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Cultural Diversity
LaTosha Thomas
Grand Canyon University
Instructor: Chavarria
Cultural Diversity
In everyday life individuals can not overlook other cultures as if
it does not matter. Most individuals wish that they all can be
alike to avoid the way others may act towards them. Changing
for the best is to encourage individuals that it is time for a
change for everyone of all cultures throughout the world. A
person may encounter cultural diversity everywhere they may
go such as hospitals, schools, or stores but to make a difference
one must understand culture, act as an alliance against racism,
and form organizations for diverse groups to be able to stand
together (, 2017). Comment by Massey, Jennifer:
What is the barrier in regards to cultural diversity in healthcare?
A proposed solution is letting individuals open on how
they can overcome culture diversity even if it takes having
group talks every week, letting individuals know that not just
themselves feel down by the way others treat them and this
should be a wakeup call for the ones that have been in this
position before because it does matter if a person is Caucasian,
African-American, Latino, or any color culture diversity should
not be tolerated on the job. Individuals of any race allows us to
have a job every day. Group talks, counseling for ones that keep
having trouble, one on one reviews, and drop boxes on anything
that a person may be feeling (Axner, 1993). Comment by
Massey, Jennifer: Is this the evaluation plan? There should also
be headers to separate the different sections. Comment by
Massey, Jennifer: Comment by Massey, Jennifer:
The initiated outcome for this barrier would be making
sure that individuals of any culture would feel comfortable
during their visit at the hospital, around a physician or nurse.
What humans failed to understand is that we all had to learn
how to talk and write so there is not a difference with
individuals of any culture. Managers of all organizations need
to make sure that their facility is free of culture diversity due to
lawsuits (Axner, 1993).
The organizational resources are always needed to implement
and maintain the change of plan. Such resources may include
the health centers, voluntary guidance and counseling centers,
guidance, and counseling centers. The change of management
involves the consideration of success factors and the objectives.
The change management methodology has several factors of
success such as sense of urgency must be established, increase
the company’s capability for change, here company’s ought to
be flexible to embrace change, the proper communication
should be done from those evoking it to those affected,
engaging all levels of leadership, and integration of
management strategies with the change((Lim, Daugherty, &
Haddad, 2013). Comment by Massey, Jennifer: Should have “a”
before sense.
The actual plan, in this case, is to try and use the universal
language of communication in the organization resources,
politeness, and the urge to extreme humbleness where necessary
to suit all kinds of clients (Lokey,2008). Comment by Massey,
Jennifer: This is good, the plan needs to be elaborated a bit to
explain how it will be executed.
For the implementation of the plan, there are some stakeholders
who are very vital in support of the implementation of the
proposed plan. The psychologists, the medical officers, and the
CEO. The stakeholders are agent during the implementation
since they need to understand first before they inform others of
the change of plan. They are required to master the change well
to show others, the workers, and the interested parties how the
change is beneficial. The disadvantages should be known earlier
to avoid surprises (Oldfield, 1998). Comment by Massey,
Jennifer: There should be a indentation here
Comment by Massey, Jennifer: What are the disadvantages
of the change plan? How can those be overcome?
Because of a change plan, the organization and its stakeholders
may experience both positive and negative impacts. More
interest is put on the positive effects that the plan may bring
about. Understanding the clients’ level of language of
communication and the use of common language is likely to
raise the rating of services offered in the organization.
Complete communication is where the recipient can encode the
exact information that is intended to reach him/her. Therefore,
trying to be in the shoes of a client involves some
compromising, tolerance, and accommodation of other people’s
cultures. A friendlier counselor is likely to get all the
information required to offer the best help possible. In general,
the change is expected to bring about better services in the
organization, hence positive effects. The stakeholders will
equally be affected positively by the best recommendations
from being more sociable (Hewitt-Taylor, 2013).
The implementation plan ought to take effect after one week of
the meeting committee of the stakeholders and the relevant
officials. The change plan will take its course strictly until
undesirable effects overpower the advantages. Comment by
Massey, Jennifer: This is not a full paragraph. The
implementation plan consists of a good outline, how will
undesirable affects not overpower the advantages?
The implementation of the plan change follows a few steps as
follows (Lim, Daugherty, & Haddad, 2013).
1. The creation of a plan and defining the change
management process
2. Implementing change management strategy and monitor
before, during and after the change.
3. Have a backup policy in place in case the change is not
4. Evaluation-The change coordinator needs to see where the
change wasn’t practical, caused problems and whether it was
5. Update the change management plan in case the initial plan
isn’t effective.
The potential barriers to implementation of the change plan may
come from both within the company or outside. Some of the
barriers may include being afraid when the management and
organization focuses more on being afraid of change as well as
lack of success rather than having the potential for growth it
makes it difficult to plan of the organization. (Rittenhouse,
To overcome these barriers, a bright and skillful approach is
introduced to tackle fast organizational growth as well as
complexity. An organization can break these barriers by
employing diligent, quality and highly effective project and
change management approach. Once you understand and manage
these barriers to change management, it will be easy to
implement the change. Eventually, everyone in the organization
will be comfortable to embrace the new change (Lokey, 2008).
Comment by Massey, Jennifer: There needs to be a
transition or header between these paragraphs.
There is need to assess the already implemented plan so that the
evaluated scheme may be used as a basis for a summary of a
situation. Evaluation of the change plan can also be useful when
it comes to salary increase or bonus. Especially, when the
change occurs for the best that everyone understands the
meaning of cultural diversity within the organization will go
hand in hand as change progresses and this will help the
organization grow and become successful (Poole & Van, 2004).
Comment by Massey, Jennifer: How will the plan be
evaluated? There should be headers dividing each section of the
Regarding this, there are different steps that will help to put my
organization on the right track for continuous high quality
improvement. The first step will define my stakeholders. My
stakeholders are the supporters, recipients, implementer and
decision makers related to this program. Getting them involved
early on will help you get different perspectives on the program
and establish common expectations. This helps to clarify goals
and objectives of the program you’ll evaluate, so everyone
understands its purpose (Carnell, 1982).
In the second step, I will conclude the data comparisons,
surveys, strengths, and weaknesses. You can compare the
evaluation information that pinpoints goals the program, against
the standards established by your stakeholders or funders (Poole
& Van,2004). Comment by Massey, Jennifer: Comment by
Massey, Jennifer: Per the professor, first person shouldn’t be
used in the paper
The third step is to present the research and making sure it is
used. It is important that all the challenging work you put into
program evaluation gets used for quality improvement. When
you turn in your findings it is important to know the values,
beliefs, and perceptions of your group; build on the
organization background and make sure it is common ground;
and state the purpose for your recommendations before you get
to the details of the plan.
The dissemination plan for this change plan is also significant
here because it depends entirely on the mode of communication
used to reach the target recipients. The success of my
dissemination relies on the number of people received the
information. I will use tools such as; web analytics, talking to
dissemination partners about audiences and distribution and
using the social media. We continue to strategize on the means
to ensure public health practitioners access this information, by
the following. Exploring the opportunities for relevancy, fill
gaps of need rather than re-inventing the wheel to create new
products and lastly, inform and re-inform our internal
stakeholders of these products (, 2017).
Comment by Massey, Jennifer: Overall, the paper has good
content. There needs to be some changes with the first person
writing. The paper should also be 2,000 words at least . There
could be more specifics to the change proposal topic to explain
the overall project.
References Comment by Massey, Jennifer: References
should be in alphabetical order
Top of Form
Institute of Medicine (U.S.). (2012). Evaluation of the Lovell
Federal Health Care Center merger: Findings, conclusions, and
Top of Form
Carnall, C. A. (1982). The evaluation of organizational change.
Aldershot, Hampshire, England: Gower.
Top of Form
Poole, M. S., & Van, V. A. H. (2004). Handbook of
organizational change and innovation. Oxford, UK: Oxford
University Press.
Top of Form
Maryland Energy Office., Massicot, P. O., & United States.
(1984). Appropriate technology information dissemination plan.
Baltimore, Md.: The Office.
Top of Form
International Monetary Fund, (2007). The General Data
Dissemination System: Guide for participants and users.
Washington, D.C: International Monetary Fund.
Top of Form
Mackowiak, T. J. (2005). An evaluation of planned change:
Accredited undergraduate athletic training educational
programs., 2017
Lim, N., Haddad, A., Daugherty, L., Rand Corporation., & Rand
Corporation,. (2013). Implementation of the DOD Diversity and
Inclusion Strategic Plan: A framework for change through
Oldfield, F., Past Global Changes., Changements Globaux du
Passé., & Past Global Changes. (1998). Status report and
implementation plan. Stockholm: The International Geosphere-
Biosphere Programme.
Holbeche, L. (2015). The agile organization: How to build an
innovative, sustainable and resilient business.
Hewitt-Taylor, J. (2013). Understanding and managing change
in healthcare: A step-by-step guide. Basingstoke: Palgrave
Flamholtz, E., & Randle, Y. (2012). Growing Pains:
Transitioning from an Entrepreneurship to a Professionally
Managed Firm. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
FAO Workshop on the Implementation of the FAO International
Guidelines for the Management of Deep-Sea Fisheries in the
High Seas--Challenges and Ways Forward, & Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,. (2011). Report
of the FAO Workshop on the Implementation of the FAO
International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-Sea
Fisheries in the High Seas--Challenges and Ways Forward:
Busan, Republic of Korea, 10-12 May 2010. Rome: Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Ren, W., Rittenhouse, P., Oak Ridge National Laboratory.,
United States., & United States. (2005). Gen IV Materials
Handbook Implementation Plan. Washington, D.C: United
States. Dept. of Energy.
Axner, D 1993. The Community leadership project curriculum
Bottom of Form
Bottom of Form
Bottom of Form
Bottom of Form
Bottom of Form
Bottom of Form
ENGL 143 Final Research Paper Rubric
Levels of Achievement
Proficient Satisfactory Poor
Introduction (5%)
Provides context; includes thesis and
provides a clear scope
4 (4%) to 5 (5%)
Clearly provides all necessary
information and sets expectations
2 (2%) to 3 (3%)
Minor lack or excess of information;
minor lack of clarity
0 (0%) to 1 (1%)
Confusing, vague or lacking
Body Structure (5%)
Paragraphs focus on one major idea
each; transitions clearly show
relationships among ideas
4 (4%) to 5 (5%)
Paragraphs consistently meet
expectations; transitions very clear
2 (2%) to 3 (3%)
1-3 lapses in paragraphs; 1-3 problems
with transitions
0 (0%) to 1 (1%)
So many lapses in paragraphs or
problems with transitions that
comprehension is difficult
Conclusion (5%)
Decisively ends paper, provides
reflection as the future of rhetoric in
our electronic age
4 (4%) to 5 (5%)
Ends paper with powerful impact; creates
a fully satisfying sense of completion
2 (2%) to 3 (3%)
Ending works, but may be weak or does
not create a good sense of completion
0 (0%) to 1 (1%)
Weak, confusing or missing ending
Content (30%)
Paper provides a clear outline of the
evolution of rhetoric and its influence
on our post-modern discourse;
speculates as to the future of rhetoric
in our electronic age; adequately
addresses the topic; source texts are
referenced as required
25 (25%) to 30 (30%)
Paper thoroughly discusses rhetoric’s
evolution and its influence; provides a
thought-provoking speculation as to the
future of rhetoric; supports analysis with
references to concepts discussed in
source texts; demonstrates a solid
understanding of the assignment
18 (18%) to 24 (24%)
Paper adequately responds to the topic;
length is adequate to address the topic;
there is a reference to concepts
discussed in source texts
0 (0%) to 17 (17%)
Paper does not respond effectively to
the topic; length is insufficient to
adequately address the topic;
reference to concepts discussed in
source texts missing or incomplete
Vocabulary (10%)
Appropriate; avoids jargon, slang, and
overly emotionally charged words
9 (9%) to 10 (10%)
Skillful word choice that is precise,
purposeful and appropriate in formality
7 (7%) to 8 (8%)
Relatively few minor errors
0 (0%) to 6 (6%)
So many errors that writing is difficult
to comprehend or offensive or
Writing Style (10%)
Variety of sentence constructions,
appropriate brevity, use of parallelism,
poetic effects (such as metaphor,
simile, alliteration)
9 (9%) to 10 (10%)
Pleasing variety of sentence
constructions; always effective and
appropriate brevity, use of parallelism
and/or poetic effects
7 (7%) to 8 (8%)
Relatively few minor errors
0 (0%) to 6 (6%)
Errors detract significantly from
comprehension or create significant
Grammar (10%)
Fragments, run-ons, tense, voice,
agreement, spelling, punctuation
9 (9%) to 10 (10%)
Few to no errors (1% or less of
assignment word total)
7 (7%) to 8 (8%)
Some errors (less than 5% of word
0 (0%) to 6 (6%)
Errors detract significantly from
Sources – Number, Quality and
Variety (10%)
Sufficient (at least five), credible,
unbiased sources show an in-depth
exploration/points of view; draws on
the course texts as primary sources
9 (9%) to 10 (10%)
Significantly more than the minimum
required; clearly credible and unbiased;
effort beyond expectations; use of
primary and secondary sources
7 (7%) to 8 (8%)
At least the minimum required; most are
credible and unbiased; effort made to
ensure quality and depth
0 (0%) to 6 (6%)
Less than the minimum required; most
sources lack quality criteria (ex:
Wikipedia); no attempt to explore
various points of view
Sources – Integration and
Citation (15%)
Quoting, summarizing, and
paraphrasing; in-text citations and
references adhere to required style
13 (13%) to 15 (15%)
Sources interspersed with writer’s own
analysis or synthesis; quotes are less
than 10% of paper; 1-5 minor errors in
10 (10%) to 12 (12%)
Sources interspersed with writer’s own
work; quotes are less than 20% of
paper; more than 5 minor errors in
0 (0%) to 9 (9%)
Sources strung together with little of
the writer’s own work; quotes are 50%
or more of paper; citations missing or
with major errors; plagiarism
Compose an original research paper (10 to 12 pages) on the
following topic:
Discuss the future of rhetoric in our electronic age. Look at
major theorists and movements, and how they have expanded
our current understanding of rhetoric. You might take a closer
look at concepts such as Deconstruction or the Rhetoric of
Display insofar as they influence our post-modern discourse.
You might note how rhetoric has substantially changed from the
classical model, and incorporate the different socio-political
climates and other factors relating to the degree of
influence/importance on our present-day rhetoric.
To support your observations, you must include at
least five references. You may use the required texts for the
course, the supplemental articles and speeches, or any other
source that supports your analysis.
For further understanding of contemporary rhetorical theory,
and to help prepare for the final paper, read the following
The Fate of Rhetoric in an Electronic Age (Links to an external
site.)Links to an external site.
Brooke, C. G. (1997, Spring). The fate of rhetoric in an
electronic age. Enculturation, 1(1). Retrieved from
Saul/Paul and The Promise of Technological Reforms (Links to
an external site.)Links to an external site.
Metzger, D. (1997, Spring). Saul/Paul and the promise of
technological reforms.Enculturation, 1(1). Retrieved from
Digital Rhetoric: Toward an Integrated Theory (Links to an
external site.)Links to an external site.
Zappen, J. P. (2005). Digital rhetoric: Toward an integrated
theory. Technical Communication Quarterly, 14(3), 319-325.
Retrieved from
Recovering Delivery for Digital Rhetoric (Links to an external
site.)Links to an external site.
Porter, J. E. (2009). Recovering delivery for digital
rhetoric. Computers and Composition, 26(4), 207-
224. doi: (Lin
ks to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Should you have any questions regarding the parameters of this
paper, contact your instructor immediately for clarification.
Note: Your paper will be submitted to Turnitin, a plagiarism
detection service, to check for originality. Therefore, please be
careful to attribute facts, ideas, and quotations in your paper to
their original sources.
Research and Composition Guidelines
All papers must adhere to the guidelines below.
Format - papers shall include all of the following elements (not
counted toward required 10-12 pages of body text):
· title page (name, date, course title/section and instructor's
name, and paper title)
· an abstract
· page numbers
· properly formatted parenthetical references and "References"
Grading Rubric - use the following rubric as a guide when
drafting your paper (your instructor will use it to grade your
Final Research Paper Rubric (PDF)
Citing Sources - you must use at least five references within the
body of the paper, with proper APA citation format. Please feel
free to use the required texts for the class, especially when
citing passages in Plato or Aristotle (citations from these
assigned works should not come from an Internet source). No
more than 20 percent of your paper should be direct quotes. Any
direct quotes should be used to support your own analysis and
recommendations. Do not copy large sections of content
verbatim from other sources. Please keep in mind that when you
paraphrase material, provide specific dates/data, you must cite
the source of your information. For specifics in terms of
documentation style, please see APA and Other Style
References in the Academic Resources section of Start Here.
Note: While preparing your final research paper, be sure that
you fully understand the APA citation guidelines. You must
properly cite your required five (or more) references both in the
body of the paper—including quotation marks for direct
quotes—and at the end. You must also cite where you obtained
facts, ideas, images, and any other content, even if they are not
direct quotes. Failure to properly cite sources will open you to
serious charges of plagiarism and academic fraud, which could
result in unwanted disciplinary action. Don't take a chance. Cite
your references correctly.
Research and Documentation - all papers shall follow the APA
standard guidelines, including font style and size, spacing, and
margins, for research and documentation. You are encouraged to
purchase an APA style manual; however, you may also find
assistance in Academic Resources and online. Proper
documentation of sources is critical in preparing papers for this
course. Papers without proper documentation shall be returned
for revision.
Cultural Diversity
LaTosha Thomas
Grand Canyon University
Instructor: Chavarria
Cultural Diversity
Barriers Needed to Evaluate the Project
In everyday life individuals can not overlook other cultures as if
it does not matter. Most individuals wish that they all can be
alike to avoid the way others may act towards them. Changing
for the best is to encourage individuals that it is time for a
change for everyone of all cultures throughout the world. A
person may encounter cultural diversity everywhere they may
go such as hospitals, schools, or stores but to make a difference
one must understand culture, act as an alliance against racism,
and form organizations for diverse groups to be able to stand
together (, 2017).
A proposed solution is letting individuals open on how
they can overcome culture diversity even if it takes having
group talks every week, letting individuals know that not just
themselves feel down by the way others treat them and this
should be a wakeup call for the ones that have been in this
position before because it does matter if a person is Caucasian,
African-American, Latino, or any color culture diversity should
not be tolerated on the job. Individuals of any race allows us to
have a job every day. Group talks, counseling for ones that keep
having trouble, one on one reviews, and drop boxes on anything
that a person may be feeling (Axner, 1993).
The initiated outcome for this barrier would be making
sure that individuals of any culture would feel comfortable
during their visit at the hospital, around a physician or nurse.
What humans failed to understand is that we all had to learn
how to talk and write so there is not a difference with
individuals of any culture. Managers of all organizations need
to make sure that their facility is free of culture diversity due to
lawsuits (Axner, 1993).
The organizational resources are always needed to implement
and maintain the change of plan. Such resources may include
the health centers, voluntary guidance and counseling centers,
guidance, and counseling centers. The change of management
involves the consideration of success factors and the objectives.
The change management methodology has several factors of
success such as sense of urgency must be established, increase
the company’s capability for change, here company’s ought to
be flexible to embrace change, the proper communication
should be done from those evoking it to those affected,
engaging all levels of leadership, and integration of
management strategies with the change((Lim, Daugherty, &
Haddad, 2013).
The actual plan, in this case, is to try and use the universal
language of communication in the organization resources,
politeness, and the urge to extreme humbleness where necessary
to suit all kinds of clients (Lokey,2008).
Change Proposal: Implementation Plan- Cultural Diversity
Implementing the Plan to change cultural diversity
For the implementation of the plan, there are some stakeholders
who are very vital in support of the implementation of the
proposed plan. The psychologists, the medical officers, and the
CEO. The stakeholders are agent during the implementation
since they need to understand first before they inform others of
the change of plan. They are required to master the change well
to show others, the workers, and the interested parties how the
change is beneficial. The disadvantages should be known earlier
to avoid surprises (Oldfield, 1998).
Because of a change plan, the organization and its stakeholders
may experience both positive and negative impacts. More
interest is put on the positive effects that the plan may bring
about. Understanding the clients’ level of language of
communication and the use of common language is likely to
raise the rating of services offered in the organization.
Complete communication is where the recipient can encode the
exact information that is intended to reach him/her. Therefore,
trying to be in the shoes of a client involves some
compromising, tolerance, and accommodation of other people’s
cultures. A friendlier counselor is likely to get all the
information required to offer the best help possible. In general,
the change is expected to bring about better services in the
organization, hence positive effects. The stakeholders will
equally be affected positively by the best recommendations
from being more sociable (Hewitt-Taylor, 2013).
The implementation plan ought to take effect after one week of
the meeting committee of the stakeholders and the relevant
officials. The change plan will take its course strictly until
undesirable effects overpower the advantages.
The implementation of the plan change follows a few steps as
follows (Lim, Daugherty, & Haddad, 2013).
1. The creation of a plan and defining the change
management process
2. Implementing change management strategy and monitor
before, during and after the change.
3. Have a backup policy in place in case the change is not
4. Evaluation-The change coordinator needs to see where the
change wasn’t practical, caused problems and whether it was
5. Update the change management plan in case the initial plan
isn’t effective.
The potential barriers to implementation of the change plan may
come from both within the company or outside. Some of the
barriers may include being afraid when the management and
organization focuses more on being afraid of change as well as
lack of success rather than having the potential for growth it
makes it difficult to plan of the organization. (Rittenhouse,
To overcome these barriers, a bright and skillful approach is
introduced to tackle fast organizational growth as well as
complexity. An organization can break these barriers by
employing diligent, quality and highly effective project and
change management approach. Once you understand and manage
these barriers to change management, it will be easy to
implement the change. Eventually, everyone in the organization
will be comfortable to embrace the new change (Lokey, 2008).
There is need to assess the already implemented plan so that the
evaluated scheme may be used as a basis for a summary of a
situation. Evaluation of the change plan can also be useful when
it comes to salary increase or bonus. Especially, when the
change occurs for the best that everyone understands the
meaning of cultural diversity within the organization will go
hand in hand as change progresses and this will help the
organization grow and become successful (Poole & Van, 2004).
Regarding this, there are different steps that will help to put my
organization on the right track for continuous high quality
improvement. The first step will define my stakeholders. My
stakeholders are the supporters, recipients, implementer and
decision makers related to this program. Getting them involved
early on will help you get different perspectives on the program
and establish common expectations. This helps to clarify goals
and objectives of the program you’ll evaluate, so everyone
understands its purpose (Carnell, 1982).
In the second step, I will conclude the data comparisons,
surveys, strengths, and weaknesses. You can compare the
evaluation information that pinpoints goals the program, against
the standards established by your stakeholders or funders (Poole
& Van,2004).
The third step is to present the research and making sure it is
used. It is important that all the challenging work you put into
program evaluation gets used for quality improvement. When
you turn in your findings it is important to know the values,
beliefs, and perceptions of your group; build on the
organization background and make sure it is common ground;
and state the purpose for your recommendations before you get
to the details of the plan.
The dissemination plan for this change plan is also significant
here because it depends entirely on the mode of communication
used to reach the target recipients. The success of my
dissemination relies on the number of people received the
information. I will use tools such as; web analytics, talking to
dissemination partners about audiences and distribution and
using the social media. We continue to strategize on the means
to ensure public health practitioners access this information, by
the following. Exploring the opportunities for relevancy, fill
gaps of need rather than re-inventing the wheel to create new
products and lastly, inform and re-inform our internal
stakeholders of these products (, 2017).
Timeline of Project
Top of Form
Institute of Medicine (U.S.). (2012). Evaluation of the Lovell
Federal Health Care Center merger: Findings, conclusions, and
Top of Form
Carnall, C. A. (1982). The evaluation of organizational change.
Aldershot, Hampshire, England: Gower.
Top of Form
Poole, M. S., & Van, V. A. H. (2004). Handbook of
organizational change and innovation. Oxford, UK: Oxford
University Press.
Top of Form
Maryland Energy Office., Massicot, P. O., & United States.
(1984). Appropriate technology information dissemination plan.
Baltimore, Md.: The Office.
Top of Form
International Monetary Fund, (2007). The General Data
Dissemination System: Guide for participants and users.
Washington, D.C: International Monetary Fund.
Top of Form
Mackowiak, T. J. (2005). An evaluation of planned change:
Accredited undergraduate athletic training educational
programs., 2017
Lim, N., Haddad, A., Daugherty, L., Rand Corporation., & Rand
Corporation,. (2013). Implementation of the DOD Diversity and
Inclusion Strategic Plan: A framework for change through
Oldfield, F., Past Global Changes., Changements Globaux du
Passé., & Past Global Changes. (1998). Status report and
implementation plan. Stockholm: The International Geosphere-
Biosphere Programme.
Holbeche, L. (2015). The agile organization: How to build an
innovative, sustainable and resilient business.
Hewitt-Taylor, J. (2013). Understanding and managing change
in healthcare: A step-by-step guide. Basingstoke: Palgrave
Flamholtz, E., & Randle, Y. (2012). Growing Pains:
Transitioning from an Entrepreneurship to a Professionally
Managed Firm. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
FAO Workshop on the Implementation of the FAO International
Guidelines for the Management of Deep-Sea Fisheries in the
High Seas--Challenges and Ways Forward, & Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,. (2011). Report
of the FAO Workshop on the Implementation of the FAO
International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-Sea
Fisheries in the High Seas--Challenges and Ways Forward:
Busan, Republic of Korea, 10-12 May 2010. Rome: Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Ren, W., Rittenhouse, P., Oak Ridge National Laboratory.,
United States., & United States. (2005). Gen IV Materials
Handbook Implementation Plan. Washington, D.C: United
States. Dept. of Energy.
Axner, D 1993. The Community leadership project curriculum
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Bottom of Form
Bottom of Form
Bottom of Form

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  • 1. 1 Running head: CULTURAL DIVERSITY 4 Running head: CULTURAL DIVERSITY 8 Running head: CULTURAL DIVERSITY Cultural Diversity LaTosha Thomas Grand Canyon University 11/19/2017 Instructor: Chavarria Cultural Diversity In everyday life individuals can not overlook other cultures as if it does not matter. Most individuals wish that they all can be alike to avoid the way others may act towards them. Changing for the best is to encourage individuals that it is time for a change for everyone of all cultures throughout the world. A person may encounter cultural diversity everywhere they may go such as hospitals, schools, or stores but to make a difference one must understand culture, act as an alliance against racism, and form organizations for diverse groups to be able to stand together (, 2017). Comment by Massey, Jennifer: What is the barrier in regards to cultural diversity in healthcare?
  • 2. A proposed solution is letting individuals open on how they can overcome culture diversity even if it takes having group talks every week, letting individuals know that not just themselves feel down by the way others treat them and this should be a wakeup call for the ones that have been in this position before because it does matter if a person is Caucasian, African-American, Latino, or any color culture diversity should not be tolerated on the job. Individuals of any race allows us to have a job every day. Group talks, counseling for ones that keep having trouble, one on one reviews, and drop boxes on anything that a person may be feeling (Axner, 1993). Comment by Massey, Jennifer: Is this the evaluation plan? There should also be headers to separate the different sections. Comment by Massey, Jennifer: Comment by Massey, Jennifer: The initiated outcome for this barrier would be making sure that individuals of any culture would feel comfortable during their visit at the hospital, around a physician or nurse. What humans failed to understand is that we all had to learn how to talk and write so there is not a difference with individuals of any culture. Managers of all organizations need to make sure that their facility is free of culture diversity due to lawsuits (Axner, 1993). The organizational resources are always needed to implement and maintain the change of plan. Such resources may include the health centers, voluntary guidance and counseling centers, guidance, and counseling centers. The change of management involves the consideration of success factors and the objectives. The change management methodology has several factors of success such as sense of urgency must be established, increase the company’s capability for change, here company’s ought to be flexible to embrace change, the proper communication should be done from those evoking it to those affected, engaging all levels of leadership, and integration of management strategies with the change((Lim, Daugherty, & Haddad, 2013). Comment by Massey, Jennifer: Should have “a”
  • 3. before sense. The actual plan, in this case, is to try and use the universal language of communication in the organization resources, politeness, and the urge to extreme humbleness where necessary to suit all kinds of clients (Lokey,2008). Comment by Massey, Jennifer: This is good, the plan needs to be elaborated a bit to explain how it will be executed. For the implementation of the plan, there are some stakeholders who are very vital in support of the implementation of the proposed plan. The psychologists, the medical officers, and the CEO. The stakeholders are agent during the implementation since they need to understand first before they inform others of the change of plan. They are required to master the change well to show others, the workers, and the interested parties how the change is beneficial. The disadvantages should be known earlier to avoid surprises (Oldfield, 1998). Comment by Massey, Jennifer: There should be a indentation here Comment by Massey, Jennifer: What are the disadvantages of the change plan? How can those be overcome? Because of a change plan, the organization and its stakeholders may experience both positive and negative impacts. More interest is put on the positive effects that the plan may bring about. Understanding the clients’ level of language of communication and the use of common language is likely to raise the rating of services offered in the organization. Complete communication is where the recipient can encode the exact information that is intended to reach him/her. Therefore, trying to be in the shoes of a client involves some compromising, tolerance, and accommodation of other people’s cultures. A friendlier counselor is likely to get all the information required to offer the best help possible. In general, the change is expected to bring about better services in the organization, hence positive effects. The stakeholders will equally be affected positively by the best recommendations
  • 4. from being more sociable (Hewitt-Taylor, 2013). The implementation plan ought to take effect after one week of the meeting committee of the stakeholders and the relevant officials. The change plan will take its course strictly until undesirable effects overpower the advantages. Comment by Massey, Jennifer: This is not a full paragraph. The implementation plan consists of a good outline, how will undesirable affects not overpower the advantages? The implementation of the plan change follows a few steps as follows (Lim, Daugherty, & Haddad, 2013). 1. The creation of a plan and defining the change management process 2. Implementing change management strategy and monitor before, during and after the change. 3. Have a backup policy in place in case the change is not valid. 4. Evaluation-The change coordinator needs to see where the change wasn’t practical, caused problems and whether it was active. 5. Update the change management plan in case the initial plan isn’t effective. The potential barriers to implementation of the change plan may come from both within the company or outside. Some of the barriers may include being afraid when the management and organization focuses more on being afraid of change as well as lack of success rather than having the potential for growth it makes it difficult to plan of the organization. (Rittenhouse, 2005). To overcome these barriers, a bright and skillful approach is introduced to tackle fast organizational growth as well as complexity. An organization can break these barriers by employing diligent, quality and highly effective project and change management approach. Once you understand and manage these barriers to change management, it will be easy to implement the change. Eventually, everyone in the organization
  • 5. will be comfortable to embrace the new change (Lokey, 2008). Comment by Massey, Jennifer: There needs to be a transition or header between these paragraphs. There is need to assess the already implemented plan so that the evaluated scheme may be used as a basis for a summary of a situation. Evaluation of the change plan can also be useful when it comes to salary increase or bonus. Especially, when the change occurs for the best that everyone understands the meaning of cultural diversity within the organization will go hand in hand as change progresses and this will help the organization grow and become successful (Poole & Van, 2004). Comment by Massey, Jennifer: How will the plan be evaluated? There should be headers dividing each section of the paper. Regarding this, there are different steps that will help to put my organization on the right track for continuous high quality improvement. The first step will define my stakeholders. My stakeholders are the supporters, recipients, implementer and decision makers related to this program. Getting them involved early on will help you get different perspectives on the program and establish common expectations. This helps to clarify goals and objectives of the program you’ll evaluate, so everyone understands its purpose (Carnell, 1982). In the second step, I will conclude the data comparisons, surveys, strengths, and weaknesses. You can compare the evaluation information that pinpoints goals the program, against the standards established by your stakeholders or funders (Poole & Van,2004). Comment by Massey, Jennifer: Comment by Massey, Jennifer: Per the professor, first person shouldn’t be used in the paper The third step is to present the research and making sure it is used. It is important that all the challenging work you put into program evaluation gets used for quality improvement. When you turn in your findings it is important to know the values,
  • 6. beliefs, and perceptions of your group; build on the organization background and make sure it is common ground; and state the purpose for your recommendations before you get to the details of the plan. The dissemination plan for this change plan is also significant here because it depends entirely on the mode of communication used to reach the target recipients. The success of my dissemination relies on the number of people received the information. I will use tools such as; web analytics, talking to dissemination partners about audiences and distribution and using the social media. We continue to strategize on the means to ensure public health practitioners access this information, by the following. Exploring the opportunities for relevancy, fill gaps of need rather than re-inventing the wheel to create new products and lastly, inform and re-inform our internal stakeholders of these products (, 2017). Comment by Massey, Jennifer: Overall, the paper has good content. There needs to be some changes with the first person writing. The paper should also be 2,000 words at least . There could be more specifics to the change proposal topic to explain the overall project. References Comment by Massey, Jennifer: References should be in alphabetical order Top of Form Institute of Medicine (U.S.). (2012). Evaluation of the Lovell Federal Health Care Center merger: Findings, conclusions, and recommendations. Top of Form Carnall, C. A. (1982). The evaluation of organizational change. Aldershot, Hampshire, England: Gower. Top of Form Poole, M. S., & Van, V. A. H. (2004). Handbook of organizational change and innovation. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
  • 7. Top of Form Maryland Energy Office., Massicot, P. O., & United States. (1984). Appropriate technology information dissemination plan. Baltimore, Md.: The Office. Top of Form International Monetary Fund, (2007). The General Data Dissemination System: Guide for participants and users. Washington, D.C: International Monetary Fund. Top of Form Mackowiak, T. J. (2005). An evaluation of planned change: Accredited undergraduate athletic training educational programs., 2017 Lim, N., Haddad, A., Daugherty, L., Rand Corporation., & Rand Corporation,. (2013). Implementation of the DOD Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan: A framework for change through accountability. Oldfield, F., Past Global Changes., Changements Globaux du Passé., & Past Global Changes. (1998). Status report and implementation plan. Stockholm: The International Geosphere- Biosphere Programme. Holbeche, L. (2015). The agile organization: How to build an innovative, sustainable and resilient business. Hewitt-Taylor, J. (2013). Understanding and managing change in healthcare: A step-by-step guide. Basingstoke: Palgrave macmillan. Flamholtz, E., & Randle, Y. (2012). Growing Pains: Transitioning from an Entrepreneurship to a Professionally Managed Firm. New York: John Wiley & Sons. FAO Workshop on the Implementation of the FAO International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-Sea Fisheries in the High Seas--Challenges and Ways Forward, & Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,. (2011). Report of the FAO Workshop on the Implementation of the FAO International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-Sea Fisheries in the High Seas--Challenges and Ways Forward:
  • 8. Busan, Republic of Korea, 10-12 May 2010. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Ren, W., Rittenhouse, P., Oak Ridge National Laboratory., United States., & United States. (2005). Gen IV Materials Handbook Implementation Plan. Washington, D.C: United States. Dept. of Energy. Axner, D 1993. The Community leadership project curriculum Bottom of Form Bottom of Form Bottom of Form Bottom of Form Bottom of Form Bottom of Form 1 ENGL 143 Final Research Paper Rubric Criteria Levels of Achievement Proficient Satisfactory Poor Introduction (5%) Provides context; includes thesis and
  • 9. provides a clear scope 4 (4%) to 5 (5%) Clearly provides all necessary information and sets expectations 2 (2%) to 3 (3%) Minor lack or excess of information; minor lack of clarity 0 (0%) to 1 (1%) Confusing, vague or lacking Body Structure (5%) Paragraphs focus on one major idea each; transitions clearly show relationships among ideas 4 (4%) to 5 (5%) Paragraphs consistently meet expectations; transitions very clear 2 (2%) to 3 (3%) 1-3 lapses in paragraphs; 1-3 problems with transitions 0 (0%) to 1 (1%) So many lapses in paragraphs or problems with transitions that comprehension is difficult Conclusion (5%) Decisively ends paper, provides reflection as the future of rhetoric in our electronic age
  • 10. 4 (4%) to 5 (5%) Ends paper with powerful impact; creates a fully satisfying sense of completion 2 (2%) to 3 (3%) Ending works, but may be weak or does not create a good sense of completion 0 (0%) to 1 (1%) Weak, confusing or missing ending Content (30%) Paper provides a clear outline of the evolution of rhetoric and its influence on our post-modern discourse; speculates as to the future of rhetoric in our electronic age; adequately addresses the topic; source texts are referenced as required 25 (25%) to 30 (30%) Paper thoroughly discusses rhetoric’s evolution and its influence; provides a thought-provoking speculation as to the future of rhetoric; supports analysis with references to concepts discussed in source texts; demonstrates a solid understanding of the assignment 18 (18%) to 24 (24%) Paper adequately responds to the topic; length is adequate to address the topic; there is a reference to concepts discussed in source texts 0 (0%) to 17 (17%)
  • 11. Paper does not respond effectively to the topic; length is insufficient to adequately address the topic; reference to concepts discussed in source texts missing or incomplete Vocabulary (10%) Appropriate; avoids jargon, slang, and overly emotionally charged words 9 (9%) to 10 (10%) Skillful word choice that is precise, purposeful and appropriate in formality 7 (7%) to 8 (8%) Relatively few minor errors 0 (0%) to 6 (6%) So many errors that writing is difficult to comprehend or offensive or irrelevant Writing Style (10%) Variety of sentence constructions, appropriate brevity, use of parallelism, poetic effects (such as metaphor, simile, alliteration) 9 (9%) to 10 (10%) Pleasing variety of sentence constructions; always effective and appropriate brevity, use of parallelism and/or poetic effects 7 (7%) to 8 (8%) Relatively few minor errors
  • 12. 0 (0%) to 6 (6%) Errors detract significantly from comprehension or create significant distractions Grammar (10%) Fragments, run-ons, tense, voice, agreement, spelling, punctuation 9 (9%) to 10 (10%) Few to no errors (1% or less of assignment word total) 7 (7%) to 8 (8%) Some errors (less than 5% of word total) 0 (0%) to 6 (6%) Errors detract significantly from comprehension Sources – Number, Quality and Variety (10%) Sufficient (at least five), credible, unbiased sources show an in-depth exploration/points of view; draws on the course texts as primary sources 9 (9%) to 10 (10%) Significantly more than the minimum required; clearly credible and unbiased; effort beyond expectations; use of primary and secondary sources 7 (7%) to 8 (8%)
  • 13. At least the minimum required; most are credible and unbiased; effort made to ensure quality and depth 0 (0%) to 6 (6%) Less than the minimum required; most sources lack quality criteria (ex: Wikipedia); no attempt to explore various points of view Sources – Integration and Citation (15%) Quoting, summarizing, and paraphrasing; in-text citations and references adhere to required style 13 (13%) to 15 (15%) Sources interspersed with writer’s own analysis or synthesis; quotes are less than 10% of paper; 1-5 minor errors in documentation 10 (10%) to 12 (12%) Sources interspersed with writer’s own work; quotes are less than 20% of paper; more than 5 minor errors in documentation 0 (0%) to 9 (9%) Sources strung together with little of the writer’s own work; quotes are 50% or more of paper; citations missing or with major errors; plagiarism 0115
  • 14. Compose an original research paper (10 to 12 pages) on the following topic: Discuss the future of rhetoric in our electronic age. Look at major theorists and movements, and how they have expanded our current understanding of rhetoric. You might take a closer look at concepts such as Deconstruction or the Rhetoric of Display insofar as they influence our post-modern discourse. You might note how rhetoric has substantially changed from the classical model, and incorporate the different socio-political climates and other factors relating to the degree of influence/importance on our present-day rhetoric. To support your observations, you must include at least five references. You may use the required texts for the course, the supplemental articles and speeches, or any other source that supports your analysis. For further understanding of contemporary rhetorical theory, and to help prepare for the final paper, read the following articles: The Fate of Rhetoric in an Electronic Age (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Brooke, C. G. (1997, Spring). The fate of rhetoric in an electronic age. Enculturation, 1(1). Retrieved from Saul/Paul and The Promise of Technological Reforms (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Metzger, D. (1997, Spring). Saul/Paul and the promise of technological reforms.Enculturation, 1(1). Retrieved from Digital Rhetoric: Toward an Integrated Theory (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Zappen, J. P. (2005). Digital rhetoric: Toward an integrated theory. Technical Communication Quarterly, 14(3), 319-325. Retrieved from Recovering Delivery for Digital Rhetoric (Links to an external
  • 15. site.)Links to an external site. Porter, J. E. (2009). Recovering delivery for digital rhetoric. Computers and Composition, 26(4), 207- 224. doi: (Lin ks to an external site.)Links to an external site. Should you have any questions regarding the parameters of this paper, contact your instructor immediately for clarification. Note: Your paper will be submitted to Turnitin, a plagiarism detection service, to check for originality. Therefore, please be careful to attribute facts, ideas, and quotations in your paper to their original sources. Research and Composition Guidelines All papers must adhere to the guidelines below. Format - papers shall include all of the following elements (not counted toward required 10-12 pages of body text): · title page (name, date, course title/section and instructor's name, and paper title) · an abstract · page numbers · properly formatted parenthetical references and "References" list Grading Rubric - use the following rubric as a guide when drafting your paper (your instructor will use it to grade your paper): Final Research Paper Rubric (PDF) Citing Sources - you must use at least five references within the body of the paper, with proper APA citation format. Please feel free to use the required texts for the class, especially when citing passages in Plato or Aristotle (citations from these assigned works should not come from an Internet source). No more than 20 percent of your paper should be direct quotes. Any direct quotes should be used to support your own analysis and recommendations. Do not copy large sections of content verbatim from other sources. Please keep in mind that when you paraphrase material, provide specific dates/data, you must cite the source of your information. For specifics in terms of
  • 16. documentation style, please see APA and Other Style References in the Academic Resources section of Start Here. Note: While preparing your final research paper, be sure that you fully understand the APA citation guidelines. You must properly cite your required five (or more) references both in the body of the paper—including quotation marks for direct quotes—and at the end. You must also cite where you obtained facts, ideas, images, and any other content, even if they are not direct quotes. Failure to properly cite sources will open you to serious charges of plagiarism and academic fraud, which could result in unwanted disciplinary action. Don't take a chance. Cite your references correctly. Research and Documentation - all papers shall follow the APA standard guidelines, including font style and size, spacing, and margins, for research and documentation. You are encouraged to purchase an APA style manual; however, you may also find assistance in Academic Resources and online. Proper documentation of sources is critical in preparing papers for this course. Papers without proper documentation shall be returned for revision. 1 Running head: CULTURAL DIVERSITY 4 Running head: CULTURAL DIVERSITY 6 Running head: CULTURAL DIVERSITY Cultural Diversity
  • 17. LaTosha Thomas Grand Canyon University 11/19/2017 Instructor: Chavarria Cultural Diversity Barriers Needed to Evaluate the Project In everyday life individuals can not overlook other cultures as if it does not matter. Most individuals wish that they all can be alike to avoid the way others may act towards them. Changing for the best is to encourage individuals that it is time for a change for everyone of all cultures throughout the world. A person may encounter cultural diversity everywhere they may go such as hospitals, schools, or stores but to make a difference one must understand culture, act as an alliance against racism, and form organizations for diverse groups to be able to stand together (, 2017). A proposed solution is letting individuals open on how they can overcome culture diversity even if it takes having group talks every week, letting individuals know that not just themselves feel down by the way others treat them and this should be a wakeup call for the ones that have been in this position before because it does matter if a person is Caucasian, African-American, Latino, or any color culture diversity should not be tolerated on the job. Individuals of any race allows us to have a job every day. Group talks, counseling for ones that keep having trouble, one on one reviews, and drop boxes on anything
  • 18. that a person may be feeling (Axner, 1993). The initiated outcome for this barrier would be making sure that individuals of any culture would feel comfortable during their visit at the hospital, around a physician or nurse. What humans failed to understand is that we all had to learn how to talk and write so there is not a difference with individuals of any culture. Managers of all organizations need to make sure that their facility is free of culture diversity due to lawsuits (Axner, 1993). The organizational resources are always needed to implement and maintain the change of plan. Such resources may include the health centers, voluntary guidance and counseling centers, guidance, and counseling centers. The change of management involves the consideration of success factors and the objectives. The change management methodology has several factors of success such as sense of urgency must be established, increase the company’s capability for change, here company’s ought to be flexible to embrace change, the proper communication should be done from those evoking it to those affected, engaging all levels of leadership, and integration of management strategies with the change((Lim, Daugherty, & Haddad, 2013). The actual plan, in this case, is to try and use the universal language of communication in the organization resources, politeness, and the urge to extreme humbleness where necessary to suit all kinds of clients (Lokey,2008). Change Proposal: Implementation Plan- Cultural Diversity Implementing the Plan to change cultural diversity For the implementation of the plan, there are some stakeholders who are very vital in support of the implementation of the proposed plan. The psychologists, the medical officers, and the CEO. The stakeholders are agent during the implementation since they need to understand first before they inform others of the change of plan. They are required to master the change well to show others, the workers, and the interested parties how the change is beneficial. The disadvantages should be known earlier
  • 19. to avoid surprises (Oldfield, 1998). Because of a change plan, the organization and its stakeholders may experience both positive and negative impacts. More interest is put on the positive effects that the plan may bring about. Understanding the clients’ level of language of communication and the use of common language is likely to raise the rating of services offered in the organization. Complete communication is where the recipient can encode the exact information that is intended to reach him/her. Therefore, trying to be in the shoes of a client involves some compromising, tolerance, and accommodation of other people’s cultures. A friendlier counselor is likely to get all the information required to offer the best help possible. In general, the change is expected to bring about better services in the organization, hence positive effects. The stakeholders will equally be affected positively by the best recommendations from being more sociable (Hewitt-Taylor, 2013). The implementation plan ought to take effect after one week of the meeting committee of the stakeholders and the relevant officials. The change plan will take its course strictly until undesirable effects overpower the advantages. The implementation of the plan change follows a few steps as follows (Lim, Daugherty, & Haddad, 2013). 1. The creation of a plan and defining the change management process 2. Implementing change management strategy and monitor before, during and after the change. 3. Have a backup policy in place in case the change is not valid. 4. Evaluation-The change coordinator needs to see where the change wasn’t practical, caused problems and whether it was active. 5. Update the change management plan in case the initial plan isn’t effective. The potential barriers to implementation of the change plan may come from both within the company or outside. Some of the
  • 20. barriers may include being afraid when the management and organization focuses more on being afraid of change as well as lack of success rather than having the potential for growth it makes it difficult to plan of the organization. (Rittenhouse, 2005). To overcome these barriers, a bright and skillful approach is introduced to tackle fast organizational growth as well as complexity. An organization can break these barriers by employing diligent, quality and highly effective project and change management approach. Once you understand and manage these barriers to change management, it will be easy to implement the change. Eventually, everyone in the organization will be comfortable to embrace the new change (Lokey, 2008). There is need to assess the already implemented plan so that the evaluated scheme may be used as a basis for a summary of a situation. Evaluation of the change plan can also be useful when it comes to salary increase or bonus. Especially, when the change occurs for the best that everyone understands the meaning of cultural diversity within the organization will go hand in hand as change progresses and this will help the organization grow and become successful (Poole & Van, 2004). Regarding this, there are different steps that will help to put my organization on the right track for continuous high quality improvement. The first step will define my stakeholders. My stakeholders are the supporters, recipients, implementer and decision makers related to this program. Getting them involved early on will help you get different perspectives on the program and establish common expectations. This helps to clarify goals and objectives of the program you’ll evaluate, so everyone understands its purpose (Carnell, 1982). In the second step, I will conclude the data comparisons, surveys, strengths, and weaknesses. You can compare the evaluation information that pinpoints goals the program, against the standards established by your stakeholders or funders (Poole & Van,2004). The third step is to present the research and making sure it is
  • 21. used. It is important that all the challenging work you put into program evaluation gets used for quality improvement. When you turn in your findings it is important to know the values, beliefs, and perceptions of your group; build on the organization background and make sure it is common ground; and state the purpose for your recommendations before you get to the details of the plan. Dissemination The dissemination plan for this change plan is also significant here because it depends entirely on the mode of communication used to reach the target recipients. The success of my dissemination relies on the number of people received the information. I will use tools such as; web analytics, talking to dissemination partners about audiences and distribution and using the social media. We continue to strategize on the means to ensure public health practitioners access this information, by the following. Exploring the opportunities for relevancy, fill gaps of need rather than re-inventing the wheel to create new products and lastly, inform and re-inform our internal stakeholders of these products (, 2017). Timeline of Project References Top of Form Institute of Medicine (U.S.). (2012). Evaluation of the Lovell Federal Health Care Center merger: Findings, conclusions, and recommendations. Top of Form Carnall, C. A. (1982). The evaluation of organizational change. Aldershot, Hampshire, England: Gower. Top of Form Poole, M. S., & Van, V. A. H. (2004). Handbook of organizational change and innovation. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Top of Form Maryland Energy Office., Massicot, P. O., & United States.
  • 22. (1984). Appropriate technology information dissemination plan. Baltimore, Md.: The Office. Top of Form International Monetary Fund, (2007). The General Data Dissemination System: Guide for participants and users. Washington, D.C: International Monetary Fund. Top of Form Mackowiak, T. J. (2005). An evaluation of planned change: Accredited undergraduate athletic training educational programs., 2017 Lim, N., Haddad, A., Daugherty, L., Rand Corporation., & Rand Corporation,. (2013). Implementation of the DOD Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan: A framework for change through accountability. Oldfield, F., Past Global Changes., Changements Globaux du Passé., & Past Global Changes. (1998). Status report and implementation plan. Stockholm: The International Geosphere- Biosphere Programme. Holbeche, L. (2015). The agile organization: How to build an innovative, sustainable and resilient business. Hewitt-Taylor, J. (2013). Understanding and managing change in healthcare: A step-by-step guide. Basingstoke: Palgrave macmillan. Flamholtz, E., & Randle, Y. (2012). Growing Pains: Transitioning from an Entrepreneurship to a Professionally Managed Firm. New York: John Wiley & Sons. FAO Workshop on the Implementation of the FAO International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-Sea Fisheries in the High Seas--Challenges and Ways Forward, & Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,. (2011). Report of the FAO Workshop on the Implementation of the FAO International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-Sea Fisheries in the High Seas--Challenges and Ways Forward: Busan, Republic of Korea, 10-12 May 2010. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
  • 23. Ren, W., Rittenhouse, P., Oak Ridge National Laboratory., United States., & United States. (2005). Gen IV Materials Handbook Implementation Plan. Washington, D.C: United States. Dept. of Energy. Axner, D 1993. The Community leadership project curriculum Bottom of Form Bottom of Form Bottom of Form Bottom of Form Bottom of Form Bottom of Form 1