine of opportunity around sustain-         got nine scenic byways now. The Transportation Commission just
    ability, and as the green dust settles around the nation, we in Oregon are      christened a wine tour route through the upper valley, and there’s more
    poised to stand as the true sustainability leaders. We have something           coming. We’ve got Trip Check, our award-winning Web site. We’re also
    now in Oregon that we own. Las Vegas owns the glitz and glamour, and            working on several areas with regard to the rest areas––to provide Wi-Fi
    California and Florida own the beaches. Oregon owns sustainability, and         and things like that.
    it just so happens that sustainability is one of the top demand generators      BRAGDON: I think we shouldn’t overlook the incredible growth of nonmo-

    participants >>

                                Alison Sokol                                         Anne Root	                                             Patrick Cooney	
                                Blosser	                                             Co-owner,                                              Communications director,
                                Co-president, Sokol                                  Eden Vale Winery                                       Oregon Department of
                                Blosser Winery                                       Medford                                                Transportation
                                Dundee                                                                                                      Salem

8   impact oregon 2008
Jeff Miller
                                       Travel Portland

                     Adam Davis
                   Davis, Hibbitts &
                      Midghall, Inc.

Anne Root	
Eden Vale Winery

                                                         2008 impact oregon   9
Steve McCoid
                                                                   Oregon Restaurant

                                                           Christopher Sehring

                                                                                           Kari Westlund
                                                                                           Convention and Visitors Association
                                                                                           of Lane County

     torized transportation tourism. Just in the last two weeks I’ve talked to     figuring out how to protect the resource but also allow access to it. The
     two friends, one of whom is spending 10 days bicycling around Italy.          sustainability theory doesn’t work if people can’t reach out and touch it in
     The other one’s going to spend a week bicycling around Denmark. What          a way that we feel comfortable with, and I feel we’re really doing a great
     would it take to have people coming in here having a similar experience?      job of accomplishing that.
     In fact, it wouldn’t take a whole lot. It would take packaging and commu-     BRAGDON: One thing we haven’t touched on is public safety in the down-
     nication, and the connection between nature and urbanity in one place.        town, and I think that needs more attention than it’s gotten. There’s a little
     VAN VALKENBURG: I think we’ve accomplished a lot in terms of making           bit of an air of disarray in downtown Portland. I think that is something
     Portland a bike-friendly city, but if you go to Amsterdam, you realize that   that we need to do a better job of, not just for our visitors but for our-
     we have a long ways to go.                                                    selves as well.
     MILLER: Make no mistake––this business, whether it’s tourism or con-
     ventions and meetings, is as competitive as any other industry out there.     VAN VALKENBURG: On the subject of land use, is that an issue we
     There’s a lot of money at stake. Components and infrastructures like the      need to worry about? Is it a nonissue?
     bike path all come together to help us sell this product––Portland and
     Oregon––because our goal is to get them here and then push them               ALISON SOKOL BLOSSER: It is certainly a hot topic in our area. We need
     throughout the state. So these things all connect.                            good lodging in Yamhill County to support the wine industry, and our
     WESTLUND: It’s amazing in Oregon how people really come together to           position has been that we support it within the urban growth boundary.
     collaborate. There’s a lot of opportunity for people not to come together     We do want to preserve what little vineyard land we have on the hillsides
     and play well in the sandbox, but it seems like we really do a great job of   for vineyard land. So there is a conflict there.

     participants >>

                                   Steve Faulstick                                     Steve McCoid                                          Kari Westlund
                                   General manager,                                    President, Oregon                                     President &
                                   Doubletree Hotel                                    Restaurant                                            CEO, Convention
                                   Portland-Lloyd Center                               Association                                           and Visitors
                                   Portland                                            Wilsonville                                           Association of
                                                                                                                                             Lane County

10    impact oregon 2008
                                                                                  DAVIDSON: I think there are a number of folks in the tourism industry who
                                                                                  recognize those intersections. Anne Root was the one who really intro-
                                                                                  duced me to this idea when she told me a long time ago that her fast-
                                                                                  est growing source of out-of-state wine sales was from visitors. People
                                                                                  experienced her customer service and these amazing wines, traveled
                                                                                  back home, and wanted to continue to relive that experience. So these
                                                                                  visitors were not only that immediate direct economic impact, they also
                                                                                  became an expanded market base for Anne and for other wineries.
                                                                                  DAVIS: Forestry is an industry that interacts with tourism, and that’s a great
                                                                                  story, especially for those in the rural areas, to tell folks. We have one of
                                                                                  the best state forest protection acts around, and it was driven, not just by
                                                                                  environmental quality, but also by travel and tourism and hospitality.

                                                                                  The communication factor >>
                                                                                  VAN VALKENBURG: How effective do you think you are within the
                                                                                  industry in terms of communicating with each other?

                                                                                  WESTLUND: I think it’s really challenging because we do have a lot of
                                                                                  working proprietors. We have a lot of business owners who find it dif-
                                                                                  ficult to get away from their business for face-to-face meetings with oth-
                                                                                  ers, even though they may very much want to. All that being said, I think
                                                                                  there’s a pretty strong sense of collaboration and camaraderie amongst
                                                                                  the individual sectors. My restaurateurs get along great with my hote-
                                                                                  liers and my rivers guys, and, you know, we pull them together as much
                                                                                  as we can. So from my perspective, there is always room to do an even
                                                                                  better job, but I think we do a really fair job.
                                                                                  MINDT: I think we in the industry are sort of in a love fest. We love to
                                                                                  pat ourselves on the back, look at how great we are. The sustainability
                                                                                  angle, for example, is a catalyst for businesses to maybe come and
    ROOT: In Southern Oregon, we’re seeing problems around the acres              relocate here or expand and grow here. So what’s missing? What do
    connected to wineries. We want more wineries without the noose of             we need to do as an industry to hone it to get to the next level? Is there
    tying acreage to that production level. We want the public to come into       something we’re not doing right?
    our little tiny communities, stay in those facilities and drive around, and   FAULSTICK: I wish I had the answer to that, because I see the work be-
    we really don’t have the critical mass that we need in terms of actual        ing done, but it doesn’t seem like it’s moving at the pace that it should,
    wineries.                                                                     and there’s not the conversation that there could be, seeing what that
                                                                                  opportunity is.
    The business connections >>                                                   SOKOL BLOSSER: One thing I see in the wine industry, and I would imag-
    VAN VALKENBURG: How does tourism position Oregon from an                      ine is probably true in the lodging and restaurant and other industries,
    economic development standpoint?                                              is that the bigger businesses are able to explore and research a lot of
                                                                                  the sustainability things. And the trouble is that there are a lot of small
    WESTLUND: There is an intersection with other industries––there’s a rea-      wineries, just like there are a lot of small restaurants, that probably have
    son JELD-WEN is such a great industry partner, for example. Hotels use        the same desire to be sustainable but maybe do not know how to. So
    a lot of windows and doors. Then you start to think about the symbiotic       if there’s a way to foster collaboration and communication, that might
    relationship between hospitality investment and plumbers and electri-         really help us walk the talk throughout the entire hospitality industry.
    cians and all of the construction trades––I don’t think we spend enough       COONEY: I think we need to continue to find ways to break down the silos
    time focusing on those intersections. We tend to look at each of these        and move barriers, find nontraditional partners. I know my department
    industries as a silo, when in fact we’re a lot more like a fabric.            struggles with that from time to time, such as closing down I-5 to one lane

                 Jeff                                          Todd                                      Alana                                          Christopher
                 Miller                                        Davidson                                  Audette                                        Sehring
                 CEO, Travel                                   CEO, Travel                               President and                                  General
                 Portland                                      Oregon                                    CEO, Central                                   manager,
                 Portland                                      Salem                                     Oregon Visitors                                KOIN-TV
                                                                                                         Association                                    Portland

                                                                                                                                      2008 impact oregon           11
Alana Audette
                                                                                         Central Oregon
                                                                                    Visitors Association

     Steve Faulstick                                                                                           Patrick Cooney	
     Doubletree Hotel                                                                                          Oregon Department
     Portland-Lloyd Center                                                                                     of Transportation

     on a weekend when the Beavers and Ducks both have home games.
     VAN VALKENBURG: Oh, you heard about that?
                                                                                       “This (roundtable) is the great
     COONEY: We have to think that any action any of us take has ripples
     that go all the way downstream and affect other businesses, other
                                                                                       kind of dialogue that I think we
     communities, other jobs, other projects. This is the great kind of dia-           should have more often so we
     logue that I think we should have more often so we can find ways to
     bring different resources to the table for a common objective.                    can find ways to bring different
     MILLER: I think it’s also important that we include those business part-
     ners where we can––business that can help tell the Oregon story.                  resources to the table for a
     We’ve got to tell it at a lot of different levels, and including those busi-
     ness partners is a real key for us as we expand our reach and to look             common objective.”
     for more of those people to come here.                                            >> Patrick Cooney, ODOT

     VAN VALKENBURG: How much help do you get recruiting folks to                      dollars and look at it more as regional initiatives?
     come visit here––are we all ambassadors of the state?                             DAVIDSON: At the international level, we do a lot of multiple-state col-
                                                                                       laboration. We’ve found ourselves to be much more effective if we
     FAULSTICK: There’s certainly room for more, but I think the important             can leverage limited resources and go into Europe, for example, as
     part is how powerful it is to have advocacy on the local level. It’s one          the U.S. Pacific Northwest, and we’ve found great success going in
     thing to hear it from the visitors bureau or from the industry when we’re         that way.
     back in D.C. talking to an organization, but it brings a lot more clout           VAN VALKENBURG: I’m going to end the meeting by telling you a
     when we’ve got government officials or local business people who can              story. Every summer, my law firm brings in a group of law students
     really help sell Portland.                                                        for internships from all over the country. They have the opportunity
     MILLER: It’s very powerful as you recruit business for them to see a              to work in lots of different places, and so we try to show them why
     strong cohesive group of not only hoteliers, but also restaurateurs,              this is a good place to work, even though they might be able to
     board members and government officials who believe their business is              make a lot more money in New York or Chicago or Los Angeles.
     important to our city and our region, and it does make a difference.              When I was a summer intern, 13 or more years ago, the firm de-
     DAVIS: To what extent is the industry cooperating across state lines? I           cided to take us mountain climbing, and we went to the top of Little
     think of our friends on the other side of the river in Clark County. I think      Sister. I got altitude sickness about halfway up, but I made it to the
     of the Gorge and what’s going on both sides of the Gorge, in Eastern              top. Now we take people on raft trips and on wine tasting tours. It’s
     Oregon with the Snake River area, and various southeastern parts of               a tremendously important part of our recruitment for these kids.
     Washington and Idaho. Are opportunities being explored to leverage                Thank you all for coming. Nice meeting. >>

     participants >>

                                 Adam Davis                                             Bill Mackenzie                                        David Bragdon
                                 Partner, Davis, Hibbitts &                             Communications                                        President, Metro Council
                                 Midghall, Inc. research firm                           manager, Intel                                        Portland
                                 Portland                                               Hillsboro

12    impact oregon 2008

                W                                             JAN

                                          E                  16

                                                          MEETINGS & EVENTS
                            S                                                                                                                           RETAIL

    FOR OREGON            }                                                                      CULINARY
                                                                                                                       MARKETING & PR

    Oregonians overwhelmingly
    support the tourism and
    hospitality industry: 95% believe                                              {THE OREGON EXPERIENCE}
    it is important to the economy;
    82% say it helps improve quality
    of life; and 77% believe the
    industry is environmentally                                                                                                           AGRICULTURE

    Tourism helps reflect the                                                                  PARKS & PUBLIC LANDS

    values that we hold dear. It’s a
    sustainable industry that allows
    us to showcase our state’s natural
    beauty, our rugged and creative                                             OUTDOOR RECREATION
    spirit and our respect for the                                                                                             CULTURE & HERITAGE
    environment and one another.

    tourism & HOSPITALITY >>

    Driving economic growth
    Visitors to Oregon prize the diversity that our state offers: from endless open beaches to high-desert vistas; from lushly
    forested mountains to fertile green valleys. It is a natural wealth that nurtures a rich diversity of employment and
    entrepreneurial opportunities in the travel and hospitality industries.

    Visitors who stay in hotels, bed and breakfasts and motels account for more than ½ of all visitor spending in Oregon.
    21.2 million visitors stayed overnight in 2006.

    The landmark Oregon Tourism Investment Proposal was signed into law by Gov. Ted Kulongoski in 2003, when Oregon
    was facing one of the highest unemployment rates in history. The innovative legislation established a dedicated, stable
    funding source for statewide tourism marketing.
         >> $1 spent on state marketing = $159 in visitor spending including $6 in state and local tax revenue.

    Just a few numbers offer a dramatic snapshot of the positive economic impact of Oregon’s tourism and hospitality industry.
        >> Tourism + Hospitality contribute $8.3 billion to the Oregon economy.

         >> Tourism + Hospitality account for 132,000 direct + indirect jobs in Oregon,
               providing $3.3 billion in employee earnings.

    The tourism and hospitality industry is Oregon’s largest traded-sector employer and a leading contributor to our gross
    state product. Tourism is vital to our state’s economy today, and a key component of our economic health for tomorrow.

    Statistics from Oregon Tourism Public Perception Survey, 2007; Oregon Travel Impacts report, 2008; and Visitor Profile Study, 2006.

                                                                                                                                  2008 impact oregon       13

     Pedaling Portland—it’s an easy thing to do
        Visitors to Portland are welcome to bring their hiking shoes, their middle of an urban environment.
     discerning taste buds, and their sense of adventure. The one thing they                       “In some areas, if you squinch your eyes a little bit, you’d think you
     don’t need is their car.                                                                 were in a bike-friendly European town,” Geller says.“It’s just a lot of fun
        Portland’s international reputation as a green and sustainable city is a to ride in Portland.”
     multi-faceted one. This is a city with the most LEED-certified buildings                      At least three hotels in Portland offer bikes to their guests—Ace
     per capita in the nation; a city home to           PORTLAND METRO From Oregon Travel Impacts report, 2008
                                                                                                                                    Hotel Portland, Hotel Monaco, and Jupiter
     the nation’s largest urban wilderness,             Category 	                                               1991	        2007 Hotel.
     5,000-acre Forest Park. It’s the city where        Direct Travel Spending (in millions of dollars)........ 1,307....... 3,413     The Hotel Monaco’s “Carless Vacation
     the nation’s first bottle bill was born, and       Direct Employment (in thousands of jobs)...............18.4......... 27.1 package” launched just over a year ago.
                                                        Tax Receipts Generated (in millions of dollars)............54.......... 141
     where, today, residents recycle more of their                                                                                  “We’ve had an amazing response so far,”
     waste than any other place in the country.         Worth noting:
                                                                                                                                    says Lota LaMontagne, the hotel’s public
        It’s also a city where car-less                 “Travel writers want to know not only about tourism, but about              relations spokesperson. The package includes
     transportation is king. With easy access to        sustainable and green practices and about the Oregon urban                  a room for two, reimbursement for light rail
     MAX Light Rail, the Portland Streetcar, the        growth boundary––all the things that make this such a great                 tickets between the hotel and the airport, all-
     Portland Aerial Tram and 226 miles of bike                                                                                     day bike rentals, and a picnic lunch of locally
                                                        ––Jeff Miller, CEO, Travel Portland
     lanes, the last thing visitors need is a car.                                                                                  grown food from nearby Red Star.
        That reputation got a boost recently, when Portland became the first                       LaMontagne, a bike commuter herself, says the package has been
     major city to earn a platinum-level Bicycle Friendly Community award so successful that managers are ramping up the program, buying more
     from the League of American Bicyclists. The small town of Davis, Calif., bikes and developing maps for more Portland-area rides.
     is the only other city to earn the highest level.                                             The development of the Springwater Corridor promises to further
        “We’ve developed a really comprehensive system of street paths, bike polish the city’s bike-friendly image. The former rail corridor was
     lanes, bike boulevards. It’s really easy to ride all over Portland, even for reborn as an alternative transportation and recreation trail, which
     a moderately confident bicyclist,” says Roger Geller, bicycle coordinator winds east for 21 miles from Portland to the town of Boring, crossing
     for the city of Portland.                                                                wetlands, agricultural fields, and residential neighborhoods along the
        The city has increased bicycle ridership by 144% since the 2000 way. Ultimately, the Springwater Corridor will lead south to Estacada
     Census. Today, about 5,000 Portland residents commute to work on and into the Mount Hood National Forest.
     two wheels. The bikeway network includes 270 miles of on-street                               “People really appreciate our green reputation,” Geller says. “They
     bike lanes, bike boulevards and paved trails. Another 40 miles of like the fact that Portland is bike-friendly, whether they ride a bicycle or
     unpaved trails offer the rare opportunity of mountain biking in the not. It’s a pride-in-place thing.” >>

                                                                                                                             The Euro-designed Portland Streetcar is
                                                                                                                             just one of the ways visitors can get around the transit-
                                                                                                                             friendly town.

14    impact oregon 2008
The Willamette Valley

  The U.S. Olympic Team Trials in Eugene featured innovative
  programs in recycling, renewable energy, food service and transportation.

Eugene 08: Setting a new standard for sustainability
   For 10 days this summer, the eyes of sports fans around the world were Sarah Grimm, co-chair of the sustainability committee. “The biggest
trained on the athletes competing at the 2008 U.S. Olympic Team Trials in thing was that some people didn’t know how to recycle, and our crews
Track and Field. From a financial point of view, the event was a resounding were kept busy explaining things to them. I would say that 90 percent of
success for Eugene, the hosting city. Organizers estimate that Eugene 08 the interactions were positive.”
generated about $28 million in spending, with economic impacts spreading                      In the end, just three boxes of trash totaling 20 yards made it to the
to the Oregon Coast, up and down the Willamette Valley, into Portland and landfill.Ten boxes of recycling were sent off, and nine boxes of compostable
up the McKenzie River Valley.                                                             materials were collected.
   “An investment of $8.3 million in upgrades to Hayward Field has                            A food service brief encouraging the purchase of local foods to cut down
positioned it as the best venue in the                                                                                           transportation costs and support the local
                                                   WILLAMETTE VALLEY STATS From Oregon Travel Impacts report, 2008
country for track and field events,” says          Category 	                                             1991	           2007
                                                                                                                                 economy was “embraced heartily” by vendors,
Kari Westlund, president and CEO of                Direct Travel Spending (in millions of dollars).......508.9. .... 1,347.4
                                                                                                               .                 Grimm says. The final tally: 40% of the food
the Convention & Visitors Association of           Direct Employment (in thousands of jobs)............10.7. ......... 16.6
                                                                                                               .                 served to athletes and fans was produced
Lane County, in a report to the Oregon             Tax Receipts Generated (in millions of dollars).......... 24. ............ 55
                                                                                                               .                 within 150 miles of the festival. Another 40%
City/County Management Association.                                                                                              came from more than 150 miles away but
                                                   Worth noting:
“That investment has already secured               “Tourism is a very important industry to our area right now,
                                                                                                                                 within Oregon, Washington or Idaho, and just
returns of $75 million in future spending          especially when you consider the economy and how it is                        20 percent was purchased outside the three-
over five consecutive years of premier             affecting other industries in the Willamette Valley.”                         state area. “Very impressive, indeed,” Grimm
national track and field meets.”                   --Jimmie Lucht, president, Willamette Valley Visitors Association             notes.
   One of the biggest success stories of                                                                                            Renewable energy was another focus, with
the event has nothing at all to do with sports, and everything to do with event organizers purchasing green energy from the local utility company.
Eugene’s reputation. It’s the story of sustainability, of green living, and A solar stage and a power station where people could hop on a bike and
it was told in a big way to the 167,000 event visitors who took part in generate electricity also helped spread the message. University facilities
the festivities.                                                                          staff went to great lengths to hook up temporary electrical service to
   “Sustainability programs set a new standard for how major events should avoid the use of diesel generators and the noise pollution and particulate
be implemented everywhere,”Westlund says.“T   obacco-free status and organic emissions that go along with them.
food selection spoke volumes about Oregon’s focus on healthy lifestyles.”                     “That went a long way toward making the event more pleasant and
   One of the most ambitious initiatives was the zero waste program, quieter,” Grimm says.“I went walking through the event and I only heard
which featured compostable utensils and recycling bins at each garbage two generators the whole week, and one of them belonged to a television
point. “The waste management activities were very successful,” says station.” >>

                                                                                                                                                  2008 impact oregon             15
Southern oregon

                                                                                                                        A chance visit to Ashland led Allyson Holt and
                                                                                                                        her husband, Steve, to relocate and found a thriving
                                                                                                                        business there.

     Allyson’s Kitchen owners find a recipe for success––and for living
        In the fall of 1995, Allyson and Steve Holt took a leisurely drive advertising.” After careful consideration, the Holts decided to grow.
     up the Pacific Coast from San Francisco. “It was our engagement trip,                       A business loan from Southern Oregon Regional Economic
     actually,” explains Allyson Holt. Along the way, the couple decided to Development, Inc., helped the couple open a second shop in Bend’s
     take the advice of Holt’s sister and head over to Ashland for a few days. Old Mill District, where business has steadily picked up. Holt finds
     It proved to be a life-changing experience.                                             herself in the car a lot these days, as she supervises a combined
        “It was just mesmerizing, so beautiful,” Holt says. “You know what I staff of 30, and teaches the popular cooking classes offered at
     remember? The homecoming parade from                                                                                          both locations. “We’ve built the Bend
     the high school going down the street.”           SOUTHERN OREGON STATS From Oregon Travel Impacts report, 2008               business so we’re doing better there than
        It took the couple exactly the length of       Category 	                                                 1991....... 2007
                                                                                                                      .            in Ashland––and Ashland’s doing well,”
                                                       Direct Travel Spending (in millions of dollars).......... 356.8..... 828.9
     their visit to fall in love with the town.“In                                                                                 Holt says.
                                                       Direct Employment (in thousands of jobs).................... 8....... 10.4
     those three days, we decided to sell our          Tax Receipts Generated (in millions of dollars).......... 15.4.......... 33
                                                                                                                                      And Allyson’s Kitchen isn’t stopping
     homes and our advertising businesses                                                                                          there. “We figure that after the third store,
     and come back to Ashland to start a               Worth noting:                                                               we can self-fund continued expansion up to
     completely new business we had no                 “The natural beauty of Southern Oregon is an easily marketed                10 stores,” Holt says.
                                                       amenity, especially to international visitors.”
     experience in,” Holt says with a laugh.“It                                                                                       As they choose new locations, Holt
                                                       –– Carolyn Hill, CEO, Southern Oregon Visitors Association
     took us five years to figure out how.”                                                                                        says they will look for many of the same
        In 1990, the couple made it all happen,                                                                                    characteristics they found in Ashland, and
     moving to Ashland to open Allyson’s Kitchen, an upscale gourmet then Bend. “Coming from Riverside (Calif.), one of the biggest issues
     kitchen shop that also sells its wares online. The Ashland shop features for us was finding a community that would help raise our children,”
     two floors of supplies for the home chef, along with a deli full of local she says.
     foods and wines and a full slate of cooking classes.                                        “Our goal for this expansion is to find those locations where we can
        About four years ago, the couple faced “some serious crossroads,” impact the community very positively, and where the community can
     Holt says.“We could grow, or we could sell the business and go back to be a part of us as well,” she says. >>

16    impact oregon 2008
Eastern oregon

Hamley & Co.: Giving new life to a Western icon
   Pat Beard remembers building lariats in a third-floor room at build lariats is now the Slickfork Saloon, new home to an old 30-foot-
Hamley & Co. in Pendleton just a few years back. “The building was long mahogany bar that used to serve frontier patrons in Butte, Mont.
in real rough shape, and I’d been thinking, man, someone ought to do On Mondays and Tuesdays, Beard helps ride herd on 150 or so guests
something with this, it could be really special,” he says.                                 off the Columbia River sternwheeler Queen of the West, who lunch at
   Then the new owners stopped by. Parley Pearce and Blair Woodfield, the saloon and shop at the Western store, populated now by leather
ranch-bred businessmen from the Walla Walla, Wash., area, wanted to talk craftsmen and life-sized statues of cowboys in bronze.
to Beard about their plans for restoring                                                                                                  With the new Hamley Coffee and
theWestern icon.“We talked about how          EASTERN OREGON STATS From Oregon Travel Impacts report, 2008                             Wine Shop and Hamley Steakhouse, the
                                              Category 	                                                              1991	      2007
important we thought Hamley’s was                                                                                                      historic building now features 55,000
                                              Direct Travel Spending (in millions of dollars)....................... 142.4..... 357.9
to Pendleton and to the entire West,          Direct Employment (in thousands of jobs).............................. 3.3.............5
                                                                                                                                       feet of Hamley-related businesses, an
really,” Beard recalls. Hamley saddles        Tax Receipts Generated (in millions of dollars)......................... 6.9....... 14.8
                                                                                                                          .            endeavor the owners hope will spark a Old
and cowboy gear have been staples in                                                                                                   West-style revitalization of Pendleton’s
the rodeo and ranching worlds since           Worth noting:                                                                            downtown.
                                              “Eastern Oregon has really found a market niche with tourism. Our
the company’s founding in 1883.                                                                                                           “Parley and Blair have made a lot of
                                              challenge is developing that niche while honoring our heritage.”
   Sadly, the Pendleton building,             -- Alice Trindle, Eastern Oregon Visitors Association
                                                                                                                                       things happen, and it’s really exciting
built in 1905 on an entire downtown                                                                                                    to be here,” Beard says. Retaining and
city block, had fallen into a state of disrepair as the company’s star enhancing Pendleton’s Old West heritage has been a priority with the
waned. Although Hamley & Co. continued to make saddles and other owners, Beard says.The magnificently decorated Hamley Steakhouse, for
leather goods––Beard and a partner sold their rope company to the example, features a wall-high back bar, old-fashioned stamped-tin ceiling
store in the 1980s before he went to work there––the business had and an enormous Tiffany chandelier.
struggled for years.                                                                            “The building just represents something very substantial. The
   Until Parley Pearce and Blair Woodfield arrived on the scene. That architecture has a rich heritage and feel about it,” Beard says. “But it
was in spring of 2005, and after six short months of construction, also brings a lot of people off I-84. They come here for the saddles, the
Hamley & Co. reopened one week before the Pendleton Round up––just Western wear, a good steak… It just brings more people to Pendleton.
in time to celebrate its first 100 years in Pendleton.                                          “Now, you can look up and down Main Street and you can see new
   Today, Beard is the saddle shop manager. The room where he used to life. Things are starting to grow.” >>

                                                                                                                                                 A multi-million dollar makeover
                                                                                                                                                   has transformed the historic
                                                                                                                                                        Hamley building in
                                                                                                                                                   downtown Pendleton, where
                                                                                                                                                  craftsmen have been making
                                                                                                                                                     the company’s trademark
                                                                                                                                                           saddles since 1905.

                                                                                                                                                    2008 impact oregon             17
Mt. Hood / columbia RIVER gorge

                                                                                                                                 Smiley’s Red Barn, one of 36 stops on the Fruit
                                                                                                                                Loop driving route, offers visitors homegrown fruit as
                                                                                                                               well as a chance to see farm relics and family pictures
                                                                                                                                dating back five generations in the Hood River Valley.

     Hood River’s Fruit Loop boosts rural economy
        Apples and alpacas, bottled pears and bottled wine––you can find a tasting room for their six wines that has been open for just over a
     them all on the newly expanded Hood River County Fruit Loop.                               year. The Wy’East Winery, down Highway 35 from Timberline Lodge,
        The leisurely loop winds through more than 35 miles of the verdant is representative of one of the fastest growing agricultural businesses in
     Hood River Valley, long known for its prolific fruit production. Hood River Hood River County––wineries.
     orchards, in fact, account for nearly one-third of the fruit-tree acreage in the                “Although there has been viticulture for a long time here, the
     entire state, and the area is well known as                                                                                       wineries and tasting rooms didn’t start to
                                                         MT. HOOD / COLUMBIA GORGE STATS From Oregon Travel Impacts report, 2008
     the country’s biggest pear-growing area.            Category 	                                              1991	         2007
                                                                                                                                       develop in the gorge until about 10 years
        But visitors find more than fruit                Direct Travel Spending (in millions of dollars)....... 121.4........ 282.4    ago,” Reed says. “Now, wineries are proving
     on the driving loop, which connects                 Direct Employment (in thousands of jobs) ...............2.7............ 3.9   to be an integral part of the whole story of
     36 agricultural businesses with an                  Tax Receipts Generated (in millions of dollars)..........3.6................9 agri-tourism in the mid-Columbia.”
     appreciative public. The loop has been                                                                                               The Reeds moved to Hood River from
                                                         Worth noting:
     in existence since 1992, when it was                “We have done a lot of education and sharing, and all of our
                                                                                                                                       Chicago in 1991, but not with the idea of
     launched as a way to jump start the                 towns understand that tourism is a component of the economic                  opening a winery. “If someone had told me I
     area’s sluggish economy. As interest in             well-being of their communities.”                                             was going to move to Oregon and be a farmer,
     the local food movement and in agri-                -- Linda Bell, executive director, Clackamas County Tourism                   I wouldn’t have believed them,” Reed says.
                                                         Development Council
     tourism has grown, so has the Hood                                                                                                She and her husband, Dick, left their jobs
     River route.                                                                                                                      as traders on the Chicago Board of Options
        Visitors today can do far more than buy fresh fruit, although farm Exchange in 1991 to move their family to Hood River.
     stands and U-pick sites are still a staple of the route. Fruit Loop                             Drawn to Hood River for the windsurfing––the couple practiced
     members offer handmade jams and jellies, lavender soap and alpaca the sport in the Midwest––they soon found themselves in the farming
     wool clothing. Visitors can take orchard and farm tours, admire fields business, growing pears and wine grapes on their rural acreage. Two
     of majestic sunflowers, and visit a nut orchard and the ducks that live years ago, they launched their own winery and tasting room, one of six
     on the pond beside it.                                                                     on the route.
         “The Fruit Loop is a very powerful marketing tool for all of the                            “People in the region look to the Fruit Loop for special activities and
     businesses in the valley,”says Christie Reed, who, with her husband Dick, for a reason to come to the gorge,” Reed says. “Getting them here and
     owns Wy’East Winery. “It’s widely known and very well supported.”                          getting them on the tour is important. If they happen to be wine lovers,
        The Reeds’ business is one of the newer offerings on the loop, with so much the better.” >>

18    impact oregon 2008
Central Oregon

Destination resorts: heavy hitters in Central Oregon’s economy
   People come to Central Oregon from all over the world, lured by                            Destination resorts, Woolley points out, historically make little
world-class golf, all-season recreational activities, and a plethora of demand on public resources such as police, emergency services,
upscale destination resorts from which to enjoy them all.                                 schools and libraries, yet they contribute large amounts of dollars to
   Five of the eight developments considered destination resorts by the taxing districts. The four resort developments in Deschutes County, for
state are in Central Oregon: Eagle Crest Resort; Pronghorn; Brasada example, added more than $1.8 million to county coffers in 2005.
Ranch; Sunriver Resort; and Black Butte Ranch. In 2005, those five                            Environmental stewardship is a key feature of the new developments.
resorts carried a combined payroll of $37 million.                                        Jeld-Wen’s flagship project, the 1,800-acre Brasada Ranch, uses
   But the resorts bring more than money to the table. “From a 300,000 board feet of timber and siding salvaged from the dismantled
local perspective, we certainly see                                                                                                    Ochoco Lumber Co. in Prineville. “In
destination resorts as an economic             CENTRAL OREGON STATS From Oregon Travel Impacts report, 2008                            addition, all of our homes are required to
                                               Category 	                                                        1991	           2007
engine unto themselves,” says Roger                                                                                                    be green homes,”says AlanVanVliet, Jeld-
                                               Direct Travel Spending (in millions of dollars)..................237.7..........579.3
Lee, executive director of EDCO,               Direct Employment (in thousands of jobs)..........................4.9.................7 Wen’s vice president of construction and
Economic Development for Central               Tax Receipts Generated (in millions of dollars)....................9.5............21.5  development, “and all of our irrigation
Oregon.“But there’s also the spinoff of                                                                                                systems are controlled by satellite, so we
                                               Worth noting:
exposing high-net-worth individuals                                                                                                    are a lot more efficient at using water.”
                                               “We made a very early transition to other industries in Central Oregon.
to the area as a place to do business.”                                                                                                   The economic effects of the destination
                                               Tourism quickly became the go-to industry from wood products, and
   About 70% of the visitors who walk          then to a more diversified economy.”                                                    resort market in Central Oregon are
in the EDCO office came to the area            - Alana Audette, president and CEO, Central Oregon Visitors Association                 profound, and they are increasing.
first as visitors, Lee says, many of them                                                                                              According to the Oregon Employment
guests at one of the area’s resorts. “Destination resorts provide a high- Department, five new resorts are planned in the region, along with
amenity place for tourists who fly or drive here. That’s one advantage continued expansion at Brasada Ranch and Pronghorn.
we have that many other beautiful areas just don’t have.”                                     “It is a validation of the strategy that was pursued here 25 to 30
   “The really interesting thing about destination resorts is that they years ago — using tourism not to replace the wood products industry,
are entirely master-planned––there is a very good idea of how they will but to provide exposure to all types of business owners,” Lee says.“They
unfold over time,” says Stuart Woolley, executive vice president of Jeld- visit, establish second homes, and some of them move here permanently.
Wen Development. “They can respond to the market with a coherent That was the whole strategy and it’s been really effective.
plan that gives people confidence that it will turn out.”                                     “It’s our 30-year overnight success,” he says. >>

  The upscale Pronghorn development, which
  features two championship golf courses, is one of the
  newest destination resorts in Central Oregon.

                                                                                                                                                     2008 impact oregon             19
oregon COAST

       Oregon’s landmark Beach Bill
       helped build the region’s worldwide
       reputation for accessibility and
       natural beauty.

     “No Trespassing” signs? Not on Oregon beaches
        In 1967, Gov. Tom McCall made history when he signed Oregon’s tourism economy of the state.
     epic Beach Bill, calling it “the most far-reaching measures of its kind                       The Oregon Coast is known worldwide as a favorite destination
     enacted by any legislative body in the nation.”                                          point. From Brookings Harbor to Astoria, visitors come for charter
        The landmark law ensures that the public has free and uninterrupted fishing and whale watching. They come to beachcomb, bike, hike
     use of all of the beaches along Oregon’s                                                                             and surf. They come to explore the native and
     362- mile-long coastline. “This bill             Coastal Oregon Stats From Oregon Travel Impacts report, 2008        pioneer history. And everywhere, they walk on
                                                      Category 	                                         1991	       2007
     guarantees that Oregon’s coastline                                                                                   the beaches.
                                                      Direct Travel Spending (in millions of dollars)...690.6...1,523.2
     will remain secure for generations to            Direct Employment (in thousands of jobs) ........16.2........21.2
                                                                                                                             Today, the tourist economy is the single largest
     come,” the governor told a reporter the          Tax Receipts Generated (in millions of dollars)......19........46.1 market segment on the Oregon Coast. “Tourism
     day the bill passed.                                                                                                 is the main way most of our communities stay
        The Beach Bill, along with its younger        Worth noting:                                                       in business throughout the year,” says Rebecah
                                                      “Those of us on the Oregon Coast have the distinct honor of
     sibling, the Bottle Bill, has done much to                                                                           Morris, president of the Oregon Coast Visitors
                                                      living in a place where others come on vacation. Tourism is our
     build Oregon’s international reputation          lifeblood.”
     as a “green” state that prizes its diverse       ––Rebecah Morris, president, Oregon Coast Visitors Association         Several years ago, Morris decided to drive
     natural resources.                                                                                                   that point home by printing a stamp for local
        Oregon residents love their beaches––and so do its visitors. One of businesses that says: “This bill was paid with tourism dollars.”
     the provisions of McCall’s Beach Bill directed that the ocean shore be                        “I think it opens people’s eyes to how far-reaching tourism is,”
     administered as a state recreation area, and that has proved a boon to the she says. >>

20    impact oregon 2008
IMPACT OREGON: Stories of success

                                                                            as students seeking a four-           that the state has no sales or
                                                 The hospitality industry
                                               is snatching up students     year restaurant management            inventory taxes.
                                                      in the Culinary       degree spend a year in the                Instead, the first thing
                                                   Arts program at
                                                Linn-Benton Community       community college’s culinary          businesses saw was the Southern
                                               College before they even     arts program.                         Oregon Vacation Guide.
                                                                               Other programs have sprung             “What we offer in the way
                                                                            up in response to industry            of recreation, amenities and
                                                                            changes. The growth of Oregon’s       cultural offerings reinforces what
                                                                            wine industry, for example,           businesses are looking for,” says
                                                                            is mirrored in the success of         Carolyn Hill, CEO of the Southern
                                                                            Chemeketa Community College’s         Oregon Visitors Association.
                                                                            winemaking program.                       SOVA and its member
                                                                               The school recently launched a     organizations are working closely
                                                                            wine-marketing degree program,        with economic development
                                                                            designed to prepare students for      agencies from four counties in a
                                                                            jobs such as tasting room sales       series of recruitment campaigns.
                                                                            manager, wine steward and             “It’s a holistic campaign where
                                                                            winery public relations manager.      we all pool our resources to
                                                                               “I don’t know of any student       link recruitment and tourism,”
                                                                            who wants to be working that          explains Colleen Padilla, business
                                                                            isn’t,” Anselm says. “I’ve got way    development manager of SOREDI,
                                                                            more jobs posted than I can fill.”    Southern       Oregon       Regional
                                                                                                                  Economic Development, Inc.
                                                                            Come visit–                               This year, the recruitment
                                                                                                                  campaign targets about 800
                                                                            then stay                             natural products companies in
                                                                            There are many solid business         California, a market that “fits with
                                                                            reasons to move a company             the region’s cultural values and
                                                                            to Oregon, but in the southern        builds on the amenities we have
                                                                            part of the state, tourism and        here,” Padilla says.
                                                                            development agencies know that            The cooperative campaign
                                                                            the area’s livability is one of the   showcases         the      symbiotic
Culinary                           popular with students discovering        best.                                 relationship between tourism and
                                   that certification can put them             So when a coalition of             business initiatives in the region.
careers                            on a advancement track with              economic development agencies         “We are always looking for ways
Scott Anselm has a problem         Oregon’s largest private-sector          launched a business-recruitment       to build on one another,” Hill
in the department he chairs at     employer––foodservice.                   campaign recently, the first thing    explains. “In some ways, Oregon
Albany’s Linn-Benton Community        “Restaurants and culinary             they mailed out was not a fact        has failed to make the connection
College. “Well, it’s kind of a     arts in general have grown               sheet on workers’ compensation        between economic development
problem,” he says consideringly.   tremendously in Oregon in the            rates. It wasn’t information on       and tourism. It frustrates me when
Anselm and his colleagues in       last few years,” Anselm says.            Oregon’s standing in the tax          we think of them as separate
the Culinary Arts program often       LBCC’s Culinary Arts program          climate index, or a reminder          initiatives. They really aren’t.”
have to convince students to       is a two-year course that prepares
come back and finish core          the student for a career as a             SoutherN Oregon’s
                                                                             abundant recreational
requirements for their associate   professional chef. Students get           oportunities are an effective
of applied science degree.         extensive (and literal) hands-on          selling point for business
   It’s not because they want      experience by running the school
to drop out. It’s because they     cafeteria, a sit-down restaurant,
often land a well-paying job       catering events and a snack
before graduation. “The industry   bar. It’s a program that has been
is hungry for trained people,”     around for more than 20 years,
Anselm says.                       but Anselm says it has never been
   Schools are stepping up to      more popular than it is today.
provide that training, as food-       Linn-Benton also partners
related programs become more       with Oregon State University,

                                                                                                                             2008 impact oregon          21
IMPACT OREGON: Stories of success

      Downtown Pendleton                                                                                                      photo spread in the magazine’s
      was the starting point for                                                                                              June 1949 issue gave the mail
      last year’s H.O.G. rally, which
      drew motorcycle enthusiasts                                                                                             boats and their river route
      from around the state.                                                                                                  some huge exposure.
                                                                                                                                 “That’s what really kicked
                                                                                                                              the mail boats off as a tourist
                                                                                                                              destination,” says Greg Walling,
                                                                                                                              owner of Rogue River Mail Boat
                                                                                                                              Trips. The year after the Sunset
                                                                                                                              article appeared, the mail boats
                                                                                                                              reportedly ran 10,000 people
                                                                                                                              to Agness and back.
                                                                                                                                 Today, jet boat rides up the
                                                                                                                              Wild and Scenic Rogue River are
                                                                                                                              a favored activity for thousands
                                                                                                                              of visitors to Southern Oregon.
                                                                                                                              Several companies now offer
     The lure of the                          CROC has enjoyed growing           tourists, and soon, people all               the rides, including Hellgate
                                           popularity every year, and, after     over the country knew about it.              Jetboat Excursions in Grants
     wide-open road                        six years, is nearing its capacity    Turns out that the passenger,                Pass and Jerry’s Rogue Jets in
     For some enthusiastic visitors        of 250-300 riders. “Pretty soon,      Bill Lane, was the owner of                  Gold Beach, which is celebrating
     to Eastern Oregon, it’s not what      we’ll be so big that only returning   Sunset magazine, and he                      its 50th anniversary this year.
     the area has that’s the big draw.     cyclists will be able to ride,”       wasted no time in sending back                  But only the mail boats still
     It’s what it doesn’t have––traffic.   Bitting predicts.                     a reporter and photographer to               carry sacks of U.S. Mail, as they
     The big sky and open roads in            Pendleton has also been a stop     cover the story for his readers.             have since 1895, along with
     some of Oregon’s largest, most        for the Push America “Journey         The resulting four-page, nine-               their main cargo––tourists. >>
     sparsely populated counties           of Hope” cycling team, and a
     are proving to be an irresistible     starting point for the Oregon
     draw for travelers on two             H.O.G. rally, which last year sent
     wheels.                               motorcyclists from Pendleton
         “The thing that we hear the       to Mt. Hood to Seaside over
     most is that our roads aren’t         the weekend of the Pendleton
     busy, and they are in very good       Round-up.
     shape. That’s why cyclists and
     motorcyclists from all over           Mail boats ride
     the world like coming here,”
     says Yolanda Lennon, tourism          the riffles of fate
     promotions director for the           Building a popular new market
     Tourism Promotion Assessment          niche takes research, planning
     Commission of Pendleton.              and careful consideration of
         Cycling events such as the        economic conditions. Then
     annual Century Ride of the            again, sometimes all it takes is
     Centuries, a three-day biking         a hefty dose of happenstance.
     tour of century farms in the             In 1948, the story goes, the
     Pendleton area, takes riders          mail boat was setting off on its
     past rolling wheat fields and         regular mail run up the rugged
     ranch lands. “Our riders come         Rogue River when the pilot fell
     from Portland, Seattle and            into conversation with a man
     Boise,” says Herb Bitting,            and his daughter, visitors from
     spokesman for the sponsoring          California. Pretty soon, the pair
     bike club, Pendleton on               climbed on board for the 64-
     Wheels, “and a good part of           mile run up riffles, rapids and
     why they like CROC is that            whitewater from Gold Beach to
     there is no traffic out on the        the remote town of Agness.              A chance encounter led to a 1949 spread in Sunset magazine that helped launch
     roads.”                                  The wild ride captivated the         the Rogue River mail boats as a popular tourist activity.

22    impact oregon 2008
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2008 Oregon Impact - Business Tourism

  • 1. business.tourism. {And everywhere they meet.} plus Adding it all up | Bringing it all home A s u p p l e m e n t t o O r e g o n B u s i n e s s m a g a z i n e
  • 2.
  • 3. CONTENTS >> 5 A conversation with industry leaders 7 WORKFORCE ISSUES 8 sustainability effort 11 business connections 11 communication factor 13 Driving economic growth 14 Regional breakdown 14 PORTLAND METRO 15 WILLAMETTE VALLEY Mike Ishida, director of sales for Day Wireless 16 SOUTHERN OREGON Systems, believes in spending quality business time with a fly rod in hand. “Every year we bring 17 EASTERN OREGON executives from around the nation to Oregon,” he 18 MT. HOOD / COLUMBIA River GORGE says. “We have found there is no better place to develop business relationships than on a river.” 19 CENTRAL OREGON 20 OREGON Coast Cover photo by Michael G. Halle 21 IMPACT OREGON: Stories of Success WELCOME >> Telling the Oregon story It’s impossible to talk about tourism in Oregon without talking about busi- ness at the same time. Visitors to Oregon help support the economy in a big A supplement to Oregon Business, produced and published by MEDIAmerica. way, and the financial impacts of travel are easy to track: direct travel spend- President and ceo ing in 2007 totaled $8.3 billion and supported more than 91,000 jobs. Andrew A. Insinga But the numbers tell only part of the story –– and it’s a great story. Tourism SUPPLEMENT EDITOR and business intersect in all kinds of interesting and strategically important Megan Monson ways. Visitors help build our state’s reputation for environmental stewardship Art Director and outstanding natural recreation. Often, people who first come as tourists Jon Ferland return for good, bringing their businesses with them. Contributing Photographers Michael G. Halle, Edmund Keene The tourism industry is shaping what we teach in college, and making new Associate Publisher family-wage jobs available to our children. It’s helping business recruitment ac- Megan Kirkpatrick tivities and providing a needed income source for rural communities. Visitors Advertising Director create demand for amenities and activities that residents can then enjoy. Jason Garey In this issue of Impact Oregon, you will find details on all of these topics. Advertising Account Manager The main section of the publication is devoted to a roundtable discussion Kerwin Jacobsen held recently in Portland. For that event, business and travel and hospitality Advertising Account Manager leaders gathered to share their ideas on how the industries intersect. We Jeff Helm think you will find their discussion enlightening — we certainly did. Event & Marketing Manager Katie Goldrick Elsewhere in this publication, you can read about how the main themes Circulation Manager discussed at the roundtable event are echoed throughout the state in small Jan Edwards-Pullin stories of individual successes. Production Director It’s clear that the symbiotic relationship between tourism and business Sherondra Thedford in Oregon is a satisfying and productive one. We hope you enjoy the pages Ad Production Coordinator that follow. Bjorn van der Voo President and ceo Andrew A. Insinga Controller Bill Lee Board of Directors Chairman André W. Iseli Wally Van Valkenburg Kari Westlund President Andrew A. Insinga Chair, Oregon Economic & Community Chair, Oregon Tourism Commission Secretary William L. Mainwaring Development Commission Treasurer Win McCormack 2008 impact oregon 3
  • 4. Wally Van Valkenburg Oregon Economic & Community Development Commission
  • 5. Tourism means business >> A conversation with industry leaders Travel Oregon and Oregon Business Magazine’s Publisher recently invited a group of leaders from across the state and across industries to talk about the relationship between tourism and business. Wally Van Valkenburg, chairman of the Oregon Economic & Community Development Commission, moderated the event. The frank and open discussion that resulted was all that we hoped for. Workforce issues, transportation challenges, the upside and downside of growth, sustainability as a lifestyle and as a marketing tool–– it’s all here.You can join the conversation by reading the pages that follow. >> Photos by EdMUND Keene 2008 impact oregon 5
  • 6. Todd Davidson Travel Oregon Alison Sokol Blosser Sokol Blosser Winery David Bragdon Metro Council 6 impact oregon 2008
  • 7. Moderator >> Wally Van Valkenburg Chair, Oregon Economic & Community Development Commission WALLY VAN VALKENBURG: How important is tourism to the tion and make it into a vocation. Folks that perhaps fancy wine suddenly economy in a place like Oregon? start wine businesses like you’ve seen in Oregon, and really stimulate our economy that way. BILL MACKENZIE: I work for Intel, and I don’t think there is any question that the quality of life, the natural beauty of Oregon, is an incentive for employees who want to come here. Some of our employees are people “Our biggest problem at Intel is who came here as tourists or on a business trip, and then decided they wanted to relocate to Oregon. Maintaining that perception helps us when not recruiting people to Oregon, it’s we’re trying to recruit people. In fact, our biggest problem at Intel is not getting them to leave when we want recruiting people to Oregon, it’s getting them to leave when we want to move them someplace else. to move them someplace else.” ALANA AUDETTE: In the early ’90s, a Bend-area study was done to find out >> Bill MacKenzie, Intel the conversion rate of visitors to new business. Seventy percent of the new base in 1993 reported that they first visited the region on vacation. Tourism had a phenomenal impact on the change and dynamic develop- VAN VALKENBURG: Other comments from people in the industry ment of Central Oregon, as it did throughout the state as well. on this issue? ADAM DAVIS: Take the Hatfield School over at Portland State University: 6,000 academics have visited Portland for stays averaging at least three STEVE McCOID: Well, I think the perception is definitely there, and to a days each. They want to come to Portland because of the quality of life degree we say shame on us, Oregon Restaurant Association, for not and the natural beauty, and they all become ambassadors. When we doing a better job of educating the public on what the opportunities really think of business, we’ve got to think of it as wider than just the private are. The majority of the jobs in the industry are family-wage jobs. It’s really sector. Another thing––I am still struck by how schizophrenic the general incumbent on us to get that word out and educate the public on those public is about the value of travel and tourism––it’s almost like a love/hate opportunities. kind of thing. Tourism is proxy for population growth and more people KARI WESTLUND: Our industry sector really provides a lot of varied oppor- and more pressure on the things that I care about. I’m not hearing it with tunities for people who are at different places in their lives and looking for the intensity that I heard, say, 10, 15 years ago. different kinds of experiences. There are an awful lot of people working in the industry who are there by choice for a very long period of time, and I Workforce issues >> suspect it’s not because they’re feeling trapped in a minimum-wage job. VAN VALKENBURG: About this perception that tourism is a low- They’re great at what they do. wage industry––to what extent does that create challenges for those of you who are actually in business? VAN VALKENBURG: How do you all feel about the quality of the employees you’re getting? Are there things we’re doing well? DAVIS: I still hear that tourism is not as important as other sectors be- Things we’re not doing so well as a state? cause of those low-wage jobs and no benefits. And I know a lot of you live with that perception all the time, but it’s still out there among the general MILLER: We need more hospitality programs in higher education. As an public. industry, we are helping fund those things, but we need to be more orga- JEFF MILLER: I believe that the perception is certainly out there, but I think nized at that educational level. businesses really see the benefits of these jobs. So many people in this WESTLUND: We’ve got a great program in the Eugene area at Lane Com- room started in hospitality jobs–-you needed that first part-time job as munity College, with both an accredited culinary arts program and a hos- a kid, you needed to work your way through college. And this industry pitality management program. One of the biggest challenges they have provides those jobs, and it also provides management-level jobs and is that the industry is picking those kids out before they’re done with the executive-level jobs. program because there is such a hunger for trained talent. GREGG MINDT: Some research that the Oregon Tourism Commission MINDT: There are very few other industries with as quick a growth or ad- did in the early to mid- ’90s indicated that roughly 10% of the jobs in vancement track as the hospitality industry, particularly the hotel industry. Oregon’s tourism industry were actually minimum-wage jobs with no tip If you’re smart, you’re ambitious, and you want to succeed, it’s there. income. And yet it also pointed out that 70% to 75% of the businesses in STEVE FAULSTICK: I had an employee who came to us from the Ukraine and Oregon’s tourism industry are sole proprietorships. So there is that low- worked as a housekeeper at above minimum wage. Within six months, wage perception, but there should also be a greater awareness of the she grew into a job cleaning public areas, and then found her way into management-level opportunities, as well as the chance to take an avoca- a job in our executive meeting center, which grew into a $40,000-a-year 2008 impact oregon 7
  • 8. job within two years. I myself started as a bus boy 22 years ago in in our country right now with individual travelers, groups and conven- Medford. I like to get in front of Western Culinary and New Avenues for tions. Youth and Mt. Hood Community College to tell that story, because it is a TODD DAVIDSON: It’s not unusual for us to hear international visitors refer career with wonderful opportunities. to Oregon as being that clean, green and friendly destination, or to hear MACKENZIE: What I hear a lot of you saying is that the industry as a domestically about the uncrowded, unspoiled natural beauty of Oregon. whole doesn’t seem to be doing a very good job of raising the public There’s no other industry that has as much to lose or as much to con- consciousness about the people in the industry at all levels––people tribute to this whole sustainability discussion as the travel and tourism for whom that job represents dignity and income and an opportunity to industry does, so it‘s exciting to see the businesses that are stepping up grow and participate in the Oregon economy. to embrace a sustainability ethic. DAVID BRAGDON: I think the people in marketing will say the first prereq- VAN VALKENBURG: I’m curious as to what the prevailing political uisite of any brand is that it be genuine. It has to be something that really winds are on immigration, and what kind of impact that has on is reflective of what’s being branded, and I think this is a huge opportunity companies and industries. for us. The things that tourists like to do are the things that people who already live here like to do––they want to go to Powell Books, they want to McCOID: Well, it’s a huge issue for the hospitality industry. The restaurants eat in the restaurants, they want to go hiking. Their support for those types are co-chairing a coalition concerned about this, because 22 percent of of activities actually creates more capacity for those of us who live here. the workforce in Oregon is immigrant and about half could be illegal. The CHRISTOPHER SEHRING: I think you’re absolutely right with the green- coalition is working to prevent some of the things you’ve seen in Arizona and Oklahoma, where government rules caused chaos in the industry, and also to support some commonsense reform that takes into account “LasVegas owns the glitz and glamour, what these folks do for our economy and to treat them with the respect they deserve as hard-working members of our society. and California and Florida own the ANNE ROOT: One of the problems that we’re seeing is that there’s a real inclination to not support our high school students into jobs in hospitality beaches. Oregon owns sustainability, and travel. I think we’ve supplemented that through our immigrant popu- and it just so happens that lation. I think also that we’ve too narrowly defined hospitality as travel and tourism. It’s really hospitality in the retirement centers, it’s all your sustainability is one of the top demand food service, in your hospitals––it’s across many, many industries that give a good customer service hospitality experience. If we could more generators in our country right now.” broadly define it, we can better support it through our universities and >> Steve Faulstick, our training programs. Doubletree Hotel Portland–Lloyd Center The sustainability effort >> VAN VALKENBURG: Another issue is how tourism and hospitality fit ness, the sustainability, the recycling. The wave is there, you’ve got a into Oregon’s strategy of being the world capital of sustainabil- great niche, and there’s a lot of opportunity here. ity. How do people feel about that? VAN VALKENBURG: How does tourism and development around AUDETTE: I think tourism is going to be the leading industry in the sustain- the state affect transportation plans for the next 20 years? ability effort. We have a million acres of national forest lands to hike on, and every single person who visits or resides in Central Oregon wants PATRICK COONEY: ODOT’s plans are affected by every piece of the tour- to be a steward of that. ism and growth areas, and we’re excited about the possibilities. We’ve FAULSTICK: We are sitting on a gold mine of opportunity around sustain- got nine scenic byways now. The Transportation Commission just ability, and as the green dust settles around the nation, we in Oregon are christened a wine tour route through the upper valley, and there’s more poised to stand as the true sustainability leaders. We have something coming. We’ve got Trip Check, our award-winning Web site. We’re also now in Oregon that we own. Las Vegas owns the glitz and glamour, and working on several areas with regard to the rest areas––to provide Wi-Fi California and Florida own the beaches. Oregon owns sustainability, and and things like that. it just so happens that sustainability is one of the top demand generators BRAGDON: I think we shouldn’t overlook the incredible growth of nonmo- participants >> Alison Sokol Anne Root Patrick Cooney Blosser Co-owner, Communications director, Co-president, Sokol Eden Vale Winery Oregon Department of Blosser Winery Medford Transportation Dundee Salem 8 impact oregon 2008
  • 9. Jeff Miller Travel Portland Adam Davis Davis, Hibbitts & Midghall, Inc. Anne Root Eden Vale Winery 2008 impact oregon 9
  • 10. Steve McCoid Oregon Restaurant Association Christopher Sehring KOIN-TV Kari Westlund Convention and Visitors Association of Lane County torized transportation tourism. Just in the last two weeks I’ve talked to figuring out how to protect the resource but also allow access to it. The two friends, one of whom is spending 10 days bicycling around Italy. sustainability theory doesn’t work if people can’t reach out and touch it in The other one’s going to spend a week bicycling around Denmark. What a way that we feel comfortable with, and I feel we’re really doing a great would it take to have people coming in here having a similar experience? job of accomplishing that. In fact, it wouldn’t take a whole lot. It would take packaging and commu- BRAGDON: One thing we haven’t touched on is public safety in the down- nication, and the connection between nature and urbanity in one place. town, and I think that needs more attention than it’s gotten. There’s a little VAN VALKENBURG: I think we’ve accomplished a lot in terms of making bit of an air of disarray in downtown Portland. I think that is something Portland a bike-friendly city, but if you go to Amsterdam, you realize that that we need to do a better job of, not just for our visitors but for our- we have a long ways to go. selves as well. MILLER: Make no mistake––this business, whether it’s tourism or con- ventions and meetings, is as competitive as any other industry out there. VAN VALKENBURG: On the subject of land use, is that an issue we There’s a lot of money at stake. Components and infrastructures like the need to worry about? Is it a nonissue? bike path all come together to help us sell this product––Portland and Oregon––because our goal is to get them here and then push them ALISON SOKOL BLOSSER: It is certainly a hot topic in our area. We need throughout the state. So these things all connect. good lodging in Yamhill County to support the wine industry, and our WESTLUND: It’s amazing in Oregon how people really come together to position has been that we support it within the urban growth boundary. collaborate. There’s a lot of opportunity for people not to come together We do want to preserve what little vineyard land we have on the hillsides and play well in the sandbox, but it seems like we really do a great job of for vineyard land. So there is a conflict there. participants >> Steve Faulstick Steve McCoid Kari Westlund General manager, President, Oregon President & Doubletree Hotel Restaurant CEO, Convention Portland-Lloyd Center Association and Visitors Portland Wilsonville Association of Lane County Eugene 10 impact oregon 2008
  • 11. Bill Mackenzie Intel DAVIDSON: I think there are a number of folks in the tourism industry who recognize those intersections. Anne Root was the one who really intro- duced me to this idea when she told me a long time ago that her fast- est growing source of out-of-state wine sales was from visitors. People experienced her customer service and these amazing wines, traveled back home, and wanted to continue to relive that experience. So these visitors were not only that immediate direct economic impact, they also became an expanded market base for Anne and for other wineries. DAVIS: Forestry is an industry that interacts with tourism, and that’s a great story, especially for those in the rural areas, to tell folks. We have one of the best state forest protection acts around, and it was driven, not just by environmental quality, but also by travel and tourism and hospitality. The communication factor >> VAN VALKENBURG: How effective do you think you are within the industry in terms of communicating with each other? WESTLUND: I think it’s really challenging because we do have a lot of working proprietors. We have a lot of business owners who find it dif- ficult to get away from their business for face-to-face meetings with oth- ers, even though they may very much want to. All that being said, I think there’s a pretty strong sense of collaboration and camaraderie amongst the individual sectors. My restaurateurs get along great with my hote- liers and my rivers guys, and, you know, we pull them together as much as we can. So from my perspective, there is always room to do an even better job, but I think we do a really fair job. MINDT: I think we in the industry are sort of in a love fest. We love to pat ourselves on the back, look at how great we are. The sustainability angle, for example, is a catalyst for businesses to maybe come and ROOT: In Southern Oregon, we’re seeing problems around the acres relocate here or expand and grow here. So what’s missing? What do connected to wineries. We want more wineries without the noose of we need to do as an industry to hone it to get to the next level? Is there tying acreage to that production level. We want the public to come into something we’re not doing right? our little tiny communities, stay in those facilities and drive around, and FAULSTICK: I wish I had the answer to that, because I see the work be- we really don’t have the critical mass that we need in terms of actual ing done, but it doesn’t seem like it’s moving at the pace that it should, wineries. and there’s not the conversation that there could be, seeing what that opportunity is. The business connections >> SOKOL BLOSSER: One thing I see in the wine industry, and I would imag- VAN VALKENBURG: How does tourism position Oregon from an ine is probably true in the lodging and restaurant and other industries, economic development standpoint? is that the bigger businesses are able to explore and research a lot of the sustainability things. And the trouble is that there are a lot of small WESTLUND: There is an intersection with other industries––there’s a rea- wineries, just like there are a lot of small restaurants, that probably have son JELD-WEN is such a great industry partner, for example. Hotels use the same desire to be sustainable but maybe do not know how to. So a lot of windows and doors. Then you start to think about the symbiotic if there’s a way to foster collaboration and communication, that might relationship between hospitality investment and plumbers and electri- really help us walk the talk throughout the entire hospitality industry. cians and all of the construction trades––I don’t think we spend enough COONEY: I think we need to continue to find ways to break down the silos time focusing on those intersections. We tend to look at each of these and move barriers, find nontraditional partners. I know my department industries as a silo, when in fact we’re a lot more like a fabric. struggles with that from time to time, such as closing down I-5 to one lane Jeff Todd Alana Christopher Miller Davidson Audette Sehring CEO, Travel CEO, Travel President and General Portland Oregon CEO, Central manager, Portland Salem Oregon Visitors KOIN-TV Association Portland Bend 2008 impact oregon 11
  • 12. Alana Audette Central Oregon Visitors Association Steve Faulstick Patrick Cooney Doubletree Hotel Oregon Department Portland-Lloyd Center of Transportation on a weekend when the Beavers and Ducks both have home games. VAN VALKENBURG: Oh, you heard about that? “This (roundtable) is the great COONEY: We have to think that any action any of us take has ripples that go all the way downstream and affect other businesses, other kind of dialogue that I think we communities, other jobs, other projects. This is the great kind of dia- should have more often so we logue that I think we should have more often so we can find ways to bring different resources to the table for a common objective. can find ways to bring different MILLER: I think it’s also important that we include those business part- ners where we can––business that can help tell the Oregon story. resources to the table for a We’ve got to tell it at a lot of different levels, and including those busi- ness partners is a real key for us as we expand our reach and to look common objective.” for more of those people to come here. >> Patrick Cooney, ODOT VAN VALKENBURG: How much help do you get recruiting folks to dollars and look at it more as regional initiatives? come visit here––are we all ambassadors of the state? DAVIDSON: At the international level, we do a lot of multiple-state col- laboration. We’ve found ourselves to be much more effective if we FAULSTICK: There’s certainly room for more, but I think the important can leverage limited resources and go into Europe, for example, as part is how powerful it is to have advocacy on the local level. It’s one the U.S. Pacific Northwest, and we’ve found great success going in thing to hear it from the visitors bureau or from the industry when we’re that way. back in D.C. talking to an organization, but it brings a lot more clout VAN VALKENBURG: I’m going to end the meeting by telling you a when we’ve got government officials or local business people who can story. Every summer, my law firm brings in a group of law students really help sell Portland. for internships from all over the country. They have the opportunity MILLER: It’s very powerful as you recruit business for them to see a to work in lots of different places, and so we try to show them why strong cohesive group of not only hoteliers, but also restaurateurs, this is a good place to work, even though they might be able to board members and government officials who believe their business is make a lot more money in New York or Chicago or Los Angeles. important to our city and our region, and it does make a difference. When I was a summer intern, 13 or more years ago, the firm de- DAVIS: To what extent is the industry cooperating across state lines? I cided to take us mountain climbing, and we went to the top of Little think of our friends on the other side of the river in Clark County. I think Sister. I got altitude sickness about halfway up, but I made it to the of the Gorge and what’s going on both sides of the Gorge, in Eastern top. Now we take people on raft trips and on wine tasting tours. It’s Oregon with the Snake River area, and various southeastern parts of a tremendously important part of our recruitment for these kids. Washington and Idaho. Are opportunities being explored to leverage Thank you all for coming. Nice meeting. >> participants >> Adam Davis Bill Mackenzie David Bragdon Partner, Davis, Hibbitts & Communications President, Metro Council Midghall, Inc. research firm manager, Intel Portland Portland Hillsboro 12 impact oregon 2008
  • 13. N W JAN E 16 MEETINGS & EVENTS S RETAIL { TOURISM WORKS FOR OREGON } CULINARY MARKETING & PR ACCOMMODATIONS Oregonians overwhelmingly support the tourism and hospitality industry: 95% believe {THE OREGON EXPERIENCE} it is important to the economy; 82% say it helps improve quality of life; and 77% believe the industry is environmentally AGRICULTURE TRANSPORTATION friendly. Tourism helps reflect the PARKS & PUBLIC LANDS values that we hold dear. It’s a sustainable industry that allows us to showcase our state’s natural beauty, our rugged and creative OUTDOOR RECREATION spirit and our respect for the CULTURE & HERITAGE environment and one another. tourism & HOSPITALITY >> Driving economic growth Visitors to Oregon prize the diversity that our state offers: from endless open beaches to high-desert vistas; from lushly forested mountains to fertile green valleys. It is a natural wealth that nurtures a rich diversity of employment and entrepreneurial opportunities in the travel and hospitality industries. {OVERNIGHT VISITORS} Visitors who stay in hotels, bed and breakfasts and motels account for more than ½ of all visitor spending in Oregon. 21.2 million visitors stayed overnight in 2006. { INVESTING IN OREGON’S FUTURE HAS PAID OFF} The landmark Oregon Tourism Investment Proposal was signed into law by Gov. Ted Kulongoski in 2003, when Oregon was facing one of the highest unemployment rates in history. The innovative legislation established a dedicated, stable funding source for statewide tourism marketing. >> $1 spent on state marketing = $159 in visitor spending including $6 in state and local tax revenue. { BENEFITS ALL OREGONIANS} Just a few numbers offer a dramatic snapshot of the positive economic impact of Oregon’s tourism and hospitality industry. >> Tourism + Hospitality contribute $8.3 billion to the Oregon economy. >> Tourism + Hospitality account for 132,000 direct + indirect jobs in Oregon, providing $3.3 billion in employee earnings. The tourism and hospitality industry is Oregon’s largest traded-sector employer and a leading contributor to our gross state product. Tourism is vital to our state’s economy today, and a key component of our economic health for tomorrow. Statistics from Oregon Tourism Public Perception Survey, 2007; Oregon Travel Impacts report, 2008; and Visitor Profile Study, 2006. 2008 impact oregon 13
  • 14. PORTLAND METRO Pedaling Portland—it’s an easy thing to do Visitors to Portland are welcome to bring their hiking shoes, their middle of an urban environment. discerning taste buds, and their sense of adventure. The one thing they “In some areas, if you squinch your eyes a little bit, you’d think you don’t need is their car. were in a bike-friendly European town,” Geller says.“It’s just a lot of fun Portland’s international reputation as a green and sustainable city is a to ride in Portland.” multi-faceted one. This is a city with the most LEED-certified buildings At least three hotels in Portland offer bikes to their guests—Ace per capita in the nation; a city home to PORTLAND METRO From Oregon Travel Impacts report, 2008 Hotel Portland, Hotel Monaco, and Jupiter the nation’s largest urban wilderness, Category 1991 2007 Hotel. 5,000-acre Forest Park. It’s the city where Direct Travel Spending (in millions of dollars)........ 1,307....... 3,413 The Hotel Monaco’s “Carless Vacation the nation’s first bottle bill was born, and Direct Employment (in thousands of jobs)...............18.4......... 27.1 package” launched just over a year ago. Tax Receipts Generated (in millions of dollars)............54.......... 141 where, today, residents recycle more of their “We’ve had an amazing response so far,” waste than any other place in the country. Worth noting: says Lota LaMontagne, the hotel’s public It’s also a city where car-less “Travel writers want to know not only about tourism, but about relations spokesperson. The package includes transportation is king. With easy access to sustainable and green practices and about the Oregon urban a room for two, reimbursement for light rail MAX Light Rail, the Portland Streetcar, the growth boundary––all the things that make this such a great tickets between the hotel and the airport, all- place.” Portland Aerial Tram and 226 miles of bike day bike rentals, and a picnic lunch of locally ––Jeff Miller, CEO, Travel Portland lanes, the last thing visitors need is a car. grown food from nearby Red Star. That reputation got a boost recently, when Portland became the first LaMontagne, a bike commuter herself, says the package has been major city to earn a platinum-level Bicycle Friendly Community award so successful that managers are ramping up the program, buying more from the League of American Bicyclists. The small town of Davis, Calif., bikes and developing maps for more Portland-area rides. is the only other city to earn the highest level. The development of the Springwater Corridor promises to further “We’ve developed a really comprehensive system of street paths, bike polish the city’s bike-friendly image. The former rail corridor was lanes, bike boulevards. It’s really easy to ride all over Portland, even for reborn as an alternative transportation and recreation trail, which a moderately confident bicyclist,” says Roger Geller, bicycle coordinator winds east for 21 miles from Portland to the town of Boring, crossing for the city of Portland. wetlands, agricultural fields, and residential neighborhoods along the The city has increased bicycle ridership by 144% since the 2000 way. Ultimately, the Springwater Corridor will lead south to Estacada Census. Today, about 5,000 Portland residents commute to work on and into the Mount Hood National Forest. two wheels. The bikeway network includes 270 miles of on-street “People really appreciate our green reputation,” Geller says. “They bike lanes, bike boulevards and paved trails. Another 40 miles of like the fact that Portland is bike-friendly, whether they ride a bicycle or unpaved trails offer the rare opportunity of mountain biking in the not. It’s a pride-in-place thing.” >> The Euro-designed Portland Streetcar is just one of the ways visitors can get around the transit- friendly town. 14 impact oregon 2008
  • 15. The Willamette Valley The U.S. Olympic Team Trials in Eugene featured innovative programs in recycling, renewable energy, food service and transportation. Eugene 08: Setting a new standard for sustainability For 10 days this summer, the eyes of sports fans around the world were Sarah Grimm, co-chair of the sustainability committee. “The biggest trained on the athletes competing at the 2008 U.S. Olympic Team Trials in thing was that some people didn’t know how to recycle, and our crews Track and Field. From a financial point of view, the event was a resounding were kept busy explaining things to them. I would say that 90 percent of success for Eugene, the hosting city. Organizers estimate that Eugene 08 the interactions were positive.” generated about $28 million in spending, with economic impacts spreading In the end, just three boxes of trash totaling 20 yards made it to the to the Oregon Coast, up and down the Willamette Valley, into Portland and landfill.Ten boxes of recycling were sent off, and nine boxes of compostable up the McKenzie River Valley. materials were collected. “An investment of $8.3 million in upgrades to Hayward Field has A food service brief encouraging the purchase of local foods to cut down positioned it as the best venue in the transportation costs and support the local WILLAMETTE VALLEY STATS From Oregon Travel Impacts report, 2008 country for track and field events,” says Category 1991 2007 economy was “embraced heartily” by vendors, Kari Westlund, president and CEO of Direct Travel Spending (in millions of dollars).......508.9. .... 1,347.4 . Grimm says. The final tally: 40% of the food the Convention & Visitors Association of Direct Employment (in thousands of jobs)............10.7. ......... 16.6 . served to athletes and fans was produced Lane County, in a report to the Oregon Tax Receipts Generated (in millions of dollars).......... 24. ............ 55 . within 150 miles of the festival. Another 40% City/County Management Association. came from more than 150 miles away but Worth noting: “That investment has already secured “Tourism is a very important industry to our area right now, within Oregon, Washington or Idaho, and just returns of $75 million in future spending especially when you consider the economy and how it is 20 percent was purchased outside the three- over five consecutive years of premier affecting other industries in the Willamette Valley.” state area. “Very impressive, indeed,” Grimm national track and field meets.” --Jimmie Lucht, president, Willamette Valley Visitors Association notes. One of the biggest success stories of Renewable energy was another focus, with the event has nothing at all to do with sports, and everything to do with event organizers purchasing green energy from the local utility company. Eugene’s reputation. It’s the story of sustainability, of green living, and A solar stage and a power station where people could hop on a bike and it was told in a big way to the 167,000 event visitors who took part in generate electricity also helped spread the message. University facilities the festivities. staff went to great lengths to hook up temporary electrical service to “Sustainability programs set a new standard for how major events should avoid the use of diesel generators and the noise pollution and particulate be implemented everywhere,”Westlund says.“T obacco-free status and organic emissions that go along with them. food selection spoke volumes about Oregon’s focus on healthy lifestyles.” “That went a long way toward making the event more pleasant and One of the most ambitious initiatives was the zero waste program, quieter,” Grimm says.“I went walking through the event and I only heard which featured compostable utensils and recycling bins at each garbage two generators the whole week, and one of them belonged to a television point. “The waste management activities were very successful,” says station.” >> 2008 impact oregon 15
  • 16. Southern oregon A chance visit to Ashland led Allyson Holt and her husband, Steve, to relocate and found a thriving business there. Allyson’s Kitchen owners find a recipe for success––and for living In the fall of 1995, Allyson and Steve Holt took a leisurely drive advertising.” After careful consideration, the Holts decided to grow. up the Pacific Coast from San Francisco. “It was our engagement trip, A business loan from Southern Oregon Regional Economic actually,” explains Allyson Holt. Along the way, the couple decided to Development, Inc., helped the couple open a second shop in Bend’s take the advice of Holt’s sister and head over to Ashland for a few days. Old Mill District, where business has steadily picked up. Holt finds It proved to be a life-changing experience. herself in the car a lot these days, as she supervises a combined “It was just mesmerizing, so beautiful,” Holt says. “You know what I staff of 30, and teaches the popular cooking classes offered at remember? The homecoming parade from both locations. “We’ve built the Bend the high school going down the street.” SOUTHERN OREGON STATS From Oregon Travel Impacts report, 2008 business so we’re doing better there than It took the couple exactly the length of Category 1991....... 2007 . in Ashland––and Ashland’s doing well,” Direct Travel Spending (in millions of dollars).......... 356.8..... 828.9 . their visit to fall in love with the town.“In Holt says. Direct Employment (in thousands of jobs).................... 8....... 10.4 . those three days, we decided to sell our Tax Receipts Generated (in millions of dollars).......... 15.4.......... 33 . And Allyson’s Kitchen isn’t stopping homes and our advertising businesses there. “We figure that after the third store, and come back to Ashland to start a Worth noting: we can self-fund continued expansion up to completely new business we had no “The natural beauty of Southern Oregon is an easily marketed 10 stores,” Holt says. amenity, especially to international visitors.” experience in,” Holt says with a laugh.“It As they choose new locations, Holt –– Carolyn Hill, CEO, Southern Oregon Visitors Association took us five years to figure out how.” says they will look for many of the same In 1990, the couple made it all happen, characteristics they found in Ashland, and moving to Ashland to open Allyson’s Kitchen, an upscale gourmet then Bend. “Coming from Riverside (Calif.), one of the biggest issues kitchen shop that also sells its wares online. The Ashland shop features for us was finding a community that would help raise our children,” two floors of supplies for the home chef, along with a deli full of local she says. foods and wines and a full slate of cooking classes. “Our goal for this expansion is to find those locations where we can About four years ago, the couple faced “some serious crossroads,” impact the community very positively, and where the community can Holt says.“We could grow, or we could sell the business and go back to be a part of us as well,” she says. >> 16 impact oregon 2008
  • 17. Eastern oregon Hamley & Co.: Giving new life to a Western icon Pat Beard remembers building lariats in a third-floor room at build lariats is now the Slickfork Saloon, new home to an old 30-foot- Hamley & Co. in Pendleton just a few years back. “The building was long mahogany bar that used to serve frontier patrons in Butte, Mont. in real rough shape, and I’d been thinking, man, someone ought to do On Mondays and Tuesdays, Beard helps ride herd on 150 or so guests something with this, it could be really special,” he says. off the Columbia River sternwheeler Queen of the West, who lunch at Then the new owners stopped by. Parley Pearce and Blair Woodfield, the saloon and shop at the Western store, populated now by leather ranch-bred businessmen from the Walla Walla, Wash., area, wanted to talk craftsmen and life-sized statues of cowboys in bronze. to Beard about their plans for restoring With the new Hamley Coffee and theWestern icon.“We talked about how EASTERN OREGON STATS From Oregon Travel Impacts report, 2008 Wine Shop and Hamley Steakhouse, the Category 1991 2007 important we thought Hamley’s was historic building now features 55,000 Direct Travel Spending (in millions of dollars)....................... 142.4..... 357.9 . to Pendleton and to the entire West, Direct Employment (in thousands of jobs).............................. 3.3.............5 . feet of Hamley-related businesses, an really,” Beard recalls. Hamley saddles Tax Receipts Generated (in millions of dollars)......................... 6.9....... 14.8 . endeavor the owners hope will spark a Old and cowboy gear have been staples in West-style revitalization of Pendleton’s the rodeo and ranching worlds since Worth noting: downtown. “Eastern Oregon has really found a market niche with tourism. Our the company’s founding in 1883. “Parley and Blair have made a lot of challenge is developing that niche while honoring our heritage.” Sadly, the Pendleton building, -- Alice Trindle, Eastern Oregon Visitors Association things happen, and it’s really exciting built in 1905 on an entire downtown to be here,” Beard says. Retaining and city block, had fallen into a state of disrepair as the company’s star enhancing Pendleton’s Old West heritage has been a priority with the waned. Although Hamley & Co. continued to make saddles and other owners, Beard says.The magnificently decorated Hamley Steakhouse, for leather goods––Beard and a partner sold their rope company to the example, features a wall-high back bar, old-fashioned stamped-tin ceiling store in the 1980s before he went to work there––the business had and an enormous Tiffany chandelier. struggled for years. “The building just represents something very substantial. The Until Parley Pearce and Blair Woodfield arrived on the scene. That architecture has a rich heritage and feel about it,” Beard says. “But it was in spring of 2005, and after six short months of construction, also brings a lot of people off I-84. They come here for the saddles, the Hamley & Co. reopened one week before the Pendleton Round up––just Western wear, a good steak… It just brings more people to Pendleton. in time to celebrate its first 100 years in Pendleton. “Now, you can look up and down Main Street and you can see new Today, Beard is the saddle shop manager. The room where he used to life. Things are starting to grow.” >> A multi-million dollar makeover has transformed the historic Hamley building in downtown Pendleton, where craftsmen have been making the company’s trademark saddles since 1905. 2008 impact oregon 17
  • 18. Mt. Hood / columbia RIVER gorge Smiley’s Red Barn, one of 36 stops on the Fruit Loop driving route, offers visitors homegrown fruit as well as a chance to see farm relics and family pictures dating back five generations in the Hood River Valley. Hood River’s Fruit Loop boosts rural economy Apples and alpacas, bottled pears and bottled wine––you can find a tasting room for their six wines that has been open for just over a them all on the newly expanded Hood River County Fruit Loop. year. The Wy’East Winery, down Highway 35 from Timberline Lodge, The leisurely loop winds through more than 35 miles of the verdant is representative of one of the fastest growing agricultural businesses in Hood River Valley, long known for its prolific fruit production. Hood River Hood River County––wineries. orchards, in fact, account for nearly one-third of the fruit-tree acreage in the “Although there has been viticulture for a long time here, the entire state, and the area is well known as wineries and tasting rooms didn’t start to MT. HOOD / COLUMBIA GORGE STATS From Oregon Travel Impacts report, 2008 the country’s biggest pear-growing area. Category 1991 2007 develop in the gorge until about 10 years But visitors find more than fruit Direct Travel Spending (in millions of dollars)....... 121.4........ 282.4 ago,” Reed says. “Now, wineries are proving on the driving loop, which connects Direct Employment (in thousands of jobs) ...............2.7............ 3.9 to be an integral part of the whole story of 36 agricultural businesses with an Tax Receipts Generated (in millions of dollars)..........3.6................9 agri-tourism in the mid-Columbia.” appreciative public. The loop has been The Reeds moved to Hood River from Worth noting: in existence since 1992, when it was “We have done a lot of education and sharing, and all of our Chicago in 1991, but not with the idea of launched as a way to jump start the towns understand that tourism is a component of the economic opening a winery. “If someone had told me I area’s sluggish economy. As interest in well-being of their communities.” was going to move to Oregon and be a farmer, the local food movement and in agri- -- Linda Bell, executive director, Clackamas County Tourism I wouldn’t have believed them,” Reed says. Development Council tourism has grown, so has the Hood She and her husband, Dick, left their jobs River route. as traders on the Chicago Board of Options Visitors today can do far more than buy fresh fruit, although farm Exchange in 1991 to move their family to Hood River. stands and U-pick sites are still a staple of the route. Fruit Loop Drawn to Hood River for the windsurfing––the couple practiced members offer handmade jams and jellies, lavender soap and alpaca the sport in the Midwest––they soon found themselves in the farming wool clothing. Visitors can take orchard and farm tours, admire fields business, growing pears and wine grapes on their rural acreage. Two of majestic sunflowers, and visit a nut orchard and the ducks that live years ago, they launched their own winery and tasting room, one of six on the pond beside it. on the route. “The Fruit Loop is a very powerful marketing tool for all of the “People in the region look to the Fruit Loop for special activities and businesses in the valley,”says Christie Reed, who, with her husband Dick, for a reason to come to the gorge,” Reed says. “Getting them here and owns Wy’East Winery. “It’s widely known and very well supported.” getting them on the tour is important. If they happen to be wine lovers, The Reeds’ business is one of the newer offerings on the loop, with so much the better.” >> 18 impact oregon 2008
  • 19. Central Oregon Destination resorts: heavy hitters in Central Oregon’s economy People come to Central Oregon from all over the world, lured by Destination resorts, Woolley points out, historically make little world-class golf, all-season recreational activities, and a plethora of demand on public resources such as police, emergency services, upscale destination resorts from which to enjoy them all. schools and libraries, yet they contribute large amounts of dollars to Five of the eight developments considered destination resorts by the taxing districts. The four resort developments in Deschutes County, for state are in Central Oregon: Eagle Crest Resort; Pronghorn; Brasada example, added more than $1.8 million to county coffers in 2005. Ranch; Sunriver Resort; and Black Butte Ranch. In 2005, those five Environmental stewardship is a key feature of the new developments. resorts carried a combined payroll of $37 million. Jeld-Wen’s flagship project, the 1,800-acre Brasada Ranch, uses But the resorts bring more than money to the table. “From a 300,000 board feet of timber and siding salvaged from the dismantled local perspective, we certainly see Ochoco Lumber Co. in Prineville. “In destination resorts as an economic CENTRAL OREGON STATS From Oregon Travel Impacts report, 2008 addition, all of our homes are required to Category 1991 2007 engine unto themselves,” says Roger be green homes,”says AlanVanVliet, Jeld- Direct Travel Spending (in millions of dollars)..................237.7..........579.3 Lee, executive director of EDCO, Direct Employment (in thousands of jobs)..........................4.9.................7 Wen’s vice president of construction and Economic Development for Central Tax Receipts Generated (in millions of dollars)....................9.5............21.5 development, “and all of our irrigation Oregon.“But there’s also the spinoff of systems are controlled by satellite, so we Worth noting: exposing high-net-worth individuals are a lot more efficient at using water.” “We made a very early transition to other industries in Central Oregon. to the area as a place to do business.” The economic effects of the destination Tourism quickly became the go-to industry from wood products, and About 70% of the visitors who walk then to a more diversified economy.” resort market in Central Oregon are in the EDCO office came to the area - Alana Audette, president and CEO, Central Oregon Visitors Association profound, and they are increasing. first as visitors, Lee says, many of them According to the Oregon Employment guests at one of the area’s resorts. “Destination resorts provide a high- Department, five new resorts are planned in the region, along with amenity place for tourists who fly or drive here. That’s one advantage continued expansion at Brasada Ranch and Pronghorn. we have that many other beautiful areas just don’t have.” “It is a validation of the strategy that was pursued here 25 to 30 “The really interesting thing about destination resorts is that they years ago — using tourism not to replace the wood products industry, are entirely master-planned––there is a very good idea of how they will but to provide exposure to all types of business owners,” Lee says.“They unfold over time,” says Stuart Woolley, executive vice president of Jeld- visit, establish second homes, and some of them move here permanently. Wen Development. “They can respond to the market with a coherent That was the whole strategy and it’s been really effective. plan that gives people confidence that it will turn out.” “It’s our 30-year overnight success,” he says. >> The upscale Pronghorn development, which features two championship golf courses, is one of the newest destination resorts in Central Oregon. 2008 impact oregon 19
  • 20. oregon COAST Oregon’s landmark Beach Bill helped build the region’s worldwide reputation for accessibility and natural beauty. “No Trespassing” signs? Not on Oregon beaches In 1967, Gov. Tom McCall made history when he signed Oregon’s tourism economy of the state. epic Beach Bill, calling it “the most far-reaching measures of its kind The Oregon Coast is known worldwide as a favorite destination enacted by any legislative body in the nation.” point. From Brookings Harbor to Astoria, visitors come for charter The landmark law ensures that the public has free and uninterrupted fishing and whale watching. They come to beachcomb, bike, hike use of all of the beaches along Oregon’s and surf. They come to explore the native and 362- mile-long coastline. “This bill Coastal Oregon Stats From Oregon Travel Impacts report, 2008 pioneer history. And everywhere, they walk on Category 1991 2007 guarantees that Oregon’s coastline the beaches. Direct Travel Spending (in millions of dollars)...690.6...1,523.2 will remain secure for generations to Direct Employment (in thousands of jobs) ........16.2........21.2 Today, the tourist economy is the single largest come,” the governor told a reporter the Tax Receipts Generated (in millions of dollars)......19........46.1 market segment on the Oregon Coast. “Tourism day the bill passed. is the main way most of our communities stay The Beach Bill, along with its younger Worth noting: in business throughout the year,” says Rebecah “Those of us on the Oregon Coast have the distinct honor of sibling, the Bottle Bill, has done much to Morris, president of the Oregon Coast Visitors living in a place where others come on vacation. Tourism is our build Oregon’s international reputation lifeblood.” Association. as a “green” state that prizes its diverse ––Rebecah Morris, president, Oregon Coast Visitors Association Several years ago, Morris decided to drive natural resources. that point home by printing a stamp for local Oregon residents love their beaches––and so do its visitors. One of businesses that says: “This bill was paid with tourism dollars.” the provisions of McCall’s Beach Bill directed that the ocean shore be “I think it opens people’s eyes to how far-reaching tourism is,” administered as a state recreation area, and that has proved a boon to the she says. >> 20 impact oregon 2008
  • 21. IMPACT OREGON: Stories of success as students seeking a four- that the state has no sales or The hospitality industry is snatching up students year restaurant management inventory taxes. in the Culinary degree spend a year in the Instead, the first thing Arts program at Linn-Benton Community community college’s culinary businesses saw was the Southern College before they even arts program. Oregon Vacation Guide. graduate. Other programs have sprung “What we offer in the way up in response to industry of recreation, amenities and changes. The growth of Oregon’s cultural offerings reinforces what wine industry, for example, businesses are looking for,” says is mirrored in the success of Carolyn Hill, CEO of the Southern Chemeketa Community College’s Oregon Visitors Association. winemaking program. SOVA and its member The school recently launched a organizations are working closely wine-marketing degree program, with economic development designed to prepare students for agencies from four counties in a jobs such as tasting room sales series of recruitment campaigns. manager, wine steward and “It’s a holistic campaign where winery public relations manager. we all pool our resources to “I don’t know of any student link recruitment and tourism,” who wants to be working that explains Colleen Padilla, business isn’t,” Anselm says. “I’ve got way development manager of SOREDI, more jobs posted than I can fill.” Southern Oregon Regional Economic Development, Inc. Come visit– This year, the recruitment campaign targets about 800 then stay natural products companies in There are many solid business California, a market that “fits with reasons to move a company the region’s cultural values and to Oregon, but in the southern builds on the amenities we have part of the state, tourism and here,” Padilla says. development agencies know that The cooperative campaign the area’s livability is one of the showcases the symbiotic Culinary popular with students discovering best. relationship between tourism and that certification can put them So when a coalition of business initiatives in the region. careers on a advancement track with economic development agencies “We are always looking for ways Scott Anselm has a problem Oregon’s largest private-sector launched a business-recruitment to build on one another,” Hill in the department he chairs at employer––foodservice. campaign recently, the first thing explains. “In some ways, Oregon Albany’s Linn-Benton Community “Restaurants and culinary they mailed out was not a fact has failed to make the connection College. “Well, it’s kind of a arts in general have grown sheet on workers’ compensation between economic development problem,” he says consideringly. tremendously in Oregon in the rates. It wasn’t information on and tourism. It frustrates me when Anselm and his colleagues in last few years,” Anselm says. Oregon’s standing in the tax we think of them as separate the Culinary Arts program often LBCC’s Culinary Arts program climate index, or a reminder initiatives. They really aren’t.” have to convince students to is a two-year course that prepares come back and finish core the student for a career as a SoutherN Oregon’s abundant recreational requirements for their associate professional chef. Students get oportunities are an effective of applied science degree. extensive (and literal) hands-on selling point for business recruitment. It’s not because they want experience by running the school to drop out. It’s because they cafeteria, a sit-down restaurant, often land a well-paying job catering events and a snack before graduation. “The industry bar. It’s a program that has been is hungry for trained people,” around for more than 20 years, Anselm says. but Anselm says it has never been Schools are stepping up to more popular than it is today. provide that training, as food- Linn-Benton also partners related programs become more with Oregon State University, 2008 impact oregon 21
  • 22. IMPACT OREGON: Stories of success Downtown Pendleton photo spread in the magazine’s was the starting point for June 1949 issue gave the mail last year’s H.O.G. rally, which drew motorcycle enthusiasts boats and their river route from around the state. some huge exposure. “That’s what really kicked the mail boats off as a tourist destination,” says Greg Walling, owner of Rogue River Mail Boat Trips. The year after the Sunset article appeared, the mail boats reportedly ran 10,000 people to Agness and back. Today, jet boat rides up the Wild and Scenic Rogue River are a favored activity for thousands of visitors to Southern Oregon. Several companies now offer The lure of the CROC has enjoyed growing tourists, and soon, people all the rides, including Hellgate popularity every year, and, after over the country knew about it. Jetboat Excursions in Grants wide-open road six years, is nearing its capacity Turns out that the passenger, Pass and Jerry’s Rogue Jets in For some enthusiastic visitors of 250-300 riders. “Pretty soon, Bill Lane, was the owner of Gold Beach, which is celebrating to Eastern Oregon, it’s not what we’ll be so big that only returning Sunset magazine, and he its 50th anniversary this year. the area has that’s the big draw. cyclists will be able to ride,” wasted no time in sending back But only the mail boats still It’s what it doesn’t have––traffic. Bitting predicts. a reporter and photographer to carry sacks of U.S. Mail, as they The big sky and open roads in Pendleton has also been a stop cover the story for his readers. have since 1895, along with some of Oregon’s largest, most for the Push America “Journey The resulting four-page, nine- their main cargo––tourists. >> sparsely populated counties of Hope” cycling team, and a are proving to be an irresistible starting point for the Oregon draw for travelers on two H.O.G. rally, which last year sent wheels. motorcyclists from Pendleton “The thing that we hear the to Mt. Hood to Seaside over most is that our roads aren’t the weekend of the Pendleton busy, and they are in very good Round-up. shape. That’s why cyclists and motorcyclists from all over Mail boats ride the world like coming here,” says Yolanda Lennon, tourism the riffles of fate promotions director for the Building a popular new market Tourism Promotion Assessment niche takes research, planning Commission of Pendleton. and careful consideration of Cycling events such as the economic conditions. Then annual Century Ride of the again, sometimes all it takes is Centuries, a three-day biking a hefty dose of happenstance. tour of century farms in the In 1948, the story goes, the Pendleton area, takes riders mail boat was setting off on its past rolling wheat fields and regular mail run up the rugged ranch lands. “Our riders come Rogue River when the pilot fell from Portland, Seattle and into conversation with a man Boise,” says Herb Bitting, and his daughter, visitors from spokesman for the sponsoring California. Pretty soon, the pair bike club, Pendleton on climbed on board for the 64- Wheels, “and a good part of mile run up riffles, rapids and why they like CROC is that whitewater from Gold Beach to there is no traffic out on the the remote town of Agness. A chance encounter led to a 1949 spread in Sunset magazine that helped launch roads.” The wild ride captivated the the Rogue River mail boats as a popular tourist activity. 22 impact oregon 2008
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