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~D          UWESSA{jES
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    NECEDAH. WISCONSIN 1971-1975

        VOLUME II

       As Given Through





     Published for the Honor and Glory of God

                     in obedience to

    rAt CSksst! CVirgin"Mart

In obedience to the decree of Pope Urban VIII and in con­
formity with the Apostolic Constitution "Officiorum ac
munera" of Pope Leo XIII, we dedare that we daim no
more than a purely human consideration for the extraor­
dinary graces reported in this book, and that we thereby
submit at aH times and unreservedly to the judgment of
the Catholic Church.
      The prayers induded are for private use only.

             FIRST PRINTING 1978
    Copyright © 1978. Ali rights reserved.
      No part ot this book may be reproduced in any
       part without permission trom the publisher.

           Compiled, edited and published by
       Necedah, Wisconsin 54646 U.S.A.

           "For My God and My Country, Inc." is a non-profit organiza­
   tion requested by the ..Qelestials to build the Shrine, print books and
   pamphlets, make known and fulfill the requests of the Mother of
   God as given through the Victim and Seer, Mary Ann Van Hoof
 .&uring these past 28 yeEs. The construction work consists of erect­
   ing thirteen small Shrines now built, a Home for Unwanted Infants
   (tem"'i)Ofary one now in operation), a Home for Unwanted Men
   to be started in the spring of 1978 and a House of Pra~r in the
   near future that will seat 1,700.. p.eople. Six of the sm!!LLSbriQe~)
   reproductions of important Ql.lÇ~S in the Holy Land as they were
   when Our Lord, the Blessed Mother and the Apostles lived there.
           Books published are: The Four "Volumes, by Henry Swan;
   the Book, Revelations and Messages, 1950 to 1970; the Passion
   of Our Lord; the Fundamentals of Our Faith; two
  .!l.I2!2!is; the Nativity Story and the new edition of the Revelations
   and Messages, 1971-1975. Also othee materials that verify the'
   messages and aid people in their work to help Rrotect our Cou.Q!rY,1
   Church and the Youth.
           The messa es are an anal sis of how the enem works to des­
   troy our 9A.Lll4Y, ~ and Y Quth. They a so include a positive,
   spiritual emphasis on ~r, specifically the ~, ~s and
   S!Çraments, daily if possible, weanng the Scapular and Crucifix
~ and the Constant Vigil of Praxer. The latter has now reached
   every State and six foreign countries.
           The Nativity Pageant and a nationwide ~rogram to "KeeE, ft
   Christ in Christmas" have gained widespread recognition and 11
           Patriotism and Americanism have been promoted in the past
   23 years with much work against laws that would destroy our
   individu al rights and freed0ms uucLer-thf'-C.onsfitution and Bill of
   Rights. Opposing evils of abortion and e}J!haRasia has been done
   for more than ten years on State and NatlOnâI levels.
           The Seven Sorrows of Our Sorro~ful M.9ther Infants' Home
   has saved many lives of the unborn since 1973. A main concern
   of Our Holy Mother since 1950 is best expressed in the following
   excerpt of May 28, 1974 (see pages 193-194):
           "My Child, the privileges My cftild!!~ive here, they are
   not appreciated, thQare taking My visitations for granted, the,
il                                                                   .. -   ---    :-1_

       true reverenc.e is not shawn. Yes, 1 understand, it is blind faith
       bEL.}!!:.t il they are berc thfI.Y..l1J1dl!. believe that 1 come here. D~
       t.!:.!ili-.ullde.fS(GluJ WHO 1 AM? WHO 1 AM, and why 1 have come
       here? 1 came here, My Chi/d, ta save thy Nation, ta save thy
       Country, ta save thy Church. 1 came here most of aU because 0/
      .!Ile Little children and yet My pleas for the lt.!.lle child have been
       ignored and not heeded. Millions of liJ..Jk...unb...QLn have iound death
       in the most hideous and mas! cruel way. Thy Nation once proudly
       called itself the "Nation under Gad." Thel' cannat boast of this, ,
       My Child, for the wailing and the death oLmillÎ.Qns of unborn are j
       o~ all citizens' cQnsçiences ii1bev have one or no{; thy Nation ~ 1
       suUer the consequences for this terrihle destruction of 1he unborn.
       It is not spoken of in the Churches from the pulpits. They fear ta
       Qjjend their parishioners. 1 plead with the re/21'esentatives of My
       Son to speak out against the destruction of human lives.'7hy Natton
       WiTfï7in the wars and ail automobile accidents, all these deaths
       cannQt compare ta the deaths of the unborn, for many unborn are !
       nQt recorded. . .. Appeasement cannot be sa.nctiQned. Go!LJ!J:!. ~      J
       Father in Heaven w.anlS onl)' 1I:u,t};J;_O-I1.d....:.:Lfj.QU SHALT NOT

        KILL" CQvers it all. "THOl[ SHALT NOT KILL." For il IS a
       lij!.)rom the mQment of conce lion. Re..member Ibjç il is a Zife
       ~rom 1 e morne            0 once Ii) . N..!2...!.Jl-0j~~..JJ-h.Q!!.§}t,
       can tell you otherwise. No Clergyman who is truthful, can tell you
       othe;'wis7:"I:/hë!Viother of Thy Lord and Gad, say the same,
       "THOU SHALT NOT KILL." It is a mQrtal sin with the reward
       of etemal HeUfire. My children, STOP this terrible killing, STOP
       IT, QI' the Chastisement will he sa severe you will envy the dead."
             Work is bcing and has been done by tradesmen, farmers
       and profession al people without pay. Many now live here, others
       carry out Our Holy Mother's requests in their çQmmunity or area.
       AIl are a definite part of the Shrine and Mary Ann Van Hoof with
       the officers of "For My God and My Country-, Inc." wish ta than'K
       them personally for their help and prayers. The cooperation that
       has been received from Priests, ministers, reli.êQus, civic and other
     ( leaders is much appreciated.
             The steady increase in the number of visitors to the Shrine
       is encouraging because Messages and materials continue ta go
       O!!t througb tbem far and wide.
             A Shrine Newsletter, published monthly is sent free on re­
       quest. For information write: "For My Gad and My Country,
       Inc.," Route l, Necedah, Wisconsin 54646.


                   Clara Hermans passed away December 26, 1976 at the v~~s
                              in Friendship, Wisconsin where she had been staying
              for close to two years. Born in Brillion, Wisconsin on June 9, 1895,
"1 y-eO'.. .$ Clara lived in Kaukauna, Milwaukee and then Appleton, Wisconsin
              before moving to Necedah. Her work at the Shrine started when she
              moved here on August 5, 1950.
              The title of "First Chosen One" was given her by the Blessed
                Her dedication to Our Holy Mother and the Shrine was a total
          one. She worked for many years seven days a week giving of herself
          the full day from morning until sometimes late at night. Answering Mary
          Ann's (Mrs. Fred Van Hoof) mail,JX.gin~ Mess<J.p;es that came through
          on Anniversary and Feast Days and Œose (at came through during Mary
          Ann's suffenng periods of Advent, Lent and other tlmes, took up muèh
          of her lime. Along with thÎs she spoke daily to the many pilgrims who
          visited the Shrine, sorne of whom came in the severe cold, heat or rain,
making her task anything but easy. However, she never complained
 and always had a kind ward and a cheerful smile for ail.
     The Messages in the Revelations and Messages Book a.nd.-the
 Four Volumes indicates in part the work she so nobly helped with for
 Our LadY_Md the Ca1,1se. The purpose and their importance is surely
 mar as they could have saved Our Country, Church and Youth.
      Living of her consecration to Our Lady was always Clara's goal
 and even in the last years as her memory and life were slipping away,
 she always held onto the slim thr.èad of interest and hope in the Cause.
       Truly a real soldier for Our Lady and the Lord ail through the
 years, she and her work will always remain a tribute to her and an
 inspiration to ail who knew or will carry on after her. Il was done, as
 many know, under living and working conditions that included much
1sacrifice of corn forts and convenience.
      Here are a few excerpts from the Messages relative to Clara:
       Message, May 29, 1950: "Have yo,!r !,ri~t o(lI1J§. J:2.!ish Bless
 Ihis place and ask hint 10 6nd a devoted persan ta help with this work."
 Taken from Mary A..nn's 'Nri~up on "What Henry Swan and Clara
 Hermans Mean to Me and the Cause," page 178, Volume 1 of the Four
 Volumes, 'quote:
      "In J uly of 1950, Clara Hermans came to Necedah through the
 advice of an Appleton, Wisconsin, friend. She was told that therc would
 be much Catholic Action work to be done. She spoke to Father Len­
 gowski and he told her there was a lot of work to be done.
        "On Jl'lly 16, 1950, 1 met her on the way to fulfill a mission which
  was very urgent. 1 was introduced to her. When leaving her at her
  home 1 said, "GoOO night, 1 will see you in Necedah." 1 do not know
  why 1 made that remark for 1 didn't know of her coming to work here
  in Necedah, nor did she herself until a short time later when Fathcr
  had sent word for her to come. On August 5, 1950, she came. Fallier
  totQ_ ber to come out t9 the f~m !2._h~Ip.!!le where she could."
       Clara stood by Mary Ann steadfastly for the next 20 years when
  because of age she had to retire. Our Holy Mother was very pleased
  with her loyalty, devotion and efforts as the following Messages indicate.
       August 15, 1970: "My Chi/d, tell the Chosen One, 1 was pleased
  with her tireless efforts and devotion. She gave much of herself. She
  weathered great persecution and sacrifice standing by you and with
  you. She was spared to stand by you because of her true devotion.
  Today, twenty years ago, was a great day for many and the beginning
  of much for t~e J"Y..0_Q,Ly'pu. My Chi/d, let her say a Rosary on the

Blue Rosary. My Blessing upon her for her laya IIY and sacrifice .l'he
    accepled in her Irue devolion la Ihe Cause."
         July 15, 1976: "The Flrsl Chosen is a lingering, ~fJ.f.!ing l'iClil7l
   la help balance Ihe .l'cale on Ihese grounds·. She gave her enlire /ife
   from 1950 unril now, la Ihis Sacred Cause. She was very loyal. SiJe
   w.gLll..1!âncess when iLcame ts!.loyally and JSJVe fo~ Iby Sis.ler and The
   Queen of Heaven and Earlh. Now, .l'he is Iying Ihere, her memory is
   sliPping ~)'-'-É.UI yelshe hangs on lO-heriï1rîè,- goal,.!..!lf-.,2ne /iule
   Ihread, Ihe Sacreq ç~çe. Yes, .l'he i~t:i..JKfss, for .l'he Irul~d
   O~Hol>!-Mother. Her fingers were nol nimble bUl Ihey pecked
   a~l_1:!1 much c!'f Ihe l>!pifJ..g_a~rk. She had la do il rhe-haraway,
( Ihe slow way, because .l'he was nol this way, hUI .l'he diëF il;
   many hours,_!QlJg~!jjJ..JiiUs hours. She did nol complain, and-yet .l'he
   slOod on ti/ese grounds under ail conditions, alone. There was no he/fi
   li~oday, alone, and .l'he spoke ta many, màffY-E...~le.-Ylie nllmh!!,s
   Ihen were ml/ch grealer oj.....J1a.i4'_ arrivais Ihan roday. She stood il.
   heside taking care of Ihl' sisler's mail, il neve~()o lIluch. and did
   il. In her weakened cOlldilion .l'he was given s!rénglh-ândgraces. Be­
  cal/se of her layaity, her love lor-I~een of Heaven anaEarlh. as
  .l'he believed She was Ihe Queen, .l'he acceoted Her as thus, -SJ.!ld Iried
r  10 fulfill Ha work ta the besl ai her ability. Oj CDurse, we gav(' Ihy
   sisler the privilege of laking her over in the nighl.JiJbel1..Jhe was sa
   liœtf and restless . .1'0. .l'he could not sleep. Thy sister look over, .1'0 .l'Ire
   went ta sleep and in the morning .l'he was rejreshed. These Ihings have
  been going on for many years."
         50 to the many friends she leaves behind, surcly they can ail hopc
    to see her again in her heavenly home, "The Glory of Glories." 5hc will
    be misscd by those who knew her thosc many ycars and espccially by
    Mary Ann to whom shc meant so much. Ail can only say, "Weil d(m('.
    good and failhful servant."


Foreword                                     ~...........    111

Dedication                                   ~............    V

Views of Our Shrine                                          IX


Chapter One
  Messages during 1971                                        1

Chapter Two
  Messages during 1972...............................        67

Chapter Three
  Messages during 1973                                      127

Chapter Four
  Messages during 1974                                      185

Chapter Five
  Messages during 1975                                  251

Index to Volume II                                          312


          Inasmuch as many are now making their fust visit and others
   returning after a length of time and practically ail are pl~s~A.2::i!.!:!
   the progress over the years, it is hoped that the following pictorial
   review will be of interest not only to them but also many other
   sincere, good Christians and Americans. It should be explained,
   however,- that credit is duefortfîë(fÇsi~D, theme and location of
   e.,gch Shrine only to the Celestials. T,My show them tQ..Mar.Y-A!!n
   in vision and each are constrûcted as near as possible according
   t~ descrlp'fion. Sillely this is the reason why the Shrinës aU
   facus aD Qur r .llI.'.d on the Cross and the Sacred Spot.            -
          Thirteen smail Shrines now form the setting. Six are important
   places reproduced as they were in the Holy Lands when Our Lord,
   the Blessed Mother, St. Joseph and the Apostles lived there. They
   are: the Cave at B~m, Home of the Holy Family at ~­
   @' L~Su[per, FJ..rst Mass, W.,2"J to Calvary, and the Crucifixion
   at Jerusalem. This unique feature of the Shrine, not a part of other
   major shrines in the world, makes each person's visit, spiritually
   sP9king, a visit to the Holy Land, not as conditions and places
   are today but as they were at the time of OUI Lord.
          The other seven include St. Anne, St. Joan of Arc, St. Francis,
   St. Mother Cabri ni, St. Michael, Unity Medal and Way to Peace
          The statues in practically ail are originals and made accord­
   ing to the way they were shown to Mary Ann in vision."The signi­
 . ficance of the Shrines to-the Saints are in honor and recognition
   of the important Qart they- have and are n~..E.laying in our history
   and to ~Ie now save our CPUIch, Country and the World. The_
   assist Our Holy- Mo~b.e~_ i!!J'.~!!.gjQg these.l!!i<~~~u.~s, so mainly
[ through the sufferiQg of Mrs. Van Hoof and their assistance, the
   work at the Shrine can move forward.
          The Unity Medal Shrine is an enlarged reproduction ç,f t~
   medal itself. The theme is "UniiLbetween Home, School and 1
    --'mrch will bring peace and happiness to our Communities, Nation,
   andthe World."
          The Way to Peace Shrine illustratesfGod's Peace Plan}for us.

A dove is flying ta thtl.Trinit Sicrn with the Rosar in its beak.
    ft places it over the Trinity Ign ln V IC IS t e ni y Knot. It then
    flies to the Bl~secLM2!ber Who Rlaces the word "Peace" in its
    beak and flics baël< to the Trinit Sign. A large ray of light cames
    from the Ilnlty Ign over the Ash Trees and onto the Sacred Sept
    indicating that the graces received and the mes~ages for peace
    come from Them. ~oan of AI:c)and 6rTiïeresè) Mary Ann's
    two com~ Saints, are on cither side of the pièture. Mrs. Van
     Hoof is pictured kneeling at the Sacrcd Spot. It is she who the
     Blessed Mother chose t9 bring these ali-important messages from
     Herself and the Saints t<? help prevent destruction of our Country.
    Church and Youth. Had they been heeded our Country, Church
     and Youth eould ....b2ve been~garc:sLsQ.. mUc:b ~rsecution that is
     jYi.t abead. Mary Ann has suffered the Passion of Our Lord sinee
      1950 and has had other suffering, some so severe, from 19~9
  . that it made her an invalid in a wheelchair. T!)irteen ruptures',
     during that period funher indicates the severity of il.
            'Iwo small Shrines that have becn requested, and it is hoped
     will be built in the near future, are the First Pentecost Shrine and
     the one for Czar Alex of Russia. The location of the Pentecost
     Shrine will bëbetween the First Mass and Mother Cabrini's. Czar
     Alex~l b.e cast of the lDain entrance of the H@se of Praye;:-
            Other important buildings already built are the Information
     Center, M!<,diatrix of Peace Hall, St. Joseph the Worker Hall, the
     Seven Sorrows of Our Sorrowful Mother Infants' Home, a~
            The significancc of the Pentecost Shrine is that the Blessed
      Mother's first outdoor appearance in 1950 was on Pentecost Sun­
     Clay. Also to help people understand that there is no conn~n
      between the movement of Pentecostalism today and the First
     Pentecosl. The Czar Alex Shrine stresses the importance-2f"
     unification between the Eastern Rite with Rome promising that
    'an era of Peace for the World would then folloW:-       -      -­
             As for the Unwanted Infants' Home~ithas been in operation
     since 1973 and has helped save the lives of a good number of
      infants as weil as giving the mothers an opportunity to save them­
     selves the eternal consequences of the black sin of abortion. ­
            The Staff Home provides a place to live for somë of the)
      workers who give {yI! lime without L'lay ~ the Unwanted Infan!s'
      Home.                                               _
     --;/rhe Information Center is open 24-houfs a ~, and seve~

days a wc(1))to hclp çlil who visit the Shrine to know of th~.Bl!J­
 - ~c, ~d and tLlU,h about the Shrine. Aiso the messages and their
  Importance today, future plans for dcvelopment and the need of
  the help offered by the C~ls to hold back, shorten and/or
  lessen the severity of the Divine Chastisement that is so close upon
  our Nation and the World today. This can no longer be prevented
 because~ofthe many sins ingeneral and especially the morder of
  millions of the unborn. Tours are given daily as weil as sltde pre-
  sentations; Books and other materials are-~ade available.
        The Mediatrix of Peace Hall is used for showing slides and
  filmstrips, also lectures so people can know the truth about tbe
  Shc.ine and the messages. The St. Joseph the Worker Hall fills the
  n@for acti2n on various prolects. Some of the main ones are: The
  Constant Vigil of Prayer Program that has now reaehed many
  States and six foreign countries; Americanism and Patriotism,
  work agains! laws that areevil; the Proruotion of the Rosary;
  Keeping Christ in Christmas; and efforts ta save our Youth from
  the spiritual and physical har~ of pornography, drugs. fffiFiy
  movies on theater and T. V. scre~ns. Time is also devoted to
  various spiritual projects as requested in the messages such as
  pJayers for the President and Governmcnt OfficiaIs, our Hoi
  F~ther, Priests and Religjous, Youth, etc.
        As for the main projects just ahead, work will begin on the
  St. Francis of Assisi Home for lJnwanted Men in the spring of
  1978. The large House of Prayer that will seat about 1,700 people
  and enclose the Sacred Spot will be in the form of a heart and
  different in design from any other large Shrine in the World. Plans
  are now on the drawing board. The description is best given by
Che Blessed Mother Herself on pages 346-47 of Reve/alions and
  Messages. Va/ume 1. (1950-1970):
        "My Chi/d, the Shrine is 10 Ihe form of a heart in honor
  of My Divine Son's Saered HearY!!fjJi)My lmmaeu/ate Hearl,J!!. 
  elltwine wilh the hearl5 of men. The tower sho/l/d be as Ihe f/ame
    Dilove aseending ta Gad the Father If! Heaven. When wa/king
  beneath the lower inlo Ihe heart of Ihe Shrine, the sinner shou/d
  nad refuge. Ihe aff/ieled comiort, wilh hgly" for ail ChriSlians; !!2P.!
  for Ihose /OSI and eonfused and peaee for ail men of good will."
        "From Ihis hearl shou/d f/ow love and e!.Qyers from many
  sou/s. My Divine Son is so desirous that ail honor Me first out of
7OVë" for Me. Our Hearls entwined' frQlILlhe titSI moment         Oïihë
tfit:arnalion. My Divine Son lov(,5 Me for ever' drop of b/ood 1
-                          I::::'                    .                •
...g ave Him in My Womb. T.his.Js the love that should flow from the
  Sacred ""Spot to all My children.                                 ­
          "My Child, the material used should be red granite with the
   ,.'oof shining as a beacon to the f!l!r. This Shrine should be built
   with t!:.!:!!...tove, My Child, tŒ.!!-E~on to give it a lasting founda­
   tion. - -                        -­
          "The Shrine must only be built with donated labor and mater- 
   ial. Where possible, every effort must be made to do as She re­
   quested. The Saints (statues), to be made must be as natural as
   possible. While She spoke the Shrine was shown to me. On the
   east side it showed the Ten Commandments starting from the
   entrance; then the Fourteen Stations, or the Way of the Cross,
   with the Twelfth Station next to Our Lady's right arm which holds
   the Rosary.
          "The Sacred Spot is to be just the way 1 marked it with a
   glass over it, and up above this the statue Queen of the Holy
   Rosary Mediatrix of Peace. The west wall is to have a large
   Fifteen decade Rosary with beads 5 to 6 inches in size and the
   Mysteries of the Rosary. This determines the size of the Shrine
   with the Crucifix at Our Lady's left arm. Below the Crucifix is the
   Apostles' Creed. The Medal is to be Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
    (showing the Brown Scapular).
          "At the front end of the west side is to be an altar with Our
   Lady of La Salette, Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of Lipa;
   then, from the entrance and around to the east side an altar for
   the Infant of Prague statue, St. Therese (Little FIower), and St.
   Francis of Assisi. Our Lady of Lipa is to be replaced with Our
   Lady of Lourdes statue, if by the time our Shrine is built, the
    Phillipines have not c1eansed and righted the wrong they did, as
   Our Lady requested.
          "Oh how beautiful to enter the Shrine, walk ail around and
   know more about your religion when you walk out. There will be
   walking space between the Sacred Spot and the Altar. The win­
   dows are to be of the Apparitions, each one being a different
          "The Shrine disappeared and Our Lady spoke saying:
       "The building of the Shrine will be entirely up to the people,

   if My requests of Obedience, Penance, Sacraments, Sacrifices, the

    Rosary and above all Charity, Faith, Love Thy Neighbor is fol­
   lowed through, and then will the Shrine be buitt. It must be earned

    with true devotion and effort.

"In this Shrine there will be private confessionals, a large gloe
  organ and harl2. have been requested."
            For arnore recent explanation of the meaning and pUiPose
  of the Rouse of Prayer see the August 22, 1974 message by the
  Blessed Mother given on Rer Feast of the Immaculate Reart of
  Mary, page 224 of this book. It reads:
            "Yes,       Chi/d, one is born and another is lost, but to you
  on earth not to Heaven. When building the House of Prayer, place
  the ImmJlculate Heart oLMary as directed, but make it the one as
  you saw Me now, and the Sgfr~d Hegr12J Jesus because the shape
  of thy Shrine is the Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart en­
  twined into~e. For that is what the pilgrimages here must {je,
  to -honor 7Fiè 1mmaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
  the Mediatrix between both My Divinê Son and man. The impor­
  t-;;;:;(:e is to entwine into man's heart the true love of God. Enthrone
  thy heartsto the ïm;iaculate Héart and the Sacred Heart. !l.....2:.P-.u
  place y@cg/.Jl&s with Them, My dear children, you cannot err;
  nor can you be led astray, for with the Two Hearts, you can only
  have strength. The shedding of bloodJ!.om the Two Hearts gives
  you the anointed strength to do Thy Lord's, Thy God in Heaven's,
( Will. But you must entwmetn heart with the Two Hearts, bring
  thêm mto One. Vur essmgs upon you, the Immaculate Heart
  and the Sacred Heart through the hand of the blessing now of St.
  Francis, thy Patron Saint.
            "Thank Vou, St. Francis and Our Roly Mother, thank Vou.
            "Again Our Roly Mother held up Rer arm as She did before
  and encircled the people and St. Francis blessed them. She said the
  Immaculate Reart (statue) is like Our Lady here. That is how
  we are supposed to have Her on tot> of the Shrine. She said that
  very emphatically. The one from hereas 1 sawHèr, as 1 visioned) .
  Rer, is the way She showed Rerself now."                                    .
            From the two testimonial books now printed as well as the
  other evidence of the supernatural, it is clear that the truth of the
  apparitions have during these twenty-eighLyears been consistentTy
  copfirmed. The evidence of the supernatural consists of RI.OQhecy ]
  fulfilled, conversions, reversions, physical cures, Rosaries chang­
  ~stantry, the Miraclëüft'he Sun, as well as answers to thou­
  sands of personal problems thrEugh prayers.
            For a complete detailed explanation of how God uses

 ~V to inform people of the truth, see Foreword,

  - evelations and Messages BOOK, Volume One.

Place where Our Holy Mother appeared in 1950 and con­
tinues to appeàr to Mrs. Van Hoof. Promise by Our Lady on
Oct. 7, 1950, "1 will be with you on ail the Anniversary Days
of My previous apparitions and also on Trinity Sunday."

OUTLINE OF THE ORIGINAL Van Hoof Home and the marker
next to the Cross where the Blessed Mother first appeared
to Mary Ann on Nov. 12, 1949.
A replica of the rough, rocky hillside in Bethlehem where
Our Lord was born. Cave is open at Christmas time.

                     THE NATIVITY
Inside of Cave with Jesus, Mary and Joseph as Mary Ann
visioned and described them.
Replica of main room of original home of Jesus, Mary and
Joseph in Nazareth.

                LAST SUPPER SHRINE
Constructed as near as possible to the way it was in (the
Cenac(~for the occasion. Ali statues are originals.   ,-
FIRST MASS . / ';; 't
Shows place in (the CenaflÊiJ where Christ instituted and
offered with the Aposllës-the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for
the first time. It is through the Mass that Christ lives with us.

                        WAY TO CALVARY
The compassion of Our Lord is so great at this moment when
carrying the Cross for ail mankind_l:Ie willin9!y gives Hit!1­
Hi!JJSBlf in ail !J!I!ekoMS and humility i~for sins.
Christ dies on Cal vary for our sins, giving alli mankind the
opportunity agai'n to enjoy for eternit.y the "Glory of Glories."
This Crucifix was on the wall in Mrs. Van Hoors home. It
became ail aglow and twice it~ ~i~.e on April 7, 1950. Qgl~­
~ since have referred to it as the "Good Eriday Crucifix.",
The Rosary is Mary Ann's blue one that the Blessed Mother
touched to Her's. The beads of the 15-decade Rosary on the
wall in the House of Prayer will be the same co19r.
  Our Blessed Mother was carrying the picture shawn on the caver
  of our Fundal1lenta/s of the Faith booklet. So beautiful . . .
  Blessed Holy Trinity! "This, My Chi/d, shou/d he in the hearts of
  ail true Catho/ics, especia//y the Priests. . .. AIL of Heaven is
  with them when the}' sa}' Mass. The true Mass shou/d be in ail
( h7àrts present at Mass wilh (rue devotiol1 with the Priest and Thv
  4:E!A." (June 17, 1973, Trinit y Sunday, page J65).


On May 31, 1968, Feast of the Queensh ip of Mary, Our Holy

Mother appeared to Mary Ann as pictured above. Sh~

.ê.E2peared each year since on that day in this way. Full des~

cription is givenin Revelations and Messages, Vol. l, 500-02.



     First of more than
    one-hundred Saints J
        ta appeâr to­
          Mary Ann.

On June 16, 1968, St. Michael
gave us a special prayer. He
asks us to intercede to him
during this severe crisis and
say former prayers after Mass.


       SHRINE (below)

St. Francis often appears to

Mary Ann with instructions

and encouragement to carry

on the work. He also g~ her

and ~II present his blessLng.
This hand-painted mural shows GQ.d's Peace Plan for
  ~ and the WQL1.d. St. Joan of Arc on one side and St.
Therese on the other were chosën by the Blessed Mother to
h.elp Mary Ann carry out the work and be with her during
her severe suffering periods.

Close-up of St. Therese as
she appears in the Way to
Peace Shrine.

Reverse side                       Front side

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                   MEDAL IN UNITY MEDAL 5HRINE
The Unity Medal was shawn to Mary Ann for the first time
on January 28, 1957. The inscription reads: "Unity between
Home, School and Church, foundation of peace and happi­
ness in community thus bringing lasting peace to Nation."
      She was instructed to have a medal made and distribute
it. The promise was that through the pious use of the Medal
many graces would come to those who wear it with confi­
dence and faith.
     The theme of Our lady's messages is to bring about
Unity between HOME - SCHOOl - CHURCH from which
there will be Unity and Peace in our Communities, Nation
and the World. This Unity is to be accomplished through
Christ's Sufferings, Resurrection and Ascension - God the
Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost - The Trinity.


                                UNITED WE STAND
                                DIVIDED WE FALL

UNITY: ln Unit y there is strength to conquer the wiles and
temptations of Satan. In Unity with God the Father there is
Love and understanding with thy fellow man, bringing Peace
and Happiness to thy Nation.

                    CZAR ALEX SHRINE
Vision by Mary Ann Van Hoof at Necedah, Wis., Jan. 13, 1960.
Construction of this Shrine, it is hoped, will be in the not
too distant future.

"A nd then 1 was told to put up the Shrine, the Descent of Ihe Holy
Chast upon Our Holy Mother and the Aposlles. If we desire we
can make il a large painting" (Jun. 16, 1974, Anniv. Day, p. 207).
               - -                                                ..;:

Provided space starting in 1977 for offices and meetings for
workers ta help keep ail Shrine projècts moving ahead. It is
106 feët long. 40 feet wide and has two staries.
....                          PROMOTION Of THE                                  ~
f~          CONSTANT VIGIL Of PRAYER                            PROGRAM~~~~71

                    4 BASIC STEPS


 1                 The organization in your town 15 al ways the same. 1t is called
                   Ihe Constant Vigil of Prayer Commillee. It is recQfDjt1endec1..1bsJ
                   the committee begin bLcpverjng ils loc_a~a. Remember the
                    .vork slarts with a commiltee of one ­ VOU!

                                 CALLING ON THE CLERGY

 2                 Vou must pray   be1ore~yiJi)Along with           prayer vou rn_us!
                   be determined to succeed. Persevere and you will gel results.
                   Clergy Carling Kits have been prepared to make the program
                   easy to· present 10 the pastor.

                   When (he paslor has agreed 10 install the program sgO 10 Ihe
                   C ~ on a weekend and oblain the mueh neede 'f'rours of

                  The key to a successrui follow-up is a dedicated chaitman in the
                  ëhurch to carry on the program ailer the Installation has taken

  It is indeed a privilege to work for a cause 50 much needed in tt'lis world today.
  Action is necessarYLbut only action guided by praï!!r. Il will be rewarding ta know
  that, due to your!l!!alt2e.LQ1....Q$tQ~BIêYIE!!L~J.!lg~~ng. The Constant
  Vigil of Prayer is Ihe KErTO P6ACE in your HOME, COUNTRY and CHURCH.

eonstant Vigil of Prayer

Dear Friends,
     Centuries ago, a solution was advanced for today's iIls, by
Our Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane, when He said, "Could
you not th en ~ one hour with Me?" These words are a chal­
lenge to ail Christian men that an extra hour of prayer to God is
the most effective weapon to combat adversity and lessen the power
of Satan.
     To bring today's workings of Satan into focus, we must our­
selves observe that the millions of babies being aborted, the
problems of youth relating to dru s, sex, pornogra hic movies
an    lterature, and also the cult of gçvil worshlp would again
desire us to "Watch one hour with Him."
     The Constant ~ of Prayer program was organized for
the purpose of providing a systematic way to promote this message
throughout America. The program is easy ta understand. Dedicated
workers visit churches and other places and obtain promises .!2.f
people to ~y one extra hour per week in addition to Sunday
      For any movement to reach its ultimate goal it must be organ­
ized. Do not concern yourself that you are not qualified to organize
aconstant Vigil of Prayer group. It takes but one sincere persan
to get~arted. We hope you are willing to get an interested group       J
of people together for a meeting in your area to Jeam the details of
promoting the Constant YlgJf of Prayer. Most of our Constant Vigil
of Prayer Committees have begun with a small group meeting in a
private home. To assist you, we have an impresslve slide presenta­
tion and fine lecturers, and an assortment of materials. Then, tao,
we are always at your service to offer advice and assistance when­
ever you desire.
      We have noticed that whenever an area embraced and worked
diligently with the Constant Vigil of Prayer Program, that same
community became a better place in which to live, and we are
confident you would want the same for your area. Please let us
hear from you soon!
                            Constant Vigil of Prayer Committee
                            Route 1, Box 606
                            Necedah, Wisconsin 54646
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    above is being used in Churches of ail denominations. Names
    of participants listed on tabs show the hours kepLand those
    ~n. Colorful, attraCtiVe, complete with ail accessorle5.
    Size 34 x 44 inches. Avallable with sliding glass panels.
This picture of the Cave and Birth of Our Lord was tav"!l"l at
the Seventh Annual presentation in 1977. The script for the
narration is from Mary Ann's description as she views each
year the four day journey and birth of Our Lord on the Friday
before Christmas.

Joseph and Mary registering for the census in Bethlehem.


  BACKS ON ME:.    THE EVIL                 15 CONSUMING    THEM.

  MY CHILDREN HAVE FAL­                      LEN INTO THE PIT5      OF

  BLACKE5T OF 5INS.                           MY DIVINE SON'S PUN­

   15HMENT WILL BE: FAL­                     LING UPON THEM. THE/R

  CRIES WILL BE TOO                           LATE.

                           ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT



   Picture of the Octopus. (D~h) as visioned by Mary Ann-Feb. 2, 1970

Quote November 12, 1969 message: "The enemy of God, the
enemy of the Christian world, for the battle is not between Nation
and Nation, the battle is between Religion, between the True
Church and the Anti-Christ. That is why we pleaded for you to
stand together, ALL CHRISTIANS - AlI Christians must work
t~er against the common enemy who IS VIClOUS, ruthless and
WltHféstroy your minds, your souls, yom bodies." (For complete
description of Satan's own Chain of Command see forew6rd page
Iii of Volume IV. Also page 135 of Revelations and Messages
Book, 1950-1970).

         MY DIVINE SON"

"Stop them, murder, stop them. Too !ittle, too late. . .. They
are recrucifying Our Lord. They are heaping the unborn at the
foot of His Cross. The mound is rising. Too Little, too late. The
deaths have piled up" (March 9, 1973, First Fri. in Lent, p. 131).

                    INFANTS' HOME

The Infants' Home has saved a good number of lives since it
opened in 1973. Mothers can save the Iife of their chi Id and
the severe consequences of having to face God for murder­
ing il. Ur!~D.!~-..Sh.~ are also accepted.

Residence for sorne
of the full time work­
~rs afthe Seven Sor­
rows of Our Sorrow­
fuI Mother Infants'
Home. Completed in


     OF HOME




It will be built in the form of a Cross as pictLJred above. The
soil testing of Feb. 1978 is preliminary to construction
planned for the spring or early summer of 1978.
Shrine is open ail year, ~even davs a week. 24-hours a day.
Tours and slide presentations are given regularly without
charge by competent guides.

                                     Ourl1eavenly 'Mother
                                     re..,guests modestv in dr~
   Sign at entrance to
   the Shrine Grounds                of everyone-men, women &
                                     children.                    I>'~;

April 7, 1973: "Immodesty          "No admittan.ce on
in speech, action or dress is
the biggest factor to sin.
   Shrine Grounds to those
Modesty /s the shield for     in shorts, miniskirts, tight.

purity, particular/y the fe­  s!acks. etc.                .

male ... ta safeguard her
       'Wrap·around. skiris
                                     avaHable if needed.

            Soil test

           being made

       This picture taken in February 1978 shows soil tests being made
       so the type and size of underground supports can be determined.
       The building will be about 195 feet long and 130 feet wide with
       a general height of 35 feet. The central tower in front is about
       175 feet high. Walls will be of s9lid granite and about 24" thick,
            Plans are being completed and a perspective dr'awn.
            On August 22, 1974, Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
       the Blessed Mother gave this message to Mrs. Mary Ann Van Hoof,
       "When bui/ding the House of Prayer, place the Immaculate Heart of
       Mary as directed, but make il the one as you saw Me now, and the
       Sacred Heart of Jesus because the shape of thy Shrine is the Im-    J}
       maculate Heart and the. Sacred Heart entwined into One. For that
  / 1	 is"WJüitthe pi/grimages here must be, to honol:::the Immaculate
       Heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Mediatrix between bath
       My Divine Son and man~The importance is fa entwrneiiîîOfii{iiz's )1
       heart the true love of Gad. Enthrone thy hearts ta the Immaculate
       Heart and the Sacred Heart. If you place yourselves with Them,
       My dear chi/dren, you cannat err; nor can you be Led astray, fQr
       with  0   Two. Hearts, you can only have strength. The shedding

     ~Of ;lo!!-d rom the Two Hearts gives you the annohzted strength
       ta a Th_y l.ord'ç Thy Gof1J.n...B..liJYen's Will. But you must entwine)<==

W~~i heart with the Two Hea!.!...s, bring Them into On.e. Our bless­
         gs upon you, the Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Hearl.through
       the hand of the blessing now of St. Francis, thy Patron Saînt."
       (See page 224).
People come on Anniversary Days by cars and buses from
nearly ail states and several foreign countries. Crowds of up
ta 10,000 are present at times. On August 15 and October 7,
'950, 100,000 people were presenf

P~A r>~ JJ6W

                ANNIVERSARY DAYS

April    7      Anniversary of Good Friday     10:00   P.M.
May     28      Anniversary (Procession)        1:00   P.M.
May     29      Anniversary (Procession)        1:00   P.M.
May     30      An niversary (Procession)       1:00   P.M.
June     4      Anniversary                     1:00   P.M.
June    16      Anniversary (Procession)        1:00P.M.
Aug.    15      Anniversary     (Procession)    1:00 P.M.
Oct.     7      Anniversary     (Procession)    1:00P.M.
Nov. 12         An n iversary                  10:00 P.M.

Promises           of Our Holy Mother to Mrs. Mary
Ann Van            Hoof, October 7, 1950. "1 will be
with you           on ail the Anniversary Days of my
previous           apparitions and also on Trinity


   New Lisbon to
   Neœdah 12 mi.

   HWY. Q & 80:

   Mauston to
   Necedah 18 mi.


~Jiff&l fitwt vit / ji/

   lanuary 8, 1971 - FEAST OF OUR LADY OF


         St. Joan just said we seem to have misunderstood that this
    day, today, was a day chosen by Our Holy Mother in 1950. On
    December 8, She said, "My Chi/d, 1 will be with you on January
    8 and on January 23 and that those were the two days She Herself
    chose. Those days, thy Sister d(d not.Js!l~.J.f.R!'..-ese!11.ed Our
    Lady of Prom[Jt Succor and Espousal. The reason the 8th was
(( chosen was because O/the great sac!.PEe and pleas oUfi_e Order
1 ~ qf Nuns at New Orleans in the year 1812. This very same sacrifice
    wmbe necessary and appropriate at this lime."

   lanuary 23, 1971 -    FEAST OF THE ESPOUSALS

        Mary Ann said Our Holy Mother and St. Joseph were present
   and She motioned and it looked Iike rays went out from Her hands
   as She went around over the people and then they both vanished.
 (St. Joseph was standing behind Our Holy Mother. AlI people
   present received Our Lady's blessing.

   February 7,1971 -     FEAST OF ST. ROMAULD

        Sister, 1 have a message for your people, heed it.

        Yes, St. Romauld.

        Obedience, humility, be humble, be charitable and love thy

   neighbor as thyself, fulfillment, the Rosary, .!he Sacraments; only
   these things will bring peace and will brighten the horizon, it can­
2                   REVELA TIÜNS AND MESSAGES

   not come without true love of God and Our Holy Mother. It can­
   not come while Our Holy Mother's eyes are shed ding tears, it can
   only come when you return a smile to Her face and you are obe­
   dient to God the Father, to God the Son and to God the Ho y
 ( Ghost. you are obedient to the Blessed Trinity, if you place Them
   ioto your heart and you go out on the wayside seeking the lost and
  Ithe poor, you shelter them and feed them and cIothc them and
  {bring tfièm back tCl God the Falher, then you will fjnd.•pe~e. Our
   Holy Mother was shown with Her mantl~~ahQutli.he xoJillDof all
   different Nati0E..s because in all the world(the YOl~th'are bcing used
   and sacrificed for the wants and &reed anèlltûe and e2wsr of the
rr1enemy of Ged. The chi'Yë1Ten! You must change this plcture.
         February 26,1971 -   FRIDA Y IN LENT

          Unite! Unite! Unity, there must be unity, you will fall without
   unity. Unite, stand togetheL-stalld together. Cali to Thy Lqrd
   and God many, many times a day. This is a serious period, call to
   t'hy Lord and GOd, ao not forget Him, caU to Him. Pray totile
 ( Sorrowful Mother. This is a serious period, pray. There must be
   unity, there must be unity. Remember, befof(~ ou is a reat fault
   just as deep as the fault in t e ocean, and that fault is right in
   the Vatican, do you understand what 1 am saying? The faurtrS
   spewing and breathing and bubbling and is very close to erupting
   like an earthquake. There will be an~guake in yom Chu[S.h,
   a serious one. It will take much and destroy it, but remember when
   the fauit reunites and becomes solid, the.!! it will bloom Forth with
   the Glory of Glories and that i.LWbi!LYjlli.~.ant to stand by. Do
   you undei--Stâïia my meaning? So have courage and~by as
   tr~ldiers of Jesus Christ. Thy Holy Mother sheds bitter tears
   for Her Sons. The Representatives of Jesus Christ and the Spouses
   of Her Divine Son are breaking Her heart, for they have sought
   the worldliness, they have not continued with their vows that they
   professed at the time of their Ordination and their entry into the
   Convent. There will be very few that will stand, up; the road is
   too glamourous on the easy way to follow. Strict rules are for the
   y irds, tbey say, "This is the modern times, this)s the modern way,

   we must commute with the modern ways, we must be with the
   modern ways, that is the only way we can reach man." Oh, 00'
)1 wrong they are. Yes, you may be modern in certain respects
   but you cannot bemodern with God the Father, God the Son,
MESSAGES DU RING    1971                      3

    and God the Holy Ghost. Vou cannat be modern with the Way
    ta Calvary because that has not changed in two thousand years,
    or three thousand, that has not changed, it is still Calvary. The in­
    structions Thy Lord and Gad gave ta His Apostles are still in
    effect, and the Priests that were instructed ta follow the Way ta
    Calvary, that has not changed. They want ta change it, ta moder­
     ate it ta make it easy for themselves, but..You cannat spit in the) 
 Il eye of Gad the Father and Dot haye ta face retaliation, you must
    remember that.       s the       ta remove Gad the Father, Gad the
          .       d              ..     'ust a myth, but p ease,     nstIan
     World, stand with the Holy Trinity, stan with It and you have
    nothing ta fear, you have nothing ta fear.
           Suppose you walked on the highway and you were praying
    and an accident happened and you were demised, and if your
    heart was with Gad the Father, where do you think         YOlïWOUId)
    go, where? Vou would go straight ta Heaven as long as you were
    with God the Father. He would not let you flounder in the dark­
    ness. He would bring you right up into the light, sa stay strong.
"(         Be very careful of the EXTREME Traditionalist, be very
1 ~are~ul. they are falling into the traps of the wrong side. the enem~ lU
1. lS usmg them.                                                          -JIn
   -        Vou know, where 1 am right now is beautiful, it is sa peaceful,
    sa beautiful. Isn't that where you would like ta go, on a higher
     plane, wouldn't j'ou waot ta fly right up into it? Sa peacëfuI.
     Unite together and stand firmly for Thy Lord and Gad, you have
     nothing ta fear. Stand up for the truth, always stand up for the
     truth. If you want ta make excuses, no; stand up for the truth,
     do not tell lies. That is not the truth, no matter how small il may
     be. Rather be prudent and say, "this 1 cannat answer you in aIl       lit
     prudence" than ta tell a fib. Do you get my meaning? It is the littleJVV~
    fib that leads ta a big one, just like ~ dope they call...martîl.!!na
    is the beginning. It is true, it is the mother of all addicts. It
     is the beginning and it leads ta higher and larger and bigger doses I~
     until their minds are completely destroyed, the cells are completely
    destroyed, the cells are inhy"ed. There are .~~!lX cell.~ i~your
     brain and if you take tao much of that drugSit <hies UF {ne vein~
    it destrovs them and vou will 10se your proper thinking. Do you )
    understand what 1 am trying ta say? And that is the same with
    the Cause, a little bit of this and not right, and a little bit of that
 N   and. not right, leads ta more and easier. Stand firmly no mattcr

 fi how hard the knocks or the Ûnkjndness thât sorne m1@îf saf"io
~ ........
      4                 REVELA TIaNS AND MESSAGES

      you, they don't understand. Use the words in your heart, "May
      Gad fàrglve them for they do not understand," or "they do not
      know what they are saying."
             The enemy is using the Pentecostal system. Pentecostal, yes,
      it was the Holy Spirit that came down on Pentecost. The present ~I'
      Pentecostal is not the Holy Spirit of Gad; this is the spirit of the1

      f:;llen angels. The will bring it ta you in the most 6eautiful way. ~
      Sa why are you sa concerned? It is not ng t. uppose a Priest goes
      along with it, it is wrong. Just because he is a Priest, that doesn't
      make him right, and j'ou as the children of Gad must not follow the
      wrong road, you must not. The true Pentecost as at the time of

      the Apostles was goad but the enem a ain 1S using it for a twa­
      fold purpose. It is to destroy     nstiaOlty, t at IS t e pu ose. It
      is to bring you      ay rom . 0 , u ng t now . e .ardesl fight)
      goes on between Satan and the Angels of Gad. Your Guardian
      ~ngeIs are in the battle; every individual one of you has a Guard­
      ian Angel and he is in the battie ta protect vou. but vou must d9
      y'our part. You must be true Christians. You must live a true
      life, you cannat live what they cali a white lie. No, you must live
      the truth.
             Thy Lord and Gad died for you on Calvary, yes, He died
      for you. ~ you not a little bit sarry for Him that He shed His
      Blood and gave HIS LIfe sa that you yourself could have a way
      ta Heaven? He opens the gates for you, are you foolishly going
      to close them because you are listening to Lucifer, to the faUen
      Angels? They are roaming the earth. This is th.e eriad of the'"
      Apocal se. ·IS lS           most senou eriod. Do not play bail
      Wlt Il, do not be afraid ta stand up and be counted.
             Youhere were instructed over the years for the periad of
      time when you will have ta stand up and be counted. IT IS HERB
_";>	 NOW~ Forget the materi~ things, tum ta the spiritual. and if
      you dld not teach your childten to accept this, If you thmk for
      one moment that you must aPPease your children, you are wrong,
      for Satan is doing the WQrk you shm!lQ. have done with the Holy
      Mother and Thy Lord and God. Are you afraid of your own ]
      children because they threaten ta leave home? Do not be sa
       ridiculous. You are the parents, stand up as parents; sure it is
      going ta hurt, it is going ta hurt, but me nans when they were
      driven in Thy Lord and Gad's hands and feet, c!idn't they burt?
      Didn't the Crown of Thorns hurt when they entered His sku1l?
      Are vou afraid of a.Jit.tk_heartache? Go kneel in front of Thy
MESSAGES DURING    1971                     5

Crucified Lord i!! thy shrine and give your heart ta Gad as He
stands before vou with His Blood running clown. insteacl of lament­
~ DQn't he cowards, quit YOUf lamenting, the time has passOO.
"Save the soul of thy child, don't vou love it? Don't let its sou! be
 tarnisbOO because of ignorance, b~_ the child is ~t of
 the truth and you the parents should have taught it. -           -
       Well, it is very late, you will weep, Our Holy Mother said,
"you will cry, you will 8cream." She said, "Is that what you are
going ta do now, scream?" Nobody is going ta hear you and if
 they hear you they can do nothing for you. Y.ou haye had twenty
Q,ne years ta stand up, twenty one years and the seventies will
take their toll. Are vou going ta be prepared to stand UR? There
are times your stomach may be very empty but have courage and
love of Gad. Th L r and Gad will rovide for those that trul Y
 LQve Him but it must be a true love, a righteous eart, a nghteous J

March 5,1971 -FRIDAY IN LENT

      They don't want ta pray, they don't want ta pray, that is for
squares, that is for squares, they don't want ta pray. Without
praye! they will never save themselves, nevel. Sa what am 1
going ta do? Twenty-one years have gone by, 1 can't reach them.
1 know sorne of the Hierarchy are ta blame, 1 know they are, ,
but what can 1 do about it? They tbink l'm crazy and when the n
tim~ cornes they will be sarry, the.n they will know 1 was rightll,
but then it will be tao late.
      Oh please heIp me, tell me what ta do. Tell me what ta do
especially for aIl those children. It makes my heart just break ta see
all those young people,go wrong. Why, why?
      Even in our own group they let their own skirts keep sliding
up, why? Because they want to appease their school or their
neighbol. 1 can't umlerstand. When they stand before St. Peter
they will get kickOO out. is that what they want? What am 1    sup­
12osOO ta do?
      "Go forth and follow My instructions, because the Hier­
archyare erring that is no sign that you must err. Bad they listened
70 the pleas at Fatima, there wouldn't be this darkness upon the
Nations, but they heeded not My pleas at Fatima, they turned
their backs on Me, even after the great miracle they cared not.
      "Do not make the same mistake here, My children, it will

be too late. 1 warned you of the Chastisement; that doesn't even
seem to bother yOU. 1 warned you in 1950, when il will come you
will scream and cry, but, My children, il will be too late. liJs
now the Last moments that }JOU must heed My p1em tn ÇQve the
souls of the children. My own Sons, they heed not My pLeas, they
wouLdn't be breaking the laws of their VOWS if they heeded them.
My Daughters, they, too, hear Me not, they care not, they fo!low
t.he wiles of Satan. Satqn js laose on earth, Satan is here to aestroD~1
your souLs. The Hierarchy is erring, there are many good men
amongst them but they do not have the coura e 0 their convic­
tions. They must stan up and as you say, be counted. Now, God'
blessing upon you and My Spouse will give you ablessing."
      1 see the Sacred Spot and upon it is a crib-like formation. 
Within it seems to be, yes, it looks like a diamond; this symbolizes
the Sacred SQot. It looks like a diamond aiif<5iig the rest; it is tne 1
most important place to place your heart upon. Blessed Mother,
thank you. Our Roly Mother said to watch the Pacifie Coast.
That prediction will soon be here and then you will aIl have your
answer as to just what is meant.
      This is a hard battle, what is before you. You haven't seen
~~t; it is going to be much darker. As it was glven, the dark­
ness, and then you cannot triumph, but you cannot triumph unlessru
you stand for the truth, and oruy the truth will make you free, it will
take the shackles off the evj! forces. Do you understand what 1 am
trying to convey to you? But it takes courage from everyone of
you, no self-pity, no room for self-pity, it is too late for sucp
  ~ary Ann explained Our Roly Mother had on a rose-red
gown and a purple mantle. She was Our Lady of SufIering.

March 12, 1971 -     FRIDAY IN LENT

      Satan is using the children of this generation.· As they grow
up they are being used. They are being ~ipWê§hed and they
are the ones that will use their parents to } their bidding. The
parëiili are afraÎd of thelr own cfiiIdren, that is sad, that· is sad.
Many years ago a parent was a parent, children were not their)
p..a~s. Today the parents are frightened of their own childen,
~:tis the way the enemy wanted it and he has succeeded with
th;  fnllest of bonots in the Satanic way, and the parents are
cringing in the corner, why? Just as the Bishops are cringing in
MESSAGES DURING   1971	                     7

          t~ corner frgm their Priests, the liberals, and of course those that
          were placed by the enemy of Christ, the 30,000.                   •
                All that auora over the Sacred Grounds will be Hope ­
          Green, even though it is intermingled with the purple for suffer­
          iES' Do 1 make myself clear? Sa contmue on as you were told
          of the diamond on the Sacred Spot, the diamond is one of the
          most expensive jewels. The Sacred Spot in its place in sacredness
     ( is one of the most important jewels. It does not take the place
          oTthe Holy Mass, do not misinterpret that, but the Spot itself
          will bring many a soul ta God, that is whv it can be the diamond.
                Right IlOW 1 see a deep purple spot; ail about il is green, )
          so you see .there is hope NEYER GIVE UPI There is hope no
          matter how the weight bears you down, there is always hope on 1
          die horizon. Yes, Joanie, 1 hear you, yes, Joanie 1 hear you. Will
          you tell them please, Joanie?
                Here is a warning for many a workman jD man/:: iDd!lst[je~ "
          th~ wjJI become j!l ane! they will not know why. @e S§nth~c~
          that they are using today; when using saws there is a ne 41st
          that flies frQm these saws, even the carpenters that use the~
          synthetic materials, they are sturdy, but yet they are killing. There
       (	 is a yery fine e!ust tbat the men inhale throngh their lungs'""'that
          thJô' canpot remove. It will stay with them and someday if they
          have an examination Qf their lungs they will have s12.Qts. It is up
          tQ their bosses in many industrial places that they secure and
          prevent this by weariPll a nose mask. It is an extra precaution
          thiH js necessary wjth the new synthetics. They have themselves
          not discQyered tbjs bm many men are jJ1 and they dQ nQt RnQw
          ~. That is why, SO dQ nQt be careles§...Qnce yom lung~e rujned
          tflere is nQ chance of surviving.
""              Just as LSD, that is in YQur body will never leave the fauy
         ~, it will be with YQU as IQng as YQU live and so it is with
)0        DDT, a dangerous insecticide. That has entered many a human
          being and it is in their bQdies. They are ill and they do nQt knQW
      , why because l!L!.he (large cities, DDT was used in such great
   1 quantities that many people of the middle class and older have
     [ tbis dangerous msecticlde III ffieir bQdies. Why are there sorne
          people tbat will use foods to make it eâSier and eat that type of
          fQod? Oh you are not gQing to die immediately, you are not goillg

          to faU sick .       iatel . Oh no, but when you reach 50 or 60
Nrs       years you are oin to wonder w Lis wrong with you. That is
          w a IS wrQng. It will not kill you when you are young and rob'!§t,

  oh no, but th9se thin~ s,tmr in rour body. You will upset certain
 chemicals in your ho y,whÎle you are young and vigorous you
 will continue on, but you wonder why YOll are sa tired, you get
 sa sleepy.                                                .    -----­
   -""'Think back at sorne of the strange food you have been eating,
 such as TV dmners. There is nothing good in them! They are
 filled with preservatives! And aIl these cmncby toQds they are
  advertizing tôday, why do you let YOUf children earthem, why?
 They are not good for them, ~hey are filled with prc;servat~es .•
 You were warned against these things, you were wai"ned. ou
 were told ~n, ta learn how ta cook the proper foods. ~,
 you go about thinking a little won't hUIt. that is where you aLe
 foolish, a-lit® will hurt. There are sorne of you that are very
 loyal ta th1S, t6atcôOk auly good food. You never know when
 you pick up the foôds that are prepared in advance and they
 only add to it to make it succulent, as they calI il. l'hase foods
 ~re just w-,!!king with:p'~:ser~ and there is a certain type of
(E!eservatiy~)that will never leave yom body, th3t tao will climb

 in YOUf fatty tissue. You are sleepy .and you will have so many

 illnesses th3t you-cannot recognize. It is simply what you eat.

       Many years ago, the people in the 1800's; whywere-some
 so strong and vigorous? Oh they are trying to tell you they were

1not, but just ask those who haye reacbed the age of 90 what tyee
 ~f food they ate. They didn't run and eat TV dinners, they aie
 good food even as a child and on up, they saw ta it that they ate
 gôoa--lOOClFIs-Wfia:tyour body bas been nourished with that
 will give you the strength. What will they do when these things
 happen, what?
       Mary Ann seems ta be viewing something very distressing.
       Bombings, different parts of the world! Fire! Fire!
       Nuclear bombings? It is the only kind; devastation, destruc­
 tion, 10ss of life, gone, gone, gone, burned. AlI red, all red, get
 me out of here.
       Pray, please Bishops, Cardinals, Ministers; pray, pray, pray ~
 or it will be tao late. Pray, 1ray, pray America. America the Beau­
 tiful will be a mockery.· W ere are you going ta go next, where?
 This beautiful Country, Gad gives you the talent to use it for
 good, sa use it only for the good. There is so much that could be
 doue. why waste it on the mooo, why? The enemies' reasons, yes,
 they have their reasons, but if you do not behave yourselves you
 will not get the help of Gad. Behave yourselves if you want the
MESSAGES DURING    1971                     9

  help of God to prevent this; but it must mean that the Repre ­ 

  sentatives of Christ stand up as true representatives, not of their

  own will. They gave their vows that they would sacrifice and do

  penance, that they would lead their f10ck in penance, yet they

  speak not of sacrifice and penance, only of the alms they can

  bring out of the f1ock. That cornes first, that IS thelr main concem,

  not the souls of the human beings, not the soul of the penitent,

  the child.

         God would provide the other. They have no faith in the

  Gospels of God for He tells you there, He explains it to you in the

  Gospels. It is there in the Epistles and Gospels, then why do they

  seek otherwise? But they do not have the faith, the y do not have

  the true love of God that they represent.

         Laymen must work, the laymen must work with full power 1
  and love of Gad. Tum to thy SavIOl' Jesus Christ, give yourself
  to ffim.
   -what thy Sister just witnessed will befall the Nations that

  heed not the requests of Thy Lord and God, that heed not the

  ways of Thy Lord and God, and very least do they heed the pleas

  of the Holy Mother of God. This is a very serious time, it is

  going to the end of the fifth sic e. The red was the fUth sie e, the

    l'es, t e estruction.

         The Constant Vigil of Prayer is not moving because people

  do not want ta pray, they do not want to pray, that is for s tiares.

      a e a square picture an      e ID 1 put eaven, make a round
  picture, for they want it to be round, behind it is Hell. They can
  have their choice, the squares, or the round one that will roll 
  into anything, right into the its of Hell. It is easy to sEde, when
  it IS roun , lt S IpS easy, everything comes easy, nice and smooth.
  those that have Heaven on earth will not find Heaven in Eternity,
  not the type they are seeking, but if you are wiIling to sufter, will­
  i!!8 to sacrifice, willing to do penance, they are the ones that are
  the squares and when it is hard to go through those squares, it
  is a lot casier to go through the rounds and that is the little boy )~
  templing you, that is the honey, that is the honey.
         First 1 will say that Alexander III gave ail a blessing. Thy
  Sister begged him that he stiould fieIp you here. He said that this
  Nation has fallen into-lhe_trap.s-of the English way. The Catholic ~~1
  Church is fa1Dnginto th~.l!:3.0~f tI:u< DisraeIisas2t the lime cl
( St. Joan of Arc. The ones of the Holy Mothër Church tha! should
  stand up andProtect Her, are going along as the Britisl:L.@. If
10                    REVELATIONS AND MESSAGES

 you watch and seek documentations you will find ?- similar niOt.
 Y",9u will flnd in the documentations what happened In Sn ain
 is the same forerunner that 1S happening right here in your Country 1
 and through this you will suffer. It is as Alex tried to explain in
 his past messages, you must love the Bogororitza. The plot of
 the enemy of Jesus Christ, Thy Lord and God, is succe-eding be-             J
 cause those of the Church, the Hierarchy, the Cardinals, they are
 not fulfilling thetr dutles. Just as at the time of Joan of Arc, so
 today. ft is the Golden Calf that.they seek to adore, instead of t
 a<!gringJ.hY-Crucifiê.ëtlJird. Check into the documentations and
 you will see the pattern, and your Fatherland will suffer, your
 Churches will suffer as the messages were given many years ago " '
 Man's church will crumble but the Triumpba nr Cbmcb will ne~~
 crumble. Which Church are you following? The Will of Gad, •
 m"J!le will ûCman-who"is!ëdanëf-gïlidêCi brt~J.~~~§ the;"
 enemy of God?                                     -=:::::=>         /l,

 Mareh 19,1971 -FRlDAY IN LENT

       Faith and patience, must have more faith and patience, not

 enough, not enough. Encourage the Youth, encourage the Youth,

 encourage them so they will stand up for the right and for the

 truth. They do not like what is happening, they seem lost, helpless,

 encourage them. Have faith in them, t~~y~~an~~mpli~h

 if you have faith iii··Qiem,-Giv~J.~_~l!1_ the._J.niti'!!~~,JS'Lthe}!:!---&o,

 especialTYibose children that have had the proper training in the

 old school, let them. stand up. Ministers and Priests of God will

 hear them quicker than many adults, they will argue with the

 adults, they will argue with the adults but they will not argue with

 the youth for they fear to destroy the youth. Remember God's

 warning. Time, patience, faith and time will prove much.

       You have seen many things fall in place, you will be sur- )
 prised at the things that will still fall in place that are being          1
 scoffed at now, but they don't want to believe il. They will fall
1ii place but it might be too late, but you were watned, you were
J91.~Uhe Celestials cannot help youJ.LY.ou do not __h~E.)'_ourself.
 I~~Y_W1II Ii~Jp_Y_QJ.LiL~'-Ou_go_amuLo thejyst and right, they will
 ~~_»,jtlL)'.Q.1L_~LYQ.ll_r.~de. Those promises were given,dO not
 ignore them; but unless you do things yourself, theL are _not 1
 gojgg.!!lfpLY.QJJ, Jhere is wh~~_YJ~JLeIr. "Oh
 this and this will come if the Blessed Mother wants it." SHE
MESSAGES DURING    1971                       11

         WANTS !T, it is Up to VOU to proceed. She will spread that Mantle
         right about us. She will help you but you must do it, YOD must
         do it, YOD! Jhe Celestials will not.
                If you think you have seen confusion, when the changing
         gLthe currency cornes you will see your greatest confusion, the
         fear will swell in many hearts. They lose all peace and ingenuity,
         lose the faith in God that they should have. Do not do that, you
         must have faith in God for that is the only security and strength
         you will have. We will not lay out the pattern for you to follow,
         you were give.n messages you must fOllOW.. Many of you, if ou
         could ha~~-ra eyes and look intSL the                        e ~ s of
          .on on, t e an s 10 rance, we en, Norway, Switzer an and
         Germany, wh;ëïbëY. ïia~ stacked ~~a~ the curr~y, y,ou would
      1	 be shocked. The forget that God is Master and they are only)
         ~ and if G             pu ste strings t ey WI fioat as a puppet.
         Their wealth will not help them, it will go down the drain as well
         as the rest.
                Remember Our Roly Mother speaking of the Almighty Dol­
         lar? Well, that is still on the top of the list. What will they do
         when ~lmighty Dollar~JramRled beneath their feet, what
         will they do? You see, you have been told of the plucked Bagle
         and yo~ have been told of the tw.o:J!gd~d.he.ast, the Brown- Bear
         and the Lion, and you know what countneSthey represent. Those
         two cou~s ~~venever~n-asrel'P becau~_e..there IS i~terJ]:2arriage,
         there are family ties. They. will striv~liclLto~<illler although
         they make the world on the outside believe that they are not.
         T~poor ~ople will be the vlctÎms of their Nations; they will
         suffer but in the nation of the Brown Bear, there are still many of
      (the older people and many of those have t~ht their children
      ') to pray to the Bogoroditza and to ra the Rosary. The Rosary,
       - they say It a Itt e 1 erent than they say it in America but it is
         still the Rosary and that is what will help them to see their way
         but they will suffer much, the will suffer much. If those in Belfast,
--=:::,	 Be st an B~e, will only unite together in truce and help
         each other instëad of the battles. It is 6i1e God, One God and 
         !!9ly Mother, just as the Almighty DoliM-is.interfering in the lives
         in your continent so is the Almi ht D aLinte.r:feringjrUlJe lives
     2. in EQgland, Ireland an         urope.- and all o.t!)~r:... ~ries in the      )
        -World, but especially	 il is of the Disraelis. The heaoof many
         of the Grand Masters um~ there and then go on into Geneva to
12                    REVELATIONS AND MESSAGES

        Now for some of the things that will happen. The curJ.Wcy 
  will change, a depression will befall yom Nation and when the
  c~cy has changed, they will put vou In the palm of thèif1iâild
  ~ will SQUEEZE, S QUE EZE you! Because they
  fiave the power if yon let them, tha1 is the Almighty D< When
  you carry this (Mary Ann holds up the crucifix she wears around
  her neck) and within this is the Cross of Thy Lord and Gad, you
  will be given the strength, don't forget you are going ta need il.
( There will be new laws on yom family, they a,g;, already JnC!~~n­
  ating your children. They are already filling some of their vems
1 ~....pOJiôii:theY are dullmg thelr mlpds a~.y'~~were tôT~_rn _!_h~
l ye~!:-J:95J_9lJl!I1L!::.~nt, "ggjLlÇtion ot!DinQh'l..fiQ~~ey
  can control, those that they can draw ta tbemselves like the Pied
  PIper "PGVing his pipe. Do not appease your child, do not appease
  that child, te~ them the facts, the truth can hurt no one.
        Thank you, St. Joseph and Little Jesus. Saint Joseph gave
  us bis blessing. His gown was a golden tan, 1 should say golden
  brown, his mantle was brown with gold trim. Little Jesus had on
  a white gown with gold trim, golden, curly hair, blue eyes. St. 
  Joseph did not hold the lily. He has such kind eyes, beautiful
  brown eyes, oh yes, he did hold a staff. Today is the feast of St.
  Joseph. Say his Litany and sing some sangs in his ho~r.

 March 26,1971 -FRIDAY IN LENT

        The agony of Our Lord is great, they don't believe in Him
 anymore. The Mass is becoming heretical but they cannat see
 it. The truth is the truth if they want ta accept it or not, it is
 still the truth.
        Yes, Joanie, l'Il try, l'Il try.
        The Church of Christ, do not destroy it, do not do il. Priests
 stand up for the truth, Priests stand up for the truth; do not, do
 not, do not wait until it is tao late, do not. You cannat change
 the Mass, you cannat do it, they are changing it ta appease the
 Protestants, they are changing it ta appease the Protestants, why,
 why? Thy Lord and Gad does not believe in the middle road, it
 is either right or wrong, that is what He taught you, right or wrong,
 not the middle of the road, and the Hierarchy today are walking
 in the middle of the road. They want ta appease the Protestants.
 Please, no, Priests, Priests, Priests, please don't do it, do not do it.
 Our Holy Mother weeps, Our Holy Mother weeps.
MESSAGES ~RING     1971                       13

          When the words of the Canon are changed, it IS appease-
    ment, it is not the true facts. Pope Pius V laid out the Mass the
    way it should be followed and for many years that was the true
    Mass. Today they are changing i~ to appease the Protestants.
    They want to be brothers to the Protestants so they appease. Let
    the Protestants believe what they want to believe, they believe
    in God, they believe in Jesus Christ. Leave it that way, but you
    must not change. You must not, you have the truth. They are
    pushing the H01y Mother out to appease the Protestants, it is
    wrong, it is heresy. r!ley can Dot push Our Holy Mother out.I
    Remember She is the Mother of Jesus Christ, She is the Mother of .
~   TJJy- ChL!!ch, SHE /S THE CHURCH!! Do not cast Her aside,
    do not. Appeasement IS not the answer, appeasement is not the
    answer. Blessed Mother, help us to unde'îstand, help us to do
    the right. The Cburch, man's Church, is going down, down. Bring
    it back, turn to Jesl!S....{:brist's Cl:wrch, turn back to Jesus CIiIlit,
    turn back to the Church He instituted on Good Friday, tum back.
          Unless you turn back there will be no salvation for many
    Priests, many Nuns, or so-called Catholics. There cannot be
    salvation unless you follow Jesus Christ, you MUST follow Him.
    He is the Truth and the Light and the Salvation. If you deny the
    Truth how do you expect to be saved? You cannot appease, you
    cannot appease, you cannot change the Mass to remove the
    B1essed Mother, you cannot do that. You cannot deny, which
    they are going to do because the Protestants do not believe in
    the Transubstantiation, they do not believe in It, but Our Lord
    and God stood there and said that He was Consecrating the
    Bread before Him to be the Body of Christ. He SAID SO, why
    deny it, why appease? And when He took the wine, the true
    wine, and said, "This is My Blood," HE MEANT HIS BLOOD,
    not the grape juice, He meant HlM. Ta appease the Protestants
    we must remove that?
    IT, or are you going to fight? Remember, the enemy wants One-
    World Religion, One-World Government and One-World Control
    and that includes the Catholic Church. Are you going to fol1ow
    their heretical way? There will be no salvation for those that do,
    it might be a little bit easier while you walk the earth but it will
    be HELL hereafter. When saying the Apostles' Creed, don't you
    mean what you say? Rememeber Thy Lord and God taught the
    Apostles' Creed to the Apostles and even Judas leamed to say
14                   REVELATIONS AND MESSAGES

 it. The Pharisees will try to tell you othel'wise, who are you going

 to believe?

        Pray, pray that the Victim will have the strength on Good
 Friday to complete the Mass sa that she will be able ta bring
 forth the Mass the way Thy Lord and Gad enacted it at the time
 He was on earth, before He walked Calvary's way and died on
 the Cross to redeem you. He suffered three hours on the Cross, )
 nailed ta it. He suffered many hours before in humiliation, in
 physical pain and torture of His heart, Qf His pure he.a.rt. When the
 Masses are said today, they are supposed ta be that path. They
 want ta take that away ta make it more JUBILANT; they even
 go, in many places, sa far as ta dance about it. The Mass has
 nat changed, it has not changed. Mass is the same as it was on
 Good Friday, it has not changed and those that change it will
 have no salvation.
        St. Romauld, pray for us, St. Anne pray for us, St. Francis
 pray for us, Anna Katarina, pray for us, St. Simon, pray for us.

 Please follow the Traditional Chlliç.tt._Rkase follow the Traditional
 Cl1Urch. Gad have mercy on us, Gad have mercy on us, the Chas­
 tisernent is near, the Chastisement is near. Pray for us, pray for us.
        The Vatican is a mess, the Vatican is a mess. The followers of

 Cardinal Bea, they are ushin the ood Cardinals out, either retir­

 in.[.t em or pysnmg them into the Mission fields, disposing of them

 ail sa they cannat involve the decisions of others. Our Holy Father

 is suffering much, he is accused of saying much which is not true.

(He must stand up, he has not the strength to stand up so now they
 are labeling him the wrong Pope. Yes. he errs because he dQ~t
 fig!1t hard enough; but when the body is weak, the strength is not
        The Disraelis, the anti-Christs, the Supreme Grand Master,
                    pr               --        --;-==s:
 they have done thelr worJê weTI, the Christl~s are as~p. The
 good Priests are meek instead of fighting, FIGHTING, for they
 have the Blessed Mother on their side where the others have
 JUDAS on their side. Who will win? Judas will not. lhose with
 thè Roly Motller will win, those with the Holy ~other will go ta     J
 Heaven, those with the Holy Mother will see the Glories of
 GlOi1eS but those with Judas will go into hellfire, and they will
MESSAGES DURING 1971                       15

     When the Chastisement falls upon you, what will you do, what
     will you do, cringe like !!.....S.QwaLd in-ili~er? Are you going to

     fOIiOW Judas, or are vou going to follow Thy Holy Mother and
     Her Divine Son, Christ, Who. on GOod. Friday instituted the


 J . will have to accouni for i'tCa..r~a1 B"iii"HAs ORDERED THE
     are you joining, TêS'dr*lfi·stfn H~~~n, or Bea and RÔÜ1Qollo in
     hem The choice IS yours.
            Pray for His Holiness, the djyjggn is near, the d~n is
     upon you, more than that cannot be said, you had the truth; w..1l
     giVè it up? The road might be rocky, you mîght stumble and you
     might faU but Thy Lord and God's fingers are always there to
     pick you up. He is there, just cali Him. If you in your heart
     believe in Jesus Christ, Thy Lord and God, you have nothing to
     fear, for He will tenderly pick you up, He will soothe your pains.
     Xes, Vou will suifer; didn't He suffer? Are you not wiJ:ing ta
     suffer with Him? The more you suffer here on eart~ the~r
     !hLhereafter, for if y...Q]J~uff~ill1gels_wiU                  cOJPe
     ~ick y~~ '::E....~ke you to Hea~n. Isn't that what you
     want, isn't that what you are here for? Sa be wiIIing to suffer.
     Offer them up to Jesus Christ and go forth as true soldiers of
     Jesus Christ.
--          This is what l saw last night: It showed in the place of the
     trees, they disappeared, it showed Our Holy Mother ~ young
       irl with beautiful, long, wavy, golden hair. On Her head was a
     small veil, a very small veil-suddenly there was a flash of light.
     Our Holy Mother looked frightened and then befo[e.l:!~I_jllmeared
     a beautiful Angel. He spoke to Her and She fell on Her knees.
     sne crossèd~ hands (Mary Ann crossed her hands over her
     breast in an X shape.) She looked into the eyes of the Angel.
     He spoke to Her and then She bowed down Her head as if accept­
     ing what was said, the words l could not understand.
            SUDDENLY aU the stars turned to angels, many angels, many
     little cherubs. There was a burst of cloud with a little tiny head
     and many angels in white, blue, light blue, pink, yellow and even
     pale green dressed in many colors. They seemed to be singing.
     Ali this happened last night. It was so beautiful, l begged them to    11
     show it to ail of you peoQ.le but l don't believe flîey did. There
     was a ray of light fTom Heaven down u on tms beautiful Maiâëiï,
     Our Holy Mother. Sne as such beautiful hair. She was dressed
                            -                    ~

    difterently than we see Her now. She was dressed as the ordinary
    people were dressed at that time, although She was h~d,                  1
    S~~uçket beside_Her wJlich She must have just filled by
    the weil when this strange thing h~ImeneQ.. to_Her. It was so
    beautiful to see the humbleness, the humility, the way She accepted
    whatever it was that the Angel told Her. Of course, we know it
    was the Archangel and He Himself was dressed in a light blue
    gown. He wore ~s. This happened just within the door of
    Her home. She had just gone to the weil for water and had returned.
    The rays of light were similar to the ray of light at the time of the
    Birth of Jesus Christ although there was no star visible or any­
    thing like that, the rays just came from the Heavens.

          It was at this moment that Thy Lord and God was conceived
    il) the womb of Thy Holy Mother. Tt was the beginning of the
    God-Man_ here on earth. Are we worthy of this, ~ wo.r1hY?
 ) Di5""Wëtake this in our heart in the gratitude and the attitude that
    we should? Our Holy Mother has been so good to us to let us
riN s~ Her most intimate J.!loment or Her life. Are we wortlll. of tnis,
1 are we willing to give of ourselves to Her? Yes, the~e was even
    a Pr~~~! present at that period. Will he put into his heart the love
    and the life that was bestowed on him; wiU he carry forth Our
    Holy Mother's love that She showed us last night? It was beautiful
    and we must try to humble ourselves to be worthy of such a great
    honor. Say a prayer in thanksgiving for this.
          St. Francis, pray for us; Blessed Mother help us, Blessed
    Mother help us. What you ask is a tremendous job; help us. l need
    help, l need help. Satan will not want me to do it; he doesn't want
    me to do it. Oh, BIessed Mother, help us.
          They must not, they must not, they must not, must not fear,
    must not fear. They must have faith, stick with the truth, s~h
    lbe tryth, no matter how it hurts, stick with the truth. We must
    suffer for all the loss of he' ants we cannot esca e it; be read
    to accep 1, e rea y to accept it. Someone must sufter for àlrthe
    innocent souls that were lost. Those lives were· snufted out and         J
    those we must sufter for, and aU the corruption. There is no ;scape;
    Our Roly Mother says there is no escape. The U.S.A.-the Ameri­
    cans-must pay for it. The Chastisement will come, but it is up to
    you to lessen it or increase the severity; but to escape it, NO, you
    cannot escape it.
          Ail the States that passed the abortion laws in favor of it will
    suftçr the severest ChastÎsement. They WJJnearn what the wrath of
MESSAGES DURING    1971                      17

   God means when the time cornes but it will be too late. Only the
   ('~stant Yigi l of, and the Priests from the Altar fight the
   abm:tiQns, then they will have sorne blessings: only in the parishes
   whëfëthe Priest stands up, only in those. If their Bishops do riOt
   go along wlffi them, thelr Bishops will suffer, so do not fear, do
   what is in your heart. When you lift up the Host, do you BELIEVE
 ( when you lift up that Host, Oh Reverend Fathers, do YOIJ beli.e~e
 l that That is Jesus Christ, do vou? If you don't you are lost. The
   Church must cleanse its way, it must purify. The Priests must
   be Priests, they are responsible for the confusion of the laity. Our
   Roly Mother pleads, the laity must work, the laity must w2]:k.
   Go to :tour Prie5"ts, go to them and tell ifiem what fSin your heart.
   Do not be afraid of him; he is only a man representing Thy Lord
   and God. Yes, but if he does not fulfill the teachings of Jesus
   Christ, he is not representing Him, he must fulfill that teaching.
( Pray for PriestS, plead to the layman to pray for the Priests, the
   Religious, save their souls, save their souls.

    April 2, 1971 -   GOOD FRIDA y

         Anna Katarina, Anna Katarina, help me, please help me,
   please help me to win them over, not to end it this year. Help
   me, 1 don't want to, they need me to suffer this way; otherwise
   the Cause will go backwards. 1 couldn't take that, 1 just couldn't
   take that. Please, Anna Katarina, intercede for me, please. 1 don't
   want to, please, Anna Katarina, help me. 1 must balance th
   scale and that is the onl wa 1 know how hel me. Sorrowful
   • ot er, e pme; 0 , Sorrowful Mother, help me.
      -nieWorIdconditions are not improving, World conditions
   not improving; do not be deceived, do not be deceived. Members
   of the Church, do not scandalize your Church, do not scandalize it,
   you know the right from wrong. YOU KNOW IT, you don't have
   to be told, you know it, do not scandalize our Church. The enemy
   of God feeds on that, they feed on it, they laugh, Satan laughs wi
   glee at what sorne of the Hierarchy are doing. Thêy are scandaliz­
   ing their Church, many of the Priests and Nuns. God will not hear
   them, He will not hear them, He will not be scandalized, He will
   not be mocked and they are mocking Him. They must stop, yill!..
   cannot scandalize your Church and hope to find salvation, there
   is none, not for the ones that are spreading scandaI.
    -Can you explain the harm in communal confession?
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Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978
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Computed Fields and api Depends in the Odoo 17
Computed Fields and api Depends in the Odoo 17Computed Fields and api Depends in the Odoo 17
Computed Fields and api Depends in the Odoo 17

Revelations and-messages-as-given-through-mary-ann-van-hoof-at-necedah-wisconsin-volume-2-1971-1975-for-my-god-and-my-country-inc-1978

  • 3. -_..... Published for the Honor and Glory of God in obedience to rAt CSksst! CVirgin"Mart DECLARATION In obedience to the decree of Pope Urban VIII and in con­ formity with the Apostolic Constitution "Officiorum ac munera" of Pope Leo XIII, we dedare that we daim no more than a purely human consideration for the extraor­ dinary graces reported in this book, and that we thereby submit at aH times and unreservedly to the judgment of the Catholic Church. The prayers induded are for private use only. FIRST PRINTING 1978 Copyright © 1978. Ali rights reserved. No part ot this book may be reproduced in any part without permission trom the publisher. Compiled, edited and published by FOR MY GOD AND MY COUNTRY, INC. Necedah, Wisconsin 54646 U.S.A.
  • 4. d~ "For My God and My Country, Inc." is a non-profit organiza­ tion requested by the ..Qelestials to build the Shrine, print books and pamphlets, make known and fulfill the requests of the Mother of God as given through the Victim and Seer, Mary Ann Van Hoof .&uring these past 28 yeEs. The construction work consists of erect­ ing thirteen small Shrines now built, a Home for Unwanted Infants (tem"'i)Ofary one now in operation), a Home for Unwanted Men to be started in the spring of 1978 and a House of Pra~r in the near future that will seat 1,700.. p.eople. Six of the sm!!LLSbriQe~) reproductions of important Ql.lÇ~S in the Holy Land as they were when Our Lord, the Blessed Mother and the Apostles lived there. Books published are: The Four "Volumes, by Henry Swan; the Book, Revelations and Messages, 1950 to 1970; the Passion of Our Lord; the Fundamentals of Our Faith; two .!l.I2!2!is; the Nativity Story and the new edition of the Revelations and Messages, 1971-1975. Also othee materials that verify the' messages and aid people in their work to help Rrotect our Cou.Q!rY,1 Church and the Youth. The messa es are an anal sis of how the enem works to des­ troy our 9A.Lll4Y, ~ and Y Quth. They a so include a positive, spiritual emphasis on ~r, specifically the ~, ~s and S!Çraments, daily if possible, weanng the Scapular and Crucifix ~ and the Constant Vigil of Praxer. The latter has now reached every State and six foreign countries. The Nativity Pageant and a nationwide ~rogram to "KeeE, ft Christ in Christmas" have gained widespread recognition and 11 support. Patriotism and Americanism have been promoted in the past 23 years with much work against laws that would destroy our individu al rights and freed0ms uucLer-thf'-C.onsfitution and Bill of Rights. Opposing evils of abortion and e}J!haRasia has been done for more than ten years on State and NatlOnâI levels. The Seven Sorrows of Our Sorro~ful M.9ther Infants' Home has saved many lives of the unborn since 1973. A main concern of Our Holy Mother since 1950 is best expressed in the following excerpt of May 28, 1974 (see pages 193-194): "My Child, the privileges My cftild!!~ive here, they are not appreciated, thQare taking My visitations for granted, the, ili
  • 5. il .. - --- :-1_ true reverenc.e is not shawn. Yes, 1 understand, it is blind faith bEL.}!!:.t il they are berc thfI.Y..l1J1dl!. believe that 1 come here. D~ t.!:.!ili-.ullde.fS(GluJ WHO 1 AM? WHO 1 AM, and why 1 have come here? 1 came here, My Chi/d, ta save thy Nation, ta save thy Country, ta save thy Church. 1 came here most of aU because 0/ .!Ile Little children and yet My pleas for the lt.!.lle child have been ignored and not heeded. Millions of liJ..Jk...unb...QLn have iound death in the most hideous and mas! cruel way. Thy Nation once proudly called itself the "Nation under Gad." Thel' cannat boast of this, , My Child, for the wailing and the death oLmillÎ.Qns of unborn are j o~ all citizens' cQnsçiences ii1bev have one or no{; thy Nation ~ 1 l suUer the consequences for this terrihle destruction of 1he unborn. It is not spoken of in the Churches from the pulpits. They fear ta Qjjend their parishioners. 1 plead with the re/21'esentatives of My Son to speak out against the destruction of human lives.'7hy Natton WiTfï7in the wars and ail automobile accidents, all these deaths cannQt compare ta the deaths of the unborn, for many unborn are ! nQt recorded. . .. Appeasement cannot be sa.nctiQned. Go!LJ!J:!. ~ J Father in Heaven w.anlS onl)' 1I:u,t};J;_O-I1.d....:.:Lfj.QU SHALT NOT ~I KILL" CQvers it all. "THOl[ SHALT NOT KILL." For il IS a lij!.)rom the mQment of conce lion. Re..member Ibjç il is a Zife ~rom 1 e morne 0 once Ii) . N..!2...!.Jl-0j~~..JJ-h.Q!!.§}t, can tell you otherwise. No Clergyman who is truthful, can tell you othe;'wis7:"I:/hë!Viother of Thy Lord and Gad, say the same, "THOU SHALT NOT KILL." It is a mQrtal sin with the reward of etemal HeUfire. My children, STOP this terrible killing, STOP IT, QI' the Chastisement will he sa severe you will envy the dead." Work is bcing and has been done by tradesmen, farmers and profession al people without pay. Many now live here, others carry out Our Holy Mother's requests in their çQmmunity or area. AIl are a definite part of the Shrine and Mary Ann Van Hoof with the officers of "For My God and My Country-, Inc." wish ta than'K them personally for their help and prayers. The cooperation that has been received from Priests, ministers, reli.êQus, civic and other ( leaders is much appreciated. The steady increase in the number of visitors to the Shrine is encouraging because Messages and materials continue ta go O!!t througb tbem far and wide. A Shrine Newsletter, published monthly is sent free on re­ quest. For information write: "For My Gad and My Country, Inc.," Route l, Necedah, Wisconsin 54646. iv
  • 6. [})dutitiJ/t Clara' Hermans Firs! Chosen One Clara Hermans passed away December 26, 1976 at the v~~s N}:!r~Î.!.lg_I:I_'lme in Friendship, Wisconsin where she had been staying for close to two years. Born in Brillion, Wisconsin on June 9, 1895, "1 y-eO'.. .$ Clara lived in Kaukauna, Milwaukee and then Appleton, Wisconsin before moving to Necedah. Her work at the Shrine started when she moved here on August 5, 1950. The title of "First Chosen One" was given her by the Blessed Mother. Her dedication to Our Holy Mother and the Shrine was a total one. She worked for many years seven days a week giving of herself the full day from morning until sometimes late at night. Answering Mary Ann's (Mrs. Fred Van Hoof) mail,JX.gin~ Mess<J.p;es that came through on Anniversary and Feast Days and Œose (at came through during Mary Ann's suffenng periods of Advent, Lent and other tlmes, took up muèh of her lime. Along with thÎs she spoke daily to the many pilgrims who visited the Shrine, sorne of whom came in the severe cold, heat or rain, v
  • 7. making her task anything but easy. However, she never complained and always had a kind ward and a cheerful smile for ail. The Messages in the Revelations and Messages Book a.nd.-the Four Volumes indicates in part the work she so nobly helped with for Our LadY_Md the Ca1,1se. The purpose and their importance is surely mar as they could have saved Our Country, Church and Youth. Living of her consecration to Our Lady was always Clara's goal and even in the last years as her memory and life were slipping away, she always held onto the slim thr.èad of interest and hope in the Cause. Truly a real soldier for Our Lady and the Lord ail through the years, she and her work will always remain a tribute to her and an inspiration to ail who knew or will carry on after her. Il was done, as many know, under living and working conditions that included much 1sacrifice of corn forts and convenience. Here are a few excerpts from the Messages relative to Clara: Message, May 29, 1950: "Have yo,!r !,ri~t o(lI1J§. J:2.!ish Bless Ihis place and ask hint 10 6nd a devoted persan ta help with this work." Taken from Mary A..nn's 'Nri~up on "What Henry Swan and Clara Hermans Mean to Me and the Cause," page 178, Volume 1 of the Four Volumes, 'quote: "In J uly of 1950, Clara Hermans came to Necedah through the advice of an Appleton, Wisconsin, friend. She was told that therc would be much Catholic Action work to be done. She spoke to Father Len­ gowski and he told her there was a lot of work to be done. "On Jl'lly 16, 1950, 1 met her on the way to fulfill a mission which was very urgent. 1 was introduced to her. When leaving her at her home 1 said, "GoOO night, 1 will see you in Necedah." 1 do not know why 1 made that remark for 1 didn't know of her coming to work here in Necedah, nor did she herself until a short time later when Fathcr had sent word for her to come. On August 5, 1950, she came. Fallier totQ_ ber to come out t9 the f~m !2._h~Ip.!!le where she could." Clara stood by Mary Ann steadfastly for the next 20 years when because of age she had to retire. Our Holy Mother was very pleased with her loyalty, devotion and efforts as the following Messages indicate. August 15, 1970: "My Chi/d, tell the Chosen One, 1 was pleased with her tireless efforts and devotion. She gave much of herself. She weathered great persecution and sacrifice standing by you and with you. She was spared to stand by you because of her true devotion. Today, twenty years ago, was a great day for many and the beginning of much for t~e J"Y..0_Q,Ly'pu. My Chi/d, let her say a Rosary on the vi
  • 8. Blue Rosary. My Blessing upon her for her laya IIY and sacrifice .l'he accepled in her Irue devolion la Ihe Cause." July 15, 1976: "The Flrsl Chosen is a lingering, ~fJ.f.!ing l'iClil7l la help balance Ihe .l'cale on Ihese grounds·. She gave her enlire /ife from 1950 unril now, la Ihis Sacred Cause. She was very loyal. SiJe w.gLll..1!âncess when iLcame ts!.loyally and JSJVe fo~ Iby Sis.ler and The Queen of Heaven and Earlh. Now, .l'he is Iying Ihere, her memory is sliPping ~)'-'-É.UI yelshe hangs on lO-heriï1rîè,- goal,.!..!lf-.,2ne /iule Ihread, Ihe Sacreq ç~çe. Yes, .l'he i~t:i..JKfss, for .l'he Irul~d O~Hol>!-Mother. Her fingers were nol nimble bUl Ihey pecked a~l_1:!1 much c!'f Ihe l>!pifJ..g_a~rk. She had la do il rhe-haraway, ( Ihe slow way, because .l'he was nol this way, hUI .l'he diëF il; many hours,_!QlJg~!jjJ..JiiUs hours. She did nol complain, and-yet .l'he slOod on ti/ese grounds under ail conditions, alone. There was no he/fi li~oday, alone, and .l'he spoke ta many, màffY-E...~le.-Ylie nllmh!!,s Ihen were ml/ch grealer oj.....J1a.i4'_ arrivais Ihan roday. She stood il. heside taking care of Ihl' sisler's mail, il neve~()o lIluch. and did il. In her weakened cOlldilion .l'he was given s!rénglh-ândgraces. Be­ cal/se of her layaity, her love lor-I~een of Heaven anaEarlh. as .l'he believed She was Ihe Queen, .l'he acceoted Her as thus, -SJ.!ld Iried r 10 fulfill Ha work ta the besl ai her ability. Oj CDurse, we gav(' Ihy sisler the privilege of laking her over in the nighl.JiJbel1..Jhe was sa liœtf and restless . .1'0. .l'he could not sleep. Thy sister look over, .1'0 .l'Ire went ta sleep and in the morning .l'he was rejreshed. These Ihings have been going on for many years." 50 to the many friends she leaves behind, surcly they can ail hopc to see her again in her heavenly home, "The Glory of Glories." 5hc will be misscd by those who knew her thosc many ycars and espccially by Mary Ann to whom shc meant so much. Ail can only say, "Weil d(m('. good and failhful servant." vii
  • 9. tJ&tdtNtl PAGE Foreword ~........... 111 Dedication ~............ V Views of Our Shrine IX VOLUMETWO Chapter One Messages during 1971 1 Chapter Two Messages during 1972............................... 67 Chapter Three Messages during 1973 127 Chapter Four Messages during 1974 185 Chapter Five Messages during 1975 251 Index to Volume II 312 vili
  • 10. ~,ltJldL~ Inasmuch as many are now making their fust visit and others returning after a length of time and practically ail are pl~s~A.2::i!.!:! the progress over the years, it is hoped that the following pictorial review will be of interest not only to them but also many other sincere, good Christians and Americans. It should be explained, however,- that credit is duefortfîë(fÇsi~D, theme and location of e.,gch Shrine only to the Celestials. T,My show them tQ..Mar.Y-A!!n in vision and each are constrûcted as near as possible according t~ descrlp'fion. Sillely this is the reason why the Shrinës aU facus aD Qur r .llI.'.d on the Cross and the Sacred Spot. - Thirteen smail Shrines now form the setting. Six are important places reproduced as they were in the Holy Lands when Our Lord, the Blessed Mother, St. Joseph and the Apostles lived there. They are: the Cave at B~m, Home of the Holy Family at ~­ @' L~Su[per, FJ..rst Mass, W.,2"J to Calvary, and the Crucifixion at Jerusalem. This unique feature of the Shrine, not a part of other major shrines in the world, makes each person's visit, spiritually sP9king, a visit to the Holy Land, not as conditions and places are today but as they were at the time of OUI Lord. The other seven include St. Anne, St. Joan of Arc, St. Francis, St. Mother Cabri ni, St. Michael, Unity Medal and Way to Peace Shrine. The statues in practically ail are originals and made accord­ ing to the way they were shown to Mary Ann in vision."The signi­ . ficance of the Shrines to-the Saints are in honor and recognition of the important Qart they- have and are n~..E.laying in our history and to ~Ie now save our CPUIch, Country and the World. The_ assist Our Holy- Mo~b.e~_ i!!J'.~!!.gjQg these.l!!i<~~~u.~s, so mainly [ through the sufferiQg of Mrs. Van Hoof and their assistance, the work at the Shrine can move forward. The Unity Medal Shrine is an enlarged reproduction ç,f t~ medal itself. The theme is "UniiLbetween Home, School and 1 --'mrch will bring peace and happiness to our Communities, Nation, andthe World." The Way to Peace Shrine illustratesfGod's Peace Plan}for us. ix
  • 11. A dove is flying ta thtl.Trinit Sicrn with the Rosar in its beak. ft places it over the Trinity Ign ln V IC IS t e ni y Knot. It then flies to the Bl~secLM2!ber Who Rlaces the word "Peace" in its beak and flics baël< to the Trinit Sign. A large ray of light cames from the Ilnlty Ign over the Ash Trees and onto the Sacred Sept indicating that the graces received and the mes~ages for peace [ come from Them. ~oan of AI:c)and 6rTiïeresè) Mary Ann's two com~ Saints, are on cither side of the pièture. Mrs. Van Hoof is pictured kneeling at the Sacrcd Spot. It is she who the Blessed Mother chose t9 bring these ali-important messages from Herself and the Saints t<? help prevent destruction of our Country. Church and Youth. Had they been heeded our Country, Church and Youth eould ....b2ve been~garc:sLsQ.. mUc:b ~rsecution that is jYi.t abead. Mary Ann has suffered the Passion of Our Lord sinee 1950 and has had other suffering, some so severe, from 19~9 . that it made her an invalid in a wheelchair. T!)irteen ruptures', during that period funher indicates the severity of il. 'Iwo small Shrines that have becn requested, and it is hoped will be built in the near future, are the First Pentecost Shrine and the one for Czar Alex of Russia. The location of the Pentecost Shrine will bëbetween the First Mass and Mother Cabrini's. Czar Alex~l b.e cast of the lDain entrance of the H@se of Praye;:- Other important buildings already built are the Information Center, M!<,diatrix of Peace Hall, St. Joseph the Worker Hall, the Seven Sorrows of Our Sorrowful Mother Infants' Home, a~ StatLHmne. The significancc of the Pentecost Shrine is that the Blessed Mother's first outdoor appearance in 1950 was on Pentecost Sun­ Clay. Also to help people understand that there is no conn~n between the movement of Pentecostalism today and the First Pentecosl. The Czar Alex Shrine stresses the importance-2f" unification between the Eastern Rite with Rome promising that 'an era of Peace for the World would then folloW:- - -­ As for the Unwanted Infants' Home~ithas been in operation since 1973 and has helped save the lives of a good number of infants as weil as giving the mothers an opportunity to save them­ selves the eternal consequences of the black sin of abortion. ­ The Staff Home provides a place to live for somë of the) workers who give {yI! lime without L'lay ~ the Unwanted Infan!s' Home. _ --;/rhe Information Center is open 24-houfs a ~, and seve~ x
  • 12. days a wc(1))to hclp çlil who visit the Shrine to know of th~.Bl!J­ - ~c, ~d and tLlU,h about the Shrine. Aiso the messages and their Importance today, future plans for dcvelopment and the need of the help offered by the C~ls to hold back, shorten and/or lessen the severity of the Divine Chastisement that is so close upon our Nation and the World today. This can no longer be prevented because~ofthe many sins ingeneral and especially the morder of millions of the unborn. Tours are given daily as weil as sltde pre- sentations; Books and other materials are-~ade available. The Mediatrix of Peace Hall is used for showing slides and filmstrips, also lectures so people can know the truth about tbe Shc.ine and the messages. The St. Joseph the Worker Hall fills the n@for acti2n on various prolects. Some of the main ones are: The Constant Vigil of Prayer Program that has now reaehed many States and six foreign countries; Americanism and Patriotism, work agains! laws that areevil; the Proruotion of the Rosary; Keeping Christ in Christmas; and efforts ta save our Youth from the spiritual and physical har~ of pornography, drugs. fffiFiy movies on theater and T. V. scre~ns. Time is also devoted to various spiritual projects as requested in the messages such as pJayers for the President and Governmcnt OfficiaIs, our Hoi F~ther, Priests and Religjous, Youth, etc. As for the main projects just ahead, work will begin on the St. Francis of Assisi Home for lJnwanted Men in the spring of 1978. The large House of Prayer that will seat about 1,700 people and enclose the Sacred Spot will be in the form of a heart and different in design from any other large Shrine in the World. Plans are now on the drawing board. The description is best given by Che Blessed Mother Herself on pages 346-47 of Reve/alions and Messages. Va/ume 1. (1950-1970): "My Chi/d, the Shrine is 10 Ihe form of a heart in honor of My Divine Son's Saered HearY!!fjJi)My lmmaeu/ate Hearl,J!!. elltwine wilh the hearl5 of men. The tower sho/l/d be as Ihe f/ame Dilove aseending ta Gad the Father If! Heaven. When wa/king beneath the lower inlo Ihe heart of Ihe Shrine, the sinner shou/d nad refuge. Ihe aff/ieled comiort, wilh hgly" for ail ChriSlians; !!2P.! for Ihose /OSI and eonfused and peaee for ail men of good will." "From Ihis hearl shou/d f/ow love and e!.Qyers from many sou/s. My Divine Son is so desirous that ail honor Me first out of 7OVë" for Me. Our Hearls entwined' frQlILlhe titSI moment Oïihë tfit:arnalion. My Divine Son lov(,5 Me for ever' drop of b/ood 1 - I::::' . • Xl
  • 13. ...g ave Him in My Womb. T.his.Js the love that should flow from the Sacred ""Spot to all My children. ­ "My Child, the material used should be red granite with the ,.'oof shining as a beacon to the f!l!r. This Shrine should be built with t!:.!:!!...tove, My Child, tŒ.!!-E~on to give it a lasting founda­ tion. - - -­ "The Shrine must only be built with donated labor and mater- ial. Where possible, every effort must be made to do as She re­ quested. The Saints (statues), to be made must be as natural as possible. While She spoke the Shrine was shown to me. On the east side it showed the Ten Commandments starting from the entrance; then the Fourteen Stations, or the Way of the Cross, with the Twelfth Station next to Our Lady's right arm which holds the Rosary. "The Sacred Spot is to be just the way 1 marked it with a glass over it, and up above this the statue Queen of the Holy Rosary Mediatrix of Peace. The west wall is to have a large Fifteen decade Rosary with beads 5 to 6 inches in size and the Mysteries of the Rosary. This determines the size of the Shrine with the Crucifix at Our Lady's left arm. Below the Crucifix is the Apostles' Creed. The Medal is to be Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (showing the Brown Scapular). "At the front end of the west side is to be an altar with Our Lady of La Salette, Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of Lipa; then, from the entrance and around to the east side an altar for the Infant of Prague statue, St. Therese (Little FIower), and St. Francis of Assisi. Our Lady of Lipa is to be replaced with Our Lady of Lourdes statue, if by the time our Shrine is built, the Phillipines have not c1eansed and righted the wrong they did, as Our Lady requested. "Oh how beautiful to enter the Shrine, walk ail around and know more about your religion when you walk out. There will be walking space between the Sacred Spot and the Altar. The win­ dows are to be of the Apparitions, each one being a different scene. "The Shrine disappeared and Our Lady spoke saying: "The building of the Shrine will be entirely up to the people, if My requests of Obedience, Penance, Sacraments, Sacrifices, the Rosary and above all Charity, Faith, Love Thy Neighbor is fol­ lowed through, and then will the Shrine be buitt. It must be earned with true devotion and effort. xii
  • 14. "In this Shrine there will be private confessionals, a large gloe organ and harl2. have been requested." For arnore recent explanation of the meaning and pUiPose of the Rouse of Prayer see the August 22, 1974 message by the Blessed Mother given on Rer Feast of the Immaculate Reart of Mary, page 224 of this book. It reads: MY "Yes, Chi/d, one is born and another is lost, but to you on earth not to Heaven. When building the House of Prayer, place the ImmJlculate Heart oLMary as directed, but make it the one as you saw Me now, and the Sgfr~d Hegr12J Jesus because the shape of thy Shrine is the Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart en­ twined into~e. For that is what the pilgrimages here must {je, to -honor 7Fiè 1mmaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Mediatrix between both My Divinê Son and man. The impor­ t-;;;:;(:e is to entwine into man's heart the true love of God. Enthrone thy heartsto the ïm;iaculate Héart and the Sacred Heart. !l.....2:.P-.u place y@cg/.Jl&s with Them, My dear children, you cannot err; nor can you be led astray, for with the Two Hearts, you can only have strength. The shedding of bloodJ!.om the Two Hearts gives you the anointed strength to do Thy Lord's, Thy God in Heaven's, ( Will. But you must entwmetn heart with the Two Hearts, bring thêm mto One. Vur essmgs upon you, the Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart through the hand of the blessing now of St. Francis, thy Patron Saint. "Thank Vou, St. Francis and Our Roly Mother, thank Vou. "Again Our Roly Mother held up Rer arm as She did before and encircled the people and St. Francis blessed them. She said the Immaculate Reart (statue) is like Our Lady here. That is how we are supposed to have Her on tot> of the Shrine. She said that very emphatically. The one from hereas 1 sawHèr, as 1 visioned) . Rer, is the way She showed Rerself now." . From the two testimonial books now printed as well as the other evidence of the supernatural, it is clear that the truth of the apparitions have during these twenty-eighLyears been consistentTy copfirmed. The evidence of the supernatural consists of RI.OQhecy ] fulfilled, conversions, reversions, physical cures, Rosaries chang­ ~stantry, the Miraclëüft'he Sun, as well as answers to thou­ sands of personal problems thrEugh prayers. For a complete detailed explanation of how God uses ~V to inform people of the truth, see Foreword, - evelations and Messages BOOK, Volume One. xiii
  • 15. SACRED SPOT Place where Our Holy Mother appeared in 1950 and con­ tinues to appeàr to Mrs. Van Hoof. Promise by Our Lady on Oct. 7, 1950, "1 will be with you on ail the Anniversary Days of My previous apparitions and also on Trinity Sunday." OUTLINE OF THE ORIGINAL Van Hoof Home and the marker next to the Cross where the Blessed Mother first appeared to Mary Ann on Nov. 12, 1949. xiv
  • 16. NATIVITY GROTTO A replica of the rough, rocky hillside in Bethlehem where Our Lord was born. Cave is open at Christmas time. THE NATIVITY Inside of Cave with Jesus, Mary and Joseph as Mary Ann visioned and described them. xv
  • 17. HOL y FAMILY SHRINE Replica of main room of original home of Jesus, Mary and Joseph in Nazareth. LAST SUPPER SHRINE Constructed as near as possible to the way it was in (the Cenac(~for the occasion. Ali statues are originals. ,- XVI
  • 18. FIRST MASS . / ';; 't Shows place in (the CenaflÊiJ where Christ instituted and offered with the Aposllës-the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the first time. It is through the Mass that Christ lives with us. WAY TO CALVARY The compassion of Our Lord is so great at this moment when carrying the Cross for ail mankind_l:Ie willin9!y gives Hit!1­ Hi!JJSBlf in ail !J!I!ekoMS and humility i~for sins.
  • 19. CRUCIFIXION SHRINE Christ dies on Cal vary for our sins, giving alli mankind the opportunity agai'n to enjoy for eternit.y the "Glory of Glories." xviii
  • 20. GOOD FRIDAY CRUCIFIX This Crucifix was on the wall in Mrs. Van Hoors home. It became ail aglow and twice it~ ~i~.e on April 7, 1950. Qgl~­ ~ since have referred to it as the "Good Eriday Crucifix.", The Rosary is Mary Ann's blue one that the Blessed Mother touched to Her's. The beads of the 15-decade Rosary on the wall in the House of Prayer will be the same co19r. XIX
  • 21. MASS AS VISIONED BV MRS. VAN HOOF Our Blessed Mother was carrying the picture shawn on the caver of our Fundal1lenta/s of the Faith booklet. So beautiful . . . Blessed Holy Trinity! "This, My Chi/d, shou/d he in the hearts of ail true Catho/ics, especia//y the Priests. . .. AIL of Heaven is with them when the}' sa}' Mass. The true Mass shou/d be in ail ( h7àrts present at Mass wilh (rue devotiol1 with the Priest and Thv 4:E!A." (June 17, 1973, Trinit y Sunday, page J65). xx
  • 22. QUEENSHIP On May 31, 1968, Feast of the Queensh ip of Mary, Our Holy Mother appeared to Mary Ann as pictured above. Sh~ .ê.E2peared each year since on that day in this way. Full des~ cription is givenin Revelations and Messages, Vol. l, 500-02. xxi
  • 23. ST. ANNE SHRINE First of more than one-hundred Saints J ta appeâr to­ Mary Ann. xxii
  • 24. ST. MICHAEL SHRIN.E (above) On June 16, 1968, St. Michael gave us a special prayer. He asks us to intercede to him during this severe crisis and say former prayers after Mass. ST. FRANCIS OF ~SI SHRINE (below) St. Francis often appears to Mary Ann with instructions and encouragement to carry on the work. He also g~ her and ~II present his blessLng.
  • 26. WAY TO PEACE SHRINE This hand-painted mural shows GQ.d's Peace Plan for ~ and the WQL1.d. St. Joan of Arc on one side and St. Therese on the other were chosën by the Blessed Mother to h.elp Mary Ann carry out the work and be with her during her severe suffering periods. ST. THERESE Close-up of St. Therese as she appears in the Way to Peace Shrine. xxv
  • 27. Reverse side Front side UNITY lIeTwEt~. ";""l c:: !i , ::tel '" Utp' Q) ~ .t·~ r'. ' Z . 0 :zL'. ­ z:~~ - i ' ::;>r­ • t (SIo . l 'a'" ..~ ~~ ~o" l " ~.o' ~.~ ~F::: '~ ,. , .",<c,.... ..,.~;.<>... , , {-4STlMG~~~ · .~ MEDAL IN UNITY MEDAL 5HRINE The Unity Medal was shawn to Mary Ann for the first time on January 28, 1957. The inscription reads: "Unity between Home, School and Church, foundation of peace and happi­ ness in community thus bringing lasting peace to Nation." She was instructed to have a medal made and distribute it. The promise was that through the pious use of the Medal many graces would come to those who wear it with confi­ dence and faith. The theme of Our lady's messages is to bring about Unity between HOME - SCHOOl - CHURCH from which there will be Unity and Peace in our Communities, Nation and the World. This Unity is to be accomplished through Christ's Sufferings, Resurrection and Ascension - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost - The Trinity. xxvi
  • 28. , Il UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL UNITY: ln Unit y there is strength to conquer the wiles and temptations of Satan. In Unity with God the Father there is Love and understanding with thy fellow man, bringing Peace and Happiness to thy Nation. CZAR ALEX SHRINE Vision by Mary Ann Van Hoof at Necedah, Wis., Jan. 13, 1960. Construction of this Shrine, it is hoped, will be in the not too distant future. ~
  • 29. PENTECOST SHRINE "A nd then 1 was told to put up the Shrine, the Descent of Ihe Holy Chast upon Our Holy Mother and the Aposlles. If we desire we can make il a large painting" (Jun. 16, 1974, Anniv. Day, p. 207). - - ..;: ST. JOSEPH THE WORKER HALL Provided space starting in 1977 for offices and meetings for workers ta help keep ail Shrine projècts moving ahead. It is 106 feët long. 40 feet wide and has two staries. xxviii
  • 30. .... PROMOTION Of THE ~ f~ CONSTANT VIGIL Of PRAYER PROGRAM~~~~71 4 BASIC STEPS ORGANIZATION 1 The organization in your town 15 al ways the same. 1t is called Ihe Constant Vigil of Prayer Commillee. It is recQfDjt1endec1..1bsJ the committee begin bLcpverjng ils loc_a~a. Remember the .vork slarts with a commiltee of one ­ VOU! CALLING ON THE CLERGY 2 Vou must pray be1ore~yiJi)Along with prayer vou rn_us! be determined to succeed. Persevere and you will gel results. Clergy Carling Kits have been prepared to make the program easy to· present 10 the pastor. 3 INstALLATION When (he paslor has agreed 10 install the program sgO 10 Ihe C ~ on a weekend and oblain the mueh neede 'f'rours of prayer. 4 FOLLOW·UP The key to a successrui follow-up is a dedicated chaitman in the ëhurch to carry on the program ailer the Installation has taken place. It is indeed a privilege to work for a cause 50 much needed in tt'lis world today. Action is necessarYLbut only action guided by praï!!r. Il will be rewarding ta know that, due to your!l!!alt2e.LQ1....Q$tQ~BIêYIE!!L~J.!lg~~ng. The Constant .. Vigil of Prayer is Ihe KErTO P6ACE in your HOME, COUNTRY and CHURCH. xxix
  • 31. eonstant Vigil of Prayer Dear Friends, Centuries ago, a solution was advanced for today's iIls, by Our Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane, when He said, "Could you not th en ~ one hour with Me?" These words are a chal­ lenge to ail Christian men that an extra hour of prayer to God is the most effective weapon to combat adversity and lessen the power of Satan. To bring today's workings of Satan into focus, we must our­ selves observe that the millions of babies being aborted, the problems of youth relating to dru s, sex, pornogra hic movies an lterature, and also the cult of gçvil worshlp would again desire us to "Watch one hour with Him." The Constant ~ of Prayer program was organized for the purpose of providing a systematic way to promote this message throughout America. The program is easy ta understand. Dedicated workers visit churches and other places and obtain promises .!2.f people to ~y one extra hour per week in addition to Sunday ~p. For any movement to reach its ultimate goal it must be organ­ ized. Do not concern yourself that you are not qualified to organize aconstant Vigil of Prayer group. It takes but one sincere persan to get~arted. We hope you are willing to get an interested group J of people together for a meeting in your area to Jeam the details of promoting the Constant YlgJf of Prayer. Most of our Constant Vigil of Prayer Committees have begun with a small group meeting in a private home. To assist you, we have an impresslve slide presenta­ tion and fine lecturers, and an assortment of materials. Then, tao, we are always at your service to offer advice and assistance when­ ever you desire. We have noticed that whenever an area embraced and worked diligently with the Constant Vigil of Prayer Program, that same community became a better place in which to live, and we are confident you would want the same for your area. Please let us hear from you soon! Sincerely, Constant Vigil of Prayer Committee Route 1, Box 606 Necedah, Wisconsin 54646
  • 32. ~ ----01.....=;.1 :(;~" ~ ,..,." j"',~ . ,('.1­ ... ./ . . ­ f r.a. .,,~. • ..,'--~ =_ 'Dr j . J" ", .......' . v? 'r'~' ." :.~.. ) . } Il ~ i--' 1" No../ 'ifr"'';l-; fJ~<~' lj,l," ") " .a.-r .11r· 4 l ' " .(0r. .. . •": ll 1. )"'. ,) l .. '~''''''.'' • " ·f - _ .• ~ . It1l12 ~ - ~ ~- ". ~ ~ ~ '~" ~;C:l.:'!!• Ij~~~~ l ':.; 1 . ".' J'" - ~ , l r; (>...~ 1 ,',.,010-: _" l ~ ;5 ' ", .. , '-. , # .. ;'~ "'I! ' , - - , . ~. ' •• _ _ _ ••• .~ •• _ _ " •••••• , •• _ _ ~ __.':-:: _ "'~"~h"'" ••• ~ " _ ~ ••••• _ ~:~~~ •••• _ '._,_ ,~ l:1:li , . ~ , ,!'., .... t , .... J' 1 .... ~ 'l"_ .. t 1 -.1:1,. (. -~ , • If,,' , , ' ,.1(, ,. "1 :J t .1 - Jm Il '-i"rt, - -- ~. - - ~P'IC a::~i~ ~...... '!9 ... .". ~UI~ i 1=11 Jl-' "'1- ~~li ! m~li .' >~I;: ... u.lll ii 1'" ~~l! i el! lIl c t-1i Ir ' i , Jf1~1J1 -~ AVO"'ns .. A"t'O/IK).... r~:IIHf~~-fl ! :,. . -. ' ' '1' '111 1 1 l~iH,,!: ' '1 I~:. le; Iii! è:-,,1 THE CONSTANT VIGIL OF PRAYER BOARD above is being used in Churches of ail denominations. Names of participants listed on tabs show the hours kepLand those ~n. Colorful, attraCtiVe, complete with ail accessorle5. Size 34 x 44 inches. Avallable with sliding glass panels. xxxi
  • 33. NATIVITY PAGEANT This picture of the Cave and Birth of Our Lord was tav"!l"l at the Seventh Annual presentation in 1977. The script for the narration is from Mary Ann's description as she views each year the four day journey and birth of Our Lord on the Friday before Christmas. Joseph and Mary registering for the census in Bethlehem. xxxii
  • 34. THEY HEED NOT MY PLEA5. MY CH/LDREN TURN THEIR BACKS ON ME:. THE EVIL 15 CONSUMING THEM. MY CHILDREN HAVE FAL­ LEN INTO THE PIT5 OF BLACKE5T OF 5INS. MY DIVINE SON'S PUN­ 15HMENT WILL BE: FAL­ LING UPON THEM. THE/R CRIES WILL BE TOO LATE. ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT AND ONE WORLD CONTROL OF ALL RELIGION Picture of the Octopus. (D~h) as visioned by Mary Ann-Feb. 2, 1970 Quote November 12, 1969 message: "The enemy of God, the enemy of the Christian world, for the battle is not between Nation and Nation, the battle is between Religion, between the True Church and the Anti-Christ. That is why we pleaded for you to stand together, ALL CHRISTIANS - AlI Christians must work t~er against the common enemy who IS VIClOUS, ruthless and WltHféstroy your minds, your souls, yom bodies." (For complete description of Satan's own Chain of Command see forew6rd page Iii of Volume IV. Also page 135 of Revelations and Messages Book, 1950-1970). xxxiii
  • 35. "THEY ARE RE·CRUCIFYING MY DIVINE SON" "Stop them, murder, stop them. Too !ittle, too late. . .. They are recrucifying Our Lord. They are heaping the unborn at the foot of His Cross. The mound is rising. Too Little, too late. The deaths have piled up" (March 9, 1973, First Fri. in Lent, p. 131). FLAG IS HALF MAST FOR THE MURDERED UNBORN xxxiv
  • 36. SEVEN SORROWS OF OUR SORROWFUL MOTHER INFANTS' HOME The Infants' Home has saved a good number of lives since it opened in 1973. Mothers can save the Iife of their chi Id and the severe consequences of having to face God for murder­ ing il. Ur!~D.!~-..Sh.~ are also accepted. STAFF HOME Residence for sorne of the full time work­ ~rs afthe Seven Sor­ rows of Our Sorrow­ fuI Mother Infants' Home. Completed in 1976. xxxv
  • 37. PERSPECTIVE OF HOME FOR UNWANTED MEN ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI HOME FOR UNWANTED MEN It will be built in the form of a Cross as pictLJred above. The soil testing of Feb. 1978 is preliminary to construction planned for the spring or early summer of 1978. xxxvi
  • 38. INFORMATION CENTER AT ENTRANCE TO GROUNDS Shrine is open ail year, ~even davs a week. 24-hours a day. Tours and slide presentations are given regularly without charge by competent guides. MODESTY IN DRESS Ourl1eavenly 'Mother re..,guests modestv in dr~ Sign at entrance to the Shrine Grounds of everyone-men, women & children. I>'~; April 7, 1973: "Immodesty "No admittan.ce on in speech, action or dress is the biggest factor to sin. Shrine Grounds to those Modesty /s the shield for in shorts, miniskirts, tight. purity, particular/y the fe­ s!acks. etc. . male ... ta safeguard her 'Wrap·around. skiris heritage." avaHable if needed. xxxvii
  • 39. THE HOUSE OF PRAYER Soil test being made This picture taken in February 1978 shows soil tests being made so the type and size of underground supports can be determined. The building will be about 195 feet long and 130 feet wide with a general height of 35 feet. The central tower in front is about 175 feet high. Walls will be of s9lid granite and about 24" thick, Plans are being completed and a perspective dr'awn. On August 22, 1974, Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Blessed Mother gave this message to Mrs. Mary Ann Van Hoof, "When bui/ding the House of Prayer, place the Immaculate Heart of Mary as directed, but make il the one as you saw Me now, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus because the shape of thy Shrine is the Im- J} maculate Heart and the. Sacred Heart entwined into One. For that / 1 is"WJüitthe pi/grimages here must be, to honol:::the Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Mediatrix between bath My Divine Son and man~The importance is fa entwrneiiîîOfii{iiz's )1 heart the true love of Gad. Enthrone thy hearts ta the Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart. If you place yourselves with Them, My dear chi/dren, you cannat err; nor can you be Led astray, fQr with 0 Two. Hearts, you can only have strength. The shedding J ~Of ;lo!!-d rom the Two Hearts gives you the annohzted strength ta a Th_y l.ord'ç Thy Gof1J.n...B..liJYen's Will. But you must entwine)<== '"'1 W~~i heart with the Two Hea!.!...s, bring Them into On.e. Our bless­ gs upon you, the Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Hearl.through the hand of the blessing now of St. Francis, thy Patron Saînt." (See page 224). xxxviii
  • 40. BUSES AT SHRINE ON ANNIVERSARY DAY People come on Anniversary Days by cars and buses from nearly ail states and several foreign countries. Crowds of up ta 10,000 are present at times. On August 15 and October 7, '950, 100,000 people were presenf CROWO ASSEMBLING FOR ANNIVERSARY DAY. xxxix
  • 41. P~A r>~ JJ6W ANNIVERSARY DAYS April 7 Anniversary of Good Friday 10:00 P.M. May 28 Anniversary (Procession) 1:00 P.M. May 29 Anniversary (Procession) 1:00 P.M. May 30 An niversary (Procession) 1:00 P.M. June 4 Anniversary 1:00 P.M. June 16 Anniversary (Procession) 1:00P.M. Aug. 15 Anniversary (Procession) 1:00 P.M. Oct. 7 Anniversary (Procession) 1:00P.M. Nov. 12 An n iversary 10:00 P.M. Promises of Our Holy Mother to Mrs. Mary Ann Van Hoof, October 7, 1950. "1 will be with you on ail the Anniversary Days of my previous apparitions and also on Trinity Sunday." HWY.80: New Lisbon to Neœdah 12 mi. HWY. Q & 80: Mauston to Necedah 18 mi. XL
  • 42. e~(Jw ~Jiff&l fitwt vit / ji/ lanuary 8, 1971 - FEAST OF OUR LADY OF PROMPT SUCCOR St. Joan just said we seem to have misunderstood that this day, today, was a day chosen by Our Holy Mother in 1950. On December 8, She said, "My Chi/d, 1 will be with you on January 8 and on January 23 and that those were the two days She Herself chose. Those days, thy Sister d(d not.Js!l~.J.f.R!'..-ese!11.ed Our Lady of Prom[Jt Succor and Espousal. The reason the 8th was (( chosen was because O/the great sac!.PEe and pleas oUfi_e Order 1 ~ qf Nuns at New Orleans in the year 1812. This very same sacrifice wmbe necessary and appropriate at this lime." lanuary 23, 1971 - FEAST OF THE ESPOUSALS Mary Ann said Our Holy Mother and St. Joseph were present and She motioned and it looked Iike rays went out from Her hands as She went around over the people and then they both vanished. (St. Joseph was standing behind Our Holy Mother. AlI people present received Our Lady's blessing. February 7,1971 - FEAST OF ST. ROMAULD Sister, 1 have a message for your people, heed it. Yes, St. Romauld. Obedience, humility, be humble, be charitable and love thy neighbor as thyself, fulfillment, the Rosary, .!he Sacraments; only these things will bring peace and will brighten the horizon, it can­
  • 43. 2 REVELA TIÜNS AND MESSAGES not come without true love of God and Our Holy Mother. It can­ not come while Our Holy Mother's eyes are shed ding tears, it can only come when you return a smile to Her face and you are obe­ dient to God the Father, to God the Son and to God the Ho y ( Ghost. you are obedient to the Blessed Trinity, if you place Them ioto your heart and you go out on the wayside seeking the lost and Ithe poor, you shelter them and feed them and cIothc them and {bring tfièm back tCl God the Falher, then you will fjnd.•pe~e. Our Holy Mother was shown with Her mantl~~ahQutli.he xoJillDof all different Nati0E..s because in all the world(the YOl~th'are bcing used r and sacrificed for the wants and &reed anèlltûe and e2wsr of the rr1enemy of Ged. The chi'Yë1Ten! You must change this plcture. February 26,1971 - FRIDA Y IN LENT Unite! Unite! Unity, there must be unity, you will fall without unity. Unite, stand togetheL-stalld together. Cali to Thy Lqrd and God many, many times a day. This is a serious period, call to t'hy Lord and GOd, ao not forget Him, caU to Him. Pray totile ( Sorrowful Mother. This is a serious period, pray. There must be unity, there must be unity. Remember, befof(~ ou is a reat fault just as deep as the fault in t e ocean, and that fault is right in the Vatican, do you understand what 1 am saying? The faurtrS spewing and breathing and bubbling and is very close to erupting like an earthquake. There will be an~guake in yom Chu[S.h, a serious one. It will take much and destroy it, but remember when the fauit reunites and becomes solid, the.!! it will bloom Forth with the Glory of Glories and that i.LWbi!LYjlli.~.ant to stand by. Do you undei--Stâïia my meaning? So have courage and~by as tr~ldiers of Jesus Christ. Thy Holy Mother sheds bitter tears for Her Sons. The Representatives of Jesus Christ and the Spouses of Her Divine Son are breaking Her heart, for they have sought the worldliness, they have not continued with their vows that they professed at the time of their Ordination and their entry into the Convent. There will be very few that will stand, up; the road is too glamourous on the easy way to follow. Strict rules are for the y irds, tbey say, "This is the modern times, this)s the modern way, we must commute with the modern ways, we must be with the modern ways, that is the only way we can reach man." Oh, 00' )1 wrong they are. Yes, you may be modern in certain respects but you cannot bemodern with God the Father, God the Son,
  • 44. MESSAGES DU RING 1971 3 and God the Holy Ghost. Vou cannat be modern with the Way ta Calvary because that has not changed in two thousand years, or three thousand, that has not changed, it is still Calvary. The in­ structions Thy Lord and Gad gave ta His Apostles are still in effect, and the Priests that were instructed ta follow the Way ta Calvary, that has not changed. They want ta change it, ta moder­ ate it ta make it easy for themselves, but..You cannat spit in the) Il eye of Gad the Father and Dot haye ta face retaliation, you must remember that. s the ta remove Gad the Father, Gad the . d .. 'ust a myth, but p ease, nstIan World, stand with the Holy Trinity, stan with It and you have nothing ta fear, you have nothing ta fear. Suppose you walked on the highway and you were praying and an accident happened and you were demised, and if your heart was with Gad the Father, where do you think YOlïWOUId) go, where? Vou would go straight ta Heaven as long as you were with God the Father. He would not let you flounder in the dark­ ness. He would bring you right up into the light, sa stay strong. "( Be very careful of the EXTREME Traditionalist, be very 1 ~are~ul. they are falling into the traps of the wrong side. the enem~ lU 1. lS usmg them. -JIn - Vou know, where 1 am right now is beautiful, it is sa peaceful, sa beautiful. Isn't that where you would like ta go, on a higher plane, wouldn't j'ou waot ta fly right up into it? Sa peacëfuI. Unite together and stand firmly for Thy Lord and Gad, you have nothing ta fear. Stand up for the truth, always stand up for the truth. If you want ta make excuses, no; stand up for the truth, do not tell lies. That is not the truth, no matter how small il may be. Rather be prudent and say, "this 1 cannat answer you in aIl lit prudence" than ta tell a fib. Do you get my meaning? It is the littleJVV~ fib that leads ta a big one, just like ~ dope they call...martîl.!!na is the beginning. It is true, it is the mother of all addicts. It is the beginning and it leads ta higher and larger and bigger doses I~ until their minds are completely destroyed, the cells are completely destroyed, the cells are inhy"ed. There are .~~!lX cell.~ i~your brain and if you take tao much of that drugSit <hies UF {ne vein~ it destrovs them and vou will 10se your proper thinking. Do you ) understand what 1 am trying ta say? And that is the same with the Cause, a little bit of this and not right, and a little bit of that N and. not right, leads ta more and easier. Stand firmly no mattcr fi how hard the knocks or the Ûnkjndness thât sorne m1@îf saf"io
  • 45. ~ ........ --- 4 REVELA TIaNS AND MESSAGES you, they don't understand. Use the words in your heart, "May Gad fàrglve them for they do not understand," or "they do not know what they are saying." The enemy is using the Pentecostal system. Pentecostal, yes, it was the Holy Spirit that came down on Pentecost. The present ~I' Pentecostal is not the Holy Spirit of Gad; this is the spirit of the1 f:;llen angels. The will bring it ta you in the most 6eautiful way. ~ Sa why are you sa concerned? It is not ng t. uppose a Priest goes along with it, it is wrong. Just because he is a Priest, that doesn't make him right, and j'ou as the children of Gad must not follow the wrong road, you must not. The true Pentecost as at the time of ~ the Apostles was goad but the enem a ain 1S using it for a twa­ fold purpose. It is to destroy nstiaOlty, t at IS t e pu ose. It is to bring you ay rom . 0 , u ng t now . e .ardesl fight) goes on between Satan and the Angels of Gad. Your Guardian ~ngeIs are in the battle; every individual one of you has a Guard­ ian Angel and he is in the battie ta protect vou. but vou must d9 y'our part. You must be true Christians. You must live a true life, you cannat live what they cali a white lie. No, you must live the truth. Thy Lord and Gad died for you on Calvary, yes, He died for you. ~ you not a little bit sarry for Him that He shed His Blood and gave HIS LIfe sa that you yourself could have a way ta Heaven? He opens the gates for you, are you foolishly going to close them because you are listening to Lucifer, to the faUen Angels? They are roaming the earth. This is th.e eriad of the'" Apocal se. ·IS lS most senou eriod. Do not play bail Wlt Il, do not be afraid ta stand up and be counted. Youhere were instructed over the years for the periad of time when you will have ta stand up and be counted. IT IS HERB _";> NOW~ Forget the materi~ things, tum ta the spiritual. and if you dld not teach your childten to accept this, If you thmk for one moment that you must aPPease your children, you are wrong, for Satan is doing the WQrk you shm!lQ. have done with the Holy Mother and Thy Lord and God. Are you afraid of your own ] children because they threaten ta leave home? Do not be sa ridiculous. You are the parents, stand up as parents; sure it is going ta hurt, it is going ta hurt, but me nans when they were driven in Thy Lord and Gad's hands and feet, c!idn't they burt? Didn't the Crown of Thorns hurt when they entered His sku1l? Are vou afraid of a.Jit.tk_heartache? Go kneel in front of Thy
  • 46. MESSAGES DURING 1971 5 Crucified Lord i!! thy shrine and give your heart ta Gad as He stands before vou with His Blood running clown. insteacl of lament­ ~ DQn't he cowards, quit YOUf lamenting, the time has passOO. "Save the soul of thy child, don't vou love it? Don't let its sou! be tarnisbOO because of ignorance, b~_ the child is ~t of the truth and you the parents should have taught it. - - Well, it is very late, you will weep, Our Holy Mother said, "you will cry, you will 8cream." She said, "Is that what you are going ta do now, scream?" Nobody is going ta hear you and if they hear you they can do nothing for you. Y.ou haye had twenty Q,ne years ta stand up, twenty one years and the seventies will take their toll. Are vou going ta be prepared to stand UR? There are times your stomach may be very empty but have courage and love of Gad. Th L r and Gad will rovide for those that trul Y LQve Him but it must be a true love, a righteous eart, a nghteous J '1 heart. March 5,1971 -FRIDAY IN LENT They don't want ta pray, they don't want ta pray, that is for squares, that is for squares, they don't want ta pray. Without praye! they will never save themselves, nevel. Sa what am 1 going ta do? Twenty-one years have gone by, 1 can't reach them. 1 know sorne of the Hierarchy are ta blame, 1 know they are, , but what can 1 do about it? They tbink l'm crazy and when the n tim~ cornes they will be sarry, the.n they will know 1 was rightll, but then it will be tao late. Oh please heIp me, tell me what ta do. Tell me what ta do especially for aIl those children. It makes my heart just break ta see all those young people,go wrong. Why, why? Even in our own group they let their own skirts keep sliding up, why? Because they want to appease their school or their neighbol. 1 can't umlerstand. When they stand before St. Peter they will get kickOO out. is that what they want? What am 1 sup­ 12osOO ta do? "Go forth and follow My instructions, because the Hier­ archyare erring that is no sign that you must err. Bad they listened 70 the pleas at Fatima, there wouldn't be this darkness upon the Nations, but they heeded not My pleas at Fatima, they turned their backs on Me, even after the great miracle they cared not. "Do not make the same mistake here, My children, it will
  • 47. 6 REVELATIONS AND MESSAGES be too late. 1 warned you of the Chastisement; that doesn't even seem to bother yOU. 1 warned you in 1950, when il will come you will scream and cry, but, My children, il will be too late. liJs now the Last moments that }JOU must heed My p1em tn ÇQve the souls of the children. My own Sons, they heed not My pLeas, they wouLdn't be breaking the laws of their VOWS if they heeded them. My Daughters, they, too, hear Me not, they care not, they fo!low t.he wiles of Satan. Satqn js laose on earth, Satan is here to aestroD~1 your souLs. The Hierarchy is erring, there are many good men amongst them but they do not have the coura e 0 their convic­ tions. They must stan up and as you say, be counted. Now, God' blessing upon you and My Spouse will give you ablessing." 1 see the Sacred Spot and upon it is a crib-like formation. Within it seems to be, yes, it looks like a diamond; this symbolizes the Sacred SQot. It looks like a diamond aiif<5iig the rest; it is tne 1 most important place to place your heart upon. Blessed Mother, thank you. Our Roly Mother said to watch the Pacifie Coast. That prediction will soon be here and then you will aIl have your answer as to just what is meant. This is a hard battle, what is before you. You haven't seen ~~t; it is going to be much darker. As it was glven, the dark­ ness, and then you cannot triumph, but you cannot triumph unlessru you stand for the truth, and oruy the truth will make you free, it will take the shackles off the evj! forces. Do you understand what 1 am trying to convey to you? But it takes courage from everyone of you, no self-pity, no room for self-pity, it is too late for sucp matters. ~ary Ann explained Our Roly Mother had on a rose-red gown and a purple mantle. She was Our Lady of SufIering. March 12, 1971 - FRIDAY IN LENT Satan is using the children of this generation.· As they grow up they are being used. They are being ~ipWê§hed and they are the ones that will use their parents to } their bidding. The parëiili are afraÎd of thelr own cfiiIdren, that is sad, that· is sad. Many years ago a parent was a parent, children were not their) p..a~s. Today the parents are frightened of their own childen, ~:tis the way the enemy wanted it and he has succeeded with th; fnllest of bonots in the Satanic way, and the parents are cringing in the corner, why? Just as the Bishops are cringing in
  • 48. MESSAGES DURING 1971 7 t~ corner frgm their Priests, the liberals, and of course those that were placed by the enemy of Christ, the 30,000. • All that auora over the Sacred Grounds will be Hope ­ Green, even though it is intermingled with the purple for suffer­ iES' Do 1 make myself clear? Sa contmue on as you were told of the diamond on the Sacred Spot, the diamond is one of the most expensive jewels. The Sacred Spot in its place in sacredness ( is one of the most important jewels. It does not take the place oTthe Holy Mass, do not misinterpret that, but the Spot itself will bring many a soul ta God, that is whv it can be the diamond. Right IlOW 1 see a deep purple spot; ail about il is green, ) so you see .there is hope NEYER GIVE UPI There is hope no matter how the weight bears you down, there is always hope on 1 die horizon. Yes, Joanie, 1 hear you, yes, Joanie 1 hear you. Will you tell them please, Joanie? Here is a warning for many a workman jD man/:: iDd!lst[je~ " th~ wjJI become j!l ane! they will not know why. @e S§nth~c~ that they are using today; when using saws there is a ne 41st that flies frQm these saws, even the carpenters that use the~ synthetic materials, they are sturdy, but yet they are killing. There ( is a yery fine e!ust tbat the men inhale throngh their lungs'""'that thJô' canpot remove. It will stay with them and someday if they have an examination Qf their lungs they will have s12.Qts. It is up tQ their bosses in many industrial places that they secure and prevent this by weariPll a nose mask. It is an extra precaution thiH js necessary wjth the new synthetics. They have themselves not discQyered tbjs bm many men are jJ1 and they dQ nQt RnQw ~. That is why, SO dQ nQt be careles§...Qnce yom lung~e rujned tflere is nQ chance of surviving. "" Just as LSD, that is in YQur body will never leave the fauy ~, it will be with YQU as IQng as YQU live and so it is with )0 DDT, a dangerous insecticide. That has entered many a human being and it is in their bQdies. They are ill and they do nQt knQW , why because l!L!.he (large cities, DDT was used in such great J~ 1 quantities that many people of the middle class and older have . [ tbis dangerous msecticlde III ffieir bQdies. Why are there sorne people tbat will use foods to make it eâSier and eat that type of fQod? Oh you are not gQing to die immediately, you are not goillg i to faU sick . iatel . Oh no, but when you reach 50 or 60 Nrs years you are oin to wonder w Lis wrong with you. That is w a IS wrQng. It will not kill you when you are young and rob'!§t,
  • 49. 8 REVELATIONS AND MESSAGES oh no, but th9se thin~ s,tmr in rour body. You will upset certain chemicals in your ho y,whÎle you are young and vigorous you will continue on, but you wonder why YOll are sa tired, you get sa sleepy. . -----­ -""'Think back at sorne of the strange food you have been eating, such as TV dmners. There is nothing good in them! They are filled with preservatives! And aIl these cmncby toQds they are advertizing tôday, why do you let YOUf children earthem, why? They are not good for them, ~hey are filled with prc;servat~es .• You were warned against these things, you were wai"ned. ou were told ~n, ta learn how ta cook the proper foods. ~, you go about thinking a little won't hUIt. that is where you aLe foolish, a-lit® will hurt. There are sorne of you that are very loyal ta th1S, t6atcôOk auly good food. You never know when you pick up the foôds that are prepared in advance and they only add to it to make it succulent, as they calI il. l'hase foods ~re just w-,!!king with:p'~:ser~ and there is a certain type of (E!eservatiy~)that will never leave yom body, th3t tao will climb in YOUf fatty tissue. You are sleepy .and you will have so many illnesses th3t you-cannot recognize. It is simply what you eat. Many years ago, the people in the 1800's; whywere-some so strong and vigorous? Oh they are trying to tell you they were 1not, but just ask those who haye reacbed the age of 90 what tyee ~f food they ate. They didn't run and eat TV dinners, they aie good food even as a child and on up, they saw ta it that they ate gôoa--lOOClFIs-Wfia:tyour body bas been nourished with that will give you the strength. What will they do when these things happen, what? Mary Ann seems ta be viewing something very distressing. Bombings, different parts of the world! Fire! Fire! Nuclear bombings? It is the only kind; devastation, destruc­ tion, 10ss of life, gone, gone, gone, burned. AlI red, all red, get me out of here. Pray, please Bishops, Cardinals, Ministers; pray, pray, pray ~ or it will be tao late. Pray, 1ray, pray America. America the Beau­ tiful will be a mockery.· W ere are you going ta go next, where? This beautiful Country, Gad gives you the talent to use it for good, sa use it only for the good. There is so much that could be doue. why waste it on the mooo, why? The enemies' reasons, yes, they have their reasons, but if you do not behave yourselves you will not get the help of Gad. Behave yourselves if you want the
  • 50. MESSAGES DURING 1971 9 help of God to prevent this; but it must mean that the Repre ­ sentatives of Christ stand up as true representatives, not of their own will. They gave their vows that they would sacrifice and do penance, that they would lead their f10ck in penance, yet they speak not of sacrifice and penance, only of the alms they can bring out of the f1ock. That cornes first, that IS thelr main concem, not the souls of the human beings, not the soul of the penitent, the child. God would provide the other. They have no faith in the Gospels of God for He tells you there, He explains it to you in the Gospels. It is there in the Epistles and Gospels, then why do they seek otherwise? But they do not have the faith, the y do not have the true love of God that they represent. Laymen must work, the laymen must work with full power 1 and love of Gad. Tum to thy SavIOl' Jesus Christ, give yourself to ffim. -what thy Sister just witnessed will befall the Nations that heed not the requests of Thy Lord and God, that heed not the ways of Thy Lord and God, and very least do they heed the pleas of the Holy Mother of God. This is a very serious time, it is going to the end of the fifth sic e. The red was the fUth sie e, the l'es, t e estruction. The Constant Vigil of Prayer is not moving because people do not want ta pray, they do not want to pray, that is for s tiares. a e a square picture an e ID 1 put eaven, make a round picture, for they want it to be round, behind it is Hell. They can have their choice, the squares, or the round one that will roll into anything, right into the its of Hell. It is easy to sEde, when it IS roun , lt S IpS easy, everything comes easy, nice and smooth. those that have Heaven on earth will not find Heaven in Eternity, not the type they are seeking, but if you are wiIling to sufter, will­ i!!8 to sacrifice, willing to do penance, they are the ones that are the squares and when it is hard to go through those squares, it is a lot casier to go through the rounds and that is the little boy )~ templing you, that is the honey, that is the honey. First 1 will say that Alexander III gave ail a blessing. Thy Sister begged him that he stiould fieIp you here. He said that this Nation has fallen into-lhe_trap.s-of the English way. The Catholic ~~1 Church is fa1Dnginto th~.l!:3.0~f tI:u< DisraeIisas2t the lime cl ( St. Joan of Arc. The ones of the Holy Mothër Church tha! should stand up andProtect Her, are going along as the Britisl:L.@. If
  • 51. 10 REVELATIONS AND MESSAGES you watch and seek documentations you will find ?- similar niOt. Y",9u will flnd in the documentations what happened In Sn ain is the same forerunner that 1S happening right here in your Country 1 and through this you will suffer. It is as Alex tried to explain in his past messages, you must love the Bogororitza. The plot of the enemy of Jesus Christ, Thy Lord and God, is succe-eding be- J cause those of the Church, the Hierarchy, the Cardinals, they are not fulfilling thetr dutles. Just as at the time of Joan of Arc, so today. ft is the Golden Calf that.they seek to adore, instead of t a<!gringJ.hY-Crucifiê.ëtlJird. Check into the documentations and you will see the pattern, and your Fatherland will suffer, your Churches will suffer as the messages were given many years ago " ' Man's church will crumble but the Triumpba nr Cbmcb will ne~~ crumble. Which Church are you following? The Will of Gad, • Il m"J!le will ûCman-who"is!ëdanëf-gïlidêCi brt~J.~~~§ the;" enemy of God? -=:::::=> /l, Mareh 19,1971 -FRlDAY IN LENT Faith and patience, must have more faith and patience, not enough, not enough. Encourage the Youth, encourage the Youth, encourage them so they will stand up for the right and for the truth. They do not like what is happening, they seem lost, helpless, encourage them. Have faith in them, t~~y~~an~~mpli~h if you have faith iii··Qiem,-Giv~J.~_~l!1_ the._J.niti'!!~~,JS'Lthe}!:!---&o, especialTYibose children that have had the proper training in the old school, let them. stand up. Ministers and Priests of God will hear them quicker than many adults, they will argue with the adults, they will argue with the adults but they will not argue with the youth for they fear to destroy the youth. Remember God's warning. Time, patience, faith and time will prove much. You have seen many things fall in place, you will be sur- ) prised at the things that will still fall in place that are being 1 scoffed at now, but they don't want to believe il. They will fall 1ii place but it might be too late, but you were watned, you were J91.~Uhe Celestials cannot help youJ.LY.ou do not __h~E.)'_ourself. I~~Y_W1II Ii~Jp_Y_QJ.LiL~'-Ou_go_amuLo thejyst and right, they will ~~_»,jtlL)'.Q.1L_~LYQ.ll_r.~de. Those promises were given,dO not ignore them; but unless you do things yourself, theL are _not 1 gojgg.!!lfpLY.QJJ, Jhere is wh~~_YJ~JLeIr. "Oh this and this will come if the Blessed Mother wants it." SHE
  • 52. MESSAGES DURING 1971 11 WANTS !T, it is Up to VOU to proceed. She will spread that Mantle right about us. She will help you but you must do it, YOD must do it, YOD! Jhe Celestials will not. If you think you have seen confusion, when the changing gLthe currency cornes you will see your greatest confusion, the fear will swell in many hearts. They lose all peace and ingenuity, lose the faith in God that they should have. Do not do that, you must have faith in God for that is the only security and strength you will have. We will not lay out the pattern for you to follow, you were give.n messages you must fOllOW.. Many of you, if ou could ha~~-ra eyes and look intSL the e ~ s of II .on on, t e an s 10 rance, we en, Norway, Switzer an and Germany, wh;ëïbëY. ïia~ stacked ~~a~ the curr~y, y,ou would 1 be shocked. The forget that God is Master and they are only) ~ and if G pu ste strings t ey WI fioat as a puppet. Their wealth will not help them, it will go down the drain as well as the rest. Remember Our Roly Mother speaking of the Almighty Dol­ lar? Well, that is still on the top of the list. What will they do when ~lmighty Dollar~JramRled beneath their feet, what will they do? You see, you have been told of the plucked Bagle A and yo~ have been told of the tw.o:J!gd~d.he.ast, the Brown- Bear and the Lion, and you know what countneSthey represent. Those two cou~s ~~venever~n-asrel'P becau~_e..there IS i~terJ]:2arriage, there are family ties. They. will striv~liclLto~<illler although they make the world on the outside believe that they are not. T~poor ~ople will be the vlctÎms of their Nations; they will suffer but in the nation of the Brown Bear, there are still many of (the older people and many of those have t~ht their children ') to pray to the Bogoroditza and to ra the Rosary. The Rosary, - they say It a Itt e 1 erent than they say it in America but it is still the Rosary and that is what will help them to see their way but they will suffer much, the will suffer much. If those in Belfast, --=:::, Be st an B~e, will only unite together in truce and help each other instëad of the battles. It is 6i1e God, One God and !!9ly Mother, just as the Almighty DoliM-is.interfering in the lives in your continent so is the Almi ht D aLinte.r:feringjrUlJe lives 2. in EQgland, Ireland an urope.- and all o.t!)~r:... ~ries in the ) -World, but especially il is of the Disraelis. The heaoof many of the Grand Masters um~ there and then go on into Geneva to continue.
  • 53. 12 REVELATIONS AND MESSAGES Now for some of the things that will happen. The curJ.Wcy will change, a depression will befall yom Nation and when the c~cy has changed, they will put vou In the palm of thèif1iâild ~ will SQUEEZE, S QUE EZE you! Because they fiave the power if yon let them, tha1 is the Almighty D< When you carry this (Mary Ann holds up the crucifix she wears around her neck) and within this is the Cross of Thy Lord and Gad, you will be given the strength, don't forget you are going ta need il. ( There will be new laws on yom family, they a,g;, already JnC!~~n­ ating your children. They are already filling some of their vems 1 ~....pOJiôii:theY are dullmg thelr mlpds a~.y'~~were tôT~_rn _!_h~ l ye~!:-J:95J_9lJl!I1L!::.~nt, "ggjLlÇtion ot!DinQh'l..fiQ~~ey can control, those that they can draw ta tbemselves like the Pied PIper "PGVing his pipe. Do not appease your child, do not appease that child, te~ them the facts, the truth can hurt no one. Thank you, St. Joseph and Little Jesus. Saint Joseph gave us bis blessing. His gown was a golden tan, 1 should say golden brown, his mantle was brown with gold trim. Little Jesus had on a white gown with gold trim, golden, curly hair, blue eyes. St. Joseph did not hold the lily. He has such kind eyes, beautiful brown eyes, oh yes, he did hold a staff. Today is the feast of St. Joseph. Say his Litany and sing some sangs in his ho~r. March 26,1971 -FRIDAY IN LENT The agony of Our Lord is great, they don't believe in Him anymore. The Mass is becoming heretical but they cannat see it. The truth is the truth if they want ta accept it or not, it is still the truth. Yes, Joanie, l'Il try, l'Il try. The Church of Christ, do not destroy it, do not do il. Priests stand up for the truth, Priests stand up for the truth; do not, do not, do not wait until it is tao late, do not. You cannat change the Mass, you cannat do it, they are changing it ta appease the Protestants, they are changing it ta appease the Protestants, why, why? Thy Lord and Gad does not believe in the middle road, it is either right or wrong, that is what He taught you, right or wrong, not the middle of the road, and the Hierarchy today are walking in the middle of the road. They want ta appease the Protestants. Please, no, Priests, Priests, Priests, please don't do it, do not do it. Our Holy Mother weeps, Our Holy Mother weeps.
  • 54. MESSAGES ~RING 1971 13 When the words of the Canon are changed, it IS appease- ment, it is not the true facts. Pope Pius V laid out the Mass the way it should be followed and for many years that was the true Mass. Today they are changing i~ to appease the Protestants. They want to be brothers to the Protestants so they appease. Let the Protestants believe what they want to believe, they believe in God, they believe in Jesus Christ. Leave it that way, but you must not change. You must not, you have the truth. They are pushing the H01y Mother out to appease the Protestants, it is wrong, it is heresy. r!ley can Dot push Our Holy Mother out.I Remember She is the Mother of Jesus Christ, She is the Mother of . ~ TJJy- ChL!!ch, SHE /S THE CHURCH!! Do not cast Her aside, do not. Appeasement IS not the answer, appeasement is not the answer. Blessed Mother, help us to unde'îstand, help us to do the right. The Cburch, man's Church, is going down, down. Bring it back, turn to Jesl!S....{:brist's Cl:wrch, turn back to Jesus CIiIlit, turn back to the Church He instituted on Good Friday, tum back. Unless you turn back there will be no salvation for many Priests, many Nuns, or so-called Catholics. There cannot be salvation unless you follow Jesus Christ, you MUST follow Him. He is the Truth and the Light and the Salvation. If you deny the Truth how do you expect to be saved? You cannot appease, you cannot appease, you cannot change the Mass to remove the B1essed Mother, you cannot do that. You cannot deny, which they are going to do because the Protestants do not believe in the Transubstantiation, they do not believe in It, but Our Lord and God stood there and said that He was Consecrating the Bread before Him to be the Body of Christ. He SAID SO, why deny it, why appease? And when He took the wine, the true wine, and said, "This is My Blood," HE MEANT HIS BLOOD, not the grape juice, He meant HlM. Ta appease the Protestants we must remove that? ARE YOU PRIESTS GOlNG TO STAND AND TAKE IT, or are you going to fight? Remember, the enemy wants One- World Religion, One-World Government and One-World Control and that includes the Catholic Church. Are you going to fol1ow their heretical way? There will be no salvation for those that do, it might be a little bit easier while you walk the earth but it will be HELL hereafter. When saying the Apostles' Creed, don't you mean what you say? Rememeber Thy Lord and God taught the Apostles' Creed to the Apostles and even Judas leamed to say
  • 55. 14 REVELATIONS AND MESSAGES it. The Pharisees will try to tell you othel'wise, who are you going to believe? Pray, pray that the Victim will have the strength on Good Friday to complete the Mass sa that she will be able ta bring forth the Mass the way Thy Lord and Gad enacted it at the time He was on earth, before He walked Calvary's way and died on the Cross to redeem you. He suffered three hours on the Cross, ) nailed ta it. He suffered many hours before in humiliation, in physical pain and torture of His heart, Qf His pure he.a.rt. When the Masses are said today, they are supposed ta be that path. They want ta take that away ta make it more JUBILANT; they even go, in many places, sa far as ta dance about it. The Mass has nat changed, it has not changed. Mass is the same as it was on Good Friday, it has not changed and those that change it will have no salvation. St. Romauld, pray for us, St. Anne pray for us, St. Francis pray for us, Anna Katarina, pray for us, St. Simon, pray for us. Il Please follow the Traditional Chlliç.tt._Rkase follow the Traditional Cl1Urch. Gad have mercy on us, Gad have mercy on us, the Chas­ tisernent is near, the Chastisement is near. Pray for us, pray for us. The Vatican is a mess, the Vatican is a mess. The followers of Cardinal Bea, they are ushin the ood Cardinals out, either retir­ in.[.t em or pysnmg them into the Mission fields, disposing of them ail sa they cannat involve the decisions of others. Our Holy Father is suffering much, he is accused of saying much which is not true. (He must stand up, he has not the strength to stand up so now they are labeling him the wrong Pope. Yes. he errs because he dQ~t fig!1t hard enough; but when the body is weak, the strength is not there. The Disraelis, the anti-Christs, the Supreme Grand Master, pr -- --;-==s: they have done thelr worJê weTI, the Christl~s are as~p. The Il good Priests are meek instead of fighting, FIGHTING, for they have the Blessed Mother on their side where the others have JUDAS on their side. Who will win? Judas will not. lhose with thè Roly Motller will win, those with the Holy ~other will go ta J Heaven, those with the Holy Mother will see the Glories of GlOi1eS but those with Judas will go into hellfire, and they will burn in Hell. "IT'S YOUR CHOICE, PRIESTS, IT'S YOUR CHOrCE!! IT'S YOUR CHOrCE, SISTERS AND NUNS, BROTHERS, AND IT'S YOUR CHOrCE, L~MEN. STA.N-D U~ ~ BE COUNTED; IT WILL SaoN BE TOO LA TE.
  • 56. MESSAGES DURING 1971 15 When the Chastisement falls upon you, what will you do, what will you do, cringe like !!.....S.QwaLd in-ili~er? Are you going to ~ fOIiOW Judas, or are vou going to follow Thy Holy Mother and Her Divine Son, Christ, Who. on GOod. Friday instituted the I Holy Mass. FOLLOW THAT MASS AND NO OTHER! Or you J . will have to accouni for i'tCa..r~a1 B"iii"HAs ORDERED THE MASSES AS THEY A~NOV AND BEA TSiN-HELU Who are you joining, TêS'dr*lfi·stfn H~~~n, or Bea and RÔÜ1Qollo in hem The choice IS yours. Pray for His Holiness, the djyjggn is near, the d~n is , , upon you, more than that cannot be said, you had the truth; w..1l giVè it up? The road might be rocky, you mîght stumble and you might faU but Thy Lord and God's fingers are always there to pick you up. He is there, just cali Him. If you in your heart believe in Jesus Christ, Thy Lord and God, you have nothing to fear, for He will tenderly pick you up, He will soothe your pains. Xes, Vou will suifer; didn't He suffer? Are you not wiJ:ing ta suffer with Him? The more you suffer here on eart~ the~r !hLhereafter, for if y...Q]J~uff~ill1gels_wiU cOJPe l ~ick y~~ '::E....~ke you to Hea~n. Isn't that what you want, isn't that what you are here for? Sa be wiIIing to suffer. Offer them up to Jesus Christ and go forth as true soldiers of Jesus Christ. -- This is what l saw last night: It showed in the place of the trees, they disappeared, it showed Our Holy Mother ~ young irl with beautiful, long, wavy, golden hair. On Her head was a small veil, a very small veil-suddenly there was a flash of light. Our Holy Mother looked frightened and then befo[e.l:!~I_jllmeared a beautiful Angel. He spoke to Her and She fell on Her knees. sne crossèd~ hands (Mary Ann crossed her hands over her breast in an X shape.) She looked into the eyes of the Angel. He spoke to Her and then She bowed down Her head as if accept­ ing what was said, the words l could not understand. SUDDENLY aU the stars turned to angels, many angels, many little cherubs. There was a burst of cloud with a little tiny head and many angels in white, blue, light blue, pink, yellow and even pale green dressed in many colors. They seemed to be singing. Ali this happened last night. It was so beautiful, l begged them to 11 show it to ail of you peoQ.le but l don't believe flîey did. There was a ray of light fTom Heaven down u on tms beautiful Maiâëiï, Our Holy Mother. Sne as such beautiful hair. She was dressed - ~
  • 57. 16 REVELATIONS AND MESSAGES difterently than we see Her now. She was dressed as the ordinary people were dressed at that time, although She was h~d, 1 S~~uçket beside_Her wJlich She must have just filled by the weil when this strange thing h~ImeneQ.. to_Her. It was so beautiful to see the humbleness, the humility, the way She accepted whatever it was that the Angel told Her. Of course, we know it was the Archangel and He Himself was dressed in a light blue gown. He wore ~s. This happened just within the door of Her home. She had just gone to the weil for water and had returned. The rays of light were similar to the ray of light at the time of the Birth of Jesus Christ although there was no star visible or any­ thing like that, the rays just came from the Heavens. ~ It was at this moment that Thy Lord and God was conceived il) the womb of Thy Holy Mother. Tt was the beginning of the God-Man_ here on earth. Are we worthy of this, ~ wo.r1hY? ) Di5""Wëtake this in our heart in the gratitude and the attitude that we should? Our Holy Mother has been so good to us to let us riN s~ Her most intimate J.!loment or Her life. Are we wortlll. of tnis, 1 are we willing to give of ourselves to Her? Yes, the~e was even a Pr~~~! present at that period. Will he put into his heart the love and the life that was bestowed on him; wiU he carry forth Our Holy Mother's love that She showed us last night? It was beautiful and we must try to humble ourselves to be worthy of such a great honor. Say a prayer in thanksgiving for this. St. Francis, pray for us; Blessed Mother help us, Blessed Mother help us. What you ask is a tremendous job; help us. l need help, l need help. Satan will not want me to do it; he doesn't want me to do it. Oh, BIessed Mother, help us. They must not, they must not, they must not, must not fear, must not fear. They must have faith, stick with the truth, s~h lbe tryth, no matter how it hurts, stick with the truth. We must suffer for all the loss of he' ants we cannot esca e it; be read to accep 1, e rea y to accept it. Someone must sufter for àlrthe innocent souls that were lost. Those lives were· snufted out and J those we must sufter for, and aU the corruption. There is no ;scape; Our Roly Mother says there is no escape. The U.S.A.-the Ameri­ cans-must pay for it. The Chastisement will come, but it is up to you to lessen it or increase the severity; but to escape it, NO, you cannot escape it. Ail the States that passed the abortion laws in favor of it will suftçr the severest ChastÎsement. They WJJnearn what the wrath of
  • 58. MESSAGES DURING 1971 17 God means when the time cornes but it will be too late. Only the ('~stant Yigi l of, and the Priests from the Altar fight the abm:tiQns, then they will have sorne blessings: only in the parishes whëfëthe Priest stands up, only in those. If their Bishops do riOt go along wlffi them, thelr Bishops will suffer, so do not fear, do what is in your heart. When you lift up the Host, do you BELIEVE ( when you lift up that Host, Oh Reverend Fathers, do YOIJ beli.e~e l that That is Jesus Christ, do vou? If you don't you are lost. The Church must cleanse its way, it must purify. The Priests must be Priests, they are responsible for the confusion of the laity. Our Roly Mother pleads, the laity must work, the laity must w2]:k. Go to :tour Prie5"ts, go to them and tell ifiem what fSin your heart. Do not be afraid of him; he is only a man representing Thy Lord and God. Yes, but if he does not fulfill the teachings of Jesus Christ, he is not representing Him, he must fulfill that teaching. ( Pray for PriestS, plead to the layman to pray for the Priests, the Religious, save their souls, save their souls. April 2, 1971 - GOOD FRIDA y Anna Katarina, Anna Katarina, help me, please help me, please help me to win them over, not to end it this year. Help me, 1 don't want to, they need me to suffer this way; otherwise the Cause will go backwards. 1 couldn't take that, 1 just couldn't take that. Please, Anna Katarina, intercede for me, please. 1 don't want to, please, Anna Katarina, help me. 1 must balance th scale and that is the onl wa 1 know how hel me. Sorrowful • ot er, e pme; 0 , Sorrowful Mother, help me. -nieWorIdconditions are not improving, World conditions not improving; do not be deceived, do not be deceived. Members of the Church, do not scandalize your Church, do not scandalize it, you know the right from wrong. YOU KNOW IT, you don't have to be told, you know it, do not scandalize our Church. The enemy of God feeds on that, they feed on it, they laugh, Satan laughs wi glee at what sorne of the Hierarchy are doing. Thêy are scandaliz­ ing their Church, many of the Priests and Nuns. God will not hear them, He will not hear them, He will not be scandalized, He will not be mocked and they are mocking Him. They must stop, yill!.. cannot scandalize your Church and hope to find salvation, there is none, not for the ones that are spreading scandaI. -Can you explain the harm in communal confession?