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Change Management Proposal
HR006: Leadership, System Thinking, and Change Management
Yasmin Abdulghafour
Walden University Comment by Dr. Steve: Yasmin – this
report is intended to be one paper (two parts) – please combine
your Part I and Part II into a single document when you re-
Executive Summary
Organizational change is the process in which any organization
brings or desires to bring changes in its organizational culture,
structure, strategies, functions or technologies to cause the
change within the company to achieve certain goals and
improve the overall performance of the company. This study is
based on proposing a change management model for Ronald
Reagan UCLA medical Medical center Center which is located
in Los Angeles. UCLA medical Medical center Center is
focused on continuously improving its services by implementing
the concept of “True North” which suggests to improve and
idealize different aspect of services including quality, equity,
care experience, safety, financial stewardship, and workforce
development and care.
This change management proposal recommends the use of
Kotter's 8-step change model to bring the change in the
organizational culture of the UCLA Health System. This
proposal also highlights the role of communication in bringing
change in the organization. Moreover, this study suggests the
strategies to motivate employees to embrace the process of
change and recommends the training strategies that can be used
to implement the process of change successfully. This study
also provides a guideline of how the change process can be
evaluated and measured on the basis of organizational and
individual performances. Comment by Dr. Steve: Good
Change Management Proposal
Introduction of the Organization
Ronald Reagan UCLA medical Medical centerCenter, a 520-bed
facility, is a medical service providing organization located in
Los Angeles. It was founded in 1955 and initially started as
UCLA medical Medical center Center but, later it became
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical center Center in 2008. The
medical center has highly qualified staff which provides 24
hours of medical services. This center offers many clinical
services including cancer services, cardiovascular services,
pediatric services, transplantation facilities, men and women
health services, and weight management programs, etc. the
facility has about ten 10 floors, and every floor contains
dialysis storage, satellite pharmacy, respiratory therapy
workrooms, and restrooms for doctors and residents. What is
your resource for this information? Comment by Dr. Steve: Run
on sentence – try re-writing this as two sentences
The mission of UCLA health Health is to deliver timely and
leading research, education, and patient care. It is aimed at
healing humankind by providing medical services and acts of
kindness. UCLA Health is focused on providing the best health
care services through the latest medical technology. Staff
including physicians, nurses, doctors, and other members are
supervised by competent leadership including Johnese Spisso
who is president of UCLA health and CEO UCLA hospital
system, and John Mazziotta who is CEO UCLA health and Vice-
Chancellor at UCLA health system (UCLA HEALTH, 2019).
Comment by Dr. Steve: Same caution as before regarding
use of actual namesDesired Organizational Changes
The leadership of the medical center is now focused on further
improvement by bringing change by implementing and applying
a handful of the metrics at the organization level that is
explained as "True North." The concept of “True North” means
that all the functions within the company should be performed
in an ideal way. Some of the aspects of the functions and
services that need to be idealized in medical Centre center
include quality, equity, care experience, safety, financial
stewardship, and workforce development and care (citation?).
The efforts started with implementing DMS (daily management
systems) (DMS) for urgent care unit, emergency department,
and pediatric services. DMS helps engage team members in
identifying and resolving issues. Implementation of DMS led to
measurable improvements including quality improvement and
increase in capacity to see clients in urgent care clinic, reducing
wait times in pharmacies, and decrease decreasing in cycle
times for patients in the emergency department. DMS is yet to
apply in other services. UCLA Health is also aimed at
developing leader traits which truly support the philosophy of
enabling, aligning, and improving at all levels of management
in all departments.(citation?) Comment by Dr. Steve: Yasmin –
this is unclear – how does DMS connect with “True North?”
The way you have it written, I cannot tell if it is part of this
initiative or a separate information technology initiative.
Driving force that is demanding changes
The driving force behind bringing the change in UCLA health
Health is to gain sustainable competitive advantage. The only
competitive advantage in today’s world is the ability to adapt,
change, and evolve better than the competitors. It is the
requirement of the advanced world to have an improved system
for bringing change and an understanding of important issues
which guide change management (Salman & Broten, 2017).
Patient safety needs means more than just preventing,
eliminating, and complying the situation. So, it is crucial to
ensure that the healthcare system is resilient to a larger extent,
and everyday functions have more probability of succeeding
than they fail. Thus, the motivation behind implementing this
model is that this paradigm would help facilitate flexibility and
increase the capacity of UCLA health to deliver more healthcare
more effectively. This change will also make the system
flexible which can adapt changes under different situations.
Comment by Dr. Steve: This is not clear Comment by Dr.
Steve: Your explanations of the forces driving this change are
not clear. You begin by discussing gaining a competitive
advantage, then you go into patient safety, then to
organizational resilience. You need to describe succinct,
discreet reasons why the organization has chosen to make this
change. Expected Resistance
Bringing change requires the leadership challenge the already
existing practices, norms, and habits of established behaviors. It
requires time and commitment on the part of the leader. All the
staff needs to be well involved to implement the changes at the
organizational level. Otherwise, there can be many difficulties
to implement these changes. All the stakeholders may not accept
these changes in case these changes are imposed on them. So, it
is necessary to properly convey the need for the change to all
staff and persuade them.
Implementing the new policies too fast can also face resistance
as no one will be ready to adapt to this innovation too quickly.
Employees can also resist if they are not fully aware of
organization goals and mission. So, it is the role of the ethical
leadership to lead from the front and develop interpersonal trust
among the leaders and staff. Lack of interpersonal trust can also
cause resistance in the process of bringing change (Lewis,
2019). Comment by Dr. Steve: This is vague; please provide
specific examples of the resistance expected to this change; who
will resist the change and why will they resist it.
Organizational Change Model (Kotter’s 8-step Model)
Change management refers to how organizations implement
organizational change. There are many approaches to bringing
change in the organization. One of the models is Lewin’s model
which breaks change process into three smaller stages including
unfreeze, change, and refreeze (citation?). Unfreezing eases the
process of bringing change. Another model is AKDAR model
which uses a people-focused approach to bring change. It
involves creating awareness and desire for change, educating
people, enabling, and reinforcing to sustain change (Ford,
2018). Comment by Dr. Steve: Why aren’t these models
appropriate for this change?
Kotter’s 8-step Model
But, here weThe leadership of UCLA Health will use the
Kotter’s 8 step change theory or model to implement the desired
change in UCLA facility. This model was developed by John
Kotter in 1996. The eight steps are classified in three broad
categories which are discussed step by step and clarifies how
the change process can be accompanied in every stage as shown
in figure 1 (Small et al., 2016).
A. Creating a climate for change
Many initiatives do notn’t succeed because organizations may
lack interest in the desired change or put insufficient efforts to
bring change. Some of the steps required for creating climate
change are discussed below.
1. Increasing Urgency
In this step, change leaders need to create a sense of urgency
about the desired changes. This includes identifying the crisis
which requires change. In the case of UCLA, the factors like a
competitive advantage of competitors, rising costs due to
routine practices, and reimbursement problems due to lack of
competitive services can be identified to create the sense of
urgency among workers (citation?).
2. Build a strong coalition
After creating a sense of urgency, UCLA must bring the right
team members together. It includes forming the right team
having commitment and trust to perform the required task. This
step also includes confronting problems which are normally
avoided. The team should be emotionally honest and capable of
speaking the unspeakable, persuading the others, and perform a
job without any fear of reprisal(citation?).
3. Form a vision
This step needs to define a vision of change and identify the
desired changes. In this step, UCLA needs to define all changes
including implementing DMS, developing leader traits which
truly support the philosophy of enabling, align, and improve at
all levels, and idealizing the functions including patient safety
and care, workforce development and care, equity, and
continuous improvement in quality(citation?).
Figure 1.: Kotter’s 8-step Organizational Change model
B. Enabling and engaging the organization
This stage involves communicating the strategy and vision.
Some of the steps involved in this stage are discussed below.
4. Communicate for Buy-in
The objective of the change is to have as many individuals on
side, i.e. working for the shared goal. So, iInformation provided
to all the staff should be relevant, and they should be allowed to
ask frequent questions about the change. Good communication
is not just about transferring the data. Change can lead to
conflict, so, honest and open dialogue is essential at this stage.
If there remains a gap between deeds and words, the destructive
force of mistrust may grow. This situation can cause difficulties
in bringing the change. So, the behavior of the change
leadership should be consistent with the defined
vision(citation?). Comment by Dr. Steve: This is not clear
Communication should be simple and relevant. The message
should be conveyed after understanding the mood of the
audience. Anxieties, anger, and distrust of the people should be
addressed if there are any issues. Clear communication channels
like seminars or face to face meeting can be conducted to make
sure that messages are highly understood and visible(citation?).
5. Remove the barriers
This step involves identifying the individuals, processes, or
structures which are resisting the change. Obstacles to change
should continuously be checked, and appropriate measures
should be taken to remove the obstacles to empower the people
in order to execute the vision(citation?).
6. Creation of short-term wins
Change at organizational scale requires a sense of achievement,
momentum, and optimism. So, it is necessary to achieve quick
results by setting small targets. Short-term wins can provide the
leaders with feedback regarding the validity of strategies. These
achievements reduce mistrust and motivate those who are not
actively participating(citation?).
C. Implementing and sustaining the organizational change
7. Sustain acceleration
This step is about maintaining progress and momentum. Many
projects related to change fail because they declare their victory
too early. Short-term wins should only be considered the
beginning and the real change should be brought that runs deep.
Success should not be declared unless all the objectives are
achieved and the change process should continue with the same
8. Anchor the changes
This step requires making changes part of the organization. The
values behind the vision should be depicted in daily routine.
Members of the change team should be recognized publicly.
Change values and ideals should be included while hiring new
staff. The members who act in accordance with new norms
should be given visible and influential positions. The most
important thing is to reinforce the new culture through coaching
and training(citation?). Why Kotter’s Model
The reason behind suggesting Kotter's 8-step change model for
the UCLA health Health system System is that this model
focusses more on stakeholders experiencing the changes in the
organization rather than the changes themselves. It is believed
that successful change happens if there is a sense of urgency,
commitment, stakeholder engagement, clear vision, openness,
good communication, innovative leadership, and well-planned
plan. Kotter's 8 step model determines each of these factors
during the process of bringing change(citation?).
Strategies to affect organizational change
To affect organizational change leadership should be more
visionary and innovative. The administration should encourage
individuals to take risks by giving them new challenges. People
should be held accountable. Accountability and flexibility at the
workplace promote innovation culture that can help adapt the
change. Real-time decisions should be made, and action
learning should be encouraged. Top management should quit the
bureaucratic leadership style and respect the staff. Empowering
staff will help in implementing the change in the organizational
culture. Past performances should be used as the standard to
measure future success which will motivate the staff to adopt
change. Comment by Dr. Steve: Yasmin, you need to more
clearly identify what your three strategies are, then describe
each strategy. You also need to identify and describe at least
one innovation that could be implemented to effect
organizational change. Please cite your resources.
Role of communication in bringing change
As already discussed in the change model presented above,
communication is the most important tool to cause a change in
the culture of any organization (Elving, 2005). Change in the
organization is directly related to the behavior of employees,
and communication plays an important part in making these
efforts successful. Explaining the purpose of change to
employees is the first stage of change before it is brought
directly in the company. So, cCommunication prevents
resistance to the process of change as it alters the behavior of
the employees. The behavior of employees affect the
functioning of the organization, and once these behaviors are
changed, real change can be brought into an organization
(citation).Strategies to motivate the stakeholders
All the stakeholders should be convinced about the personal and
professional benefits of the change process before motivating
them towards the “change process.”. As discussed earlier in the
change management model, small targets should be set. Once
these targets are achieved in short intervals, employees get
motivated. Employees should be allowed to express their ideas
and views. They should be encouraged if they make mistakes
while adopting the change (Wright, Christensen, & Isett, 2013).
Different aspects of change should be discussed together as a
team rather than dictating them. Comment by Dr. Steve:
Yasmin, you need to identify at least three strategies for
motivating stakeholders to accept, embrace, and sustain the
organizational change. Then you need to describe these
strategies and provide a rationale for why you selected these
strategies. You also need to identify key groups that might
benefit from targeted motivation strategies. Provide rationale.
Cite resources
Training and Support
Coaching or training is an important part of implementing a
change in the organization as discussed in Kotter’s change
model. Employees can be trained to learn new practices in many
ways. Different sSeminars can be conducted to make employees
aware of new methods. Practical demonstrations can also be
given to make the employees understand the new practices.
Leadership should conduct workshop and classroom training
sessions at regular intervals to make employees learn
continuous improvement strategies. New employees can be
hired after training them before joining (Kroll & Moynihan,
2015). Comment by Dr. Steve: Good start, but your
recommendations for training need to be specific for successful
implementation of the organizational change you are discussing
and you need to provide a rationale for your recommendations.
Comment by Dr. Steve: Learning Objective 4.5:
Recommendation of strategies for sustaining an organizational
change is missing. Comment by Dr. Steve: Learning Objective
Explanation of how stakeholders are involved in and held
accountable for organizational change is missing.
Ways to measure the success of organizational change
The success of organizational change can be measured in two
ways. Comment by Dr. Steve: Please write this in narrative
1. Measuring organizational performance
This category includes measuring the desired outcomes of the
organization including adherence to change plan, the speed of
execution, adherence to timeline, Benefit benefit realization,
and performance improvement (quality of healthcare, speed of
delivery), etc. (citation?)
2. Measuring individual performance Comment by Dr.
Steve: Please write this in narrative form
This category measures whether the individual involved in
change are making progress or not. As the individuals are units
of change, individual progress can be thought of as a leading
indicator in overall success (Al-Haddad & Kotnour, 2015).
Some of the parameters of his category include adoption
metrics, proficiency measures, results of employee satisfaction
surveys (employee development and care), number of
complaints, adherence reports, and observations of changes in
individual behaviors (staff’s behaviors towards patients)
Summary or conclusion
References Comment by Dr. Steve: Good job with reference
Al-Haddad, S., & Kotnour, T. (2015). Integrating the
organizational change literature: a model for successful
change. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 28(2),
Elving, W. J. (2005). The role of communication in
organizational change. Corporate communications: an
international journal, 10(2), 129-138.
Ford, T. L. (2018). Resistance to Acceptance in Project
Stakeholders: An Exploratory Study in Change
Management(Doctoral dissertation, Capella University).
Kroll, A., & Moynihan, D. P. (2015). Does training matter?
Evidence from performance management reforms. Public
Administration Review, 75(3), 411-420.
Lewis, L. (2019). Organizational change: Creating change
through strategic communication. Wiley-Blackwell.
Salman, Y., & Broten, N. (2017). Leading Change. Macat
Small, A., Gist, D., Souza, D., Dalton, J., Magny-Normilus, C.,
& David, D. (2016). Using Kotter's change model for
implementing bedside handoff: a quality improvement
project. Journal of nursing care quality, 31(4), 304-309.UCLA
HEALTH. (2019). Retrieved from HYPERLINK
Wright, B. E., Christensen, R. K., & Isett, K. R. (2013).
Motivated to adapt? The role of public service motivation as
employees face organizational change. Public Administration
Review, 73(5), 738-747.
Organizational Leadership Development Report Comment by
Dr. Steve: Yasmin – this report is intended to be one paper (two
parts) – please combine your Part I and Part II into a single
document when you re-submit.
HR006: Leadership, System Thinking, and Change Management
Yasmin Abdulghafour
Walden University
Organizational Leadership Development Report
Ronald Reagan UCLA medical Medical center Center is a
medical service providing organization which was founded in
1955. It initially started as UCLA medical Medical center
Center but, later it became Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical
center Center in 2008. This medical center is located in Los
Angeles. The medical center has highly qualified staff which is
always ready to provide medical services to the people of the
area. Staff including physicians, nurses, doctors, and other
members are supervised by competent leadership including
Johnese Spisso who is acting as president of UCLA health and
CEO UCLA hospital system, and John Mazziotta who is CEO
UCLA health and Vice-Chancellor at UCLA health system
(UCLA HEALTH, 2019). Comment by Dr. Steve:
Capitalize proper names Comment by Dr. Steve: I recommend
that unless you have written consent that you not use actual
names of leaders, but refer to them by position Comment by
Dr. Steve: Yasmin, your description of leadership traits
exhibited by senior leadership is missing. Your response should
describe two leadership traits for at least four members of the
leadership team. You also need to provide specific examples of
how identified traits promote success in effecting change are
Additionally, you need to describe the tool(s) used in
identifying and evaluating these leadership traits and explain
how the tool(s) led to conclusions. The NCHL Model in your
learning resources is a good option. Your response is not
supported by academic/professional resources, please provide
relevant resources for the leadership traits and other aspects of
leadership you discuss.
The advanced medical services are provided in a welcoming
atmosphere. Every floor of the center is equipped with all the
required supplies and equipment. The leadership of the medical
center is now focused on further improvement by bringing
change in the overall philosophy of the organization. The
leadership is focused on implementing and applying a handful
of the metrics at the organization level that is explained as
"True North." The philosophy of “True North” suggests that all
the functions and operations within the company should ideally
be in a way these are supposed to be. Some of the aspects of the
functions and services that should be idealized in any medical
Centre center and hospital include quality, equity, care
experience, safety, financial stewardship, and workforce
development and care. This report discusses some of the traits
of leaders of creative and high performing teams and analyzes
the leadership of UCLA health system for these traits. This
study also suggests some of the ways which any leadership can
adapt to change organizational culture.Traits of the leadership
of high performing teams Comment by Dr. Steve: Please address
your spacing issues
The leadership must be capable of preparing high performing
teams to change the organizational culture. Some of the traits of
the leadership which are necessary to achieve top performances
include purposefulness, interpersonal trust, and shared
accountability (citation?).
The leadership of high performing teams have a clear sense of
purpose. Every member understands the shared vision which is
aligned with their daily responsibilities and broader vision of
the organization. The purposefulness of the leadership of high
performing teams makes all member energetic and aligns their
contribution to achieve the common goals (Irving, 2018).
Interpersonal trust can be thought of as one of the crucial
aspects of leadership of high performing teams because it is the
basic requirement of a productive relationship at personal or
professional levels. Trust among the leadership and team
members can help enhance the productivity and quality of the
services as everyone reinforces the contributions of others. Lack
of trust among the leadership may ripple across the organization
and ultimately damage the reputation of the company (Kumar &
Khiljee, 2016). Comment by Dr. Steve: Good
Shared accountability is another attribute of the leadership of
high performing teams. In this setup, every team member owns
and understands individual responsibilities. Leadership makes
team members committed to their accomplishments as well as
the overall performance of the team. Leaders of high performing
teams achieve mutual objectives by holding themselves as well
as others accountable. They lead from the front and assume
higher responsibilities, which further expands the scope of the
commitments (Kim, Park, & Miao, 2017). Comment by Dr.
Steve: This sentence is not clear Comment by Dr. Steve:
Traits of the leadership of Creative teams Comment by Dr.
Steve: Please adjust your spacing to comply with APA
Leadership should have qualities like willingness, humility,
curiosity, and perseverance to bring change in the organization.
These qualities represent the desire of bringing innovation in
the organization. Comment by Dr. Steve: In APA, a
paragraph needs to have at least three sentences – ideally 3 to 5
The critical element that enables personal change and cultivates
the other dimensions of behavior is first recognizing and
considering that change is required. This recognition of change
then leads to the willingness to bring change. Leaders cannot
manage unproductive traits of an organization (autocracy,
redirected blame, etc.) without removing these traits from their
personality (Chaudhary & Panda, 2018). So, any positive
transformation needs a state of readiness to bring the personal
change which allows the leadership to improve their
interactions with others.
Humility is another leadership trait which is crucial for bringing
innovation and leading high performing team (citation?). Team
members may have better knowledge than leaders in a specific
area. Modest leaders believe that they do not know everything
and are convinced to "go see.” They are willing to be present on
field and respect workers and staff by seeking input through
open-ended questions. This behavior helps promote the culture
of innovation in the workplace (citation?). Comment by Dr.
Steve: I think a better word here would be – Humble –
indicating a leader that reflects humility. Comment by Dr.
Steve: This phrase is not clear – what do you mean?
Perseverance is another quality which innovative leaders
possess. Perseverance is the determination of any leader to
address any issue, and the belief that no issue is unsolvable
(citation?). Changing someone’s philosophy needs persistence
and psychological resilience to address all the problems.
Innovative Leaders learn to continuously improve themselves.
An innovative leader also learns to "go see" rather than learning
"go tell.” (citation?).
Does UCLA Leadership exhibit the traits of creative and
innovative leaders
I had a chance to work as a volunteer at Ronald Reagan UCLA
medical Medical center Center for a few weeks. I was given an
opportunity to serve in all the departments of the medical
center. I was able to closely observe the leadership of the
Centre center at all the levels. The leadership of the hospital
possesses all the traits which the leaders of highly productive
teams possess. Leadership and all the team members are quite
capable of bringing change in the culture of the Medical
medical Centrecenter. The philosophy of “True North” is being
implemented in steps. The leaders have created a high
performing and innovative atmosphere which is supposed to
adopt the changes within a few years.
How the ability to be creative was assessed
During my daily routines at UCLA, I found the leadership of the
medical center to be creating high performing and the creative
environment through their traits including purposefulness,
shared accountability, interpersonal trust, humility, willingness
to bring change, and perseverance. Whatever task the leadership
of the medical center performed during my stay was not for
self-promotions but for the advancement of their team. They
always recognize the performance of every individual. The
result of the effective leadership is that every individual is
eager to perform for the whole organization not just for himself
or herself. The administration of the hospital has created an
atmosphere of trust, and whenever any conflict arises, team
members speak honestly without worrying about disturbing each
other’s feelings. The leadership of the Ronald Reagan UCLA
medical Medical center Center empowers each other to
encourage valuing other’s contribution, and open
communication. The leadership of the medical center was found
to be entirely ethical which is always open to accountability,
and the leaders consider themselves as accountable as the other
team members.
The leadership addresses every issue through the curiosity-
driven approach of problem-solving that shows their ability to
be willing to resolve any issue. This approach uses a worksheet
which is filled by workers to explain the problem and its
background, current state, root cause, and suggestions to solve
the problem (citation?). The leadership also takes guidance from
the members who have expertise in the specific problem area.
This approach shows their modesty and willingness to include
others in the decision-making process. The leadership of the
facility also believes in a feedback system, and they ask for
workers' feedback regarding different decisions to judge their
performance. This way of being open to criticism or suggestions
has made the overall atmosphere of medical center highly
creative and productive (citation?). Comment by Dr. Steve:
Again, I think you are talking about - humility
How these traits differ from classical leadership
The attributes of innovative leaders differ from traditional
leadership styles in many ways. The conventional leaders lead
from the top and direct their orders whereas the creative leaders
at UCLA lead from the front by keeping themselves at the same
level and inspire their workers. Conventional leaders treat their
staff as subordinates, whereas the innovative leaders consider
the staff members their colleagues. Classical leadership styles
suggest to check and control whereas the innovative styles
encourage to trust their team members (Kumar & Khiljee,
2016). Conventional leaders are decisive without any prior
consultation whereas the creative leaders take inputs and
suggestions from concerned team members and include them in
the decision-making process. Unlike classical leaders,
innovative leaders hold themselves accountable to ensure the
ethical aspects of leadership. Innovative leaders, unlike
traditional leaders, take calculated risks, empower their
colleagues and harness the abilities of their team members
without promoting themselves. Comment by Dr. Steve: Do
you mean classical leaders? What style of classical leadership
are you referring to here? Authoritarian? Autocratic? Laissez
Faire? Please be specific in making your comparison
Comment by Dr. Steve: What contemporary leadership
style are you describing here – transformational? Democratic?
Transactional? – you need to identify and describe the specific
styles you are contrasting Comment by Dr. Steve: What classical
style is characterized by this? Comment by Dr. Steve: What
classical style is characterized by this? Comment by Dr.
Steve: What conventional style is characterized by this?
Comment by Dr. Steve: Yasmin, your description of how
leadership traits that foster innovation might differ from the
traits of classical leadership styles is unclear and incomplete.
Please see my comments. You need to identify and describe the
classical and contemporary styles you are contrasting and
explain your rationale for selecting these styles to contrast –
usually because they are reflective of the styles of the leaders in
the organization. Also, you need to cite your academic/scholarly
There can be various ways to lead in order to create an
innovative workplace. Leaders should have divergent styles of
leading. They may adopt different approaches in different
situations. Flexibility helps leaders achieve their goals in
different circumstances. Leaders should optimize their skills to
adapt to the changing healthcare environment. Leaders must be
self-disciplined because excellent results depend on creating a
culture containing self-disciplined people who perform every
task in a disciplined way. Such a culture can only be created by
following effective leadership standards.
Leadership should condition itself to a practice of self-
discipline in action and thoughts. Effective leaders should not
let their bad days affect their efforts to improve the experience
of patient or client. Innovative leaders must reinforce their
commitment to bring change in their organizational culture.
They should observe their behavior and encourage the staff to
give feedback. The innovative leader should believe in
continuous learning because continuous learning will make
them think deeply and exercise their curiosity regarding the
problem before finding a solution. Being curious means being
ready to “go see” (Schaefer, 2019). Comment by Dr. Steve: You
do not need to make recommendations for this Part – just
provide a short summaryReferences
Chaudhary, R., & Panda, C. (2018). Authentic leadership and
creativity: The intervening role of psychological
meaningfulness, safety, and work engagement. International
Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 67(9),
Irving, J. A. (2018). Leader Purposefulness and Servant
Leadership. In Practicing Servant Leadership (pp. 25-42).
Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Kim, M. Y., Park, S. M., & Miao, Q. (2017). Entrepreneurial
leadership and organizational innovation: Improving attitudes
and behaviors of Chinese public employees. In Public Service
Innovations in China (pp. 151-184). Palgrave, Singapore.
Kumar, R. D., & Khiljee, N. (2016). Leadership in
healthcare. Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine, 17(1), 63-
Schaefer, C. (2019). Yes, You Can Measure and Improve Your
Leadership.UCLA HEALTH. (2019). Retrieved from
©2014 Walden University 1
HR006: Leadership, Systems Thinking, and Change
Management: Evaluate principles of effective leadership,
systems thinking, and
change management to address healthcare transformation,
innovation, and accountability.
Assessment Rubric
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
Part I: Organizational Leadership Development Report
Sub-Competency 1: Critique traits and factors in leadership that
catalyze change management.
Learning Objective 1.1:
Describe leadership
traits exhibited by
leadership at a specific
organization that
promote success in
effecting change in an
Description of leadership
traits exhibited by senior
leadership is missing.
Response identifies fewer
than two leadership traits
for at least four members
of the leadership team, or
identifies traits for fewer
than four members of the
Examples of how these
traits promote success in
change management are
not relevant or not
Response is not supported
by academic/professional
resources or the resources
are not relevant.
Response describes two
leadership traits for at
least four members of the
leadership team.
Specific examples of how
identified traits promote
success in effecting change
are discussed.
Response identifies the
tool(s) used.
Response explains how the
tool(s) led to conclusions.
Response is supported by
Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2” plus the following:
Response explains how
these traits can catalyze
change in the workplace
by using examples of why
these traits are successful
based on evidence from
literature or other
organization case studies.
Learning Objective 1.2:
Evaluate leadership
traits and factors that
contribute to high
performing teams at a
Evaluation of leadership
traits and factors that
contributes to high
performing teams at a
specific organization is
Response describes fewer
than two traits and factors
that facilitate in working
with teams.
Response explains how
traits and factors were
identified and/or rationale
for their inclusion.
Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2” plus the following:
Response describes
©2014 Walden University 2
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
specific organization. missing. Response does not
thoroughly explain how
traits and factors were
identified and/or rationale
for their inclusion.
Response provides
rationale for why these
traits and factors translate
to success in working with
Response is supported by
relevant academic
examples of leadership
traits in action that
contribute to high
performing teams that are
supported by literature or
experiences of other
Learning Objective 1.3:
Evaluate leadership
traits and factors that
promote a culture for
creativity and
innovation within a
specific organization.
Evaluation of leadership
traits and factors that
promote a culture for
creativity and innovation
within a specific
organization is missing.
Response identifies fewer
than three leadership
traits and factors that
promote a culture of
creativity and innovation
in the workplace.
Response is incomplete
and/or unclear.
Response identifies three
leadership traits and
factors that promote a
culture of creativity and
innovation in the
Response explains why
these traits and factors
might foster innovation.
Response is supported by
relevant academic
Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2” plus the following:
Response describes
leadership traits and
factors used successfully in
other organizations or
supported in literature.
Learning Objective 1.4:
Recommend specific
strategies the
leadership could apply
for working
successfully with teams
and effecting change
within the
Description of how
leadership traits that
foster innovation might
differ from the traits of
classical leadership styles
is missing.
Response is insufficient
and/or inaccurate or
Response provides two
examples of how
leadership traits that
foster innovation might
differ from those of
classical leadership styles.
Response provides a
Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2” plus the following:
Response provides a brief
response to this question:
Do organizations need to
be more creative and
©2014 Walden University 3
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
rational for selecting these
Response is supported by
relevant academic
innovative today than in
the past?
Rationale is provided for
the response.
Part II: Change Management Proposal
Sub-Competency 2: Apply change management theory to
practical scenarios.
Learning Objective 2.1:
Describe an
organization and the
change that is taking
Description of the
organization and its
change is missing.
Description of the
organization and its
change are incomplete or
insufficient in detail.
Response clearly identifies
the organization including
the size, mission, and
Response clearly describes
the change taking place in
the organization.
Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2” plus the following:
Response includes a
description of the
organizational culture or
community factors as they
relate to size, mission, and
Learning Objective 2.2:
Analyze drivers of
change in a specific
Analysis of drivers of
change in a specific
organization is missing
Factors driving the change
are mentioned in vague
terms or insufficient detail.
Response provides an in-
depth analysis of the
factors that are driving the
change in the organization.
Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2” plus the following:
Response includes
additional analysis of
drivers of change relating
©2014 Walden University 4
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
examples from literature
or similar organizations.
Learning Objective 2.3:
Summarize resistance
to an organizational
change within a
specific organization.
Summary of resistance to
an organizational change
within the context of the
selected organization is
Summary of resistance
that might be expected is
insufficient, unsupported,
and/or unclear.
Summary of resistance
that might be expected
reflects in-depth analysis.
Summary shows critical
analysis of the reason for
the resistance.
Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2” plus the following:
Summary describes a
change experienced
previously in the
workplace that resulted in
resistance and discontent.
Summary explains how the
resistance was eventually
Learning Objective 2.4:
Apply an appropriate
change management
theory or model to a
specific change within
an organization.
Application of an
appropriate change
management theory or
model to a specific change
within an organization is
insufficiently and/or
inaccurately describes why
a change management
theory or model would be
appropriate for this
organizational change.
identifies the change
management theory or
model that would be
appropriately applied to
the organizational change.
Response explains why this
theory or model was
chosen for the change and
the benefits that are
Response is supported by
relevant academic
Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2” plus the following:
Response identifies an
additional change
management model and
briefly explains why it
would be less appropriate
for this organizational
©2014 Walden University 5
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
Sub-Competency 3: Apply systems thinking to address
organizational challenges while executing organizational
Learning Objective 3.1:
Apply systems thinking
to assess the impact of
change on an
Application of systems
thinking to assess the
impact of change on an
organization is missing.
Response insufficiently,
unclearly, or inaccurately
describes the impact of the
change throughout the
Applying systems thinking,
the response describes the
impact of change expected
throughout the
Response describes how
other aspects of the
organization might be led
to embrace the change.
Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2” plus the following:
Response briefly explains
the benefit of a systems-
thinking approach to
organizational change.
Sub-Competency 4: Analyze strategies, innovation, and
techniques for effecting change.
Learning Objective 4.1:
Recommend strategies
and innovations that
could be implemented
to effect organizational
Recommendation of
strategies and innovations
that could be implemented
to effect organizational
change is missing.
Fewer than three
strategies and one
innovation are
At least three strategies
and one innovation that
could be implemented to
effect organizational
change are recommended.
Recommendations are
clearly explained, including
rationale for their
Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2” plus the following:
Two or more innovations
are presented.
Examples from other
relevant organizations’
experiences are included
in the analysis.
Learning Objective 4.2:
Explain the role of
communication in a
change management
Explanation of the role of
communication in a
change management plan
is missing.
Response insufficiently,
inaccurately, or unclearly
explains the role of
communication in a
change management plan.
Response explains the role
that communication will
play in the change
management plan.
Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2” plus the following:
Response briefly describes
two problems that might
©2014 Walden University 6
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
arise due to lack of
Learning Objective 4.3:
Recommend strategies
for motivating
stakeholders to accept,
embrace, and sustain
organizational change.
Recommendation of
strategies for motivating
stakeholders to accept,
embrace, and sustain
organizational change is
Response recommends
fewer than three strategies
for motivating
stakeholders to accept,
embrace, and sustain the
organizational change.
Response is incomplete
and/or unclear.
Response recommends at
least three strategies for
motivating stakeholders to
accept, embrace, and
sustain the organizational
Rationale is provided for
selection of these
Response categorizes key
groups that might benefit
from targeted motivation
strategies. Rationale is
Response is supported by
relevant academic
Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2” plus the following:
Response describes an
example of an
organizational change that
was generally well
accepted, embraced, and
sustained. Response
describes to what this
acceptance was attributed.
Learning Objective 4.4:
Recommend training
and support required
for the successful
implementation of an
organizational change.
Recommendation of
training and support
required for the successful
implementation of an
organizational change is
Response describes fewer
than two examples of
training and support.
Response is incomplete
and/or unclear.
Response describes two
examples of training and
support needed for
successful implementation
of the organizational
Rationale is provided for
these choices.
Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2” plus the following:
Response describes an
example of an
organizational change that
was not accompanied by
appropriate training and
©2014 Walden University 7
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
The response is supported
by relevant academic
support. What was the
Learning Objective 4.5:
Recommend strategies
for sustaining an
organizational change.
Recommendation of
strategies for sustaining an
organizational change is
Fewer than two strategies
for sustaining
organizational change are
Strategies are unclear
and/or insufficiently
Response provides a
recommendation of at
least two strategies for
sustaining the
organizational change.
Response explains why
these strategies will be
successful for this change
in the organization.
Response is supported by
relevant academic
Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2” plus the following:
Response describes one
reason why an
organizational change
might not be sustained.
Learning Objective 4.6:
Explain how
stakeholders are
involved in and held
accountable for
organizational change.
Explanation of how
stakeholders are involved
in and held accountable
for organizational change
is missing.
Response insufficiently or
unclearly explains
approaches for involving
and holding accountable
stakeholders in the
organizational change.
Response explains two
approaches for involving
stakeholders in the
organizational change.
Response explains two
strategies for holding
stakeholders accountable
for the organizational
Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2” plus the following:
Response briefly explains
how personal leadership
strengths can be applied to
encourage stakeholder
involvement and
accountability for the
organizational change.
Sub-Competency 5: Evaluate measures of success for
transformational change.
Learning Objective 5.1: Recommendation of ways Measures of
success are Three measures of success Demonstrates the same
©2014 Walden University 8
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
Recommend ways to
measure success of
organizational change.
to measure success of
organizational change is
discussed in insufficient
detail and are limitedly
related to
transformational change
are clearly explained and
related to
transformational change.
Response is supported by
relevant academic
level of achievement as
“2” plus the following:
More than three measures
of success are explained
and related to specific
aspects of
transformational change
using supporting evidence
from industry.
PS001: Written Communication: Demonstrate graduate-level
writing skills.
Learning Objective
PS 1.1:
Use proper grammar,
spelling, and
Multiple major and minor
errors in grammar,
spelling, and/or mechanics
are highly distracting and
seriously impact
Multiple minor errors in
grammar, spelling, and/or
mechanics are distracting
and negatively impact
Writing reflects competent
use of standard edited
American English.
Errors in grammar,
spelling, and/or mechanics
do not negatively impact
Grammar, spelling, and
mechanics reflect a high
level of accuracy in
standard American English
and enhance readability.
Learning Objective
PS 1.2:
Organize writing to
enhance clarity.
Writing is poorly organized
and incoherent.
Introductions, transitions,
and conclusions are
missing or inappropriate.
Writing is loosely
organized. Limited use of
introductions, transitions,
and conclusions provides
partial continuity.
Writing is generally well-
organized. Introductions,
transitions, and
conclusions provide
continuity and a logical
progression of ideas.
Writing is consistently
Introductions, transitions,
and conclusions are used
effectively to enhance
clarity, cohesion, and flow.
Learning Objective
PS 1.3:
Apply APA style to
written work.
APA conventions are not
APA conventions for
attribution of sources,
structure, formatting, etc.,
are applied inconsistently.
APA conventions for
attribution of sources,
structure, formatting, etc.,
are generally applied
correctly in most
instances. Sources are
APA conventions for
attribution of sources,
structure, formatting, etc.,
are applied correctly and
consistently throughout
the paper. Sources are
©2014 Walden University 9
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
generally cited
appropriately and
consistently cited
appropriately and
Learning Objective
PS 1.4:
Use appropriate
vocabulary and tone
for the audience and
Vocabulary and tone are
inappropriate and
negatively impact clarity of
concepts to be conveyed.
Vocabulary and tone have
limited relevance to the
Vocabulary and tone are
generally appropriate for
the audience and support
communication of key
Vocabulary and tone are
consistently tailored to the
audience and effectively
and directly support
communication of key
PS005: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Use critical-
thinking and problem-solving skills to analyze professional
issues and inform best
Learning Objective
PS 5.1:
Analyze assumptions
and fallacies.
Analysis of assumptions is
Response is weak in
assessing the
reasonableness of
assumptions in a given
Response does not
adequately identify and
discuss the implications of
fallacies or logical
weaknesses in a given
Response generally
assesses the
reasonableness of
assumptions in a given
Response identifies and
discusses the implications
of fallacies and/or logical
weaknesses in a given
Response clearly and
comprehensively assesses
the reasonableness of
assumptions in a given
Response provides a
detailed and compelling
analysis of implications of
fallacies and logical
weaknesses in a given
Learning Objective
PS 5.2:
Generate reasonable
and appropriate
Assumptions are missing. Response does not
adequately present and
discuss key assumptions in
an original argument.
Response presents and
discusses key assumptions
in an original argument.
Response justifies the
reasonableness and need
for assumptions in an
original argument.
Learning Objective
PS 5.3:
Assess multiple
Assessment of multiple
perspectives is missing.
Response does not identify
nor adequately consider
multiple perspectives or
Response identifies and
considers multiple
perspectives and
Response justifies
selection of chosen
alternative relative to
©2014 Walden University 10
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
perspectives and
alternatives. alternatives. others.
Learning Objective
PS 5.4:
Use problem-solving
Problems and solutions are
not identified.
Response presents
solutions, but they are
ineffective in addressing
the specific problem.
Response presents
solutions that are practical
and work in addressing the
specific problem.
Response presents
compelling supporting
arguments for proposed
PS006: Information Literacy: Apply appropriate strategies to
identify relevant and credible information and data in order to
analyze issues and make decisions.
Learning Objective 6.3:
Synthesize data to
create an effective
graphic interpretation.
Graphic is missing. Graphic is incomplete or
ineffective in its
presentation of data.
Data are synthesized
appropriately and
presented in an effective,
informative graphic.
Data are synthesized
critically and presented in
an effective, informative,
and visually impactful

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  • 1. 1 Running head: CHANGE MANAGEMENT PROPOSAL 2 CHANGE MANAGEMENT PROPOSAL Change Management Proposal HR006: Leadership, System Thinking, and Change Management Yasmin Abdulghafour Walden University Comment by Dr. Steve: Yasmin – this report is intended to be one paper (two parts) – please combine your Part I and Part II into a single document when you re- submit. Executive Summary Organizational change is the process in which any organization brings or desires to bring changes in its organizational culture, structure, strategies, functions or technologies to cause the change within the company to achieve certain goals and improve the overall performance of the company. This study is based on proposing a change management model for Ronald Reagan UCLA medical Medical center Center which is located in Los Angeles. UCLA medical Medical center Center is focused on continuously improving its services by implementing the concept of “True North” which suggests to improve and idealize different aspect of services including quality, equity, care experience, safety, financial stewardship, and workforce
  • 2. development and care. This change management proposal recommends the use of Kotter's 8-step change model to bring the change in the organizational culture of the UCLA Health System. This proposal also highlights the role of communication in bringing change in the organization. Moreover, this study suggests the strategies to motivate employees to embrace the process of change and recommends the training strategies that can be used to implement the process of change successfully. This study also provides a guideline of how the change process can be evaluated and measured on the basis of organizational and individual performances. Comment by Dr. Steve: Good Change Management Proposal Introduction of the Organization Ronald Reagan UCLA medical Medical centerCenter, a 520-bed facility, is a medical service providing organization located in Los Angeles. It was founded in 1955 and initially started as UCLA medical Medical center Center but, later it became Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical center Center in 2008. The medical center has highly qualified staff which provides 24 hours of medical services. This center offers many clinical services including cancer services, cardiovascular services, pediatric services, transplantation facilities, men and women health services, and weight management programs, etc. the facility has about ten 10 floors, and every floor contains dialysis storage, satellite pharmacy, respiratory therapy workrooms, and restrooms for doctors and residents. What is your resource for this information? Comment by Dr. Steve: Run on sentence – try re-writing this as two sentences The mission of UCLA health Health is to deliver timely and leading research, education, and patient care. It is aimed at healing humankind by providing medical services and acts of kindness. UCLA Health is focused on providing the best health care services through the latest medical technology. Staff
  • 3. including physicians, nurses, doctors, and other members are supervised by competent leadership including Johnese Spisso who is president of UCLA health and CEO UCLA hospital system, and John Mazziotta who is CEO UCLA health and Vice- Chancellor at UCLA health system (UCLA HEALTH, 2019). Comment by Dr. Steve: Same caution as before regarding use of actual namesDesired Organizational Changes The leadership of the medical center is now focused on further improvement by bringing change by implementing and applying a handful of the metrics at the organization level that is explained as "True North." The concept of “True North” means that all the functions within the company should be performed in an ideal way. Some of the aspects of the functions and services that need to be idealized in medical Centre center include quality, equity, care experience, safety, financial stewardship, and workforce development and care (citation?). The efforts started with implementing DMS (daily management systems) (DMS) for urgent care unit, emergency department, and pediatric services. DMS helps engage team members in identifying and resolving issues. Implementation of DMS led to measurable improvements including quality improvement and increase in capacity to see clients in urgent care clinic, reducing wait times in pharmacies, and decrease decreasing in cycle times for patients in the emergency department. DMS is yet to apply in other services. UCLA Health is also aimed at developing leader traits which truly support the philosophy of enabling, aligning, and improving at all levels of management in all departments.(citation?) Comment by Dr. Steve: Yasmin – this is unclear – how does DMS connect with “True North?” The way you have it written, I cannot tell if it is part of this initiative or a separate information technology initiative. Driving force that is demanding changes The driving force behind bringing the change in UCLA health Health is to gain sustainable competitive advantage. The only competitive advantage in today’s world is the ability to adapt,
  • 4. change, and evolve better than the competitors. It is the requirement of the advanced world to have an improved system for bringing change and an understanding of important issues which guide change management (Salman & Broten, 2017). Patient safety needs means more than just preventing, eliminating, and complying the situation. So, it is crucial to ensure that the healthcare system is resilient to a larger extent, and everyday functions have more probability of succeeding than they fail. Thus, the motivation behind implementing this model is that this paradigm would help facilitate flexibility and increase the capacity of UCLA health to deliver more healthcare more effectively. This change will also make the system flexible which can adapt changes under different situations. Comment by Dr. Steve: This is not clear Comment by Dr. Steve: Your explanations of the forces driving this change are not clear. You begin by discussing gaining a competitive advantage, then you go into patient safety, then to organizational resilience. You need to describe succinct, discreet reasons why the organization has chosen to make this change. Expected Resistance Bringing change requires the leadership challenge the already existing practices, norms, and habits of established behaviors. It requires time and commitment on the part of the leader. All the staff needs to be well involved to implement the changes at the organizational level. Otherwise, there can be many difficulties to implement these changes. All the stakeholders may not accept these changes in case these changes are imposed on them. So, it is necessary to properly convey the need for the change to all staff and persuade them. Implementing the new policies too fast can also face resistance as no one will be ready to adapt to this innovation too quickly. Employees can also resist if they are not fully aware of organization goals and mission. So, it is the role of the ethical leadership to lead from the front and develop interpersonal trust among the leaders and staff. Lack of interpersonal trust can also cause resistance in the process of bringing change (Lewis,
  • 5. 2019). Comment by Dr. Steve: This is vague; please provide specific examples of the resistance expected to this change; who will resist the change and why will they resist it. Organizational Change Model (Kotter’s 8-step Model) Change management refers to how organizations implement organizational change. There are many approaches to bringing change in the organization. One of the models is Lewin’s model which breaks change process into three smaller stages including unfreeze, change, and refreeze (citation?). Unfreezing eases the process of bringing change. Another model is AKDAR model which uses a people-focused approach to bring change. It involves creating awareness and desire for change, educating people, enabling, and reinforcing to sustain change (Ford, 2018). Comment by Dr. Steve: Why aren’t these models appropriate for this change? Kotter’s 8-step Model But, here weThe leadership of UCLA Health will use the Kotter’s 8 step change theory or model to implement the desired change in UCLA facility. This model was developed by John Kotter in 1996. The eight steps are classified in three broad categories which are discussed step by step and clarifies how the change process can be accompanied in every stage as shown in figure 1 (Small et al., 2016). A. Creating a climate for change Many initiatives do notn’t succeed because organizations may lack interest in the desired change or put insufficient efforts to bring change. Some of the steps required for creating climate change are discussed below. 1. Increasing Urgency In this step, change leaders need to create a sense of urgency about the desired changes. This includes identifying the crisis which requires change. In the case of UCLA, the factors like a competitive advantage of competitors, rising costs due to routine practices, and reimbursement problems due to lack of
  • 6. competitive services can be identified to create the sense of urgency among workers (citation?). 2. Build a strong coalition After creating a sense of urgency, UCLA must bring the right team members together. It includes forming the right team having commitment and trust to perform the required task. This step also includes confronting problems which are normally avoided. The team should be emotionally honest and capable of speaking the unspeakable, persuading the others, and perform a job without any fear of reprisal(citation?). 3. Form a vision This step needs to define a vision of change and identify the desired changes. In this step, UCLA needs to define all changes including implementing DMS, developing leader traits which truly support the philosophy of enabling, align, and improve at all levels, and idealizing the functions including patient safety and care, workforce development and care, equity, and continuous improvement in quality(citation?). Figure 1.: Kotter’s 8-step Organizational Change model (citation?)
  • 7. B. Enabling and engaging the organization This stage involves communicating the strategy and vision. Some of the steps involved in this stage are discussed below. 4. Communicate for Buy-in The objective of the change is to have as many individuals on side, i.e. working for the shared goal. So, iInformation provided to all the staff should be relevant, and they should be allowed to ask frequent questions about the change. Good communication is not just about transferring the data. Change can lead to conflict, so, honest and open dialogue is essential at this stage. If there remains a gap between deeds and words, the destructive force of mistrust may grow. This situation can cause difficulties in bringing the change. So, the behavior of the change leadership should be consistent with the defined vision(citation?). Comment by Dr. Steve: This is not clear Communication should be simple and relevant. The message should be conveyed after understanding the mood of the audience. Anxieties, anger, and distrust of the people should be addressed if there are any issues. Clear communication channels like seminars or face to face meeting can be conducted to make sure that messages are highly understood and visible(citation?). 5. Remove the barriers This step involves identifying the individuals, processes, or structures which are resisting the change. Obstacles to change should continuously be checked, and appropriate measures should be taken to remove the obstacles to empower the people in order to execute the vision(citation?). 6. Creation of short-term wins Change at organizational scale requires a sense of achievement, momentum, and optimism. So, it is necessary to achieve quick results by setting small targets. Short-term wins can provide the leaders with feedback regarding the validity of strategies. These achievements reduce mistrust and motivate those who are not actively participating(citation?).
  • 8. C. Implementing and sustaining the organizational change 7. Sustain acceleration This step is about maintaining progress and momentum. Many projects related to change fail because they declare their victory too early. Short-term wins should only be considered the beginning and the real change should be brought that runs deep. Success should not be declared unless all the objectives are achieved and the change process should continue with the same momentum(citation?). 8. Anchor the changes This step requires making changes part of the organization. The values behind the vision should be depicted in daily routine. Members of the change team should be recognized publicly. Change values and ideals should be included while hiring new staff. The members who act in accordance with new norms should be given visible and influential positions. The most important thing is to reinforce the new culture through coaching and training(citation?). Why Kotter’s Model The reason behind suggesting Kotter's 8-step change model for the UCLA health Health system System is that this model focusses more on stakeholders experiencing the changes in the organization rather than the changes themselves. It is believed that successful change happens if there is a sense of urgency, commitment, stakeholder engagement, clear vision, openness, good communication, innovative leadership, and well-planned plan. Kotter's 8 step model determines each of these factors during the process of bringing change(citation?). Strategies to affect organizational change To affect organizational change leadership should be more visionary and innovative. The administration should encourage individuals to take risks by giving them new challenges. People should be held accountable. Accountability and flexibility at the workplace promote innovation culture that can help adapt the change. Real-time decisions should be made, and action
  • 9. learning should be encouraged. Top management should quit the bureaucratic leadership style and respect the staff. Empowering staff will help in implementing the change in the organizational culture. Past performances should be used as the standard to measure future success which will motivate the staff to adopt change. Comment by Dr. Steve: Yasmin, you need to more clearly identify what your three strategies are, then describe each strategy. You also need to identify and describe at least one innovation that could be implemented to effect organizational change. Please cite your resources. Role of communication in bringing change As already discussed in the change model presented above, communication is the most important tool to cause a change in the culture of any organization (Elving, 2005). Change in the organization is directly related to the behavior of employees, and communication plays an important part in making these efforts successful. Explaining the purpose of change to employees is the first stage of change before it is brought directly in the company. So, cCommunication prevents resistance to the process of change as it alters the behavior of the employees. The behavior of employees affect the functioning of the organization, and once these behaviors are changed, real change can be brought into an organization (citation).Strategies to motivate the stakeholders All the stakeholders should be convinced about the personal and professional benefits of the change process before motivating them towards the “change process.”. As discussed earlier in the change management model, small targets should be set. Once these targets are achieved in short intervals, employees get motivated. Employees should be allowed to express their ideas and views. They should be encouraged if they make mistakes while adopting the change (Wright, Christensen, & Isett, 2013). Different aspects of change should be discussed together as a team rather than dictating them. Comment by Dr. Steve: Yasmin, you need to identify at least three strategies for motivating stakeholders to accept, embrace, and sustain the
  • 10. organizational change. Then you need to describe these strategies and provide a rationale for why you selected these strategies. You also need to identify key groups that might benefit from targeted motivation strategies. Provide rationale. Cite resources Training and Support Coaching or training is an important part of implementing a change in the organization as discussed in Kotter’s change model. Employees can be trained to learn new practices in many ways. Different sSeminars can be conducted to make employees aware of new methods. Practical demonstrations can also be given to make the employees understand the new practices. Leadership should conduct workshop and classroom training sessions at regular intervals to make employees learn continuous improvement strategies. New employees can be hired after training them before joining (Kroll & Moynihan, 2015). Comment by Dr. Steve: Good start, but your recommendations for training need to be specific for successful implementation of the organizational change you are discussing and you need to provide a rationale for your recommendations. Comment by Dr. Steve: Learning Objective 4.5: Recommendation of strategies for sustaining an organizational change is missing. Comment by Dr. Steve: Learning Objective 4.6: Explanation of how stakeholders are involved in and held accountable for organizational change is missing. Ways to measure the success of organizational change The success of organizational change can be measured in two ways. Comment by Dr. Steve: Please write this in narrative form 1. Measuring organizational performance This category includes measuring the desired outcomes of the organization including adherence to change plan, the speed of execution, adherence to timeline, Benefit benefit realization, and performance improvement (quality of healthcare, speed of delivery), etc. (citation?)
  • 11. 2. Measuring individual performance Comment by Dr. Steve: Please write this in narrative form This category measures whether the individual involved in change are making progress or not. As the individuals are units of change, individual progress can be thought of as a leading indicator in overall success (Al-Haddad & Kotnour, 2015). Some of the parameters of his category include adoption metrics, proficiency measures, results of employee satisfaction surveys (employee development and care), number of complaints, adherence reports, and observations of changes in individual behaviors (staff’s behaviors towards patients) (citation?). Summary or conclusion References Comment by Dr. Steve: Good job with reference formatting Al-Haddad, S., & Kotnour, T. (2015). Integrating the organizational change literature: a model for successful change. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 28(2), 234-262. Elving, W. J. (2005). The role of communication in organizational change. Corporate communications: an international journal, 10(2), 129-138. Ford, T. L. (2018). Resistance to Acceptance in Project Stakeholders: An Exploratory Study in Change Management(Doctoral dissertation, Capella University). Kroll, A., & Moynihan, D. P. (2015). Does training matter? Evidence from performance management reforms. Public Administration Review, 75(3), 411-420. Lewis, L. (2019). Organizational change: Creating change through strategic communication. Wiley-Blackwell. Salman, Y., & Broten, N. (2017). Leading Change. Macat Library. Small, A., Gist, D., Souza, D., Dalton, J., Magny-Normilus, C., & David, D. (2016). Using Kotter's change model for
  • 12. implementing bedside handoff: a quality improvement project. Journal of nursing care quality, 31(4), 304-309.UCLA HEALTH. (2019). Retrieved from HYPERLINK "" center center Wright, B. E., Christensen, R. K., & Isett, K. R. (2013). Motivated to adapt? The role of public service motivation as employees face organizational change. Public Administration Review, 73(5), 738-747. 1 Running head: ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT REPORT 8 ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT REPORT Organizational Leadership Development Report Comment by Dr. Steve: Yasmin – this report is intended to be one paper (two parts) – please combine your Part I and Part II into a single document when you re-submit. HR006: Leadership, System Thinking, and Change Management Yasmin Abdulghafour Walden University Organizational Leadership Development Report Introduction
  • 13. Ronald Reagan UCLA medical Medical center Center is a medical service providing organization which was founded in 1955. It initially started as UCLA medical Medical center Center but, later it became Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical center Center in 2008. This medical center is located in Los Angeles. The medical center has highly qualified staff which is always ready to provide medical services to the people of the area. Staff including physicians, nurses, doctors, and other members are supervised by competent leadership including Johnese Spisso who is acting as president of UCLA health and CEO UCLA hospital system, and John Mazziotta who is CEO UCLA health and Vice-Chancellor at UCLA health system (UCLA HEALTH, 2019). Comment by Dr. Steve: Capitalize proper names Comment by Dr. Steve: I recommend that unless you have written consent that you not use actual names of leaders, but refer to them by position Comment by Dr. Steve: Yasmin, your description of leadership traits exhibited by senior leadership is missing. Your response should describe two leadership traits for at least four members of the leadership team. You also need to provide specific examples of how identified traits promote success in effecting change are discussed. Additionally, you need to describe the tool(s) used in identifying and evaluating these leadership traits and explain how the tool(s) led to conclusions. The NCHL Model in your learning resources is a good option. Your response is not supported by academic/professional resources, please provide relevant resources for the leadership traits and other aspects of leadership you discuss. . The advanced medical services are provided in a welcoming atmosphere. Every floor of the center is equipped with all the required supplies and equipment. The leadership of the medical center is now focused on further improvement by bringing
  • 14. change in the overall philosophy of the organization. The leadership is focused on implementing and applying a handful of the metrics at the organization level that is explained as "True North." The philosophy of “True North” suggests that all the functions and operations within the company should ideally be in a way these are supposed to be. Some of the aspects of the functions and services that should be idealized in any medical Centre center and hospital include quality, equity, care experience, safety, financial stewardship, and workforce development and care. This report discusses some of the traits of leaders of creative and high performing teams and analyzes the leadership of UCLA health system for these traits. This study also suggests some of the ways which any leadership can adapt to change organizational culture.Traits of the leadership of high performing teams Comment by Dr. Steve: Please address your spacing issues The leadership must be capable of preparing high performing teams to change the organizational culture. Some of the traits of the leadership which are necessary to achieve top performances include purposefulness, interpersonal trust, and shared accountability (citation?). The leadership of high performing teams have a clear sense of purpose. Every member understands the shared vision which is aligned with their daily responsibilities and broader vision of the organization. The purposefulness of the leadership of high performing teams makes all member energetic and aligns their contribution to achieve the common goals (Irving, 2018). Interpersonal trust can be thought of as one of the crucial aspects of leadership of high performing teams because it is the basic requirement of a productive relationship at personal or professional levels. Trust among the leadership and team members can help enhance the productivity and quality of the services as everyone reinforces the contributions of others. Lack of trust among the leadership may ripple across the organization and ultimately damage the reputation of the company (Kumar &
  • 15. Khiljee, 2016). Comment by Dr. Steve: Good Shared accountability is another attribute of the leadership of high performing teams. In this setup, every team member owns and understands individual responsibilities. Leadership makes team members committed to their accomplishments as well as the overall performance of the team. Leaders of high performing teams achieve mutual objectives by holding themselves as well as others accountable. They lead from the front and assume higher responsibilities, which further expands the scope of the commitments (Kim, Park, & Miao, 2017). Comment by Dr. Steve: This sentence is not clear Comment by Dr. Steve: Good Traits of the leadership of Creative teams Comment by Dr. Steve: Please adjust your spacing to comply with APA formatting Leadership should have qualities like willingness, humility, curiosity, and perseverance to bring change in the organization. These qualities represent the desire of bringing innovation in the organization. Comment by Dr. Steve: In APA, a paragraph needs to have at least three sentences – ideally 3 to 5 sentences The critical element that enables personal change and cultivates the other dimensions of behavior is first recognizing and considering that change is required. This recognition of change then leads to the willingness to bring change. Leaders cannot manage unproductive traits of an organization (autocracy, redirected blame, etc.) without removing these traits from their personality (Chaudhary & Panda, 2018). So, any positive transformation needs a state of readiness to bring the personal change which allows the leadership to improve their interactions with others. Humility is another leadership trait which is crucial for bringing innovation and leading high performing team (citation?). Team members may have better knowledge than leaders in a specific
  • 16. area. Modest leaders believe that they do not know everything and are convinced to "go see.” They are willing to be present on field and respect workers and staff by seeking input through open-ended questions. This behavior helps promote the culture of innovation in the workplace (citation?). Comment by Dr. Steve: I think a better word here would be – Humble – indicating a leader that reflects humility. Comment by Dr. Steve: This phrase is not clear – what do you mean? Perseverance is another quality which innovative leaders possess. Perseverance is the determination of any leader to address any issue, and the belief that no issue is unsolvable (citation?). Changing someone’s philosophy needs persistence and psychological resilience to address all the problems. Innovative Leaders learn to continuously improve themselves. An innovative leader also learns to "go see" rather than learning "go tell.” (citation?). Does UCLA Leadership exhibit the traits of creative and innovative leaders I had a chance to work as a volunteer at Ronald Reagan UCLA medical Medical center Center for a few weeks. I was given an opportunity to serve in all the departments of the medical center. I was able to closely observe the leadership of the Centre center at all the levels. The leadership of the hospital possesses all the traits which the leaders of highly productive teams possess. Leadership and all the team members are quite capable of bringing change in the culture of the Medical medical Centrecenter. The philosophy of “True North” is being implemented in steps. The leaders have created a high performing and innovative atmosphere which is supposed to adopt the changes within a few years. How the ability to be creative was assessed During my daily routines at UCLA, I found the leadership of the medical center to be creating high performing and the creative environment through their traits including purposefulness,
  • 17. shared accountability, interpersonal trust, humility, willingness to bring change, and perseverance. Whatever task the leadership of the medical center performed during my stay was not for self-promotions but for the advancement of their team. They always recognize the performance of every individual. The result of the effective leadership is that every individual is eager to perform for the whole organization not just for himself or herself. The administration of the hospital has created an atmosphere of trust, and whenever any conflict arises, team members speak honestly without worrying about disturbing each other’s feelings. The leadership of the Ronald Reagan UCLA medical Medical center Center empowers each other to encourage valuing other’s contribution, and open communication. The leadership of the medical center was found to be entirely ethical which is always open to accountability, and the leaders consider themselves as accountable as the other team members. The leadership addresses every issue through the curiosity- driven approach of problem-solving that shows their ability to be willing to resolve any issue. This approach uses a worksheet which is filled by workers to explain the problem and its background, current state, root cause, and suggestions to solve the problem (citation?). The leadership also takes guidance from the members who have expertise in the specific problem area. This approach shows their modesty and willingness to include others in the decision-making process. The leadership of the facility also believes in a feedback system, and they ask for workers' feedback regarding different decisions to judge their performance. This way of being open to criticism or suggestions has made the overall atmosphere of medical center highly creative and productive (citation?). Comment by Dr. Steve: Again, I think you are talking about - humility How these traits differ from classical leadership The attributes of innovative leaders differ from traditional leadership styles in many ways. The conventional leaders lead from the top and direct their orders whereas the creative leaders
  • 18. at UCLA lead from the front by keeping themselves at the same level and inspire their workers. Conventional leaders treat their staff as subordinates, whereas the innovative leaders consider the staff members their colleagues. Classical leadership styles suggest to check and control whereas the innovative styles encourage to trust their team members (Kumar & Khiljee, 2016). Conventional leaders are decisive without any prior consultation whereas the creative leaders take inputs and suggestions from concerned team members and include them in the decision-making process. Unlike classical leaders, innovative leaders hold themselves accountable to ensure the ethical aspects of leadership. Innovative leaders, unlike traditional leaders, take calculated risks, empower their colleagues and harness the abilities of their team members without promoting themselves. Comment by Dr. Steve: Do you mean classical leaders? What style of classical leadership are you referring to here? Authoritarian? Autocratic? Laissez Faire? Please be specific in making your comparison Comment by Dr. Steve: What contemporary leadership style are you describing here – transformational? Democratic? Transactional? – you need to identify and describe the specific styles you are contrasting Comment by Dr. Steve: What classical style is characterized by this? Comment by Dr. Steve: What classical style is characterized by this? Comment by Dr. Steve: What conventional style is characterized by this? Comment by Dr. Steve: Yasmin, your description of how leadership traits that foster innovation might differ from the traits of classical leadership styles is unclear and incomplete. Please see my comments. You need to identify and describe the classical and contemporary styles you are contrasting and explain your rationale for selecting these styles to contrast – usually because they are reflective of the styles of the leaders in the organization. Also, you need to cite your academic/scholarly resources. Recommendations There can be various ways to lead in order to create an
  • 19. innovative workplace. Leaders should have divergent styles of leading. They may adopt different approaches in different situations. Flexibility helps leaders achieve their goals in different circumstances. Leaders should optimize their skills to adapt to the changing healthcare environment. Leaders must be self-disciplined because excellent results depend on creating a culture containing self-disciplined people who perform every task in a disciplined way. Such a culture can only be created by following effective leadership standards. Leadership should condition itself to a practice of self- discipline in action and thoughts. Effective leaders should not let their bad days affect their efforts to improve the experience of patient or client. Innovative leaders must reinforce their commitment to bring change in their organizational culture. They should observe their behavior and encourage the staff to give feedback. The innovative leader should believe in continuous learning because continuous learning will make them think deeply and exercise their curiosity regarding the problem before finding a solution. Being curious means being ready to “go see” (Schaefer, 2019). Comment by Dr. Steve: You do not need to make recommendations for this Part – just provide a short summaryReferences Chaudhary, R., & Panda, C. (2018). Authentic leadership and creativity: The intervening role of psychological meaningfulness, safety, and work engagement. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 67(9), 2071-2088. Irving, J. A. (2018). Leader Purposefulness and Servant Leadership. In Practicing Servant Leadership (pp. 25-42). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Kim, M. Y., Park, S. M., & Miao, Q. (2017). Entrepreneurial leadership and organizational innovation: Improving attitudes and behaviors of Chinese public employees. In Public Service Innovations in China (pp. 151-184). Palgrave, Singapore. Kumar, R. D., & Khiljee, N. (2016). Leadership in healthcare. Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine, 17(1), 63-
  • 20. 65. Schaefer, C. (2019). Yes, You Can Measure and Improve Your Leadership.UCLA HEALTH. (2019). Retrieved from ©2014 Walden University 1 HR006: Leadership, Systems Thinking, and Change Management: Evaluate principles of effective leadership, systems thinking, and change management to address healthcare transformation, innovation, and accountability. Assessment Rubric 0 Missing 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations Part I: Organizational Leadership Development Report Sub-Competency 1: Critique traits and factors in leadership that catalyze change management. Learning Objective 1.1:
  • 21. Describe leadership traits exhibited by leadership at a specific organization that promote success in effecting change in an organization. Description of leadership traits exhibited by senior leadership is missing. Response identifies fewer than two leadership traits for at least four members of the leadership team, or identifies traits for fewer than four members of the team. Examples of how these traits promote success in change management are not relevant or not discussed. Response is not supported by academic/professional resources or the resources are not relevant. Response describes two leadership traits for at least four members of the leadership team. Specific examples of how
  • 22. identified traits promote success in effecting change are discussed. Response identifies the tool(s) used. Response explains how the tool(s) led to conclusions. Response is supported by relevant academic/professional resources. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Response explains how these traits can catalyze change in the workplace by using examples of why these traits are successful based on evidence from literature or other organization case studies. Learning Objective 1.2: Evaluate leadership traits and factors that contribute to high performing teams at a
  • 23. Evaluation of leadership traits and factors that contributes to high performing teams at a specific organization is Response describes fewer than two traits and factors that facilitate in working with teams. Response explains how traits and factors were identified and/or rationale for their inclusion. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Response describes ©2014 Walden University 2 0 Missing 1 Needs Improvement
  • 24. 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations specific organization. missing. Response does not thoroughly explain how traits and factors were identified and/or rationale for their inclusion. Response provides rationale for why these traits and factors translate to success in working with teams. Response is supported by relevant academic resources. examples of leadership traits in action that contribute to high performing teams that are supported by literature or experiences of other organizations. Learning Objective 1.3: Evaluate leadership traits and factors that
  • 25. promote a culture for creativity and innovation within a specific organization. Evaluation of leadership traits and factors that promote a culture for creativity and innovation within a specific organization is missing. Response identifies fewer than three leadership traits and factors that promote a culture of creativity and innovation in the workplace. Response is incomplete and/or unclear. Response identifies three leadership traits and factors that promote a culture of creativity and innovation in the workplace. Response explains why these traits and factors
  • 26. might foster innovation. Response is supported by relevant academic resources. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Response describes leadership traits and factors used successfully in other organizations or supported in literature. Learning Objective 1.4: Recommend specific strategies the leadership could apply for working successfully with teams and effecting change within the Description of how leadership traits that foster innovation might differ from the traits of classical leadership styles is missing. Response is insufficient and/or inaccurate or
  • 27. unclear. Response provides two examples of how leadership traits that foster innovation might differ from those of classical leadership styles. Response provides a Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Response provides a brief response to this question: Do organizations need to be more creative and ©2014 Walden University 3 0 Missing 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations
  • 28. organization. rational for selecting these examples. Response is supported by relevant academic resources. innovative today than in the past? Rationale is provided for the response. Part II: Change Management Proposal Sub-Competency 2: Apply change management theory to practical scenarios. Learning Objective 2.1: Describe an organization and the change that is taking
  • 29. place. Description of the organization and its change is missing. Description of the organization and its change are incomplete or insufficient in detail. Response clearly identifies the organization including the size, mission, and location. Response clearly describes the change taking place in the organization. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Response includes a description of the organizational culture or community factors as they relate to size, mission, and location. Learning Objective 2.2: Analyze drivers of change in a specific
  • 30. organization. Analysis of drivers of change in a specific organization is missing Factors driving the change are mentioned in vague terms or insufficient detail. Response provides an in- depth analysis of the factors that are driving the change in the organization. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Response includes additional analysis of drivers of change relating ©2014 Walden University 4 0 Missing 1 Needs Improvement
  • 31. 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations examples from literature or similar organizations. Learning Objective 2.3: Summarize resistance to an organizational change within a specific organization. Summary of resistance to an organizational change within the context of the selected organization is missing. Summary of resistance that might be expected is insufficient, unsupported, and/or unclear. Summary of resistance that might be expected reflects in-depth analysis. Summary shows critical analysis of the reason for the resistance.
  • 32. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Summary describes a change experienced previously in the workplace that resulted in resistance and discontent. Summary explains how the resistance was eventually resolved. Learning Objective 2.4: Apply an appropriate change management theory or model to a specific change within an organization. Application of an appropriate change management theory or model to a specific change within an organization is missing. Response insufficiently and/or inaccurately describes why a change management theory or model would be
  • 33. appropriate for this organizational change. Response identifies the change management theory or model that would be appropriately applied to the organizational change. Response explains why this theory or model was chosen for the change and the benefits that are expected. Response is supported by relevant academic resources. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Response identifies an additional change management model and briefly explains why it would be less appropriate for this organizational change.
  • 34. ©2014 Walden University 5 0 Missing 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations Sub-Competency 3: Apply systems thinking to address organizational challenges while executing organizational change. Learning Objective 3.1: Apply systems thinking to assess the impact of change on an organization. Application of systems thinking to assess the impact of change on an organization is missing. Response insufficiently, unclearly, or inaccurately describes the impact of the change throughout the
  • 35. organization. Applying systems thinking, the response describes the impact of change expected throughout the organization. Response describes how other aspects of the organization might be led to embrace the change. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Response briefly explains the benefit of a systems- thinking approach to organizational change. Sub-Competency 4: Analyze strategies, innovation, and techniques for effecting change. Learning Objective 4.1: Recommend strategies and innovations that could be implemented to effect organizational change. Recommendation of strategies and innovations
  • 36. that could be implemented to effect organizational change is missing. Fewer than three strategies and one innovation are recommended. At least three strategies and one innovation that could be implemented to effect organizational change are recommended. Recommendations are clearly explained, including rationale for their selection. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Two or more innovations are presented. Examples from other relevant organizations’ experiences are included in the analysis. Learning Objective 4.2: Explain the role of communication in a change management
  • 37. plan. Explanation of the role of communication in a change management plan is missing. Response insufficiently, inaccurately, or unclearly explains the role of communication in a change management plan. Response explains the role that communication will play in the change management plan. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Response briefly describes two problems that might ©2014 Walden University 6 0 Missing
  • 38. 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations arise due to lack of appropriate communication. Learning Objective 4.3: Recommend strategies for motivating stakeholders to accept, embrace, and sustain organizational change. Recommendation of strategies for motivating stakeholders to accept, embrace, and sustain organizational change is missing. Response recommends fewer than three strategies for motivating stakeholders to accept, embrace, and sustain the organizational change.
  • 39. Response is incomplete and/or unclear. Response recommends at least three strategies for motivating stakeholders to accept, embrace, and sustain the organizational change. Rationale is provided for selection of these strategies. Response categorizes key groups that might benefit from targeted motivation strategies. Rationale is provided. Response is supported by relevant academic resources. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Response describes an example of an organizational change that was generally well accepted, embraced, and
  • 40. sustained. Response describes to what this acceptance was attributed. Learning Objective 4.4: Recommend training and support required for the successful implementation of an organizational change. Recommendation of training and support required for the successful implementation of an organizational change is missing. Response describes fewer than two examples of training and support. Response is incomplete and/or unclear. Response describes two examples of training and support needed for successful implementation of the organizational change. Rationale is provided for
  • 41. these choices. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Response describes an example of an organizational change that was not accompanied by appropriate training and ©2014 Walden University 7 0 Missing 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations The response is supported by relevant academic resources. support. What was the result?
  • 42. Learning Objective 4.5: Recommend strategies for sustaining an organizational change. Recommendation of strategies for sustaining an organizational change is missing. Fewer than two strategies for sustaining organizational change are recommended. Strategies are unclear and/or insufficiently addressed. Response provides a recommendation of at least two strategies for sustaining the organizational change. Response explains why these strategies will be successful for this change in the organization. Response is supported by relevant academic
  • 43. resources. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Response describes one reason why an organizational change might not be sustained. Learning Objective 4.6: Explain how stakeholders are involved in and held accountable for organizational change. Explanation of how stakeholders are involved in and held accountable for organizational change is missing. Response insufficiently or unclearly explains approaches for involving and holding accountable stakeholders in the organizational change. Response explains two approaches for involving stakeholders in the organizational change.
  • 44. Response explains two strategies for holding stakeholders accountable for the organizational change. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Response briefly explains how personal leadership strengths can be applied to encourage stakeholder involvement and accountability for the organizational change. Sub-Competency 5: Evaluate measures of success for transformational change. Learning Objective 5.1: Recommendation of ways Measures of success are Three measures of success Demonstrates the same ©2014 Walden University 8 0 Missing 1 Needs Improvement 2
  • 45. Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations Recommend ways to measure success of organizational change. to measure success of organizational change is missing. discussed in insufficient detail and are limitedly related to transformational change are clearly explained and related to transformational change. Response is supported by relevant academic resources. level of achievement as “2” plus the following: More than three measures of success are explained and related to specific aspects of transformational change using supporting evidence from industry.
  • 46. PS001: Written Communication: Demonstrate graduate-level writing skills. Learning Objective PS 1.1: Use proper grammar, spelling, and mechanics. Multiple major and minor errors in grammar, spelling, and/or mechanics are highly distracting and seriously impact readability. Multiple minor errors in grammar, spelling, and/or mechanics are distracting and negatively impact readability. Writing reflects competent use of standard edited American English. Errors in grammar, spelling, and/or mechanics do not negatively impact readability. Grammar, spelling, and mechanics reflect a high
  • 47. level of accuracy in standard American English and enhance readability. Learning Objective PS 1.2: Organize writing to enhance clarity. Writing is poorly organized and incoherent. Introductions, transitions, and conclusions are missing or inappropriate. Writing is loosely organized. Limited use of introductions, transitions, and conclusions provides partial continuity. Writing is generally well- organized. Introductions, transitions, and conclusions provide continuity and a logical progression of ideas. Writing is consistently well-organized. Introductions, transitions, and conclusions are used effectively to enhance clarity, cohesion, and flow.
  • 48. Learning Objective PS 1.3: Apply APA style to written work. APA conventions are not applied. APA conventions for attribution of sources, structure, formatting, etc., are applied inconsistently. APA conventions for attribution of sources, structure, formatting, etc., are generally applied correctly in most instances. Sources are APA conventions for attribution of sources, structure, formatting, etc., are applied correctly and consistently throughout the paper. Sources are ©2014 Walden University 9 0 Missing 1
  • 49. Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations generally cited appropriately and accurately. consistently cited appropriately and accurately. Learning Objective PS 1.4: Use appropriate vocabulary and tone for the audience and purpose. Vocabulary and tone are inappropriate and negatively impact clarity of concepts to be conveyed. Vocabulary and tone have limited relevance to the audience. Vocabulary and tone are generally appropriate for the audience and support communication of key
  • 50. concepts. Vocabulary and tone are consistently tailored to the audience and effectively and directly support communication of key concepts. PS005: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Use critical- thinking and problem-solving skills to analyze professional issues and inform best practice. Learning Objective PS 5.1: Analyze assumptions and fallacies. Analysis of assumptions is missing. Response is weak in assessing the reasonableness of assumptions in a given argument. Response does not adequately identify and discuss the implications of fallacies or logical weaknesses in a given argument. Response generally
  • 51. assesses the reasonableness of assumptions in a given argument. Response identifies and discusses the implications of fallacies and/or logical weaknesses in a given argument. Response clearly and comprehensively assesses the reasonableness of assumptions in a given argument. Response provides a detailed and compelling analysis of implications of fallacies and logical weaknesses in a given argument. Learning Objective PS 5.2: Generate reasonable and appropriate assumptions. Assumptions are missing. Response does not adequately present and discuss key assumptions in an original argument. Response presents and
  • 52. discusses key assumptions in an original argument. Response justifies the reasonableness and need for assumptions in an original argument. Learning Objective PS 5.3: Assess multiple Assessment of multiple perspectives is missing. Response does not identify nor adequately consider multiple perspectives or Response identifies and considers multiple perspectives and Response justifies selection of chosen alternative relative to ©2014 Walden University 10 0
  • 53. Missing 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations perspectives and alternatives. alternatives. alternatives. others. Learning Objective PS 5.4: Use problem-solving skills. Problems and solutions are not identified. Response presents solutions, but they are ineffective in addressing the specific problem. Response presents solutions that are practical and work in addressing the specific problem. Response presents compelling supporting
  • 54. arguments for proposed solutions. PS006: Information Literacy: Apply appropriate strategies to identify relevant and credible information and data in order to effectively analyze issues and make decisions. Learning Objective 6.3: Synthesize data to create an effective graphic interpretation. Graphic is missing. Graphic is incomplete or ineffective in its presentation of data. Data are synthesized appropriately and presented in an effective, informative graphic. Data are synthesized critically and presented in an effective, informative, and visually impactful graphic.