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Global Mobile Tax Review
     Tax regimes that recognise mobile phones
   as a need not a luxury benefit all stakeholders

           Executive Summary

The impact that mobile communications is having on economic and social development,
particularly in the developing world, is akin to that of other major enabling infrastructure like
roads, ports and railways. All stimulate trade, create jobs, generate wealth and enhance social
welfare. Mobile communications, in particular, is making a profound impact by:

i. Delivering universal access, currently covering 80% of the                       Despite the positive impact of mobile communications, this study
   world’s population – double the coverage rate in 2000. By 2010                   has shown that 16 governments have taxation systems which levy
   mobile communications will bring affordable voice, data and                      higher taxes on mobile communications than the economy as a
   internet services to more than 5 billion people, reaching 90%                    whole. The findings of this report suggest that such taxation
   of the world’s population;1 and                                                  structures increase mobile prices, preventing less well off
                                                                                    consumers from connecting to mobile networks and reducing
ii. Delivering universal services, with 2.7 billion people connected
                                                                                    the usage of those that do. This report suggests that by removing
    to mobile networks versus 1 billion to fixed. In Africa the
                                                                                    mobile specific taxes more consumers will connect, boosting
    number of mobile phone subscribers overtook the number
                                                                                    economic growth, at very limited cost to total government tax
    of fixed lines in 2001. Today, mobile connections in Kenya
                                                                                    receipts. In some cases long-term government tax receipts may
    outnumber fixed lines by 18 to 1 and in Tanzania by 32 to 1.
                                                                                    even be positive.
                                                                                    This report by the GSMA builds on the 2005 GSMA report,
                                                                                    Tax and the Digital Divide, and extends the benchmark of taxes
                                                                                    levied on the ownership and use of mobile phones to 101 countries,
                                                                                    representing about 85% of the global population. This latest report
                                                                                    analyses the impact of reducing/removing consumer taxes on
                                                                                    mobile services through considering the impact of tax changes on:
                                                                                    • A reduction in the price charged to the end customer;
                                                                                    • The impact this change will have on mobile penetration
                                                                                      and usage; and
                                                                                    • The subsequent impact on tax revenues and GDP. From a
                                                                                      sample of 57 developing countries, the report finds that a 10%
                                                                                      increase in mobile penetration leads to a 1.2% increase in the
                                                                                      annual growth rate in GDP. 2
                                                                                    Mobile phones are revolutionising the lives of millions of
                                                                                    people and will continue to be the primary means for the great
                                                                                    majority to access voice, data and internet services. This report
                                                                                    makes the case for addressing taxation policy and levels to
1 GSM Association, Universal Access, How Mobile Can Bring Communications            support the extension of this essential franchise to the poorer
  to all, 2006.                                                                     sections of society.
2 Following Waverman et al. (2005) a growth model following the Endogenous
  Growth approach is applied. This is a cross-section estimation of the relation
  between average GDP per capita growth over a period of time (1980 to 2003
  in our case, as in Waverman at al. (2005)) and the initial level of GDP per
  capita, literacy rate at the beginning of the period as proxy for initial human
  capital, average investment as a proportion of GDP and average mobile
  phone penetration.
     GDPpercapGrowth1980-2003 =α + β1MobPen1996-2003 + β2GDPpercap1980 + β3I + β4Literacy1980

Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007
                                                                                                                           Executive summary

Key findings                                                         Key recommendations
Based on analysis and modelling the following key findings           Mobile specific taxes, levied in addition to VAT, discourage
can be drawn:                                                        the take up and usage of mobile communications. Taxation is,
                                                                     therefore, clearly a critical issue for consideration in spreading
• Reducing mobile specific taxes and general consumer
                                                                     the use of mobile to poorer sections of the world.
  taxes such as VAT leads to substantial increases in mobile
                                                                     Telecommunications and finance policy makers, in collaboration
  penetration and usage;
                                                                     with the mobile industry, should examine in detail the effect of
• Increased penetration boosts economic activity. In developing      taxation in their respective jurisdictions. Key considerations
  countries a 10% increase in penetration leads to a 1.2% increase   should include whether mobile should be taxed in a different
  in the annual growth rate in GDP;                                  manner from the remainder of an economy, i.e. treating mobile
                                                                     communications as a basic need and not as a luxury.
• Turkey levies the highest taxes on mobile consumers in our
  sample set, totalling 44% of each $ spent by consumers. This       In the case of mobile specific taxes, analysis should focus on
  position is consistent with the last GSMA report on this issue;    the impact of gradually lowering as well as restructuring tax
                                                                     regimes to increase the affordability of mobile services. In many
• Taxation of mobile consumers in East Africa is almost twice the
                                                                     jurisdictions it appears possible to create net positive effects for
  17.4% global average, potentially limiting mobile expansion in
                                                                     government, industry and consumers.
  the region and the associated benefits;
• 20 jurisdictions levy higher taxes on mobile consumers
  than fixed;
• A reduction in mobile specific taxation could approach revenue       Case study: Impact of reducing mobile
                                                                       specific taxes in Kenya
  neutrality in 14 of these 16 countries, as reductions
  in government taxation revenue would be counterbalanced
  by greater VAT, corporation tax and economic growth;                 A mobile specific tax of 10% is applied to usage in Kenya.
• Case study evidence from Kenya suggests that cutting mobile          A forthcoming GSMA study has estimated that if this tax was
  specific taxes can have a revenue positive impact for the            halved to 5% in 2007, within 10 years this change will increase:
  government in the medium term in countries where mobile              • Usage by 7%;
  penetration is still low;
                                                                       • Penetration by 5%; and
• Of the countries surveyed, 16 still have mobile specific taxes.
  Such taxes are regressive in developing countries, in that they      • Operator revenues by 8%.
  are proportionally greater on the poorer members of society          Though total taxation revenues (including corporation tax
  who use mobile phones as their source of universal access; and       and regulatory fees) from the mobile operators would fall
• On average, tax accounts for 24.8% of total handset costs and        slightly over the period, the multiplier impact of the economic
  45 countries (nearly half of those surveyed) impose specific         growth that would be stimulated leads to a net increase in
  import duties on handsets.                                           government tax revenues. As demand for mobile services
                                                                       increases this leads to greater employment and investment
                                                                       by the mobile operator.
                                                                       If excise duties were halved the GSMA estimates that the net
                                                                       impact on the level of government tax receipts from mobile
                                                                       operators, including the associated growth in the economy,
                                                                       would be between 2-4% higher in the period to 2011.

Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007
Executive summary

Tax as a total share of cost of mobile ownership                                            Source: Deloitte 2006
      Dominican Republic
         Dem Rep. Congo
              Gambia The
             Burkina Faso
           Czech Republic
          The Netherlands
             Cote d'Ivoire
       Russian Federation
          United Kingdom
     Trinidad and Tobago
            Venezuela RB
                 Sri Lanka
         Egypt Arab Rep.
              South Africa
         Iran Islamic Rep.
                  Lao PDR
              Sierra Leone
       Papua New Guinea
     Syrian Arab Republic

                             0%   5%    10%        15%   20%   25%        30%   35%   40%     45%           50%
03                                                               Percentage
Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007
                                                                                                                     Executive summary

Tax as a percentage of handset cost                 Source: Deloitte analysis based on Tarifica, Wireless Intelligence and Deloitte tax data
  Syrian Arab Republic
      Iran Islamic Rep.
  Trinidad and Tobago
           Gambia The
      Dem Rep. Congo
          Burkina Faso
         Venezuela RB
          Cote d'Ivoire
    Russian Federation
           South Africa
               Lao PDR
       The Netherlands
        Czech Republic

                                                        Handset taxes
       United Kingdom

                                                        The jurisdictions with the highest tax, as a proportion of total

                                                        handset cost, are Syria, Iran, Cameroon, Chad and Rwanda:

                                                        • Syria charges an average $24 in taxes, on top of 20% VAT

                                                          and 10% customs duty;

                                                        • Iran’s customs duties are 60%, by far the highest duties on
              Sri Lanka

                                                          mobile handsets within the sample of countries studied; and

                                                        • Cameroon has also some of the highest custom duty

                                                          charges, 32%, which are levied in addition to 19% VAT.
           Sierra Leone
      Egypt Arab Rep.
    Papua New Guinea
   Dominican Republic

                          0%   10%    20%   30%   40%          50%           60%            70%           80%            90%          100%
                                                                   Percentage                                                            04
Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007
Executive summary

Telecommunication specific taxes

                                                              Telecommunications specific taxes

Country                 Connection                            Subscription                            Handset

Albania                                                       Post pay $59/Prepay $7/Fixed $146:
                                                              registration and subscription
Bangladesh                                                    $11.76 Paid at subscription: mobile     $3 Fixed charge on import of mobile
                                                              and fixed                               and fixed handsets
Dominican                                                     2% Communications development
Republic                                                      tax – paid on usage and
                                                              subscription on mobile only
Greece                                                        $1.92-$5.75 Subscriber’s special
                                                              duty. Varies based on the monthly
                                                              invoice total
Iran                                                          Fixed charges at subscription of:
                                                              $4.44 for pre-pay/$135 for post-paid
                                                              /$0.33 on fixed line. This includes
                                                              subscription tax for pre-pay
                                                              /post-paid and fixed line and a
                                                              Rural Areas Development tax for
Italy                                                         $6.82 Mobile specific stamp duty
                                                              on bills issued. Applies only on
                                                              post-paid services
Jordan                                                        4% special VAT due on
                                                              telecoms services: charged on
                                                              mobile and fixed
Kenya                                                         10% Telecommunications Tax on
                                                              usage: fixed and mobile
Nepal                                                         10% Telephone services charges –        $20.15 Telephone ownership fee:
                                                              paid on usage only. Not applicable      fixed and mobile
                                                              to subscription and applies to both
                                                              mobile and fixed
Pakistan                $8.30 Fixed activation charges:
                        mobile only
Sri Lanka                                                     2.5% Mobile Subscription Levy paid
                                                              on total value of monthly charges:
                                                              mobile and fixed
Tanzania                                                      7% Telecommunications Tax on
                                                              usage: fixed and mobile
Tunisia                                                       5% Telecom Royalties: mobile            5% Telecoms Royalties: calculated
                                                              and fixed                               on cost of handset plus VAT
Turkey                  Fixed Taxes at subscription: $23.86   5% Special communication tax – on
                        Wireless usage and new subscription   overall usage and fees for mobile
                        special communication tax (mobile     phones. Fixed telephony has a 15%
                        telephony only)                       rate of Special communication tax
Uganda                                                        12% Telecommunications Tax on
                                                              usage: fixed and mobile
Venezuela                                                     $1.56-$6.25 Subscription Tax on
                                                              mobiles and fixed

                                                                                                     Source: Deloitte 2006
Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007
                                                                                                                       Executive summary

                                                                  Countries with differing taxation regimes
Mobile consumers pay higher taxes                                 for fixed and mobile telephony
than fixed                                                                                       Tax regime: fixed vs mobile
20 markets demonstrated lower taxes on fixed telephony,
the key differences being:                                        Country

• A lower VAT rate or no VAT rate on fixed telephony services
  e.g. Senegal, Mauritania and Pakistan;                          Albania                 Higher usage taxes on mobile than fixed

• Lower ‘other taxes’ levied on fixed telephony, such as lower,   Argentina               4% excise tax charged on mobile but
  or no, excise tax due on services e.g. Thailand, Kenya,                                 not fixed
  Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Argentina; and                     Colombia                20% VAT on mobile, 16% on fixed
• Different levels of subscription/connection charges             Dominican Republic      No tax on fixed, 22% tax on mobile
  e.g. Albania.
                                                                  Egypt                   15% sales tax on mobile, 5% on fixed
                                                                  Iran                    Higher subscription tax on mobile
                                                                                          than fixed
                                                                  Kenya                   10% excise tax on mobile but
                                                                                          not on fixed
                                                                  Mauritania              14% VAT on mobile but not on fixed
                                                                  Nigeria                 5% tax on mobile connections, no charge
                                                                                          on fixed
                                                                  Pakistan                Activation taxes on mobile but
                                                                                          not on fixed
                                                                  Senegal                 18% VAT on mobile none on fixed
                                                                  Syria                   3% consumption and expenditure tax
                                                                                          on mobile, 2% on fixed
                                                                  Tanzania                7% excise duty on mobile, none on fixed
                                                                  Thailand                10% excise duty on mobile but only 2%
                                                                                          on fixed
                                                                  Turkey                  Only 15% tax on both subscription and
                                                                                          consumption for fixed, but 25% tax for
                                                                                          both for mobile. There is also a new
                                                                                          special subscription communication tax
                                                                                          at a fixed rate on mobile, but not on
                                                                                          fixed telephony
                                                                  Uganda                  12% excise duty on mobile, 5% on fixed
                                                                  Ukraine                 7.5% pension fund charge on mobile,
                                                                                          none on fixed
                                                                  Zambia                  10% duty on mobile but none on fixed

                                                                  Source: Deloitte 2006

Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007
Executive summary

Percentage increase in subscribers by 2010, following a 10%
reduction in the level of telecoms specific taxes






     Iran Islamic Rep.

        Venezuela RB

Dominican Republic





            Sri Lanka




                     0.0%      0.1%    0.2%        0.3%       0.4%          0.5%           0.6%     0.7%   0.8%     0.9%          1.0%
                                                                Change relative to base forecasts

                                                                                                                  Source: Deloitte 2006

Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Executive summary

Percentage increase in subscribers by 2010, following a 10%                                                                                 Percentage increase in minutes of use by 2010, following a 10%
reduction in the value of VAT on usage and handset sales                                                                                    reduction in the value of VAT on usage

                                   1.0%                                                                                                                                         1.5%

                                   0.8%                                                                                                                                         1.2%
Change compared to base forecast

                                                                                                                                             Change compared to base forecast
                                   0.6%                                                                                                                                         0.9%

                                   0.4%                                                                                                                                         0.6%

                                   0.2%                                                                                                                                         0.3%

                                   0.0%                                                                                                                                         0.0%
                                          Maghreb and ME

                                                           Sub-saharan Africa

                                                                                Asia Pacific


                                                                                                                     Latin America


                                                                                                                                                                                       Maghreb and ME

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Sub-saharan Africa

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Asia Pacific


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Latin America


                                                                                                                Source: Deloitte 2006                                                                                                                            Source: Deloitte 2006

Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007
Executive summary

World Bank and
United Nations perspective

Consumers, particularly in developing countries, are price sensitive in relation to the uptake
and usage of mobile phones. Taxation levels and regulatory fees, are a key variable impacting
upon the total cost of mobile ownership and use.

 “Mohsen     A. Khalil – Director, Global
     Information and Communication
     Technologies, World Bank
 “The World Bank is in a position where we can act as a             With this in mind, one of the main objectives for us is to think
  facilitator in dialogue – an ‘honest broker.’ In our policy and   about how to provide access to the poor and how we can provide
  investment work, we are primarily concerned with the social       telecommunications services at affordable cost to the masses of
  and economic interest accrued to the country as a whole.          the 6 billion world population instead of just the next billion. We
  Social responsibility, poverty reduction and economic growth      believe that any taxation policy should be designed in a way that
  are the primary drivers for our policy considerations.            does not add any further barriers to access or add to the cost of
                                                                    service provision for the poor, and should not deter or undermine
 “Generally speaking, for any policy to be sustainable –
                                                                    competitive market forces. Another important objective is that
  for example, taxation – it has to balance the interests
                                                                    taxation policies should ensure that the sector is always managed
  of all stakeholders. That would mean governments,
                                                                    in a way that will achieve a level playing field and will allow
  operators, investors/financiers, consumers and civil society
                                                                    equal distribution of services to all users of the population.
  at large. Taxation has a large impact on access to mobile
  communications. We have factual data that demonstrates            We do not believe that taxation should be designed on the basis
  the direct link between connectivity and economic growth,         of short-term considerations – it should be designed on the basis
  so achieving access at affordable prices to the broadest base     of achieving the best long-term economic interests for the society
  of the population is essential to driving economic growth         and in a way that accelerates the extension of services to the poor.
  and alleviating poverty.                                          The indirect benefits to the economy of having affordable access
                                                                    to telecommunications services far outweigh any short-term
                                                                    benefit to the budget.”

                                                                    The rate of other taxes applied to mobile consumers can differ
                                                                    from other similar consumer goods. For example, excise duty in
                                                                    Turkey is levied at 6.7% for most electrical based consumer goods
                                                                    such as refrigerators and record players, whilst mobile phones
                                                                    are treated as a luxury goods and the consumer must pay 20%
                                                                    in tax, the same rate levied on furs, caviar and precious stones.
                                                                    Such discrepancies tended to relate to a world where mobile
                                                                    phones were indeed a luxury, rather than today’s situation where
                                                                    it is often the only means of communication available.

Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007
                                                                                                                        Executive summary

“Amir A. Dossal, Executive Director, United
 Nations Fund for International Partnerships
“Allowing easy access to timely and reliable information at         The cost of owning and using a mobile phone could still be
 low cost, mobile communications offers a real opportunity          reduced by governments and regulators, by, for instance:
 to bridge the digital divide. Information and Communication
                                                                    • Rationalisation of international and national policies and
 Technology (ICT) is a key tool for the achievement of the
                                                                      regulations applicable to communications;
 Millennium Development Goals – mobile communication can
 deliver affordable voice, data and internet services to billions   • Adoption of policies that attract international operators to
 of people (it is estimated that more than 5 billion people will      enter new national markets with minimal entry procedures
 have access to mobile communications by 2015 – double the            and costs, and encourage manufacturers to rationalise
 number connected today). Bringing the benefits of mobile             production with lower costs; and
 communications to those areas previously out of reach is
                                                                    • Adoption of policies that reduce entry barriers to small but
 crucial for development. Affordability is a key element to
                                                                      innovative entrepreneurs, and encourage risk-taking for new
 achieving broad access to mobile technologies among the less
                                                                      entrants in national markets.
 affluent. Considering that over one billion people still live on
 less than $1 a day, to ensure access to information for all, the   Governments, of course, could reduce barriers to entry by
 total cost of owning and using a mobile phone clearly needs        streamlining regulatory and taxing policies, which would have
 to be decreased significantly.                                     a positive effect in increasing competition as well as reducing
                                                                    initial investment and operating costs – with powerful forces
                                                                    tending to reduce the price to the consumer. In principle, these
                                                                    measures should be of benefit to the broader economy and to
                                                                    entrepreneurial risk-taking and growth industries in particular,
                                                                    as this approach would tend to boost personal income and
                                                                    demand for services.”

Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007
Executive summary

Deloitte collected tax data through its’ international office network and constructed an
economic model using Deloitte tax data, information from third party providers and
assumptions verified by a major international telecoms provider. Deloitte also analysed
potential impact of changes in taxation using this model. The overall modelling approach
adopted for this report is set out diagrammatically below.3
Approach to modelling the impact of taxation changes

                                                                                                                                     Impact of tax
                                                                                                                                      change on
                                                             Country                                                               company revenues
                                                                                           Impact of tax
                                                                                         change on mobile

       Tax rates                                                                                                                                Corporation
       General                                                       Regression                                                                 tax licence fees
                                                              Demand                       Impact of tax
                                                             equations                                                                Impact on
                                     Mobile prices                                       change on mobile                           government tax
                                                          (penetration and                usage (minutes
                                                               usage)                                                                  revenues
                                                                                            and texts)                 Tax on
     Current prices
                                                                                                                                                tax revenues

                                                                                           Impact of tax
                                                                                            change on
                                                                                          demand for new
                                                                                                                                    Impact on GDP

The model was estimated at the jurisdiction level for                    The level of increase in subscribers relative to the base case in each
101 jurisdictions across the world and then aggregated for               jurisdiction reflects both the nature and size of the mobile specific
presentational purposes. In order to compare the impact                  tax, the development of each jurisdictions mobile industry and
of various tax changes:                                                  economy and the different levels of price elasticity of demand.
                                                                         In addition to these impacts on the level of penetration, removing
• A base case scenario was created for all 101 jurisdictions,
                                                                         telecommunications specific taxes also increases minutes of use
  which projects for 5 years market development and tax
                                                                         and sales of handsets.
  revenue collection, assuming application of the current
  taxation structure. External market projections and an                 The reduction in mobile specific taxation approaches revenue
  econometric model are used to forecast penetration rates,              neutrality in 14 of the 16 countries, as direct reductions in
  population, usage and handset sales; and                               Government taxation revenue is counterbalanced by greater
                                                                         VAT, corporation tax and growth across the economy.
• All changes in penetration, handset sales, usage and
  Government tax revenue collection are compared to a base
  case scenario.
The model estimates that reducing mobile specific taxes to 90%
                                                                         3 The economic modelling conducted as part of this project relies on a number
of their current level would significantly increase penetration            of assumptions as to the development of markets, population levels and the
over and above the base case estimates by 2010.                            continuation of existing economic relationships. As with all such models the
                                                                           results should therefore be regarded as indicative rather than definitive.

Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007
                                                                                                                Executive summary

Percentage change in government revenues from base case in 2010
following a 10% reduction in the level of telecoms specific taxes






                                                                                                                  Iran Islamic Rep.

                                                                                                                  Venezuela RB

                                                                                                                  Dominican Republic





                                                                                                                  Sri Lanka




-2.0%                 -1.6%                  -1.2%                        -0.8%   -0.4%                     0.0%
                                             Change relative to base forecasts

                                                                                          Source: Deloitte 2006

The larger negative result for Greece is explained by limited
impact on penetration in a saturated market. The result for Turkey
reflects its high reliance on mobile specific taxation relative to
other countries. This results in an inability of the other economy
wide taxes to compensate for the loss of direct taxation income.
In a simple static analysis this could be argued to make the case
against tax reform. However, a more dynamic analysis would
need to consider whether such a system provides the correct
signals and incentives for investment in the sector and across
the economy as a whole.
It is also important to note that these results underestimate the
additional impact of increased mobile operation on the remainder
of the economy through local economic multipliers.
These findings confirm the views of many well known
international mobile operators.

Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007
Executive summary

 “Neil    Gough, Director of
     International Policy, Vodafone
 “As a mobile operator with broad international experience,            imposed on mobile services than fixed line services. This creates
  Vodafone is concerned that some emerging markets may in fact         distortions in competition between fixed and mobile services
  be implementing taxation policy in ways which harm their own         which can have a very serious negative effect on the market.
  long-term interests. They often impose high, distortionary and       For example, one particular tax in Turkey is levied at a rate
  regressive taxes. These reduce penetration and usage rates, reduce   of 25% for mobile operators and 15% for fixed operators.
  the economic growth which the mobile industry could otherwise        That is a differential that is not insignificant, and which reduces
  bring, and impose an unfair tax burden on poorer users.              the ability of mobile operators to drive competition between
                                                                       fixed and mobile services – something that governments tell
 “There are a number of options that governments should
                                                                       us they want as much as economic growth.
  consider as a matter of urgency which address these negative
  effects, but still ensure the government can collect taxes. These    There is no question that the level of taxation in Turkey is
  options don’t need to involve sudden or drastic reductions in        extraordinarily high, and even more problematically, the way in
  tax revenues; they can instead involve a gradual restructuring       which taxes are levied is regressive with high upfront fixed taxes
  of taxes that allows a similar amount of tax to be collected, but    imposed on SIM cards and joining a network. It is no accident
  ensure it is collected in a fairer and more efficient way.           that usage rates in Turkey are amongst the lowest in the world,
                                                                       and that mobile penetration rates are still some way short of
 “I should say that we understand why emerging market
                                                                       rates in comparable markets such as Eastern Europe.
  governments have been tempted to levy high taxes on the
  mobile market. When mobile was first introduced in emerging          Some countries – for example, India – have moved in the right
  markets, mobile was considered to be a ‘luxury good’. Back           direction by removing some of the licence and spectrum fees
  then mobile actually wasn’t such a bad thing to tax because it       imposed on the mobile sector. They have deliberately done this
  genuinely was a luxury good available only to a few – it was         to enhance the affordability of services and help increase
  the emerging market equivalent of yachts or caviar.                  penetration, which is one of their explicit policy objectives.
 “The problem is that when you roll the clock forward ten              So, you need to examine not only the overall levels of tax but
  years, mobile is simply no longer a luxury good: it is the           how they are actually structured. For a country looking to
  main communications service and a key enabler of economic            increase mobile penetration and benefit from the social and
  development and social cohesion in emerging markets.                 economic impact of mobile communications, applying handset
  We have to recognise the legacy of why we ended up in this           levies is clearly not a sensible policy. Indeed, this is usually
  position, recognise that those reasons are simply no longer          ineffective because it only drives imports into the black market.
  valid. We need to move away from taxing mobile as a luxury           There are plenty of options that governments should seriously
  good before emerging markets seriously hinder their prospects        consider. I must stress that we are not suggesting that they need
  for economic growth.                                                 to immediately reduce taxes to zero. There are invariably
                                                                       opportunities for governments to restructure taxes so that they
 “In some of our markets, for example, Turkey, not only is there
                                                                       continue to collect a similar absolute amount of tax from the
  a high degree of taxation of communications services, but taxes
                                                                       communications sector, but do it in a much more efficient way.”
  are applied in a discriminatory manner: a higher rate is

Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007
                                                                                                                         Executive summary


At the World Summit on the Information Society in 2003, 175 countries signed up to a
commitment to give more than half the world’s population access to information and
communications technologies by 2015. Within four years market competition and private
investment has delivered this goal. The mobile industry provides access to more than
80% of the world population and, by the end of 2007, 3 billion people will be connected.
The World Bank maintains that whereas the first 3 billion connections will be market driven
the next 3 billion will be policy driven. One key policy tool that has an immediate impact
on affordability is the level of taxation and this presents the potential to increase the mobile
franchise to poorer sections of society and to receiving the socio-economic benefits that result.

“ChrisWilliams – Partner, Economic
 Consulting, Deloitte & Touche LLP
“This study identifies a series of key findings that Governments    Whilst global mobile penetration level now stands at 40% there
 need to take account of in developing their taxation and           remain large differences in penetration between developed
 economic policy:                                                   countries and many developing countries, where despite fast
“• Taxes are significantly higher in many developing countries      growth rates penetration is below 25%. More needs to be done
   than those observed in many developed countries and 16           to increase these low rates, particularly in those countries where
   countries levy telecom specific taxes on top of standard sales   mobile, as opposed to fixed line, is the main source universal
   and import taxes on mobile phone users;                          access. In the light of the results of this study, Governments
                                                                    may consider the impact of their tax policies on the growth
“• Reducing mobile specific taxes would increase penetration,       of mobile communications. To achieve this, we would urge
   usage and handset sales in the poorest regions of the world,     Governments and mobile operators to work together to
   with its strongest impacts felt in Sub-sahran Africa; and        determine the economic impact of the sector, the ideal tax mix
“• Lower mobile specific taxes appear to have a limited impact      and how these combine to meet the objectives of their country.
   on Government taxation revenues. Whilst the immediate            It appears that countries are more likely to reap the full social
   impact of lowering taxes lead to a decline in direct             and economic benefits available through such a joined up
   Government revenues, these are mainly counterbalanced by         approach and coherent economic thinking.”
   indirect taxation (corporation tax and regulatory fees) and
   the role of mobile communications as a driver of growth.

Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007
Executive summary


About Deloitte                                                                           For further information, or if you would like to talk to one of our
Deloitte has the broadest and deepest range of skills of                                 experts on Telecommunications or Tax matters please contact:
any business advisory organisation. We are renowned
                                                                                         Global – John Ruffolo                  T + 1 416 601 6684
for our innovation, collaboration, our solutions-led approach,
and our outstanding quality of client service.
                                                                                         EMEA – Dennis Knowles                  T +44 20 7007 3822
The Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (DTT) Technology, Media &
Telecommunications (TMT) Industry Group consists of more
than 5,000 member firm partners, directors and senior managers                           Asia Pacific – Nigel Mellor            T +65 6530 5523
supported by thousands of other professionals.                                                                                  E
TMT has dedicated practices in 45 countries, centres of                                  Latin America – Carlos Ianucci T +54 11 4320 2736
excellence in the Americas, EMEA and Asia Pacific and serves                                                            E
over 90 percent of the TMT companies in the Fortune Global 500.
                                                                                         Economic Consulting – Chris Williams
Clients include some of the world’s top software companies,                                                           T +44 20 7007 1071
computer manufacturers, wireless operators, satellite broadcasters,                                                   E
and advertising agencies – as well as leaders in publishing,
telecommunications and peripheral equipment manufacturing.
The tax data collection and economic analysis for this report was
conducted by Deloitte & Touche LLP. The data and analysis is
subject to assumptions and limitations which are highlighted in
various sections within the full report.

This information contained herein has been written in general terms and                  Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, a Swiss Verein, its
therefore cannot be relied on to cover specific situations; application of the           member firms, and their respective subsidiaries and affiliates. Deloitte Touche
principles set out will depend upon the particular circumstances involved and            Tohmatsu is an organisation of member firms around the world devoted to
we recommend that you obtain professional advice before acting or refraining             excellence in providing professional services and advice, focused on client
from acting on any of the contents of this publication.                                  service through a global strategy executed in nearly 140 counties. With access
                                                                                         to the deep intellectual capital of approximately 135,000 people worldwide,
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu would be pleased to advise readers on how to apply              Deloitte delivers services in four professional areas – audit, tax, consulting and
the principles set out in this report to their specific circumstances. Deloitte Touche   financial advisory services – and delivers more than 80 percent of the world’s
Tohmatsu accepts no duty of care or liability for any loss occasioned to any person      largest companies, as well as large national enterprises, public institutions,
acting or refraining from action as a result of any material in this report.             locally important clients, and successful, fast-growing global growth companies.
Deloitte & Touche LLP refers to the United Kingdom limited liability                     Services are not provided by the Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Verein, and, for
partnership, a member firm of DTT.                                                       regulatory and other reasons, certain member firms do not provide services in
                                                                                         all four professional areas.
                                                                                         As a Swiss Verein (association), neither Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu nor any of
                                                                                         its member firms has any liability for each other’s acts or omissions. Each of the
                                                                                         member firms is a separate and independent legal entity operating under the
                                                                                         names “Deloitte”, “Deloitte & Touche”, “Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu”, or other
                                                                                         related names.

Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007
                                                                                    Executive summary

The GSM Association (GSMA) is the global trade association
representing more than 700 GSM mobile operator Members
across 218 countries and territories of the world. In addition,
over 190 Associate Members (manufacturers and suppliers)
support the Association’s initiatives as key partners.
Encompassing technical, commercial and public policy initiatives,
the GSMA focuses on ensuring wireless services work globally;
thereby enhancing the value of mobile services to individual
customers and national economies while creating new businesses
opportunities for operators and their suppliers.
For further information contact:
Mark Smith / David Pringle
GSM Association
Tel: +44 78 50 22 97 24 / +44 79 57 55 60 69

Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007
Executive summary


Since 1976, Tarifica has been providing clear, up-to-date and        Wireless Intelligence is a comprehensive database on the
accurate tariff information to network operators, regulators         global mobile market. It covers all mobile technologies
and financial institutions.                                          and includes over a million individual data points across
                                                                     600 operators, 1,100 networks in 220 countries. Because of a
Our global, multilingual team of researchers constantly monitors
                                                                     need for an up-to-date and accurate view of the global mobile
and reports on the ever-changing tariff environment whether for
                                                                     markets, the GSM Association formed a unique partnership
voice, data, Internet or video services. Coverage is comprehensive
                                                                     with Ovum, the leading industry analyst firm.
with Tarifica’s databases containing the Fixed and Mobile tariffs
for over 400 operators in 130 countries.                             Through the GSMA, the majority of the world’s operators have
                                                                     access to their own data and, with over 40,000 database queries by
In-depth comparisons are easily obtained from quarterly pricing
                                                                     members in 2006, this makes Wireless Intelligence one of the most
benchmarks of European, Middle-Eastern and Asia-Pacific
                                                                     referenced sources of its kind in the world.
markets. The most important tariff developments worldwide are
analysed in a weekly newsletter which has become the must-read       Wireless Intelligence provides operator data across operational
publication for service provider pricing specialists.                and financial metrics and allows analysis at an operator, country,
Contact: John Lilley – Tel: +44 (0)207 692 5287,                     regional or global level. The metrics in the service cover subscriber                                             connections, growth rates, technology market shares as well as a
                                                                     range of operational metrics such as churn, minutes of use and
                                                                     financial metrics including revenue, capex and EBITDA margin.

To download a full copy of the report visit
For more information contact:
GSMA London Office              GSMA Dublin Office
1st Floor Mid City Place        Block 2
71 High Holborn                 Deansgrange Business Park
London WC1V 6EA                 Deansgrange
United Kingdom                  Co. Dublin Ireland

Tel: +44 (0)20 7759 2300        Tel: +353 (0)1 289 1800

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200702 gsma global mobile tax review 06 07 - exec sum

  • 1. Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007 Tax regimes that recognise mobile phones as a need not a luxury benefit all stakeholders Executive Summary
  • 2. Introduction The impact that mobile communications is having on economic and social development, particularly in the developing world, is akin to that of other major enabling infrastructure like roads, ports and railways. All stimulate trade, create jobs, generate wealth and enhance social welfare. Mobile communications, in particular, is making a profound impact by: i. Delivering universal access, currently covering 80% of the Despite the positive impact of mobile communications, this study world’s population – double the coverage rate in 2000. By 2010 has shown that 16 governments have taxation systems which levy mobile communications will bring affordable voice, data and higher taxes on mobile communications than the economy as a internet services to more than 5 billion people, reaching 90% whole. The findings of this report suggest that such taxation of the world’s population;1 and structures increase mobile prices, preventing less well off consumers from connecting to mobile networks and reducing ii. Delivering universal services, with 2.7 billion people connected the usage of those that do. This report suggests that by removing to mobile networks versus 1 billion to fixed. In Africa the mobile specific taxes more consumers will connect, boosting number of mobile phone subscribers overtook the number economic growth, at very limited cost to total government tax of fixed lines in 2001. Today, mobile connections in Kenya receipts. In some cases long-term government tax receipts may outnumber fixed lines by 18 to 1 and in Tanzania by 32 to 1. even be positive. This report by the GSMA builds on the 2005 GSMA report, Tax and the Digital Divide, and extends the benchmark of taxes levied on the ownership and use of mobile phones to 101 countries, representing about 85% of the global population. This latest report analyses the impact of reducing/removing consumer taxes on mobile services through considering the impact of tax changes on: • A reduction in the price charged to the end customer; • The impact this change will have on mobile penetration and usage; and • The subsequent impact on tax revenues and GDP. From a sample of 57 developing countries, the report finds that a 10% increase in mobile penetration leads to a 1.2% increase in the annual growth rate in GDP. 2 Mobile phones are revolutionising the lives of millions of people and will continue to be the primary means for the great majority to access voice, data and internet services. This report makes the case for addressing taxation policy and levels to 1 GSM Association, Universal Access, How Mobile Can Bring Communications support the extension of this essential franchise to the poorer to all, 2006. sections of society. 2 Following Waverman et al. (2005) a growth model following the Endogenous Growth approach is applied. This is a cross-section estimation of the relation between average GDP per capita growth over a period of time (1980 to 2003 in our case, as in Waverman at al. (2005)) and the initial level of GDP per capita, literacy rate at the beginning of the period as proxy for initial human capital, average investment as a proportion of GDP and average mobile phone penetration. GDPpercapGrowth1980-2003 =α + β1MobPen1996-2003 + β2GDPpercap1980 + β3I + β4Literacy1980 01
  • 3. Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007 Executive summary Key findings Key recommendations Based on analysis and modelling the following key findings Mobile specific taxes, levied in addition to VAT, discourage can be drawn: the take up and usage of mobile communications. Taxation is, therefore, clearly a critical issue for consideration in spreading • Reducing mobile specific taxes and general consumer the use of mobile to poorer sections of the world. taxes such as VAT leads to substantial increases in mobile Telecommunications and finance policy makers, in collaboration penetration and usage; with the mobile industry, should examine in detail the effect of • Increased penetration boosts economic activity. In developing taxation in their respective jurisdictions. Key considerations countries a 10% increase in penetration leads to a 1.2% increase should include whether mobile should be taxed in a different in the annual growth rate in GDP; manner from the remainder of an economy, i.e. treating mobile communications as a basic need and not as a luxury. • Turkey levies the highest taxes on mobile consumers in our sample set, totalling 44% of each $ spent by consumers. This In the case of mobile specific taxes, analysis should focus on position is consistent with the last GSMA report on this issue; the impact of gradually lowering as well as restructuring tax regimes to increase the affordability of mobile services. In many • Taxation of mobile consumers in East Africa is almost twice the jurisdictions it appears possible to create net positive effects for 17.4% global average, potentially limiting mobile expansion in government, industry and consumers. the region and the associated benefits; • 20 jurisdictions levy higher taxes on mobile consumers than fixed; • A reduction in mobile specific taxation could approach revenue Case study: Impact of reducing mobile specific taxes in Kenya neutrality in 14 of these 16 countries, as reductions in government taxation revenue would be counterbalanced by greater VAT, corporation tax and economic growth; A mobile specific tax of 10% is applied to usage in Kenya. • Case study evidence from Kenya suggests that cutting mobile A forthcoming GSMA study has estimated that if this tax was specific taxes can have a revenue positive impact for the halved to 5% in 2007, within 10 years this change will increase: government in the medium term in countries where mobile • Usage by 7%; penetration is still low; • Penetration by 5%; and • Of the countries surveyed, 16 still have mobile specific taxes. Such taxes are regressive in developing countries, in that they • Operator revenues by 8%. are proportionally greater on the poorer members of society Though total taxation revenues (including corporation tax who use mobile phones as their source of universal access; and and regulatory fees) from the mobile operators would fall • On average, tax accounts for 24.8% of total handset costs and slightly over the period, the multiplier impact of the economic 45 countries (nearly half of those surveyed) impose specific growth that would be stimulated leads to a net increase in import duties on handsets. government tax revenues. As demand for mobile services increases this leads to greater employment and investment by the mobile operator. If excise duties were halved the GSMA estimates that the net impact on the level of government tax receipts from mobile operators, including the associated growth in the economy, would be between 2-4% higher in the period to 2011. 02
  • 4. Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007 Executive summary Tax as a total share of cost of mobile ownership Source: Deloitte 2006 Turkey Tanzania Uganda Brazil Ukraine Zambia Dominican Republic Ecuador Greece Argentina Kenya Denmark Sweden Mozambique Nepal Italy Zimbabwe Finland Poland Cameroon Senegal Chad Rwanda Portugal Ireland Dem Rep. Congo Morocco Colombia Slovenia Uzbekistan Hungary Austria Bulgaria Gambia The France Azerbaijan Georgia Chile Peru Burkina Faso Jordan Guinea Romania Albania Czech Republic Slovakia Gabon The Netherlands Cote d'Ivoire Russian Federation Lithuania Latvia Malta Estonia Madagascar Tunisia United Kingdom Ghana AVERAGE Thailand Trinidad and Tobago Mexico Spain Ethiopia Germany Bangladesh Pakistan Venezuela RB Mauritius Nicaragua Luxembourg Kazakhstan Guinea-Bissau Sri Lanka Cyprus Egypt Arab Rep. South Africa Samoa Mauritania Bolivia Cambodia Guatemala India Philippines Indonesia Iran Islamic Rep. Lao PDR Vietnam Botswana Paraguay Yemen Sierra Leone Papua New Guinea Lesotho Angola Nigeria Syrian Arab Republic Malaysia China Bhutan Myanmar Swaziland 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 03 Percentage
  • 5. Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007 Executive summary Tax as a percentage of handset cost Source: Deloitte analysis based on Tarifica, Wireless Intelligence and Deloitte tax data Syrian Arab Republic Iran Islamic Rep. Cameroon Rwanda Chad Brazil Tanzania Mexico Mozambique Trinidad and Tobago Bhutan Argentina Ghana Senegal Gambia The Turkey Azerbaijan Dem Rep. Congo Samoa Guinea Burkina Faso Georgia China Venezuela RB Uganda Gabon Cote d'Ivoire Ethiopia Cambodia Chile Sweden Denmark Bolivia AVERAGE Russian Federation Peru Zambia South Africa Morocco Zimbabwe Finland Poland Lesotho Colombia Portugal Ireland Myanmar Lao PDR Bangladesh Italy Austria Uzbekistan Ukraine Slovenia Hungary Bulgaria Albania France The Netherlands Greece Slovakia Romania Czech Republic Vietnam Indonesia Madagascar Tunisia Malta Lithuania Latvia Handset taxes Estonia Botswana United Kingdom Kenya The jurisdictions with the highest tax, as a proportion of total Spain Germany handset cost, are Syria, Iran, Cameroon, Chad and Rwanda: Nigeria Angola Mauritius • Syria charges an average $24 in taxes, on top of 20% VAT Guinea-Bissau and 10% customs duty; Nicaragua Luxembourg Kazakhstan • Iran’s customs duties are 60%, by far the highest duties on Cyprus Sri Lanka mobile handsets within the sample of countries studied; and Nepal Swaziland • Cameroon has also some of the highest custom duty Mauritania Paraguay charges, 32%, which are levied in addition to 19% VAT. Yemen Guatemala Ecuador Philippines Sierra Leone Egypt Arab Rep. Papua New Guinea Malaysia Thailand India Jordan Dominican Republic Pakistan 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Percentage 04
  • 6. Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007 Executive summary Telecommunication specific taxes Telecommunications specific taxes Country Connection Subscription Handset Albania Post pay $59/Prepay $7/Fixed $146: registration and subscription charges Bangladesh $11.76 Paid at subscription: mobile $3 Fixed charge on import of mobile and fixed and fixed handsets Dominican 2% Communications development Republic tax – paid on usage and subscription on mobile only Greece $1.92-$5.75 Subscriber’s special duty. Varies based on the monthly invoice total Iran Fixed charges at subscription of: $4.44 for pre-pay/$135 for post-paid /$0.33 on fixed line. This includes subscription tax for pre-pay /post-paid and fixed line and a Rural Areas Development tax for post-paid Italy $6.82 Mobile specific stamp duty on bills issued. Applies only on post-paid services Jordan 4% special VAT due on telecoms services: charged on mobile and fixed Kenya 10% Telecommunications Tax on usage: fixed and mobile Nepal 10% Telephone services charges – $20.15 Telephone ownership fee: paid on usage only. Not applicable fixed and mobile to subscription and applies to both mobile and fixed Pakistan $8.30 Fixed activation charges: mobile only Sri Lanka 2.5% Mobile Subscription Levy paid on total value of monthly charges: mobile and fixed Tanzania 7% Telecommunications Tax on usage: fixed and mobile Tunisia 5% Telecom Royalties: mobile 5% Telecoms Royalties: calculated and fixed on cost of handset plus VAT Turkey Fixed Taxes at subscription: $23.86 5% Special communication tax – on Wireless usage and new subscription overall usage and fees for mobile special communication tax (mobile phones. Fixed telephony has a 15% telephony only) rate of Special communication tax Uganda 12% Telecommunications Tax on usage: fixed and mobile Venezuela $1.56-$6.25 Subscription Tax on mobiles and fixed Source: Deloitte 2006 05
  • 7. Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007 Executive summary Countries with differing taxation regimes Mobile consumers pay higher taxes for fixed and mobile telephony than fixed Tax regime: fixed vs mobile 20 markets demonstrated lower taxes on fixed telephony, the key differences being: Country • A lower VAT rate or no VAT rate on fixed telephony services e.g. Senegal, Mauritania and Pakistan; Albania Higher usage taxes on mobile than fixed • Lower ‘other taxes’ levied on fixed telephony, such as lower, Argentina 4% excise tax charged on mobile but or no, excise tax due on services e.g. Thailand, Kenya, not fixed Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Argentina; and Colombia 20% VAT on mobile, 16% on fixed • Different levels of subscription/connection charges Dominican Republic No tax on fixed, 22% tax on mobile e.g. Albania. Egypt 15% sales tax on mobile, 5% on fixed Iran Higher subscription tax on mobile than fixed Kenya 10% excise tax on mobile but not on fixed Mauritania 14% VAT on mobile but not on fixed Nigeria 5% tax on mobile connections, no charge on fixed Pakistan Activation taxes on mobile but not on fixed Senegal 18% VAT on mobile none on fixed Syria 3% consumption and expenditure tax on mobile, 2% on fixed Tanzania 7% excise duty on mobile, none on fixed Thailand 10% excise duty on mobile but only 2% on fixed Turkey Only 15% tax on both subscription and consumption for fixed, but 25% tax for both for mobile. There is also a new special subscription communication tax at a fixed rate on mobile, but not on fixed telephony Uganda 12% excise duty on mobile, 5% on fixed Ukraine 7.5% pension fund charge on mobile, none on fixed Zambia 10% duty on mobile but none on fixed Source: Deloitte 2006 06
  • 8. Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007 Executive summary Percentage increase in subscribers by 2010, following a 10% reduction in the level of telecoms specific taxes Kenya Uganda Tanzania Tunisia Jordan Iran Islamic Rep. Venezuela RB Dominican Republic Italy Greece Turkey Albania Sri Lanka Pakistan Nepal Bangladesh 0.0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.4% 0.5% 0.6% 0.7% 0.8% 0.9% 1.0% Change relative to base forecasts Source: Deloitte 2006 07
  • 9. Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007 Executive summary Percentage increase in subscribers by 2010, following a 10% Percentage increase in minutes of use by 2010, following a 10% reduction in the value of VAT on usage and handset sales reduction in the value of VAT on usage 1.0% 1.5% 0.8% 1.2% Change compared to base forecast Change compared to base forecast 0.6% 0.9% 0.4% 0.6% 0.2% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% Maghreb and ME Sub-saharan Africa Asia Pacific CEE,CIS,Russia Latin America EU15 Maghreb and ME Sub-saharan Africa Asia Pacific CEE,CIS,Russia Latin America EU15 Source: Deloitte 2006 Source: Deloitte 2006 08
  • 10. Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007 Executive summary World Bank and United Nations perspective Consumers, particularly in developing countries, are price sensitive in relation to the uptake and usage of mobile phones. Taxation levels and regulatory fees, are a key variable impacting upon the total cost of mobile ownership and use. “Mohsen A. Khalil – Director, Global Information and Communication Technologies, World Bank “The World Bank is in a position where we can act as a With this in mind, one of the main objectives for us is to think facilitator in dialogue – an ‘honest broker.’ In our policy and about how to provide access to the poor and how we can provide investment work, we are primarily concerned with the social telecommunications services at affordable cost to the masses of and economic interest accrued to the country as a whole. the 6 billion world population instead of just the next billion. We Social responsibility, poverty reduction and economic growth believe that any taxation policy should be designed in a way that are the primary drivers for our policy considerations. does not add any further barriers to access or add to the cost of service provision for the poor, and should not deter or undermine “Generally speaking, for any policy to be sustainable – competitive market forces. Another important objective is that for example, taxation – it has to balance the interests taxation policies should ensure that the sector is always managed of all stakeholders. That would mean governments, in a way that will achieve a level playing field and will allow operators, investors/financiers, consumers and civil society equal distribution of services to all users of the population. at large. Taxation has a large impact on access to mobile communications. We have factual data that demonstrates We do not believe that taxation should be designed on the basis the direct link between connectivity and economic growth, of short-term considerations – it should be designed on the basis so achieving access at affordable prices to the broadest base of achieving the best long-term economic interests for the society of the population is essential to driving economic growth and in a way that accelerates the extension of services to the poor. and alleviating poverty. The indirect benefits to the economy of having affordable access to telecommunications services far outweigh any short-term “ benefit to the budget.” The rate of other taxes applied to mobile consumers can differ from other similar consumer goods. For example, excise duty in Turkey is levied at 6.7% for most electrical based consumer goods such as refrigerators and record players, whilst mobile phones are treated as a luxury goods and the consumer must pay 20% in tax, the same rate levied on furs, caviar and precious stones. Such discrepancies tended to relate to a world where mobile phones were indeed a luxury, rather than today’s situation where it is often the only means of communication available. 09
  • 11. Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007 Executive summary “Amir A. Dossal, Executive Director, United Nations Fund for International Partnerships (UNFIP) “Allowing easy access to timely and reliable information at The cost of owning and using a mobile phone could still be low cost, mobile communications offers a real opportunity reduced by governments and regulators, by, for instance: to bridge the digital divide. Information and Communication • Rationalisation of international and national policies and Technology (ICT) is a key tool for the achievement of the regulations applicable to communications; Millennium Development Goals – mobile communication can deliver affordable voice, data and internet services to billions • Adoption of policies that attract international operators to of people (it is estimated that more than 5 billion people will enter new national markets with minimal entry procedures have access to mobile communications by 2015 – double the and costs, and encourage manufacturers to rationalise number connected today). Bringing the benefits of mobile production with lower costs; and communications to those areas previously out of reach is • Adoption of policies that reduce entry barriers to small but crucial for development. Affordability is a key element to innovative entrepreneurs, and encourage risk-taking for new achieving broad access to mobile technologies among the less entrants in national markets. affluent. Considering that over one billion people still live on less than $1 a day, to ensure access to information for all, the Governments, of course, could reduce barriers to entry by total cost of owning and using a mobile phone clearly needs streamlining regulatory and taxing policies, which would have to be decreased significantly. a positive effect in increasing competition as well as reducing initial investment and operating costs – with powerful forces tending to reduce the price to the consumer. In principle, these measures should be of benefit to the broader economy and to entrepreneurial risk-taking and growth industries in particular, as this approach would tend to boost personal income and demand for services.” 10
  • 12. Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007 Executive summary Methodology Deloitte collected tax data through its’ international office network and constructed an economic model using Deloitte tax data, information from third party providers and assumptions verified by a major international telecoms provider. Deloitte also analysed potential impact of changes in taxation using this model. The overall modelling approach adopted for this report is set out diagrammatically below.3 Approach to modelling the impact of taxation changes Impact of tax change on Country company revenues Impact of tax characteristics change on mobile penetration Tax rates Corporation General Regression tax licence fees Telecom GST Handset Demand Impact of tax equations Impact on Mobile prices change on mobile government tax (penetration and usage (minutes usage) revenues and texts) Tax on mobile services Current prices Additional tax revenues Impact of tax change on demand for new handsets Impact on GDP The model was estimated at the jurisdiction level for The level of increase in subscribers relative to the base case in each 101 jurisdictions across the world and then aggregated for jurisdiction reflects both the nature and size of the mobile specific presentational purposes. In order to compare the impact tax, the development of each jurisdictions mobile industry and of various tax changes: economy and the different levels of price elasticity of demand. In addition to these impacts on the level of penetration, removing • A base case scenario was created for all 101 jurisdictions, telecommunications specific taxes also increases minutes of use which projects for 5 years market development and tax and sales of handsets. revenue collection, assuming application of the current taxation structure. External market projections and an The reduction in mobile specific taxation approaches revenue econometric model are used to forecast penetration rates, neutrality in 14 of the 16 countries, as direct reductions in population, usage and handset sales; and Government taxation revenue is counterbalanced by greater VAT, corporation tax and growth across the economy. • All changes in penetration, handset sales, usage and Government tax revenue collection are compared to a base case scenario. The model estimates that reducing mobile specific taxes to 90% 3 The economic modelling conducted as part of this project relies on a number of their current level would significantly increase penetration of assumptions as to the development of markets, population levels and the over and above the base case estimates by 2010. continuation of existing economic relationships. As with all such models the results should therefore be regarded as indicative rather than definitive. 11
  • 13. Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007 Executive summary Percentage change in government revenues from base case in 2010 following a 10% reduction in the level of telecoms specific taxes Kenya Uganda Tanzania Tunisia Jordan Iran Islamic Rep. Venezuela RB Dominican Republic Italy Greece Turkey Albania Sri Lanka Pakistan Nepal Bangladesh -2.0% -1.6% -1.2% -0.8% -0.4% 0.0% Change relative to base forecasts Source: Deloitte 2006 The larger negative result for Greece is explained by limited impact on penetration in a saturated market. The result for Turkey reflects its high reliance on mobile specific taxation relative to other countries. This results in an inability of the other economy wide taxes to compensate for the loss of direct taxation income. In a simple static analysis this could be argued to make the case against tax reform. However, a more dynamic analysis would need to consider whether such a system provides the correct signals and incentives for investment in the sector and across the economy as a whole. It is also important to note that these results underestimate the additional impact of increased mobile operation on the remainder of the economy through local economic multipliers. These findings confirm the views of many well known international mobile operators. 12
  • 14. Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007 Executive summary “Neil Gough, Director of International Policy, Vodafone “As a mobile operator with broad international experience, imposed on mobile services than fixed line services. This creates Vodafone is concerned that some emerging markets may in fact distortions in competition between fixed and mobile services be implementing taxation policy in ways which harm their own which can have a very serious negative effect on the market. long-term interests. They often impose high, distortionary and For example, one particular tax in Turkey is levied at a rate regressive taxes. These reduce penetration and usage rates, reduce of 25% for mobile operators and 15% for fixed operators. the economic growth which the mobile industry could otherwise That is a differential that is not insignificant, and which reduces bring, and impose an unfair tax burden on poorer users. the ability of mobile operators to drive competition between fixed and mobile services – something that governments tell “There are a number of options that governments should us they want as much as economic growth. consider as a matter of urgency which address these negative effects, but still ensure the government can collect taxes. These There is no question that the level of taxation in Turkey is options don’t need to involve sudden or drastic reductions in extraordinarily high, and even more problematically, the way in tax revenues; they can instead involve a gradual restructuring which taxes are levied is regressive with high upfront fixed taxes of taxes that allows a similar amount of tax to be collected, but imposed on SIM cards and joining a network. It is no accident ensure it is collected in a fairer and more efficient way. that usage rates in Turkey are amongst the lowest in the world, and that mobile penetration rates are still some way short of “I should say that we understand why emerging market rates in comparable markets such as Eastern Europe. governments have been tempted to levy high taxes on the mobile market. When mobile was first introduced in emerging Some countries – for example, India – have moved in the right markets, mobile was considered to be a ‘luxury good’. Back direction by removing some of the licence and spectrum fees then mobile actually wasn’t such a bad thing to tax because it imposed on the mobile sector. They have deliberately done this genuinely was a luxury good available only to a few – it was to enhance the affordability of services and help increase the emerging market equivalent of yachts or caviar. penetration, which is one of their explicit policy objectives. “The problem is that when you roll the clock forward ten So, you need to examine not only the overall levels of tax but years, mobile is simply no longer a luxury good: it is the how they are actually structured. For a country looking to main communications service and a key enabler of economic increase mobile penetration and benefit from the social and development and social cohesion in emerging markets. economic impact of mobile communications, applying handset We have to recognise the legacy of why we ended up in this levies is clearly not a sensible policy. Indeed, this is usually position, recognise that those reasons are simply no longer ineffective because it only drives imports into the black market. valid. We need to move away from taxing mobile as a luxury There are plenty of options that governments should seriously good before emerging markets seriously hinder their prospects consider. I must stress that we are not suggesting that they need for economic growth. to immediately reduce taxes to zero. There are invariably opportunities for governments to restructure taxes so that they “In some of our markets, for example, Turkey, not only is there continue to collect a similar absolute amount of tax from the a high degree of taxation of communications services, but taxes communications sector, but do it in a much more efficient way.” are applied in a discriminatory manner: a higher rate is 13
  • 15. Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007 Executive summary Conclusion At the World Summit on the Information Society in 2003, 175 countries signed up to a commitment to give more than half the world’s population access to information and communications technologies by 2015. Within four years market competition and private investment has delivered this goal. The mobile industry provides access to more than 80% of the world population and, by the end of 2007, 3 billion people will be connected. The World Bank maintains that whereas the first 3 billion connections will be market driven the next 3 billion will be policy driven. One key policy tool that has an immediate impact on affordability is the level of taxation and this presents the potential to increase the mobile franchise to poorer sections of society and to receiving the socio-economic benefits that result. “ChrisWilliams – Partner, Economic Consulting, Deloitte & Touche LLP “This study identifies a series of key findings that Governments Whilst global mobile penetration level now stands at 40% there need to take account of in developing their taxation and remain large differences in penetration between developed economic policy: countries and many developing countries, where despite fast “• Taxes are significantly higher in many developing countries growth rates penetration is below 25%. More needs to be done than those observed in many developed countries and 16 to increase these low rates, particularly in those countries where countries levy telecom specific taxes on top of standard sales mobile, as opposed to fixed line, is the main source universal and import taxes on mobile phone users; access. In the light of the results of this study, Governments may consider the impact of their tax policies on the growth “• Reducing mobile specific taxes would increase penetration, of mobile communications. To achieve this, we would urge usage and handset sales in the poorest regions of the world, Governments and mobile operators to work together to with its strongest impacts felt in Sub-sahran Africa; and determine the economic impact of the sector, the ideal tax mix “• Lower mobile specific taxes appear to have a limited impact and how these combine to meet the objectives of their country. on Government taxation revenues. Whilst the immediate It appears that countries are more likely to reap the full social impact of lowering taxes lead to a decline in direct and economic benefits available through such a joined up Government revenues, these are mainly counterbalanced by approach and coherent economic thinking.” indirect taxation (corporation tax and regulatory fees) and the role of mobile communications as a driver of growth. 14
  • 16. Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007 Executive summary Acknowledgements About Deloitte For further information, or if you would like to talk to one of our Deloitte has the broadest and deepest range of skills of experts on Telecommunications or Tax matters please contact: any business advisory organisation. We are renowned Global – John Ruffolo T + 1 416 601 6684 for our innovation, collaboration, our solutions-led approach, E and our outstanding quality of client service. EMEA – Dennis Knowles T +44 20 7007 3822 The Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (DTT) Technology, Media & E Telecommunications (TMT) Industry Group consists of more than 5,000 member firm partners, directors and senior managers Asia Pacific – Nigel Mellor T +65 6530 5523 supported by thousands of other professionals. E TMT has dedicated practices in 45 countries, centres of Latin America – Carlos Ianucci T +54 11 4320 2736 excellence in the Americas, EMEA and Asia Pacific and serves E over 90 percent of the TMT companies in the Fortune Global 500. Economic Consulting – Chris Williams Clients include some of the world’s top software companies, T +44 20 7007 1071 computer manufacturers, wireless operators, satellite broadcasters, E and advertising agencies – as well as leaders in publishing, telecommunications and peripheral equipment manufacturing. The tax data collection and economic analysis for this report was conducted by Deloitte & Touche LLP. The data and analysis is subject to assumptions and limitations which are highlighted in various sections within the full report. This information contained herein has been written in general terms and Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, a Swiss Verein, its therefore cannot be relied on to cover specific situations; application of the member firms, and their respective subsidiaries and affiliates. Deloitte Touche principles set out will depend upon the particular circumstances involved and Tohmatsu is an organisation of member firms around the world devoted to we recommend that you obtain professional advice before acting or refraining excellence in providing professional services and advice, focused on client from acting on any of the contents of this publication. service through a global strategy executed in nearly 140 counties. With access to the deep intellectual capital of approximately 135,000 people worldwide, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu would be pleased to advise readers on how to apply Deloitte delivers services in four professional areas – audit, tax, consulting and the principles set out in this report to their specific circumstances. Deloitte Touche financial advisory services – and delivers more than 80 percent of the world’s Tohmatsu accepts no duty of care or liability for any loss occasioned to any person largest companies, as well as large national enterprises, public institutions, acting or refraining from action as a result of any material in this report. locally important clients, and successful, fast-growing global growth companies. Deloitte & Touche LLP refers to the United Kingdom limited liability Services are not provided by the Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Verein, and, for partnership, a member firm of DTT. regulatory and other reasons, certain member firms do not provide services in all four professional areas. As a Swiss Verein (association), neither Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu nor any of its member firms has any liability for each other’s acts or omissions. Each of the member firms is a separate and independent legal entity operating under the names “Deloitte”, “Deloitte & Touche”, “Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu”, or other related names. 15
  • 17. Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007 Executive summary The GSM Association (GSMA) is the global trade association representing more than 700 GSM mobile operator Members across 218 countries and territories of the world. In addition, over 190 Associate Members (manufacturers and suppliers) support the Association’s initiatives as key partners. Encompassing technical, commercial and public policy initiatives, the GSMA focuses on ensuring wireless services work globally; thereby enhancing the value of mobile services to individual customers and national economies while creating new businesses opportunities for operators and their suppliers. For further information contact: Mark Smith / David Pringle GSM Association Tel: +44 78 50 22 97 24 / +44 79 57 55 60 69 16
  • 18. Global Mobile Tax Review 2006–2007 Executive summary Acknowledgements Since 1976, Tarifica has been providing clear, up-to-date and Wireless Intelligence is a comprehensive database on the accurate tariff information to network operators, regulators global mobile market. It covers all mobile technologies and financial institutions. and includes over a million individual data points across 600 operators, 1,100 networks in 220 countries. Because of a Our global, multilingual team of researchers constantly monitors need for an up-to-date and accurate view of the global mobile and reports on the ever-changing tariff environment whether for markets, the GSM Association formed a unique partnership voice, data, Internet or video services. Coverage is comprehensive with Ovum, the leading industry analyst firm. with Tarifica’s databases containing the Fixed and Mobile tariffs for over 400 operators in 130 countries. Through the GSMA, the majority of the world’s operators have access to their own data and, with over 40,000 database queries by In-depth comparisons are easily obtained from quarterly pricing members in 2006, this makes Wireless Intelligence one of the most benchmarks of European, Middle-Eastern and Asia-Pacific referenced sources of its kind in the world. markets. The most important tariff developments worldwide are analysed in a weekly newsletter which has become the must-read Wireless Intelligence provides operator data across operational publication for service provider pricing specialists. and financial metrics and allows analysis at an operator, country, Contact: John Lilley – Tel: +44 (0)207 692 5287, regional or global level. The metrics in the service cover subscriber connections, growth rates, technology market shares as well as a range of operational metrics such as churn, minutes of use and financial metrics including revenue, capex and EBITDA margin. 17
  • 19. To download a full copy of the report visit
  • 20. For more information contact: GSMA London Office GSMA Dublin Office 1st Floor Mid City Place Block 2 71 High Holborn Deansgrange Business Park London WC1V 6EA Deansgrange United Kingdom Co. Dublin Ireland Tel: +44 (0)20 7759 2300 Tel: +353 (0)1 289 1800 Email: