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                                                                     Corporate reputation
                                                                     Transparency is the answer

                                                                     Alternative vehicles
                                                                     Is liquid nitrogen the low emission solution?

                                                                     Sustainable can be cool
      December 2012 – January 2013   

       The year that climate change hit Manhattan
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                           Ethical Corporation • December 2012 – January 2013                                                                                      Contents   3

                           5 From the editor

                               6   HSBC
                                   Battered and bruised
                               7   Emissions trading
                                   Aviation cut out
                               8   People trafficking
                                   US toughens stance
                                                                           p22 Are there new alternatives?
                               9   Wind energy
                                   So much potential
                                                                           22 Alternative vehicles
                                                                              Electric cars left behind
                                                                           24 Cheat sheet
                           10 Mallen Baker
                                                                              Insight and analysis distilled                p35 Sustainable products people want
                              Options for GRI
                                                                           26 NGOwatch
                                                                              Water risks addressed
                               Review of the year                                                                               Strategy and management

                               12 2012’s ups and downs                                                                          35 Sustainability commercialised
                                                                                Briefing: corporate reputation
                                                                                                                                   Nike’s big steps forward
                               16 2013’s potential
                                                                                28 Stakeholders, crises and bad
                                                                                                                                38 Essay
                                                                                                                                   Nature’s business solutions
                                                                                32 Transparency and disclosure that works
                           19 Peter Knight
                              American voters explained
                                                                                                                            41 China column
                           20 CRwatch
                                                                                                                               Paul French has high hopes for China’s new
                              How Sandy brought out the best

                                                                                                                            42 Report: Microsoft
                                                                                                                            43 Report: Symantec
                                                                                                                            44 New books
                                                                                                                            45 Academic news

                                                                                                                                46 Recruitment
                                                                                                                                   Sector that bucks the trend
                                                                                                                                48 People on the move

                                                                                                                            50 Toby Webb
                           p11 Looking back, looking forward               p27 Business bashing                                Give reporting some glitz
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       Ethical Corporation • December 2012 – January 2013                                                                                                                                      From the editor            5

       Welcome to the December 2012 – January 2013 issue

          t’s been quite a year. As ever, the focus for our final issue of                             activism, which carefully and effectively identifies corporate
       I  2012 is to reflect on the events of the past 12 months, and
       try to analyse where the progress has been made and where
                                                                                                       targets, companies need to be nimble and engaging. They
                                                                                                       need to demonstrate that they know where their corporate
       the new challenges have come from.                                                              behaviour needs improvement, and that they are doing
           While many parts of the world have for some time been                                       something about it. Transparency is the key, of course, and an
       experiencing seemingly more-frequent extreme climate                                            ability to accept there are problems – and that there will be in
       events, there’s no doubt that Hurricane Sandy sweeping                                          the future. And as the recent corpo-
       through the eastern United States in the autumn focused                                         rate tax scandals – not least
       attention on the issue. Ironically – and despite a severe                                       involving Starbucks – show, simply
       drought this year in many crucial grain growing regions else-                                   operating within the law is often
       where in north America – climate change was hardly                                              not enough.
       mentioned for much of the US presidential election. It really                                      Elsewhere this time we examine
       was all about the economy (stupid), despite the fact, of course,                                the future for electric vehicles, and
       that climate impacts may well be the most serious economic                                      explore some potentially much
       issue over the coming years.                                                                    better alternatives. And in the next
           Is the game up already? As Penny Shepherd, chief execu-                                     of our sustainability commercialised
       tive of UKSIF says in our 2012 review, this past year may well                                  series, we focus on Nike’s leader-
       become regarded as the time when everyone involved in the                                       ship in the apparel and footwear
       climate debate concluded that the 2C “safe” temperature rise                                    sector in the drive for radically more sustainable products. In
       target that the UN’s climate panel have set is in practice                                      addition we have reviews of the latest reporting from
       unachievable.                                                                                   Microsoft and Symantec, and the usual roundups and
           We’ll review next time how far the Doha climate talks                                       analysis from our columnists.
       addressed these thorny issues. But, one thing the experts                                          We’ll be back with our February issue. Until then, many
       from the Ethical Corporation advisory panel agree on is that                                    thanks from all of us at Ethical Corporation for your feedback
       business is taking the lead on the climate and other sustain-                                   and support during 2012, and best wishes for a successful
       ability matters that are so pressing. Chris Wille from the                                      2013.
       Rainforest Alliance sums it up well, pointing out that as we all
       share the responsibility for a sustainable future, everyone has
       to do something.
           There are no surprises that, increasingly, the companies
       that are seen to be doing their share are also winning in terms
       of corporate reputation, the focus of this issue’s management                                   Ian Welsh
       briefing. In the age of interconnected stakeholders and smart                                   Editor

                                                      Publisher: Toby Webb                                                     Contributors: Rob Bailes, Oliver Balch, Mallen Baker,
                                                                                            Jeni Bauser Yaghoubi, Elaine Cohen, Jon Entine,
                                                      Editor: Ian Welsh                                                        Paul French, Stephen Gardner, Phoebe Hayes,
                                                                                                                               Giles Hutchins, Peter Knight, Claire Manuel, Sam Phipps,
                                                                                                                               Rikki Stancich, Toby Webb
                                                      Contributing editor: Mallen Baker
                                                      Sub editors: Sarah Burton, Gareth Overton

           Business Intelligence for Sustainability

                                                      People on the move                  Advertising and sales: Oliver Bamford                            Design: Alex Chilton Design
                                                  | +44 (0) 20 7375 7518   | +44 (0) 20 7042 6340
           7-9 Fashion St, London E1 6PX UK
           Subscriptions: +44 (0) 20 7375 7575
           Editorial: +44 (0) 20 7375 7213
                                                      Subscriptions                                 Corporate subscription         Ethical Corporation is printed by Four Way Print Ltd on Green Coat plus paper, which
           ISSN 1758-1575                    | +44 (0) 20 7375 7575   packages from £495             comprises 80% recycled and 20% Forest Stewardship Council certified source material.
ECM Dec-Jan_Layout 1 10/12/2012 16:06 Page 6

    6 EthicsWatch                                                                                     Ethical Corporation • December 2012 – January 2013

                 EthicsWatch                                                                                                                               Banking boost
                                                                                                                                                           Britain’s Green Investment Bank has
       By Stephen Gardner                                                                                                                                  opened for business. The Edinburgh-
       HSBC under fire, aviation cut from EU emissions trading, US people trafficking rules                                                                based GIB officially opened its doors
       tightened and the wind power dilemma                                                                                                                at the end of November, with initial
                                                                                                                                                           state backing of £3bn. The bank has

         Analysis: HSBC                                        Tom Picken of Global Witness says: “HSBC                                                    also made its first investment, placing
                                                            have tried to deflect the seriousness of this by                                               £8m into a project to construct
         ‘World’s local bank’                               stating almost all of their clients are ‘compliant                                             Britain’s biggest anaerobic digestion
         accused over                                       or near-compliant’. They won’t, however,
                                                            explain what ‘near-compliant’ means.”
         logging clients                                       Global Witness suggests that while HSBC’s
                                                            forest policies are more progressive than those
                                                            of other banks, it has failed to monitor and
         By Rob Bailes                                      implement those policies.
         Embattled British bank HSBC finds itself              Picken adds: “It is deeply disappointing
         embroiled in yet another scandal                   that HSBC have still not agreed to a meeting
                                                            with Global Witness at a level higher than
            ust when you thought things couldn’t get        simply fielding HSBC’s sustainability people –
         J  any worse for HSBC, a report published by
         Global Witness in November accuses the British
                                                            this suggests they are not taking these matters
                                                            seriously.”                                                                                    Green bank will boost energy, says Cable
         financial giant of bankrolling unsustainable
         logging companies in Sarawak, Borneo.              A new low                                                                                      plant (for conversion of waste into
             According to the Global Witness investiga-     The Global Witness report represents a new                                                     biogas), in Teesside. The bank’s
         tion, a number of HSBC’s Sarawak clients have      nadir for the embattled bank. In July 2012, a 12-                                              contribution is matched by £8m in
         been engaging in illegal logging and unethical     month US Senate investigation found that                                                       private funding. The GIB will “place
         practices, violating the bank’s 2004 forest        HSBC’s compliance culture had been “perva-                                                     the green economy at the heart of
                                                            sively      polluted     for    a    long     time”                                            our recovery and position the UK at
                                                            after      years      of     poor     anti-money-                                              the forefront of the drive to develop
                                                            laundering controls allowed billions of dollars                                                green energy”, according to business
                                                            to be laundered through its US and Mexican                                                     secretary Vince Cable. Some of the
                                                            banking operations.                                                                            bank’s powers, including its freedom
                                                                A Senate subcommittee concluded HSBC                                                       to borrow from the capital markets,
                                                            had “exposed the US financial system to money                                                  remain to be clarified, however.
                                                            laundering, drug trafficking, and terrorist
                                                            financing risks” through a systematic failure to                                               Sweet success
                                                            enforce internal controls. HSBC says: We are                                                  The self-declared “pre-eminent
                                                            actively engaged in discussions with US author-                                                player in global snacking”, Mondelez
                                                            ities to try to reach a resolution, but there is not                                           International, formerly known as
                                                            yet an agreement.                                                                             Kraft Foods, and the owner of brands
                                                                The bank is currently preparing itself for                                                 such as Cadbury’s, has celebrated the
                                                            fines from the US authorities that could reach                                                 launch of its new name with a plan
         Stakeholders kept in the dark                      as much as $1.5bn – one of the largest ever                                                    to invest $400m over 10 years in a
                                                            imposed in the financial services industry. For                                                Cocoa Life sustainability programme.
         policy – and earning it $130m.                     comparison, Standard Chartered recently                                                        The scheme will help cocoa farmers,
            HSBC’s 2004 forest policy required the bank     received a fine of $340m from US regulators for                                                especially in Ivory Coast, where
         to drop clients unlikely to achieve Forest Stew-   its alleged role in illegal banking transactions                                               $100m will be invested to double the
         ardship Council or equivalent certification for    with Iran.                                                                                     productivity of 75,000 smallholders.
         70% of their operations, by 2009. Global               If money laundering and bankrolling of                                                     Money will also be spent on commu-
         Witness says that as of 2012, none of HSBC’s       unsustainable logging companies weren’t                                                        nity, youth and environmental
         Sarawak forestry clients analysed in the report    enough, last month HSBC also found itself                                                      projects. Cocoa Life is the scaling up
         hold an FSC or equivalent certification, repre-    looking into evidence that criminals and tax                                                   of the Cadbury Cocoa Partnership,
         senting a 100% compliance failure over an          evaders were using offshore accounts at its                                                    which has run projects in the
         eight-year period.                                 Jersey operations following a leak from a                                                      Dominican Republic, Ghana and
            Responding to Ethical Corporation, the bank     whistleblower.                                                                                 India. In Ghana, it helped partici-
         says that “99% of our customers in the forestry        While it is not the responsibility of the bank                                             pants increase their household
         sector are compliant or near compliant with our    to police the tax affairs of its account holders,                                              incomes by 200%, according to the
         policy” and that it is ending its relationships    HSBC shareholders, regulators and the public                                                   company. “It’s about empowering
         with the “remaining 1%”.                           will surely be very concerned. I                                                               cocoa communities,” Mondelez senior
                                                                                                                                                           vice-president Bharat Puri says.
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       Ethical Corporation • December 2012 – January 2013                                                                                                       EthicsWatch                             7

       Gender balance
       At least 40% of non-executive board-                                Analysis: international aviation                 national aviation emissions. “Our concern was
       member positions in European Union                                                                                   that by putting international aviation into the
       publicly listed companies should go
       to women, the European commis-
                                                                           Aviation falls                                   EU emissions scheme, policy-makers were
                                                                                                                            putting off difficult political decisions around
       sion says. Under proposals published
       in mid-November, the quota would
                                                                           from emissions                                   UK airport capacity and expansion,” says
       have to be met by 2020. Commission
       vice-president Viviane Reding says 11
                                                                           trading scheme                                      There is, however, scepticism that ICAO can
                                                                                                                            deliver. “The track record of ICAO in terms of
       EU countries, including France, Italy                               By Rob Bailes                                    delivering real emissions reductions is poor,”
       and Spain, have introduced some                                     The ICAO has a year to come up with a            adds Wyatt. “That’s why aviation needs to be
       kind of rule on gender balance in                                   framework for aviation emissions, as the         part of a global deal.”
       boardrooms, and other countries                                     EU suspends international flights from its
       should follow suit. However,                                        trading scheme                                   Stung into action
       although it would be binding for                                                                                     Addressing greenhouse gas emissions from
                                                                              n November the European commission            international aviation has long been a
       countries to take measures to meet
       the goal, no sanctions would be
       applied to companies missing the
                                                                           I  unexpectedly announced it would freeze the
                                                                           application of the EU emissions trading
                                                                                                                            headache for international policy-makers.
                                                                                                                            Excluded from the 1997 Kyoto protocol
       target if it could be shown that                                    scheme to non-EU flights for a year.             because of difficulties in determining how to
       suitable candidates were not avail-                                     According to climate commissioner Connie     allocate emissions to different countries,
       able. The proposal must survive                                     Hedegaard, the decision by the EU will enable    responsibility for reducing emissions has
       examination by the European parlia-                                 the International Civil Aviation Organisation    instead rested with the ICAO.
       ment and EU member state                                            (ICAO) time to develop a global framework for       Now, ICAO appears to have been pressured
       governments before becoming law.                                    a market-based emissions reduction scheme        into action. In mid-November it announced
                                                                           relevant to international aviation.

       Local tariffs for local                                                 Industry experts say the EU’s
       people                                                              climbdown is a result of pressure
       People living close to wind farms                                   from aircraft manufacturers and
       might have less of a not-in-my-                                     overwhelming global opposition
       backyard attitude if they receive a                                 to the EU’s decision to pull inter-
       bonus via their electricity tariff. Good                            national aviation into the EU ETS.
       Energy, which provides renewable                                        Countries such as China, India
       power, is offering a 20% discount to                                and the US have consistently
                                                                           opposed the EU ETS decision on

                                                                           the grounds that any agreement
                                                                           on international aviation emis-
                                                                           sions must be global and come
                                                                           through ICAO.
                                                                               Most recently, a new US law
                                                                           was enacted that shields US Can aviation avoid a bumpy landing?
                                                                           airlines from the EU ETS. While
                                                                           the move will have no immediate effect in light the formation of a special high-level group
                                                                           of the EU’s decision it could affect future rela- charged with investigating the feasibility of a
                                                                           tions between the US and EU, should ICAO fail global market-based measure and a global
                                                                           to develop and agree a global framework.          policy framework to guide its application.
                                                                               According to the Aviation Environment            According to ICAO’s secretary-general,
       Local generation can turn back the clock                            Federation, opposition to the EU ETS has been Raymond Benjamin, a draft resolution on a
                                                                           one of political principle rather than any global policy framework will need to be
       people living within 2km of its wind                                fundamental rejection of the scheme itself.       produced in time for the organisation’s annual
       farm in Delabole on the north Cornish                                   “Disquiet towards the EU’s decision is not general assembly in September 2013. Putting in
       coast, in southwest England. The                                    so much based on how it will impact in terms place a global market-based scheme may take
       scheme is the first of its kind,                                    of cost, but more in terms of the principle – much longer, however.
       according to the company. An extra                                  that the EU was looking to impose measures           “We don’t have to come to that general
       bonus depending on how much elec-                                   beyond its borders,” says Cait Hewitt, deputy assembly with a global scheme. We have to
       tricity the wind farm produces could                                director of the federation.                       come with a global framework and an answer
       bring the net benefit for local resi-                                   Environmental groups have tentatively to the question about the feasibility of a global
       dents up to £150 a year. The local tariff                           welcomed the decision as positive. According scheme,” says Benjamin. “The objective
       would “put renewables at the heart                                  to Vicky Wyatt of Greenpeace UK, the EU ETS remains carbon-neutral growth of the aviation
       of the community,” says Good Energy                                 was never a panacea to the problem of inter- industry by 2020.” I
       chief executive Juliet Davenport.
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    8 EthicsWatch                                                                                                              Ethical Corporation • December 2012 – January 2013

                                                                                                                                                Prototype published
         Analysis: supply chains                                                      workforce agencies and educators.                         Integrated reporting of financial and
                                                                                         This would help ensure that “victims are               non-financial results has come a step
         Anti-trafficking                                                             always treated as victims and not criminals,”             closer according to the International
         measures go federal                                                          he said.                                                  Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC),
                                                                                                                                                which has published its “prototype”
                                                                                      Now for action                                            framework. Paul Druckman, the IIRC
         By Sam Phipps                                                                Human rights NGO Stop The Traffik has                     chief executive, says the prototype
         While the US government is targeting                                         praised Obama’s adoption of the California                framework will help companies dip
         human trafficking, companies must take                                       law on a federal level but cautions against               their toes in the waters of integrated
         ultimate responsibility for their supply                                     complacency.                                              reporting. “We are encouraging busi-
         chains                                                                           “It is excellent that anti-human trafficking is       nesses to start testing the principles
                                                                                      on top of the agenda for President Obama, as              of integrated reporting and evalu-
              new executive order from the US presi-                                  this will inspire others to also make it a
         A    dent, Barack Obama, requires all US
         government contractors and subcontractors to
                                                                                      priority,” says Jantine Werdmuller von Elgg,
                                                                                      global project officer at Stop The Traffik.
                                                                                                                                                ating their relevance and
                                                                                                                                                applicability,” he says. Feedback is
                                                                                                                                                welcome, though the prototype
         ensure they do not engage directly or indi-                                      But she argues that putting legislation in            framework is not part of the IIRC’s
         rectly in forced labour. The measures mirror                                 place won’t necessarily bring about change. “It           formal consultation process. The final
         laws passed in California two years ago with                                 is only employees taking action in a company              framework is expected at the end
         the purpose to “provide consumers with infor-                                that will disrupt the global trade in people.”            of 2013.
         mation regarding [companies’] efforts to                                         Von Elgg also cites imminent UK legislation
         eradicate slavery and human trafficking from                                 that has much the same thrust as the US law.              Adding fuel to the fire
         their supply chains”.                                                        The proposed Transparency in UK Company                   The European commission has infu-
             “Our fight against human trafficking is one                              Supply Chains (Eradication of Slavery) Bill is            riated environmental groups by
         of the great human rights causes of our time,”                               expected to resume its second reading debate              listing as “sustainable” palm oil
         Obama said, announcing the order shortly                                     in January 2013.                                          certified by the Roundtable on
         before his re-election. More than 20 million                                     Obama also announced more resources for               Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). The
         people around the world are ensnared in traf-                                services and legal assistance to victims of traf-         listing means that biofuel produced
         ficking, according to the White House.                                       ficking, including the launch of $6m in special           from RSPO palm oil can count
             The executive order reinforces an existing                               awards – with support from the Goldman                    towards a legally binding European
         zero-tolerance policy on trafficking in govern-                              Sachs Foundation – for local communities to
                                                                                      develop collaborative and comprehensive

                                                                                      solutions to help trafficking victims.

                                                                                          Laurel Bellows, president of the American
                                                                                      Bar Association (ABA), also welcomes the exec-
                                                                                      utive order and says she expects a uniform law
                                                                                      against trafficking to apply in the US from next
                                                                                      July or August 2013, covering the whole
                                                                                      private sector as well as the state.
                                                                                          More than 100,000 US citizens are in slavery
                                                                                      today, and that excludes “tens of thousands of
                                                                                      men, women and children who are brought
                                                                                      over our borders and subjected to captivity for
                                                                                      sex or labour for the profit of their captors,”           Green fuel greenwash?
                                                                                      Bellows says.
                                                                                          In Chicago alone 16,000 underage girls are            Union target for 10% of transport
         Officially zero-tolerant on people trafficking                               forced into prostitution each year, though                fuels to come from renewable sources
                                                                                      Seattle and Atlanta are the main hubs, Bellows            by 2020. Friends of the Earth and
         ment contracting and requires compliance                                     says.                                                     Greenpeace say that the decision
         measures for overseas contracts and subcon-                                      “We have to make certain that every single            amounts to “greenwashing” of palm
         tracts of more than $500,000. These include an                               employer in this country incorporates into a              oil, the production of which can drive
         employee awareness programme, a process to                                   handbook or short presentation a basic plan               destruction of tropical forests as areas
         report violations without retaliation, and                                   for all employees to sign off when they join              are cleared for plantations. The RSPO
         recruitment and housing plans.                                               and at the end of every year: how do you                  says the decision was “critical in
            Obama has pledged more training and                                       identify a victim and what’s the hotline                  making real progress towards the
         guidance to federal prosecutors, law enforce-                                number to call if you think you have.”                    supply and demand of sustainable
         ment officials and immigration judges, as well                                   Bellows concluded: “Americans have to                 commodities” and that certified palm
         as to commercial transportation officials, state                             understand that they all have a job they can do           oil does not “contribute to the
         and local law enforcement partners and state                                 on this issue.” I                                         sustained destruction of valuable
                                                                                                                                                tropical forests”.
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       Ethical Corporation • December 2012 – January 2013                                                                                                               EthicsWatch                         9

       Deforestation down
       Some rare environmental good news:                                       Analysis: wind power                               the IEA. If these subsidies were removed
       the rate of Amazon deforestation                                                                                            today, greenhouse gas emissions would be 6%
       was down 27% in the year to 31 July                                      Blowing hot and                                    lower by 2050 (according to OECD analysis),
       2012, and the lowest rate since
       records began in 1988. Andre Correa
                                                                                cold                                               and renewables such as wind and concen-
                                                                                                                                   trated solar power would be cost competitive
       do Lago, Brazil’s head negotiator at                                     By Rikki Stancich in Hong Kong                     with, if not cheaper, than coal and gas, says
       the United Nations climate conference                                    More commitment to wind power could                Greenpeace’s renewable energy expert, Sven
                                                                                mean hitting global emission reduction             Teske, a co-author of the GWEO report.

                                                                                targets. But it’s looking unlikely
                                                                                                                                       Within reach
                                                                                      ovember was an important month for According to the report, the power sector is
                                                                                N     climate change mitigation. The Interna- responsible for more than 40% of all CO2 emis-
                                                                                tional Energy Agency made a historic first, sions from burning fossil fuels, and about 25%
                                                                                initiating dialogue on climate change. It of total greenhouse gas emissions. This makes
                                                                                advises that to achieve the goal of keeping any a compelling case for installation of renewable
                                                                                global temperature rise to 2C, only one-third of energy generating capacity.
                                                                                proven reserves of fossil fuels can be                     With political commitment, the 2030 emis-
                                                                                consumed before 2050.                                  sions goal can be met and even exceeded,
                                                                                   All eyes then turned to COP 18 in Doha, stresses the report. In a best-case scenario,
                                                                                and the UK’s Department of Energy and wind energy could meet roughly 24.8% of total
       Welcome cut in cutting                                                   Climate Change’s long-awaited energy bill. electricity demand.
                                                                                The latter signals a switch away from coal                 Since 2009, however, growth in the wind
       in Doha, Qatar, says measures to                                         towards        nuclear     and      renewables, sector has slowed significantly. According to
       curb illegal logging had had an                                          particularly wind, but with consumers facing the report, “recession in most of the OECD, the
       impact, and that emerging countries                                      higher bills to pay for new power installations. lack of EU ambition to ‘fix’ its emission trading
       could do more on deforestation and                                          With the window of opportunity to stave system, fickle policy in the US and elsewhere”,
       other carbon-related issues if rich                                      off runaway climate change

       nations provided more funding,                                           narrowing, the stakes are higher
       including to address poverty.                                            than ever. Even so, “the politics
       Despite the improvement, more                                            don’t look very good”, says the
       than 4,600 square kilometres of                                          latest Global Wind Energy
       the Amazon rainforest was lost in                                        Outlook (GWEO) report.
       2011-12, an area nearly twice the                                           To rein in climate change,
       size of Luxembourg.                                                      annual global emissions must
                                                                                be pared down from the IEA’s
       How to avoid                                                             2020 business-as-usual scenario
       corruption                                                               of 56bn tonnes of CO2, to a
       Executives hoping to avoid large fines                                   44bn tonne goal. Today,
       or even prison sentences should they                                     however, there is already a
       get caught up in corruption in foreign                                   “gap” of 10bn tonnes of CO2
       countries should read a 120-page                                         per year between current
       guide to the United States Foreign                                       confirmed national emission
       Corrupt Practices Act, published                                         reduction targets and that
       recently by the US government. The                                       2020 goal.                          Still untapped potential
       guide includes case studies, details                                        “Even if the pledges made in
       on the scope of anti-bribery provi-                                      Copenhagen and confirmed in Cancún are have undermined the sector’s growth poten-
       sions, definitions of terms such as                                      met in full, a gap of 6bn tonnes per year tial, according to the GWEO report.
       “corruptly” and “wilfully”, defences                                     remains,” notes the GWEO report. Meanwhile,                Growth is likely to pick up again around
       that might be accepted and the                                           global emissions continue to rise.                     2014. But the Global Wind Energy Council’s
       penalties that might apply to wrong-                                        Unless market corrections such as efficient secretary-general, Steve Sawyer, argues it is
       doers. Because of the damage done                                        carbon pricing and removal of fossil fuel subsi- unlikely that the best-case scenario can be
       by corruption, enforcement of the                                        dies are made now, the current opportunity to achieved. Instead, he says it is more likely that
       Foreign Corrupt Practices Act is a                                       contain global warming will be missed, 760GW will be installed by 2020, meeting 8.3%
       “continuing priority at the Depart-                                      according to IEA projections.                          of electricity demand, with annual CO2
       ment of Justice and the Securities                                          However, governments continue to back savings of around 1bn tonnes. As the report
       and Exchange Commission,” the                                            the wrong horse. Subsidies to fossil fuels are concludes, this is “not sufficient for wind
       guide said. The act’s provisions can                                     now 30% higher than in 2010 and six times the energy to play its full part in combating the
       extend to non-US, as well as US,                                         amount received by renewables, according to climate crisis”. I

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Ethical Corporation Dec-January 2012 Extracts

  • 1. ECM Dec-Jan_Layout 1 10/12/2012 16:06 Page 1 Corporate reputation Transparency is the answer Alternative vehicles Is liquid nitrogen the low emission solution? Nike Sustainable can be cool December 2012 – January 2013 The year that climate change hit Manhattan
  • 2. ECM Dec-Jan_Layout 1 10/12/2012 16:06 Page 2 an Qu et a dg It’s Back! ote £2 EC 50 Ma dis g2 co 12TH ANNUAL 01 un 3 t! The Responsible Business V Summit 2013 HEAR FROM THE FOLLOWING INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LEADERS: 7TH–8TH MAY 2013 THE NOVOTEL WEST, LONDON, UK INNOVATION BEST PRACTICE INTERACTIVITY FOCUSED DEBATE Daniel Franklin Executive Editor The Economist Jeremy Darroch Chief Executive Officer BSKYB Corporate Focus Service providers and vendors will only be able to apply for John Sauven a number of passes at a higher cost. It’s your chance to network Executive Director with an audience of which a majority are corporate and NGOs. Greenpeace UK Build Key Relationships From the CEO of BSKYB to the Executive Director of Greenpeace to the Executive Editor of The Economist. No other summit brings Fiona Kendrick together so many high-level attendees. Build career and Chief Executive Officer knowledge-enhancing relationships with leading figures in Nestlé UK the corporate, NGO and media world. Key CSR Topics for 2013 From macro keynotes to in-depth practical breakout sessions, get the solutions your job requires. Several months of research Jane Griffiths with key stakeholders means we’ll deliver the most crucial topics. Company Group Chairman Janssen Active Participation Pharmaceuticals Live Twitter feeds, use of live polling, scenario-based discussion, ‘Question Time’-style debates and issue-based roundtables will ensure that you – not just the speakers – are at the heart of the discussion. FACT! 20+ unique workshops Emerging Markets Perspectives 50+ Speakers from Europe, New speakers from the UAE, Jordan, Hong Kong, Turkey, India and more. Learn from those at the vanguard of CSR in a rapidly Middle East, USA and Asia changing landscape. 500+ attendees Book your place NOW! Call 020 7375 7226 or email
  • 3. ECM Dec-Jan_Layout 1 10/12/2012 16:06 Page 3 Ethical Corporation • December 2012 – January 2013 Contents 3 Contents 5 From the editor EthicsWatch 6 HSBC Battered and bruised 7 Emissions trading Aviation cut out 8 People trafficking US toughens stance p22 Are there new alternatives? 9 Wind energy So much potential 22 Alternative vehicles Electric cars left behind 24 Cheat sheet 10 Mallen Baker Insight and analysis distilled p35 Sustainable products people want Options for GRI 26 NGOwatch Water risks addressed Review of the year Strategy and management 12 2012’s ups and downs 35 Sustainability commercialised Briefing: corporate reputation Nike’s big steps forward 16 2013’s potential 28 Stakeholders, crises and bad 38 Essay management Nature’s business solutions 32 Transparency and disclosure that works 19 Peter Knight American voters explained 41 China column 20 CRwatch Paul French has high hopes for China’s new How Sandy brought out the best premier Review 42 Report: Microsoft 43 Report: Symantec 44 New books 45 Academic news People 46 Recruitment Sector that bucks the trend 48 People on the move REUTERS/CARLO ALLEGRI 50 Toby Webb p11 Looking back, looking forward p27 Business bashing Give reporting some glitz
  • 4. ECM Dec-Jan_Layout 1 10/12/2012 16:06 Page 4 One click access! Make sure you and your colleagues have access to all the latest CSR analysis at just a click of a button Ethical Corporation can now offer you and your colleagues hassle-free one click access to our 8000+ articles on business sustainability. You won’t need to login – All we require is your corporate IP address/range. You will benefit from: Knowing that everyone within your company receives and has access to all the latest sustainability analysis – at just a click of a button Enforcing your company’s competitive edge – everyone will have access to the world’s largest online CSR resource. Within seconds they can find analysis on issues, companies, best practice and more Having time to do the jobs that count – Every week we send out all the latest analysis from With just a click of a button anyone at your company can access that analysis § The ‘One-Click-Access’ subscription is basically a corporate license to access our content from any of your company computers. As a subscriber you know the benefit of subscribing to our analysis, why don’t you share this amongst your colleagues…. Call Harshi Joshi now on +44 (0)20 7375 7235 and receive a demo of how easy it is
  • 5. ECM Dec-Jan_Layout 1 10/12/2012 16:06 Page 5 Ethical Corporation • December 2012 – January 2013 From the editor 5 Welcome to the December 2012 – January 2013 issue t’s been quite a year. As ever, the focus for our final issue of activism, which carefully and effectively identifies corporate I 2012 is to reflect on the events of the past 12 months, and try to analyse where the progress has been made and where targets, companies need to be nimble and engaging. They need to demonstrate that they know where their corporate the new challenges have come from. behaviour needs improvement, and that they are doing While many parts of the world have for some time been something about it. Transparency is the key, of course, and an experiencing seemingly more-frequent extreme climate ability to accept there are problems – and that there will be in events, there’s no doubt that Hurricane Sandy sweeping the future. And as the recent corpo- through the eastern United States in the autumn focused rate tax scandals – not least attention on the issue. Ironically – and despite a severe involving Starbucks – show, simply drought this year in many crucial grain growing regions else- operating within the law is often where in north America – climate change was hardly not enough. mentioned for much of the US presidential election. It really Elsewhere this time we examine was all about the economy (stupid), despite the fact, of course, the future for electric vehicles, and that climate impacts may well be the most serious economic explore some potentially much issue over the coming years. better alternatives. And in the next Is the game up already? As Penny Shepherd, chief execu- of our sustainability commercialised tive of UKSIF says in our 2012 review, this past year may well series, we focus on Nike’s leader- become regarded as the time when everyone involved in the ship in the apparel and footwear climate debate concluded that the 2C “safe” temperature rise sector in the drive for radically more sustainable products. In target that the UN’s climate panel have set is in practice addition we have reviews of the latest reporting from unachievable. Microsoft and Symantec, and the usual roundups and We’ll review next time how far the Doha climate talks analysis from our columnists. addressed these thorny issues. But, one thing the experts We’ll be back with our February issue. Until then, many from the Ethical Corporation advisory panel agree on is that thanks from all of us at Ethical Corporation for your feedback business is taking the lead on the climate and other sustain- and support during 2012, and best wishes for a successful ability matters that are so pressing. Chris Wille from the 2013. Rainforest Alliance sums it up well, pointing out that as we all share the responsibility for a sustainable future, everyone has to do something. There are no surprises that, increasingly, the companies that are seen to be doing their share are also winning in terms of corporate reputation, the focus of this issue’s management Ian Welsh briefing. In the age of interconnected stakeholders and smart Editor Publisher: Toby Webb Contributors: Rob Bailes, Oliver Balch, Mallen Baker, Jeni Bauser Yaghoubi, Elaine Cohen, Jon Entine, Editor: Ian Welsh Paul French, Stephen Gardner, Phoebe Hayes, Giles Hutchins, Peter Knight, Claire Manuel, Sam Phipps, Rikki Stancich, Toby Webb Contributing editor: Mallen Baker Sub editors: Sarah Burton, Gareth Overton Business Intelligence for Sustainability People on the move Advertising and sales: Oliver Bamford Design: Alex Chilton Design | +44 (0) 20 7375 7518 | +44 (0) 20 7042 6340 7-9 Fashion St, London E1 6PX UK Subscriptions: +44 (0) 20 7375 7575 Editorial: +44 (0) 20 7375 7213 Subscriptions Corporate subscription Ethical Corporation is printed by Four Way Print Ltd on Green Coat plus paper, which ISSN 1758-1575 | +44 (0) 20 7375 7575 packages from £495 comprises 80% recycled and 20% Forest Stewardship Council certified source material.
  • 6. ECM Dec-Jan_Layout 1 10/12/2012 16:06 Page 6 6 EthicsWatch Ethical Corporation • December 2012 – January 2013 EthicsWatch Banking boost Britain’s Green Investment Bank has By Stephen Gardner opened for business. The Edinburgh- HSBC under fire, aviation cut from EU emissions trading, US people trafficking rules based GIB officially opened its doors tightened and the wind power dilemma at the end of November, with initial state backing of £3bn. The bank has GORDONBELLPHOTOGRAPHY/ISTOCKPHOTO.COM Analysis: HSBC Tom Picken of Global Witness says: “HSBC also made its first investment, placing have tried to deflect the seriousness of this by £8m into a project to construct ‘World’s local bank’ stating almost all of their clients are ‘compliant Britain’s biggest anaerobic digestion accused over or near-compliant’. They won’t, however, explain what ‘near-compliant’ means.” logging clients Global Witness suggests that while HSBC’s forest policies are more progressive than those of other banks, it has failed to monitor and By Rob Bailes implement those policies. Embattled British bank HSBC finds itself Picken adds: “It is deeply disappointing embroiled in yet another scandal that HSBC have still not agreed to a meeting with Global Witness at a level higher than ust when you thought things couldn’t get simply fielding HSBC’s sustainability people – J any worse for HSBC, a report published by Global Witness in November accuses the British this suggests they are not taking these matters seriously.” Green bank will boost energy, says Cable financial giant of bankrolling unsustainable logging companies in Sarawak, Borneo. A new low plant (for conversion of waste into According to the Global Witness investiga- The Global Witness report represents a new biogas), in Teesside. The bank’s tion, a number of HSBC’s Sarawak clients have nadir for the embattled bank. In July 2012, a 12- contribution is matched by £8m in been engaging in illegal logging and unethical month US Senate investigation found that private funding. The GIB will “place practices, violating the bank’s 2004 forest HSBC’s compliance culture had been “perva- the green economy at the heart of sively polluted for a long time” our recovery and position the UK at after years of poor anti-money- the forefront of the drive to develop laundering controls allowed billions of dollars green energy”, according to business to be laundered through its US and Mexican secretary Vince Cable. Some of the banking operations. bank’s powers, including its freedom A Senate subcommittee concluded HSBC to borrow from the capital markets, had “exposed the US financial system to money remain to be clarified, however. laundering, drug trafficking, and terrorist financing risks” through a systematic failure to Sweet success enforce internal controls. HSBC says: We are The self-declared “pre-eminent actively engaged in discussions with US author- player in global snacking”, Mondelez ities to try to reach a resolution, but there is not International, formerly known as yet an agreement. Kraft Foods, and the owner of brands The bank is currently preparing itself for such as Cadbury’s, has celebrated the fines from the US authorities that could reach launch of its new name with a plan Stakeholders kept in the dark as much as $1.5bn – one of the largest ever to invest $400m over 10 years in a imposed in the financial services industry. For Cocoa Life sustainability programme. policy – and earning it $130m. comparison, Standard Chartered recently The scheme will help cocoa farmers, HSBC’s 2004 forest policy required the bank received a fine of $340m from US regulators for especially in Ivory Coast, where to drop clients unlikely to achieve Forest Stew- its alleged role in illegal banking transactions $100m will be invested to double the ardship Council or equivalent certification for with Iran. productivity of 75,000 smallholders. 70% of their operations, by 2009. Global If money laundering and bankrolling of Money will also be spent on commu- Witness says that as of 2012, none of HSBC’s unsustainable logging companies weren’t nity, youth and environmental Sarawak forestry clients analysed in the report enough, last month HSBC also found itself projects. Cocoa Life is the scaling up hold an FSC or equivalent certification, repre- looking into evidence that criminals and tax of the Cadbury Cocoa Partnership, senting a 100% compliance failure over an evaders were using offshore accounts at its which has run projects in the eight-year period. Jersey operations following a leak from a Dominican Republic, Ghana and Responding to Ethical Corporation, the bank whistleblower. India. In Ghana, it helped partici- says that “99% of our customers in the forestry While it is not the responsibility of the bank pants increase their household sector are compliant or near compliant with our to police the tax affairs of its account holders, incomes by 200%, according to the policy” and that it is ending its relationships HSBC shareholders, regulators and the public company. “It’s about empowering with the “remaining 1%”. will surely be very concerned. I cocoa communities,” Mondelez senior vice-president Bharat Puri says.
  • 7. ECM Dec-Jan_Layout 1 10/12/2012 16:06 Page 7 Ethical Corporation • December 2012 – January 2013 EthicsWatch 7 Gender balance At least 40% of non-executive board- Analysis: international aviation national aviation emissions. “Our concern was member positions in European Union that by putting international aviation into the publicly listed companies should go to women, the European commis- Aviation falls EU emissions scheme, policy-makers were putting off difficult political decisions around sion says. Under proposals published in mid-November, the quota would from emissions UK airport capacity and expansion,” says Wyatt. have to be met by 2020. Commission vice-president Viviane Reding says 11 trading scheme There is, however, scepticism that ICAO can deliver. “The track record of ICAO in terms of EU countries, including France, Italy By Rob Bailes delivering real emissions reductions is poor,” and Spain, have introduced some The ICAO has a year to come up with a adds Wyatt. “That’s why aviation needs to be kind of rule on gender balance in framework for aviation emissions, as the part of a global deal.” boardrooms, and other countries EU suspends international flights from its should follow suit. However, trading scheme Stung into action although it would be binding for Addressing greenhouse gas emissions from n November the European commission international aviation has long been a countries to take measures to meet the goal, no sanctions would be applied to companies missing the I unexpectedly announced it would freeze the application of the EU emissions trading headache for international policy-makers. Excluded from the 1997 Kyoto protocol target if it could be shown that scheme to non-EU flights for a year. because of difficulties in determining how to suitable candidates were not avail- According to climate commissioner Connie allocate emissions to different countries, able. The proposal must survive Hedegaard, the decision by the EU will enable responsibility for reducing emissions has examination by the European parlia- the International Civil Aviation Organisation instead rested with the ICAO. ment and EU member state (ICAO) time to develop a global framework for Now, ICAO appears to have been pressured governments before becoming law. a market-based emissions reduction scheme into action. In mid-November it announced relevant to international aviation. JORDIRAMISA/ISTOCKPHOTO.COM Local tariffs for local Industry experts say the EU’s people climbdown is a result of pressure People living close to wind farms from aircraft manufacturers and might have less of a not-in-my- overwhelming global opposition backyard attitude if they receive a to the EU’s decision to pull inter- bonus via their electricity tariff. Good national aviation into the EU ETS. Energy, which provides renewable Countries such as China, India power, is offering a 20% discount to and the US have consistently opposed the EU ETS decision on TIMMY/ISTOCKPHOTO.COM the grounds that any agreement on international aviation emis- sions must be global and come through ICAO. Most recently, a new US law was enacted that shields US Can aviation avoid a bumpy landing? airlines from the EU ETS. While the move will have no immediate effect in light the formation of a special high-level group of the EU’s decision it could affect future rela- charged with investigating the feasibility of a tions between the US and EU, should ICAO fail global market-based measure and a global to develop and agree a global framework. policy framework to guide its application. According to the Aviation Environment According to ICAO’s secretary-general, Local generation can turn back the clock Federation, opposition to the EU ETS has been Raymond Benjamin, a draft resolution on a one of political principle rather than any global policy framework will need to be people living within 2km of its wind fundamental rejection of the scheme itself. produced in time for the organisation’s annual farm in Delabole on the north Cornish “Disquiet towards the EU’s decision is not general assembly in September 2013. Putting in coast, in southwest England. The so much based on how it will impact in terms place a global market-based scheme may take scheme is the first of its kind, of cost, but more in terms of the principle – much longer, however. according to the company. An extra that the EU was looking to impose measures “We don’t have to come to that general bonus depending on how much elec- beyond its borders,” says Cait Hewitt, deputy assembly with a global scheme. We have to tricity the wind farm produces could director of the federation. come with a global framework and an answer bring the net benefit for local resi- Environmental groups have tentatively to the question about the feasibility of a global dents up to £150 a year. The local tariff welcomed the decision as positive. According scheme,” says Benjamin. “The objective would “put renewables at the heart to Vicky Wyatt of Greenpeace UK, the EU ETS remains carbon-neutral growth of the aviation of the community,” says Good Energy was never a panacea to the problem of inter- industry by 2020.” I chief executive Juliet Davenport.
  • 8. ECM Dec-Jan_Layout 1 10/12/2012 16:06 Page 8 8 EthicsWatch Ethical Corporation • December 2012 – January 2013 Prototype published Analysis: supply chains workforce agencies and educators. Integrated reporting of financial and This would help ensure that “victims are non-financial results has come a step Anti-trafficking always treated as victims and not criminals,” closer according to the International measures go federal he said. Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), which has published its “prototype” Now for action framework. Paul Druckman, the IIRC By Sam Phipps Human rights NGO Stop The Traffik has chief executive, says the prototype While the US government is targeting praised Obama’s adoption of the California framework will help companies dip human trafficking, companies must take law on a federal level but cautions against their toes in the waters of integrated ultimate responsibility for their supply complacency. reporting. “We are encouraging busi- chains “It is excellent that anti-human trafficking is nesses to start testing the principles on top of the agenda for President Obama, as of integrated reporting and evalu- new executive order from the US presi- this will inspire others to also make it a A dent, Barack Obama, requires all US government contractors and subcontractors to priority,” says Jantine Werdmuller von Elgg, global project officer at Stop The Traffik. ating their relevance and applicability,” he says. Feedback is welcome, though the prototype ensure they do not engage directly or indi- But she argues that putting legislation in framework is not part of the IIRC’s rectly in forced labour. The measures mirror place won’t necessarily bring about change. “It formal consultation process. The final laws passed in California two years ago with is only employees taking action in a company framework is expected at the end the purpose to “provide consumers with infor- that will disrupt the global trade in people.” of 2013. mation regarding [companies’] efforts to Von Elgg also cites imminent UK legislation eradicate slavery and human trafficking from that has much the same thrust as the US law. Adding fuel to the fire their supply chains”. The proposed Transparency in UK Company The European commission has infu- “Our fight against human trafficking is one Supply Chains (Eradication of Slavery) Bill is riated environmental groups by of the great human rights causes of our time,” expected to resume its second reading debate listing as “sustainable” palm oil Obama said, announcing the order shortly in January 2013. certified by the Roundtable on before his re-election. More than 20 million Obama also announced more resources for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). The people around the world are ensnared in traf- services and legal assistance to victims of traf- listing means that biofuel produced ficking, according to the White House. ficking, including the launch of $6m in special from RSPO palm oil can count The executive order reinforces an existing awards – with support from the Goldman towards a legally binding European zero-tolerance policy on trafficking in govern- Sachs Foundation – for local communities to develop collaborative and comprehensive RZELICH/ISTOCKPHOTO.COM solutions to help trafficking victims. EDSTOCK/ISTOCKPHOTO.COM Laurel Bellows, president of the American Bar Association (ABA), also welcomes the exec- utive order and says she expects a uniform law against trafficking to apply in the US from next July or August 2013, covering the whole private sector as well as the state. More than 100,000 US citizens are in slavery today, and that excludes “tens of thousands of men, women and children who are brought over our borders and subjected to captivity for sex or labour for the profit of their captors,” Green fuel greenwash? Bellows says. In Chicago alone 16,000 underage girls are Union target for 10% of transport Officially zero-tolerant on people trafficking forced into prostitution each year, though fuels to come from renewable sources Seattle and Atlanta are the main hubs, Bellows by 2020. Friends of the Earth and ment contracting and requires compliance says. Greenpeace say that the decision measures for overseas contracts and subcon- “We have to make certain that every single amounts to “greenwashing” of palm tracts of more than $500,000. These include an employer in this country incorporates into a oil, the production of which can drive employee awareness programme, a process to handbook or short presentation a basic plan destruction of tropical forests as areas report violations without retaliation, and for all employees to sign off when they join are cleared for plantations. The RSPO recruitment and housing plans. and at the end of every year: how do you says the decision was “critical in Obama has pledged more training and identify a victim and what’s the hotline making real progress towards the guidance to federal prosecutors, law enforce- number to call if you think you have.” supply and demand of sustainable ment officials and immigration judges, as well Bellows concluded: “Americans have to commodities” and that certified palm as to commercial transportation officials, state understand that they all have a job they can do oil does not “contribute to the and local law enforcement partners and state on this issue.” I sustained destruction of valuable tropical forests”.
  • 9. ECM Dec-Jan_Layout 1 10/12/2012 16:06 Page 9 Ethical Corporation • December 2012 – January 2013 EthicsWatch 9 Deforestation down Some rare environmental good news: Analysis: wind power the IEA. If these subsidies were removed the rate of Amazon deforestation today, greenhouse gas emissions would be 6% was down 27% in the year to 31 July Blowing hot and lower by 2050 (according to OECD analysis), 2012, and the lowest rate since records began in 1988. Andre Correa cold and renewables such as wind and concen- trated solar power would be cost competitive do Lago, Brazil’s head negotiator at By Rikki Stancich in Hong Kong with, if not cheaper, than coal and gas, says the United Nations climate conference More commitment to wind power could Greenpeace’s renewable energy expert, Sven mean hitting global emission reduction Teske, a co-author of the GWEO report. RICARDOAZOURY/ISTOCKPHOTO.COM targets. But it’s looking unlikely Within reach ovember was an important month for According to the report, the power sector is N climate change mitigation. The Interna- responsible for more than 40% of all CO2 emis- tional Energy Agency made a historic first, sions from burning fossil fuels, and about 25% initiating dialogue on climate change. It of total greenhouse gas emissions. This makes advises that to achieve the goal of keeping any a compelling case for installation of renewable global temperature rise to 2C, only one-third of energy generating capacity. proven reserves of fossil fuels can be With political commitment, the 2030 emis- consumed before 2050. sions goal can be met and even exceeded, All eyes then turned to COP 18 in Doha, stresses the report. In a best-case scenario, and the UK’s Department of Energy and wind energy could meet roughly 24.8% of total Welcome cut in cutting Climate Change’s long-awaited energy bill. electricity demand. The latter signals a switch away from coal Since 2009, however, growth in the wind in Doha, Qatar, says measures to towards nuclear and renewables, sector has slowed significantly. According to curb illegal logging had had an particularly wind, but with consumers facing the report, “recession in most of the OECD, the impact, and that emerging countries higher bills to pay for new power installations. lack of EU ambition to ‘fix’ its emission trading could do more on deforestation and With the window of opportunity to stave system, fickle policy in the US and elsewhere”, other carbon-related issues if rich off runaway climate change SHAUNI/ISTOCKPHOTO.COM nations provided more funding, narrowing, the stakes are higher including to address poverty. than ever. Even so, “the politics Despite the improvement, more don’t look very good”, says the than 4,600 square kilometres of latest Global Wind Energy the Amazon rainforest was lost in Outlook (GWEO) report. 2011-12, an area nearly twice the To rein in climate change, size of Luxembourg. annual global emissions must be pared down from the IEA’s How to avoid 2020 business-as-usual scenario corruption of 56bn tonnes of CO2, to a Executives hoping to avoid large fines 44bn tonne goal. Today, or even prison sentences should they however, there is already a get caught up in corruption in foreign “gap” of 10bn tonnes of CO2 countries should read a 120-page per year between current guide to the United States Foreign confirmed national emission Corrupt Practices Act, published reduction targets and that recently by the US government. The 2020 goal. Still untapped potential guide includes case studies, details “Even if the pledges made in on the scope of anti-bribery provi- Copenhagen and confirmed in Cancún are have undermined the sector’s growth poten- sions, definitions of terms such as met in full, a gap of 6bn tonnes per year tial, according to the GWEO report. “corruptly” and “wilfully”, defences remains,” notes the GWEO report. Meanwhile, Growth is likely to pick up again around that might be accepted and the global emissions continue to rise. 2014. But the Global Wind Energy Council’s penalties that might apply to wrong- Unless market corrections such as efficient secretary-general, Steve Sawyer, argues it is doers. Because of the damage done carbon pricing and removal of fossil fuel subsi- unlikely that the best-case scenario can be by corruption, enforcement of the dies are made now, the current opportunity to achieved. Instead, he says it is more likely that Foreign Corrupt Practices Act is a contain global warming will be missed, 760GW will be installed by 2020, meeting 8.3% “continuing priority at the Depart- according to IEA projections. of electricity demand, with annual CO2 ment of Justice and the Securities However, governments continue to back savings of around 1bn tonnes. As the report and Exchange Commission,” the the wrong horse. Subsidies to fossil fuels are concludes, this is “not sufficient for wind guide said. The act’s provisions can now 30% higher than in 2010 and six times the energy to play its full part in combating the extend to non-US, as well as US, amount received by renewables, according to climate crisis”. I companies.