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Home Directory
( -
J. L. Sieber,. Roanoke, Va.
R W K· E S I V Our workers are taking their. . Ime, sq., a em, a.
SNPERINTBNDENT well earned and much needed va
Rev. E. W Leslie, Salem Va. cation. Some go in July and
MATRON Mrs.L. B. Spracher, I some in August, enough remain-
HOUSEKEEPER, Miss Elizabeth , . t h t k th k
Steger. I m~ a orne 0 eep e wor
TEACHERS Mrs. G. V. Ruhl, Miss M. going,
McSherry. Miss. Myrtle Cutshaw!. 0 l'ttl t h f
SEWING TEACHER Mrs. Janie Bailey' , 'ur I e cot age on t e arm
ASSISTANTS Mrs. Cora Wheeler. Mrs hail received a much needed new
Eo W. Leslie dress of paint, which greatly
FARM MANAGER 1. S. Critselous. improves its appearance as well
BOOK-KEEPER AND STENOGRAP- as preserving the buildingThe
HER----MissMabel Leslie house and garden rents for $25
PHYSICIAN, Dr. G. A. L. Kolmer
per month.
DONATIONS FOR JULY A number of our children
Mrs. J. A. Richard, 1 used coat,
1i!:llseddresses. Womens Miss. Soc. Col. have recently had "fat jaws"
.legeCh, Salem. Va. (made by Mrs. onaccount of mumps among us.
Thum, age 70 years) 2 boys blouses. Some have ~otten well--all are
May Va. Stickler, 3used nightgowns, doing nicely and none suffered
~rused dressee, 3 used petticoats, 1pro any great inconvenie nee from
used bloomers, 1pair used shoes. D.
L. Sedon Cherries. Mrs. R. L. Meyer the desease.
2 used dresses, 1 used brassier. W. C. We regret to record the re-
Goode, 1 bu. apples. Mrs. Emmett signation.of our farm manager,
Fisher. 2 bus apples. J. S. Perrow ap-
ples Mrs. McVitty, 1bu peaches. Gold Mr. J. S. Cr itselous, who, on
en Rule Class, Lutheran Church, New- September 1st will sever his
port News, Va. 3 pkzs. new & used conneetion with the Home.
clothing. Roanoke and Salem. Shriners Mr. (;ritse)ous bas been with
Picnic, lunches, melons and tomatoes.
Mrs. J. P. Saul, Magazines. A. L.. (Continued on page eight)
Snavely, Crockett, Va. 3 baskets
apples. S. H. McVitty, Saiem, Va.
large quanity of plums.
Rev. ...~
The Messenger comes a time, when
grown, when you can
both, but, son that
member, isn't yet.
Be sure and get the hours of
sleep that mind and body need:
and with cheap novels burn no
: : : : VIRGINIA midnight oil, In youth you travel
-----------'--.....- all day long, at rather break-
RATE OF SUBSCRIPTION neck speed, so sleep at night or
Siqle Subscription, one J'eaJ'•.•• .16 else your health will spoil.
To one address, tea copies OJ'mON, Don't squander pocket money
ten cents eaeh. that your dad has given you.
All subscriptions must be paid in Don't figure .'easy come and
advance. easy go." For every ~QlJar that
. . you ~et Just save a dime or two
Entered at the Post OtIlce In! The benefit, in later years,
SALEK, VA., as seeo~d clua ma~J'·1 yot'll know.
Acceptap.ce for mai.liQ at special Just sum a1l1these little tips
rate of posta&,eprovided foJ' in Sec. and act accordingly.
1108, Act of Oct. 8, 1917, authorized I know, the worth of what I'm
Oct. ZO, 1910. telling you. For, listen son, the
hardships that have made it hard
Take Special Netice of Th•• Ship-' for me, are just these tips, the
pine Direetiol1&: things I didn't do.
PubJishecl MODWy B7
you are
use them
time, re-
There are now no reduced rata to Cornell University investigat-
our Home, either bJ' freiaht OJ' u- ed 1,303 farmers in Tompkins
press. Please mark J'OU]'shipments county, N. Y., and found that
plainly to LUTHERAN ORPHAN the average labor income of
HOME, SALEM, VIRGINIA. Pre- 1,007 men with only a district
paid frel&'ht and apreas is of peat school education was $32~ a
assistance to OU]'Home. year. The income of 280 men
with a high school education was
DAD'S AD VICE $682 and sixteen farmers with
Said an ordinary father, to all, a college education were re-
srdinary son, there are lots of Iceiving a labor income of $847 a
tips I want to give you. Just, year, .
plain advice, but· helpful, and Th test .te
• dv i lif ', hId e grea est rage y III I e IS
you 11know, w en am one, ln f 'I b·' f '1'
th d 'I thi h Id d not In ar ure ut In ai mg to
~ ladI ~t dIngSyou s ou an make an effort toward some-
s ou n 0. I-h' hL'I
You've heard it said that t mg wort w~I!.e.
smoking in your youth, will Unbelief finds fault, and gr~~~
stunt you~ growth! so shun the 'II~S,and 3;1lthe impossibili-
, corncob pipe and cigarett, There ties and miseries of life.
Bu tter. ,'" ,... .... .... , ,.
Meat ,........... .. .
Groceries .., , "
Cereals .
Dry goods & Clothing
Dental work .
Repairs & Plumbing
Hardware , ,.,.
Blacksmithing ,
Professional services
Farm supplies .
Seed ,........... ...... .. .
Printing Supplies.,.", ..
Painting cottage on
There is less vXCUSle for feed-
ing a milk cow stingily than any
other farm animal. She does not
ask any credlt: ell. makes prompt
daily payment and her product
is a cash article.
.'" -"-'-'-~-"----'-
ANNUAL REPORT OF 115 tons straw . . . .
FARM MANAGER 100 bu. tomtoes . . •
700 lbs. veal • • . .
MEMBERS OF THE BOARD 750 bu. wheat .
(!)F TRUSTEES: 5i>bls. Lettuce
Our crops consist of 221-2 Total • . . .
acres wheat, 8 acres oats, 1 FARM EXPENSES
acre rye, 30 acres corn, 3 acres Bailing straw . $ 58.00
potatoes, 4 acres tomatoes, 3 Blasksmithing • . 68.75
t I 8
Fertilizer . . • . 515.00
acres wa erme on. acres gar- F d 364 70
den truck, 9 acres alfalfa and H::dw~re' : .. .. . . .. 180~56
40 acres peas, making a total of Labor. . • . . 113.73
128 1-2 acres. Light & Wator • • • •• 44.55
We only have twelve acres Paint . . . . . . .. 56.50
of pasture but by rotating from Pigs : . • . . • . 70.00
. ., Plumbmg.·... 17.92
'one .Ield to the other It furnishes Repairs . • . . . .. 34.82
'grazmg for our herd of ten Salary & Supplies . .. 1,300.00
'COWS. Seeds . . . . . . .. 678.86
Twenty acres of wheat land Sundries & Supplies 42.62
. . . h f Tractor and Oil . . . .. 754.71
IS sown m grass, wit a av.or- Telephone . . . . . .. 34.28
able stand. All crops are beI~g Total...... $4,354.00
regularly cultivated and will Balance . . . .. 2,146.06
'compare with the best. LIVE STOCK AND MACHINERY
Wheat is exceptionally good. 3 Horsss . $550.00
-Alfalfa is being cut for the first 10 Cows 450.00
"time with a good yield. Fresh 1 Heifer . 15.00
'vegetables are being gathered 1 Bull .. ., 25.00
f d dail 11 ~ 40 Hogs . 575.00
. rom our gar en ai y, a 0 .•. Machinery 1,885.00
which go toward supplying our Total value of stock and
.needs, Machinery . . . .
FARM RETURNS J. S. Critselous,
10 bu. beets . . . .. $ 10.00 Farm Manager.
I ••
100 bu. beans • . . 75.00 "Lest we Forget"
i bu. cucumbers. . .. 5.00 "Lest we forget". we wish to
!i00 doz. sweet corn. .. 120.00 . d f' H
750 bu. corn . . . .. 750,00 remind the frien s 0 tne orne
Fodder . . . . • •. 250.00 that during the summer months
Bouse rent . • . . • 585.00 our cash receipts are usually
Hay . . • . 840.00 small, while our expenses for
3,650 gals. Milk . • .. 1,460.00 food and clothing and the up-
40 bu. onions . • . .• 40.00 keep of the Home and farms go
150 bu. oats . • 100.00
10 bu. peas . . . 10.00 right on. We trust, therefore,
5 loads pumpkins " 20.00 that our faithful pastors, Sunday
200 bu. potatoes . 200.00 school superintendents and oth-
10 bu. sweet pepper 10.00 er good friends will put forth
6,3501bs pork . . 793.00 extra efforts for the sufport of
800 doz radtshes 40.00
5 bbls. salad .... 5.00 the Home during the summer
------------------- .-~----
24.~5 .-----
SOMEBODY'S LITTLE I' Remember The Lutheran Or-
phan Home of the South in your
BOY win, or better still, devote a
portion of your property while
I reckon someone loves him living, to the welfare of the
All the more becauss his face Home. If you need the interest
Is besmudzed among the freck-] un the amount you wish to give,
e- we will issue you a Life Annuity
les I Bond which pays interest during
Where his tears have Iefr their. ii~~ra~:.e time. Write for par-
trace. I ._- -'
months. We are making every
dollar go as far as possible and
yet it takes' 'big money" to run
an institution like this. Help
your orphan children,' dear Ifriends, and "DO IT NOW"
Thank you!
Groceries, .. ,,', $
Meat .
Butter .
Cereals .
Canned goods .
Water & Lights .
Insurance .
Coal. .
Farm Supplies .
Oil & Gas for tractor .
Fertilizer for farm .
Printing Supplies .
Laundry Supplies .
Hardware .
Dry goods & Clothing .
Plumbing .
Eye Glasses .
Dental Work .
Interest on Annuity
Bonds. ................... 135 GO
Pizs 45.00
Subscriptian to the
Messenger............... ;10.00
Salaries....................... 522.50
Sundries.. 132.94
Total. .. ......... ... ... $2,121.58 i
----- ~ ---- i
Reckon someone must be rain-
Angel kisses through the
On his tousled locks, and pray-
That he'll come up strong
and true .
Must be someone, somewhere,
Every childish step & turn,
Askin' God to make him happy,
An' to help him grow and
Maybe heaven would be sweet-
If that someone only knew
That loving hands would guide
Help him, keep him, see him
----Ben Hoovor.
The right place to feel for the
poor is in the pocket.
I give, devise and hequeth to
The Lutheran Orphan Home of
the South, at Salem, Virginia,
(Here describe property devis-
NOTE-State laws should al-
ways be consulted in making be-
quests, as the laws governing
bequests are not always the
same in different states.
Total receipts for Current
E~penlle Fund $
Total receipts for C. E.
Loans repaid
otal receipts for Build.
ing Fund
otal receipt6 for Bldg.
Loans repaid
Total receipts for Endow.
ment Fund· Nothing
Total l' ceipta for Dona.
tions (Estimated)
Total receipts for all pur.
. poses 29,100.42
Groceriefl $
Cann d gcod
rofessional ServiceI'! of
Home PhYllician
otJpital Expenses
urses Expenses
ental Work
islnfectan ts
Printin SuppU
Office Supplies
Farm 5)uppli s
aundry SuppU II
. ster & Lightll
. ock & Poultry Food
ed & Fertilizer
ailing Straw
ye Gla Il •
arm Labor
il & Laundry Stov II
Payment on EI~ab tIt Col.
leg Prop rty
o nok CoUe F
ub crlptionll 0 M !lecn~e
u dri
L mber
ry I d
IPayment n Refrigerate> 400.00
, Interest 1,169.30
Insuransa 432.17
24,201,17 Investments 7,100.00
Salaries 6,031.33
2,700.00 Total $ 31,411.86
Less am't used for in.
$ 40,070.24
~~.~~ Renl estate, first mort-
• gage
210.08 Savlnga Dept. Bank of
480.47 Sal m
241.60 Lib rty Bonds
68.75 C h i b k M 31458 715 as In an, 8y ,
29:70 I 1924
70.00 R al
581 70 Truat Funds • Cover Fund
267:37 Bank of Salem
18 00 Trustees
888'78 Huffmam Fund, United
60:671 Synod of the South
48.50 Trustees 2,400.00
Ryler Fund· Lutheran Ch.
1,100.00 Irmo, S. • Trust (IS
42.50 P raonal note
2,75. 4
1,1 7.17
of the Home
The Resources
Real estate, first mort.
gage $ 30,100.00
Porsonal notes, payable on
Savings Dept· Bank of
Certificate of Deposit, Bank
of Salem
War Saving Stampfl
Liberty Bonda
$ ,700.00
$ 13,061.34
state, first mort-
Stockll • Linn Mille, Lan-
dis, N. C.
Salem Loan & Trust Co.
1,0 0.00
34, 3 •
v n)
1'otal Resources
(C ntinued on J
A. K. Epting's class 10 Pros-
$ 9,000.00 perityH' S. C. 12.50. Interest65.00
4,000.00 O. SAker 5.00. Salem S. S. Mt.
Sidney, Va. 10.00. Cash 2.63.
4,350.00 Mrs. C. W. Dobyns 5.00. Mrs O.
Henry 15.00: H. W. Stine 10.00.
4,350.00 Interest 30.00. St Johns S. ~.
4,350.00 Salisbury, N. C. 25,00. Mace-
donia S. S. Birthday Offering
4,350.00 Burlington, N. C. 2.60. Ladies
$ 30,400.00 Aid Society Lincolnton, N. C.-11
Net Assets $ 57,561.58 1.25, Class 4 Calvary S, S. Spen
REAL ESTATE cer, N, C. 15.25. Mrs. O. Henry
Elizabeth College Property 40,000.00 5.00. T. W. Dalton 40.00. Inter-
Home buildings & grounds 35,000.00 est 120.00. Rent 30.00. Gates
Old Home Bulldings and Linney 12.13: Dr. A. B. Greiner
grounds 10,000.00 T T L
Seventy acres land reas. rustees utheran Synod
with buildings 30,000.00 of Va. 26.43. Cash .50. W. D.
Loton College Avenue 5,000.00 Cronk 5.00, Mrs. Olga Zimmer-
Live stock &machi- man 5.00. J. W. Whittaker 10.00
nery 3,500.00 Interest 36.00. St Marks S. S.
Total real estate $ 123.500,00 Spring wood, Va. 5.20, Haven
Grand Total ajI Resourses 181,061.58 S. S. Salisbury, N. C. 12.50.
.•. Rent 1500. Interest 330.00. ID.
THE HALF· WAY POINT F. Efird, 'I'reas. S. C. Synod:
Responses to our aj.peal for Emmanuels S. S. New Brook-
funds to buy twenty-two copies land 5.90. Ch. of Rede~mer S. ~.
of the Common Service Book Newb~rt'y, 3435. Wittenberj,
f I fi d hild Leesville 27.79. Colony, New'-or our new y con irme c I -
1 • h d h berry 5.00. St James Jalaga
ren nave reac e t. e half-way 11 00 Ch f R d N ~q.
. t W h ' h d .. 0 e eemer, e-
POIn eave money In all b 18 80 St A d h'
ff" t t has I erry., n rews, C ar s
su icien 0 pure ase e even t 75 00 S St h L ,.~
copies. We are looking to hear tOl' 16' 7'3', t·
::' ePLekns, ~xm.g-
f 1 fri d . h on ., t u es ~. S
rom e even more rien s Wit FI S C 3 38 "A .
t I th $1 10 h d
hi orence,..,. Mem-
no eSB an . eac, an t IS I "1 t Ch ' S G
'II It th d t k i ier s. .:s, . reensboro
WI cornp e e e un er a mg. N C 2 00 St M k S S '
O hild ill ' .... ar s . . De-
ur .c I ren WI appreciats, S t F'J 7 28 St P S
h b' k L t h f 0 a, a , . ,eters S
t e 00 s. e us ear rom S I' b N C 583 M . .
tl I Th k a IS ury, ' . . . rs. J A
you promp y p ease. I an K 2'7 flO M W d Zirkleoon . , rs, a e "Ir )e
you, •. 1.10. Miss Inozen Santrniers 1.10
It is better to give thaw to rr- J. S. C, itselous 10.00.
ceive, "(Continued on page eig ht.)
W. R. Hester Lean Eliza-
beth College prop-
One note due July 18, 1924
Elizabeth College
One note due July 18, 1925
Elizabeth College
One note due July 18, 1926
Elizabeth College
One -note due July 18, 1927
Elizabeth College
One note due July 18, 1928
Elizabeth College
CASH FPR JULY'. Iheard the remark, "Just like a
. (CONTINUED) I minister's son?" And how many
First Church, S'.S. Riehmond, Itimes has that applied to some
'a. 20.lH. Interest "5.00. Im- mischief j;n which some boy has
nanuel S. S..' Indian Springs, engaged? "
'renn.A.05, St. JohnsS. S. Gravel Honestly, now, haven't you
~prings Pastorate, Bloom, Va. been of the opinion that preach-
i.50. P. G. Bryant 40.00. Willing ers' sons never amount to any-
Workers S. S: Class, Staunbon,', thing.? So often, when we check
l'a. 10.00. Lebanon Ch. S. S. upon that off-hand opinion, we
Lebanon Ch. Va. 2.97. Interest' find that we have been wrong
00.09. Birthday Offering, St. It isn't fair to accept such an
:'eterS s. S. Toms Brook, Va. opinion as truth just because
3.06. Shiloh S. S. Blacksbarg, others frequently say it. The
Ta. 4.69. H. W. Stine 20.00. F. thing to do is to test it out and
T. Whitmore 20.00. James D. see whether is is true or not be-
:~eiIig, Treas. N. C. Synod: fore we accept it ourselves.
:lion S. S. Hickory 9.88. Christ Here are a few facts worth
it S. Spencer 6.57. Salem S. S. thinking about, and that put a
:'!owan 8.90. First Ch. S. S. Lex- new meaning into the old ex-
ington4. 72. Mt. Moriah S. S. pression, "Just like a minister's
:10.75.UnioR S. S. 25.00, Raders son":
;I. S.. Childrens ' Day.., 40.57. I Of 12,000 'prominent men in
Holy Trinity S. S. Troutman 9. the United States 1,000 are sons
.JoS. Sharon S. S. Gibsonville 22. of preachers. 0f 2.145 notable
n. Center Grove S. S. 17.75. men of England, 1,270 are sons
lj"utheran Chapel S. S. Rowan of preachers. In 1910, Hlout of
13.00. St. Stephens S. S. Cab-I every 51 persons inithe Hall of
arrus 13.45. Holy Trinity S. S., Fame were sons of preachers,
Gastonia 11.96. St. Paals S. S. 'Five of our Presidents were
Rowan 22.56. St Johns S. S. sons of preachers.
Cherryville 14.78. Ebenezer S. S. "Just like a minister's son!"
Kowan 1~.24. Salem, S. S. Rowan --Selected
'-35. Calvary S. S. Sp~ 12. (C~a_lUed f~~m page one)
~. Augsburg' S. S. ~6It k. W f b f
W' k S S Chi G . ~ 08 a.t'.n0llHl or anum er 0 years
mar s .. ma rove -.. d h . d d ti
twrt PI t SSW + . 2 an as ren ere us energe IC
LVJ. • easan .. a.,auga. d' ff" t . Th b t
!O St J h S S C b •. 9 an e ICIen .service. e es
~. • 0 ns . . a a~rus . . h f tb I H ith h'
8. Mt. Hermon S. S. 3.19; In- WidS:~of ~l orne go WI im
terest 15.00. Roanoke College an . IS ami y.
(Refund Contingent Fee) 5.25 Mi~s Maud Isley, of Burling-
.•. ton, N. C. is very acceptably
~'JUST LIKE A MINISTE'R'S filling the position of House-
SON" keeper in the absence of Miss
How many times have yuU Steger, wh'b is off on vacation.

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1924 July LCHS Messenger newsletter

  • 1. I PUBLrsHE1) By THE LUTHERAN ORPHAN HOME. VOLUME XXVIII. SALEM, VIRGINIA: JULY 1924. NUMBE~ 7, Home Directory ( - IPRESIDlJ'jNTOF THE BOARD J. L. Sieber,. Roanoke, Va. SECRETARY Al'm TREASURER HOME BRIEFS . R W K· E S I V Our workers are taking their. . Ime, sq., a em, a. SNPERINTBNDENT well earned and much needed va Rev. E. W Leslie, Salem Va. cation. Some go in July and MATRON Mrs.L. B. Spracher, I some in August, enough remain- HOUSEKEEPER, Miss Elizabeth , . t h t k th k Steger. I m~ a orne 0 eep e wor TEACHERS Mrs. G. V. Ruhl, Miss M. going, McSherry. Miss. Myrtle Cutshaw!. 0 l'ttl t h f SEWING TEACHER Mrs. Janie Bailey' , 'ur I e cot age on t e arm ASSISTANTS Mrs. Cora Wheeler. Mrs hail received a much needed new Eo W. Leslie dress of paint, which greatly FARM MANAGER 1. S. Critselous. improves its appearance as well BOOK-KEEPER AND STENOGRAP- as preserving the buildingThe HER----MissMabel Leslie house and garden rents for $25 PHYSICIAN, Dr. G. A. L. Kolmer per month. DONATIONS FOR JULY A number of our children Mrs. J. A. Richard, 1 used coat, 1i!:llseddresses. Womens Miss. Soc. Col. have recently had "fat jaws" .legeCh, Salem. Va. (made by Mrs. onaccount of mumps among us. Thum, age 70 years) 2 boys blouses. Some have ~otten well--all are May Va. Stickler, 3used nightgowns, doing nicely and none suffered ~rused dressee, 3 used petticoats, 1pro any great inconvenie nee from used bloomers, 1pair used shoes. D. L. Sedon Cherries. Mrs. R. L. Meyer the desease. 2 used dresses, 1 used brassier. W. C. We regret to record the re- Goode, 1 bu. apples. Mrs. Emmett signation.of our farm manager, Fisher. 2 bus apples. J. S. Perrow ap- ples Mrs. McVitty, 1bu peaches. Gold Mr. J. S. Cr itselous, who, on en Rule Class, Lutheran Church, New- September 1st will sever his port News, Va. 3 pkzs. new & used conneetion with the Home. clothing. Roanoke and Salem. Shriners Mr. (;ritse)ous bas been with Picnic, lunches, melons and tomatoes. Mrs. J. P. Saul, Magazines. A. L.. (Continued on page eight) Snavely, Crockett, Va. 3 baskets apples. S. H. McVitty, Saiem, Va. large quanity of plums. Rev. ...~
  • 2. 2 THE MESSENGER• f , The Messenger comes a time, when grown, when you can both, but, son that member, isn't yet. Be sure and get the hours of sleep that mind and body need: and with cheap novels burn no : : : : VIRGINIA midnight oil, In youth you travel -----------'--.....- all day long, at rather break- RATE OF SUBSCRIPTION neck speed, so sleep at night or Siqle Subscription, one J'eaJ'•.•• .16 else your health will spoil. To one address, tea copies OJ'mON, Don't squander pocket money ten cents eaeh. that your dad has given you. All subscriptions must be paid in Don't figure .'easy come and advance. easy go." For every ~QlJar that . . you ~et Just save a dime or two Entered at the Post OtIlce In! The benefit, in later years, SALEK, VA., as seeo~d clua ma~J'·1 yot'll know. Acceptap.ce for mai.liQ at special Just sum a1l1these little tips rate of posta&,eprovided foJ' in Sec. and act accordingly. 1108, Act of Oct. 8, 1917, authorized I know, the worth of what I'm Oct. ZO, 1910. telling you. For, listen son, the hardships that have made it hard Take Special Netice of Th•• Ship-' for me, are just these tips, the pine Direetiol1&: things I didn't do. I. PubJishecl MODWy B7 THE LUTHERAN ORPHAN BOllE you are use them time, re- SALEM There are now no reduced rata to Cornell University investigat- our Home, either bJ' freiaht OJ' u- ed 1,303 farmers in Tompkins press. Please mark J'OU]'shipments county, N. Y., and found that plainly to LUTHERAN ORPHAN the average labor income of HOME, SALEM, VIRGINIA. Pre- 1,007 men with only a district paid frel&'ht and apreas is of peat school education was $32~ a assistance to OU]'Home. year. The income of 280 men with a high school education was DAD'S AD VICE $682 and sixteen farmers with Said an ordinary father, to all, a college education were re- srdinary son, there are lots of Iceiving a labor income of $847 a tips I want to give you. Just, year, . plain advice, but· helpful, and Th test .te • dv i lif ', hId e grea est rage y III I e IS you 11know, w en am one, ln f 'I b·' f '1' th d 'I thi h Id d not In ar ure ut In ai mg to h ~ ladI ~t dIngSyou s ou an make an effort toward some- s ou n 0. I-h' hL'I You've heard it said that t mg wort w~I!.e. smoking in your youth, will Unbelief finds fault, and gr~~~ stunt you~ growth! so shun the 'II~S,and 3;1lthe impossibili- , corncob pipe and cigarett, There ties and miseries of life.
  • 3. EXPENSE, ACCOUNT FOR JUNE 1924 Bu tter. ,'" ,... .... .... , ,. Meat ,........... .. . Groceries .., , " Cereals . Dry goods & Clothing Dental work . Repairs & Plumbing Hardware , ,.,. Blacksmithing , Professional services Farm supplies . Seed ,........... ...... .. . Printing Supplies.,.", .. Painting cottage on THE MESSENGER 3 81.90 32.58 21.28 22.65 47.50 25.00 There is less vXCUSle for feed- ing a milk cow stingily than any other farm animal. She does not ask any credlt: ell. makes prompt daily payment and her product is a cash article.
  • 4. .. THE MESSENGER .'" -"-'-'-~-"----'- ANNUAL REPORT OF 115 tons straw . . . . FARM MANAGER 100 bu. tomtoes . . • 700 lbs. veal • • . . MEMBERS OF THE BOARD 750 bu. wheat . (!)F TRUSTEES: 5i>bls. Lettuce Our crops consist of 221-2 Total • . . . acres wheat, 8 acres oats, 1 FARM EXPENSES acre rye, 30 acres corn, 3 acres Bailing straw . $ 58.00 potatoes, 4 acres tomatoes, 3 Blasksmithing • . 68.75 t I 8 Fertilizer . . • . 515.00 acres wa erme on. acres gar- F d 364 70 den truck, 9 acres alfalfa and H::dw~re' : .. .. . . .. 180~56 40 acres peas, making a total of Labor. . • . . 113.73 128 1-2 acres. Light & Wator • • • •• 44.55 We only have twelve acres Paint . . . . . . .. 56.50 of pasture but by rotating from Pigs : . • . . • . 70.00 f . ., Plumbmg.·... 17.92 'one .Ield to the other It furnishes Repairs . • . . . .. 34.82 'grazmg for our herd of ten Salary & Supplies . .. 1,300.00 'COWS. Seeds . . . . . . .. 678.86 Twenty acres of wheat land Sundries & Supplies 42.62 . . . h f Tractor and Oil . . . .. 754.71 IS sown m grass, wit a av.or- Telephone . . . . . .. 34.28 able stand. All crops are beI~g Total...... $4,354.00 regularly cultivated and will Balance . . . .. 2,146.06 'compare with the best. LIVE STOCK AND MACHINERY Wheat is exceptionally good. 3 Horsss . $550.00 -Alfalfa is being cut for the first 10 Cows 450.00 "time with a good yield. Fresh 1 Heifer . 15.00 'vegetables are being gathered 1 Bull .. ., 25.00 f d dail 11 ~ 40 Hogs . 575.00 . rom our gar en ai y, a 0 .•. Machinery 1,885.00 which go toward supplying our Total value of stock and .needs, Machinery . . . . FARM RETURNS J. S. Critselous, 10 bu. beets . . . .. $ 10.00 Farm Manager. I •• 100 bu. beans • . . 75.00 "Lest we Forget" i bu. cucumbers. . .. 5.00 "Lest we forget". we wish to !i00 doz. sweet corn. .. 120.00 . d f' H 750 bu. corn . . . .. 750,00 remind the frien s 0 tne orne Fodder . . . . • •. 250.00 that during the summer months Bouse rent . • . . • 585.00 our cash receipts are usually Hay . . • . 840.00 small, while our expenses for 3,650 gals. Milk . • .. 1,460.00 food and clothing and the up- 40 bu. onions . • . .• 40.00 keep of the Home and farms go 150 bu. oats . • 100.00 10 bu. peas . . . 10.00 right on. We trust, therefore, 5 loads pumpkins " 20.00 that our faithful pastors, Sunday 200 bu. potatoes . 200.00 school superintendents and oth- 10 bu. sweet pepper 10.00 er good friends will put forth 6,3501bs pork . . 793.00 extra efforts for the sufport of 800 doz radtshes 40.00 5 bbls. salad .... 5.00 the Home during the summer 175.00 75.00 70.00 862.50 5.00 6,500.50 3.5~0.OO
  • 5. THE MESSENGER 5 ------------------- .-~---- 256.68 41.60 43.20 12.95 p7.16 32.97 27.17 234.851' 11.50 21.01 78,00 98.98 41.56 128.64 1il4.65 12.97 18.00 24.~5 .----- SOMEBODY'S LITTLE I' Remember The Lutheran Or- phan Home of the South in your BOY win, or better still, devote a I portion of your property while I reckon someone loves him living, to the welfare of the All the more becauss his face Home. If you need the interest Is besmudzed among the freck-] un the amount you wish to give, e- we will issue you a Life Annuity les I Bond which pays interest during Where his tears have Iefr their. ii~~ra~:.e time. Write for par- trace. I ._- -' months. We are making every dollar go as far as possible and yet it takes' 'big money" to run an institution like this. Help your orphan children,' dear Ifriends, and "DO IT NOW" Thank you! • EXPENSE ACCOUNT Groceries, .. ,,', $ Meat . Butter . Cereals . Canned goods . Water & Lights . Insurance . Coal. . Farm Supplies . Oil & Gas for tractor . Fertilizer for farm . Printing Supplies . Laundry Supplies . Hardware . Dry goods & Clothing . Plumbing . Eye Glasses . Dental Work . Interest on Annuity Bonds. ................... 135 GO Pizs 45.00 Subscriptian to the Messenger............... ;10.00 Salaries....................... 522.50 Sundries.. 132.94 Total. .. ......... ... ... $2,121.58 i ----- ~ ---- i Reckon someone must be rain- in' Angel kisses through the blue, On his tousled locks, and pray- in' That he'll come up strong and true . Must be someone, somewhere, watchin' Every childish step & turn, Askin' God to make him happy, An' to help him grow and learn. Maybe heaven would be sweet- er If that someone only knew That loving hands would guide him, Help him, keep him, see him through, ----Ben Hoovor. • The right place to feel for the poor is in the pocket. FORM OF nEQUEST I give, devise and hequeth to The Lutheran Orphan Home of the South, at Salem, Virginia, (Here describe property devis- ed). NOTE-State laws should al- ways be consulted in making be- quests, as the laws governing bequests are not always the same in different states.
  • 6. TItE S REE'S REPORT RECEIPTS Total receipts for Current E~penlle Fund $ Total receipts for C. E. Loans repaid otal receipts for Build. ing Fund otal receipt6 for Bldg. Loans repaid Total receipts for Endow. ment Fund· Nothing Total l' ceipta for Dona. tions (Estimated) Total receipts for all pur. . poses 29,100.42 EXPENDITURES Groceriefl $ Meat Butter Cereals Cann d gcod rofessional ServiceI'! of Home PhYllician rugs otJpital Expenses urses Expenses ental Work islnfectan ts ardware Plumblnl: Smithlng Printin SuppU Office Supplies Farm 5)uppli s Repairs Pigs aundry SuppU II . ster & Lightll . ock & Poultry Food ed & Fertilizer ailing Straw Tractor U&G ye Gla Il • Coal arm Labor il & Laundry Stov II Payment on EI~ab tIt Col. leg Prop rty o nok CoUe F ub crlptionll 0 M !lecn~e u dri L mber ry I d IPayment n Refrigerate> 400.00 , Interest 1,169.30 I Insuransa 432.17 24,201,17 Investments 7,100.00 Salaries 6,031.33 2,700.00 Total $ 31,411.86 Less am't used for in. vestment 100.00 1,015.00 1,750.00 $ 40,070.24 174'45 I CU RENT EXPEN E FUND ~~.~~ Renl estate, first mort- • gage 210.08 Savlnga Dept. Bank of 480.47 Sal m 241.60 Lib rty Bonds 68.75 C h i b k M 31458 715 as In an, 8y , 29:70 I 1924 236.92· 185.33 70.00 R al 254.02 876.M 196.00 64f.00 180.34 581 70 Truat Funds • Cover Fund 267:37 Bank of Salem 18 00 Trustees 888'78 Huffmam Fund, United 60:671 Synod of the South 48.50 Trustees 2,400.00 Ryler Fund· Lutheran Ch. 1,100.00 Irmo, S. • Trust (IS 42.50 P raonal note 60.00 2,75. 4 45.86 1,1 7.17 199.25 1,000.00. I 1,000.00 2,497.28 743.12 49U2 222.04 1,615.91 200.00 84.80 3,400.00 $28.011.86 1,088.5 of the Home B~lance The Resources follow; BUILDING FUND Real estate, first mort. gage $ 30,100.00 Porsonal notes, payable on demand Savings Dept· Bank of Salem Certificate of Deposit, Bank of Salem War Saving Stampfl Liberty Bonda 2,000.00 5,105.24 $ ,700.00 1,182.57 1,000.00 2,178.77 $ 13,061.34 ENDOWMENT FUND state, first mort- gl1«e Stockll • Linn Mille, Lan- dis, N. C. Salem Loan & Trust Co. $17.330.00 1,600.00 100.00 10,000.00 1,0 0.00 2,400.{lO 34, 3 • 7,961.5 v n) 1'otal Resources (C ntinued on J
  • 7. THE MESSENGER 7 CASH DONATION FOR JULY A. K. Epting's class 10 Pros- $ 9,000.00 perityH' S. C. 12.50. Interest65.00 4,000.00 O. SAker 5.00. Salem S. S. Mt. Sidney, Va. 10.00. Cash 2.63. 4,350.00 Mrs. C. W. Dobyns 5.00. Mrs O. Henry 15.00: H. W. Stine 10.00. 4,350.00 Interest 30.00. St Johns S. ~. 4,350.00 Salisbury, N. C. 25,00. Mace- donia S. S. Birthday Offering 4,350.00 Burlington, N. C. 2.60. Ladies $ 30,400.00 Aid Society Lincolnton, N. C.-11 Net Assets $ 57,561.58 1.25, Class 4 Calvary S, S. Spen REAL ESTATE cer, N, C. 15.25. Mrs. O. Henry Elizabeth College Property 40,000.00 5.00. T. W. Dalton 40.00. Inter- Home buildings & grounds 35,000.00 est 120.00. Rent 30.00. Gates Old Home Bulldings and Linney 12.13: Dr. A. B. Greiner grounds 10,000.00 T T L Seventy acres land reas. rustees utheran Synod with buildings 30,000.00 of Va. 26.43. Cash .50. W. D. Loton College Avenue 5,000.00 Cronk 5.00, Mrs. Olga Zimmer- Live stock &machi- man 5.00. J. W. Whittaker 10.00 nery 3,500.00 Interest 36.00. St Marks S. S. Total real estate $ 123.500,00 Spring wood, Va. 5.20, Haven Grand Total ajI Resourses 181,061.58 S. S. Salisbury, N. C. 12.50. .•. Rent 1500. Interest 330.00. ID. THE HALF· WAY POINT F. Efird, 'I'reas. S. C. Synod: Responses to our aj.peal for Emmanuels S. S. New Brook- funds to buy twenty-two copies land 5.90. Ch. of Rede~mer S. ~. of the Common Service Book Newb~rt'y, 3435. Wittenberj, f I fi d hild Leesville 27.79. Colony, New'-or our new y con irme c I - 1 • h d h berry 5.00. St James Jalaga ren nave reac e t. e half-way 11 00 Ch f R d N ~q. . t W h ' h d .. 0 e eemer, e- POIn eave money In all b 18 80 St A d h' ff" t t has I erry., n rews, C ar s su icien 0 pure ase e even t 75 00 S St h L ,.~ copies. We are looking to hear tOl' 16' 7'3', t· S ::' ePLekns, ~xm.g- f 1 fri d . h on ., t u es ~. S rom e even more rien s Wit FI S C 3 38 "A . t I th $1 10 h d hi orence,..,. Mem- no eSB an . eac, an t IS I "1 t Ch ' S G 'II It th d t k i ier s. .:s, . reensboro WI cornp e e e un er a mg. N C 2 00 St M k S S ' O hild ill ' .... ar s . . De- ur .c I ren WI appreciats, S t F'J 7 28 St P S h b' k L t h f 0 a, a , . ,eters S t e 00 s. e us ear rom S I' b N C 583 M . . tl I Th k a IS ury, ' . . . rs. J A you promp y p ease. I an K 2'7 flO M W d Zirkleoon . , rs, a e "Ir )e you, •. 1.10. Miss Inozen Santrniers 1.10 It is better to give thaw to rr- J. S. C, itselous 10.00. ceive, "(Continued on page eig ht.) LIABILITIES W. R. Hester Lean Eliza- beth College prop- erty One note due July 18, 1924 Elizabeth College One note due July 18, 1925 Elizabeth College One note due July 18, 1926 Elizabeth College One -note due July 18, 1927 Elizabeth College One note due July 18, 1928 Elizabeth College
  • 8. ... THE MESSENGER CASH FPR JULY'. Iheard the remark, "Just like a . (CONTINUED) I minister's son?" And how many First Church, S'.S. Riehmond, Itimes has that applied to some 'a. 20.lH. Interest "5.00. Im- mischief j;n which some boy has nanuel S. S..' Indian Springs, engaged? " 'renn.A.05, St. JohnsS. S. Gravel Honestly, now, haven't you ~prings Pastorate, Bloom, Va. been of the opinion that preach- i.50. P. G. Bryant 40.00. Willing ers' sons never amount to any- Workers S. S: Class, Staunbon,', thing.? So often, when we check l'a. 10.00. Lebanon Ch. S. S. upon that off-hand opinion, we Lebanon Ch. Va. 2.97. Interest' find that we have been wrong 00.09. Birthday Offering, St. It isn't fair to accept such an :'eterS s. S. Toms Brook, Va. opinion as truth just because 3.06. Shiloh S. S. Blacksbarg, others frequently say it. The Ta. 4.69. H. W. Stine 20.00. F. thing to do is to test it out and T. Whitmore 20.00. James D. see whether is is true or not be- :~eiIig, Treas. N. C. Synod: fore we accept it ourselves. :lion S. S. Hickory 9.88. Christ Here are a few facts worth it S. Spencer 6.57. Salem S. S. thinking about, and that put a :'!owan 8.90. First Ch. S. S. Lex- new meaning into the old ex- ington4. 72. Mt. Moriah S. S. pression, "Just like a minister's :10.75.UnioR S. S. 25.00, Raders son": ;I. S.. Childrens ' Day.., 40.57. I Of 12,000 'prominent men in Holy Trinity S. S. Troutman 9. the United States 1,000 are sons .JoS. Sharon S. S. Gibsonville 22. of preachers. 0f 2.145 notable n. Center Grove S. S. 17.75. men of England, 1,270 are sons lj"utheran Chapel S. S. Rowan of preachers. In 1910, Hlout of 13.00. St. Stephens S. S. Cab-I every 51 persons inithe Hall of arrus 13.45. Holy Trinity S. S., Fame were sons of preachers, Gastonia 11.96. St. Paals S. S. 'Five of our Presidents were Rowan 22.56. St Johns S. S. sons of preachers. Cherryville 14.78. Ebenezer S. S. "Just like a minister's son!" Kowan 1~.24. Salem, S. S. Rowan --Selected '-35. Calvary S. S. Sp~ 12. (C~a_lUed f~~m page one) ~. Augsburg' S. S. ~6It k. W f b f W' k S S Chi G . ~ 08 a.t'.n0llHl or anum er 0 years mar s .. ma rove -.. d h . d d ti twrt PI t SSW + . 2 an as ren ere us energe IC LVJ. • easan .. a.,auga. d' ff" t . Th b t !O St J h S S C b •. 9 an e ICIen .service. e es ~. • 0 ns . . a a~rus . . h f tb I H ith h' 8. Mt. Hermon S. S. 3.19; In- WidS:~of ~l orne go WI im terest 15.00. Roanoke College an . IS ami y. (Refund Contingent Fee) 5.25 Mi~s Maud Isley, of Burling- .•. ton, N. C. is very acceptably ~'JUST LIKE A MINISTE'R'S filling the position of House- SON" keeper in the absence of Miss How many times have yuU Steger, wh'b is off on vacation.