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Training Plan for New System Implementation
Training Plan for New System Implementation
As the training manager for a healthcare organization with 250
employees, I have been asked to determine the skills required
for the new IT system that will be implemented in the
purchasing department. I have been asked to suggest a needs
analysis process and supply recommendations for how to
address organizational constraints related to time and
performance. I will find the linkages between performance,
training and needs and recommend the best option for the needs
analysis and a training design.
Needs Analysis
Training needs analysis (TNA) is "a systematic method for
determining what caused performance to be less than expected
or required. Performance improvement is the focus of
training" (Blanchard & Thacker, 2013, Chapter 4). The result of
performing a TNA will be to ensure that the training involved
with the new IT system is targeted and effective. Through the
TNA I will be able to see what content is currently missing and
how I can deliver consistent training. Costs, organizational
needs, training methods and competencies will need to be
evaluated in order to determine what skills are required for the
new IT system in the purchasing department.
First I will develop a workforce profile in order to determine
the skills and knowledge that will be required. I will be
capturing education levels, experience and even literacy of
current employees for statistical meanings. Then, compliance
regulations will be reviewed and met. After the educational
needs of each employee in the purchasing department have been
captured, the training will be sourced, analyzed and mapped so
check for gaps and any related impacts. This step is extremely
important as it will allow us to find what is working and what is
not as far as the training. Finally, I will provide my report that
recommends and advises on the most effective training methods
and products.
Recommendations for Organizational Constraints (Time and
The likelihood of having some type of time and performance
constraint will be inevitable. As far as time constraints,
currently there have not been any; however there may be
performance constraints. The ability for employee(s) to retain
information varies. The performance constraints may affect the
efficiency of training results. Further training and coaching may
be required. A suggestion would be to have a pre-service
training or orientation to support the learning needs of
employees. Hands-on training with an instructor(s) can help
with analyzing and adjusting training for each employee.
Linkages: Performance, Training and Needs Assessment
Performance, training and needs can all be linked together.
Performance assessments check ones application of knowledge,
skills and abilities or attitudes. We discussed the training needs
assessment and how training can be most effectively and
efficiently be developed for the purchasing department. The
needs assessment takes occupational and performance
requirements and helps save on costs; identify performance
requirements and other developmental strategies. Job
descriptions are reviewed, surveys are conducted and
performance appraisals are made. All three assessments work
together to answer what needs to be done, why it needs to be
done, why it already isn’t being done and how it can be done.
Options for Needs Analysis
There are few different needs analysis options for the
organization: organizational analysis, person analysis and
operational analysis. The organizational analysis looks at the
objectives, goals and strategies and what systems are in place
that appraises employee performance. This type of analysis
looks at the business needs or other reasons that training is
desired, who wanted the training, why training needed and what
is has the organization done in the past as far as training. The
person analysis looks at the employees on the current job and if
they have the required knowledge, skills and attitudes to best
perform the job duties. This involves instructors and
participants and those that need the training are being chosen.
The existing level of knowledge on the subject, the employee(s)
learning style and who will be giving the training is analyzed.
Operational analysis looks at the jobs or tasks themselves to
determine what is required to get it done. With this analysis, the
main duties and skill level required to perform the job is
Best Option for Needs Analysis
The training for the new IT system for the purchasing
department should involve operational analysis. This process
will collect data related to performance and skills and perform a
gap analysis. The gap analysis will show what adjustments need
to be made. The organization will be able to look at what must
be done to perform the complete process successfully (tasks
involved). The person analysis would also be a good
recommendation because you can perform an employee
appraisal on current training and then base the new training off
of what they already do and do not know. This analysis will
allow for an understanding of the expected knowledge, skills
and attitudes are compared to how they are presently. The gap
that is found will be what needs to be worked on.
Training Design
Training design is extremely important and will need to
successfully reach new and current employees. It is my
recommendation that a hands-on computer training seminar be
given over the period of 2-4 days. Employees will be expected
to actively participate on computer simulations, take and use
lecture notes for competency tests, and work in a team
environment. A workbook will be provided with the entire
course outlined. The instructors will be professionals in the
field and ready to answer any potential questions. Having
hands-on instructors will allow for any performance constraints
by allowing those that need more specific or detail training to
be addressed.
The new IT system is an inevitable change that is coming to the
purchasing department. With that said, the proper training will
ensure that all current and new employees are efficiently and
effectively skilled and knowledgeable in the tasks that they
must perform for their job. The employee attitudes will be
prepped and aware of the changes and be ready for the
challenge that may lie ahead. It will be important that the
organization remember that there is a link between training,
performance and needs.
Blanchard, P. N., & Thacker, J. W. (). Effective Training
Systems, Strategies and Practices (5th ed.). Retrieved from The
University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.
Behavioral and Social-Cognitive Approaches to Forming Habits
Analyze one of your habits. How did you develop this habit?
Were there role models for this habit? Which people influenced
the adoption of this habit?
Why do you continue it? Has there been a time when you have
attempted to break this habit?
Use the behavioral personality theory to explain why you have
this habit.
Describe components of social-cognitive theory that explain
why the habit formed.
Develop a plan that applies operant conditioning to change this
Between the behavioral and social-cognitive theories, which one
do you find best explains your personality?
Bad Habit- smoking
Photo Retrieved from-
Analyze smoking habit
One bad habit that I had since I was 11 years old was smoking.
I remembered I started smoking at a young age in school
because all of my friends were doing it. I also watched my
mother smoke as well. Peer pressure is what got me started and
then a couple years later I became addicted. I would smoke
when I was bored or stressed out over school work or my
parents fighting. I would steel my mothers cigarettes from her.
The role models I had for this habit where family and friends,
they were doing it so I thought it was okay to do it as well. My
friends at school were my biggest influence in adopting this
This behavior approach was influenced by my environment and
social life.
Continue the habit, attempted to break the habit
I continued to smoke until I turned 21, I would try off and on to
stop smoking but I just couldn’t kick this habit. I smoked
because it relaxed me,. It helped me feel better when I was
stressed and it also helped me eat less when I was bored.
Time to quit this habit.
Continue the habit, attempted to break the habit- continued
When I was 21 I found out I was pregnant and this is what
helped me quit. I did not want to smoke with a baby in my
womb so I finally kicked my smoking habit. I believed I used
positive reinforcement to quit because I knew I would have a
healthier baby.
I did not feel I was greater then my addiction but I did feel that
my baby was greater then my addiction so I quit.
Behavioral personality theory
According to "Personality Psychology Study Guide" (n.d.),
“Behavioral theories suggest that personality is a result of
interaction between the individual and the environment.
Behavioral theorists study observable and measurable
behaviors, rejecting theories that take internal thoughts and
feelings into account.”
The reason I had this habit was because I watched others do it
and I thought it was cool if they were doing. I learned by
watching others, and modeling what they did mostly because I
wanted to fit in.
A lot of personalityds or behaviors come from environmental or
social factors. We do as we see.
I smoked for 11 years almost and I was able to quit because I
got pregnant. I did not want my baby to suffer in the womb
because of me smoking so I believe if I hadn’t got pregnant I
would still be smoking because it was something I enjoyed.
Wood, W., & Neal, D. T. (2007). A new look at habits and the
habit-goal interface.Psychologicalreview,114(4), 843.
Personality Psychology Study Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Behavioral and Social-Cognitive Approaches to Forming Habits
I will analyze the development and influence of one of my bad
I will use the behavioral personality theory to explain why I
have this habit as well as describe components of
social/cognitive theory to explain why the habit formed.
I will also develop a plan that applies operant conditioning to
change this habit.
Lastly, I will choose between the behavioral and
social/cognitive theories to define which best explains my
As a person ages they develop patterns of growth that
are similar and dissimilar to others. The patterns that are
developed at times can be described as habits. As a child
develops the habits that they form can disappear or change when
adulthood is reached. If the habits do not dissipate over time it
can be attributed to developmental damage or a traumatic event.
Although, it is difficult to determine the origination of certain
long term habits that are ongoing through adulthood, the
investigation as to why they exist and the effects they have on
an individual has been studied by psychologists for decades. I
will analyze the development and influence of one of my bad
habits. I will use the behavioral personality theory to explain
why I have this habit as well as describe components of
social/cognitive theory to explain why the habit formed. I will
also develop a plan that applies operant conditioning to change
this habit. Lastly, I will choose between the behavioral and
social/cognitive theories to define which best explains my
Bad Habit – Nail Biting
Been doing it for a very long time
Do it when I am nervous
Deep in thought
Stressed out
Brothers do it as well
There is one bad habit that I have had since childhood which is
nail biting. I have been nail biting for as long as I can remember
and I do it for many different reasons. I notice I do this when I
am bored, nervous or stressed. I can be watching television or
sitting in the classroom and I could be seen biting my nails. I
believe I started this habit by mimicking my brothers. I noticed
that they do the same thing. As a child we could all be on the
couch watching television and you would see at least one of us
biting on our nails.
Bad Habit – Nail Biting
My girlfriend hates it
I don’t want my son to pick it up
Happens unconsciously
This is something that my girlfriend hates and tells me all the
time to stop. I try to stop when I notice I am doing it, but
sometimes it happens unconsciously. I don’t want my son to
pick up this bad habit either so I am continuing to work on this.
It happens more when I am stressed out or am nervous.
Why I Continue and Have I Tried to Break This Habit
Attempted to break the habit
Try to stop when I realize it
Chew gum to keep mouth busy
I have attempted to break this habit many times with minimal
success. Once I realize that I am biting my nails I will stop. The
longest I have gone without biting my nails is a month. One of
the things I have tried that has helped me stop is keeping my
mouth busy. When my mouth is busy I do not tend to have the
need for my fingers to be close to my mouth. I have started
chewing more gum, which has helped a lot but not curbed the
urge completely. Hopefully with more concentration and
dedication I can beat the habit and stop nail biting once and for
Behavioral Personality Theory
Conditioning happens during environmental interactions
Linked to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Half a dozen of all adolescents bite their nails.
“Behaviorism, also known as behavioral psychology, is a theory
of learning based upon the idea that all behaviors are acquired
through conditioning” (Cherry, 2013). Conditioning happens
during environmental interactions. It is the belief of
behaviorists that a person’s response to stimuli in the
environment shapes our behaviors. “Nail biting also known
clinically as chronic onychophagia, is a compulsive habit of
biting ones fingernails or toenails during periods of
nervousness, stress, hunger or even boredom. It can also be
a sign of a mental or emotional disorder” (Ginesi, 2007).
Psychologists have linked this behavior to Obsessive
Compulsive Disorder. These habits can be unconscious
behaviors that are repeated by the individual during certain
situations. “About half of all adolescents’ bite their nails, but
more than three-
fourths of those will give up the habit by age 35” (Brayden,
Behavioral Personality Theory
Nervous habit that starts at childhood
Obtained by observing others biting nails typically
Other transfer this habit to others unconsciously
This is a nervous habit that comes from circumstances during
the developmental stages of childhood that were either upsetting
or anxious for the person. When nail biting begins as a child it
typically is because they observed this action from someone
they are close to such as a family member. This person who is
an adolescent or adult unconsciously engages in this act and
transfers this habit to the child subliminally. This habit is very
common and it practiced by many. I believe that this
theory suggests that watching my brothers bite their nails for
years during different emotions is why I developed the same
The Social/Cognitive Theory
“posits that learning occurs in a social context with a dynamic
and reciprocal interaction of the person, environment, and
behavior.” –Bandura
This theory considers behavior within social environments
These newly learned actions become hard to break after blind
The Social/Cognitive theory “posits that learning occurs in a
social context with a dynamic and reciprocal interaction of the
person, environment, and behavior. The unique feature is the
emphasis on social influence and its emphasis on external and
internal social reinforcement” (Bandura, 1991). This theory
takes into consideration the way people obtain and maintain
behavior, in their social environment. “Through feedback and
reciprocity, a person's own reality is formed by the interaction
of the environment and one's cognitions. In addition, cognitions
change over time as a function of maturation and experience
(i.e. attention span, memory, ability to form symbols, reasoning
skills). It is through an understanding of the processes involved
in one's construction of reality that enables human behavior to
be understood, predicted, and changed” (Bandura, 1991). From
what I understand about this theory that my surroundings along
with someone with influence on my life, such as my brothers,
are the cause of my nail biting.
Operant Conditioning
Relies on aversion therapies to break habit
Tried nail varnishes to stop habit
Need to train myself to not bite my nails
Operant Conditioning relies on aversion therapies as ways to
attempt nail biting occurrences by trying to make the behavior
unpleasant by using negative re-inforcers. Growing up my
mother tried many times to use nail varnishes that are bitter
tasting in hopes to stop this nasty habit. This worked
temporarily but I eventually built up a toleration, and even like
for the taste. As an adult you have to discipline yourself to
apply the varnish in hopes of breaking the habit. Now that I am
an adult I have to train myself in certain situations and places to
not bite my nails because of the awkward or strange looks I get
from others.
Behavioral or Social/Cognitive Theory
The Behavior theory best explains my personality
My brothers and I act like our father
Our father taught us how to be the men we turned into today
There have been many explanations regarding personality over
the last few decades. I believe that the behavior theory best
explains my personality and why I so some of the things I do.
There are many family members that tell my brothers and I that
we all act alike and can see all of our actions remind them of
our father. He is a good man that I looked up to all my life and
taught me how to be a man and a good father to my son. He
taught me how to be a strong man and that I can accomplish
anything that I put my mind to.
From research that I have done I found out that nail biting
is more common than I realized and that it is a very difficult
habit of nervousness to break.
This type of habit is problematic and in order to break it
requires lots of attention and dedication. When trying to break
this habit alone it is easy to stop and go back to the behavior
too soon.
When attempting to change or break a nail biting habit it is a
good idea to seek assistance from a friend, relative or
professional that is willing to be helpful and supportive.
Brayden, Robert. (2009). Nail Biting. Retrieved from
Cherry, Kendra. (2013). What is Behaviorism? Retrieved
Ginesi, Sabrina. (2007). Reasons for Biting Nails Onichophagia.
Klatte, K. M., & Deardorff, P. A. (1981). Nail-biting and
manifest anxiety of adults. PsychologicalReports, 48(1), 82.
I will analyze the development and influence of one of my bad
habits. I will use the behavioral personality theory to explain
why I have this habit as well as describe components of
social/cognitive theory to explain why the habit formed. I will
also develop a plan that applies operant conditioning to change
this habit. Lastly, I will choose between the behavioral and
social/cognitive theories to define which best explains my
Learning about the how the behavioral personality theory
works so that one is able to explain how a bad habit can affect
one’s personality and what contributes to that habit. Along with
learning how the habit was formed with the social-cognitive
theory and using an operant conditioning to help change this
habit is very important.
Analyze one of your habits
Bad Habit:
Smoking Cigarettes
According to Albert Banduras, theory encompasses the
cultural context of personality, which includes role models and
the assumptions and values of society (Cloninger, 2013). My
parents were my “role model.” They both were smokers from as
early as I can remember. Because they were such avid smokers,
I began to enjoy the smell of cigarette smoke. As I got older,
my friends would smoke cigarettes and I would enjoy the smell,
until I was offered a drag from a friend’s Camel. At that point, I
then became hooked. I just wanted to experience what it was
like to actually smoke a cigarette. After that first time I did not
try it again for a few years.
Habit Development
How did you develop this habit?
Enjoyed the smell of cigarette smoke
Peer pressure
Family and friends smoked
Statistics show that children of long time smokers are 10
times more likely to become smokers themselves. I began to
enjoy being in the same environment or atmosphere as my
parents and other smokers, just to be able to inhale the second
hand smoke. The taste of my parents cigarettes when I would
lite my parent’s cigarette would leave me wondering if actually
smoking the cigarette was any better than just lighting it.
However, the commercials on television against the tobacco
companies and pictures of smokers’ lungs kept me only
wondering and also kept me begging and pleading with my
parents to quit smoking (Doyle, 2014).
Influences of the Habit
Were there role models for this habit?
Both of my parents
Who influenced you to adopt this habit?
Both of my parents
The influences of my habit was both of my parents.
Watching them light up a cigarette and smelling the cigarette
smoke got me intrigued with them, along with being able to
light them up for the once and awhile. Both of my parents
smoked ever since I was little and didn’t quit until I was in high
school. When I asked them why they smoked they would always
tell me that it helped them to relax. So when I was a teenager
that was the first time that I tried smoking and I liked it.
Continuing the Habit
Why do you continue this habit?
It helps calm my nerves
Has there been a time when you attempted to break this habit?
After about four years of smoking and trying to quit I
found myself being pregnant so I had to stop smoking for my
baby’s health and my own health. I am still a smoker and
continue to smoke. The second time that I quit smoking was
when I found out that I was pregnant with my second child, and
then I quit the third time when I was pregnant with my third
child. I recognize that I tend to always light up after I have
eaten something, if I am bored, and when I am driving a long
Behavioral Personality Theory to Smoking Cigarettes
Commercials and advertisements made smoking look attractive
Smoking cigarettes is cool
Cool kids smoke cigs
Celebrities endorsed cigarettes were great to smoke
I have this habit because of my environmental factors from
my parents. I am 37 years old now, and I have been smoking
cigarettes since I was 15 years old off and on. When I was a
child I seen commercials that showed celebrities smoking
cigarettes and too me it made them look cool.
Behavioral theories suggest that personality is a result of
interaction between the individual and the environment
(Cherry, 2017).
Social-Cognitive Theory
Explanations for continuing or maintaining the habit of smoking
Influences and interactions of thoughts, environment, and
Social-cognitive theory explains how the habit was
formed. This theory analyzes the thoughts and what drives the
smoker to the behaviors to smoke, and what the smoker has
observed or learned from other and their environment (MDQuit,
2011). For instance, while in a bar or nightclub, I’ve seen other
individuals with a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other.
Although, I may have had my last cigarette for the day or I just
don’t have any cigarettes on me, it is very common in this
environment for a cigarette and an alcoholic beverage to go
hand-in-hand; and my craving for a cigarette would more than
likely increase due to my observations of others smoking and
the smell of the cigarette smoke in the air triggering thoughts of
needing a cigarette.
Operant Conditioning Plan
Changing one’s behavior due to the consequences of the
Using reinforcements, or rewards and punishment effectively
If I was to try to stop smoking, my operant conditioning
plan would be to create a support system to encourage my
cessation attempt with positive reinforcement or punish me for
backsliding, ie: each week without a cigarette I could be
rewarded with something I like; new items, monetary rewards,
etc. and every week I fail to not have a cigarette I’d have to
give up a set substantial amount of money for my bad behavior.
I could use this operant conditioning in a support system setting
or, if I have the willpower, alone; where I could reward or
punish myself.
Explain Your Personality
I believe my personality is a mix of both social-cognitive and
behavioral theories . Growing up, I would plead with my parents
to stop smoking but also wondered why they smoked. Therefore,
I began smoking when I was legal to partake in the habit.
However, after enjoying a cigarette after spending money, or
eating a meal, or while having a drink, even when dealing with
a stressful situation and realizing or rationalizing that smoking
calms my nerves and helps my food digest. I’d say that my
personality leans more towards the social-cognitive theory.
My personality is a mix of both social-cognitive and
behavioral theories. Both of my parents played a factor into my
personality and my also to my bad habit. Between them and my
environment it has played a role in my bad habit continuing for
as long as it has.
Both behavioral and social-cognitive theories can play a role in
what drives one to smoke
Peer pressure
Environmental influences
Habits can be broken.
Most times, one becomes a smoker through behavioral
personality. The social-cognitive explains the thoughts and
learned behavior behind why an individual is a smoker. And
because smoking is a learned behavior, one can take various
steps to change their smoking behavior.

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1Training Plan for New System Implementation.docx

  • 1. 1 Training Plan for New System Implementation Training Plan for New System Implementation As the training manager for a healthcare organization with 250 employees, I have been asked to determine the skills required for the new IT system that will be implemented in the purchasing department. I have been asked to suggest a needs analysis process and supply recommendations for how to address organizational constraints related to time and performance. I will find the linkages between performance, training and needs and recommend the best option for the needs analysis and a training design. Needs Analysis Training needs analysis (TNA) is "a systematic method for
  • 2. determining what caused performance to be less than expected or required. Performance improvement is the focus of training" (Blanchard & Thacker, 2013, Chapter 4). The result of performing a TNA will be to ensure that the training involved with the new IT system is targeted and effective. Through the TNA I will be able to see what content is currently missing and how I can deliver consistent training. Costs, organizational needs, training methods and competencies will need to be evaluated in order to determine what skills are required for the new IT system in the purchasing department. First I will develop a workforce profile in order to determine the skills and knowledge that will be required. I will be capturing education levels, experience and even literacy of current employees for statistical meanings. Then, compliance regulations will be reviewed and met. After the educational needs of each employee in the purchasing department have been captured, the training will be sourced, analyzed and mapped so check for gaps and any related impacts. This step is extremely important as it will allow us to find what is working and what is not as far as the training. Finally, I will provide my report that recommends and advises on the most effective training methods and products. Recommendations for Organizational Constraints (Time and Performance) The likelihood of having some type of time and performance constraint will be inevitable. As far as time constraints, currently there have not been any; however there may be performance constraints. The ability for employee(s) to retain information varies. The performance constraints may affect the efficiency of training results. Further training and coaching may be required. A suggestion would be to have a pre-service training or orientation to support the learning needs of employees. Hands-on training with an instructor(s) can help with analyzing and adjusting training for each employee. Linkages: Performance, Training and Needs Assessment Performance, training and needs can all be linked together.
  • 3. Performance assessments check ones application of knowledge, skills and abilities or attitudes. We discussed the training needs assessment and how training can be most effectively and efficiently be developed for the purchasing department. The needs assessment takes occupational and performance requirements and helps save on costs; identify performance requirements and other developmental strategies. Job descriptions are reviewed, surveys are conducted and performance appraisals are made. All three assessments work together to answer what needs to be done, why it needs to be done, why it already isn’t being done and how it can be done. Options for Needs Analysis There are few different needs analysis options for the organization: organizational analysis, person analysis and operational analysis. The organizational analysis looks at the objectives, goals and strategies and what systems are in place that appraises employee performance. This type of analysis looks at the business needs or other reasons that training is desired, who wanted the training, why training needed and what is has the organization done in the past as far as training. The person analysis looks at the employees on the current job and if they have the required knowledge, skills and attitudes to best perform the job duties. This involves instructors and participants and those that need the training are being chosen. The existing level of knowledge on the subject, the employee(s) learning style and who will be giving the training is analyzed. Operational analysis looks at the jobs or tasks themselves to determine what is required to get it done. With this analysis, the main duties and skill level required to perform the job is specified. Best Option for Needs Analysis The training for the new IT system for the purchasing department should involve operational analysis. This process will collect data related to performance and skills and perform a gap analysis. The gap analysis will show what adjustments need to be made. The organization will be able to look at what must
  • 4. be done to perform the complete process successfully (tasks involved). The person analysis would also be a good recommendation because you can perform an employee appraisal on current training and then base the new training off of what they already do and do not know. This analysis will allow for an understanding of the expected knowledge, skills and attitudes are compared to how they are presently. The gap that is found will be what needs to be worked on. Training Design Training design is extremely important and will need to successfully reach new and current employees. It is my recommendation that a hands-on computer training seminar be given over the period of 2-4 days. Employees will be expected to actively participate on computer simulations, take and use lecture notes for competency tests, and work in a team environment. A workbook will be provided with the entire course outlined. The instructors will be professionals in the field and ready to answer any potential questions. Having hands-on instructors will allow for any performance constraints by allowing those that need more specific or detail training to be addressed. Conclusion The new IT system is an inevitable change that is coming to the purchasing department. With that said, the proper training will ensure that all current and new employees are efficiently and effectively skilled and knowledgeable in the tasks that they must perform for their job. The employee attitudes will be prepped and aware of the changes and be ready for the challenge that may lie ahead. It will be important that the organization remember that there is a link between training, performance and needs.
  • 5. Reference Blanchard, P. N., & Thacker, J. W. (). Effective Training Systems, Strategies and Practices (5th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database. Behavioral and Social-Cognitive Approaches to Forming Habits Outline Analyze one of your habits. How did you develop this habit? Were there role models for this habit? Which people influenced the adoption of this habit? Why do you continue it? Has there been a time when you have attempted to break this habit? Use the behavioral personality theory to explain why you have this habit. Describe components of social-cognitive theory that explain why the habit formed. Develop a plan that applies operant conditioning to change this habit. Between the behavioral and social-cognitive theories, which one do you find best explains your personality? Conclusion
  • 6. References Bad Habit- smoking Photo Retrieved from- 3 Analyze smoking habit One bad habit that I had since I was 11 years old was smoking. I remembered I started smoking at a young age in school because all of my friends were doing it. I also watched my mother smoke as well. Peer pressure is what got me started and then a couple years later I became addicted. I would smoke when I was bored or stressed out over school work or my parents fighting. I would steel my mothers cigarettes from her. The role models I had for this habit where family and friends, they were doing it so I thought it was okay to do it as well. My friends at school were my biggest influence in adopting this habit. This behavior approach was influenced by my environment and social life. 4 Continue the habit, attempted to break the habit I continued to smoke until I turned 21, I would try off and on to stop smoking but I just couldn’t kick this habit. I smoked because it relaxed me,. It helped me feel better when I was stressed and it also helped me eat less when I was bored.
  • 7. Time to quit this habit. Continue the habit, attempted to break the habit- continued When I was 21 I found out I was pregnant and this is what helped me quit. I did not want to smoke with a baby in my womb so I finally kicked my smoking habit. I believed I used positive reinforcement to quit because I knew I would have a healthier baby. I did not feel I was greater then my addiction but I did feel that my baby was greater then my addiction so I quit. 7 Behavioral personality theory According to "Personality Psychology Study Guide" (n.d.), “Behavioral theories suggest that personality is a result of interaction between the individual and the environment. Behavioral theorists study observable and measurable behaviors, rejecting theories that take internal thoughts and feelings into account.” The reason I had this habit was because I watched others do it and I thought it was cool if they were doing. I learned by watching others, and modeling what they did mostly because I wanted to fit in.
  • 8. 9 A lot of personalityds or behaviors come from environmental or social factors. We do as we see. 10 Conclusion I smoked for 11 years almost and I was able to quit because I got pregnant. I did not want my baby to suffer in the womb because of me smoking so I believe if I hadn’t got pregnant I would still be smoking because it was something I enjoyed. Refernces Wood, W., & Neal, D. T. (2007). A new look at habits and the habit-goal interface.Psychologicalreview,114(4), 843. Personality Psychology Study Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved from 2795699 Behavioral and Social-Cognitive Approaches to Forming Habits
  • 9. Introduction I will analyze the development and influence of one of my bad habits. I will use the behavioral personality theory to explain why I have this habit as well as describe components of social/cognitive theory to explain why the habit formed. I will also develop a plan that applies operant conditioning to change this habit. Lastly, I will choose between the behavioral and social/cognitive theories to define which best explains my personality As a person ages they develop patterns of growth that are similar and dissimilar to others. The patterns that are developed at times can be described as habits. As a child develops the habits that they form can disappear or change when adulthood is reached. If the habits do not dissipate over time it can be attributed to developmental damage or a traumatic event. Although, it is difficult to determine the origination of certain long term habits that are ongoing through adulthood, the investigation as to why they exist and the effects they have on an individual has been studied by psychologists for decades. I will analyze the development and influence of one of my bad habits. I will use the behavioral personality theory to explain why I have this habit as well as describe components of social/cognitive theory to explain why the habit formed. I will also develop a plan that applies operant conditioning to change this habit. Lastly, I will choose between the behavioral and social/cognitive theories to define which best explains my personality. 2
  • 10. Bad Habit – Nail Biting Been doing it for a very long time Do it when I am nervous Deep in thought Stressed out Brothers do it as well There is one bad habit that I have had since childhood which is nail biting. I have been nail biting for as long as I can remember and I do it for many different reasons. I notice I do this when I am bored, nervous or stressed. I can be watching television or sitting in the classroom and I could be seen biting my nails. I believe I started this habit by mimicking my brothers. I noticed that they do the same thing. As a child we could all be on the couch watching television and you would see at least one of us biting on our nails. 3 Bad Habit – Nail Biting My girlfriend hates it I don’t want my son to pick it up Happens unconsciously
  • 11. This is something that my girlfriend hates and tells me all the time to stop. I try to stop when I notice I am doing it, but sometimes it happens unconsciously. I don’t want my son to pick up this bad habit either so I am continuing to work on this. It happens more when I am stressed out or am nervous. 4 Why I Continue and Have I Tried to Break This Habit Attempted to break the habit Try to stop when I realize it Chew gum to keep mouth busy I have attempted to break this habit many times with minimal success. Once I realize that I am biting my nails I will stop. The longest I have gone without biting my nails is a month. One of the things I have tried that has helped me stop is keeping my mouth busy. When my mouth is busy I do not tend to have the need for my fingers to be close to my mouth. I have started chewing more gum, which has helped a lot but not curbed the urge completely. Hopefully with more concentration and dedication I can beat the habit and stop nail biting once and for all. 5 Behavioral Personality Theory Conditioning happens during environmental interactions Linked to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Half a dozen of all adolescents bite their nails.
  • 12. “Behaviorism, also known as behavioral psychology, is a theory of learning based upon the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning” (Cherry, 2013). Conditioning happens during environmental interactions. It is the belief of behaviorists that a person’s response to stimuli in the environment shapes our behaviors. “Nail biting also known clinically as chronic onychophagia, is a compulsive habit of biting ones fingernails or toenails during periods of nervousness, stress, hunger or even boredom. It can also be a sign of a mental or emotional disorder” (Ginesi, 2007). Psychologists have linked this behavior to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. These habits can be unconscious behaviors that are repeated by the individual during certain situations. “About half of all adolescents’ bite their nails, but more than three- fourths of those will give up the habit by age 35” (Brayden, 2009). 6 Behavioral Personality Theory Nervous habit that starts at childhood Obtained by observing others biting nails typically Other transfer this habit to others unconsciously This is a nervous habit that comes from circumstances during the developmental stages of childhood that were either upsetting or anxious for the person. When nail biting begins as a child it typically is because they observed this action from someone
  • 13. they are close to such as a family member. This person who is an adolescent or adult unconsciously engages in this act and transfers this habit to the child subliminally. This habit is very common and it practiced by many. I believe that this theory suggests that watching my brothers bite their nails for years during different emotions is why I developed the same habit. 7 The Social/Cognitive Theory “posits that learning occurs in a social context with a dynamic and reciprocal interaction of the person, environment, and behavior.” –Bandura This theory considers behavior within social environments These newly learned actions become hard to break after blind repetition The Social/Cognitive theory “posits that learning occurs in a social context with a dynamic and reciprocal interaction of the person, environment, and behavior. The unique feature is the emphasis on social influence and its emphasis on external and internal social reinforcement” (Bandura, 1991). This theory takes into consideration the way people obtain and maintain behavior, in their social environment. “Through feedback and reciprocity, a person's own reality is formed by the interaction of the environment and one's cognitions. In addition, cognitions change over time as a function of maturation and experience (i.e. attention span, memory, ability to form symbols, reasoning skills). It is through an understanding of the processes involved
  • 14. in one's construction of reality that enables human behavior to be understood, predicted, and changed” (Bandura, 1991). From what I understand about this theory that my surroundings along with someone with influence on my life, such as my brothers, are the cause of my nail biting. 8 Operant Conditioning Relies on aversion therapies to break habit Tried nail varnishes to stop habit Need to train myself to not bite my nails Operant Conditioning relies on aversion therapies as ways to attempt nail biting occurrences by trying to make the behavior unpleasant by using negative re-inforcers. Growing up my mother tried many times to use nail varnishes that are bitter tasting in hopes to stop this nasty habit. This worked temporarily but I eventually built up a toleration, and even like for the taste. As an adult you have to discipline yourself to apply the varnish in hopes of breaking the habit. Now that I am an adult I have to train myself in certain situations and places to not bite my nails because of the awkward or strange looks I get from others. 9
  • 15. Behavioral or Social/Cognitive Theory The Behavior theory best explains my personality My brothers and I act like our father Our father taught us how to be the men we turned into today There have been many explanations regarding personality over the last few decades. I believe that the behavior theory best explains my personality and why I so some of the things I do. There are many family members that tell my brothers and I that we all act alike and can see all of our actions remind them of our father. He is a good man that I looked up to all my life and taught me how to be a man and a good father to my son. He taught me how to be a strong man and that I can accomplish anything that I put my mind to. 10 Conclusion From research that I have done I found out that nail biting is more common than I realized and that it is a very difficult habit of nervousness to break. This type of habit is problematic and in order to break it requires lots of attention and dedication. When trying to break this habit alone it is easy to stop and go back to the behavior too soon. When attempting to change or break a nail biting habit it is a good idea to seek assistance from a friend, relative or professional that is willing to be helpful and supportive.
  • 16. References Brayden, Robert. (2009). Nail Biting. Retrieved from ep.htm Cherry, Kendra. (2013). What is Behaviorism? Retrieved from haviorism.htm Ginesi, Sabrina. (2007). Reasons for Biting Nails Onichophagia. Retrieved from biting-nails-onichophagia-53144/ Klatte, K. M., & Deardorff, P. A. (1981). Nail-biting and manifest anxiety of adults. PsychologicalReports, 48(1), 82. 12 Introduction I will analyze the development and influence of one of my bad habits. I will use the behavioral personality theory to explain why I have this habit as well as describe components of social/cognitive theory to explain why the habit formed. I will also develop a plan that applies operant conditioning to change this habit. Lastly, I will choose between the behavioral and social/cognitive theories to define which best explains my personality.
  • 17. Learning about the how the behavioral personality theory works so that one is able to explain how a bad habit can affect one’s personality and what contributes to that habit. Along with learning how the habit was formed with the social-cognitive theory and using an operant conditioning to help change this habit is very important. 1 Analyze one of your habits Bad Habit: Smoking Cigarettes According to Albert Banduras, theory encompasses the cultural context of personality, which includes role models and the assumptions and values of society (Cloninger, 2013). My parents were my “role model.” They both were smokers from as early as I can remember. Because they were such avid smokers, I began to enjoy the smell of cigarette smoke. As I got older, my friends would smoke cigarettes and I would enjoy the smell, until I was offered a drag from a friend’s Camel. At that point, I then became hooked. I just wanted to experience what it was like to actually smoke a cigarette. After that first time I did not try it again for a few years. 2 Habit Development How did you develop this habit? Enjoyed the smell of cigarette smoke Peer pressure Family and friends smoked
  • 18. Statistics show that children of long time smokers are 10 times more likely to become smokers themselves. I began to enjoy being in the same environment or atmosphere as my parents and other smokers, just to be able to inhale the second hand smoke. The taste of my parents cigarettes when I would lite my parent’s cigarette would leave me wondering if actually smoking the cigarette was any better than just lighting it. However, the commercials on television against the tobacco companies and pictures of smokers’ lungs kept me only wondering and also kept me begging and pleading with my parents to quit smoking (Doyle, 2014). 3 Influences of the Habit Were there role models for this habit? Both of my parents Who influenced you to adopt this habit? Both of my parents The influences of my habit was both of my parents. Watching them light up a cigarette and smelling the cigarette smoke got me intrigued with them, along with being able to light them up for the once and awhile. Both of my parents smoked ever since I was little and didn’t quit until I was in high school. When I asked them why they smoked they would always tell me that it helped them to relax. So when I was a teenager that was the first time that I tried smoking and I liked it. 4 Continuing the Habit Why do you continue this habit? It helps calm my nerves
  • 19. Has there been a time when you attempted to break this habit? Three After about four years of smoking and trying to quit I found myself being pregnant so I had to stop smoking for my baby’s health and my own health. I am still a smoker and continue to smoke. The second time that I quit smoking was when I found out that I was pregnant with my second child, and then I quit the third time when I was pregnant with my third child. I recognize that I tend to always light up after I have eaten something, if I am bored, and when I am driving a long distance. 5 Behavioral Personality Theory to Smoking Cigarettes Commercials and advertisements made smoking look attractive Smoking cigarettes is cool Cool kids smoke cigs Celebrities endorsed cigarettes were great to smoke I have this habit because of my environmental factors from my parents. I am 37 years old now, and I have been smoking cigarettes since I was 15 years old off and on. When I was a child I seen commercials that showed celebrities smoking cigarettes and too me it made them look cool. Behavioral theories suggest that personality is a result of interaction between the individual and the environment (Cherry, 2017). 6 Social-Cognitive Theory Explanations for continuing or maintaining the habit of smoking
  • 20. cigarettes Influences and interactions of thoughts, environment, and behavior Social-cognitive theory explains how the habit was formed. This theory analyzes the thoughts and what drives the smoker to the behaviors to smoke, and what the smoker has observed or learned from other and their environment (MDQuit, 2011). For instance, while in a bar or nightclub, I’ve seen other individuals with a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Although, I may have had my last cigarette for the day or I just don’t have any cigarettes on me, it is very common in this environment for a cigarette and an alcoholic beverage to go hand-in-hand; and my craving for a cigarette would more than likely increase due to my observations of others smoking and the smell of the cigarette smoke in the air triggering thoughts of needing a cigarette. 7 Operant Conditioning Plan Changing one’s behavior due to the consequences of the behavior Using reinforcements, or rewards and punishment effectively If I was to try to stop smoking, my operant conditioning plan would be to create a support system to encourage my cessation attempt with positive reinforcement or punish me for backsliding, ie: each week without a cigarette I could be rewarded with something I like; new items, monetary rewards, etc. and every week I fail to not have a cigarette I’d have to give up a set substantial amount of money for my bad behavior.
  • 21. I could use this operant conditioning in a support system setting or, if I have the willpower, alone; where I could reward or punish myself. 8 Explain Your Personality I believe my personality is a mix of both social-cognitive and behavioral theories . Growing up, I would plead with my parents to stop smoking but also wondered why they smoked. Therefore, I began smoking when I was legal to partake in the habit. However, after enjoying a cigarette after spending money, or eating a meal, or while having a drink, even when dealing with a stressful situation and realizing or rationalizing that smoking calms my nerves and helps my food digest. I’d say that my personality leans more towards the social-cognitive theory. My personality is a mix of both social-cognitive and behavioral theories. Both of my parents played a factor into my personality and my also to my bad habit. Between them and my environment it has played a role in my bad habit continuing for as long as it has. 9 Conclusion Both behavioral and social-cognitive theories can play a role in what drives one to smoke Peer pressure Addiction Environmental influences Habits can be broken. Most times, one becomes a smoker through behavioral
  • 22. personality. The social-cognitive explains the thoughts and learned behavior behind why an individual is a smoker. And because smoking is a learned behavior, one can take various steps to change their smoking behavior. 10